path: root/graphics/pgf
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2024-10-17 03:04:34 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-10-17 03:04:34 +0000
commitf901d3e2bc52dd17111c00e10e379abe106a3076 (patch)
treed89aee72cac54b881558c9e9b129d7060de16b46 /graphics/pgf
parentf2ff8c9f345d7b54544744f5f603e13dc1e59b0b (diff)
CTAN sync 202410170304
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf')
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/horizontal-coordinate.pdfbin0 -> 10978 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.article.pdfbin130450 -> 130460 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.demo.pdfbin42709 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.equidistance.pdfbin0 -> 13397 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.pdfbin203290 -> 205241 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.scrartcl.pdfbin121497 -> 121519 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.spherical.pdfbin0 -> 13376 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.track.pdfbin0 -> 15548 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.track.tex (renamed from graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.demo.tex)68
15 files changed, 670 insertions, 69 deletions
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index fe623fb337..108f45025d 100644
--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
# `sunpath` -- Draw Sun Path #
-(C) 2019 Hồng-Phúc Bùi
+(C) 2024 Hồng-Phúc Bùi
+## Description ##
+This package provides tool to draw a sunpath chart like this:
+![sunpath chart](
## Licence ##
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/horizontal-coordinate.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/horizontal-coordinate.pdf
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/horizontal-coordinate.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+% Tikz Style
+ compat=1.18
+ ,width=15cm
+ ,lua debug
+\definecolor{celestial}{rgb}{1,0,1}%{0.0, 0.51, 0.5}
+\definecolor{elevation}{rgb}{0,1,0}%{0.6, 0.4, 0.8}
+\definecolor{horizon}{rgb}{0,0,1}%{0.54, 0.81, 0.94}
+\definecolor{sun}{rgb}{0.83, 0.0, 0.25}
+\tikzstyle{help circle} = [dashed, thick]
+\tikzstyle{coordinate curve} = [ultra thick]
+\tikzstyle{sun position} = [color=sun,ultra thick]
+\tikzstyle{navi direction} = [font=\sffamily\Large]
+\tikzstyle{coordinate angle} = [font=\Large]
+\tikzstyle{base plane} = [font=\sffamily]
+ ,axis lines=none,
+ ,plot box ratio={1 1 1}
+ ,xlabel=$x$
+ ,ylabel=$y$
+ ,zlabel=$z$
+ ,xmin=-1.4
+ ,xmax=1.4
+% ,ymin=-1.2
+% ,ymax=1.2
+% ,zmin=-1.2
+% ,zmax=1.2
+ ,declare function={
+% Sun position
+ azimuth=-110; % Positive = westward from north
+ elevation = 65; % Positive = from Horizon to Zenith
+ sunx = cos(azimuth)*cos(elevation);
+ suny = sin(azimuth)*cos(elevation);
+ sunz = sin(elevation);
+% Text Az coordinates
+ textazx = cos(3/5*azimuth);
+ textazy = sin(3/5*azimuth);
+ textazz = 0;
+% Text El coordinates
+ textelx = cos(azimuth)*cos(elevation/2);
+ textely = sin(azimuth)*cos(elevation/2);
+ textelz = sin(elevation/2);
+% Celestial Meridian
+ ucx = 1;
+ ucy = 0;
+ ucz = 0;
+ vcx = 0;
+ vcy = 0;
+ vcz = 1;
+ celestialx(\t) = cos(\t)*ucx + sin(\t)*vcx;
+ celestialy(\t) = cos(\t)*ucy + sin(\t)*vcy;
+ celestialz(\t) = cos(\t)*ucz + sin(\t)*vcz;
+% Horizon => Azimut
+ uhx = 1;
+ uhy = 0;
+ uhz = 0;
+ vhx = 0;
+ vhy = 1;
+ vhz = 0;
+ horizonx(\t) = cos(\t)*uhx + sin(\t)*vhx;
+ horizony(\t) = cos(\t)*uhy + sin(\t)*vhy;
+ horizonz(\t) = cos(\t)*uhz + sin(\t)*vhz;
+% Elevation
