path: root/graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs')
1 files changed, 918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs/ b/graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d5ca7f8f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/gapfill/Various_OSs/
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# (c) Copyright 2009 by H. Moeller (
+# Version 1.6 for Draw , Apache OpenOffice Draw or LibreOffice Draw
+# with Perl 5.16, and with the LaTeX package 'pict2e' from 2008
+# or with 'pict2e' (2003) and 'ebezier'.
+# This program may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+# LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# The latest version of this license is in
+# This program has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained by the author".
+use POSIX('ceil','floor');
+# Definable by the user:
+# Unitlength in pt:
+$ul = 1.0;
+# If your package pict2e is from 2008 or later (else: $pictnew = 0):
+$pictnew = 1;
+# Fill factor (for laser printer; for filling up to 360% zoom: $fillf=5)
+$fillf = 10;
+# Point factor (for points on dotted lines and curves):
+$pointf = 0.3;
+# Constants:
+# Constants in dotted figures:
+$uli = sp(4 / $ul);
+$ule = sp(0.8 / $ul);
+$ulb = sp(1.2 / $ul);
+# Color names:
+$black = "0.0030.0030.003";
+$navy = "0.0030.0030.503";
+$green = "0.0030.5030.003";
+$teal = "0.0030.5030.503";
+$maroon = "0.5030.0030.003";
+$purple = "0.5030.0030.503";
+$olive = "0.5030.5030.003";
+$blue = "0.0030.0031.000";
+$lime = "0.0031.0000.003";
+$cyan = "0.0031.0001.000";
+$red = "1.0000.0030.003";
+$magenta = "1.0000.0031.000";
+# Further Constants:
+#Conversion factor to pt:
+$cpt = 0.02845276;
+# Greatest integer of Perl
+$gi = 2147483647;
+@lines = <>;
+do {
+ $_ = $lines[$i++];
+ if ((/ l /o) or (/ ct /o) or (/ p[cs ][\se]/o)) {
+ s/\d+ lw \d+ lj //go;
+ s/ m //go;
+ if (/ c /o) {
+ s/(\d\.\d+) (\d\.\d+) (\d\.\d+) c //o;
+ $c=$1.$2.$3." ";
+ }
+ $t="";
+ $l="";
+ $tflag=0;
+ $fflag=0;
+ while ($_ !~ (/p[cs ][\se]/o)) {
+ if (/ ct /o) {
+ $tflag=1;
+ s/ ct / /go;
+ /(.*)/o;
+ $t.=$1;
+ }
+ elsif (/ l /o) {
+ s/ l / /go;
+ s/ l / /o;
+ /(.*)/o;
+ $l.=$1;
+ }
+ $_ = $lines[$i++];
+ }
+ $fflag=($_ !~ (/p /o));
+ if (/ ct /o) {
+ $tflag=1;
+ s/ ct / /go;
+ /(.*\d)/o;
+ $t.=$1;
+ }
+ elsif (/ l /o) {
+ s/ l / /go;
+ s/ l / /o;
+ /(.*\d)/o;
+ $l.=$1;
+ }
+ if ($tflag and $fflag) {
+ $curve[++$#curve] = $c.$t;
+ }
+ elsif ($fflag) {
+ $polygon[++$#polygon] = $c.$l;
+ }
+ }
+until $i == $#lines;
+$sflag = 1;
+$lt = 8;
+$coun = 0;
+$xtex = "";
+$mtex = "";
+$btex = "\\documentclass{article}\n";
+if (not $pictnew) {
+ $btex .= "\\usepackage{ebezier}\n";
+# Lines and polygons
+$cflag = 1;
+foreach (@polygon) {
+ @po = split;
+ $p0 = $po[0];
+ $pon = $#po;
+ if ($pon == 12) {$rec = abs($po[2] - $po[4]) + abs($po[3] - $po[5]) +
+ abs($po[6] - $po[8]) + abs($po[7] -$po[9]) + abs($po[10]- $po[12]) < 1.0E-4;
+ }
+ for (my $j = 1; $j <= $pon; $j++) {
+ $po[$j] *= (-1)**($j+1)*$cpt;
+ }
+ if ($cflag) {
+ $xtex .= "%Lines, arrows, polygons and quadratic B".chr(142)."zier curves\n";
+ $cflag = 0;
+ }
+ if (($p0 ne $blue) and ($p0 ne $green)) {
+ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $pon - 1; $i += 2) {
+ bound($po[$i],$po[$i + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (($p0 eq $black) or ($p0 eq $lime) or ($p0 eq $maroon)
+ or ($p0 eq $purple)) {
