path: root/help/uk-tex-faq/faq-how-do-i.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-28 03:00:42 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-28 03:00:42 +0000
commitf41a5d46017f730e9586332f28744912872326f5 (patch)
tree0e7ebb355adbdb56ac9d1e236dd5cde0b71e1520 /help/uk-tex-faq/faq-how-do-i.tex
parent5827a950592f8a91468bcd0b5963d1df8d3518d8 (diff)
CTAN sync 201909280300
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-% $Id: faq-how-do-i.tex,v 1.47 2014/01/28 18:17:23 rf10 Exp $
-\section{How do I do\dots{}?}
-\Question[Q-proof]{Proof environment}
-It was long thought impossible to make a \environment{proof}
-environment which automatically includes an `end-of-proof' symbol.
-Some proofs end in displayed maths; others do not. If the input file
-contains % ! line break
-\texttt{...\csx{]} }\cmdinvoke{end}{proof} then \LaTeX{} finishes off
-the displayed maths and gets ready for a new line before it reads any
-instructions connected with ending the proof, so the code is very
-tricky. You \emph{can} insert the symbol by hand, but the
-(apparently) original `automatic' solution came with Paul Taylor's
-Nowadays, the \Package{ntheorem} package now solves the problem for
-\LaTeX{} users: it provides an automatic way of signalling
-the end of a proof.
-The \AMSLaTeX{} package \Package{amsthm} also provides a
-\environment{proof} environment that does the job; though you need to
-insert a \csx{qedhere} command if the proof ends with a displayed
- text...
- \begin{equation*}
- maths... \tag*{\qedhere}
- \end{equation*}
-The \cmdinvoke{tag*}{\csx{qedhere}} construction may be used in any of
-\AMSLaTeX{}'s numbering environments.
-\item[amsthm.sty]Distributed as part of the \AMSLaTeX{} bundle
- \CTANref{amslatex}[amsthm]
-\Question[Q-theoremfmt]{Theorem bodies printed in a roman font}
-If you want to take advantage of the powerful \csx{newtheorem} command
-without the constraint that the contents of the theorem is in a sloped
-font (for example, you may want to use it to create remarks, examples, proofs,
-\dots{}) then you can use the \AMSLaTeX{} \Package{amsthm} package
-(which now supersedes the \Package{theorem} package previously
-recommended in these answers).
-Alternatively, the following sets up an environment
-\environment{remark} whose content is in the default roman font.
- {\begin{preremark}\upshape}%
- {\end{preremark}}
- {\begin{preremark}\upshape}{\end{preremark}}
-The \Package{ntheorem} package provides control of the fonts used by
-theorems, directly.
-\item[amsthm.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{amslatex}[amsthm]
-\item[theorem.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[theorem]
-\Question[Q-newfunction]{Defining a new log-like function in \LaTeX{}}
-Use the \csx{mathop} command, as in:
-Subscripts and superscripts on \csx{diag} will be placed below and
-above the function name, as they are on
-\csx{lim}. If you want your subscripts and superscripts always placed
-to the right, do:
- {\mathop{\mathrm{diag}}\nolimits}
-\AMSLaTeX{} (in its \Package{amsopn} package, which is automatically
-loaded by \Package{amsmath}) provides a command
-\csx{DeclareMathOperator} that takes does the same job as the first
-definition above. To create our original \csx{diag} command, one would
-\csx{DeclareMathOperator*} declares the operator always to have its
-sub- and superscripts in the % ! line break
-``\Qref*{\csx{limits} position}{Q-limits}''.
-The \Package{amsopn} command \csx{operatorname} allows you to
-introduce \emph{ad hoc} operators into your mathematics, so
- \csx{[} \cmdinvoke{operatorname}{foo}\texttt{(bar)} \csx{]}
-typesets the same as
-\[ \foo(bar) \]
-As with \csx{DeclareMathOperator} there's a starred version
-\csx{operatorname*} for sub- and superscripts in the limits position.
-(It should be noted that ``log-like'' was reportedly a \emph{joke} on
-Lamport's part; it is of course clear what was meant.)
-\item[amsopn.sty]Distributed as part of the \AMSLaTeX{} distribution
- \CTANref{amslatex}[amsopn]
-\Question[Q-braket]{Set specifications and Dirac brackets}
-One of the few glaring omissions from \TeX{}'s mathematical
-typesetting capabilities is a means of setting separators in the
-middle of mathematical expressions. \TeX{} provides primitives called
-\csx{left} and \csx{right}, which can be used to modify brackets (of
-whatever sort) around a mathematical expression, as in:
-% beware line wrap
-\csx{left(}\texttt{ <expression> }\csx{right)}~--- the size of the
-parentheses is matched to the vertical extent of the expression.
-However, in all sorts of mathematical enterprises one may find oneself
-needing a \csx{middle} command, to be used in expressions like
-\left\{ x \in \mathbb{N} \middle| x \mbox{ even} \right\}
-\left\{ x\in \mathbb{N} \middle|
- x \mbox{ even} \right\}
-to specify the set of even natural numbers. The % ! line break
-\Qref*{\eTeX{} system}{Q-etex}
-defines just such a command, but users of Knuth's original need some
-support. Donald Arseneau's \Package{braket} package provides commands
-for set specifications (as above) and for Dirac brackets (and bras and
-kets). The package uses the \eTeX{} built-in command if it finds
-itself running under \eTeX{}.
-\Question[Q-cancellation]{Cancelling terms in maths expressions}
-A technique used when explaining the behaviour of expressions or
-equations (often for pedagogical purposes). The \Package{cancel}
-package provides several variants of cancellation marks
-(``\texttt{\textbackslash }'', ``\texttt{/}'' and ``\texttt{X}''), and
-a means of cancelling `to' a particular value.
-Documentation of \Package{cancel} is in the package file.
-\Question[Q-mathsize]{Adjusting maths font sizes}
-In \plaintex{}, when you introduce a new font size you must also
-declare what size fonts are to be used in mathematics with it. This
-is done by declaring \csx{textfont}, \csx{scriptfont} and
-\csx{scriptscriptfont} for the maths families you're using; all such
-things are described in chapter~17 of the % line wrap!
-\Qref*{\TeX{}book}{Q-tex-books} and in other books and
-\Qref*{tutorials}{Q-man-tex} that discuss \plaintex{} in sufficient
-In \LaTeX{}, of course, all this stuff is automated: there is a scheme
-that, for each (text) font size, determines what maths font sizes are
-to be used. The scheme first checks a set of ``known'' text sizes,
-for each of which maths sizes are declared in advance. If the text
-size isn't ``known'', the script- and scriptscriptfont sizes are
-calculated as fixed ratios of the tex font size. (The values used are
-\csx{defaultscriptratio}\ensuremath{=}0.7, and
-The fixed-ratio formula is capable of producing inconvenient results
-(particularly if you are using fonts which \LaTeX{} believes are only
-available in a fixed set of sizes). You may also want to replace
-\LaTeX{}'s ideas altogether, for example by setting maths noticeably
-larger or smaller than its surrounding text. For this purpose, the
-\LaTeX{} command
-may be used (this is the same command that \LaTeX{} itself uses to
-define its own set of sizes). This establishes (or re-establishes)
-the maths font sizes to be used when the surrounding text font size is
-\texttt{\meta{tfs}}; (\texttt{\meta{ts}} being the size used for
-\csx{textfont}, \texttt{\meta{ss}} for \csx{scriptfont} and
-\texttt{\meta{sss}} for \csx{scriptscriptfont}).
-For example, you might want to use a font with a smaller body height
-than Computer Modern, but still prefer \acro{CM} math to any of the
-alternatives. In this case, you might use:
-to get 9pt maths when the surrounding body text is (nominal) 10pt.
-\csx{DeclareMathSizes} may only be used in the preamble of the
-document: only one association is available for each text font size
-for the whole document. The default settings are specified in
-\File{fontdef.dtx} in the latex distribution, and are compiled into
-\File{fontmath.ltx}; the arguments to the command are just numbers
-(`\texttt{pt}' is assumed), but some of them are written using
-\Qref*{\LaTeX{} abbreviations}{Q-ltxabbrv} for standard font sizes.
-Beware simply copying (parts of) the \LaTeX{} definitions~--- since
-they contain those internal abbreviations, they need to be treated as
-\Qref{internal commands}{Q-atsigns}.
-\keywords{\csx{dots} \csx{cdots} \csx{vdots} \csx{ddots}}
-Ellipses are commonly required, and \LaTeX{} natively supplies a fair
-range (\csx{dots}, \csx{cdots}, \csx{vdots} and \csx{ddots}). By using
-the \Package{graphics} package, one can change the slope of the
-\csx{ddots} command, as in
-$ ... \reflectbox{$\ddots$} ... $
-While this works, it is not a recommended way of achieving the desired
-result (see below). Moreover, \LaTeX{}'s range is not adequate to
-everyone's requirements, and at least three packages provide
-extensions to the set.
-The \AMSLaTeX{} bundle provides a range of ``semantically-named''
-ellipses, for use in different situations: \csx{dotsb} for use between
-pairs of binary operators, \csx{dotsc} for use between pairs of commas,
-and so on.
-The \Package{yhmath} package defines an \csx{adots} command, which is
-the analogue of \csx{ddots}, sloping forwards rather than backwards.
-The \Package{yhmath} package comes with a rather interesting font that
-extends the standard \Package{cmex}; details are in the documentation.
-The \Package{mathdots} package (besides fixing up the behaviour of
-\AllTeX{} \csx{ddots} and \csx{vdots} when the font size changes)
-provides an ``inverse diagonal'' ellipsis \csx{iddots} (doing the same
-job as \Package{yhmath}'s \csx{adots}, but better).
-Documentation of \Package{yhmath} appears, processed, in the
-distribution (thus saving you the bother of installing the package
-before being able to read the documentation). Documentation of
-\Package{mathdots} appears at the end the package file itself.
-\item[graphics.sty]Part of the \CTANref{graphics} bundle
-\Question[Q-limits]{Sub- and superscript positioning for operators}
-The commonest hand-written style for expressions is to place the limit
-expressions on operators such as \csx{sum} and \csx{int} physically
-above and below the operator. In \AllTeX{}, we write these limit
-expressions using sub- and superscripts applied to the operator, but
-they don't always appear in the ``handwritten'' way in \TeX{}'s
-The reason is, that when an expression appears in non-display maths,
-in running text (and is therefore in \TeX{} \csx{textstyle}), placing
-the limits thus could lead to ragged line spacing (and hence
-difficult-to-read text). It is therefore common (in \csx{textstyle})
-to place the limits as one would sub- and superscripts of variables.
-This is not universally satisfactory, so the primitive \csx{limits} is
-$\sum\limits_{n=1}^{m} ...$
-which will place the limits right above and below the symbol (and be
-blowed to the typography\dots{}).
-Contrariwise, you may wish to change the arrangement of the limits
-when in \csx{displaystyle}. For this purpose, there's a corresponding
-\[\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{m} ...\]
-which will place the limits as they would be in \csx{textstyle}.
-Alternatively, one can manipulate the
-\csx{textstyle}/\csx{displaystyle} state of the mathematics. To get
-``\csx{limits} placement'' in inline maths,
-$\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{m} ...$
-and for ``\csx{nolimits} placement'' in display maths,
-\[\textstyle\sum_{n=1}^{m} ...\]
-will serve. Either of these forms may have effects other than on the
-operator you're considering, but there are still those who prefer this
-Remember, if you're % ! line break
-\Qref*{declaring a special operator of your own}{Q-newfunction}, the
-\AMSLaTeX{} functions (that you ought to be using) allow you to choose
-how limits are displayed, at definition time.
-(Note that the macro \csx{int} normally has \csx{nolimits} built in to
-its definition. There is an example in the \TeX{}book to show how odd
-\csx{int}\csx{limits} looks when typeset.)
-\Question[Q-mathstext]{Text inside maths}
-When we type maths in \AllTeX{}, the letters from which we make up
-ordinary text assume a special significance: they all become
-single-letter variable names. The letters appear in italics, but it's
-not the same sort of italics that you see when you're typing ordinary
-text: a run of maths letters (for example ``here'') looks oddly
-``lumpy'' when compared with the word written in italic text. The
-difference is that the italic text is kerned to make the letters fit
-well together, whereas the maths is set to look as if you're
-multiplying \emph{h} by \emph{e} by \emph{r} by \emph{e}. The other
-way things are odd in \TeX{} maths typing is that spaces are ignored:
-at best we can write single words in this oddly lumpy font.
-So, if we're going to have good-looking text in amongst maths we're
-writing, we have to take special precautions. If you're using
-\LaTeX{}, the following should help.
-The simplest is to use \csx{mbox} or \csx{textrm}:
-$e = mc^2 \mbox{here we go again}$
-The problem is that, with either, the size of the text remains firmly
-at the surrounding text size, so that
-$z = a_{\mbox{other end}}$
-can look quite painfully wrong.
-The other simple technique, \csx{textrm}, is no more promising:
-$z = a_{\textrm{other end}}$
-does the same as \csx{mbox}, by default.
-(The maths-mode instance of your roman font (\csx{mathrm}) gets the
-size right, but since it's intended for use in maths, its spaces get
-ignored~--- use \csx{mathrm} for upright roman alphabetic variable
-names, but not otherwise.)
-You can correct these problems with size selectors in the text, as:
-$z = a_{\mbox{\scriptsize other end}}$
-which works if your surrounding text is at default document size, but
-gives you the wrong size otherwise.
-The \csx{mbox} short cut is (just about) \acro{OK} for ``occasional''
-use, but serious mathematics calls for a technique that
-relieves the typist of the sort of thought required. As usual, the
-\AMSLaTeX{} system provides what's necessary~--- the \csx{text}
-command. (The command is actually provided by the \Package{amstext}
-package, but the ``global'' \Package{amsmath} package loads it.) Thus
-anyone using \AMSLaTeX{} proper has the command available, so even
-this author can write:
-$z = a_{\text{other end}}$
-and the text will be at the right size, and in the same font as
-surrounding text. (The \Package{amstext} package also puts
-\csx{textrm} to rights~--- but \csx{text} is easier to type than
-\AMSLaTeX{} also makes provision for interpolated comments in the
-middle of one of its multi-line display structures, through the
-\csx{intertext} command. For example:
- A_1&=N_0(\lambda;\Omega')-
- \phi(\lambda;\Omega'),\\
- A_2&=\phi(\lambda;\Omega')-
- \phi(\lambda;\Omega),\\
- A_3&=\mathcal{N}(\lambda;\omega).
- A_1&=N_0(\lambda;\Omega')-\phi(\lambda;\Omega'),\\
- A_2&=\phi(\lambda;\Omega')-\phi(\lambda;\Omega),\\
- \intertext{and} A_3&=\mathcal{N}(\lambda;\omega).
-places the text ``and'' on a separate line before the last line of the
-display. If the interjected text is short, or the equations
-themselves are light-weight, you may find that \csx{intertext} leaves
-too much space. Slightly more modest is the \csx{shortintertext}
-command from the \Package{mathtools} package:
- a =& b
- \shortintertext{or}
- c =& b
-To have the text on the same line as the second equation, one can use
-the \environment{flalign} environment (from \Package{amsmath})
-with lots of dummy equations (represented by the double \texttt{\&}
- && a =& b && \\
- \text{or} && c =& b &&
-\item[amsmath.sty]Distributed as part of \AMSLaTeX{}
- \CTANref{amslatex}[amsmath]
-\item[amstext.sty]Distributed as part of \AMSLaTeX{}
- \CTANref{amslatex}[amstext]
-\item[mathtools.sty]Distributed as part of the \Package{mh} bundle
- \CTANref{mh}[mathtools]
-\Question[Q-reuseq]{Re-using an equation}
-To repeat an existing equation, one wants not only to have the same
-mathematics in it, one also wants to re-use the original label it had.
-The \Package{amsmath} package comes to our help, here:
- a=b
- \label{eq1}
-Remember that
- a=b
- \tag{\ref{eq1}}
-Here, the second instance of \ensuremath{a=b} will be
-typeset with a copy, made by the \csx{tag} command, of the label of the
-first instance.
-\item[amsmath.sty]Distributed as part of \AMSLaTeX{}
- \CTANref{amslatex}[amsmath]
-\Question[Q-brkinline]{Line-breaking in in-line maths}
-\TeX{}, by default, allows you to split a mathematical expression at
-the end of the line; it allows breaks at relational operators (like
-``='', ``\textless'', etc.) and at binary operators (like ``+'',
-``-'', etc.). In the case of large expressions, this can sometimes be
-a life-saver.
