path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex')
1 files changed, 1732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed1a6ff4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_tikzexternalshared.code.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1732 @@
+%%% This file is a copy of some part of PGF/Tikz.
+%%% It has been copied here to provide :
+%%% - compatibility with older PGF versions
+%%% - availability of PGF contributions by Christian Feuersaenger
+%%% which are necessary or helpful for pgfplots.
+%%% For reasons of simplicity, I have copied the whole file, including own contributions AND
+%%% PGF parts. The copyrights are as they appear in PGF.
+%%% Note that pgfplots has compatible licenses.
+%%% This copy has been modified in the following ways:
+%%% - nested \input commands have been updated
+% Support for the contents of this file will NOT be done by the PGF/TikZ team.
+% Please contact the author and/or maintainer of pgfplots (Christian Feuersaenger) if you need assistance in conjunction
+% with the deployment of this patch or partial content of PGF. Note that the author and/or maintainer of pgfplots has no obligation to fix anything:
+% This file comes without any warranty as the rest of pgfplots; there is no obligation for help.
+%%% Date of this copy: Di 12. Jul 21:02:29 CEST 2016 %%%
+% Copyright 2008-2010 by Christian Feuersaenger
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Public License.
+% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+% ******************************
+% This here is the shared implementation of TeX-dialect specific files
+% tikzlibraryexternal.code.tex
+% ******************************
+% This file provides a high-level automatic export feature for tikz pictures.
+% It allows to export EACH SINGLE FIGURE into a separate PDF.
+% The simplest way is to use the 'convert with system call' option; it simply converts every figure using the write18 method. If that is not possible, a list of figure file names is generated and you need to generate these figures manually (or with a script).
+% It replaces \tikzpicture/ \endtikzpicture and \tikz and invokes \beginpgfgraphicnamed ... \endpgfgraphicnamed
+% commands if necessary.
+% handle with extreme care and only in small, local groups:
+% must be numeric!
+% This 'if' can be used as part of the public user interface.
+% It is set by the 'remake next' key.
+% It disables any up-to-date checks for the *next* picture, forcing a
+% remake of it.
+% It applies only to *one* picture.
+% A global boolean which can be used to skip single figures.
+% Invokes '#1' if the external lib is currently externalizing
+% something and '#2' if not.
+% This command must be called *after* \tikzexternalize.
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout #1\else #2\fi
+% Invokes '#1' if the external lib is currently externalizing the NEXT FOLLOWING
+% tikzpicture. It invokes '#2' if that is not the case.
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzexternalgetnextfilename\tikzexternal@temp
+ \tikzifexternaljobnamematches\tikzexternal@temp{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi
+% Invokes '#1' if the external lib is currently externalizing the
+% current picture. It invokes '#2' if that is not the case.
+% If the command is invoked outside of a picture, '#2' will be
+% invoked.
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzexternalgetcurrentfilename\tikzexternal@temp
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@temp\pgfutil@empty
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \tikzifexternaljobnamematches\tikzexternal@temp{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi
+% Invokes '#2' if \jobname equals '#1' and '#3' if not.
+% I suppose that '#1' is a macro containing the file name.
+ \edef\pgf@tempa{\expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \edef\pgf@tempb{\expandafter\string\csname\pgfactualjobname\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\pgf@tempa\pgf@tempb #2\else#3 \fi%
+ % let's hope that \usepackage{pdftexcmds} has been used...
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{pdf@shellescape}{%
+ \def\tikzexternalcheckshellescape{0}%
+ }{%
+ \let\tikzexternalcheckshellescape=\pdf@shellescape
+ }%
+ \let\tikzexternalcheckshellescape=\pdfshellescape
+ \def\tikzexternalcheckshellescape{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/shell escape}\space}%
+ \def\tikzexternalcheckshellescape{}%
+ figure list/.is if=tikzexternal@genfigurelist,
+ aux in dpth/.style={/pgf/images/aux in dpth=#1},%
+ disable dependency files/.code={%
+ \let\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile@ACTIVE=\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile
+ },
+ % 'mode' applies only if \jobname==real job name.
+ mode/.is choice,
+ mode/only graphics/.code = {%
+ \def\tikzexternal@opmode{0}%
+ \pgfkeysalso{/pgf/images/aux in dpth=true}%
+ },
+ mode/no graphics/.code = {\def\tikzexternal@opmode{1}},
+ % an alias for 'no graphics:'
+ mode/only pictures/.code = {\def\tikzexternal@opmode{1}},
+ mode/graphics if exists/.code= {%
+ \def\tikzexternal@opmode{2}%
+ \pgfkeysalso{/pgf/images/aux in dpth=true}%
+ },
+ mode/list only/.code = {\def\tikzexternal@opmode{3}\tikzexternal@genfigurelisttrue},
+ mode/convert with system call/.code={%
+ \def\tikzexternal@opmode{4}%
+ \pgfkeysalso{/tikz/external/figure list=false,/pgf/images/aux in dpth=true}%
+ },
+ mode/list and make/.code = {%
+ \def\tikzexternal@opmode{5}%
+ \pgfkeysalso{/tikz/external/figure list=true,/pgf/images/aux in dpth=true}%
+ },
+ mode=convert with system call,
+ force remake/.is if=tikzexternal@force@remake,
+ force remake/.default=true,
+ %
+ % DEPRECATED: this here will work out-of-the box (provided that
+ % 'aux in dpth' is active):
+ failed ref warnings for/.initial={\ref,\cite,\pageref},
+ export next/.is if=tikzexternalexportnext,
+ export/.is if=tikzexternal@export@enabled,
+ remake next/.is if=tikzexternalremakenext,
+ remake next/.default=true,
+ verbose IO/.is if=tikzexternal@verboseio,
+ verbose IO/.default=true,
+ verbose IO=true,
+ verbose optimize/.is if=tikzexternal@verbose@optimize,
+ verbose up to date/.is if=tikzexternal@verboseuptodate,
+ verbose/.style={
+ verbose IO=#1,
+ verbose optimize=#1,
+ verbose up to date=#1,
+ },
+ shell escape/.initial=-shell-escape,
+ read main aux/.is if=pgfexternalreadmainaux,
+ image discarded text/.initial={%
+ [[ \textsc{Image Discarded Due To} \texttt{`/tikz/external/%
+ \ifcase\tikzexternal@opmode\relax
+ mode=only graphics%
+ \or
+ mode=no graphics%
+ \or
+ mode=graphics if exists%
+ \or
+ mode=list only%
+ \or
+ mode=convert with system call%
+ \or
+ mode=list and make%
+ \fi
+ '}~]]%
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@warning@at@end}{%
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{AtEndDocument}{}{%
+ \AtEndDocument{%
+ \message{! Package tikz Warning: Some images are not up-to-date and need to be generated. }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@warning@at@end{1}%
+ }{}%
+ },
+ optimize/.is choice,
+ optimize/true/.code={%
+ \tikzexternal@optimizetrue
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ % we have already started the externalization! Install
+ % optimization commands to activate the new one:
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@REPLACE
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ },
+ optimize/false/.code={%
+ \tikzexternal@optimizefalse%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@RESTORE
+ },%
+ optimize=true,
+ optimize away text/.code={[ \textsc{\string#1\ optimized away because it does not contribute to exported PDF}]},
+ optimize/install/.code={},%
+ optimize/restore/.code={},%
+ % Expects two arguments, the command name and (optionally) a count
+ % of expected arguments.
