path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-03-01 03:01:11 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-03-01 03:01:11 +0000
commit3e9a44ea155766214d8657ed79db2206592b6e8e (patch)
tree8bac160137045a4244d7a7462bb2ee51adc70e9c /graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex
parent7a8d1925127ad121a8f591db931524f9b8eacb93 (diff)
CTAN sync 202203010301
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex')
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diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex
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index 0000000000..70148a3c9e
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+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tzplot/tzplot-doc-D-v2.0.tex
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+%!TEX root = tzplot-doc.tex
+\part{Plotting Graphs}
+\section{Draw axes}
+Basically, \icmd{\tzaxes}|(<x1,y1>)(<x2,y2>)| draws the $x$ axis from |<x1>| to |<x2>| and the $y$ axis from |<y1>| to |<y2>|.
+The coordinate |(<x1,y1>)| represents the origin and |(<x2,y2>)| represents the opposite corner of the rectangle formed by the two coordinates.
+|\tzaxes| takes only one coordinate |(<x2,y2>)| as a mandatory argument, in which case the coordinate |(<x1,y1>)| is considered as |(0,0)|.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzaxes(<x2,y2>){<x-axis name>}{<y-axis name>}
+% syntax: full
+ {<x-axis name>}[<node opt>]{<y-axis name>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ [->]<0,0>(0,0)(<m>){}[right]{}[above]
+% arguments
+ [#1]: line style, arrow type (for x-axis & y-axis)
+ <#2>: axes shift coor %% axes intersect at (#2)
+ (#3): (x1,y1) %% origin: if omitted, regarded as (0,0)
+ (#4): (x2,y2) %% opposite corner: mandatory
+ {#5}: x-axis name
+ [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option
+ {#7}: y-axis name
+ [#8]: y-axis name option %% node option
+Here, |(|\ixxw{<m>}|)| stands for a mandatory argument.
+% tzaxes
+By default, the $x$ and $y$ axes intersect at $(0,0)$.
+Specifying the option |<x-shift,y-shift>| moves the axes to intersect at $(\text{\ttfamily<x-shift,y-shift>})$.
+% \tzaxes: shift
+\tzaxes[thick,blue]<1,2>(7,7){$x$}{$y$} %%
+\tzaxes<6,1>(6,1)(3,6){$a$}[left]{$b$} %%
+The starred version \icmd{\tzaxes*} sets the current state to a \iisw{bounding box} when the macro |\tzaxes| execution is complete. It is recommended for you to use |\tzaxes*| as the first graphics command in |tikzpicture| environment or before any larger graphics.
+\tzaxes*(8,5){$x$}{$f(x)$} % bounding box
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzaxisx} and \protect\cmd{\tzaxisy}}
+\icmd{\tzaxisx} draws only the $x$ axis.
+% syntax
+\tzaxisx[<opt>]<y-shift>{<from>}{<to>}{<x-axis name>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ [->]<0>{<m>}{<m>}{}[right]
+% arguments:
+ [#1]: line style, arrow type (for x-axis)
+ <#2>: y-shift of x-axis
+ {#3}: x-axis starts from %% mandatory
+ {#4}: x-axis runs to %% mandatory
+ {#5}: x-axis name
+ [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option
+\icmd{\tzaxisy} draws only the $y$ axis.
+% syntax
+\tzaxisy[<opt>]<x-shift>{<from>}{<to>}{<y-axis name>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ [->]<0>{<m>}{<m>}{}[above]
+% arguments:
+ [#1]: line style, arrow type (for y-axis)
+ <#2>: x-shift of y axis
+ {#3}: y-axis starts from %% mandatory
+ {#4}: y-axis runs to %% mandatory
+ {#5}: y-axis name
+ [#6]: y-axis name option %% node option
+% \tzaxisx, \tzaxisy
+\tzaxisy[red] {-1}{5}{$yy$}[green]
+% \tzaxisx, \tzaxisy: shift
+\tzaxisx{-1}{7}{$xx$}[near end,below]
+\section{Display the origin}
+\icmd{\tzshoworigin} prints `0' (approximately) at the bottom left of the origin |(0,0)|, by default.
+% syntax
+\tzshoworigin<shift coor>(<origin>){<text>}[<node opt>]
+% default
+ <>(0,0){0}[below left,text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex]
+All arguments of |\tzshoworigin| are optional.
+% \tzshoworigin
+You can change the text by specifying the curly brace option |{<text>}|, like, for example, |\tzshoworigin{$O$}|.
+You can also change the coordinate of origin by the option |(<origin>)|.
+Specifying the option |<shift coor>| also moves the origin.
+% \tzshoworigin: shift
+\tzshoworigin{$O_1$} %%
+\tzshoworigin<2,1>{$O_2$}[red] %%
+\icmd{\tzshoworigin*} prints a node dot at the origin with no text by default.
+Internally the dot is processed by |\tzdot*|. All arguments are optional.
+% syntax
+\tzshoworigin*[<dot opt>]<shift coor>(<origin>){<text>}[<node opt>](<dot size>)
+% default
+ *[]<>(0,0){}[below left,text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex](2.4pt)
+% \tzshoworigin*
+You can add text with the option |{<text>}|.
+The default size of the dot is |2.4pt|, and it can be changed with the last option |(<dot size>)|. You can change the dot style using the first optional argument |[<dot opt>]|.
+You can also move the dot by specifying the option |<shift coor>|.
+% \tzshoworigin*
+For |\tzshoworigin*|, text for the origin and the dot are placed independently. In other words, the position of node text does not depend on the size of a node dot.
+(In fact, the node text for the origin should look good with the `ticks labels', so it was not designed as a |label| for the node dot. This also means that the origin text cannot be positioned by an |<angle>|.)
+% \tzshoworigin* (with tick labels)
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzaxesL(')}: L-type axes}
+\icmd{\tzaxesL} is similar to |\tzaxes|, but it draws only the `L' type axes with |(<x1,y1>)| as the origin and |(<x2,y2>)| as the opposite corner of the rectangle.
+Those two coordinates are mandatory.
+% syntax
+\tzaxesL[<opt>]<shift coor>(<x1,y1>)(<x2,y2>)
+ {<x-axis name>}[<node opt>]{<y-axis name>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ []<>(<m>)(<m>){}[right]{}[above]
+% arguments:
+ [#1]: line style, arrow type
+ <#2>: shift coordinate
+ (#3): (x1,y1) %% mandatory
+ (#4): (x2,y2) %% mandatory
+ {#5}: x-axis name
+ [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option
+ {#7}: y-axis name
+ [#8]: y-axis name option %% node option
+The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzaxesL'} swaps |(<x1,y1>)| and |(<x2,y2>)|.
+That is, |\tzaxesL'(A)(B)| is equivalent to |\tzaxesL(B)(A)|.
+% \tzaxesL, \tzaxesL'
+The option |<shift coor>| moves the whole L-type axes.
+The empty option |<>| is not allowed.
+% \tzaxesL, \tzaxesL': shift
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzticks}: Tick labels}
+By default, \icmd{\tzticks} prints tick labels and draws zero length tick marks, i.e. from |(0pt)| to |(0pt)|.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzticks{<x-ticks pos>}{<y-ticks pos>}
+% syntax: medium
+\tzticks(<x-from:x-to>){<x-ticks pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+ (<y-from:y-to>){<y-ticks pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+ (<x-from:x-to>){<x-ticks pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+ (<y-from:y-to>){<y-ticks pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ []<0,0>(0pt:0pt){<m>}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below](0pt:0pt){}[left]
+\paragraph{Tick labels}
+Internally, |\tzticks| uses \Tikz's |foreach| operation.
+So you need to provide comma separated lists to print tick labels.
+If only one comma separated list is specified, it is for $x$ tick labels.
+% \tzticks
+You can change the numbered labels to a different format with slashes and other text, as follows: |<number>/<other text>|.
