path: root/fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2020-01-21 03:01:52 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-01-21 03:01:52 +0000
commitb3f7f9ce3596843d5cf8e97c1855d9a15c0e4f47 (patch)
tree4287816d3535abe1f4ac55d6033d559eb9413dfe /fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex
parentfccbbdebf9887a283cd611aba2e1fc0a605aec8e (diff)
CTAN sync 202001210301
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex')
1 files changed, 980 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex b/fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..812710a332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/wasy/wasydoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+\parskip 1.1ex plus 0.4ex
+\advance\hsize -5truemm
+ \pdfhorigin=1truein
+ \pdfvorigin=1truein
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+ \pdfpageheight=297truemm
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+\font\tenssf = cmss10 % sans-serif font
+\def\\{\char"5C{}} % define backslash
+\def\({\char`\{} % define {
+\def\){\char`\}} % define }
+\def\de{\,{\rm d}}
+\def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sevenrm A}\kern-.15em\TeX}}
+% the next line is used for development, to get alias-font names
+% wasym...
+\input WASYFONT
+%%% START %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\centerline{\bf The Symbol Font \tt wasy}
+\vskip 1\parskip
+\centerline{\it Roland Waldi}
+\vskip 1mm
+\centerline{Institut f\"ur Physik}
+\centerline{Universit\"at Rostock}
+\centerline{D-18051 Rostock, Germany}
+\vskip 1mm
+\centerline{Version 2.4 -- January 2020}
+\vskip 1.5\parskip
+The font {\tt wasy} contains all {\tt lasy} characters, and
+a lot more symbols.
+New characters
+were modified from the {\tt mf} files of the standard \TeX\ fonts,
+and many were designed from scratch.
+The first version was released in 1990.
+Metafont sources for 5--10pt and a bold and slanted 10pt font
+are available in the present version.
+An extension to PLAIN-\TeX\ for using the fonts is included
+in the file {\tt WASYFONT.tex}.
+This can probably be used in \LaTeX\ documents,
+but a new \LaTeX\ format with the bindings already included and with
+{\tt wasy} replacing the {\tt lasy} font would be the superiour
+This version includes all {\tt lasy} characters at the proper codes
+(causing some incompatibilities with version 1 of {\tt wasy})
+to make such a procedure easy.
+The file {\tt WASYFONT.2} contains substitutes for some macros
+of {\tt WASYFONT.tex} to be used
+at installations, that do not
+support the {\tt wasy} fonts.
+Some characters make sense in slanted or boldface form (only available at 10pt,
+although scaled fonts can be defined by the user).
+These are included in slanted text, if instead of {\tt\\sl}
+the command {\tt\\wsl} is used, and in bold text,\
+if instead of {\tt\\bf}
+the command {\tt\\wbf} is used. Analogue commands for
+\LaTeX\ are easy to define, too.
+Symbols (not letters) are defined in {\tt WASYFONT.tex} as
+boxes, which simplifies their use in math-mode, but the {\tt\\/}
+for italic correction for the slanted characters
+will not work after a symbol. If this feature is
+required, the {\tt\\hbox\(...\)} should be removed from the definition.
+A list of characters with their bindings in
+{\tt WASYFONT.tex} follows.
+Some macros are actually compositions of several characters useful in
+the given context.
+Macros using symbols
+which are already available from standard \TeX\ fonts
+are also included; these are marked
+with $^*$.
+general symbols
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+male&\male &female&\female \cr
+currency&\currency &cent &\cent \cr
+euro &\euro &kreuz&\kreuz \cr
+smiley&\smiley &blacksmiley&\blacksmiley \cr
+frownie&\frownie &sun&\sun \cr
+checked&\checked &brokenvert&\brokenvert \cr
+diameter&\diameter &invdiameter&\invdiameter \cr
+phone&\phone &recorder &\recorder \cr
+clock&\clock &permil &\permil \cr
+bell&\bell &ataribox &\ataribox \cr
+pointer&\pointer &lightning &\lightning \cr
+agemO &\agemO &Paragraph &\Paragraph \cr
+lozenge&\lozenge &applecmd &\applecmd \cr
+therefore&\therefore \cr}
+music notes