+ % Example:
+ % 'optimize command away=\includegraphics'
+ % 'optimize command away={\mycommand}{3}'
+ %
+ % It accepts commands which have '[]' arguments and whose first
+ % argument always begins with '{'.
+ %
+ % #1: the command name
+ % #2: either empty or a number of EXPECTED arguments. It will be checked
+ % for one optional argument in square brackets as well.
+ optimize command away/.code 2 args={%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname\string#1@ORIG\endcsname=#1%
+ \pgfkeysalso{%
+ /tikz/external/optimize/install/.append code={%
+ \def#1{\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd{#1}{#2}}%
+ },
+ /tikz/external/optimize/restore/.append code={%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname\string#1@ORIG\endcsname
+ }
+ }%
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ % we have already started the externalization! Install
+ % optimization commands to activate the new one:
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@REPLACE
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ },
+ optimize command away=\includegraphics,
+ optimize command away=\pgfincludeexternalgraphics,
+ optimize latex env away/.code={%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@tempa\csname #1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname #1@ORIG\endcsname=\pgf@tempa%
+ \pgfkeysalso{%
+ /tikz/external/optimize/install/.append code={%
+ \pgfutil@namedef{#1}{\tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env{#1}}%
+ },
+ /tikz/external/optimize/restore/.append code={%
+ \pgfutil@namelet{#1}{#1@ORIG}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ },
+ only named/.is if=tikzexternal@onlynamed,
+ only named/.default=true,
+ figure name/.initial=\tikzexternal@realjob-figure,
+ reset counter/.code={%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname c@tikzext@no@#1\endcsname{0}%
+ },%
+ prefix/.code={\tikzsetexternalprefix{#1}},
+ up to date check/.is choice,
+ up to date check/simple/.code={\def\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode{0}},
+ % md5 relies on \pdfmdfivesum of pdftex. It uses 'diff' as fallback if we do not have that command.
+ up to date check/md5/.code={\def\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode{1}},
+ up to date check/diff/.code={\def\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode{2}},
+ up to date check=md5,
+\expandafter\def\csname tikzexternal@driver@pgfsys-pdftex.def\endcsname{%
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{directlua}{%
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/system call}{%
+ pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/system call}{%
+ lualatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \expandafter\def\csname tikzexternal@driver@pgfsys-dvipdfm.def\endcsname{%
+% \pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/system call}{%
+% latex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"%
+% && dvipdfm "\image".dvi %
+% }%
+% }%
+\expandafter\def\csname tikzexternal@driver@pgfsys-xetex.def\endcsname{%
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/system call}{%
+ xelatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"%
+ }%
+\expandafter\def\csname tikzexternal@driver@pgfsys-dvips.def\endcsname{%
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/system call}{%
+ latex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource" %
+ && dvips -o "\image".ps "\image".dvi %
+ }%
+% Auto-select a suitable default value fo 'system call':
+ % fallback. We do not know the driver here.
+ \csname tikzexternal@driver@pgfsys-pdftex.def\endcsname
+ \csname tikzexternal@driver@\pgfsysdriver\endcsname
+\def\tikzsetfigurename#1{\pgfkeyssetvalue{/tikz/external/figure name}{#1}}%
+\def\tikzappendtofigurename#1{\pgfkeys{/tikz/external/figure name/.add={}{#1}}}
+% This method sets the file name prefix used for every import/export.
+% It is invoked by the '/tikz/external/prefix' key.
+% This method initialises automatic externalization.
+% The command does need any argument, but it has two optional ones:
+% 1. \tikzexternalize[<options>]
+% 2. \tikzexternalize{<real job's name>}
+% 3. \tikzexternalize[<options>]{<real job's name>}
+% The <real job's name> is the job's file name, without the suffix
+% .tex .
+% If the <real job's name> is omitted, it will be deduced
+% automatically.
+% The effect is:
+% 1. automatically surround EVERY tikzpicture by \beginpgfgraphicnamed % sections.
+% 2. in case that the job's real name and the current \jobname differ,
+% it will process ONLY the matching tikzpicture.
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar[{%
+ \tikzexternalize@opt
+ }{%
+ \tikzexternalize@opt[]%
+ }%
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar\bgroup{%
+ \tikzexternal@auto@detect@jobnamefalse
+ \tikzexternalize@opt@withname[#1]%
+ }{%
+ \tikzexternal@auto@detect@jobnametrue
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternalrealjob}{%
+ % ok, \tikzexternalrealjob is not known.
+ % Assume we are currently *not* externalizing.
+ \let\tikzexternalrealjob=\jobname
+ }{}%
+ \def\pgf@tempa{\tikzexternalize@opt@withname[#1]}%
+ \expandafter\pgf@tempa\expandafter{\tikzexternalrealjob}%
+ }%
+ \gdef\tikzexternalrealjob{#2}%
+ \if1\tikzexternalize@hasbeencalled
+ \else
+ \pgfqkeys{/tikz/external}{#1}%
+ \def\tikzexternal@realjob{#2}%
+ \tikzexternalauxlock@init
+ \pgfrealjobname{#2}%
+ \def\tikzexternalize@hasbeencalled{1}%
+ \tikzexternalenable
+ \def\tikzexternal@determineimgextension##1:##2\relax{\gdef\tikzexternalimgextension{##1}}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist}%
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@determineimgextension\pgf@tempa:\relax
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{includegraphics}{%
+ \let\tikzexternal@orig@includegraphics=\relax
+ }{%
+ \let\tikzexternal@orig@includegraphics=\includegraphics
+ }%
+ \let\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile=\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile@ACTIVE
+ \let\tikzpicturedependsonfile=\tikzpicturedependsonfile@ACTIVE
+ \fi
+ \if1\tikzexternalize@hasbeencalled
+ #1%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi
+% If mode=`convert with system call', the boolean \ifpgfexternalreadmainaux
+% will be set depending on the current lock file.
+% The idea is as follows: Suppose
+% pdflatex -shell-escape mainjob.tex
+% is running.
