path: root/graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/')
1 files changed, 1232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/ b/graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0911f0eb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pstricks/base/dvips/
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+% $Id: 872 2018-12-21 20:39:31Z herbert $
+%% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
+%% Version 1.30, 2018/12/17
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+% Define the follwing gs-functions if not known, eg when using distiller
+systemdict /.setopacityalpha known not {/.setopacityalpha { pop } def } if
+systemdict /.setblendmode known not {/.setblendmode { pop } def } if
+systemdict /.setshapealpha known not {/.setshapealpha { pop } def } if
+/tx@Dict 200 dict def % the main PSTricks dictionary
+tx@Dict begin
+/ADict 25 dict def % The arrow dictionary
+/CM { matrix currentmatrix } bind def
+/SLW /setlinewidth load def
+/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
+/CP /currentpoint load def
+/ED { exch def } bind def
+/L /lineto load def
+/T /translate load def
+/TMatrix { } def
+/RAngle { 0 } def
+/Sqrt { dup 0 lt { pop 0 } { sqrt } ifelse } def % return 0 for negative arguments
+/Atan { /atan load stopped { pop pop 0 } if } def % return 0 if atan not known
+/ATAN1 {neg -1 atan 180 sub } def % atan(x) (only one parameter)
+/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def % control the division
+/Log { dup 1e-20 lt { pop -1e30 }{ log } ifelse } def % control the log
+/tan { dup cos abs 1.e-10 lt
+ { pop 1.e10 } % return 1.e10 as infinit
+ { dup sin exch cos div } ifelse % default sin/cos
+} def
+/Tan { dup sin exch cos Div } def % sin(x)/cos(x) x in degrees
+/Acos {dup dup mul neg 1 add dup 0 lt { % arc cos, returns 0 when negative root
+ pop pop 0 }{ sqrt exch atan} ifelse } def
+/Acos2 { 2 dict begin
+ /x ED /y ED
+ y abs 1.0e-20 lt { 1.0e30 } if
+ x y div
+ dup dup mul neg 1 add dup 0 lt { % arc cos needs two values x,y
+ pop pop 0 }{ sqrt exch atan} ifelse
+ y 0 lt { 180 add } if
+} def
+/Power { % a^b latest ghostscript don't allow -4^-3.1
+ 2 dict begin % hold all local
+ /b ED
+ /a ED
+ a 0 lt % prevent something like (-4)^(-3.1)=> 1/(-4)^3
+ { b 0 lt
+ { a b cvi exp }
+ { a b exp } ifelse
+ }
+ { a 0 eq { 0 }{ a b exp } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+/NET { neg exch neg exch T } def % change coordinate system to the negative one
+/Pyth { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def % Pythagoras, expects 2 parameter
+/Pyth2 { % Pythagoras, xA yA xB yB
+ 3 -1 roll % xA xB yB yA
+ sub % xA xB yB-yA
+ 3 1 roll % yB-yA xA xB
+ sub % yB-yA xA-xB
+ Pyth } def
+/PtoC { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def % Polar to Cartesian (origimal)
+/PtoCrel { pst@angleunit PtoC } def % Polar to Cartesian with \degrees[??]
+/PtoCab { dup cos 4 -1 roll mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def % Polar to Cartesian (Ellipse) a b phi-> x y
+/AnytoDeg { pst@angleunit } def
+/DegtoAny { 1 pst@angleunit div} def
+/AnytoRad { AnytoDeg DegtoRad } def
+/RadtoAny { RadtoDeg DegtoAny } def
+%/Rand { rand 4294967295 div } def % a real random number
+/Rand { rand 2147483447 div } def % a real random number between 0 and 1
+%----------------- hv added 20050516 ---------------
+/PiDiv2 1.57079632680 def
+/Pi 3.14159265359 def
+/TwoPi 6.28318530718 def
+/Euler 2.71828182846 def
+%/e Euler bind def
+/RadtoDeg { 180 mul Pi div } bind def % convert from radian to degrees
+/DegtoRad { Pi mul 180 div } bind def % viceversa
+/startGlobal { true setglobal globaldict begin } bind def
+/endGlobal { end false setglobal } bind def
+/pssetRGBcolor /setrgbcolor load def
+/pssetCMYKcolor /setcmykcolor load def
+/pssetGraycolor /setgray load def
+%----------------- hv end---------------------------
+/PathLength@ { /z z y y1 sub x x1 sub Pyth add def /y1 y def /x1 x def } def
+/PathLength {
+ flattenpath /z 0 def
+ { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def }
+ { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ }
+ {}
+ { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
+ /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop } if
+ z
+} def
+/STP { .996264 dup scale } def % BP/PT scaling
+/STV { SDict begin normalscale end STP } def %
+/DashLine {
+ dup 0 gt
+ { /a .5 def PathLength exch div }
+ { pop /a 1 def PathLength } ifelse
+ /b ED % pattern should fit evenly in b
+ dup /X ED % pattern array
+ 0 get /y ED % length of first black segment
+ /z 0 X {add} forall def % length of the full pattern
+ %% Computation of the scaling factor as described by van Zandt:
+ b a .5 sub 2 mul y mul sub z Div round
+ z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div
+ %%%% scaling factor on stack.