+ if ($pon == 12 and $rec) {
+ for (my $h = 3; $h <= 7; $h += 2) {
+ lin($p0,$po[$h],$po[$h+1],$po[$h+2],$po[$h+3]);
+ }
+ lin($p0,$po[9],$po[10],$po[3],$po[4]);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $pon - 3; $i += 2) {
+ lin($p0,$po[$i],$po[$i+1],$po[$i+2],$po[$i+3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($p0 eq $teal) or ($p0 eq $navy)) {
+ $xtex .= "%Arrow\n";
+ $dx = $po[3] - $po[1];
+ $dy = $po[4] - $po[2];
+ $roo = sqrt($dx**2+$dy**2);
+ $co = $dx / $roo;
+ $si = $dy / $roo;
+ $pxh = $po[3] - 4.8 * $co / $ul;
+ $pyh = $po[4] - 4.8 * $si / $ul;
+ $px2 = $pxh - 2.4 * $si / $ul;
+ $py2 = $pyh + 2.4 * $co / $ul;
+ $px3 = $pxh + 2.4 * $si / $ul;
+ $py3 = $pyh - 2.4 * $co / $ul;
+ bound($px2,$py2);
+ bound($px3,$py3);
+ $len = abs($dx);
+ if ($len > 1.0E-3) {
+ @p = best(abs($dy / $dx), 1000);
+ $psx = $p[1] * ($dx <=> 0);
+ $psy = $p[0] * ($dy <=> 0);
+ $len = sp(abs($len - 4 * $len / ($roo * $ul)));
+ }
+ else {
+ $psx = 0;
+ $psy = ($dy <=> 0);
+ $len = sp(abs(abs($dy) - 4 / $ul));
+ }
+ if ($p0 eq $teal) {
+ $xb = sp($po[1]);
+ $yb = sp($po[2]);
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xb.",".$yb."){\\line(".$psx.",".$psy."){".$len."}}\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $xe = $po[3] - $uli * $dx / $roo;
+ $ye = $po[4] - $uli * $dy / $roo;
+ lin($p0,$po[1],$po[2],$xe,$ye);
+ }
+ if ($lt != 12) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{1.2pt}\n";
+ $lt = 12;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".sp($po[3]).",".sp($po[4])."){\\vector(".$psx.",".$psy."){0}}\n";
+ }
+ if (($p0 eq $red) or ($p0 eq $maroon) or ($p0 eq $olive)
+ or ($p0 eq $purple) or ($p0 eq $magenta)) {
+ if ($pon == 8) {
+ tri($p0,$po[1],$po[2],$po[3],$po[4],$po[5],$po[6]);
+ }
+ elsif ($pon == 10) {
+ ($p0,$u1,$v1,$u2,$v2,$u3,$v3,$u4,$v4,$u5,$v5) = @po;
+ tri($p0,$u1,$v1,$u2,$v2,$u3,$v3);
+ tri($p0,$u1,$v1,$u3,$v3,$u4,$v4);
+ }
+ elsif ($pon == 12) {
+ ($p0,$u0,$v0,$u1,$v1,$u2,$v2,$u3,$v3,$u4,$v4,$u5,$v5) = @po;
+ if ($rec) {
+ rect($p0,$u1,$v1,$u2,$v2,$u3,$v3,$u4,$v4);
+ }
+ else {
+ tri($p0,$u0,$v0,$u1,$v1,$u2,$v2);
+ tri($p0,$u0,$v0,$u2,$v2,$u3,$v3);
+ tri($p0,$u0,$v0,$u3,$v3,$u4,$v4);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($pon > 12) {
+ for (my $j = 3; $j <= $pon - 5; $j += 2) {
+ tri($p0,$po[1],$po[2],$po[$j],$po[$j + 1],$po[$j + 2],$po[$j + 3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($p0 eq $cyan) {
+# Text marker
+ $coun++;
+ $bo3 = $po[1] + ($po[3] - $po[1]) / $ul;
+ $bo4 = $po[2] + ($po[4] - $po[2]) / $ul;
+ bound($po[1],$po[2]);
+ bound($bo3,$bo4);
+ $po1 = sp($po[1]);
+ $po2 = sp($po[2]);
+ $mtex .= "\\put(".$po1.",".$po2."){".$coun."}\n";
+ }
+ elsif (($p0 eq $blue) or ($p0 eq $green)) {
+ $xtex .= "%Quadratic B".chr(142)."zier curve\n";
+ qbez($p0,$po[1],$po[2],$po[3],$po[4],$po[5],$po[6]);
+ }
+# Curves
+$cflag = 1;
+foreach (@curve) {
+ @co = split;
+ $c0 = $co[0];
+ $con = $#co;
+ if (($c0 eq $black) or ($c0 eq $lime)) {
+ for (my $j = 1; $j <= $con; $j++) {
+ $co[$j] *= (-1)**($j+1)*$cpt;
+ }
+ if ($cflag) {
+ $xtex .= "%Cubic B".chr(142)."zier curves\n";
+ $cflag = 0;
+ }
+ for (my $j = 3; $j <= $con - 5; $j += 6) {
+ cbez($c0,$co[$j-2],$co[$j-1],$co[$j],$co[$j+1],$co[$j+2],$co[$j+3],
+ $co[$j+4],$co[$j+5]);
+ }
+ }
+# Frame
+if ($xtex . $mtex ne "") {
+ $xtex = $btex."\\usepackage[pdftex,pstarrows]{pict2e}\n\n".
