path: root/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex')
1 files changed, 3399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex b/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5d045ddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/tex/pgfplots.scaling.code.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3399 @@
+% Package pgfplots
+% Provides a user-friendly interface to create function plots (normal
+% plots, semi-logplots and double-logplots).
+% It is based on Till Tantau's PGF package.
+% Copyright 2007-2012 by Christian Feuersänger.
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+% - final axis limits are given in transformed range
+% - \pgfplots@set@default@size@options has been invoked before
+% - the current x,y and z unit vectors are defined properly;
+% - the fast-access registers are initialised for the axis limits,
+% - the following macros are assigned:
+% \pgfplots@[xyz]@veclength
+% \pgfplots@[xyz]@inverseveclength
+% \pgfplotspointxaxis
+% \pgfplotspointyaxis
+% \pgfplotspointzaxis
+% \pgfplotspointcenter
+% \pgfplotspointminminmin
+ % INIT.
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfplots@xmin@reg=\pgfplots@xmin pt %
+ \pgfplots@xmax@reg=\pgfplots@xmax pt %
+ \pgfplots@ymin@reg=\pgfplots@ymin pt %
+ \pgfplots@ymax@reg=\pgfplots@ymax pt %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@zmin@reg=\pgfplots@zmin pt %
+ \pgfplots@zmax@reg=\pgfplots@zmax pt %
+ \fi
+ %
+ %-----------------------------------------
+ % PROCESS THE 'width' and 'height' options
+ %-----------------------------------------
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/view/az}{\pgfplots@view@az}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/view/el}{\pgfplots@view@el}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \else
+ \let\pgfplots@view@el=\pgfutil@empty
+ \let\pgfplots@view@az=\pgfutil@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@view@az\pgfutil@empty
+ % Note that in presence of "x,y,z" options, the
+ % \pgfplots@set@default@size@options RESETS /pgfplots/view/az.
+ %
+ %\let\pgfplots@rectangle@width=\pgfutil@empty
+ %\let\pgfplots@rectangle@height=\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring{0,0,1}{default}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfplotsretval
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@x\pgfutil@empty
+ \ifx\pgfplots@width\pgfutil@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@y\pgfutil@empty
+ \ifx\pgfplots@height\pgfutil@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \def\pgfplots@tmp@Zscale{1}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@tmp@Zscale{0}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@setunitvector{x}{0}{1}{\pgfplots@tmp@xisaxisparallel}%
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@setunitvector{y}{1}{1}{\pgfplots@tmp@yisaxisparallel}%
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@setunitvector{z}{2}{\pgfplots@tmp@Zscale}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPc}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@changewidthheight@for@enlargelimits@by@dimension%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scale@plotbox@to@widthheight
+ \else
+ % 3D case by `view':
+ \let\pgfplots@x=\pgfutil@empty
+ \let\pgfplots@y=\pgfutil@empty
+ \let\pgfplots@z=\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplotssetaxesfromazel{\pgfplots@view@az}{\pgfplots@view@el}{\pgfplots@tmp@xisaxisparallel}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@changewidthheight@for@enlargelimits@by@dimension%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scale@plotbox@to@widthheight
+ \if1\pgfplots@tmp@xisaxisparallel%
+ \def\pgfplots@tmp@yisaxisparallel{1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@computeunitvectorlengths
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@apply@enlargelimits@by@dimension{x}%
+ \pgfplots@scaling@apply@enlargelimits@by@dimension{y}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@scaling@apply@enlargelimits@by@dimension{z}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotsgetnormalforcurrentview
+ \fi
+%\message{Pgfplots debug: initialised unit vectors to x=(\the\pgf@xx,\the\pgf@xy), y=(\the\pgf@yx,\the\pgf@yy), z=(\the\pgf@zx,\the\pgf@zy), n = (\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim). Limits are x=\pgfplots@xmin:\pgfplots@xmax, y=\pgfplots@ymin:\pgfplots@ymax^^J }%
+ %
+ \let\pgfplotsmathfloatviewdepthxyz@=\pgfplotsmathfloatviewdepthxyz@infigure
+ \let\pgfplotsmathviewdepthxyz@=\pgfplotsmathviewdepthxyz@infigure
+ %
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@x@veclength}{\pgfplots@hide@xtrue\pgfplots@shownothingof@xtrue}{}%
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@y@veclength}{\pgfplots@hide@ytrue\pgfplots@shownothingof@ytrue}{}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@z@veclength}{\pgfplots@hide@ztrue\pgfplots@shownothingof@ztrue}{}%
+ \else
+ \if1\pgfplots@tmp@xisaxisparallel%
+ \if1\pgfplots@tmp@yisaxisparallel%
+ % Optimize for axis-parallel case!
+ % puh. Did not make any measureable difference!? Ok...
+ \let\pgfplotsqpointxy=\pgfplotsqpointxy@orthogonal
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Defines \pgfmathresult to be the desired width without axis labels.
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@handle@label@const{\pgfplots@width}{45pt}{width}%
+% Defines \pgfmathresult to be the desired height without axis labels.
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@handle@label@const{\pgfplots@height}{45pt}{height}%
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@xa=#1\relax
+ % EXPECTED WIDTH = X = \pgfplots@width
+ % ACTUAL WIDTH = c + x * (xmax-xmin)
+ % where c is a CONSTANT (for the axis labels/tick labels).
+ % -> \pgfplots@tmpXscale = (X - c) / (x *(xmax-xmin))
+ %
+ % \pgf@xa := X-c:
+ \ifpgfplots@scale@only@axis
+ \else
+ \advance\pgf@xa by-#2 % FIXME determine 'c' correctly!
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<0pt
+ \pgfplots@error{Error: Plot #3 `#1' is too small. This cannot be implemented while maintaining constant size for labels. Sorry, label sizes are only approximate. You will need to adjust your #3.}%
+ \pgf@xa=0pt
+ \fi
+ \edef\pgfmathresult{\the\pgf@xa}%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfmathresult
+ \endgroup
+% #1: axis
+ %
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/#1 post scale}\pgfplots@loc@TMPd
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPd\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@#1x\endcsname*\pgfplots@loc@TMPd}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@#1x\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathparse{\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@#1y\endcsname*\pgfplots@loc@TMPd}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@#1y\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+% Takes azimuth (horizontal angle) '#1' and elongation (vertical
+% angle) '#2' (both in degrees) and computes
+% x,y and z vectors which define the view in the direction
+% defined by '#1' and '#2'.
+% 'azimuth' means a rotation around the viewport's x axis. 'elongation' means
+% a rotation around the original coordinate system's z axis.
+% The method works by computing
+% Az = [ cos(azimuth) -sin(azimuth) 0; ...
+% sin(azimuth) cos(azimuth) 0; ...
+% 0 0 1 ];
+% Ax = [ 1 0 0; ...
+% 0 cos(elevation) -sin(elevation) ;...
+% 0 sin(elevation) cos(elevation) ];
+% v= Ax * Az;
+% = [ ...
+% cosaz -sinaz cosel sinaz sinel; ...
+% sinaz cosaz cosel -sinel cosaz; ...
+% 0 sinel cosel ];
+% Then, we use the rotated XZ plane as viewport, that means
+% xvec = v * [1 0 0]' = <first column of v>
+% zvec = v * [0 0 1]' = <third column of v>
+% and we define the projection onto the twodimensional surface
+% spanned by 'xvec' and 'zvec' as
+% P( q ) = [ q^T xvec, q^T zvec ]'
+% for q in R^3.
+% As a consequence, we compute the three unit vectors as
+% x = P( [1 0 0] )
+% = [ cosaz, sinaz sinel ]'
+% y = P( [0 1 0] )
+% = [ sinaz, -sinel cosaz ]'
+% z = P( [0 0 1] )
+% = [ 0, cosel]'
+% Furthermore, the 3D view vector which points into the direction of the view
+% is
+% n = v * [0 1 0 ]' = <second column of v> = [-sinaz cosel, cosaz cosel, sinel]'
+% because the normal view point was the XZ plane with y as its normal
+% vector.
+% The 3D vector n is returned by this routine as well - it is
+% necessary for some kind of z buffering (determining what is
+% foreground and what is background).
+% - #1 : azimuth ("yaw")
+% - #2 : elevation ("pitch")
+% - #3 : a macro which will be set to '1' if and only if
+% the viewport is the standard XY axis (i.e. azimuth=0, elevation=90).
+% - [xyz] vectors,
+% \pgfplots@view@dir@threedim will contain the three components
+% of 'n' (without the suffix 'pt', but in units of 'pt') (see
+% \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring).
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfmathparse{#1}%
+ \let\pgfplots@az=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{#2}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@el{-\pgfmathresult}%
+ \pgfmathsin@{\pgfplots@az}%
+ \let\sinaz=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathcos@{\pgfplots@az}%
+ \let\cosaz=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathsin@{\pgfplots@el}%
+ \let\sinel=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathcos@{\pgfplots@el}%
+ \let\cosel=\pgfmathresult
+ % x:
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\sinaz}{\sinel}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\cosaz pt}{\pgfmathresult pt}}%
+ % y:
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{-\sinel}{\cosaz}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\sinaz pt}{\pgfmathresult pt}}%
+ % z:
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{0pt}{\cosel pt}}%
+ %
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/x dir/value}\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@x
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/y dir/value}\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@y
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/z dir/value}\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@z
+ \if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@x
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{-1}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ \if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@y
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{-1}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ \if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue@z
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{-1}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Process 'plot box ratio':
+ \def\pgfplots@extract@plot@box@ratio##1##2##3##4\pgfplots@EOI{%
+ \pgfmathparse{##1}\let\pgfplots@plotboxratio@x=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{##2}\let\pgfplots@plotboxratio@y=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{##3}\let\pgfplots@plotboxratio@z=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ \def\pgfplots@extract@plot@box@ratio@spaces##1 ##2 ##3 ##4\pgfplots@EOI{%
+ \pgfplots@extract@plot@box@ratio{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}\pgfplots@EOI
+ }%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/plot box ratio}\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ % Auto-determine input format which is either '{x}{y}{z}' or 'x y z'
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{%
+ \pgfutil@ifnextchar\bgroup{%
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \pgfplots@gobble@until@EOI
+ }{%
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \pgfplots@gobble@until@EOI
+ }%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@EOI
+ \ifpgfplots@loc@tmp
+ % Ah- braces format.
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}{1}{1}}%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@extract@plot@box@ratio\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@EOI
+ \else
+ % Ah- space-separated
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\space 1 1 1}%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@extract@plot@box@ratio@spaces\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@EOI
+ \fi
+ %
+ % process it:
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@plotboxratio@x pt=1pt
+ \else
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{\pgfplots@plotboxratio@x}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@plotboxratio@y pt=1pt
+ \else
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{\pgfplots@plotboxratio@y}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@plotboxratio@z pt=1pt
+ \else
+ \t@pgfplots@toka=\expandafter{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\noexpand\pgfqpointscale{\pgfplots@plotboxratio@z}{\the\t@pgfplots@toka}}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % n (3D!)
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{-\sinaz}{\cosel}%
+ \let\pgfmathresultNx=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\cosaz}{\cosel}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPd{{\pgfmathresultNx}{\pgfmathresult}{\sinel}}%
+ \endgroup
+%\message{Setting x,y and z from {#1}{#2} to^^J x = \meaning\pgfplots@glob@TMPa,^^J y = \meaning\pgfplots@glob@TMPb,^^J z = \meaning\pgfplots@glob@TMPc,^^J n = \pgfplots@glob@TMPd.^^J}%
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}%
+ \pgfsetyvec{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ \pgfsetzvec{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}%
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa##1##2##3{%
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring{##1,##2,##3}{default}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfplotsretval
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@glob@TMPd\relax
+ \def#3{0}%
+% Takes the current plot box, defined by the actual PGF x,y and z unit
+% vectors, and re-scales it such that it fits into the
+% width and height of the axis (as they have been provided by the
+% user).
+% @see \pgfplots@scale@axisbox@to@widthheight
+% @see\pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@get@width@withoutlabels
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplots@initsizes@get@height@withoutlabels
+ %
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfmathresult}}%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+% Takes the current PGF x,y and z unit vectors and scales them such
+% that the bounding box of the final image has width #1 and height #2.
+% The relative length of the input vectors is important for the 3D case: it
+% will be scaled as-is.
+% - the x, y and z unit vectors have been set to the proper
+% DIRECTIONS. Their relative vector lengths are set-up properly
+% (i.e. y is twice as large as x and half as large as z or so).
