path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ac7c56334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/stanli/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# TikZ Library for Structural Analysis
+## Purpose
+At university it is always a very time consuming work to create new
+assignments, and tests; especially when those tasks include drawing graphics.
+In the field of structural engineering those small structures are a key part
+for teaching. For this reason I developed, in cooperation with the
+[Institute for Structural Analysis](
+at the [Graz University of Technology](,
+a TikZ library for Structural Analysis.
+With the package `stanli`, 2D and 3D structures can be created. In the following article only the 2D library will be discussed, but the principles and methods are the same for 3D structures.
+## Principles
+TikZ is a very powerful tool; however, unfortunately not everyone is used to this part of LaTeX.
+Therefore, in addition to the creation of the library the second goal was to keep the usage as simple as possible. So that:
+* anyone can use this library without (deeper) knowledge in TikZ
+* skilled users can easily modify and customise the code
+* the principle of this library can be used for any other library
+## Getting Started
+### LaTeX Environment
+Like every TikZ graph, needs also this library the
+``` \begin{tikzpicture}
+ ...
+ \end{tikzpicture}```
+### Elements
+#### Basic Commands
+The library provides 10 different commands:
+* ``\point``
+* ``\beam``
+* ``\support``
+* ``\hinge``
+* ``\load`` or ``\lineload`` and ``\temperature``
+* ``\internalforces``
+* ``\dimensioning``
+* ``\influenceline``
+* ``\notation``
+* ``\addon``
+For each element (command) are different options available. Obligatory options
+are marked with {curley brackets} and optional values are marked with [square
+brackets]. The first type is a must have criteria. In contrast, the optional
+input is not required to be entered.
+An easy example is the following single force:
+```\load{type}{insertion point}[rotation][length or included angle][loaddistance];```
+### Manual
+More specific information about the elements and their options can be found in
+the manual. The manual is written in English. Section 1 provides a table
+with all elements and options; furthermore, the code is also given for each
+picture in the manual.
+### Examples
+The easiest way to create a structure is the list above, starting with ``\point``
+and ending with ``\addon``.
+The following examples shall give a first impression how drawings can be
+generated. In the manual the example is explained in more detail.
+#### 2D Simplified Roof
+By using the library ``stanli``, the following graph can be created
+in a very short time:
+ \scaling{.65};
+ \point{a}{0}{1};
+ \point{b}{3}{1};
+ \point{c}{11}{3};
+ \point{d}{19}{1};
+ \point{e}{22}{1};
+ \point{f}{3}{0};
+ \point{g}{11}{-2};
+ \point{h}{19}{0};
+ \beam{1}{a}{b}[0][1];
+ \beam{1}{b}{c}[1][1];
+ \beam{1}{c}{d}[1][1];
+ \beam{1}{d}{e}[1][0];
+ \beam{1}{f}{b};
+ \beam{1}{d}{h};
+ \beam{2}{f}{g};
+ \beam{2}{g}{h};
+ \beam{2}{g}{c};
+ \support{1}{f};
+ \support{2}{h};
+ \hinge{1}{f};
+ \hinge{1}{h};
+ \hinge{1}{g};
+ \hinge{2}{c}[b][d];
+ \lineload{2}{a}{b}[1][1][.5];
+ \lineload{2}{b}{c};
+ \dimensioning{1}{a}{b}{-2.5}[$3,0$];
+ \dimensioning{1}{b}{c}{-2.5}[$8,0$];
+ \dimensioning{1}{c}{d}{-2.5}[$8,0$];
+ \dimensioning{1}{d}{e}{-2.5}[$3,0$];
+ \dimensioning{2}{f}{a}{-1}[$1,0$];
+ \dimensioning{2}{g}{f}{-1}[$2,0$];
+ \dimensioning{2}{a}{c}{-1}[$2,0$];
+ \influenceline{a}{e}{3}[.3];
+ \notation{1}{a}{$1$}[left];
+ \notation{1}{b}{$2$}[below right=2mm];
+ \notation{1}{c}{$3$};
+ \notation{1}{d}{$4$}[above];
+ \notation{1}{e}{$5$}[above];
+ \notation{1}{f}{$6$}[left=2mm];
+ \notation{1}{g}{$7$}[below=2mm];
+ \notation{1}{h}{$8$}[right=2mm];
+ \notation{4}{f}{g}[$S$];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+#### 3D Support Construction
+By using the library ``stanli``, the following 3D structure can be created in a very short time with few lines of code:
+ \setcoords{-25}{10}[1][1.2]
+ \setaxis{2}
+ %\showpoint
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[coords]
+ \dpoint{a}{0}{0}{0};
+ \dpoint{b}{3}{0}{0};
+ \dpoint{c}{6}{0}{0};
+ \dpoint{d}{9}{0}{0};
+ \dpoint{e}{12}{0}{0};
+ \dpoint{f}{0}{3}{0};
+ \dpoint{g}{3}{3}{0};
+ \dpoint{h}{6}{3}{0};
+ \dpoint{i}{9}{3}{0};
+ \dpoint{j}{12}{3}{0};
+ \daxis{1}{a};
+ \dbeam{1}{f}{b};
+ \dbeam{1}{b}{h};
+ \dbeam{1}{h}{d};
+ \dbeam{1}{d}{j};
+ \dbeam{3}{a}{e};
+ \dbeam{3}{f}{j};
+ \dbeam{3}{a}{f};
+ \dbeam{3}{b}{g};
+ \dbeam{3}{c}{h};
+ \dbeam{3}{d}{i};
+ \dbeam{3}{e}{j};
+ \dsupport{1}{b};
+ \dsupport{1}{h}[0][0];
+ \dsupport{1}{d}[0];
+ \dhinge{2}{b}[f][h][1];
+ \dhinge{2}{h}[b][d][1];
+ \dhinge{2}{d}[h][j][1];
+ \dlineload{5}{0}{f}{b}[.5][.5][.11];
+ \dlineload{5}{0}{b}{h}[.5][.5][.11];
+ \dlineload{5}{0}{h}{d}[.5][.5][.11];
+ \dlineload{5}{0}{d}{j}[.5][.5][.11];
+ \ddimensioning{xy}{f}{g}{4.5}[$3~m$];
+ \ddimensioning{xy}{g}{h}{4.5}[$3~m$];
+ \ddimensioning{xy}{h}{i}{4.5}[$3~m$];
+ \ddimensioning{xy}{i}{j}{4.5}[$3~m$];
+ \ddimensioning{yx}{e}{j}{13}[$3~m$];
+ \dnotation{1}{f}{$q=10~kN/m$}[above left=3mm];
+ \dnotation{1}{b}{$A$}[below left];
+ \dnotation{1}{h}{$C$}[right=2mm];
+ \dnotation{1}{d}{$B$}[below left];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+## Author
+Copyright (c) 2016 [Juergen Hackl](