+ "\\begin{document}\n\n".
+ "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{".$ul."pt}\n".
+ "\\begin{picture}(".ceil(($xmax - $xmin)).",".
+ ceil(($ymax - $ymin)).")(".floor($xmin).",".floor($ymin).")\n".
+ "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n".$xtex;
+ $xtex .= $mtex."\\end{picture}\n\n\\end{document}";
+print $xtex."\n";
+# Best pair for the slope of a line or an arrow
+sub best {
+ my ($x,$lsc) = @_;
+ if ($x > 1000) {
+ return (1,0);
+ }
+ elsif ($x < 0.001) {
+ return (0,1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($x =~ (/^\d+$/)) {
+ return ($x,1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($x < 1.0) {
+ $num1 = floor($x * $gi);
+ $den1 = $gi;
+ }
+ else {
+ $num1 = $gi;
+ $den1 = floor($gi / $x);
+ }
+ $r0 = $num1;
+ $r1 = $den1;
+ $q1 = 1;
+ @li = (0);
+ while ($r1 != 0) {
+ $q1 = floor($r0 / $r1);
+ $r2 = ($r0 % $r1);
+ $r0 = $r1;
+ $r1 = $r2;
+ $li[++$#li] = $q1;
+ }
+ $num1 /= $r0;
+ $den1 /= $r0;
+ if ($num1 <= $lsc and $den1 <= $lsc) {
+ return ($num1,$den1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $n = $#li;
+ @num = (1,$li[1]);
+ @den = (0,1);
+ $bnum = $li[1];
+ $bden = 1;
+ $i = 2;
+ $numh = 0;
+ $denh = 0;
+ while (($numh <= $lsc and $denh <= $lsc) and $i <= $n) {
+ $c = ($li[$i] >> 1);
+ if (($li[$i] % 2) == 1) {
+ $c++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $j = 1;
+ while (($i - $j >= 1 and $i + $j <= $n) and $li[$i - $j] == $li[$i + $j]) {
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $dj = $i - $j;
+ $sj = $i + $j;
+ if (($dj >= 1 and $sj <= $n) and $li[$dj] != $li[$sj]) {
+ $c += (($j + (($li[$sj] < $li[$dj]) ? 0 : 1)) % 2);
+ }
+ elsif ($dj == 0 and $sj <= $n) {
+ $c += ($j % 2);
+ }
+ elsif ($dj >= 1 and $sj == $n + 1) {
+ $c += (($j + 1) % 2);
+ }
+ elsif (($dj == 0 and $sj == $n + 1) or ($dj == 2 and
+ $sj == $n and $li[1] == 1 and $li[2] + 1 == $li[$n]) or
+ ($dj == 1 and $sj == $n - 1 and $li[$n] == 1
+ and $li[$n - 1] + 1 == $li[1])) {
+ $c++;
+ }
+ }
+ $k = $c;
+ while ($k <= $li[$i]) {
+ $numh = $k * $num[$i - 1] + $num[$i - 2];
+ $denh = $k * $den[$i - 1] + $den[$i - 2];
+ if ($numh > $lsc or $denh > $lsc) {
+ last;
+ }
+ $bnum = $numh;
+ $bden = $denh;
+ if ($k == $li[$i]) {
+ $num[$i] = $numh;
+ $den[$i] = $denh;
+ }
+ $k++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return ($bnum,$bden);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Lines
+sub lin {
+ my ($c,$xb,$yb,$xe,$ye) = @_;
+ if (($c eq $black) or ($c eq $maroon) or ($c eq $purple)) {
+ $dx = $xe - $xb;
+ $dy = $ye - $yb;
+ $le = abs($dx);
+ if ($le > 1.0E-3) {
+ if ($pictnew) {
+ @p = best(abs($dy / $dx), 16383);
+ }
+ else {
+ @p = best(abs($dy / $dx), 1000);
+ }
+ $psx = $p[1] * ($dx <=> 0);
+ $psy = $p[0] * ($dy <=> 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ $psx = 0;
+ $psy = ($dy <=> 0);
+ $le = abs($dy);
+ }
+ $xbu = sp($xb);
+ $ybu = sp($yb);
+ $leu = sp($le);