+% While it runs,
+% a) it modifies its mainjob.aux file,
+% b) it issues pdflatex -jobname mainjob-figure0 mainjob.tex .
+% The call (b) will try to read mainjob.aux in order to resolve \ref
+% commands. This may fail since the aux
+% file is not complete; it may be subject to output buffering. To
+% avoid such failure, a locking mechanism is established.
+% The locking mechanisms causes (a) to write a lock command into
+% mainjob.auxlock
+% just before (b) is called. Then, (b) will check it. After (b) has
+% completed, the lock will be reset.
+% Thus: mode=convert with system call does NOT support \ref commands
+% inside of images. You will need to call the externalization command
+% manually. In this case, it should work.
+% The lock file allows to detect automatically whether an image is created by
+% 'convert with system call' or if the user issued the required command manually.
+% @PRECONDITION : this command must be invoked AFTER
+% \tikzexternal@realjob has been defined but BEFORE \pgfrealjobname is
+% called.
+% @POSTCONDITION : If \ifpgfexternalreadmainaux=\iffalse, we won't do
+% anything. Otherwise, it will be changed depending for 'mode=convert
+% with system call' if necessary.
+ \if4\tikzexternal@opmode
+ % mode=convert with system call
+ \ifpgfexternalreadmainaux
+ % ohoh. This case needs care because the main.aux might
+ % not be ready at this time!
+ % check.
+ %
+ \edef\pgf@tempa{\expandafter\string\csname\tikzexternal@realjob\endcsname}%
+ \edef\pgf@tempb{\expandafter\string\csname\jobname\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\pgf@tempa\pgf@tempb
+ % we are *not* externalizing. Set lock into its
+ % initial "unlocked" state.
+ \tikzexternalauxlock@setlock{0}%
+ \else
+ % we are externalizing. Query the lock's value:
+ \tikzexternalauxlock@getlockvalue
+ \if1\tikzexternallocked
+ \pgfexternalreadmainauxfalse
+ % the main .aux file won't be read right now.
+ \else
+ \pgfexternalreadmainauxtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % NO-OP. We won't read the main aux file anyway.
+ \def\tikzexternalauxlock@setlock##1{}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% defines \tikzexternallocked to be either 0 or 1, depending on the
+% lock file.
+ \openin\r@pgf@reada=\tikzexternal@realjob.auxlock
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada
+ % no lock file. Unlock.
+ \def\tikzexternallocked{0}%
+ \else
+ % read first line...
+ \read\r@pgf@reada to\pgf@tempa
+ % ... and execute it.
+ \pgf@tempa
+ % it should contain a definition of \tikzexternallocked. If
+ % not, lock it anyway.
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined
+ {tikzexternallocked}
+ {\def\tikzexternallocked{1}}%
+ {}%
+ \fi
+ \closein\r@pgf@reada
+ \immediate\openout\w@pgf@writea=\tikzexternal@realjob.auxlock
+ \immediate\write\w@pgf@writea{\noexpand\def\noexpand\tikzexternallocked{#1}}%
+ \immediate\closeout\w@pgf@writea
+% this is a hook into pgfcoreexternal.code.tex:
+ \gdef\noexpand\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document{1}%
+% Expands to the default image extension (it is set by
+% \tikzexternalize).
+% This image extension may not resemble the correct one; you may need
+% to overwrite this macro *after* \tikzexternalize in this case.
+% The default setting uses the first registered image extension.
+% can be used to (temporarily) disable the externalization.
+ \let\tikz=\tikzexternal@origtikz
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@restore@picture
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@orig@tikzfadingfrompicture}
+ {}% NOP
+ {%
+ \let\tikzfadingfrompicture=\tikzexternal@orig@tikzfadingfrompicture
+ \let\endtikzfadingfrompicture=\tikzexternal@orig@endtikzfadingfrompicture
+ \let\tikzfading=\tikzexternal@orig@tikzfading
+ }%
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@RESTORE
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% re-enables externalization after a \tikzexternalizedisable.
+ \if\tikzexternalize@hasbeencalled1%
+ \let\tikz=\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@installreplacement@picture
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzfadingfrompicture}%
+ {}% no special handling for 'fading lib'
+ {%
+ % oh, ok -- patch fading lib!
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@orig@tikzfadingfrompicture}{%
+ \let\tikzexternal@orig@tikzfadingfrompicture=\tikzfadingfrompicture
+ \let\tikzexternal@orig@endtikzfadingfrompicture=\endtikzfadingfrompicture
+ \let\tikzexternal@orig@tikzfading=\tikzfading
+ }{}%
+ \def\tikzfadingfrompicture{%
+ \begingroup
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \tikzexternal@orig@tikzfadingfrompicture}%
+ \def\endtikzfadingfrompicture{%
+ \tikzexternal@orig@endtikzfadingfrompicture
+ \endgroup}%
+ \def\tikzfading[##1]{%
+ \begingroup
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \tikzexternal@orig@tikzfading[##1]%
+ \endgroup}%
+ }%
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@REPLACE
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Sets the filename for the next tikzpicture or \tikz shortcommand.
+% It will *only* be used for the next picture.
+% If you don't call \tikzsetnextfilename for a picture, a file name
+% will be assembled automatically.
+% Please note that the global file prefix will be prepended anyway.
+% These are few TeX dialect-specific commands which need to be overriden when used with
+% something different than plain TeX:
+% 1. this command collects a complete image into a macro, up to (but not including) the
+% final TeX-dialect specific end-image command.
+% This is really difficult for LaTeX because \end{tikzpicture} either involves dirty
+% catcode-hacks to parse the braces or an ugly loop which loops until it
+% finds \end followed by {tikzpicture}.
+% #1: a macro which will be called with the collected environment contents.
+% all following tokens: the environment contents.
+% 2. the following commands should expand to the TeX-dialect specific begin and end image command, i.e.
+% \tikzpicture / \endtikzpicture
+% or
+% \begin{tikzpicture} / \end{tikzpicture}
+% or
+% \starttikzpicture / \stoptikzpicture
+% 3. This installs the replacement macros:
+ \let\tikzpicture=\tikzexternal@tikzpicture@replacement
+ \let\tikzpicture=\tikzexternal@origpicture
+% Replacement for '\tikzpicture'.
+% There are two different states in which this method is applied:
+% - normal typesetting. Then, the 'mode' key controls its behavior.
+% - externalize mode (i.e. jobname != real job name). Then, it will
+% externalize the picture selected by 'jobname' (and only this picture).
+ \leavevmode
+ \global\tikzexternal@file@isuptodatetrue% may be set to false during checks.
