path: root/info/digests/tex-implementors/033
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tex-implementors/033
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+Date: 1 November 91 Message No: 033
+To: TeX implementors and distributors
+From: Barbara Beeton
+Subject: Messages from DEK, part 2
+Here is the second installment of DEK's September comments.
+Incompatibility of positive/negative integer values
+Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 16:58:09 MDT
+From: Nelson H.F. Beebe <>
+Subject: Perhaps a bug (design flaw) in TeX
+I think that the `feature' described below qualifies as a design flaw
+in TeX, and should be reported to Don Knuth if it has not come up
+before; I came across it while testing the statement on p. 178, l.
+-11, of
+@string{SV = "Spring{\-}er-Ver{\-}lag"}
+ author = "Raymond Seroul and Silvio Levy",
+ title = "A Beginner's Book of {\TeX}",
+ publisher = SV,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISBN = "0-387-97562-4, 3-540-7562-4",
+ note = "This is a translation and adaption by Silvio Levy of
+ \cite{Seroul:tex}.",
+about the maximum and minimum integers that TeX can handle.
+[The text has an error there; I've just completed a comprehensive
+errata list for it.]
+TeX does not permit the input of the most negative 32-bit integer
+(-2^{31}) on two's complement machines, but you can generate it by
+subtraction ((-2^{-31}+1) - 1) and output it correctly.
+This makes the statement at the top of p. 118 of the TeXbook a lie:
+registers are capable of containing the number -2147483648, NOT
+-2147483647, provided the host architecture has two's complement
+arithmetic, which is true for almost all machines today, and certainly
+the vast majority of TeX implementations. UNIVAC and CDC mainframes
+had one's complement arithmetic, but also had words of more than 32
+bits, and as far as I am aware, only some calculators may use
+sign-magnitude representation; both of these systems have signed
+zeros, and extreme values that are equal in magnitude.
+I believe that a programming language, which TeX surely is, ought to
+be able to read what it can write.
+This asymmetry could be avoided if the code in section 445 of TeX: The
+Program accumulated the number as a negative value, then flipped the
+sign if necessary. Authors of textbooks, computer programs, and
+language run-time libraries, should not make this mistake, yet the
+error continues to be repeated.
+While TeX detects overflow from multiplication, it does not detect
+overflow from negation.
+Here is an example:
+This is TeX, C Version 3.0
+% Try the value -(2^{31}) (most negative two's complement number)
+! Number too big.
+<*> \count0=-2147483648
+% Input the value -(2^{31}-1)
+> -2147483647.
+% Now generate the most negative two's complement number
+*\advance \count0 by -1
+> -2147483648.
+% Now demonstrate that integer overflow is undetected on sign inversion:
+> -2147483648.
+% However, integer overflow is caught on multiplication:
+\multiply\count0 by \count0
+! Arithmetic overflow.
+<*> \multiply\count0 by \count0
+ [ dek:
+ TeX is _not_ a programming language in the general sense of
+ supporting arithmetic at extreme values. There are lots of
+ _dimen_ values that TeX can write but not read.
+ Probably a flaw, but a permanent one. In general, arithmetic
+ in TeX is not supposed to push the handling conditions;
+ making that all work would cause significant performance penalty.
+ ]
+File name overflow of string pool
+[ Since this report, I have seen a couple of other reports on this
+ topic in the electronic discussion lists, mostly from Europe.
+ While not a bug, it can certainly be a serious inconvenience.
+ A couple of the reports have mentioned building nonstandard
+ versions of TeX with a separate pool of file names; not good for
+ compatibility. ]
+Date: Fri, 12 Jul 91 19:06 +0200
+From: "Johannes L. Braams" <>
+Subject: Bug/misfeature in TeX?
+ We have run into a problem with TeX.
+ We have an application where we would like to \input about
+ 2400 files. We can't do that because TeX runs out of string pool
+ space. This application is rather important because it concerns
+ the reports the lab has to make each quarter of a year.
+ When I studied TeX the program to find out what happens when a file
+ is being \input I found that the name of the file is stored in
+ string pool. AND it never gets removed from the string pool (as far
+ as I could find out).
+ What I don't understand is why filenames are written to string pool
+ in the first place.