-However, in the case of simple expressions like \ensuremath{a=b+c}, a
-break can be really disturbing to the reader, and one would like to
-avoid it.
-Fortunately, these breaks are controllable: there are ``penalties''
-associated with each type of operator: the penalty
- says how
-undesirable a break at each point is. Default values are:
-\relpenalty = 500
-\binoppenalty = 700
-You make the break progressively less attractive by increasing these
-values. You can actually forbid all breaks, everywhere, by:
-\relpenalty = 10000
-\binoppenalty = 10000
-If you want just to prevent breaks in a single expression, write:
- \relpenalty = 10000
- \binoppenalty = 10000
- $a=b+c$
-and the original values will remain undisturbed outside the braces.
-This is tedious: there is often value in an alternative approach,
-in which you say which parts of the expression may not break whatever
-happens, and fortunately this is surprisingly easy. Suppose we want
-to defer a break until after the equality, we could write:
-${a+b+c+d} = z+y+x+w$
-The braces say ``treat this subformula as one atom'' and (in \TeX{} at
-least) atoms don't get split: not a \csx{binoppenalty} change in sight.
-\Question[Q-mathonlyref]{Numbers for referenced equations only}
-There are those who consider that papers look untidy with numbers on
-every equation; there is also a school of thought that claims that
-there should be numbers everywhere, in case some reader wants to make
-reference an equation to which the author made no cross-reference.
-If you hold to the ``only cross-referenced'' school of thought, you
-can (using the \csx{nonumber} command on the relevant equations, or by
-using the \AMSLaTeX{} unnumbered environments such as
-\environment{equation*}) mark those of your equations to which you
-make no reference. In a long or complex paper, this procedure could
-well become deeply tedious.
-Fortunately, help is at hand: the \Package{mh} bundle's
-\Package{mathtools} package offers a `\pkgoption{showonlyrefs}'
-switch through its \csx{mathtoolsset} command; when that's in
-operation, only those equations to which you make reference will be
-numbered in the final output. See the package's documentation for
-details of how to make references when the switch is in effect.
-\item[mathtools.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mh}[mathtools]
-\Question[Q-subheight]{Even subscript height}
-Other things being equal, \TeX{} will aim to position subscripts and
-superscripts in places that ``look good''. Unfortunately, it only
-does this for the sub- and superscripts of each atom at a time, so if
-you have
-$ X^{1}_{2} X_{2} $
-the second subscript will appear higher, since the first has moved
-down to avoid the superscript;
-the effect can be noticeably distracting:
- $ X^{1}_{2} X_{2} $
- \includegraphics{faq-images1.png}
-You can avoid the problem, for a single instance, by
-$ X^{1}_{2} X^{}_{2} $
-here, the dummy superscript has the requisite ``pushing down'' effect:
- $ X^{1}_{2} X^{}_{2} $
- \includegraphics{faq-images2.png}
-While this technique does what is necessary, it is tedious and
-potentially error-prone. So, for more than one or two equations
-in a document, the \LaTeX{} user is advised to use the
-\Package{subdepth} package, which forces the lower position for all
-\Question[Q-enumerate]{Fancy enumeration lists}
-The \Package{enumerate} package allows you to control the display of
-the enumeration counter. The package adds an optional parameter to
-the \environment{enumerate} environment, which is used to specify the
-layout of the labels. The layout parameter contains an enumeration
-type (`\texttt{1}' for arabic numerals, `\texttt{a}' or `\texttt{A}'
-for alphabetic enumeration, and `\texttt{i}' or `\texttt{I}' for Roman
-numerals), and things to act as decoration of the enumeration. So,
-for example
-\item ... ...
-starts a list whose labels run (a), (b), (c), \dots{}; while
-\item ... ...
-starts a list whose labels run I/, II/, III/, \dots{}
-The \Package{paralist} package, whose primary purpose is % beware line break
-\Qref*{compaction of lists}{Q-complist}, provides the same facilities
-for its \environment{enumerate}-like environments.
-If you need non-stereotyped designs, the \Package{enumitem} package
-gives you most of the flexibility you might want to design your own.
-The silly roman example above could be achieved by:
-\item ... ...
-Note that the `\texttt{*}' in the key value stands for the list
-counter at this level. You can also manipulate the format of
-references to list item labels:
- ref=(\roman{*})]
-\item ... ...
-\begin{enumerate}[label=\Roman{*}/, ref=(\roman{*})]
-\item ... ...
-to make references to the list items format appear as (i), (ii),
-(iii), etc.
-The \Class{memoir} class includes functions that match those in the
-\Package{enumerate} package, and has similar functionality for
-\environment{itemize} lists.
-%% It is possible (if not particularly convenient) to do the same thing
-%% yourself. Suppose you want your top-level \environment{enumerate}s to
-%% be labelled I/, II/, III/, \dots{}, then give these commands:
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\Roman{enumi}}
-%% \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\theenumi/}
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% The possible styles of numbering are given in Section~6.3 of Lamport's
-%% book (see \Qref[question]{\TeX{}-related books}{Q-book-lists}). Both
-%% \csx{theenumi} and \csx{labelenumi} must be changed, since
-%% \csx{theenumi} is used in cross-references to the list.
-%% For lower level \environment{enumerate}s, replace |enumi| by |enumii|,
-%% |enumiii| or |enumiv|, according to the level. If your label is much
-%% larger than the default, you should also change \csx{leftmargini},
-%% \csx{leftmarginii}, \emph{etc}.
-\item[enumerate.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[enumerate]
-\Question[Q-complist]{How to adjust list spacing}
-\Qref*{Lamport's book}{Q-latex-books} lists various
-parameters for the layout of list (things like \csx{topsep},
-\csx{itemsep} and \csx{parsep}), but fails to mention that they're set
-automatically within the standard (\latex{}-defined) lists. This
-happens because each list
-executes a command \csx{@list}\texttt{\meta{depth}} (the depth
-appearing as a lower-case roman numeral); what's more, the top-level
-\csx{@listi} is usually reset when the font size is changed. As a
-result, it's rather tricky for
-the user to control list spacing. Of course, the real answer is to use
-a document class designed with more modest list spacing, but we all
-know such things are hard to come by. The \Class{memoir} class doesn't
-provide more compact lists, but offers the user control over the list
-spacing using \csx{firmlist} and \csx{tightlist} (and \texttt{*}-ed
-versions of them); see section~8.6 of the memoir manual.
-There are packages that provide some control of list spacing, but they
-seldom address the separation from surrounding text (defined by
-\csx{topsep}). The \Package{expdlist} package, among its many controls
-of the appearance of \environment{description} lists, offers a
-compaction parameter (see the documentation); the \Package{mdwlist}
-package offers a \csx{makecompactlist} command for users' own list
-definitions, and uses it to define compact lists
-\environment{itemize*}, \environment{enumerate*} and
-\environment{description*}. In fact, you can write lists such as
-these commands define pretty straightforwardly~--- for example:
- {\begin{itemize}%
- \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
- \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
- {\end{itemize}}
-The \Package{paralist} package provides several approaches to list
-\item its \environment{asparaenum} environment formats each item as if
- it were a paragraph introduced by the enumeration label (which saves
- space if the item texts are long);
-\item its \environment{compactenum} environment is the same sort of
- compact list as is provided in \Package{expdlist} and
- \Package{mdwlist}; and
-\item its \environment{inparaenum} environment produces a list ``in
- the paragraph'', i.e., with no line break between items, which is a
- great space-saver if the list item texts are short.
-The package will manipulate its \environment{enumerate} environment
-labels just like the \Qref*{\Package{enumerate} package}{Q-enumerate}
-\Package{Paralist} also provides \environment{itemize} equivalents
-(\environment{asparaitem}, etc.), and \environment{description}
-equivalents (\environment{asparadesc}, etc.).
-The \Package{multenum} package offers a more regular form of
-\Package{paralist}'s \environment{inparaenum}; you define a notional
-grid on which list entries are to appear, and list items will always
-appear at positions on that grid. The effect is somewhat like that of
-the `tab' keys on traditional typewriters; the package was designed
-for example sheets, or lists of answers in the appendices of a book.
-The \Package{expdlist}, \Package{mdwlist} and \Package{paralist}
-packages all offer other facilities for list configuration: you should
-probably not try the ``do-it-yourself'' approaches outlined below if
-you need one of the packages for some other list configuration
-For ultimate flexibility (including manipulation of \csx{topsep}), the
-\Package{enumitem} package permits adjustment of list parameters using
-a ``\emph{key}\latexhtml{\ensuremath{=}}{=}\meta{value}'' format.
-For example, one might write
-\begin{enumerate}[topsep=0pt, partopsep=0pt]
-\item ...
-\item ...
-to suppress all spacing above and below your list, or
-\item ...
-\item ...
-to set spacing between items and between paragraphs within items.
-\Package{Enumitem} also permits manipulation of the label format in a
-more ``basic'' (and therefore more flexible) manner than the % ! line break
-\Qref*{\Package{enumerate} package}{Q-enumerate} does.
-The ultimate in compaction (of every sort) is offered by the
-\Package{savetrees} package; compaction of lists is included. The
-package's prime purpose is to save space at every touch and turn:
-don't use it if you're under any design constraint whatever!
-\item[enumerate.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[enumitem]
-\item[memoir \nothtml{\rmfamily}manual]\CTANref{memoir-man}
-\item[mdwlist.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mdwtools}[mdwlist]
-\Question[Q-interruptlist]{Interrupting enumerated lists}
-It's often convenient to have commentary text, `outside' the list,
-between successive entries of a list. In the case of
-\environment{itemize} lists this is no problem, since there's never
-anything to distinguish successive items, while in the case of
-\environment{description} lists, the item labels are under the user's
-control so there's no automatic issue of continuity.
-For \environment{enumerate} lists, the labels are generated
-automatically, and are context-sensitive, so the context (in this
-case, the state of the enumeration counter) needs to be preserved.
-The belt-and-braces approach is to remember the state of the
-enumeration in your own counter variable, and then restore it when
-restarting enumerate:
- ...
- ...
- \setcounter{saveenum}{\value{enumi}}
-<Commentary text>
- \setcounter{enumi}{\value{saveenum}}
- ...
-This is reasonable, in small doses\dots{} Problems (apart from sheer
-verbosity) are getting the level right (``should I use counter
-\texttt{enumi}, \texttt{enumii}, \dots{}'') and remembering not to
-nest the interruptions (i.e., not to have a separate list, that is
-itself interrupted) in the ``commentary text'').
-The \Package{mdwlist} package defines commands \csx{suspend} and
-\csx{resume} that simplify the process:
- ...
-<Commentary text>
- ...
-The package allows an optional name (as in
-\cmdinvoke{suspend}[id]{enumerate}) to allow you to identify a
-particular suspension, and hence provide a handle for manipulating
-nested suspensions.
-If you're suspending a \Qref*{fancy-enumeration list}{Q-enumerate},
-you need to
-re-supply the optional ``item label layout'' parameters required by
-the \Package{enumerate} package when resuming the list, whether by the
-belt-and-braces approach, or by the \Package{mdwlist}
-\cmdinvoke{resume}{enumerate} technique. The task is a little tedious
-in the \Package{mdwlist} case, since the optional argument has to be
-encapsulated, whole, inside an optional argument to \csx{resume},
-which requires use of extra braces:
-\begin{enumerate}[\textbf{Item} i]
- ...
-\resume{enumerate}[{[\textbf{Item} i]}]
-\nothtml{\noindent}The \Package{enumitem} package, in its most recent
-release, will also allow you to resume lists:
-which feels just as ``natural'' as the \Package{mdwtools} facility,
-and has the advantage of playing well with the other excellent
-facilities of \Package{enumitem}.
-\Package{Expdlist} has a neat way of providing for comments, with its
-\csx{listpart} command. The command's argument becomes a comment
-between items of the list:
-\item item 1
-\item item 2
- \listpart{interpolated comment}
-\item item 3
-This, you will realise, means it doesn't even have to think about
-suspending or resuming the list, and of course it works equally well
-in any of the list environments (thought it's not actually
-\emph{necessary} for any but \environment{enumerate}).
-\Package{Enumitem} also allows multi-level suspension and resumption
-of lists:
-\item outer item 1
-\item outer item 2
-% nested enumerate
-\item inner item 1
-<nested comment>
-% resume nested enumerate
-\item inner item 2
-\item outer item 3
-% end outer enumerate
-However, the `nested comment' interpolated in the nested enumeration
-appears as if it were a second paragraph to ``outer item 2'', which is
-hardly satisfactory.
-\item[enumerate.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[enumerate]
-\item[mdwlist.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mdwtools}[mdwlist]
-\subsection{Tables, figures and diagrams}
-\Question[Q-destable]{The design of tables}
-In recent years, several authors have argued that the examples, set
-out by Lamport in his \Qref*{\LaTeX{} manual}{Q-latex-books}, have cramped
-authors' style and have led to extremely poor table design. It is in
-fact difficult even to work out what many of the examples in Lamport's
-book ``mean''.
-The criticism focuses on the excessive use of rules (both horizontal
-and vertical) and on the poor vertical spacing that Lamport's macros
-The problem of vertical spacing is plain for all to see, and is
-addressed in several packages~--- see % beware line breaks
-``\Qref*[question]{spacing of lines in tables}{Q-struttab}''.
-The argument about rules is presented in the excellent essay that
-prefaces the documentation of Simon Fear's \Package{booktabs} package,
-which (of course) implements Fear's scheme for `comfortable' rules.
-(The same rule commands are implemented in the \Class{memoir} class.)
-Lamport's \LaTeX{} was also inflexibly wrong in ``insisting'' that
-captions should come at the bottom of a table. Since a table may
-extend over several pages, traditional typography places the caption
-at the top of a table float. The \csx{caption} command will get its
-position wrong (by \texttt{10pt}) if you simply write:
- \caption{Example table}
- \begin{tabular}{...}
- ...
- \end{tabular}
-The \Package{topcapt} package solves this problem:
- \topcaption{Example table}
- \begin{tabular}{...}
- ...
- \end{tabular}
-The \Class{KOMA-script} classes provide a similar command
-\csx{captionabove}; they also have a class option
-\pkgoption{tablecaptionabove} which arranges that \csx{caption}
-\emph{means} \csx{captionabove}, in table environments. The
-\Package{caption} package may be loaded
-with an option that has the same effect:
-or the effect may be established after the package has been loaded:
-(Note that the two ``position'' options are different: actually,
-``above'' and ``top'' in these contexts mean the same thing.)
-Doing the job yourself is pretty easy: \Package{topcapt} switches the
-values of the \LaTeXe{} parameters \csx{abovecaptionskip} (default
-value \texttt{10pt}) and \csx{belowcaptionskip} (default value
-\texttt{0pt}), so:
- \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0pt}
- \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{10pt}
- \caption{Example table}
- \begin{tabular}{...}
- ...
- \end{tabular}
-does the job (if the length values are right; the package and classes
-are more careful!).
-\item[\nothtml{\rmfamily}KOMA script bundle]\CTANref{koma-script}
-\Question[Q-fixwidtab]{Fixed-width tables}
-There are two basic techniques for making fixed-width tables in
-\LaTeX{}: you can make the gaps between the columns stretch, or you
-can stretch particular cells in the table.
-Basic \LaTeX{} can make the gaps stretch: the \environment{tabular*}
-environment takes an extra argument (before the \texttt{clpr} layout one)
-which takes a length specification: you can say things like ``\texttt{15cm}''
-or ``\csx{columnwidth}'' here. You must also have an \csx{extracolsep}
-command in the \texttt{clpr} layout argument, inside an \texttt{@\{\}}
-directive. So, for example, one might have
- {@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lllr}
-The \csx{extracolsep} applies to all inter-column gaps to its right as
-well; if you don't want all gaps stretched, add
-\cmdinvoke{extracolsep}{0pt} to cancel the original.
-The \Package{tabularx} package defines an extra \texttt{clpr} column
-specification, \texttt{X}; \texttt{X} columns behave as \texttt{p}
-columns which expand to fill the space available. If there's more
-than one \texttt{X} column in a table, the spare space is distributed
-between them.
-The \Package{tabulary} package (by the same author) provides a way of
-``balancing'' the space taken by the columns of a table. The package
-defines column specifications \texttt{C}, \texttt{L}, \texttt{R} and
-\texttt{J}, giving, respectively, centred, left, right and
-fully-justified versions of space-sharing columns. The package
-examines how long each column would be ``naturally'' (i.e., on a piece of paper of unlimited width), and
-allocates space to each column accordingly. There are ``sanity
-checks'' so that really large entries don't cause everything else to
-collapse into nothingness (there's a ``maximum width'' that any column
-can exert), and so that tiny entries can't get smaller than a
-specified minimum. Of course, all this work means that the package
-has to typeset each row several times, so things that leave
-``side-effects'' (for example, a counter used to produce a row-number
-somewhere) are inevitably unreliable, and should not even be tried.
