path: root/indexing/glo+idxtex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /indexing/glo+idxtex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'indexing/glo+idxtex')
-rw-r--r--indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.pdfbin0 -> 93861 bytes
-rw-r--r--indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.pdfbin0 -> 101317 bytes
-rw-r--r--indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.pdfbin0 -> 108762 bytes
34 files changed, 8760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/GloDef.h b/indexing/glo+idxtex/GloDef.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7c15441de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/GloDef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* Module Name: GloDef.H
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Definitions for GloTeX data structures
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 17-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 17-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ * 2-002 S.I. 30-Mar-1992 added /glossaryname for intern. support
+ *
+ */
+/* Definitions */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define STRDYN { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_D, 0 }
+#define NONE 0
+#define ARTICLE 1
+#define REPORT 2
+#define linesz 133 /* Max size of a line */
+/* Declarations */
+typedef struct string
+ struct string *next;
+ char *desc;
+typedef struct node
+ struct node *next;
+ char *spell;
+ char *item;
+ struct string *hdr;
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/IdxDef.h b/indexing/glo+idxtex/IdxDef.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bd0118cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/IdxDef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* Module Name: IdxDef.H
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Define data structures used by IdxTeX
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 26-Apr-1986
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 26-Apr-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 03-May-1986 Add support for page-no highlighting
+ * 1-003 RLA 14-Apr-1987 Add new page-no highlight -- ff
+ * 2-004 RLA 14-Apr-1987 Add "see also" listhead
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ * 3-002 S.I. 30-May-1992 Added \indexname \seename and
+ * \alsoname for intern. support
+ */
+/* Definitions */
+#define IDX_K_NONE 0 /* No highlighting */
+#define IDX_K_UNDERLINE 1 /* Underline */
+#define IDX_K_ITALIC 2 /* Italicize */
+#define IDX_K_BOLD 3 /* BoldFace */
+#define IDX_K_FOLLOW 4 /* Following */
+#define IDX_K_ARTICLE 1 /* /TOC:ARTICLE seen */
+#define IDX_K_REPORT 2 /* /TOC:REPORT seen */
+/* Declarations */
+typedef struct pgnode
+ struct pgnode *link; /* Link to next page-ref*/
+ char *vol; /* Volume string ptr */
+ char *page_dsc; /* Page-ref string */
+ char highlight; /* Highlight flag */
+typedef struct node
+ struct node *link; /* Link to next node */
+ char *spell; /* Spell string */
+ char *item; /* Item string */
+ struct node *subhead; /* Subitem listhead */
+ struct pgnode *pghead; /* Page-ref listhead */
+ struct pgnode *seehead; /* See-also listhead */
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/Makefile b/indexing/glo+idxtex/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f693816308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Makefile for IDXTEX and GLOTEX (MSDOS and Unix)
+# 17-May-1991 F.H.
+GCFILES= globldfil.c\
+ globldlab.c\
+ glocmd.c\
+ glomiss.c\
+ gloscan.c\
+ glotex.c\
+ idxspell.c
+GOFILES= globldfil.o\
+ globldlab.o\
+ glocmd.o\
+ glomiss.o\
+ gloscan.o\
+ glotex.o\
+ idxspell.o
+ICFILES= idxbuild.c\
+ idxcmd.c\
+ idxgen.c\
+ idxmaster.c\
+ idxparse.c\
+ idxrange.c\
+ idxspell.c\
+ idxtex.c
+IOFILES= idxbuild.o\
+ idxcmd.o\
+ idxgen.o\
+ idxmaster.o\
+ idxparse.o\
+ idxrange.o\
+ idxspell.o\
+ idxtex.o
+BINS= glotex idxtex
+all: idxtex glotex
+install: idxtex glotex
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 idxtex $(BINDIR)
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 glotex $(BINDIR)
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 glo_idx.sty $(TEXMACRODIR)
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 crlext.sty $(TEXMACRODIR)
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 pam11.sty $(TEXMACRODIR)
+ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 pamphlet.sty $(TEXMACRODIR)
+ rm -f a.out core *.o $(BINS) *~ *% \#*
+glotex: $(GOFILES)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GOFILES) -o $@
+idxtex: $(IOFILES)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IOFILES) -o $@
+globldfil.o: globldfil.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) globldfil.c
+globldlab.o: globldlab.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) globldlab.c
+glocmd.o: glocmd.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) glocmd.c
+glomiss.o: glomiss.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) glomiss.c
+gloscan.o: gloscan.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) gloscan.c
+glotex.o: glotex.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) glotex.c
+idxbuild.o: idxbuild.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxbuild.c
+idxcmd.o: idxcmd.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxcmd.c
+idxgen.o: idxgen.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxgen.c
+idxmaster.o: idxmaster.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxmaster.c
+idxparse.o: idxparse.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxparse.c
+idxrange.o: idxrange.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxrange.c
+idxspell.o: idxspell.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxspell.c
+idxtex.o: idxtex.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) idxtex.c
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/README b/indexing/glo+idxtex/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0450470231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Dieses Directory enthaelt die Quellen und Macros zu dem von R. L
+Aurbach entwickelten Programme GloTeX und IdXTeX sowie deren
+Modifikationen von F. Hantelmann (Anpassung an Standard C) und Stefano
+Ianigro (Internationalisierung).
+In Ergaenzung zu den User's Guides von GloTeX und IdxTeX ist die
+Einbindung eines zusaetzlichen, kleinen Style-Files notwendig. Dieses
+Style-File muss an letzter Stelle der aufgefuehrten Stiloptionen
+stehen, z. B. \documentstyle[12pt,crlext,german,glo_idx]{article}. Der
+Grund liegt darin, dass einige Namen in glo_idx.sty neu definiert
+Eine Anpassung an verschiedene Landessprachen im File glo_idx.sty ist
+leicht moeglich:
+Bisher gibt es 3 Sprachschalter: USenglish, deutsch und franzoesisch.
+Duch Erweiterung dieser Abfrage koennen die Definitionen fuer
+italienisch, spanisch etc. eingefuegt werden. An den C-Quellen der
+Programme braucht nichts geaendert werden.
+Zur Installation:
+Fuer UNIX-Systeme:
+1. Anpassung des Files Makefile (BINDIR, TEXMACRODIR, CC)
+2. make all
+3. make install
+Fuer MS-DOS Systeme existiert ein eigenes Makefile, das MS C
+Fred Hantelmann (E-Mail:
+Stefano Ianigro (E-Mail:
+Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften
+Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/TAGS b/indexing/glo+idxtex/TAGS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a96af44f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/TAGS
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+int Glo_Build_File 126,3284
+int Glo_Build_LabLst 146,4112
+static int glo_get_next_file 361,9214
+static void glo_get_token 293,7692
+void Glo_Command 138,3966
+int Glo_Report_Missing 116,2865
+int Glo_Scan_File 157,4685
+static int glo_copy_text 590,15130
+static int glo_link_node 297,8337
+static int glo_match_label 390,10408
+static int glo_parse_item 489,12869
+void idx_add_cross_ref 622,16728
+void idx_add_page_ref 532,14478
+TREE_PTR idx_allocate_node 443,12257
+PGNODE_PTR idx_allocate_pgnode 751,19736
+void idx_build_tree 194,5920
+TREE_PTR idx_locate_node 356,10476
+void idx_command 156,4770
+void idx_generate 160,4713
+void idx_new_group 386,10222
+void idx_postamble 706,18254
+void idx_preamble 259,6995
+void idx_write 478,12519
+int idx_parse_master(221,5979
+void idx_process_file(138,3709
+int idx_extract 298,8294
+void idx_parse(150,4410
+void idx_allocate_new_pgnode 694,18330
+void idx_build_new_pglist 608,16478
+void idx_build_range(173,5174
+void idx_deallocate_pglist 534,14883
+int idx_is_adjacent 470,13593
+void idx_page_parse 380,11349
+int chrposition(949,23345
+void idx_build_spell_string 180,5000
+void idx_collapse_string 366,9511
+int idx_is_verbatim(852,20629
+void idx_process_accent(451,11652
+void idx_process_backslash(689,16826
+void idx_process_emphasis(755,18118
+void idx_process_groups(532,13501
+int idx_process_verb(605,15157
+void idx_replace_string 268,7156
+int strposition(931,23042
+void strprefix(973,23734
+void strupcase(964,23575
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/crlext.sty b/indexing/glo+idxtex/crlext.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8851b28c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/crlext.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% CRL Extensions to LaTeX
+\typeout{CRDS Extensions to LaTeX, V1.1. (RL Aurbach, 09-Sep-1986)}
+%* *
+%* Outline Environment *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The outline environment is a modified enumerate environment in *
+%* which the numbering is done using standard outlining conventions. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \begin{outline} \item text \end{outline} *
+%* *
+\@definecounter{outlni} \@definecounter{outlnii} \@definecounter{outlniii}
+\@definecounter{outlniv} \@definecounter{outlnv}
+\newcount\@outlndepth \@outlndepth =0
+\def\outline{\ifnum \@outlndepth >4 \@toodeep \else \advance\@outlndepth\@ne
+ \edef\@outlnctr{outln\romannumeral\the\@outlndepth}\list
+ {\csname label\@outlnctr\endcsname}{\usecounter{\@outlnctr}
+ \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}}\fi}
+\let\endoutline =\endlist
+\def\labeloutlni{\Roman{outlni}.} \def\theoutlni{\Roman{outlni}}
+\def\labeloutlnii{\Alph{outlnii}.} \def\theoutlnii{\Alph{outlnii}}
+\def\labeloutlniii{\arabic{outlniii}.} \def\theoutlniii{\arabic{outlniii}}
+\def\labeloutlniv{\alph{outlniv}.} \def\theoutlniv{\alph{outlniv}}
+\def\labeloutlnv{(\roman{outlnv})} \def\theoutlnv{\roman{outlnv}}
+\def\p@outlnii{\theoutlni.} \def\p@outlniii{\p@outlnii\theoutlnii.}
+%* *
+%* InfoMap Environment *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The infomap environment is a modified description environment in *
+%* which the label is set off from the text as a signpost. The *
+%* signpost is implemented in a \parbox to allow for a multi-line *
+%* label. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \begin{infomap} \item[label] text \end{infomap} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* label is the text to be placed in the Signpost at the current *
+%* left margin. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* The signpost is implemented as a \parbox set in a \raisebox which *
+%* has a depth of 0pt. This is necessary to make a multi-line sign- *
+%* work correctly, but occasionally, you will need to add extra *
+%* vertical space if the signpost occupies more lines than the text. *
+%* *
+\infomapmargin 115pt
+\infomapwidth 103pt
+ {\parbox[t]{\infomapwidth}{\bf #1}}}}
+ \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \let\makelabel\infomaplabel}}
+\def\ttitem[#1]{\item[{\tt #1}]}
+%* *
+%* Note Environment *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The note environment is a modified version of the quote environment.*
+%* It is distinctive in that it has a centered title for the note *
+%* prior to the beginning of the text. The title may be specified, *
+%* using the optional argument. If no title is specified, the title *
+%* "Note" is used. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \begin{note}[title] text \end{note} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* title is the text to be used as the title. If not specified *
+%* "Note" is used. The title is centered above the text, *
+%* in boldface. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* It is possible for the title and text of a note to be separated *
+%* across a page break. So far, I haven't been able to discover a *
+%* fool-proof way to prevent this from occurring, so check the output. *
+%* *
+\def\note{\@ifnextchar [{\@note}{\@note[Note]}}
+\def\@note[#1]{\par \list{}{\leftmargin 2em \rightmargin\leftmargin }
+ \item[] \hfil {\bf #1} \hfil \par \item[]}
+%* *
+%* Ctl Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The \ctl command is used to place a representation of a control *
+%* character in the document. \ctl{x} is represented as ^x. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \ctl{ch} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* ch is the character to be represented. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* The character is displayed in \tt. *
+%* *
+\def\ctl#1{{\tt $^\wedge$#1}}
+%* *
+%* Trademark Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This command generates a trademark symbol (an R in a circle). The *
+%* symbol is normally used as "foo$^\trademark$". *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \trademark *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* Thanks to Kent McPherson of Lear/Siegler for this command. *
+%* *
+ {\tiny \hfill \raise .085ex\hbox{R}\hfill \crcr
+ \scriptsize \mathhexbox20D}}}
+%* *
+%* ULine Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The \uline command is used to underline text. Unlike the *
+%* \underline command, \uline provides the user with the ability to *
+%* control the thickness of the line. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \uline{text}{thickness} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* text is the text which will be underlined. *
+%* *
+%* thickness is the thickness of the line. This dimension is *
+%* typically .3pt --.5pt. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* Thanks to Kent McPherson of Lear/Siegler for this command. *
+%* *
+ \parbox{\ulength}{{#1} \\[-.75\baselineskip] \rule{\ulength}{#2}}}
+%* *
+%* ClearDoublePage Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This command is a modification of the standard LaTeX command of the *
+%* same name. Unlike standard LaTeX, this command uses the "empty" *
+%* pagestyle for the blank page it throws, so that the page is totally *
+%* blank. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \cleardoublepage *
+%* *
+\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
+ \if@twocolumn\hbox{}\newpage\fi\hbox{}\thispagestyle{empty}\newpage\fi\fi}
+%* *
+%* ForceRightPage Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The \forcerightpage command is a variant on the \cleardoublepage *
+%* command. It conditionally throws a blank page to force the text *
+%* which follows to appear on a right-hand page. The blank page will *
+%* contain an optional, centered message. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \forcerightpage[text] *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* text is the text to be displayed centered on the page. If *
+%* not specified, "This page intentionally left blank" *
+%* is used. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* This command will not correctly handle a two-column document and *
+%* should not be used in that environment. *
+%* *
+\def\forcerightpage{\@ifnextchar [{\@forcerightpage}
+ {\@forcerightpage[This page intentionally left blank]}}
+\def\@forcerightpage[#1]{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
+ \hbox{} \vfill \centerline{#1} \vfill \newpage\fi\fi}
+%* *
+%* ForceLeftPage Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The \forceleftpage command is a variant on the \cleardoublepage *
+%* command. It conditionally throws a blank page to force the text *
+%* which follows to appear on a left-hand page. The blank page will *
+%* contain an optional, centered message. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \forceleftpage[text] *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* text is the text to be displayed centered on the page. If *
+%* not specified, "This page intentionally left blank" *
+%* is used. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* This command will not correctly handle a two-column document and *
+%* should not be used in that environment. *
+%* *
+\def\forceleftpage{\@ifnextchar [{\@forceleftpage}
+ {\@forceleftpage[This page intentionally left blank]}}
+\def\@forceleftpage[#1]{\clearpage \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page
+ \hbox{} \vfill \centerline{#1} \vfill \newpage\fi\fi}
+%* *
+%* Input Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The \input command is a variation of the standard LaTeX command of *
+%* the same name. It reads in an external file. It differs from the *
+%* normal LaTeX command in that if the specified file is not found, *
+%* the routine displays a message and continues, rather than prompting *
+%* for a new file name. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \input{file} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* file is the file specification of the input file to be read. *
+%* By default, the file has the file type ".tex" unless *
+%* specified otherwise. If the file is not found in the *
+%* current default directory, it will be searched for in *
+%* *
+\def\input{\@ifnextchar \bgroup{\@input}{\@@input }}
+%* *
+%* CoverStyle Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This routine defines a cover style for a document. It reads in a *
+%* ".cvrsty" file, which contains the necessary information. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \coverstyle{name} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* name is the name of a coverstyle. The file name.cvrsty will *
+%* be input. *
+%* *
+ \makeatletter \input \@coverstyle.cvrsty \relax \makeatother}
+%* *
+%* ScreenPix Environment *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* The screenpix environment is used to display the image of a screen *
+%* in a document. A curved line is drawn at the top, which represents *
+%* the beginning of the screen. After the verbatim text, another line *
+%* is drawn at the bottom to represent the bottom of the screen. *
+%* *
+%* Lines up to 80 characters long may appear. You should place a *
+%* leading space at the beginning of each line, so that the text will *
+%* not overwrite the curved lines. Since tabs are not expanded in *
+%* verbatim mode, they should be explicitly converted to spaces. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \begin{screenpix} *
+%* \begin{verbatim} *
+%* lines of verbatim screen-image text *
+%* \end{verbatim} *
+%* \end{screenpix} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* The lines of verbatim text may be up to 80 characters long, not *
+%* counting the REQUIRED leading space on each line. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* This environment assumes that a text width of 6 inches is available *
+%* for the display of the screen. *
+%* *
+\def\screenpix{\small \setlength{\unitlength}{1in} \thicklines
+ \begin{picture}(6,.35) \put(3,0){\oval(6,.7)[t]} \end{picture}\par
+ \vspace*{-3\parskip}}
+ \begin{picture}(6,.35) \put(3,.35){\oval(6,.7)[b]} \end{picture}}
+%* *
+%* Glossaryfile Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This command is used to specify one or more Glossary Definition *
+%* files which will be searched for glossary definitions by GloTeX. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \glossaryfile{filelist} *
+%* *
+%* Where: *
+%* filelist is a file specification of a .gdf file or a comma-list *
+%* of file specifications. *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* This command writes a \glofile command to the .glo file *
+%* *
+ \glofile{#1}}\fi}
+%* *
+%* InsertGlossary Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This command causes a .gls file to be read in and processed. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \insertglossary *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* The .gls file is assumed to have the same name as the root latex *
+%* source file. *
+%* *
+%* *
+%* InsertIndex Command *
+%* *
+%* Description: *
+%* This command causes an .ind file to be read in and processed. *
+%* *
+%* Syntax: *
+%* \insertindex *
+%* *
+%* Note: *
+%* The .ind file is assumed to have the same name as the root latex *
+%* source file. *
+%* *
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.gdf b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.gdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feb5d8662c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.gdf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+@entry{gdf-file, Glossary\\Definition\\File} Ein Glossary Definition
+File ist eine Glossar-Datenbank. Das Glossary Definition File besteht aus
+Glossar-Eintr\"agen. Glo\TeX{} kann in einem Durchlauf mehrere
+Glossar-Datenbanken konsultieren.
+@entry{glo-keys, Glossar-\\Schl\"ussel} Der Glossar-Schl\"ussel ist
+der Bezeichner, welcher im Dokument als Parameter an \verb+\glossary+
+\"ubergeben wird. Glo\TeX{} sucht die Glossar-Datenbank(en) nach
+Glossar-Schl\"usseln ab, welche dort als erster Parameter der
+\verb+@entry+-Anweisung stehen. Falls Glo\TeX{} in der Glossar-Datenbank
+einen aufzul\"osenden Glossar-Schl\"ussel findet, wird der zugeh\"orige
+Glossar-Eintrag in das Glossar \"ubernommen.
+@entry{glo-entry, Glossar-\\Eintrag} Zur Kennzeichnung eines
+Glossar-Eintrags steht in der Glossar-Datenbank einleitend
+\verb+@entry{Referenz, Schlagwort}+. Daran anschlie\ss end darf
+ein beliebig umfangreiches Textsegment als Erl\"auterung zu dem
+Schlagwort stehen. \verb+Referenz+ ist der Glossar-Schl\"ussel,
+\verb+Schlagwort+ ist die Bezeichnung, welche Glo\TeX{} als
+Akronym im Glossar einsetzt.
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.pdf b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ba5dc5360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.tex b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b3adbc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo+idx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+{\Huge Glo\TeX{} und Idx\TeX}
+{\bf Fred Hantelmann\\ Universit\"at der Bundeswehr Hamburg\\
+Institut f\"ur Informatik\\
+Holstenhofweg 85\\ D-2000 Hamburg 70\\ w\_mf\symbol{64}}
+Glo\TeX{} und Idx\TeX{} sind keine Pr\"a- oder Postprozessoren zum
+\TeX -System; es sind vielmehr Programme, die den Anwendungsbereich
+des \LaTeX -Makro\-pakets um M\"oglichkeiten erg\"anzt, die Leslie
+Lamport in \verb+article.sty+ und \verb+report.sty+ bereits
+vorbereitet hat. Glo\TeX{} automatisiert die Produktion von Glossaren
+zu einem \LaTeX -Dokument. Idx\TeX{} gestattet die Erstellung eines
+komfortablen Index-Verzeichnisses mit Unterst\"utzung von
+Seitenbereichen und Querverweisen.\index{Querverweis} Au\ss erdem
+kann Idx\TeX{} zu einem mehrb\"andigen Werk ein {\sl Masterindex}
+Glo\TeX{} und Idx\TeX{} wurden 1986 von Richard L.~Aurbach f\"ur
+Vax C-Compiler programmiert. Der Autor dieses Artikels hat sich
+interessenhalber die Quellen geordert und dann die Vax-spezifischen
+Kommandos zur Bearbeitung von Zeichenketten (Strings) f\"ur C-Compiler
+unter Unix und MS-DOS angepa\ss t. Die Konvertierung war bereits nach
+zwei Wochen Arbeit im Mai 1991 abgeschlossen und wird nun im Rahmen
+der \TeX -Tagung DANTE '{}92 zur Verbreitung an die Public Domain
+Die Funktionalit\"at von Glo\TeX und Idx\TeX{} wurde nicht
+ver\"andert; die von Richard L.~Aurbach produzierten jeweiligen
+{\sl User'{}s Guides} enthalten weiterhin die vollst\"andige
+Beschreibung der Programme. Der Umgang mit Dateien ist in den
+{\sl User'{} Guides} f\"ur Vax-Systeme angegeben, bei Anwendung der
+Programme unter MS-DOS oder Unix sind die dort \"ublichen
+Konventionen anzuwenden. Der nun folgende Teil des Artikels enth\"alt
+eine kompakte \"Ubersicht zum Einsatzbereich beider Programme.
+Au\ss erdem werden einige Unzul\"anglichkeiten von insbesondere
+Idx\TeX{} erl\"autert, die allerdings nur bedingt als Probleme
+anzusehen sind. Zum Abschlu\ss{} sind dem Artikel ein Beispiel
+eines Glo\TeX{} Glossars und eines Idx\TeX{} Indexverzeichnises
+Leslie Lamport hat im Abschnit 4.5 seines {\sl \LaTeX{} User'{}s Guide
+\& Reference Manual} den Gebrauch der \LaTeX -Makros \verb+\glossary+,
+\index{^\verb+\glossary+} \verb+\makeglossary+,\index{\verb+makeglossary+}
+\verb+\index+\index{\verb+\index+} und \verb+\makeindex+
+\index{\verb+makeindex+} erl\"autert. Die Angabe von
+\verb+\makeglossary+\index{\verb+makeglossary+} veranla\ss t \LaTeX{}
+zu einem Dokument \verb+file.tex+ eine Datei \verb+file.glo+
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.glo+} anzulegen, in welcher alle in
+\verb+file.tex+ mit \verb+\glossary{referenz}+\index{^\verb+\glossary+}
+markierten Textstellen als
+aufgelistet sind (\verb+seite+ ist dabei einfach die Nummer der Seite
+im mit \LaTeX{} formatierten Text, auf der \verb+\glossary{referenz}+
+\index{^\verb+\glossary+} gefunden wurde. Analog erzeugt \LaTeX{}
+eine Datei \verb+file.idx+,\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} wenn
+\LaTeX{} mittels \verb+\makeindex+\index{\verb+makeindex+} dazu
+aufgefordert wurde. In \verb+file.idx+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+}
+befinden sich nach einem \LaTeX{} Durchlauf dann Eintr\"age der Form
+falls auf Seite \verb+seite+ im Dokument \verb+\index{referenz}+
+\index{\verb+\index+} steht.
+Die Aufbereitung der durch \verb+\makeglossary+\index{\verb+makeglossary+}
+oder \verb+\makeindex+\index{\verb+makeindex+} von \LaTeX{} erzeugten
+Zwischendateien zu Textsegmenten, die ihrerseits bei der endg\"ultigen
+Produktion eines \LaTeX -Dokuments mit \verb+\input{file}+
+\index{\verb+\input+} an beliebiger Stelle in das Dokument einzubinden
+sind, \"uberl\"a\ss t Leslie Lamport dem Anwender bzw.~er verweist auf
+das {\sl Local Guide} zur verwendeten \TeX -Implementation, welche
+gegebenenfalls Auskunft \"uber die Verf\"ugbarkeit von f\"ur diese
+Aufgabe geeigneten Programmen Aufschlu\ss{} gibt.
+Neben dem allgemein bekannten Programm Makeindex, einem
+von Pehong Chen programmierten und relativ ansprechenden Werkzeug
+zum Formatieren von Indexverzeichnissen, bietet Idx\TeX{}
+eine alternative L\"osung zu dieser Aufgabe. Glo\TeX{} ist in seiner
+Arbeitsweise mit Bib\TeX{} zu vergleichen, Glo\TeX{} arbeitet
+jedoch nicht mit Bibliographie- sondern mit Glossar-Datenbanken.
+\section{Glo\TeX{} im Rampenlicht}
+Ein Glossar zu einem Dokument ist eine erhebliche Bereicherung f\"ur
+einen Fachartikel; es bietet dem fachfremden Leser eine kurze
+Erl\"auterung zu den im Dokument verwendeten Akronymen. Autoren,
+die viele Fachartikel erstellen, ben\"otigen ein automatisiertes
+Verfahren zur Erstellung von Glossaren, zum Beispiel Glo\TeX .
+Glo\TeX{} setzt voraus, da\ss{} der Benutzer eine (oder mehrere)
+Glossar-Daten\-bank(en) \verb+file.gdf+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gdf+}
+(Glossary Definition File)\glossary{gdf-file} angelegt hat und erzeugt
+aus den vom Anwender im Dokument benutzten Glossar-Schl\"usseln
+\glossary{glo-keys} eine Datei, welche zu jedem benutzten
+Glossar- Schl\"ussel einen Glossar-Eintrag\glossary{glo-entry}
+enth\"alt --- falls alle verwendeten Schl\"ussel auch in der (den)
+Glossar-Datenbank(en) aufgef\"uhrt sind. Nach Aufruf von
+\hbox{}\hspace{1cm}\verb+$ glotex file [/STYLE={Article | Report | Special}]\+\\
+\hbox{}\hspace{1cm}\verb+ /GLOSSARY=(def1[,def2[,...]])+
+erzeugt \verb+glotex+\index{\verb+glotex+} aus \verb+file.glo+
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.glo+} eine Datei \verb+file.gls+,
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} welche an beliebiger Stelle im
+Dokument mit \verb+\input{file.gls}+ \index{\verb+\input+}
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} eingebunden werden kann.
