path: root/fonts/okuda/modified
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /fonts/okuda/modified
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/okuda/modified')
2 files changed, 1038 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/okuda/modified/ b/fonts/okuda/modified/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db686c16d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/okuda/modified/
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+% METAFONT for "Okuda" orthography of pIqaD (Klingon language)
+% By Mark Shoulson (, modified by Olaf Kummer
+% ( This file may be freely
+% distributed, provided this header and assorted comments are included,
+% blah blah blah. Please let me know if you like it. I'm no METAFONT
+% genius, and luckily the font is such that it probably wouldn't have
+% helped if I were. I could have saved some time with more defines,
+% but probably not much. Basically, this was done by squinting through
+% graph-paper at photocopier-enlarged letters and tweaking stuff with
+% the key points. Low-tech.
+% The glyphs here are (at least some of) those used by Paramount in the
+% current Star Trek movies and shows. The sound assignments to the
+% standard romanized transliteration of tlhIngan Hol (the Klingon
+% language) as written by Marc Okrand (ref. The Klingon Dictionary,
+% ISBN 0-671-74559-X) were made by... someone. I'm not sure if it
+% was someone at Paramount or Dr. Lawrence Schoen at the Klingon
+% Language Institute (P.O. Box 634, Flourtown, PA 19031-0634 USA)
+% I haven't managed to clear up the strange path errors at all
+% resolutions; it works most of the time, and when it does error
+% just hitting enter (or setting turningcheck:=0) usually works.
+% Too bad the spacing is so lousy...
+if unknown u#:
+ 14u#=10pt#; % Letters were 14 squares high on graph paper, and 10pt
+ % seemed a nice round number.
+font_slant 0u#;
+font_normal_space 13u#;
+font_normal_stretch 5u#;
+font_normal_shrink 2u#;
+font_x_height 14u#;
+font_quad 18u#;
+font_extra_space 10u#;
+pickup pencircle scaled .1u; piqpen:=savepen; % just for a little thickness.
+beginchar("a",15u#,14u#,0pt#); "Klingon a";
+pickup piqpen;
+y2=y1; x2+5.7u=x1;
+filldraw z1--z2&flex(z2,z2.3,z3)&z3{right}...{z4-z3}z3.4...z4&
+ z4{z5-z4}..z4.5.1..{z5-z4}z4.5...{right}z5&
+ z5{dir 175}...{z1-z5}z5.1...{dir 5}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("b",14u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon b";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw flex(z1,z1.2,z2)--z3{dir -60}...z3.4{z4-z3}...z3.4.4...{right}z4&
+ flex(z4,z4.5,z5)&z5..z5.6.1...{left}z5.6...z6--
+ flex(z7,z7.1,z1)..cycle;
+beginchar("C",15u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon ch";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw flex(z1,z1.2,z2)&z2{z2.3-(x2+3u,y2)}..{z2.3-z2}z2.2.3..
+ {right}z2.3...{dir 80}z3&
+ z3{dir 265}..{down}z3.4.1..{left}z3.4.2..z4&
+ z4..{right}z4.5.1..{up}z4.5.2..{dir 185}z5&
+ z5{up}..{left}z5.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("D",12u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon D";
+pickup piqpen;
+rt z1=(4u,0u);
+filldraw z1--z2{left}..{up}z2.3..{up}z3&
+ z3..z3.3.1..{down}z3.1..{right}z1..cycle;
+filldraw z4--z5{right}...{up}z5.6.1..{up}z5.6.2..z6&
+ z6{z7-z6}...z7{dir 280}..{z7.4-z7}z7.7.4..tension 1 and 3..
+ {down}z7.4..tension 3 and 1..{dir 185}z4..cycle;
+beginchar("e",9u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon e";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1--z2..{up}z2.3..z3&
+ z3..{right}z3.4..z4--z5--z6&
+ z6..tension 10..z6.1..{down}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("G",17u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon gh";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..z1.2..z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--z7{left}..z8--z9&
+ z9{right}..z10&z10..{left}z10.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("H",8u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon H";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 4..z2..tension 4..z4&
+ z4..tension 2.5..{down}z4.5..tension 1.5..z5&
+ flex(z5,z5.1,z1)&z1..cycle;
+unfill z6..tension 5..{right}z7..tension 5..