+ /z ED %% now, z is the scaling factor
+ false % for the length test below
+ X { z mul } forall X astore %% modification TN 04-08-07
+ %%% Checking whether at least one dash in X has positive length:
+ {0 gt or} forall
+ { X 1 a sub y mul }
+ { [ 1 0 ] 0 }
+ ifelse
+ setdash stroke
+} def
+/DotLine {
+ /b PathLength def
+ /a ED /z ED /y CLW def
+ /z y z add def
+ a 0 gt {
+ /b b a div def
+ }{
+ a 0 eq {
+ /b b y sub def
+ }{ a -3 eq {
+ /b b y add def } if
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if ]
+ a 0 gt { 0 }{ y 2 div a -2 gt { neg }if } ifelse
+ setdash 1 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+/SymbolLine { % on stack [ x y x y ...
+ counttomark % number of elements
+ 2 div cvi /n ED % n pairs
+ /YA ED /XA ED % the start point
+ n 1 sub {
+ /XLength XB XA sub def
+ /YLength YB YA sub def
+ /PAngle YLength XLength Atan def
+ /XYLength XLength YLength Pyth def
+ %% for negative SymStep we calculate the distance
+ SymStep 0 lt
+ { %XYLength SymStep div abs cvi
+ /nSym SymStep abs cvi def }
+ { /nSym XYLength SymStep div cvi def }
+ ifelse
+ 0.5 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ /deltaX XLength nSym div def
+ /deltaY YLength nSym div def
+ curveticks
+ { XA YA moveto }
+ { XA Shift sub YA Shift sub moveto }
+ ifelse
+ nSym {
+ gsave
+ curveticks
+ { PAngle 180 sub CorrAngle sub tickAngle add /rotAngle ED
+ currentpoint translate rotAngle rotate
+ 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+ SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke
+ }
+ {
+ rotateSymbol { PAngle 180 sub CorrAngle sub rotate } if
+ Symbol show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore
+ deltaX deltaY rmoveto
+ } repeat
+ /YA YB def /XA XB def
+ } repeat
+ curveticks
+ { XA YA moveto }
+ { XA Shift sub YA Shift sub moveto }
+ ifelse
+ gsave
+ curveticks
+ { PAngle 180 sub CorrAngle sub tickAngle add /rotAngle ED
+ XA YA translate rotAngle rotate
+ 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+ SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke
+ }
+ {
+ rotateSymbol { PAngle 180 sub CorrAngle sub rotate } if
+ Symbol show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore
+ pop % delete the mark symbol
+} def
+/LineFill { % hv ------------ patch 7 -------------
+ gsave
+ abs /hatchWidthInc ED
+ abs /hatchSepInc ED
+ abs CLW add /a ED
+ a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
+ 2 copy idtransform
+ exch Atan rotate
+ idtransform pop /a ED
+ .25 .25 itransform pathbbox
+ /y2 ED
+ a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED
+ a Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def
+ clipType % must be defined in pstricks.tex: clip -- eoclip
+ newpath
+ 2 setlinecap
+ systemdict
+ /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if
+ x2 x1 sub 1 add {
+ x1 a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke
+ /x1 x1 1 add
+ hatchWidthInc 0 gt { CLW add } if
+ def
+ hatchSepInc 0 gt hatchWidthInc 0 gt or {
+ /a a hatchSepInc add def
+ CLW hatchWidthInc add SLW
+ } if
+ } repeat
+ grestore
+ pop pop } def
+/DotFill {% on stack: dot radius
+ /dotRadius ED
+ abs CLW add /a ED
+ a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
+ 2 copy idtransform
+ exch Atan rotate
+ idtransform pop /a ED
+ .25 .25 itransform
+ pathbbox % llx lly urx ury of smallest bounding box
+ /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
+ y2 y1 sub a div 2 add cvi /Ny ED
+ x2 x1 sub a div 2 add cvi /Nx ED
+ clipType % must be defined in pstricks.tex: clip -- eoclip
+ newpath
+ /yA y1 dotRadius add CLW add def
+ /xA0 x1 dotRadius add CLW add def
+ Ny {
+ /xA xA0 def
+ Nx {
+ newpath
+ xA yA dotRadius 0 360 arc
+ SolidDot { gsave fill grestore } if
+ stroke
+ xA a add /xA ED
+ } repeat
+ yA a add /yA ED
+ } repeat
