path: root/graphics/asymptote/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-12-28 03:01:00 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-12-28 03:01:00 +0000
commitecdf859b6ce481abfd530425dcf6f0f764bd0001 (patch)
tree13bc161dc046876ac6c92fce5f9f5034ba9aa573 /graphics/asymptote/
parent790995b7e79697514364450bf9c04f1b8d500838 (diff)
CTAN sync 202112280300
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/ b/graphics/asymptote/
index 314ac94809..c2cc059c4b 100644
--- a/graphics/asymptote/
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/
@@ -13,260 +13,13 @@ namespace camp {
using ::orient2d;
using ::orient3d;
-#ifdef HAVE_GL
int MaterialIndex;
-//std::vector<GLuint>& I=transparentData.Indices;
-//std::vector<VertexData>& V=transparentData.Vertices;
bool colors;
-std::vector<GLfloat> zbuffer;
-std::vector<GLfloat> xbuffer;
-std::vector<GLfloat> ybuffer;
-//std::vector<GLfloat> xmin,ymin,zmin;
-//std::vector<GLfloat> xmax,ymax,zmax;
-std::vector<GLfloat> zsum;
-inline double min(double a, double b, double c)
- return min(min(a,b),c);
-inline double max(double a, double b, double c)
- return max(max(a,b),c);
-struct iz {
- unsigned i;
- double z;
- iz() {}
- void minimum(unsigned i, const std::vector<GLuint>& I) {
- this->i=i;
- unsigned i3=3*i;
- z=min(zbuffer[I[i3]],zbuffer[I[i3+1]],zbuffer[I[i3+2]]);
- }
-std::vector<iz> IZ;
const double FillFactor=0.1;
-inline int sgn1(double x)
- return x >= 0.0 ? 1 : -1;
-inline int sgn(double x)
- return (x > 0.0 ? 1 : (x < 0.0 ? -1 : 0));
-bool sameside(const double *a, const double *b, int s0, const double *A,
- const double *B, const double *C)
- if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,A)) == s0) return true;
- if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,B)) == s0) return true;
- if(sgn(orient2d(a,b,C)) == s0) return true;
- return false;
-// returns true iff 2D triangles abc and ABC intersect
-bool intersect2D(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c,
- const double *A, const double *B, const double *C)
- int s0=sgn(orient2d(a,b,c)); // Optimize away
- int S0=sgn(orient2d(A,B,C)); // Optimize away
- return
- sameside(a,b,s0,A,B,C) &&
- sameside(b,c,s0,A,B,C) &&
- sameside(c,a,s0,A,B,C) &&
- sameside(A,B,S0,a,b,c) &&
- sameside(B,C,S0,a,b,c) &&
- sameside(C,A,S0,a,b,c);
-// returns true iff triangle abc is pierced by line segment AB.
-bool pierce(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c, const double *A, const double *B)
- int sa=sgn(orient3d(A,b,c,B));
- int sb=sgn(orient3d(A,c,a,B));
- int sc=sgn(orient3d(A,a,b,B));
- return sa == sb && sb == sc;
-// returns true iff triangle abc is pierced by an edge of triangle ABC
-bool intersect0(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c,
- const double *A, const double *B, const double *C,
- int sA, int sB, int sC)
- if(sA != sB) {
- if(pierce(a,b,c,A,B)) return true;
- if(sC != sA) {
- if(pierce(a,b,c,C,A)) return true;
- } else {
- if(pierce(a,b,c,B,C)) return true;
- }
- } else {
- if(pierce(a,b,c,B,C)) return true;
- if(pierce(a,b,c,C,A)) return true;
- }
- return false;
-// returns true iff triangle abc intersects triangle ABC
-bool intersect3D(const double *a, const double *b, const double *c,
- const double *A, const double *B, const double *C)
- int sA=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,A));
- int sB=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,B));
- int sC=sgn(orient3d(a,b,c,C));
- if(sA == sB && sB == sC) return false;
- int sa=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,a));
- int sb=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,b));
- int sc=sgn(orient3d(A,B,C,c));
- if(sa == sb && sb == sc) return false;
- return intersect0(a,b,c,A,B,C,sA,sB,sC) || intersect0(A,B,C,a,b,c,sa,sb,sc);
-// Return the intersection time of the extension of the line segment PQ
-// with the plane perpendicular to n and passing through Z.
