path: root/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
commit6f9e1680085e7bb4d258f6f8116369d122e196e1 (patch)
tree9ac0ecb239240d1d672b188f29c1479de215074b /graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex
parentb8345f39630408bb198e7636381ce4240154ca9b (diff)
CTAN sync 202301160303
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0afea0ae34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex
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+% Copyright 2019 by Till Tantau
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Public License.
+% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+% PGF's plotting interface works as follows:
+% In order to plot something, two things need to be done. First, you
+% need to provide the coordinates (obviously) of the points that
+% should be plotted. The coordinates are given via a long stream of
+% commands. These commands are \pgfplotstreamstart, which is
+% given exactly once at the beginning, the commands
+% \pgfplotstreampoint, \pgfplotstreampointoutlier,
+% \pgfplotstreampointundefined, \pgfplotstreamnewdataset, of which
+% there are numerous in the middle, the special \pgfplotstreamspecial,
+% of which there may be numerous in the middle, and \pgfplotstreamend,
+% which must be given at the end. Between these commands arbitrary
+% other commands may be given. Here is an example:
+% ...
+% \pgfplotstreamstart
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{0}{0}}
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{1}{1}}
+% \pgfplotstreamnewdataset
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{2}{4}}
+% \relax
+% \pgfplotstreampointoutlier{\pgfpointxy{3}{9}}
+% \pgfplotstreamspecial{some handler-dependent special stuff}
+% \pgfplotstreamend
+% By themselves, the \pgfplotstreamxxxx commands do not do anything by
+% default. Rather, to ``use'' such a stream, you must first install a
+% stream handler. For example, the ``lineto'' handler will simply
+% basically every \pgfplotstreampoint into a \pgfpathlineto.
+% One special things is the handling of "jumps" in a stream. For
+% instance, when a lineto handler encounters an "outlier" or a new
+% data set, the current line should end and a new subpath should start
+% (unless configured otherwise). For this, the special jump handler is
+% important.
+% Example:
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+% \pgfplothandlerlineto
+% \pgfplotstreamstart
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{0}{0}}
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{1}{1}}
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{2}{4}}
+% \relax
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{3}{9}}
+% \pgfplotstreamend
+% The stream commands actually call their ``internal'' versions, which
+% are set by the handlers:
+ handle outlier points in plots/.is choice,
+ handle outlier points in plots/ignore/.code=\let\pgfplot@outliers\pgfplot@ignorer,
+ handle outlier points in plots/jump/.code=\let\pgfplot@outliers\pgfplot@jumper,
+ handle outlier points in plots/plot/.code=\let\pgfplot@outliers\pgfplot@plotter,
+ handle undefined points in plots/.is choice,
+ handle undefined points in plots/ignore/.code=\let\pgfplot@undefined\pgfplot@ignorer,
+ handle undefined points in plots/jump/.code=\let\pgfplot@undefined\pgfplot@jumper,
+ handle new data sets in plots/.is choice,
+ handle new data sets in plots/ignore/.code=\let\pgfplot@newdata\pgfplot@ignorer,
+ handle new data sets in plots/jump/.code=\let\pgfplot@newdata\pgfplot@jumper,
+% Declares a new plot handler
+% #1 = macro that should install the stream handler subsequently
+% #2 = parameter list of said macro.