+% - the \ifpgfplots@threedim boolean is set.
+% - the data limits have been initialised and transformed according
+% to the data transformation.
+% - the data transformation has ONLY been applied to the axis limits
+% (not other axis inputs). It may be changed by this method.
+% - the unit vectors have been re-scaled such that the final plot
+% has the desired dimensions.
+% - the @veclength and @inverseveclength have been initialized
+ \if0\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=auto
+ \def\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice{2}% stretch to fill
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB@{#1}{#2}%
+ % NOTE: we have not yet computed the lengths of unit vectors. In
+ % addition, we have not yet updated the normal vector.
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfplots@view@dir@threedim\endcsname\relax
+ \else
+ % At this point, we ALREADY HAVE a normal vector. However, it
+ % might be skewed due to the scaling.
+ %
+ % -> recompute normal vector. In earlier versions, I tried to
+ % rescale it - but that was too complicated (for me). This
+ % here produces correct results, and it is a correct approach
+ % anyway.
+ \pgfplotsgetnormalforcurrentview
+ \fi
+% \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@for@limits{#1}{#2}{#3}:
+% a helper tool which computes individual unit vector scales in order
+% to respect the limits.
+% This method ignores width/height; its purpose is only to make sure
+% that [xmin,xmax] fits into the CURRENT plot box.
+% In this context, each unit vector is supposed to be scaled such that
+% width/height fit if xmin=0 and xmax=1.
+% #1 [output] a macro name which will contain the INVERSE scale for x
+% #2 [output] a macro name which will contain the INVERSE scale for y
+% #3 [output] a macro name which will contain the INVERSE scale for z
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@plotbox@xisunit
+ % Consequently, we have to multiply with 1/(max-min):
+ % compute 1/(xmax - xmin) in float for more recent versions (see /pgfplots/compat/scaling).
+ % I observed that it is much more accurate
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\pgfplots@xmax}{\pgfplots@xmin}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfmathresult{1}%
+ \fi
+ \let#1=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@plotbox@yisunit
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\pgfplots@ymax}{\pgfplots@ymin}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfmathresult{1}%
+ \fi
+ \let#2=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@plotbox@zisunit
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\pgfplots@zmax}{\pgfplots@zmin}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfmathresult{1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\pgfmathresult{1}%
+ \fi
+ \let#3=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin\pgfplots@plotbox@zmin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin\pgfplots@plotbox@zmax}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax\pgfplots@plotbox@zmin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax\pgfplots@plotbox@zmax}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin\pgfplots@plotbox@zmin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin\pgfplots@plotbox@zmax}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax\pgfplots@plotbox@zmin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxyz\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax\pgfplots@plotbox@zmax}%
+ \else
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxy\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxy\pgfplots@plotbox@xmin\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxy\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymin}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpointxy\pgfplots@plotbox@xmax\pgfplots@plotbox@ymax}%
+ \fi
+% Returns width and height of the current plot box
+% (the path produced by \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox).
+% PRECONDITION: \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox is defined to produce a path
+% for the plot box
+% POSTCONDITION: \pgfplotsretval contains the with and
+% \pgfplotsretvalb contains the height
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfinterruptboundingbox
+ %
+ % the result of this call will be used to scale to target
+ % dimensions. If we omit \pgftransformreset here, we might
+ % accidentally UNDO the PGF transformation matrix (compare by
+ % writing \tikzpicture[scale=0.5] before the axis).
+ \pgftransformreset
+ %
+ % STEP 1: compute the bounding box for the plot box.
+ \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox
+ %
+ % TMPa = width
+ \pgf@xa=\pgf@pathmaxx
+ \advance\pgf@xa by-\pgf@pathminx
+ % TMPb = height
+ \pgf@xb=\pgf@pathmaxy
+ \advance\pgf@xb by-\pgf@pathminy
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \def\noexpand\pgfplotsretval{\the\pgf@xa}%
+ \def\noexpand\pgfplotsretvalb{\the\pgf@xb}%
+ }%
+ \pgfusepath{discard}%
+ \endpgfinterruptboundingbox
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+ \def\b@pgfplots@rescale@x{1}%
+ \def\b@pgfplots@rescale@y{1}%
+ \def\b@pgfplots@rescale@z{1}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB@prepare@plotbox@limits@ x%
+ \pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB@prepare@plotbox@limits@ y%
+ \pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB@prepare@plotbox@limits@ z%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname\pgfutil@empty
+ % Ah - we have no unit vector in this direction.
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@plotbox@#1min\endcsname{0}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@plotbox@#1max\endcsname{1}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname b@pgfplots@plotbox@#1isunit\endcsname{1}%
+ \else
+ % we have a unit vector... prepare for limits. Note that the
+ % unit vector has been prepared for data scaling already.
+ \pgfutil@namelet{pgfplots@plotbox@#1min}{pgfplots@#1min}%
+ \pgfutil@namelet{pgfplots@plotbox@#1max}{pgfplots@#1max}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname b@pgfplots@plotbox@#1isunit\endcsname{0}%
+ \if2\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=stretch to fill
+ % do NOT rescale unit vectors for stretch to fill :
+ \expandafter\def\csname b@pgfplots@rescale@#1\endcsname{0}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\def\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@#1\endcsname{0}%
+ \ifdim\csname pgf@#1x\endcsname=0pt %
+ \ifdim\csname pgf@#1y\endcsname=0pt %
+ \expandafter\def\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@#1\endcsname{1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+%\message{SCALING: scale mode choice = \pgfplots@scale@mode@choice^^J}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaleaxes@to@BB@prepare@plotbox@limits
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z{1}%
+ \if1\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=none
+ \def\xscale{1}%
+ \def\yscale{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z{1}%
+ \else
+ %
+ % This here CAN cause anisotropic (different) scaling factors.
+ \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@for@limits
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}%
+ %
+%\message{got scales to fit limits into BB: x=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z^^J}%
+ %
+ \if3\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=scale uniformly
+ %
+ % We need to recompensate in case the previous method chose
+ % different unit scaling scalings:
+ \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@compensated@axis@limits
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ %
+ %\pgfplots@BB@update@cumulative@limit@compensations
+ \fi
+%\message{adjusted scales for 'scale mode': x=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z; ^^J axis limit componsation scales x=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x, y=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y, z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z^^J}%
+ %
+ % ATTENTION: this MODIFIES \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x and its
+ % variants directly - and it needs the input values.
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert
+ {#1}%
+ {#2}%
+ {\xscale}%
+ {\yscale}% yscale
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+%\message{Got W/H scale for all x components: \xscale; for all y components: \xscale; ^^J axis limit componsation scales x=1/\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z^^J}%
+ % Ok, we know the W,H scalings now.
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@}%
+ \pgfplots@BB@update@cumulative@limit@compensations
+ %
+%\message{adjusted scales for 'unit vector ratio': x=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z; ^^J axis limit componsation scales x=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x, y=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y, z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z^^J}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@minimize@limitrescale%
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@adjust@datascaling%
+%\message{adjusted scales for data scale trafo: x=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z; ^^J axis limit componsation scales x=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x, y=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y, z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z;^^J data scale trafo exponents x=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent@old -> \pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent, y=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@y@exponent@old -> \pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@y@exponent, z=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@z@exponent@old -> \pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@z@exponent^^J}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@compute@final@scales%
+ {\xscale}{\yscale}%
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}%
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}%
+ {\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@axis@apply@post@scale{x}%
+ \pgfplots@axis@apply@post@scale{y}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@axis@apply@post@scale{z}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % and finally, resize limits appropriately and add all cumulative limit compensations:
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ %
+ \pgf@xx=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@xx\pgf@xx
+ \pgf@xy=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@xy\pgf@xy
+ %
+ \pgf@yx=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@yx\pgf@yx
+ \pgf@yy=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@yy\pgf@yy
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgf@zx=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zx\pgf@zx
+ \pgf@zy=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zy\pgf@zy
+ \fi
+ %
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@datascaletrafo@change@{x}{\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent}%
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@datascaletrafo@change@{y}{\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@y@exponent}%
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@datascaletrafo@change@{z}{\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@z@exponent}%
+ %
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{x}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{y}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{z}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ %
+ \noexpand\pgfplots@notify@final@scalings{%
+ x unit scale=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@x,%
+ y unit scale=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@y,%
+ z unit scale=\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@z,%
+ x datatrafo exponent=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent,%
+ y datatrafo exponent=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@y@exponent,%
+ z datatrafo exponent=\pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@z@exponent,%
+ x limit rescale=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x,%
+ y limit rescale=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y,%
+ z limit rescale=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z,%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+% Checks for the case the ALL (visible) limit compensation scales are
+% bigger than one (for example x = 1.22, y = 2). In such a case, we
+% want to MINIMIZE the rescaling. This can happen if unit vector ratio
+% is active.
+% In our example, we want to use limit rescaling factors x = 1, y = 2/1.22
+% and, consequently, unit rescaling factors x *= 1.22, y *= 1.22 .
+% This method checks for the case and applies the rescaling if
+% necessary.
+ % boolean allLimitScalesAreBiggerThanOne;
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@x
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x pt<1.002pt %
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@y
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y pt<1.002pt %
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z pt<1.002pt %
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@loc@tmp
+ \begingroup
+ % Ah -- all non-vanishing limit rescaling factors are BIGGER
+ % In this case, we can save some rescalings!
+ %
+ % Search for the smallest rescaling factor.
+ \let\pgfplots@smallest=\pgf@x
+ \pgfplots@smallest=16000pt %
+ \def\pgfplots@smallest@arg{}%
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@x
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<\pgfplots@smallest%
+ \pgfplots@smallest=\pgf@xa
+ \def\pgfplots@smallest@arg{x}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@y
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<\pgfplots@smallest%
+ \pgfplots@smallest=\pgf@xa
+ \def\pgfplots@smallest@arg{y}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<\pgfplots@smallest%
+ \pgfplots@smallest=\pgf@xa
+ \def\pgfplots@smallest@arg{z}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ % OK. We have the smallest scaling factor. It is > 1.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{reciprocal}{{\csname pgfplots@target@limitrescale@\pgfplots@smallest@arg\endcsname}}%
+ \let\scale=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotsforeachentryinCSV\value{%
+ \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x,%
+ \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y,%
+ \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x,%
+ \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y%
+ }{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{multiply}{{\scale}{\value}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\value=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \pgfplotsforeachentryinCSV\value{%
+ \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z,%
+ \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z%
+ }{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{multiply}{{\scale}{\value}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\value=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+%\message{adjusted scales by minimizing common scaling factors: x=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x, y=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y, z=1/\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z; ^^J axis limit componsation scales x=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x, y=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y, z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z;^^J}%
+ \fi
+% Defines
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@xx
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@xy
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@yx
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@yy
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zx
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zy
+% %
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@x
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@y
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@z
+% by combining the input args.
+% #1: the scale to be applied to ALL x components
+% #2: the scale to be applied to ALL y components
+% #3: the scale to be applied to x unit
+% #4: the scale to be applied to y unit
+% #5: the scale to be applied to z unit
+ % ##1: the axis (x,y,or z)
+ % ##2: the horizontal scale
+ % ##3: the vertical scale
+ % ##4: the inverse unit scale for this axis
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa##1##2##3##4{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath}{parsenumber}{##2}%
+ \let\xscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath}{parsenumber}{##3}%
+ \let\yscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath}{parsenumber}{##4}%
+ \let\unitscale@inv@@=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % NOTE : it *would* be more efficient to use
+ % 1/\unitscale@inv@@ in the routines above. BUT THAT IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE.
+ % Leave it this way!