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xbu.",".$ybu."){\\line(".$psx.",".$psy."){".$leu."}}\n";
+ }
+ elsif (($c eq $lime) or ($c eq $navy)) {
+# Dotted line
+ $dx = $xe - $xb;
+ $dy = $ye - $yb;
+ $le = floor($pointf * $ul * (sqrt($dx**2 + $dy**2))) + 1;
+ if ($le > 1) {
+ $xbu = sp($xb - $ulb / 2);
+ $ybu = sp($yb);
+ $xiu = sp($dx / ($le - 1));
+ $yiu = sp($dy / ($le - 1));
+ if ($lt != 12) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{1.2pt}\n";
+ $lt = 12;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xbu.",".$ybu.")(".$xiu.",".$yiu;
+ $xtex .= "){".$le."}{\\line(1,0){".$ulb."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Triangles
+sub tri {
+my ($q0,$qx1,$qy1,$qx2,$qy2,$qx3,$qy3) = @_;
+ $qx1 *= $ul;
+ $qy1 *= $ul;
+ $qx2 *= $ul;
+ $qy2 *= $ul;
+ $qx3 *= $ul;
+ $qy3 *= $ul;
+ if ($q0 eq $red) {
+# Filled triangle
+ %ha = ($qx1,$qy1,$qx2+1e-07,$qy2+1e-07,$qx3+2e-07,$qy3+2e-07);
+ @hb = ();
+ @hc = ();
+ foreach (sort { $ha{$a} <=> $ha{$b} } keys %ha) {
+ $hb[++$#hb] = $_;
+ $hc[++$#hc] = $ha{$_};
+ }
+ ($qx1,$qx2,$qx3) = @hb;
+ ($qy1,$qy2,$qy3) = @hc;
+ $lin = floor(($qy3 - $qy1) * $fillf);
+ $xtex .= "%Filled triangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 1) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.1pt}\n";
+ $lt = 1;
+ }
+ $si = ($qy3 - $qy1) * $qx2 - ($qx3 - $qx1) * $qy2 - $qx1 * $qy3 + $qx3 * $qy1 <=> 0;
+ $dex = ($qx3 - $qx1) / ($qy3 - $qy1) / $fillf;
+ $d1 = $qy2 - $qy1;
+ $d2 = $qy3 - $qy2;
+ if ($d1 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx1 = ($qx2 - $qx1) / $d1;
+ $sx1 = $qx1 - $qy1 * $fx1;
+ }
+ if ($d2 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx2 = ($qx3 - $qx2) / $d2;
+ $sx2 = $qx2 - $qy2 * $fx2;
+ }
+ for ($k = 1; $k <= $lin; $k++) {
+ $xb = $qx1 + $k * $dex;
+ $yb = $qy1 + $k / $fillf;
+ if ($yb <= $qy2) {
+ if ($d1 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $leu = sp((abs($sx1 + $yb * $fx1 - $xb) + 0.5)/ $ul);
+ }
+ else {
+ $leu = sp((abs($qx2 - $qx1) + 0.5)/ $ul);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($d2 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $leu = sp((abs($sx2 + $yb * $fx2 - $xb) + 0.5)/ $ul);
+ }
+ else {
+ $leu = sp((abs($qx3 - $qx2) + 0.5)/ $ul);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($si > 0) {
+ $xbu = sp($xb / $ul);
+ }
+ else {
+ $xbu = sp($xb / $ul);
+ }
+ $ybu = sp($yb / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xbu.",".$ybu."){\\line(".$si.",0){".$leu."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (($q0 eq $purple) or ($q0 eq $magenta)) {
+# Dotted triangle
+ %ha = ($qx1,$qy1,$qx2+1e-07,$qy2+1e-07,$qx3+2e-07,$qy3+2e-07);
+ @hb = ();
+ @hc = ();
+ foreach (sort { $ha{$a} <=> $ha{$b} } keys %ha) {
+ $hb[++$#hb] = $_;
+ $hc[++$#hc] = $ha{$_};
+ }
+ ($qx1,$qx2,$qx3) = @hb;
+ ($qy1,$qy2,$qy3) = @hc;
