path: root/help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendum.html
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendum.html
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+ <title>Additional Information for CTAN Uploaders</title>
+ <!--
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+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <h1>
+ Additional Information for CTAN Uploaders
+ </h1>
+ <p>
+ Before studying these <em>additional</em>
+ notes,
+ you should have read and understood
+ the following
+ <a id="basictexts">basic texts</a>:
+ </p>
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li>
+ CTAN&apos;s help page
+ &ldquo;<a href="">How can I upload a package?</a>&rdquo;,
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ the
+ <a href="">
+ TeX Live instructions</a>, and
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ the corresponding
+ <a href="">
+ article of the UK TeX FAQ</a>.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>
+ The following paper tries to give some
+ <a href="#backgroundinfo">background information about CTAN itself</a>,
+ followed by a list of more aspects we ask you keep in mind when
+ <a href="#uploadpreparation">preparing your upload</a>,
+ some hints about
+ <a href="#uploading">how to use the upload form</a>
+ and finally information about
+ <a href="#furtherprocessing">what will happen to your
+ submission</a>
+ once it has arrived at our place.
+ </p>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <h2>
+ <a id="backgroundinfo">Some background information</a>
+ </h2>
+ <h3>
+ <a id="networkstructure">Structure of the network</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p>
+ The
+ <span class="highlight">Comprehensive TeX Archive Network</span>
+ consists of
+ <a id="centralserver">
+ <span class="highlight">a central server</span>
+ </a>
+ at Cologne in Germany and a great number of
+ <a href="">mirrors</a>
+ all over the world.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ All these servers should in principle present
+ the same content
+ &ndash;
+ an ideal that is of course regularly disturbed
+ with every installation of a new upload;
+ but every mirror should synchronize with
+ the central server once every day,
+ so that the approximation to that ideal is
+ indeed quite close.
+ </p>
+ <h3>
+ <a id="archivestructure">Structure of the archive</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p>
+ The greater part of the archive
+ is taken up by what we refer to as the
+ <a id="unpackedtree"></a>
+ &ldquo;<a href="">unpacked tree</a>&rdquo;.
+ It is meant for being visited by means of a
+ <span class="highlight">browser</span>.
+ To make this not too painful an experience,
+ the individual subtrees of this part of the
+ archive are required to be
+ <a id="flatstructure">
+ <em>as &ldquo;flat&rdquo; as possible</em>,
+ </a>
+ i.e. they should contain as few directory levels
+ as possible,
+ regardless of the position of the individual files
+ in a &ldquo;real&rdquo; TeX system.
+ <br/>
+ We do however not impose any definite
+ upper limit on the number of directory levels
+ in a package&apos;s layout
+ as there seems to be no upper bound to
+ packages&apos; complexity.
+ Please <a href="#ctanemail">contact</a> the CTAN team
+ for advice if your package is very complex
+ and you are in doubt about how best to arrange
+ your material.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In addition to this there is what we call the
+ <a id="installtree"></a>
+ &ldquo;<a href="">install tree</a>&rdquo;,
+ which is a collection of
+ <a href="">
+ <tt></tt> files</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Please note that
+ <a id="unpackednecessary">
+ every package on the archive
+ <em>must</em> be present in the
+ &ldquo;unpacked&rdquo; part.
+ </a>
+ The <tt></tt> files are optional additions
+ that may be useful for big and complex packages,
+ but are in no way required by the CTAN team,
+ whereas we <em>do not accept</em>
+ uploads that contain nothing but
+ a <tt></tt> file.
+ </p>
+ <h3>
+ <a id="urls">URLs</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p>
+ There are many ways of referring to
+ CTAN packages on the internet,
+ but our <em>preferred</em>,
+ <a id="canonicalurls1">
+ &ldquo;canonical&rdquo; ones
+ </a>
+ are of the following form:
+ </p>
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li>
+ <tt style="font-weight:bold;">;</tt>
+ (where the &ldquo;&hellip;&rdquo; equal the
+ &ldquo;<a href="#packageids">package id</a>&rdquo;)
+ if you are interested in <em>information about</em>
+ the package, and
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <tt style="font-weight:bold;">;</tt>
+ (where the &ldquo;&hellip;&rdquo; equal the &ldquo;path&rdquo;
+ to the package&apos;s files on the archive)
+ if you are interested in the package itself.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>
+ <a id="tex-archive-deprecated">
+ In particular, URLs containing the string
+ &ldquo;<tt>tex-archive</tt>&rdquo;
+ are generally &ldquo;suspicious&rdquo;,
+ </a>
+ because they usually refer to the
+ <a href="#centralserver">central server</a>,
+ and we try desperately to redirect
+ download demands from the
+ central server to the mirrors.
+ Moreover, the individual servers and their addresses
+ may change over the times,
+ whereas these &ldquo;canonical URLs&rdquo;
+ are intended to be permanent.
+ </p>
+ <h3>
+ <a id="ctanteam">The CTAN team</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p>
+ At the moment, the following persons
+ (in alphabetical order)
+ take care of CTAN:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Erik Braun</strong>
+ (upload management),
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Ina Dau</strong>
+ (upload management),
+ </li>
+ <!--
+ <li>
+ <strong>Robin Fairbairns</strong>
+ (Catalogue specialist),
+ </li>
+ -->
+ <li>
+ <strong>Manfred Lotz</strong>
+ (upload management),
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Gerd Neugebauer</strong>
+ (web developer),
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Petra R&uuml;be-Pugliese</strong>
+ (upload management),
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Rainer Sch&ouml;pf</strong>
+ (system administration
+ and supervision of mirrors),
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>Joachim Schrod</strong>
+ (system administration).