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath}{op}{reciprocal}{{\unitscale@inv@@}}%
+ \let\unitscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@##1\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath
+ \else
+ % backwards compatibility is such a burden.... :-(
+ %
+ % earlier versions relied on TeX's dimen arithmetics to
+ % multiply the final scales. Make sure we do the same -
+ % rounding errors on unit vectors are instable, i.e. the
+ % errors add up considerably.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{parsenumber}{\xscale@@}%
+ \let\xscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{parsenumber}{\yscale@@}%
+ \let\yscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{parsenumber}{\unitscale@@}%
+ \let\unitscale@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{parsenumber}{\unitscale@inv@@}%
+ \let\unitscale@inv@@=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ % backw. compatibility: this is how it used to be in 3d
+ % axes:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{op}{multiply}{{\xscale@@}{\unitscale@@}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@##1x\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{op}{multiply}{{\yscale@@}{\unitscale@@}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@##1y\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ % backw. compatibility: 2d axes used divide in earlier
+ % versions, not reciprocal. Believe it or not; for
+ % \pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath=pgfbasic, it makes a
+ % visible difference of about 2-3pt in the complete figure
+ % size.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{op}{divide}{{\xscale@@}{\unitscale@inv@@}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@##1x\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{op}{divide}{{\yscale@@}{\unitscale@inv@@}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@compat@scaling@coordmath@final}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@##1y\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ }%
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@rescale@x
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{x}{\xscale}{\yscale}{#3}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{x}{1}{1}{#3}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@rescale@y
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{y}{\xscale}{\yscale}{#4}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{y}{1}{1}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@rescale@z
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{z}{\xscale}{\yscale}{#5}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{z}{1}{1}{#5}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@z{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zx{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@zy{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z{inf}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfkeys{/pgfplots/scaling/.cd,
+ .unknown/.code={%
+%\message{setting key '\pgfkeyscurrentkey' to {##1}^^J}
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{\pgfkeyscurrentkey}{##1}%
+ },
+ #1%
+ }%
+% #1: either x,y, or z
+% #2: the new exponent
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo get params}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{\expandafter\pgfutil@firstoftwo\pgfmathresult}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@loc@TMPb
+ % ok; the data scale trafo did not change at all - we
+ % still have the same exponent.
+ \else
+ % Ah - we have a new data scale trafo!
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo inverse}{\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo inverse}{\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPb=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % first: determine the optimal shift (which is the
+ % transformed lower limit):
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo set params}{#2}{0}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}%
+ %
+ % ok, finalize the data trafo:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo set params}{#2}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ %
+ % ... and recompute axis limits:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+% Inspects the limit enlargement factors and reinitializes the data
+% scale transformations.
+% The purpose of this method is to avoid "dimension too large" if the
+% factors exceed certain limits.
+% \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x and its variants for y and z
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x and its variants for y and z
+% \pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent and its variants for y and z
+% -> contains NEW datascaletrafo exponents
+% \pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@x@exponent@old and its variants for y and z
+% -> contains OLD datascaletrafo exponents
+% \pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x and its variants for y and z
+% -> contains (modified) unit vector scales
+ \pgfplots@scaling@adjust@datascaling@for x%
+ \pgfplots@scaling@adjust@datascaling@for y%
+ \pgfplots@scaling@adjust@datascaling@for z%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo get params}%
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa##1##2{%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent\endcsname{##1}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent@old\endcsname{##1}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfmathresult
+ \pgf@xa=\csname pgfplots@target@limitrescale@#1\endcsname pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa>5pt %
+ % We want to enlarge axis limits considerably!
+ %
+ \pgfplots@scaling@adjust@datascaling@for@get@compensation{\pgf@xa}%
+ %
+ % Ok, make sure that we do not get "dimension too large"
+ % by adjusting the data scale trafo.
+ %
+ % Note that the data scale trafo has (only) been applied
+ % to axis limits, so we have to reapply it before these
+ % changes can take effect:
+ \pgf@xa=\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@#1\endcsname pt
+ \divide\pgf@xa by\pgfplotsretval\relax %
+ \expandafter\edef\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@#1\endcsname{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xa}%
+ %
+ \c@pgf@countd=\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent\endcsname\relax
+ \advance\c@pgf@countd by-\pgfplotsretvalb\relax %
+ \expandafter\edef\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent\endcsname{\the\c@pgf@countd}%
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent\endcsname{0}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@target@datascaletrafo@#1@exponent@old\endcsname{0}%
+ }%
+% Returns
+% \pgfplotsretval -> the absolute scaling
+% \pgfplotsretvalb -> the log10 of the scaling
+ \ifdim#1<100pt %
+ \def\pgfplotsretval{10}%
+ \def\pgfplotsretvalb{1}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim#1<1000pt %
+ \def\pgfplotsretval{100}%
+ \def\pgfplotsretvalb{2}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim#1<10000pt %
+ \def\pgfplotsretval{1000}%
+ \def\pgfplotsretvalb{3}%
+ \else
+ % too much for this approach anyway... and probably no
+ % use-case at all.
+ \def\pgfplotsretval{1000}%
+ \def\pgfplotsretvalb{3}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Computes the initial scale from a plot box of unit size to the
+% desired with and height.
+% #1 the desired width
+% #2 the desired height
+% #3 [output] a macro which will contain the horizontal (x) scale
+% #4 [output] a macro which will contain the vertical (y) scale
+% #5 [input/output] a macro which, on input, contains the x axis limit compensation scale
+% which is required to select a single unit vector scale without
+% reducing the plots dimension (without actually respecting the
+% final dimension). On output, the input has been multiplied by
+% some additional x limit componensation scale (selected by scale
+% uniformly strategy).
+% #6 [input/output] a macro which will contain a y axis limit
+% compensation scale; it works in the same way as #5
+% #7 [input/output] a macro which will contain a z axis limit
+% compensation scale; it works in the same way as #5
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x{#5}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y{#6}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z{#7}%
+ \pgfplots@get@dimension@of@BB
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplotsretval\relax
+ \pgf@xb=\pgfplotsretvalb\relax
+ \pgf@ya=#1\relax
+ \pgf@yb=#2\relax
+ \edef\w{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xa}%
+ \edef\h{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xb}%
+ \edef\W{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@ya}%
+ \edef\H{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yb}%
+%\message{PGFPLOTS: the current unit vectors result in a UNIT BB of (\the\pgf@xa,\the\pgf@xb). Scaling it to (\the\pgf@ya,\the\pgf@yb)...^^J}%
+ \ifcase\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=auto does not happen here
+ \or
+ % scale mode=none does not happen here
+ \or
+ % scale mode=stretch to fill
+ %
+ % This is very simple:
+ %
+ % Compute individual scaling factors for X and Y
+ % such that the UNIT-BB will have size #1,#2. Keep limits.
+ \pgfmathdivide@{\W}{\w}%
+ \let\scalex=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathdivide@{\H}{\h}%
+ \let\scaley=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % no changes to the axis limits - we only rescale units.
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@{1}%
+ \pgfplots@BB@update@cumulative@limit@compensations
+ \or
+ % scale mode=scale uniformly
+ % compute ONE common scale for both, X and Y - and satisfy
+ % width/height constraints by adjusting the axis limits.
+ %
+ % The idea is as follows:
+ % we WANT to have width W and height H.
+ % The constraint is that each unit vector must get the same
+ % scale -- but the axis limits can receive individual
+ % compensation scales. But it should "look reasonable well".
+ %
+ % currently, we have
+ % w = r_x e_xx + r_y e_yx + rz e_zx (with e_zx = 0 typically)
+ % h = r_x e_xy + r_y e_yy + rz e_zy
+ %
+ % where r_x, r_y, r_z are the maximal range of the data in
+ % x,y,z respectively. Depending on the context of this method,
+ % they are either 1 (relative coords) or
+ % (xmax-xmin) (absolute coords).
+ %
+ % Now, search for a set of real numbers
+ % Rx, Ry, Rz, s
+ % such that
+ % W = (Rx r_x) (s e_xx) + (Ry r_y) (s e_yx) + (Rz r_z) (s e_zx)
+ % H = (Rx r_x) (s e_xy) + (Ry r_y) (s e_yy) + (Rz r_z) (s e_zy)
+ %
+ % clearly, the solution is not unique.
+ % ONE choice is to employ the fact that e_zx = 0 (or, for 2d
+ % plots, e_zx=0, e_zy=0 and e_yx=0):
+ %
+ % in that case, we can compute s such that the equation for W
+ % is satisfied and compensate only the limit r_z, i.e. to
+ % choose
+ % s := W / w, (scale to satisfy width constraint)
+ % Rx := Ry := 1 (keep limits in X and Y)
+ % Rz = ( H - s (w - r_z e_zy) ) / (s r_z e_zy) (adjust z limit to satisfy height constraint)
+ %
+ % This approach works well if W < H . If W > H, it will look
+ % bad: Rz will be less than 1, causing the limit to become
+ % smaller. This, in turn, will clip away parts of the image.
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ % Another solution is to make it the other way: to keep the
+ % limit r_z, but to reduce the size and enlarge the other
+ % limits to satisfy the size constraints. This solution is
+ % considerably more involved; it requires to solve a nonlinear
+ % set of equations.
+ %
+ % Formally, this second solution uses
+ % Rz := 1 (no limit componensation scale for z -- keep z limit)
+ % R:= Rx := Ry (same limit componensation scale for both X and Y)
+ % R and s still need to be determined from the two equations for W
+ % and H.
+ %
+ % Substituting the given choices into the equations for W and H, we find
+ %
+ % R = W / (s w)
+ %
+ % s = H * (R * (h-r_z e_zy) + r_z e_zy)^-1
+ %
+ % Here, we employed the definition of 'h', see above. The
+ % equations are non-linear.
+ %
+ % ATTENTION: we assume that the datascaletrafo set params
+ % method has been called with THE SAME SCALE IN EACH
+ \if0\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice
+ % scale uniformly strategy=auto
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert@scaleuniformly@of@optimal@strategy
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert@scaleuniformly
+ \pgfplots@BB@update@cumulative@limit@compensations
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#3{\scalex}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#4{\scaley}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#5{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#6{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#7{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+% This is the implementation for 'scale uniformly strategy=auto'.
+% It works by finding the strategy which involves the minimal scaling
+% overhead.
+% To this end, it computes the result for each 'scale uniformly
+% strategy', and computes a cost function. The one with optimal cost
+% function wins, and its results are returned.
+% The cost function is the overal scaling which is applied to AXIS
+% LIMITS. It works as follows:
+% 1. if a choice requires to REDUCE the axis limits in order to
+% fulfill all constraints, it is neglected (using maximal cost 16000).
+% Reducing axis limits may clip away information.
+% 2. if a choice requires to ENLARGE some axis limits, its cost is the
+% sum of the individual scaling factors (even if they are are one -
+% who cares).
+% Note that this method *is* relevant and the optimization appears to
+% be necessary.
+% Examples are
+% unittest_scalemode_2d_standard_1.tex
+% and perhaps
+% unittest_scalemode_2d_standard_0.tex
+% and more involved 3d examples are also available.
+% My first guess was that it is sufficient to decide the optimal
+% strategy in advance by comparing the target width and the target
+% height - but that proved to be insufficient: it leads to correct
+% results, but wastes too much space (i.e. enlarges limits too much).
+% \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@for@limits and its
+% corrector
+% \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@compensated@axis@limits.
+% More precisely, it relies on already computes limit compensation
+% factors which do not depend on the target width/target height: both
+% \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@compensated@axis@limits and
+% this implementation of 'scale uniformly strategy' can be used to compute
+% the cost of a strategy.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\mathclass{default}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{max limit}%
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@superhigh=\pgfmathresult%
+ %
+ % private helpers to compute the cost.
+ \def\pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost{%
+ \begingroup
+ % ATTENTION: this call changes
+ % '\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x' and its variants.
+ % Restore its value after the iteration:
+ \pgfplots@BB@update@cumulative@limit@compensations
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{one}%
+ \let\ONE=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \let\X=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \let\Y=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{parsenumber}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ \let\Z=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \let\Z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z
+ \fi
+ %
+ % If one of the resulting limit compensation scales is
+ % less than 1, we can immediately skip it - we do not want
+ % to risk to clip away image content.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{if less than}{\X}{\ONE}{%
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@superhigh
+ }{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{if less than}{\Y}{\ONE}{%
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@superhigh
+ }{%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{if less than}{\Z}{\ONE}{%
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@superhigh
+ }{%
+ % ah - 3 limit scales >= 1. Good, assign cost:
+ \pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost@
+ }%
+ \else
+ % ah - all limit scales >=1. Good, assign cost:
+ \pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+%\message{scale uniformly strategy=auto: '\pgfplots@tostring@scaleuniformlystrategy{\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice}' has cost \pgfplots@cost@for@choice\space(limit rescaling factors x=\X, y=\Y, z=\Z)^^J}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice{\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\scalex{\scalex}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\scaley{\scaley}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}%
+ }%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfplots@cost@for@choice
+ % keep in mind that this scope IS NECESSARY: we have
+ % changed the target quantities
+ % \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x and its variants!
