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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/beginlatex/html/chapter10.html
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+ <title>Formatting information: Chapter 10&nbsp;&#8212; Compatibility with other systems</title>
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+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th class="title" width="66%">
+ <h1><a name="doctitle">Formatting information</a></h1>
+ <h2>A beginner's introduction to typesetting with
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></h2>
+ <h3>Chapter 10&nbsp;&#8212; Compatibility with other systems</h3>
+ <h3>Peter Flynn</h3>
+ <h4>Silmaril Consultants<br>Textual Therapy Division
+ </h4><br>v. 3.6 (March 2005)
+ </th>
+ <td class="toc" width="33%">
+ <h4><a name="doctoc">Contents</a></h4>
+ <dl>
+ <dd class=""><a href="intro.html#intro">Introduction</a></dd>
+ <dd class=""><a href="foreword.html#foreword">Foreword</a></dd>
+ <dd class=""><a href="preface.html#preface">Preface</a></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <ol>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter1.html#get">Installing <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter2.html#plaintext">Using your editor to create documents</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter3.html#basic">Basic document structures</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter4.html#process">Typesetting, viewing and printing</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter5.html#ctan">CTAN, packages, and online help</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter6.html#otherdoc">Other document structures</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter7.html#texttools">Textual tools</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter8.html#typo">Fonts and layouts</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="chapter9.html#macros">Programmability (macros)</a></li>
+ <li class="current"><a href="chapter10.html#compat">Compatibility with other systems</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <ol type="A">
+ <li class=""><a href="appendixA.html#cnf">Configuring <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> search paths</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="appendixB.html#tugform"><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> Users Group membership</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="appendixC.html#asciicharset">The ASCII character set</a></li>
+ <li class=""><a href="appendixD.html#gfdl">GNU Free Documentation License</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <dl>
+ <dd class=""><a href="bibliography.html#biblio">References</a></dd>
+ <dd class=""><a href="index.html#index">Index</a></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="credits">
+ <p>This edition of <cite>Formatting
+ Information</cite> was prompted by the generous help I
+ have received from <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> users too numerous to mention
+ individually. Shortly after TUGboat published the November
+ 2003 edition, I was reminded by a spate of email of the
+ fragility of documentation for a system like <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> which is
+ constantly under development. There have been revisions to
+ packages; issues of new distributions, new tools, and new
+ interfaces; new books and other new documents; corrections to
+ my own errors; suggestions for rewording; and in one or two
+ cases mild abuse for having omitted package X which the author
+ felt to be indispensable to users. &para;&nbsp;I am grateful as always to the people who sent me
+ corrections and suggestions for improvement. Please keep them
+ coming: only this way can this book reflect what people
+ want to learn. The same limitation still applies, however: no
+ mathematics, as there are already a dozen or more excellent
+ books on the market&nbsp;&#8212; as well as other online
+ documents&nbsp;&#8212; dealing with mathematical typesetting in
+ <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> in finer and better detail than I am
+ capable of. &para;&nbsp;The structure remains the same, but I have revised and
+ rephrased a lot of material, especially in the earlier
+ chapters where a new user cannot be expected yet to have
+ acquired any depth of knowledge. Many of the screenshots have
+ been updated, and most of the examples and code fragments have
+ been retested. &para;&nbsp;As I was finishing this edition, I was asked to review
+ an article for <cite><a href="" name="C3">The Prac<span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> Journal</a></cite>, which
+ grew out of the Practical <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span> Conference in 2004. The
+ author specifically took the writers of documentation to task
+ for failing to explain things more clearly, and as I read
+ more, I found myself agreeing, and resolving to clear up some
+ specific problems areas as far as possible. It is very
+ difficult for people who write technical documentation to
+ remember how they struggled to learn what has now become a
+ familiar system. So much of what we do is second nature, and a
+ lot of it actually has nothing to do with the software, but
+ more with the way in which we view and approach information,
+ and the general level of knowledge of computing. If I have
+ obscured something by making unreasonable assumptions about
+ <em>your</em> knowledge, please let me know so
+ that I can correct&nbsp;it.
+ <p>Peter Flynn is author of <cite><a href="bibliography.html#htmlbook" name="C4">The HTML Handbook</a></cite> and <cite><a href="bibliography.html#sgmltools" name="C5">Understanding SGML and XML Tools</a></cite>, and editor of <cite><a href="" name="C6">The XML FAQ</a></cite>.