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ All these people are acting
+ as <em>volunteers</em>
+ in their spare time;
+ so please do not get impatient
+ if your request does not receive
+ an immediate answer:
+ they may be held up by
+ &ldquo;real life&rdquo; problems
+ or a sudden inrush of other uploads.
+ </p>
+ <h3>
+ <a id="ctanemail">Email address</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p>
+ All CTAN-related correspondence should
+ be directed
+ <em>in English</em>
+ to
+ <tt style="font-weight:bold;">ctan (at) ctan (dot) org</tt>,
+ the common email address of
+ all &ldquo;CTAN people&rdquo;,
+ <!--
+ concerned with upload management or system administration,
+ -->
+ rather than to an individual maintainer.
+ This way
+ (a) the whole team is informed about what is going on
+ and
+ (b) you are more likely to receive a fairly <em>quick</em>
+ response to your enquiry.
+ (Always consider that no CTAN member can be available
+ all the time.)
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a id="nohtmlmails">
+ Please take care
+ that the emails you send to this address
+ are
+ </a>
+ <strong>plain text</strong> only,
+ <strong>without</strong> any
+ <strong>HTML</strong> part,
+ because
+ HTML mails are held in CTAN&apos;s spam filter
+ and it may take some time until
+ a postmaster comes along to set them free.
+ (If you are using gmail,
+ you can select
+ &ldquo;plain text mode&rdquo;
+ clicking on the &ldquo;more options&rdquo;
+ triangle in the bottom right corner of the window
+ where you are composing your message.
+ Also, your &ldquo;gmails&rdquo; will <em>always</em>
+ be sent in plain text mode when you access
+ google&apos;s webmail via the &ldquo;basic HTML view&rdquo;
+ interface.)
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a id="alwaysusetheuploadform">
+ <strong>Never </strong>try to
+ </a>
+ <strong>upload</strong>
+ (or re-upload)
+ <strong>by email</strong>,
+ <strong>
+ always use the
+ <a href="">upload form</a></strong>,
+ for the following reasons:
+ (a)
+ The many recipients of these emails
+ are generally not happy to see their
+ mailboxes bloated with software contributions,
+ (b)
+ email attachments end up on the wrong computer
+ and we have to perform an
+ additional file transfer,
+ and
+ (c)
+ uploads via the
+ <a href="">upload form</a>
+ very conveniently generate a number of automated mails
+ that help us with the documentation of our activities
+ and can be easily converted to acknowledgement mails
+ and announcements.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a id="nobigattachments"></a>
+ More generally,
+ <strong>no big attachments</strong>
+ should be sent to this email address,
+ mainly because of argument (a)
+ in the preceding paragraph.
+ </p>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <h2>
+ <a id="uploadpreparation">
+ More requirements on your upload &hellip;
+ </a>
+ </h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <a id="filenames">
+ <strong>
+ Conditions on filenames:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Filenames should
+ <span class="highlight">no</span>t
+ contain any
+ <a id="nospaces">
+ <span class="highlight">spaces</span>,
+ </a>
+ <span class="highlight">tabs</span>,
+ <span class="highlight">newlines</span>,
+ or other whitespace characters
+ because filenames with whitespaces in them
+ can make work on a UNIX command line
+ extremely awkward.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Filenames should
+ <span class="highlight">no</span>t
+ contain any
+ <a id="onlyascii">
+ <span class="highlight">non-ascii</span>
+ </a>
+ characters, for portability reasons.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Filenames should
+ <span class="highlight">no</span>t
+ contain any characters that have a
+ <a id="nounixspecialcharacters">
+ <span class="highlight">special meaning
+ for UNIX shells</span>
+ (or other systems),
+ </a>
+ such as exclamation and question marks,
+ asterisks, ampersands,
+ slashes, backslashes, pipe symbols,
+ dollar signs,
+ any sort of brackets, and parentheses.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Filenames should
+ <a id="noinvisiblefiles">
+ <span class="highlight">not start with a dot</span>
+ </a>
+ (&ldquo;invisible files&rdquo; in UNIX-like
+ operating systems).
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <a id="uniquefilenames">
+ <span class="highlight">
+ Unique filenames:
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ This topic has been dealt with in detail
+ in two of the three
+ &ldquo;<a href="#basictexts">basic texts</a>&rdquo;
+ mentioned above, especially with regard to
+ &ldquo;runtime files&rdquo;.
+ &mdash;
+ Let&apos;s add here
+ (a)
+ that uniqueness of filenames over the whole archive
+ would indeed be our ideal
+ (that is of course impossible to achieve &ndash;
+ think of standardised names like &ldquo;README&rdquo;
+ and &ldquo;Makefile&rdquo;!);
+ but nevertheless that ideal should
+ at least be <em>approached</em> as closely as possible.
+ In particular,
+ we strongly recommend uniqueness of filenames
+ <em>within every single package</em>.
+ Ambiguity is never a good thing,
+ and it may prove harmful in unexpected situations.