+Die angegebene Aufrufsyntax ist nicht unbedingt leicht verst\"andlich,
+soda\ss{} an dieser Stelle ein Kommentar n\"otig ist. Das
+\verb+$+-Zeichen steht f\"ur das Prompt einer Unix-Shell. \verb+file+
+ist der Name einer von \LaTeX{} erzeugten Glossar-Referenzliste und
+wird an Glo\TeX{} ohne Kennung \"ubergeben. Die angebbare
+\verb+/STYLE+-Option\index{\verb+/STYLE+} bewirkt eine Formatierung
+von \verb+file.gls+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} f\"ur wahlweise
+den Dokumentstil \verb+article+, \verb+report+ (bzw.~\verb+book+)
+oder einem alternativen Stil. Hinter \verb+/GLOSSARY+ kann eine
+Datei oder auch eine Liste von Dateien angegeben sein (ohne
+Kennung!), welche die von Glo\TeX{} zu konsultierenden
+Glossar-Datenbanken beinhalten.
+Im \verb+Article+-Stil erscheint das Glossar als eigenst\"andige
+und numerierte Sektion im Dokument. Im \verb+Report+-Stil wird
+das Glossar als nichtnumeriertes Kapitel zum Dokument erstellt. In
+beiden F\"allen wird zum Glossar ein Eintrag im Inhaltsverzeichnis
+getroffen. Standardm\"a\ss ig arbeitet \verb+glotex+
+\index{\verb+glotex+} im \verb+Special+-Modus, welcher f\"ur die
+Verwendung der seitens der CR\&DS Gruppe der Monsanto Company
+erstellten Dokumentstile \verb+pamphlet+,\index{\verb+pamphlet+}
+\verb+manual+\index{\verb+manual+} oder \verb+memo+\index{\verb+memo+}
+gedacht ist. Diese Dokumentstile stellen die f\"ur das
+\verb+theglossary+-Environment \index{\verb+theglossary+}
+\index{Environment>\verb+theglossary+} ben\"otigten Definitionen
+selbst bereit, welche anderenfalls der Datei
+\verb+file.gls+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} vorangestellt werden.
+In \verb+file.gls+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} finden sich die im
+Dokument mit \verb+\glossary{Referenz}+\index{^\verb+\glossary+}
+gekennzeichneten Begriffe als \verb+\item[Referenz]+\index{\verb+\item+}
+wieder, falls in den verwendeten Glossary Definition Files der Eintrag
+\verb+@entry{Referenz,Schlagwort}+\index{\verb+@entry+} oder einfach
+\verb+@entry{Referenz}+\index{\verb+@entry+} vorhanden ist. Falls
+\verb+Schlagwort+ dort zu einer \verb+Referenz+ angegeben ist,
+setzt \verb+glotex+\index{\verb+glotex+} dieses als Bezeichner zu
+einem Glossar-Eintrag ein. Das Glossar erh\"alt eine Formatierung im
+\index{Environment>\verb+infomap+} einer von Monsanto CR\&DS erweiterten
+Version des \verb+description+-Environment.\index{\verb+description+}
+Wurde keine \verb+/GLOSSARY+-Spezifikation\index{\verb+/Glossary+}
+getroffen, sucht \verb+glotex+\index{\verb+glotex+} nach \verb+file.gdf+.
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gdf+} Die Verwendung mehrerer
+Glossar-Datenbanken bietet den Vorteil, die im Dokument referenzierten
+Begriffe nach Sachthemen geordnet zu verwalten. \verb+glotex+
+\index{\verb+glotex+} zeigt auch eine Liste der nicht aufgel\"osten
+Schl\"ussel, soda\ss{} \verb+glotex+\index{\verb+glotex+} bei der
+Erstellung von Glossar-Datenbanken helfen kann. Zu einem
+\verb+glotex+-Durchlauf\index{\verb+glotex+} wird dazu eine Statistik
+am Terminal ausgegeben und gleichzeitig in ein Glossary Log File
+(Endung \verb+.glg+)\index{dateikennung>\verb+.glg+} geschrieben.
+\section{Zwischenspiel f\"ur Idx\TeX}
+Gem\"a\ss{} der im {\sl User'{}s Guide to the Idx\TeX{} Program}
+angegebenen Aufrufsyntax
+\hbox{}\hspace{1cm}\verb+$ idxtex file [/TOC={ARTICLE | REPORT}]+
+erzeugt Idx\TeX{} zu
+eine Datei \verb+file.ind+.\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.ind+} Die Datei
+\verb+file.ind+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.ind+} enth\"alt am Kopf die
+Definition von \verb+\indexhead#1#2#3+,\index{\verb+\indexhead+}
+also einem Makro mit 3 Parametern. Der dritte Parameter f\"ur
+\verb+\indexhead+ ist die Index\"uberschrift, welche einleitend bei
+einem Wechsel des Anfangsbuchstabens innerhalb des Index gesetzt wird.
+Die beiden anderen Parameter bestimmen den vertikalen Zeilenvorschub
+zur Index\"uberschrift und zum darauf folgenden Text.
+Das Aussehen einer Index\"uberschrift ist im Programm
+\verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} fest einprogrammiert und
+wird beispielsweise f\"ur den Buschstaben \verb+A+ gem\"a\ss{}
+\hbox{}\hspace{1cm}\verb+\indexhead{2em}{1em}{--- A ---}+
+an die aktuelle Position der Ergebnisdatei angef\"ugt. Ob das
+von R.~L.~Aurbach vorgegebene Aussehen einer Index\"uberschrift dem
+eigenen Geschmack entspricht ist Ansichtssache --- Leslie Lamport
+hat im Index zum {\sl \LaTeX{} User'{}s Guide} beim Wechsel zu einem
+neuen Anfangsbuchstaben lediglich eine Leerzeile gelassen, und
+daran hat sich bisher wohl kaum jemand gest\"ort. Die von
+R.~L.~Aurbach vorgeschlagene Index\"uberschrift hat zudem einen
+Layout-technischen Nachteil, der im folgenden noch erl\"autert wird.
+Zur Unterst\"utzung von Indexverzeichnissen ist im \verb+latex.tex+
+das \verb+theindex+-Environment\index{\verb+theindex+}
+\index{Environment>\verb+theindex+} definiert. \verb+idxtex+
+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} tr\"agt vor dem ersten \verb+\indexhead+ die
+Angabe \verb+\begin{theindex}+\index{\verb+\begin{theindex}+}
+ein, soda\ss{} der folgende Text gem\"a\ss{} dem im
+\index{Environment>\verb+theindex+} vorgesehenen zweispaltigen
+Seitenaufbau gesetzt wird. Hier kommt der im vorigen Absatz
+angek\"undigte Nachteil der Index\"uberschrift zum tragen: Die
+Index\"uberschrift nimmt nicht zwingend genau den Platz ein, der
+von einer ganzzahligen Anzahl von Textzeilen beansprucht wird. Im
+zweispaltigen Druck sieht die Ausgabe nicht gerade so aus, als w\"are
+sie von einem Profi gesetzt: Nebeneinander liegende Zeilen sind
+gegeneinander nach oben oder unter versetzt (siehe Indexverzeichnis
+am Ende des Artikels).
+Zul\"assige Textelemente m\"ussen im \verb+theindex+-Environment
+wahlweise mit \verb+\item+,\index{\verb+\item+} \verb+\subitem+
+\index{\verb+\subitem+} oder \verb+\subsubitem+
+\index{\verb+\subsubitem+} eingeleitet sein. Damit werden
+Haupt- und Unterbegriffe gekennzeichnet, die \LaTeX{} durch
+Einr\"ucken voneinander abhebt. Der Gebrauch von genau drei Ebenen
+ist auch im Index des {\sl \LaTeX{} User'{}s Guide} zu finden.
+Zus\"atzlich hat Leslie Lamport dort Texte in \verb+verbatim+
+gesetzt, mehrfache Referenzen zusammengefa\ss t und Seitenbereiche
+durch ein auf die Seitenzahl der ersten Referenz folgendes
+\verb+ff+ gekennzeichnet.
+Diese Arbeit erledigt Idx\TeX{} automatisch. Erg\"anzend zu den von
+Leslie Lamport benutzten Text-Attributen f\"ur den im Index enthaltenen
+Text und auch bez\"uglich der Darstellung der Seitenzahl erlaubt
+Idx\TeX{} die Attribute {\bf boldface} und {\it italic}.
+Seitenzahlen k\"onnen auch \underline{underlined} dargestellt
+werden, was den gestalterischen Freiheitsgrad bei der
+Indexerstellung vervollst\"andigt. Die Darstellung einer
+Seitenzahl in {\bf boldface}, {\it italic} oder \underline{underlined}
+erzeugt Idx\TeX , falls der Anwender folgende simple Konvention
+bei \verb+\index+\index{_\verb+\index+} verwendet: Dem im Index zu
+erscheinenden Text wird eines der Fluchtsymbole \verb+^+,
+\index{^Seitenzahl>{\bf boldface}} \verb+~+\index{~Seitenzahl>{\sl italic}}
+oder \verb+_+\index{_Seitenzahl>\underline{underlined}} vorangestellt.
+Idx\TeX{} erkennt diese Fluchtsymbole und stellt daraufhin die
+ben\"otigten \TeX -Makros zusammen.
+Damit sieht es zun\"achst so aus, als ob Idx\TeX{} eigentlich nur
+die \verb+\indexentry+\index{\verb+\indexentry+} Angaben innerhalb
+einer \verb+.idx+-Datei\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} alphabetisch
+sortiert, Fluchtsymbole auswertet, und jedem Wechsel des
+Anfangsbuchstabens eine Index\"uberschrift voranstellt. Zus\"atzlich
+kann Idx\TeX{} das Symbol \verb+&+ auswerten, welches Querverweise
+\index{Querverweis} erm\"oglicht. Die Angabe von
+veranla\ss t Idx\TeX{} zur Angabe von \verb+Querverweis+
+\index{Querverweis} unter dem im Index erzeugten Begriff
+\verb+Referenz+. Im Index zu diesem Artikel sind zwei m\"ogliche
+Darstellungen f\"ur Querverweise angegeben; die jeweils zugeh\"orige
+Konvention zur Markierung im Text mit \verb+\index+ befindet sich
+im {\sl Idx\TeX{} User'{}s Guide}.
+Bei der Arbeit mit \verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} ist zu
+ber\"ucksichtigen, da\ss{} im \verb+theindex+-Environment
+\verb+\thepagestyle+\index{\verb+\thepagestyle+} auf \verb+plain+
+\index{\verb+plain+} gesetzt wird. Au\ss erdem erh\"alt der Index
+f\"ur das Inhaltsverzeichnis den Status von \verb+section*+; der
+Begriff {\sl Index} taucht nicht in der \verb+TOC+-Liste auf. Das
+Umschalten in den \verb+\twocolumn+-Modus erzwingt einen Seitenvorschub,
+der allenfalls unterdr\"uckt wird, wenn \verb+\input{file.ind}+
+\index{\verb+\input+}\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.ind+} innerhalb einer
+\verb+\vbox+ oder dem \verb+minipage+-Environment
+eingebettet ist. Wen diese Begleiterscheinungen st\"oren, dem bleibt
+nur eine seinen Vorstellungen entsprechende Definition von \verb+theindex+
+\index{\verb+theindex+} anzulegen.
+Zu einer Sammlung von Dokumenten enth\"alt ein zusammenfassendes
+Inhaltsverzeichnis eine sortierte Liste der in \underline{allen}
+Dokumenten verwendeten Stichworte. Im {\sl Masterindex} ist zus\"atzlich zur
+Seitennummer der Verweis auf das Dokument aufzunehmen, welches
+das Stichwort beschreibt. Idx\TeX{} unterst\"utzt auch
+diese Aufgabenstellung.
+Zur Vorbereitung mu\ss{} \verb+latex+
+zun\"achst zu jedem Dokument ein \verb+.idx+-File
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} anlegen. Anschlie\ss end erzeugt
+der Anwender eine Steuer-Datei mit Endung \verb+.mdx+,
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.mdx+} beispielsweise \verb+file.mdx+.
+Um ein \verb+.idx+-File\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} in das
+{\sl Masterindex} aufzunehmen, mu\ss{} die Steuerdatei einen Eintrag
+der Form
+enthalten (\verb+idx-file+ ist der Name einer von \LaTeX{} erzeugten
+\verb+.idx+-Datei und ist ohne Kennung anzugeben). Die Aufforderung an
+\verb+idxtex+,\index{#\verb+idxtex+} das \verb+.mdx+-File
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.mdx+} auszuwerten, wird mit der Aufrufsymtax
+\hbox{}\hspace{1cm}\verb+$ idxtex file /MASTER+
+erreicht. F\"ur alle in \verb+idx-file+ auftretenden
+\verb+\indexentry+-Angaben\index{\verb+\indexentry+} erzeugt
+\verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} daraufhin ein zusammenfassendes
+Index und schreibt diese nach \verb+file.mnd+.\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.mnd+}
+Der Verweis auf das jeweilige Dokument, auf welches sich das Stichwort
+bezieht, wird dabei mit \verb+\bullet+ und anschlie\ss ender Angabe
+von \verb+Bezeichner+ eingeleitet, gefolgt von der zugeh\"origen
+Seitennummer. Zur Aufnahme des {\sl Masterindex} in das Dokument
+ist das so von \verb+idxtex+ \index{#\verb+idxtex+} produzierte
+\verb+.mnd+-File an gew\"unschter Stelle im Dokument mit
+\verb+\input+\index{\verb+\input+} einzuladen.
+\section{Wiederholte Gastspiele}
+Die Aufnahme eines Glossars oder Indexverzeichnisses an beliebiger
+Stelle im Dokument bewirkt gegebenenfalls eine \"Anderung der von
+\verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} eingetragenen Seitenzahlen und
+denen, auf welchen die Referenzen letztendlich stehen. Abhilfe schafft
+hier ein mehrfacher Durchlauf von \verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+}
+und \verb+latex+. Nachstehend sei hier eine kurze Anleitung zur
+Aufbereitung eines Dokuments mit Glossar und Index skizziert:
+\item Eintragen aller \verb+\glossary+\index{\verb+\glossary+} und
+\verb+\index+\index{\verb+\index+} Befehle im Dokument an den
+gew\"unschten Stellen sowie der Makros \verb+\makeglossary+
+\index{\verb+makeglossary+} und \verb+\makeindex+
+\index{\verb+makeindex+} in der Pr\"aambel (zwischen
+\verb+\documentstyle+\index{\verb+\documentstyle+} und
+\item Das Dokument ist anschlie\ss end zweimal mit \LaTeX{} zu
+formatieren, damit erstmal die getroffenen Referenzen auf den
+zugeordneten Seitenzahlen wiederzufinden sind.
+\item Aufruf von \verb+glotex+\index{\verb+glotex+} und \verb+idxtex+,
+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} um aus der \verb+.glo+-
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.glo+} und der \verb+.idx+-Datei
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} die zugeh\"orige \verb+.gls+-
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.gls+} und \verb+.ind+-Datei
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.ind+} zu erzeugen.
+\item Eintragen der \verb+\include+-Anweisungen in das Dokument.
+\item Erneuter Durchlauf von \LaTeX , damit die \verb+.idx+-Datei
+\index{Dateikennung>\verb+.idx+} die nach Einbinden von Glossar und
+Index g\"ultigen Seitenzahlen enth\"alt.
+\item Nochmaliger Aufruf von \verb+idxtex+.\index{#\verb+idxtex+}
+\item Abschlie\ss ender zweimaliger Durchlauf von \LaTeX{} (damit
+gegebenenfalls auch das Inhaltsverzeichnis die richtige Referenz auf
+den Index zeigt).
+Nachstehende Grafik bietet eine strukturierte \"Ubersicht zur Arbeit
+mit Glo\TeX{} und Idx\TeX .
+Im {\sl User'{}s Guide to the Glo\TeX{} Program} und im
+{\sl User'{}s Guide to the Idx\TeX{} Program} finden sich zu jeder
+seiner F\"ahigkeiten Beispiele, welche die hier nur in einer \"Ubersicht
+zusammengestellten M\"oglichkeiten beim Einsatz von Glo\TeX{}
+und Idx\TeX{} weitergehend erl\"autern.
+Das im letzten Abschnitt aufgef\"uhrte Rezept zeigt, da\ss{}
+der Anwender das Zusammenspiel von Glo\TeX{}, Idx\TeX{} und \LaTeX{}
+in weiten Bereichen selbst steuern mu\ss . Das scheint auf den
+ersten Blick nicht sehr komfortabel; au\ss er vielleicht, wenn der
+Anwender die n\"otigen Kommandos \"uber eine Batch-Datei oder
+ein Shell-Skript steuert. Die Qualit\"at der Ergebnisse ist es
+aber letzlich, welche den Aufwand rechtfertigt.
+Richard L.~Aurbach gestattet die Modifikation und den Vertrieb
+seiner Quellen auf nichtkommerzieller Basis. Interessierte
+\TeX -Freunde sind also herzlich eingeladen, ihre Vorstellungen und
+Ideen in das Konzept von Glo\TeX{} und Idx\TeX{} einflie\ss en
+zu lassen. Die Koordination etwaiger T\"atigkeiten ist dabei
+sicherlich oberstes Gebot, damit die \TeX -Welt nicht
+in Zukunft mit mehreren verschiedenen Glo\TeX- und Idx\TeX
+-Dialekten konfrontiert wird.
+Modifikationen der Programme reichen nach den in diesem Artikel
+aufgef\"uhrten Problemen allein nicht aus, um mit Glo\TeX{} oder
+eher Idx\TeX{} noch bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Die im Glo\TeX -
+und Idx\TeX -Programm fest eingebauten Zeichenketten, seien es nun
+\TeX -Makros oder auch die bei Querverweisen\index{Querverweis} verwendeten
+zus\"atzlichen Angaben von {\sl see}, {\sl see also} oder
+{\sl Symbols} (siehe Indexverzeichnis), geh\"oren beispielsweise nicht
+in das Programm sondern in eine Datei, die als Konfigurationsdatei von
+\verb+idxtex+\index{#\verb+idxtex+} zu benutzen ist. Zus\"atzlich
+ist eine Sammlung von \TeX -Makros erforderlich, mit denen die nun
+bekannten Probleme umgangen werden k\"onnen.
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo_idx.sty b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo_idx.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..363411be07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glo_idx.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Additional stylefile for GloTeX and IdXTeX so that these programs
+% can be used internationally.
+% internationally
+% Created by Stefano Ianigro, 30.03.1992, University of Federal Armed
+% Forces Hamburg
+% It can be easily modified using the language switch counter
+\typeout{Additional Style for Glo+IdxTeX, 1.0, Released 30.03.1992}
+\ifnum \language=0 % USenglish
+ \def\glossaryname{Glossary}
+ \def\indexname{Index}
+ \def\masterindexname{Master Index}
+ \def\seename{see}
+ \def\alsoname{see also}
+ \def\symbolsname{Symbols }
+\else \ifnum \language=1 % german
+ \def\glossaryname{Glossar}
+ \def\indexname{Stichwortverzeichnis}
+ \def\masterindexname{Gesamtregister}
+ \def\seename{siehe}
+ \def\alsoname{siehe auch}
+ \def\symbolsname{Symbole }
+ \else \ifnum \language=2 % french
+ \def\glossaryname{Glossar}
+ \def\indexname{Index}
+ \def\masterindexname{Index G\'en\'erale}
+ \def\seename{voir}
+ \def\alsoname{voir aussi}
+ \def\symbolsname{Symboles }
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% End of glo_idx.sty
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldfil.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldfil.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..738d17da5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldfil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* #module GloBldFil "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloBldFil *5
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 22-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Build the output file.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 22-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloBldFil - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <io.h>
+# define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+# include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+int Glo_Build_File(void);
+int Glo_Build_File();
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+ * External References:
+ */
+ extern char infile[256];
+ extern NODE_PTR root;
+ extern int flag;
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Build_File - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Create the output file which will be included into the final document
+ * to create the glossary.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Build_File ()
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer which indicates success or
+ * failure.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * root -> the data structure is scanned.
+ *
+ * flag -> the flag is used to control the format of the output.
+ *
+ * infile -> the input filespec is used to generate the output
+ * filespec.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * An output file is generated. The output file specification is
+ * constructed using "SYS$DISK:[].GLS" as the file spec and infile
+ * as the default filespec.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE success.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE failure.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Construct the filename of the output file and open it.
+ * B. Build a style-dependent preamble to the file.
+ * C. For each node in the root,
+ * 1. Generate a data line for the item.
+ * 2. For each definition line,
+ * a. Generate a data line for the definition.
+ * D. Close the file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Build_File - Code Section
+ */
+int Glo_Build_File ()
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ NODE_PTR node;
+ STRING_PTR string;
+ char dna[256];
+ FILE *f;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (root == 0) return (FALSE);
+/* Open the output file. */
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.gls", infile);
+ if ((f = fopen(dna,"w")) == NULL) return (FALSE);
+/* Write the style dependent header information. */
+ if (flag != NONE) {
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\newdimen\\infomapmargin \\newdimen\\infomapwidth\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\infomapmargin 115pt \\infomapwidth 103pt\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\def\\infomaplabel#1{\\raisebox{0pt}[1em][0pt]");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"{\\makebox[\\labelwidth][l]\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f," {\\parbox[t]{\\infomapwidth}{\\bf #1}}}}\n\n");
+ }
+ if (flag == ARTICLE)
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\def\\theglossary{\\section{\\glossaryname}\n");
+ if (flag == REPORT) {
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\def\\theglossary{\\chapter*{\\glossaryname\\markboth{\\glossaryname}\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f," {Glossary}} \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\glossaryname}\n");
+ }
+ if (flag != NONE) {
+ (void)fprintf(f," \\typeout{Glossary.} \\list{}{\\leftmargin\\infomapmargin\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f," \\labelwidth\\leftmargin\\advance\\labelwidth-\\labelsep\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f," \\let\\makelabel\\infomaplabel}}\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\let\\endtheglossary\\endlist\n\n");
+ }
+/* Begin the actual glossary code. */
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\begin{theglossary}\n\n");
+/* Process each node in the data structure */
+ node = root;
+ while (node != 0) {
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\item[%s] ", node->item);
+ string = node->hdr;
+ while (string != 0) {
+ if ((strlen(string->desc)) > 0)
+ (void)fprintf(f, "%s", string->desc);
+ else (void)fprintf(f,"\n");
+ string = string->next;
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\n");
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+/* Done. */
+ (void)fprintf(f,"\\end{theglossary}\n\n");
+ (void)fclose(f);
+ return(TRUE);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldlab.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldlab.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65a3255355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/globldlab.c
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+/* #module GloBldLab "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloBldLab
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 18-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Build the list of labels seen in the input file. Also, if a file
+ * entry is seen, add it to the filelist.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 18-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 26-Aug-1986 Fix problem with duplicate label
+ * detection.
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloBldLab - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+int Glo_Build_LabLst(void);
+int Glo_Build_LabLst();
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+ * External References:
+ */
+extern char infile[256];
+extern STRING_PTR labels;
+extern STRING_PTR filelist;
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+static void glo_get_token(char *buffer, char *token);
+static int glo_get_next_file(char *token, int *ptr, char *spec);
+static void glo_get_token();
+static int glo_get_next_file();
+ * Function Glo_Build_LabLst - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Read the input file and use its contents to build a list of labels for
+ * which glossary entries are needed. If a file specification is seen
+ * during this operation, add the file to the filelist.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Build_LabLst ()
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a status code for the operation. It is a boolean
+ * integer, passed by value. If TRUE, the routine
+ * completed normally. If FALSE, an error occurred.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * labels -> the list of labels is created by this routine.
+ *
+ * filelist -> if one or more files are seen by the routine, they are
+ * added to the file list.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The input file is read.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status = TRUE normal successful completion.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status = FALSE an error occurred. The reason for the error is written
+ * to SYS$OUTPUT.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Open the input file.
+ * B. For each record in the file,
+ * 1. If it is an \indexentry,
+ * or If it is a \glossaryentry, (TeX 3.0)
+ * a. Parse out the label.
+ * b. If the label does not already appear in the label list,
+ * 1. Build a STRING to contain the label.
+ * 2. Chain it into the label list.
+ * 2. If it is a \glofile,
+ * a. For each file in the list,
+ * 1. Parse out the file specification.
+ * 2. Build a STRING to contain the file specification.
+ * 3. Chain it into the file list.
+ * 3. Else,
+ * a. Ignore the record.
+ * C. Close the input file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Build_LabLst - Code Section
+ */
+int Glo_Build_LabLst ()
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int status;
+ FILE *file;
+ char linebf[linesz];
+ char label[linesz];
+ int found;
+ char spec[linesz];
+ int ptr;
+ char fname[256];
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Open the input file */
+ (void)sprintf(fname,"%s.glo",infile);
+ if ((file = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
+ (void)printf("Could not open the input file\n");
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+/* For each record in the file, */
+ status = TRUE;
+ while (fgets(linebf, linesz, file) != 0) {
+ * If the record begins with \indexentry (or \glossaryentry), then it is
+ * a record containing a label. Process the label by parsing it out,
+ * checking for duplicates, and if unique, building a label list entry for it.