+ Isn't it possible to use some kind of stack or array mechanism to
+ store filenames? It should then be possible to free the memory
+ used to store a filename when the file gets closed and the filename
+ is no longer needed.
+ Do you know the answer or someone who does? Or is this a bug? I would
+ rather call it a design flaw actually.
+ Regards,
+ Johannes Braams
+PTT Research Neher Laboratorium, P.O. box 421,
+2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands.
+Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail :
+Fax : +31 70 3326477
+ -------
+Date: Mon, 15 Jul 91 01:59:22 BST
+From: Chris Thompson <>
+Subject: Re: Bug/misfeature in TeX?
+I agree that it's a design flaw, not a bug. People do keep falling
+over it from time to time, though, so maybe Don could be asked to
+think about it again. I suspect, however, that there is no easy fix,
+for reasons I will explain below.
+Johannes asks why the names go in the string pool in the first place:
+the answer to that is "why not?"... it is the convenient place to keep
+more or less arbitrarily long strings. The space occupied by things
+added to the string pool can be reclaimed, provided it is done straight
+away, before other parts of TeX have been exercised that may add other
+strings (especially, control sequence names) to the pool. There are
+two types of file name to think about (neither of which are reclaimed
+at the moment, with one partial---and wrong---exception):
+1. The 1, 2 or 3 strings generated by |scan_file_name|. Usually these
+ are used in some implementation-dependant way to open a file, and
+ maybe then as arguments to |*_make_name_string|, and are then never
+ needed again; and all this would usually happen straight away.
+ Exception: deferred (non-\immediate) \openout's.
+2. The string generated by |*_make_name_string|. For things like the
+ log and DVI files, this has to be kept for ever (printing them is
+ almost the last thing TeX does). The interesting case, however, is
+ \input. The string is printed (immediately), and then stored in the
+ |name_field| of the current input stack entry. *Almost* the only
+ thing TeX uses it for thereafter is as a number > 17 (to distinguish
+ the case of an input level being an \input file (as opposed to
+ terminal input or a \read level). The sole exception is in section
+ 84 where it is used to deal with the "E" response to the error
+ prompt: in distribution TeX as part of a message, but in practice
+ as input to the implementation-dependant way of invoking an editor.
+The ``partial and wrong exception'' is the code in section 537
+introduced by change 283. |start_input| reclaims the space occupied
+by the result of |a_make_name_string|, if that is still the top string
+in the pool, and replaces it by the `name' part of the results of
+|scan_file_name|. I have had to undo this "fix" in my implementations:
+the *only* thing that the ``file name'' is needed for is as an argument
+to the editor, and it is an unwarranted assumption that
+a. The values of the `area' and `extension' parts of the name are
+ irrelevant to that purpose, and
+b. The output of |a_make_name_string| doesn't contain extra information,
+ available as a result of the opening process, that may also be
+ relevant.
+In theory the contents of the strings of type 2 for \input files could
+be kept on some sort of separate stack, as Johannes suggests (parallel
+to the |input_file| and |line_stack| arrays), but this would be quite
+convoluted and involve a lot of duplication of code. More plausible
+would be an attempt to reclaim them if they are still the top string
+in the pool when the file is closed (in |end_file_reading|); this isn't
+so unlikely in cases like Johannes'... presumably not all 2400 files
+can use never-before-encountered control sequences, or he will be
+running out of other things besides the string pool!
+The strings of type 1 create a difficulty, however, unless they can
+be got rid of just after the call of |a_make_name_string| (a certain
+amount of permuting of the string pool would be required to do that).
+If they, also, are to be got rid of when the file is closed, again
+subject to the condition that they are at the top of the pool, one
+will have to (at least) remember how many of them there were.
+Some of this would, in fact, be rather easier in METAFONT than TeX.
+METAFONT's string pool entries have a use count, and reclaiming space
+consists of purging consecutive entries at the top of the pool whose
+use counts have all fallen to zero. One could easily arrange that the
+strings of type 1 had use counts of zero after the opening process was
+over, and that the strings of type 2 for "input" files had a use count
+of 1 which was decremented to 0 at close time; then the right things
+would happen more or less automatically. However, TeX *doesn't* have
+such use counts, and I don't really suppose Don is going to introduce
+them in order to solve this problem.
+Chris Thompson
+ -------
+ [ dek:
+ I think the strings are also needed for font file names.