+ <br />
+ (b) Let us remind you that there are operating
+ systems unable to distinguish between
+ <tt>myfile</tt> and
+ <tt>MyFile</tt>.
+ That&apos;s why we check for &ldquo;identical filenames&rdquo;
+ after converting everything to &ldquo;lowercase&rdquo;.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ You may however be pleased
+ to learn that we have not been asking for
+ MS-DOS-style
+ <a id="eightplusthree"></a>
+ <a href="">
+ 8.3 filenames</a>
+ for a long time <tt>;-)</tt>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="packageids">
+ <strong>
+ Conditions on package ids:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br/>
+ Every CTAN package is uniquely identified by its
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">package id</span>&rdquo;,
+ which appears, for instance, as the last part in URLs
+ like
+ <a href=""></a>
+ (here &ldquo;geometry&rdquo; is the package&apos;s
+ <em>id</em>.)
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <a id="packageidslikefilenames"></a>
+ Of course, all the
+ <a href="#filenames">conditions on filenames</a>
+ described above
+ also apply to package ids.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <a id="packageidrestriction"></a>
+ Moreover, package ids have to be all
+ <span class="highlight">lowercase</span>,
+ and they must
+ <span class="highlight">not start with a digit</span>.
+ <br/>
+ (To ease some of the harshness of this particular rule,
+ <span class="highlight">package <a id="packagenames"><em>names</em></a></span>
+ have been introduced which can be seen
+ at the beginning of the title line of their
+ &ldquo;CTAN home page&rdquo;.
+ For instance, at the top of
+ <a href=""></a>
+ you see &ldquo;ArsClassica&rdquo;,
+ at the top of
+ <a href=""></a>
+ you see &ldquo;MathType&rdquo;,
+ at the top of
+ <a href=""></a>
+ you see &ldquo;12many&rdquo;, etc.
+ Of course, the CTAN team <em>prefer</em>,
+ for the sake of simplicity, to have
+ &ldquo;package name = package id&rdquo;,
+ but small variants like CamelCase are accepted
+ for the &ldquo;names&rdquo;.)
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ CTAN and TeX Live have a preference for
+ <a id="hyphenvsunderscore"><span class="highlight">hyphens</span></a>
+ in package ids, rather than underscores.
+ There are at the moment (April 2019)
+ 1195 Catalogue entries with a hyphen in their name vs.
+ 10 with an underscore.
+ You will therefore have to give <em>very</em> good reasons
+ if you want us to accept the 11th package
+ with an underscore in its id <tt>;-)</tt> .
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <a id="l3names">
+ Package ids starting with
+ &ldquo;<tt><span class="highlight">l3</span></tt>&rdquo;
+ </a>
+ are reserved for official LaTeX Project
+ <tt>expl3</tt> packages.
+ Package authors are encouraged to consider using
+ &ldquo;<tt>l<u>t</u>3...</tt>&rdquo; for third-party
+ <tt>expl3</tt> packages.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ New packages and bundles should
+ <a id="noauthornames">
+ <span class="highlight">not</span> be
+ <span class="highlight">named after their authors</span>,
+ </a>
+ but after the purpose they are serving,
+ because they may later be taken over by
+ other maintainers.
+ (We know that there are a few
+ well established CTAN packages
+ that do not fulfill this rule;
+ but that comes under
+ &ldquo;protection of vested rights&rdquo;,
+ and we have now learned from history.)
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ In the same way,
+ <a id="nocrypticids">
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">cryptic</span>&rdquo;
+ </a>
+ package ids like
+ &ldquo;acs&rdquo;,
+ &ldquo;mxd&rdquo;,
+ &ldquo;tpx&rdquo;, or
+ &ldquo;tcvn&rdquo;
+ are nowadays strongly
+ <span class="highlight">discouraged</span>.
+ Modern package ids should as best as possible
+ convey to the average user an idea of what
+ the package is about.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="versionnumber"></a>
+ <a id="versionidentifier">
+ <strong>
+ Version identifier:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ Every submission of every CTAN package has to contain a
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">version identifier</span>&rdquo;
+ that permits to distinguish this version
+ of the package from earlier or later ones.
+ (Mind that what counts here are the actual
+ <em>installations</em> on the archive;
+ submissions that were for some reason refused
+ and never installed may be neglected.)
+ This identifier should of course coincide
+ with the one you will later enter into
+ the &ldquo;Version&rdquo; field of the
+ <a href="">upload form</a>.
+ <br />
+ This version identifier may consist of
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-roman;">
+ <li>
+ Either (only) a version
+ <span class="highlight">number</span>,
+ i.e. something like
+ &ldquo;1.0&rdquo;, or
+ &ldquo;3.0.17&rdquo;, or
+ &ldquo;2.1a&rdquo;,
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ or (only) a version
+ <span class="highlight">date</span>,
+ preferably in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD notation, like
+ &ldquo;2018-12-06&rdquo; or
+ &ldquo;2018/12/06&rdquo;,
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ or a string consisting of <em>both</em>
+ the aforementioned data.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ For
+ <span class="highlight">simple LaTeX packages</span>,
+ the optional argument of
+ the <tt>\ProvidesPackage</tt>
+ or <tt>\ProvidesClass</tt>
+ command of the <tt>.sty</tt> or <tt>.cls</tt> file
+ should be a good place
+ where to put this information.