+ </p>
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ <td class="legal">
+ <p>
+ <p>This document is Copyright &copy; 1999&#8211;2005 by
+ Silmaril Consultants under the terms of what is now the GNU
+ Free Documentation License (copyleft).
+ </p>
+ <p>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
+ this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
+ License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no
+ Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the
+ license is included in the section entitled <cite><a href="" name="C1">The GNU Free Documentation License</a></cite>.
+ </p>
+ <p>You are allowed to distribute, reproduce, and modify it
+ without fee or further requirement for consent subject to the
+ conditions in <a href="appendixD.html#gfdl-4">section D.5</a>. The author has
+ asserted his right to be identified as the author of this
+ document. If you make useful modifications you are asked to
+ inform the author so that the master copy can be updated. See
+ the full text of the License in <a href="appendixD.html#gfdl">Appendix D</a>.
+ </p>
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <div class="chapter">
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center"><small><i class="chaphead"><b><a name="compat">CHAPTER</a></b></i></small><br><table border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="chapno">10</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td><pre class="spacing"></pre></td>
+ <td>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h1>Compatibility with other systems</h1>
+ </td>
+ <td class="toc">
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#tolatex">Converting into <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#latexto">Converting out of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right"><a href="#doctoc"><img src="top.png" title="Table of Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>As we saw in <a href="chapter2.html#plaintext">Chapter 2</a>, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> uses
+ plain-text files, so they can be read and written by any
+ standard application that can open text files. This helps
+ preserve your information over time, as the plain-text format
+ cannot be obsoleted or hijacked by any manufacturer or sectoral
+ interest, and it will always be readable on any computer, from
+ your handheld (yes, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> is available for some <small><a href="intro.html#PDA" class="acroref" name="A216" title="Personal Digital Assistant">PDA</a></small>s, see <a href="chapter10.html#zaurus">Figure 10.1</a>) to the
+ biggest supercomputer.
+ </p>
+ <div class="figure" align="center">
+ <hr>
+ <caption><i>Figure 10.1</i>:&nbsp;<a name="zaurus"><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> editing and processing on the Sharp Zaurus 5500
+ PDA</a></caption>
+ <div align="center" style="margin:12px"><img src="zedit.png" width="30%"> &nbsp; <img src="zlatex.png" width="30%"> &nbsp; <img src="qpdf.png" width="30%"></div>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ <p>However, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> is intended as the last stage of the
+ editorial process: formatting for print or display. If you have
+ a requirement to re-use the text in some other
+ environment&nbsp;&#8212; a database perhaps, or on the Web or a
+ <small>CD-ROM</small> or <small><a href=".html#DVD" class="acroref" name="A218" title="Digital Versatile Disk">DVD</a></small>, or in Braille or voice output&nbsp;&#8212; then
+ it should probably be edited, stored, and maintained in
+ something neutral like the <a name="XML" class="acroref" href="">Extensible Markup
+ Language</a>&nbsp;(<small>XML</small>), and only converted to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> when a
+ typeset copy is needed.
+ </p>
+ <p>Although <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> has many structured-document features in
+ common with <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A220" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small> and <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A221" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>, it can still only be processed by the
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> and <i><a name="p227">pdf<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></i> programs.
+ Because its macro features make it almost infinitely
+ redefinable, processing it requires a program which can unravel
+ arbitrarily complex macros, and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> and its siblings are
+ the only programs which can do that effectively. Like other
+ typesetters and formatters (Quark
+ <i><a name="p228">XPress</a></i>,
+ <i><a name="p229">PageMaker</a></i>,
+ <i><a name="p230">FrameMaker</a></i>, Microsoft
+ <i><a name="p231">Publisher</a></i>, <i><a name="p232">3B2</a></i> etc.), <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> is largely a
+ one-way street leading to typeset printing or display
+ formatting.
+ </p>
+ <p>Converting <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> to some other format therefore means you
+ will unavoidably lose some formatting, as <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> has features
+ that others systems simply don't possess, so they cannot be
+ translated&nbsp;&#8212; although there are several ways to minimise
+ this loss. Similarly, converting other formats into <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ often means editing back the stuff the other formats omit
+ because they only store appearances, not structure.
+ </p>
+ <p>However, there are at least two excellent systems for
+ converting <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> directly to <a name="HTML" class="acroref">HyperText
+ Markup Language</a>&nbsp;(<small>HTML</small>) so you can publish it on the web, as
+ we shall see in <a href="chapter10.html#latexto">section 10.2</a>.