+% \tzticks: tick labels
+ {2/$\sqrt{x}$,3/y,4/m,5,7/$k$}[red]
+\paragraph{Tick marks}
+By specifying the options |(<x-from:x-to>)| for $x$ ticks and/or |(<y-from:y-to>)| for $y$ ticks, you can print tick marks. (The default is |(0pt:0pt)| for both options.)
+% \tzticks: tick marks with (<a pt:b pt>)
+ (-15pt:10pt){1,...,5,6/$k$,7/$\alpha$,8/$\beta$}
+ (0pt:3cm) {2,...,6,7/$\gamma$}
+The position of tick labels does not depend on the length of the tick marks.
+You can change the position of tick labels using |[<node opt>]|.
+% \tzticks: position of tick labels
+ (-15pt:10pt){1,...,6,7/$t$,8/$\alpha$}[b=5pt]
+ (0pt:3cm) {2,...,6,7/$\beta$}
+You can move (or shift) tick marks and labels together by specifying the option |<x-shift,y-shift>|, where |<x-shift>| is for |y-ticks| and |<y-shift>| is for |x-ticks|.
+% \tzticks: shift
+ (-5pt:10pt){5,...,8}
+ (0pt:3cm) {3,...,7}
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzticks*}: Tick marks}
+The starred version \icmd{\tzticks*} always ignores all tick labels and draws tick marks from |0pt| to |3pt|, by default.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzticks*{<x-ticks pos>}{<y-ticks pos>}
+% syntax: medium
+\tzticks*(<x-from:x-to>){<x-ticks pos>}(<y-from:y-to>){<y-ticks pos>}
+% syntax: full
+ (<x-from:x-to>){<x-ticks pos>}(<y-from:y-to>){<y-ticks pos>}
+% defaults
+ []<0,0>(0pt:3pt){<m>}(0pt:3pt){}
+% starred(*) version always suppresses tick labels
+% \tzticks*
+ {1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} % label ignored
+ (0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$} % label ignored
+% \tzticks(*)
+ {0,0.2,...,8}
+ {0,0.2,...,7} % default (0pt:3pt)
+ (0pt:10pt){1,...,8}
+ (0pt:10pt){1,...,7}
+ {1,...,8}
+ {2,...,7} % default (0pt:0pt)
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzticksx(*)} and \protect\cmd{\tzticksy(*)}}
+You can handle $x$ ticks and $y$ ticks independently.
+\paragraph{X ticks}
+\icmd{\tzticksx} only prints x-tick labels but not tick marks, by default.
+To prints tick marks you need to specify |(<x-from>:<x-to>)|.
+% syntax
+\tzticksx[<opt>]<y-shift>(<from>:<to>){<x-tick pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ []<>(0pt:0pt){<m>}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below]
+\icmd{\tzticksx*} only prints x-tick marks from |0pt| to |3pt|, by default, suppressing tick labels.
+% syntax:
+\tzticksx*[<opt>]<y-shift>(<from>:<to>){<xtick pos>}
+% defaults
+ *[]<>(0pt:3pt){<m>}
+% starred(*) version always suppresses tick labels
+\paragraph{Y ticks}
+\icmd{\tzticksy} only prints y-tick labels but not tick marks, by default.
+To prints tick marks you need to specify |(<x-from>:<x-to>)|.
+\icmd{\tzticksy*} only prints y-ticks from |0pt| to |3pt| by default, suppressing tick labels.
+% syntax:
+\tzticksy[<opt>]<x-shift>(<from:to>){<y-ticks pos/labels>}[<node opt>]
+% defaults
+ []<>(0pt:0pt){<m>}[]
+% syntax
+\tzticksy*[<opt>]<x-shift>(<from:to>){<yticks pos>}
+% defaults
+ []<>(0pt:0pt){<m>}
+% starred(*) version suppresses tick labels
+% \tztickx(*), \tzticky(*)
+\tzticksx [draw=red,thick]
+ (-5pt:1cm){1,...,7,8/$\alpha$}
+ (0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$} % labels ignored
+The options |<y-shift>| and |<x-shift>| move x-ticks and y-ticks, respectively.
+% \tztickx(*), \tzticky(*): shift
+ <1>(-5pt:10pt){1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} % labels ignored
+\tzticksy [draw=blue,thick]
+ <2>(0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$}
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzproj(*)}: Projections on the axes}
+\icmd{\tzproj} accepts a mandatory coordinate and draws perpendicular lines onto each axis from the coordinate. The lines are |dotted|, by default.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzproj*(<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>]{<y-text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax:
+ {<x-text>}[<node opt>]{<y-text>}[<node opt>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ *[dotted]<0,0>(<m>){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below]{}[left](2.4pt)
+\icmd{\tzproj*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default.
+Internally, the node dot is processed by |\tzdot*|.
+The first option |[<opt>]| does not control the node dot.
+\paragraph{Dot size}
+You can only control the size of dots by the last optional argument |(<dot size>)| or by the \threeways\ on page \pageref{ss:threeways}.
+If you want to control |fill| or |color| of dots, use |\tzdot*| separately.
+\paragraph{Adding text}
+You can also add text around the projection point on each axis by the option |{<text>}|.
+The position and color of the text is controlled by the option |[<node option>]|.
+The default position is (approximately) |[below]| for the x axis and |[left]| for the y axis.
+% \tzproj(*): adding text
+\paragraph{Projection shift}
+Specifying the option |<x-shift,y-shift>| moves the projection point and text on each axis.
+% \tzproj(*): projection shift
+\tzproj*[dashed,text=blue]<3,1>(A){$a_1$}{$a_2$} %%
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzprojx(*)} and \protect\cmd{\tzprojy(*)}}
+\icmd{\tzprojx} draws a dotted line, which is perpendicular to the x axis.
+\icmd{\tzprojx*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default.
+% syntax:
+\tzprojx[<opt>]<x-shift,y-shift>(<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ []<0,0>(<m>){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below](2.4pt)
+\icmd{\tzprojy} draws a dotted line, which is perpendicular to the y axis.
+\icmd{\tzprojy*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default.
+% syntax:
+\tzprojy[<opt>]<x-shift,y-shift>(<coor>){<y-text>}[<node opt>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ []<0,0>(<m>){}[left](2.4pt)
+You can only control the size of dots by the last option |(<dot size>)|.
+If you want to control |fill| or |color| of dots, use |\tzdot*| separately.
+You can also add text around the projection point on each axis by specifying the option |{<x-text>}| or |{<y-text>}| followed by the option |[<node option>]|.
+% \tzprojx(*), \tzprojy(*)
+Specifying the option |<x-shift,y-shift>| with |\tzprojx(*)| and |\tzprojy(*)| moves the projection point and text accordingly.
+% \tzprojx(*), \tzprojy(*): shift
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzprojs(*)}: Semicolon versions}
+\icmd{\tzprojs} accepts any number of coordinates and draws perpendicular lines onto each axis from the coordinates. The lines are |dotted|, by default.
+|\tzprojs| is a semicolon version of |\tzproj|, so a semicolon is needed to indicate when the coordinate iteration ends. Its repeating pattern is |(<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>]{<y-text>}[<node opt>]|.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzprojs(<coor>)(<coor>) ..repeated.. (<coor>);
+% syntax: medium
+\tzprojs*(<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>]{<y-text>}[<node opt>]
+ ..repeated.. (){}[]{}[]
+% syntax:
+ (<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>]{<y-text>}[<node opt>]
+ ..repeated.. (){}[]{}[];(<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ *[dotted]<0,0>
+ (<m>){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below]{}[left]
+ ..repeated..(){}[]{}[];(2.4pt)
+\icmd{\tzprojs*} additionally prints |\tzdots*| of the |2.4pt| (by default) on the coordinates.
+The first option |[<opt>]| does not control the node dots.
