path: root/graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/ b/graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75b8ccc38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/doc/FAQ/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+## HTML output
+# Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Ian Jackson.
+# Modified by John Bowman 02Sep06: simply docref usage
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# (Note: I do not consider works produced using these BFNN processing
+# tools to be derivative works of the tools, so they are NOT covered
+# by the GPL. However, I would appreciate it if you credited me if
+# appropriate in any documents you format using BFNN.)
+%saniarray= ('<','lt', '>','gt', '&','amp', '"','quot');
+sub html_init {
+ $html_prefix = './'.$prefix;
+ $html_prefix =~ s:^\.//:/:;
+ system('rm','-r',"$html_prefix.html");
+ system('mkdir',"$html_prefix.html");
+ open(HTML,">$html_prefix.html/index.html");
+ print HTML "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n";
+ print HTML "<html>\n";
+ $html_needpara= -1;
+ $html_end='';
+ chop($html_date=`date '+%d %B %Y'`);
+ chop($html_year=`date '+%Y'`);
+sub html_startup {
+ print HTML <<END;
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:$user_authormail">
+<link rel="Contents" href="index.html">
+<link rel="Start" href="index.html">
+<META name="description"
+ content="Frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) for Asymptote.">
+<link rel="Bookmark" title="Asymptote FAQ" href="index.html">
+<LINK rel="Bookmark" title="Asymptote Home Page"
+ href="">
+<LINK rel="Bookmark" title="Asymptote Manual"
+ href="">
+</head><body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h1>
+ &html_readrefs($_[0]);
+ if (length($user_copyrightref)) {
+ local ($refn) = $qrefn{$user_copyrightref};
+ if (!length($refn)) {
+ warn "unknown question (copyright) `$user_copyrightref'";
+ }
+ $refn =~ m/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+ local ($s,$n) = ($1,$2);
+ $html_copyrighthref= ($s == $html_sectionn)?'':"section$s.html";
+ $html_copyrighthref.= "#$qn2ref{$s,$n}";
+ }
+sub html_close {
+ print HTML $html_end,"<address>\n$user_author\n";
+ print HTML "- $html_date\n</address><br>\n";
+ print HTML "Extracted from $user_title,\n";
+ print HTML "<A href=\"$html_copyrighthref\">" if length($html_copyrighthref);
+ print HTML "Copyright &copy; $html_year $user_copyholder.";
+ print HTML "</A>" if length($html_copyrighthref);
+ print HTML "\n</body></html>\n";
+ close(HTML);
+sub html_startmajorheading {
+ local ($ref, $this,$next,$back) = @_;
+ local ($nextt,$backt);
+ $this =~ s/^Section /section/; $html_sectionn= $ref;
+ $next =~ s/^Section /section/ && ($nextt= $sn2title{$'});
+ $back =~ s/^Section /section/ ? ($backt= $sn2title{$'}) : ($back='');
+ if ($html_sectionn) {
+ &html_close;
+ open(HTML,">$html_prefix.html/$this.html");
+ print HTML "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\n";
+ print HTML "<html>\n";
+ $html_end= "<hr>\n";
+ $html_end.= "Next: <a href=\"$next.html\" rel=precedes>$nextt</a>.<br>\n"
+ if $next;
+ $html_end.= "Back: <a href=\"$back.html\" rev=precedes>$backt</a>.<br>\n"
+ if $back;
+ $html_end.= "<a href=\"index.html\" rev=subdocument>";
+ $html_end.= "Return to contents</a>.<p>\n";
+ print HTML <<END;
+$user_brieftitle - Section $html_sectionn
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:$user_authormail">
+<link rel="Contents" href="index.html">
+<link rel="Start" href="index.html">
+ print HTML "<link rel=\"Next\" href=\"$next.html\">" if $next;
+ print HTML "<link rel=\"Previous\" href=\"$back.html\">" if $back;
+ print HTML <<END;
+<link rel="Bookmark" title="Asymptote FAQ" href="index.html">
+</head><body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h1>
+$user_brieftitle - Section $html_sectionn <br>
+ $html_needpara= -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print HTML "\n<h1>\n";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+ }
+sub html_endmajorheading {
+ print HTML "\n</h1>\n\n";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+sub html_startminorheading {
+ local ($ref, $this) = @_;
+ $html_needpara=0;
+ $this =~ m/^Question (\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+ local ($s,$n) = ($1,$2);
+ print HTML "\n<h2><A name=\"$qn2ref{$s,$n}\">\n";
+sub html_endminorheading {
+ print HTML "\n</A></h2>\n\n";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+sub html_newsgroup { &arg('newsgroup'); }
+sub html_endnewsgroup { &endarg('newsgroup'); }
