path: root/graphics/dot2tex/examples
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/dot2tex/examples
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/dot2tex/examples')
18 files changed, 1336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01304574da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+:Title: State machine
+:Tags: PGF, Preproc
+This state machine is `based on an example`_ from the PGF and TikZ manual.
+The original looks much better. For small graphs you usually
+get better looking results by drawing them manually.
+.. _based on an example:
+Generated with::
+ $ -tmath --preproc | --crop > automata.tex
+digraph automata {
+ rankdir=LR;
+ node [shape=circle];
+ edge [style=">=stealth',shorten >=1pt"];
+ q_a [shape=doublecircle];
+ q_a -> q_b [label="0,1,L"];
+ q_b -> q_b [label="1,1,L"];
+ q_b -> q_c [label="0,1,L"];
+ q_c -> q_e [label="1,0,R"];
+ q_e -> q_a [label="1,0,R"];
+ q_a -> q_c [label="1,1,R"];
+ q_c -> q_d [label="0,1,L"];
+ q_d -> q_d [label="1,1,R"];
+ q_d -> q_a [label="0,1,R"];
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index 0000000000..59dc6f165e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+:Title: Snaked edges
+:Tags: PGF
+This graph uses special `PGF/TikZ`_ styles to create some interesting
+visual effects. To get the snaked edges run dot2tex with the ``-s`` option
+to force straight edges.
+Generated with::
+ $ fdp -Txdot | -s -fpgf > balls.tex
+.. _PGF/TikZ:
+graph G {
+ node [shape=circle, fixedsize=True, width="0.2", style="ball color = green", label=""];
+ edge [style="snake=zigzag, green"];
+ a_1 -- c -- a_2;
+ c [style="ball color=black"];
+ edge [style="snake=snake, blue", color=red];
+ node [style="ball color = red", label=""];
+ a_3 -- c -- a_4 --a_3;
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..b9cc1f30e1
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+:Title: Distances
+:Tags: TikZ, tikzedgelabels
+Generated with::
+ $ circo -Txdot | --crop --tikzedgelabels -ftikz -tmath -s > distances.tex
+graph G {
+ node [shape=circle,fixedsize = true,width=0.1,style="fill=blue!20"];
+ edge [lblstyle="fill=black!10,inner sep=1pt,sloped"];
+ K -- F [label="120"];
+ H -- S [label="650"];
+ H -- M [label="780"];
+ D -- B [label="490"];
+ D -- M [label="600"];
+ B -- M [label="580"];
+ H -- N [label="600"];
+ F -- H [label="490"];
+ S -- B [label="630"];
+ S -- N [label="210"];
+ S -- M [label="230"];
+ F --M [label="100"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..5ae471d14f
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+:Title: Basic example
+:Tags: PGF
+A basic example.
+Generated with::
+ $ --preproc -tmath | > ex1.tex
+digraph G {
+ a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/graphanndtti.tex b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/graphanndtti.tex
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index 0000000000..2d8f12835c
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+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/graphanndtti.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+% Define layers
+% The scale option is useful for adjusting spacing between nodes.
+% Note that this works best when straight lines are used to connect
+% the nodes.
+ % set node style
+ \tikzstyle{n} = [draw,shape=circle,minimum size=2em,
+ inner sep=0pt,fill=red!20]
+ \begin{dot2tex}[dot,tikz,codeonly,styleonly,options=-s -tmath]
+ digraph G {
+ node [style="n"];
+ A_1 -> B_1; A_1 -> B_2; A_1 -> B_3;
+ B_1 -> C_1; B_1 -> C_2;
+ B_2 -> C_2; B_2 -> C_3;
+ B_3 -> C_3; B_3 -> C_4;
+ }
+ \end{dot2tex}
+ % annotations
+ \node[left=1em] at (C_1.west) (l3) {Level 3};
+ \node at (l3 |- B_1) (l2){Level 2};
+ \node at (l3 |- A_1) (l1) {Level 1};
+ % Draw lines to separate the levels. First we need to calculate
+ % where the middle is.