+ uex = cos(azimuth);
+ uey = sin(azimuth);
+ uez = 0;
+ vex = 0;
+ vey = 0;
+ vez = 1;
+ elevationx(\t) = cos(\t)*uex + sin(\t)*vex;
+ elevationy(\t) = cos(\t)*uey + sin(\t)*vey;
+ elevationz(\t) = cos(\t)*uez + sin(\t)*vez;
+ }
+\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (1.1,0,0) node[anchor=west,navi direction] {North};
+\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (0,-1.5,0) node[anchor=north,navi direction] {East};
+\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1.1) node[anchor=south,navi direction] {Zenith};
+\node at ( 0.71, 0,0.71)[anchor=west,outer sep=1ex,base plane] {Meridian}; %0.71 app sqrt(2)/2
+\node at (-0.71, 0.71,0) [anchor=south,base plane] {Horizon};
+% Plot the Meridian through Nord
+\addplot3 [
+ domain=0:360,
+ samples=60,
+ samples y=1,
+ variable=t,
+ celestial,help circle
+] (
+ {celestialx(t)},
+ {celestialy(t)},
+ {celestialz(t)}
+% Plot the horizon circle
+\addplot3 [
+ domain=0:360,
+ samples=60,
+ samples y=1,
+ variable=t,
+ horizon,help circle
+] (
+ {horizonx(t)},
+ {horizony(t)},
+ {horizonz(t)}
+% Plot the azimuth curve
+\addplot3 [
+ domain=0:azimuth+0.5,
+ samples=60,
+ samples y=1,
+ variable=t,
+ horizon,coordinate curve,
+ postaction={decorate},
+ decoration={markings,
+ mark=at position 0.55 with {\arrow{Latex[round]}}
+ }
+] (
+ {horizonx(t)},
+ {horizony(t)},
+ {horizonz(t)}
+% Plot the great circle through the sun
+\addplot3 [
+ domain=0:360,
+ samples=60,
+ samples y=1,
+ variable=t,
+ elevation,help circle
+] (
+ {elevationx(t)},
+ {elevationy(t)},
+ {elevationz(t)}
+% Plot the elevation curve
+\addplot3 [
+ domain=0.5:elevation,
+ samples=60,
+ samples y=1,
+ variable=t,
+ elevation,coordinate curve,
+ postaction={decorate},
+ decoration={markings,
+ mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{Latex[round]}}
+ }
+] (
+ {elevationx(t)},
+ {elevationy(t)},
+ {elevationz(t)}
+) ;
+\draw [-{Latex[round]}, sun position] (0,0,0) -- (sunx, suny, sunz) node[anchor=south east,inner sep=0] {$\odot$};
+\draw [sun position, thin](0,0,0) -- (uex, uey, 0);
+\node at (textazx, textazy, textazz) [anchor=north,coordinate angle] {\az};
+\node at (textelx, textely, textelz) [anchor=east ,coordinate angle] {\el};
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.article.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.article.pdf
index 2aee4a64f6..85ee7e6feb 100644
--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.article.pdf
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.article.pdf
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deleted file mode 100644
index f82eb20405..0000000000
--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.demo.pdf
+++ /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbab80d4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.docpart.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+\subsection{Context and Terms}
+The position of the sun from perspective of an observer is defined by two parameters:
+ \item the azimuth $\Phi$, which tells the observer, how far (in degree) he must turn around from the North direction,
+ \item the altitude $\theta$, which tells the observer, how height (in degree) about the horizon he must look to see the sun.
+The azimuth can take a value in the interval $[0,360)$.
+The altitude can take a value in the interval $[0,90]$, whereas 0 is the horizon, 90 is the zenith.
+We do not care so much about how far is the sun, so we normalize this distance to 1.
+The figure~\ref{fig:hz-coordinate} shows these parameter.