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+eighthnote&\eighthnote &quarternote&\quarternote \cr
+halfnote&\halfnote &fullnote&\fullnote \cr
+twonotes&\twonotes \cr}
+electrical engineering
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+AC &\AC &HF &\HF \cr
+VHF &\VHF \cr}
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+APLup &\APLup &APLdown &\APLdown \cr
+APLbox &\APLbox &APLinv &\APLinv \cr
+APLleftarrowbox &\APLleftarrowbox&APLrightarrowbox &\APLrightarrowbox\cr
+APLuparrowbox &\APLuparrowbox&APLdownarrowbox &\APLdownarrowbox\cr
+APLinput&\APLinput &APLminus$^*$&\APLminus \cr
+APLlog &\APLlog &APLstar &\APLstar \cr
+APLvert$^*$&\APLvert{\ } &
+ APLvert\(\\APLdown\) &\APLvert{\APLdown} \cr
+APLnot$^*$&\APLnot{\ } &
+ APLnot\(\\APLdown\) &\APLnot{\APLdown} \cr
+APLnot\(\\land\) &\APLnot{\land} &
+ APLnot\(\\lor\) &\APLnot{\lor} \cr
+APLcirc$^*$&\APLcirc{\ } &
+ APLcirc\(\\bot\) &\APLcirc{\bot} \cr
+notbackslash$^*$ &\notbackslash &
+ notslash$^*$ &\notslash \cr
+APLcomment &\APLcomment \cr}
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+ascnode &\ascnode &descnode &\descnode \cr
+vernal &\vernal &astrosun$^*$&\astrosun \cr
+newmoon &\newmoon &fullmoon &\fullmoon \cr
+leftmoon &\leftmoon &rightmoon &\rightmoon \cr
+mercury &\mercury &venus &\venus \cr
+mars &\mars &jupiter &\jupiter \cr
+saturn &\saturn &uranus &\uranus \cr
+neptune &\neptune &pluto &\pluto \cr
+earth &\earth \cr}
+astrological symbols and zodiacal symbols
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+conjunction &\conjunction &opposition &\opposition\cr
+aries &\aries &libra &\libra \cr
+taurus &\taurus &scorpio &\scorpio \cr
+gemini &\gemini &sagittarius &\sagittarius\cr
+cancer &\cancer &capricornus &\capricornus\cr
+leo &\leo &aquarius &\aquarius \cr
+virgo &\virgo &pisces &\pisces \cr
+geometrical shapes
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+hexstar &\hexstar &varhexstar&\varhexstar \cr
+davidsstar &\davidsstar&APLstar&\APLstar \cr
+Circle &\Circle &CIRCLE &\CIRCLE \cr
+Leftcircle &\Leftcircle &LEFTCIRCLE &\LEFTCIRCLE \cr
+Rightcircle&\Rightcircle &RIGHTCIRCLE &\RIGHTCIRCLE \cr
+LEFTcircle &\LEFTcircle &RIGHTcircle &\RIGHTcircle \cr
+LEFTarrow &\LEFTarrow &RIGHTarrow &\RIGHTarrow \cr
+UParrow &\UParrow &DOWNarrow &\DOWNarrow \cr
+Box &\Box &APLbox &\APLbox \cr
+XBox &\XBox&Bowtie &\Bowtie \cr
+Diamond &\Diamond &octagon &\octagon \cr
+hexagon &\hexagon &varhexagon &\varhexagon \cr
+pentagon &\pentagon \cr}
+general math \& physics
+\halign{&\tt# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+\\varangle&\varangle &\$\\invneg\$ &$\invneg$\cr
+\\diameter &\diameter &\\therefore&\therefore \cr
+\\leftturn &\leftturn &\\rightturn &\rightturn \cr
+\\photon &\photon &\\gluon &\gluon \cr}
+math operators
+\halign{&\tt\$a\\#b\$ \hfil&$a#b$\qquad\hfil\cr
+ocircle &\ocircle &logof &\logof \cr
+oplus$^*$ &\oplus &otimes$^*$ &\otimes \cr
+le$^*$ &\le &ge$^*$ &\ge \cr
+apprle &\apprle &apprge &\apprge \cr
+lhd &\lhd &rhd &\rhd \cr
+unlhd &\unlhd &unrhd &\unrhd \cr
+LHD &\LHD &RHD &\RHD \cr
+sqsubset &\sqsubset &sqsupset &\sqsupset \cr
+sqsubseteq$^*$ &\sqsubseteq &sqsupseteq$^*$ &\sqsupseteq \cr
+propto$^*$ &\propto &varpropto &\varpropto \cr
+leadsto &\leadsto \cr}
+integrals (text style)
+\halign{&\tt\$\\#\_a\char`\^b f(x)dx\$ \hfil&$#_a^b f(x)dx$\qquad\hfil\cr
+varint&\varint &iint&\iint \cr
+iiint&\iiint &varoint&\varoint \cr
+oiint&\oiint \cr}
+integrals (display style)
+\varint \iint \iiint \varoint \oiint
+With the control sequence
+{\tt\\newpropto} you can change the proportional sign to the
+thin {\tt wasy} symbol ($\varpropto$),
+which is more distinct from alpha ($\alpha$)
+than the default symbol ($\propto$).
+With the control sequence
+{\tt\\newint} you can change the \TeX\ integrals from $\int,\oint$
+to the vertical ones $\varint,\varoint$, in display:
+$$\int_a^b \to \varint_a^b,\qquad
+ \oint_C \to \varoint_C
+There are also a few letters
+in roman style added, although these and some symbols as
+\agemO, \permil\ should
+be in a separate font, to be created in different
+styles like italic, sans serif etc. -- the {\tt} source
+is prepared for that, and now has bold and slanted versions.
