path: root/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy')
6 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33c9930a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from TpXpy import TpXpic
+def TpX_Dom_as_text(XML):
+ t = XML.toprettyxml(' ', '\n')
+ t = t.replace('<caption>\n ','<caption>')
+ t = t.replace('\n </caption>','</caption>')
+ t = t.replace('<comment>\n ','<comment>')
+ t = t.replace('\n </comment>','</comment>')
+ t = t.replace('">\n ','">')
+ t = t.replace('\n','\n%')
+ j = t.find('\n')
+ t = t[j+1:]
+ j = t.rfind('\n')
+ t = t[:j]
+ return t
+def TpX_Dom_SaveToFile(XML, FileName):
+ f = file(FileName, 'w')
+ f.write(TpX_Dom_as_text(XML))
+ f.close()
+def TpX_Dom_LoadFromFile(FileName):
+ lines = file(FileName, 'r').readlines()
+ for i in range(0,len(lines)):
+ if lines[i][:1]=='%':
+ lines[i] = lines[i][1:].strip()
+ else: break
+ return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(''.join(lines))
+dom = TpX_Dom_LoadFromFile('sample_TpXpy.TpX')
+nodes = dom.documentElement.childNodes
+for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.getAttribute('lw')=='1.5':
+ node.setAttribute('lw', '3')
+ if node.getAttribute('li')=='':
+ node.setAttribute('fill', 'green')
+ #node.setAttribute('q', 'value')
+TpX_Dom_SaveToFile(dom, 'sample_TpXpy_3.TpX')
+dom.unlink() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46e070a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import xml.dom.minidom
+class TpXpic:
+ "Python module to generate TpX drawings"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.aXML = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "TpX", None)
+ self.XMLtop = self.aXML.documentElement
+ self.XMLtop.setAttribute('v', '4')
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.aXML.unlink()
+ def as_text(self):
+ t = self.aXML.toprettyxml(' ', '\n')
+ t = t.replace('<caption>\n ','<caption>')
+ t = t.replace('\n </caption>','</caption>')
+ t = t.replace('<comment>\n ','<comment>')
+ t = t.replace('\n </comment>','</comment>')
+ t = t.replace('">\n ','">')
+ t = t.replace('\n','\n%')
+ j = t.find('\n')
+ t = t[j+1:]
+ j = t.rfind('\n')
+ t = t[:j]
+ return t
+ def setRootAttribute(self, elID, s):
+ self.XMLtop.setAttribute(elID, str(s))
+ def setEl(self, elID):
+ el = self.XMLtop.getElementsByTagName(elID)
+ if len(el)>0:
+ self.last = self.aXML.createElement(elID)
+ self.XMLtop.removeChild(el[0]).unlink()
+ else:
+ self.last = self.aXML.createElement(elID)
+ self.XMLtop.appendChild(self.last)
+ return self.last
+ def setCaption(self, s, label=None):
+ self.setEl('caption').appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(s))
+ if label!=None:
+ self.a('label', label)
+ def setComment(self, s):
+ self.setEl('comment').appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(s))
+ def addEl(self, elID):
+ self.last = self.aXML.createElement(elID)
+ self.XMLtop.appendChild(self.last)
+ return self.last
+ def a(self, elID, elValue, el=None):
+ if el==None:
+ self.last.setAttribute(elID, str(elValue))
+ else:
+ el.setAttribute(elID, str(elValue))
+ def lc(self, cl, el=None):
+ "set line color"
+ self.a('lc', cl, el)
+ def lw(self, w, el=None):
+ "set line width"
+ self.a('lw', w, el)
+ def li(self, li, el=None):
+ "set line style: none, dot, dash or solid (default)"
+ self.a('li', li, el)
+ def ha(self, ha, el=None):
+ "set hatching: 1,...,6"
+ self.a('ha', ha, el)