+% \tzprojs(*): adding text
+ (2,3){$x$}{$y$}
+ (A){$a_1$}{$a_2$}
+ (B){$x^*$}[green]{$y^*$}[red];
+You can move the projection points and text accordingly, using the option |<x-shift,y-shift>| before the first coordinate. The \xem{empty} shift option |<>| is \xem{not allowed}.
+You can also change the dot size with the last option |(<dot size>)| \xem{after} the semicolon, as in |\tzproj(*)|.
+% \tzprojs(*): shift and dot size
+\tzprojs*[dashed,text=blue]<1,1> %%
+ (2,3){$x$}{$y$}
+ (A){$a_1$}{$a_2$}
+ (B){$x^*$}[green]{$y^*$}[red];(4pt) %%
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzprojsx(*)} and \protect\cmd{\tzprojsy(*)}: Semicolon versions}
+\icmd{\tzprojsx} is a semicolon versions of |\tzprojx|. It draws dotted lines, which are perpendicular to the x axis from the specified coordinates, by default.
+\icmd{\tzprojsx*} additionally prints |\tzdots*| of the size |2.4pt|, by default.
+% syntax:
+ (<coor>){<x-text>}[<node opt>]..repeated..(){}[];(<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ *[]<0,0> (<m>){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below]
+ ..repeated..(){}[];(2.4pt)
+\icmd{\tzprojsy} and \icmd{\tzprojsy*} work simililarly as |\tzprojsx| and |\tzprojsx*| do but to the y axis.
+% syntax:
+ (<coor>){<y-text>}[<node opt>]..repeated..(){}[];(<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ []<0,0> (<m>){}[left]..repeated..(){}[];(2.4pt)
+% \tzprojsx(*), \tzprojsy(*)
+ (4,5){4}
+ (3,4){$x=3$}[blue]
+ (5,2){2};(5pt)
+Specifying the option |<x-shift,y-shift>| moves the projection points and text accordingly.
+% \tzprojsx(*), \tzprojsy(*): shift
+ (3,4){$x=3$}[blue]
+ (5,2){2};
+\chapter{Plot Functions}
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzfn} and \protect\cmd{\tzfn'}: Plot functions and inverse functions}
+\icmd{\tzfn} plots a function of |\x|.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzfn{<fn of \x>}[<domain>]
+% syntax: medium
+\tzfn{<fn of \x>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<pos>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzfn[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<fn of \x>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% [<domain>] should be of the form [<from num:to num>]
+% defaults
+ [samples=201]<>""{<m>}[<m>]{}[]<>
+|\tzfn| takes two mandatory arguments: |{<fn of \x>}| and |[<domain>]|.
+The domain should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|, like |[1:5]|.
+\tzfn{.5*(\x)^2-1}[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,domain=1:5] plot (\x,{.5*(\x)^2-1});
+% \tzfn : simple example
+\subsection{Inverse functions: \protect\cmd{\tzfn'}}
+The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzfn'} draws the \iisw{inverse function} of |\tzfn|.
+\tzfn'{.5*(\x)^2-1}[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,domain=1:5] plot ({.5*(\x)^2-1},\x);
+% \tzfn' : inverse function (with text)
+\tzfn'[red]{.5*(\x)^2-1}[0:3.5]{inversed}[r] %%
+You can add text at the end of the graph,
+by specifying |{<text>}| and |[<node opt>]| immediately after the domain.
+% \tzfn(')
+ {inverse\\demand}[r=5mm,align=center]
+\subsection{Define and name functions}
+To use |\tzfn| you need to express a function as a function of |\x|.
+% \tzfn
+\def\Dx{7-\x} % define
+You can also use the predefined functions of \Tikz\ such as |sin|, |cos|, |ln|, |log10|, |log2|, |exp|, |sqrt|, and so on. (See \Tikz\ manual.)
+% \tzfn
+\def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3}
+\subsection{Name paths: \texttt{name path}}
+You can name the path of |\tzfn| by specifying the option |"<path name>"| \xem{immediately before} the mandatory argument |{<fn of \x>}|. You can use the path name to find intersection points.
+\tzfn"mypath"\Fx[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,,domain=1:5,name path=mypath] plot (\x,{\Fx});
+\remark Advantage of defining functions:
+Suppose that the function's expression |<fn of \x>| consists \xem{only of a macro name}, say, |\Fx|. Then
+\item The macro name |Fx| (\xem{without the backslash}) is
+ \xem{automatically assigned} to |<path name>|,
+ unless you give another name.
+\item That is, |\tzfn\Fx| is equivalent to |\tzfn"Fx"\Fx|.
+ (\xem{You don't need to type the same thing twice}.)
+\tzfn\Fx[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,domain=1:5,name path=Fx] plot (\x,{\Fx});
+% \tzfn: name path: intersection point
+\tzfn"Dx"\Dx[0:7]{$D$}[ar] % name path = Dx
+\tzfn \Sx[0:7]{$S$}[blue,r] % name path = Sx
+\tzXpoint*{Dx}{Sx}(E){E} % intersection
+\subsection{Move graphs: \texttt{shift}}
+You can move the graph of |\tzfn| by specifying the option |<shift coor>| \xem{before} the mandatory argument |{<fn of \x>}| or \xem{immediately before} the option |"<path name>"|, if it exists.
+The \xem{empty} shift option |<>| is \xem{not allowed}.
+% \tzfn: shift
+\tzfn \Dx[0:7]{$D$}[right] % name path = Dx
+\tzfn"supply"\Sx[0:7]{$S$}[right] % name path = supply
+\subsection{Extend paths: \texttt{<code.append>}, \protect\cmd{\tzfnAtBegin}, \protect\cmd{\tzfnAtEnd}}
+You can extend the path of |\tzfn|, by writing \Tikz\ code in the \xem{last optional argument} |<code.append>|. Internally it adds the \Tikz\ code to the path \xem{after} the options |{<text>}| and |[<node opt>]|.
+% \tzfn: <code.append>
+\def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3}
+ < to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!} >
+\paragraph{\texttt{\bs tzfnAtEnd}}
+You can also extend the path of |\tzfn| at the end using \icmd{\tzfnAtEnd}.
+Internally it adds \Tikz\ code immediately \xem{before} the options |{<text>}| and |[<node opt>]|. But you have to use |\tzfnAtEnd| (immediately) \xem{before each} |\tzfn|.
+% \tzfnAtEnd (before \tzfn)
+\def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3}
+\tzfnAtEnd{to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!}}
+Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzfnEnd| if it exists.
+% \tzfnAtEnd (before \tzfn)
+\def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3}
+\tzfnAtEnd{to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!}}
+ < arc (0:90:4cm) node [draw,red,left] {Here!!} >
+\paragraph{\texttt{\bs tzfnAtBegin}}
+You can use \icmd{\tzfnAtBegin} (immediately) \xem{before each} |\tzfn| to insert \Tikz\ code at the beginning of the path of |\tzfn|.
+% \tzfnAtBegin (before \tzfn)
+\def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3}
+\tzfnAtBegin{ (1,1) -| }
+\item |\tzfn| is based on the |plot| operation of \Tikz.
+\item Appending \Tikz\ code at the beginning of |\tzfn| may cause a problem when you use some operations (such as |to| or \verb+|-|+) that expect a coordinate to link.
+\item In the version 2 of the |tzplot| package, this issue is internally taken care of by using
+|(|\ixxw{current subpath start}|)|, which is a special coordinate pre-defined in \Tikz. (See \Tikz\ manual for more details.)
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzfnofy} and \protect\cmd{\tzfnofy'}: Functions of variable $y$}
+\icmd{\tzfnofy} plots a function of |\y|.
+Define a function with the (predefined) variable |\y|.
+|\tzfnofy| works just like |\tzfn| but as a function of |\y|.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzfnofy{<fn of \y>}[<domain>]
+% syntax: medium
+\tzfnofy{<fn of \y>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<pos>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzfnofy[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<fn of \y>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% [<domain>] should be of the form [<from num:to num>]
+% defaults
+ [samples=201]<>""{<m>}[<m>]{}[]<>
+\tzfnofy{2*\y+1}[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,domain=1:5,variable=\y] plot ({2*\y+1},\y);
+The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzfnofy'} plots the \iisw{inverse function} of |\tzfnofy|.