+ For ordinary input files I put the special code into \S537
+ [which CET1 disabled] so that the Math Reviews could input
+ lots of files.
+ Of course there's a workaround (using the operating system
+ to concatenate files!) but otherwise all I can suggest is a
+ local change-file routine that tries to reclaim string space
+ when closing files if the unneeded strings are still at the
+ end of the string pool. You could introduce a new array
+ indexed by 1..max_in_open to keep relevant status information
+ if it isn't already present (see \S304).
+ ]
+TeX -- handling of \newlinechar within \special
+Date: Thu 9 May 91 09:42:09-EST
+From: Ron Whitney <RFW@VAX01.AMS.COM>
+Subject: \newlinechar within \special
+Recently I've seen an inconsistency in the way a couple of
+versions of TeX for the PC handle \newlinechar within
+\special commands.
+One (Fuchs, \mu-TeX) gives the same treatment in this case
+as it does with \write-streams. The others use a more literal
+interpretation of Knuth's statement on p.228 of The TeXBook
+regarding what TeX does as it writes out \special information:
+" TeX doesn't look at the token list to see if it makes sense;
+the list is simply copied to the output."
+So if one has \newlinechar=`\^^J,
+ \special{ooh^^Jaah}
+puts this 9-character sequence into the .dvi file instead of
+"ooh<newline>aah". (Of course, the ^^J gets contracted to single
+token first, then gets blown back up to the 3.)
+I would have said that \mu-TeX's treatment is the proper one, but
+perhaps it's understood that the string within the \special is not to
+be tampered with other than to eat the tokens and then spit them out.
+Is this an old issue? Is it open to interpretation?
+ -------
+Date: Thu, 9 May 91 13:09:08 EDT
+From: (Karl Berry)
+Subject: \newlinechar within \special
+ron> I would have said that \mu-TeX's treatment is the proper one, but
+> perhaps it's understood that the string within the \special is not to
+> be tampered with other than to eat the tokens and then spit them out.
+> Is this an old issue? Is it open to interpretation?
+trip.tex seems not to test this. I guess it's open to interpretation,
+although Knuth should probably be asked.
+My personal opinion is that ^^J should get turned into a newline
+character(s); it's easy to turn this feature off (in fact, I suppose
+it's off by default in plain), after all.
+ -------
+Date: Thu, 09 May 91 23:54:07 BST
+From: Chris Thompson <>
+Cc: Ron Whitney <>, Karl Berry <>
+Subject: Re: \newlinechar within \special
+I am afraid that I don't really understand what the postings by Ron
+Whitney and Karl Berry are saying. The suitably processed token list
+in a \special ends up in the DVI file. So what does it mean to replace
+characters equal to \newlinechar in this conext by "newline"? What or
+whose "newline"? DVI files aren't text files. And if you are going to
+say "ASCII CR, of course" or "ASCII LF, of course", be prepared to
+ [ dek: ^ _or_ _both_ ]
+fight off the other 50% of the world :-) If you are going to say
+"should depend on the implementation", then don't: the contents of
+the DVI file produced are meant to be implementation-independant.
+Reference-level TeX does not treat characters equal to \newlinechar
+specially in \special's; they appear unchanged in the DVI file. The
+mechanical reason for this is that although |special_out| writes the
+token list to the string pool (|selector:=new_string|), the special
+treatment of \newlinechar in TeX sections 58--60 only applies when
+|selector<pseudo|. To my mind, an implementation that deviates from
+this behaviour has a bug, and I would favour enhancing the TRIP test
+ [ dek: correct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ will do
+ In other words, \mu TeX is doing the wrong thing.
+ [and it's hard to see how they do it without a lot of trouble!]
+ No; I think Ron is misled. (You can't see what's in a special
+ using tracingall because newlinechar will obscure it) You have
+ to look at output of dvitype.
+ Probably \mu TeX is doing the right thing.
+Chris Thompson
+ -------
+Date: 05/10/91 15:42:35 GMT+1
+Subject: RE: RE: \NEWLINECHAR WITHIN \SPECIAL and \message
+I think that Chris remark that dvi files are to be device independent
+is questionable as far as specials are concerned. In fact the
+special is supposed to pass some string to the dvi driver and this
+means that this program is supposed to understand it. Now this means
+that the driver needs to interprete the bytes inside the special
+in the same way as the TeX that writes them out. But if we assume
+that this is done under some ascii conversion table then why not
+accept ascii <newline>. Not that I see many applications for this.