+ z8..tension 5..z9..tension 7..cycle;
+beginchar("I",12u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon I";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3..z2..tension 4..z3..tension 4..z4--z5&
+ z5..tension 2..z6{down}..tension 2 and 1..
+ z7{right}..z8{up}..z9--z10..tension 4..z11..tension 3..
+ z12..tension 2..{dir -45}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("j",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon j";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{up}z1.2..{left}z2--z3..z3.4---z4&
+ z4{down}..z4.5..z5&
+ z5..{up}z5.6..{left}z6.. %{z1-z6}
+ z6.1..
+ z6.1.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("l",10u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon l";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..z1.2.1{right}..z1.2.2..z2&
+ z2..z2.3..z3--z4--z5--z6--z1..cycle;
+beginchar("m",10u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon m";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw flex(z1,z1.2,z2)&flex(z2,z2.3,z3)&
+ z3{down}..z4&
+ z4..{up}z5..{left}z6..{down}z7..z8&z8..{up}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("n",12u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon n";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1--z2..tension 4..z3..tension 4..z4..tension 3.5..z5--z6{left}
+ ..{left}z6.7...{z3-z4}z7--z8--z9{left}...{down}z10..z10.1..
+ z1..cycle;
+beginchar("N",16u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon ng";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{right}z1.2..{right}z2..z3---z4&
+ z4{up}..{left}z5..{down}z6..z7&
+ z7{left}..tension 2 and 1..{down}z8..tension 1 and 2..z9&
+ z9..tension 3 and 2..{up}z10..tension 2 and 1..z11..tension 1.5..
+ {curl 0}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("o",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon o";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..z1.2...{curl 8}z2--z3..{left}z4..{down}z5..{curl 0}z6&
+ z6..tension 2..{down}z7..tension 2..z8&
+ z8..tension 2 and 1..{up}z9..{up}z10..{z1-z10}z10.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("p",10u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon p";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 2 and 1..{up}z2..{left}z3&
+ z3--z4..{z5-z4}z4.5..z5&
+ z5{z3-z5}..{right}z6..{down}z7..tension 1 and 2..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("q",6u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon q";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw flex(z1,z1.2,z2)&flex(z2,z2.3,z3)--z4&
+ z4..{down}z5..z6&
+ z6{up}..z6.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("Q",10u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon Q";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{up}z2..{left}z3&
+ flex(z3,z3.4,z4)&
+ z4{right}..z5&
+ z5{(z6+(2.2u,0))-z5}..tension 1 and 2..z6&
+ z6..{down}z7..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("r",12u#,14.4u#,0u#); "Klingon r";
+pickup piqpen;
+% must shift z3 by -epsilon to avoid strange path.
+filldraw z1{curl 0}..tension 4..z2..tension 4..z3+(0,-epsilon)--
+ z3..{right}z3.4..z4--z5&
+ z5{dir 165}..tension 2..z6..tension 2..z7..tension 2..{dir 20}z8&
+ z8--z1..cycle;
+beginchar("S",15u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon S";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{up}z2..z3&
+ z3..{right}z4..z4.5---z5&
+ z5..{down}z6..z6.7..z7&
+ z7..{left}z8..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("t",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon t";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1{up}..z2&
+ z2..{down}z3..{right}flex(z4,z4.5,z5)&
+ z5..{down}z6..z7&
+ z7{left}..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("T",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon tlh";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 1.5..{up}z2..tension 1.5 and 2..{up}z3&
+ z3{left}..{left}z4&
+ z4{down}..{down}z5..{left}z6..
+ z7---z8..{right}z9&
+ z9{left}..tension 2..{left}z10..tension 2..{left}z11&
+ z11..{right}z12..{right}z13..{down}z14..tension 1 and 2..
+ z15..tension 2..z16--cycle;
+beginchar("u",14u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon u";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..z1.2..z2&
+ z2..{down}z3..z4&
+ %z4..{left}z5..tension 3..z6{down}..
+ {dir 170}z4{curl 2}..tension 2..z6{down}..