-inline double intersect(const double *P, const double *Q, const double *n,
- const double *Z)
- double d=n[0]*Z[0]+n[1]*Z[1]+n[2]*Z[2];
- double denom=n[0]*(Q[0]-P[0])+n[1]*(Q[1]-P[1])+n[2]*(Q[2]-P[2]);
- return denom == 0 ? DBL_MAX : (d-n[0]*P[0]-n[1]*P[1]-n[2]*P[2])/denom;
-inline triple interp(const double *a, const double *b, double t)
- return triple(a[0]+t*(b[0]-a[0]),a[1]+t*(b[1]-a[1]),a[2]+t*(b[2]-a[2]));
-inline void interp(GLfloat *dest,
- const GLfloat *a, const GLfloat *b, double t)
- double onemt=1.0-t;
- for(size_t i=0; i < 4; ++i)
- dest[i]=onemt*a[i]+t*b[i];
-inline triple interp(const triple& a, const triple& b, double t)
- return a+(b-a)*t;
-unsigned n;
-unsigned int count;
-// Sort nonintersecting triangles by depth.
-int compare(const void *p, const void *P)
- unsigned Ia=((GLuint *) p)[0];
- unsigned Ib=((GLuint *) p)[1];
- unsigned Ic=((GLuint *) p)[2];
- unsigned IA=((GLuint *) P)[0];
- unsigned IB=((GLuint *) P)[1];
- unsigned IC=((GLuint *) P)[2];
- return zbuffer[Ia]+zbuffer[Ib]+zbuffer[Ic] <
- zbuffer[IA]+zbuffer[IB]+zbuffer[IC] ? -1 : 1;
- /*
- double a[]={xbuffer[Ia],ybuffer[Ia],zbuffer[Ia]};
- double b[]={xbuffer[Ib],ybuffer[Ib],zbuffer[Ib]};
- double c[]={xbuffer[Ic],ybuffer[Ic],zbuffer[Ic]};
- double A[]={xbuffer[IA],ybuffer[IA],zbuffer[IA]};
- double B[]={xbuffer[IB],ybuffer[IB],zbuffer[IB]};
- double C[]={xbuffer[IC],ybuffer[IC],zbuffer[IC]};
- double viewpoint[]={0,0,100000};
- double sa=-orient3d(A,B,C,a);
- double sb=-orient3d(A,B,C,b);
- double sc=-orient3d(A,B,C,c);
- double s=min(sa,sb,sc);
- double S=max(sa,sb,sc);
- double eps=1000;
- if(s < -eps && S > eps) { //swap
- double sA=-orient3d(a,b,c,A);
- double sB=-orient3d(a,b,c,B);
- double sC=-orient3d(a,b,c,C);
- double s=min(sA,sB,sC);
- double S=max(sA,sB,sC);
- if(S < -s) S=s;
- int sz=sgn1(orient3d(a,b,c,viewpoint));
- if(S < -eps) return -sz;
- if(S > eps) return sz;
- }
- if(S < -s) S=s;
- int sz=sgn1(orient3d(A,B,C,viewpoint));
- if(S < -eps) return sz;
- if(S > eps) return -sz;
- return a[2]+b[2]+c[2] < A[2]+B[2]+C[2] ? -1 : 1;
- */
-#if 0
-void split(unsigned i3, GLuint ia, GLuint ib, GLuint ic,
- double *a, double *b, double *c, double *N, double *A) {
- double td=intersect(a,b,N,A);
- double te=intersect(a,c,N,A);
- triple d=interp(a,b,td);
- triple e=interp(a,c,te);
- GLuint Ia=tstride*ia;
- GLuint Ib=tstride*ib;