+ def hc(self, cl, el=None):
+ "set hatching color"
+ self.a('hc', cl, el)
+ def fill(self, cl, el=None):
+ "set fill color"
+ self.a('fill', cl, el)
+ def addLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ "add line"
+ self.last = self.addEl('line')
+ self.a('x1', str(x1))
+ self.a('y1', str(y1))
+ self.a('x2', str(x2))
+ self.a('y2', str(y2))
+ return self.last
+ def arr(self, arr1=None, arr2=None, arrs=None, el=None):
+ "add arrow-heads; arr1,arr2: none, h40, h41, h42, h43, h44, h45, h46, h47, h48, t40, t43, t44, t45, h20, h21, h22, h23, h24, t20, t21, t22, t23, hr10, hr11, hr12, tr10, h10, h11, h12, h12c, t10, r0, r10, r11, r12, r20, r20c, r21, r33, ts10, ts11, ts12, hs10, hs12, ts20, ts21, ts23, hs20, hs23, o, oc, qq;"
+ "arrs is arrow-head size factor"
+ if arr1!=None:
+ self.a('arr1', arr1, el)
+ if arr2!=None:
+ self.a('arr2', arr2, el)
+ if arrs!=None:
+ self.a('arrs', str(arrs), el)
+ def addRect(self, x, y, w, h):
+ "add rectangle"
+ self.last = self.addEl('rect')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('w', str(w))
+ self.a('h', str(h))
+ return self.last
+ def rotdeg(self, rotdeg, el=None):
+ self.a('rotdeg', rotdeg, el)
+ def addCircle(self, x, y, d):
+ "add circle"
+ self.last = self.addEl('circle')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('d', str(d))
+ return self.last
+ def addEllipse(self, x, y, dx, dy):
+ "add ellipse"
+ self.last = self.addEl('ellipse')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('dx', str(dx))
+ self.a('dy', str(dy))
+ return self.last
+ def points_str(self, pp):
+ s = ''
+ for i in range(len(pp)):
+ s = s + str(pp[i][0]) + ',' + str(pp[i][1]) + ' '
+ return s
+ def addPolyline(self, pp):
+ "add polyline"
+ self.last = self.addEl('polyline')
+ self.last.appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(self.points_str(pp)))
+ return self.last
+ def addPolygon(self, pp):
+ "add polygon"
+ self.last = self.addEl('polygon')
+ self.last.appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(self.points_str(pp)))
+ return self.last
+ def addCircular(self, aID, x, y, d, a1, a2):
+ "add circular object"
+ self.last = self.addEl(aID)
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('d', str(d))
+ self.a('a1', str(a1))
+ self.a('a2', str(a2))
+ return self.last
+ def addArc(self, x, y, d, a1, a2):
+ "add arc"
+ return self.addCircular('arc', x, y, d, a1, a2)
+ def addSegment(self, x, y, d, a1, a2):
+ "add segment"
+ return self.addCircular('segment', x, y, d, a1, a2)
+ def addSector(self, x, y, d, a1, a2):
+ "add sector"
+ return self.addCircular('sector', x, y, d, a1, a2)
+ def addCurve(self, pp):
+ "add curve"
+ self.last = self.addEl('curve')
+ self.last.appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(self.points_str(pp)))
+ return self.last
+ def closed(self, el=None):
+ "make a curve closed"
+ self.a('closed', 1, el)
+ def addBezier(self, pp):
+ "add Bezier path"
+ self.last = self.addEl('bezier')
+ self.last.appendChild(self.aXML.createTextNode(self.points_str(pp)))
+ return self.last
+ def addText(self, x, y, h, t, tex=None):
+ "add text label"
+ self.last = self.addEl('text')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('h', str(h))
+ self.a('t', t)
+ if tex!=None:
+ self.a('tex', tex)
+ return self.last
+ def jh(self, j, el=None):
+ "set text horizontal justification: l (left, default), c (center) or r (right)"
+ self.a('jh', j, el)