+ */
+ if ((strncmp(linebf, "\\indexentry{", 12)) == 0) {
+ glo_get_token(&linebf[12], label);
+ if (strlen(label) == 0) continue;
+ old = labels;
+ found = FALSE;
+ while (old != 0) {
+ if (strcmp(label,old->desc) == 0) found = TRUE;
+ if (old->next == 0) break;
+ old = old->next;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ new = (STRING_PTR) malloc(sizeof(STRING));
+ if (new == 0) continue;
+ new->next = 0;
+ new->desc=strdup(label);
+ if (old == 0) labels = new;
+ else old->next = new;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((strncmp(linebf, "\\glossaryentry{", 15)) == 0) {
+ glo_get_token(&linebf[15], label);
+ if (strlen(label) == 0) continue;
+ old = labels;
+ found = FALSE;
+ while (old != 0) {
+ if (strcmp(label,old->desc) == 0) found = TRUE;
+ if (old->next == 0) break;
+ old = old->next;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ new = (STRING_PTR) malloc(sizeof(STRING));
+ if (new == 0) continue;
+ new->next = 0;
+ new->desc=strdup(label);
+ if (old == 0) labels = new;
+ else old->next = new;
+ }
+ }
+ * If the record begins with \glofile, then it is a record containing one or
+ * more glossary definition file specifications. For each specification, parse
+ * it out and build a file list entry for it.
+ */
+ else if ((strncmp(linebf, "\\glofile{", 9)) == 0) {
+ glo_get_token(&linebf[9], label);
+ if (strlen(label) == 0) continue;
+ ptr = 0;
+ while (glo_get_next_file(label, &ptr, spec) != 0) {
+ new = (STRING_PTR) malloc(sizeof(STRING));
+ if (new == 0) continue;
+ new->next = 0;
+ new->desc=strdup(spec);
+ old = filelist;
+ if (old == 0) filelist = new;
+ else {
+ while (old->next != 0) old = old->next;
+/*@@@ old->next = file;*/
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * If the record begins with anything else, ignore it.
+ */
+ else continue;
+ }
+ (void)fclose(file);
+ return (status);
+ * Function Glo_Get_Token - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse a token from the command line. The token begins at the first
+ * character position in the buffer and ends with a "}".
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Glo_Get_Token (buffer, token)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * buffer -> is an ASCIZ string containing the token to be found.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * token -> is an ASCIZ string into which the token is copied.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * The token is returned.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Locate the trailing "}" or end of string.
+ * B. Copy the substring starting at the beginning of the buffer to the
+ * end found to the token.
+ * C. Null terminate the string.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Get_Token - Code Section
+ */
+static void glo_get_token (buffer, token)
+char *buffer;
+char *token;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int len; /* Length of the substring */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ len = strcspn(buffer, "}");
+ (void)strncpy(token, buffer, len);
+ token[len] = '\0';
+ * Function Glo_Get_Next_File - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse the next file specification out of the token list. Files are
+ * separated by commas. Return the length of the specification.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * length = Glo_Get_Next_File (token, ptr, spec)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * token -> is an ASCIZ string containing the list of files.
+ *
+ * ptr -> is an integer (passed by reference) which is the
+ * starting index in the token string for the search.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * spec -> is an ASCIZ string containing the next file spec.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * length -> is the length of the spec string. A value of 0
+ * indicates that there is no file spec.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * length != 0 spec contains a file spec. ptr is updated to point
+ * to the starting place for the next search.
+ * length == 0 no spec was found.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Find the next "," in the string.
+ * B. Copy the substring into the output variable.
+ * C. Adjust the pointer.
+ * D. Return the length of the string.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Get_Next_File - Code Section
+ */
+static int glo_get_next_file (token, ptr, spec)
+char *token;
+int *ptr;
+char *spec;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int length;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ length = strcspn (&token[*ptr], ",");
+ if (length != 0) {
+ (void)strncpy (spec, &token[*ptr], length);
+ spec[length] = 0;
+ (*ptr) += length;
+ if (token[*ptr] == ',') (*ptr)++;
+ }
+ return (length);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glocmd.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glocmd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f87b8c40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glocmd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+/* #module GloCmd "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloCmd
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 18-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * This routine parses the GloTeX Command Line, and returns the name of
+ * the input file, a flag which specifies the style of treatment for the
+ * output file, and optionally, a list of files for the glossary definition
+ * file.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 18-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloCmd - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+# include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void Glo_Command(int argc, char *argv[]);
+void Glo_Command();
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+ * External References:
+ */
+extern STRING_PTR filelist;
+extern int flag;
+extern char infile[256];
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Command - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This routine uses lib$get_foreign to read the command line. It
+ * prefixes the command line with "GloTeX ", so that the CLI routines
+ * will have the appropriate information on which to operate. It then
+ * parses the command line and returns the appropriate information to the
+ * program.
+ *
+ * Since the routine establishes LIB$SIG_TO_STOP as a condition handler,
+ * syntax errors detected during processing result in program exit.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Glo_Command ()
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * infile -> contains the name of the input file as an ASCIZ string.
+ *
+ * flag -> indicates the value of the /STYLE qualifier.
+ *
+ * filelist -> is updated to contain a list of file specifications.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * GloTeX is invoked as a foreign DCL command.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * The routine returns to the caller. The global variables are set up
+ * appropriately.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * For the majority of the processing of the routine, LIB$SIG_TO_STOP
+ * is established as the condition handler. Therefore, any errors cause
+ * an immediate exit.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Call Lib$Get_Foreign to retrieve the command line.
+ * B. Prefix the command line with the command verb.
+ * C. Call Cli$DCL_Parse to parse the command line.
+ * D. Process the file name.
+ * 1. Get the file name.
+ * 2. Convert it to an ASCIZ string.
+ * E. Process the /STYLE qualifier.
+ * F. Process the /GLOSSARY qualifier.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * This routine is based on the LIB_PARSE_FOREIGN routine, suitably
+ * modified.
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Command - Code Section
+ */
+void Glo_Command (argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int status;
+ STRING_PTR file;
+ int i,j,clen;
+ char dummy[linesz];
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Get the command line */
+/* Parse the command line */
+/* Get the filename string */
+ (void) sprintf(infile,"%s",argv[1]);
+ i=2;
+/* Process the /STYLE qualifier */
+ if (argc > i) {
+ if (strncmp("/STYLE",argv[i],6) == 0) {
+ if (argv[i][7] == 'A') flag = ARTICLE;
+ if (argv[i][7] == 'R') flag = REPORT;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Process the /GLOSSARY qualifier */
+ if (argc > i) {
+ if ((strncmp("/GLOSSARY",argv[i],9)) == 0) {
+ clen = strlen(argv[i]);
+ j=10;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ file = (STRING_PTR)malloc(sizeof(STRING));
+ if (file == 0) break;
+ file->next = 0;
+ (void)sscanf(&argv[i][j],"%[^, ]",dummy);
+ file->desc = strdup(dummy);
+ status = 0;
+ if (file->desc[0]!='\0') {
+ status = 1;
+ j+=(strlen(file->desc)+1);
+ if (j > (clen+1)) status = 0;
+ }
+ if (!(status & TRUE)) return;
+ old = filelist;
+ if (filelist == 0) filelist = file;
+ else {
+ while (old->next != 0) old = old->next;
+ old->next = file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glomiss.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glomiss.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8376d1945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glomiss.c
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* #module GloMiss "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloMiss
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 22-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Report those labels for which no glossary entry was found.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 22-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloMiss - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+int Glo_Report_Missing(void);
+int Glo_Report_Missing();
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+ * External References:
+ */
+extern STRING_PTR labels;
+extern char infile[256];
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Report_Missing - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Report the labels for which no definition has been found in any
+ * glossary definition file. The report is made both to SYS$OUTPUT and
+ * to a glossary log file (.glg file).
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Report_Missing ()
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer. It indicates success or
+ * failure of the operation.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE success.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE failure
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Open the output file.
+ * B. For each leaf in the labels list,
+ * 1. Report the value of the label.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Report_Missing - Code Section
+ */
+int Glo_Report_Missing ()
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ STRING_PTR token;
+ char dna[256];
+ FILE *f;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (labels == 0) return(TRUE);
+/* Open the output file */
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.glg", infile);
+ f = fopen(dna, "w");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"GloTeX Log File\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"Processing input file \'%s.glo\'\n\n", infile);
+ token = labels;
+ while (token != 0) {
+ if ((strlen(token->desc)) > 0) {
+ (void)printf("The label \'%s\' ", token->desc);
+ (void)printf("was not found in any glossary definition file\n");
+ (void)fprintf(f,"The label \'%s\' ", token->desc);
+ (void)fprintf(f,"was not found in any glossary definition file\n");
+ }
+ token = token->next;
+ }
+ (void)fclose(f);
+ return (TRUE);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/gloscan.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/gloscan.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ecde63e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/gloscan.c
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+/* #module GloScan "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloScan
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 20-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Scan a file for glossary definitions and build the internal data
+ * structure for the data.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 20-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 25-Aug-1986 Make Glo_Parse_Item more sophisticated.
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloScan - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+int Glo_Scan_File(STRING_PTR file);
+int Glo_Scan_File();
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+static int glo_copy_text(char *line, NODE_PTR node);
+static int glo_match_label(char *token);
+static int glo_link_node(NODE_PTR node);
+static int glo_parse_item(char *line, char *label, char *item, int *ptr);
+static int glo_copy_text();
+static int glo_match_label();
+static int glo_link_node();
+static int glo_parse_item();
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void idx_build_spell_string(char *desc);
+extern void idx_build_spell_string();
+extern NODE_PTR root;
+extern STRING_PTR labels;
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Scan_File - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Scan the specified glossary file for definitions which have labels which
+ * match the labels in the label list. If a match is found, copy the
+ * information to a NODE in the data structure and delete the label from
+ * the label list. Entries are placed in the data structure in alphabetic
+ * order.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Scan_File (file)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * file -> is a STRING_PTR, passed by value. It contains the
+ * descriptor for the file specification string to be
+ * used to open the file.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean flag which indicates the result of the
+ * operation. It will have a value of TRUE unless an
+ * error occurs which is fatal to the execution of the
+ * program.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * root -> additions may be made to the internal data structure.
+ *
+ * labels -> if a definition is found, its entry in the label list is
+ * removed.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The specified definition file is opened for read access.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE The operation succeeded. This means that no error which
+ * is fatal to the operation of the program occurred, not
+ * that the program proceeded without error.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE A fatal error occurred. The reason for the error should
+ * be described in a message to the user
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. If the labels list is empty, return immediately.
+ * B. Convert the file spec to an ASCIZ string and open the file.
+ * C. For each entry in the file,
+ * 1. Locate the label.
+ * 2. If the label list contains that label,
+ * a. Delete the label from the label list.
+ * b. Allocate a NODE.
+ * c. Fill in the NODE with the item and spell string.
+ * d. Fill in the NODE with definition lines.
+ * e. Chain the NODE into the data structure, using the spell
+ * string to position it correctly.
+ * D. Close the file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Scan_File - Code Section
+ */
+int Glo_Scan_File (file)
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char dna[256];
+ FILE *f;
+ int counter = 0;
+ char line[linesz];
+ char token[linesz];
+ char item[linesz];
+ int ptr;
+ int status;
+ NODE_PTR node;
+ int mode = FALSE;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (labels == 0) return (TRUE);
+/* Open the glossary definition file */
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.gdf", file->desc);
+ if ((f = fopen(dna, "r")) == NULL) {
+ (void)printf ("Could not find the glossary definition file %s\n",
+ file->desc);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ while (fgets(line, linesz, f) != 0) {
+ * If mode = FALSE, we are in discard mode. In this mode, we throw away any
+ * line which does not begin with "@entry". If mode = TRUE, we are in copy
+ * mode. In this mode, we copy any text to the current node. In either case,
+ * if the line begins with "@entry", we must process it.
+ */
+ status = strncmp(line, "@entry{", 7);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ if (mode) (void)glo_copy_text(line, node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ * We've found a new entry in the file. Begin processing it.
+ * Search for the first line of a definition entry and parse out the label.
+ */
+ status = glo_parse_item(line, token, item, &ptr);
+ if (!status) {
+ mode = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+/* Search the label list for a label with the same name as the token. */
+ status = glo_match_label (token);
+ if (!status) {
+ mode = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ counter++;
+/* Allocate and build the NODE structure */
+ node = (NODE_PTR) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
+ if (node == 0) {
+ (void)printf("Could not allocate space for a new definition\n");
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ node->next = 0;
+ node->hdr = 0;
+ node->spell = strdup(item);
+ idx_build_spell_string(node->spell);
+ node->item=strdup(item);
+/* Link the NODE into the data structure in alphabetical order */
+ status = glo_link_node(node);
+ if (!(status & TRUE)) {
+ (void)printf("Duplicate glossary entry \'%s\' ignored\n", item);
+ mode = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+/* If there is text on the @entry line, use it. */
+ if (line[ptr] != '\0') (void)glo_copy_text (&line[ptr], node);
+ mode = TRUE;
+ }
+/* End of file seen. */
+ (void)fclose(f);
+ if (counter == 0) {
+ (void)printf("No definitions found in file %s.gdf\n", file->desc);
+ }
+ else
+ (void)printf("%d definitions extracted from file %s.gdf\n",
+ counter, file->desc);
+ return (TRUE);
+ * Function Glo_Link_Node - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Link a node into the node list in alphabetical order.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Link_Node (node)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * node -> is a NODE_PTR, passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer. TRUE means a successful link.
+ * FALSE means a duplicate entry was found.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * root -> the node is linked into the root list.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE node was linked in.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE a node with this spell string was already linked into
+ * the list. This node is NOT linked in.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. If the list is empty, link the node in at the root.
+ * B. Else,
+ * 1. Beginning at the first node in the list,
+ * a. If spell-string < node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Get next node.
+ * b. If spell-string = node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Return FALSE.
+ * c. If spell-string > node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Link it in.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Link_Node - Code Section
+ */
+static int glo_link_node (node)
+NODE_PTR node;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ NODE_PTR old_node;
+ NODE_PTR new_node;
+ int status;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ old_node = 0;
+ new_node = root;
+ while (new_node != 0) {
+ status = strcmp(new_node->spell, node->spell);
+ if (status < 0) {
+ old_node = new_node;
+ new_node = new_node->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (status == 0) return (FALSE);
+ if (status > 0) {
+ if (old_node == 0) root = node;
+ else old_node->next = node;
+ node->next = new_node;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+/* If the list is exhausted, link the node in at the end. */
+ if (old_node == 0) root = node;
+ else old_node->next = node;
+ return(TRUE);
+ * Function Glo_Match_Label - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * See if a label in the label list matches the current file entry.
+ * If it does, then deallocate the label entry and return TRUE.
+ * Otherwise, return FALSE.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Match_Label (token)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * token -> is the file token string to be matched against the label
+ * list. It is an ASCIZ string.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer. TRUE indicates that this entry
+ * corresponds to a valid label in the label list. The
+ * label list entry is removed. FALSE indicates that
+ * this entry does not match a label in the label list.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * labels -> if the entry matches a label, that STRING in the label
+ * list is removed.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE We have a match.
+ * status == FALSE No match.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For each entry in the label list,
+ * 1. Compare the label with the token.
+ * 2. If they match,
+ * a. Unchain and deallocate the STRING.
+ * b. Return TRUE.
+ * 3. Else,
+ * a. Get the next label.
+ * B. If no match,
+ * 1. Return FALSE.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Match_Label - Code Section
+ */
+static int glo_match_label (token)
+char *token;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int length = strlen(token);
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (labels == 0) return (FALSE);
+ old = labels;
+ new = labels;
+ while (new != 0) {
+/* Search the label list for a matching token */
+ if ((strlen(new->desc)) != length)
+ if (TRUE) {
+ old = new;
+ new = new->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(token, new->desc, length) != 0)
+ if (TRUE) {
+ old = new;
+ new = new->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+/* Found the matching token. Delete the entry in the labels list. */
+ if (new == labels) labels = new->next;
+ else old->next = new->next;
+ (void)free((char *)new->desc);
+ (void)free((char *)new);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ * Function Glo_Parse_Item - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse the label and item strings from a line with the format
+ * @entry{label,item}[text]
+ * leaving the pointer pointing to the optional text string.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Parse_Item (line, label, item, ptr)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * line -> is the text line to parse. It is an ASCIZ text string.
+ *
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * label -> is the label text string. It is an ASCIZ text string.
+ *
+ * item -> is the item text string. It is an ASCIZ text string.
+ *
+ * ptr -> is an integer index value, passed by reference. It is
+ * the array index of the next character of the line
+ * string, after the closing "}".
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a result indicator. If TRUE, the label and item
+ * elements were found. If FALSE, there was a problem
+ * with the parse operation.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE Operation succeeded. All output variables were
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE Operation failed due to a missing syntax element.
+ * None of the output variables is trustworthy.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Parse out the label. It begins with the first character after the
+ * leading "{" and is terminated by a ",".
+ * B. Find the beginning of the item. It is starts at the first
+ * non-whitespace character after the ",".
+ * C. Parse out the item. Internally, braces are allowed as long as they
+ * properly match.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Parse_Item - Code Section
+ */
+static int glo_parse_item (line, label, item, ptr)
+char *line;
+char *label;
+char *item;
+int *ptr;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i;
+ int brace;
+ char x;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Copy the label to the output string. */
+ i = 0;
+ brace = 1;
+ *ptr = 7;
+ while(TRUE) {
+ x = line[(*ptr)++];
+ if (x == '\0') return(FALSE);
+ if (x == '{') if (line[*ptr - 2] != '\\') brace++;
+ if (x == '}') {
+ if (line[*ptr - 2] != '\\') brace--;
+ if (brace <= 0) break;
+ }
+ if (x == ',') break;
+ label[i++] = x;
+ }
+ label[i] = '\0';
+/* Find the beginning of the item string. */
+ while (isspace(line[*ptr]) != 0) (*ptr)++;
+/* Copy the item to the output string. */
+ i = 0;
+ while (brace > 0) {
+ x = line[(*ptr)++];
+ if (x == '\0') return(FALSE);
+ if (x == '{') if (line[*ptr - 2] != '\\') brace++;
+ if (x == '}') {
+ if (line[*ptr - 2] != '\\') brace--;
+ if (brace <= 0) break;
+ }
+ item[i++] = x;
+ }
+ item[i] = '\0';
+/* Check to see if the item is missing. If it is, default to the label. */
+ if (i == 0) (void)strcpy(item, label);
+ return (TRUE);
+ * Function Glo_Copy_Text - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Create a STRING containing the current line of text and chain it in
+ * to the current node's definition list.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Glo_Copy_Text (line, node)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * line -> is the current line of text. It is an ASCIZ string.
+ *
+ * node -> is the NODE_PTR for the current glossary entry.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer which reflects success or
+ * failure. TRUE will be returned unless there is a
+ * failure to allocate the string.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status == TRUE success.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * status == FALSE virtual memory allocation failure.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Allocate a STRING data structure.
+ * B. If the input string has a non-zero length,
+ * 1. Copy the string to the STRING data structure.
+ * C. Chain the structure in to the end of the hdr structure.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Glo_Copy_Text - Code Section
+ */
+static int glo_copy_text (line, node)
+char *line;
+NODE_PTR node;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int length;
+ STRING_PTR text;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ length = strlen(line);
+ if (line[length-1] == '\n') length--;
+ if (length > 0) {
+ text = (STRING_PTR) malloc(sizeof(STRING));
+ if (text == 0) return (FALSE);
+ text->next = 0;
+ text->desc = strdup(line);
+ if (node->hdr == 0) node->hdr = text;
+ else {
+ old = node->hdr;
+ while (old->next != 0) old = old->next;
+ old->next = text;
+ }
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c5d1a55d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+/* #module GloTeX "2-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: GloTeX
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 17-Aug-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Main Line for the GloTeX program. This program processes .glo files
+ * produced by LaTeX and generates files which will produce a properly
+ * formatted glossary, using definitions extracted from one or more
+ * glossary definition files.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 17-Aug-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-001 RLA 25-Aug-1986 Improve handling of error when there
+ * is no gdf file to process.
+ * 2-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module GloTeX - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "GloDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+main(int argc, char *argv[]);
+ STRING_PTR filelist = 0; /* Listhead for glossary filespecs */
+ NODE_PTR root = 0; /* Listhead for definitions */
+ int flag = 0; /* /TOC options flag */
+ char infile[256]; /* Input filespec string */
+ STRING_PTR labels = 0; /* Listhead for labels */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void Glo_Command(int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern int Glo_Build_LabLst(void);
+extern int Glo_Scan_File(STRING_PTR file);
+extern int Glo_Report_Missing(void);
+extern int Glo_Build_File(void);
+extern void Glo_Command();
+extern int Glo_Build_LabLst();
+extern int Glo_Scan_File();
+extern int Glo_Report_Missing();
+extern int Glo_Build_File();
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function GloTeX - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This is the main line of the GloTeX program.
+ *
+ * It reads the input file and creates from it a list of items to be
+ * defined.
+ *
+ * It then reads one or more glossary definition files, searching for
+ * definitions which match the items specified. If it finds an item, it
+ * copies the definition into an internal data structure and removes the
+ * item from the list. In this way, the first definition seen for an
+ * item is always used.
+ *
+ * Once the list of definition files is exhausted, the internal data
+ * structures hold a complete list of all definitions. Any items remaining
+ * in the item list represent items for which no definitions were found.
+ * These are reported.
+ *
+ * Finally, the internal data structures are used to build a text file
+ * which will be processed by LaTeX to generate the glossary.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * $ GloTeX :== $Crl_Public:GloTeX
+ * $ GloTeX filespec [/STYLE:{ARTICLE | REPORT | SPECIAL}]
+ * [/GLOSSARY=(file1,file2,...)]
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * filespec -> Name of the input file to be processed. The default
+ * filespec SYS$DISK:[].GLO is processed against this
+ * specification. This is the file generated by LaTeX
+ * by the \makeglossary command.
+ *
+ * /STYLE -> The /STYLE qualifier indicates the type of document for
+ * which the glossary is to be generated. Options are:
+ * * ARTICLE - a standard LaTeX "article" documentstyle
+ * * REPORT - a standard LaTeX "report" or "book"
+ * documentstyle
+ * * SPECIAL - any of the CR&DS special documentstyles
+ * If the qualifier is not specified, SPECIAL is assumed.
+ *
+ * /GLOSSARY -> The /GLOSSARY qualifier defines one or more glossary
+ * definition files. Each value in the list is the file
+ * specification of a glossary definition file. These
+ * files are the basis for the list of glossary files
+ * managed by the program.
+ *
+ * If using a document style which does not define the
+ * \glossaryfile command (i.e., a standard LaTeX document
+ * style), then this qualifier is the only means
+ * available to specify the files to be searched for
+ * definitions.
+ *
+ * If using a CR&DS document style, then this qualifier
+ * is used to specify definition files to be searched
+ * before any specified by the \glossaryfile command.
+ *
+ * The qualifier is optional. However, at least one
+ * definition file must be specified to the program.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * filespec -> The program produces an output file which is the
+ * resultant filespec from processing .GLS as the primary
+ * file specification and the fully-qualified input
+ * filespec as the default.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * returns SUCCESS
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * All commonly-used data structures, such as the file list, the label
+ * list, the node list, etc., are declared globally.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * reads the specified input file and one or more glossary definition files
+ * as described above. Produces an output file.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * Called from DCL level
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * Returns to DCL level
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * Error messages are generated for all errors. Any significant ones
+ * cause the program to exit with an appropriate message.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Process the command line.
+ * B. Process the input file.
+ * 1. Glossary label entries are placed on a list.
+ * 2. Glossary file entries are added to the file list.
+ * C. For each file in the file list,
+ * 1. Scan the glossary file for definitions which match a label in
+ * the label list.
+ * 2. If found,
+ * a. Copy the definition to a node in the data structure.
+ * D. For any labels for which the definition was not found,
+ * 1. Report it.
+ * E. Generate the output file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function GloTeX - Code Section
+ */
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int status;
+ STRING_PTR file;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Process the command line. The routine will exit on error */
+ Glo_Command(argc, argv);
+ (void)printf("\nGloTeX, the automatic glossary processor for LaTeX, version 1.0\n");
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ (void) printf("usage: glotex file [/STYLE={Article | Report | Special}] \\ \n");
+ (void) printf(" [/GLOSSARY=(def1[,def2[,...]])]\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ * Process the list of definitions referenced:
+ * Open the input file.
+ * For each entry record in the file,
+ * Build a label entry in the label list.
+ * For each file record in the file,
+ * Build a file entry in the file list.
+ * Close the input file.
+ */
+ status = Glo_Build_LabLst();
+ if (!(status & TRUE)) {
+ (void)printf("\nFatal error processing the input file...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (labels == 0) {
+ (void)printf("\nFatal error. No glossary entries found in the .glo file");
+ (void)printf("...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ * For each file in the file list,
+ * Scan the file for entries which match labels with label list entries.
+ * For each one, build a node containing the definition.
+ */
+ if (filelist == 0) {
+ (void)Glo_Report_Missing();
+ (void)printf("\nNo glossary definition files specified...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ file = filelist;
+ while (file != 0) {
+ status = Glo_Scan_File(file);
+ if (!(status & TRUE)) {
+ (void)printf("\nFatal error scanning glossary definition file...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ file = file->next;
+ }
+ * Report all labels for which no definitions were found.
+ * Write the information to SYS$OUTPUT.
+ * Write the information to a glossary log file.
+ */
+ status = Glo_Report_Missing();
+ if (!(status & TRUE)) {
+ (void)printf("\nFatal error while reporting the list of undefined terms");
+ (void)printf("...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ * Generate a formatted output file containing the definitions.
+ * The file format will be dependent on whether the glossary is being built
+ * for a LaTeX "article", a LaTeX "report" or "book", or a CR&DS defined
+ * documentstyle.