+ grestore
+} def
+/PenroseFill {% on stack: scaling factor
+ /Scale ED
+% 1 exch div round /penroseFactor ED
+% a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
+% 2 copy idtransform
+% exch Atan rotate
+% idtransform pop /a ED
+% .25 .25 itransform pathbbox
+% /y2 ED
+% a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED
+% a Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def
+ clip
+ newpath
+ 220 150 translate
+ Scale dup scale
+ systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if
+ /I/S/L/W/G/+/Z/F/E/D[/def/exch/for{E D}/add{s E get mul}
+ { Z -36.2001 1 33 }{25 E S rlineto}{/q Z dup q G E q 1 + G}{Z 2 2}]{cvx def}forall
+ [0 72 1008 {dup sin E cos }F ]1 setlinejoin/s W{/a W{/b I 10{/i I 4{/m I moveto
+ i m +/j I 10{/l Z b m l + G a l G sub s m get div .2 + floor .3 + 25
+ mul j l + S rmoveto}F i L j L stroke }F}F}F}F
+ grestore
+% pop pop
+} def
+/PenroseFillA {% on stack: scaling factor, border color, kite color, dart color
+ /Scale ED
+ Scale dup scale
+ /border_colour ED
+ /kite_colour ED
+ /dart_colour ED
+ clip
+ newpath
+ gsave
+ 100 100 translate
+ 6
+ Scale 1 lt { 1 Scale dup add div mul cvi } if %%%% Number of iterations
+ 10 %%%% Long side length in millimeters
+ /border_width { L 0.06 mul }def %%%% Choose the scalefactor for the borders
+ /L exch 25.4 div 72 mul def %%%% Conversion: mm -> inches -> points
+ /f{-1 5 sqrt add 2 div}bind def %%%% The reciprocal of the golden ratio
+ /l{L f mul}bind def %%%% Short side length l = L*f
+ /Ll{L l add}bind def %%%% Ll = L + l
+ /c{36 cos L mul}bind def %%%% c = L*cos(36)
+ /s{36 sin L mul}bind def %%%% s = L*sin(36)
+ /draw_tile { 0 0 moveto c s lineto 0 lineto gsave closepath gsave fill grestore
+ 0 setlinewidth stroke grestore border_colour stroke } bind def
+ /half_kite { dup dup 0 gt{ 1 sub gsave f f neg scale -36 rotate half_dart
+ Ll 0 translate 144 rotate kite grestore }
+ { kite_colour L draw_tile }ifelse
+ pop } bind def
+ /half_dart { dup dup 0 gt{ 1 sub gsave f f scale half_kite
+ -144 rotate Ll neg 0 translate half_dart grestore }
+ { dart_colour l draw_tile }ifelse
+ pop } bind def
+ /kite{ gsave half_kite 1 -1 scale half_kite grestore }bind def
+ border_width setlinewidth 1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap
+% 450 0 translate
+ dup f exch neg exp dup scale
+ 5 {kite 72 rotate } repeat stroke
+ grestore
+} def
+/TruchetFill { % on stack: scaling factor
+ 10 dict begin
+ dup dup scale
+ 1 exch div round /penroseFactor ED
+ a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
+ 2 copy idtransform
+ exch Atan rotate
+ idtransform pop /a ED
+ .25 .25 itransform pathbbox
+ /y2 ED
+ a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED
+ a Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def
+ clip
+ newpath
+ systemdict
+ /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if
+ /ma a neg def
+ /ha a 2 div def
+ /mha ha neg def
+ /tile {
+ rand dup 2 idiv 2 mul eq { 90 rotate } if
+ mha mha moveto ha mha lineto
+ ha ha lineto mha ha lineto
+% closepath .1 setlinewidth stroke
+ contents
+ } def
+ /contents{
+ 0 ha moveto ha 0 lineto
+ 0 mha moveto mha 0 lineto
+% 1 setlinewidth stroke
+ } def
+ /dotiling {
+ f ma mul a f a mul {
+ /i exch def
+ f ma mul a f a mul {
+ /j exch def
+ gsave i j translate
+ tile stroke grestore
+ } for
+ } for
+ } def
+ /f 3 def
+ 5 srand dotiling
+ end % local user dict
+} def
+/BeginArrow {
+ ADict begin % hold it local, for end see EndArrow
+ /@mtrx CM def
+ gsave
+ 2 copy T
+ 2 index sub neg exch
+ 3 index sub exch Atan
+ rotate newpath
+} def
+/EndArrow { @mtrx setmatrix CP grestore end } def % end the ADict
+/Arrow {
+ CLW mul add dup
+ 2 div /w ED
+ mul dup /h ED
+ mul /a ED
+ { 0 h T 1 -1 scale } if
+ w neg h moveto
+ 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto
+ gsave fill grestore
+} def
+/ArrowD { % the sides are drawn as curves (hv 20071211)
+ CLW mul add dup
+ 2 div /w ED
+ mul dup /h ED
+ mul /Inset ED
+ { 0 h T 1 -1 scale } if % changes the direction
+% we use y=w/h^2 * x^2 as equation for the control points
+% for the coordinates the arrow is seen from top to bottom
+% the bottom (tip) is (0;0)
+ w neg h moveto % lower left of >
+ w 9 div 4 mul neg h 3 div 2 mul
+ w 9 div neg h 3 div
+ 0 0 curveto % tip of >
+ w 9 div h 3 div
+ w 9 div 4 mul h 3 div 2 mul
+ w h curveto % upper left of >
+ w neg Inset neg rlineto % move to x=0 and inset
+ gsave fill grestore
+} def
+/Tbar {
+ CLW mul add /z ED
+ z -2 div CLW 2 div moveto
+ z 0 rlineto stroke
+ 0 CLW moveto
+} def
+/Bracket {
+ CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div
+ /x ED mul CLW add /y ED /z CLW 2 div def
+ x neg y moveto
+ x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke
+ 0 CLW moveto
+} def
+/RoundBracket {
+ CLW mul add dup 2 div
+ /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def
+ 0 CLW 2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if
+ 1 1 moveto
+ .85 .5 .35 0 0 0 curveto
+ -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto
+ mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto
+} def
+/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
+/EndDot { % DS is the dot size
+ { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse % outer or inner dimen
+ /b ED % the color definition
+ 0 z DS SD
+ b { 0 z DS CLW sub SD } if
+ 0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub
+ moveto
+} def
+/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
+ /closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
+ load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
+/NArray { % holds the coordinates and on top of stack the showpoints boolean
+ /showpoints ED
+ counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED % n 2 div on stack
+ n eq not { exch pop } if % even numbers of points? delete one
+ ] aload /Points ED
+ showpoints not { Points aload pop } if
+% { ] aload /Points ED }
+% { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse % delete the mark symbol
+} def
+/Line {
+ NArray n 0 eq not
+ { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub def
+ n { Lineto } repeat
+ CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop
+ } if
+} def
+/LineToYAxis {
+ /Ox ED % Save the x origin value
+ NArray % all x-y pairs on stack
+ n { 2 copy moveto % go to current point
+ Ox exch Lineto % line to y-axis
+ pop % delete old x-value
+ } repeat
+} def
+ /Oy ED % Save the y origin value
+ NArray % all x-y pairs on stack
+ n 0 eq not
+ { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if
+ ArrowA
+ /n n 2 sub def
+ CP 2 copy moveto pop Oy Lineto
+ n { 2 copy moveto pop Oy Lineto } repeat
+ CP
+ 4 2 roll
+ ArrowB
+ 2 copy moveto pop Oy
+ L
+ pop pop } if
+} def
+/Arcto {
+ /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def
+ a r
+ /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 } ifelse { pop } repeat
+ a
+} def
+/CheckClosed {
+ dup n 2 mul 1 sub index eq 2 index n 2 mul 1 add index eq
+ and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if
+} def
+/Polygon {
+ NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if
+ n 3 lt
+ { n { pop pop } repeat }
+ { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if
+ n 2 mul -2 roll
+ /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
+ x1 y1
+ /x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def
+ /y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def
+ x1 y1 moveto
+ /n n 2 sub def
+ n { Lineto } repeat
+ x1 y1 x0 y0 6 4 roll Lineto
+ Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse
+} def
+/SymbolPolygon { % on stack [ x y x y ...
