path: root/graphics/pgf/base/doc/text-en/pgfmanual-en-library-lsystems.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-01-16 03:03:27 +0000
commit6f9e1680085e7bb4d258f6f8116369d122e196e1 (patch)
tree9ac0ecb239240d1d672b188f29c1479de215074b /graphics/pgf/base/doc/text-en/pgfmanual-en-library-lsystems.tex
parentb8345f39630408bb198e7636381ce4240154ca9b (diff)
CTAN sync 202301160303
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/pgf/base/doc/text-en/pgfmanual-en-library-lsystems.tex')
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-% Copyright 2019 by Mark Wibrow
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-% 2. under the GNU Public License.
-% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
-\section{Lindenmayer System Drawing Library}
-Lindenmayer systems (also commonly known as ``L-systems''), were originally
-developed by Aristid Lindenmayer as a theory of algae growth patterns and then
-subsequently used to model branching patterns in plants and produce fractal
-patterns. Typically, an L-system consists of a set of symbols, each of which is
-associated with some graphical action (such as ``turn left'' or ``move
-forward'') and a set of rules (``production'' or ``rewrite'' rules). Given a
-string of symbols, the rewrite rules are applied several times and the when
-resulting string is processed the action associated with each symbol is
-In \pgfname, L-systems can be used to create simple 2-dimensional fractal
- preamble={\usetikzlibrary{lindenmayersystems}},
- pre={\expandafter\let\csname pgf@lsystem@Koch curve\endcsname=\relax},
-\pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Koch curve}{
- \rule{F -> F-F++F-F}
-\shadedraw [top color=white, bottom color=blue!50, draw=blue!50!black]
- [l-system={Koch curve, step=2pt, angle=60, axiom=F++F++F, order=3}]
- lindenmayer system -- cycle;
-\noindent\ldots and ``plant like'' patterns\ldots
-\draw [green!50!black, rotate=90]
- [l-system={rule set={F -> FF-[-F+F]+[+F-F]}, axiom=F, order=4, step=2pt,
- randomize step percent=25, angle=30, randomize angle percent=5}]
- lindenmayer system;
-\noindent \ldots but it is important to bear in mind that even moderately
-complex L-systems can exceed the available memory of \TeX, and can be very
-slow. If possible, you are advised to increase the main memory and save stack
-to their maximum possible values for your particular \TeX{} distribution.
-However, even by doing this you may find you still run out of memory quite
-For an excellent introduction to L-systems (containing some ``really cool''
-pictures -- many of which are sadly not possible in \pgfname) see \emph{The
-Algorithmic Beauty of Plants} by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid
-Lindenmayer (which is freely available via the internet).
- This \pgfname-library provides basic commands for defining and using simple
- L-systems. The \tikzname-library provides, furthermore, a front end for
- using L-systems in \tikzname.
-\subsubsection{Declaring L-systems}
-Before an L-system can be used, it must be declared using the following
- This command declares a Lindenmayer system called \meta{name}. The
- \meta{specification} argument contains a description of the L-system's
- symbols and rules. Two commands |\symbol| and |\rule| are only defined when
- the \meta{specification} argument is executed.
- \begin{command}{\symbol\marg{name}\marg{code}}
- This defines a symbol called \meta{name} for a specific L-system,
- and associates it with \meta{code}.
- A symbol should consist of a single alpha-numeric character (i.e.,
- |A|-|Z|, |a|-|z| or |0|-|9|). The symbols |F|, |f|, |+|, |-|, |[| and
- |]| are available by default so do not need to be defined for each
- L-system. However, if you are feeling adventurous, they can be
- redefined for specific L-systems if required. The L-system treats the
- default symbols as follows (the commands they execute are described
- below):
- %
- \begin{itemize}
- \item |F| move forward a certain distance, drawing a line. Uses
- |\pgflsystemdrawforward|.
- \item |f| move forward a certain distance, without drawing a line.
- Uses |\pgflsystemmoveforward|.
- \item |+| turn left by some angle. Uses |\pgflsystemturnleft|.
- \item |-| turn right by some angle. Uses |\pgflsystemturnright|.
- \item |[| save the current state (i.e., the position and
- direction). Uses |\pgflsystemsavestate|.
- \item |]| restore the last saved state. Uses
- |\pgflsystemrestorestate|.
- \end{itemize}
- The symbols |[| and |]| act like a stack: |[| pushes the state of the
- L-system on to the stack, and |]| pops a state off the stack.
- When \meta{code} is executed, the transformation matrix is set up so
- that the origin is at the current position and the positive x-axis
- ``points forward'', so |\pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}| draws a
- line 1cm forward.