+ </p>
+ <div class="sect1">
+ <h2><a href="#compat"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.1 <a name="tolatex">Converting into <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></h2>
+ <p>There are several systems which will save their text in
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> format. The best known is probably the <span class="LYX">L<span class="Y">Y</span>X</span> editor
+ (see <a href="chapter2.html#lyxwin">Figure 2.1</a>), which is a wordprocessor-like
+ interface to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> for Windows and Unix. Both the
+ <i><a name="p233">AbiWord</a></i> and
+ <i><a name="p234">Kword</a></i> wordprocessors on Linux
+ systems have a very good <b>Save
+ As</b>...<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> output, so they can be used to
+ open Microsoft <i><a name="p235">Word</a></i> documents and
+ convert to
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. Several maths packages like the
+ <i><a name="p236">EuroMath</a></i> editor, and the
+ <i><a name="p237">Mathematica</a></i> and
+ <i><a name="p238">Maple</a></i> analysis packages, can also
+ save material in <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> format.
+ </p>
+ <p>In general, most other wordprocessors and DTP systems
+ either don't have the level of internal markup
+ sophistication needed to create a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> file, or they lack
+ a suitable filter to enable them to output what they do have.
+ Often they are incapable of outputting any kind of structured
+ document, because they only store what the text looks like,
+ not why it's there or what role it fulfills. There are
+ two ways out of this:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>Use the <span class="guimenu">File</span>&#8594;<span class="guimenuitem">Save
+ As...</span> menu item to save the
+ wordprocessor file as <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A223" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>,
+ rationalise the <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A224" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> using
+ <a name="raggett">Dave Raggett</a>'s <a href=""><i><a name="p239">HTML
+ Tidy</a></i></a>, and convert the resulting
+ <a name="XHTML" class="acroref">Extensible HyperText Markup
+ Language</a>&nbsp;(<small>XHTML</small>) to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> with any of the standard
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A226" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> tools (see below).
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Use a specialist conversion tool like EBT's
+ <i><a name="p240">DynaTag</a></i> (supposedly available
+ from Enigma, if you can persuade them they have a copy to
+ sell you; or you may still be able to get it from <a href="">Red Bridge
+ Interactive</a> in Providence, RI). It's
+ expensive and they don't advertise it, but for bulk
+ conversion of consistently-marked
+ <i><a name="p241">Word</a></i> files into XML it beats
+ everything else hands down. The
+ <i><a name="p242">Word</a></i> files
+ <em>must</em> be consistent, though, and must
+ use named styles from a stylesheet, otherwise no system on
+ earth is going to be able to guess what it means.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>There is of course a third way, suitable for large volumes
+ only: send it off to the Pacific Rim to be retyped into XML or
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. There are hundreds of companies from India to
+ Polynesia who do this at high speed and low cost with very
+ high accuracy. It sounds crazy when the document is already in
+ electronic form, but it's a good example of the problem
+ of low quality of wordprocessor markup that this solution
+ exists at all.
+ </p>
+ <p>You will have noticed that most of the solutions lead to
+ one place: <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A227" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small><sup><a href="#F53">1</a></sup> or <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A231" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>. As explained
+ above and elsewhere, these formats are the only ones devised
+ so far capable of storing sufficient information in
+ machine-processable, publicly-accessible form to enable your
+ document to be recreated in multiple output formats. Once
+ your document is in <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A232" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>, there is a
+ large range of software available to turn it into other
+ formats, including <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. Processors in any of the common
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A233" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small>/<small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A234" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>
+ processing languages like the <a name="DSSSL" class="acroref">Document
+ Style Semantics and Specification Language</a>&nbsp;(<small>DSSSL</small>), the
+ <a name="XSLT" class="acroref">Extensible Stylesheet Language
+ [Transformations]</a>&nbsp;(<small>XSLT</small>),
+ <i><a name="p243">Omnimark</a></i>,
+ <i><a name="p244">Metamorphosis</a></i>,
+ <i><a name="p245">Balise</a></i>, etc. can easily be written
+ to output <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, and this approach is extremely
+ common.
+ </p>
+ <p>Much of this will be simplified when wordprocessors
+ support native, arbitrary <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A237" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>/<small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A238" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> as a
+ standard feature, because <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> output will become much
+ simpler to produce.
