path: root/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
commit6f9e1680085e7bb4d258f6f8116369d122e196e1 (patch)
tree9ac0ecb239240d1d672b188f29c1479de215074b /graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua
parentb8345f39630408bb198e7636381ce4240154ca9b (diff)
CTAN sync 202301160303
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2a7026a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/pgf/base/tex/generic/lua/pgf/manual/DocumentParser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+-- Copyright 2013 by Till Tantau
+-- This file may be distributed an/or modified
+-- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+-- 2. under the GNU Public License
+-- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information
+-- @release $Header$
+-- This class offers functions for converting the documentation of Lua
+-- and other code into \TeX.
+-- @field renderers This array must consist of tables having two
+-- fields: |test| and |renderer|. The first must be set to a function
+-- that is called with an information table as parameter and must
+-- return |true| if the function stored in the |renderer| should be
+-- called. (Typically, the |test| will test whether the ``head line''
+-- following a documentation block has a special form.)
+local DocumentParser = {
+ renderers = {}
+-- Namespace:
+require 'pgf.manual'.DocumentParser = DocumentParser
+-- Imports
+local keys = require ''.keys
+-- Forwards:
+local collect_infos, render_infos
+-- Includes the documentation stored in some file in the manual.
+-- @param filename The file from which the documentation is to be read
+-- @param type The type of the file.
+function DocumentParser.include(filename, typ)
+ local fullname = assert(kpse.find_file(filename:gsub("%.", "/"), typ or "lua")
+ or kpse.find_file(filename:gsub("%.", "\\"), typ or "lua"),
+ "file " .. filename .. " not found")
+ local file, error =
+ -- First, let us read the file into a table to make handling easier:
+ local lines = {}
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ lines [#lines + 1] = line
+ end
+ -- A table storing the current output. The array part contains TeX
+ -- lines, the table part contains information about special table.s
+ local output = {}
+ -- Now, start the main parser loop.
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= #lines do
+ if lines[i]:match("^%-%-%-") then
+ local infos = collect_infos (lines, i)
+ infos.filename = filename
+ render_infos(infos, output)
+ i = infos.last_line
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- Render output:
+ for _,l in ipairs(output) do
+ if type(l) == "string" then
+ tex.print(l)
+ else
+ l()
+ end
+ end
+-- Add a test and a renderer to the array of renderers.
+-- @param test A test function (see |DocumentParser.renderers|).
+-- @param renderer A rendering function.
+function DocumentParser.addRenderer (test, renderer)
+ DocumentParser.renderers [#DocumentParser.renderers + 1] =
+ { test = test, renderer = renderer }
+-- Forwards:
+local print_on_output, print_on_output_escape, print_docline_on_output, open_mode, close_mode, print_lines_on_output
+local function strip_quotes(s)
+ if s then return string.gsub(s, '^"(.*)"$', "%1") end
+local function split(s)
+ local t = {}
+ for line in string.gmatch(s, ".-\n") do
+ t[#t+1] = line
+ end
+ for i=#t,1,-1 do
+ if t[i]:match("^%s*$") then
+ t[i] = nil
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+local function process_string(s)
+ if s then
+ local t = split(s.."\n")
+ -- Compute min spaces
+ local min = math.huge
+ for _,l in ipairs(t) do
+ min = math.min(min, string.find(l, "%S") or math.huge)
+ end
+ if min < math.huge then
+ -- Now, trim 'em all!