+ \endgroup
+ \let\pgfplots@scalestrategy@values=\pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+ }%
+ \def\pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost@{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{op}{add}{{\X}{\Y}}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{op}{add}{{\pgfmathresult}{\Z}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ %
+ % compute initial cost:
+ \def\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice{3}% change horizontal limits
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert@scaleuniformly
+ \pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost
+ %
+ % init minimum:
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@arg=\pgfplots@scalestrategy@values
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@sofar=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice%
+ %
+ % compute cost of next strategy:
+ \def\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice{2}% change vertical limits
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert@scaleuniformly
+ \pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost
+ %
+ % update minimum:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\mathclass}{if less than}{\pgfplots@cost@for@choice}{\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@sofar}{%
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@arg=\pgfplots@scalestrategy@values
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@sofar=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice%
+ }{%
+ }%
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@sofar\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@superhigh
+ % the algorithm discarded every available strategy.
+ \def\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice{1}% fall back to 'units only'
+ \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert@scaleuniformly
+ \pgfplots@scalestrategy@compute@cost
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@arg=\pgfplots@scalestrategy@values
+ \let\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@sofar=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice%
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPa=\pgfplots@cost@for@choice@arg
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+%\message{scale uniformly strategy=auto: choosing '\pgfplots@tostring@scaleuniformlystrategy{\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice}'^^J}%
+ % scale uniformly strategy:
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ auto
+ \or
+ units only
+ \or
+ change vertical limits
+ \or
+ change horizontal limits
+ \fi
+% Does the work for 'scale mode=scale uniformly' inside of
+% \pgfplots@get@scale@horiz@and@vert.
+% It returns its result into \pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@ (i.e.
+% with an extra '@')
+ \ifcase\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice\relax
+ % scale uniformly strategy=auto does not happen here.
+ \or
+ % scale uniformly strategy=units only
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@onlyunits
+ \or
+ % scale uniformly strategy=change vertical limits
+ %
+ % first, scale to the width ...
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@onlyunits@{\w}{\W}%
+ % ... and change (only) vertical limits to get the "correct"
+ % height:
+ \ifdim\pgf@zy=0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx=0pt
+ \pgfplots@prepare@vertical@rescaling@for@scale@uniformly@in@dir{y}\returninto\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scale@uniformly@fallback
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@zx=0pt
+ \pgfplots@prepare@vertical@rescaling@for@scale@uniformly@in@dir{z}\returninto\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scale@uniformly@fallback
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % scale uniformly strategy=change horizontal limits
+ \ifdim\pgf@zy=0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx=0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy=0pt
+ % special 2d routine with explicit solution
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@change@horizontal@limits@twodim
+ {\scalex}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scale@uniformly@fallback
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scale@uniformly@fallback
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@zx=0pt
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@change@horizontal@limits
+ {\scalex}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@}
+ {\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scale@uniformly@fallback
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\scaley=\scalex
+ \fi
+ % scale to the smaller target dimension:
+ \ifdim\W pt<\H pt %
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@onlyunits@{\w}{\W}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@onlyunits@{\h}{\H}%
+ \fi
+% #1 : the actual dimension
+% #2 : the target dimension
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@{1}%
+ \pgfmathdivide@{#2}{#1}%
+ \let\scalex=\pgfmathresult
+ \let\scaley=\scalex % we *need* the same unit scale.
+% Computes 'scale uniformly strategy=change horizontal limits'.
+% This is a complicated solution, see the documentation in the
+% implementation for
+% 'scale mode=scale uniformly'
+% #1 [output] a macro which will contain the (uniform) scale for the
+% unit vectors
+% #2 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+% #3 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+% #4 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+ \begingroup
+ %
+ \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@getunitheight{\pgf@xc}{z}%
+ %
+ % compute the rest in floating point - intermediate results may
+ % become too huge for TeX.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\expandafter\pgf@sys@tonumber\csname pgf@xc\endcsname}%
+ \let\M=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\w}%
+ \let\w=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\W}%
+ \let\W=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\h}%
+ \let\h=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\H}%
+ \let\H=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\W}{\w}}%
+ \let\Wwinv=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{subtract}{{\h}{\M}}%
+ \let\hminusM=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{one}%
+ \let\S=\pgfmathresult%
+ \let\R=\pgfmathresult%
+ \let\Rx=\pgfmathresult
+ \def\Rz{1}%
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@hold@S@get@R{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\Wwinv}{\S}}%
+ \let\R=\pgfmathresult
+%\message{updated R = \R\space ( S = \S ) ^^J}%
+ }%
+ \def\pgfplots@hold@R@get@S{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{multiply}{{\R}{\hminusM}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{add}{{\pgfmathresult}{\M}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\H}{\pgfmathresult}}%
+ \let\S=\pgfmathresult
+%\message{updated S = \S\space ( R = \R ) ^^J}%
+ }%
+ %
+ % This is the (most stupid) nonlinear method which is at hand:
+ % fix point iteration.
+ % choose R arbitrarily (R=1 seems adequate), solve for s.
+ % Then, fix s and solve for R. Then, fix R and
+ % solve for s until convergence.
+ \c@pgf@countc=0
+ \pgfplotsloop{%
+ \ifnum\c@pgf@countc<\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/scale uniformly strategy iter} %
+ \pgfplotsloopcontinuetrue
+ \else
+ \pgfplotsloopcontinuefalse
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \pgfplots@hold@R@get@S \pgfplots@hold@S@get@R
+ \advance\c@pgf@countc by1 %
+ }%
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\R}\let\R=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\S}\let\S=\pgfmathresult
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#1{\S}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#2{\R}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#3{\R}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#4{\Rz}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ %
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+% Computes 'scale uniformly strategy=change horizontal limits'.
+% This is a simplified closed solution assuming that e_xy=0 and e_yx = 0
+% #1 [output] a macro which will contain the (uniform) scale for the
+% unit vectors
+% #2 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+% #3 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+% #4 [output] a macro which will contain a x axis limit compensation scale
+ \begingroup
+ % Assuming that we have a standard 2d axis, i.e.
+ % e_zx = e_zy = 0, e_xy = 0, and e_yx =0,
+ % we can immediately compute a solution.
+ %
+ % In this case, we have the actual width
+ % w = r_x e_xx + r_y e_yx + rz e_zx
+ % = r_x e_xx
+ % and actual height
+ % h = r_x e_xy + r_y e_yy + rz e_zy
+ % = r_y e_yy
+ % and, consequently, desired width
+ % W = (Rx r_x) (s e_xx) + (Ry r_y) (s e_yx) + (Rz r_z) (s e_zx)
+ % = (Rx r_x) (s e_xx)
+ % and desired height
+ % H = (Rx r_x) (s e_xy) + (Ry r_y) (s e_yy) + (Rz r_z) (s e_zy)
+ % = (Ry r_y) (s e_yy).
+ % since this strategy changes horizontal limits (only), we have
+ % Ry := 1.
+ % We find
+ % s : = H/h
+ % and
+ % Rx : = W/w /s .
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\w}%
+ \let\w=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\W}%
+ \let\W=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\h}%
+ \let\h=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\H}%
+ \let\H=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\H}{\h}}%
+ \let\S=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\W}{\w}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\pgfmathresult}{\S}}%
+ \let\Rx=\pgfmathresult
+ \def\Ry{1}%
+ \def\Rz{1}%
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\Rx}\let\Rx=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\S}\let\S=\pgfmathresult
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#1{\S}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#2{\Rx}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#3{\Ry}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#4{\Rz}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ %
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+%\message{ -> additional limit componensation scales x=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@, y=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@, z=\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@^^J}%
+ % add limit compensation to what we have from earlier
+ % operations:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{op}{multiply}{{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x}}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{op}{multiply}{{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y}}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{op}{multiply}{{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@}{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z}}%
+ \let\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifpgfplots@scaleuniformly@warning
+ \pgfplotswarning{scale uniformly unsupported}\pgfeov%
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@scaleuniformly@onlyunits
+% This is part of the implementation of 'scale mode=scale uniformly'.
+% Its purpose it to set up the initial scaling such that
+% 1. each unit vector gets the same scale
+% 2. the axis limits are resized (enlarged) to keep the plot box ratio
+% (as far as possible)
+% It repairs the outcome of
+% \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@get@unit@scales@for@limits .
+% The assumption is that on input #1, #2, and #3 are the factors which
+% would be used by stretch-to-fill in order to squeze the axis limits
+% into the plot box defined by e_x, e_y, and e_z (the unit vectors).
+% On output, #1, #2, and #3 will be modified such that *each has the
+% same value*. The value will be chosen with care. More precisely, it
+% is the *minimum* of {#1,#2,#3}.
+% Clearly, 'scale mode=scale uniformly' has less freedom than
+% strech-to-fill. In order to keep the plot box ratio intact (as far
+% as possible), the axis limits will be rescaled to componsate for the
+% ignored scaling factors. More precisely, if direction i is not the
+% extremal value (as discussed in the last paragraph), the axis limits
+% will be rescaled by #i/extremum .
+% #1: on input, it contains the x unit scale which would be taken without the
+% compensation. On output, it contains the x unit scale which *will* be
+% used.
+% #2: same as #1, but for y
+% #3: same as #1, but for z
+% #4: [output] a scale for use as argument of \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{x}{<arg>}
+% #5: [output] a scale for use as argument of \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{y}{<arg>}
+% #6: [output] a scale for use as argument of \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{z}{<arg>}
+% The output arguments need to be applied before they take effect.
+ \begingroup
+ % ATTENTION : this code ASSUMES that the datascaling trafo is
+ % initialized with THE SAME SCALE IN EACH DIRECTION.
+ % The data scaling also leads to (potentially non-uniform) scaling per component.
+ %
+ % Note that we could handle the datascaling here -- but we would
+ % leave the supported number range easily. That's why that part of
+ % the 'scale mode=scale uniformly' implementation has been moved
+ % to \pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafos@allaxes
+ %
+ % This here handles the limits only.
+ \edef\pgfplots@scale@unitx{#1}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@scale@unity{#2}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@scale@unitz{#3}%
+ %
+ % compute extreme + arg extreme of these scales:
+ \def\pgfplots@extreme@scale{-16300}%
+ \def\pgfplots@extreme@scale@arg{NONE}%
+ %
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@x
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@extreme@scale pt<\pgfplots@scale@unitx pt
+ \let\pgfplots@extreme@scale=\pgfplots@scale@unitx
+ \def\pgfplots@extreme@scale@arg{x}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@y
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@extreme@scale pt<\pgfplots@scale@unity pt
+ \let\pgfplots@extreme@scale=\pgfplots@scale@unity
+ \def\pgfplots@extreme@scale@arg{y}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \ifdim\pgfplots@extreme@scale pt<\pgfplots@scale@unitz pt
+ \let\pgfplots@extreme@scale=\pgfplots@scale@unitz
+ \def\pgfplots@extreme@scale@arg{z}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Now, adjust axis limits to compensate for the effect: we still
+ % want to have a plot box which is as close as possible to the
+ % target plot box.
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa##1##2{%
+ \if0\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@##1\endcsname
+ \if1\pgfplots@scaleuniformly@choice % FIXME : this appears to be too much. Disable this!?
+ % ok, nothing to do for this direction.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{one}%
+ \let##2=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \if\pgfplots@extreme@scale@arg ##1%
+ % ok, nothing to do for this direction.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{one}%
+ \let##2=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{pgfbasic}{op}{divide}{{\pgfplots@extreme@scale}{\csname pgfplots@scale@unit##1\endcsname}}%
+ % do not call apply@unit@rescale immediately because the
+ % unit vectors may not be in their final state. Postpone until
+ % they are final.
+ \edef##2{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def##2{1}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{x}{#4}%
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{y}{#5}%
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPa{z}{#6}%
+ %
+ \toks0=\expandafter{#4}%
+ \toks1=\expandafter{#5}%
+ \toks2=\expandafter{#6}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ % same scale in each dir:
+ \def\noexpand#1{\pgfplots@extreme@scale}%
+ \def\noexpand#2{\pgfplots@extreme@scale}%
+ \def\noexpand#3{\pgfplots@extreme@scale}%
+ \def\noexpand#4{\the\toks0}%
+ \def\noexpand#5{\the\toks1}%
+ \def\noexpand#6{\the\toks2}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+% #1 : a dimen register
+% #2 : x, y, or z
+ #1=\csname pgfplots@plotbox@#2max\endcsname\csname pgf@#2y\endcsname
+ \advance#1 by -\csname pgfplots@plotbox@#2min\endcsname\csname pgf@#2y\endcsname
+ \ifdim#1<0pt %
+ % we want to return a height. It is also bigger than 0.
+ % the difference above may be negative if the unit points
+ % downward (special combinations of view/h and view/v)
+ #1=-#1\relax
+ \fi
+% Modifies the AXIS LIMITS to ensure that a suitable width/height is
+% achieved.