+\halign{&\tt\\# \hfil&#\qquad\hfil\cr
+thorn &\thorn { \wbf\thorn} {\wsl\thorn}
+ &Thorn &\Thorn { \wbf\Thorn} {\wsl\Thorn}\cr
+dh &\dh { \wbf\dh} {\wsl\dh}
+ &Dh$^*$ &\Dh { \wbf \Dh} {\wsl \Dh}\cr
+inve &\inve { \wbf\inve} {\wsl\inve}
+ &openo &\openo { \wbf\openo} {\wsl\openo}\cr
+s &\s { \wbf\s } {\wsl\s }
+ &z &\z { \wbf\z} {\wsl\z}\cr
+\centerline{\bf Examples}
+``We provide the \eighthnote\twonotes, you provide the \smiley''
+The planets ($\astrosun\to{}$outer space):
+\mercury\ \venus\ \earth\ \mars\ asteroids
+\jupiter\ \saturn\ \uranus\ \neptune\ (\pluto). $r_{\mercury} < r_{\earth}$
+special characters on PCs: \smiley, \blacksmiley, $\heartsuit$,
+$\diamondsuit$, $\clubsuit$, $\spadesuit$, $\bullet$,
+$\ocircle$, \male, \female, \eighthnote, \twonotes, \sun, \RIGHTarrow,
+\LEFTarrow, $\updownarrow$, !!, \P, \S,
+$\underline{\underline{\rm\hbox to 0.85em{\hss}}}$,
+$\uparrow$, $\downarrow$, $\to$, $\leftarrow$, \UParrow, \DOWNarrow,
+\brokenvert, $\invneg$, $\neg$, \dots
+special characters on Atari STs: \pointer, \ataribox,
+\checked, \clock, \bell,
+\eighthnote, \inve,
+$\invneg$, $\neg$, $\varoint$, \dots
+tube dimensions: $\diameter 5\,{\rm mm}$, $d = 0.5\,{\rm mm}$,
+ $l = 50\,{\rm mm}$
+prices 1\$ 2\cent\ or 0.95\euro\ or 0.80{\it\$}.\newline
+{\wsl prices 1\$ 2\cent\ or 0.95\euro\ or 0.80{\it\$}.}
+legal text: \Paragraph\Paragraph\ 9--22 StVG, \Paragraph\ 12 StVO oder
+{\wsl \Paragraph\Paragraph\ 9--22 StVG, \Paragraph\ 12 StVO}
+Icelandic text: \'Eg veit \thorn a\dh\ ekki e\dh a
+{\wbf \'Eg veit \thorn a\dh\ ekki}.
+traditional typography: ligature \s\z=\ss, \s ure to po\s\s e\s s
+\s atisfaction
+simple phonetic notation:
+corner ['k\openo:n\inve], this [\dh is],
+thrash [{\teni\char"12}r\ae{\tensy\char"73\kern 0.3pt}],
+vision ['v\i\z n]
+display math:
+\mathop{\varangle}(\vec a,\vec b) = 30^{\circ}
+\prod_{x \apprle 5} a_x \logof b_x \simeq \varint_{x \apprge 5}
+ a \ocircle b\de x
+\hbox{Gauss' law:\qquad} \iiint_V \nabla {\bf F}({\bf x}) \de^3x
+= \oiint_{S(V)} {\bf F}({\bf x}) \de{\bf a}
+\hbox{Stokes' law:\qquad} \iint_A
+\lbrack\nabla \times {\bf F}({\bf x})\rbrack \de{\bf a}
+= \varoint_{C(A)} {\bf F}({\bf x}) \de{\bf l}
+APL Program:\newline
+$U \leftarrow \APLminus 1+ G \leftarrow 2 \times \iota N
+\leftarrow \APLbox$ \qquad \APLcomment\quad generate vectors of odd and
+even numbers
+APL keyboard layout:
+\halign{&#\ \cr
+&1& &2& &3& &4& &5& &6& &7& &8& &9& &0& &+& &$\times$& &$\diamond$\cr
+&&Q& &W& &E& &R& &T& &Y& &U& &I& &O& &P& &$\leftarrow$& &$\to$\cr
+&&A& &S& &D& &F& &G& &H& &J& &K& &L& &$\lbrack$& &$\rbrack$& &\#\cr
+&$\vdash$& &Z& &X& &C& &V& &B& &N& &M& &,& &.& &/\cr
+&\"\ & &\APLminus& &$<$& &$\le$& &=& &$\ge$& &$>$& &$\ne$& &$\lor$&
+ &$\land$& &$-$& &$\div$& &\$\cr
+&&?& &$\omega$& &$\epsilon$& &$\rho$& &$\sim$& &$\uparrow$&
+ &$\downarrow$& &$\iota$& &$\ocircle$& &$\star$& &$\{$& &$\}$\cr