+ {right}z7..{curl 2}z8&
+ z8..tension 2..{z9-z8}z8.9..tension 2..z9&
+ z9{left}..tension 1.5..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("v",16u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon v";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..z2---z3..z4&
+ z4{down}..z5{right}..tension 1 and 3..z6&
+ z6..z6.7..z7&
+ z7..z8{down}..z9&
+ z9..{left}z10..tension 1 and 3..z11&
+ z11..tension 4..z12..tension 3..{z1-z12}z12.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("w",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon w";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..{z3-z2}z2.3..z3&
+ z3..z4---z5&
+ z5{down}..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("y",13u#,14.2u#,0u#); "Klingon y";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..tension 1 and 3..z3&
+ z3---z4..{down}z5..tension 4..z1..cycle;
+unfill z6{up}..{right}z7..{down}z8..z9---z10..{left}z11..tension 1.5..cycle;
+beginchar("'",3u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon '";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{down}z2..{down}z3..z4--z5..tension 7 and 1..
+ {up}z6..{up}z7..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("0",13u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 0";
+pickup piqpen;
+%% Alternate one. Better?
+%pickup piqpen;
+%fill (0,h/2){curl 10}..{right}(w/2,h/2+1.55u)..{curl 10}(w,h/2)&
+% (w,h/2){curl 10}..{left}(w/2,h/2-1.55u)..{curl 10}(0,h/2)..cycle;
+%% none of these are all that great, I fear. It's a simple enough shape, tho.
+filldraw fullcircle xscaled w yscaled 3.1u shifted (w/2,7u);
+beginchar("1",15u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 1";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3..z2..tension 3..z3&
+ z3..tension 2..{z1-z3}z4..tension 2..z1&
+ z1..cycle;
+beginchar("2",6u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 2";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..tension 1 and 3..z3&
+ z3..tension 3 and 1..{down}z4..tension 1 and 3..z1..cycle
+beginchar("3",11u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 3";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..tension 1 and 3..z3--
+ z3+(0,eps)..tension 4 and 1..{left}z4..{up}z5..z6&
+ z6..tension 2 and 1..{down}z7..tension 1 and 3..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("4",14u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 4";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{right}z2..z3---z4--z5---z6..tension 7..z1..cycle;
+filldraw z7..{left}z8..z9--z10&
+ z10..{up}z11..tension 2..{z7-z10}z7..cycle;
+beginchar("5",8u#,14u#,.5u#); "Klingon numeral 5";
+pickup piqpen;
+%draw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..tension 1 and 3..z3&
+% z3---z4..{curl 4}z5{up}..z6---z7&
+% z7..tension 5 and 1..{left}z8..{up}z9..tension 1..z10&
+% z10{left}..z11..{down}z12..tension 2..z1..cycle;
+filldraw z1..tension 3 and 1..{up}z2..tension 1 and 3..z3&
+ {z4-z3}z3..tension 2 and 1..z5{up}..tension 1 and 2..z7{z3-z4}--
+ z7+(0,eps)..tension 3 and 1..{left}z8..
+ {up}z9..tension 1..{right}z10&
+ z10{left}...z11..{down}z12..tension 2..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("6",14u#,13u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 6";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1{up}..tension 1..z1.1..z1.2..tension 1..{up}z2&
+ z2..{left}z3..z4&
+ z4{curl 0}..{down}z5..{curl 0}z6--
+ (z6+(eps,0))..tension 2 and 1..z6.7..{right}z7..z7.1..
+ tension 1 and 2..{dir -80}z1..cycle;
+beginchar("7",11u#,14u#,.2u#); "Klingon numeral 7";
+pickup piqpen;
+filldraw z1..{up}z1.2..z2&
+ z2{z2.3-z2}..{left}z2.3..z3--z4&
+ z4..{right}z5..{down}z6..z7--z8&
+ z8..{right}z9..z9.1..z1..cycle;
+beginchar("8",16u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 8";
+pickup piqpen;
+%save p;
+%path p;
+%filldraw p..reverse p reflectedabout((0,y6),(w,y6))..
+% p rotatedaround((x1,y6),180)..
+% reverse p reflectedabout((x1,0),(x1,h))..cycle;
+%% Oops, not top/bottom symmetrical!