- The following keys can alter the production of an L-system. However,
- they do not store values in themselves.
- \begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/step=\meta{length} (initially 5pt)}
- How far the L-system moves forward if required. This key sets the
- \TeX{} dimension |\pgflsystemstep|.
- \end{key}
- \begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/randomize step percent=\meta{percentage} (initially 0)}
- If the step is to be randomized, this key specifies by how much.
- The value is stored in the \TeX{} macro
- |\pgflsystemrandomizesteppercent|.
- \end{key}
- \begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/left angle=\meta{angle} (initially 90)}
- This key sets the angle through which the L-system turns when it
- turns left. The value is stored in the \TeX{} macro
- |\pgflsystemrleftangle|.
- \end{key}
- \begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/right angle=\meta{angle} (initially 90)}
- This key sets the angle through which the L-system turns when it
- turns right. The value is stored in the \TeX{} macro
- |\pgflsystemrrightangle|.
- \end{key}
- \begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/randomize angle percent=\meta{percentage} (initially 0)}
- If the angles are to be randomized, this key specifies by how much.
- The value is stored in the \TeX{} macro
- |\pgflsystemrandomizeanglepercent|.
- \end{key}
- For speed and convenience, when the code for a symbol is executed, the
- following commands are available.
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemcurrentstep}
- The current ``step'' of the L-system (i.e., how far the system
- will move forward if required). This is initially set to the
- value in the \TeX-dimensions |\pgflsystemstep|, but the actual
- value may be changed if |\pgflsystemrandomizestep| is used
- (see below).
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemcurrentleftangle}
- The angle the L-system will turn when it turns left.
- The value stored in this macro may be changed if
- |\pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle| is used.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemcurrentrightangle}
- The angle the L-system will turn when it turns right.
- The value stored in this macro may be changed if
- |\pgflsystemrandomizerightangle| is used.
- \end{command}
- The following commands may be useful if you wish to define your own
- symbols.
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemrandomizestep}
- Randomizes the value in |\pgflsystemcurrentstep| according to the
- current value of the key |randomize step percent|.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle}
- Randomizes the value in |\pgflsystemcurrentleftangle| according to
- the value of the |randomize angle percent| key.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemrandomizerightangle}
- Randomizes the value in |\pgflsystemcurrentrightangle| according
- to the value of the |randomize angle| key.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
- Move forward in the current direction, by |\pgflsystemcurrentstep|,
- drawing a line in the process. This macro calls
- |\pgflsystemrandomizestep|. Internally, \pgfname{} simply shifts
- the transformation matrix in the positive direction of the current
- (transformed) x-axis by |\pgflsystemstep| and then executes a
- line-to to the (newly transformed) origin.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemmoveforward}
- Move forward in the current direction, by |\pgflsystemcurrentstep|,
- without drawing a line. This macro calls
- |\pgflsystemrandomizestep|. \pgfname{} executes a transformation as
- above, but executes a move-to to the (newly transformed) origin.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemturnleft}
- Turn left by |\pgflsystemcurrentleftangle|. Internally, \pgfname{}
- simply rotates the transformation matrix. This macro calls
- |\pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle|.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemturnright}
- Turn right by |\pgflsystemcurrentrightangle|. Internally,
- \pgfname{} simply rotates the transformation matrix. This macro
- calls |\pgflsystemrandomizerightangle|.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemsavestate}
- Save the current position and orientation. Internally, \pgfname{}
- simply starts a new \TeX-group.
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\pgflsystemrestorestate}
- Restore the last saved position and orientation. Internally,
- \pgfname{} closes a \TeX-group, restoring the transformation matrix
- of the outer scope, and a move-to command is executed to the
- (transformed) origin.
- \end{command}
- \end{command}
- \begin{command}{\rule{\ttfamily\char`\{}\meta{head}{\ttfamily->}\meta{body}{\ttfamily\char`\}}}
- Declare a rule. \meta{head} should consist of a single symbol, which
- need not have been declared using |\symbol| or exist as a default
- symbol (in fact, the more interesting L-systems depend on using symbols
- with no corresponding code, to control the ``growth'' of the system).
- \meta{body} consists of a string of symbols, which again need not
- necessarily have any code associated with them.
- \end{command}
- As an example, the following shows an L-system that uses some of these
- commands. This example illustrates the point that some symbols, in this
- case |A| and |B|, do not have to have code associated with them. They
- simply control the growth of the system.
- %
- preamble={\usetikzlibrary{lindenmayersystems}},
- pre={\nullfont\expandafter\let\csname pgf@lsystem@Hilbert curve\endcsname=\relax},
-\pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Hilbert curve}{
- \symbol{X}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
- \symbol{+}{\pgflsystemturnright} % Explicitly define + and - symbols.