+ */
+ status = Glo_Build_File();
+ if (!(status & TRUE))
+ (void)printf("\nFatal error while building the output file\n");
+ (void)printf("\nDone.\n");
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.gdf b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.gdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..155dce38ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.gdf
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+@entry{glotex, \GloTeX} The \GloTeX\ program is a tool used to collect and
+format a glossary for inclusion in a \LaTeX\ document. It uses \verb+\glossary+
+commands in the \LaTeX\ source file to determine which words or phrases should
+be included in the Glossary, and one or more Glossary Definition Files which
+contain the definitions of the terms.
+@entry{gdf, Glossary\\Definition\\File} A Glossary Definition File is represents
+a database of definitions. Each entry in a Glossary Definition File contains
+a {\em label}, an {\em item}, and a {\em definition}.
+@entry{label} A {\em label\/} is an identifier which is associated with
+a particular definition. Labels are specified in \verb+\glossary+ commands to
+indicate which definitions should be included in the Glossary.
+@entry{item} An {\em item\/} is the word or term to be defined in the
+@entry{definition} The {\em definition\/} is the text used to
+indicate what a particular item means. A definition may be as short as a
+phrase, or as long as a dissertation. However, short definitions (a sentence
+or two) are usually most effective in the context of a Glossary.
+@entry{glo-file, {\tt glo} File} The {\tt .glo} file is produced by \LaTeX\ and
+contains a list of labels for terms to be included in the Glossary. It is one
+of the inputs to \GloTeX.
+@entry{gdf-file, {\tt gdf} File} The {\tt .gdf} file is the Glossary Definition
+@entry{gls-file, {\tt gls} File} The {\tt .gls} file is the output of \GloTeX.
+It is the file which should be \verb+\input+ in the document to generate the
+@entry{glg-file, {\tt glg} File} The {\tt .glg} file is a Glossary Log File. It
+lists those labels for which no definition was found. This file is only
+generated if needed.
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.pdf b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21f447a0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.tex b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5efe5c13fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/glotex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+\def\GloTeX{Glo\TeX} \def\BibTeX{B{\sc ib}\TeX} \def\IdxTeX{Idx\TeX}
+\makeindex \makeglossary
+\title{\GloTeX\ Program}
+\author{R L Aurbach}
+\authorfacts{CR\&DS MIS Group \\ Monsanto Company \\ 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. \\
+St. Louis, MO 63167 \\ (314)--694--5453}
+\version{Version 1.1}
+\date{August 27, 1986}
+The \GloTeX\ program is used to automate the generation of a Glossary in a
+\LaTeX\ document. It uses the {\tt .glo} file generated by the
+\verb~\makeglossary~ command and one or more Glossary Definition Database Files
+to create a file which is \verb~\input~ in the document to generate the
+\section{Why Automate Glossaries?}\index{#\GloTeX}
+Several programs already exist to augment the capabilities of \LaTeX\ to produce
+better documents --- \BibTeX\ supports the formatting and maintenance of
+bibliographies, \IdxTeX\ automates the generation of an Index, etc. Why is a
+program needed to automate the generation of Glossaries? There are several
+reasons:\index{\GloTeX>{\em raison d'\^{e}tre}}
+\item Consider how you might actually make a glossary in a real document.
+\index{\GloTeX>{\em raison d'\^{e}tre}>Make writing easier}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item As you write the document, you come across words or phrases which
+ should be included in a glossary. You jot them down on paper somewhere.
+ \item When the document is nearly finished, you take your list of terms,
+ alphabetize it, and write definitions for each one.
+ \item Then you write these definitions into your document and complete it.
+ \end{itemize}
+Think how much easier it would be if you could completely automate documents
+with glossaries:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item As you write the document and come across a word or phrase to be
+ included in the glossary, you place a simple \verb+\glossary+ command into
+ the document.
+ \item You format the document with \LaTeX\ and use \GloTeX\ to build the
+ glossary. The \GloTeX\ program will tell you about any terms you haven't
+ yet defined.
+ \item The definitions go into an external database, rather than directly
+ into the document. This means that you can use them again in another
+ document without retyping them.
+ \end{itemize}
+So \GloTeX\ can be used to make the generation of a document which contains a
+glossary easier.
+\item \index{\GloTeX>{\em raison d'\^{e}tre}>Re-use definitions}
+Suppose you are writing a series of documents about related topics and
+you decide that each should have a glossary. You could carefully write the
+definitions for each term into each document.
+But, wouldn't it be easier to write the definitions only once and pull those
+definitions which are needed into each document? If you often write about a
+certain topic, wouldn't it be easier to create a {\bf database} of definitions
+of those terms you commonly use?
+\GloTeX\ helps you maintain a database of definitions for inclusion in
+glossaries. It supports the use of multiple definition files in a single
+document, so you can keep definitions for different terms in different places.
+For example, if you are writing about an application program, you might want
+to have one glossary of computer terms and another which describes the
+vocabulary appropriate to that application.
+\item \index{\GloTeX>{\em raison d'\^{e}tre}>Complete a partial implementation}
+The standard \LaTeX\ document styles already support the most important
+features needed to automate glossaries --- the \verb+\makeglossary+ and
+\verb+\glossary+ commands. Before \GloTeX, there was nothing available to
+allow you to take advantage of these \LaTeX\ features.
+\section{Building a Glossary --- Step by Step}\index{#Building a Glossary}
+To automate the generation of a Glossary, here is what you do:
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>\verb+\makeglossary+}
+In the preamble of your document, include the command
+\verb+\makeglossary+. This will cause a file to be generated when you run
+\LaTeX\ which has the same filename as your \LaTeX\ file and the file type
+{\tt .glo}.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>\verb+\glossary+}
+In your document, for every word or phrase which you wish to appear in
+the glossary, include a \verb+\glossary+ command. The command format is
+ \glossary{label}
+where ``label\glossary{label}'' is an identifier which is compared with the
+contents of the Glossary Definition File to locate the correct definition.
+This will be discussed in more detail later.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>Create {\tt .gdf} File}\glossary{gdf-file}
+\index{Building a Glossary&Glossary Definition File}
+If the definitions you wish to include are not already in a Glossary
+Definition File, create the appropriate file. This is discussed below.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>Create {\tt .glo} File}\glossary{glo-file}
+Run \LaTeX\ on you document. This produces the {\tt .glo} file.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>Create {\tt .gls} File}\glossary{gls-file}
+Run \GloTeX\ on the {\tt .glo} file, specifying the name of one or more
+Glossary Definition Files from which definitions are to be drawn. \GloTeX\ will
+produce a file which has the same filename as you \LaTeX\ file, but with the
+file type {\tt .gls}.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>Include in Source File}
+In your document, insert an \verb+\input+ command, such as
+ \input{myfile.gls}
+to include the {\tt .gls} file in your document at the appropriate place.
+\item \index{Building a Glossary>Generate Final Document}
+Run \LaTeX\ twice. The second time is needed to get the Table of Contents
+entry for the Glossary to appear properly.
+\section{Command Syntax}\glossary{glotex}\index{#Command Syntax}
+The \GloTeX\ program is run as a foreign DCL command.\footnote{On the Monsanto
+BB1T VAXcluster, the GloTeX symbol is defined by issuing the CRLSETUP command.}
+The \GloTeX\ program is run using a command line of the form
+ $ glotex file [/STYLE={Article | Report | Special}]
+ [/GLOSSARY=(def1[,def2[,...]])]
+The ``file'' parameter \index{Command Syntax>File Parameter}
+is required. It is the name of the {\tt .glo} file
+which is \GloTeX 's input file. If you don't specify an input file, \GloTeX\
+will prompt you for one. You need not specify the {\tt .glo} file type. The
+default file specification for the input file is file type {\tt .glo} in your
+current default directory.
+The {\tt /STYLE} qualifier \index{Command Syntax>{\tt /STYLE} Qualifier}
+is optional. It describes how you wish \GloTeX\ to
+format the glossary it builds. There are three possibilities:
+\item[Article] \index{Command Syntax>{\tt /STYLE} Qualifier>{\tt Article}
+keyword} The {\tt Article} keyword is used if your document uses the
+standard \LaTeX\ {\tt article} document style or any other section oriented
+style. If you specify this keyword, then the glossary is built as a regular,
+numbered section in your document. It will appear in your Table of Contents
+\item[Report] \index{Command Syntax>{\tt /STYLE} Qualifier>{\tt Report}
+keyword} The {\tt Report} keyword is used if your document uses the
+standard \LaTeX\ {\tt report} or {\tt book} document styles or any other
+chapter oriented style. If you specify this keyword, then the glossary is built
+as an unnumbered chapter in your document. It will appear in your Table of
+Contents automatically.
+\item[Special] \index{Command Syntax>{\tt /STYLE} Qualifier>{\tt Special}
+keyword} The {\tt Special} keyword is used if your document uses any of
+the Monsanto CR\&DS document styles ({\tt pamphlet}, {\tt manual}, or
+{\tt memo}). They already define commands to format the glossary
+appropriately --- using the {\tt Special} keyword tells \GloTeX\ not to include
+commands in its output file to redefine these commands for you.
+In section-oriented Monsanto CR\&DS document styles, the glossary is formatted
+as a numbered section. In the chapter-oriented {\tt manual} document style, the
+glossary is an unnumbered chapter, with page numbers of the form
+If you do not include the {\tt /STYLE} qualifier, {\tt Special} is assumed.
+The {\tt /GLOSSARY} qualifier \index{Command Syntax>{\tt /GLOSSARY} Qualifier}
+is used to specify the list of Glossary Definition
+Files which \GloTeX\ will search to find the definitions you wish to include.
+You may include as many files as you wish --- \GloTeX\ will search them in the
+order you specify. For each file, \GloTeX\ will look for a file with the file
+type {\tt .gdf} in your current default directory, unless you override the
+The {\tt /GLOSSARY} qualifier is optional. However, you must use it unless
+you are using a Monsanto CR\&DS document style, because there is no other way
+for \GloTeX\ to know where your definitions are to be found.\footnote{If you use
+a Monsanto CR\&DS document style, special commands are available to allow you to
+build the glossary definition file specifications into your document. They are
+described later.}
+\GloTeX\ prints a list of all those labels which are present in your input file,
+but for which it can't find any definition. This report is output both on your
+terminal and to a Glossary Log File ({\tt .glg} file).\glossary{glg-file}
+You can use this feature to make a list of terms needing definition.
+\section{Building a Glossary --- More Detail}\index{#Building a Glossary}
+This section discusses the steps needed to build a Glossary in more detail.
+In this section, we assume that the source file for your document is named
+{\tt myfile.tex}.
+\item[{\tt makeglossary}\\Command]
+\index{Building a Glossary>\verb+\makeglossary+}
+\LaTeX\ creates a list of those terms to be included in the Glossary in a file
+named (in this example) {\tt myfile.glo}. This file is not created
+automatically. If you want one, you must include the \verb+\makeglossary+
+command in your document.
+The \verb+\makeglossary+ command must be placed in the preamble of your source
+file --- that is, between the \verb+\documentstyle+ command and the
+\verb+\begin{document}+ command.
+\item[{\tt glossary}\\Command] \index{Building a Glossary>\verb+\glossary+}
+When you come across a word or phrase in your document which you would like to
+define in the Glossary, insert a \verb+\glossary+ command in your source file.
+The format of this command is
+ \glossary{label}
+where ``label'' is an identifier you assign to this word or phrase. This
+identifier is used to locate the definition in a Glossary Definition File which
+you wish to be included. That is, if ``label'' matches the identifier belonging
+to a definition in the database, then that definition will be included in the
+For example, in this document, the entry \verb+\glossary{glo-file}+
+\glossary{glo-file} appears. As you can see by examining the glossary, there
+is a definition for the term ``{\tt glo} File'', which was generated as a
+result of this reference.
+\item[Generating the\\{\tt glo} File]
+\index{Building a Glossary>Create {\tt .glo} File}
+Having prepared your document, the next step is to run it through \LaTeX. This
+will generate a file {\tt myfile.glo} which contains the collected information
+from the \verb+\glossary+ commands which you placed in your document.
+\item[Building the\\{\tt gls} File]
+\index{Building a Glossary>Create {\tt .gls} File}
+The next step is to use the \GloTeX\ program to generate the glossary
+information, using the {\tt myfile.glo} file and the appropriate Glossary
+Definition Files.
+In our example, we will make several assumptions.
+\item Lets assume that your document {\tt myfile.tex} uses the standard \LaTeX\
+{\tt article} document style.
+\item Lets also assume that you are using definitions from three sources ---
+a local glossary of application specific terms, a public glossary of
+biological terms, and a public glossary of computer terms. The biological
+glossary is assumed to be located in the {\tt GenLocDoc:} area, while the
+computer glossary is located in the {\tt CRL\_Documentation:} area.
+Then, the command line
+ $ glotex myfile /STYLE=Article -
+ $_ /GLOSSARY=(myglos,GenLocDoc:BioDefs,-
+ $_ Crl_Documentation:EDPDefs)
+will process the {\tt myfile.glo} file, using the three specified Glossary
+Definition Files, and produce the file {\tt myfile.gls}, formatted appropriately
+for the standard \LaTeX\ {\tt article} document style.
+\item[Including the\\{\tt gls} File]
+\index{Building a Glossary>Include in Source File}
+Normally, a Glossary is placed in the document at the end, just before the
+index. Most people place the Glossary {\bf before} the Bibliography, if both
+exist in the document, but that is a matter of personal choice.
+In any case, once you decide where to put the Glossary, it is merely necessary
+to add the command
+ \input{myfile.gls}
+in the appropriate place.
+\item[Generate the\\Final Document]\index{Building a Glossary>Generate Final Document}
+Now you are ready to generate the final document. To do this, run \LaTeX\ on
+the document twice. The first time you run \LaTeX, the Glossary will be
+included in your document and a reference will be made to include a Table of
+Contents entry for it. The second time you run \LaTeX, the Table of Contents
+will be updated to include an entry for the Glossary.
+\section{Glossary Definition Files}
+\index{#Glossary Definition File}\index{#{\tt gdf} file}
+A Glossary Definition File is a text file which contains one or more definitions
+of words or phrases (an ``entry'') in a special, defined format. A Glossary
+Definition File is also called a {\tt .gdf} file, because the default file type
+for these files is {\tt .gdf}.
+A entry in a {\tt .gdf} file has three parts.
+\item[label] \index{Glossary Definition File>Label}
+The {\em label\/} is an identifier used to associate a particular
+definition with a particular \verb+\glossary+ command from the document.
+The label is a {\bf case sensitive} string. If the label of an entry in the
+{\tt .gdf} file matches a label specified in a \verb+\glossary+ command exactly
+(character for character, including any whitespace characters), then the
+term will be included in the Glossary.
+\item[item] \index{Glossary Definition File>Item}
+The {\em item\/} is the word or phrase being defined by the entry.
+Visually, the item appears on the left-hand portion of the page, separated from
+the definition.
+Glossary entries are formatted in an {\tt infomap} environment,\footnote{for
+those familiar with the CR\&DS Extensions to \LaTeX.} a special variation of
+the {\tt description} environment.\footnote{If you specify /STYLE:ARTICLE or
+/STYLE:REPORT in your command line, \GloTeX\ will automatically include in its
+output file the commands needed to define this new environment.} In an {\tt
+infomap} environment, the item is placed in a \verb+\parbox+. If the item is
+too long for the space allotted it, it will be typeset in multiple lines. You
+can often help this process along by careful inclusion of \verb+\\+ commands in
+the item to control where the lines are split.
+The default formatting in an item is {\bf boldface}. Other possibilities are
+available, however. In this document, for example, the item ``glo File'' was
+entered as ``\verb+{\tt glo} File+''. Notice that the term appears in the
+correct alphabetical order, in spite of the presence of the special formatting
+\item[definition] \index{Glossary Definition File>Definition}
+The definition is the body of the glossary entry. It
+consists of as much normal \LaTeX\ source as you wish --- multiple paragraphs,
+lists, etc., are all supported. However, experience has shown that a
+glossary entry which is two or three sentences long is normally plenty. Very
+long entries lose their effectiveness with the reader.
+The format of an entry in a {\tt .gdf} file is
+\index{Glossary Definition File>Format}
+ @entry{label, item} definition
+ definition (continued...)
+A new entry in the file begins with ``{\tt @entry}'' in lower case, and as the
+first characters on a new line. The {\tt @entry} command takes two arguments
+--- the label and the item strings. The item string is optional --- if it is
+not specified, then the label string will be used as the item string as well.
+The definition may begin on the {\tt @entry} line, although that is not
+required. All text is considered as definition, beginning with the first
+character after the closing brace of the {\tt @entry} command up to the
+next {\tt @entry} command or the end of the file.
+As an example, below is a portion of the {\tt .gdf} file used to generate the
+Glossary of this document. \index{Glossary Definition File>Example}
+ @entry{glo-file, {\tt glo} File} The {\tt .glo} file is
+ produced by \LaTeX\ and contains a list of labels for
+ terms to be included in the Glossary. It is one of the
+ inputs to \GloTeX.
+ @entry{item} An {\em item\/} is the word or term to be
+ defined in the glossary.
+\section{\LaTeX\ Extensions Which Support Glossaries}
+Standard \LaTeX\ document styles define the \verb+\makeglossary+ and
+\verb+\glossary+ commands described above. If you are using standard
+\LaTeX\ document styles, these are the only commands available to you.
+If you use one of the CR\&DS document styles ({\tt pamphlet}, {\tt manual}, or
+{\tt memo}), then additional commands are defined which make glossary generation
+even nicer.\footnote{This section is only relevant at sites which use the
+Monsanto CR\&DS special document styles. It should be ignored otherwise.}
+\item[{\tt theglossary}\\Environment]
+\index{New Glossary Commands>{\tt theglossary} Environment}
+The {\tt theglossary} environment is
+the context for a glossary. That is, a glossary begins with the
+\verb+\begin{theglossary}+ command and ends with the \verb+\end{theglossary}+
+command. Each CR\&DS document style defines this environment so that the
+formatting of the Glossary is appropriate to the document. When you specify
+{\tt /STYLE = Article} or {\tt /STYLE = Report}, \GloTeX\ includes in the
+{\tt .gls} file the necessary commands to define this environment for you.
+\item[{\tt glossaryfile}\\Command]
+\index{New Glossary Commands>{\tt glossaryfile} Command}
+The \verb+\glossaryfile+ command is used
+to specify one or more {\tt .gdf} files to be used to locate definitions.
+The format of the command is
+ \glossaryfile{filelist}
+where filelist is either a single file specification or a list of file
+specifications, separated by commas.
+You may specify more than one \verb+\glossaryfile+ command if you wish. The
+{\tt .gdf} files you specify are searched in the following order:
+\item Any {\tt .gdf} files specified on the command line using the {\tt
+/GLOSSARY} qualifier are searched in the order specified.
+\item Any {\tt .gdf} files specified in the first \verb+\glossaryfile+ command
+in the source document are searched in the order specified.
+\item Addition {\tt .gdf} files are searched in order as specified by additional
+\verb+\glossaryfile+ commands.
+\item[{\tt insertglossary}\\Command]
+\index{New Glossary Commands>{\tt insertglossary} Command}
+The \verb+\insertglossary+ command is
+used to place a glossary at a particular place in the document. It is
+equivalent to issuing the \verb+\input{myfile.gls}+ command, where {\tt myfile}
+is the name of the source document.
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxbuild.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxbuild.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c615c159f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxbuild.c
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+/* #module IdxBuild "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxBuild
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 27-Apr-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Build the Index Tree data structure
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 27-Apr-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 03-May-1986 Add support for page-no highlighting
+ * and move spell-string processing to a
+ * separate module.
+ * 2-003 RLA 09-Apr-1987 Add support for volumes (used in master
+ * index processing).
+ * 2-004 RLA 14-Apr-1987 Add new page highlight flag
+ * 2-005 RLA 15-Apr-1987 Add support for cross-referencing
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxBuild - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+# include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define linebfsize 133
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+static char *page_ref;
+static char *tok_spell;
+static char see_spell[linebfsize];
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_build_tree(char *token_1, char *token_2, char *token_3,
+ char *page_no, char token_ct, char *vol, int flag);
+TREE_PTR idx_locate_node(TREE_PTR *head, char *token, char *desc);
+void idx_add_page_ref(PGNODE_PTR *pghead, char *token,
+ char highlight, char *vol);
+void idx_add_cross_ref(PGNODE_PTR *seehead, char *token,
+ char highlight, char *vol);
+TREE_PTR idx_allocate_node(char *token, char *desc);
+PGNODE_PTR idx_allocate_pgnode(char *vol, char *dsc, char hlite);
+void idx_build_tree();
+TREE_PTR idx_locate_node();
+void idx_add_page_ref();
+void idx_add_cross_ref();
+TREE_PTR idx_allocate_node();
+PGNODE_PTR idx_allocate_pgnode();
+ * External References:
+ */
+extern TREE_PTR root; /* root of the Index Tree */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void idx_build_spell_string(char *desc);
+extern void idx_parse(char *linebf, char *token_1, char *token_2,
+ char *token_3, char *page_no, int *token_ct, int *flag);
+extern void idx_build_spell_string();
+extern void idx_parse();
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Tree - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This routine uses the information parsed by Idx_Parse to build the Index
+ * Tree.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Build_Tree (token_1, token_2, token_3, page_no, token_ct,
+ * vol, flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * token_1 -> is the top level item token. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * token_2 -> is the second level item token. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * token_3 -> is the third level item token. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * page_no -> is the page number token. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * token_ct -> is the number of tokens seen for this index entry.
+ * integer passed by value.
+ *
+ * vol -> is a pointer to the string descriptor for a volume
+ * string. The pointer is passed by value.
+ *
+ * flag -> is a boolean flag. If TRUE, the page_no variable is
+ * really a cross-reference string.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * The Index Tree is updated.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * Tree is updated.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * The only expected error is a memory allocation failure. In this case,
+ * a message is printed and the entry is ignored.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Check for a page-no highlighting flag.
+ * B. Check for a valid set of input data. Ignore if not.
+ * C. Build a Spell String for the top-level item.
+ * D. Locate the top-level item in the tree.
+ * 1. If it does not exist,
+ * A. Allocate a new node and link it in.
+ * E. If token_ct == 1,
+ * 1. Add page number to list.
+ * F. Else,
+ * 1. Build a Spell String for the second-level item.
+ * 2. Locate the second-level item in the tree.
+ * A. If it does not exist,
+ * 1. Allocate a new node and link it in.
+ * 3. If token_ct == 2,
+ * A. Add page number to list.
+ * 4. Else,
+ * A. Build a Spell String for the third-level item.
+ * B. Locate the third-level item in the tree.
+ * 1. If it does not exist,
+ * a. Allocate a new node and link it in.
+ * C. Add page number to list.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * The first character of token_1 may be a special character. Special
+ * characters are used to indicate special highlighting to be performed
+ * on the page-no for this index entry. The special characters are:
+ * ^ use boldface
+ * ~ use italic
+ * _ use underlining
+ * Only one type of highlighting is supported for each page entry.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Tree - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_build_tree (token_1, token_2, token_3, page_no, token_ct, vol, flag)
+ char *token_1;
+ char *token_2;
+ char *token_3;
+ char *page_no;
+ char token_ct;
+ char *vol;
+ int flag;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char spell_str[linebfsize];
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ int test_char;
+ char *real_token_1;
+ char highlight;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Check for page-no highlighting flag */
+ if (token_ct == 0) return;
+ if (token_1[0] == '\0') return;
+ real_token_1 = &token_1[1];
+ test_char = token_1[0];
+ switch (test_char) {
+ case '_' :
+ highlight = IDX_K_UNDERLINE;
+ break;
+ case '~' :
+ highlight = IDX_K_ITALIC;
+ break;
+ case '^' :
+ highlight = IDX_K_BOLD;
+ break;
+ case '#' :
+ highlight = IDX_K_FOLLOW;
+ break;
+ default :
+ highlight = IDX_K_NONE;
+ real_token_1 = &token_1[0];
+ break;
+ }
+/* Check out the item for validity */
+ if (real_token_1[0] == '\0') return;
+ if ((token_ct > 1) && (token_2[0] == '\0')) return;
+ if ((token_ct > 2) && (token_3[0] == '\0')) return;
+ if (token_ct > 3) return;
+ if (page_no[0] == '\0') return;
+/* First level token processing */
+ (void)strcpy(spell_str, real_token_1);
+ idx_build_spell_string (spell_str);
+ node = idx_locate_node (&root, real_token_1, spell_str);
+ if (node == 0) {
+ (void)printf("Error processing index item %s\n", real_token_1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (token_ct == 1) {
+ if (!flag)
+ idx_add_page_ref (&node->pghead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ else idx_add_cross_ref (&node->seehead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ }
+/* Second level token processing */
+ else {
+ (void)strcpy(spell_str,token_2);
+ idx_build_spell_string(spell_str);
+ node = idx_locate_node (&node->subhead, token_2, spell_str);
+ if (node == 0) {
+ (void)printf("Error processing index subitem %s\n", token_2);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (token_ct == 2) {
+ if (!flag)
+ idx_add_page_ref (&node->pghead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ else
+ idx_add_cross_ref (&node->seehead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ }
+/* Third level token processing */
+ else {
+ (void)strcpy(spell_str,token_3);
+ idx_build_spell_string(spell_str);
+ node = idx_locate_node (&node->subhead, token_3, spell_str);
+ if (node == 0) {
+ (void)printf("Error processing index subsubitem %s\n", token_3);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!flag)
+ idx_add_page_ref (&node->pghead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ else
+ idx_add_cross_ref (&node->seehead, page_no, highlight, vol);
+ }
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Locate_Node - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This routine scans the list of nodes (starting from the listhead),
+ * looking for one which has a spell-string identical to the given
+ * spell string. If it doesn't find one, it adds a node in the right place
+ * in the chain to maintain alphabetical order.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * node = Idx_Locate_Node (head, token, desc)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * head -> is the address of the listhead of the list to be
+ * scanned. As such, it is a TREE_PTR, passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * token -> is the token to be located or entered in the list.
+ * ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * desc -> is the spell string, passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * node -> is the address of the tree leaf for the current token.
