path: root/fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v b/fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..aeb723c2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/psfonts/corelpak/contrib/,v
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+head 1.3;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date; author tinne; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date; author tinne; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date; author tinne; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Added Shorthelp, use some more perl modules but shell commands.
+die "Syntax: $0 pattern [suffix]\n" if ($#ARGV == -1 || $#ARGV > 1);
+use Cwd qw/cwd/;
+use File::Copy qw/cp/;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+$prgdir = dirname $0;
+$tblfile = $prgdir . "/transtabl";
+$mntfile = $prgdir . "/mountpoint";
+if (open CDMNT, $mntfile) {
+ $cd = <CDMNT>;
+ chop $cd;
+ close CDMNT;
+} else {
+ print "Please enter a mountpoint (or device letter) for the Corel CD.\n: ";
+ $cd = <STDIN>;
+ chop $cd;
+ die "No such directory: $cd.\n" unless -d $cd;
+ system "echo $cd > $mntfile";
+open TBL, $tblfile or die "$tblfile - $!";
+while ($entry = <TBL>) {
+ next if length($entry) == 1 or $entry =~ /^#/;
+ ($key, $name) = split /\s+/, $entry;
+# print "Translation of $key is $name.\n";
+ @@translation{$key} = $name;
+close TBL;
+$firstchar=substr $searchname, 0, 1;
+$firstchar =~ /[a-z]/ or die "$searchname doesn't start with letter.\n";
+chdir "$fontdir/$firstchar" or die "cannot cd to $fontdir/$firstchar.\n";
+@@files = glob $searchname;
+$justscan = not ($suffix = $ARGV[1]);
+print "Obtaining .$suffix-suffixed files.\n" unless $justscan;
+foreach $file (@@files) {
+ next if ($file !~ m/pfb$/);
+ $head = `strings $file | head -1`;
+ (undef, $name, undef) = split " ", $head;
+ print "»$file«:", " " x (15 - length $file), "$name\n";
+exit if $justscan;
+foreach $file (@@files) {
+ next if ($file !~ /$suffix$/);
+ ($rawfile) = split /.$suffix$/, $file;
+ if (not defined $translation{$rawfile}) {
+ print "»$file«:", " " x (15 - length $file),
+ "Translation ($rawfile) unknown, skipping.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $destfile = "$translation{$rawfile}.$suffix";
+ print "Copying $file to $destfile.\n";
+ cp $file, "$destination/$destfile";
+@added dos specific comment.
+@d3 1
+a3 1
+use File::Copy "cp";
+d5 6
+a10 2
+$cwd=`pwd`; chop $cwd;
+$prgdir = `dirname $0`; chop $prgdir;
+d70 1
+a70 1
+ cp $file, "$cwd/$destfile";
+@Initial revision
+@d16 1
+a16 1
+ print "Please enter a mountpoint for the Corel CD.\n: ";