- \symbol{-}{\pgflsystemturnleft}
- \rule{A -> +BX-AXA-XB+}
- \rule{B -> -AX+BXB+XA-}
-\tikz\draw[lindenmayer system={Hilbert curve, axiom=A, order=4, angle=90}]
- lindenmayer system;
- %
-\subsection{Using Lindenmayer Systems}
-\subsubsection{Using L-Systems in PGF}
-The following command is used to run an L-system in \pgfname:
- Runs the L-system called \meta{name} using the input string \meta{axiom}
- for \meta{order} iterations. In general, prior to calling this command, the
- transformation matrix should be set appropriately for shifting and
- rotating, and a move-to to the (transformed) origin should be executed.
- This origin will be where the L-system starts. In addition, the relevant
- keys should be set appropriately.
- %
- \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
- \pgfset{lindenmayer system/.cd, angle=60, step=2pt}
- \foreach \x/\y in {0cm/1cm, 1.5cm/1.5cm, 2.5cm/0.5cm, 1cm/0cm}{
- \pgftransformshift{\pgfqpoint{\x}{\y}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
- \pgflindenmayersystem{Koch curve}{F++F++F}{2}
- \pgfusepath{stroke}
- }
- Note that it is perfectly feasible for an L-system to define special
- symbols which perform the move-to and use-path operations.
- %
-\subsubsection{Using L-Systems in Ti\emph{k}Z}
-In \tikzname, an L-system is created using a path operation. However,
-\tikzname{} is more flexible regarding the positioning of the L-system and also
-provides keys to create L-systems ``on-line''.
-\begin{pathoperation}{lindenmayer system}{ \opt{|[|\meta{keys}|]|}}
- This will run an L-system according to the parameters specified in
- \meta{keys} (which can also contain normal \tikz{} keys such as |draw| or
- |thin|). The syntax is flexible regarding the L-system parameters and the
- following all do the same thing:
- %
-\begin{codeexample}[code only]
-\draw lindenmayer system [lindenmayer system={Hilbert curve, axiom=4, order=3}];
-\begin{codeexample}[code only]
-\draw [lindenmayer system={Hilbert curve, axiom=4, order=3}] lindenmayer system;
-\begin{codeexample}[code only]
-\tikzset{lindenmayer system={Hilbert curve, axiom=4, order=3}}
-\draw lindenmayer system;
- %
-\begin{pathoperation}{l-system}{ \opt{|[|\meta{keys}|]|}}
- A more compact version of the |lindenmayer system| path command.
-This library adds some additional keys for specifying L-systems. These keys
-only work in \tikzname{} and all have the same path, namely, |/pgf/lindenmayer|
-|system|, but the following keys are provided for convenience, so that you do
-not have to keep repeating this path:
-\begin{stylekey}{/pgf/lindenmayer system=\marg{keys}}
- This key changes the key path to |/pgf/lindenmayer systems| and executes
- \meta{keys}.
- A more compact version of the previous key.
-\begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/name=\marg{name}}
- Sets the name for the L-system.
-\begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/axiom=\marg{string}}
- Sets the axiom (or input string) for the L-system.
-\begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/order=\marg{integer}}
- Sets the number of iterations the L-system will perform.
-\begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/rule set=\marg{list}}
- This key allows an (anonymous) L-system to be declared ``on-line''. There
- is, however, a restriction that only the default symbols can be used for
- drawing (empty symbols can still be used to control the growth of the
- system). The rules in \meta{list} should be separated by commas.
- %
-\tikz[rotate=65]\draw [green!60!black] l-system
- [l-system={rule set={F -> F[+F]F[-F]}, axiom=F, order=4, angle=25,step=3pt}];
- %
-\begin{key}{/pgf/lindenmayer system/anchor=\meta{anchor}}
- Be default, when this key is not used, the L-system will start from the
- last specified coordinate. By using this key, the L-system will be placed
- inside a special (rectangle) node which can be positioned using
- \meta{anchor}.
- %
-\begin{tikzpicture}[l-system={step=1.75pt, order=5, angle=60}]
- \pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Sierpinski triangle}{
- \symbol{X}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
- \symbol{Y}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
- \rule{X -> Y-X-Y}
- \rule{Y -> X+Y+X}
- }
- \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
- \draw [red] (0,0) l-system
- [l-system={Sierpinski triangle, axiom=+++X, anchor=south west}];
- \draw [blue] (3,2) l-system
- [l-system={Sierpinski triangle, axiom=X, anchor=north east}];
- %