+ <br />
+ For <span class="highlight">bundles</span>
+ that consist of various files
+ with possibly different version identifiers
+ of their own,
+ the whole bundle should be marked
+ with a &ldquo;bundle version identifier&rdquo; referring to
+ the bundle <em>as a whole</em>.
+ A good way to achieve this
+ is &ldquo;tagging&rdquo;
+ the bundle with the date of the latest
+ change of <em>any</em> of its files.
+ Put this &ldquo;tag&rdquo;
+ into a place where it is easy to find,
+ such as
+ the latest entry of a <tt>Changes</tt> file,
+ a <tt>VERSION</tt> file,
+ or an easily accessible place
+ (preferably: the top part)
+ in the
+ <a href="#readme"><tt>README</tt></a> file.
+ <br/>
+ Please note that in our mind the
+ <span class="highlight">documentation</span>
+ is considered <em>part of</em> the &ldquo;package&rdquo;.
+ So even if &ldquo;only&rdquo; a tiny detail of
+ the documentation
+ (and nothing whatever in the &ldquo;runtime files&rdquo;!)
+ has changed,
+ the version number, if it is part of the version identifier,
+ has to increase at least slightly.
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="lowredundancy">
+ <strong>
+ Low redundancy:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ Because of the well known disadvantages
+ of redundancy
+ &ndash;
+ especially the risk of inconsistency!
+ &ndash;
+ we try to keep it as low as possible
+ on the unpacked archive.
+ In particular &hellip;
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ &hellip;
+ we do not wish to hold
+ identical copies of one and the same file
+ <a id="noduplicatefiles">
+ (&ldquo;<span class="highlight">duplicate files</span>&rdquo;)
+ </a>
+ in different places,
+ such as for instance
+ <tt>README</tt> and <tt>doc/README</tt>.
+ <br />
+ If you <em>really</em> think you need
+ copies of a file in other places,
+ then please replace these copies
+ with symbolic links (a.k.a. symlinks or softlinks)
+ pointing to the &ldquo;original&rdquo; file.
+ &mdash;
+ Beware:
+ When packing your upload file with <tt>zip</tt>,
+ you will have to call it
+ with the <tt>--symlinks</tt> option
+ (or something equivalent, depending on
+ your particular zip program)
+ if you do not want the symlink to be replaced
+ by a copy of the original file again!
+ <br />
+ (Mind that this request concerns only the
+ <a href="#unpackedtree">unpacked part</a>
+ and that a similar recommendation does <em>not</em>
+ hold for the contents of <tt></tt> files:
+ <tt></tt> files are supposed to be unpacked
+ without problems on <em>arbitrary</em> platforms, and this
+ cannot be guaranteed if they contain symbolic
+ links!)
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ &hellip;
+ we do not wish to hold files
+ that can be easily
+ <a id="nogeneratedfiles">
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">generated</span>&rdquo;
+ (&ldquo;<span class="highlight">derived</span>&rdquo;)
+ </a>
+ from other files contained in the submission.
+ <!--
+ <br />
+ -->
+ The standard examples of this are
+ <tt>.cls</tt>, <tt>.sty</tt>, <tt>.clo</tt>,
+ <tt>.fd</tt> or similar LaTeX files,
+ when they can be generated from their
+ <tt>.dtx</tt> source in a straightforward way.
+ <!--
+ <br />
+ Exceptions to this rule , when they cannot
+ be generated in a straightforward way;
+ example: <tt>jsclasses</tt>,
+ which needs a specially customized TeX system.
+ -->
+ <br />
+ <a id="keeppdffiles"></a>
+ The <em>exception</em> to this rule are
+ the <tt>.pdf</tt> files of the documentation:
+ We do indeed wish to keep these,
+ ready for immediate access by visitors,
+ alongside with their sources.