+% This does NOT introduce a further scale to the unit vectors.
+% #1: a direction (x,y, or z)
+% #2: a macro name. It will be assigned globally. It will contain
+% EXECUTABLE instructions which will modify the axis limits to fit the
+% scaling.
+% - \pgfplots@glob@TMPa contains the already computed
+% scaling factor for 'scale uniformly'
+% - \pgf@xb is the actual height and \pgf@yb is the desired height
+% (set as in the scaling routine)
+% #2 will contain the argument <arg> for \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size{#1}{<arg>}
+ % The strategy is as follows:
+ % 1. I want to fit the axis into width #1 (\pgf@ya) and
+ % height #1 (\pgf@yb).
+ % 2. I want to MAINTAIN the unit vector ratio.
+ % 3. I want to MAINTAIN the unit vector directions.
+ %
+ % I already know the scaling factor to fit the width (it
+ % is stored in \scalex = \scaley).
+ % Let's call it "s".
+ %
+ % Consequently, a uniform scaling by "s" leads to the image
+ % height
+ % h = s* (r_x * e_xy + r_y * e_yy + r_z * e_zy)
+ % where r_i = (imax - imin). This here is essentially the
+ % same as the bounding box computation above (at least for
+ % standart orthographic 3D axes).
+ %
+ % What I want now is to enlarge the limits such that I
+ % have BOTH, width #1 AND height #2, without obscuring the
+ % unit vector ratio. Recall that width #1 is already
+ % given.
+ %
+ % This strategy achieves this goal by
+ % modifying axis limits for an axis whose unit vector is
+ % parallel to the canvas y axis, i.e. e_i = (0,*).
+ %
+ % That means I have to introduce a SECOND scale s_z which
+ % applies only to the Z unit vector (since e_z = (0,*) ).
+ % If H = #2 is the desired height, I find the target
+ % equation for s_z,
+ %
+ % H = s* r_x e_xy + s * r_y e_yy + s_z * s * r_z * e_zy
+ % =>
+ % s_z = ( H- s*r_x e_xy - s*r_y e_yy) / ( s * r_z * e_zy).
+ %
+ % Remember that
+ % s = \scalex
+ % H = \H
+ % h = r_x * e_xy + r_y * e_yy + r_z * e_zy = \h
+ % =>
+ % s_z = ( H- s*( h - r_z * e_zy) ) / ( s * r_z * e_zy).
+ %
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfplots@BB@for@plotbox@getunitheight{\pgf@xc}{#1}%
+ %
+ % compute the rest in floating point - intermediate results may
+ % become too huge for TeX.
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\expandafter\pgf@sys@tonumber\csname pgf@xc\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@diff=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\scalex}%
+ \let\pgfplots@s=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % this is a precondition of this method:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\h}%
+ \let\h=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\H}%
+ \let\H=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % compute counter := H - s * (h - (max-min))
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{subtract}{{\h}{\pgfplots@diff}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{multiply}{{\pgfplots@s}{\pgfmathresult}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{subtract}{{\H}{\pgfmathresult}}%
+ \let\pgfplots@counter=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % computer denom := s * (max-min)
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{multiply}{{\pgfplots@s}{\pgfplots@diff}}%
+ \let\pgfplots@denom=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{divide}{{\pgfplots@counter}{\pgfplots@denom}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ %
+ % Now, s_z = \pgfmathresult .
+ %
+ % Now, adjust the z limits.
+ % Note that \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size
+ % has a slightly different context; it assumes that the
+ % unit vector has been rescaled, not the axis limits.
+ % Consequently, the inverse of the scaling factor enters.
+ % Since \pgfplots@apply@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size
+ % expects the inverse of the scale, we can provide
+ % \pgfmathresult:
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfmathresult
+ \endgroup
+ \let#2=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotsutil@edef@invoke\pgfmathveclen@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xx}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xy}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@x@veclength=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@x@veclength}{%
+ \def\pgfmathresult{infty}%
+ % this case will be caught in \pgfplots@initsizes
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@basic@reciprocal@\expandafter{\pgfmathresult}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@x@inverseveclength=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotsutil@edef@invoke\pgfmathveclen@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yx}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yy}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@y@veclength=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@y@veclength}{%
+ \def\pgfmathresult{infty}%
+ % this case will be caught in \pgfplots@initsizes
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@basic@reciprocal@\expandafter{\pgfmathresult}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@y@inverseveclength=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplotsutil@edef@invoke\pgfmathveclen@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@zx}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@zy}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@z@veclength=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifzero{\pgfplots@z@veclength}{%
+ \def\pgfmathresult{infty}%
+ % this case will be caught in \pgfplots@initsizes
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@basic@reciprocal@\expandafter{\pgfmathresult}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@z@inverseveclength=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@z@veclength{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@z@inverseveclength{infty}%
+ \fi
+% Defines \pgfplots@view@dir@threedim according to the actual
+% configuration of x,y,z (2d) unit vectors, assuming the associated
+% unit vectors form a right-handed-system.
+% The algorithm works for standard three dimensional axes. It works as
+% follows:
+% First, observe that we have a normal direction N if all its
+% multiples are mapped onto the same point in 2D canvas
+% coordinates. In other words: all 3D coordinates which are mapped
+% onto an arbitrary point in 2D canvas coordinates (take, for example,
+% the origin (0,0) ) are on a line in direction of N.
+% We use this observation to compute the normal axis, i.e. we search
+% for all points which are mapped onto the 2D canvas coordinate (0,0):
+% N_x e_xx + N_y e_yx + N_z e_zx = 0
+% N_x e_xy + N_y e_yy + N_z e_zy = 0.
+% All solutions make up a linear space of dimension 1 (up to special
+% cases). In the general case, we can chose an arbitrary N_z != 0
+% and reduce the linear system to
+% N_x e_xx + N_y e_yx = - N_z e_zx
+% N_x e_xy + N_y e_yy = - N_z e_zy.
+% Choosing *any* N_z != 0, say, N_z=-1 (which corresponds to view
+% from above) will lead to a vector parallel to the normal direction.
+% But it might have the wrong sign.
+% FIXME : this fails if one of e_x or e_y is zero.
+% To find the correct sign for N, I have made several case
+% distinctions to identify the cases when we have to multiply with -1.
+% The key idea is to assume a right-handed-system of unit vectors;
+% this is the condition which allows to determine the sign.
+% Furthermore, I assume that e_z points to the top, i.e. that e_zy >0.
+% Then, there are (mainly) four conditions on the signs of e_x and e_y
+% which indicate that we are viewing from below and should switch the
+% sign of N (keep in mind that our initial choice was N_z =-1, see above).
+% The conditions can be identified by drawing a 3D box and
+% identifying the corner which represents the lower left 3D limits.
+% You can visualize these cases using
+% \pgfplotsset{
+% separate axis lines,
+% every outer x axis line/.append style= {-stealth},
+% every outer y axis line/.append style= {-stealth},
+% every outer z axis line/.append style= {-stealth},
+% samples=2,shader=interp,title={view=\h,\v},
+% domain=0:1,
+% enlargelimits=false,
+% view=\h\v,xlabel=x,ylabel=y,
+% extra description/.code={%
+% \node[draw,fill=white] at (axis cs:0,0,0) {};
+% },
+% }
+% \def\v{30}
+% \foreach \h in {30,120,210,300} {
+% \message{VIEW={\h}{\v}^^J}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{axis}
+% \addplot3[surf] {x};
+% \end{axis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% }
+% \def\v{-30}
+% \foreach \h in {30,120,210,300} {
+% \message{VIEW={\h}{\v}^^J}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{axis}
+% \addplot3[surf] {x};
+% \end{axis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% }
+% The precise formulas can be found below in the source code.
+% You can override this function by the /pgfplots/view dir key.
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/view dir}\pgfplots@loc@TMPc
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPc\pgfutil@empty
+ \begingroup
+ % temporarily undo the effects of reversed axes -- we *really*
+ % need a right-handed-coordinate system here:
+ \if r\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/x dir/value}%
+ \pgf@xx=-\pgf@xx
+ \pgf@xy=-\pgf@xy
+ \fi
+ \if r\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/y dir/value}%
+ \pgf@yx=-\pgf@yx
+ \pgf@yy=-\pgf@yy
+ \fi
+ \if r\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/z dir/value}%
+ \pgf@zx=-\pgf@zx
+ \pgf@zy=-\pgf@zy
+ \fi
+ % FIRST: check for special cases.
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfutil@empty%
+ % Special case:
+ % e_xx = e_xy = 0
+ %
+ % i.e.:
+ %
+ % ^
+ % | |---|
+ % z | |
+ % |---|
+ % y->
+ %
+ % In this case, N must be the x axis.
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx=0pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy=0pt %
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim{-1,0,0}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Special case:
+ % e_yx = e_yy = 0
+ %
+ % i.e.:
+ %
+ % ^
+ % | |---|
+ % z | |
+ % |---|
+ % x->
+ %
+ % In this case, N must be the y axis.
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx=0pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy=0pt %
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim{0,1,0}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Special case:
+ % e_xy = e_yy = 0 (i.e. one row)
+ %
+ % that is hard to draw, use view={30}{0} to see it.
+ %
+ % In this case, N_z must be 0 and we have a different system.
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy=0pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy=0pt %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim\pgfutil@empty
+ % we have N_x e_xx + N_y e_yx = 0
+ % Note that e_xx != 0 and e_yx != 0 (otherwise one
+ % of our other special cases above would have
+ % caught the case)
+ % -> we have N_x = -N_y e_yx / e_xx and N_y
+ % arbitrary. only the sign needs to be fixed.
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y{1}% fix it somehow. We correct the sign later.
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{-(\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y) * \pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yx / (\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xx)}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{1}%
+ % I identified these cases by comparing the
+ % results with \pgfplots@scale{1} with those of
+ % the view dir generated by
+ % \pgfplotssetaxesfromazel (which has the correct quality of solution)
+ \ifdim\pgf@zy>0pt %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx<0pt %
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx>0pt %
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \edef\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x,\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y,\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z}%
+ \else
+ % Ah - we already caught that special case above.
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ % NOTE : the case e_xx = e_yx = 0 IS NO USE-CASE (would
+ % require a rotated z axis which is forbidden currently)
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim\pgfutil@empty
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z{-1}% hold it at some arbitrary value
+ \pgf@xa=-\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z\pgf@zx
+ \pgf@ya=-\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z\pgf@zy
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{%
+ {%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xx}{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yx}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xy}{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@yy}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@xa}{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@ya}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfutilsolvetwotwoleq\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ \ifx\pgfmathresult\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplots@error{Singular matrix encountered during view computation. Please choose different input values.}%
+ \def\pgfmathresult{{0}{0}}%
+ \fi
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPb##1##2{%
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x{##1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y{##2}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % Identify if we need to switch the sign.
+ % To verify that these cases are useful, I suggest visualizing
+ % that stuff using the TeX code from above...
+ %
+ % I guess it is correct up to collapsing views (as you see, I
+ % did not properly identify the cases with "=0" )
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{1}%
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx>0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx<0pt
+ \else
+ %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy<0pt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy<0pt
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx<0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx>0pt
+ \else
+ %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy>0pt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy>0pt
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy>0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy<0pt
+ \else
+ %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx>0pt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx>0pt
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@xy<0pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@yy>0pt
+ \else
+ %
+ \ifdim\pgf@xx<0pt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\pgf@yx<0pt
+ \def\pgfplots@scale{-1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@scale}{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@x,\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@y,\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim@z}{default}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfplotsretval
+ % normalize. This is not absolutely required -- but it is used
+ % to accumulate point depth (for the mesh handler) in pgfmath
+ % arithmetics. At least \pgfplotsmathviewdepthxyz should use
+ % a properly scaled view dir.
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorlength{\pgfplotsretval}{default}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{reciprocal}{{\pgfplotsretval}}%
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorscale{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim}{\pgfmathresult}{default}%
+ \else
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring{\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim}{default}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfplotsretval
+ \endgroup
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfplotsretval
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPb##1##2##3{%
+ \pgfplotsmathvectorfromstring{##1,##2,##3}{default}%
+ \let\pgfplots@view@dir@threedim=\pgfplotsretval
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\pgfplots@loc@TMPc
+ \fi
+% none
+% \pgfplots@default@aspect@ratio is set.