+ * It is a TREE_PTR, passed by value. If the leaf did not
+ * already exist and if the system was unable to allocate
+ * one, the node is returned as 0.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * The list specified by the listhead will be modified if it is not
+ * possible to add a new leaf when necessary.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * An empty listhead contains 0.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * The node is returned.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * Allocation failure -- node = 0.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. If the list is empty,
+ * 1. Allocate a node and link it in.
+ * B. Else,
+ * 1. Beginning with the first node,
+ * a. If spell-string < node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Get next node.
+ * b. If spell-string = node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Return node pointer.
+ * c. If spell-string > node-spell-string,
+ * 1. Allocate a node and link it in.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * Although this algorithm isn't a very efficient way to alphatize things,
+ * it has the tremendous virtue of being easy to implement. Since the
+ * program is not run often (typically a couple of times per document),
+ * the inefficiency is not important.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Locate_Node - Code Section
+ */
+TREE_PTR idx_locate_node (head, token, desc)
+ TREE_PTR *head;
+ char *token;
+ char *desc;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ TREE_PTR old_node;
+ TREE_PTR new_node;
+ int status;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Chain through the list, looking for the right place */
+ old_node = 0;
+ new_node = *head;
+ while (new_node != 0) {
+ status = strcmp(new_node->spell, desc);
+ if (status < 0) {
+ old_node = new_node;
+ new_node = new_node->link;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (status == 0) return (new_node);
+ if (status > 0) {
+ node = idx_allocate_node (token, desc);
+ if (old_node == 0) *head = node;
+ else old_node->link = node;
+ node->link = new_node;
+ return (node);
+ }
+ }
+/* If the list is exhausted, allocate a node immediately */
+ node = idx_allocate_node (token, desc);
+ if (old_node == 0) *head = node;
+ else old_node->link = node;
+ return (node);
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_Node - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Allocate and initialize a leaf of the Index Tree.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * node = Idx_Allocate_Node (token, desc)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * token -> token string. ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * desc -> spell string. Character string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * node -> Address of the allocated node. TREE_PTR passed by
+ * value.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * node is allocated.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * allocation failure -- node is returned == 0.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Allocate virtual memory for the node.
+ * B. Initialize the node structure.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_Node - Code Section
+ */
+TREE_PTR idx_allocate_node (token, desc)
+ char *token;
+ char *desc;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ node = (TREE_PTR) malloc (sizeof(TREE));
+ if (node != 0) {
+ node->link = 0;
+ node->subhead = 0;
+ node->pghead = 0;
+ node->seehead = 0;
+ node->spell = strdup(desc);
+ node->item = strdup(token);
+ }
+ return (node);
+ * Function Idx_Add_Page_Ref - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * If the specified page reference is not already in the current list,
+ * add it to the end of the list.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Add_Page_Ref (pghead, token, highlight, vol)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * pghead -> the address of the listhead for the page reference list.
+ * a PGNODE_PTR, passed by reference.
+ *
+ * token -> the page reference. ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * highlight -> a flag indicating what sort of highlighting to give
+ * this particular page reference. char passed by value.
+ *
+ * vol -> is a pointer to a character string descriptor which
+ * describes the volume string.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * If a new page reference needs to be added, the list is updated.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * If the page reference already exists, nothing happens. If a new
+ * page reference needs to be added, it is allocated and appended to the
+ * end of the list.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * If there is an allocation failure, the page reference is not added.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Put the page_no token in a dynamic string.
+ * B. For all nodes in the list,
+ * 1. If the page-no in the list does not match the page-no,
+ * a. Get next node.
+ * 2. Else,
+ * a. Return.
+ * C. If the list is exhausted,
+ * 1. Allocate a new node.
+ * 2. Fill it in.
+ * 3. Chain it to the end of the list.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * This routine assumes that page-no references are always in numerical
+ * order. This assumption is necessary, because the variety of page
+ * numbering (perhaps within the document) makes it impossible to check
+ * for order.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Add_Page_Ref - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_add_page_ref (pghead, token, highlight, vol)
+ PGNODE_PTR *pghead;
+ char *token;
+ char highlight;
+ char *vol;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR node;
+ PGNODE_PTR last_node = *pghead;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ page_ref = strdup(token);
+ while (last_node != 0) {
+ if ((strcmp(last_node->page_dsc, page_ref) == 0) &&
+ ((strcmp(last_node->vol, vol)) == 0)) {
+ if (highlight == IDX_K_NONE) return;
+ last_node->highlight = highlight;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (last_node->link == 0) break;
+ last_node = last_node->link;
+ }
+ node = idx_allocate_pgnode (vol, page_ref, highlight);
+ if (node != 0) {
+ if (last_node == 0) *pghead = node;
+ else last_node->link = node;
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Add_Cross_Ref - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse and build a cross reference string. If the string is not already
+ * on the current list, add it to the list in alphabetical order.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Add_Cross_Ref (seehead, token, highlight, vol)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * seehead -> the address of the listhead for the cross-reference
+ * list.
+ *
+ * token -> the cross-reference string. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * hightlight -> a flag indicating what sort of highlighting to give"
+ * this particular cross-reference. char passed by value.
+ *
+ * vol -> is a pointer to a character string descriptor which
+ * describes the volume string.f
+ *
+ * Outputs:e
+ * noneM
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:a
+ * If a new cross-reference needs to be added, the list is updated.t
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * nonea
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * nonef
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:s
+ * If the cross-reference already exists, nothing happens. If a new
+ * page reference needs to be added, it is allocated and added to thei
+ * list.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * If there is an allocation failure, the page reference is not added.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Parse the page reference into tokens.
+ * B. Build the cross-reference text string and put it in a dynamic string.
+ * C. Build a spell string for it.
+ * D. Chain the string into the list.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:*
+ * none*
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Add_Cross_Ref - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_add_cross_ref (seehead, token, highlight, vol)
+ PGNODE_PTR *seehead;
+ char *token;
+ char highlight;
+ char *vol;
+ * Local Declarationsp
+ */
+ int length;
+ PGNODE_PTR node;
+ PGNODE_PTR old_node = 0;
+ PGNODE_PTR new_node = *seehead;
+ char tok_1[linebfsize];
+ char tok_2[linebfsize];
+ char tok_3[linebfsize];
+ char dummy[linebfsize];
+ int tok_ct;
+ int flag;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ * Parse the cross-reference string into its tokens using Idx_Parse.
+ * Then combine the results to build a token string and write it to thei
+ * page_ref dynamic string. Compute its spell string.
+ */
+ idx_parse(token, tok_1, tok_2, tok_3, dummy, &tok_ct, &flag);
+ if (tok_ct == 0) return;
+ if (strlen(tok_1) == 0) return;
+ if (tok_ct > 1 && strlen(tok_2) == 0) return;
+ if (tok_ct > 2 && strlen(tok_3) == 0) return;
+ length = strlen(tok_1);
+ (void)sprintf (dummy, "%s", tok_1);
+ if (tok_ct > 1) {
+ (void)sprintf (&dummy[length], ", %s", tok_2);
+ length += strlen(tok_2);
+ }
+ if (tok_ct > 2) {
+ (void)sprintf(&dummy[length], ", %s", tok_3);
+ length += strlen(tok_3);
+ }
+ page_ref = strdup(dummy);
+ tok_spell = dummy;
+ idx_build_spell_string(tok_spell);
+ * Now scan the list of cross-references to find where to put this one.C
+ */
+ while (new_node != 0) {
+ (void)strncpy(dummy, new_node->page_dsc,
+ strlen(new_node->page_dsc));
+ dummy[strlen(new_node->page_dsc)] = '\0';
+ (void)strcpy(see_spell, dummy);
+ idx_build_spell_string(see_spell);
+ flag = strcmp(see_spell, tok_spell);
+ if (flag < 0) {
+ old_node = new_node;
+ new_node = new_node->link;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (flag == 0) return;
+ if (flag > 0) {
+ node = idx_allocate_pgnode(vol, page_ref, highlight);
+ if (node != 0) {
+ if (old_node == 0) *seehead = node;
+ else old_node->link = node;
+ node->link = new_node;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the list is exhausted, allocate a node immediately */
+ node = idx_allocate_pgnode(vol, page_ref, highlight);
+ if (node != 0) {
+ if (old_node == 0) *seehead = node;
+ else old_node->link = node;
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_PgNode - Documentation Sectioni
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Allocate and initialize a new page node.o
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * node = Idx_Allocate_PgNode (vol, dsc, hlite)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * vol -> is the address of the volume string descriptor.
+ *
+ * dsc -> is the address of the page ref string descriptor.
+ *
+ * hlite -> is the highlight flag
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * nonem
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * node -> is the address of the newly allocated node.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * if the allocation failed, node is returned = 0.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Allocate the node.
+ * B. If successful,
+ * 1. Initialize it.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_PgNode - Code Section
+ */
+PGNODE_PTR idx_allocate_pgnode (vol, dsc, hlite)
+ char *vol;
+ char *dsc;
+ char hlite;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR node;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ node = (PGNODE_PTR) malloc (sizeof(PGNODE));
+ if (node != 0) {
+ node->link = 0;
+ node->vol = strdup(vol);
+ node->highlight = hlite;
+ node->page_dsc = strdup(dsc);
+ }
+ return (node);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxcmd.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxcmd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..402c248d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxcmd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* #module IdxCmd "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxCmd
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 13-Jun-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ *
+ * This routine parses the IdxTeX Command Line, and returns the name of
+ * the input file and a flag which indicates whether to add an entry to
+ * the table of contents for the Index.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 13-Jun-1986 Original Code, based on the CRDVLIB
+ * Library routine LIB_PARSE_FOREIGN
+ * 2-002 RLA 09-Apr-1987 Add support for the /MASTER qualifier
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxCmd - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1 /* Success value */
+#define FALSE 0 /* Failure value */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_command(int argc, char *argv[], char *file,
+ int *toc_flag, int *mst_flag);
+void idx_command();
+ * External References:
+ */
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Commmand - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This routine uses lib$get_foreign to read the command line. It
+ * prefixes the command line with "IdxTeX ", so that the CLI routines
+ * will have the appropriate information on which to operate. It then
+ * parses the command line and returns the appropriate information to the
+ * program.
+ *
+ * Since this routine establishes LIB$SIG_TO_STOP as a condition handler,
+ * syntax errors detected during processing result in program exit.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Command (file, toc_flag, mst_flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * file -> is the input file specified in the command line. This
+ * is a required parameter. This variable is an ASCIZ
+ * string passed by reference. The calling program is
+ * responsible for allocating a sufficiently large
+ * string (i.e., char file[256]).
+ *
+ * toc_flag -> indicates whether the /TOC qualifier was specified.
+ * Values returned are:
+ * IDX_K_NONE - /TOC not specified.
+ * IDX_K_ARTICLE - /TOC:ARTICLE specified.
+ * IDX_K_REPORT - /TOC:REPORT specified.
+ *
+ * mst_flag -> indicates whether the /MASTER qualifier was specified.
+ * Returns a boolean result.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * IdxTeX is invokes as a Foreign DCL command.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * Routine returns to caller. The "file", "toc_flag", and "mst_flag"
+ * variables are set up correctly.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * Since the routine establishes LIB$SIG_TO_STOP as its exception handler,
+ * syntax and parsing errors detected by the CLI$ routines (which signal
+ * errors) cause the program to exit. That is, all syntax errors are
+ * fatal.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Call Lib$Get_Foreign to retrieve the command line.
+ * B. Prefix the command line with the command verb.
+ * C. Call Cli$DCL_Parse to parse the command line.
+ * D. Process the file name.
+ * 1. Get the file name.
+ * 2. Convert it to an ASCIZ string.
+ * E. Process the /TOC qualifier.
+ * 1. If /TOC is not specified,
+ * a. toc_flag = IDX_K_NONE.
+ * 2. If /TOC:ARTICLE specified,
+ * a. toc_flag = IDX_K_ARTICLE.
+ * 3. If /TOC:REPORT specified.
+ * a. toc_flag = IDX_K_REPORT.
+ * F. Process the /MASTER qualifier.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * This routine is based on the LIB_PARSE_FOREIGN routine, suitably
+ * modified.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Command - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_command (argc, argv, file, toc_flag, mst_flag)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ char *file; /* File name parameter */
+ int *toc_flag; /* /TOC flag */
+ int *mst_flag; /* /MASTER flag */
+ * Local Declarations:
+ */
+ int i;
+ * Module Body:
+ */
+/* Establish a condition handler */
+/* Get the command line */
+/* Parse the command line */
+/* Get the filename string */
+ (void)sprintf(file,"%s", argv[1]);
+/* Process the /TOC qualifier */
+ i = 2;
+ *toc_flag = IDX_K_NONE;
+ if (argc > i) {
+ if ((strncmp("/TOC", argv[i],4)) == 0) {
+ if (argv[i][5] == 'A') *toc_flag = IDX_K_ARTICLE;
+ if (argv[i][5] == 'R') *toc_flag = IDX_K_REPORT;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Process the /MASTER qualifier */
+ *mst_flag = FALSE;
+ if (argc > i)
+ if (strncmp("/MASTER",argv[i],7) == 0) *mst_flag = TRUE;
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxgen.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxgen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d80efd3d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxgen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+/* #module IdxGen "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxGen
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 28-Apr-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Generate the text file used to actually generate the index text.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 28-Apr-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 03-May-1986 Add support for page-no highlighting
+ * 1-003 RLA 14-Jun-1986 Add support for the /TOC qualifier
+ * 2-004 RLA 10-Apr-1987 Enhance the visual appearance of the
+ * index and add support of a master
+ * index.
+ * 2-005 RLA 11-Apr-1987 Fix spacing around each new group by
+ * defining the \indexhead macro.
+ * 2-006 RLA 14-Apr-1987 Support new page-no highlight option.
+ * 2-007 RLA 16-Apr-1987 Add support for cross references.
+ * 2-008 RLA 20-Apr-1987 Final formatting enhancements
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxGen - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_generate(FILE *file, int toc_flag, int mst_flag);
+void idx_preamble(FILE *file, int toc_flag, int mst_flag);
+void idx_new_group(char *test_char, TREE_PTR node, FILE *file);
+void idx_write(TREE_PTR node, char *intro_str, FILE *file, int mst_flag);
+void idx_postamble(FILE *file);
+void idx_generate();
+void idx_preamble();
+void idx_new_group();
+void idx_write();
+void idx_postamble();
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void idx_build_range(TREE_PTR node);
+extern void idx_build_range();
+extern TREE_PTR root;
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Generate - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Generate the output file containing the appropriate LaTeX command lines
+ * to generate the index.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Generate (file, toc_flag, mst_flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * file -> is the file descriptor for the current output file.
+ * It is a pointer to FILE.
+ *
+ * toc_flag -> is a flag indicating what kind of treatment should be
+ * applied to for table-of-contents processing. It is an
+ * integer, passed by value. Values are:
+ * IDX_K_NONE - Do nothing.
+ * IDX_K_ARTICLE - Add a section-oriented toc entry
+ * IDX_K_REPORT - Add a chapter-oriented toc entry
+ *
+ * mst_flag -> is a flag which specifies whether a master index is
+ * being generated. Volume labels are printed for the
+ * master index.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * The Index Tree is used read-only.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The current output file is written.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * The output file pointed to by the file variable is open.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * Output is written to the file.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * Errors are ignored, in the sense that they don't generate output.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Write pre-amble information.
+ * B. For each item in the primary list,
+ * 1. If the first letter of the entry changed,
+ * a. Output special formatting information.
+ * 2. Process the information for this item.
+ * 3. For each subitem,
+ * a. Process information for this subitem.
+ * b. For each subsubitem,
+ * 1. Process information for this subsubitem.
+ * C. Write post-amble information.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Generate - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_generate (file, toc_flag, mst_flag)
+ FILE *file;
+ int toc_flag;
+ int mst_flag;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ TREE_PTR node_1;
+ TREE_PTR node_2;
+ TREE_PTR node_3;
+ char first_letter;
+ int item_count = 0;
+ int subitem_count = 0;
+ int subsubitem_count = 0;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Write the pre-amble. */
+ idx_preamble(file, toc_flag, mst_flag);
+ node_1 = root;
+ first_letter = '+';
+/* For each node of the primary tree, */
+ while (node_1 != 0) {
+ idx_new_group(&first_letter, node_1, file);
+ idx_write (node_1, "\\item", file, mst_flag);
+ item_count++;
+ node_2 = node_1->subhead;
+ while (node_2 != 0) {
+ idx_write (node_2, "\\subitem", file, mst_flag);
+ subitem_count++;
+ node_3 = node_2->subhead;
+ while (node_3 != 0) {
+ idx_write (node_3, "\\subsubitem", file, mst_flag);
+ subsubitem_count++;
+ node_3 = node_3->link;
+ }
+ node_2 = node_2->link;
+ }
+ node_1 = node_1->link;
+ }
+/* Report the total counts of entries. */
+ (void)printf("\nIndex processing statistics:\n");
+ (void)printf(" Items: %d\n", item_count);
+ (void)printf(" Subitems: %d\n", subitem_count);
+ (void)printf(" Subsubitems: %d\n\n", subsubitem_count);
+/* Write the post-amble */
+ idx_postamble(file);
+ * Function Idx_PreAmble - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Write the pre-amble information to the output file.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_PreAmble (file, toc_flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * file -> is the file descriptor for the output file.
+ *
+ * toc_flag -> is a flag used to indicate what treatment should be
+ * performed for table-of-contents processing. It is
+ * an integer passed by value. Values are:
+ * IDX_K_NONE - Do nothing.
+ * IDX_K_ARTICLE - Add a section-oriented toc entry.
+ * IDX_K_REPORT - Add a chapter-oriented toc entry.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * non
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The file described by "file" is written.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Write pre-amble information.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_PreAmble - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_preamble (file, toc_flag, mst_flag)
+ FILE *file;
+ int toc_flag;
+ int mst_flag;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ * Module Body
+ *
+ * Define the \indexhead macro:
+ * \par
+ * IF @nobreak = TRUE
+ * THEN \everypar == null
+ * ELSE \addpenalty{\@secpanalty}
+ * \addvspace{BEFORESKIP}
+ * FI
+ * \begingroup
+ * \sl HEADING\par
+ * \endgroup
+ * \@xsect{AFTERSKIP}
+ * END
+ */
+ if (mst_flag)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(file,"\\def\\indexname{\\masterindexname}\n");
+ }
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\makeatletter\n");
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\def\\indexhead#1#2#3{\\par\\if@nobreak \\everypar{}\\else\n");
+ (void)fprintf (file, " \\addpenalty{\\@secpenalty}\\addvspace{#1}\\fi\n");
+ (void)fprintf (file, " \\begingroup \\large\\bf \\hfil #3 \\hfil\\par \\endgroup\n");
+ (void)fprintf (file, " \\@xsect{#2}}\n");
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\makeatother\n");
+ * Define the \indexindent macro:
+ * \indexindent ==
+ * \par \hangindent 50pt \hspace*{40pt}
+ */
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\def\\indexindent{\\par\\hangindent 50pt\\hspace*{40pt}}\n");
+/* Start the index */
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\begin{theindex} \\raggedright\n");
+ if (toc_flag == IDX_K_NONE)
+ {
+ if (mst_flag)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(file, "\\typeout{Master Index.}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (toc_flag == IDX_K_ARTICLE)
+ {
+ if (mst_flag)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf (file,"\\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\\masterindexname}\\typeout{Master Index.}\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+(void)fprintf (file,"\\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\\indexname}\\typeout{Index.}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (toc_flag == IDX_K_REPORT)
+ {
+ if (mst_flag)
+ (void)fprintf (file,"\\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\masterindexname}\\typeout{Index.}\n");
+ else
+ (void)fprintf (file,"\\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\\indexname}\\typeout{Index.}\n");
+ }
+ (void)printf("\nA Table of Contents entry will be made for the Index.\n");
+ * Function Idx_New_Group - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Handle special processing at the boundaries between index entries
+ * which begin with different letters.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_New_Group (test_char, node, file)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * test_char -> is the character which is the first character
+ * of the current group. Passed by reference.
+ *
+ * node -> is the TREE_PTR for the current node.
+ *
+ * file -> is a file pointer for the output file.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * test_char -> if a new group is declared, the test character
+ * is updated.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * The Index Tree is read.
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * If a new group is declared, records are written to the output file.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Current_Char is the first character of the Spell String of the
+ * current node, or a space if the first character is not a letter.
+ * B. If Current_Char != Test_Char,
+ * 1. Generate commands.
+ * 2. Test_Char = Current_Char.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_New_Group - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_new_group (test_char, node, file)
+ char *test_char;
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ FILE *file;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char current_char = ' ';
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if ((strlen(node->spell)) > 0)
+ current_char = node->spell[0];
+ if (isalpha(current_char) == 0) current_char = ' ';
+ if ((current_char > 'a') && (current_char < 'z'))
+ current_char -= 32;
+ if (*test_char != current_char) {
+ if (current_char == ' ')
+ (void)fprintf (file,
+ "\\indexhead{2em}{1em}{--- \\symbolsname ---}\n");
+ else
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\indexhead{2em}{1em}{--- %c ---}\n",
+ current_char);
+ *test_char = current_char;
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Write - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Write the basic text line for the current entry.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Write (node, intro_str, file, mst_flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * node -> TREE_PTR of the node whose data is to be reported.
+ *
+ * intro_str -> introductory character string, ASCIZ passed by ref.
+ *
+ * file -> file pointer for output file.
+ *
+ * mst_flag -> flag indicates if a master index is being generated.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The output file is written.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Print the first part of the string, containing the item.
+ * B. If there is at least one page number specified,
+ * 1. Print the first page number (which is formatted specially).
+ * 2. For all remaining page numbers,
+ * a. Print them.
+ * C. If there is at least one cross reference specified,
+ * 1. Print the "see" or "see also" line.
+ * 2. For all cross references,
+ * a. Print them.
+ * D. Print the record trailer.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * When printing page numbers, allow for page-no highlighting. The
+ * highlight code is specified in the pgnode list element. Recognized
+ * values are:
+ * IDX_K_NONE - No highlighting
+ * IDX_K_UNDERLINE - Underline the page number
+ * IDX_K_ITALIC - Italicize the page number
+ * IDX_K_BOLD - Boldface the page number
+ * IDX_K_FOLLOW - ff follows the page number
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Write - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_write (node, intro_str, file, mst_flag)
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ char *intro_str;
+ FILE *file;
+ int mst_flag;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char string[256];
+ int length;
+ PGNODE_PTR pgnode;
+ int highlight;
+ char *old_vol;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ length = strlen(intro_str) + strlen(node->item) + 1;
+ (void)sprintf(string,"%s{%s",intro_str,node->item);
+ if (node->pghead != 0) {
+ idx_build_range(node);
+ pgnode = node->pghead;
+ if (mst_flag) {
+ (void)sprintf(&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{$\\bullet$ {\\sl %s}, ",
+ pgnode->vol);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->vol)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{$\\bullet$ {\\sl }, ");
+ old_vol = pgnode->vol;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], ", ");
+ length += 2;
+ }
+ highlight = pgnode->highlight;
+ switch (highlight) {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "\\mbox{\\rm\\underline{%s}}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm\\underline{}}");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_ITALIC :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\em %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\em }");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_BOLD :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\bf %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\bf }");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_FOLLOW :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\rm %s\\sf ff}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm \\sf ff}");
+ break;
+ default :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\rm %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm }");
+ break;
+ }
+ while ((pgnode = pgnode->link) != 0) {
+ if (length > 62) {
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s%%\n", string);
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ if (mst_flag) {
+ if ((strcmp(old_vol,pgnode->vol)) != 0) {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{$\\bullet$ {\\sl %s} ",
+ pgnode->vol);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->vol)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{$\\bullet$ {\\sl } ");
+ old_vol = pgnode->vol;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], ", ");
+ length += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], ", ");
+ length += 2;
+ }
+ highlight = pgnode->highlight;
+ switch (highlight) {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "\\mbox{\\rm\\underline{%s}}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm\\underline{}}");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_ITALIC :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\em %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\em ");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_BOLD :
+ (void)sprintf(&string[length], "\\mbox{\\bf %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\bf ");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_FOLLOW :
+ (void)sprintf(&string[length],
+ "\\mbox{\\rm %s\\sf ff}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm \\sf ff}");
+ break;
+ default :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length], "\\mbox{\\rm %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("\\mbox{\\rm }");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->seehead != 0) {
+ pgnode = node->seehead;
+ if (mst_flag) {
+ if (node->pghead == 0)
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s}\n\\indexindent{\\em \\seename", string);
+ else
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s}\n\\indexindent{\\em \\alsoname",
+ string);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (node->pghead == 0)
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s, {\\em \\seename}\n", string);
+ else
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s; {\\em \\alsoname}\n", string);
+ }
+ length = 0;
+ while (pgnode != 0) {
+ if (length > 62) {
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s%%\n", string);
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ highlight = pgnode->highlight;
+ switch(highlight) {
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ \\rm\\underline{%s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ \\rm\\underline{}");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_ITALIC :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\em %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\em }");
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_BOLD :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\bf %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\bf }");
+ break;
+ default :
+ (void)sprintf (&string[length],
+ "}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\rm %s}",
+ pgnode->page_dsc);
+ length += strlen(pgnode->page_dsc)
+ + strlen("}\\indexindent{\\ $\\bullet$ {\\rm }");
+ break;
+ }
+ pgnode=pgnode->link;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)fprintf (file, "%s}\n", string);
+ * Function Idx_PostAmble - Documentation Sectionm
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Write the lines which occur at the end of the file.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_PostAmble (file);
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * file -> is the file pointer for the output file.*
+ *
+ * Outputs:r
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * Output file is written.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Write the end-matter.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_PostAmble - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_postamble (file)
+ FILE *file;
+ * Local Declarationst
+ */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ (void)fprintf (file, "\\end{theindex}\n");
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxmaster.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxmaster.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1244af462e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxmaster.c
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* #module IdxMaster "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxMaster
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 09-Apr-1987
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * File processing routines for IdxTex
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 09-Apr-1987 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 15-Apr-1987 Add support for cross-referencing
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxMaster - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define linebfsize 133 /* Maximum line buffer size */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_process_file(char *filename, char *vol);
+int idx_parse_master(char *linebf, char *filename, char *vol_ptr);
+void idx_process_file();
+int idx_parse_master();
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void idx_parse(char *linebf, char *token_1, char *token_2,
+ char *token_3, char *page_no, int *token_ct, int *flag);
+extern void idx_build_tree(char *token_1, char *token_2, char *token_3,
+ char *page_no, char token_ct, char *vol, int flag);
+extern int idx_extract(char *string, int *start, int *length);
+extern void idx_parse();
+extern void idx_build_tree();
+extern int idx_extract();
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_File - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Process an input file, building the internal tree structure.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Process_File (filename, vol)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * filename -> is a character string containing the file specification
+ * of the file to be processed.