+ \tikzexternal@getnextfilename\tikzexternal@curfilename
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@curfilename\pgfutil@empty
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ % This picture won't be externalized.
+ % But maybe we can optimize it away:
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ % -> it won't be shipped out anyway, so save typesetting time!
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@skipfigure
+ \else
+ % include this graphics into the output (even if
+ % it will be discarded anyway).
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@nographics
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@nographics
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzifexternaljobnamematches\tikzexternal@curfilename{%
+ % ok, this here IS the picture for which
+ % pdflatex --jobname <my name>
+ % has been invoked.
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@externalizefig
+ }{%
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ % No, another picture should be exported. Simply skip this one
+ % -> it won't be shipped out anyway, so save typesetting time!
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@skipfigure
+ \else
+ % include this graphics into the output (even it
+ % it will be discarded anyway).
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@nographics
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \else
+ \ifcase\tikzexternal@opmode\relax
+ % 'mode=only graphics'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@forcegraphics
+ \or
+ % 'mode=no graphics'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@nographics
+ \or
+ % 'mode=graphics if exists'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@externalizefig
+ \or
+ % 'mode=list only'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@listmodepicture
+ \or
+ % 'mode=convert with system call'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall
+ \or
+ % 'mode=list and make'
+ \let\tikzexternal@next=\tikzexternal@list@and@makefile@mode@picture
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@next
+% Replacement for \tikz short command:
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar[{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt}{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt[]}%
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar\bgroup{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt@{#1}}{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt@@{#1}}%
+ \tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt@process{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\tikz@next{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@collectnormalsemicolon{#1}}%
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\;=\active\relax%
+ \def\tikz@next{\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@collectactivesemicolon{#1}}%
+ \fi%
+ \tikz@next}
+ \tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt@process{#1}{#2;}%
+ \catcode`\;=\active
+ \long\gdef\tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@collectactivesemicolon#1#2;{%
+ \tikzexternal@tikz@replacement@opt@process{#1}{#2;}%
+ }
+ \begingroup
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpa=\expandafter{\tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@begpicture[#1]#2}%
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb=\expandafter{\tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@endpicture}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpa\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb}%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgf@tempa
+ \begingroup
+ \c@pgf@counta=\csname c@tikzext@no@\tikzexternal@figurename\endcsname\relax
+ \advance\c@pgf@counta by1
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname c@tikzext@no@\tikzexternal@figurename\endcsname{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \endgroup
+% Returns the file name which will be used for the next tikzpicture (based on the currently available information only, of course).
+ \begingroup
+ \let\tikzexternal@getnextfilename@advancecount\relax% NOP
+ \let\tikzexternal@getnextfilename@resetglobals=\relax% NOP
+ \def\tikzexternal@protocol@to@file##1{}% NOP
+ \tikzexternal@getnextfilename#1%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone#1%
+ \endgroup
+% Returns the file name of the current picture.
+% It returns the empty string in case the command is invoked outside
+% of a picture.
+% #1 the macro which will contain the file name.
+% @see \tikzexternalgetnextfilename
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@curfilename\relax
+ % we are outside of a picture.
+ \let#1=\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ % we are inside of a picture.
+ \let#1=\tikzexternal@curfilename
+ \fi
+% Fills #1 with a filename for the current picture.
+% The filename will be generated automatically by appending '-figure<number>' to the real jobname.
+% This method deals with
+% - \tikzsetnextfilename
+% - \tikzexternalexportnextfalse
+% It returns #1={} if the current figure shall NOT be exported.
+% Please note that both, \tikzsetnextfilename and \tikzexternalexportnextfalse
+% affect only ONE picture. They will be reset afterwards.
+ \let#1=\pgfutil@empty
+ % determine next file name:
+ \iftikzexternal@export@enabled
+ \iftikzexternalexportnext
+ \begingroup
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpa=\expandafter{\tikzexternal@filenameprefix}%
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@nextfile\pgfutil@empty
+ \iftikzexternal@onlynamed
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{}%
+ \else
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/external/figure name}\tikzexternal@figurename
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{c@tikzext@no@\tikzexternal@figurename}{%
+ % initialise on first usage:
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname c@tikzext@no@\tikzexternal@figurename\endcsname{0}%
+ }{}%
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb=\expandafter{\tikzexternal@figurename}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpa\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb\csname c@tikzext@no@\tikzexternal@figurename\endcsname}%
+ % advance the counter for 'figure name':
+ \tikzexternal@getnextfilename@advancecount
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb=\expandafter{\tikzexternal@nextfile}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpa\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \let#1=\pgf@tempa
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \tikzexternal@getnextfilename@resetglobals%
+ %
+ \tikzexternal@protocol@to@file#1%
+ % Reset global flags:
+ \global\let\tikzexternal@nextfile=\pgfutil@empty
+ \global\tikzexternalexportnexttrue
+% #1: the image file name which should be protocolled. (can be a
+% macro)
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout%
+ \else
+ \iftikzexternal@genfigurelist
+ \edef\tikzexternal@temp{#1}%
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@temp\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@listmode@openedfile}{%
+ \message{Opening '\tikzexternal@realjob.figlist' for writing.}%
+ \begingroup
+ \globaldefs=1
+ % this gets round '\outer\newwrite' in plain TeX:
+ \csname newwrite\endcsname\tikzexternal@outfile
+ \endgroup
+ \immediate\openout\tikzexternal@outfile=\tikzexternal@realjob.figlist\relax
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@listmode@openedfile{1}%
+ \if\tikzexternal@opmode5% mode='list and make'
+ \tikzexternal@list@and@make@prepare
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseio
+ \immediate\write16{Writing '#1' to '\tikzexternal@realjob.figlist'.}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outfile{#1}%
+ \if\tikzexternal@opmode5% mode='list and make'
+ \tikzexternal@list@and@make@gentarget{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@assemble@systemcall{#1}{\pgf@tempa}%
+ \def\tikzexternal@tempb{\pgfutilstrreplace{^^J}{^^J\tikzexternal@TABchar}}%
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@tempb\expandafter{\pgf@tempa}%
+ \let\pgf@tempa=\pgfretval
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseio
+ \immediate\write16{Writing '#1' to '\tikzexternal@realjob.makefile'.}%
+ \fi
+ \global\tikzexternal@file@isuptodatetrue% only check for force remake:
+ \tikzexternal@checkforceremake%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{#1\tikzexternalimgextension: \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate\else FORCEREMAKE\fi}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{\tikzexternal@TABchar\pgf@tempa}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseio
+ \immediate\write16{Opening '\tikzexternal@realjob.makefile' for writing.}%
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ % this makes \tikzexternal@outmakefile global:
+ \globaldefs=1
+ % this gets round '\outer\newwrite' in plain TeX:
+ \csname newwrite\endcsname\tikzexternal@outmakefile
+ \endgroup
+ \immediate\openout\tikzexternal@outmakefile=\tikzexternal@realjob.makefile\relax
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{ALL_FIGURE_NAMES=\tikzexternal@DOLLARchar(shell cat \tikzexternal@realjob.figlist)}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{ALL_FIGURES=\tikzexternal@DOLLARchar(ALL_FIGURE_NAMES:\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar=\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar\tikzexternalimgextension)}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{allimages: \tikzexternal@DOLLARchar(ALL_FIGURES)}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{\tikzexternal@TABchar @echo All images exist now. Use make -B to re-generate them.}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{FORCEREMAKE:}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ %
+ % support for .dep files and auto-dependencies:
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{include $(ALL_FIGURE_NAMES:\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar=\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar.\tikzexternaldepext)}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ \tikzexternalmakefiledefaultdeprule
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{}%
+ \tikzexternal@outmakefile@pendingcommands
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{AtEndDocument}{}{%
+ \AtEndDocument{\immediate\write16{===== mode=`list and make': Use 'make -f \tikzexternal@realjob.makefile' to generate all images. Then, re-run (pdf)latex \tikzexternal@realjob. =====}}%
+ }%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar.\tikzexternaldepext:}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{\tikzexternal@TABchar mkdir -p \tikzexternal@normal@dq $(dir $@)\tikzexternal@normal@dq}%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{\tikzexternal@TABchar touch \tikzexternal@normal@dq $@\tikzexternal@normal@dq\space \tikzexternal@HASHchar\space will be filled later.}%
+% Invokes '#1' if a makefile is to be written and '#2' if not.