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\axisdefaultwidth
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@y\axisdefaultheight
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
+ }%
+ \let\pgfplots@default@aspect@ratio=\pgfmathresult
+ \if3\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=scale uniformly
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}%
+ %
+ % if we have at least one unit vector given explicitly, the
+ % meaning changes: in that case, we can (and probably should)
+ % use different data scale factors in each direction.
+ \ifx\pgfplots@x\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@y\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@z\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \if1\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ #1%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ % The axes 'x' and 'y' vectors will be scaled such that the total
+ % size is (\axisdefaultwidth, \axisdefaultheight).
+ %
+ % If the user specifies ONE of width OR height,
+ % the plot will be resized; keeping the aspect ratio.
+ %
+ \let\pgfplots@default@aspect@ratio=\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/x}{\pgfplots@x}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/y}{\pgfplots@y}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/z}{\pgfplots@z}%
+ %\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/viewdir}{\pgfplots@viewdir}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/width}{\pgfplots@width}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/height}{\pgfplots@height}%
+ \ifx\pgfplots@width\pgfutil@empty
+ \def\pgfplots@user@provided@width{0}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@user@provided@width{1}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplots@width}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@width{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@height\pgfutil@empty
+ \def\pgfplots@user@provided@height{0}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@user@provided@height{1}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplots@height}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@height{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % CASES:
+ % W := 'width' option non-empty
+ % H := 'height' option non-empty
+ %
+ % W H
+ % 0 0 -> \axisdefaultwidth
+ % 0 1 -> determine width out of H and the default aspect ratio
+ % 1 X -> ok, use the user parameter.
+ % -> KEEP ASPECT RATIO if just one W, or H is given!
+ \ifx\pgfplots@width\pgfutil@empty
+ \ifx\pgfplots@height\pgfutil@empty
+ % The case W=0 H=0:
+ \let\pgfplots@width=\axisdefaultwidth
+ \let\pgfplots@height=\axisdefaultheight
+ \else
+ % The case W=0 H=1:
+ \pgfplots@compute@default@aspect@ratio
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@y\pgfplots@height
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmultiply@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
+ {\pgfplots@default@aspect@ratio}%
+ }%
+ \edef\pgfplots@width{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\pgfplots@height\pgfutil@empty
+ % The case W=1 H=0:
+ \pgfplots@compute@default@aspect@ratio
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\pgfplots@width
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
+ {\pgfplots@default@aspect@ratio}%
+ }%
+ \edef\pgfplots@height{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \else
+ % The case W=1 H=1:
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/width}{\pgfplots@width}%
+ \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/height}{\pgfplots@height}%
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@set@default@size@options@threedim
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfplots@set@scale@mode
+% This method must be called BEFORE THE DATASCALING is initialized.
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/unit vector ratio}\pgfplots@loc@TMPb
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \ifcase\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % 'scale mode'=auto
+ \def\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice{3}% set to 'scale uniformly'
+ %
+ \if1\pgfplots@compat@scale@mode@compatible@mode
+ % backwards compatibility mode...
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ % ... for 3d: there is no backwards compatibility
+ % mode here; it was plain wrong for 3d axes:
+ % neither lengths nor angles have been correct.
+ \pgfplots@compat@scale@mode@compatible@mode@warning
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % scale mode=none: keep it this way.
+ \immediate\write-1{PGFPlots: scale mode=none and unit vector ratio is incompatible. Ignoring unit vector ratio.^^J}%
+ \or
+ % scale mode=stretch to fill
+ \immediate\write-1{PGFPlots: scale mode=stretch to fill and unit vector ratio might produce unexpected results. Consider using scale mode=auto^^J}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfplotswarning{axis equal incompatible change}\pgfeov%
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \ifx\pgfplots@x\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@y\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@z\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \fi
+ \ifpgfplots@loc@tmp
+ % oh - we have at least one of the [xyz] unit vectors!
+ % make sure all of them are there
+ \ifx\pgfplots@x\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplots@set@default@size@options@threedim@{x}{(1pt,0pt)}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@y\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplots@set@default@size@options@threedim@{y}{(0pt,1pt)}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@z\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplots@set@default@size@options@threedim@{z}{(0pt,1pt)}%
+ \fi
+ \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/view/az}\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/view/el}\pgfutil@empty
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@error{Sorry, a 3D axis needs either NONE or ALL of "x,y,z". I found partial information, but (at least) '#1' is lacking... please add '#1'}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% A helper method for \pgfplots@initsizes which
+% - applies the data scaling trafo to user arguments
+% - sets calls pgfset#1vec
+% #1: the vector to set (either 'x' or 'y')
+% #2: the index of the vector to set (either 0 or 1)
+% #3: the already precomputed temporary scale (see pgfplots@initsizes)
+% #4: an output argument. It is a macro name which will be defined to
+% '1' if and only if the finally set vector is parallel to the #1 axis
+% of PGF, that means (x,0) for #1=x and (0,y) for #2=y.
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/#1 dir/value}\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\pgfutil@empty
+ \def#4{1}% we have (#1,0) or (0,#1)
+ %
+%\message{Setting unitvector(#1) to auto-computed multiple of e_#2 ...}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{#3}%
+ \if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{-#3}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase#2\relax
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfqpoint{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa pt}{0pt}}%
+ \or
+ \pgfsetyvec{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa pt}}%
+ \or
+ \pgfsetzvec{\pgfqpoint{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa pt}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa pt}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % Ok, we have a user-defined unit vector.
+ %
+ % That means we also need to apply the scaling trafo!
+ %
+ % 1. Check whether we have a complete vector of type (x,y):
+ \expandafter\pgfutil@in@\expandafter(\expandafter{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}%
+ \ifpgfutil@in@
+ % YES: we have (x,y):
+ %
+ \def#4{0}% we DON'T have (#1,0) or (0,#1). At least I think so.
+ %
+%\message{Setting unitvector(#1) to non-standard \csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname ...}%
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa(##1,##2){%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parse}{##1}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPb=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parse}{##2}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPc=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo noshift inverse to fixed}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPb=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo noshift inverse to fixed}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPc}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPc=\pgfmathresult
+ }{}%
+ \csname pgfset#1vec\endcsname{%
+ \pgfqpoint
+ {\if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue -\fi\pgfplots@loc@TMPb pt}
+ {\if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue -\fi\pgfplots@loc@TMPc pt}}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@loc@TMPb%
+ %
+ \else
+ % NO we simply have a scalar value.
+ \def#4{1}% we have (#1,0) or (0,#1)
+%\message{Setting unitvector(#1) to \csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname * e_{#2}...}%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parse}{\csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo noshift inverse to fixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ }{\relax}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{\if r\pgfplots@loc@dirvalue -\fi\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}%
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplots@loc@TMPb\relax
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifcase#2\relax
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfqpoint{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}{0pt}}%
+ \or
+ \pgfsetyvec{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}}%
+ \or
+ \pgfsetzvec{\pgfqpoint{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPb}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%\message{-> got unitvector(#1) = (\the\csname pgf@#1x\endcsname, \the\csname pgf@#1y\endcsname).^^J}%
+% Applies the 'axis equal' feature.
+% - #1, #2, #3 contains the current scaling
+% factors in x,y, z, resp. which are to be applied to unit vectors
+% - neither unit vectors nor limits are in their final shape
+% - \pgfplots@set@default@size@options has been invoked before
+% - #1, #2, #3 have been changed to accomodate unit vector ratio
+% - #4, #5, #6 [output] contain axis limit compensation scales
+% There is just one algorithmic difficulty: the data scaling
+% transformation. All unit vector length above are only meaningful in
+% the UNTRANSFORMED range, so we have to mingle with the scaling
+% transformation.
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x{#1}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y{#2}%
+ \edef\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z{#3}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@{1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@{1}%
+ %
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/unit vector ratio}\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio
+ \ifx\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\pgfutil@empty
+ \else
+ \edef\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio{\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\space1 1 }%
+ %
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio@check@nop\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\pgfplots@EOI
+ \ifpgfplots@loc@tmp
+ %
+ % Step 1: compute the unit vector which STAYS CONSTANT.
+ %
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/unit vector ratio axis}\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \ifx\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference\pgfutil@empty
+ \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@find@reference%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % FIXME : I could spent some attention here to save work:
+ % both, unit ratios and the resulting scales are computed at
+ % least twice (once in \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@find@reference and once in the
+ % following).
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@prepareratios\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\pgfplots@EOI
+ %
+%\message{USING REFERENCE UNIT VECTOR FROM \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference; ratio \pgfplots@unit@ratio@x\space \pgfplots@unit@ratio@y\space \pgfplots@unit@ratio@z.^^J}%
+ %
+ % Step 2: apply the scaling:
+ \pgfplots@rescale@unit@vector@reltoreference{x}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x}%
+ \pgfplots@rescale@unit@vector@reltoreference{y}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y}%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@rescale@unit@vector@reltoreference{z}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \else
+%\message{Skipped application of 'unit vector ratio=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/unit vector ratio}': it is already done by 'scale uniformly'.^^J}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#1{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@x}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#2{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@y}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#3{\pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@z}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#4{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@x@}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#5{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@y@}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand#6{\pgfplots@target@limitrescale@z@}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{#1}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{reciprocal}{{\pgfmathresult}}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{tofixed}{\pgfmathresult}%
+% Defines \ifpgfplots@loc@tmp := need to modify scaling factors
+\def\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio@check@nop#1 #2 #3 #4\pgfplots@EOI{%
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmptrue
+ \if3\pgfplots@scale@mode@choice
+ % scale mode=scale uniformly
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \ifdim#1pt=#2pt
+ \ifdim#1pt=#3pt
+ % 'axis equal' is implicitly done by 'scale mode=scale
+ % uniformly' anyway
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim#1pt=#2pt
+ % 'axis equal' is implicitly done by 'scale mode=scale
+ % uniformly' anyway
+ \pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % activate the following line to deactivate optimization: [FIXME]
+ %\pgfplots@loc@tmpfalse
+% This macro determines the reference axis for unit vector rescaling.
+% The reference axis remains unscaled (it gets scaling factor 1 if you
+% want it this way).
+% The other axes are scaled such that the desired unit vector ratios
+% are fulfilled.
+% The idea to select a reference axis is as follows:
+% 1. Every unit vector scaling factor s should fulfill s <= 1.
+% 2. Choose the reference axis such that the minimal amount of scaling
+% is performed.
+% The motivation for (1) is: if all involved scaling factors are at
+% most 1, the resulting picture will only become *smaller*.
+% Consequently, we can simply enlarge axis limits to restore the
+% original width/height!
+% The motivation for (2) is: a huge amount of scaling might reduce the
+% size of the image too much. Of course, the figure will be enlarged
+% to fit the original width/height, but most of it will be empty. So,
+% use the smallest scaling.
+% @POSTCONDITION The reference axis is stored in
+% \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference .
+% @see the key 'unit vector ratio axis=y' which allows to manually
+% select the reference axis. This will illustrate what happens here.
+ %
+ \begingroup
+ \let\pgfplots@ONE=\pgf@x
+ \global\pgfplots@ONE=1.002pt
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{}%
+ \let\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@value=\pgf@y
+ \global\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@value=16000pt
+ %
+ %\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@find@reference@checkexplicitlimits
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis\pgfutil@empty
+ % set \pgfplots@loc@TMPa := 1 if and only if the axis is 3d
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \if0\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ % ah, it IS 3d!
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}%
+ \else
+ % ok, 2d mode (includes view={0}{90})
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \if1\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ % 3D is more complicated than 2D:
+ % for every fixed reference axis, we have to check *two*
+ % scaling factors.
+ %
+ % Furthermore, the optimality condition (2) needs to be
+ % performed on the maximum max{1-s_a, 1-s_b} provided both of
+ % these numbers are positive.
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@check@##1##2{%
+ % PRECONDITION: \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference is defined.
+ %
+ % renormalize \pgfplots@unit@[xyz] :
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@prepareratios\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\pgfplots@EOI
+ %
+ % compute s_a :
+ \pgfplots@getscale@unit@vector@reltoreference ##1{\csname pgfplots@unit@ratio@##1\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@scale@a=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % compute s_b :
+ \pgfplots@getscale@unit@vector@reltoreference ##2{\csname pgfplots@unit@ratio@##2\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@scale@b=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % check if the actual choice of
+ % \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference is FEASIBLE.
+ % That is the case if s_a <= 1 && s_b <= 1.
+ % We check
+ % (1 - s_a >= 0 ) && ( 1 - s_b >= 0 )
+ % instead, since I need the value
+ % max( 1-s_a, 1-s_b )
+ % anyway.