+ *
+ * vol -> is a pointer to a character string descriptor for the
+ * volume name string of this volume. Used for processing
+ * master indices.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * The specified input file is read.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * If the file does not exist, the file is ignored.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Open the file.
+ * B. For all records in the file,
+ * 1. Read the next record.
+ * 2. Call Idx_Parse to parse the record into tokens.
+ * 3. Call Idx_Build_Tree to enter the information into the Index Tree.
+ * C. Close the file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_File - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_process_file(filename, vol)
+ char *filename; /* Filename string */
+ char *vol; /* Volume string pointer */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ FILE *file; /* File pointer */
+ char linebf[linebfsize]; /* I/O line buffer */
+ char tok_1[linebfsize]; /* 1st token */
+ char tok_2[linebfsize]; /* 2nd token */
+ char tok_3[linebfsize]; /* 3rd token */
+ char pg_no[linebfsize]; /* Page number ref */
+ int tok_ct; /* Token count */
+ int flag; /* Xref flag */
+ char dna[133];
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.idx", filename);
+ if ((file = fopen(dna, "r")) == NULL) {
+ (void)printf("Could not open input file %s -- File ignored\n",
+ filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ while (fgets(linebf, linebfsize, file) != 0) {
+ idx_parse (linebf, tok_1, tok_2, tok_3, pg_no, &tok_ct, &flag);
+ idx_build_tree (tok_1, tok_2, tok_3, pg_no, (char)tok_ct, vol, flag);
+ }
+ (void)fclose(file);
+ * Function Idx_Parse_Master - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse a line of the Master Index file and return a flag indicating
+ * whether a valid line of input was found.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * ok = Idx_Parse_Master (linebf, filename, vol_ptr);
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * linebf -> is the input line buffer, passed as an ASCIZ string.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * filename -> is the file specification of the input file to be
+ * processed, passed as an ASCIZ string.
+ *
+ * vol_ptr -> is a pointer to a character string descriptor which
+ * describes the label associated with this file, passed
+ * by reference.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * ok -> is a boolean flag
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * In practice, the source of the input linebf is a file. However, the
+ * routine does no file I/O itself.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * ok = TRUE A valid line was seen and parsed.
+ * ok = FALSE The line was not valid -- it is treated as a comment.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Verify that the line has the form "\usefile{label}{file}"
+ * B. Parse "label" as the volume string.
+ * C. Parse "file" as the filename.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Parse_Master - Code Section
+ */
+int idx_parse_master(linebf, filename, vol_ptr)
+ char *linebf; /* Input line buffer */
+ char *filename; /* Filename string */
+ char *vol_ptr; /* Volume string pointer */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* Start of String index */
+ int len; /* Length of string */
+ int next; /* next substring index */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (strncmp(linebf, "\\usefile{", 9) != 0) return (FALSE);
+ if (vol_ptr == 0) return (FALSE);
+ i = 8;
+ next = idx_extract(linebf, &i, &len);
+ if (len > 0) (void)strncpy(vol_ptr,&linebf[i],len);
+ i = next;
+ next = idx_extract(linebf, &i, &len);
+ if (len == 0) return (FALSE);
+ (void)strncpy (filename, &linebf[i], len);
+ filename[len] = '\0';
+ return (TRUE);
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxparse.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxparse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e46e10229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxparse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+/* #module IdxParse "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxParse
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 26-Apr-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Parse an input line produced by LaTeX \index command into a form usable
+ * for the generation of an automatic index.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 26-Apr-1986 Original Code
+ * 2-002 RLA 10-Apr-1987 Add support for the Idx_Extract routine.
+ * 2-003 RLA 15-Apr-1987 Add support for cross-referencing
+ * 2-004 RLA 20-Apr-1987 Change the cross reference symbol to
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxParse - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_parse(char *linebf, char *token_1, char *token_2,
+ char *token_3, char *page_no, int *token_ct, int *flag);
+int idx_extract(char *string, int *start, int *length);
+void idx_parse();
+int idx_extract();
+ * External References:
+ */
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Parse - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse an input line which is of the general form
+ * \indexentry{token_1>token_2>token_3}{page_no}
+ * into tokens for "token_1", "token_2", "token_3", and "page_no".
+ * Handle missing tokens and allow for imbedded LaTeX commands.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Parse (linebf, token_1, token_2, token_3, page_no, token_ct,
+ * flag)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * linebf -> is the input string containing the line to parse.
+ * ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * token_1 -> is the first token seen (if any).
+ * ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * token_2 -> is the second token seen (if any).
+ * ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * token_3 -> is the third token seen (if any).
+ * ASCIZ string passed by reference.
+ *
+ * page_no -> is the page number token (should always be present).
+ * ASCIZ string passed by refernce.
+ *
+ * token_ct -> is the number of tokens seen.
+ * Integer passed by reference.
+ *
+ * flag -> indicates if the page reference is a cross-reference.
+ * Boolean passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * returns with the record processed.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Initialize variables.
+ * B. Verify that the line begins with \indexentry.
+ * C. Extract the index item substring.
+ * D. Parse it into tokens.
+ * E. Extract the page reference substring.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * This logic is designed to:
+ * * copy sequences such as \{, \}, and $>$ from the input stream
+ * into tokens without recognizing them as token delimiters.
+ * * allow sequences such as {\bf text} in token without recognizing
+ * the special characters as delimiters.
+ * * allow up to three levels of index and one level of page-no,
+ * ignoring all other characters (which shouldn't exist...)
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Parse - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_parse(linebf,token_1,token_2,token_3,page_no,token_ct,flag)
+ char *linebf; /* Input string to be parsed */
+ char *token_1; /* First token string */
+ char *token_2; /* Second token string */
+ char *token_3; /* Third token string */
+ char *page_no; /* Page number token string */
+ int *token_ct; /* Number of item tokens seen */
+ int *flag; /* Cross-Reference flag */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* linebf counter */
+ int next; /* beginning of next substring */
+ int len; /* length of substring */
+ int math_mode = FALSE; /* math-mode flag */
+ char *ptr; /* pointer to token buffer */
+ int index; /* index into token buffer */
+ int end; /* end of substring */
+ int dummy;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Initialize assorted variables, flags, etc. */
+ token_1[0] = '\0';
+ token_2[0] = '\0';
+ token_3[0] = '\0';
+ page_no[0] = '\0';
+ *token_ct = 0;
+ *flag = FALSE;
+ ptr = token_1;
+ index = 0;
+/* Verify that the string begins with \indexentry */
+ if (strncmp(linebf, "\\indexentry{", 12) != 0) return;
+/* Locate the first substring. */
+ i = 11;
+ next = idx_extract(linebf, &i, &len);
+ if (len == 0) return;
+ *token_ct = 1;
+ end = i + len;
+/* For all characters in the substring, parse out the tokens. */
+ for ( ; i < end; i++) {
+ switch (linebf[i]) {
+ case '$' :
+ if (linebf[i-1] != '\\') {
+ if (math_mode) math_mode = FALSE;
+ else math_mode = TRUE;
+ }
+ ptr[index++] = linebf[i];
+ break;
+ case '>' :
+ if (math_mode) ptr[index++] = linebf[i];
+ else {
+ if (index == 0) break;
+ ptr[index] = '\0';
+ index = 0;
+ switch (*token_ct) {
+ case 1 :
+ ptr = token_2; *token_ct = 2; break;
+ case 2 :
+ ptr = token_3; *token_ct = 3; break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '&' :
+ if (linebf[i-1] == '\\') {
+ ptr[index++] = linebf[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ ptr[index] = '\0';
+ dummy = end-i;
+ (void)sprintf(page_no, "\\indexentry{%.*s}{}",
+ dummy, &linebf[++i]);
+ *flag = TRUE;
+ return;
+ default :
+ ptr[index++] = linebf[i]; break;
+ }
+ }
+ ptr[index] = '\0';
+/* Now parse the second substring and copy it to the page-ref. */
+ i = next;
+ next = idx_extract(linebf, &i, &len);
+ (void)strncpy (page_no, &linebf[i], len);
+ page_no[len] = '\0';
+ * Function Idx_Extract - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Extract a string contained within a {} pair, which may contain imbedded
+ * LaTeX commands.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * next = Idx_Extract (string, start, length)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> is an ASCIZ string containing a substring enclosed in
+ * matching braces ({}).
+ *
+ * start -> is the string index of the first character of the
+ * string to be searched. It is passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * start -> is the string index of the first character of the
+ * substring, passed by reference.
+ *
+ * length -> is the number of characters in the substring, passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * next -> is the string index of the first character after the
+ * '}' which terminates the substring. If the substring
+ * is not terminated by '}', next is the string index of
+ * the '\0' character.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Scan the string for the first '{'.
+ * B. For all succeeding characters in the string,
+ * 1. If the character is '{' (not preceeded by '\\'),
+ * a. Increment the brace count.
+ * 2. If the character is '}' (not preceeded by '\\'),
+ * a. Decrement the brace count.
+ * b. If the brace count = 0,
+ * 1. Return the start and length of the substring.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Extract - Code Section
+ */
+int idx_extract (string, start, length)
+ char *string;
+ int *start;
+ int *length;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* string index */
+ int brace_ct = 0; /* brace count */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ * Scan the string for the first occurrence of a '{' character which is not
+ * preceeded by a '\\'. The next character marks the beginning of the
+ * substring to be extracted.
+ */
+ for (i = *start; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+ if (string[i] != '{') continue;
+ if (i > 0) if (string[i-1] == '\\') continue;
+ *start = i + 1;
+ brace_ct++;
+ break;
+ }
+ * If brace_ct == 0, no leading { was found. This is an error. Return
+ * start = next = end-of-string and length = 0.
+ */
+ if (brace_ct == 0) {
+ *start = sizeof(string);
+ *length = 0;
+ return (sizeof(string));
+ }
+ * Now search the string for a matching }.
+ */
+ for (i = *start; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+ if ((string[i] == '{') && (string[i-1] != '\\')) brace_ct++;
+ if ((string[i] == '}') && (string[i-1] != '\\')) {
+ brace_ct--;
+ if (brace_ct == 0) {
+ *length = i - *start;
+ return (i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * If we get here, no closing } was found. Treat the end of string as a
+ * matching }.
+ */
+ *length = sizeof(string) - *start;
+ return (sizeof(string));
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxrange.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxrange.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4d9fb6a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxrange.c
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+/* #module IdxRange "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxRange
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 07-Apr-1987
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Examine the list of page references to build range references.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 07-Apr-1987 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 14-Apr-1987 Fix algorithm for processing ranges
+ * which contain highlights.
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxRange - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define IDX_K_START 1 /* Start of range */
+#define IDX_K_MIDDLE 2 /* Middle of range */
+#define IDX_K_END 3 /* End of range */
+#define IDX_K_SIMPLE 0 /* Simple page-ref */
+#define IDX_K_COMPLEX 1 /* Complex page-ref */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+typedef struct {
+ char *vol; /* Volume string ptr */
+ char *page_dsc; /* Page-ref string */
+ char highlight; /* Highlight flag */
+ char adjacent; /* Adjacency flag */
+ char flag; /* Range type flag */
+ char type; /* Page-ref type flag */
+ int start; /* Start of range */
+typedef struct {
+ char *vol; /* Volume string ptr */
+ char *chapter; /* Chapter string */
+ int page; /* Page number */
+ char type; /* Page-ref type flag */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_build_range(TREE_PTR node);
+void idx_page_parse(TABLE_PTR elem, CMP_PTR cmp);
+int idx_is_adjacent(CMP_PTR curr, CMP_PTR prev);
+void idx_deallocate_pglist(TREE_PTR node);
+void idx_build_new_pglist(TREE_PTR node, TABLE_PTR table, int size);
+void idx_allocate_new_pgnode(PGNODE_PTR *ptr, TREE_PTR node);
+void idx_build_range();
+void idx_page_parse();
+int idx_is_adjacent();
+void idx_deallocate_pglist();
+void idx_build_new_pglist();
+void idx_allocate_new_pgnode();
+static char *dash = "-";
+static char *simple = "--";
+static char *complex = " to ";
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern int strposition(char *str, char *e_array, int st);
+int strposition();
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Range - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Examine a list of page references. If the list contains any pages
+ * which are in consecutive order, build a new list of page references
+ * which contain one or more range specifications.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Build_Range (node)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * node -> pointer to the current node of the item tree.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none -> pointer to the current node of the item tree.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Count the number of page references in the current list.
+ * 1. If less than 2, there is nothing to do.
+ * B. Allocate a TABLE structure big enough to hold all the references.
+ * C. For each reference,
+ * 1. Fill in the TABLE entry.
+ * 2. Call Idx_Page_Parse to parse the page reference and place the
+ * results of the parse operation in the "new" CMP structure.
+ * 3. Call Idx_Is_Adjacent to compare the information in the "old"
+ * and "new" CMP structures to determine if the page number is
+ * adjacent to the previous one.
+ * 4. If it is,
+ * a. Set the adjacent flag in the TABLE entry.
+ * b. Set the "ranges_found" flag.
+ * D. If no ranges were found,
+ * 1. Deallocate the TABLE.
+ * 2. Return.
+ * E. Else,
+ * 1. Process the TABLE to set up the "flag" and "start" fields.
+ * 2. Call Idx_Deallocate_PgList to deallocate the old page-refs.
+ * 3. Call Idx_Build_New_PgList to allocate a new page-ref list.
+ * 4. Deallocate the TABLE.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Range - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_build_range(node)
+ TREE_PTR node; /* Current tree node */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR pgnode; /* Current page node */
+ int ref_ct = 0; /* Number of page nodes */
+ TABLE_PTR table; /* Local structure pointer */
+ int ranges_found = FALSE; /* Ranges found flag */
+ CMP old; /* Parse struct for prev ref */
+ CMP new; /* Parse struct for curr ref */
+ int i, j; /* Table index */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ * Count the number of page references for the current tree node.
+ * If there are less than 2, there is nothing to do -- no ranges are possible.
+ */
+ pgnode = node->pghead;
+ while (pgnode != 0) {
+ ref_ct++;
+ pgnode = pgnode->link;
+ }
+ if (ref_ct < 2) return;
+ * Allocate an internal data table sufficiently large to contain all of the
+ * existing page reference entries.
+ */
+ table = (TABLE_PTR) malloc ((unsigned int)ref_ct * sizeof(TABLE));
+ if (table == 0) return;
+ * Initialize the previous page reference parse structure to null.
+ */
+ old.vol = 0;
+ = 0;
+ old.type = IDX_K_SIMPLE;
+ pgnode = node->pghead;
+ * For each page reference in the page reference list, we must build the
+ * appropriate entry in the internal data table. To do this, we first
+ * initialize the entry using the available data.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < ref_ct; i++) {
+ table[i].vol = pgnode->vol;
+ table[i].page_dsc = pgnode->page_dsc;
+ table[i].highlight = pgnode->highlight;
+ table[i].adjacent = FALSE;
+ table[i].flag = IDX_K_NONE;
+ table[i].type = IDX_K_SIMPLE;
+ table[i].start = 0;
+ pgnode = pgnode->link;
+ * Now we parse the page descriptor and fill out the data structure used
+ * for comparison and compare it against the previous page reference. If
+ * the pages are consecutive, we flag the table entry and set the ranges_found
+ * flag. Finally, we copy the new structure to the old structure to prepare
+ * for the next iteration.
+ */
+ idx_page_parse (&table[i], &new);
+ if (idx_is_adjacent (&new, &old)) {
+ table[i].adjacent = TRUE;
+ ranges_found = TRUE;
+ }
+ free((char *)&old.chapter);
+ old = new;
+ }
+ * Since we are now done with the "old" and "new" structures, deallocate
+ * the dynamic strings they reference. (So that we don't forget).
+ */
+ free((char *)&old.chapter); /* Just once, please! */
+ * If we haven't found any ranges, then all of this analysis was for nought.
+ * We just deallocate the table and leave, with the initial list intact.
+ */
+ if (!ranges_found) {
+ free((char *)&table);
+ return;
+ }
+ * At this point, we know we have found at least one range, so we have work
+ * to do. First, we need to process the table so that the "flag" and "start"
+ * fields are set up correctly.
+ */
+ for (i = 1; i < ref_ct; i++) {
+ * If the current entry is part of a range and has the FOLLOW highlight, then
+ * make sure that every element of the range has the same highlight.
+ */
+ if (table[i].adjacent && table[i].highlight == IDX_K_FOLLOW) {
+ if (table[i-1].flag == IDX_K_NONE)
+ table[i-1].highlight = IDX_K_FOLLOW;
+ else
+ for (j = table[i-1].start; j < i; j++)
+ table[j].highlight = IDX_K_FOLLOW;
+ }
+ * If the current entry is part of a range which has the FOLLOW highlight, then
+ * it should have that highlight also.
+ */
+ if (table[i].adjacent && table[i-1].highlight == IDX_K_FOLLOW)
+ table[i].highlight = IDX_K_FOLLOW;
+ * If the current entry is part of a range, then update the flag and start
+ * values in the table.
+ */
+ if (table[i].adjacent && (table[i].highlight
+ == table[i-1].highlight)) {
+ if (table[i-1].flag == IDX_K_NONE) {
+ table[i-1].flag = IDX_K_START;
+ table[i-1].start = i-1;
+ }
+ table[i].flag = IDX_K_MIDDLE;
+ table[i].start = table[i-1].start;
+ }
+ * If the entry is not part of a range, then if the preceeding entry was part
+ * of a range, it was the end of that range. Mark it so.
+ */
+ else {
+ if (table[i-1].flag == IDX_K_MIDDLE)
+ table[i-1].flag = IDX_K_END;
+ }
+ }
+ * If the last entry in the table was part of a range, it hasn't been correctly
+ * marked that way yet. Do so now.
+ */
+ if (table[ref_ct-1].flag == IDX_K_MIDDLE)
+ table[ref_ct-1].flag = IDX_K_END;
+ * At this point, we know we are going to create a new page-ref list, so we
+ * can deallocate the old list. Note that we don't need to free any strings,
+ * because they are all contained in the data table...
+ */
+ idx_deallocate_pglist (node);
+ * Now we use the information in the table to build the new page-ref list.
+ */
+ idx_build_new_pglist (node, table, ref_ct);
+ * We are done. To clean up correctly, we must deallocate the table. To
+ * do this, we first deallocate any strings which are defined in the table,
+ * then deallocate the table. This should clean up virtual memory usage
+ * nicely.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < ref_ct; i++) free((char *)table[i].page_dsc);
+ free ((char *)&table);
+ * Function Idx_Page_Parse - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Parse a page number into its component parts.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Page_Parse (elem, cmp)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * elem -> is an element of the table array, describing the
+ * current page reference. It is passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * elem -> is an element of the table array, describing the
+ * current page reference. It is passed by reference.
+ * The "type" flag is updated.
+ *
+ * cmp -> is the comparison data structure into which the data
+ * for this page reference is parsed. It is passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Initialize the output data structure.
+ * B. If the input string contains a '-',
+ * 1. Copy the characters prior to the '-' to the chapter string.
+ * 2. Set the flags to mark this page number as complex.
+ * C. Skip over any '-'s.
+ * D. Convert the rest of the string to an integer.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Page_Parse - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_page_parse (elem, cmp)
+ TABLE_PTR elem; /* Pointer to a table entry */
+ CMP_PTR cmp; /* Pointer to a CMP structure */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* String Index */
+ char *temp;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Initialize the cmp structure. */
+ cmp->vol = elem->vol;
+ cmp->page = 0;
+ cmp->type = IDX_K_SIMPLE;
+ * This routine assumes that the chapter string is delimited by one or more
+ * "-" characters. Determine if the page reference string contains such a
+ * delimiter. If it does, then copy the chapter portion of the string to
+ * the output string and set the "type" field to IDX_K_COMPLEX.
+ */
+ i = strposition(elem->page_dsc, dash, 0);
+ if (i != -1) {
+ i--;
+ (void)strncpy(cmp->chapter, elem->page_dsc, i);
+ cmp->type = IDX_K_COMPLEX;
+ elem->type = IDX_K_COMPLEX;
+ }
+/* Skip all dash characters. */
+ while (elem->page_dsc[i] == '-') i++;
+ if (i<0) i=0;
+/* Convert the page number to an integer */
+ temp = strdup(&elem->page_dsc[i]);
+ (void)sscanf(temp, "%d", &cmp->page);
+ * Function Idx_Is_Adjacent - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Compare two page references and determine if the first is adjacent
+ * to the second.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * boolean = Idx_Is_Adjacent (curr, prev)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * curr -> is the CMP data structure for the current page ref,
+ * passed by reference.
+ *
+ * prev -> is the CMP data structure for the previous page ref,
+ * passed by reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * boolean -> is a boolean result, passed by value.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * boolean = TRUE Pages are consecutive.
+ * boolean = FALSE Pages are not consecutive.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. If the page refs don't have the same type, return FALSE.
+ * B. If the page refs don't have the same vol-string ptr, return FALSE.
+ * C. If the page ref type is COMPLEX,
+ * 1. If the two chapter strings are not the same, return FALSE.
+ * D. If the page numbers are not consecutive, return FALSE.
+ * E. Return TRUE.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Is_Adjacent - Code Section
+ */
+int idx_is_adjacent (curr, prev)
+ CMP_PTR curr; /* Current page-ref structure */
+ CMP_PTR prev; /* Previous page-ref structure */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (curr->type != prev->type) return(FALSE);
+ if (prev->vol == 0) return(FALSE);
+ if ((strcmp(curr->vol,prev->vol)) != 0) return(FALSE);
+ if (curr->type == IDX_K_COMPLEX)
+ if (strcmp(curr->chapter, prev->chapter) != 0) return(FALSE);
+ if ((curr->page == prev->page)
+ || (curr->page == (prev->page + 1))) return(TRUE);
+ return(FALSE);
+ * Function Idx_Deallocate_PgList - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Deallocate the old page list for the current tree node.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Deallocate_PgList (node)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * node -> is the current tree node, passed by ref.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * node -> is the current tree node, passed by ref.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. While the page listhead is not empty,
+ * 1. Unlink the current top of the list.
+ * 2. Deallocate it.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Deallocate_PgList - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_deallocate_pglist (node)
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR curr; /* Current page node */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ while (node->pghead != 0) {
+ curr = node->pghead;
+ node->pghead = curr->link;
+ free((char *)curr);
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Build_New_PgList - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Use the data table to construct a new pagelist.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Build_New_PgList (node, table, size)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * node -> is the current tree node, passed by reference.
+ *
+ * table -> is the data table, passed by reference.
+ *
+ * size -> is the number of elements in the table, passed by value.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * node -> is the current tree node, passed by reference. The
+ * new page list is linked to the pghead.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * The tree node has a null page list.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:*
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For each entry in the table,
+ * 1. If the entry is not part of a range,
+ * a. Allocate a new element for the page list.
+ * b. Fill it out.
+ * 2. If the entry is the beginning of a range,
+ * a. Allocate a new element for the page list.
+ * b. Begin filling out the page list element.
+ * 3. If the entry is the middle of a range,
+ * a. Ignore it.
+ * 4. If the entry is the end of a range,
+ * a. Complete filling out the page list element.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:o
+ * nonet
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_New_PgList - Code Sectionm
+ */
+void idx_build_new_pglist (node, table, size)
+ TREE_PTR node;
+ TABLE_PTR table;
+ int size;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR ptr = 0; /* New PageRef Pointer */
+ int i; /* Current table entry */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ switch (table[i].flag) {
+ case IDX_K_NONE:
+ idx_allocate_new_pgnode(&ptr, node);
+ ptr->vol = table[i].vol;
+ (void)strcpy(ptr->page_dsc, table[i].page_dsc);
+ ptr->highlight = table[i].highlight;
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_START:
+ idx_allocate_new_pgnode(&ptr, node);
+ ptr->vol = table[i].vol;
+ (void)strcpy(ptr->page_dsc, table[i].page_dsc);
+ if ((ptr->highlight = table[i].highlight) == IDX_K_FOLLOW)
+ break;
+ if (table[i].type == IDX_K_SIMPLE)
+ (void)strcat(ptr->page_dsc, simple);
+ else (void)strcat(ptr->page_dsc, complex);
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_MIDDLE:
+ break;
+ case IDX_K_END:
+ if (ptr->highlight != IDX_K_FOLLOW)
+ (void)strcat(ptr->page_dsc, table[i].page_dsc);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_New_PgNode - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Allocate and link a new page-ref node into the current list.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Allocate_New_PgNode(ptr, node)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * ptr -> is the current page-ref node pointer, passed by ref.
+ *
+ * node -> is the current tree-node pointer.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * ptr -> is the new page-ref pointer, passed by reference.r
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * nones
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none;
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Allocate a new pgnode.