+save p; path p;
+ z6.7..z7&
+ z7..z7.8..{right}z8..{up}z9..z10&z10..{right}z11;
+filldraw p..reverse p reflectedabout((x1,0),(x1,h))..cycle;
+beginchar("9",11u#,14u#,0u#); "Klingon numeral 9";
+pickup piqpen;
+save p; path p;
+ flex(z5,z5.1,z5.2,z6);
+filldraw p .. reverse p reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h))..cycle;
+% Dummy characters to make the ligtable happy for TeX.
+for i="c","g","h":
+ beginchar(i,0u#,0u#,0u#); "Dummy character "&i;
+ endchar;
+for i=1,2,3:
+ beginchar(i,0u#,0u#,0u#); "Dummy character "&decimal i;
+ endchar;
+zz=0u#; % override later values.
+%% Better to have had the sidebars on the various letters arranged better,
+%% but that would have required actual thought, and I'm lazy.
+ligtable "c": "h"=:"C";
+ligtable "g": "h"=:"G";
+ligtable "n": "g"=:"N", "o" kern -kk, "I" kern -k, "a" kern -k,
+ "b" kern -k;
+ligtable "t": "e" kern kk, "G" kern -kk, "l"=:1, % tl => tricktable 1
+ "H" kern k, "m" kern k, "n" kern k, "p" kern k, "q" kern k,
+ "w" kern k, "y" kern k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "N": "e" kern kk, "t" kern -k, "u" kern -k,
+ "N" kern kk, "G" kern k,
+ "o" kern kk, "r" kern kk, "S" kern k, "'" kern kk, "w" kern kk,
+ "h"=:|3; % Nh => tricktable 3
+ligtable "b": "a" kern -kk, "G" kern -k, "g" kern -k,
+ "e" kern k, "N" kern kk, "G" kern k,
+ "o" kern kk, "r" kern kk, "S" kern k, "'" kern kk, "w" kern kk;
+ligtable "C": "b" kern k, "D" kern k, "e" kern kk,
+ "N" kern k, "H" kern k, "I" kern k, "q" kern k, "l" kern k,
+ "m" kern k, "n" kern k, "o" kern k, "p" kern k, "Q" kern k,
+ "r" kern k, "v" kern k, "w" kern k, "y" kern k, "'" kern kk;
+ligtable "D": "e" kern k, "w" kern k, "o" kern -kkk, "I" kern -kk,
+ "l" kern k, "v" kern k;
+ligtable "e": "N" kern k, "o" kern k, "r" kern k, "w" kern k, "T" kern k,
+ "'" kern k, "G" kern -k, "g" kern -k, "l" kern -k,
+ "v" kern -k;
+ligtable "G": "e" kern k, "o" kern k, "G" kern zz, "N" kern kk, "G" kern k,
+ "o" kern kk, "r" kern kk, "S" kern k, "'" kern kk, "w" kern kk;
+ligtable "I": "'" kern kk, "r" kern k, "H" kern k, "n" kern k, "e" kern kk,
+ "N" kern k, "o" kern k, "w" kern kk, "y" kern k;
+ligtable "y": "e" kern kk, "N" kern kk, "G" kern k,
+ "o" kern kk, "r" kern kk, "S" kern k, "'" kern kk, "w" kern kk;
+ligtable "p": "e" kern k, "y" kern k, "m" kern k, "u" kern -kk,
+ "a" kern -k, "G" kern -kk, "j" kern -k, "o" kern -kk,
+ "S" kern -k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "'": "e" kern kk, "w" kern kk, "a" kern -k, "b" kern k,
+ "H" kern k, "m" kern k, "n" kern k, "N" kern k, "o" kern k,
+ "p" kern k, "q" kern k, "Q" kern k, "r" kern k, "T" kern k,
+ "v" kern k, "y" kern k, "'" kern kk;
+ligtable "r": "e" kern kk, "w" kern k, "a" kern -kk, "G" kern -k,
+ "H" kern k, "I" kern k, "l" kern -k, "m" kern k, "n" kern k,
+ "S" kern -k, "t" kern -k, "T" kern k, "u" kern -kk, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "l": "e" kern k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "m": "e" kern kk, "'" kern kk, "G" kern -kk, "g" kern -kk,
+ "p" kern k, "H" kern k, "y" kern k, "w" kern k, "y" kern k,
+ "a" kern -k;
+ligtable "T": "e" kern k, "a" kern -kk;
+ligtable "S": "o" kern -k, "m" kern -kk, "a" kern -k, "H" kern -k,
+ "I" kern -k, "y" kern -k;
+ligtable "o": "H" kern k, "'" kern kk, "y" kern k, "e" kern k, "m" kern k,
+ "n" kern k, "w" kern k;
+ligtable "u": "G" kern -kkkk, "g" kern -kkk, % doesn't know it's G yet.