+ <br />
+ <a id="readmeunpacked"></a>
+ The same holds for
+ <a href="#readme">README files</a>
+ in cases where these, too,
+ can be generated from other sources:
+ We always want the
+ <span class="highlight">README unpacked</span>,
+ as a convenient starting point
+ for inspecting the package.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="noauxfiles">
+ <strong>
+ No auxiliary files:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ This concerns operating system specific
+ data (like <tt>__MACOSX</tt> directories and
+ <tt>.DS_Store</tt> files),
+ <tt>.git</tt>,
+ <tt>.gitignore</tt>,
+ <tt>.hgignore</tt>,
+ <tt>.hgtags</tt>,
+ editor backup files
+ (<tt>.backup</tt>,
+ <tt>.bak</tt>,
+ <tt>.sav</tt>,
+ <tt>.~</tt>,
+ &hellip;),
+ as well as &ldquo;leftovers&rdquo;
+ from TeX &amp; friends and other programs
+ (<tt>.aux</tt>,
+ <tt>.log</tt>,
+ <tt>.acn</tt>,
+ <tt>.acr</tt>,
+ <tt>.alg</tt>,
+ <tt>.bbl</tt>,
+ <tt>.bcf</tt>,
+ <tt>.blg</tt>,
+ <tt>.brf</tt>,
+ <tt>.cb</tt>,
+ <tt>.cb2</tt>,
+ <tt>.ent</tt>,
+ <tt>.fdb_latexmk</tt>,
+ <tt>.fff</tt>,
+ <tt>.fls</tt>,
+ <tt>.fmt</tt>,
+ <tt>.fot</tt>,
+ <tt>.gaux</tt>,
+ <tt>.glog</tt>,
+ <tt>.gtex</tt>,
+ <tt>.ilg</tt>,
+ <tt>.ind</tt>,
+ <tt>.idx</tt>,
+ <!-- This is indeed a user-supplied config file:
+ <tt>.ist</tt>,
+ -->
+ <tt>.glo</tt>,
+ <tt>.lg</tt>,
+ <tt>.loa</tt>,
+ <tt>.lod</tt>,
+ <tt>.lof</tt>,
+ <tt>.lol</tt>,
+ <tt>.los</tt>,
+ <tt>.lot</tt>,
+ <tt>.lox</tt>,
+ <tt>.nav</tt>,
+ <tt>.out</tt>,
+ <tt>.pre</tt>,
+ <tt>.pyg</tt>,
+ <tt>.snm</tt>,
+ <tt>.soc</tt>,
+ <tt>.toc</tt>,
+ <tt>.vrb</tt>,
+ <tt>.cpt</tt>,
+ <tt>.dvi</tt>,
+ <tt>.glg</tt>,
+ <tt>.gls</tt>,
+ <tt>.glsdefs</tt>,
+ <tt>.idv</tt>,
+ <tt>.maf</tt>,
+ <tt>.mlf</tt>,
+ <tt>.mlt</tt>,
+ <tt>.mtc</tt>,
+ <tt>.nlg</tt>,
+ <tt>.nlo</tt>,
+ <tt>.nls</tt>,
+ <tt>.spl</tt>,
+ <tt>.thm</tt>,
+ <tt>.tmb</tt>,
+ <tt>.tmp</tt>,
+ <tt>.tuc</tt>,
+ <tt>.upa</tt>,
+ <tt>.upb</tt>,
+ <tt>.o</tt>,
+ <tt>.sta</tt>,
+ <tt>.swp</tt>,
+ <tt>.tdo</tt>,
+ <tt>.trc</tt>,
+ <tt>.ttt</tt>,
+ <tt>.url</tt>,
+ <tt>.w18</tt>,
+ <tt>.xdv</tt>,
+ <tt>.xref</tt>,
+ <tt>.4ct</tt>,
+ <tt>.4tc</tt>,
+ <tt>.run.xml</tt>,
+ <tt>.pdfsync</tt>,
+ <tt>.synctex</tt>,
+ <tt>.synctex.gz</tt>,
+ and potentially others we have
+ not yet encountered):
+ Please leave them out of your upload!
+ <br/>
+ <a id="howtoavoidrubbish"></a>
+ Note for <tt>git</tt> users wishing to keep exported
+ <tt>.zip</tt> files &ldquo;git rubbish free&rdquo;:
+ This can be achieved by creating, adding and committing
+ a <tt>.gitattributes</tt> file containing lines like
+ the following:
+ <pre>
+ .gitignore export-ignore
+ .gitattributes export-ignore
+ </pre>
+ Hint for Mac OSX users:
+ A user told us that &ldquo;it is possible to tell
+ Mac OSX&apos;s <tt>tar</tt> command line executable
+ to avoid polluting the archive with OSX specific
+ files, by setting the environment variable
+ <tt>COPYFILE_DISABLE</tt> (to whatever value).&rdquo;
+ <!-- Didier Verna, Tue, 07 Mar 2017 13:48:01 +0100 -->
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="noemptyfiles">
+ <strong>
+ No empty files or directories:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ We tend to consider empty files and
+ directories as &ldquo;rubbish&rdquo;.
+ If you feel otherwise and wish to conserve
+ such files for systematic reasons,
+ we recommend filling them with some
+ comment (in the case of &ldquo;regular files&rdquo;)
+ or a placeholder file (in the case of directories)
+ explaining their purpose.
+ <br />
+ If this is not possible
+ because the program using these files would get
+ disturbed by comments or &ldquo;dummy files&rdquo;,
+ please mention this in the
+ &ldquo;Administrative notes&rdquo; field
+ of the
+ <a href="">upload form</a>
+ so that we can make a note of this exception
+ and do not bother you with unnecessary complaints.
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="filepermissions">
+ <strong>
+ File permissions:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Only files that are truly
+ <span class="highlight">executable</span>
+ (like Shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, and other scripts)
+ should be marked as such.
+ An &ldquo;executable&rdquo;
+ README or <tt>.tex</tt> file does not make any sense.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Files submitted to CTAN are obviously meant
+ for <em>publication</em>.
+ This implies that they should be
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">world readable</span>&rdquo;.
+ (In fact, exaggerated &ldquo;privacy&rdquo;
+ of file permissions can lead to serious
+ complications in the installation process.)
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="crlf">
+ <strong>
+ Line terminators of text files:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ This paragraph is about
+ <a id="textfiles">
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">text files</span>&rdquo;
+ </a>
+ (like
+ <tt>.txt</tt>,
+ <tt>.tex</tt>,
+ <tt>.sty</tt>,
+ <tt>.cls</tt>,
+ <tt>.dtx</tt>,
+ <tt>.fd</tt>,
+ <tt>.bib</tt>,
+ <tt>.c</tt>,
+ or any other file that can be edited
+ with a text editor)
+ as opposed to
+ &ldquo;<span class="highlight">binary files</span>&rdquo;
+ (such as
+ <tt>.gif</tt>,
+ <tt>.jpg</tt>,
+ <tt>.wav</tt>,
+ <tt>.mp3</tt>,
+ <tt>.ogg</tt>,
+ <tt>.tfm</tt>,
+ <tt>.pdf</tt>,
+ <tt>.doc</tt>,
+ <tt>.xls</tt>,
+ <tt>.exe</tt>,
+ and a multitude of others).