-The \Package{ltxtable} package combines the features of the
-\Package{longtable} and \Package{tabularx} packages. It's important
-to read the documentation, since usage is distinctly odd; the
-distribution contains no more than a file \File{ltxtable.tex}, which you
-should process using \LaTeX{}. Processing will give you a \File{.sty}
-file as well as the \File{.dvi} or \File{.pdf} output containing the
-\item[ltxtable.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{carlisle}[ltxtable]
-\item[tabularx.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[tabularx]
-\Question[Q-varwidcol]{Variable-width columns in tables}
-This is a slightly different take on the problem addressed in
-``\Qref*[question]{fixed-width tables}{Q-fixwidtab}''~--- here we have
-a column whose size we can't absolutely predict when we design the
-While the basic techniques (the \Package{tabularx}, \Package{tabulary}
-and \Package{ltxtable} packages) are the same for this problem as for the
-fixed-width \emph{table} problem, there's one extra tool that we can
-call to our aid, which may be preferable in some situations.
-Suppose we have data in one column which we read from an external
-source, and the source itself isn't entirely predictable. The data in
-the column may end up pretty narrow in every row of the table, or it
-may be wide enough that the table would run over the edge of the page;
-however, we don't want to make the column as wide as possible ``just
-in case'', by defining a fixed size for the table. We would like the
-column to be as small as possible, but have the possibility to spread
-to a maximum width and (if even that width is exceeded) turn into a
-\texttt{p}-style column.
-The \Package{varwidth} package, discussed in % ! line break
-``\Qref*[question]{automatic sizing of minipages}{Q-varwidth}'', provides
-a solution. If you load it together with the \LaTeX{} ``required''
-\Package{array} package, i.e.:
-\Package{varwidth} defines a new column-type ``\texttt{V}'', which you
-can use as follows:
-\begin{tabular}{l V{3.5cm} r}
- foo & blah & bar \\
- foo & blah blah & bar \\
-when the second column ends up less than 3.5cm wide;
-or you can use it as follows:
-\begin{tabular}{l V{3.5cm} r}
- foo & blah & bar \\
- foo & blah blah & bar \\
- foo & blah blah blah blah blah blah
- & bar \\
-where the second column will end up noticeably wider, and will wrap to
-a second line in the third row.
-\item[array.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[array]
-\Question[Q-struttab]{Spacing lines in tables}
-\AllTeX{} mechanisms for maintaining the space between lines (the
-``\emph{leading}'') rely on \TeX{}'s paragraph builder, which compares
-the shape of consecutive lines and adjusts the space between them.
-These mechanisms can't work in exactly the same way when \AllTeX{} is
-building a table, because the paragraph builder doesn't get to see the
-lines themselves. As a result, tables sometimes typeset with lines
-uncomfortably close together (or occasionally ridiculously far apart).
-Traditional (moving metal type) typographers would adjust the spacing
-between lines of a table by use of a ``\emph{strut}'' (a metal
-spacer). A \TeX{} user can do exactly the same thing: most macro
-packages define a \csx{strut} command, that defines a space appropriate
-to the current size of the text; placing a \csx{strut} command at the
-end of a troublesome row is the simplest solution to the problem~---
-if it works. Other solutions below are \LaTeX{}-specific, but some
-may be simply translated to \plaintex{} commands.
-If your table exhibits a systematic problem (i.e., every row is wrong
-by the same amount) use \csx{extrarowheight}, which is defined by the
-\Package{array} package:
-\usepackage{array}% in the preamble
-To correct a single row whose maladjustment isn't corrected by a
-\csx{strut} command, you can define your own, using
-\cmdinvoke{rule}{0pt}{length}~--- which is a near approximation to the
-command that goes inside a \csx{strut}. The \Package{bigstrut} package
-defines a strut command that you can use for this purpose:
-\csx{bigstrut} on its own opens up both above and below the current
-line; \cmdinvoke{bigstrut}[t] opens up above the line,
-\cmdinvoke{bigstrut}[b] opens up below the line.
-General solutions are available, however. The \Package{tabls} package
-automatically generates an appropriately-sized strut at the end of
-each row. Its disadvantages are that it's really rather slow in
-operation (since it gets in the way of everything within tables) and
-its (lack of) compatibility with other packages.
-The \Package{makecell} package provides a command \csx{gape} that may
-be used to apply strut expansion for a single cell of a table:
- ... & \gape{cell contents} & ... \\
- ...
-The package's similar \csx{Gape} command provides the same function,
-but with optional arguments that allow you to adjust the top and
-bottom adjustment.
-To adjust every cell in whole tables, the
-\cmdinvoke{setcellgapes}{\meta{value}} sets the adjustment value (an
-optional argument of ``\texttt{t}'' or ``\texttt{b}'' restricts
-adjustment to the top or bottom of each cell, respectively). Having
-issued \csx{setcellgapes}, the command \csx{makegapedcells} switches
-cell expansion on, and \csx{nomakegapedcells} switches it off again.
-The \Package{cellspace} package does a (possibly inferior) job by
-defining a new table/array column type ``S'', which you apply to each
-column specification. So, for example,
-\cmdinvoke{begin}{tabular}{l l l p{3cm}}
-would become
-\cmdinvoke{begin}{tabular}{Sl Sl Sl Sp{3cm}}
-and so on. This technique shows
-promise of not interfering so much with other packages, but this
-author has heard of no reports from the field.
-The \Package{booktabs} package comes with a thought-provoking essay
-about how tables should be designed. Since table row-spacing problems
-most often appear in collisions with rules, the author's thesis,
-that \LaTeX{} users tend too often to rule their tables, is
-interesting. The package provides rule commands to support the
-author's scheme, but deals with inter-row spacing too. The most
-recent release of \Package{booktabs} sports compatibility with
-packages such as \Package{longtable}.
-\item[array.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[array]
-\Question[Q-longtab]{Tables longer than a single page}
-Tables are, by default, set entirely in boxes of their own: as a
-result, they won't split over a page boundary. Sadly, the world keeps
-turning up tables longer than a single page that we need to typeset.
-For simple tables (whose shape is highly regular), the simplest
-solution may well be to use the \environment{tabbing} environment,
-which is slightly tedious to set up, but which doesn't force the whole alignment
-onto a single page.
-The \Package{longtable} package builds the whole table (in chunks), in
-a first pass, and then uses information it has written to the \extension{aux}
-file during later passes to get the setting ``right'' (the package
-ordinarily manages to set tables in just two passes). Since the
-package has overview of the whole table at the time it's doing
-``final'' setting, the table is set ``uniformly'' over its entire
-length, with columns matching on consecutive pages.
-\Package{longtable} has a reputation for failing to interwork with
-other packages, but it does work with \Package{colortbl}, and its
-author has provided the \Package{ltxtable} package to provide (most
-of) the facilities of \Package{tabularx} (see
-% beware line wrap
-\Qref[question]{fixed-width tables}{Q-fixwidtab}) for long tables:
-beware of its rather curious usage constraints~--- each long table
-should be in a file of its own, and included by
-\cmdinvoke*{LTXtable}{width}{file}. Since \Package{longtable}'s
-multiple-page tables can't possibly live inside floats, the package
-provides for captions within the \environment{longtable} environment
-A seeming alternative to \Package{ltxtable} is \Package{ltablex}; but
-it is outdated and not fully functional. Its worst problem is its
-strictly limited memory capacity (\Package{longtable} is not so
-limited, at the cost of much complication in its code);
-\Package{ltablex} can only deal with relatively small tables, it doesn't seem
-likely that support is available; but its user interface is much
-simpler than \Package{ltxtable}, so if its restrictions aren't a
-problem for you, it may be worth a try.
-The \Package{supertabular} package starts and stops a
-\environment{tabular} environment for each page of the table. As a
-result, each `page worth' of the table is compiled independently, and
-the widths of corresponding columns may differ on successive pages.
-However, if the correspondence doesn't matter, or if your columns are
-fixed-width, \Package{supertabular} has the great advantage of doing
-its job in a single run.
-Both \Package{longtable} and \Package{supertabular} allow definition
-of head- and footlines for the table; \Package{longtable} allows
-distinction of the first and last head and foot.
-The \Package{xtab} package fixes some infelicities of
-\Package{supertabular}, and also provides a ``last head'' facility
-(though this, of course, destroys \Package{supertabular}'s advantage
-of operating in a single run).
-The \Package{stabular} package provides a simple-to-use ``extension to
-\environment{tabular}'' that allows it to typeset tables that run over
-the end of a page; it also has usability extensions, but doesn't have
-the head- and footline capabilities of the major packages.
-Documentation of \Package{ltablex} is to be found in the package file.
-\item[longtable.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[longtable]
-\item[ltxtable.sty]Generate by running \CTANref{ltxtable}
-\item[stabular.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{sttools}[stabular]
-\Question[Q-tabcellalign]{How to alter the alignment of tabular cells}
-One often needs to alter the alignment of a tabular \texttt{p} (`paragraph')
-cell, but problems at the end of a table row are common. With a
-\texttt{p} cell that looks like:
-... & \centering blah ... \\
-one is liable to encounter errors that complain about a ``misplaced
-\csx{noalign}'' or ``\Qref*{extra alignment tab}{Q-altabcr}'', or the like.
-The problem is that the command \texttt{\bsbs } means different things in
-different circumstances: the \environment{tabular} environment
-switches the meaning to a value for use in the table, and
-\csx{centering}, \csx{raggedright} and \csx{raggedleft} all change the
-meaning to something incompatible. Note that the problem only
-arises in the last cell of a row: since each cell is set into a box,
-its settings are lost at the \texttt{\&} (or \texttt{\bsbs }) that
-terminates it.
-In the old days, the actual value of \texttt{\bsbs } that the
-\environment{tabular} environment uses was only available as an
-internal command. Nowadays, the value is a public command, and you
-can in principle use it explicitly:
-... & \centering blah ... \tabularnewline
-(but that's a rather verbose way of doing things).
-The \Package{array} package provides a command \csx{arraybackslash}
-which restores \texttt{\bsbs } to its correct (within table) meaning;
-the command may be used in \Package{array}'s ``field format'' preamble
- >{\centering\arraybackslash}%
- p{50mm}}
-\begin{tabular}{... >{\centering\arraybackslash}p{50mm}}
-The \csx{tabularnewline} and \csx{arraybackslash} commands are
-(somewhat) modern additions to \LaTeX{} and the \Package{array}
-package, respectively. In the unlikely event that neither is
-available, the user may try the (old) solution which preserves the
-meaning of \texttt{\bsbs }:
- #1%
- \let\\=\temp
-which one uses within a table as:
-... & \PBS\centering blah ... \\
-or in the preamble as:
-\item[array.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[array]
-\nothtml{\vskip 0pt plus 4ex}
-\Question[Q-rulethk]{The thickness of rules in \LaTeX{} tables}
-The rules in a \LaTeX{} table are by default \texttt{0.4pt} thick;
-this is in fact a default built in at the lowest level, and applies to
-all rules (including those separating blocks of running text).
-Sometimes, however, we look at a table and find we want the rules to
-stand out~--- perhaps to separate the text from the rest of the body
-text, or to make the sections of the table stand out from one another.
-However, a quick review of any \LaTeX{} manual will reveal no
-technique for making any one rule stand out, and a little
-experimentation shows that it is indeed pretty difficult to prevent
-a change ``bleeding'' out to affect other rules in the same table.
-If you look at what we have to say on the % ! line break
-\Qref*{design of tables}{Q-destable}, elsewhere
-among these \acro{FAQ}s, and you may sense that the design of \LaTeX{}
-simply skipped the issues surrounding table design: \emph{that's}
-presumably why there's no facilities to help you.
-Specifically, the length \csx{arrayrulewidth} affects the thickness of
-the rules (both horizontal and vertical) within both
-\environment{tabular} and \environment{array} environments. If you
-change from the default (see above) only as far as
-the change is remarkably striking. However, really quite subtle user
-level programming proves incapable of changing just \emph{one} rule:
-it's necessary to delve into the (rather tricky) code of \csx{hline}
-and \csx{cline} themselves.
-Fortunately, this job has already been done for the community: the
-\Package{booktabs} package defines three different classes of rule
-(\csx{toprule}, \csx{midrule} and \csx{bottomrule}), and the package
-documentation offers hints on how to use them. You are
-\emph{strongly} advised to read the documentation pretty carefully.
-The \Class{memoir} class includes the \Package{booktabs} package, and
-repeats the documentation in its compendious manual.
-Note that none of the above mentions the issue of the weight of
-vertical rules (except in passing). For the reasons, see the
-documentation of the \Package{booktabs} package (again); vertical
-rules in tables are in any case even more trickily coded than are
-horizontal rules, and if their lack of configurability makes them
-still less attractive, so much the better for the design of your
-\Question[Q-textflow]{Flowing text around figures}
-There are several \LaTeX{} packages that purport to do this, but they
-all have their limitations because the \TeX{} machine isn't really
-designed to solve this sort of problem. Piet van Oostrum has
-conducted a survey of the available packages; he recommends:
-\item[\texttt{floatflt}] \Package{floatflt} is an improved version
- (for \LaTeXe{}) of \File{floatfig.sty}, and its syntax is:
-\begin{floatingfigure}[options]{width of figure}
- figure contents
- \begin{quote}
- \cmdinvoke{begin}{floatingfigure}[\emph{options}]{\emph{figure width}}\\
- \mbox{}\qquad\emph{figure contents}\\
- \cmdinvoke{end}{floatingfigure}
- \end{quote}
-There is a (more or less similar) \environment{floatingtable}
-The tables or figures can be set left or right, or alternating on
-even/odd pages in a double-sided document.
-The package works with the \texttt{multicol} package, but doesn't work well
-in the neighbourhood of list environments (unless you change your
-\LaTeX{} document).
-\item[\texttt{wrapfig}] \Package{wrapfig} has syntax:
-\begin{wrapfigure}[height of figure in lines]{l,r,...}[overhang]{width}
- figure, caption, etc.
- \begin{quote}
- \cmdinvoke{begin}{wrapfigure}\texttt{\%}\\
- \mbox{}%
- \qquad\qquad\texttt{[\emph{figure height in lines}]\%}\\
- \mbox{}%
- \qquad\qquad\texttt{\{l,r,\emph{etc}\}[\emph{overhang}]\{\emph{width}\}}\\
- \mbox{}\qquad\emph{figure, caption, etc.}\\
- \cmdinvoke{end}{wrapfigure}
- \end{quote}
- The syntax of the \environment{wraptable} environment is similar.
- The \emph{\texttt{height}} may be omitted, in which case it will
- be calculated from the size of the figure; the package will use
- the greater of the specified and the
- actual width. The \texttt{\{l,r,\emph{etc}.\}} parameter may
- also be specified as \texttt{i}\emph{(nside)} or
- \texttt{o}\emph{(utside)} for two-sided documents, and uppercase
- may be used to indicate that the picture should float. The
- overhang allows the figure to be
- moved into the margin. The figure or table will entered into the
- list of figures or tables if you use the \csx{caption} command.
- The environments do not work within list environments that end
- before the figure or table has finished, but can be used in a
- parbox or minipage, and in twocolumn format.
- \item[\texttt{picins}] \Package{Picins} is part of a large bundle
- that allows inclusion of pictures (e.g., with shadow boxes,
- various \MSDOS{} formats, etc.). The command for inserting a
- picture at the start of a paragraph is:
- \begin{quote}
- \csx{parpic}\texttt{(width,height)(x-off,y-off)[Options][Position]\{Picture\}}\\
- \emph{Paragraph text}
- \end{quote}
- \begin{quote}
- \cmdinvoke*{picins}(width,height)(x-off,y-off)\texttt{\%}\\
- \mbox{\qquad\qquad}\texttt{[\emph{options}][\emph{position}]\%}\\
- \mbox{\qquad\qquad}\texttt{\{\emph{Picture}\}}\\
- \emph{Paragraph text}
- \end{quote}
- All parameters except the \emph{Picture} are optional. The picture
- can be positioned left or right, boxed with a rectangle, oval,
- shadowbox, dashed box, and a caption can be given which will be
- included in the list of figures.
- Unfortunately (for those of us whose understanding of German is not
- good), the documentation is in German. Piet van Oostrum has written
- a summary in English.