+&&$\alpha$& &$\lceil$& &$\lfloor$& &\tt\_& &\APLdown&
+ &\APLup& &$\circ$& &{\tt\char"0D}& &\APLbox& &(& &)& &$\sim$\cr
+&$\dashv$& &$\subset$& &$\supset$& &$\cap$& &$\cup$& &$\bot$& &$\top$&
+ &$\vert$& &;& &:& &$\backslash$\cr
+&\tt I& &\APLnot{\APLdown}& &\APLvert{\APLdown}& &\APLvert{\APLup}&
+ &\APLvert{\ocircle}& &\invdiameter& &$\ominus$& &\APLlog&
+ &\APLnot{\lor}& &\APLnot{\land}& &!& &\APLinv& &\APLinput\cr
+&&\1Q& &\1W& &\1E& &\1R& &\1T& &\1Y& &\1U& &\1I& &\1O& &\1P&
+ &\APLleftarrowbox& &\APLrightarrowbox\cr
+&&\1A& &\1S& &\1D& &\1F& &\1G& &\1H& &\1J& &\1K& &\1L&
+ &\APLcirc{\bot}& &\APLcirc{\top}& &\=,& \cr
+&\1{\APLup}& &\1Z& &\1X& &\1C& &\1V& &\1B& &\1N& &\1M& &\APLcomment&
+ &\notbackslash& &\notslash\cr
+& & & & & & & &
+ & & & & & & &$\otimes$& \cr
+&& & & & & & & & & & &\APLuparrowbox& &\APLdownarrowbox& \cr%
+check the appropriate box like this \XBox\ or that
+\noindent\Box\quad I need the {\tt wasy} fonts\newline
+\Box\quad I don't need the {\tt wasy} fonts
+\centerline{\bf Font Table}
+{\tt wasy}:
+\halign {&#\quad\hfil\cr
+ {\tt 00 =} \char"00%
+&{\tt 01 =} \char"01%
+&{\tt 02 =} \char"02%
+&{\tt 03 =} \char"03%
+&{\tt 04 =} \char"04%
+&{\tt 05 =} \char"05%
+&{\tt 06 =} \char"06%
+&{\tt 07 =} \char"07\cr
+ {\tt 08 =} \char"08%
+&{\tt 09 =} \char"09%
+&{\tt 0A =} \char"0A%
+&{\tt 0B =} \char"0B%
+&{\tt 0C =} \char"0C%
+&{\tt 0D =} \char"0D%
+&{\tt 0E =} \char"0E%
+&{\tt 0F =} \char"0F\cr
+ {\tt 10 =} \char"10%
+&{\tt 11 =} \char"11%
+&{\tt 12 =} \char"12%
+&{\tt 13 =} \char"13%
+&{\tt 14 =} \char"14%
+&{\tt 15 =} \char"15%
+&{\tt 16 =} \char"16%
+&{\tt 17 =} \char"17\cr
+ {\tt 18 =} \char"18%
+&{\tt 19 =} \char"19%
+&{\tt 1A =} \char"1A%
+&{\tt 1B =} \char"1B%
+&{\tt 1C =} \char"1C%
+&{\tt 1D =} \char"1D%
+&{\tt 1E =} \char"1E%
+&{\tt 1F =} \char"1F\cr
+ {\tt 20 =} \char"20%
+&{\tt 21 =} \char"21%
+&{\tt 22 =} \char"22%
+&{\tt 23 =} \char"23%
+&{\tt 24 =} \char"24%
+&{\tt 25 =} \char"25%
+&{\tt 26 =} \char"26%
+&{\tt 27 =} \char"27\cr
+ {\tt 28 =} \char"28%
+&{\tt 29 =} \char"29%
+&{\tt 2A =} \char"2A%
+&{\tt 2B =} \char"2B%
+&{\tt 2C =} \char"2C%
+&{\tt 2D =} \char"2D%
+&{\tt 2E =} \char"2E%
+&{\tt 2F =} \char"2F\cr
+ {\tt 30 =} \char"30%
+&{\tt 31 =} \char"31%
+&{\tt 32 =} \char"32%
+&{\tt 33 =} \char"33%
+&{\tt 34 =} \char"34%
+&{\tt 35 =} \char"35%
+&{\tt 36 =} \char"36%
+&{\tt 37 =} \char"37\cr
+ {\tt 38 =} \char"38%
+&{\tt 39 =} \char"39%
+&{\tt 3A =} \char"3A%
+&{\tt 3B =} \char"3B%
+&{\tt 3C =} \char"3C%
+&{\tt 3D =} \char"3D%
+&{\tt 3E =} \char"3E%
+&{\tt 3F =} \char"3F\cr
+ {\tt 40 =} \char"40%
+&{\tt 41 =} \char"41%
+&{\tt 42 =} \char"42%
+&{\tt 43 =} \char"43%
+&{\tt 44 =} \char"44%
+&{\tt 45 =} \char"45%
+&{\tt 46 =} \char"46%
+&{\tt 47 =} \char"47\cr
+ {\tt 48 =} \char"48%
+&{\tt 49 =} \char"49%
+&{\tt 4A =} \char"4A%
+&{\tt 4B =} \char"4B%