+The coordinate system, which takes the position of the observer as the centre,
+and the observer's local horizon as the fundamental plane,
+is called horizontal coordinate system.\footnote{dt.: topozentrisches Koordinatensystem}
+\caption{Horizontal coordinate system}
+In this package, the cardinal points have specifics values of azimuth as following:
+\begin{tabular}{c c c c}
+North & East & South & West \\
+0° & 90° & 180° & 270°
+The projection of the sun on the horizon plane is a point, which can be defined by two parameters:
+\item the angle $\Phi$,
+\item the distance $r = \cos(\theta)$ from the centre to the sun.
+Figure~\ref{fig:sun-projection} shows the projection of the sun on the horizontal plane.
+If we track the position of sun on the horizontal plane changes from time to time, we will get a curve.
+This curve is called the sun path.
+A chart which shows position of the sun from time to time is called a sun path chart.
+Of course there are many type of sun path chart.
+This package provides tools to plot sun path on the horizontal plane.
+%\drawazimuthlabel{{0,15,...,350}} ;
+\path[draw=red,fill=red](sunpath cs:azi=110,alt=66) circle[radius=2pt] ;
+\caption{Projection of the sun on the horizon plane}
+\subsection{Draw a Sun path chart}
+Figure~\ref{fig:sun-projection} is a very rudimentary sun path chart.
+There is neither scalar, nor time on the chart.
+A more usable Sun path chart may look like one in the figure~\ref{fig:full-sun-path-chart}.
+In this section we will create this chart.
+\drawazimuthlabel{{0,15,...,350}} ;
+\path[draw=red,fill=red](sunpath cs:azi=110,alt=66) circle[radius=2pt] node[below] {{9:30}};
+\caption{A Sun path chart}
+The chart is a \TikZ-picture, so we need a \texttt{tikzpicture}-environment.
+We can also customize the distance from the centre of the chart to the horizon line by setup the option \texttt{spradius}.
+By default it is 5.5 in PGF xy coordinate.
+In this example we make it a little bigger:
+We also need the crosshair, the horizon line --in this chart it is a circle--,
+the fours geographic direction.
+This can be done by adding more commands into the \texttt{tikzpicture}
+\marginpar{\texttt{drawcrosshair\\ drawgeodirection\\ drawaltitudecircle}}
+Man has to pay attention to the double curry brackets in the command \texttt{drawaltitudecircle}.
+The outer brackets delimit the argument of the command.
+The argument of the command is a valid \TikZ-range, which is used in a \verb:\foreach: command,
+so it has be placed in between a pair of curry bracket.
+That is the inner brackets.
+\subsubsection{Scalar and labels}
+As the name of the commando says, we can also draw more than the horizon line by adding some values of altitude in the range of the argument of the command \verb|\drawaltitudecircle|.
+For example \verb:\drawaltitudecircle{{0,10,...,80,85}}: draws 10 circles of altitude.
+We can use the command \verb:\drawazumuthline{r}{h}{l}: to draw azimuth lines in range \verb:r:,
+from the higher altitude \verb:h: to the lower altitude \verb:l:.
+For example
+ \item \verb:\drawazimuthline{{0,10,...,360}}{85}{70}: draws every 10° azimuth from the 85° altitude to to 70° altitude.
+ \item \verb:\drawazimuthline{{0,5,...,360}}{80}{0}: draws every 5° azimuth from the 80° altitude to to 0° altitude.
+To draw azimuth ticks outside the horizon line, we can use
+This command expects for now no argument.
+To draw labels of azimuth lines and altitude circles in the chart, we can use the commands
+\verb:\drawaltitudelabel{r}: and
+That it's, now we have a nice chart, on which we can draw positions of the sun from time to time.
+\subsubsection{Position of the sun}
+We can easily plot the position of the sun in the chart with the coordinate \texttt{sunpath},
+if the azimuth and the altitude are given.
+For example, to plot the position of the sun with 150° Azimuth and 22° Altitude,
+we just use the \texttt{path} command as following:
+\verb|\path[fill=red,draw=red] (sunpath cs:azi=150,alt=22);|
+The result would be
+% ...