+ \def\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible{1}%
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfplots@ONE \advance\pgf@xa by-\pgfplots@scale@a pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<0sp
+ \def\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible{0}%
+ \else
+ \pgf@xb=\pgfplots@ONE \advance\pgf@xb by-\pgfplots@scale@b pt
+ \ifdim\pgf@xb<0sp
+ \def\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible{0}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % compute max(1-s_a,1-s_b) into \pgf@xa:
+ % pgf@xa= max(pgf@xa,pgf@xb):
+ \ifdim\pgf@xb>\pgf@xa \pgf@xa=\pgf@xb \fi
+ \if1\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible
+ \ifdim\pgf@xa<\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@value
+ % Ah, ok. The actual choice is BETTER as it
+ % involves less scaling.
+ %
+ % Remember it!
+ \let\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis=\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \global\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@value=\pgf@xa
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%\message{^^Junit vector ratio 3D searching reference: checking \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference. feasable=\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible. \if1\pgfplots@ref@is@feasible max=\the\pgf@xa. \fi Optimum so far: value =\the\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@value\space for axis \pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis.^^J}%
+ }%
+ %
+ % Check 'x' as reference :
+ \def\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference{x}%
+ \pgfplots@check@ yz%
+ %
+ % Check 'y' as reference :
+ \def\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference{y}%
+ \pgfplots@check@ xz%
+ %
+ % Check 'z' as reference :
+ \def\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference{z}%
+ \pgfplots@check@ xy%
+ %
+ \else
+ % 2D is much simpler: find the scale s which fulfills s <= 1.
+ % One of them MUST fulfill it.
+ %
+ % try 'x' axis as reference:
+ \def\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference{x}%
+ %
+ % renormalize:
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@prepareratios\pgfplots@unit@vector@ratio\pgfplots@EOI
+ %
+ % compute scaling factor:
+ \pgfplots@getscale@unit@vector@reltoreference y\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y%
+ %
+%\message{^^Junit vector ratio 2D searching reference: checking \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference. feasable=\pgfmathresult < 1: \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt <\pgfplots@ONE YES-> use x\else NO->use y\fi^^J}%
+ % and check (1). The condition (2) is irrelevant; it is met
+ % anyway.
+ \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt<\pgfplots@ONE
+ \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{x}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{y}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+%\message{^^Junit vector ratio chose \pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis\space to fulfill explicitly provided limits (at least partially).^^J}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifx\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis\pgfutil@empty
+ \if1\b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@z
+ \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{y}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{z}%
+ \fi
+ \pgfplotswarning{unit vector ratio axis undetermined}{\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis}\pgfeov%
+ \fi
+ \let\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference=\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \endgroup
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@ymax \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{y}\fi
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@ymin \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{y}\fi
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@xmax \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{x}\fi
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@xmin \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{x}\fi
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@zmax \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{z}\fi
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@zmin \else \def\pgfplots@optimum@sofar@axis{z}\fi
+ \fi
+% This is ONLY applied to the value of 'unit vector ratio'. It does
+% not touch the current axis scaling factors.
+\def\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@prepareratios#1 #2 #3 #4\pgfplots@EOI{%
+ \def\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x{#1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y{#2}%
+ \def\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z{#3}%
+ %
+ % 'unit vector ratio' is measured relative to the y axis for 2d
+ % and relative to the z axis for 3d plots.
+ % renormalize such that it is relative to
+ % \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference.
+ %
+ % Furthermore, renormalize such that
+ % unit@ratio@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference is 1.
+ \pgfmathreciprocal@{\csname pgfplots@unit@ratio@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \if z\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \else
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z}%
+ \let\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z=\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \if y\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \else
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x}%
+ \let\pgfplots@unit@ratio@x=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathmultiply@{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y}%
+ \let\pgfplots@unit@ratio@y=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@unit@ratio@z{<unused>}%
+ \fi
+ %
+% Computes a new unit vector E_#1 for direction #1 such that
+% ||E_#1|| = #2 * ||e_reference||.
+% Here, #2 is a scaling factor and e_reference is a reference axis.
+% The reference axis is stored in
+% \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference, the macro contains one of
+% {x,y,z}.
+% The data limits for '#1' will be enlarged as well (for 'unit rescale
+% keep size').
+% #1 is the axis which should be scaled (i.e. #1 in {x,y,z}).
+% It is allowed if #1 = \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference. In this
+% case, you can provide a scale '#2' to rescale the axis.
+% #2 is a desired scale, relative to
+% \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference. #2 should be a number without
+% unit.
+% The parameter \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference is also one of
+% {x,y,z}.
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \if#1\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference
+ \pgfplotsmath@ifapproxequal@dim{#2pt}{1pt}{0.0002pt}{%
+ }{%
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}%
+ \fi
+ \if1\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@#1\endcsname
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \if1\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ %
+ \pgfplots@getscale@unit@vector@reltoreference{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+%\message{Rescaling '#1' by \pgfplots@glob@TMPa.^^J}%
+ %
+ \pgfmathdivide@{\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@#1\endcsname}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@#1\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfmathreciprocal@\pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@target@limitrescale@#1@\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \fi
+% Updates the #1 axis limits such that the axis' dimensions
+% stay the same after scaling the #1 unit vector by a scale 's'.
+% - the #1 unit vector has been rescaled by a factor s.
+% For example, e_xnew := e_x * 0.5 .
+% - the axis limits are enlarged by a factor 1/s such that
+% 1/s (#1max - #1min) * e_xnew = (#1max- #1min) * e_x.
+% In other words, the unit vector rescale is componensated by
+% modifying the axis limits: we want to add an absolute component 'd'
+% to the range:
+% 1/s (xmax - xmin ) = xmax - xmin +d
+% =>
+% d = (1/s - 1) * (xmax - xmin)
+% The only remaining thing to do is to distribute 'd' to 'xmax' and
+% 'xmin'. Typically, 50% to each will be fine, I guess...
+% #1: either x, y or z. It denotes the direction which has been
+% modified.
+% #2: the INVERSE of the scaling factor, #2 = 1/s .
+ \ifdim#2pt=1pt
+ \else
+ \if0\pgfplots@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size
+ % unit rescale keep size=false : do nothing. Ignore the
+ % scaling request.
+ \else
+ % unit rescale keep size=true|unless limits declared
+ %
+%\message{'unit rescale keep size': Resizing data range for #1 by #2: from \csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname:\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname\ to}%
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname}{\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname}%
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfmathresult pt
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{#2}{1.0}%
+ \pgf@xa=\pgfmathresult \pgf@xa% this is 'd'
+ %
+ % \pgfplots@glob@TMPb : will be subtracted from #1min
+ % \pgfplots@glob@TMPc : will be added to #1max
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@autocompute@#1min}{%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@autocompute@#1max}{%
+ \pgf@xa=0.5 \pgf@xa
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa}}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ }{%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa}}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{0.0}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@autocompute@#1max}{%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{0.0}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa}}%
+ }{%
+ \if1\pgfplots@unit@vector@rescale@keep@size
+ % unit rescale keep size=true : FORCE
+ % enlargement!
+ \pgf@xa=0.5 \pgf@xa
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa}}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ \else
+ % unit rescale keep size=unless limits declared:
+ % do not scale - all limits are declared
+ % explicitly
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{0.0}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{0.0}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathadd@{\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+%\message{\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname:\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname. [- \pgfplots@glob@TMPb; + \pgfplots@glob@TMPc]^^J}%
+ %
+ % Update auxiliary data members:
+ \pgfplots@visphase@notify@changeofcanvaslimits{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% #1: an axis which should be scaled
+% #2: the desired final ratio ||e_#1||/||e_ref||
+ %
+ % If the datascaling transformation is active (which is almost
+ % everytime the case here), we have a transformation
+ % T^{-1}(x)= 10^scale * x
+ % with different scales for every axis.
+ %
+ % If the datascaling transformation is NOT active, scale is 0
+ % and T^{-1} = Identity.
+ %
+ % Note that the datascaling transformation also has
+ % translations (shifts). These are not important here.
+ %
+ % Goal:
+ % compute E_#1 such that
+ % #2* || T^{-1} e_ref || = || T^{-1} E_#1 ||
+ % where T^{-1} is the data scaling transformation and e_ref the
+ % reference unit vector. Keep in mind that there are
+ % *different* data scaling transformations for each axis.
+ %
+ % We are given e_ref and e_#1 and the desired aspect ratio
+ % between e_ref and E_#1, which is available as #2.
+ %
+ % So: T^{-1} E_#1 := s* T^{-1} e_#1 where
+ % s = #2 * ||T^{-1} e_ref|| / || T^{-1} e_#1 ||
+ % = |10^{scale_ref}| / |10^{scale_#1}| * #2 * || e_ref|| / ||e_#1||.
+ %
+ % Then, E_#1 = T ( T^{-1} E_#1 ) = s * e_#1.
+ %
+ % -> compute 's'!
+ %
+ % Part 1: compute
+ % #2 * ||e_ref|| / ||e_#1||.
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{1}%
+ \if1\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@#1\endcsname
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \else
+ \if1\csname b@pgfplots@unitvec@is@zero@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference\endcsname
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{0}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if0\pgfplots@loc@TMPa
+ \def\pgfmathresult{16001}%
+ \else
+ % note that x^{-1} / y^{-1} == ( x/y )^{-1} == y/x .
+ % consequently, we can use our @inv@[xyz] values here:
+ \pgfmathdivide@
+ {\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@#1\endcsname}%
+ {\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@inv@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference\endcsname}
+ \pgfmathmultiply@
+ {\pgfmathresult}%
+ {#2}%
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % also compute 1/s, required as temporary value:
+ %\pgfmathmultiply@
+ % {\csname pgfplots@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference @inverseveclength\endcsname}
+ % {\csname pgfplots@target@unit@scale@#1\endcsname}%
+ %\ifdim#2pt=1pt
+ %\else
+ % \pgfmathdivide@{\pgfmathresult}{#2}%
+ %\fi
+ %\global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPb=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % Part 2: handle data scaling trafo scales:
+ \begingroup
+ \def\pgfplots@tmp@exponentref{0}%
+ \def\pgfplots@tmp@exponentK{0}%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference }{%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname{pgfplots@tmp@exponentref}={pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@\pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference }%
+ }{}%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname{pgfplots@tmp@exponentK}={pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@#1}%
+ }{}%
+ \c@pgf@counta=\pgfplots@tmp@exponentref\relax
+ \advance\c@pgf@counta by-\pgfplots@tmp@exponentK\relax
+ \ifnum\c@pgf@counta=0
+ \else
+ \pgfplotsmathmultiplypowten@{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}{\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ % \pgfplotsmathmultiplypowten@{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}{-\c@pgf@counta}%
+ % \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPb=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \endgroup
+ \let\pgfmathresult=\pgfplots@glob@TMPa
+ \fi
+%\message{\string\pgfplots@getscale@unit@vector@reltoreference{#1}{#2} (reference \pgfplots@apply@unit@ratio@reference) = \pgfmathresult.^^J}%
+% helper for \pgfplots@check@and@apply@datatrafo@for.
+ \edef\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{\pgf@sys@tonumber{#1}}%
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmathfloat@decompose@E\pgfmathresult\relax#2
+ \advance#2 by1\relax
+% helper for \pgfplots@check@and@apply@datatrafo@for.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{#1}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmathfloat@decompose@E\pgfmathresult\relax#2\relax
+ \advance#2 by1
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{#1}%
+ \pgfmathfloatgetflags{\pgfmathresult}{\c@pgf@countd}%
+ \ifnum\c@pgf@countd=0 %
+ % ah - it *is* 0.0:
+ #2%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi
+% Initialises the data scale transformation such that it is optimal
+% for direction #1 (using its axis limits and the target scaling size).
+% Note that it will not be applied in any way; and it may still be
+% modified.
+% - all axis limits are available in float representation
+% - \pgfplots@set@default@size@options has been called before
+% - the scaling transformation is set up,
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ % initialise data scale transformation
+ % T(x) = 10^{q-m} * x
+ %
+ \ifpgfplots@disabledatascaling
+ % this here is a waste of time, because the NO-OP trafo
+ % will be applied to all coordinates. One could really
+ % safe a lot of CPU time when disabledatascaling is enabled...
+ % but it requires so much extra cases; I really don't want
+ % that!