+ <br />
+ The problem with such text files is
+ that different operating systems have different ways
+ of marking the
+ <span class="highlight">line endings</span>
+ within them:
+ Whereas Microsoft systems describe a line ending
+ in the good old typewriter fashion
+ by a &ldquo;carriage return&rdquo; character
+ followed by a &ldquo;line feed&rdquo; character,
+ UNIX type operating systems have always omitted
+ the &ldquo;carriage return&rdquo;,
+ and modern Mac OS X systems do it the same way.
+ <br />
+ As CTAN&apos;s servers are running on
+ UNIX-like operating systems,
+ the CTAN team have decided
+ that all text files on the archive
+ should have suitable &ldquo;linefeed only&rdquo;
+ line terminators.
+ <br />
+ Now, if you are a Windows user,
+ you need not be alarmed,
+ as there is an easy way to comply with this wish,
+ with hardly any inconvenience for yourself:
+ If you pack your upload file with a
+ <a id="goodzipprogram">
+ <span class="highlight">&ldquo;good zip program&rdquo;</span>,
+ </a>
+ this will mark all text files with a special
+ &ldquo;flag&rdquo; (or &ldquo;tag&rdquo;)
+ that will permit CTAN&apos;s <tt>unzip</tt> program
+ to recognize these text files and perform the
+ necessary conversions
+ (in this case: omitting the unwanted
+ &ldquo;carriage return&rdquo; characters)
+ <em>automatically</em> <tt>:-)</tt>
+ <br />
+ <a id="badzipprograms"></a>
+ Unfortunately, not all zip programs are
+ &ldquo;good zip programs&rdquo; <tt>:-(</tt>
+ <br />
+ In particular,
+ <span class="highlight">7zip</span>,
+ the GNOME archive manager,
+ the <tt>Compress</tt> facility
+ accessible via the <tt>File</tt> menu
+ in Mac OS X&apos;s <tt>Finder</tt>,
+ and the feature that permits
+ to export zip files directly from
+ <span class="highlight">git</span>
+ repositories
+ do not seem to have the desired property.
+ (Please correct us if there has been recently
+ some positive development we are not aware of
+ by writing us an <a href="#ctanemail">email</a>!)
+ <br />
+ <a id="gitandcrlf"></a>
+ However,
+ <span class="highlight">git</span>
+ users may want to have a look at the
+ <tt>.gitattributes</tt> file
+ for the configuration of file types
+ and line endings!
+ <br />
+ <span class="highlight">
+ Known
+ <a id="goodzipprogramnames">
+ &ldquo;good zip programs&rdquo;
+ </a>
+ </span>
+ are
+ the Windows7ff. builtins,
+ WinZip,
+ Windows &ldquo;Total Commander&rdquo;,
+ and the zippers from
+ <a href="">
+ <br />
+ Mac users in need of a &ldquo;good zip program&rdquo;
+ may either turn to
+ <a href="">
+ YemuZip</a>
+ or the standard <tt>zip</tt> command on their
+ command line
+ (which is in fact the info-zip tool that is
+ also present in Linux systems).
+ The command line <tt>zipinfo</tt> utility
+ is extremely useful for checking
+ zip archives once they have been created.
+ <br />
+ <a id="tarnotxtvsbintags"></a>
+ Unfortunately, <b><tt>tar</tt></b> does <em>not</em>
+ offer the &ldquo;tagging&rdquo; feature in question.
+ <br />
+ Finally, there are two
+ <span class="highlight">exceptions</span>
+ to what has been said before:
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <em>If</em> your upload contains any
+ <tt>.bat</tt> or
+ <tt>.cmd</tt> or
+ <tt>.nsh</tt> or
+ other typical DOS/Windows files,
+ and <em>if</em> you wish to preserve
+ their CR+LF line endings,
+ please drop us a line to that effect
+ in the &ldquo;Administrative notes
+ (to the CTAN maintainers)&rdquo; field
+ of our
+ <a href="">upload page</a>,
+ and we will take care that this is done.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <a id="nocrlfintdszip"></a>
+ All the <tt></tt> files
+ we offer on the archive
+ are supposed to have nothing but
+ UNIX style line terminators inside
+ as well as the necessary .zip flags
+ for unpacking them in the best possible
+ way on any operating system.
+ That&apos;s why we wish <tt></tt> files
+ to be submitted in exactly that way.
+ (<em>If</em> there should really be a problem
+ that prevents you from complying with this
+ requirement, we <em>may</em> find a way
+ to correct this shortcoming at our end,
+ but we would of course much prefer not
+ to have to resort to any such manipulations.)
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="canonicalurls2">
+ <strong>
+ &ldquo;Canonical&rdquo; URLs in documentation:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ Please make sure when writing (or revising)
+ your documentation
+ that TeX software on CTAN archives
+ is referred to using our
+ <a href="#urls">preferred &ldquo;canonical&rdquo; URLs</a>
+ described
+ <a href="#urls">above</a>
+ rather that URLs pointing to individual CTAN servers.