+ for i=1,#t do
+ t[i] = string.sub(t[i],min,-2)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+local function process_examples(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if type(t) == "string" then
+ t = {t}
+ end
+ local n = {}
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local code, options
+ if type(t[i]) == "table" then
+ code = assert(t[i].code)
+ options = t[i].options
+ else
+ code = t[i]
+ end
+ n[i] = {
+ options = process_string(strip_quotes(options)),
+ code = process_string(strip_quotes(code))
+ }
+ end
+ return n
+-- The standard renderers:
+-- The function renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return
+ infos.keywords["function"] or
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*function%s+") or
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*local%s+function%s+")
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ if infos.keywords["function"] then
+ local k = infos.keywords["function"][1]
+ infos.head_line = k:match("^%s*@(.*)")
+ end
+ local rest = infos.head_line:match("function%s+(.*)")
+ local tab = rest:match("([^(]*[%.%:]).*")
+ local fun = rest:match("[^(]*[%.%:](.-)%s*%(") or rest:match("(.-)%s*%(")
+ local pars = rest:match(".-%((.*)%)")
+ -- Render the head
+ print_on_output_escape(output, [[\begin{luacommand}]])
+ output[#output+1] = "{" .. (tab or "") .. fun .. "}"
+ print_on_output_escape(output,
+ "{", tab or "", "}",
+ "{", fun, "}",
+ "{", pars, "}")
+ if tab then
+ local table_name = tab:sub(1,-2)
+ local t = output[table_name] or {}
+ t[#t+1] = {
+ link = "pgf/lua/" .. tab .. fun,
+ text = "function " .. tab .. "\\declare{" .. fun .. "} (" .. pars .. ")"
+ }
+ output[table_name] = t
+ end
+ local mode = "text"
+ for _,l in ipairs(infos.doc_lines) do
+ if mode ~= "done" then
+ mode = print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ end
+ end
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ print_on_output(output, [[\end{luacommand}]])
+ end
+-- The table renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return
+ infos.keywords["table"] or
+ infos.head_line:match("=%s*{")
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ if infos.keywords["table"] then
+ local k = infos.keywords["table"][1]
+ infos.head_line = k:match("^%s*@table(.*)") .. "="
+ end
+ local name =
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*local%s+(.-)%s*=") or
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*(.*)%s*=")
+ -- Render the head
+ print_on_output_escape(output,
+ [[\begin{luatable}]],
+ "{", name:match("(.*[%.%:]).*") or "", "}",
+ "{", name:match(".*[%.%:](*-)") or name,"}",
+ "{", infos.filename, "}")
+ local mode = "text"
+ for _,l in ipairs(infos.doc_lines) do
+ mode = print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ end
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ output[#output+1] =
+ function ()
+ if output[name] then
+ tex.print("\\par\\emph{Alphabetical method summary:}\\par{\\small")
+ table.sort(output[name], function (a,b) return a.text < b.text end)
+ for _,l in ipairs(output[name]) do
+ tex.print("\\texttt{\\hyperlink{" .. .. "}{" .. l.text:gsub("_", "\\_") .. "}}\\par")
+ end
+ tex.print("}")
+ end
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, [[\end{luatable}]])
+ end
+-- The library renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return infos.keywords["library"]
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ local name = infos.filename:gsub("%.library$",""):gsub("^","")
+ -- Render the head
+ print_on_output_escape(output, "\\begin{lualibrary}{", name, "}")
+ local mode = "text"
+ for _,l in ipairs(infos.doc_lines) do
+ mode = print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ end
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ print_on_output(output, "\\end{lualibrary}")
+ end
+-- The section renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return infos.keywords["section"]
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ local mode = "text"
+ for _,l in ipairs(infos.doc_lines) do
+ mode = print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ end
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ end
+-- The documentation (plain text) renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return infos.keywords["documentation"]
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ local mode = "text"
+ for _,l in ipairs(infos.doc_lines) do
+ mode = print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ end
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ end
+-- The declare renderer
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return
+ infos.keywords["declare"] or
+ infos.head_line:match("declare%s*{") or
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*key%s*")
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ -- The renderer
+ local key_name
+ if infos.keywords["declare"] then
+ local k = infos.keywords["declare"][1]
+ key_name = k:match("^%s*@declare%s*(.*)")
+ elseif infos.head_line:match("^%s*key%s*") then
+ key_name = infos.head_line:match('^%s*key%s*"(.*)"') or
+ infos.head_line:match("^%s*key%s*'(.*)'")
+ else
+ local l = infos.lines [infos.last_line + 1]
+ key_name = l:match('key%s*=%s*"(.*)"') or l:match("key%s*=%s*'(.*)'")
+ end
+ assert (key_name, "could not determine key")
+ local key = assert (keys[key_name], "unknown key '" .. key_name .. "'")
+ -- Render the head
+ if key.type then
+ print_on_output_escape(output,
+ "\\begin{luadeclare}",
+ "{", key.key, "}",
+ "{\\meta{", key.type, "}}",
+ "{", key.default or "", "}",
+ "{", key.initial or "", "}")
+ else
+ print_on_output_escape(output,
+ "\\begin{luadeclarestyle}",
+ "{", key.key, "}",
+ "{}",
+ "{", key.default or "", "}",
+ "{", key.initial or "", "}")
+ end
+ local mode = "text"
+ print_lines_on_output(output, process_string(strip_quotes(key.summary)))
+ print_lines_on_output(output, process_string(strip_quotes(key.documentation)))
+ if key.examples then
+ local e = process_examples(key.examples)
+ print_on_output(output,
+ "\\par\\smallskip\\emph{Example" .. (((#e>1) and "s") or "") .. "}\\par")
+ for _,example in ipairs(e) do
+ local opts = table.concat(example.options or {}, "")
+ print_on_output(output, "\\begin{codeexample}[" .. opts .. "]")
+ print_lines_on_output(output, example.code)
+ print_on_output(output, "\\end{codeexample}")
+ end
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, key.type and "\\end{luadeclare}" or "\\end{luadeclarestyle}")
+ end
+-- The empty line
+DocumentParser.addRenderer (
+ function (infos)
+ -- The test
+ return
+ #infos.doc_lines == 1 and
+ infos.doc_lines[1]:match("^%-*%s*$")
+ end,
+ function (infos, output)
+ end
+function print_lines_on_output(output, lines)
+ for n,l in ipairs(lines or {}) do
+ if (n == 1 or n == #lines) and l == "" then
+ -- skip leading and trailing blank lines
+ else
+ output[#output+1] = l
+ end
+ end
+function print_on_output(output, ...)