+ $xtex .= "%Dotted triangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $si = ($qy3 - $qy1) * $qx2 - ($qx3 - $qx1) * $qy2 - $qx1 * $qy3 + $qx3 * $qy1 <=> 0;
+ $dy1 = 2 * ceil($qy1 / 2);
+ $dy3 = 2 * floor($qy3 / 2);
+ $lin = $dy3 - $dy1;
+ $dex = ($qx3 - $qx1) / ($qy3 - $qy1);
+ $xbh = $qx1 + ($dy1 - $qy1 - 2.0) * $dex;
+ $dex = 2 * $dex;
+ $d1 = $qy2 - $qy1;
+ $d2 = $qy3 - $qy2;
+ if ($d1 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx1 = ($qx2 - $qx1) / $d1;
+ $sx1 = $qx1 + ($dy1 - $qy1) * $fx1;
+ }
+ if ($d2 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx2 = ($qx3 - $qx2) / $d2;
+ $sx2 = $qx2 + ($dy1 - $qy2) * $fx2;
+ }
+ for ($k = 0; $k <= $lin; $k += 2) {
+ $qy = $dy1 + $k;
+ $xbh = $xbh + $dex;
+ ($si > 0) ? ($xb = $xbh) : ($xe = $xbh);
+ if ($qy <= $qy2) {
+ ($d1 >= 1.0E-3) ? ($xeh = $sx1 + $k * $fx1) : ($xeh = $qx1);
+ }
+ else {
+ ($d2 >= 1.0E-3) ? ($xeh = $sx2 + $k * $fx2) : ($xeh = $qx2);
+ }
+ ($si > 0) ? ($xe = $xeh) : ($xb = $xeh);
+ $xb = 2 * ceil($xb / 2);
+ $xbd = $xb + (($xb + $qy) % 4);
+ ($xe >= $xbd) ? ($num = floor(($xe - $xbd) / 4) + 1) : ($num = 0);
+ $xbu = sp($xbd / $ul - $ule / 2);
+ $qyu = sp($qy / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xbu.",".$qyu.")(".$uli.",0){".$num;
+ $xtex .= "}{\\line(1,0){".$ule."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (($q0 eq $maroon) or ($q0 eq $olive)) {
+# Hatched triangle
+ $xtex .= "%Hatched triangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $d1 = $qx1 - $qy1;
+ $d2 = $qx2 - $qy2;
+ $d3 = $qx3 - $qy3;
+ $qd1 = $d1;
+ $qd2 = $d2;
+ $qd3 = $d3;
+ %ha = ($qx1,$qd1,$qx2+1e-07,$qd2+1e-07,$qx3+2e-07,$qd3+2e-07);
+ @hb = ();
+ foreach (sort { $ha{$a} <=> $ha{$b} } keys %ha) {
+ $hb[++$#hb] = $_;
+ }
+ ($qx1,$qx2,$qx3) = @hb;
+ %ha = ($qy1,$qd1,$qy2+1e-07,$qd2+1e-07,$qy3+2e-07,$qd3+2e-07);
+ @hb = ();
+ @hc = ();
+ foreach (sort { $ha{$a} <=> $ha{$b} } keys %ha) {
+ $hb[++$#hb] = $_;
+ $hc[++$#hc] = $ha{$_};
+ }
+ ($qy1,$qy2,$qy3) = @hb;
+ ($d1,$d2,$d3) = @hc;
+ $si = (-$qy3 + $qy1) * $qx2 + ($qx3 - $qx1) * $qy2 + $qx1 * $qy3 - $qx3 * $qy1 <=> 0;
+ $p1 = 4 * ceil($d1 / 4);
+ $p2 = 4 * floor($d2 / 4);
+ $p3 = 4 * floor($d3 / 4);
+ $fx1 = ($qx1 - $qx3) / ($d3 - $d1);
+ $sx1 = $qx3 + $fx1 * $d3;
+ $fy1 = ($qy1 - $qy3) / ($d3 - $d1);
+ $sy1 = $qy3 + $fy1 * $d3;
+ $d21 = $d2 - $d1;
+ $d32 = $d3 - $d2;
+ if ($d21 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx2 = ($qx1 - $qx2) / $d21;
+ $sx2 = $qx2 + $fx2 * $d2;
+ }
+ if ($d32 >= 1.0E-3) {
+ $fx3 = ($qx2 - $qx3) / $d32;
+ $sx3 = $qx3 + $fx3 * $d3;
+ }
+ for ($k = $p1; $k <= $p3; $k += 4) {
+ $xbk = $sx1 - $k * $fx1;
+ $ybk = $sy1 - $k * $fy1;
+ if ($k <= $p2) {
+ ($d21 < 1.0E-3) ? ($le = abs($qx2 - $qx1)) : ($le = abs($sx2 - $k * $fx2 - $xbk));
+ }
+ else {
+ ($d32 < 1.0E-3) ? ($le = abs($qx3 - $qx2)) : ($le = abs($sx3 - $k * $fx3 - $xbk));
+ }
+ $xbk = sp($xbk / $ul);
+ $ybk = sp($ybk / $ul);