+ counttomark % number of elements
+ 2 add /m ED
+ 2 copy m 2 roll % copy last two
+ m 2 div cvi /n ED % n pairs
+ /YA ED /XA ED % the start point
+ n 1 sub {
+ /XLength XB XA sub def
+ /YLength YB YA sub def
+ /PAngle YLength XLength Atan def
+ /XYLength XLength YLength Pyth def
+ /nSym XYLength SymStep Div cvi def
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 Div def
+ /deltaX XLength nSym Div def
+ /deltaY YLength nSym Div def
+ XA Shift sub YA Shift sub moveto
+ nSym {
+ gsave rotateSymbol { PAngle 180 sub CorrAngle sub rotate } if
+ Symbol show
+ grestore
+ deltaX deltaY rmoveto
+ } repeat
+% XB Shift sub YB Shift sub moveto Symbol show
+ /YA YB def /XA XB def
+ } repeat
+ pop % delete the mark symbol
+} def
+/Diamond {
+ /mtrx CM def
+ T rotate
+ /h ED
+ /w ED
+ dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul neg
+ /d ED
+ /a w h Atan def
+ /h d a sin Div h add def
+ /w d a cos Div w add def } ifelse
+ mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2 div
+ /ArrowA { moveto } def
+ /ArrowB { } def
+ false Line
+ closepath mtrx setmatrix } def
+/Triangle {
+ /mtrx CM def
+ translate
+ rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED
+ dup CLW mul /d ED
+ /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def
+ /w w d h w Atan 2 div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def
+ mark
+ 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0 d
+ /ArrowA { moveto } def
+ /ArrowB { } def
+ false
+ Line
+ closepath
+ mtrx
+% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
+% setmatrix } def
+ setmatrix pop
+} def
+% DG/SR modification end
+/CCA {
+ /y ED /x ED
+ 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED
+ x sub /dx1 ED
+ /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth def
+} def
+/CC {
+ /l0 l1 def
+ /x1 x dx sub def
+ /y1 y dy sub def
+ /dx0 dx1 def
+ /dy0 dy1 def
+ /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def
+ /dy dy0 l1 c exp mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def
+ /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def
+ /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
+ /y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def
+ /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def
+ /dy l1 dy mul m mul neg def
+} def
+/IC {
+ /c c 1 add def
+ c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if } ifelse
+ /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def
+ /dx 0 def
+ /dy 0 def
+} def
+/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
+/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
+/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
+/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
+/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
+/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
+/OpenCurve {
+ NArray n 3 lt
+ { n { pop pop } repeat }
+ { BOC /n n 3 sub def n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse
+} def
+/CurvePath {
+ %% for negative SymStep we calculate the distance
+ SymStep 0 lt { gsave PathLength SymStep div abs /SymStep ED grestore } if
+ 0.5 setflat
+ flattenpath /z 0 def /z0 0 def
+ { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
+ x1 Shift sub y1 Shift sub moveto
+ gsave
+ curveticks
+ { x1 y1 translate startAngle rotate
+ 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+ SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke
+ }
+ { startAngle rotate Symbol show }
+ ifelse
+ grestore /z0 z def }
+ { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ z z0 sub SymStep ge {
+ x Shift sub y Shift sub moveto
+ gsave
+ curveticks
+ { y yOld sub x xOld sub Atan 180 sub CorrAngle sub /rotAngle ED
+ x y translate rotAngle rotate
+ 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+ SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke
+ }
+ {
+ rotateSymbol { y yOld sub x xOld sub Atan 180 sub CorrAngle sub rotate } if
+ Symbol show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore /z0 z def } if
+ /yOld y def /xOld x def }
+ {} %% the lineto part
+ { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@
+ x Shift sub y Shift sub moveto
+ gsave
+ curveticks
+ { y yOld sub x xOld sub Atan 180 sub /rotAngle ED
+ x y translate rotAngle rotate
+ 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+ SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke
+ }
+ {
+ x Shift sub y Shift sub moveto
+ rotateSymbol { y yOld sub x xOld sub Atan 180 sub CorrAngle sub rotate } if
+ Symbol show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ grestore
+ }
+ pathforall
+% curveticks
+% { gsave
+% x y translate rotAngle rotate
+% 0 SymbolWidth 2 div moveto 0 SymbolWidth 2 div neg lineto
+% SymbolLinewidth setlinewidth stroke grestore
+% } if
+ z
+} def
+/OpenSymbolCurve {
+ OpenCurve
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+} def
+/AltCurve {
+ { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll
+ [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
+ /Points ED
+ n 2 mul -2 roll }
+ { false NArray } ifelse
+ n 4 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse
+} def
+/AltOpenSymbolCurve {
+ AltCurve
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+} def
+/ClosedCurve {