+ \path (l3) -- coordinate (l32) (l2) -- coordinate (l21) (l1);
+ \draw[dashed] (C_1 |- l32) -- (l32 -| C_4);
+ \draw[dashed] (C_1 |- l21) -- (l21 -| C_4);
+ \draw[<->,red] (A_1) to[out=-120,in=90] (C_2);
+ % Highlight the A_1 -> B_1 -> C_2 path. Use layers to draw
+ % behind everything.
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \draw[rounded corners=2em,line width=3em,blue!20,cap=round]
+ ( -- (B_1.west) -- (;
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..6d234710e1
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+:Title: Graph of graphs
+:Tags: PGF
+This example shows that node content is not limited to text and math.
+You can for instance insert graphics and create this weird graph of graphs.
+Download the PDF and zoom in to see the details.
+Generated with::
+ $ neato -Txdot | --crop -fpgf > graphofgraphs.tex
+digraph G {
+ graph [mindist=0.5];
+ node [shape=plaintext, height=0.5];
+ edge [style="black!50, thin,-to"];
+ a_1 [texlbl="\raisebox{-.4\height}{\includegraphics[height=30bp]{balls.pdf}}"];
+ a_2 [texlbl="\raisebox{-.4\height}{\includegraphics[height=30bp]{pgfsnakes.pdf}}"];
+ a_3 [texlbl="\raisebox{-.4\height}{\includegraphics[height=30bp]{pgfarrows.pdf}}"];
+ a_4 [texlbl="\raisebox{-.4\height}{\includegraphics[height=30bp]{poltab.pdf}}"];
+ a_5 [texlbl="\raisebox{-.4\height}{\includegraphics[height=30bp]{subgraphs.pdf}}"];
+ a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_4 -> a_5 -> a_1;
+ a_2 -> a_5;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/gvcols.tex b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/gvcols.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..395cc992b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/gvcols.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+yellowgreen,56,192,205} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..af48930fda
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+:Title: LaTeX markup
+:Tags: PGF
+digraph G {
+ node [fontcolor=red];
+ subgraph cluster0 {
+ node [style=filled,color=white, texmode=math];
+ style=filled;
+ color=lightgrey;
+ a_0 -> a_1 -> a_2 -> a_3;
+ label="latex";
+ texlbl="\LaTeX";
+ }
+ subgraph cluster1 {
+ node [style=filled, texmode=math, fontcolor=red];
+ b_0 -> b_1 -> b_2 -> b_3;
+ label = "process #2";
+ color=blue
+ }
+ start -> a_0;
+ start -> b_0;
+ a_1 -> b_3;
+ b_2 -> a_3;
+ a_3 -> a_0;
+ a_3 -> end;
+ b_3 -> end;
+ start [shape=diamond, texlbl="${\frac{\sqrt{\gamma+\beta}}{x^2+y^2}}$"];
+ end [shape=Msquare];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..0a4e98d088
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+:Title: PGF and TikZ arrows
+:Tags: PGF
+Examples of PGF/TikZ style arrows. See chapter 14.1 in the PGF/TikZ manual
+for all availale arrow styles.
+Generated with::
+ $ circo -Txdot | > pgfarrows.tex
+digraph G {
+ graph [mindist=0.5];
+ node [texmode="math", fixedsize=true, shape=circle, width=0.4, style="fill=green!20"];
+ c -> n_1 [style="-stealth", label="stealth"];
+ c -> n_2 [style="-to", label="to"];
+ c -> n_3 [style="-latex", label="latex"];
+ c -> n_4 [style="-diamond", label="diamond"];
+ c -> n_5 [style="-o", label="o"];
+ c -> n_6 [style="{-]}", label="]"];
+ c -> n_7 [style="-triangle 90", label="triangle 90"];
+ c -> n_8 [style="-hooks", label="hooks"];
+ c -> n_9 [style="->>", texmode="math", label=">>"];
+ c [style="fill=red!80"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..9e2cd27f72
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+:Title: PGF snakes
+:Tags: PGF
+Examples of PGF/TikZ snake line styles. See chapter 14.2 in the PGF/TikZ
+manual for all availale snake styles. Note that the snake styles requires
+line operations, so you have to use the ``-s`` option.