+\path[fill=red,draw=red] (sunpath cs:azi=150,alt=35) circle[radius=2pt];
+% ...
+\marginpar{\texttt{sunpath cs}}
+\path[fill=red,draw=red] (sunpath cs:azi=150,alt=35) circle[radius=2pt];
+The command \verb:\drawaltitudelabel: can also take an optional argument to set altitude label on other azimuth.
+This can be useful if the labels cover distract important points on chart.
+In this chart it is set to be 160°. So one can easily read the azimuth of the sun on the chart.
+We can also connect the position of the sun to a path, for example with the positions given in the following table
+\begin{tabular}{c c c}
+Time & Azimuth & Altitude \\
+07:44 & 98.968673 & -0.208672 \\
+08:00 & 102.009695 & 2.035492 \\
+10:00 & 126.513583 & 19.499874 \\
+12:00 & 156.854847 & 31.593335 \\
+14:00 & 192.292832 & 33.425294 \\
+16:00 & 224.708002 & 24.034984 \\
+18:00 & 250.626597 & 7.619801 \\
+18:53 & 260.810553 & -0.244637 \\
+we can get a sun path like this:
+ sunpath curve/.style={draw,fill=red},
+ sunpath point/.style={radius=2pt,draw=red},
+ sunpath node/.style={below,inner sep=0.5pt,outer sep=4.5pt,fill=white}
+\path[sunpath curve]
+ (sunpath cs:azi=98.968673,alt=-0.208672) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 07:44 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=102.009695,alt=2.035492) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 08:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=126.513583,alt=19.499874) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 10:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=156.854847,alt=31.593335) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 12:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=192.292832,alt=33.425294) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 14:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=224.708002,alt=24.034984) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 16:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=250.626597,alt=7.619801) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 18:00 } }
+--(sunpath cs:azi=260.810553,alt=-0.244637) circle[sunpath point] node[sunpath node]{ { 18:53 } }
+But this chart is not nice.
+If the data is machine readable, we can generate all stuffs of the chart automatically.
+This chart below is generated from the table above.
+Just use your favourite programming language to process sun data.
+ sun path curve/.style={draw=red!20,thick},
+ sun point/.style={radius=2pt,draw=red,fill=red},
+ sun label/.style={below,fill=white,outer sep=4pt,text=red},
+\coordinate (P0) at (sunpath cs:azi=98.968673,alt=-0.208672);
+\coordinate (P1) at (sunpath cs:azi=102.009695,alt=2.035492);
+\coordinate (P2) at (sunpath cs:azi=126.513583,alt=19.499874);
+\coordinate (P3) at (sunpath cs:azi=156.854847,alt=31.593335);
+\coordinate (P4) at (sunpath cs:azi=192.292832,alt=33.425294);
+\coordinate (P5) at (sunpath cs:azi=224.708002,alt=24.034984);
+\coordinate (P6) at (sunpath cs:azi=250.626597,alt=7.619801);
+\coordinate (P7) at (sunpath cs:azi=260.810553,alt=-0.244637);
+\path[sun point] (P0) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P1) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P2) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P3) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P4) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P5) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P6) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P7) circle;
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-98.968673] at (P0) {07:44};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-102.009695] at (P1) {08:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-126.513583] at (P2) {10:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-156.854847] at (P3) {12:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-192.292832] at (P4) {14:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-224.708002] at (P5) {16:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-250.626597] at (P6) {18:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-260.810553] at (P7) {18:53};
+\path[sun path curve] (P0) to [curve through={ (P1) .. (P2) .. (P3) .. (P4) .. (P5) .. (P6) }] (P7) ;
+The part, which makes the chart nicer, is there:
+\coordinate (P0) at (sunpath cs:azi=98.968673,alt=-0.208672);
+\coordinate (P1) at (sunpath cs:azi=102.009695,alt=2.035492);
+\coordinate (P2) at (sunpath cs:azi=126.513583,alt=19.499874);
+\coordinate (P3) at (sunpath cs:azi=156.854847,alt=31.593335);
+\coordinate (P4) at (sunpath cs:azi=192.292832,alt=33.425294);
+\coordinate (P5) at (sunpath cs:azi=224.708002,alt=24.034984);