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>Sun's <i><a name="p246">Star Office</a></i> and
+ its Open Source sister,
+ <i><a name="p247">OpenOffice</a></i>, have used XML as
+ their native file format for several years, and there is a
+ project at the <a name="OASIS" class="acroref">Organisation for the
+ Advancement of Structured Information Systems</a>&nbsp;(<small>OASIS</small>)
+ for developing a common <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A240" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>
+ office file format based on those used by these two
+ packages, which has been proposed to the <a name="ISO" class="acroref">International Organization for
+ Standardization</a>&nbsp;(<small>ISO</small>) in Geneva as a candidate for
+ an International Standard.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><i><a name="p248">WordPerfect</a></i> has also had a
+ native <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A242" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small> (and now <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A243" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>) editor for many years, which will
+ work with any <a name="DTD" class="acroref">Document Type
+ Definition</a>&nbsp;(<small>DTD</small>) (but not a Schema; and at the time
+ of writing (2005) it still used a proprietary stylesheet
+ format).
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Microsoft has had a half-hearted &#8216;Save
+ As...XML&#8217; for a while, using an
+ internal and formerly largely undocumented Schema
+ (recently published at last). The
+ &#8216;Professional&#8217; versions of
+ <i><a name="p249">Word</a></i> and
+ <i><a name="p250">Excel</a></i> in
+ <i><a name="p251">Office&nbsp;11</a></i> (Office 2003 for
+ XP) now have full support for arbitrary Schemas and a real
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A245" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> editor, albeit with a rather
+ primitive interface, but there is no conversion to or from
+ <i><a name="p252">Word</a></i>'s
+ <code>.doc</code> format.<sup><a href="#F54">2</a></sup></p>
+ <p>However, help comes in the shape of <a name="rd">Ruggero Dambra</a>'s
+ <i><a name="p256">WordML2<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></i>, which is an
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A250" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> stylesheet to transform an
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A251" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> document in this internal
+ Schema (WordML) into <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>&#949;</span> format.
+ Download it from any <small><a href="chapter5.html#CTAN" class="acroref" name="A252" title="Comprehensive Archive Network">CTAN</a></small> server
+ in <code>/support/WordML2LaTeX</code>.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><a name="rtf2latex2e"></a>Among the conversion programs on <small><a href="chapter5.html#CTAN" class="acroref" name="A253" title="Comprehensive Archive Network">CTAN</a></small> is <a name="us">Ujwal Sath&shy;yam</a>'s
+ <i><a name="p257">rtf2latex2e</a></i>, which converts
+ <a name="RTF" class="acroref">Rich Text Format</a>&nbsp;(<small>RTF</small>) files (output
+ by many wordprocessors) to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>&#949;</span>. The package
+ description says it has support
+ for figures and tables, equations are read as figures, and
+ it can the handle the latest <small><a href="chapter10.html#RTF" class="acroref" name="A255" title="Rich Text Format">RTF</a></small>
+ versions from Microsoft Word 97/98/2000, StarOffice, and
+ other wordprocessors. It runs on Macs, Linux, other Unix
+ systems, and Windows.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>When these efforts coalesce into generalised support for
+ arbitrary <small><a href="chapter10.html#DTD" class="acroref" name="A256" title="Document Type Definition">DTD</a></small>s and Schemas, it will
+ mean a wider choice of editing interfaces, and when they
+ achieve the ability to run <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A257" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small>
+ conversion into
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> from within these editors, such as is done at the
+ moment with <i><a name="p258">Emacs</a></i> or
+ <i><a name="p259">XML Spy</a></i>, we will have full
+ convertability.
+ </p>
+ <ol class="footnotes" start="1">
+ <li><a name="F53">The <a name="SGML" class="acroref">Standard Generalized Markup
+ Language</a>&nbsp;(<small>SGML</small>) itself is little used now for new
+ projects, as the software support for its daughter
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A229" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> is far greater, but there
+ are still hundreds of large document repositories in
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A230" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small> still growing their
+ collection by adding documents.</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <ol class="footnotes" start="2">
+ <li><a name="F54">Which is silly, given that Microsoft used to make
+ one of the best
+ <i><a name="p253">Word</a></i>-to-<small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A246" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small> converters ever, which was
+ bi-directional (yes, it could round-trip
+ <i><a name="p254">Word</a></i> to <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A247" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small> and back to
+ <i><a name="p255">Word</a></i> and back into <small><a href="chapter10.html#SGML" class="acroref" name="A248" title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</a></small>). But they dropped it on the
+ floor when <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A249" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>
+ arrived.</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.1.1 Getting <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> out of XML
+ </h3>
+ <p>Assuming you can get your document out of its
+ wordprocessor format into <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A258" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> by
+ some method, here is a very brief example of how to turn it
+ into <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>.