+ def jv(self, j, el=None):
+ "set text vertical justification: 0 (baseline, default), b (bottom), c (center) or t (top)"
+ self.a('jv', j, el)
+ def addStar(self, x, y, s=None):
+ "add star"
+ self.last = self.addEl('star')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ if s!=None:
+ self.a('s', s)
+ return self.last
+ def starShape(self, s, el=None):
+ "set star shape: circle (default), square, diamond, triup, tridown, penta, star4, star5, star6, cross, dcross, flower5, flower4, star4arc, maltese"
+ self.a('s', s, el)
+ def starD(self, d, el=None):
+ "set star size factor"
+ self.a('d', str(d), el)
+ def addSymbol(self, x, y, d, s=None):
+ "add symbol"
+ self.last = self.addEl('symbol')
+ self.a('x', str(x))
+ self.a('y', str(y))
+ self.a('d', str(d))
+ if s!=None:
+ self.a('s', s)
+ return self.last
+ def symbShape(self, s, el=None):
+ "set symbol shape: process, decision, input-output, preparation, punch-card, manual-op, keyboard, punch-tape, document, documents, display, terminal, keying, alt-process, online-storage, magnetic-drum, magnetic-tape, hoarrow1, hoarrow1v, hoarrow2, hoarrow3, hoarrow4, star5, diamond8, baloon1, baloon2, cloud1, splash1, snowflake1"
+ self.a('s', s, el)
+ def SaveToFile(self, FileName):
+ f = file(FileName, 'w')
+ f.write(self.as_text())
+ f.close()
+def HTML_color(r,g,b):
+ "Make HTML color from RGB levels"
+ r=round(r);g=round(g);b=round(b)
+ if r<0:r=0
+ if r>255:r=255
+ if g<0:g=0
+ if g>255:g=255
+ if b<0:b=0
+ if b>255:b=255
+ return '#%02X%02X%02X'%(r,g,b)
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21ff09e529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import os
+'A script for generating bitmap or SVG files for all drawings in a specified directory'
+tpx_path = 'C:\\WRK\\Delphi\\TpX\\TpX.exe '
+pics_path = 'C:\\WRK\\Delphi\\TpX\\Distribution\\Samples\\'
+files = os.listdir(pics_path)
+for input_filename0 in files:
+ if input_filename0.find('.TpX')<0: continue
+ input_filename0 = '%s%s'%(pics_path,input_filename0)
+# ext = 'svg'
+# xfrmt = 'latexeps'
+ xfrmt = 'latexcustom'
+# xfrmt = 'svg'
+ ext = 'qqq'
+ code = os.system('%s -f"%s" -x %s -o"%s"'%(tpx_path,input_filename0,xfrmt,input_filename0.replace('.TpX','.'+ext)))
+ print input_filename0, code
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d232d34da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import os
+'A script for refreshing all drawings in a specified directory'
+tpx_path = '.........\\TpX.exe'
+pics_path = '.........\\'
+files = os.listdir(pics_path)
+for input_filename0 in files:
+ if input_filename0[-4:] != '.TpX': continue
+ input_filename0 = '%s%s'%(pics_path,input_filename0)
+ code = os.system('%s -f"%s" -o'%(tpx_path,input_filename0))
+ print input_filename0, code
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a40ffcec12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Sample Python program using TpXpy
+import math
+import os
+from TpXpy import TpXpic,HTML_color
+pic = TpXpic()
+pic.addPolyline(((10,0), (30,-20), (15,-30)))
+pic.addPolygon(((0,-20), (10,0), (15,-30)))
+pic.addCurve(((0,-10), (5,-15), (25,-10), (15,-5), (10,-5)))
+pic.addSector(15, -30, 5.5, 0.6, 1.75)
+pic.addSector(15, -30, 6.5, 0.6, 1.75)
+pic.addSector(15, -30, 6, 1.75, 2.55)
+for i in range(5):
+ pic.addLine(i*10 + 50,-0.7,i*10 + 50,0.7)
+ pic.addText(i*10 + 50, -1, 3, '%g'%(i*10), '\\texttt{%g}'%(i*10))
+ pic.jh('r')