-All of the above deal insertions at one or other margin; they are able
-to take advantage of the \tex{} \csx{parshape} primitive that allows
-you to adjust the margins of the text of a paragraph, by line (Knuth
-provides an example of such use, with text typeset in a circle,
-half-overlapping the margin, in chapter~14 of the \tex{}book). To
-place insertions in the middle of a paragraph requires effort of an
-entirely different sort; the \Package{cutwin} package does this for
-you. It requires a set of ``part line widths'' (two per line), and
-typesets the ``cutout'' section of the paragraph line by line. The
-examples in the package documentation look enticing.
-\plaintex{} users only have one option: \Package{figflow} (which
-doesn't work in \LaTeX{}). \Package{Figflow} only offers flowed
-figures at the start of the paragraph, but it seems perfectly
-functional. Syntax is
- \cmdinvoke*{figflow}{\meta{width}}{\meta{height}}{\meta{figure}}
-(the user is responsible for having the dimensions correct, and for
-ensuring the figure fits on the page).
-\item[picins \nothtml{\rmfamily}documentation summary]\CTANref{picins-summary}
-\Question[Q-slashbox]{Diagonal separation in corner cells of tables}
-You want to label both the top or bottom row and the left- or
-rightmost column, somewhere at the corner of the table where the row
-and column meet. A simple way to achieve the result is to construct
-the table with an arrangement of rules (and possibly \csx{multicolumn}
-entries), to look like:
-x y
- --------------
- 1 2 3 4 5
-However, this doesn't satisfy everyone: many want the labelling in a
-single cell at the top left of the table. It sounds a simple enough
-requirement, yet it calls for some slightly tricky \LaTeX{} coding.
-The \Package{diagbox} package does this job for you: it defines a
-command \csx{diagbox} whose two arguments provide the texts to be
-used; an optional argument may be used for fine tuning of the result.
-It draws a picture with the two labels on either side of a slanting
-line; the command (and hence the picture) may be placed in the corner
-cell, where the labelled row and column meet.
-The \Package{diagbox} package supersedes \Package{slashbox}; the older
-package's commands \csx{slashbox} and \csx{backslashbox} are provided
-in a compatible way in the newer package, to ease transition.
-\Question[Q-wholerow]{How to change a whole row of a table}
-Each cell of a table is set in a box, so that a change of font style
-(or whatever) only lasts to the end of the cell. If one has a
-many-celled table, or a long one which needs lots of rows emphasising,
-putting a font style change command in every cell will be impossibly
-With the \Package{array} package, you can define column modifiers
-which will change the font style for a whole \emph{column}. However,
-with a bit of subtlety, one can make such modifiers affect rows rather
-than columns. So, we set things up by:
- \global\let\currentrowstyle\relax}%
- \gdef\currentrowstyle{#1}%
- #1\ignorespaces
- #1\ignorespaces
-Now, we put `\texttt{\$}' before the first column specifier; and we
-put `\texttt{\textasciicircum }'
-before the modifiers of subsequent ones. We then use \csx{rowstyle} at
-the start of each row we want to modify:
-\begin{tabular}{|$l|^l|^l|} \hline
- \rowstyle{\bfseries}
- Heading & Big and & Bold \\ \hline
- Meek & mild & entry \\
- Meek & mild & entry \\
- \rowstyle{\itshape}
- Strange & and & italic \\
- Meek & mild & entry \\ \hline
-The \Package{array} package works with several other
-\environment{tabular}-like environments from other packages (for
-example \environment{longtable}), but unfortunately this trick won't
-always work.
-\item[array.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[array]
-\Question[Q-multirow]{Merging cells in a column of a table}
-It's easy to come up with a table design that requires a cell that
-spans several rows. An example is something where the left-most
-column labels the rest of the table; this can be done (in simple
-cases) by using % beware line break
-\Qref*{diagonal separation in corner cells}{Q-slashbox}, but that
-technique rather strictly limits what can be used as the content of
-the cell.
-The \Package{multirow} package enables you to construct such multi-row
-cells, in a very simple manner. For the simplest possible use, one
-might write:
-\multirow{4}{*}{Common g text}
- & Column g2a\\
- & Column g2b \\
- & Column g2c \\
- & Column g2d \\
-and \Package{multirow} will position ``Common g text'' at the vertical
-centre of the space defined by the other rows. Note that the rows
-that don't contain the ``multi-row'' specification must have empty
-cells where the multi-row is going to appear.
-The ``\texttt{*}'' may be replaced by a column width specification. In this
-case, the argument may contain forced line-breaks:
-\multirow{4}{25mm}{Common\\g text}
- & Column g2a\\
- & Column g2b \\
- & Column g2c \\
- & Column g2d \\
-A similar effect (with the possibility of a little more
-sophistication) may be achieved by putting a smaller table that lines
-up the text into a \texttt{*}-declared \csx{multirow}.
-The \csx{multirow} command may also used to write labels vertically
-down one or other side of a table (with the help of the
-\Package{graphics} or \Package{graphicx} package, which provide the
-\csx{rotatebox} command):
-\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{hi there}}
- & Column g2a\\
- & Column g2b \\
- & Column g2c \\
- & Column g2d \\
-(which gives text going upwards; use angle \texttt{-90} for text going
-downwards, of course).
-To make a \csx{multicolumn} multi-row ``cell'' in a table, you have to
-enclose a \csx{multirow} inside a \csx{multicolumn}~--- the other way
-around does not work, so:
-\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{combined cells}}
- &top right\\ \cline{3-3}
- &middle right\\ \hline
-bottom left
- &bottom center
- &bottom right\\ \hline
- {combined cells}}
- &top right\\ \cline{3-3}
- &middle right\\ \hline
-bottom left
- &bottom center
- &bottom right\\ \hline
-\Package{Multirow} is set up to interact with the \Package{bigstrut}
-package (which is also discussed in the answer to % beware line break
-\Qref[question]{spacing lines in tables}{Q-struttab}). You use an
-optional argument to the \csx{multirow} command to say how many of the
-rows in the multi-row have been opened up with \csx{bigstrut}.
-The documentation of both \Package{multirow} and \Package{bigstrut} is
-to be found, as comments, in the package files themselves.
-\subsection{Floating tables, figures, etc.}
-\Question[Q-floatpages]{Floats on their own on float pages}
-It's sometimes necessary to force a float to live on a page by itself.
-(It's sometimes even necessary for \emph{every} float to live on a
-page by itself.) When the float fails to `set', and waits for the end
-of a chapter or of the document, the natural thing to do is to declare
-the float as
- \cmdinvoke{begin}{figure}[p!]
-but the overriding \texttt{!} modifier has no effect on float page floats; so
-you have to make the float satisfy the parameters.
-\Qref[Question]{Moving tables and figures}{Q-floats} offers some
-suggestions, but doesn't solve the one-float-per-page question.
-The `obvious' solution, using the counter \texttt{totalnumber}
-(``total number of floats per page'') doesn't work:
-\texttt{totalnumber} only applies to floats on `text' pages (pages
-containing text as well as one or more float). So, to allow any
-size float to take a whole page, set \csx{floatpagefraction} really
-small, and to ensure that no more than one float occupies a page, make
-the separation between floats really big:
-\Question[Q-wideflt]{Centring a very wide figure or table}
-The normal means of centring a figure or table object is to include
-\csx{centering} at the top of the float. This doesn't help if the
-object is wider than \csx{textwidth}~--- the object starts at the left
-margin and juts out into the right margin (which is actually doubly
-unsatisfactory, since as well as looking bad, the float won't be
-placed until the next \csx{clearpage} or the like.)
-You can avoid the problem by rescaling the figure or table to fit, but
-this is often not satisfactory, for several reasons.
-Otherwise, if the object is wider than the printable area of the page,
-you've no choice other than to \Qref*{rotate it}{Q-landscape}. If,
-however, the object is \emph{just} wider than the text block, you can
-make it pretend to be the right size by:
- \noindent
- \makebox[\textwidth]{\includegraphics{my-wide-figure}}%
- \caption{This figure juts out into both margins}
- \noindent
- \makebox[\textwidth]{%
- \includegraphics{my-wide-figure}%
- }%
- \caption{This figure juts out into both margins}
-Note the \csx{noindent}: the \csx{makebox} starts a paragraph, and you
-really don't want that indented by \csx{parindent}.
-\Question[Q-2colfloat]{Placing two-column floats at bottom of page}
-You specified placement `\texttt{[htbp]}' for your full-width figure or
-table, but they always get placed at the top of the page\dots{} Well,
-it \emph{is} what the documentation says: \LaTeX{}, unadorned, only
-allows full-width floats at the top of a page, or occupying (part of) a
-float page.
-The \Package{stfloats} package ameliorates the situation somewhat, and
-makes \LaTeX{} honour `[b]' placement as well; the
-\Package{dblfloatfix} package combines a tidied version of the changes
-made in \Package{stfloats} with the
-\begin{narrowversion} % non-hyper
- float ordering corrections defined in \Package{fixltx2e}
- (\Qref{}{Q-2colfltorder}).
-\begin{wideversion} % hyper
- \Qref{float ordering corrections}{Q-2colfltorder} defined in
- \Package{fixltx2e}.
-A particular problem with \Package{stfloats} and \Package{dblfloatfix}
-is that the float will appear, at its earliest, on the page after it
-is specified. This has two undesirable side-effects: first, there may
-be no bottom float on the first page of a document, and second, float
-numbers may become ``entangled'' (particularly if you're using
-\Package{dblfloatfix} that ensures that the early-specified bottom
-float is set \emph{before} any single column floats).
-(The \acro{FAQ} team doesn't know of any package that will make
-\LaTeX{} honour `[h]' placement of double-column floats, but the
-\Package{midfloat} package can be pressed into service to provide
-something approximating the effect it would have.)
-\item[midfloat.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{sttools}[midfloat]
-\item[stfloats.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{sttools}[stfloats]
-\Question[Q-mcfloat]{Floats in multicolumn setting}
-If you use
- ...
-in a \environment{multicols} environment, the figure won't appear. If
-instead you use
- ...
-the figure will stretch right across the page (just the same as a
-\environment{figure*} in standard \LaTeX{}'s \pkgoption{twocolumn} option).
-It's possible to have single-column figures and tables with captions,
-using the `\texttt{[H]}' placement option introduced by the \Package{float}
-package but you might have to fiddle with the placement because they
-won't `float', and exhibit other strange behaviours (such as silently
-running off the end of the column at the end of the
-\environment{multicols} environment).
-\item[multicol.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[multicol]
-\Question[Q-dpfloat]{Facing floats on 2-page spread}
-If a pair of floats need to be forced to form a 2-page spread (in a
-book, or whatever), the first must lie on the left side of the spread,
-on an even-numbered page. The \Package{dpfloat} package provides for
-this: the construction to use is:
- \begin{leftfullpage}
- <left side figure>
- \end{leftfullpage}
- \begin{fullpage}
- <right side figure>
- \end{fullpage}
-The construction has no effect on documents with class option
-\pkgoption{oneside} (\pkgoption{twoside} is the default for
-\Class{book} class).
-A special case of this requirement places the caption for a float on
-the next page. (This is useful if you have a float that ``only just''
-fits the page.) You can (with a certain amount of twiddling) make
-this work with \Package{dpfloat}, but the \Package{fltpage} package is
-specially designed for the job:
- \includegraphics{my-huge-figure}
- \caption{Whew! That was a big one!}
-That example should produce a caption
- Figure \meta{n} \emph{(facing page)}: Whew! \dots{}
-(Note, however, that the package is an old one, and declares itself to
-be a beta release, and contains no valid licence statement so that it
-is not in \texlive{}. It seems to work, but\dots{})
-A alternative route is the ``continued'' mechanism of the
-\Package{caption} package. The \csx{ContinuedFloat} macro makes a
-small tweak to the next \csx{caption} command, so that the command
-makes no increment to the caption number. This does not (of course)
-have any effect on actual placement of the float, but it makes the
-caption texts read `sensibly':
- \caption{A table}
- ...
- \caption{A table (cont.)}
- ...
-which would produce:
- Table 3: A table
- \dots
- Table 3: A table (cont.)
-\Question[Q-vertposfp]{Vertical layout of float pages}
-By default, \LaTeX{} vertically centres the floats on a float page;
-the present author is not alone in not liking this arrangement.
-Unfortunately, the control of the positioning is ``buried'' in
-\LaTeX{}-internal commands, so some care is needed to change the
-Float pages use three \LaTeX{} lengths (i.e., \TeX{} skips) to define
-their layout:
-\item[\nothtml{\normalfont}\csx{@fptop}] defines the distance from the
- top of the page to the top of the first float,
-\item[\nothtml{\normalfont}\csx{@fpsep}] defines the separation between
- floats, and
-\item[\nothtml{\normalfont}\csx{@fpbot}] defines the distance from the
- bottom of the last float on the page to the bottom of the page.
-(In fact, the output routine places a skip of \csx{@fpsep} above each float, so
-the \csx{@fptop} skip is always followed by a correction for that.)
-The \LaTeX{} defaults are:
- \csx{@fptop} = \texttt{0pt + 1fil}\\
- \csx{@fpsep} = \texttt{8pt + 2fil}\\
- \csx{@fpbot} = \texttt{0pt + 1fil}\\
-so that the gaps expand to fill the space not occupied by floats, but
-if there is more than one float on the page, the gap between them will
-expand to twice the space at top and bottom.
-Those who understand this stuff will be able to play elaborate games,
-but the commonest requirement, that the floats start at the top of the
-page, is a simple thing to do:
-Surprisingly, you may find this setting leaves your floats too high on
-the page. One can justify a value of \texttt{5pt} (in place of
-\texttt{0pt})~--- it's roughly the difference between \csx{topskip}
-and the height of normal (\texttt{10pt}) text.
-Note that this is a ``global'' setting (best established in a class
-file, or at worst in the document preamble); making the change for a
-single float page is likely (at the least) to be rather tricky.
-\Question[Q-figurehere]{Figure (or table) \emph{exactly} where I want it}
-This is of course a contradiction: \environment{figure} and
-\environment{table} are \emph{designed} to float, and will always have
-the potential to appear away from where you asked for them. Therefore
-you need something that behaves like a \environment{figure} or
-\environment{table} environment, except that it doesn't allow the
-figure or table to float.
-The most straightforward way is to use of the \Package{float} package;
-it gives you a \texttt{[H]} float placement option that prevents
- \centering
- \includegraphics{foo}
- \caption{caption text}
- \label{fig:nonfloat}
-As the example suggests, such a `\texttt{[H]}' figure (or
-corresponding table) offers all you need to cross-reference as well
-as typeset. (The package \Package{here} provides the same function,
-but is no longer recommended.)
-However, you don't actually \emph{have} to use \Package{float} (or
-\Package{here}) since it is, in fact, doing rather little for you.
-You can place your figure as you please, with a sequence like
- \includegraphics{foo}
- \captionof{figure}{caption text}
- \label{fig:nonfloat}
-which relies on the \csx{captionof} command to place a caption without
-benefit of an enclosing float. That command may be had from the extremely
-simple-minded package \Package{capt-of} or from the highly
-sophisticated \Package{caption} package.
-Using either method, you have to deal with the possibility of the
-figure or table being too large for the page. (Floating objects will
-float away in this circumstance; ``doing it by hand'', like this, you
-take upon yourself the responsibility for avoiding % ! line break
-`\textit{Overfull \csx{vbox}}' errors.
-A further problem is the possibility that such ``fixed floats'' will
-overtake ``real floats'', so that the numbers of figures will be out
-of order: figure 6 could be on page 12, while figure 5 had floated to
-page 13. It's best, therefore, either to stay with floating figures
-throughout a document, or to use fixed figures throughout.
-If it's really impossible to follow that counsel of perfection, you
-can use the \Package{perpage} package's command \csx{MakeSorted}
-and the sequence of float numbers is all correct.
-\item[perpage.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{bigfoot}[perpage]
-\Question[Q-footintab]{Footnotes in tables}
-The standard \LaTeX{} \csx{footnote} command doesn't work in tables;
-the tabular environment (and its ``relations'') traps footnotes, and
-they can't escape to the bottom of the page. As a result, you get
-footnote marks in the table, and nothing else.
-This accords with common typographic advice: footnotes and tables are
-reckoned not to mix.
-The solution, if you accept the advice, is to use ``table notes''.
-The package \Package{threeparttable} provides table notes, and
-\Package{threeparttablex} additionally supports them in
-\environment{longtable}s. \Package{Threeparttable} works happily in
-ordinary text, or within a \environment{table} float.
-The \Package{ctable} package extends the model of
-\Package{threeparttable}, and also uses the ideas of the
-\Package{booktabs} package. The \csx{ctable} command does the complete
-job of setting the table, placing the caption, and defining the
-notes. The ``table'' may consist of diagrams, and a parameter in
-\csx{ctable}'s optional argument makes the float that is created a
-``figure'' rather than a ``table''.