+ $le = sp($le / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xbk.",".$ybk."){\\line(".$si.",".$si."){".$le."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Rectangles
+sub rect {
+ my ($q0,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4) = @_;
+ $dx = abs($x2 - $x1);
+ $dx = ($dx < 1.0E-6) ? abs($x3 -$x2) : $dx;
+ $dx = $dx * $ul;
+ $xb = ($x1 < $x2) ? (($x1 < $x3) ? $x1 : $x3) : (($x2 < $x3) ? $x2 : $x3);
+ $xb = $xb * $ul;
+ $dy = abs($y2 - $y1);
+ $dy = ($dy < 1.0E-6) ? abs($y3 -$y2) : $dy;
+ $dy = $dy * $ul;
+ $yb = ($y1 < $y2) ? (($y1 < $y3) ? $y1 : $y3) : (($y2 < $y3) ? $y2 : $y3);
+ $yb = $yb * $ul;
+ $xe = $xb + $dx;
+ $ye = $yb + $dy;
+# Filled rectangle
+ if ($q0 eq $red) {
+ $xtex .= "%Filled rectangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 1) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.1pt}\n";
+ $lt = 1;
+ }
+ $xbu = sp($xb / $ul);
+ $ybu = sp($yb / $ul);
+ if ($dy <= $dx) {
+ $lin = floor($fillf * $dy);
+ $dxu = sp($dx / $ul);
+ $ybi = sp(1.0 / ($fillf * $ul));
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xbu.",".$ybu.")(0,".$ybi."){".$lin;
+ $xtex .= "}{\\line(1,0){".$dxu."}}\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $lin = floor($fillf * $dx);
+ $dyu = sp($dy / $ul);
+ $xbi = sp(1.0 / ($fillf * $ul));
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xbu.",".$ybu.")(".$xbi.",0){".$lin;
+ $xtex .= "}{\\line(0,1){".$dyu."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Dotted rectangle
+ elsif (($q0 eq $purple) or ($q0 eq $magenta)) {
+ $xtex .= "%Dotted rectangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $xbb = 2 * ceil($xb / 2);
+ $ybb = 2 * ceil($yb / 2);
+ for ($k = 0; $k <= 2; $k += 2) {
+ $ybd = $ybb + $k;
+ $xbd = $xbb + (($xbb + $ybd) % 4);
+ $numx = floor(($xe - 0.13 - $xbd) / 4) + 1;
+ $numy = floor(($ye - 0.13 - $ybd) / 4) + 1;
+ $xbu = sp($xbd / $ul - $ule / 2);
+ $ybu = sp($ybd / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xbu.",".$ybu.")(".$uli.",0){".$numx."}\n";
+ $xtex .= "{\\begin{picture}(0,0)\\multiput(0,0)(0,".$uli."){";
+ $xtex .= $numy."}\n{\\line(1,0){".$ule."}}\\end{picture}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Hatched rectangle
+ elsif (($q0 eq $maroon) or ($q0 eq $olive)) {
+ $xtex .= "%Hatched rectangle\n";
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $p1 = 4 * ceil(($xb - $ye) / 4);
+ if ($dx >= $dy) {
+ $p2 = 4 * floor(($xb - $yb) / 4) + 4;
+ $p3 = 4 * floor(($xe - $ye) / 4) + 4;
+ $xp = $yb + $p2;
+ $yp = $yb;
+ $lp = $dy;
+ $ip1 = 4;
+ $ip2 = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $p3 = 4 * floor(($xb - $yb) / 4) + 4;
+ $p2 = 4 * floor(($xe - $ye) / 4) + 4;
+ $xp = $xb;
+ $yp = $xb - $p2;
+ $lp = $dx;
+ $ip1 = 0;
+ $ip2 = -4;
+ }
+ $p4 = 4 * floor(($xe - $yb) / 4);
+ for ($k = $p1; $k <= $p2 - 4; $k += 4) {
+ $xbu = sp($xb / $ul);
+ $ybu = sp(($xb - $k) / $ul);
+ $le = sp(($ye - $xb + $k) / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xbu.",".$ybu."){\\line(1,1){".$le."}}\n";