+&{\tt 4C =} \char"4C%
+&{\tt 4D =} \char"4D%
+&{\tt 4E =} \char"4E%
+&{\tt 4F =} \char"4F\cr
+ {\tt 50 =} \char"50%
+&{\tt 51 =} \char"51%
+&{\tt 52 =} \char"52%
+&{\tt 53 =} \char"53%
+&{\tt 54 =} \char"54%
+&{\tt 55 =} \char"55%
+&{\tt 56 =} \char"56%
+&{\tt 57 =} \char"57\cr
+ {\tt 58 =} \char"58%
+&{\tt 59 =} \char"59%
+&{\tt 5A =} \char"5A%
+&{\tt 5B =} \char"5B%
+&{\tt 5C =} \char"5C%
+&{\tt 5D =} \char"5D%
+&{\tt 5E =} \char"5E%
+&{\tt 5F =} \char"5F\cr
+ {\tt 60 =} \char"60%
+&{\tt 61 =} \char"61%
+&{\tt 62 =} \char"62%
+&{\tt 63 =} \char"63%
+&{\tt 64 =} \char"64%
+&{\tt 65 =} \char"65%
+&{\tt 66 =} \char"66%
+&{\tt 67 =} \char"67\cr
+ {\tt 68 =} \char"68%
+&{\tt 69 =} \char"69%
+&{\tt 6A =} \char"6A%
+&{\tt 6B =} \char"6B%
+&{\tt 6C =} \char"6C%
+&{\tt 6D =} \char"6D%
+&{\tt 6E =} \char"6E%
+&{\tt 6F =} \char"6F\cr
+ {\tt 70 =} \char"70%
+&{\tt 71 =} \char"71%
+&{\tt 72 =} \char"72%
+&{\tt 73 =} \char"73%
+&{\tt 74 =} \char"74%
+&{\tt 75 =} \char"75%
+&{\tt 76 =} \char"76%
+&{\tt 77 =} \char"77\cr
+ {\tt 78 =} \char"78%
+&{\tt 79 =} \char"79%
+&{\tt 7A =} \char"7A%
+&{\tt 7B =} \char"7B%
+&{\tt 7C =} \char"7C%
+&{\tt 7D =} \char"7D%
+&{\tt 7E =} \char"7E%
+&{\tt 7F =} \char"7F\cr}
+{\tt wasy 5pt}:
+\halign {&#\quad\hfil\cr
+ {\tt 00 =} \char"00%
+&{\tt 01 =} \char"01%
+&{\tt 02 =} \char"02%
+&{\tt 03 =} \char"03%
+&{\tt 04 =} \char"04%
+&{\tt 05 =} \char"05%
+&{\tt 06 =} \char"06%
+&{\tt 07 =} \char"07\cr
+ {\tt 08 =} \char"08%
+&{\tt 09 =} \char"09%
+&{\tt 0A =} \char"0A%
+&{\tt 0B =} \char"0B%
+&{\tt 0C =} \char"0C%
+&{\tt 0D =} \char"0D%
+&{\tt 0E =} \char"0E%
+&{\tt 0F =} \char"0F\cr
+ {\tt 10 =} \char"10%
+&{\tt 11 =} \char"11%
+&{\tt 12 =} \char"12%
+&{\tt 13 =} \char"13%
+&{\tt 14 =} \char"14%
+&{\tt 15 =} \char"15%
+&{\tt 16 =} \char"16%
+&{\tt 17 =} \char"17\cr
+ {\tt 18 =} \char"18%
+&{\tt 19 =} \char"19%
+&{\tt 1A =} \char"1A%
+&{\tt 1B =} \char"1B%
+&{\tt 1C =} \char"1C%
+&{\tt 1D =} \char"1D%
+&{\tt 1E =} \char"1E%
+&{\tt 1F =} \char"1F\cr
+ {\tt 20 =} \char"20%
+&{\tt 21 =} \char"21%
+&{\tt 22 =} \char"22%
+&{\tt 23 =} \char"23%
+&{\tt 24 =} \char"24%
+&{\tt 25 =} \char"25%
+&{\tt 26 =} \char"26%
+&{\tt 27 =} \char"27\cr
+ {\tt 28 =} \char"28%
+&{\tt 29 =} \char"29%
+&{\tt 2A =} \char"2A%
+&{\tt 2B =} \char"2B%
+&{\tt 2C =} \char"2C%
+&{\tt 2D =} \char"2D%
+&{\tt 2E =} \char"2E%
+&{\tt 2F =} \char"2F\cr
+ {\tt 30 =} \char"30%
+&{\tt 31 =} \char"31%
+&{\tt 32 =} \char"32%
+&{\tt 33 =} \char"33%
+&{\tt 34 =} \char"34%
+&{\tt 35 =} \char"35%
+&{\tt 36 =} \char"36%
+&{\tt 37 =} \char"37\cr
+ {\tt 38 =} \char"38%
+&{\tt 39 =} \char"39%
+&{\tt 3A =} \char"3A%
+&{\tt 3B =} \char"3B%
+&{\tt 3C =} \char"3C%
+&{\tt 3D =} \char"3D%
+&{\tt 3E =} \char"3E%
+&{\tt 3F =} \char"3F\cr
+ {\tt 40 =} \char"40%
+&{\tt 41 =} \char"41%
+&{\tt 42 =} \char"42%
+&{\tt 43 =} \char"43%
+&{\tt 44 =} \char"44%