+Generated with::
+ $ circo -Txdot | -fpgf -s > pgfsnakes.tex
+graph G {
+ graph [mindist=0.5];
+ node [texmode="math", fixedsize=true, shape=circle, width=0.4, style="fill=green!20"];
+ c -- n_1 [style="snake=zigzag"];
+ c -- n_2 [style="snake=saw"];
+ c -- n_3 [style="snake=expanding waves, segment angle=10"];
+ c -- n_4 [style="snake=snake"];
+ c -- n_5 [style="snake=coil, segment amplitude=6pt"];
+ c -- n_6 [style="snake=brace"];
+ c -- n_7 [style="snake=triangles"];
+ c [style="fill=red!80"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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+:Tags: PGF, Preproc
+This example graph was contributed by Teresa Gomez-Diaz, and shows
+that the ``texlbl`` attriute can contain arbitrary LaTeX markup.
+Generated with::
+ $ -tmath --preproc | > poltab.tex
+digraph G {
+ rankdir=LR;
+ node [shape=plaintext];
+ a_1 [texlbl="$\begin{array}{l} \fbox{1}\fbox{1} \end{array}$"];
+ a_2 [texlbl="$\frac{1}{q} \begin{array}{l} \fbox{2}\fbox{1} \end{array} + \begin{array}{l} \fbox{1}\fbox{2} \end{array}$"];
+ a_3 [texlbl="$(q+\frac{1}{q}) \begin{array}{l} \fbox{2}\fbox{2} \end{array}$"];
+ a_4 [texlbl="$\frac{1}{q} \frac{1}{z_1} \begin{array}{l} \fbox{1}\fbox{2} \end{array} + \frac{1}{z_2}\begin{array}{l} \fbox{2}\fbox{1} \end{array}$"];
+ { rank=same; a_1; a_2; a_3;}
+ { nodesep =1; a_2; a_4;}
+ a_1 -> a_2 [label="f_1" ];
+ a_2 -> a_3 [label="f_1" ];
+ a_1 -> a_4 [label="f_0" dir=back];
+ a_3 -> a_4 [label="f_0" ];
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
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index 0000000000..f3ede31de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+:Title: PSTricks arrows
+:Tags: PSTricks
+Examples of Pstricks style arrows.
+To generate this graph you can write::
+ $ circo -Txdot | -fpst > pstarrows.tex
+digraph G {
+ d2tdocpreamble="\usepackage{pstricks-add}";
+ graph [mindist=0.5];
+ node [texmode="math", fixedsize=true, shape=circle, width=0.4, style="linecolor=red, fillcolor=white"];
+ edge [color="blue"];
+ c -> n_1 [style="arrows=->", texmode="math", label=">"];
+ c -> n_2 [style="arrows=->>", texmode="math", label=">>"];
+ c -> n_3 [style="arrows=-<", texmode="math", label="<"];
+ c -> n_4 [style="arrows=-*", texmode="math", label="*"];
+ c -> n_5 [style="arrows=-{]}", texmode="math", label="]"];
+ edge [color="red"];
+ c -> n_6 [style="arrows=-o", texmode="math", label="o"];
+ c -> n_7 [style="arrows=-H", texmode="math", label="H"];
+ c -> n_8 [style="arrows=->, nArrowsA=5", texmode="math"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a84d24d05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+:Title: Control points
+:Tags: PSTricks
+This example uses the ``showpoints`` PSTricks style to show the
+control points of the edge curves.