-If you really want ``real'' footnotes in tables, despite the expert
-advice, you can:
-\item Use \csx{footnotemark} to position the little marker
- appropriately, and then put in \csx{footnotetext} commands to fill in
- the text once you've closed the \environment{tabular} environment.
- This is described in Lamport's book, but it gets messy if there's
- more than one footnote.
-\item Stick the \environment{tabular} environment in a
- \environment{minipage}. Footnotes in the
- table then ``work'', in the \environment{minipage}'s style, with no
- extra effort. (This is, in effect, somewhat like table notes, but
- the typeset appearance isn't designed for the job.)
-\item Use \Package{tabularx} or \Package{longtable} from the \LaTeX{}
- tools distribution; they're noticeably less efficient than the
- standard \environment{tabular} environment, but they do allow
- footnotes.
-\item Use \Package{tablefootnote}; it provides a command \csx{tablefootnote},
- which does the job without fuss.
-\item Use \Package{footnote}, which provides an
- \environment{savenotes} which collects all footnotes and emits them
- at the end of the environment; thus if you put your
- \environment{tabular} environment inside a \environment{savenotes}
- environment, the footnotes will appear as needed. Alternatively,
- you may use \cmdinvoke{makesavenoteenv}{tabular} in the preamble of your
- document, and tables will all behave as if they were inside a
- \environment{savenotes} environment.
-\item Use \Package{mdwtab} from the same bundle; it will handle
- footnotes as you might expect, and has other facilities to increase
- the beauty of your tables. Unfortunately, it may be incompatible
- with other table-related packages, though not those in the standard `tools'
- bundle.
-All the techniques listed will work, to some extent, whether in a float or
-in ordinary text. The author of this \acro{FAQ} answer doesn't actually
-recommend any of them, believing that table notes are the way to go\dots{}
-\item[footnote.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mdwtools}[footnote]
-\item[longtable.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[longtable]
-\item[mdwtab.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{mdwtools}[mdwtab]
-\item[tabularx.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[tabularx]
-\Question[Q-ftnsect]{Footnotes in \LaTeX{} section headings}
-The \csx{footnote} command is fragile, so that simply placing the
-command in \csx{section}'s arguments isn't satisfactory. Using
-\csx{protect}\csx{footnote} isn't a good idea either: the arguments of a
-section command are used in the table of contents and (more
-dangerously) potentially also in page headers. While footnotes will
-work in the table of contents, it's generally not thought a ``good
-thing'' to have them there; in the page header, footnotes will simply
-fail. Whatever the desirability of the matter, there's no mechanism
-to suppress the footnote in the page header while allowing it in the table
-of contents, so the footnote may only appear in the section heading itself.
-To suppress the footnote in headings and table of contents:
-\item Take advantage of the fact that the mandatory argument doesn't
- `move' if the optional argument is present:
- \cmdinvoke{section}[title]%
- \texttt{\{title}\cmdinvoke{footnote}{title ftnt}\texttt{\}}
-\item Use the \Package{footmisc} package, with package option
- \texttt{stable}~--- this modifies footnotes so that they softly and
- silently vanish away if used in a moving argument. With this, you
- simply need:
-% in the document preamble
-% in the body of the document
-\section{title\footnote{title ftnt}}
-\Question[Q-ftncapt]{Footnotes in captions}
-Footnotes in captions are especially tricky: they present problems of
-their own, on top of the problems one experiences with
-\Qref*{footnotes in section titles}{Q-ftnsect} (footnotes migrating to
-to the list of figures or tables, or % ! line break
-\Qref{apparently random errors}{Q-extrabrace} because
-\csx{footnote} is a fragile command), and with % ! line break
-\Qref*{footnotes in tables}{Q-footintab} (typically, the footnote
-simply disappears). Fortunately, the requirement for footnotes in
-captions is extremely rare: if you are experiencing problems, it is
-worth reviewing what you are trying to say by placing this footnote:
-other options are to place text at the bottom of the float, or to
-place a footnote at the point where you refer to the float.
-Note that the \Package{threeparttable} scheme (see, again, % ! line break
-\Qref[question]{footnotes in tables}{Q-footintab}) also applies
-to notes in captions, and may very well be preferable to whatever you
-were thinking of.
-If you \emph{are} going to proceed:
-\item use an optional argument in your \csx{caption} command, that
- doesn't have the footnote in it; this prevents the footnote
- appearing in the ``List of \dots{}'', and
-\item put your whole float in a \environment{minipage} so as to keep
- the footnotes with the float.
-so we have:
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
- ...
- \caption[Compact Routing Example]%
- {Compact Routing\footnote{something} Example}
- \end{minipage}
- \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
- ...
- \caption[Compact Routing Example]%
- {Compact Routing\footnote{something}
- Example}
- \end{minipage}
-So, we make an entry for the List of Figures, which doesn't hold
-troublesome commands, such as \csx{footnote}.
-However, \emph{as well as} all of the above, one \emph{also} has to
-deal with the tendency of the \csx{caption} command to produce the
-footnote's text twice. For this last problem, there is no tidy
-solution this author is aware of.
-If you're suffering the problem, a well-constructed \csx{caption}
-command in a \environment{minipage} environment within a float (as
-in the example above) can produce \emph{two} copies of the footnote
-body ``something''. (In fact, the effect only occurs with captions that are
-long enough to require two lines to be typeset, and so wouldn't appear
-with such a short caption as that in the example above.)
-The documentation of the \Package{ccaption} package describes a really
-rather awful work-around for this problem.
-\Question[Q-repfootnote]{Footnotes whose texts are identical}
-If the \emph{same} footnote turns up at several places within a
-document, it's often inappropriate to repeat the footnote in its
-entirety over and over again. We can avoid repetition by
-semi-automatic means, or by simply labelling footnotes that we know
-we're going to repeat and then referencing the result. There is no
-completely automatic solution (that detects and suppresses repeats)
-If you know you only have one footnote, which you want to repeat, the
-solution is simple: merely use the optional argument of
-\csx{footnotemark} to signify the repeats:
-...\footnote{Repeating note}
-\dots{}\@ which is very easy, since we know there will only ever be a
-footnote number 1. A similar technique can be used once the footnotes
-are stable, reusing the number that \LaTeX{} has allocated. This can
-be tiresome, though, as any change of typesetting could change the
-relationships of footnote and repeat: labelling is inevitably better.
-Simple hand-labelling of footnotes is possible, using a counter dedicated
-to the job:
-...\footnote{Text to repeat}%
-but this is somewhat tedious. \LaTeX{}'s labelling mechanism can be
-summoned to our aid, but there are ugly error messages before the
-\csx{ref} is resolved on a second run through \LaTeX{}:
-...\footnote{Text to repeat\label{fn:repeat}}
-Alternatively, one may use the \csx{footref} command, which has the
-advantage of working even when the footnote mark isn't expressed as a
-number. The command is defined in the \Package{footmisc} package and
-in the \Class{memoir} class (at least); \csx{footref} reduces the above
-example to:
-...\footnote{Text to repeat\label{fn:repeat}}
-This is the cleanest simple way of doing the job. Note that the
-\csx{label} command \emph{must} be inside the argument of
-The \Package{fixfoot} package takes away some of the pain of the
-matter: you declare footnotes you're going to reuse, typically in the
-preamble of your document, using a \csx{DeclareFixedFoot} command, and
-then use the command you've `declared' in the body of the document:
-\DeclareFixedFootnote{\rep}{Text to repeat}
-The package ensures that the repeated text appears at most once per
-page: it will usually take more than one run of \LaTeX{} to get rid of
-the repeats.
-\Question[Q-multfoot]{More than one sequence of footnotes}
-The need for more than one series of footnotes is common in critical
-editions (and other literary criticism), but occasionally arises in
-other areas.
-Of course, the canonical critical edition package, \Package{edmac},
-offers the facility, as does its \LaTeX{} port, the \Package{ledmac}
-Multiple ranges of footnotes are offered to \LaTeX{} users by the
-\Package{manyfoot} package. The package provides a fair array of
-presentation options, as well. Another critical edition
-\Package{ednotes} package is built upon a basis that includes
-\Package{manyfoot}, as its mechanism for multiple sets of footnotes.
-The \Package{bigfoot} package also uses \Package{manyfoot} as part of
-its highly sophisticated structure of footnote facilities, which was
-also designed to support typesetting critical editions.
-\item[manyfoot.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{ncctools}[manyfoot]
-\Question[Q-footnpp]{Footnotes numbered ``per page''}
-The obvious solution is to make the footnote number reset whenever the
-page number is stepped, using the % ! line break
-\Qref*{\LaTeX{} internal mechanism}{Q-addtoreset}. Sadly, the place
-in the document where the page number is stepped is unpredictable, not
-(``tidily'') at the end of the printed page; so changing the footnote
-number only ever works by `luck'.
-As a result, resetting footnotes is inevitably a complicated process,
-using labels of some sort. It's nevertheless important, given the
-common requirement for footnotes marked by symbols (with painfully
-small symbol sets). There are four packages that manage it, one way
-or another.
-The \Package{perpage} and \Package{zref-perpage} packages provide a
-general mechanism for resetting counters per page, so can obviously be
-used for this task. The interface is pretty simple:
-\cmdinvoke{MakePerPage}{footnote} (in \Package{perpage}) or
-\cmdinvoke{zmakeperpage}{footnote} (in \Package{zref-perpage}). If
-you want to restart the counter at something other than~1 (for example
-to avoid something in the \LaTeX{} footnote symbol list), you can use:
-\cmdinvoke{MakePerPage}[2]{footnote} (in \Package{perpage}) or
-\cmdinvoke{zmakeperpage}[2]{footnote} (in \Package{zref-perpage}).
-Note that you can also load \Package{zref-perpage}
-\Package{Perpage} is a compact and efficient package;
-\Package{zref-perpage}, being a \Package{zref} ``module'', comes with
-\Package{zref}'s general mechanism for extending the the
-\csx{label}---\csx{[page]ref} of \latex{}, which can offer many other
-useful facilities.
-The \Package{footmisc} package provides a variety of means of
-controlling footnote appearance, among them a package option
-\pkgoption{perpage} that adjusts the numbering per page; if you're
-doing something else odd about footnotes, it means you may only need
-the one package to achieve your ends.
-The \Package{footnpag} package also does per-page footnotes (and
-nothing else). With the competition from \Package{perpage}, it's
-probably not particularly useful any more.
-\item[perpage.sty]Distributed as part \CTANref{bigfoot}[perpage]
-%\item[zref.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{oberdiek}[zref]
-\item[zref-perpage.sty]Distributed as part of \Package{zref} in
- \CTANref{oberdiek}[zref]
-\Question[Q-run-fn-nos]{Not resetting footnote numbers per chapter}
-Some classes (for example, \Class{book} and \Class{report}) set up a
-different set of footnotes per chapter, by resetting the footnote
-number at the start of the chapter. This is essentially the same
-action as that of % ! line break
-\Qref*{equation, figure and table numbers}{Q-running-nos},
-except that footnote numbers don't get ``decorated'' with the chapter
-number, as happens with those other numbers.
-The solution is the same: use the \Package{chngcntr} package; since the
-numbers aren't ``decorated'' you can use the \csx{counterwithout*}
-variant; the code:
-is all you need
-\subsection{Document management}
-\Question[Q-filename]{What's the name of this file}
-One might want this so as to automatically generate a page header or
-footer recording what file is being processed. It's not easy\dots{}
-\TeX{} retains what it considers the name of the \emph{job}, only, in
-the primitive \csx{jobname}; this is the name of the file first
-handed to \TeX{}, stripped of its directory name and of any extension
-(such as \extension{tex}). If no file was passed (i.e., you're using
-\TeX{} interactively), \csx{jobname} has the value \texttt{texput}
-(the name that's given to \extension{log} files in this case).
-This is fine, for the case of a small document, held in a single file;
-most significant documents will be held in a bunch of files, and
-\TeX{} makes no attempt to keep track of files input to the
-\emph{job}. So the user has to keep track, himself~--- the only way
-is to patch the input commands and cause them to retain details of the
-file name. This is particularly difficult in the case of \plaintex{},
-since the syntax of the \csx{input} command is so peculiar.
-In the case of \LaTeX{}, the input commands have pretty regular
-syntax, and the simplest \Qref*{patching techniques}{Q-patch} can be
-used on them. (Note that latex{}'s \csx{input} command is itself a
-patch on top of the \plaintex{} command. Our patches apply to the
-\latex{} version of the command, which is used as \cmdinvoke*{input}{file})
-%% If you only have one level of input (you never input things from a
-%% file that was itself input), the job is almost trivial:
-%% \begin{quote}
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \def\ThisFile{\jobname}
-%% \let\OldInput\input
-%% \renewcommand{\input}[1]{%
-%% \renewcommand{\ThisFile}{#1}%
-%% \OldInput#1%
-%% }
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% \end{quote}
-%% With that, the macro \csx{ThisFile} always contains the last thing
-%% input: it starts pointing at the base file of your document
-%% (\csx{jobname}), and thereafter changes every time you use
-%% \cmdinvoke*{input}{file}. Note that this is not satisfactory if your
-%% document contains things \emph{other} than \csx{input} commands. For
-%% example, in:
-%% \begin{quote}
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \documentclass{article}
-%% ... (macros above)
-%% \begin{document}
-%% \input{preamble}
-%% <body of document>
-%% \input{postamble}
-%% \end{document}
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% \end{quote}
-%% \csx{ThisFile} contains ``\texttt{preamble}'' throughout the % !line break
-%% \meta{body of document}.
-%% Most ordinary users will quickly become irritated with the simplicity
-%% of of the \csx{ThisFile} mechanism above. The following code is more
-%% cunning: it maintains details of the files you've `come through' to
-%% get to where you are, and it restores \csx{ThisFile} to what the
-%% previous file was before returning.
-%% \begin{quote}
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \def\ThisFile{\jobname}
-%% \newcounter{FileStack}
-%% \let\OrigInput\input
-%% \renewcommand{\input}[1]{%
-%% \stackinput{#1}{\OrigInput}%
-%% }
-%% \newcommand{\stackinput}[2]{%
-%% \stepcounter{FileStack}%
-%% \expandafter\let
-%% \csname NameStack\theFileStack\endcsname
-%% \ThisFile
-%% \def\ThisFile{#1}%
-%% #2#1%
-%% \expandafter\let\expandafter
-%% \ThisFile
-%% \csname NameStack\theFileStack\endcsname
-%% \addtocounter{FileStack}{-1}%
-%% }
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% \end{quote}
-%% To do the same for \csx{include}, we need the simple addition:
-%% \begin{quote}
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \let\OrigInclude\include
-%% \renewcommand{\include}[1]{%
-%% \stackinput{#1}{\OrigInclude}%
-%% }
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% \end{quote}
-%% Remember, both examples of patching \csx{input} assume you always use
-%% \LaTeX{} syntax, i.e., always use braces around the argument.
-It is possible to keep track of the name of the file currently being
-processed, but it's surprisingly difficult (these \acro{FAQ}s offered
-code, for a long time, that just didn't work in many cases).
-The \Package{currfile} package provides a regular means of keeping
-track of the details of the current file (its name in
-\csx{currfilename}, directory in \csx{currfiledir}, as well as the
-file `base' name (less its extension) and its extension).
-\Package{Currfile} does this with the help of a second package,
-\Package{filehook}, which spots file operations that use \csx{input},
-\csx{InputIfFileExists} and \csx{include}, as well as package and
-class loading.
-The \Package{FiNK} (``File Name Keeper'') package keeps track of the
-file name and extension, in a macro \csx{finkfile}. \Package{FiNK} is
-now deprecated, in favour of \Package{currfile}, but remains available
-for use in old documents.
-%% If you need the
-%% unadorned file name (without its `\extension{tex}'), use the commands:
-%% \begin{quote}
-%% \begin{verbatim}
-%% \def\striptexext#1.tex{#1}
-%% ...
-%% \edef\ThisFile{\expandafter\stripext\finkfile}
-%% \end{verbatim}
-%% \end{quote}
-The \Package{FiNK} bundle includes a \File{fink.el} that provides
-support under \ProgName{emacs} with \acro{AUC}-\TeX{}.
-\Question[Q-filesused]{All the files used by this document}
-When you're sharing a document with someone else (perhaps as part of a
-co-development cycle) it's as well to arrange that both correspondents
-have the same set of auxiliary files, as well as the document in
-question. Your correspondent obviously needs the same set of files
-(if you use the \Package{url} package, she has to have \Package{url}
-too, for example). But suppose you have a bug-free version of the
-\Package{shinynew} package but her copy is still the unstable
-original; until you both realise what is happening, such a situation
-can be very confusing.