+ * B. Link it into the chain after the current pointer.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Allocate_New_PgNode - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_allocate_new_pgnode (ptr, node)
+ PGNODE_PTR *ptr; /* Page-Ref Node Pointer */
+ TREE_PTR node; /* Node pointer */
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ PGNODE_PTR new; /* New Page-Ref Node Ptr */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ new = (PGNODE_PTR) malloc(sizeof(PGNODE));
+ new->link = 0;
+ new->vol = 0;
+ new->highlight = IDX_K_NONE;
+ if ((*ptr) == 0) node->pghead = new;
+ else (*ptr)->link = new;
+ new->page_dsc = malloc(133);
+ *ptr = new;
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxspell.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxspell.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e526a754e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxspell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+/* #module IdxSpell "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxSpell
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 07-May-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Build the Spell String for an index term, properly handling LaTeX
+ * syntax and commands.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 07-May-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 17-Mar-1987 Fix \verb error
+ * 1-003 RLA 06-Apr-1987 Fix error processing emphasis
+ * 2-004 RLA 16-Apr-1987 Honor the \verb environment in spelling
+ * 2-005 RLA 20-Apr-1987 Enhance at-sign string
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxSpell - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+#include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+void idx_build_spell_string(char *desc);
+void idx_replace_string(char *string, int start, int length, char *replace);
+void idx_collapse_string(char *string);
+void idx_process_accent(char *string);
+void idx_process_groups(char *string);
+int idx_process_verb(char *string);
+void idx_process_backslash(char *string);
+void idx_process_emphasis(char *string);
+int idx_is_verbatim(char *desc, int *ctx, int *index);
+void strupcase(char *in, char *out);
+void strprefix(char *str, char prefix);
+int strposition(char *str, char *e_array, int st);
+int chrposition(char str, char *e_array);
+void idx_build_spell_string();
+void idx_replace_string();
+void idx_collapse_string();
+void idx_process_accent();
+void idx_process_groups();
+int idx_process_verb();
+void idx_process_backslash();
+void idx_process_emphasis();
+int idx_is_verbatim();
+void strupcase();
+void strprefix();
+int strposition();
+int chrposition();
+static char *accent_set = "`'^\"~=.uvHtcdb";
+#define emphasis_array_count 18
+ static char *emphasis_array[emphasis_array_count] = {
+ "\\rm",
+ "\\em",
+ "\\bf",
+ "\\it",
+ "\\sf",
+ "\\sl",
+ "\\sc",
+ "\\tt",
+ "\\normalsize",
+ "\\small",
+ "\\tiny",
+ "\\footnotesize",
+ "\\large",
+ "\\Large",
+ "\\LARGE",
+ "\\huge",
+ "\\Huge",
+ "\\cal"};
+static char at_sign = '@';
+static char *verb = "\\verb";
+ * External References:
+ */
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Spell_String - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Create a string which can be used to put the token in the right place
+ * in a list of tokens. The string will be UPPERCASE, will exclude
+ * internal LaTeX commands which are included for emphasis, and will have
+ * whitespace collapsed into single spaces.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Build_Spell_String (token, desc)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * token -> is the token to be processed. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * desc -> is the "Spell String", properly formulated. Passed by
+ * dynamic string descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Copy the token into a dynamic string.
+ * B. Process Accent commands in the string.
+ * C. Process emphasis commands in the string.
+ * D. Remove grouping characters in the string.
+ * E. Remove backslashes in the string.
+ * F. Process \verb commands in the string.
+ * G. Clean up the string.
+ * 1. Convert it to upper case.
+ * 2. Collapse the string -- i.e., remove non-essential whitespace.
+ * 3. If the string begins with a \, remove it.
+ * 4. Make sure that all strings beginning with symbols are in the
+ * right place.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Build_Spell_String - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_build_spell_string (desc)
+ char *desc;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Copy the token string into a dynamic string for processing */
+/* Process accent strings */
+ idx_process_accent(desc);
+/* Process emphasis commands */
+ idx_process_emphasis(desc);
+/* Remove grouping characters */
+ idx_process_groups(desc);
+/* Remove backslashes */
+ idx_process_backslash(desc);
+/* Process \verb commands */
+ while (idx_process_verb(desc)) ;
+/* Clean up the string */
+ strupcase(desc, desc);
+ idx_collapse_string (desc);
+ if (desc[0] == '\\') idx_replace_string(desc, 1, 1, (char *)0);
+ if (desc[0] > 'Z') strprefix(desc, at_sign);
+ * Function Idx_Replace_String - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This function replaces a specified substring in a dynamic string with
+ * a specified replacement string.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Replace_String (string, start, length, replace)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> is the string to be updated. The string is a dynamic
+ * string, passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * start -> is the starting position in the string. The first
+ * position in the string is position 1. Integer passed
+ * by value.
+ *
+ * length -> is the number of characters in the substring to be
+ * replaced. Integer passed by value.
+ *
+ * replace -> is the replacement text. ASCIZ string passed by
+ * reference.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> is the updated string. It is a dynamic string, passed
+ * by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Copy the characters up to the first character in the substring to
+ * be replaced into a temporary string.
+ * B. Copy the replacement string into the temporary string.
+ * C. Copy the remainder of the initial string into the temporary string.
+ * D. Update the initial string.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * It is assumed that the updated string will be no more than 132
+ * characters long.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Replace_String - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_replace_string (string, start, length, replace)
+ char *string;
+ int start;
+ int length;
+ char *replace;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int new_length; /* length of new string */
+ int rpl_length; /* length of the replace string */
+ int left; /* number of characters left */
+ char temp[133]; /* temporary string */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ new_length = 0;
+ if (start > 1) {
+ (void)strncpy(temp, string, start-1);
+ new_length = start-1;
+ }
+ if (replace != 0) {
+ rpl_length = strlen(replace);
+ if (rpl_length > 0) {
+ (void)strncpy(&temp[new_length], replace, rpl_length);
+ new_length += rpl_length;
+ }
+ }
+ left = strlen(string) - (start - 1) - length;
+ if (left > 0) {
+ (void)strncpy(&temp[new_length], &string[start+length-1], left);
+ new_length += left;
+ }
+ temp[new_length] = '\0';
+ string = strcpy(string, temp);
+ * Function Idx_Collapse_String - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Replace the string with a new string which as all extraneous whitespace
+ * removed. That is, there is no whitespace at the beginning or end of
+ * the string and every internal occurrence of whitespace is collapsed to
+ * a single space character.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Collapse_String (string)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> is the input string. It is a dynamic string, passed by
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> is the output string. It is a dynamic string, passed by
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For all characters in the input string,
+ * 1. If the character is whitespace,
+ * a. If no characters have been transferred,
+ * 1. Ignore it.
+ * b. If the previous character transferred was a space,
+ * 1. Ignore it.
+ * c. Else,
+ * 1. Copy a space to the output string.
+ * 2. Else,
+ * a. Copy the character to the output string.
+ * B. If the last character in the output string is a space,
+ * 1. Remove it.
+ * C. Update the dynamic string.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * It is assumed that the collapsed string will be no more than 132
+ * characters long.
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Collapse_String - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_collapse_string (string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char temp[133]; /* Working output string */
+ char copy; /* Working character */
+ int i; /* Array index in input string */
+ int j; /* Array index in temp string */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i=0, j=0; i<strlen(string); i++) {
+ copy = string[i];
+ if (isspace(copy) != 0) {
+ if (j == 0) continue;
+ else {
+ if (temp[j-1] == ' ') continue;
+ else temp[j++] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ else temp[j++] = copy;
+ }
+/* Check to see if the temporary string is terminated by whitespace */
+ if ((j > 0) && (temp[j-1] == ' ')) j--;
+/* Now copy the result to the output string */
+ temp[j] = '\0';
+ (void)strcpy(string, temp);
+ * Function Idx_Process_Accents - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This routine processes the spell string to remove all LaTeX commands
+ * which generate accents, without changing the spelling. For example,
+ * the string "se\~{n}or" is translated to "senor". Without special
+ * accent processing, the spell-string algorithm would produce "se n or",
+ * which might not appear in the proper place in the alphabetical listing.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Process_Accents (string)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> is the spell-string to be processed. It is a dynamic
+ * string, passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> is the resultant spell-string. It is a dynamic string,
+ * passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:.
+ * A. Search the string for an accent pattern:
+ * 1. The first character in the pattern is "\".
+ * 2. The next character in the pattern is one of the characters in
+ * the accent_set.
+ * 3. The next character in the pattern is "{".
+ * B. Mark the pattern and find the terminating "}".
+ * C. Replace the pattern with the string located within the braces.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_Accent - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_process_accent(string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ char accent_str = '\0';
+ int start; /* Start of string to replace */
+ char *replace; /* Replacement string */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int ctx = 0; /* context variable */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
+ if (string[i] != '\\') continue;
+ start = ++i;
+ accent_str = string[i];
+ if (chrposition(accent_str, accent_set) == 0) continue;
+ if (string[++i] != '{') continue;
+ if (idx_is_verbatim(string, &ctx, &i)) continue;
+ replace = &string[++i];
+ while (i < strlen(string)) {
+ if (string[i++] != '}') continue;
+ string[i-1] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ idx_replace_string (string, start, i-start+1, replace);
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Process_Groups - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Process the characters which delimit groups ('{', '}', and '$') in the
+ * spell string. These characters are removed unless they are quoted
+ * (e.g., "{" is removed but "\{" is not).
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Process_Groups (String)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> is the spell string. It is a dynamic string passed by
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> is the spell string. It is a dynamic string passed by
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * returns with spell string possibly modified.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For all characters in the spell string,
+ * 1. If the character is '{', '}', or '$' and the preceeding
+ * character is not a '\',
+ * a. Remove the character.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_Groups - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_process_groups(string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int ctx = 0; /* Context variable */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
+ if ((string[i] == '{')||(string[i] == '}')||(string[i] == '$')) {
+ if ((i == 0) || (string[i-1] != '\\')) {
+ if (idx_is_verbatim(string, &ctx, &i)) continue;
+ idx_replace_string(string, i+1, 1, (char *)0);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Process_Verb - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Process LaTeX \verb and \verb* commands in the spell string. This is
+ * done by removing the \verb command from the spell string.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * status = Idx_Process_Verb (string)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> Spell string. A dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> Spell string. A dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * status -> is a boolean integer passed by value. It indicates
+ * whether or not a \verb command was found in the spell
+ * string.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * status = TRUE A \verb command was processed in the string.
+ * status = FALSE No \verb command was processed.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Search the string for a \verb command:
+ * 1. \verb [optionally followed by a *]
+ * 2. Next character is not alphabetic
+ * B. Mark the pattern and find the terminating character.
+ * C. Replace the pattern with its argument.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_Verb - Code Section
+ */
+int idx_process_verb(string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int start; /* Start of pattern */
+ char delim; /* Delimiter character */
+ char *replace; /* Pointer to replacement string */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if ((strlen(string)) < 7) return (FALSE);
+ for (i = 0; i < (strlen(string)-7); i++) {
+ if (strncmp(&string[i], "\\verb", 5) != 0) continue;
+ start = i + 1;
+ i += 5;
+ if (string[i] == '*') i++;
+ delim = string[i++];
+ if (isalpha(delim) != 0) continue;
+ replace = &string[i];
+ while (i < strlen(string)) {
+ if (string[i++] != delim) continue;
+ if (i < (strlen(string)-1)) {
+ i = strlen(string);
+ string[i-1] = delim;
+ string[i] = '\0';
+ i++;
+ }
+ else string[i-1] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ idx_replace_string (string, start, i-start+1, replace);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ * Function Idx_Process_Backslash - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Remove all '\' characters.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * Call Idx_Process_Backslash (string)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> Spell String. Dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * string -> Spell String. Dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * return
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For all characters in the spell string,
+ * 1. If the character is a '\',
+ * a. Remove it.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_Backslash - Code Section
+ */
+void idx_process_backslash(string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int ctx = 0; /* Context variable */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
+ if (string[i] == '\\') {
+ if (idx_is_verbatim(string, &ctx, &i)) continue;
+ idx_replace_string(string, i+1, 1, (char *)0);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Process_Emphasis - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Remove the normal LaTeX emphasis strings (\rm, \em, \bf, \it, \sf,
+ * \sl, \tt, \normalsize, \small, \tiny, \footnotesize, \large, \Large,
+ * \LARGE, \huge, \Huge, \cal).
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * call Idx_Process_Emphasis (string)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * string -> Spell string. Dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Outputs:,
+ * string -> Spell string. Dynamic string passed by descriptor.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * nones
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. For each of the listed special commands,
+ * 1. For each occurence of the string which is not part of a word,
+ * a. Remove it.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Process_Emphasis - Code Sections
+ */
+void idx_process_emphasis(string)
+char *string;
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ int i; /* emphasis_array index */
+ int start; /* starting position */
+ int length; /* length of substring */
+ int ctx; /* context variable */
+ int index; /* string index */
+ int rpl_start; /* start of string to replace */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < emphasis_array_count; i++) {
+ ctx = 0;
+ start = 0;
+ while ((start = strposition(string, emphasis_array[i], start))
+ != -1) {
+ rpl_start = start+1;
+ index = start;
+ length = strlen(emphasis_array[i]);
+ start += length;
+/*@@@ if (((start) <= strlen(string)) &&
+ (isalpha(string[start-1]) != 0)) continue;*/
+ if (idx_is_verbatim(string, &ctx, &index)) continue;
+ idx_replace_string(string, rpl_start, length, (char *)0);
+ }
+ }
+ * Function Idx_Is_Verbatim - Documentation Sectione
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Deterimine if the current string index is within a \verb or \verb*
+ * range.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * boolean = Idx_Is_Verbatim (desc, ctx, index)
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * desc -> is the character string descriptor being processed.
+ *
+ * ctx -> is a context variable, passed by ref. Internally,
+ * it is the current starting value for the search.
+ *
+ * index -> is the string index being tested.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * ctx -> is the value of the first character to follow the
+ * \verb or \verb* string.
+ *
+ * index -> is the new value of the string index. If the index)
+ * is not in a verbatim, then the value is unchanged.
+ * If it is in the string, then the index is updated to
+ * the end of the verbatim range.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * boolean -> is a boolean value.
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * boolean = TRUE Input index is within the range of a verbatim.
+ * Index is updated. Ctx may be updated.
+ * boolean = FALSE Input string is not within the range of a verbatim.
+ * Index and Ctx are unchanged.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. If index < ctx, then we know that we aren't in a verbatim.
+ * 1. Return FALSE.
+ * B. Find the next verbatim range. Save the start and end (= ctx).
+ * C. If index < start,
+ * 1. Return FALSE,
+ * D. Else,
+ * 1. Index = end of range.
+ * 2. Return TRUE.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function Idx_Is_Verbatim - Code Section
+ */
+int idx_is_verbatim(desc, ctx, index)
+char *desc;
+int *ctx;
+int *index;
+ * Local Declarationsn
+ */
+ int start;
+ int i;
+ char delim;
+ * Module Body
+ */
+ if (*index < *ctx) return(FALSE);
+ * Find the next verbatim range. If there are less than seven characters left
+ * in the string, then the remainder of the string cannot contain a \verb
+ * command (because there isn't room). Set the ctx variable to point to the
+ * end of the string and report that we are not within a verbatim.
+ */
+ if ((strlen(desc) - *ctx) < 7) {
+ *ctx = strlen(desc);
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ * Search for the next \verb string. Note that the STR$POSITION routine uses
+ * the convention that the first character of the string is position 1 (not 0).
+ * If no string was found, then set the ctx to the end of the string and report
+ * that we aren't in a verbatim.
+ */
+ i = *ctx;
+ start = strposition(desc, verb, i);
+ i = *ctx + 1;
+ if (start == -1) {
+ *ctx = strlen(desc);
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ * There may be a verbatim in the string. Its potential starting position is
+ * "start" (adjusted to index the string from 0 rather than 1). If this is
+ * the case, then the delimiter character will not be an alpha.
+ */
+/* start--;*/
+ i = start + 5;
+ if (desc[i] == '*') i++;
+ delim = desc[i];
+ * If the delimiter is an alpha, then we have not found a verbatim string (it
+ * is something else). If the index we are checking is within the range we've
+ * looked at, then we know that it isn't in a verbatim and we can so report.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, if we haven't gotten far enough into the string yet to
+ * know, we must keep looking. We do this by calling this routine recursively.
+ */
+ if (isalpha(delim) != 0) {
+ *ctx = i;
+ if (*index < i) return (FALSE);
+ else return(idx_is_verbatim(desc, ctx, index));
+ }
+ * We have found a real verbatim string. We search for its end.
+ */
+ while (i < strlen(desc)) if (desc[++i] == delim) break;
+ *ctx = ++i;
+ * Now we can check to see if we're ok. If the index is before the start of
+ * the verbatim string, we aren't in it. If it is in the middle, we are.
+ * If it's after the end, we still don't know and have to call ourselves
+ * recursively to find out.
+ */
+ if (*index < start) return(FALSE);
+ if (*index < *ctx) {
+ *index = *ctx - 1;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ else return(idx_is_verbatim(desc, ctx, index));
+int strposition(str, e_array, st)
+char *str;
+char *e_array;
+int st;
+ int i, slen, elen, found;
+ slen = strlen(str);
+ elen = strlen(e_array);
+ found = -1;
+ for (i=st; i < (slen-elen); i++) {
+ if (strncmp(&str[i],e_array,elen) == 0) {
+ found = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return(found);
+int chrposition(str, e_array)
+char str;
+char *e_array;
+ int i, elen, found;
+ elen = strlen(e_array);
+ found = 1;
+ for (i=0; i < elen; i++)
+ if (e_array[i] == str) {
+ found = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return(found);
+void strupcase(in,out)
+char *in,*out;
+ int i,len;
+ len = strlen(in);
+ for (i=0;i<len;i++)
+ if ((in[i] >= 'a') && (in[i] <= 'z')) out[i] = in[i]-32;
+void strprefix(str,prefix)
+char *str;
+char prefix;
+ int i,len;
+ char tmp,tmp2;
+ len = strlen(str);
+ i = 0;
+ tmp = str[i];
+ str[i] = prefix;
+ for (i=1;i<=len;i++) {
+ tmp2 = str[i+1];
+ str[i] = tmp;
+ tmp = tmp2;
+ }
+ str[i] = tmp;
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.c b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c739fd3cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* #module IdxTeX "3-001"
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * *
+ * The software was developed at the Monsanto Company and is provided *
+ * "as-is". Monsanto Company and the auther disclaim all warranties *
+ * on the software, including without limitation, all implied warran- *
+ * ties of merchantabilitiy and fitness. *
+ * *
+ * This software does not contain any technical data or information *
+ * that is proprietary in nature. It may be copied, modified, and *
+ * distributed on a non-profit basis and with the inclusion of this *
+ * notice. *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ * Module Name: IdxTeX
+ *
+ * Author: R L Aurbach CR&DS MIS Group 26-Apr-1986
+ *
+ * Function:
+ * Main Line of the IdxTeX program. This program processes .idx files
+ * produced by LaTeX and generates files which will produce a properly
+ * formatted index.
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Version Initials Date Description
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1-001 RLA 26-Apr-1986 Original Code
+ * 1-002 RLA 13-Jun-1986 Add support for /TOC qualifier
+ * 1-003 RLA 06-Apr-1987 Change version number to 1.2 to reflect
+ * corrections with spelling processing
+ * 2-004 RLA 07-Apr-1987 Add range and master index support.
+ * 3-001 F.H. 17-May-1991 converted to portable C
+ */
+ * Module IdxTeX - Module-Wide Data Description Section
+ *
+ * Include Files:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0 /* access(): File exists */
+# include <sys/file.h>
+extern char *sprintf();
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include "IdxDef.h"
+ * Module Definitions:
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define linebfsize 133 /* Max size of a line */
+ * Global Declarations:
+ */
+ TREE_PTR root = 0; /* Root of the Index Tree */
+ * Static Declarations:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+main(int argc, char *argv[]);
+ * External References:
+ */
+#ifdef MSDOS
+extern void idx_command(int argc, char *argv[], char *file,
+ int *toc_flag, int *mst_flag);
+extern int idx_parse_master(char *linebf, char *filename, char *vol_ptr);
+extern void idx_process_file(char *filename, char *vol);
+extern void idx_generate(FILE *file, int toc_flag, int mst_flag);
+extern void idx_command();
+extern int idx_parse_master();
+extern void idx_process_file();
+extern void idx_generate();
+ * Functions Called:
+ */
+ * Function IdxTeX - Documentation Section
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * This is the main line of the IdxTeX program. It reads the input file,
+ * parsing the information, and generates an output file based on the
+ * information from the input file.
+ *
+ * Calling Synopsis:
+ * $ IdxTeX :== $Crl_Public:IdxTeX
+ * $ IdxTeX filespec [/TOC:{ARTICLE | REPORT}] [/MASTER]
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * filespec -> Name of the input file to be processed. The
+ * default filespec SYS$DISK:[].IDX is processed
+ * against this specification. If the /MASTER
+ * qualifier is present, the default file type is
+ * .MDX.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * filespec -> The program produces an output file which is
+ * the resultant filespec from processing .IND as
+ * the primary file specification and the fully-
+ * qualified input filespec as the default.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * returns SUCCESS
+ *
+ * Global Data:
+ * none
+ *
+ * Files Used:
+ * reads an input file as specified above.
+ * produces an output file as specified above.
+ *
+ * Assumed Entry State:
+ * Called from DCL level.
+ *
+ * Normal Exit State:
+ * Returns to DCL level.
+ *
+ * Error Conditions:
+ * Input file not found -- program issues a message and exits
+ * immediately.
+ * Input file format error -- program ignores any lines of the input file
+ * which it does not understand.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:
+ * A. Call Idx_Command to process the command line.
+ * B. If processing a master index,
+ * 1. Open the Master Index input file.
+ * 2. For all records in the file,
+ * a. Read the next record.
+ * b. Call Idx_Process_File to process it.
+ * 3. Close the Master Index input file.
+ * C. Else,
+ * 1. Call Idx_Process_File to process the input file.
+ * D. Open the output file.
+ * E. Call Idx_Generate to generate the output file.
+ * F. Close the output file.
+ *
+ * Special Notes:
+ * none
+ */
+ * Function IdxTeX - Code Section
+ */
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ * Local Declarations
+ */
+ FILE *file; /* file pointer */
+ char dna[133]; /* Default filename arg */
+ char linebf[linebfsize]; /* I/O line buffer */
+ char filename[256]; /* Input file name */
+ int toc_flag; /* /TOC qualifier flag */
+ int mst_flag; /* /MASTER qualifier flag */
+ FILE *mst_file; /* master file pointer */
+ char *vol = 0; /* volume string descriptor ptr */
+ * Module Body
+ */
+/* Process the command line. The routine will force exit on error. */
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ (void) printf("usage: idxtex file [/TOC={Article | Report}]\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ idx_command(argc, argv, filename, &toc_flag, &mst_flag);
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.idx", filename);
+ (void)printf("\nIdxTeX, the automatic index generator for LaTeX, version 2.0\n");
+ * If doing master index processing,
+ * A. Open the master index file.
+ * B. For all records in the file,
+ * 1. Read the next record.
+ * 2. Call Idx_Process_File to process it.
+ * C. Close the file.
+ *
+ * Otherwise,
+ * A. Call Idx_Process_File to process the file.
+ */
+ vol = malloc(linebfsize);
+ if (mst_flag) {
+ (void)sprintf(dna, "%s.mdx",filename);
+ if ((mst_file = fopen(dna, "r")) == NULL) {
+ (void)printf("Could not open the master file\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ (void)printf("\nProcessing Master File %s\n", dna);
+ while (fgets(linebf, linebfsize, mst_file) != 0) {
+ if (idx_parse_master (linebf, filename, vol)) {
+ (void)printf("\tProcessing index file %s.idx\n", filename);
+ idx_process_file(filename, vol);
+ }
+ }
+ (void)fclose(mst_file);
+ (void)sprintf(dna,"%s.mnd", filename);
+ }
+ else {
+ idx_process_file(filename, vol);
+ (void)sprintf(dna,"%s.ind", filename);
+ }
+/* Now generate the output file... */
+ if ((file = fopen(dna, "w")) == NULL) {
+ (void)printf("Could not open the output file\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ idx_generate (file, toc_flag, mst_flag);
+ (void)fclose(file);
+ (void)printf("\nDone.\n");
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.mdx b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b2179207b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.pdf b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a22af7668c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.tex b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee8f8654d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/idxtex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+\title{\IdxTeX\ Program}
+\author{R L Aurbach}
+\authorfacts{CR\&DS MIS Group \\ Monsanto Company \\ 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
+\\ St. Louis, MO 63167 \\ (314)--694--5453}
+\version{Version 2.0}
+\date{April 19, 1987}
+The \IdxTeX\ program is used to automate the generation of an Index in a
+\LaTeX\ document. It uses the .IDX file generated by the \verb+\makeindex+
+command to create a file which is \verb+\input+ in the document to generate
+the Index.
+Version 2.0 improves the visual appearance of the Index and adds support
+for page ranges, index cross references, and the generation of a Master Index.
+\section{The Index Problem}
+The \LaTeX\ text formatting program is an extremely versatile tool for the
+generation of high-quality documents. However, its handling of an Index is
+\subsection{\LaTeX\ Index Processing}
+To make an Index using \LaTeX, the writer includes the
+\verb+\makeindex+\index{\verb+\makeindex+ Command} command
+in the preamble\index{Preamble} of the document. This causes an auxiliary
+file (with file type .IDX\index{IDX File}) to be generated. For every
+\verb+\index+\index{\verb+\index+ Command} command in the document, a
+\verb+\indexentry+\index{\verb+\indexentry+ Command} command is written to
+the auxiliary file, containing the text supplied in the \verb+\index+ command
+and the page number of the page on which the \verb+\index+ command occurred.
+It is then the writer's responsibility to use the auxiliary file to create the
+series of commands needed to format an appropriate index and to insert these
+commands into the document at the appropriate place.
+The entire process is described in Sections~4.5 and C.10.5 of the {\em \LaTeX\
+User's Guide and Reference Manual}.