+ }
+ $np = ($p3 - $p2) / 4;
+ if ($p3 > $p2) {
+ $xpu = sp($xp / $ul);
+ $ypu = sp($yp / $ul);
+ $ip1u = sp($ip1 / $ul);
+ $ip2u = sp($ip2 / $ul);
+ $lpu = sp($lp / $ul - 0.1);
+ $xtex .= "\\multiput(".$xpu.",".$ypu.")(".$ip1u.",".$ip2u;
+ $xtex .= "){".$np."}{\\line(1,1){".$lpu."}}\n";
+ }
+ for ($k = $p3; $k <= $p4; $k += 4) {
+ $xbu = sp(($yb + $k) / $ul);
+ $ybu = sp($yb / $ul);
+ $leu = sp(($xe - $yb - $k) / $ul);
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xbu.",".$ybu."){\\line(1,1){".$leu."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Quadratic Bézier curves
+sub qbez {
+ my ($q0,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3) = @_;
+ my $xb = $x1;
+ my $yb = $y1;
+ my $len = 0.0;
+ for ($t = 0.02; $t <= 1.0; $t += 0.02) {
+ bound($xb,$yb);
+ $s = 1.0 - $t;
+ $xe = $s * ($s * $x1 + $t * $x2) + $t * ($s * $x2 + $t * $x3);
+ $ye = $s * ($s * $y1 + $t * $y2) + $t * ($s * $y2 + $t * $y3);
+ $len += sqrt(($xe - $xb)**2 + ($ye - $yb)**2);
+ $xb = $xe;
+ $yb = $ye;
+ }
+ bound($x3,$y3);
+ $x1 = sp($x1);
+ $y1 = sp($y1);
+ $x2 = sp($x2);
+ $y2 = sp($y2);
+ $x3 = sp($x3);
+ $y3 = sp($y3);
+ if ($q0 eq $green) {
+ $le = floor($pointf * $ul * $len);
+ if ($lt != 12) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{1.2pt}\n";
+ $lt = 12;
+ }
+ if ($pictnew) {
+ $xtex .= "\\qbezier[";
+ }
+ else {
+ $xtex .= "\\Qbezier[";
+ }
+ $xtex .= $le."](".$x1.",".$y1.")(".$x2.",".$y2.")(".$x3.",".$y3.")\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($q0 eq $blue) {
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\qbezier(".$x1.",".$y1.")(".$x2.",".$y2;
+ $xtex .= ")(".$x3.",".$y3.")\n";
+ }
+# Cubic Bézier curves
+sub cbez {
+ my ($q0,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4) = @_;
+ my $xb = $x1;
+ my $yb = $y1;
+ if ($q0 eq $black) {
+ for ($t = 0.02; $t <= 1.0; $t += 0.02) {
+ bound($xb,$yb);
+ $s = 1.0 - $t;
+ $u1 = $s * $x1 + $t * $x2;
+ $v1 = $s * $y1 + $t * $y2;
+ $u2 = $s * $x2 + $t * $x3;
+ $v2 = $s * $y2 + $t * $y3;
+ $u3 = $s * $x3 + $t * $x4;
+ $v3 = $s * $y3 + $t * $y4;
+ $xe = $s * ($s * $u1 + $t * $u2) + $t * ($s * $u2 + $t * $u3);
+ $ye = $s * ($s * $v1 + $t * $v2) + $t * ($s * $v2 + $t * $v3);
+ $xb = $xe;
+ $yb = $ye;
+ }
+ bound($x4,$y4);
+ $x1 = sp($x1);
+ $y1 = sp($y1);
+ $x2 = sp($x2);
+ $y2 = sp($y2);
+ $x3 = sp($x3);
+ $y3 = sp($y3);
+ $x4 = sp($x4);
+ $y4 = sp($y4);
+ if ($lt != 8) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{0.8pt}\n";
+ $lt = 8;
+ }
+ $xtex .= "\\cbezier(".$x1.",".$y1.")(".$x2.",".$y2.")(".$x3.",".$y3.")(".$x4.",".$y4.")\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($q0 eq $lime) {
+ if ($lt != 12) {
+ $xtex .= "\\linethickness{1.2pt}\n";
+ $lt = 12;
+ }
+ my $len = 0.0;
+ for ($t1 = 0.02; $t1 <= 1.0; $t1 += 0.02) {
+ bound($xb,$yb);
+ $s1 = 1.0 - $t1;
+ $u1 = $s1 * $x1 + $t1 * $x2;
+ $v1 = $s1 * $y1 + $t1 * $y2;
+ $u2 = $s1 * $x2 + $t1 * $x3;