+\tzfnofy'{2*\y+1}[1:5] % works like:
+ \draw [samples=201,domain=1:5,variable=\y] plot (\y,{2*\y+1});
+% \tzfnofy('): variable = \y
+ {$f^{-1}(y)$}[a=5mm,align=center]
+% \tzfnofy: shift: intersections
+\tzfnofy\Fy[0:7]{$f(y)$}[right] % name path = Fy
+\tzfnofy\Gy[0:7]{$g(y)$}[right] % name path = Gy
+You can also extend the path of |\tzfnofy| using the option |<code.append>| or the macros \icmd{\tzfnofyAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzfnofyAtEnd}.
+% \tzfnofy: shift: intersections
+\tzfnofyAtBegin{(6,3) node [a] {Start} to[bend left]}
+\tzfnofyAtEnd{ -| ++(3,-1) }
+ < to[bend right] ++(3,2) node [draw,r] {End!} >
+%%%\section{\protect\cmd{\tzdeffn} and \protect\cmd{\tzdeffnofy}}
+%%%\icmd{\tzdeffn} defines a functions of |\x|.
+%%%\icmd{\tzdeffnofy} defines a function of |\y|.
+%%%%%These are redundant, since one can use |\def|.
+\section{Horizontal lines}
+\icmd{\tzhfnat} draws a horizontal line at a specified value of $y$.
+% syntax: minimal
+% syntax: full
+\tzhfnat[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<y-val>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}[west:east (of current bounding box)]{}[]<>
+|\tzhfnat| accepts only one mandatory argument |{<y-val>}|.
+The domain is optional and should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|.
+The default domain is from left to right of the \ixxw{current bounding box}.
+\remark Internally, the default domain of |\tzhfnat| depends on the \ixxw{current bounding box}.
+\item Each |\tzhfnat| may draw a line with a (slightly) different length.
+\item If an appropriate |current bounding box| is not formed before |\tzhfnat| is executed, you will probably get an unexpected result.
+\item In that case, you can fix a |bounding box| in the beginning of the |tikzpicture| environment using macros such as \icmd{\tzbbox}, \icmd{\tzhelplines*}, \icmd{\tzaxes*}, or \Tikz's \icmd{\useasboundingbox}.
+% \tzhfnat
+\tzhfnat[red,thick]{1}[1:3]{line A}[r]
+\tzhfnat[blue]{2}{line B}[r]
+\tzhfnat[red]{3}[0:3]{line C}[draw=blue,red,r]
+You can name the path of |\tzhfnat| by the option |"<path name>"|.
+You can move the line by the option |<shift coor>|.
+You can also extend the path from the end of the line by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument |<code.append>|.
+% \tzhfnat: shift, <code.append>
+\tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box
+\tzhfnat[red,thick]<-.5,.5>"AA"{1}[1:3]{line A'}[r]
+\tzhfnat[blue,->]{2}{line B}[r]
+ < arc (0:120:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} >
+You can also use \icmd{\tzhfnatAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzhfnatAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzhfnat| at the beginning and at the end. Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzhfnatAtEnd| if it exists.
+(See other examples of using |\tz<..>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd|.)
+\icmd{\tzhfn} accepts a coordinate as a mandatory argument and draws a horizontal line at the $y$ value of the coordinate.
+For example, |\tzhfn(<x>,3)|, ignoring |<x>|, is equivalent to |\tzhfnat{3}|.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzhfnat|.
+% syntax: minimal
+% syntax: full
+ \tzhfn[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ (<coor>)[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""(<m>)[west:east (of current bounding box)]{}[]<>
+% \tzhfn: shift, <code.append>
+\tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box
+\tzhfn[blue,thick](5,0) % x=5 ignored
+\tzhfn[red,thick]<-.5,.5>"AA"(A)[1:3]{line A'}[r]
+\tzhfn[blue,->](B){line B}[r]
+ < arc (0:120:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} >
+You can also use \icmd{\tzhfnAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzhfnAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzhfn| at the beginning and at the end. Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzhfnAtEnd| if it exists.
+(See other examples of using |\tz<..>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd|.)
+\section{Vertical lines}
+\icmd{\tzvfnat} draws a vertical line at a specified value of $x$.
+% syntax: minimal
+% syntax: full
+\tzvfnat[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<x-val>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}[south:north (of current bounding box)]{}[]<>
+|\tzvfnat| accepts only one mandatory argument |{<x-val>}|.
+The domain is optional and should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|.
+The default domain is from bottom to top of the \ixxw{current bounding box}.
+% \tzvfnat
+\tzvfnat[red,thick]{1}[1:3]{line A}[a]
+\tzvfnat[blue]{2}{line B}[a]
+\tzvfnat[red]{3}[0:3]{line C}[draw=blue,red,a]
+You can name the path of |\tzvfnat| by the option |"<path name>"|.
+You can move the line by the option |<shift coor>|.
+You can also extend the path from the end of the line by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument |<code.append>|.
+% \tzvfnat: shift, <code.append>
+\tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box
+\tzvfnat[red,thick]<.5,-.5>"AA"{1}[1:3]{line A'}[a]
+\tzvfnat[blue,->]{2}{line B}[a]
+ < arc (90:-30:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} >
+In the previous example, |\tzhelplines*| is used to fix a bounding box. (See Section \ref{s:tzhelplines} on page \pageref{s:tzhelplines}, for more details.)
+You can also use \icmd{\tzvfnatAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzvfnatAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzvfnat| at the beginning and at the end. Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzvfnatAtEnd| if it exists.
+(See other examples of using |\tz<..>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd|.)
+\icmd{\tzvfn} accepts a coordinate as a mandatory argument and draws a horizontal line at the $x$ value of the coordinate.
+For example, |\tzvfn(3,<y>)|, ignoring |<y>|, is equivalent to |\tzvfnat{3}|.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzvfnat|.
+% syntax: minimal
+% syntax: full
+\tzvfn[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ (<coor>)[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""(<m>)[south:north (of current bounding box)]{}[]<>
+% \tzvfn: shift, <code.append>
+\tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box
+\tzvfn[blue,thick](0,5) % y=5 ignored
+\tzvfn[red,thick]<.5,-.5>"AA"(A)[1:3]{line A'}[a]
+\tzvfn[blue,->](B){line B}[a]
+ < arc (90:-30:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} >
+You can also use \icmd{\tzvfnAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzvfnAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzvfn| at the beginning and at the end. Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzvfnAtEnd| if it exists.
+(See other examples of using |\tz<..>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd|.)
+\chapter{Plot Linear Functions}
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzLFn}: Plot linear functions}
+\subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzLFn} and \protect\cmd{\tzLFn'}}
+Knowing two coordinates or one coordinate with a slope, you can draw a linear function with the macro \icmd{\tzLFn}, \xem{without writing the explicit definition of a linear function}.
+|\tzLFn(<coor1>)(<coor2>)| is prepared for when you know two coordinates on a line.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ If you provide two points $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$, |\tzLFnofy(x1,x2)(y1,y2)| draws the graph of $f(x)=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}(x-x_1)+y_1$.
+ \end{itemize}
+|\tzLFn(<coor1>){<slope>}| is prepared for when you know one coordinate and the slope of a line.
+If you specify all the three arguments |(<coor1>)(<coor2>){<slope>}|, then the slope is ignored.
+For example, |\tzLFn(1,1)(2,3)[0:4]| draws a line passing through two points: $(1,1)$ and $(2,3)$, over $0\leq x\leq 4$.
+|\tzLFn(1,1){.5}[0:4]| draws a line passing through a point $(1,1)$ with a slope |.5|, over $0\leq x\leq 4$.