+&{\tt 45 =} \char"45%
+&{\tt 46 =} \char"46%
+&{\tt 47 =} \char"47\cr
+ {\tt 48 =} \char"48%
+&{\tt 49 =} \char"49%
+&{\tt 4A =} \char"4A%
+&{\tt 4B =} \char"4B%
+&{\tt 4C =} \char"4C%
+&{\tt 4D =} \char"4D%
+&{\tt 4E =} \char"4E%
+&{\tt 4F =} \char"4F\cr
+ {\tt 50 =} \char"50%
+&{\tt 51 =} \char"51%
+&{\tt 52 =} \char"52%
+&{\tt 53 =} \char"53%
+&{\tt 54 =} \char"54%
+&{\tt 55 =} \char"55%
+&{\tt 56 =} \char"56%
+&{\tt 57 =} \char"57\cr
+ {\tt 58 =} \char"58%
+&{\tt 59 =} \char"59%
+&{\tt 5A =} \char"5A%
+&{\tt 5B =} \char"5B%
+&{\tt 5C =} \char"5C%
+&{\tt 5D =} \char"5D%
+&{\tt 5E =} \char"5E%
+&{\tt 5F =} \char"5F\cr
+ {\tt 60 =} \char"60%
+&{\tt 61 =} \char"61%
+&{\tt 62 =} \char"62%
+&{\tt 63 =} \char"63%
+&{\tt 64 =} \char"64%
+&{\tt 65 =} \char"65%
+&{\tt 66 =} \char"66%
+&{\tt 67 =} \char"67\cr
+ {\tt 68 =} \char"68%
+&{\tt 69 =} \char"69%
+&{\tt 6A =} \char"6A%
+&{\tt 6B =} \char"6B%
+&{\tt 6C =} \char"6C%
+&{\tt 6D =} \char"6D%
+&{\tt 6E =} \char"6E%
+&{\tt 6F =} \char"6F\cr
+ {\tt 70 =} \char"70%
+&{\tt 71 =} \char"71%
+&{\tt 72 =} \char"72%
+&{\tt 73 =} \char"73%
+&{\tt 74 =} \char"74%
+&{\tt 75 =} \char"75%
+&{\tt 76 =} \char"76%
+&{\tt 77 =} \char"77\cr
+ {\tt 78 =} \char"78%
+&{\tt 79 =} \char"79%
+&{\tt 7A =} \char"7A%
+&{\tt 7B =} \char"7B%
+&{\tt 7C =} \char"7C%
+&{\tt 7D =} \char"7D%
+&{\tt 7E =} \char"7E%
+&{\tt 7F =} \char"7F\cr}
+{\tt wasyb}:
+\halign {&#\quad\hfil\cr
+ {\tt 00 =} \char"00%
+&{\tt 01 =} \char"01%
+&{\tt 02 =} \char"02%
+&{\tt 03 =} \char"03%
+&{\tt 04 =} \char"04%
+&{\tt 05 =} \char"05%
+&{\tt 06 =} \char"06%
+&{\tt 07 =} \char"07\cr
+ {\tt 08 =} \char"08%
+&{\tt 09 =} \char"09%
+&{\tt 0A =} \char"0A%
+&{\tt 0B =} \char"0B%
+&{\tt 0C =} \char"0C%
+&{\tt 0D =} \char"0D%
+&{\tt 0E =} \char"0E%
+&{\tt 0F =} \char"0F\cr
+ {\tt 10 =} \char"10%
+&{\tt 11 =} \char"11%
+&{\tt 12 =} \char"12%
+&{\tt 13 =} \char"13%
+&{\tt 14 =} \char"14%
+&{\tt 15 =} \char"15%
+&{\tt 16 =} \char"16%
+&{\tt 17 =} \char"17\cr
+ {\tt 18 =} \char"18%
+&{\tt 19 =} \char"19%
+&{\tt 1A =} \char"1A%
+&{\tt 1B =} \char"1B%
+&{\tt 1C =} \char"1C%
+&{\tt 1D =} \char"1D%
+&{\tt 1E =} \char"1E%
+&{\tt 1F =} \char"1F\cr
+ {\tt 20 =} \char"20%
+&{\tt 21 =} \char"21%
+&{\tt 22 =} \char"22%
+&{\tt 23 =} \char"23%
+&{\tt 24 =} \char"24%
+&{\tt 25 =} \char"25%
+&{\tt 26 =} \char"26%
+&{\tt 27 =} \char"27\cr
+ {\tt 28 =} \char"28%
+&{\tt 29 =} \char"29%
+&{\tt 2A =} \char"2A%
+&{\tt 2B =} \char"2B%
+&{\tt 2C =} \char"2C%
+&{\tt 2D =} \char"2D%
+&{\tt 2E =} \char"2E%
+&{\tt 2F =} \char"2F\cr
+ {\tt 30 =} \char"30%
+&{\tt 31 =} \char"31%
+&{\tt 32 =} \char"32%
+&{\tt 33 =} \char"33%
+&{\tt 34 =} \char"34%
+&{\tt 35 =} \char"35%
+&{\tt 36 =} \char"36%
+&{\tt 37 =} \char"37\cr
+ {\tt 38 =} \char"38%
+&{\tt 39 =} \char"39%
+&{\tt 3A =} \char"3A%
+&{\tt 3B =} \char"3B%
+&{\tt 3C =} \char"3C%
+&{\tt 3D =} \char"3D%