+ pic.jv('t')
+ pic.rotdeg(45)
+for i in range(7):
+ pic.addLine(100-0.7,i*10-30,100+0.7,i*10-30)
+ pic.addText(100+6,i*10-30-0.5, 3, '%g'%(i*10-30), '\\texttt{%g}'%(i*10-30))
+ pic.jh('r')
+ pic.jv('c')
+pp = ()
+for i in range(50):
+ x = i + 50
+ y = 30 * math.sin(x/5.0)
+ p = (x, y),
+ pp = pp + p
+for i in range(50):
+ x = i + 50
+ y = 30 * math.sin(x/5.0)
+ pic.addStar(x, y + math.sin(i**2*4)*5)
+ pic.starShape('penta')
+ pic.starD(0.8)
+ pic.fill('lightgrey')
+ pic.lw(0.4)
+d = [0]
+for ll in range(8):
+ n = len(d)
+ for i in range(n):
+ d.append((d[n-i-1]+1)%4)
+dd0 = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
+cc = ['blue','goldenrod','green','red']
+step = 2.5
+def PP(p):
+ x = p[0][0]+5
+ y = p[0][1]+15
+ r = math.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ c = 1 - math.cos(r/5)*0.05
+ x = x*c
+ y = y*c
+ x,y = x+0.2*y,y-0.2*x
+ return (x/1.5+23, y/1.5+25),
+for j in range(4):
+ pp = ()
+ x,y = 0,0
+ ddpre = [0, 0]
+ p = (0, 0),
+ pp = pp + PP(p)
+ for i in range(len(d)):
+ dd = dd0[(d[i]+j)%4]
+ p = (x-ddpre[0]*step*0.1, y-ddpre[1]*step*0.1),
+ pp = pp + PP(p)
+ p = (x+dd[0]*step*0.1, y+dd[1]*step*0.1),
+ pp = pp + PP(p)
+ p = (x+dd[0]*step*0.5, y+dd[1]*step*0.5),
+ pp = pp + PP(p)
+ x = x+dd[0]*step
+ y = y+dd[1]*step
+ ddpre = dd
+ p = (x, y),
+ pp = pp + PP(p) + PP(p) + PP(p)
+ pic.addBezier(pp)
+pic.addRect(28, -6, 57, 57)
+for i in range(12):
+ for j in range(12):
+ pic.addEllipse(i*d+70,j*d+43,d*0.7,d*0.9)
+ pic.rotdeg(45)
+ pic.fill(HTML_color(255*(0.5+0.5*math.sin(i/3.+math.sin(j/3.)*2)),\
+ 255*(0.5+0.5*math.cos(j/3.-i**2/30.)),0))
+pic.addCurve(((25,75), (0,65), (-13,38)))
+pic.addText(52,70,5,'Fig 1')
+pic.setCaption('A sample TpXpy picture', 'fig:TpXpy')
+pic.setRootAttribute('BitmapRes', 11811)
+pic.setRootAttribute('LineWidth', 0.25)
+pic.setRootAttribute('MiterLimit', 1)
+pic.setRootAttribute('HatchingStep', 1)
+fname = 'sample_TpXpy.TpX'
diff --git a/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..520be1b4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/tpx/Scripts/Old_TpXpy/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import math
+import os
+from TpXpy import TpXpic,HTML_color
+def TransformPoint(P,T):
+ return (T[0][0]*P[0] + T[1][0]*P[1] + T[2][0],
+ T[0][1]*P[0] + T[1][1]*P[1] + T[2][1])
+def TransformPoints(PP,T):
+ PP2 = []
+ for i in range(len(PP)):
+ PP2.append(TransformPoint(PP[i],T))
+ return PP2
+pic = TpXpic()
+#pic.addPolygon(((20,0,0), (0,0), (0,70,0)))
+pp = ()
+p = (60,45),; pp = pp + p
+p = (55,45),; pp = pp + p
+p = (50,40),; pp = pp + p
+p = (36,45),; pp = pp + p
+#pic.addCurve(pp); pic.lw('0.5')
+digits = []
+digits.append([(62,104), (62,102), (62,87), (62,85), (62,83), (60,83), (60,85), (60,87), (60,117), (60,119), (60,121), (62,121), (62,119), (62,117), (62,105), (62,103), (64,103), (66,103), (68,103), (68,105), (68,118), (68,120), (68,122), (66,124), (64,124), (62,124), (60,124), (58,124), (56,124), (54,122), (54,120), (54,118), (54,86), (54,84), (54,82), (56,80), (58,80), (60,80), (62,80), (64,80), (66,80), (68,82), (68,84), (68,86), (68,102), (68,104), (66,104), (64,104)])
+digits.append([(74,80), (76,80), (78,80), (80,80), (80,82), (80,122), (80,124), (78,124), (77,124), (75,124), (75,122), (73,118), (70,117), (70,115), (70,114), (70,112), (70,112), (73,113), (74,114), (74,112), (74,82)])