+|\tzLFn| accepts two mandatory arguments: |(<coor1>)| and |[<domain>]|.
+\item The \xem{domain} should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|.
+\item If just one coordinate is specified without a slope, the slope is regarded as |1|, by default.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: full
+\tzLFn[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ (<coor1>)(<coor2>){<slope>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""(<m>)(){1}[<m>]{}[]<>
+You can add text at the end of the line of |\tzLFn| by the options |{<text>}| and |[<node opt>]|. You can also name the path of |\tzLFn| by specifying the option |"<path name>"| \xem{immediately before} the mandatory coordinate.
+% \tzLFn: two coordinates
+% \tzLFn: one coordinate and slope
+\remark If you inadvertently try an \xem{infinite slope}, you will get an \iisw{error message}.
+\paragraph{Inverse function} The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzLFn'} draws the \iisw{inverse function} of |\tzLFn|.
+% \tzLFn' : inverse function : intersection
+You can move the line of |\tzLFn| by specifying the option |<shift coor>| immediately before the option |"<path name>"|. (The \xem{empty} shift option |<>| is \xem{not allowed}.)
+You can also extend the path of |\tzLFn| by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument |<code.append>|.
+% \tzLFn: shift, extending path
+ < arc (0:140:2) node [below] {End!} >
+\icmd{\tzLFnAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzLFnAtEnd} are available to extend a path of |\tzLFn| at the beginning and and the end, respectively.
+Specifying the option |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzLFnAtEnd|, if it exist.
+% \tzLFnAtBegin and \tzLFnAtEnd
+\tzLFnAtBegin{(1,0) to [bend left] }
+\tzLFnAtEnd{ arc (0:140:2) }
+\subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzLFnofy} and \protect\cmd{\tzLFnofy'}}
+\icmd{\tzLFnofy} draws a line as a function of |\y|.
+|\tzLFnofy| works just like |\tzLFn| but for the variable $y$.
+If you provide two points $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$, |\tzLFnofy(x1,x2)(y1,y2)| draws the graph of $f(y)=\frac{x_2-x_1}{y_2-y_1}(y-y_1)+x_1$.
+Everything else is the same as |\tzLFn|.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: full
+\tzLFnofy[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ (<coor1>)(<coor2>){<slope>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""(<m>)(){1}[<m>]{}[]<>
+% \tzLFnofy
+\remark If you inadvertently try an \xem{infinite slope}, you will get an \xem{error message}.
+\paragraph{Inverse function}
+The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzLFnofy'} draws the \iisw{inverse function} of |\tzLFnofy|.
+% \tzLFnofy'
+You can use \icmd{\tzLFnofyAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzLFnofyAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzLFnofy| at the beginning and at the end. Specifying the optional argument |<code.append>| extends the path after |\tzLFnofyAtEnd| if it exists.
+(See other examples of using |\tz<..>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd|.)
+\icmd{\tzdefLFn} simply defines a linear function $ax+b$ and saves it to a macro.
+You can use |\tzdefLFn| together with |\tzfn| to graph a linear function, \xem{without writing an explicit definition} of a linear function.
+(Of course, you can directly use |\tzLFn|.)
+% syntax
+\tzdefLFn{<fn csname>}(<coor1>)(<coor2>){<slope>}
+% defaults
+If |(<coor2>)| is specified, |{<slope>}| is ignored.
+If |(<coor2>)| is missing |<slope>| is considered as the slope of the line (by default 1).
+For example, |\tzdefLFn{\Gx}(1,1){.5}| defines as |\Gx| a linear function passing through the point $(1,2)$ with a slope |.5|.
+That is, it defines a function as $f(x)=.5(x-1)+1$.
+Knowing two coordinates, linear function |\Gx| passing through the two points can be defined, for example, by |\tzdefLFn{\Gx}(1,2)(3,1)|.
+That is, it defines a function as $g(x)=\frac{1-2}{3-1}(x-1)+2$.
+\tzdefLFn{\Fx}(1,2)(3,1) % works like
+ \def\Fx{-1/2*(\x-1)+2}
+\remark If you inadvertently try an \xem{infinite slope}, you will get an \iisw{error message}.
+% \tzdefLFn and \tzfn
+\remark The swap version |\tzfn'| simply draws the graph of the inverse function of |\tzfn|.
+So |\tzfn'(A)(B)| and |\tzfn'(A){.5}| do not guarantee passing through the coordinate |(A)| or |(B)|.
+% \tzdefLFn and \tzfn'
+\icmd{\tzdefLFnofy} defines a function of |\y|.
+% syntax
+\tzdefLFnofy{<fn csname>}(<coor1>)(<coor2>){<slope>}
+% defaults
+If |(<coor2>)| is specified, |{<slope>}| is ignored.
+If |(<coor2>)| is missing |<slope>| is considered as the slope of the line (by default 1).
+\tzdefLFnofy\Fy(1,1){.5} % works like
+ \def\Fy{.5*(\y-1)+1}
+\tzdefLFnofy\Gy(1,2)(3,1) % works like
+ \def\Gy{-2*(\y-2)+1}
+\remark If you inadvertently try an \xem{infinite slope}, you will get an \xem{error message}.
+You can use |\tzdefLFnofy| together with |\tzFnofy| to graph a linear function of $y$.
+(Of course, you can directly use |\tzLFnofy|.)
+% \tzdefLFnofy and \tzLFnofy
+\remark The swap version |\tzfnofy'| simply draws the graph of the inverse function of |\tzfnofy|.
+So |\tzfnofy'(A)(B)| and |\tzfnofy'(A){.5}| do not guarantee passing through the coordinate |(A)| or |(B)|.
+% \tzdefLFnofy and \tzLFnofy'
+\chapter{Some More Functions}
+\section{\texttt{\bs tzpdfN(*)} and \texttt{\bs tzpdfZ}: Normal distributions}
+|\tzpdfN|, |\tzpdfN*| and |\tzpdfZ| are predefined functions to plot the \iisw{probability density function} (pdf) of a \iisw{normal distribution} $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$.
+\paragraph{Normal distributions}
+\icmd{\tzpdfN} accepts two mandatory arguments, |{<mean>}| $\mu$ and |{<variance>}| $\sigma^2$, to define the pdf function:
+ \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac12\big(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\big)^2}
+\icmd{\tzpdfN*} uses a standard deviation $\sigma$ instead of a variance.
+With these predefined functions together with |\tzfn| you can plot the pdf of normal distributions.
+% \tzpdfN, \tzpdfN*
+\tzfn[blue]{\tzpdfN{0}{1.5}}[-4:4] % \tzpdfN
+\tzfn[red]{\tzpdfN*{2}{sqrt(1.5)}}[-2:6] % \tzpdfN*
+% \tzpdfN, \tzpdfN*
+If |tikzpicture| is scaled when plotting the inverse function using |\tzfn'|, you may want to change the scale accordingly.
+% \tzpdfN and \tzfn'
+% scale change
+\paragraph{Standard normal distributions}
+\icmd{\tzpdfZ} (with no arguments) represents the pdf of the \xem{standard normal distribution}.
+% \tzpdfZ: shift
+\tzfn[blue]{\tzpdfZ}[-3:3] % \tzpdfZ
+\tzfn[red]<2,0>{\tzpdfZ}[-3:3] % shift
+\tzfn[dashed]<3,.1>{\tzpdfZ}[-3:3] % shift
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzfnarea(*)}: Fill under the graph}
+\icmd{\tzfnarea} fills the area between the graph of a function and the x axis, with a color or pattern, on the |behind| layer by default.
+With \icmd{\settzfnarealayer}, you can change the layer of |\tzfnarea|.
