path: root/graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy b/graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38d35718d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/base/bezulate.asy
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// Bezier triangulation routines written by Orest Shardt, 2008.
+private real fuzz=sqrtEpsilon;
+real duplicateFuzz=1e-3; // Work around font errors.
+real maxrefinements=10;
+private real[][] intersections(pair a, pair b, path p)
+ pair delta=fuzz*unit(b-a);
+ return intersections(a-delta--b+delta,p,fuzz);
+int countIntersections(path[] p, pair start, pair end)
+ int intersects=0;
+ for(path q : p)
+ intersects += intersections(start,end,q).length;
+ return intersects;
+path[][] containmentTree(path[] paths)
+ path[][] result;
+ for(path g : paths) {
+ // check if current curve contains or is contained in a group of curves
+ int j;
+ for(j=0; j < result.length; ++j) {
+ path[] resultj=result[j];
+ int test=inside(g,resultj[0],zerowinding);
+ if(test == 1) {
+ // current curve contains group's toplevel curve;
+ // replace toplevel curve with current curve
+ resultj.insert(0,g);
+ // check to see if any other groups are contained within this curve
+ for(int k=j+1; k < result.length;) {
+ if(inside(g,result[k][0],zerowinding) == 1) {
+ resultj.append(result[k]);
+ result.delete(k);
+ } else ++k;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if(test == -1) {
+ // current curve contained within group's toplevel curve
+ resultj.push(g);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // create a new group if this curve does not belong to another group
+ if(j == result.length)
+ result.push(new path[] {g});
+ }
+ return result;
+bool isDuplicate(pair a, pair b, real relSize)
+ return abs(a-b) <= duplicateFuzz*relSize;
+path removeDuplicates(path p)
+ real relSize = abs(max(p)-min(p));
+ bool cyclic=cyclic(p);
+ for(int i=0; i < length(p); ++i) {
+ if(isDuplicate(point(p,i),point(p,i+1),relSize)) {
+ p=subpath(p,0,i)&subpath(p,i+1,length(p));
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+ return cyclic ? p&cycle : p;
+path section(path p, real t1, real t2, bool loop=false)
+ if(t2 < t1 || loop && t1 == t2)
+ t2 += length(p);
+ return subpath(p,t1,t2);
+path uncycle(path p, real t)
+ return subpath(p,t,t+length(p));
+// returns outer paths
+void connect(path[] paths, path[] result, path[] patch)
+ path[][] tree=containmentTree(paths);
+ for(path[] group : tree) {
+ path outer = group[0];
+ group.delete(0);
+ path[][] innerTree = containmentTree(group);
+ path[] remainingCurves;
+ path[] inners;
+ for(path[] innerGroup:innerTree)
+ {
+ inners.push(innerGroup[0]);
+ if(innerGroup.length>1)
+ remainingCurves.append(innerGroup[1:]);
+ }
+ connect(remainingCurves,result,patch);
+ real d=2*abs(max(outer)-min(outer));
+ while(inners.length > 0) {
+ int curveIndex = 0;
+ //pair direction=I*dir(inners[curveIndex],0,1); // Use outgoing direction
+ //if(direction == 0) // Try a random direction
+ // direction=expi(2pi*unitrand());
+ //pair start=point(inners[curveIndex],0);
+ // find shortest distance between a node on the inner curve and a node
+ // on the outer curve
+ real mindist = d;
+ int inner_i = 0;
+ int outer_i = 0;
+ for(int ni = 0; ni < length(inners[curveIndex]); ++ni)
+ {
+ for(int no = 0; no < length(outer); ++no)
+ {
+ real dist = abs(point(inners[curveIndex],ni)-point(outer,no));
+ if(dist < mindist)
+ {
+ inner_i = ni;
+ outer_i = no;
+ mindist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pair start=point(inners[curveIndex],inner_i);
+ pair end = point(outer,outer_i);
+ // find first intersection of line segment with outer curve
+ //real[][] ints=intersections(start,start+d*direction,outer);
+ real[][] ints=intersections(start,end,outer);
+ assert(ints.length != 0);
+ real endtime=ints[0][1]; // endtime is time on outer
+ end = point(outer,endtime);
+ // find first intersection of end--start with any inner curve
+ real starttime=inner_i; // starttime is time on inners[curveIndex]
+ real earliestTime=1;
+ for(int j=0; j < inners.length; ++j) {
+ real[][] ints=intersections(end,start,inners[j]);
+ if(ints.length > 0 && ints[0][0] < earliestTime) {
+ earliestTime=ints[0][0]; // time on end--start
+ starttime=ints[0][1]; // time on inner curve