+% #3 = keys as described below
+% Description:
+% When you declare a new plot handler, you provide, through keys,
+% different "actions" that should be taken when the different stream
+% commands are used:
+% start = some code to be executed when \pgfplotstreamstart is called
+% for this plothandler
+% end = same for the end of the stream
+% point = code to be executed for a point of the stream
+% jump = code to be executed for a "jump" in the stream
+% special = code to be executed for \pgfplotstreamspecial
+% start macro = here and for the following keys, the to-be-executed
+% code is stored in the given macro
+% end macro = see above
+% jump macro = see above
+% point macro = see above
+% special macro = see above
+% Example:
+% \pgfdeclareplothandler{\ultrasimplehandler}{}{
+% point=\pgfpathlineto{##1}
+% }
+ \def#1#2{%
+ \pgfkeys{%
+ /pgf/plots/@handler options/.cd,
+ start=\relax,
+ end macro=\relax,
+ point macro=\pgfutil@gobble,
+ jump macro=\relax,
+ special macro=\pgfutil@gobble,%
+ #3%
+ }%
+ }%
+ /pgf/plots/@handler options/.cd,
+ start/.code=%
+ \gdef\pgf@plotstreamstart{%
+ \global\pgf@plot@startedfalse%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamend\pgf@plotstreamend@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint\pgf@plotstreampoint@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamjump\pgf@plotstreamjump@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamspecial\pgf@plotstreamspecial@init%
+ #1%
+ },%
+ start macro/.code=%
+ \gdef\pgf@plotstreamstart{%
+ \global\pgf@plot@startedfalse%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamend\pgf@plotstreamend@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint\pgf@plotstreampoint@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamjump\pgf@plotstreamjump@init%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreamspecial\pgf@plotstreamspecial@init%
+ #1%
+ },%
+ end/.code=\gdef\pgf@plotstreamend@init{#1},
+ end macro/.code=\global\let\pgf@plotstreamend@init#1,
+ point/.code=\gdef\pgf@plotstreampoint@init##1{#1},
+ point macro/.code=\global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint@init#1,
+ jump/.code=\gdef\pgf@plotstreamjump@init{#1},
+ jump macro/.code=\global\let\pgf@plotstreamjump@init#1,
+ special/.code=\gdef\pgf@plotstreamspecial@init##1{#1},
+ special macro/.code=\global\let\pgf@plotstreamspecial@init#1,
+% Sets the action taken for the first point of a plot to a lineto.
+% Description:
+% For certain handlers it makes sense either the start a plot by
+% moving to the first point of the plot or to do a lineto to that
+% first point. Using this command this action can be set to a lineto.
+% Example:
+% \pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint
+% Sets the action taken for the first point of a plot to a moveto.
+% Example:
+% \pgfsetmovetofirstplotpoint
+% Handlers
+% This handler converts each plot stream command into a lineto
+% command, except for the first, which is converted to the action that
+% has previously been specified using \pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint or
+% \pgfsetmovetofirstplotpoint.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerlineto
+% \pgfplotxyfile{mytable}
+ point macro=\pgf@plot@line@handler,
+ jump=\global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint\pgf@plot@line@handler@move%
+ \pgf@plot@first@action{#1}%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint=\pgfpathlineto%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{#1}%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint=\pgfpathlineto%
+% This handler turns creates a series of lineto commands, with the
+% last command being a closepath, resulting in a closed path. If a
+% jump is encountered, the current subpath is closed and a new subpath
+% is started.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerpolygon
+% \pgfplotxyfile{mytable}
+ point macro=\pgf@plot@line@handler@close,
+ jump macro=\pgf@plot@next@close@and@moveto,
+ end macro=\pgf@plot@polygon@stop
+ \pgfpathmoveto{#1}%
+ \global\pgf@plot@startedtrue%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint=\pgfpathlineto%
+ \ifpgf@plot@started%
+ \pgfpathclose%
+ \fi%
+ \global\pgf@plot@startedfalse%
+ \ifpgf@plot@started%
+ \pgfpathclose%
+ \fi%
+ \global\let\pgf@plotstreampoint\pgf@plot@line@handler@close%
+% More handlers are defined in pgflibraryplothandlers
+% This handler discards the plot.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerdiscard
+% \pgfplotxyfile{mytable}
+% This handler records each plot stream command to a macro. This is
+% useful if plot commands are difficult to generate and need to be
+% ``recycled'' later on.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerrecord{\myplot}
+% \pgfplotxyfile{mytable} % stored in \myplot now
+% \pgfplothandlerline
+% \myplot
+% \pgftransformxshift{1cm}
+% \myplot
+ start=\gdef#1{\pgfplotstreamstart},
+ point=\expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1\pgfplotstreampoint{##1}},
+ jump=\expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1\pgf@plotstreamjump},
+ special=\expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1\pgfplotstreamspecial{##1}},
+ end=\expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1\pgfplotstreamend},
+% Read a plot stream from a file and plot it.