+|\tzfnarea| accepts two mandatory arguments: |{<fn of \x>}| and |[<domain>]|, like |\tzfn|.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzfnarea{<fn of \x>}[<domain>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzfnarea[<opt>]{<fn of \x>}[<domain>]{<fill opacity>}<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}[<m>]{.3}<>
+% \tzfnarea
+\tzfn[very thick]\Fx[0:3.5]
+\tzfnarea[fill=red]\Fx[1:3] %
+% \tzfnarea: layer: comparison
+\settzfnarealayer{main} %%
+\tzfn[very thick]\Fx[0:3.5]
+\tzfnarea[fill=red]\Fx[1:3] %
+The starred version \icmd{\tzfnarea*} fills the area with |fill=black!50| and |fill opacity=.3|, and |text opacity=1|, by default. The default values can be changed by |\settzfillcolor|, |\settzfillopacity|, and the option |{<fill opacity>}|.
+% \tzfnarea*
+\tzfnarea*[pattern=north east lines]{\tzpdfN21}[1:3]
+% \tzfnarea*: default change and <code.append>
+\settzfnarealayer{main} %
+\tzfnarea*[red]\Fx[1:3]{.1}<(2,-1) node[black]{Area}>
+% \tzfnarea*
+\tzline[very thick](B)(B|-0,0)
+\icmd{\tzfnarealine} draws one or two boundary lines of |\tzfnarea| using |\tzto|, on the |behind| layer by default. The layer can be changed by \icmd{\settzfnarealayer}.
+It takes two mandatory arguments: |{<path>}| and |{<x1>}|.
+\item |\tzfnarealine{<path>}{<x1>}| draws a vertical line to the $x$ axis at |<x1>|.
+\item |\tzfnarealine{<path>}{<x1>}{<x2>}| draws two vertical lines at |<x1>| and |<x2>|.
+The first option |[<opt>]| controls both lines and is overwritten by each of |[<opt1>]| (for the line at |<x1>|) and |[<opt2>]| (for the line at |<x2>|).
+The line width is |very thin| by default, which can be changed by \icmd{\settzfnarealinewith}.
+You can change the length of lines by specifying |(<coor1>)| and |(<coor2>)|.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: minimal
+% syntax: medium
+% syntax: full
+ {<x2>}[<opt2>](<coor2>)
+% defaults:
+ [very thin]{<m>}{<m>}[](0,0){}[](0,0)
+% \tzfnarealine
+\tzfnarea*[pattern=north east lines]{\tzpdfN21}[1:3]
+\tzfnarealine[red]{AA}{1}{3} %%
+% \tzfnarealine: one line
+\tzfnarea*[red]\Fx[1:3]{.1}<(2,-1) node[black]{Area}>
+% \tzfnarealine: two lines
+\tzfnarea*[red]\Fx[1:3]{.1}<(2,-1) node[black]{Area}>
+\tzfnarealine[blue,thick]{Fx}{1}{3}[very thick,red]
+The \xem{swap version} \icmd{\tzfnarealine'} draws one or two horizontal lines from the point $(x_i,f(x_i))$ to the $y$ axis.
+Everything else is the same as in |\tzfnarealine|.
+% \tzfnarealine'
+\tzfnarea*[blue]\Fx[1:3]{.1}<(2,-1) node[black]{Area}>
+\section{Envelope curves}
+\subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzfnmax}: Upper envelope curves}
+\icmd{\tzfnmax} plots the maximum of a list of functions, that is, an \xem{upper} \iisw{envelope curve}. The first mandatory argument should be a comma separated list of functions.
+The second mandatory argument |[<domain>]| should be colon separated.
+The default line width of |\tzfnmax| is |thick|.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzfnmax{<fn list>}[<domain>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzfnmax[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<fn list>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% remark:
+ - {<fn list>} should be comma separated
+ - [<domain>] should be of the form [<from num:to num>]
+% defaults
+ [thick,samples=201]<>""{<m>}[<m>]{}[]<>
+% \tzfnmax
+\tzfn{\Fx}[0:4] \tzfn{\Gx}[0:4] \tzfn{\Hx}[0:4]
+\tzfnmax[blue]{\Fx,\Gx,\Hx}[0:4]{upper envelope}[l]
+\remark If you want sharp corners at kinked points, you may need to select an appropriate number of sample points, which is |samples=201|, by default. You can try an odd number.
+If you want, you can shift and extend path using the option |<shift coor>| and |<code.append>|, respectively.
+You can also use \icmd{\tzfnmaxAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzfnmaxAtEnd} to extend the path of |\tzfnmax| at the beginning and at the end, respectively.
+% shift, <code.append>
+\tzfn{\Fx}[0:4] \tzfn{\Gx}[0:4] \tzfn{\Hx}[0:4]
+\tzfnmaxAtBegin{ (-1,0) -- }
+ < to[bend left] ++ (1,-1) >
+\subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzfnmin}: Lower envelope curves}
+\icmd{\tzfnmin} plots the minimum of a list of functions.
+|\tzfnmin| works just like |\tzfnmax|, but it draws \xem{lower} a \iisw{envelope curve}.
+% syntax: minimum
+\tzfnmin{<fn list>}[<domain>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzfnmin[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<fn list>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% remark:
+ - {<fn list>} should be comma separated
+ - [<domain>] should be of the form [<from num:to num>]
+% defaults
+ [thick,samples=201]<>""{<m>}[<m>]{}[]<>
+% \tzfnmin, \tzfnmax: name path: intersection
+\tzfnmin[samples=2001,blue,thick]"XX" %%
+ {\Fx,\Gx,\Hx}[0:4]{lower evelope}[bl]
+\tzfnmax[samples=201,red,thick]"YY" %%
+ {\Fx,\Gx,\Hx}[0:3]{upper envelope}[bl]
+\tzvXpointat*[fill=none]{YY}{2.5} %%
+\remark If you want sharp corners at kinked points, you may need to select appropriate number of sample points. Try odd number.
+To extend the path of |\tzfnmin|, you can use the option |<code.append>| or the macros \icmd{\tzfnminAtBegin} and \icmd{\tzfnminAtEnd}.
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzXpoint(*)}: Intersection points}
+\icmd{\tzXpoint} finds \iisw{intersection} points of two paths and saves them as coordinate names for later use.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzXpoint{<path>}{<path>}(<coor name>)
+% syntax: medium
+\tzXpoint{<path>}{<path>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzXpoint[<opt>]{<path>}{<path>}(<coor name>)[<nth>]{<label>}[<[label opt]angle>]
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[]
+For example, |\tzXpoint{path1}{path2}(A)| determines an intersection of the two paths and names the point |(A)| or |(A-1)|. (By default, the name is |(intersection)| as in \Tikz.)
+If there are two or more intersection points, they are named as follows: |(A)=(A-1)|, |(A-2)|, |(A-3)|, etc.
+You can determine which intersection point is named directly by specifying the option |[<nth>]|. If you select the second intersection point to be named |(A)| out of multiple intersections, they are named as follows: |(A-1)|, |(A)=(A-2)|, |(A-3)|, |(A-4)|, etc.
+You can label intersection points by specifying the option |{<label>}| and |[<angle>]|.
+% \tzXpoint
+\tzto[red,bend right]"AA"(1,8)(8,1)
+\tzto[blue,bend right]"BB"(0,2)(8,6)
+\warning When using |\tzXpoint|, the intersection of two paths must actually exist.Otherwise, an error will occur when using coordinates.
+\paragraph{\icmd{\tzXpoint*}} The starred version |\tzXpoint*| simply adds a node dot to |\tzXpoint|.
+The default dot size is |2.4pt| and it can be changed by the last option |(<dot size>)| or the \threeways\ (on page \pageref{ss:threeways}).
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzXpoint*{<path>}{<path>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax:
+ (<coor name>)[<nth>]{<label>}[<[label opt]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt]{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[](2.4pt)
+% \tzXpoint*
+\tzfn\bgt[0:8] % name path=bgt
+\tzfn\Fx[0:8]{ray}[red,ar] % name path=Fx
+\tzfn"IC"\IC[.8:8]{$u$}[r] % name path=IC
+\tzXpoint*{bgt}{Fx}(A){A}[[draw,red] r] % <angle> or % abb
+\section{Vertical intersection points}
+\icmd{\tzvXpointat} determines \iisw{vertical intersection} points of a path at a specified value of $x$.