+\subsection{The \IdxTeX\ Solution}
+While this procedure is capable of generating an effective, high-quality Index,
+a substantial amount of work is required to convert the auxiliary .IDX file into
+the appropriate set of commands. The \IdxTeX\ program was written to automate
+this manual part of the process.
+\IdxTeX\ uses the .IDX\index{IDX File} auxiliary file to generate a new file
+with file type .IND\index{IND File} which contains all of the necessary commands
+to create an attractive, two-column index. This .IND file may then be included
+in the document at the appropriate place to generate the Index.
+The \IdxTeX\ program
+\item Generates\index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Complete Index Generation}
+all of the commands necessary to build the Index, including the
+\verb+\begin{theindex}+\index{theindex Environment} and \verb+\end{theindex}+
+\item Generates\index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Alphabetized, Two-Column Index}
+an alphabetized, two-column index.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Three Levels of Indexing}
+three levels of indexing --- index items, index subitems, and
+index subsubitems.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Page Number Ranges} special
+formatting of ranges of consecutive page numbers, to enhance the visual
+appearance of the Index.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Index Item Highlighting}
+highlighting effects such as boldface, italics, etc., in the
+index items, while maintaining proper alphabetization of entries.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Page Number Highlighting}
+highlighting effects (boldface, italics, and underlining) of
+page numbers.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>\verb~\verb~ Command Supported}
+the use of \LaTeX\ commands, including \verb+\verb+ commands,
+in the index items, while maintaining proper alphabetization of entries.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Cross References} references within
+one index entry to other index entries.
+\item Supports \index{\IdxTeX\ Features>Master Index Generation} the generation
+of a Master Index for a set of documents.
+\section{Using \IdxTeX}
+The \IdxTeX\ program is easy to use. However, like B{\sc ib}\TeX, there are a
+number of steps necessary to generate the index and to get it included properly
+in your document.
+\item[Command \\ Definition] The \IdxTeX\ program is a foreign DCL
+command.\footnote{On the Monsanto BB1T VAXcluster, the IdxTeX symbol is defined
+by issuing the CRLSETUP command.} \vspace{2em}
+\item[Preparing the \\ Document]
+Include the \verb+\makeindex+\index{\verb+\makeindex+ Command}
+command in the preamble\index{Preamble} area of the document
+source file (i.e., between the \verb+\documentstyle+ and \verb+\begin{document}+
+commands). Also, include the appropriate \verb+\index+\index{\verb+\index+
+Command} commands (as described below) in the source file.
+\item[Generate \\ the IDX File]
+Use \LaTeX\ to generate an initial form of the document. \LaTeX\ will
+generate an auxiliary file which has the same filename as the main document file
+and a filetype of .IDX\index{IDX File}.
+\item[Run \IdxTeX]
+Use \IdxTeX\ to generate the formatted index file.\index{Syntax}
+ $ IdxTeX file [/TOC={ ARTICLE | REPORT }]
+where ``file''\index{Syntax>Filename Parameter} is the filename of the .IDX
+file. \IdxTeX\ generates a file with the same filename as the .IDX file and a
+filetype of .IND\index{IND File}.
+The \verb+/TOC+ qualifier\index{Syntax>/TOC Qualifier} is optional. If you
+specify it, you must specify either the value \verb+ARTICLE+ or the value
+\verb+REPORT+. The /TOC qualifier is used to add an entry into the Table of
+Contents for the Index. The standard document styles ({\em article\/} and
+{\em report\/}) do not automatically make a Table of Contents entry for the
+Index. If you want the Index to be listed in the Table of Contents, you
+{\bf must} use the /TOC qualifier. The value \verb+ARTICLE+ should be used
+with documents which use the {\em article\/} document style or one of its
+derivatives. The value \verb+REPORT+ should be used with documents which use
+the {\em report\/} or {\em book\/} document styles.
+A number of document styles have been developed which automatically include
+a Table of Contents entry for the Index\footnote{Examples of these styles
+include the Monsanto {\em pamphlet}, {\em manual}, and {\em memo\/} styles.}.
+You {\bf should not} use the /TOC qualifier with one of these document styles.
+If you do, the Index will be listed in the Table of Contents twice.
+\item[Generate\\the Document]
+Insert the command \verb+\input{file.IND}+ into
+\index{\verb+\input{file.IND}+} your document source file just before the
+\verb+\end{document}+ command.
+Finally, run the document through \LaTeX\ twice (to make sure that the Table of
+Contents includes the page reference for the Index). Your document is now
+complete, including a formatted Index.
+\section{Special Features}
+The \IdxTeX\ program attempts to perform all of the operations needed to
+generate an Index which you can be proud of. Of course, the quality of the
+Index is a function of the amount of effort you put into your writing --- the
+program can only generate index entries for items you tell it to index for you.
+But if you do a good job of generating index entries, \IdxTeX\ should do a good
+job formatting them for you.
+\item[Index \\ Generation] \index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>Complete Index Generation}
+The .IND\index{IND File} file generated by \IdxTeX\ contains all of the commands
+necessary to generate the index.
+The file contains a
+\verb+\begin{theindex}+\index{\verb+\begin{theindex}+ Command} command. This
+sets up the Index environment according to your current \verb+\documentstyle+.
+For example, in the {\em article\/} \verb+\documentstyle+, the index is an
+unnumbered section. In the {\em report\/} \verb+\documentstyle+, the index is
+an unnumbered chapter.
+The last line in the file is a \verb+\end{theindex}+\index{\verb+\end{theindex}+
+Command} command. This command ends the Index environment. Between these lines
+are found all of the commands needed to generate the Index.
+\item[Alphabetical\\Index] \index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>Alphabetized, Two-Column
+Index} The index is generated in an alphabetized, two-column format by major
+index entry. Special characters such as ``\verb+\+'' don't participate in the
+alphabetization, so a term like \verb+\begin+ is indexed under ``B'', not
+under ``\verb+\+''.
+For clarity, the group of index entries which begin with one letter of the
+alphabet are set off from the index entries beginning with the next letter of
+the alphabet with vertical spacing and a heading. See the index of this
+document for examples.
+\item[Index Levels] \index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>Three Levels of Indexing}
+Items are inserted into the Index by using the \verb+\index+ command. For
+example, to index the term ``entry'', enter \verb+\index{Entry}+\index{Entry}
+at the appropriate place in the text of your document. The information entered
+as the argument to \verb+\index+\index{\verb+\index+ Command} will appear as
+specified (special visual effects are discussed below). The page number on
+which the \verb+\index+ command appeared will be displayed.
+This approach generates a simple Index. That is, all terms are on the same
+footing. It is often convenient, however, to have terms appear as subindices
+under an index term. For example, if you were discussing ``Commands'', you
+might wish to have separate index entries for ``Add Command'' and ``Change
+Command''. However, in addition, you should create an index entry for
+``Commands'' and place ``Add'' and ``Change'' as subindices under it. This
+technique generates an index which is more helpful for the person looking for
+\IdxTeX\ actually supports three such levels of indexing --- a main index item,
+a subindex item, and a subsubindex item. In analogy to the indexing
+capabilities of the RUNOFF program, the
+``\verb+>+''\index{SubIndex (\verb$>$) Command}
+\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of \verb$>$}
+symbol is used to separate
+the index term from the subindex term and the subindex term from the subsubindex
+term in the \verb+\index+ command.
+For example,
+ \index{Top Level Item>SubItem>SubSubItem}
+\index{Top Level Item>SubItem>SubSubItem}generates such three-level deep
+index entry in the index. Look at the index of this document to see it.
+There are two important points to note here.
+\item First, each \verb+\index+ command generates a single page number reference
+in the index. The page number is associated with the lowest level of the index
+specified. Therefore, in this example, the page number is associated with the
+``SubSubItem'' entry, not any of the higher entries. If you want page numbers
+at all levels, you must use several \verb+\index+ commands.
+All subitems are displayed in alphabetical order below their top-level item.
+All subsubitems are displayed in alphabetical order below their second-level
+\item Second, the \verb+>+ symbol used to separate items of different levels
+is normally a math symbol. As such, it is possible that you will want to
+index a math expression which contains it. This is okay, because \IdxTeX\
+is sensitive to the use of {\tt \$} as a command to enter or leave math mode and
+will not consider \verb+>+ a level separator unless it is {\em not\/} in math
+While \IdxTeX\ allows you to be pretty wordy in your index terms (there is a
+practical limit of about 110 characters for the text contained in an
+\verb+\index+ command), your index will be most effective if you select short
+and concise index terms. People usually scan an index quickly, looking for
+something that looks like what they are interested in. A lengthy exposition in
+an index term makes this difficult.
+\item[Item \\ Highlighting] \index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>Index Item Highlighting}
+Sometimes it is desirable to make a word or phrase (or even an entire index
+entry) stand out in the Index. This is referred to as Item Highlighting, and
+is an effective technique to make the Index more useful, if not overdone.
+Use the normal \LaTeX\ commands to generate the desired highlighting. For
+example, the following commands appear in this document.
+ \index{Highlighting>A {\bf boldface} entry}
+ \index{Highlighting>An {\em italic\/} entry}
+\index{Highlighting>A {\bf boldface} entry}\index{Highlighting>An {\em italic\/}
+entry} Look for the result in the index!
+From the standpoint of \IdxTeX, the item, subitem, and subsubitem are processed
+as different text elements. Therefore, if you wish to highlight more than one
+level of the index, you must handle each one independently. That is,
+\verb+\index{{\bf One>Two>Three}}+ \hfill WRONG!
+is incorrect, but
+\verb+\index{{\bf One}>{\bf Two}>{\bf Three}}+ \hfill CORRECT!
+will produce the desired result.
+\item[Page Number\\Highlighting] \index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>Page Number
+Highlighting} Sometimes, when you are indexing the same term in many places in
+a document, you may wish to help the reader decide which is the primary
+reference and which are secondary references. One way of doing this is to
+provide visual highlighting of important page numbers.
+\IdxTeX\ provides a mechanism to cause a page number of a reference to be
+printed in {\bf boldface}, in {\em italics}, or \underline{underlined}. There
+are three special characters recognized by \IdxTeX\ {\bf when they appear as the
+first character of an \verb+\index+ command argument}.
+\item The \verb+^+ command\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of \verb+^+} is
+used to make the page number reference appear in {\bf boldface}.
+\item The \verb!~! command\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of \verb!~!} is
+used to make the page number reference appear in {\em italics}.
+\item The {\tt\_} command\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of {\tt\_}} is used to
+make the page number reference appear \underline{underlined}.
+For example, in this document, the following \verb+index+ commands appear.
+ \index{^Page Numbers>boldface}
+ \index{~Page Numbers>italics}
+ \index{_Page Numbers>underlined}
+\index{^Page Numbers>boldface}\index{~Page Numbers>italics}
+\index{_Page Numbers>underlined} Look at the index to see the results!
+These special characters must appear as the first character of an \verb+\index+
+command argument. If they appear after a \verb+>+ (i.e., as the first character
+of a subindex entry or a subsubindex entry), they will not work. In fact, they
+will cause a \LaTeX\ error!
+\item[Special \\ \LaTeX \\ Commands]
+\index{^\IdxTeX\ Features>\verb+\verb+ Command Supported}
+Occasionally (such as in this document), it is desirable to include \LaTeX\
+commands in the index in an index entry to create special effects or because
+the command itself is being referenced. \IdxTeX\ supports this --- just type
+the entries as you would expect them to appear.
+The trick is that \IdxTeX\ tries to alphabetize your entries correctly. This
+means that it must figure out how to alphabetize \LaTeX\ commands, whose
+displayed images are different than the character strings which generate them.
+The following rules attempt to indicate how \IdxTeX\ treats \LaTeX\ commands
+when it finds them.
+\item Accents are ignored when figuring out how to spell a term. This means,
+for example, that ``\verb+se\~{n}or+'' is treated as if it were spelled
+\item Text contained in ``\verb+\verb+'' or ``\verb+\verb*+'' commands are
+spelled as if the command were not present. For example, the index entry
+``\verb~\verb+\Pi+~'' is treated as if it were spelled ``\verb+\Pi+''.
+\item Commands which affect font size or type style are ignored when figuring
+out how something is spelled. For example, ``\verb+\sc term+'' is treated as if
+it were spelled ``\verb+term+''. Note, however, that this applies only to
+spelling. The term will be displayed as you want it.
+\item Case is ignored in spelling considerations. Terms like ``large'' and
+``Large'' are treated as identical. Only one reference (with two page numbers)
+will appear --- the first form seen will be used.
+\item \IdxTeX\ ignores the grouping commands ``\{'', ``\}'', and ``\$'' when
+placing a term in alphabetical order. On the other hand, the sequences which
+generate explicit characters (i.e., ``\verb+\{+'', ``\verb+\}+'', and
+``\verb+\$+'') are handled as if they were the characters themselves --- the
+``\verb+\+'' is ignored for spelling. For example, the term ``\verb+{\bf The \{
+Command}+'' will be alphabetized as if it were spelled ``\verb+The { Command+''.
+\item All ``\verb+\+'' characters are ignored. The term ``\verb+\begin+'' will
+be located in the Index as if it began with the ``b'', not the ``\verb+\+''.
+\section{Page Ranges}
+\IdxTeX\ supports two types of page ranges\index{#Page Ranges} --- implicit and
+An implicit page range is one which is discovered during index processing. For
+example, if it turns out that a particular item is indexed on three consecutived
+pages, then this is an implicit range.
+An explicit page range is one in which you specifically indicate that an item
+being referenced is discussed on a particular page and succeeding pages.
+\subsection{Implicit Page Ranges}
+Suppose\index{#Page Ranges>Implicit} that you index the term ``Command'' a
+number of times within your document and it turn out (when you use \LaTeX\ to
+format it) that the references occur on pages 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, and 21.
+\IdxTeX\ will recognize that there are two implicit page ranges here and will
+display the reference in the index as
+\qquad Command, 10, 15--17, 20--21
+This processing occurs automatically --- you need not do anything special to
+get it to occur (except, of course, insert the \verb+\index+ commands where
+they are needed).
+In some document styles, chapter-oriented page numbering is used. From the
+standpoint of \IdxTeX, a chapter oriented page number is any page number which
+consists of a string (which is usually numeric) followed by one or more dashes,
+followed by a page number. For example, \verb+2--6+ and \verb+Ref--12+ are
+typical chapter oriented page numbers.
+Since the \IdxTeX\ program parses and recognizes page numbers in this format
+as well as simple numeric page numbers, it is able to correctly build ranges
+for chapter oriented documents. For example, if references to ``Command''
+occurred on pages 2--6, 3--7, 3--8, 3--9, and 4--10, then \IdxTeX\ would
+build an index entry of the form
+\qquad Command, 2--6, 3--7 to 3--9, 4--10
+So far, we have considered page numbers which have no visual highlights. If
+one or more of the page number references in a range has a highlight, the range
+is broken up into sub-ranges, so that each sub-range has the same visual
+highlight. For example, if references to ``Noise'' occurred on pages 20 through
+26, with the references on pages 22 and 23 flagged as underlined and the
+references on pages 24 and 25 flagged as boldface, then \IdxTeX\ would generate
+an index entry of the form
+\qquad Noise, 20--21, \underline{22--23}, {\bf 24--25}, 26
+\subsection{Explicit Page Ranges}
+Another form of page range\index{#Page Ranges>Explicit} occurs when a single
+reference indicates that a particular topic is covered on a particular page
+and following pages. In this kind of reference, only one index item is
+needed --- for the first page referenced. By convention, the letters {\sf ff}
+follow that page reference to mean ``and following''.
+To specify this type of reference, use the {\tt \#}
+\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of \verb+#+} symbol as the first
+character in the index entry (just as if it were a special type of page
+highlight). For example, the reference \verb+\index{#Page Ranges>Explicit}+
+was placed at the beginning of this section. Look to the index to see the
+There are two special features of this notation.
+\item Explicit page ranges take precedence over implicit page ranges. That is,
+if an explicit range entry occurs within an implicit range, then the whole
+implicit range is condensed into a single explicit reference. For example,
+if the reference to ``Command'' was made on pages 20 through 25 and the
+reference on page 23 was explicit, then the output would have the form
+\qquad Command, 20{\sf ff}
+rather than.
+\qquad Command, 20--22, 23{\sf ff}, 24--25
+\item Explicit page ranges take precedence over all page highlighting. If
+ \index{~Command}\index{#Command}
+occurs, for example, then the italic reference is ignored.
+\section{Cross References}
+It\index{#Cross References} is not uncommon in an index to want to reference a
+term in a variety of different ways, so that people will be easily able to find
+the reference they need. This is often a lot of work, however, because you
+don't normally want to repeat a big list of \verb+\index+ commands for every
+place where a term is referenced. Instead, a great deal of effort can be saved
+if you can index the term thoroughly once, and then {\em cross reference\/} it
+in all its synonyms.
+For example, suppose you are describing the syntax of a command. You index
+the various forms of the command under the term ``Syntax''. However, you also
+want to place an alternate entry in the index under ``Command Syntax'' in case
+people look there first. Obviously, you'd rather not repeat all of your
+index commands twice to get a complete set of references. Instead, you'd like
+to {\bf refer} the reader who looks up ``Command Syntax'' to try ``Syntax''
+for the information.
+\IdxTeX\ supports this capability.\index{Command Syntax&Syntax} The special
+symbol ``\verb+&+''\index{\verb+\index+ Command>Use of {\tt \&}} is used too
+indicate the beginning of a cross reference, which is used {\bf instead of the
+page reference} in the entry. In our example above, entering
+\verb+\index{Command Syntax&Syntax}+ produces the desired result --- look at the
+You can combine cross references with page references. For example,
+ \index{Combining References}
+ \index{Combining References&Cross References}
+\index{Combining References}\index{Combining References&Cross References}
+contains a page reference and a cross reference, as is shown in the index.
+For convenience, the notation \verb+\index{aaa&bbb>ccc>ddd}+ generates a
+cross reference to \verb+bbb, ccc, ddd+, so you can use the same syntax in
+your cross references as you do in your index terms themselves. Note that the
+text following the ``\verb+&+'' must obey all of the rules associated with
+index entries in general.
+You can include as many cross references as you like. For example, the
+ \index{aaa&bbb} \index{aaa&ccc} \index{aaa&ddd}
+is perfectly acceptable. In the index, it generates
+\hspace*{10pt}aaa, {\em see}\\
+\hspace*{40pt}$\bullet$ bbb\\d
+\hspace*{40pt}$\bullet$ ccc\\e
+\hspace*{42pt}$\bullet$ dddD
+Also note that a cross-reference entry does not, in itself, contain any
+page number information. Therefore, the index entries containing cross
+referencing may appear anywhere. For example, you could build a basic index
+in your document, then add all the appropriate cross reference entries later,
+all in one place in your text. Note, however, that cross references in index
+entries are treated like simple text --- \IdxTeX\ does not check to make sure
+that a cross reference entry actually exists. So be careful when creating them,
+to avoid misleading your reader.
+\section{Master Index Processing}
+A Master Index \index{Master Index}\index{Master Index>Definition}
+is a document in a set of documents which contains a complete
+index of all terms indexed in {\bf any} of the other volumes of the document
+set. \IdxTeX\ provides support for the automatic generation of a Master
+\item[Prepare the \\ Individual Indices]
+The first step is to run all of the other documents in the document set
+through \LaTeX, so that all of the {\tt .IDX} files are generated. These
+files are used by \IdxTeX\ to format the Master Index.
+\item[Build the \\ .MDX File]
+\IdxTeX\ must be made aware of which {\tt .IDX} files to use to build the
+Master Index. In addition, it is important to define a {\em label\/} which
+is associated with each volume in the Master Index, so that the reader can
+figure out which volume to look to find the reference.
+Both of these requirements are handled by a new auxiliary file called the
+{\tt MDX} File.\index{Master Index}\index{Master Index>The {\tt .MDX} File}
+The format of this file is quite simple. For each volume which you wish to
+be included in the Master Index, insert a line in the {\tt .MDX} file of the
+ \usefile{label}{idx-file}
+Here, ``{\em label\/}'' is the label which you wish to be associated with
+the volume in the Master Index and ``{\em idx-file\/}'' is the file
+specification of the associated {\tt .IDX} file which contains the relevant
+For example, suppose you have a document set containing four documents ---
+a User's Guide, a Reference Manual, an Operations Manual, and an Installation
+Guide. You wish to build an Introduction document which contains a Master
+Index of the document set. In this case, you might build an {\tt .MDX} file
+named {\tt INTRO.MDX} which contains the following lines
+ \usefile{User}{user_guide}
+ \usefile{Ref}{ref_manual}
+ \usefile{Operator}{op_manual}
+ \usefile{Install}{install}
+This example assumes that the {\tt .IDX} file for the User's Guide is
+{\tt USER\_GUIDE.IDX}, etc. When \IdxTeX\ processes the Master Index, it
+uses a default file specification of {\tt SYS\$DISK:[].IDX} with each file
+specified in the {\tt .MDX} file.
+\item[Run \IdxTeX] \index{Master Index}\index{Master Index>The {\tt .MND} File}
+\index{Syntax>/MASTER Qualifier} Next, process the {\tt .MDX} file with
+ $ IDXTEX intro /MASTER
+The /MASTER qualifier indicates that \IdxTeX\ is to prepare a Master Index.
+In this case, the filename parameter\index{Syntax>Filename Parameter} of the
+\IdxTeX\ command is the specification of the {\tt .MDX} file. A default
+file specification of {\tt SYS\$DISK:[].MDX} is used.
+\IdxTeX\ will read the specified {\tt .MDX} file and will read and process
+each of the {\tt .IDX} files specified in it. It will generate a master
+index output file which has the same name as the {\tt .MDX} file, but with
+the {\tt .MND} filetype. In this example, \IdxTeX\ will generate the file
+{\tt INTRO.MND}.
+\item[Build the \\ Master Index] \index{Master Index}
+\index{Master Index>Generation} The final step in building the Master Index is
+to include a \verb+\input+ command to incorporate the {\tt .MND} file into the
+final volume and to run \LaTeX\ on it, just as in the normal index case.
+In our example, include the command
+ \input{intro.mnd}
+in the file {\tt INTRO.TEX} and process this file using \LaTeX\ as usual.
+The result will be a Master Index, which contains all of the index information
+contained in the volume set, formatted so that users will easily be able to
+find it. In particular, if a term is referenced in more than one volume of
+the volume set, its references for each volume are clearly separated from each
+other to make it clearer which volumes are associated with which page
+In short, \IdxTeX\ now makes it as easy to generate an attractive Master Index
+to a set of documents as it does to generate an Index to each volume of the
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/makefile.msc b/indexing/glo+idxtex/makefile.msc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..437fa9ee0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/makefile.msc
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+CFILES= globldfi.c\
+ globldla.c\
+ glocmd.c\
+ glomiss.c\
+ gloscan.c\
+ glotex.c
+OFILES= globldfi.obj\
+ globldla.obj\
+ glocmd.obj\
+ glomiss.obj\
+ gloscan.obj\
+ glotex.obj
+all: glotex.exe
+glotex.exe: ${OFILES}
+ link /CO ${OFILES},glotex;
+globldfi.obj: globldfi.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi globldfi.c
+globldla.obj: globldla.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi globldla.c
+glocmd.obj: glocmd.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi glocmd.c
+glomiss.obj: glomiss.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi glomiss.c
+gloscan.obj: gloscan.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi gloscan.c
+glotex.obj: glotex.c
+ cl /AH /c /Zi glotex.c
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/ms-dos/readme b/indexing/glo+idxtex/ms-dos/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec9375110c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/ms-dos/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+The files are executables of glotex and idxtex for msdos on 386.
+They have been compiled by djgcc 1.10c .
+Run the programs by:
+ 1. move the DOS-extender go32.exe to a directory present in PATH.
+ run (glo|idx)tex.exe
+ 2. create self-running executables by:
+ copy go32.exe+glotex.exe glotex_autark.exe /b
+ copy go32.exe+idxtex.exe idxtex_autark.exe /b
+ run (glo|idx)tex_autark.exe
diff --git a/indexing/glo+idxtex/pam11.sty b/indexing/glo+idxtex/pam11.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a47f62bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexing/glo+idxtex/pam11.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% pam11.sty 29-Apr-1986
+\lineskip 1pt \normallineskip 1pt
+\abovedisplayskip 11pt plus3pt minus6pt\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
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+% pamphlet.sty 29-Apr-1986
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+ \typeout{Table of Contents.}
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+ \section*{List of Figures\markboth
+ {List of Figures}{List of Figures}} \typeout{List of Figures.}
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+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn \fi \cleardoublepage}
+ \cleardoublepage\thispagestyle{plain}
+ \section*{List of Tables\markboth
+ {List of Tables}{List of Tables}} \typeout{List of Tables.}
+ \begingroup \parskip \z@ plus 1pt \@starttoc{lot} \endgroup
+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn \fi \cleardoublepage}
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+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indexname} \typeout{Index.}
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+ {\number\day-\ifcase\month\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar \or Apr\or May\or Jun\or
+ Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi-\number\year}
+ {\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}}
+\def\@pagedate{\hbox{}} \def\@confidentiality{\hbox{}}
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+ \relax \vspace*{.5in}
+ \huge \bf
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ User's Guide \\
+ to the \\
+ \end{tabular} \\
+ \Huge \bf
+ \begin{tabular}{c} \@title \end{tabular} \\
+ \vspace{2em}
+ {\Large \bf \@version}\\
+ \end{center}}
+\def\abstract{\vspace{2em} \begin{center} \large\bf Abstract \end{center} \par
+ \list{}{\leftmargin 4em \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[]}
+ \vspace{2em}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ \bf \@author \\
+ \@authorfacts \\
+ \end{tabular} \\
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+ [ File: \@file.QMS ]
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+ \LARGE \bf
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}
+ User's Guide \\
+ to the \\
+ \end{tabular} \\
+ \huge \bf
+ \begin{tabular}{c} \@title \end{tabular} \\
+ \end{center}
+ \vspace{4em}}