+ local args = {...}
+ if #args > 0 then
+ for i = 1, #args do
+ args[i] = tostring(args[i])
+ end
+ output[#output+1] = table.concat(args)
+ end
+function print_on_output_escape(output, ...)
+ local args = {...}
+ if #args > 0 then
+ for i = 1, #args do
+ args[i] = tostring(args[i]):gsub("_", "\\_")
+ end
+ output[#output+1] = table.concat(args)
+ end
+function print_docline_on_output(output, l, mode)
+ if l:match("^%s*@section") then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\", l:match("%s*@section%s*(.*)"))
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@param%s+") then
+ if mode ~= "param" then
+ close_mode (output, mode)
+ mode = open_mode (output, "param")
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, "\\item[\\texttt{",
+ l:match("%s@param%s+(.-)%s"):gsub("_", "\\_"),
+ "}] ",
+ l:match("%s@param%s+.-%s+(.*)"))
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@return%s+") then
+ if mode ~= "return" then
+ close_mode (output, mode)
+ mode = open_mode (output, "returns")
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, "\\item[]", l:match("%s@return%s+(.*)"))
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@see%s+") then
+ if mode ~= "text" then
+ close_mode (output, mode)
+ mode = open_mode (output, "text")
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, "\\par\\emph{See also:} \\texttt{",
+ l:match("%s@see%s+(.*)"):gsub("_", "\\_"),
+ "}")
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@usage%s+") then
+ if mode ~= "text" then
+ close_mode (output, mode)
+ mode = open_mode (output, "text")
+ end
+ print_on_output(output, "\\par\\emph{Usage:} ",
+ l:match("%s@usage%s+(.*)"))
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@field+") then
+ close_mode (output, mode)
+ mode = open_mode (output, "field")
+ print_on_output(output, "{",
+ (l:match("%s@field%s+(.-)%s") or l:match("%s@field%s+(.*)")):gsub("_", "\\_"),
+ "}",
+ l:match("%s@field%s+.-%s+(.*)"))
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@done") or l:match("^%s*@text") then
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ print_on_output(output, l)
+ mode = "text"
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@library") then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@function") then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@end") then
+ close_mode(output, mode)
+ mode = "done"
+ elseif l:match("^%s*@") then
+ error("Unknown mark " .. l)
+ else
+ print_on_output(output, l)
+ end
+ return mode
+function open_mode (output, mode)
+ if mode == "param" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\begin{luaparameters}")
+ elseif mode == "field" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\begin{luafield}")
+ elseif mode == "returns" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\begin{luareturns}")
+ end
+ return mode
+function close_mode (output, mode)
+ if mode == "param" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\end{luaparameters}")
+ elseif mode == "field" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\end{luafield}")
+ elseif mode == "returns" then
+ print_on_output(output, "\\end{luareturns}")
+ end
+ return mode
+function collect_infos (lines, i, state)
+ local doc_lines = {}
+ local keywords = {}
+ local function find_keywords(line)
+ local keyword = line:match("^%s*@([^%s]*)")
+ if keyword then
+ local t = keywords[keyword] or {}
+ t[#t+1] = line
+ keywords[keyword] = t
+ end
+ return line
+ end
+ -- Copy triple matches:
+ while lines[i] and lines[i]:match("^%-%-%-") do
+ doc_lines [#doc_lines + 1] = find_keywords(lines[i]:sub(4))
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- Continue with double matches:
+ while lines[i] and lines[i]:match("^%-%-") do
+ doc_lines [#doc_lines + 1] = find_keywords(lines[i]:sub(3))
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ local head_line = ""
+ if not keywords["end"] then
+ -- Skip empty lines
+ while lines[i] and lines[i]:match("^%s*$") do
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ head_line = lines[i] or ""
+ if lines[i] and lines[i]:match("^%-%-%-") then
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ lines = lines,
+ last_line = i,
+ doc_lines = doc_lines,
+ keywords = keywords,
+ head_line = head_line
+ }
+function render_infos(infos, state)
+ for _,renderer in ipairs(DocumentParser.renderers) do
+ if renderer.test (infos, state) then
+ renderer.renderer (infos, state)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ pgf.debug(infos)
+ error("Unknown documentation type")
+return DocumentParser