+So it takes |{<path>}| and |{<x-val>}| as mandatory arguments.
+Internally, |\tzvXpointat| depends on the |current bounding box|, which generally does not cause a problem because it is used after paths to be intersected are formed.
+In case of any problem of no intersection point, you may want to fix a bounding box using |\tzbbox| or |\tzaxes*| or \Tikz's |\useasboundingbox|.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzvXpointat{<path>}{<x-val>}(<coor name>)
+% syntax: medium
+\tzvXpointat{<path>}{<x-val>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzvXpointat[<opt>]{<path>}{<x-val>}(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[label opt]angle>]
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[]
+The starred version \icmd{\tzvXpointat*} additionally prints a node dot of the size |2.4pt|, by default, at the (first) intersection point.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzvXpointat*{<path>}{<x-val>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzvXpointat*[<opt>]{<path>}{<x-val>}(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[label opt]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt]{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[](2.4pt)
+% \tzvXpointat(*)
+\tzfn\Fx[0:4] % name path=Fx
+\icmd{\tzvXpoint} accepts |{<path>}| and |(<coor>)| as mandatory arguments to find \iisw{vertical intersection} points of a path at the $x$ value of the coordinate, ignoring the $y$ value.
+For example, |\tzvXpoint{mypath}(3,<y>)|, ignoring |<y>|, is equivalent to |\tzvXpointat{mypath}{3}|.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzvXpointat|.
+% syntax
+\tzvXpoint[<opt>]{<path>}(<coor>)(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[label opt]angle>]
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}(<m>)(intersection)[1]{}[]
+The starred version \icmd{\tzvXpoint*} just adds a node dot to |\tzvXpoint|.
+% syntax
+\tzvXpoint*[<opt>]{<path>}(<coor>)(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[<opt>]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt]{<m>}(<m>)(intersection)[1]{}[](2.4pt)
+|\tzvXpoint*| prints, at the first intersection point, a node dot of the size 2.4pt by default.
+% \tzvXpoint(*)
+\tzfn\Fx[0:4] % name path=Fx
+\tzvXpoint*{Fx}(B){B}[[red,draw]br] % abb
+\section{Horizontal intersection points}
+\icmd{\tzhXpointat} determines \iisw{horizontal intersection} points of a path at a specified value of $y$.
+So it takes |{<path>}| and |{<y-val>}| as mandatory arguments.
+% syntax: minimal
+\tzhXpointat{<path>}{<y-val>}(<coor name>)
+% syntax: medium
+\tzhXpointat{<path>}{<y-val>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzhXpointat[<opt>]{<path>}{<y-val>}(<coor name>)[<n>]{<label>}[<[label opt]angle>]
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[]
+The starred version \icmd{\tzhXpointat*} additionally prints a node dot of the size 2.4pt, by default, at the intersection point.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzhXpointat*{<path>}{<y-val>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzhXpointat*[<opt>]{<path>}{<y-val>}(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[label opt]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt]{<m>}{<m>}(intersection)[1]{}[](2.4pt)
+% \tzhXpointat(*)
+\tzfn\Fx[0:4] % name path=Fx
+\tzdot*(X-2){Y}[[red,draw]al] % abb
+\icmd{\tzhXpoint} accepts |{<path>}| and |(<coor>)| as mandatory arguments to find \iisw{horizontal intersection} points of a path at the $y$ value of the coordinate, ignoring the $x$ value.
+For example, |\tzhXpoint{mypath}(<x>,3)|, ignoring |<x>|, is equivalent to |\tzhXpointat{mypath}{3}|.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzhXpointat|.
+% syntax
+\tzhXpoint[<opt>]{<path>}(<coor>)(<coor name>)[<n>]{<label>}[<[label opt]angle>]
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}(<m>)(intersection)[1]{}[]
+The starred version \icmd{\tzhXpoint*} just adds a node dot to |\tzhXpoint|.
+% syntax
+\tzhXpoint*[<opt>]{<path>}(<coor>)(<coor name>)[<n>]
+ {<label>}[<[label opt]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt]{<m>}(<m>)(intersection)[1]{}[](2.4pt)
+|\tzhXpoint*| prints, at the (first) intersection point, a node dot of the size |2.4pt|, by default.
+% \tzhXpoint(*)
+\tzfn\Fx[0:4] % name path=Fx
+\tzdot*(X-2){Y}[ [red,draw] al ] % abb
+\section{\protect\cmd{\tzLFnXpoint(*)}: Intersection point of linear functions}
+Sometimes you may want to \xem{quickly} find intersection point of two linear functions \xem{without specifying path names}.
+\icmd{\tzLFnXpoint} finds the solution of two linear functions without printing anything by default.
+You can name it and use it.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzLFnXpoint{<\fn>}{<\fn>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<[<label opt>]angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzLFnXpoint[<opt>]{<\fn>}{<\fn>}(<coor name>)
+ {<label>}[<[<label opt>]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt,draw=none,mimumum size=0pt]{<m>}{<m>}[0](){}[](2.4pt)
+\tzLFnXpoint{\x}{3-\x}(A) % invisible
+\tzto+[->,bend left](A)(2,-1)
+\icmd{\tzLFnXpoint*} additionally print a filled node dot at the solution of two linear equations.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tzLFnXpoint{<\fn>}{<\fn>}(<coor name>){<label>}[<[<label opt>]angle>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzLFnXpoint[<opt>]{<\fn>}{<\fn>}(<coor name>)
+ {<label>}[<[<label opt>]angle>](<dot size>)
+% defaults
+ [tzdot=2.4pt,fill]{<m>}{<m>}[0](){}[](2.4pt)
+\tzLFnXpoint*{\x}{3-\x}(A){A}[[red,draw]90] %%
+\chapter{Secant and Tangent Lines}
+\section{Secant lines}
+\icmd{\tzsecantat} draws a line segment or a \iisw{secant} line of a curve, on the |behind| layer by default.
+|\tzsecantat| accepts three mandatory arguments:
+Three mandatory arguments are a path name and two values of $x$: |{<path>}|, |{<from->x}|, and |{<to-x>}|.
+With \icmd{\settzsecantlayer}, you can change the layer, like |\settzsecantlayer{main}|.
+% syntax: minium
+% syntax: medium
+\tzsecantat{<path>}{<from-x>}{<to-x>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzsecantat[<opt>]<shift coor>"path name"
+ {<path>}{<from-x>}{<to-x>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}{<m>}{<m>}[]{}[]<>
+The domain of the form |[<from num:to num>]| is optional.
+Without specifying the optional domain, |\tzsecantat| draws a line segment connecting two points on the (curved) path.
+% \tzsecantat
+Specifying the option |[<domain>]|, you can extend (or shorten) the line of |\tzsecantat|.
+% \tzsecantat: domain
+\tzsecantat[blue]{curve}{1}{3}[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+You can move |\tzsecantat| by specifying the option |<shift coor>|.
+% \tzsecantat: domain
+\tzsecantat[blue]{curve}{1}{3}[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+\paragraph{Naming paths}
+By specifying the option |"<path name>"| you can name a path of |\tzsecantat|, and use it to find intersection points.
+% \tzsecantat: shift, name path (intersection)
+\tzsecantat[blue]{curve}{1}{3}[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+\tzsecantat[blue]<1,-1>"shift"{curve}{1}{3}[0:5] %%
+You can extend the path of |\tzsecantat| by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument |<code.append>|.
+% \tzsecantat: <code.append>
+\tzsecantat[blue]{curve}{1}{3}[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+\tzsecantat[blue,->]<1,-1>"shift"{curve}{1}{3}[0:5] %%
+ < --++(1,-3) node [red,b] {Ends!} >
+\icmd{\tzsecant} uses two \xem{coordinates instead of two values of $x$} to draw a line segment or a \iisw{secant} line of a curve, on the |behind| layer by default.