+ curveIndex=j;
+ }
+ }
+ start=point(inners[curveIndex],starttime);
+ bool found_forward = false;
+ real timeoffset_forward = 2;
+ path portion_forward;
+ path[] allCurves = {outer};
+ allCurves.append(inners);
+ while(!found_forward && timeoffset_forward > fuzz) {
+ timeoffset_forward /= 2;
+ if(countIntersections(allCurves,start,
+ point(outer,endtime+timeoffset_forward)) == 2)
+ {
+ portion_forward = subpath(outer,endtime,endtime+timeoffset_forward)--start--cycle;
+ found_forward=true;
+ // check if an inner curve is inside the portion
+ for(int k = 0; found_forward && k < inners.length; ++k)
+ {
+ if(k!=curveIndex &&
+ inside(portion_forward,point(inners[k],0),zerowinding))
+ found_forward = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool found_backward = false;
+ real timeoffset_backward = -2;
+ path portion_backward;
+ while(!found_backward && timeoffset_backward < -fuzz) {
+ timeoffset_backward /= 2;
+ if(countIntersections(allCurves,start,
+ point(outer,endtime+timeoffset_backward))==2)
+ {
+ portion_backward = subpath(outer,endtime+timeoffset_backward,endtime)--start--cycle;
+ found_backward = true;
+ // check if an inner curve is inside the portion
+ for(int k = 0; found_backward && k < inners.length; ++k)
+ {
+ if(k!=curveIndex &&
+ inside(portion_backward,point(inners[k],0),zerowinding))
+ found_backward = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(found_forward || found_backward);
+ real timeoffset;
+ path portion;
+ if(found_forward && !found_backward)
+ {
+ timeoffset = timeoffset_forward;
+ portion = portion_forward;
+ }
+ else if(found_backward && !found_forward)
+ {
+ timeoffset = timeoffset_backward;
+ portion = portion_backward;
+ }
+ else // assert handles case of neither found
+ {
+ if(timeoffset_forward > -timeoffset_backward)
+ {
+ timeoffset = timeoffset_forward;
+ portion = portion_forward;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeoffset = timeoffset_backward;
+ portion = portion_backward;
+ }
+ }
+ endtime=min(endtime,endtime+timeoffset);
+ // or go from timeoffset+timeoffset_backward to timeoffset+timeoffset_forward?
+ timeoffset=abs(timeoffset);
+ // depends on the curves having opposite orientations
+ path remainder=section(outer,endtime+timeoffset,endtime)
+ --uncycle(inners[curveIndex],
+ starttime)--cycle;
+ inners.delete(curveIndex);
+ outer = remainder;
+ patch.append(portion);
+ }
+ result.append(outer);
+ }
+bool checkSegment(path g, pair p, pair q)
+ pair mid=0.5*(p+q);
+ return intersections(p,q,g).length == 2 &&
+ inside(g,mid,zerowinding) && intersections(g,mid).length == 0;
+path subdivide(path p)
+ path q;
+ int l=length(p);
+ for(int i=0; i < l; ++i)
+ q=q&(straight(p,i) ? subpath(p,i,i+1) :
+ subpath(p,i,i+0.5)&subpath(p,i+0.5,i+1));
+ return cyclic(p) ? q&cycle : q;
+path[] bezulate(path[] p)
+ if(p.length == 1 && length(p[0]) <= 4) return p;
+ path[] patch;
+ path[] result;
+ connect(p,result,patch);
+ for(int i=0; i < result.length; ++i) {
+ path p=result[i];
+ int refinements=0;
+ if(size(p) <= 1) return p;
+ if(!cyclic(p))
+ abort("path must be cyclic and nonselfintersecting.");
+ p=removeDuplicates(p);
+ if(length(p) > 4) {
+ static real SIZE_STEPS=10;
+ static real factor=1.05/SIZE_STEPS;
+ for(int k=1; k <= SIZE_STEPS; ++k) {
+ real L=factor*k*abs(max(p)-min(p));
+ for(int i=0; length(p) > 4 && i < length(p); ++i) {
+ bool found=false;
+ pair start=point(p,i);
+ //look for quadrilaterals and triangles with one line, 4 | 3 curves
+ for(int desiredSides=4; !found && desiredSides >= 3;
+ --desiredSides) {
+ if(desiredSides == 3 && length(p) <= 3)
+ break;
+ pair end;
+ int endi=i+desiredSides-1;
+ end=point(p,endi);
+ found=checkSegment(p,start,end) && abs(end-start) < L;
+ if(found) {
+ path p1=subpath(p,endi,i+length(p))--cycle;
+ patch.append(subpath(p,i,endi)--cycle);
+ p=removeDuplicates(p1);
+ i=-1; // increment will make i be 0
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found && k == SIZE_STEPS && length(p) > 4 && i == length(p)-1) {
+ // avoid infinite recursion
+ ++refinements;
+ if(refinements > maxrefinements) {
+ warning("subdivisions","too many subdivisions",position=true);
+ } else {
+ p=subdivide(p);
+ i=-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(length(p) <= 4)
+ patch.append(p);
+ }
+ return patch;