+ </p>
+ <p>You can of course buy and install a fully-fledged
+ commercial <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A259" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> editor with
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A260" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> support, and run this
+ application within it. However, this is beyond the reach of
+ many users, so to do this unaided you just need to install
+ three pieces of software: <a href=""><i><a name="p260">Java</a></i></a>,
+ <a href=""><i><a name="p261">Saxon</a></i></a>
+ and the <a href="">DocBook
+ 4.2 DTD</a> (<small><a href="chapter6.html#URI" class="acroref" name="A261" title="Uniform Resource Indicator">URI</a></small>s are
+ correct at the time of writing). None of these has a visual
+ interface: they are run from the command-line in the same
+ way as is possible with <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>.
+ </p>
+ <p>As an example, let's take the above paragraph, as
+ typed or imported into <i><a name="p262">AbiWord</a></i>
+ (see
+ <a href="chapter10.html#abidoc">Figure 10.1</a>). This is stored as a single
+ paragraph with highlighting on the product names (italics),
+ and the names are also links to their Internet sources, just
+ as they are in this document. This is a convenient way to
+ store two pieces of information in the same place.
+ </p>
+ <div class="figure" align="center">
+ <hr>
+ <caption><i>Figure 10.1</i>:&nbsp;<a name="abidoc">Sample paragraph in
+ <i><a name="p263">AbiWord</a></i> converted to <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A262" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small></a></caption>
+ <div align="center" style="margin:12px"><img src="abiword.png" width="100%"></div>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ <p><i><a name="p264">AbiWord</a></i> can export in DocBook
+ format, which is an <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A263" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> vocabulary
+ for describing technical (computer)
+ documents&#8211;it's what I use for this book.
+ <i><a name="p265">AbiWord</a></i> can also export <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>,
+ but we're going make our own
+ version, working from the <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A264" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>
+ (Brownie points for the reader who can guess why I'm
+ not just accepting the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> conversion output).
+ </p>
+ <p>Although <i><a name="p266">AbiWord</a></i>'s
+ default is to output an <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A265" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>&nbsp;book document
+ type, we'll convert it to a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> article document
+ class. Notice that <i><a name="p267">AbiWord</a></i> has
+ correctly output the expected section and title markup
+ empty, even though it's not used. Here's the
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A266" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> output (I've changed the
+ linebreaks to keep it within the bounds of this page
+ size):
+ </p>
+ <blockquote><pre class="tiny">
+&lt;!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ ""&gt;
+&lt;!-- ===================================================================== --&gt;
+&lt;!-- This DocBook file was created by AbiWord. --&gt;
+&lt;!-- AbiWord is a free, Open Source word processor. --&gt;
+&lt;!-- You may obtain more information about AbiWord at --&gt;
+&lt;!-- ===================================================================== --&gt;
+ &lt;chapter&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;section role="unnumbered"&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;You can of course buy and install a fully-fledged commercial XML
+editor with XSLT support, and run this application within it. However, this
+is beyond the reach of many users, so to do this unaided you just need to
+install three pieces of software: &lt;ulink
+url=""&gt;&lt;emphasis&gt;Saxon&lt;/emphasis&gt;&lt;/ulink&gt;, and
+the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;DocBook 4.2 DTD&lt;/ulink&gt;
+(URIs are correct at the time of writing). None of these has a visual
+interface: they are run from the command-line in the same way as is possible
+with L&lt;superscript&gt;A&lt;/superscript&gt;T&lt;subscript&gt;E&lt;/subscript&gt;X.&lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/section&gt;
+ &lt;/chapter&gt;
+ </pre></blockquote>
+ <p>The <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A267" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> language lets us
+ create templates for each type of element in an <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A268" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small> document. In our example, there are
+ only three which need handling, as we did not create chapter
+ or section titles (DocBook requires them to be present, but
+ they don't have to be used).