+You need to specify a path name and two coordinates, then |\tzsecant| uses the $x$ values of the two coordinates.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzsecantat|.
+You can change the layer with \icmd{\settzsecantlayer}.
+% syntax: minium
+% syntax: medium
+\tzsecant{<path>}(<coor>)(<coor>)[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+\tzsecant[<opt>]<shift coor>"path name"
+ {<path>}(<coor>)(<coor>)[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}(<m>)(<m>)[]{}[]<>
+The domain should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|.
+Without specifying the optional domain, |\tzsecant| draws a line segment connecting two points on the (curved) path.
+% \tzsecant: domain
+\tzsecant[blue]{curve}(K)(3,0)[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+With the last option |<code.append>| you can extend the path of |\tzsecantat|.
+% \tzsecant: shift, <code.append>
+\tzsecant[blue]{curve}(K)(3,0)[0:5]{secant line}[a]
+\tzsecant[blue,->]<1,-1>"shift"{curve}(K)(3,0)[0:5] %%
+ < --++(1,-3) node [red,b] {Ends!} >
+\section{Tangent lines}
+\icmd{\tztangentat} draws a \iisw{tangent} line to a curve at a specified value of $x$. Three mandatory arguments are a curve name, a value of $x$, and a domain: |{<path>}|, |{<x-val>}|, and |[domain]|.
+By default, the tangent line is drawn on the |behind| layer, which can be changed by \icmd{\settztangentlayer}, like |\settztangentlayer{main}|.
+To calculate the slope at $x$, $x$ varies over the interval $(x-\varepsilon_1,x+\varepsilon_2)$ and $\varepsilon_1=\varepsilon_2=0.01$, by default.
+So the slope of tangent line is only \xem{approximate}.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tztangentat{<path>}{<x-val>}[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+\tztangentat[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<path>}{<x-val>}(<epsilon1>,<epsilon2>)[<domain>]
+ {<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% The domain should be of the form [<from:to>]
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}{<m>}(.01,.01)[<m>]{}[]<>
+The mandatory argument |[<domain>]| should be of the form |[<from num:to num>]|.
+% \tztangentat
+You can move the tangent line by specifying the option |<shift coor>|.
+% \tztangentat: shift
+\paragraph{Naming paths}
+By specifying the option |"<path name>"|, you can name the path of |\tztangentat| and use it to find intersection points.
+% \tztangentat: name path (intersection)
+ <2,1>"BB"{AA}{4}[1:7]{tangent'}[r]
+You can extend the path of |\tztangentat| by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument |<code.append>|.
+% \tztangentat: <code.append>
+ < to [bend right] ++(-1,3) node [a] {Ends!} >
+Since the slope of the tangent line is \xem{approximate}, sometimes you may want to change the variation interval to get better results.
+You can change $\varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon_2$ by specifying the option |(<epsilon1,epsilon2>)| \xem{immediately after} the mandatory argument |{<x-val>}|.
+Or you can change the variations by the macro \icmd{\settztangentepsilon},
+like |\settztangentepsilon{|$\varepsilon_1$|}{|$\varepsilon_2$|}|. The effect remains until the end of |tikzpicture| environment unless changed again.
+% \tztangentat: variations, shift
+\settztangentepsilon{0.005}{0.01} %%
+\tztangentat[red]<0,1>{AA}{4}[1:7]{shifted}[r] %%
+\icmd{\tztangent} uses a \xem{coordinate instead of a value} of $x$ to draw a \iisw{tangent} line to a curve.
+|\tztangent| accepts three mandatory arguments: |{<path>}|, |(<coor>)|, and |[<domain>]|.
+The value of $y$ in |(<coor>)| is ignored.
+For example, |\tztangent{curve}(4,|$y$|)| is equivalent to |\tztangentat{curve}{4}| for any $y$.
+\xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tztangentat|.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: medium
+\tztangent{<path>}(<coor>)[<domain>]{<text>}[<node opt>]
+% syntax: full
+\tztangent[<opt>]<shift coor>"<path name>"
+ {<path>}(<coor>)(<epsilon1>,<epsilon2>)[<domain>]
+ {<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% The domain should be of the form [<from:to>]
+% defaults
+ []<>""{<m>}(<m>)(.01,.01)[<m>]{}[]<>
+% \tztangent
+You can shift the tangent line and extend its path.
+% \tztangent: shift, <code.append>
+ < to [bend right] ++(-1,3) node [a] {Ends!} >
+You can control the interval of variations of $x$ by the option |(<epsilon1,epsion2>)| or the marcro |\settztangentepsilon|.
+% \tztangent: variations, shift
+\settztangentepsilon{0.005}{0.01} %%
+\tztangent[red]<0,1>{AA}(4,0)[1:7]{shifted}[r] %%
+\section{Slope lines and normal lines}
+\icmd{\tzslopeat} draws a slope line to a path with a specified length.
+The mandatory arguments are |{<path>}|, |{<x>}|, and |{<length>}|.
+The tangent point is the middle point of the slope line.
+By default, the slope lines are drawn on the |behind| layer.
+You can change the layer, like \icmd{\settztslopelayer}|{main}|.
+\remark The slope is \xem{approximate} and you can manipulate the slope by changing the variation interval with the option |(<epsilon1,epsilon2>)|. The default is $(\varepsilon_1,\varepsilon_2)=(0.01,0.01)$.
+You can also use
+\icmd{\tzslopeepsilon}|{<epsilon1>}{<epsilon2>}| \xem{immediately after} the option |{<x-val>}|, which is valid until the end of the |tikzpicture| environment, unless changed again.
+% syntax: minimum
+% syntax: minimum (for normal line)
+\tzslopeat{<path>}{<x-val>}{<length>}[90] % or [-90]
+% syntax: full
+ {<text>}[<node opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}{<m>}(.01,.01){<m>}[0]{}[]<>
+% \tzslopeat
+ (B)[out=0,in=180]
+ (C)[out=0,in=255]
+ (D);
+% \tzslopeat: repeated
+\foreach \x in {1,1.5,...,3.5}
+ { \tzslopeat[thick,red]{AA}{\x}{2cm} }
+\paragraph{Normal lines}
+With the option |[<rotate>]| \xem{immediately after} the last mandatory option |{<length>}|, you can draw a \iisw{normal line} to a curve by rotating the slope lines |90|\textdegree or |-90|\textdegree.
+% \tzslopeat: slopes and normals
+ (B)[out=0,in=180]
+ (C)[out=0,in=255]
+ (D);
+% normal lines: roatate: [90] or [-90]
+\icmd{\tzslope} is the same as |\tzslopeat|, except for one thing.
+|\tzslope| uses a coordinate instead of a value of $x$ to draw slope lines.
+So the mandatory arguments of |\tzslope| is |{<path>}|, |(<coor>)|, and |{<length>}|. The $y$ value of |(<x,y>)| is ignored.
+% syntax
+ {<text>}[<pos,opt>]<code.append>
+% defaults
+ []{<m>}(<m>)(.01,.01){<m>}[0]{}[]<>
+% \tzslope: slopes and normals
+ (B)[out=0,in=180]
+ (C)[out=0,in=255]
+ (D);
+\coordinate (B) at (2,2);
+% normal lines: roatate: [90] or [-90]
+% \tzslope: repeated
+\foreach \x in {1,1.5,...,3.5}
+ { \tzslope[thick,red]{AA}(\x,0){2cm} }
+You can add \Tikz\ code with the last option |<code.append>|.
+% \tztangent, \tzslope: extend/shorten lines
+\tzslope[red,tzextend={1cm}{2cm}]{AA}(2,0){1cm} %%
+ <--([turn]0:2cm) node [r] {gradient} > %%