+digits.append([(86,80), (88,80), (98,80), (100,80), (100,81), (100,83), (100,84), (98,84), (94,84), (92,84), (92,85), (92,84), (92,86), (92,90), (100,102), (100,106), (100,108), (100,118), (100,120), (100,122), (98,124), (96,124), (94,124), (92,124), (90,124), (88,124), (86,122), (86,120), (86,118), (86,110), (86,108), (88,108), (90,108), (92,108), (92,110), (92,117), (92,119), (92,121), (94,121), (94,119), (94,117), (94,108), (94,106), (94,102), (86,90), (86,86), (86,83), (86,82)])
+digits.append([(108,80), (110,80), (112,80), (114,80), (116,80), (118,82), (118,84), (118,86), (118,96), (118,98), (118,100), (116,102.4), (114,102.4), (114,102.8), (114,102.8), (114,102.8), (116,102.8), (118,105), (118,107), (118,109), (118,118), (118,120), (118,122), (116,124), (114,124), (112,124), (110,124), (108,124), (106,124), (104,122), (104,120), (104,118), (104,111), (104,109), (106,109), (108,109), (110,109), (110,111), (110,117), (110,119), (110,121), (112,121), (112,119), (112,117), (112,109), (112,107), (112,105), (110,104), (108,104), (108,103), (108,102), (108,101), (110,101), (112,100), (112,98), (112,96), (112,87), (112,85), (112,83), (110,83), (110,85), (110,87), (110,94), (110,96), (108,96), (106,96), (104,96), (104,94), (104,86), (104,84), (104,82), (106,80)])
+digits.append([(130,80), (131.5,80), (134.5,80), (136,80), (136,91), (136,113), (136,124), (133.75,124), (129.25,124), (127,124), (125.5,116.75), (122.5,102.25), (121,95), (121,94), (121,92), (121,91), (125.25,91), (133.75,91), (138,91), (138,92), (138,94), (138,95), (135,95), (129,95), (126,95), (127,100.5), (129,111.5), (130,117), (130,107.75), (130,89.25)])
+digits.append([(142,124), (144,124), (154,124), (156,124), (156,123), (156,121), (156,120), (154,120), (150,120), (148,120), (148,118), (148,112), (148,111), (149,112), (150,112), (152,112), (154,112), (156,110), (156,108), (156,106), (156,86), (156,84), (156,82), (154,80), (152,80), (150,80), (148,80), (146,80), (144,80), (142,82), (142,84), (142,86), (142,94), (142,96), (144,96), (146,96), (148,96), (148,94), (148,87), (148,85), (148,83), (150,83), (150,85), (150,87), (150,104), (150,106), (150,108), (148,108), (148,106), (148,105), (148,103), (148,102), (146,102), (144,102), (142,102), (142,104), (142,122)])
+digits.append([(165,124), (167,124), (169,124), (171,124), (173,124), (175,122), (175,120), (175,118), (175,113), (175,111), (173,111), (171,111), (169,111), (169,113), (169,117), (169,119), (169,121), (167,121), (167,119), (167,117), (167,107), (167,106), (168,107), (169,107), (171,107), (173,107), (175,105), (175,103), (175,101), (175,86), (175,84), (175,82), (173,80), (171,80), (169,80), (167,80), (165,80), (163,80), (161,82), (161,84), (161,86), (161,94), (161,96), (163,96), (165,96), (167,96), (167,94), (167,87), (167,85), (167,83), (169,83), (169,85), (169,87), (169,99), (169,101), (169,103), (167,103), (167,101), (167,100), (167,95), (167,93), (165,93), (163,93), (161,93), (161,95), (161,118), (161,120), (161,122), (163,124)])
+digits.append([(180,80), (181.5,80), (184.5,80), (186,80), (188,90), (192,110), (194,120), (194,121), (194,123), (194,124), (190,124), (182,124), (178,124), (178,123), (178,121), (178,120), (180.5,120), (185.5,120), (188,120), (186,110), (182,90)])