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>para, for the
+ paragraph[s];
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>ulink, for the URIs;</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>emphasis, for the
+ italicisation.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>I'm going to cheat over the superscripting and
+ subscripting of the letters in the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> logo, and use my
+ editor to replace the whole thing with the
+ <code class="command"><a name="c319">\LaTeX</a></code> command. In the other three cases,
+ we already know how <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> deals with these, so we can
+ write our templates (see <a href="chapter10.html#xslcode">Figure 10.2</a>).
+ </p>
+ <div class="figure" align="center">
+ <hr>
+ <caption><i>Figure 10.2</i>:&nbsp;<a name="xslcode"><small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A269" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> script to convert the
+ paragraph</a></caption>
+ <blockquote><pre class="footnotesize">
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
+ xmlns:xsl=""
+ version="1.0"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:output method="text"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:template match="/"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;\documentclass{article}
+ &lt;xsl:apply-templates/&gt;
+ &lt;/xsl:template&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:template match="book"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;\begin{document}&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:apply-templates/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;\end{document}&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;/xsl:template&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:template match="para"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:apply-templates/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;&amp;#x000A;&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;/xsl:template&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:template match="ulink"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:apply-templates/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;\footnote{\url{&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:value-of select="@url"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;}}&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;/xsl:template&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:template match="emphasis"&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;\emph{&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:apply-templates/&gt;
+ &lt;xsl:text&gt;}&lt;/xsl:text&gt;
+ &lt;/xsl:template&gt;
+ </pre></blockquote>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ <p>If you run this through
+ <i><a name="p268">Saxon</a></i>, which is an <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A270" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> processor, you can output a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ file which you can process and view (see <a href="chapter10.html#paraview">Figure 10.3</a>).
+ </p>
+ <blockquote><pre class="scriptsize">
+$ java -jar /usr/local/saxonb8-0/saxon8.jar -o para.ltx \
+para.dbk para.xsl
+$ latex para.ltx
+This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7x)
+LaTeX2e &lt;2001/06/01&gt;
+Loading CZ hyphenation patterns: Pavel Sevecek, v3, 1995
+Loading SK hyphenation patterns: Jana Chlebikova, 1992
+Babel &lt;v3.7h&gt; and hyphenation patterns for english,
+dumylang, nohyphenation, czech, slovak, german, ngerman,
+danish, spanish, catalan, finnish, french, ukenglish, greek,
+croatian, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, dutch,
+norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, ukrainian,
+serbocroat, swedish, loaded.
+Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX
+document class (/usr/TeX/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))
+(/usr/TeX/texmf/tex/latex/ltxmisc/url.sty) (./para.aux)
+[1] (./para.aux) )
+Output written on para.dvi (1 page, 1252 bytes).
+Transcript written on para.log.
+$ xdvi para &amp;
+ </pre></blockquote>
+ <div class="figure" align="center">
+ <hr>
+ <caption><i>Figure 10.3</i>:&nbsp;<a name="paraview">Displaying the typeset paragraph</a></caption>
+ <div align="center" style="margin:12px"><img src="para.png" width="60%"></div>
+ <blockquote><pre class="scriptsize">
+ You can of course buy and install a fully-fledged commercial
+XML editor with XSLT support, and run this application within it.
+However, this is beyond the reach of many users, so to do this
+unaided you just need to install three pieces of software:
+\emph{Saxon}\footnote{\url{}}, and the
+DocBook 4.2 DTD\footnote{\url{}}
+(URIs are correct at the time of writing). None of these has a visual
+interface: they are run from the command-line in the same way as is
+possible with \LaTeX.
+ </pre></blockquote>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ <p>Writing <small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A271" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> is not hard, but
+ requires a little learning. The output method here is
+ <code class="literal">text</code>, which is <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>'s file
+ format (<small><a href="chapter10.html#XSLT" class="acroref" name="A272" title="Extensible Stylesheet Language [Transformations]">XSLT</a></small> can also output
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A273" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> and other formats of
+ XML).
+ </p>
+ <ol type="1">
+ <li>
+ <p>The first template matches
+ &#8216;<code class="literal">/</code>&#8217;, which is
+ the document root (before the book
+ start-tag). At this stage we output the text
+ <code class="literal">\documentclass{article}</code> and
+ <code class="literal">\usepackage{url}</code>. The
+ &#8216;<code class="literal">apply-templates</code>&#8217;
+ instructions tells the processor to carry on processing,
+ looking for more matches. <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A274" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>
+ comments get ignored, and any elements which don't
+ match a template simply have their contents passed
+ through until the next match occurs.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>The book template outputs the
+ <code class="literal">\begin{document}</code> and the
+ <code class="literal">\end{document}</code> commands, and between
+ them to carry on processing.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>The para template just outputs
+ its content, but follows it with a linebreak (using the
+ hexadecimal character code <code class="literal">x000A</code> (see
+ the <small><a href="chapter2.html#ASCII" class="acroref" name="A275" title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</a></small> chart in <a href="appendixC.html#asciicodes">Table C.1</a>).