+&{\tt 3E =} \char"3E%
+&{\tt 3F =} \char"3F\cr
+ {\tt 40 =} \char"40%
+&{\tt 41 =} \char"41%
+&{\tt 42 =} \char"42%
+&{\tt 43 =} \char"43%
+&{\tt 44 =} \char"44%
+&{\tt 45 =} \char"45%
+&{\tt 46 =} \char"46%
+&{\tt 47 =} \char"47\cr
+ {\tt 48 =} \char"48%
+&{\tt 49 =} \char"49%
+&{\tt 4A =} \char"4A%
+&{\tt 4B =} \char"4B%
+&{\tt 4C =} \char"4C%
+&{\tt 4D =} \char"4D%
+&{\tt 4E =} \char"4E%
+&{\tt 4F =} \char"4F\cr
+ {\tt 50 =} \char"50%
+&{\tt 51 =} \char"51%
+&{\tt 52 =} \char"52%
+&{\tt 53 =} \char"53%
+&{\tt 54 =} \char"54%
+&{\tt 55 =} \char"55%
+&{\tt 56 =} \char"56%
+&{\tt 57 =} \char"57\cr
+ {\tt 58 =} \char"58%
+&{\tt 59 =} \char"59%
+&{\tt 5A =} \char"5A%
+&{\tt 5B =} \char"5B%
+&{\tt 5C =} \char"5C%
+&{\tt 5D =} \char"5D%
+&{\tt 5E =} \char"5E%
+&{\tt 5F =} \char"5F\cr
+ {\tt 60 =} \char"60%
+&{\tt 61 =} \char"61%
+&{\tt 62 =} \char"62%
+&{\tt 63 =} \char"63%
+&{\tt 64 =} \char"64%
+&{\tt 65 =} \char"65%
+&{\tt 66 =} \char"66%
+&{\tt 67 =} \char"67\cr
+ {\tt 68 =} \char"68%
+&{\tt 69 =} \char"69%
+&{\tt 6A =} \char"6A%
+&{\tt 6B =} \char"6B%
+&{\tt 6C =} \char"6C%
+&{\tt 6D =} \char"6D%
+&{\tt 6E =} \char"6E%
+&{\tt 6F =} \char"6F\cr
+ {\tt 70 =} \char"70%
+&{\tt 71 =} \char"71%
+&{\tt 72 =} \char"72%
+&{\tt 73 =} \char"73%
+&{\tt 74 =} \char"74%
+&{\tt 75 =} \char"75%
+&{\tt 76 =} \char"76%
+&{\tt 77 =} \char"77\cr
+ {\tt 78 =} \char"78%
+&{\tt 79 =} \char"79%
+&{\tt 7A =} \char"7A%
+&{\tt 7B =} \char"7B%
+&{\tt 7C =} \char"7C%
+&{\tt 7D =} \char"7D%
+&{\tt 7E =} \char"7E%
+&{\tt 7F =} \char"7F\cr}
+{\tt wasysl}:
+\halign {&#\quad\hfil\cr
+ {\tt 00 =} \char"00%
+&{\tt 01 =} \char"01%
+&{\tt 02 =} \char"02%
+&{\tt 03 =} \char"03%
+&{\tt 04 =} \char"04%
+&{\tt 05 =} \char"05%
+&{\tt 06 =} \char"06%
+&{\tt 07 =} \char"07\cr
+ {\tt 08 =} \char"08%
+&{\tt 09 =} \char"09%
+&{\tt 0A =} \char"0A%
+&{\tt 0B =} \char"0B%
+&{\tt 0C =} \char"0C%
+&{\tt 0D =} \char"0D%
+&{\tt 0E =} \char"0E%
+&{\tt 0F =} \char"0F\cr
+ {\tt 10 =} \char"10%
+&{\tt 11 =} \char"11%
+&{\tt 12 =} \char"12%
+&{\tt 13 =} \char"13%
+&{\tt 14 =} \char"14%
+&{\tt 15 =} \char"15%
+&{\tt 16 =} \char"16%
+&{\tt 17 =} \char"17\cr
+ {\tt 18 =} \char"18%
+&{\tt 19 =} \char"19%
+&{\tt 1A =} \char"1A%
+&{\tt 1B =} \char"1B%
+&{\tt 1C =} \char"1C%
+&{\tt 1D =} \char"1D%
+&{\tt 1E =} \char"1E%
+&{\tt 1F =} \char"1F\cr
+ {\tt 20 =} \char"20%
+&{\tt 21 =} \char"21%
+&{\tt 22 =} \char"22%
+&{\tt 23 =} \char"23%
+&{\tt 24 =} \char"24%
+&{\tt 25 =} \char"25%
+&{\tt 26 =} \char"26%
+&{\tt 27 =} \char"27\cr
+ {\tt 28 =} \char"28%
+&{\tt 29 =} \char"29%
+&{\tt 2A =} \char"2A%
+&{\tt 2B =} \char"2B%
+&{\tt 2C =} \char"2C%
+&{\tt 2D =} \char"2D%
+&{\tt 2E =} \char"2E%
+&{\tt 2F =} \char"2F\cr
+ {\tt 30 =} \char"30%
+&{\tt 31 =} \char"31%
+&{\tt 32 =} \char"32%
+&{\tt 33 =} \char"33%
+&{\tt 34 =} \char"34%
+&{\tt 35 =} \char"35%
+&{\tt 36 =} \char"36%