+ NArray n 3 lt
+ { n { pop pop } repeat }
+ { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if
+ 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll
+ IC CC x y moveto n { NC } repeat
+ closepath pop pop
+ } ifelse
+} def
+/ClosedSymbolCurve {
+ ClosedCurve
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+} def
+/CalcBezierSpline {% Christoph Bersch
+ 10 dict begin
+ /getX { Points exch 2 mul get } def
+ /getY { Points exch 2 mul 1 add get } def
+ /n Points length 1 sub 2 idiv def
+ /GetFirstControlPoints {
+ /x n array def
+ /tmp n array def
+ /b 2 def
+ x 0 rhs 0 get b div put
+ 1 1 n 1 sub {
+ /i exch def
+ tmp i 1 b div dup 4 1 roll put
+ i n 1 sub lt { 4 }{ 3.5 } ifelse exch sub /b exch def
+ x i rhs i get x i 1 sub get sub b div put
+ } for
+ 1 1 n 1 sub {
+ n exch sub
+ dup dup x exch 1 sub 2 copy 6 2 roll
+ get 3 1 roll tmp exch get
+ exch x exch get mul sub
+ put
+ } for
+ x
+ } def
+ %
+ n 1 eq {
+ 0 getX 2 mul 1 getX add 3 div
+ 0 getY 2 mul 1 getY add 3 div
+ exch dup 3 1 roll 2 mul 0 getX sub
+ exch dup 3 1 roll 2 mul 0 getY sub
+ [ 0 getX 0 getY 7 3 roll 1 getX 1 getY ] /outPoints exch def
+ } {
+ /outPoints 6 n mul 2 add array def
+ 0 1 n {
+ dup dup 6 mul dup 1 add
+ outPoints exch 5 -1 roll getY put
+ outPoints exch 3 -1 roll getX put
+ } for
+ /rhs n array def
+ 1 1 n 2 sub {
+ rhs exch dup dup getX 4 mul exch 1 add getX 2 mul add put
+ } for
+ rhs 0 0 getX 1 getX 2 mul add put
+ rhs n 1 sub dup getX 8 mul n getX add 2 div put
+ GetFirstControlPoints
+ 1 1 n 2 sub {
+ rhs exch dup dup getY 4 mul exch 1 add getY 2 mul add put
+ } for
+ rhs 0 0 getY 1 getY 2 mul add put
+ rhs n 1 sub dup getY 8 mul n getY add 2 div put
+ GetFirstControlPoints
+ 0 1 n 1 sub {
+ /i exch def
+ 2 copy
+ i get outPoints 6 i mul 3 add 3 -1 roll put
+ i get outPoints 6 i mul 2 add 3 -1 roll put
+ 2 copy
+ i n 1 sub lt {
+ i 1 add get i 1 add getY 2 mul exch sub outPoints 6 i mul 5 add 3 -1 roll put
+ i 1 add get i 1 add getX 2 mul exch sub outPoints 6 i mul 4 add 3 -1 roll put
+ }{
+ n 1 sub get n getY add 2 div outPoints 6 n 1 sub mul 5 add 3 -1 roll put
+ n 1 sub get n getX add 2 div outPoints 6 n 1 sub mul 4 add 3 -1 roll put
+ } ifelse
+ } for
+ pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ outPoints
+ end
+} def
+/Spline {
+ /showpoints ED
+ counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED
+ n eq not { exch pop } if
+ ] /Points ED
+ n 1 gt {
+ CalcBezierSpline
+ mark exch aload pop
+ ArrowA
+ n 2 sub {
+ 6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto
+ } repeat
+ 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto
+ } if
+} def
+/OpenSymbolSpline {
+ Spline
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+} def
+/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
+/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
+/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore } def
+/FontDot {
+ DS 2 mul dup
+ matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
+ rotate matrix concatmatrix exch
+ findfont exch makefont setfont
+} def
+/Rect {
+ x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto
+% x1 y2 lineto
+% x2 y2 lineto
+% x2 y1 lineto
+% x1 y1 lineto
+ x1 y1 lineto % counter clockwise path
+ x2 y1 lineto
+ x2 y2 lineto
+ x1 y2 lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+/OvalFrame {
+ x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or
+ { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L }
+ { y1 y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt
+ { exch pop } { pop } ifelse
+ 2 div exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if
+ 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
+ /b ED
+ x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto
+ x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto
+ x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
+ x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto
+ x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto
+ 16 { pop } repeat
+ closepath
+ } ifelse
+} def
+/Frame {
+ CLW mul /a ED
+ 3 -1 roll
+ 2 copy gt { exch } if
+ a sub /y2 ED
+ a add /y1 ED
+ 2 copy gt { exch } if
+ a sub /x2 ED
+ a add /x1 ED
+ 1 index 0 eq { pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse
+} def
+/BezierNArray {
+ /f ED
+ counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED
+ n eq not { exch pop } if
+ n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat
+ f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse
+} def
+/OpenBezier {
+ BezierNArray
+ n 1 eq
+ { pop pop }
+ { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv
+ { 6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat
+ 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto } ifelse
+} def
+/OpenSymbolBezier {
+ OpenBezier
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+} def
+/ClosedBezier {
+ BezierNArray
+ n 1 eq
+ { pop pop }
+ { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv
+ { 6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat
+ closepath } ifelse
+} def
+/ClosedSymbolBezier {
+ /f ED % save showpoints value
+ 2 copy /yEnd ED /xEnd ED
+ counttomark -2 roll 2 copy /yStart ED /xStart ED
+ counttomark 2 roll
+ f
+ ClosedBezier
+ 0.1 setflat