+ \if5\tikzexternal@opmode #1\else #2\fi
+% Will write something to the make file. If the makefile is not yet
+% opened, #1 will be written as soon as it *is* opened.
+ \if\tikzexternal@opmode5% mode='list and make'
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@outmakefile}{%
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\tikzexternal@outmakefile@pendingcommands\expandafter{%
+ \tikzexternal@outmakefile@pendingcommands
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{#1}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@outmakefile{#1}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+% Adds a dependency for the externalized picture file name `#1',
+% namely another file `#2'.
+% #1: the fully qualified path name (without image extension) of the
+% external graphics for which we are adding a dependency.
+% #2: a file name. If this file gets changed, #1 shall be remade.
+% This command will be actived as soons as \tikzexternalize has been
+% called.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name{#1}%
+ \ifx\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name\pgfutil@empty
+ % could be auto-generated: empty file name means "picture
+ % won't be externalized". Skip it.
+ \else
+ % if we encounter any dependencies while we externalize a
+ % picture, we have to write these things into the image's .dep
+ % file.
+ \tikzifexternalizingcurrent
+ {\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile@append@to@dep@file{#1}{#2}}%
+ {\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile@append@to@makefile{#1}{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+\def\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile#1#2{}% NO-OP until \tikzexternalize has been called.
+% sub-routine of \tikzexternalfiledependsonfile which appends stuff to
+% the pictures .dep file.
+% The file #1.dep is generated during the externalization of #1. If
+% you change and/or overwrite it in any other context, its information
+% might get lost (because #1 won't be regenerated).
+% Consequently, this here has to be called if and only if #1 is about
+% to be externalized.
+ % write every dependency which is defined *INSIDE* of the current
+ % picture into the .dep file of the current picture:
+ \tikzexternalgetcurrentfilename\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name
+ \edef\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name{\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name.\tikzexternaldepext}%
+ %\edef\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name{#1.\tikzexternaldepext}%
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@dep@file@name\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name
+ % file is open and ready.
+ \else
+ % create new output file.
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikzexternal@dep@file}{%
+ \begingroup
+ % this makes \tikzexternal@dep@file global:
+ \globaldefs=1
+ % this gets round '\outer\newwrite' in plain TeX:
+ \csname newwrite\endcsname\tikzexternal@dep@file
+ \endgroup
+ }{}%
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@dep@file@name\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ % it is already open. Close it.
+ \immediate\closeout\tikzexternal@dep@file
+ \fi
+ \global\let\tikzexternal@dep@file@name=\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name
+ \immediate\openout\tikzexternal@dep@file=\tikzexternal@dep@file@name\relax
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\tikzexternal@dep@file{#1\tikzexternalimgextension: #2}%
+% sub-routine of \tikzexternalfiledependsonfile which appends stuff to
+% the makefile of the current \jobname .
+% This is used for dependencies which are recomputed by every run of
+% tex; we must not write them into #1.dep (for reasons explained in
+% the documentation of
+% \tikzexternalfiledependsonfile@append@to@dep@file)
+ \edef\tikzexternal@temp{#1\tikzexternalimgextension: #2}%
+ \expandafter\tikzexternalwritetomakefile\expandafter{\tikzexternal@temp}%
+% Adds a dependency for the NEXT picture which is about to be
+% externalized. If we are currently inside of a picture, the
+% dependency is added for this current picture.
+% #1: a file name. If this file gets changed, the tikzpicture's
+% externalized graphics shall be remade.
+% This command will be actived as soons as \tikzexternalize has been
+% called.
+ \begingroup
+ \tikzexternalgetcurrentfilename\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name
+ \ifx\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name\pgfutil@empty
+ \tikzexternalgetnextfilename\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\tikzexternalfiledependsonfile\expandafter{\tikzpicturedependsonfile@name}{#1}%
+ \endgroup
+\def\tikzpicturedependsonfile#1{}% NO-OP until \tikzexternalize has been called.
+% This command is invoked
+% if and only if ( (grab mode && --jobname matches) || 'mode=graphics if exists' )
+% It converts the current tikzpicture into an image in grab mode
+% or processes the 'graphics if exist' mode.
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout%
+ % In this case, we already KNOW that the filename matches.
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@externalizefig@GRAB%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@externalizefig@mode@graphics@if@exists
+ \fi%
+ % check if there is already a file.
+ % In that case, use it. If not, typeset the picture normally.
+ \gdef\pgf@filename{}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\noexpand\pgf@findfile\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist:+{\tikzexternal@curfilename}}%
+ \pgf@tempa
+ \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty%
+ % Note: since we have no 'GRAB' mode, we do not have to deal with optimization.
+ % there is no graphics.
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@normalpicture@nographics
+ \else
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@forcegraphics
+ \fi
+% Used by the optimization code.
+% It will be called if GRAB mode is on.
+% See the 'optimize command away' key.