+Do I miss something?
+The whole discussion reminded me of some related business with the
+newline char of TeX which I think is a bug although one can
+surely plea for a questionable feature.
+Compare the output of
+The first message is broken into two lines the second comes out as is.
+ [ dek:
+ I guess because of certain UNIX implementations coercing all
+ tabs to spaces, those implementation cannot possibly "see"
+ a tab.
+ ? Wait, tab is ^^I.
+ What _is_ going on?
+ Oh, I see; Mittelbach and Sch\"opf are right, see below
+ $10.24
+ ]
+Same discrepancy happens with \errormessage which is quite unfortunate
+and certainly makes macro packages non portable if certain characters
+can't be entered directly.
+Whether or not this is covered by the documentation in the TeX book
+is difficult to say since there are quite a few places where Don
+leaves things open to interpretation.
+Frank Mittelbach
+ -------
+Date: Fri, 10 May 91 17:09:12 +0200
+From: schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
+Subject: RE: RE: \NEWLINECHAR WITHIN \SPECIAL and \message
+Frank writes:
+ I think that Chris remark that dvi files are to be device independent
+ is questionable as far as specials are concerned. In fact the
+ special is supposed to pass some string to the dvi driver and this
+ means that this program is supposed to understand it. Now this means
+ that the driver needs to interprete the bytes inside the special
+ in the same way as the TeX that writes them out. But if we assume
+ that this is done under some ascii conversion table then why not
+ accept ascii <newline>. Not that I see many applications for this.
+ Do I miss something?
+Yes, you do--at least as far as the new line character is concerned.
+The point here is that normally the meaning of the \newlinechar is
+"TeX's internal end-of-line marker", full stop. When writing to a text
+file (irregardless of the code table) this has a definite meaning,
+namely: start a new line here, full stop. When it comes to \specials,
+the notion of "lines" seems at least questionable, even more since the
+sequence of characters inside a \special need not be anything legible.
+ [ dek:
+ Well, I don't intend 8-bit codes to be going there; I hope they
+ are input from other files by DVI drivers. People might develop
+ binary-coded special conventions but they are too non-portable.
+ The main point in Chris's message is that newline is handled in
+ three completely different ways (on PC, MAC, and UNIX)
+ ]
+\specials are device-dependent, true. But the consequence of your
+argumentation is that the same device (say, a PostScript printer)
+would see a different command on a Unix workstation and an IBM
+mainframe. Keep in mind that the \special string is not written under
+the control of the character conversion tables.
+ The whole discussion reminded me of some related business with the
+ newline char of TeX which I think is a bug although one can
+ surely plea for a questionable feature.
+ Compare the output of
+ \newlinechar=`\@
+ \message{foo@bar}
+ to
+ \newlinechar=`\^^J
+ \message{foo^^Jbar}
+ The first message is broken into two lines the second comes out as is.
+New, this is something different, since it applies to text files where
+(as I said above) the notion of "start a new line here" is perfectly
+sensible. In my eyes this is a bug and should be fixed, even if this
+behaviour is in conformance with the TeXbook.
+Rainer Sch\"opf
+ -------
+ [ dek:
+ Well I've thought about it some more and decided that \special
+ should send 8-bit codes to DVI file without changing the
+ printable ASCII form. This applies also to font file names
+ in case future users want 8-bit codes in those names (nonportable
+ but perhaps important to somebody to see the name in Cyrillic
+ or something).
+ I am changing TeX 3.14 to do this more logically, basically
+ by making 8-bit codes more equal to their printable cousins.
+ At present there are several anomalies [like the string one
+ mentioned w.r.t. Piff's work] [also when you have file names,
+ job names, etc. with nonstandard 8-bit codes], and I think I
+ see how to make it all come out right, ...
+ as a byproduct, Mittelbach's \message problem goes away too.
+ Internally characters will not be translated to ^^A form until
+ the last minute when they simply must be translated.
+ ]
+% Character code reference
+% Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+% Digits: 0123456789
+% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
+% Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
+% Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
+% Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
+% Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
+%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
+% "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~
+[ end of message 033 ]