+ /Shift Symbol stringwidth pop 2 div def
+ CurvePath
+ [ xEnd yEnd xStart yStart SymbolLine
+} def
+/BezierShowPoints {
+ gsave
+ Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED
+ moveto
+ n 1 sub { lineto } repeat
+ CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke
+ grestore
+} def
+/Parab {
+ /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
+ /dx x0 x1 sub 3 div def
+ /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def
+ x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
+ x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB
+ curveto
+ /Points [ x1 y1 x0 y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def
+} def
+/Parab1 { % 1 end | 0 SP
+ /ySP ED /xSP ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
+ /dx xSP x1 sub 3 div def
+ /dy ySP y1 sub 3 div def
+ newpath x1 y1 moveto xSP y1 lineto xSP ySP lineto
+ x1 ySP lineto closepath clip
+ currentpoint
+ newpath moveto
+ xSP dx sub ySP dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
+ xSP dx add ySP dy add xSP 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB
+ curveto
+ /Points [ x1 y1 xSP ySP xSP 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def
+} def
+/Grid {
+ newpath
+ /a 4 string def
+ /b ED % psk@gridlabels in pt
+ /c ED % { \pst@usecolor\psgridlabelcolor }
+ /n ED % psk@griddots
+ cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 } if
+ /s ED % \psk@subgriddiv
+ s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
+ /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if % \pst@number\psyunit abs
+ /dx ED dy div round dy mul % \pst@number\psxunit abs
+ /y0 ED dx div round dx mul
+ /x0 ED dy div round cvi
+ /y2 ED dx div round cvi
+ /x2 ED dy div round cvi
+ /y1 ED dx div round cvi
+ /x1 ED
+ /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def
+ /w x2 x1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def
+ b 0 gt {
+ /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
+% Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont
+% is set in pstricks.tex
+% /NimbusSanL-Regu findfont b scalefont setfont
+ /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def } if
+ systemdict /setstrokeadjust known
+ { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
+ { /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
+ exch itransform } bind def } ifelse
+ gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse
+ /i x1 def
+ /f y1 dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def
+ /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def
+ x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop 1000 } if
+ { i dx mul dup xGridOffset add y0 moveto
+ b 0 gt
+ { gsave c i a cvs dup stringwidth pop
+ /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse
+ h 0 gt {b neg}{z1} ifelse
+ rmoveto show grestore } if
+ dup t f moveto
+ g t L stroke
+ /i i w add def
+ } repeat
+ grestore
+ gsave
+ n 0 gt
+ % DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
+ %{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
+ { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
+ % DG/SR modification end
+ { 2 setlinecap } ifelse
+ /i y1 def
+ /f x1 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def
+ /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul add } if def
+ y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop 1000 } if
+ { newpath i dy mul dup yGridOffset add x0 exch moveto
+ b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup stringwidth pop
+ /z2 ED
+ w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse
+ h 0 gt {z1} {b neg} ifelse
+ rmoveto show grestore } if
+ dup f exch t moveto
+ g exch t L stroke
+ /i i h add def
+ } repeat
+ grestore
+} def
+/ArcArrow {
+ /d ED /b ED /a ED
+ gsave
+ newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip
+ newpath
+ 0 1 0 0 b
+ grestore
+ c mul
+ /e ED
+ pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
+ exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
+ mul neg d
+} def
+/isbool { type (booleantype) cvn eq } def
+/Ellipse {
+ dup isbool { /MoveToStart ED }{ /MoveToStart false def }ifelse % false or true
+ /rotAngle ED
+ /mtrx CM def
+ T
+ rotAngle rotate
+ scale
+ MoveToStart { 0 0 moveto 1 0 rmoveto } if % move to the start position
+ 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc
+ mtrx setmatrix
+} def
+/ArcAdjust { %%%% Vincent Guirardel
+% given a target length (targetLength) and an initial angle (angle0) [in the stack],
+% let M(angle0)=(rx*cos(angle0),ry*sin(angle0))=(x0,y0).
+% This computes an angle t such that (x0,y0) is at distance
+% targetLength from the point M(t)=(rx*cos(t),ry*sin(t)).
+% NOTE: this an absolute angle, it does not have to be added or substracted to angle0
+% contrary to TvZ's code.
+% To achieve, this, one iterates the following process: start with some angle t,
+% compute the point M' at distance targetLength of (x0,y0) on the semi-line [(x0,y0) M(t)].
+% Now take t' (= new angle) so that (0,0) M(t') and M' are aligned.
+% Another difference with TvZ's code is that we need d (=add/sub) to be defined.
+% the value of d = add/sub is used to know on which side we have to move.
+% It is only used in the initialisation of the angle before the iteration.
