path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-08-17 03:00:52 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-08-17 03:00:52 +0000
commitc384cf2662c6574dc248ae20a9276cacf20320f6 (patch)
tree2a719b425428d6e7de07bde420534be13ea788a2 /graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex
parentdeb51d400db4c69df1cef442643a6b94428a2211 (diff)
CTAN sync 202208170300
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3670726d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-ext/doc/tikz-ext-manual-en-library-paths.timer.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+% !TeX root = tikz-ext-manual.tex
+% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
+% Copyright 2022 by Qrrbrbirlbel
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License.
+ \begin{pgfmanualentry}
+ \def\pgfmanualtest{#1}%
+ \pgfmanualentryheadline{%
+ \ifx\pgfmanualtest\@empty%
+ \pgfmanualpdflabel{#2}{}%
+ \fi%
+ %\textcolor{gray}{{\ttfamily\char`\\path}\ \ \dots}
+ %\declare{\texttt{\noligs{#2}}}#3\ \textcolor{gray}{\dots\texttt{;}}
+ }%
+ \ifx\pgfmanualtest\@empty%
+ \index{#2@\protect\texttt{#2} path operation}%
+ \index{Path operations!#2@\protect\texttt{#2}}%
+ \fi%
+ \pgfmanualbody
+ \end{pgfmanualentry}
+\section{Extending the Path Timers}
+ This library adds timers to the path specifications |rectangle|, |parabola|, |sin| and |cos|.
+In \tikzname, the path specification |rectangle|, |parabola|, |sin| and |cos| do not provide
+their own timer, i.\,e. a node placing algorithm that is dependent on the actual path.
+For |rectangle| the timer of the straight line between the rectangle's corners is used, for
+the other paths, nodes, coordinates, pics, etc. are placed on the last coordinate.
+This library allows this.
+%\index{Path operations!\protect\texttt{rectangle}}%
+%\index{\texttt{rectangle} path operation}%
+For the |rectangle| path operator, the timer starts with |pos = 0| (= |at start|) from
+the starting coordinate in a counter-clockwise direction along the rectangle.
+The corners will be at positions 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, every pin edge/.style={latex-, gray}]
+\coordinate [label=above right:Target] (A) at (0,0);
+\coordinate [label=below left:Start] (B) at (1,2);
+\draw[->, help lines] ([shift=(50:.3 and .75)] .5,1)
+ arc[start angle=50, delta angle=340, x radius=.3, y radius=.75];
+\draw (B) rectangle (A)
+ foreach \pos/\ang in {at start/60, very near start/90, near start/180, pos=.375/180,
+ midway/180, pos=.625/270, near end/0, very near end/0, at end/0}{
+ node[pin=\ang:\pos, style/.expanded=\pos]{}};
+\index{Path operations!\protect\texttt{parabola}}%
+\index{\texttt{parabola} path operation}%
+For the |parabola| path operator the timer is similar to the |.. controls ..| operator.
+The position 0.5 will lie at the |bend|.
+\draw[help lines] (-2.25, -1.25) grid (2.25, 3.25);
+\draw ( 2,-1) parabola bend (0,0) (-1,3);
+\draw[ultra thick] (-2,-1) parabola bend (0,0) ( 1,3)
+ foreach \pos in {1,...,4,6,7,...,9}{
+ node[
+ pos=.\pos, sloped, fill=white, font=\small, inner sep=+0pt
+ ] {\pos}
+ };
+If no |bend| is specified half the positions will collapse into one end of the curve.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every pin edge/.style={latex-, shorten <=1pt, gray}]
+\draw (-2,-2) parabola (1,0)
+ foreach \pos in {0, 1, ..., 10} {
+ node [pos=\pos/10, pin={[anchor=-18*\pos+90]-18*\pos+270:\pos}]{}
+ };
+\index{Path operations!\protect\texttt{sin}}%
+\index{Path operations!\protect\texttt{cos}}%
+\index{\texttt{sin} path operation}%
+\index{\texttt{cos} path operation}%
+The |sin| and |cos| path operators also allow placing of nodes along their paths.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[mark nodes on line/.style={insert path={
+ foreach \pos in {1, ..., 9} {node[
+ sloped, fill=white, font=\small, inner sep=+0pt, pos=\pos/10] {\pos}}}}]
+\draw[help lines] (-2.1,-2.1) grid (2.1,0.1);
+\draw (-2,-2) sin (1,0) [mark nodes on line];
+\draw[shift=(0:1)](-2,-2) cos (1,0) [mark nodes on line];