-The simplest solution is the \LaTeX{} \csx{listfiles} command. This
-places a list of the files used and their version numbers in the log
-file. If you extract that list and transmit it with your file, it can
-be used as a check-list in case that problems arise.
-Note that \csx{listfiles} only registers things that are input by the
-``standard'' \LaTeX{} mechanisms (\csx{documentclass}, \csx{usepackage},
-\csx{include}, \csx{includegraphics} and so on).
-The \csx{input} command, as modified by \LaTeX{} and used, with
-\LaTeX{} syntax, as:
- \input{mymacros}
-records file details for \File{mymacros.tex}, but if you use \TeX{}
-primitive syntax for \csx{input}, as:
- \input mymacros
-\File{mymacros.tex} \emph{won't} be recorded, and so won't listed by
-\csx{listfiles}~--- you've bypassed the mechanism that records its use.
-The \Package{snapshot} package helps the owner of a \LaTeX{} document
-obtain a list of the external dependencies of the document, in a form
-that can be embedded at the top of the document. The intended use of
-the package is the creation of archival copies of documents, but it
-has application in document exchange situations too.
-The \ProgName{bundledoc} system uses the \Package{snapshot} to produce an
-archive (e.g., \extension{tar.gz} or \extension{zip}) of the files needed by your
-document; it comes with configuration files for use with
-\texlive{}-\ProgName{Unix} and \ProgName{\miktex{}}. It's plainly useful when
-you're sending the first copy of a document.
-The \ProgName{mkjobtexmf} finds which files are used in a `job',
-either via the \texttt{-recorder} option of \tex{}, or by using the
-(Unix) command \ProgName{strace} to keep an eye on what \tex{} is
-doing. The files thus found are copied (or linked) to a directory
-which may then be saved for transmission or archiving.
-\Question[Q-changebars]{Marking changed parts of your document}
-One often needs clear indications of how a document has changed, but
-the commonest technique, ``change bars'' (also known as ``revision
-bars''), requires surprisingly much
-trickery of the programmer. The problem is that \TeX{} `proper'
-doesn't provide the programmer with any information about the
-``current position'' from which a putative start- or end-point of a
-bar might be calculated. \PDFTeX{} \emph{does} provide that
-information, but no \PDFTeX{}-based changebar package has been
-published, that takes advantage of that.
-The simplest package that offers change bars is Peter Schmitt's
-\Package{backgrnd.tex}; this was written as a \plaintex{} application
-that patches the output routine, but it appears to work at least on
-simple \LaTeX{} documents. Wise \LaTeX{} users will be alerted by the
-information that \Package{backgrnd} patches their output routine, and
-will watch its behaviour very carefully (patching the \LaTeX{} output
-routine is not something to undertake lightly\dots{}).
-The longest-established \LaTeX{}-specific solution is the
-\Package{changebar} package,
-which uses \csx{special} commands supplied by the driver you're using.
-You need therefore to tell the package which driver to you're using
-(in the same way that you need to tell the \Package{graphics}
-package); the list of available drivers is pretty
-wide, but does not include \ProgName{dvipdfm}. The package comes with
-a shell script \ProgName{} (for use on Unix machines) that
-will compare two documents and generate a third which is marked-up
-with \Package{changebar} macros to highlight changes.
-The shareware \ProgName{WinEDT} editor has a macro that will generate
-\Package{changebar} (or other) macros to show differences from an
-earlier version of your file, stored in an \ProgName{RCS}-controlled
-repository~--- see
-The \Package{vertbars} package uses the techniques of the
-\Package{lineno} package (which it loads, so the \Package{lineno}
-itself must be installed); it's thus the smallest of the packages for
-change bar marking, since it leaves all the trickery to another
-package. \Package{Vertbars} defines a \environment{vertbar}
-environment to create changebars.
-The \Package{framed} package is
-another that provides bars as a side-effect of other desirable
-functionality: its \environment{leftbar} environment is simply a
-stripped-down frame (note, though, that the environment makes a
-separate paragraph of its contents, so it is best used when the
-convention is to mark a whole changed paragraph.
-Finally, the \Class{memoir} class allows marginal editorial comments,
-which you can obviously use to delimit areas of changed text.
-An even more comprehensive way to keep track of changes is employed by
-some word-processors~--- to produce a document that embodies both
-``old'' and ``new'' versions.
-To this end, the package \Package{changes} allows the user to manually
-markup changes of text, such as additions, deletions, or replacements.
-Changed text is shown in a different colour; deleted text is crossed
-out. The package allows you to define additional authors and their
-associated colour; it also allows you to define a markup for authors
-or annotations. The documentation (very clearly) demonstrates how the
-various functions work.
-The \ProgName{Perl} script \ProgName{latexdiff} may also be used to
-generate such markup for \LaTeX{} documents; you feed it the two
-documents, and it produces a new \LaTeX{} document in which the
-changes are very visible. An example of the output is embedded in the
-\begin{narrowversion} % actually non-hyperversion
- \File{latexdiff-man.pdf}, in the distribution.
-\begin{wideversion} % actually hyperversion
- \href{}{latexdiff-man.pdf}
- (part of the distribution).
-A rudimentary revision facility is provided by another
-\ProgName{Perl} script, \ProgName{latexrevise}, which accepts or rejects
-all changes. Manual editing of the difference file can be used to
-accept or reject selected changes only.
-\item[latexdiff, latexrevise]\CTANref{latexdiff}
-\Question[Q-conditional]{Conditional compilation and ``comments''}
-While \LaTeX{} (or any other \TeX{}-derived package) isn't really like a
-compiler, people regularly want to do compiler-like things using it.
-Common requirements are conditional `compilation' and `block
-comments', and several \LaTeX{}-specific means to this end are available.
-The simple \cmdinvoke{newcommand}{\csx{gobble}}[1]\texttt{\{\}}
-and \csx{iffalse}\texttt{ ... }\csx{fi} aren't really satisfactory (as
-a general solution) for comments, since the matter being skipped is
-nevertheless scanned by \TeX{}, not always as you would expect. The
-scanning imposes restrictions on what you're allowed to skip; this may
-not be a problem in \emph{today's} job, but could return to bite you
-tomorrow. For an example of surprises that may come to bite you,
-consider the following example (derived from real user experience):
-\iffalse % ignoring this bit
-consider what happens if we
-use \verb+\iftrue+ -- a surprise
-The \csx{iftrue} is spotted by \TeX{} as it scans, ignoring the
-\csx{verb} command; so the \csx{iffalse} isn't terminated by the
-following \csx{fi}. Also, \csx{gobble} is pretty inefficient at
-consuming anything non-trivial, since all the matter to be skipped is
-copied to the argument stack before being ignored.
-If your requirement is for a document from which whole chapters (or
-the like) are missing, consider the \LaTeX{}
-\csx{include}/\csx{includeonly} system. If you `\csx{include}' your
-files (rather than \csx{input} them~--- see % line wrap!
-\Qref[question]{What's going on in my \csx{include} commands?}{Q-include}),
-\LaTeX{} writes macro traces of what's going on at the end of each
-chapter to the \extension{aux} file; by using \csx{includeonly}, you can give
-\LaTeX{} an exhaustive list of the files that are needed. Files that
-don't get \csx{include}d are skipped entirely, but the document
-processing continues as if they \emph{were} there, and page, footnote,
-and other numbers are not disturbed. Note that you can choose which
-sections you want included interactively, using the
-\Package{askinclude} package.
-A variant on the \csx{includeonly} mechanism is offered by the
-\Package{stampinclude} package, which takes advantage of the \pdftex{}
-\csx{pdffilemoddate} command. When an \csx{include}d file is
-processed in a \latex{} document, an \extension{aux} file is created
-holding data such as page-number ranges and chapter/section numbers.
-When \csx{stampinclude} is included in a document, it compares the
-file system modification times for each file and its corresponding
-\extension{aux} file; the file is only compiled in ``this run'' of the
-document if the file is newer than its corresponding \extension{aux}
-file. The package requires a current \pdftex{}, and will also run on
-\luatex{} if the \Package{pdftexcmds} package is available
-(\Package{pdftexcmds} emulates the requisite \pdftex{} commands using
-\texttt{lua}. Apart from this requirement, \Package{stampinclude} is
-a low-maintenace object; include it in your document and it silently
-does its job. When you want a final version of your document, delete
-all the \extension{aux} files, and and \Package{stampinclude} won't
-The inverse can be done using the \Package{excludeonly} package: this
-allows you to exclude a (list of) \csx{include}d files from your
-document, by means of an \csx{excludeonly} command.
-If you want to select particular pages of your document, use Heiko
-Oberdiek's \Package{pagesel} or the \Package{selectp} packages. You
-can do something similar with an existing \acro{PDF} document (which
-you may have compiled using \ProgName{pdflatex} in the first place),
-using the \Package{pdfpages} package. The job is then done with a
-document looking like:
-(To include all of the document, you write
-omitting the start and end pages in the optional argument.)
-If you want flexible facilities for including or excluding small
-portions of a file, consider the \Package{comment}, \Package{version} or
-\Package{optional} packages.
-The \Package{comment} package allows you to declare areas of a document to be
-included or excluded; you make these declarations in the preamble of
-your file. The command \cmdinvoke*{includecomment}{version-name}
-declares an environment \environment{version-name} whose content will
-be included in your document, while
-\cmdinvoke*{excludecomment}{version-name} defines an environment whose
-content will be excluded from the document. The package uses a method
-for exclusion that is pretty robust, and can cope with ill-formed
-bunches of text (e.g., with unbalanced braces or \csx{if} commands).
-(These FAQs employ the \Package{comment} package to alter layout
-between the printed (two-column) version and the \acro{PDF} version
-for browsing; there are \environment{narrowversion} and
-\environment{wideversion} for the two versions of the file.)
-\Package{version} offers similar facilities to \File{comment.sty}
-(i.e., \csx{includeversion} and \csx{excludeversion} commands);
-it's far ``lighter weight'', but is less robust (and in particular,
-cannot deal with very large areas of text being included/excluded).
-A significant development of \Package{version}, confusingly called
-\Package{versions} (i.e., merely a plural of the old package name).
-\Package{Versions} adds a command
-\cmdinvoke*{markversion}{version-name} which defines an environment
-that prints the included text, with a clear printed mark around it.
-\Package{optional} defines a command \csx{opt}; its first argument is
-an `inclusion flag', and its second is text to be included or
-excluded. Text to be included or excluded must be well-formed
-(nothing mismatched), and should not be too big~--- if a large body of
-text is needed, \csx{input} should be used in the argument.
-The documentation (in the package file itself) tells you
-how to declare which sections are to be included: this can be done in
-the document preamble, but the documentation also suggests ways in
-which it can be done on the command line that invokes \LaTeX{}, or
-And, not least of this style of conditional compilation,
-\Package{verbatim} (which should be available in any distribution)
-defines a \environment{comment} environment, which enables the
-dedicated user of the source text editor to suppress bits of a
-\LaTeX{} source file. The \Class{memoir} class offers the same
-An interesting variation is the \Package{xcomment} package. This
-defines an environment whose body is all excluded, apart from
-environments named in its argument. So, for example:
- This text is not included
- \begin{figure}
- This figure is included
- \end{figure}
- This is not included, either
- \begin{table}
- This table also included
- \end{table}
- ...
-The \Package{tagging} package offers another neat set of syntax, which
-allow the user to apply ``tags'' to chunks of text, and to include and
-exclude tagged text, according to the tags. For example, the user may
-`use' text marked with some tags, and to `drop' marked with others:
-\usetag{<tag list>}
-\droptag{<tag list>}
-(the tag lists consist of comma-separated single words).
-There are then commands
-\tagged{<tag list>}{<text>}
-which reproduces the text only if the \meta{tag list} contains at
-least one tag listed in the \csx{usetag} comand, and
-\untagged{<tag list>}{<text>}
-which only reproduces the text unless the \meta{tag list} contains
-none of the tags mention in the \csx{droptag} command.
-Further commands offer an if-then-else setup, and specify
-\environment{taggedblock} and \environment{untaggedblock} environments
-Another valuable aspect of the problem is covered by the
-\Package{extract} package. The package allows you to produce a
-``partial copy'' of an existing document:
-the package was developed to permit production of a ``book of
-examples'' from a set of lecture notes. The package documentation
-shows the following usage:
- active,
- generate=foobar,
- extract-env={figure,table},
- extract-cmd={chapter,section}
-which will cause the package to produce a file \File{foobar.tex}
-containing all the \environment{figure} and \environment{table}
-environments, and the \csx{chapter} and \csx{section} commands, from
-the document being processed. The new file \File{foobar.tex} is
-generated in the course of an otherwise ordinary run on the `master'
-document. The package provides a good number of other facilities,
-including (numeric or labelled) ranges of environments to extract, and
-an \environment{extract} environment which you can use to create complete
-ready-to-run \LaTeX{} documents with stuff you've extracted.
-\item[askinclude.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{oberdiek}[askinclude]
-\item[pagesel.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{oberdiek}[pagesel]
-\item[stampinclude.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{oberdiek}[stampinclude]
-\item[verbatim.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{2etools}[verbatim]
-\Question[Q-docotherdir]{Bits of document from other directories}
-A common way of constructing a large document is to break it into a
-set of files (for example, one per chapter) and to keep everything
-related to each of these subsidiary files in a subdirectory.
-Unfortunately, \TeX{} doesn't have a changeable ``current directory'',
-so that all files you refer to have to be specified relative to the
-same directory as the main file. Most people find this
-It may be appropriate to use the ``path extension'' technique
-% beware line break
-\Qref[of question]{used in temporary installations}{Q-tempinst} to deal with
-this problem. However, if there several files with the same name in
-your document, such as \File{chapter1/fig1.eps} and
-\File{chapter2/fig1.eps}, you're not giving \TeX{} any hint as to
-which you're referring to when in the main chapter file you say
-\cmdinvoke{input}{sect1}; while this is readily soluble in the case of
-human-prepared files (just don't name them all the same),
-automatically produced files have a way of having repetitious names,
-and changing \emph{them} is a procedure prone to error.
-The \Package{import} package comes to your help here: it defines an
-\csx{import} command that accepts a full path name and the name of a
-file in that directory, and arranges things to ``work properly''.
-So, for example, if \File{/home/friend/results.tex} contains
-Graph: \includegraphics{picture}
-then \cmdinvoke{import}{/home/friend/}{results} will include both
-graph and explanation as one might hope. A \csx{subimport} command
-does the same sort of thing for a subdirectory (a relative path rather
-than an absolute one), and there are corresponding \csx{includefrom}
-and \csx{subincludefrom} commands.
-The \Package{chapterfolder} package provides commands to deal with its
-(fixed) model of file inclusion in a document. It provides commands
-\csx{cfpart}, \csx{cfchapter}, \csx{cfsection} and \csx{cfsubsection},
-each of which takes directory and file arguments, e.g.:
-\cfpart[pt 1]{Part One}{part1}{part}
-which command will issue a `normal' command % ! line break
-\cmdinvoke{part}[pt 1]{Part One} and then input the file
-\File{part1/part.tex}, remembering that \File{part1/} is now the
-``current folder''. There are also commands of the form
-\csx{cfpartstar} (which corresponds to a \csx{part*} command).
-Once you're ``in'' a \Package{chapterfolder}-included document, you
-may use \csx{cfinput} to input something relative to the ``current
-folder'', or you may use \csx{input}, using \csx{cfcurrentfolder} to
-provide a path to the file. (There are also
-\csx{cfcurrentfolderfigure} for a \path{figure/} subdirectory and
-\csx{cfcurrentfolderlistings} for a \path{listings/} subdirectory.)
-Documentation of \Package{chapterfolder} is in French, but the
-\File{README} in the directory is in English.
-\Question[Q-RCS]{Version control using \acro{RCS}, \acro{CVS} or the like}
-If you use \acro{RCS}, \acro{CVS}, \ProgName{Subversion},
-\ProgName{Bazaar} or \ProgName{Git} to maintain
-your \AllTeX{} documents under version control, you may need some
-mechanism for including the version details in your document, in such
-a way that they can be typeset (that is, rather than just hiding them
-inside a comment).
-The most complete solution for \acro{RCS} and \acro{CVS} is to use the
-(\LaTeX{}) package \Package{rcs}, which allows you to parse and
-display the contents of \acro{RCS} keyword fields in an extremely
-flexible way. The package \Package{rcsinfo} is simpler, but does most
-of what you want, and some people prefer it; it is explicitly
-compatible with \ProgName{LaTeX2HTML}.