+digits.append([(202,80), (204,80), (206,80), (208,80), (210,80), (212,82), (212,84), (212,86), (212,96), (212,98), (212,100), (210,102.4), (208,102.4), (208,102.8), (208,102.8), (208,102.8), (210,102.8), (212,105), (212,107), (212,109), (212,118), (212,120), (212,122), (210,124), (208,124), (206,124), (204,124), (202,124), (200,124), (198,122), (198,120), (198,118), (198,113), (198,111), (200,111), (202,111), (204,111), (204,113), (204,117), (204,119), (204,121), (206,121), (206,119), (206,117), (206,109), (206,107), (206,105), (204,105), (204,107), (204,109), (204,114), (204,116), (202,116), (200,116), (198,116), (198,114), (198,109), (198,107), (198,105), (200,102.8), (202,102.8), (202,102.4), (202,102.4), (202,102.4), (200,102.4), (198,100), (198,98), (198,96), (198,92), (198,90), (200,90), (202,90), (204,90), (204,92), (204,96), (204,98), (204,100), (206,100), (206,98), (206,96), (206,87), (206,85), (206,83), (204,83), (204,85), (204,87), (204,93), (204,95), (202,95), (200,95), (198,95), (198,93), (198,86), (198,84), (198,82), (200,80)])
+digits.append([(227,80), (225,80), (223,80), (221,80), (219,80), (217,82), (217,84), (217,86), (217,91), (217,93), (219,93), (221,93), (223,93), (223,91), (223,87), (223,85), (223,83), (225,83), (225,85), (225,87), (225,97), (225,98), (224,97), (223,97), (221,97), (219,97), (217,99), (217,101), (217,103), (217,118), (217,120), (217,122), (219,124), (221,124), (223,124), (225,124), (227,124), (229,124), (231,122), (231,120), (231,118), (231,110), (231,108), (229,108), (227,108), (225,108), (225,110), (225,117), (225,119), (225,121), (223,121), (223,119), (223,117), (223,105), (223,103), (223,101), (225,101), (225,103), (225,105), (225,109), (225,111), (227,111), (229,111), (231,111), (231,109), (231,86), (231,84), (231,82), (229,80)])
+digits_width = []
+for d in range(len(digits)):
+ dd = digits[d]
+ minX = 1000000; minY = 1000000
+ maxX = -1000000
+ for i in range(len(dd)):
+ if dd[i][0]<minX: minX = dd[i][0]
+ if dd[i][1]<minY: minY = dd[i][1]
+ if dd[i][0]>maxX: maxX = dd[i][0]
+ T = ((1,0),(0,1),(-minX,-minY))
+ digits[d] = TransformPoints(dd,T)
+ digits_width.append(maxX-minX)
+numbers = [-1,1,13,36,24,3,15,34,22,5,17,32,20,7,11,30,26,9,28,0,2,14,35,23,4,16,33,21,6,18,31,19,8,12,29,25,10,27]
+cos = []; sin = []
+for i in range(39):
+ cos.append(math.cos(math.pi/19*i))
+ sin.append(math.sin(math.pi/19*i))
+for i in range(38):
+ j=i+1
+ pic.addPolygon(((31*cos[i],31*sin[i]), (48*cos[i],48*sin[i]),
+ (48*cos[j],48*sin[j]), (31*cos[j],31*sin[j])))
+ if (i==0)|(i==19): pic.fill('mediumseagreen')
+ elif i%2==0: pic.fill('crimson')
+ else: pic.fill('black')
+for i in range(38):
+ pic.addLine(31*cos[i],31*sin[i], 48*cos[i],48*sin[i])
+ pic.lw(3)
+def DigitRender(PP,T):
+ PP = TransformPoints(PP,T)
+ T = ((asin*s,-acos*s),(acos*s,asin*s),(41.7*acos, 41.7*asin))
+ PP = TransformPoints(PP,T)
+ pic.addBezier(PP)
+ pic.closed()
+ pic.fill('beige') # white
+for i in range(38):
+ j=i+1
+ acos = (cos[i]+cos[j])/2
+ asin = (sin[i]+sin[j])/2
+ s = 0.1
+ d1 = numbers[i]//10
+ d2 = numbers[i]%10
+ if d1==0: d1 = -2
+ if d1==-1: d1 = 0; d2 = 0
+ if d1>-2:
+ w1 = digits_width[d1]
+ w2 = digits_width[d2]
+ w = w1 + w2 + 4
+ else:
+ w = digits_width[d2]
+ d1 = d2
+ w2 = 0
+ PP = digits[d1]
+ T = ((1,0),(0,1),(-w/2, 0))
+ DigitRender(PP,T)
+ if w2 > 0:
+ PP = digits[d2]
+ T = ((1,0),(0,1),(w/2-w2, 0))
+ DigitRender(PP,T)
+pic.setRootAttribute('LineWidth', 0.35)
+pic.setRootAttribute('MiterLimit', 10)
+pic.setRootAttribute('TeXFigure', 'none')
+pic.setRootAttribute('TeXCenterFigure', '0')
+fname = 'Roulette.TpX'