+% Input stack: 1: target length 2: initial angle
+% variables used : rx, ry, d (=add/sub)
+ /targetLength ED /angle0 ED
+ /x0 rx angle0 cos mul def
+ /y0 ry angle0 sin mul def
+% we are looking for an angle t such that (x0,y0) is at distance targetLength
+% from the point M(t)=(rx*cos(t),ry*sin(t)))
+%initialisation of angle (using 1st order approx = TvZ's code)
+ targetLength 57.2958 mul
+ angle0 sin rx mul dup mul
+ angle0 cos ry mul dup mul
+ add sqrt div
+% if initialisation angle is two large (more than 90 degrees) set it to 90 degrees
+% (if the ellipse is very curved at the point where we draw the arrow, %
+% the value can be much more than 360 degrees !)
+% this should avoid going on the wrong side (more than 180 degrees) or go near
+% a bad attractive point (at 180 degrees)
+ dup 90 ge { pop 90 } if
+ angle0 exch d % add or sub
+% maximum number of times to iterate the iterative procedure:
+% iterative procedure: takes an angle t on top of stack, computes a
+% better angle (and put it on top of stack)
+ 30 { dup
+% compute distance D between (x0,y0) and M(t)
+ dup cos rx mul x0 sub dup mul exch sin ry mul y0 sub dup mul add sqrt
+% if D almost equals targetLength, we stop
+ dup targetLength sub abs 1e-5 le { pop exit } if
+% stack now contains D t
+% compute the point M(t') at distance targetLength of (x0,y0) on the semi-line [(x0,y0) M(t)]:
+% M(t')= ( (x(t)-x0)*targetLength/d+x0 , (y(t)-y0)*targetLength/d+y0 )
+ exch dup cos rx mul x0 sub exch sin ry mul y0 sub
+% stack contains: y(t)-y0, x(t)-x0, d
+ 2 index Div targetLength mul y0 add ry Div exch
+ 2 index Div targetLength mul x0 add rx Div
+% stack contains x(t')/rx , y(t')/ry , d
+% now compute t', and remove D from stack
+ atan exch pop
+ } repeat
+% we don't look at what happened... in particular, if targetLength is greater
+% than the diameter of the ellipse...
+% the final angle will be around /angle0 + 180. maybe we should treat this pathological case...
+% after iteration, stack contains an angle t such that M(t) is the tail of the arrow
+% to give back the result as a an angle relative to angle0 we could add the following line:
+% angle0 sub 0 exch d
+% begin bug fix 2006-01-11
+% we want to adjust the new angle t' by a multiple of 360 so that | t'-angle0 | <= 180
+%(we don't want to make the ellipse turn more or less than it should)...
+dup angle0 sub dup abs 180 gt { 180 add 360 div floor 360 mul sub } { pop } ifelse
+% end bug fix
+} def
+/EllipticArcArrow {
+ /d ED % is add or sub
+ /b ED % arrow procedure
+ /a1 ED % angle
+ gsave
+ newpath
+ 0 -1000 moveto
+ clip % Set clippath far from arrow.
+ newpath
+ 0 1 0 0 b % Draw arrow to determine length.
+ grestore
+% Length of arrow is on top of stack. Next 3 numbers are junk.
+ a1 exch ArcAdjust % Angular position of base of arrow.
+ /a2 ED
+ pop pop pop
+ a2 cos rx mul xOrig add % hv 2007-08-29 x->xOrig
+ a2 sin ry mul yOrig add % hv 2007-08-29 y->yOrig
+ a1 cos rx mul xOrig add %
+ a1 sin ry mul yOrig add %
+% Now arrow tip coor and base coor are on stack.
+ b pop pop pop pop % Draw arrow, and discard coordinates.
+ a2 CLW 8 div
+% change value of d (test it by looking if `` 1 1 d '' gives 2 or not )
+ 1 1 d 2 eq { /d { sub } def } { /d { add } def } ifelse
+ ArcAdjust
+% resets original value of d
+ 1 1 d 2 eq { /d { sub } def } { /d { add } def } ifelse % Adjust angle to give overlap.
+} def
+%%------------------ tvz/DG/hv (2004-05-10) end -------------------%%
+/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
+/RotBegin {
+ tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 } def } if
+ /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def
+ /a ED
+ a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle dup a add ] cvx def
+} def
+/RotEnd {
+ /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def
+ /RAngle [ RAngle pop ] cvx def
+} def
+/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
+/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
+/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
+/Uput {
+ /a ED
+ add 2 div /h ED 2
+ div /w ED
+ /s a sin def
+ /c a cos def
+ /b s abs c abs 2 copy gt dup
+ /q ED
+ { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def
+ /w1 c b div w mul def
+ /h1 s b div h mul def
+ q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs }{ h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse
+} def
+/UUput {
+ 5 dict begin
+ /z ED
+ abs /y ED
+ /x ED
+ q { x s div c mul abs y gt }{ x c div s mul abs y gt } ifelse
+ { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add }
+ { q { x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs
+ } ifelse
+ a PtoC
+ h1 add exch
+ w1 add exch
+ end
+} def
+% END