path: root/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4 b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb039338da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/circuit_macros/examples/FlowchartDefs.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ FlowchartDefs.m4
+ `Some experimental flow-chart macros.
+ In the following, every subchart is in
+ [] brackets, with .N, .S, .E and .W
+ internally defined. Follow this convention
+ if you create compound constructs.
+ Generally, the first argument is one
+ or more strings; the second adjusts
+ the size, and the third can be used
+ to add color, dashed lines, labels,
+ or other embellishements. Default is
+ grey fill if arg3 is blank.
+ These macros have been renamed from earlier
+ versions because of slight differences of
+ arguments.'
+ `Default sizes:'
+ `Fbox( "text", wid expr ht expr,
+ attributes ) The basic task box: arg1 may
+ be 1 or more label strings. Attributes
+ include box line and fill specs.
+ To adjust the box size to the size of
+ the typeset text, see the \boxdims macro
+ in the manual. Example:
+ Fbox("$x < 1$",,
+ shaded rgbstring(0.46,0.53,0.63))'
+define(`Fbox',`[ boxwid = fboxwid; boxht = fboxht
+ Box: box `$2' ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3') `$1'
+ N: Box.n; S:Box.s; E:Box.e; W: Box.w
+ `$4']')
+ `If-then
+ Ftest( "text", wid expr ht expr, attributes )'
+define(`Ftest',`[boxwid = fboxwid*0.8; boxht = fboxht*1.4
+ Box: box ifelse(`$2',,,`$2') invis
+ N: Box.n; S: Box.s; E: Box.e; W: Box.w
+ line from 0.5 between last box.n and last box.e \
+ to last box.e then to last box.s then to last box.w then to last box.n \
+ then to 0.5 between last box.n and last box.e \
+ ifelse(`$3',,`fill_(fillval)',`$3')
+ ifelse(`$1',,,`$1' at Box)
+ `$4']')
+ `case statement
+ Fcase(wid expr ht expr,
+ "Test string 1",task, ...,
+ "Test string n",task)'
+ `arg1 adjusts the size of the tests
+ A task is a flow subchart with internal names .E and .S defined
+ The test blocks are labeled Test1, Test2, ... and the tasks are
+ labeled Task1, Task2, ... '
+define(`Fcase',`[ down; S: Here; sx = S.x
+ Fcaseloop_(1,$@)
+ ifelse(`$2',,`E:S; W:S; N:S',
+ `E:(sx+linewid/2,Task1.E.y); W:Test1.W; N:Test1.N')
+ Fcasearrow_(1,$@)
+ arrow from E to (E,S) then to S ]')
+ define(`Fcaseloop_',`ifelse(`$3',,,
+ `Test`$1': Ftest(`$3',`$2') with .N at S
+ Task`$1': `$4' with .nw at Test`$1'.E+(linewid/2,min(Test`$1'.ht,fboxht)/2)
+ arrow right linewid/4 from Test`$1'.E \
+ then down Test`$1'.E.y-Task`$1'.W.y then to Task`$1'.W
+ S: (Test`$1'.S.x,min(Test`$1'.S.y,Task`$1'.S.y)-linewid/3)
+ ifelse(`$5',,`line',`arrow') from Test`$1'.S to S
+ sx = max(sx,Task`$1'.E.x)
+ Fcaseloop_(incr($1),`$2',shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))')')
+ define(`Fcasearrow_',`ifelse(`$3',,,
+ `arrow from Task`$1'.E to (E,Task`$1'.E)
+ Fcasearrow_(incr($1),`$2',shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))')')
+ `while statement with explicit test
+ Fwhiledo("test text", wid x ht y, attributes, task spec )
+ The task structure is given label Task '
+define(`Fwhiledo',`[ down
+ Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3')
+ arrow right linewid/2 from Test.E
+ Task: `$4' with .W at Here
+ E: Task.E; W: Test.w; S: Test.S
+ arrow up max(linewid/4,Test.n.y-Task.n.y+arrowht*1.5) \
+ from Task.N then left Task.x-Test.x
+ N: Here
+ arrow to Test.n
+ `$5']')
+ `repeat statement with explicit test
+ Frepeatuntil("test",wid x ht y,attributes, task spec )
+ The task structure is given label Task '
+define(`Frepeatuntil',`[ N: Here
+ Task: ifelse(`$4',,Here,`$4' with .N at N)
+ W: Task.W
+ arrow down linewid/3
+ Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3')
+ E: Task.E+(linewid/2+max(0,Test.e.x-Task.e.x),0)
+ arrow from Test.e to (E,Test) then to E then to Task.E
+ S: Test.S
+ `$5']')
+ `if-then-else
+ Fifthenelse( "test", wid x ht y, attributes,
+ left tasks, right tasks)
+ The left task structure is given label Ltask and the right
+ task structure is given label Rtask '
+define(`Fifthenelse',`[ Test: Ftest(`$1',`$2',`$3')
+ N: Test.N
+ Ltask: ifelse(`$4',,`Test.S; W:Test.W; LS:Ltask',
+ `$4 with .ne at ((Test.W.x+Test.x)/2,Test.S.y)
+ W: Ltask.W; LS:Ltask.S
+ arrow from Test.W to (Ltask.N,Test.W) then to Ltask.N')
+ Rtask: ifelse(`$5',,`Test.S; E:Test.E; RS:Rtask',
+ `$5 with .nw at ((Test.E.x+Test.x)/2,Test.S.y)
+ E: Rtask.E; RS: Rtask.S
+ arrow from Test.E to (Rtask.N,Test.E) then to Rtask.N')
+ S: (Test.x,min(LS.y,RS.y)-linewid/3)
+ arrow from LS to (LS,S)
+ arrow from RS to (RS,S)
+ line to (LS,Here)
+ `$6']')