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar[{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@{#1}{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@{#1}{#2}[]%
+ }%
+ \def\tikz@temp{#2}%
+ \ifx\tikz@temp\pgfutil@empty
+ \def\tikz@temp{\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@auto{#1}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \ifcase#2\relax
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4##5{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4##5##6{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4##5##6##7{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}{##8}}%
+ }%
+ \or
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}{##8}{##9}}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \def\tikz@temp{\tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@manual}%
+ \fi
+ \tikz@temp
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar\bgroup{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@auto@{#1}{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@auto@{#1}{#2}{<no argument in curly braces>}% give empty argument.
+ }
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@away@cmd@@@{#1}{#2}{{#3}}% <-- provide braces
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0={#1[#2]#3}%
+ \iftikzexternal@verbose@optimize
+ \immediate\write16{The command '\the\toks0' has been optimized away. Use '/tikz/external/optimize=false' to disable this.}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/optimize away text/.@cmd}#1\pgfeov%
+ \endgroup
+ \def\tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@{#1}%
+ \begingroup
+ \def\tikzexternal@laTeX@collect@until@end@tikzpicturetikzpicturestring{#1}%
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@close
+ \iftikzexternal@verbose@optimize
+ \immediate\write16{The complete contents of \string\begin{tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@} up to the next \end{tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@} has been optimized away because it does not contribute to the exported PDF. Use '/tikz/external/optimize=false' to disable this.}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ % we still need to invoke \end{<name>} in latex because \begin{<name>}
+ % starts a local group - that must be closed properly. Make sure then \end<name> does nothing:
+ \expandafter\let\csname end\tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@\endcsname=\relax
+ \expandafter\end\expandafter{\tikzexternal@optimize@away@latex@env@}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/optimize/install/.@cmd}\pgfeov
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/optimize/restore/.@cmd}\pgfeov
+% Closes one 'tikzpicture' environment. This is only used for LaTeX,
+% because the '\end{tikzpicture}' command would raise an exception otherwise.
+% It does *not* call \endtikzpicture.
+ \let\endtikzpicture=\relax
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@endpicture
+ \let\endtikzpicture=\tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \let\tikzexternal@curfilename=\relax
+% Throws a tikzpicture away - without further notice.
+% Used if we are currently converting *another* picture. No need to waste time
+% with expensive pictures if they are not shipped out anyway.
+% See the 'optimize' key to disable this.
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@skipfigure@@
+ \iftikzexternal@verbose@optimize
+ \immediate\write16{A tikzpicture has been optimized away. Use '/tikz/external/optimize=false' to disable this.}%
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@closeenvironments
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/optimize away text/.@cmd}tikzpicture\pgfeov%
+% Processes tikzpicture normally; without any externalization.
+% We need to do further work here to deal with NESTED tikzpicture environments
+% because all of them shall also be typeset normally.
+% Idea:
+% 1. restore the original \tikzpicture macro
+% 2. install the replacement \tikzpicture in \end{tikzpicture}.
+% and keep track of nesting.
+% FIXME: could it be possible that nested tikzpictures use other code anyway?
+ \tikzexternal@nestedflagfalse
+ \let\tikzpicture=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@begreplace
+ \let\endtikzpicture=\tikzexternal@normalpicture@endreplace
+ \tikzpicture
+ \begingroup
+ \tikzexternal@nestedflagtrue
+ \tikzexternal@origpicture
+ \tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \endgroup
+ \iftikzexternal@nestedflag
+ \else
+ \let\tikzpicture=\tikzexternal@tikzpicture@replacement
+ \let\endtikzpicture=\tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \fi
+% Assumes there is an image on disk and reads it. The tikzpicture is thrown away.
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@forcegraphics@@
+ \if5\tikzexternal@opmode
+ \let\tikz@refundefinedtrue@@=\G@refundefinedtrue
+ \gdef\G@refundefinedtrue{%
+ \tikz@refundefinedtrue@@
+ \tikzexternal@forceremake@undefined@reference@handler
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\pgfincludeexternalgraphics\expandafter{\tikzexternal@curfilename}%
+ \if5\tikzexternal@opmode
+ \global\let\G@refundefinedtrue=\tikz@refundefinedtrue@@
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@closeenvironments
+ \immediate\write16{===== 'mode=list and make': encountered undefined reference in current picture. Adding dependency to FORCEREMAKE. Rerun make to update the picture.' ========^^J}%
+ \tikzpicturedependsonfile{FORCEREMAKE}%
+% Simply replaces the complete picture by some placeholder text.
+% It is used by 'mode=list only' to reduce runtime.
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@listmodepicture@@
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/image discarded text}%
+ \tikzexternal@closeenvironments
+% check if there is already a file.
+% In that case, use it. If not, skip it.
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@list@and@makefile@mode@picture@
+ %
+ \tikzexternal@check@uptodate@mode{#1}%
+ %
+ \gdef\pgf@filename{}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\noexpand\pgf@findfile\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist:+{\tikzexternal@curfilename}}%
+ \pgf@tempa
+ \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty%
+ % Note: since we have no 'GRAB' mode, we do not have to deal with optimization.
+ % there is no graphics.
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@listmodepicture@@@
+ \else
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@forcegraphics@@@
+ \fi
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{TP@holdbox}{%
+ }{%
+ % \usepackage[absolute]{textpos}
+ % populates this box -- and would inject unwanted material into our images. Reset it:
+ \global\setbox\TP@holdbox\vbox{}%
+ }%
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@RESTORE
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@before@grab
+ \fi
+ \def\tikzpicture{%
+ \def\tikzpicture{% make sure that nested \tikzpicture are processed normally.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\endtikzpicture{%
+ \tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \tikzexternal@origpicture
+ }%
+ \pgf@external@grab{\tikzexternal@curfilename}%
+ \tikzexternal@origpicture
+ }%
+ \def\endtikzpicture{%
+ \tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \pgf@externalend
+ %
+ \tikzexternal@ensure@nonempty@floats
+ %
+ \let\tikzpicture=\tikzexternal@tikzpicture@replacement
+ \let\endtikzpicture=\tikzexternal@origendpicture
+ \iftikzexternal@optimize
+ \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+ \tikzexternal@optimize@REPLACE
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \tikzpicture
+% If a sequence of floats containing JUST tikzpictures is
+% externalized, this results in EMPTY floats. Empty floats, in turn,
+% can confuse latex; it thinks it did something wrong.
+% Solution: Avoid empty floats by writing junk into it.
+% Note that this method is only invoked if \ifpgf@external@grabshipout
+% is true and if the text is OUTSIDE of the original shipout routine.
+% In other words: this text is being thrown away.
+% see
+ tikzexternal: picture has been externalized. This text is required to avoid empty floats.
+% 1. Discards the current picture in this document.
+% 2. Checks whether an image exists already. If that is the case: acquire it.
+% 3. If no image exists: call '/tikz/external/system call'. This will
+% process \tikzexternal@externalizefig.