+&{\tt 37 =} \char"37\cr
+ {\tt 38 =} \char"38%
+&{\tt 39 =} \char"39%
+&{\tt 3A =} \char"3A%
+&{\tt 3B =} \char"3B%
+&{\tt 3C =} \char"3C%
+&{\tt 3D =} \char"3D%
+&{\tt 3E =} \char"3E%
+&{\tt 3F =} \char"3F\cr
+ {\tt 40 =} \char"40%
+&{\tt 41 =} \char"41%
+&{\tt 42 =} \char"42%
+&{\tt 43 =} \char"43%
+&{\tt 44 =} \char"44%
+&{\tt 45 =} \char"45%
+&{\tt 46 =} \char"46%
+&{\tt 47 =} \char"47\cr
+ {\tt 48 =} \char"48%
+&{\tt 49 =} \char"49%
+&{\tt 4A =} \char"4A%
+&{\tt 4B =} \char"4B%
+&{\tt 4C =} \char"4C%
+&{\tt 4D =} \char"4D%
+&{\tt 4E =} \char"4E%
+&{\tt 4F =} \char"4F\cr
+ {\tt 50 =} \char"50%
+&{\tt 51 =} \char"51%
+&{\tt 52 =} \char"52%
+&{\tt 53 =} \char"53%
+&{\tt 54 =} \char"54%
+&{\tt 55 =} \char"55%
+&{\tt 56 =} \char"56%
+&{\tt 57 =} \char"57\cr
+ {\tt 58 =} \char"58%
+&{\tt 59 =} \char"59%
+&{\tt 5A =} \char"5A%
+&{\tt 5B =} \char"5B%
+&{\tt 5C =} \char"5C%
+&{\tt 5D =} \char"5D%
+&{\tt 5E =} \char"5E%
+&{\tt 5F =} \char"5F\cr
+ {\tt 60 =} \char"60%
+&{\tt 61 =} \char"61%
+&{\tt 62 =} \char"62%
+&{\tt 63 =} \char"63%
+&{\tt 64 =} \char"64%
+&{\tt 65 =} \char"65%
+&{\tt 66 =} \char"66%
+&{\tt 67 =} \char"67\cr
+ {\tt 68 =} \char"68%
+&{\tt 69 =} \char"69%
+&{\tt 6A =} \char"6A%
+&{\tt 6B =} \char"6B%
+&{\tt 6C =} \char"6C%
+&{\tt 6D =} \char"6D%
+&{\tt 6E =} \char"6E%
+&{\tt 6F =} \char"6F\cr
+ {\tt 70 =} \char"70%
+&{\tt 71 =} \char"71%
+&{\tt 72 =} \char"72%
+&{\tt 73 =} \char"73%
+&{\tt 74 =} \char"74%
+&{\tt 75 =} \char"75%
+&{\tt 76 =} \char"76%
+&{\tt 77 =} \char"77\cr
+ {\tt 78 =} \char"78%
+&{\tt 79 =} \char"79%
+&{\tt 7A =} \char"7A%
+&{\tt 7B =} \char"7B%
+&{\tt 7C =} \char"7C%
+&{\tt 7D =} \char"7D%
+&{\tt 7E =} \char"7E%
+&{\tt 7F =} \char"7F\cr}
+{\bf Changes since version 1.0}
+version 1.1:
+{\tt\\varangle} has been centered at the math axis
+version 2.0:
+new: letters \Thorn,\thorn,\dh,\inve,\openo,\agemO
+new astrological and zodiacal symbols
+new symbols permil, cent, ataribox
+now the full set of
+{\tt lasy} is included; for this purpose 9 characters
+(\smiley, \blacksmiley, \frownie, \sun,
+\jupiter, \saturn, \uranus, \neptune, \pluto) have
+{\bf changed code}!
+{\tt wasyb10} font for bold math added
+version 2.1:
+new spacing for \openo
+version 2.2:
+{\tt wasysl10} font for slanted characters added
+new German Paragraph \Paragraph, currency \euro
+new commands {\tt \\wsl, \\wbf}
+version 2.3:
+new scaling for \ataribox\ (bugfix)
+corrections for \APLuparrowbox\ and \APLdownarrowbox\ at small fonts (bugfix)
+italic corrections improved ({\tt\\/} for {\tt wasysl10}; works for
+symbols only without {\tt\\hbox} in the definition!)
+new apple cmd symbol \applecmd
+version 2.4:
+new characters long-s \s\ and round-z \z
+improved \opposition\ (bugfix)
+new macros for planets and some other astronomy symbols for use
+in math mode subscripts (i.e.\ proper size change).