+% #1 = file from which to read things
+% File format:
+% Each line of the file should begin with two numbers separated by a
+% space. Such a line with number #1 and #2 is converted to a
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{#1}{#2}}. Extra characters following
+% on the line are ignored.
+% Lines starting with ``%'' and ``#'' are ignored.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplotxyfile{tableformgnuplot.dat}
+ \begingroup%
+ \def\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first{1}%
+ \pgfplotstreamstart%
+ \openin\r@pgf@reada=#1
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada
+ \pgfwarning{Plot data file `#1' not found.}
+ \else
+ \catcode`\#=14
+ \catcode`\^^M=5
+ \pgf@readxyfile%
+ \fi
+ \pgfplotstreamend%
+ \endgroup%
+ \pgfutil@read\r@pgf@reada to \pgf@temp%
+ \let\par=\pgf@savedpar%
+ \edef\pgf@temp{\pgf@temp}%
+ \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty%
+ \if1\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first
+ \else
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\pgfplotstreamnewdataset\fi%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\pgf@temp\pgf@partext%
+ \if1\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first
+ \else
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\pgfplotstreamnewdataset\fi%
+ \fi
+ \else%
+ \expandafter\pgf@parsexyline\pgf@temp\pgf@stop%
+ \fi\fi%
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\expandafter\pgf@readxyfile\fi%
+\def\pgf@parsexyline#1 #2 #3\pgf@stop{%
+ \def\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first{0}%
+ \edef\pgf@xyline@flag@val{#3}%
+ \ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@undef%
+ \pgfplotstreampointundefined%
+ \else\ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@out%
+ \pgfplotstreampointoutlier{\pgfpointxy{#1}{#2}}%
+ \else%
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{#1}{#2}}%
+ \fi\fi%
+% Read a plot stream from a file and plot it.
+% #1 = file from which to read things
+% File format:
+% Like xy, except that each line contains three numbers, which are
+% converted to xyz coordinates.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplotxyfile{tableformgnuplot.dat}
+ \begingroup%
+ \pgfplotstreamstart%
+ \openin\r@pgf@reada=#1
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada
+ \pgfwarning{Plot data file `#1' not found.}
+ \else
+ \catcode`\#=14
+ \catcode`\^^M=5
+ \pgf@readxyzfile%
+ \fi
+ \pgfplotstreamend%
+ \endgroup%
+ \pgfutil@read\r@pgf@reada to \pgf@temp%
+ \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty%
+ \if1\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first
+ \else
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\pgfplotstreamnewdataset\fi%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\pgf@temp\pgf@partext%
+ \if1\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first
+ \else
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\pgfplotstreamnewdataset\fi%
+ \fi
+ \else%
+ \expandafter\pgf@parsexyzline\pgf@temp\pgf@stop%
+ \fi\fi%
+ \ifeof\r@pgf@reada\else\expandafter\pgf@readxyzfile\fi%
+\def\pgf@parsexyzline#1 #2 #3 #4\pgf@stop{%
+ \def\b@pgfplotsxyfile@scanning@for@first{0}%
+ \edef\pgf@xyline@flag@val{#4}%
+ \ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@undef%
+ \pgfplotstreampointundefined%
+ \else\ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@out%
+ \pgfplotstreampointoutlier{\pgfpointxyz{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else%
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxyz{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \fi\fi%
+% Render a function using gnuplot.