+Generated with::
+ $ -fpst > showpoints.tex
+digraph G {
+ size = "8,8";
+ {rank=min S8 S24 S1 S35 S30}
+ {rank=max T8 T24 T1 T35 T30}
+ edge [style="showpoints=true, linecolor=red"];
+ node [style="fillstyle=solid"];
+ S8 -> 9;
+ S24 -> 27;
+ S24 -> 25;
+ S1 -> 10;
+ S1 -> 2;
+ S35 -> 36;
+ S35 -> 43;
+ S30 -> 31;
+ S30 -> 33;
+ 9 -> 42;
+ 9 -> T1;
+ 25 -> T1;
+ 25 -> 26;
+ 27 -> T24;
+ 2 -> 3;
+ 2 -> 16;
+ 2 -> 17;
+ 2 -> T1;
+ 2 -> 18;
+ 10 -> 11;
+ 10 -> 14;
+ 10 -> T1;
+ 10 -> 13;
+ 10 -> 12;
+ 31 -> T1;
+ 31 -> 32;
+ 33 -> T30;
+ 33 -> 34;
+ 42 -> 4;
+ 26 -> 4;
+ 3 -> 4;
+ 16 -> 15;
+ 17 -> 19;
+ 18 -> 29;
+ 11 -> 4;
+ 14 -> 15;
+ 37 -> 39;
+ 37 -> 41;
+ 37 -> 38;
+ 37 -> 40;
+ 13 -> 19;
+ 12 -> 29;
+ 43 -> 38;
+ 43 -> 40;
+ 36 -> 19;
+ 32 -> 23;
+ 34 -> 29;
+ 39 -> 15;
+ 41 -> 29;
+ 38 -> 4;
+ 40 -> 19;
+ 4 -> 5;
+ 19 -> 21;
+ 19 -> 20;
+ 19 -> 28;
+ 5 -> 6;
+ 5 -> T35;
+ 5 -> 23;
+ 21 -> 22;
+ 20 -> 15;
+ 28 -> 29;
+ 6 -> 7;
+ 15 -> T1;
+ 22 -> 23;
+ 22 -> T35;
+ 29 -> T30;
+ 7 -> T8;
+ 23 -> T24;
+ 23 -> T1;
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d9f1b023c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+:Title: Styled subgraphs
+:Tags: PGF, Preproc
+This example shows how subgraphs can be styled using PGF/TikZ styles.
+Note that version 1.09 or higher of PGF/TikZ is required.
+Generated with::
+ $ -tmath --preproc | --crop > subgraphs.tex
+digraph G {
+ d2tdocpreamble="\usetikzlibrary{patterns}";
+ size="6,6";
+ node [style="fill=blue!40"];
+ node [shape=circle, width=0.4];
+ a -> b -> c;
+ graph [style="rounded corners, shade"];
+ subgraph cluster0 {
+ graph [style="pattern color=red, pattern=bricks, rounded corners"];
+ node [style = "fill=blue, semitransparent"];
+ x_0 -> y_0;
+ x_0 -> z_0;
+ }
+ subgraph cluster1 {
+ graph [style="snake=snake, fill=green!20"];
+ node [style = "fill=red!20"];
+ edge [style="->>"];
+ x_1 -> y_1;
+ x_1 -> z_1;
+ }
+ subgraph cluster2 {
+ node [style=" "];
+ x_2 -> y_2;
+ x_2 -> z_2;
+ }
+ a -> x_0;
+ b -> x_1;
+ b -> x_2;
+ a -> z_2;
+ c -> z_1;
diff --git a/graphics/dot2tex/examples/ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..059b663523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+:Title: Two tank system
+:Tags: PGF
+This graph shows the structural model of a two tank system.