+ </li>
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="readme">
+ <strong>
+ Rules about <tt>README</tt> files:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
+ <li>
+ Every package shall be accompanied
+ by a README file giving a short
+ introduction to the package&apos;s purpose
+ as well as significant data like
+ author&apos;s name and contact,
+ license etc.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Its name can be either
+ <tt>README</tt> or
+ <tt>README.txt</tt> or
+ <tt></tt>,
+ but no other variants are permitted
+ at the moment.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Its contents must be easily readable using
+ the UNIX <tt>more</tt> or <tt>less</tt> commands
+ or an arbitrary editor.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ It should be written in
+ <span class="highlight">English</span>
+ or at least comprise a short
+ abstract in English.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ The encoding should be
+ <span class="highlight">ascii</span>
+ or
+ <span class="highlight">utf-8</span>
+ without BOM (byte order mark).
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ It has to be placed at the top level
+ of the
+ <a href="#unpackedtree">unpacked package</a>
+ (but in the <tt>doc/&hellip;/</tt> directory of
+ a possible <tt></tt> file).
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <!--
+ I think we will omit the following part altogether,
+ at least for the time being ...
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="tdsequalunpacked">
+ <strong>
+ Identical files in <tt></tt> and outside:
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ Some general remarks &hellip;
+ <br />
+ -->
+ <!--
+ In particular, Vincent Bela&iuml;che, in an
+ email dated Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:35:43 +0200,
+ Subject: Re: Lettre,
+ asks me to add the following sentence to
+ these additional instructions:
+ -->
+ <!--
+ If you do not use DTX, and you are documenting your
+ sty/cls files with docTeX comments, then unpacked zip
+ and may contain either the files with docTeX
+ comments included, or with them stripped out ; you
+ must however be consistent and have the same files in
+ both the unpacked zip and in the
+ -->
+ <!--
+ But I do not really understand this at the moment.
+ His problems seem to be due to a very idiosyncratic
+ way of packaging his files ...
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <br />
+ Needs a good zip program, see above!
+ </li>
+ -->
+ <!--- template
+ <li class="abstandoben">
+ <a id="aaaa">
+ <strong>
+ </strong>
+ </a>
+ <br />
+ </li>
+ -->
+ </ol>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <h2>
+ <a id="uploading">Uploading to CTAN</a>
+ </h2>
+ <p>
+ When you feel convinced that you have done
+ all you can to comply with the requirements
+ described up to now,
+ you may go on to package your submission
+ using either <tt>zip</tt> or <tt>tar</tt>,
+ as described on our
+ <a href="">help page</a>.
+ &ndash;
+ <a id="topdirofzipfile"></a>
+ Do not forget the
+ <span class="highlight">top level directory</span>
+ of the upload file
+ (&ldquo;<tt>my-package/</tt>&rdquo; in the examples).
+ It simplifies our installation process
+ and makes it more secure.
+ &ndash;
+ <a id="zippreferred"></a>
+ Please opt for a
+ <a href="#goodzipprogram">good zip program</a>
+ (instead of <tt>tar</tt> or <em>any</em>
+ zip program)
+ if you are not one hundred percent sure
+ that none of your
+ <a href="#textfiles">text files</a>
+ contains any
+ &ldquo;Microsoft style&rdquo; line terminators!
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a id="hintforupdates"></a>
+ If you want to submit an
+ <span class="highlight">update</span> to
+ a package that is already on CTAN,
+ we recommend you to go first to its
+ &ldquo;CTAN homepage&rdquo;
+ (<tt>;package_id&gt;</tt>)
+ and <em>then</em> click on the &ldquo;Upload&rdquo;
+ button.
+ You will find that
+ some of the more tedious fields
+ have already been filled in
+ with information from our Catalogue
+ <tt>:-)</tt>
+ &nbsp;
+ But please do not forget to
+ <span class="highlight">
+ update the version field!
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a id="authorsemail"></a>
+ Please pay also particular attention
+ to what you enter into the
+ <span class="highlight">
+ &ldquo;Your email&rdquo;
+ </span>
+ field:
+ In fact,
+ we ask maintainers to use
+ <span class="highlight">
+ always the same email address
+ </span>
+ when contacting the CTAN team.
+ In particular, given
+ the (improbable, but not completely unreal)
+ danger of
+ unauthorized uploaders
+ overwriting &ldquo;good&rdquo; packages,
+ we will refuse to install an update
+ if it is not submitted using
+ an email address known to the CTAN team.
+ &mdash;
+ BTW:
+ Whenever you plan to <em>change</em>
+ your &ldquo;CTAN upload email address&rdquo;,
+ do not forget to drop a line to
+ <a href="#ctanemail">ctan (at) ctan (dot) org</a>,
+ still using the <em>old</em> address,
+ and asking us to register the new one.
+ </p>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <h2>
+ <a id="furtherprocessing">What will happen next &hellip;</a>
+ </h2>
+ <ul style="list-style-type:circle;">
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ Every upload will be
+ <span class="highlight">unpacked</span> and
+ <span class="highlight">checked</span>
+ by an upload manager.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ <span class="highlight">Small deficiencies</span>
+ will be
+ <span class="highlight">corrected</span>
+ immediately by that person.