+% 4. Assert that finally an image exists and use it.
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@collectpicture\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@@
+% Creates the '/tikz/external/system call' command as string and
+% returns it into the (global!) macro #2.
+% #1: the image file name (as returned by
+% \tikzexternalgetnextfilename)
+% #2: the global return value macro
+ \begingroup
+ \def\image{#1}%
+ \iftikzexternal@auto@detect@jobname
+ \edef\texsource{\string\def\string\tikzexternalrealjob{\tikzexternal@realjob}\string\input{\tikzexternal@realjob}}%
+ \else
+ \let\texsource=\tikzexternal@realjob
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\"=13 \tikzexternal@activate@normal@dq\fi
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\'=13 \tikzexternal@activate@normal@sq\fi
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\;=13 \tikzexternal@activate@normal@semic\fi
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\-=13 \tikzexternal@activate@normal@dash\fi
+ \let\\=\tikzexternal@normal@backslash
+ \xdef#2{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/external/system call}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@uptodatecheck{#1}%
+ \tikzexternal@assemble@systemcall{\tikzexternal@curfilename}{\pgf@tempa}%
+ \global\let\tikzexternal@cursyscall=\pgf@tempa
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@typeset@picture@on@failure{1}%
+ \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseio
+ \immediate\write16{===== Image '\tikzexternal@curfilename' is up-to-date. ======}%
+ \fi
+ \let\pgf@filename=\tikzexternal@curfilename
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ % no such image. Generate it!
+ %
+ \tikzexternalauxlock@setlock1%
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@call{\tikzexternal@cursyscall}%
+ \tikzexternalauxlock@setlock0%
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@assertsuccess\expandafter{\tikzexternal@cursyscall}%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgf@filename
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty
+ \if1\tikzexternal@typeset@picture@on@failure
+ % error recovery: something did not work! Try to load it
+ % anyway. Perhaps it was just that shell-escape wasn't
+ % enabled.
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0={%
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \pgfutil@ifundefined{scantokens}{\long\def\scantokens##1{##1}}{}%
+ }%
+ % for example something like /.style={#1} in the picture environment *will* fail.
+ \toks1={%
+ \tikzpicture
+ #1%
+ }%
+ \toks2={%
+ \tikzexternal@TEXDIALECT@endpicture
+ \tikzexternalenable
+ }%
+ \xdef\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@next{%
+ \the\toks0
+ % try reading them again as if they were in the input file.
+ \noexpand\scantokens{\the\toks1 }%
+ \the\toks2
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ % Ah -- this picture failed, but the failure has already
+ % been handled somehow. Do not typeset it again!
+ %
+ % A use-case is that the picture has been rescheduled for
+ % \end{document}.
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@next{\tikzexternal@closeenvironments}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % ok, take the image!
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document{0}%
+ \expandafter\pgfincludeexternalgraphics\expandafter{\tikzexternal@curfilename}%
+ \if1\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{AtVeryEndDocument}{%
+ }{%
+ \immediate\write16{===== The previous system call resulted in undefined references inside of the output file. Rescheduling it for \string\end{document}. ========}%
+ \expandafter\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@reschedule\expandafter{\tikzexternal@cursyscall}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@next{\tikzexternal@closeenvironments}%
+ \fi
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@next
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseio
+ \immediate\write16{===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking '#1' ========}%
+ \fi
+ \pgfutil@shellescape{#1}%
+% Sets \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate to false if one of the "force
+% remake" things is active.
+ \iftikzexternal@force@remake
+ \global\tikzexternal@file@isuptodatefalse
+ \else
+ \iftikzexternalremakenext
+ \global\tikzexternal@file@isuptodatefalse
+ \global\tikzexternalremakenextfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % predefine to this value. This does only make sense for pdftex.
+ % note that the latex library for 'external' loads \usepackage{pdftexcmds} which \let's this to \pdf@mdfivesum:
+ \let\tikzexternal@mdfivesum=\pdfmdfivesum
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb={#1}%
+ \edef\tikzexternal@temp{\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb}%
+ % \meaning results in a string of catcode 12 - which is expandable.
+ \edef\pgfretval{\tikzexternal@mdfivesum{\meaning\tikzexternal@temp}}%
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb={#1}%
+ \edef\tikzexternal@temp{\the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb}%
+ % \meaning results in a string of catcode 12 - which is expandable.
+ \edef\pgfretval{\meaning\tikzexternal@temp}%
+% Will be set dynamically, depending on 'up to date check'.
+% It expands to code such that \tikzexternallastkey contains the
+% serialized version of '#1'.
+% It is used as argument for \write{..}
+% #1 the hash key to serialize.
+% \def\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\tikzexternallastkey{#1}%
+% serializes using temporary token registers. Necessary if #1 contains
+% executable code.
+ \noexpand\begingroup
+ % in order to allow '#' inside of the body, we have to use token registers:
+ \noexpand\toks0={#1}%
+ \noexpand\xdef\noexpand\tikzexternallastkey{\noexpand\the\noexpand\toks0 }%
+ \noexpand\endgroup
+ \message{! Package tikz Warning: The key 'up to date check=md5' is impossible, there is no macro to compute MD5. Falling back to 'up to date check=diff'.}%
+ %
+ % warn only once:
+ \global\let\tikzexternal@check@uptodate@mode@warn@fallback=\relax
+% assigns the boolean \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate
+ \if1\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode
+ % up to date check=md5:
+ % check if we CAN compute MD5 sums:
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{tikzexternal@mdfivesum}{%
+ % we cannot compute md5 sums - fallback to diff.
+ \tikzexternal@check@uptodate@mode@warn@fallback
+ \def\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode{2}%
+ }{}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifcase\tikzexternal@uptodate@mode
+ % up to date check=simple
+ % nothing to do -- file existance is checked anyway.
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct=\pgfutil@empty
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize=\pgfutil@empty
+ \or
+ % up to date check=md5
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct=\tikzexternal@computemdfivesum
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize=\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize@std
+ \or
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct=\tikzexternal@computemdfivesum@diff@fallback
+ \let\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize=\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize@tok
+ \fi
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@hashfct\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \tikzpicturedependsonfile{\tikzexternal@curfilename\tikzexternal@check@uptodate@ext}%
+ \tikzexternal@hashfct{#1}%
+ \let\tikzexternal@lastkey@new=\pgfretval
+ \begingroup
+ % no '@' token in this macro: avoid messing up the catcodes in input files:
+ \global\let\tikzexternallastkey=\pgfutil@empty
+ \openin\r@pgf@reada=\tikzexternal@curfilename\tikzexternal@check@uptodate@ext\relax %
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada
+ \else
+ % read first line...