+Generated with::
+ $ -fpgf > tank.tex
+graph G {
+ node[shape=doublecircle, fixedsize=true, width=0.4];
+ graph [style="rounded corners"];
+ subgraph cluster0 {
+ style = "red, fill=blue!20,rounded corners";
+ label = "Tank 1";
+ node [texmode="math"]
+ c_1--q_L; c_1--h_1;
+ c_2--q_P; c_2--h_1;
+ c_3--q_L; c_3--q_P; c_3--dh_1;
+ d_4--dh_1;d_4--h_1;
+ dh_1 [label="\\dot{h}_1"];
+ }
+ subgraph cluster1{
+ label = "Pipe";
+ node [texmode="math"]
+ c_5--h_1; c_5--q_12;
+ q_12 [label="q_{12}"];
+ }
+ c_5--h_2;
+ c_3--q_12;
+ c_6--q_12;
+ subgraph cluster2{
+ label = "Tank 2";
+ node [texmode="math"]
+ c_6--dh_2;c_6--q_2;
+ d_7--dh_2; d_7--h_2;
+ c_8--h_2;c_8--q_2;
+ c_m--q_2;
+ dh_2 [label="\\dot{h}_2"];
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0937ff45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+:Title: Automata
+:Tags: TikZ, topath, tikzedgelabels
+An example of how to use TikZ' automata libray and to paths to
+create a pretty state machine.
+Generated with::
+ $ neato -Txdot | -ftikz > tikzautomata.tex
+digraph G {
+ d2ttikzedgelabels = true;
+ d2tstyleonly = true;
+ d2tdocpreamble = "\usetikzlibrary{automata}";
+ d2tfigpreamble = "\tikzstyle{every state}= \
+ [draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20]";
+ node [style="state"];
+ edge [lblstyle="auto",topath="bend left"];
+ A [style="state, initial"];
+ A -> B [label=2];
+ A -> D [label=7];
+ B -> A [label=1];
+ B -> B [label=3,topath="loop above"];
+ B -> C [label=4];
+ C -> F [label=5];
+ F -> B [label=8];
+ F -> D [label=7];
+ D -> E [label=2];
+ E -> A [label="1,6"];
+ F [style="state,accepting"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0211539b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+:Title: TikZ node shapes
+:Tags: TikZ, tikzedgelabels
+This example shows some of special `TikZ node shapes`_ that are available when using
+the ``tikz`` output format.
+Generated with::
+ $ circo -Txdot | -ftikz -s > tikzshapes.tex
+.. _TikZ node shapes:
+graph G {
+ graph [mindist=0.5];
+ node [style="fill=green!20",texmode=math];
+ edge [lblstyle="above,sloped"];
+ d2ttikzedgelabels=true;
+ c [shape=circle];
+ n_1 [shape=diamond];
+ n_2 [shape=star];
+ n_3 [shape="forbidden sign"];
+ n_4 [shape="circle split", texlbl="$n$ \nodepart{lower} $4$"];
+ n_5 [shape="cross out"];
+ n_6 [shape="strike out"];
+ n_7 [shape="regular polygon,regular polygon sides=7"];
+ c -- n_1 [label="diamond"];
+ c -- n_2 [label="star"];
+ c -- n_3 [label="forbidden sign"];
+ c -- n_4 [label="circle split"];
+ c -- n_5 [label="cross out"];
+ c -- n_6 [label="strike out"];
+ c -- n_7 [label="regular polygon"];
+ c [style="fill=red!80"];
+} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b39ea2bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/dot2tex/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+:Title: Node transparency
+:Tags: PGF
+Example of node transparency.