- GLuint Ic=tstride*ic;
- triple na=triple(V[Ia+3],V[Ia+4],V[Ia+5]);
- triple nb=triple(V[Ib+3],V[Ib+4],V[Ib+5]);
- triple nc=triple(V[Ic+3],V[Ic+4],V[Ic+5]);
- triple nd=interp(na,nb,td);
- triple ne=interp(na,nc,te);
- GLuint id,ie;
- if(colors) {
- GLfloat *ca=&V[Ia+6];
- GLfloat *cb=&V[Ib+6];
- GLfloat *cc=&V[Ic+6];
- GLfloat cd[4],ce[4];
- interp(cd,ca,cb,td);
- interp(ce,ca,cc,te);
- id=data.Vertex(d,nd,cd);
- ie=data.Vertex(e,ne,ce);
- } else {
- id=data.Vertex(d,nd);
- ie=data.Vertex(e,ne);
- }
- I[i3]=ia;
- I[i3+1]=id;
- I[i3+2]=ie;
- I.push_back(id);
- I.push_back(ib);
- I.push_back(ie);
- I.push_back(ie);
- I.push_back(ib);
- I.push_back(ic);
void BezierPatch::init(double res)
@@ -979,11 +732,12 @@ void BezierTriangle::render(const triple *p,
+#ifndef HAVE_SSBO
+std::vector<GLfloat> zbuffer;
void transform(const std::vector<VertexData>& b)
unsigned n=b.size();
-// xbuffer.resize(n);
-// ybuffer.resize(n);
double Tz0=gl::dView[2];
@@ -995,65 +749,30 @@ void transform(const std::vector<VertexData>& b)
-#if 0
-// precompute min and max bounds of each triangle
-void bounds(const std::vector<GLuint>& I)
+// Sort nonintersecting triangles by depth.
+int compare(const void *p, const void *P)
- unsigned n=I.size()/3;
- xmin.resize(n);
- xmax.resize(n);
- ymin.resize(n);
- ymax.resize(n);
- zmin.resize(n);
- zmax.resize(n);
- for(unsigned i=0; i < n; ++i) {
- unsigned i3=3*i;
- unsigned Ia=I[i3];
- unsigned Ib=I[i3+1];
- unsigned Ic=I[i3+2];
- /*
- double xa=xbuffer[Ia];
- double xb=xbuffer[Ib];
- double xc=xbuffer[Ic];
- double ya=ybuffer[Ia];
- double yb=ybuffer[Ib];
- double yc=ybuffer[Ic];
- */
- double za=zbuffer[Ia];
- double zb=zbuffer[Ib];
- double zc=zbuffer[Ic];
- /*
- xmin[i]=min(xa,xb,xc);
- xmax[i]=max(xa,xb,xc);
+ unsigned Ia=((GLuint *) p)[0];
+ unsigned Ib=((GLuint *) p)[1];
+ unsigned Ic=((GLuint *) p)[2];
- ymin[i]=min(ya,yb,yc);
- ymax[i]=max(ya,yb,yc);
- */
+ unsigned IA=((GLuint *) P)[0];
+ unsigned IB=((GLuint *) P)[1];
+ unsigned IC=((GLuint *) P)[2];
- zmin[i]=min(za,zb,zc);
- zmax[i]=max(za,zb,zc);
- }
+ return zbuffer[Ia]+zbuffer[Ib]+zbuffer[Ic] <
+ zbuffer[IA]+zbuffer[IB]+zbuffer[IC] ? -1 : 1;
void sortTriangles()
if(!transparentData.indices.empty()) {
-// bounds(tIndices);
void Triangles::queue(size_t nP, const triple* P, size_t nN, const triple* N,
size_t nC, const prc::RGBAColour* C, size_t nI,