+ You will receive
+ <span class="highlight">feedback</span>
+ about this and be asked to apply
+ the same sort of change(s) to your own file(s)
+ before your next upload.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ If there is a
+ <span class="highlight">non-trivial problem</span>
+ we cannot or do not
+ want to resolve on our own, we will ask back and the
+ installation process will be momentarily stalled until
+ we receive an answer to our question.
+ In some cases even a re-upload may become necessary.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ After installation of the package on the archive
+ (i.e.: on our
+ <a href="#centralserver">central server</a>)
+ the corresponding <tt>.xml</tt> source file of the
+ <span class="highlight">Catalogue entry</span>
+ will either have to be created
+ &ldquo;from scratch&rdquo; (for new packages)
+ or be updated (in all other cases;
+ mostly only the version field,
+ sometimes the copyright line(s) or details
+ about the pointers to the documentation).
+ Please use the &ldquo;Administrative notes
+ (to the CTAN maintainers)&rdquo; field
+ in the
+ <a href="">upload form</a>
+ if you wish us to perform any other changes.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ When all of this has been done,
+ we will send an
+ <span class="highlight">email</span>
+ to the
+ <a href="#authorsemail">address</a>
+ you entered into the
+ &ldquo;Your email&rdquo; field of the
+ <a href="">upload form</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ It may take a few hours until the
+ <span class="highlight">Catalogue page</span>
+ of the website
+ has been regenerated from the source file,
+ and up to 24 hours
+ until the new files have arrived
+ on all the
+ <span class="highlight">mirrors</span>
+ worldwide.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ If your upload is a new one or
+ if you have requested an announcement,
+ the message to
+ <span class="highlight">CTAN-Announce</span>
+ will be posted
+ if possible shortly after
+ the end of that 24 hour delay.
+ There may however be a further delay due to
+ the maintainer&apos;s working hours
+ or other engagements at that time.
+ If the message has not appeared
+ after more than 48 hours,
+ you should write a message to
+ <tt>ctan (at) ctan (dot) org</tt>
+ to enquire if anything has gone wrong.
+ </li>
+ <li class="kleinerabstandoben">
+ It is always helpful if you
+ <span class="highlight">check</span> what you see
+ at the URLs indicated in the acknowledgement mail
+ around 24 hours after installation and
+ <span class="highlight">inform us</span>
+ about any possible flaws in the presentation.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a id="patience"></a>
+ Please
+ <span class="highlight">
+ do not re-upload when you do not hear from us
+ <em>at once</em>!
+ </span>
+ There may have been a sudden inrush of uploads
+ and/or maintainers may have been kept from
+ attending to your upload by
+ &ldquo;real&rdquo; work,
+ family matters,
+ technical problems,
+ holidays,
+ illness,
+ or other causes.
+ If you still haven&apos;t heard from us after let&apos;s say
+ three or four days,
+ <em>and</em> have checked your spam folder to no avail,
+ you may enquire by email to
+ <tt>ctan (at) ctan (dot) org</tt>
+ (remember: No HTML mail please, because of the spam trap!).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <span class="highlight">Thanks</span>
+ for your perseverance
+ and <span class="highlight">good luck</span>
+ with your submission!
+ </p>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <h2>
+ <a id="authoridanduseraccount" style="font-size:smaller">
+ Some additional information about author ids and user accounts</a>
+ </h2>
+ <p>
+ Every author/maintainer of a CTAN package is registered
+ in the database that is used for the administration
+ of <em>the archive itself</em>
+ with an <span class="highlight">author id</span>
+ that is assigned in the following way:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ As a general rule,
+ the author id equals the author&apos;s family name,
+ downcased and with non-ascii characters
+ converted to ascii.
+ For instance, new author Benjamin Bl&uuml;mchen
+ would receive the author id &ldquo;bluemchen&rdquo;.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If however another author of the same family name
+ is already registered, the newer author&apos;s id will be modfied
+ using the first letter(s) of his or her given name.
+ For instance, if at a later time <em>Hildegard</em> Bl&uuml;mchen
+ were to join us as an author, she would be registered
+ as &ldquo;bluemchen-h&rdquo;.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ These <em>author</em> ids must not be confused with the names
+ of the <span class="highlight"><em>user</em> accounts</span>
+ on the CTAN <span class="highlight"><em>website</em></span>:
+ The names of these user accounts can be chosen relatively
+ freely, as long as uniqueness is assured.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ A relation between a person&apos;s author id and their
+ CTAN website user account can be established via the
+ <a href="#authorsemail">email address</a>.
+ In our webmaster&apos;s own words:
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ Once you are logged into the CTAN site and visit the page
+ <a href=""></a>
+ (link in the upper right corner), you will find the section
+ &ldquo;CTAN Contributor Confirmation&rdquo; where you can
+ confirm the relation between the author id and the
+ current account by setting the check-mark.
+ In the same way you can remove the relation by unchecking.
+ <br/>
+ This feature is offered when one of the known email addresses
+ in the author database matches the email address of the account
+ (which can be edited on the same page).
+ </blockquote>
+ <!-- ======================================================== -->
+ <hr/>
+ <!-- To be activated when file is put into SVN:
+ <p>
+ $LastChangedDate$
+ </p>
+ Until then: -->
+ Last updated: 2019-04-22
+ </body>