+Based on the graph on
+The overlapping nodes are achieved with::
+ $ neato -Txdot | -fpgf > transp.tex
+graph G {
+ node [style=filled, fillcolor="#00ff005f"]
+ 1 -- 30 [f=1];
+ 1 -- 40 [f=14];
+ 8 -- 46 [f=1];
+ 8 -- 16 [f=18];
+ 10 -- 25 [f=1];
+ 10 -- 19 [f=5];
+ 10 -- 33 [f=1];
+ 12 -- 8 [f=1];
+ 12 -- 36 [f=5];
+ 12 -- 17 [f=16];
+ 13 -- 38 [f=1];
+ 13 -- 24 [f=19];
+ 24 -- 49 [f=1];
+ 24 -- 13 [f=1];
+ 24 -- 47 [f=12];
+ 24 -- 12 [f=19];
+ 25 -- 27 [f=1];
+ 25 -- 12 [f=1];
+ 27 -- 12 [f=1];
+ 27 -- 14 [f=8];
+ 29 -- 10 [f=1];
+ 29 -- 8 [f=17];
+ 30 -- 24 [f=1];
+ 30 -- 44 [f=15];
+ 38 -- 29 [f=1];
+ 38 -- 35 [f=15];
+ 2 -- 42 [f=2];
+ 2 -- 35 [f=3];
+ 2 -- 11 [f=19];
+ 14 -- 18 [f=2];
+ 14 -- 24 [f=15];
+ 14 -- 38 [f=18];
+ 18 -- 49 [f=2];
+ 18 -- 47 [f=20];
+ 26 -- 41 [f=2];
+ node [style=filled fillcolor="#ff00005f"]
+ 26 -- 42 [f=15];
+ 31 -- 39 [f=2];
+ 31 -- 47 [f=17];
+ 31 -- 25 [f=14];
+ 37 -- 26 [f=2];
+ 37 -- 16 [f=14];
+ 39 -- 50 [f=2];
+ 39 -- 14 [f=2];
+ 39 -- 18 [f=17];
+ 39 -- 47 [f=10];
+ 41 -- 31 [f=2];
+ 41 -- 8 [f=16];
+ 42 -- 44 [f=2];
+ 42 -- 29 [f=12];
+ 44 -- 37 [f=2];
+ 44 -- 32 [f=15];
+ 3 -- 20 [f=2];
+ 3 -- 28 [f=19];
+ 6 -- 45 [f=2];
+ 6 -- 28 [f=10];
+ 9 -- 6 [f=2];
+ 9 -- 16 [f=1];
+ node [style=filled fillcolor="#0000ff5f"]
+ 15 -- 16 [f=2];
+ 15 -- 48 [f=2];
+ 16 -- 50 [f=2];
+ 16 -- 32 [f=14];
+ 16 -- 39 [f=8];
+ 20 -- 33 [f=2];
+ 33 -- 9 [f=2];
+ 33 -- 46 [f=3];
+ 33 -- 48 [f=17];
+ 45 -- 15 [f=2];
+ 4 -- 17 [f=4];
+ 4 -- 15 [f=6];
+ 4 -- 12 [f=16];
+ 17 -- 21 [f=4];
+ 19 -- 35 [f=4];
+ 19 -- 15 [f=9];
+ 19 -- 43 [f=4];
+ 21 -- 19 [f=4];
+ 21 -- 50 [f=4];
+ 23 -- 36 [f=4];
+ 34 -- 23 [f=4];
+ 34 -- 24 [f=11];
+ 35 -- 34 [f=4];
+ 35 -- 16 [f=6];
+ 35 -- 18 [f=16];
+ 36 -- 46 [f=4];
+ 5 -- 7 [f=1];
+ 5 -- 36 [f=6];
+ 7 -- 32 [f=1];
+ 7 -- 11 [f=2];
+ 7 -- 14 [f=17];
+ 11 -- 40 [f=1];
+ 11 -- 50 [f=1];
+ 22 -- 46 [f=1];
+ 28 -- 43 [f=1];
+ 28 -- 8 [f=18];
+ 32 -- 28 [f=1];
+ 32 -- 39 [f=13];
+ 32 -- 42 [f=15];
+ 40 -- 22 [f=1];
+ 40 -- 47 [f=1];
+ 43 -- 11 [f=1];
+ 43 -- 17 [f=19];