+ \endlinechar=-1 % older versions did not have a '%' at the end-of-line. Avoid spurious spaces.
+ \read\r@pgf@reada to\pgf@tempa
+ % ... and execute it.
+ \pgf@tempa
+ % it should contain a definition of \tikzexternallastkey.
+ \fi
+ \closein\r@pgf@reada
+ %
+ \let\tikzexternal@lastkey=\tikzexternallastkey
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\tikzexternal@lastkey
+ \endgroup
+ % normalize catcodes. Unfortunately, they cannot be expected to be the same.
+ % \meaning will use catcode 12 for each token:
+ \edef\tikzexternal@lastkey@normalized{\meaning\tikzexternal@lastkey}%
+ \edef\tikzexternal@lastkey@new@normalized{\meaning\tikzexternal@lastkey@new}%
+ \iftikzexternal@verboseuptodate
+ \immediate\write16{Up-to-date check of \tikzexternal@curfilename: new \tikzexternal@lastkey@new@normalized; old \tikzexternal@lastkey@normalized.^^J}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\tikzexternal@lastkey@normalized\tikzexternal@lastkey@new@normalized
+ \tikzexternal@file@isuptodatetrue
+ \else
+ \tikzexternal@file@isuptodatefalse
+ \immediate\openout\w@pgf@writea=\tikzexternal@curfilename\tikzexternal@check@uptodate@ext\relax%
+ \immediate\write\w@pgf@writea{\tikzexternal@hashfct@serialize{\tikzexternal@lastkey@new}\tikzexternal@PERCENTchar}%
+ \immediate\closeout\w@pgf@writea
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Checks whether the current picture needs to be externalized.
+% This is the case if
+% a) there is no external image yet,
+% b) the picture has been invalidated manually.
+% It returns \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate accordingly.
+% #1: the picture-content
+ \tikzexternal@check@uptodate@mode{#1}%
+ \tikzexternal@checkforceremake
+ \iftikzexternal@file@isuptodate
+ % check if there is already a file.
+ % In that case, use it. If that is not the case, generate it and include it afterwards.
+ \gdef\pgf@filename{}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\noexpand\pgf@findfile\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist:+{\tikzexternal@curfilename}}%
+ \pgf@tempa
+ \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty%
+ \global\tikzexternal@file@isuptodatefalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \pgf@filename will be empty if the assertion failed.
+ % check if there is a file now and raise an error message if not.
+ \gdef\pgf@filename{}%
+ \xdef\pgf@tempa{\noexpand\pgf@findfile\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist:+{\tikzexternal@curfilename}}%
+ \pgf@tempa
+ \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty%
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@handleexception{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \tikzerror{Sorry, the system call '#1' did NOT result in a usable output file '\tikzexternal@curfilename' (expected one of \pgfsys@imagesuffixlist). Please verify that you have enabled system calls. For pdflatex, this is 'pdflatex -shell-escape'. Sometimes it is also named 'write 18' or something like that. Or maybe the command simply failed? Error messages can be found in '\tikzexternal@curfilename.log'. If you continue now, I'll try to typeset the picture}{}%
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document{0}%
+ \expandafter\pgfexternalreaddpth\expandafter{\tikzexternal@curfilename}%
+ \if1\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document
+ \pgfutil@IfUndefined{AtVeryEndDocument}{%
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@handleexception@msg{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \immediate\write16{===== The last system call resulted in an EMPTY output file. Maybe it is part of \string\ref. Rescheduling it for \string\end{document}. ========}%
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@typeset@picture@on@failure{0}%
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@reschedule{#1}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@handleexception@msg{#1}%
+ \fi
+% reschedules the externalization of the current file to
+% \AtVeryEndDocument.
+% This hook allows to execute code AFTER the main .aux file is
+% finished; it will even re-read the main aux file.
+ \t@tikzexternal@tmpb={%
+ \global\let\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@handleexception=\tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@handleexception@msg%
+ % ... no auxlocks!
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@call{#1}%
+ \tikzexternal@externalizefig@systemcall@assertsuccess{#1}%
+ }%
+ \xdef\pgfutil@tempa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\tikzexternal@curfilename{\tikzexternal@curfilename}%
+ \the\t@tikzexternal@tmpb
+ }%
+ \expandafter\AtVeryEndDocument\expandafter{\pgfutil@tempa}%
+ \gdef\tikzexternal@has@rescheduled@something{1}%
+ \AtVeryEndDocument{%
+ \if1\tikzexternal@has@rescheduled@something
+ \immediate\write16{===== tikzexternal: \string\end{document} reached. Working on rescheduled images to resolve references... ========}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% Overwrite error message of pgf.
+% This happens if the generated image was empty, i.e. if there was no \shipout.
+ \begingroup
+ \begingroup
+ % overwrite .dpth file in order to flag the file as "need to be scheduled
+ % for \AtVeryEndDocument" :
+ \immediate\openout\pgf@plotwrite=\pgfactualjobname.dpth
+ \let\w@pgfexternal@auxout=\pgf@plotwrite
+ \pgfexternalstorecommand@isexporting{\gdef\noexpand\tikzexternal@systemcall@reschedule@to@end@document{1}}%
+ \immediate\closeout\pgf@plotwrite
+ \endgroup
+ \tikzexternal@assemble@systemcall{\pgfactualjobname}{\pgf@tempa}%
+ \toks0=\expandafter{\pgf@tempa}%
+ \tikzerror{Sorry, image externalization failed: the resulting image was EMPTY. I tried to externalize '\pgfactualjobname', but it seems there is no such image in the document!?
+ \if\tikzexternal@opmode4 ^^J
+\space\space You are currently using 'mode=convert with system call'. This problem can happen if the image (or one of the images preceeding it) was declared inside of a \string\label{} (i.e. in the .aux file): 'convert with system call' has no access to the main aux file.^^J
+\space\space Possible solutions in this case:^^J
+\space\space (a) Try using 'mode=list and make',^^J
+\space\space (b) Issue the externalization command '\the\toks0' *manually* (also check the preceeding externalized images, perhaps the file name sequence is not correct).^^J
+\space\space Repeat: the resulting image was EMPTY, your attention is required
+ \if\tikzexternal@opmode5 ^^J
+\space\space You are currently using 'mode=list and make'. Possible solutions:^^J
+\space\space (a) Try to delete `\tikzexternal@realjob.makefile'. Perhaps it is not up-to-date.^^J
+\space\space (b) Perhaps pictures are declared inside of \string\label{} and the .aux file is not up-to-date. Re-run latex, perhaps re-generate the graphics as well.^^J
+\space\space Repeat: the resulting image was EMPTY, your attention is required
+ \fi
+ \endgroup