+\coordinate (P6) at (sunpath cs:azi=250.626597,alt=7.619801);
+\coordinate (P7) at (sunpath cs:azi=260.810553,alt=-0.244637);
+\path[sun point] (P0) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P1) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P2) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P3) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P4) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P5) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P6) circle;
+\path[sun point] (P7) circle;
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-98.968673] at (P0) {07:44};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-102.009695] at (P1) {08:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-126.513583] at (P2) {10:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-156.854847] at (P3) {12:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-192.292832] at (P4) {14:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-224.708002] at (P5) {16:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-250.626597] at (P6) {18:00};
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-260.810553] at (P7) {18:53};
+\path[sun path curve] (P0) to [curve through={
+ (P1) .. (P2) .. (P3) .. (P4) .. (P5) .. (P6)
+ }]
+ (P7) ;
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.dtx b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.dtx
index 6164be36aa..cf179ee39f 100644
--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.dtx
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.dtx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% \iffalse meta-comment
-% File: sunpath.dtx Copyright (C) 2019 Hong-Phuc Bui
+% File: sunpath.dtx Copyright (C) 2024 Hong-Phuc Bui
% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this
@@ -23,9 +23,13 @@
% \iffalse
-%<package>\ProvidesPackage{sunpath}[2024/10/10 v0.1-Alpha Draw Sun Path]
+%<package>\ProvidesPackage{sunpath}[2024/10/16 v0.2-Alpha Draw Sun Path]
% \fi
+% \changes{v0.2-Alpha}
+% {2024/10/16}
+% {Small fixes in and document}
% \changes{v0.1-Alpha}
% {2024/10/10}
% {Initial implementation}
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.equidistance.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.equidistance.pdf
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.equidistance.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\begin{tikzpicture}[spradius=6,altitude projection=equidistance]
+ sun path curve/.style={draw=red!20,thick},
+ sun point/.style={radius=2pt,draw=red,fill=red},
+ sun label/.style={below,fill=white,outer sep=4pt,text=red},
+\coordinate (P3) at (sunpath cs:azi=156.854847,alt=31.593335);
+\path[sun point] (P3) circle;
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-156.854847] at (P3) {12:00};
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.pdf
index 565b039aa6..b972f76f2a 100644
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+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.pdf
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--- a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.scrartcl.pdf
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.scrartcl.pdf
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diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.spherical.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.spherical.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad096ffa57
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.spherical.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ sun path curve/.style={draw=red!20,thick},
+ sun point/.style={radius=2pt,draw=red,fill=red},
+ sun label/.style={below,fill=white,outer sep=4pt,text=red},
+\coordinate (P3) at (sunpath cs:azi=156.854847,alt=31.593335);
+\path[sun point] (P3) circle;
+\node[sun label,anchor=270-156.854847] at (P3) {12:00};
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.track.pdf b/graphics/pgf/contrib/sunpath/sunpath.track.pdf
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -7,70 +7,8 @@
-% \pkg{sunpath} -- Draw Sun Path
-% \thanks{This file describes \fileversion,
-% last revised \filedate.}\\[1ex]
-% \normalsize{Reference}
- Hồng-Phúc Bùi
- \thanks{
- E-mail:
- \href{mailto:Hồng-Phúc Bùi}
- {hong-phuc.bui (at) htwsaar dot de}
- }
-%\date{Released \filedate}
-% \parindent0pt
-% \maketitle
-% \tableofcontents
-\path[fill=red,draw=red] (sunpath cs:azi=150,alt=35) circle[radius=1pt];
-\draw[] (sunpath cs:alt=66,azi=105) -- (sunpath cs:alt=66,azi=250);
-\begin{tikzpicture}[spradius=6,altitude projection=equidistance]
sun path curve/.style={draw=red!20,thick},
@@ -113,7 +51,5 @@