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>The ulink template outputs its
+ content but follows it with a footnote using the
+ <code class="command"><a name="c320">\url</a></code> command to output the value of
+ the url attribute.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>The emphasis template surrounds
+ its content with <code class="literal">\emph{</code> and
+ <code class="literal">}</code>.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>This is a relatively trivial example, but it serves to
+ show that it's not hard to output <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> from
+ <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A276" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>. In fact there is a set of
+ templates already written to produce <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> from a DocBook
+ file at
+ <a href=""><tt></tt></a></p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sect1">
+ <h2><a href="#compat"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2 <a name="latexto">Converting out of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></h2>
+ <p>This is much harder to do comprehensively. As noted
+ earlier, the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> file format really requires the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ program itself in order to process all the packages and
+ macros, because there is no telling what complexities authors
+ have added themselves (what a lot of this book is
+ about!).
+ </p>
+ <p>Many authors and editors rely on custom-designed or
+ homebrew converters, often written in the standard shell
+ scripting languages (Unix shells, Perl, Python, Tcl, etc).
+ Although some of the packages presented here are also written
+ in the same languages, they have some advantages and
+ restrictions compared with private conversions:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>Conversion done with the standard utilities (eg awk,
+ tr, sed, grep, detex, etc) can be faster for
+ <i>ad hoc</i> translations, but it
+ is easier to obtain consistency and a more sophisticated
+ final product using
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A277" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> or
+ <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht&nbsp;&#8212; or one of the other systems
+ available.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Embedding additional non-standard control sequences in
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> source code may make it harder to edit and
+ maintain, and will definitely make it harder to port to
+ another system.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Both the above methods (and others) provide a fast and
+ reasonable reliable way to get documents authored in
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> onto the Web in an acceptable&nbsp;&#8212; if not
+ optimal&nbsp;&#8212; format.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A278" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> was written to
+ solve the problem of getting <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>-with-mathematics
+ onto the Web, in the days before MathML and math-capable
+ browsers.
+ <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht was written to turn <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> documents into Web
+ hypertext&nbsp;&#8212; mathematics or not.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2.1 Conversion to <i><a name="p269">Word</a></i></h3>
+ <p>There are several programs on <small><a href="chapter5.html#CTAN" class="acroref" name="A279" title="Comprehensive Archive Network">CTAN</a></small> to do
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>-to-<i><a name="p270">Word</a></i> and similar
+ conversions, but they do not all handles everything <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ can throw at them, and some only handle a subset of the
+ built-in commands of default
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. Two in particular, however, have a good
+ reputation, although I haven't used either of them (I
+ stay as far away from <i><a name="p271">Word</a></i> as
+ possible):
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p><i><a name="p272">latex2rtf</a></i> by <a name="wh">Wilfried Hennings</a>, <a name="fd">Fernando Dorner</a>, and <a name="ag">Andreas Granzer</a> translates
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> into <small><a href="chapter10.html#RTF" class="acroref" name="A280" title="Rich Text Format">RTF</a></small>&nbsp;&#8212; the
+ opposite of the <i><a name="p273">rtf2latex2e</a></i>
+ mentioned in <a href="chapter10.html#rtf2latex2e">the 4th item</a>. <small><a href="chapter10.html#RTF" class="acroref" name="A281" title="Rich Text Format">RTF</a></small> can be read by most
+ wordprocessors, and this program preserves layout and
+ formatting for most <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> documents using standard
+ built-in commands.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><a name="kac">KirillA Chikrii</a>'s <i><a name="p274"><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>2Word</a></i> for
+ Microsoft Windows is a converter plug-in for
+ <i><a name="p275">Word</a></i> to let it open <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>
+ and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> documents. The author's company claims
+ that &#8216;virtually any existing <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>/<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ package can be supported by <i><a name="p276"><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>2Word</a></i>&#8217;
+ because it is customisable.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>One easy route into wordprocessing, however, is the
+ reverse of the procedures suggested in the preceding
+ section: convert <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> to <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A282" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>,
+ which many wordprocessors read easily. The following
+ sections cover two packages for this.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2.2 <i><a name="p277"><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2HTML</a></i></h3>
+ <p>As its name suggests, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A283" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> is a system to convert <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>
+ structured documents to <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A284" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>. Its
+ main task is to reproduce the document structure as a set of
+ interconnected <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A285" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> files. Despite
+ using Perl,
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A286" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> relies very heavily
+ on standard Unix facilities like the
+ <i><a name="p278">NetPBM</a></i> graphics package and the
+ pipe syntax. Microsoft Windows is not well suited to this
+ kind of composite processing, although all the required
+ facilities are available for download in various forms and
+ should in theory allow the package to run&nbsp;&#8212; but reports
+ of problems are common.