+% #1 = filename prefix for .gnuplot and .table files (optional,
+% default is \jobname)
+% #2 = gnuplot function text
+% Description:
+% This command will write a file called #1.gnuplot that sets up
+% some gnuplot commands to write output to a file called
+% #1.table. Then it calls gnuplot (using the \write18 mechanism)
+% to execute the file. Then it reads #2.table using \pgfplotxyfile.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerlineto
+% \pgfplotgnuplot[\jobname]{plot [x=0:5] x*sin(x)}
+ \catcode`\%=12
+ \catcode`\"=12
+ \xdef\pgf@gnuplot@head{set table \noexpand\pgf@plottablefile@quoted; set format "%.5f"}
+ /pgf/plot/gnuplot call/.initial={gnuplot}}%
+ \pgf@resample@plottrue%
+ \pgfutilpreparefilename{#1.gnuplot}%
+ \let\pgf@plotgnuplotfile=\pgfretval
+ \pgfutilpreparefilename{#1.table}%
+ \let\pgf@plottablefile=\pgfretval
+ \let\pgf@plottablefile@quoted=\pgfretvalquoted
+ % Check, whether it is up-to-date
+ \openin\pgfutil@inputcheck=\pgf@plotgnuplotfile\relax
+ \ifeof\pgfutil@inputcheck%
+ \else%
+ \pgfutil@read\pgfutil@inputcheck to\pgf@temp% ignored
+ \pgfutil@read\pgfutil@inputcheck to\pgf@plot@line%
+ \closein\pgfutil@inputcheck
+ \edef\pgf@plot@code{#2\space}%
+ \ifx\pgf@plot@code\pgf@plot@line%
+ \openin\pgfutil@inputcheck=\pgfretval\relax
+ \ifeof\pgfutil@inputcheck%
+ \else%
+ \closein\pgfutil@inputcheck
+ \pgf@resample@plotfalse%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi
+ \ifpgf@resample@plot%
+ \immediate\openout\pgf@plotwrite=\pgf@plotgnuplotfile\relax
+ \immediate\pgfutil@write\pgf@plotwrite{\pgf@gnuplot@head}%
+ \immediate\pgfutil@write\pgf@plotwrite{#2}%
+ \immediate\closeout\pgf@plotwrite%
+ \pgfutil@shellescape{%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/plot/gnuplot call} \pgf@plotgnuplotfile}%
+ \fi%
+% \let\pgf@savedparsexyline=\pgf@parsexyline%
+% \let\pgf@parsexyline=\pgf@parsegnuplotxyline%
+ \pgfplotxyfile{\pgf@plottablefile}%
+% \let\pgf@parsexyline=\pgf@savedparsexyline%
+% \def\pgf@parsegnuplotxyline#1 #2 #3\pgf@stop{%
+% \edef\pgf@xyline@flag@val{#3}%
+% \edef\pgf@xyline@flag@out{o\space}%
+% \edef\pgf@xyline@flag@undef{u\space}%
+% \ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@undef%
+% \pgfplotstreampointundefined%
+% \else\ifx\pgf@xyline@flag@val\pgf@xyline@flag@out%
+% \pgfplotstreampointoutlier{\pgfpointxy{#1}{#2}}%
+% \else%
+% \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxy{#1}{#2}}%
+% \fi\fi%
+% }%
+% This producer handler plots a function using pgf's mathematical engine.
+% #1 = variable
+% #2 = domain for the variable
+% #3 = point, typically defined in terms of the value of the variable
+% Description:
+% This producer will iterate the variable #1 over all variables in #2
+% (using the \foreach statement). For each value, a plot coordinate
+% #3 is created.
+% Note that this command is pretty slow.
+% Example:
+% \pgfplothandlerlineto
+% \pgfplotfunction{\x}{0,0.1,...,3.141}{\pgfpointxy{\x}{sin(\x)}}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart%
+ \foreach#1in{#2}%
+ {%
+ \pgf@process{#3}%
+ \edef\pgf@marshal{\noexpand\pgfplotstreampoint{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\the\pgf@x}{\the\pgf@y}}}%
+ \pgf@marshal%
+ }
+ \pgfplotstreamend%