-If, however, you need a solution which works without using external
-packages, or which will work in \plaintex{}, then you can use the
-following minimal solution:
-\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter\def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}}
-\RCS$Revision: 1.47 $ % or any RCS keyword
-\RCS$Date: 2014/01/28 18:17:23 $
-\date{Revision \RCSRevision, \RCSDate}
-\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter
- \def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}%
-\RCS$Revision: 1.47 $ % or any RCS keyword
-\RCS$Date: 2014/01/28 18:17:23 $
-\date{Revision \RCSRevision, \RCSDate}
-If you are a user of \ProgName{Subversion}, the package \Package{svn}
-may be for you. It has explicit cleverness about dealing with dates:
-\csx{SVNdate}\texttt{ \$Date\$}\\
-will (once \ProgName{subversion} has committed a copy of the document)
-cause \csx{maketitle} use the date that has been written into the
-\texttt{\$Date\$} keyword.
-Another alternative for \ProgName{Subversion} users is the
-\Package{svninfo} package, which has much the same mechanisms as does
-\Package{svn} but with a rather different focus. \Package{Svninfo}
-does the date trick that \Package{svn} performs (controlled by a
-package option), and can set up page foot-lines using % ! line break
-\Qref*{package \Package{fancyhdr}}{Q-fancyhdr}. There isn't much to
-choose between the two packages: you should read the packages'
-documentation to see which suits you best.
-An alternative script-based approach to version control has been taken
-by the \Package{vc} bundle, that in certain situations might work more
-reliably than any of the packages mentioned above. The \Package{vc}
-bundle supports \ProgName{Bazaar}, \ProgName{Git} and
-\ProgName{Subversion} usage and works with both \LaTeX{} and
-\plaintex{}. Note that \Package{vc} is the only option that
-currently claims to support \ProgName{Bazaar}-controlled repositories.
-Finally, for now, the \Package{gitinfo} package supports
-\ProgName{Git}-controlled documents.
-\Question[Q-make]{Makefiles for \LaTeX{} documents}
-\LaTeX{} documents are tricky beasts for building using
-(\ProgName{Uni*x}) \ProgName{make} on: the need to
-instruct \LaTeX{} to run several times for essentially different
-reasons (for example, ``get the table of contents stable'', ``get the
-labels stable'', ``add the bibliography'', ``add the index'') is
-actually rather difficult to express in the `ordinary' sort of
-dependency graph that one constructs for \ProgName{make}.
-The \ProgName{latex-make} package offers help with this task (far more
-sophisticated techniques than in the script that builds these \acro{FAQ}s); it
-looks good, but reports of its use (other than by its author) are scarce.
-For a long time, the only \ProgName{make}-like package on \acro{CTAN}
-was \ProgName{latexmk}, which is a \ProgName{Perl}
-script that analyses your \LaTeX{} source for its dependencies, runs
-\BibTeX{} or \ProgName{makeindex} as and when it notices that those
-programs' input (parts of the \extension{aux} file, or the
-\extension{idx} file, respectively) has changed, and so on.
-\ProgName{Latexmk} is a fine
-solution (and was used in generating printable versions of these
-\acro{FAQ}s for some time); it has recently been upgraded and has
-many bells and whistles that allow it to operate as if it were a poor
-man's \WYSIWYG{} system.
-A recent strong contender is \ProgName{arara}, written in
-\ProgName{Java}. It is (the documentation says) based on ``rules''
-and ``directives''; its aim is to determine what to do from explicit
-instructions in the document's source code, rather than secondary
-sources such as log file analysis. \ProgName{Arara} is relatively new
-on CTAN, and comes with recommendations from many of the great and
-good of the \latex{} world.
-Newer still is the Python script \ProgName{try}, which has a similar
-structure to \ProgName{arara}~--- it, too, reads instructions in the
-document source.
-Apparently along the same lines, is Auto\LaTeX{}. The \File{README}
-of the distribution is actual a Unix-type man-page output, and shows
-great attention to the details of the document production process.
-The (Ruby) script \ProgName{mk} (also, apparently, known as
-\ProgName{latex_maker}) works well with another of the author's
-scripts script called \ProgName{vpp} (View and Print
-Windows users of the \miktex{} system may use that system's
-\ProgName{texify} application. \ProgName{Texify} deals with basic
-\LaTeX{} features, including generating a bibliography and an index;
-it makes no claim to deal with other things (such as multiple
-bibliographies or indexes, or lists of terminology, etc.), which
-Auto\LaTeX{} can be configured to process.
-The \Qref*{\Package{texinfo} system}{Q-texinfo} comes with a similar
-utility called \ProgName{texi2dvi}, which is capable of ``converting''
-either \LaTeX{} or \Package{texinfo} files into \acro{DVI} (or into
-\acro{PDF}, using \PDFTeX{}).
-A later contribution is the bundle \Package{latexmake}, which
-offers a set of \ProgName{make} rules that invoke \ProgName{texi2dvi}
-as necessary.
-The curious may examine the rules employed to run the present
-\acro{FAQ} through \LaTeX{}: we don't present them as a complete
-solution, but some of the tricks employed are surely re-usable.
-\item[\nothtml{\rmfamily}\acro{FAQ} distribution]\CTANref{faq}
-\item[texi2dvi]Distributed as part of \CTANref{texinfo}
-\Question[Q-howmanypp]{How many pages are there in my document?}
-Simple documents (those that start at page 1, and don't have any
-breaks in their page numbering until their last page) present no
-problem to the seeker after this truth. The number of pages is
-reported by the \Package{lastpage} package in its \texttt{LastPage} label.
-For more complicated documents (most obviously, books with frontmatter
-in a different series of page numbers) this simple approach will not
-The \Package{count1to} package defines a label \texttt{TotalPages}; this is
-the value of its copy of \csx{count1} (a reserved \TeX{} count
-register) at the end of the document.
-Package \Package{totpages} defines a label \texttt{TotPages}, but it also
-makes the register it uses available as a \LaTeX{} counter,
-\texttt{TotPages}, which you can also reference via \csx{theTotPages}. Of
-course, the counter |TotPages| is asynchronous in the same way that
-page numbers are, but snapshots may safely be taken in the output
-The \Class{memoir} class defines two counters \texttt{lastpage} and
-\texttt{lastsheet}, which are set (after the first run of a document)
-to the equivalent of the \texttt{LastPage} label and the
-\texttt{TotalPages} labels.
-Both \Package{count1to} and \Package{totpages} need the support of
-the \Package{everyshi} package.
-\item[count1to.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{ms}[count1to]
-\item[everyshi.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{ms}[everyshi]
-\Question[Q-inclplain]{Including \plaintex{} files in \LaTeX{}}
-\LaTeX{}, though originally \Qref*{based on \plaintex{}}{Q-LaTeXandPlain}, does not
-contain all of \plaintex{}'s commands. Worse, some \plaintex{}
-command names appear in \LaTeX{}, with different semantics. As a
-result, special measures need to be taken to allow general \plaintex{}
-documents (or parts of documents) to be typeset within \LaTeX{}.
-The truly reliable way is to translate the \plaintex{} commands, to
-produce an equivalent of the original's semantics. However, this is
-not practical in many circumstances, and for those occasions, the
-\Package{plain} package will often come to your aid. The package
-defines a \environment{plain} environment, in which a \plaintex{}
-document may be processed:
- \input{plain-doc}
-The package is known to fail, for example, with documents that use
-\AMSTeX{}; no doubt it would also fail if asked to load \Eplain{}.
-All these things can be overcome (although it's not often easy), but
-the environment saves a lot of work on many occasions.
-\item[plain.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{carlisle}[plain-ltx]
-\Question[Q-nohyph]{My words aren't being hyphenated}
-Let's assume you've selected the right \TeX{} `language'~--- as
-explained in \Qref[question]{``how hyphenation works''}{Q-hyphen},
-you're not likely to get the correct results typesetting one language
-using the hyphenation rules of another. (Select the proper language,
-using \Package{babel} if you're a \LaTeX{} user. This may reveal that
-you need another set of hyphenation patterns; see
-% beware line wrap
-\Qref[question]{``using a new language''}{Q-newlang} for advice on how
-to install it.)
-So what else can go wrong?
-\item Since \TeX{} version~3.0, the limits on how near to either end
- of a word hyphenation may take place have been programmable (see
- \Qref[question]{``weird hyphenation''}{Q-weirdhyphen}), and for some
- reason the values in question may have been corrupted in some macros
- you are using. \TeX{} won't hyphenate less than \csx{lefthyphenmin}
- characters after the start of a word, nor less than
- \csx{righthyphenmin} before the end of a word; thus it won't
- hyphenate a word shorter than the sum of the two minima, at all.
- For example, since the minima are 2 and 3 for English, \TeX{} won't
- hyphenate a word shorter than 5 letters long, if it believes the
- word to be English.
-\item \TeX{} won't hyphenate a word that's already been hyphenated.
- For example, the (caricature) English surname Smyth-Postlethwaite
- wouldn't hyphenate, which could be troublesome. This is correct
- English typesetting style (it may not be correct for other
- languages), but if needs must, you can replace the hyphen in the
- name with a \csx{hyph} command, defined
- This is \emph{not} the sort of thing this \acro{FAQ} would
- ordinarily recommend\dots{} The \Package{hyphenat} package defines a
- bundle of such commands (for introducing hyphenation points at
- various punctuation characters).
-\item There may be accent commands in the word. The causes of and
- remedies for this effect are discussed in % !line break
- \Qref[question]{accents and hyphens}{Q-hyphenaccents}.
-\item The hyphenation may simply not have been spotted; while \TeX{}'s
- algorithm is good, it's not infallible, and it does miss perfectly
- good hyphenations in some languages. When this happens, you need to
- give \TeX{} \emph{explicit} instructions on how to hyphenate.
-The \csx{hyphenation} command allows you to give explicit instructions.
-Provided that the word will hyphenate at all (that is, it is not
-prevented from hyphenating by any of the other restrictions above),
-the command will override anything the hyphenation patterns might
-dictate. The command takes one or more hyphenated words as
-argument~--- \cmdinvoke{hyphenation}{ana-lysis pot-able}; note that
-(as here, for analysis) you can use the command to overrule \TeX{}'s
-choice of hyphenation (ana-lysis is the British etymological
-hyphenation; some feel the American hyphenation feels
-\Question[Q-weirdhyphen]{Weird hyphenation of words}
-If your words are being h-yphenated, like this, with jus-t single
-letters at the
-beginning or the end of the word, you may have a version mismatch
-problem. \TeX{}'s hyphenation system changed between version~2.9
-and~3.0, and macros written for use with version~2.9 can have this
-effect with a version~3.0 system. If you are using \plaintex{}, make
-sure your \File{plain.tex} file has a version number which is at
-least~3.0, and rebuild your format. If you are using \LaTeXo{} your
-best plan is to upgrade to \LaTeXe{}. If for some reason you can't,
-the last version of \LaTeXo{} (released on 25 March 1992) is still
-available (for the time being at least) and ought to solve this
-If you're using \LaTeXe{}, the problem probably arises from your
-|hyphen.cfg| file, which has to be created if you're using a
-multi-lingual version.
-A further source of oddity can derive from the 1995 release of
-\Qref*{Cork-encoded fonts}{Q-ECfonts},
-which introduced an alternative hyphen character. The \LaTeXe{}
-configuration files in the font release specified use of the
-alternative hyphen, and this could produce odd effects with words
-containing an explicit hyphen. The font configuration files in the
-December 1995 release of \LaTeXe{} do \emph{not} use the alternative
-hyphen character, and therefore removed this source of problems; the
-solution, again, is to upgrade your \LaTeX{}.
-\Question[Q-oddhyphen]{(Merely) peculiar hyphenation}
-You may have found that \TeX{}'s famed automatic word-division does
-not produce the break-points recommended by your dictionary. This may be
-because \TeX{} is set up for American English, whose rules for word
-division (as specified, for example, in Webster's Dictionary) are
-completely different from the British ones (as specified, for example,
-in the Oxford Dictionaries). This problem is being addressed by the \acro{UK}
-\TeX{} User community (see \BV{}, issue~4.4) but an entirely
-satisfactory solution will take time; the current status is to be
-found on \acro{CTAN} (see
-% beware line-wrap
-\Qref[question]{``using a new language''}{Q-newlang} for instructions
-on adding this new ``language'').
-\item[UK patterns]\CTANref{ukhyph}
-\Question[Q-hyphenaccents]{Accented words aren't hyphenated}
-\TeX{}'s algorithm for hyphenation gives up when it encounters an
-\csx{accent} command; there are good reasons for this, but it means
-that quality typesetting in non-English languages can be difficult.
-For \TeX{} macro packages, you can avoiding the effect by using an
-appropriately encoded font (for example, a Cork-encoded font~--- see
-\Qref[question]{the \acro{EC} fonts}{Q-ECfonts}) which contains accented
-letters as single glyphs. \LaTeX{} users can achieve this end simply
-by adding the command
- \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
-to the preamble of their document. Other encodings (notably
-\acro{LY}1, once promoted by \YandY{} inc) may be used
-in place of \acro{T}1. Indeed, most current 8-bit \TeX{} font
-encodings will `work' with the relevant sets of hyphenation patterns.
-With the advance of \xetex{} and \luatex{} to the mainstream, a new
-regime for generating hyphenation tables is in place. For each
-language, a table is written in Unicode, and ``8-bit'' versions are
-generated for use with various \latex{} font encodings. Original sets
-of patterns remain on \acro{CTAN}, for use when an older environment
-is needed.
-\Question[Q-newlang]{Using a new language with Babel}
-\Package{Babel} is capable of working with a large range of
-languages, and a new user often wants to use a language that her
-\TeX{} installation is not set up to employ. Simply asking Babel to
-use the language, with the command
- \usepackage[catalan]{babel}
-provokes the warning message
-Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
-(babel) the language `Catalan'
-(babel) I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 instead.
-Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns
- were loaded for
-(babel) the language `Catalan'
-(babel) I will use the patterns
- loaded for \language=0 instead.
-(The first and third lines above have been wrapped to fit in the
-The problem is that your \TeX{} system doesn't know how to hyphenate
-Catalan text: you need to tell it how before Babel can do its work
-properly. To do this, for \LaTeX{} installations, one needs to change
-\File{language.dat} (which is part of the Babel installation); it will
-contain a line
-%catalan cahyphen.tex
-which, if you remove the comment marker, is supposed to instruct
-\LaTeX{} to load Catalan hyphenation patterns when you tell it to build
-a new format.
-Unfortunately, in many Babel distributions, the line just isn't
-right~--- you need to check the name of the file containing the
-patterns you're going to use. As you can see, in the author's system,
-the name is supposed to be \File{cahyphen.tex}; however the file
-actually present on the system is \File{cahyph.tex}~--- fortunately,
-the error should prove little more than an inconvenience (most of the
-files are in better distributions anyway, but an elusive one
-may be found on \acro{CTAN}; if you have to retrieve
-a new file, ensure that it's correctly installed, for which see
-\Qref[question]{installing a new package}{Q-inst-wlcf}).
-Finally, you need to regenerate the formats used (in fact, most users
-of Babel are using it in their \LaTeX{} documents, so regenerating the
-\LaTeX{}-related formats will ordinarily be enough; however, the
-author always generates the lot, regardless).
-\item[te\TeX{}]It's possible to do the whole operation in one go, by
- using the \ProgName{texconfig} command:
-texconfig hyphen latex
- which first enters an editor for you to edit \File{language.dat},
- and then regenerates the format you specify (\ProgName{latex} in
- this case).
- Otherwise, to regenerate all formats, do: \\
- \texttt{fmtutil -\relax-all}
- If you're willing to think through what you're doing (this is
- \emph{not} for the faint-hearted), you can select a sequence of
- formats and for each one, run: \\
- \texttt{fmtutil -\relax-byfmt \meta{formatname}}\\
- where \emph{\texttt{formatname}} is something like `\texttt{latex}',
- or: \\
- \texttt{fmtutil -\relax-byhyphen \meta{hyphenfile}}\\
- where \emph{\texttt{hyphenfile}} is the file specifying hyphenation
- to the format~--- usually \texttt{language.dat}
-\item[\miktex{}] On a \Package{\miktex{}} distribution earlier than v2.0, do: \\
- \texttt{Start}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{Programs}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{\miktex{}}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{Maintenance}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{Create all format files}
-% this sequence suggested for miktex 1.20e, 2000/12/22, by Giuseppe Bilotta
- or get a DOS window and run:\\
- \texttt{initexmf -\relax-dump}
- On a \Package{\miktex{}} distribution v2.0 or later, the whole
- procedure can be done via the \acro{GUI}. To select the new
- language, do:\\
- \texttt{Start}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{Programs}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{\miktex{} 2}\arrowhyph{}%
- \texttt{\miktex{} Options}, and select the \texttt{Languages} tab.