+ \gdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{0}%
+ \gdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{0}%
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \let\data@max@order=\c@pgf@counta
+ \let\data@cur@order=\c@pgf@countb
+ \let\data@dimen=\pgf@xa
+ \let\data@tmp=\pgf@xb
+ \let\data@dimen@order=\c@pgf@countc
+ \let\data@EXPONENT=\c@pgf@countd
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfplots@display@min@float\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfplots@display@max@float\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfplots@data@min@float\csname pgfplots@data@#1min\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfplots@data@max@float\csname pgfplots@data@#1max\endcsname
+ \ifpgfplots@autocompute@all@limits
+ \else
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{max}{\pgfplots@display@max@float}{\pgfplots@data@max@float}%
+ \let\pgfplots@data@max@float=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{min}{\pgfplots@display@min@float}{\pgfplots@data@min@float}%
+ \let\pgfplots@data@min@float=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+%\message{minmax = [\pgfplots@data@min@float,\pgfplots@data@max@float]^^J}%
+ % Step 1: compute 'm', the data order
+ \pgfplots@if@is@float@zero{\pgfplots@data@min@float}{%
+ \pgfplots@if@is@float@zero{\pgfplots@data@max@float}{%
+ \data@max@order=1 % both are zero. ok.
+ % Note that this is '1' due to backwards
+ % compatibility.
+ }{%
+ % one of them is zero. Take the other one!
+ \pgfplots@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
+ \pgfplots@data@max@float
+ \tocount\data@cur@order
+ \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \pgfplots@if@is@float@zero{\pgfplots@data@max@float}{%
+ % one of them is zero. Take the other one!
+ \pgfplots@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
+ \pgfplots@data@min@float
+ \tocount\data@cur@order
+ \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
+ }{%
+ % none of them is zero. Compute MAX:
+ \pgfplots@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
+ \pgfplots@data@min@float
+ \tocount\data@cur@order
+ \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
+ \pgfplots@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isfloat
+ \pgfplots@data@max@float
+ \tocount\data@cur@order
+ \ifnum\data@cur@order>\data@max@order
+ \data@max@order=\data@cur@order
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ % Step 2: compute 'q', the #1-size of the axis.
+ %\expandafter\ifx\csname pgfplots@#1\endcsname\pgfutil@empty
+ % We have 'width' or 'height' (I always have them).
+ %
+ % Use the order of these parameters.
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{#1}%
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{x}%
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@loc@TMPb
+ \data@dimen=\pgfplots@width\relax
+ \else
+ \if1\pgfplots@compat@scaling@zunitfix@enable
+ \data@dimen=\pgfplots@height\relax
+ \else
+ % this code here belongs to versions up to
+ % 1.3.1.
+ % It is now deprecated and produces small
+ % pixel differences.
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPb{y}%
+ \ifx\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@loc@TMPb
+ \data@dimen=\pgfplots@height\relax
+ \else
+ \data@dimen=42pt % this is actually different from 1.3.1: there, it was UNDEFINED.
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@compute@number@order@for@trafo@isdimen
+ \data@dimen
+ \tocount\data@dimen@order
+ % This here is to avoid inaccuracies in the final
+ % axis rectangle size, see \pgfplots@initsizes:
+ %\advance\data@dimen@order by-1
+ %\else
+ % FIXME:
+ % we have either the 'x=1cm' or 'y=1cm' option!
+ % How should I initialise the trafo!?
+ % \data@dimen@order=3
+ %\fi
+ %
+%\message{Direction #1: data max order=\the\data@max@order; data dimen order=\the\data@dimen@order. ^^J}%
+ \data@EXPONENT=\data@dimen@order
+ \advance\data@EXPONENT by-\data@max@order
+ % Now, I introduce a loop which shall avoid cancellation of
+ % significant digits.
+ %
+ % Harmless Example:
+ % if we have data shift = -3 and
+ % max = 2e6, min = 1e6, then max-min = 1e6; T(max)-T(min) = 1e3 which is ok.
+ % In this case, the loop won't change anything.
+ %
+ % Critical Example:
+ % if we have data shift = -3 and
+ % max = 1980, min = 1930 then
+ % T(max) = 1.98 and T(min) = 1.93
+ % and thus T(max)-T(min) = 0.05 .
+ % Considering that this is the axis range
+ % in which tick labels and plot points need to be computed, we
+ % only have two or three digits left! That happens because the
+ % prefix '19' is common and is cancelled in the subtraction.
+ % Idea: while T(max)-T(min) < O(10^2) -> increase shift by +1
+ % (and make sure that T(max) < MAX_VALID_TEX_NUMBER).
+ %
+ \def\pgfplotscoordmathnotifydatascalesetfor##1{}% disable temporarily. We are just testing it.
+ \pgfplots@loop@CONTINUEtrue
+ \pgfutil@loop
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo set params}{\the\data@EXPONENT}{0}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\pgfplots@data@min@float}%
+ \let\pgfplots@min@fixed=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifpgfplots@loop@CONTINUE
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\pgfplots@data@max@float}%
+ \let\pgfplots@max@fixed=\pgfmathresult
+ \data@tmp=\pgfplots@max@fixed pt
+%\message{Current trafo EXPONENT for #1 direction: \the\data@EXPONENT; original #1 data limits: [\pgfplots@data@min@float:\pgfplots@data@max@float]; current transformed #1 limits: [\pgfplots@min@fixed:\pgfplots@max@fixed]; cancellation check max-min running...^^J}%
+ \ifdim\data@tmp<0pt
+ % I need absolute values here:
+ \multiply\data@tmp by-1\relax
+ \fi
+ \pgfmathsubtract@{\pgfplots@max@fixed}{\pgfplots@min@fixed}%
+ \data@dimen=\pgfmathresult pt
+ \pgfplots@loop@CONTINUEfalse
+ \ifdim\data@tmp<1500pt % a multiplication with '10' results in max = 15000 which is the upper limit.
+ \ifdim\data@dimen<100pt % I guess if max-min = O(100), we have quite good accuracy
+ \ifdim\data@dimen<0.0001pt
+ \else
+ \advance\data@EXPONENT by1
+ \pgfplots@loop@CONTINUEtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \ifdim\data@dimen>1200pt% FIXME : is this here ok!? CHECK IT!
+ % \ifdim\data@dimen>7999pt
+ % \advance\data@EXPONENT by-2
+ % \else
+ % \advance\data@EXPONENT by-1
+ % \fi
+ % \pgfplots@loop@CONTINUEfalse
+ % \fi
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ \pgfutil@repeat
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPa{\the\data@EXPONENT}%
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPb{\pgfplots@min@fixed}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+%\message{Initialising the data scale transformation in direction #1 to 10^\pgfplots@glob@TMPa*#1 - \pgfplots@glob@TMPb...^^J}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo set params}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPb}%
+ }{%
+ % case apply trafo == false:
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo set params}{0}{0}%
+ }%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@xmin@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@xmin}%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@xmax@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@xmax}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@ymin@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@ymin}%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@ymax@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@ymax}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@zmin@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@zmin}%
+ \pgfplots@letcsname pgfplots@zmax@unscaled@as@float={pgfplots@zmax}%
+ %
+ \pgfplots@ifneeds@one@uniform@datascale{%
+ % Ah - we have to ensure that there is ONE common scale for
+ % each unit (x, y, and z have the same).
+ %
+ % In this case, we need to choose one of the transformations
+ % and apply it to all axes -- such that each axis gets the
+ % same scale.
+ %
+ % this mode is used for axis equal and its variants.
+ %
+ % The strategy to fix the transformation is as follows:
+ % 1. we assume that axis limits will be enlarged in order to
+ % satisfy 'scale uniformly'.
+ % 2. we assume that the LARGEST axis limit dominates the
+ % others.
+ % 3. if one of the axes does not have datascaling (i.e. is
+ % log scale), we disable all other datascalings.
+ %
+ % Consequently, we search for the axis with the largest limit
+ % - and copy its data scaling to all other axes. If one of the
+ % axes is log, that one overrules it and all data scaling
+ % effects are disabled..
+ \ifpgfplots@disabledatascaling
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPd##1{%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{##1}{datascaletrafo set params}{0}{0}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \let\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common=\pgfutil@empty
+ \ifpgfplots@disabledatascaling
+ \def\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common{{0}{0}}% disable scaling!
+ \fi
+ \def\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common@arg{-}% this should not match anything in this context.
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@x}{%
+ }{%
+ \def\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common{{0}{0}}% disable scaling!
+ }%
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@y}{%
+ }{%
+ \def\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common{{0}{0}}% disable scaling!
+ }%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@z}{%
+ }{%
+ \def\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common{{0}{0}}% disable scaling!
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common\pgfutil@empty
+ % ah - we still need to compute one. ok, search for the
+ % largest limit.
+ %
+ \pgfplots@get@axis@with@largest@limits
+ \let\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common@arg=\pgfplotsretval
+ %
+ % ok, compute data scaling transformation for the target axis:
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafo@for@\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common@arg%
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common@arg}{datascaletrafo get params}%
+ \let\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common=\pgfmathresult%
+ \else
+ % hm. early-out - we already have the scaling trafo.
+ % return it.
+ \fi
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPa=\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common
+ \global\let\pgfplots@glob@TMPb=\pgfplots@data@scale@trafo@EXPONENT@common@arg
+ \endgroup
+ %
+ \xdef\pgfplots@glob@TMPc{\expandafter\pgfutil@firstoftwo\pgfplots@glob@TMPa}%
+ %
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPd##1{%
+ \if ##1\pgfplots@glob@TMPb
+ % we need to set the scaling trafo for the target direction
+ % (was lost after \endgroup)
+ \def\pgfplots@loc@TMPa{\pgfplotscoordmath{##1}{datascaletrafo set params}}%
+ \expandafter\pgfplots@loc@TMPa\pgfplots@glob@TMPa%
+ \else
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{##1}{datascaletrafo set params}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}{0}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{##1}{datascaletrafo}{\csname pgfplots@##1min\endcsname}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{##1}{datascaletrafo set params}{\pgfplots@glob@TMPc}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPd x%
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPd y%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@loc@TMPd z%
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ % optimize individually:
+ \pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafo@for@ x%
+ \pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafo@for@ y%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafo@for@ z%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ %
+% Defines \pgfplotsretval to be one of x, y, or z, such that the
+% return value indicates the axis with largest untransformed axis
+% limits.
+ \begingroup
+ \let\pgfplotsretval@extreme=\pgfutil@empty
+ \let\pgfplotsretval@extreme@arg=\pgfutil@empty
+ \def\pgfplots@@##1{%
+ % compute axis range for axis ##1 ...
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\csname pgfplots@##1min\endcsname}%
+ \let\pgfplots@loc@TMPa=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{parsenumber}{\csname pgfplots@##1max\endcsname}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{op}{subtract}{{\pgfmathresult}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}}%
+ % ... ok, it is in \pgfmathresult.
+ \let\candidate=\pgfmathresult
+ \ifx\pgfplotsretval@extreme@arg\pgfutil@empty
+ % ah: no extreme value so far. use ours.
+ \def\pgfplotsretval@extreme@arg{##1}%
+ \let\pgfplotsretval@extreme=\candidate
+ \else
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{default}{if less than}{\pgfplotsretval@extreme}{\candidate}{%
+ % update extreme value:
+ \def\pgfplotsretval@extreme@arg{##1}%
+ \let\pgfplotsretval@extreme=\candidate
+ }{%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \pgfplots@@ x%
+ \pgfplots@@ y%
+ \ifpgfplots@threedim
+ \pgfplots@@ z%
+ \fi
+ \let\pgfplotsretval=\pgfplotsretval@extreme@arg
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfplotsretval
+ \endgroup
+% Initialises the data scale transformation and applies it to any
+% user specified options.
+% - all axis limits are available in float representation
+% - \pgfplots@set@default@size@options has been called before
+% - the scaling transformation for direction x is set up
+% (\pgfplots@set@optimal@datatrafo@for@),
+% - all axis limits are transformed, but no other axis inputs.
+% Unit vectors and other axis input parameters will be scaled later.
+% @see \pgfplots@check@and@apply@datatrafo@for
+ \pgfplots@if{pgfplots@apply@datatrafo@#1}{%
+ % Transform axis limits:
+%\message{#1- display limits BEFORE data transformation: [\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname:\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname]^^J}%
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfplotscoordmath{#1}{datascaletrafo}{\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname=\pgfmathresult
+%\message{#1- display limits after data transformation: [\csname pgfplots@#1min\endcsname:\csname pgfplots@#1max\endcsname]^^J}%
+ }{%
+ % case apply trafo == false:
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1min@unscaled@as@float\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfplots@#1max@unscaled@as@float\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty
+ }%