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>The sectional structure is preserved, and
+ navigational links are generated for the standard Next,
+ Previous, and Up directions.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Links are also used for the cross-references,
+ citations, footnotes, ToC, and lists of figures and
+ tables.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Conversion is direct for common elements like lists,
+ quotes, paragraph-breaks, type-styles, etc, where there
+ is an obvious <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A287" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>
+ equivalent.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Heavily formatted objects such as math and diagrams
+ are converted to images.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>There is no support for homebrew macros.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>There is, however, support for arbitrary hypertext
+ links, symbolic cross-references between &#8216;evolving
+ remote documents&#8217;, conditional text, and the
+ inclusion of raw <small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A288" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>. These are
+ extensions to
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, implemented as new commands and
+ environments.
+ </p>
+ <p><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A289" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small> outputs a
+ directory named after the input filename, and all the output
+ files are put in that directory, so the output is
+ self-contained and can be uploaded to a server as it
+ stands.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2.3 <i><a name="p279"><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht</a></i></h3>
+ <p><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht operates differently from
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2<small><a href="chapter10.html#HTML" class="acroref" name="A290" title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</a></small>: it uses the <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>
+ program to process the file, and handles conversion in a set
+ of postprocessors for the common <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> packages. It can
+ also output to <small><a href="chapter10.html#XML" class="acroref" name="A291" title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</a></small>, including
+ <a name="TEI" class="acroref">Text Encoding Initiative</a>&nbsp;(<small>TEI</small>) and
+ DocBook, and the OpenOffice and WordXML formats, and it can
+ create <span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span>info format
+ manuals.
+ </p>
+ <p>By default, documents retain the single-file structure
+ implied by the original, but there is again a set of
+ additional configuration directives to make use of the
+ features of hypertext and navigation, and to split files for
+ ease of use.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2.4 Extraction from PS and PDF
+ </h3>
+ <p>If you have the full version of Adobe
+ <i><a name="p280">Acrobat</a></i>, you can open a <small><a href="chapter4.html#PDF" class="acroref" name="A293" title="Portable Document Format">PDF</a></small> file created by
+ <i><a name="p281">pdf<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span></a></i>, select and copy all
+ the text, and paste it into <i><a name="p282">Word</a></i>
+ and some other wordprocessors, and retain some common
+ formatting of headings, paragraphs, and lists. Both
+ solutions still require the wordprocessor text to be edited
+ into shape, but they preserve enough of the formatting to
+ make it worthwhile for short documents. Otherwise, use the
+ <i><a name="p283">pdftotext</a></i> program to extract
+ everything from the <small><a href="chapter4.html#PDF" class="acroref" name="A294" title="Portable Document Format">PDF</a></small> file as
+ plain (paragraph-formatted) text.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="sect2">
+ <h3><a href="#doctoc"><img src="up.png" title="Chapter Contents" width="32" alt="ToC" align="right" border="0"></a>10.2.5 Last resort: strip the markup
+ </h3>
+ <p>At worst, the <i><a name="p284">detex</a></i> program
+ on <small><a href="chapter5.html#CTAN" class="acroref" name="A295" title="Comprehensive Archive Network">CTAN</a></small> will strip a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span class="E">E</span>X</span></span> file
+ of all markup and leave just the raw unformatted text, which
+ can then be re-edited. There are also programs to extract
+ the raw text from <small><a href="chapter4.html#DVI" class="acroref" name="A296" title="device-independent">DVI</a></small> and <a name="PS" class="acroref">PostScript</a>&nbsp;(<small>PS</small>) files.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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