+ $v2 = $s1 * $y2 + $t1 * $y3;
+ $u3 = $s1 * $x3 + $t1 * $x4;
+ $v3 = $s1 * $y3 + $t1 * $y4;
+ $xe = $s1 * ($s1 * $u1 + $t1 * $u2) + $t1 * ($s1 * $u2 + $t1 * $u3);
+ $ye = $s1 * ($s1 * $v1 + $t1 * $v2) + $t1 * ($s1 * $v2 + $t1 * $v3);
+ $len += sqrt(($xe - $xb)**2 + ($ye - $yb)**2);
+ $xb = $xe;
+ $yb = $ye;
+ }
+ bound($x4,$y4);
+ $le = floor($pointf * $ul * $len);
+ $dflag = 0;
+ if ($le >= 4) {
+ @px = ();
+ @py = ();
+ @qx = ();
+ @qy = ();
+ @r = ();
+ @de = ();
+ @xh = ();
+ @yh = ();
+ for (my $k = 0; $k <= 4; $k++) {
+ $tk = $k / 4;
+ $sk = 1.0 - $tk;
+ $px[++$#px]=$sk**3*$x1+3*$sk**2*$tk*$x2+3*$sk*$tk**2*$x3+$tk**3*$x4;
+ $py[++$#py]=$sk**3*$y1+3*$sk**2*$tk*$y2+3*$sk*$tk**2*$y3+$tk**3*$y4;
+ $qx[++$#qx]=3.0*(-$sk**2*$x1+$sk*(1-3*$tk)*$x2+$tk*(2-3*$tk)*$x3+
+ $tk**2*$x4);
+ $qy[++$#qy]=3.0*(-$sk**2*$y1+$sk*(1-3*$tk)*$y2+$tk*(2-3*$tk)*$y3+
+ $tk**2*$y4);
+ $r[++$#r] = $px[$k] * $qy[$k] - $py[$k] * $qx[$k];
+ }
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <=3; $i++) {
+ $det = $qx[$i] * $qy[$i+1] - $qy[$i]*$qx[$i+1];
+ if (abs($det) < 1.0E-10) {
+ last;
+ }
+ $de[++$#de] = $det;
+ $xh[++$#xh] = ($qx[$i] * $r[$i+1] - $r[$i]*$qx[$i+1]) / $det;
+ $yh[++$#yh] = ($qy[$i] * $r[$i+1] - $r[$i]*$qy[$i+1]) / $det;
+ }
+ if ($#de == 3) {
+ $le = ceil($le / 4);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <=3; $i++) {
+ $x1 = sp($px[$i]);
+ $y1 = sp($py[$i]);
+ $x2 = sp($xh[$i]);
+ $y2 = sp($yh[$i]);
+ $x3 = sp($px[$i+1]);
+ $y3 = sp($py[$i+1]);
+ if ($pictnew) {
+ $xtex .= "\\qbezier[";
+ }
+ else {
+ $xtex .= "\\Qbezier[";
+ }
+ $xtex .= $le."](".$x1.",".$y1.")(".$x2.",".$y2.")(".$x3.",".$y3.")\n";
+ }
+ $dflag = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $dflag) {
+ $xb = $x1;
+ $yb = $y1;
+ $le = 1/ceil($pointf * $ul * $len);
+ $xc = sp($xb - $ulb / 2);
+ $yc = sp($yb);
+ for ($t = $le; $t <= 1.0 + $le; $t += $le) {
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xc.",".$yc."){\\line(1,0){".$ulb."}}\n";
+ $s = 1.0 - $t;
+ $u1 = $s * $x1 + $t * $x2;
+ $v1 = $s * $y1 + $t * $y2;
+ $u2 = $s * $x2 + $t * $x3;
+ $v2 = $s * $y2 + $t * $y3;
+ $u3 = $s * $x3 + $t * $x4;
+ $v3 = $s * $y3 + $t * $y4;
+ $xe = $s * ($s * $u1 + $t * $u2) + $t * ($s * $u2 + $t * $u3);
+ $ye = $s * ($s * $v1 + $t * $v2) + $t * ($s * $v2 + $t * $v3);
+ $xb = $xe;
+ $yb = $ye;
+ $xc = sp($xb - $ulb / 2);
+ $yc = sp($yb);
+ }
+ $xc = sp($x4 - $ulb / 2);
+ $yc = sp($y4);
+ $xtex .= "\\put(".$xc.",".$yc."){\\line(1,0){".$ulb."}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Bounding box
+sub bound {
+ my ($xn,$yn) = @_;
+ if ($sflag) {
+ $xmin = $xn;
+ $xmax = $xn;
+ $ymin = $yn;
+ $ymax = $yn;
+ $sflag = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($xn < $xmin) {$xmin = $xn} elsif ($xmax < $xn) {$xmax = $xn}
+ if ($yn < $ymin) {$ymin = $yn} elsif ($ymax < $yn) {$ymax = $yn}
+ }
+# Sprintf
+sub sp {
+ my $x = shift;
+ return sprintf("%.3f",$x) + 0;