+sub html_do_newsgroup {
+ print HTML "<A href=\"news:$_[0]\"><code>$_[0]</code></A>";
+sub html_email { &arg('email'); }
+sub html_endemail { &endarg('email'); }
+sub html_do_email {
+ print HTML "<A href=\"mailto:$_[0]\"><code>$_[0]</code></A>";
+sub html_courier { print HTML "<code>" ; }
+sub html_endcourier { print HTML "</code>"; }
+sub html_italic { print HTML "<i>" ; }
+sub html_enditalic { print HTML "</i>" ; }
+sub html_docref { &arg('docref'); }
+sub html_enddocref { &endarg('docref'); }
+sub html_do_docref {
+ if (!defined($html_refval{$_[0]})) {
+# Modified by John Bowman 02Sep06: interpret the argument as an html reference
+# warn "undefined HTML reference $_[0]";
+# $html_refval{$n}='UNDEFINED';
+ print HTML "<A href=\"$_[0]\">";
+ } else {
+ print HTML "<A href=\"$html_refval{$_[0]}\">";
+ }
+ &recurse($_[0]);
+ print HTML "</A>";
+sub html_readrefs {
+ local ($p);
+ open(HTMLREFS,"<$_[0]") || (warn("failed to open HTML refs $_[0]: $!"),return);
+ while(<HTMLREFS>) {
+ next if m/^\\\s/;
+ s/\s*\n$//;
+ if (s/^\\prefix\s*//) {
+ $p= $'; next;
+ } elsif (s/^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*\\\s*//) {
+ $_=$1; $v=$';
+ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ $html_refval{$_}= $p.$v;
+ } else {
+ warn("cannot understand line in HTML refs >$_<");
+ }
+ }
+ close(HTMLREFS);
+sub html_ftpsilent { &arg('ftpsilent'); }
+sub html_endftpsilent { &endarg('ftpsilent'); }
+sub html_do_ftpsilent {
+ if ($_[0] =~ m/:/) {
+ $html_ftpsite= $`;
+ $html_ftpdir= $'.'/';
+ } else {
+ $html_ftpsite= $_[0];
+ $html_ftpdir= '';
+ }
+sub html_ftpon { &arg('ftpon'); }
+sub html_endftpon { &endarg('ftpon'); }
+sub html_do_ftpon {
+#print STDERR "ftpon($_[0])\n";
+ $html_ftpsite= $_[0]; $html_ftpdir= '';
+ print HTML "<code>";
+ &recurse($_[0]);
+ print HTML "</code>";
+sub html_ftpin { &arg('ftpin'); }
+sub html_endftpin { &endarg('ftpin'); }
+sub html_do_ftpin {
+#print STDERR "ftpin($_[0])\n";
+ print HTML "<A href=\"ftp://$html_ftpsite$html_ftpdir$_[0]\"><code>";
+ &recurse($_[0]);
+ print HTML "</code></A>";
+sub html_text {
+ print HTML "\n<p>\n" if $html_needpara > 0;
+ $html_needpara=0;
+ $html_stuff= &html_sanitise($_[0]);
+ while ($html_stuff =~ s/^(.{40,70}) //) {
+ print HTML "$1\n";
+ }
+ print HTML $html_stuff;
+sub html_tab {
+ $htmltabignore++ || warn "html tab ignored";
+sub html_newline { print HTML "<br>\n" ; }
+sub html_startverbatim { print HTML "<pre>\n" ; }
+sub html_verbatim { print HTML &html_sanitise($_[0]),"\n"; }
+sub html_endverbatim { print HTML "</pre>\n" ; $html_needpara= -1; }
+sub html_endpara {
+ $html_needpara || $html_needpara++;
+sub html_finish {
+ &html_close;
+sub html_startindex {
+ print HTML "<ul>\n";
+sub html_endindex {
+ print HTML "</ul><hr>\n";
+sub html_startindexitem {
+ local ($ref,$qval) = @_;
+ $qval =~ m/Q(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+ local ($s,$n) = ($1,$2);
+ print HTML "<li><a href=\"";
+ print HTML ($s == $html_sectionn)?'':"section$s.html";
+ print HTML "#$qn2ref{$s,$n}\" rel=subdocument>Q$s.$n. ";
+ $html_indexunhead='';
+sub html_startindexmainitem {
+ local ($ref,$s) = @_;
+ $s =~ m/\d+/; $s= $&;
+ print HTML "<br><br>" if ($s > 1);
+ print HTML "<li><b><font size=\"+2\"><a href=\"section$s.html\" rel=subdocument>Section $s. ";
+ $html_indexunhead='</font></b>';
+sub html_endindexitem {
+ print HTML "</a>$html_indexunhead\n";
+sub html_startlist {
+ print HTML "\n";
+ $html_itemend="<ul>";
+sub html_endlist {
+ print HTML "$html_itemend\n</ul>\n";
+ $html_needpara=-1
+sub html_item {
+ print HTML "$html_itemend\n<li>";
+ $html_itemend="";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+sub html_startpackedlist {
+ print HTML "\n";
+ $html_itemend="<dir>";
+sub html_endpackedlist {
+ print HTML "$html_itemend\n</dir>\n";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+sub html_packeditem {
+ print HTML "$html_itemend\n<li>";
+ $html_itemend="";
+ $html_needpara=-1;
+sub html_startindent { print HTML "<blockquote>\n"; }
+sub html_endindent { print HTML "</blockquote>\n"; }
+sub html_pageref {
+ local ($ref,$sq) = @_;
+ $sq =~ m/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+ local ($s,$n) = ($1,$2);
+ print HTML "<A href=\"";
+ print HTML ($s == $html_sectionn)?'':"section$s.html";
+ print HTML "#$qn2ref{$s,$n}\">Q$sq \`";
+sub html_endpageref {
+ print HTML "'</A>";
+sub html_sanitise {
+ local ($in) = @_;
+ local ($out);
+ while ($in =~ m/[<>&"]/) {
+ $out.= $`. '&'. $saniarray{$&}. ';';
+ $in=$';
+ }
+ $out.= $in;
+ $out;