- Select your language from the list, press the \texttt{Apply} button,
- and then the \texttt{OK} button. Then select the \texttt{General}
- tab and press the \texttt{Update Now} button.
- Otherwise, edit the \File{language.dat} file (as outlined above),
- and then run:\\
- \texttt{initexmf -\relax-dump}\\
- just as for a pre-v2.0 system.
-\nothtml{\noindent}\textbf{\emph{Caveat}:} It is (just) possible that
-your \TeX{} system may run out of ``pattern memory'' while generating
-the new format. Most \TeX{} implementations have fixed-size arrays
-for storing the details of hyphenation patterns, but although their
-size is adjustable in most modern distributions, actually changing the
-size is a fiddle. If you \emph{do} find you've run out of memory,
-it may be worth scanning the list of languages in your
-\File{language.dat} to see whether any could reasonably be removed.
-\item[hyphenation patterns]\CTANref{hyphenation}
-\Question[Q-hyphoff]{Stopping all hyphenation}
-It may seem an odd thing to want to do (after all, one of \TeX{}'s
-great advertised virtues is the quality of its hyphenation) but it's
-sometimes necessary. The real problem is, that the quality of
-\TeX{}'s output is by default largely dependent on the presence of
-hyphenation; if you want to abandon hyphenation, something has to
-\TeX{} (slightly confusingly) offers four possible mechanisms for
-suppressing hyphenation (there were only two prior to the extensions
-that arrived with \TeX{} version~3).
-First, one can set the hyphenation penalties \csx{hyphenpenalty} and
-\csx{exhyphenpenalty} to an `infinite' value (that is to say, 10000).
-This means that all hyphenations will sufficiently penalise the line
-that would contain them, that the hyphenation won't happen. The
-disadvantage of this method is that \TeX{} will re-evaluate any
-paragraph for which hyphenations might help, which will slow \TeX{}
-Second, one can select a language for which no hyphenation patterns
-exist. Some distributions create a language \texttt{nohyphenation},
-and the \Package{hyphenat} package uses this technique for its
-\csx{nohyphens} command which sets its argument without any
-hyphenation. You can load \Package{hyphenat} with the command
- \cmdinvoke{usepackage}[none]{hyphenat}
-to prevent any hyphenation in a single-language document. The
-technique cannot work in a document in which \Package{babel} controls
-language selection, since \Package{babel} incorporates hyphenation
-change into its language change facilities.
-Third, one can set \csx{left-} and/or \csx{righthyphenmin} to a
-sufficiently large value that no hyphenation could possibly succeed,
-since the minimum is larger than the length of the longest word
-\TeX{} is willing to hyphenate (the appropriate value is 62).
-Fourth, one can suppress hyphenation for all text using the current
-font by the command
-This isn't a particularly practical way for users to suppress
-hyphenation~--- the command has to be issued for every font the
-document uses~--- but it's how \LaTeX{} itself suppresses hyphenation
-in \texttt{tt} and other fixed-width fonts.
-Which of the techniques you should use depends on what you actually
-want to do. If the text whose hyphenation is to be suppressed runs
-for less than a paragraph, your only choice is the no-hyphens
-language: the language value is preserved along with the text (in the
-same way that the current font is); the values for penalties and
-hyphen minima active at the end of a paragraph are used when
-hyphenation is calculated.
-Contrariwise, if you are writing a multilanguage document using the
-\Package{babel} package, you \emph{cannot} suppress hyphenation
-throughout using either the no-hyphens language or the hyphen minima:
-all those values get changed at a \Package{babel} language switch: use
-the penalties instead.
-If you simply switch off hyphenation for a good bit of text, the
-output will have a jagged edge (with many lines seriously overfull),
-and your \AllTeX{} run will bombard you with warnings about overfull
-and underfull boxes (that is, really, lines). To avoid this you have
-two options.
-The simplest route is to use \csx{sloppy} (or its environment version
-\environment{sloppypar}), and have \TeX{} stretch what would otherwise
-be underfull lines to fill the space offered, while prematurely
-wrapping overfull lines and stretching the remainder.
-The better bet is to set the text \Qref*{ragged right}{Q-ragright},
-and at least get rid of the overfull lines; this technique is
-`traditional' (in the sense that typists have always done it) and may
-be expected to
-appeal to the specifiers of eccentric document layouts (such as those
-for dissertations), but for once their sense conforms with typographic
-style. (Or at least, style constrained in this curious way.)
-\Question[Q-wdnohyph]{Preventing hyphenation of a particular word}
-It's quite possible for (\emph{any}) hyphenation of a particular word
-to seem ``completely wrong'', so that you want to prevent it being
-If the word occurs in just one place, put it in a box:
-(\plaintex{} users should use \csx{hbox}, and take care at the start
-of paragraphs.) However, boxing the word is not really advisable
-unless you are sure it only occurs once.
-If the word occurs commonly, the best choice is to assert an
-hyphenation exception for it:
-This hyphenation exception (with no break points) will be used in
-preference to what \TeX{}'s hyphenation algorithm may come up with.
-In a multilingual document, repeat the exception specification for
-each language the word may appear in. So:
-(note that \Package{babel} will select the default language for the
-document~--- English, in this case~--- at \cmdinvoke{begin}{document}.)
-A particular instance of this requirement is avoiding the hyphenation
-of acronyms; a general rule for those that concoct acronyms seems to
-be to make the capital-letter sequence read as near as is possible
-like a ``real'' word, but hyphenating an acronym often looks silly.
-The \TeX{} control \csx{uchyph} is designed for suppressing such
-will stop hyphenation of upper-case words. (Note that \plaintex{}
-syntax is needed here: there's no \LaTeX{} alternative for setting
-this value.)
-\Question[Q-hyphexcept]{Hyphenation exceptions}
-While \TeX{}'s hyphenation rules are good, they're not infallible: you
-will occasionally find words \TeX{} just gets \emph{wrong}. So for
-example, \TeX{}'s default hyphenation rules (for American English) don't
-know the word ``\emph{manuscript}'', and since it's a long word you
-may find you need to hyphenate it. You \emph{can} ``write the
-hyphenation out'' each time you use the word:
-... man\-u\-script ...
-Here, each of the \csx{-} commands is converted to a hyphenated break,
-if (\emph{and only if}) necessary.
-That technique can rapidly become tedious: you'll probably only accept
-it if there are no more than one or two wrongly-hyphenated words in
-your document. The alternative is to set up hyphenations in the
-document preamble. To do that, for the hyphenation above, you would
-and the hyphenation would be set for the whole document. Barbara
-Beeton publishes articles containing lists of these ``hyphenation
-exceptions'', in \textsl{TUGboat}; the hyphenation `man-u-script'
-comes from one of those articles.
-What if you have more than one language in your document? Simple:
-select the appropriate language, and do the same as above:
-(nothing clever here: this is the ``correct'' hyphenation of the word,
-in the current tables). However, there's a problem here: just as
-words with accent macros in them won't break, so an \csx{hyphenation}
-commands with accent macros in its argument will produce an error:
-tells us that the hyphenation is ``improper'', and that it will be ``flushed''.
-But, just as hyphenation of words is enabled by selecting an 8-bit
-font encoding, so \csx{hyphenation} commands are rendered proper again
-by selecting that same 8-bit font encoding. For the hyphenation
-patterns provided for `legacy', the encoding is
-\Qref*{Cork}{Q-ECfonts}, so the complete sequence is:
-The same sort of performance goes for any language for which 8-bit
-fonts and corresponding hyphenation patterns are available. Since you
-have to select both the language and the font encoding to have your
-document typeset correctly, it should not be a great imposition to do
-the selections before setting up hyphenation exceptions.
-Modern TeX variants (principally \xetex{} and \luatex{}) use unicode,
-internally, and distributions that offer them also offer
-\acro{UTF}-8-encoded patterns; since the hyphenation team do all the
-work ``behind the scenes'', the use of Unicode hyphenation is
-deceptively similar to what we are used to.
-\subsection{Odds and ends}
-\Question[Q-logos]{Typesetting all those \TeX{}-related logos}
-Knuth was making a particular point about the capabilities of \TeX{}
-when he defined the logo. Unfortunately (in some people's opinion) he thereby
-opened floodgates to give the world a whole range of rather silly
-`bumpy road' logos for \TeX{} entities such as \AMSTeX{}, \pictex{},
-\BibTeX{}, and so on, produced in a flurry of different fonts, sizes,
-and baselines~--- indeed, everything one might hope to cause them to
-obstruct the reading process. In particular, Lamport invented
-\LaTeX{} (silly enough in itself, with a raised small `A' and a
-lowered `E') and marketing input from Addison-Wesley led to the even
-stranger current logo for \LaTeXe{}, which appends a lowered % !line break
-\latexhtml{\ensuremath{\varepsilon}}{single-stroke Greek letter &epsilon;}.
-Sensible users don't have to follow this stuff wherever it goes,
-but, for those who insist, a large collection of logos is defined in
-the \Package{texnames} package (but note that this set of macros isn't
-entirely reliable in \LaTeXe{}).
-The \MF{} and \MP{} logos can be set in fonts that \LaTeXe{}
-knows about (so that they scale with the surrounding text) using the
-\Package{mflogo} package; but be aware that booby-traps surround the
-use of the Knuthian font for \MP{} (you might get
- \textlogo{META\hphantom{P}O\hphantom{S}T}).
-% the following htmlversion stuff seems to do roughly what's required,
-% which is nice, given the feebleness of representing all these silly
-% logos in html otherwise...
- something like `META\&nbsp;\&nbsp;O\&nbsp;\&nbsp;T').
-You needn't despair, however~--- most versions of the logo font
-distributed nowadays contain the missing letters, and the author
-himself uses just `MetaPost'.
-A well-designed set of macros is provided by package \Package{hologo},
-which defines a command \csx{hologo}, which one uses as (for example)
-\cmdinvoke{hologo}{pdfLaTeX} for what you might get by typing
-``\texttt{pdf}\csx{LaTeX}'', as well as a capitalised version
-\cmdinvoke{Hologo}{pdfLaTeX} for ``\texttt{Pdf}\csx{LaTeX}''.
-The package \Package{metalogo} deals with a problem of these myriad
-logos, that's often ignored nowadays: the geometry of characters from
-different fonts is (obviously) different, and they naturally fit
-together differently. The package makes it possible for you to adjust
-the spacing between the the letters of one of these odd logos (even
-the especially weird mirrored ``E'' in \xetex{}).
-For those who don't wish to acquire the `proper' logos, the canonical
-thing to do is to say \texttt{AMS-}\cmdinvoke{TeX}{}
-for \AMSTeX{}, \texttt{Pic}\cmdinvoke{TeX}{}
-for \pictex{}, \texttt{Bib}\cmdinvoke{TeX}{}
-for \BibTeX{}, and so on.
-\item[hologo.sty]Distributed as part of \CTANref{oberdiek}[hologo]
-\Question[Q-bold-extras]{How to do bold-tt or bold-sc}
-\LaTeX{}, as delivered, offers no means of handling bold ``teletype''
-or small-caps fonts. There's a practical reason for this (Knuth never
-designed such fonts), but there are typographical considerations too
-(the ``medium weight'' \texttt{cmtt} font is already pretty bold (by
-comparison with other fixed-width fonts), and bold small-caps is not
-popular with many professional typographers).
-There's a set of ``extra'' \MF{} files on \acro{CTAN} that provide bold
-versions of both \texttt{cmtt} and \texttt{cmcsc} (the small caps font). With
-modern \TeX{} distributions, one may bring these fonts into use simply
-by placing them in an % ! line break
-\Qref*{appropriate place in the \emph{texmf} tree}{Q-install-where}
-(these are \AllTeX{}-specific files, so the ``\emph{public}'' supplier
-would be an appropriate place). Once you've % ! line break, again
-\Qref*{rebuilt the file indexes as necessary}{Q-inst-wlcf},
-\TeX{} (and friends) will automatically build whatever font files they
-need when you first make reference to them. There's a jiffy package
-\Package{bold-extra} that builds the necessary font data structures
-so that you can use the fonts within \LaTeX{}.
-Another alternative is to use the \Qref*{\acro{EC} fonts}{Q-ECfonts},
-which come with bold variants of the small-caps fonts.
-If you need to use Type~1 fonts, you can't proceed with Knuth-style
-fonts, since there are no Type~1 versions of the \Package{mf-extra}
-set. There are, however, Type~1 distributions of the EC~fonts, so you
-can switch to EC and use them; alternatives are discussed in
-\Qref[question]{8-bit Type~1 fonts}{Q-type1T1}.
-Of course, commercial fixed-width fonts (even the default
-\FontName{Courier}) almost always come with a bold variant, so that's
-not a problem. Furthermore \Qref*{\acro{PSNFSS}}{Q-usepsfont}
-will usually provide ``faked'' small caps fonts, and has no
-compunctions about providing them in a bold form. \FontName{Courier}
-is (as we all know, to our cost) freely available; a far more
-presentable monospace font is \FontName{LuxiMono}, which is also
-freely available (monospace text in the typeset version of this
-\acro{FAQ} uses \FontName{LuxiMono}, with the metrics and \LaTeX{}
-support available on the archive.
-\item[bold tt and small caps fonts]\CTANref{bold}
-\item[\nothtml{\rmfamily}LuxiMono fonts]\CTANref{luximono}
-\Question[Q-varwidth]{Automatic sizing of \environment{minipage}}
-The \environment{minipage} environment requires you to specify the
-width of the ``page'' you're going to create. This is sometimes
-inconvenient: you would like to occupy less space, if possible, but
-\environment{minipage} sets a box that is exactly the width you
-The \Package{pbox} package defines a \csx{pbox} whose width is exactly
-that of the longest enclosed line, subject to a maximum width that you
-give it. So while \cmdinvoke{parbox}{2cm}{Hello\bsbs world!} produces a
-box of width exactly \texttt{2cm},
-\cmdinvoke{pbox}{2cm}{Hello\bsbs world!} produces one whose width is
-\texttt{1.79cm} (if one's using the default \FontName{cmr} font for the
-text, at least). The package also provides a
-\cmdinvoke*{settominwidth}[min]{length}{text} (which looks (almost)
-like the standard \csx{settowidth} command), and a \csx{widthofpbox}
-function analogous to the \csx{widthof} command for use with the
-\Package{calc} package.
-The \Package{eqparbox} package extends \Package{pbox}'s idea, by
-allowing you to set a series of boxes, all with the same (minimised)
-width. (Note that it doesn't accept a limiting maximum width
-parameter.) The package documentation shows the following example
-drawn from a joke \emph{curriculum vitae}:
- {\textbf{Widgets, Inc.}}
- \hfill
- {\textbf{Senior Widget Designer}}
- \hfill
- {\textbf{Thingamabobs, Ltd.}}
- \hfill
- {\textbf{Lead Engineer}}
- \hfill
-\eqparbox{place}{\textbf{Widgets, Inc.}} \hfill
-\eqparbox{title}{\textbf{Senior Widget Designer}} \hfill
-\eqparbox{place}{\textbf{Thingamabobs, Ltd.}} \hfill
-\eqparbox{title}{\textbf{Lead Engineer}} \hfill
-The code makes the three items on each of the heading lines have
-exactly the same width, so that the lines as a whole produce a regular
-pattern down the page. A command \csx{eqboxwidth} allows you to use
-the measured width of a group: the documentation shows how the command
-may be used to produce sensible-looking columns that mix \texttt{c}-,
-\texttt{r}- or \texttt{l}-rows, with the equivalent of a |p{...}|
-entry, by making the fixed-width rows an \Package{eqparbox} group, and
-making the last from a \csx{parbox} using the width that's been
-measured for the group.
-The \Package{varwidth} package defines a \environment{varwidth}
-environment which sets the content of the box to match a ``narrower
-natural width'' if it finds one. (You give it the same parameters as
-you would give \environment{minipage}: in effect, it is a `drop-in'
-replacement.) \Package{Varwidth} provides its own ragged text command:
-\csx{narrowragged}, which aims to make narrower lines and to put more
-text in the last line of the paragraph (thus producing lines with more
-nearly equal lengths than typically happens with \csx{raggedright}
-The documentation (in the package file) lists various restrictions and
-things still to be done, but the package is already proving useful for
-a variety of jobs.