+ "j" kern -kk, "o" kern -k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "H": "a" kern -k, "e" kern k, "G" kern -k, "u" kern -k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "w": "a" kern -2kkk, "D" kern -k, "G" kern -kk, "j" kern -k,
+ "l" kern -kk, "p" kern -k, "q" kern -k, "Q" kern -kk,
+ "S" kern -k, "t" kern -kkk, "u" kern -kkk, "v" kern -kk, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "j": "a" kern -k, "I" kern k, "e" kern kk, "G" kern -kk, "H" kern k,
+ "m" kern k, "n" kern k, "u" kern -k, "w" kern k, "y" kern k,
+ "'" kern kk;
+ligtable "v": "a" kern -k, "e" kern k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "q": "C" kern k, "D" kern k, "e" kern kk, "H" kern k, "I" kern k,
+ "m" kern k, "n" kern k, "p" kern k, "Q" kern k, "T" kern k,
+ "v" kern k, "w" kern k, "y" kern k, "'" kern kk;
+ligtable "Q": "u" kern -kk, "a" kern -kk, "e" kern k, "G" kern -kk,
+ "l" kern -kk, "p" kern -k, "t" kern -k, "w" kern k, "'" kern k;
+ligtable "a": "e" kern k, 3:: "N" kern kk, "G" kern k,
+ "o" kern kk, "r" kern kk, "S" kern k, "'" kern kk, "w" kern kk;
+% Numbers and letters will rarely be next to each other...
+ligtable "0": "0" kern k, "2" kern k, "3" kern k;
+ligtable "1": "0" kern -kkk, "1" kern -k, "2" kern -k, "7" kern -k;
+% Here comes the tricktable. Generated by Olaf Kummer
+% (
+% To process the special cases when "ng" is followed by "h" and
+% when "tl" is not followed by an "h" we must use some dummy
+% characters.
+% The procedure runs as follows:
+% tlh => 1h => T
+% tl[other] => 1[other] => 11[other] => 121[other] => t21[other]
+% (typeset t) -> 21[other] => l[other]
+% ngh => Nh => 3h => 3gh => ngh (immediately typeset n) -> gh => G
+% ng[other] => N[other]
+% Kerning might be lost during this process, but only before the characters
+% that are handled by these conversion routines.
+% Char 1 is produced by the input "tl".
+% If the letter "h" follows, build the ligature "tlh", otherwise
+% recover the letters "t" and "l" and proceed normally. We
+% must set boundarychar to recover "t" and "l" at the end of
+% a word.
+ligtable 1: "h"=:"T", % 1h => T
+ 1|=:|2, % 11[other] => 121[other]
+ 2=:|"t" , % 121[other] => t21[other]
+ boundarychar|=:|1, % 1[boundary] => 11[boundary]
+ % 1[other] => 11[other]
+ "a"|=:|1, "b"|=:|1, "C"|=:|1, "D"|=:|1, "e"|=:|1, "G"|=:|1,
+ "H"|=:|1, "I"|=:|1, "j"|=:|1, "l"|=:|1, "m"|=:|1, "n"|=:|1,
+ "N"|=:|1, "o"|=:|1, "p"|=:|1, "q"|=:|1, "Q"|=:|1, "r"|=:|1,
+ "S"|=:|1, "t"|=:|1, "T"|=:|1, "u"|=:|1, "v"|=:|1, "w"|=:|1,
+ "y"|=:|1, "'"|=:|1, "0"|=:|1, "1"|=:|1, "2"|=:|1, "3"|=:|1,
+ "4"|=:|1, "5"|=:|1, "6"|=:|1, "7"|=:|1, "8"|=:|1, "9"|=:|1;
+ligtable 2: 1=:"l"; % 21[other] => l[other]
+% Char 3 is produced by the input "ngh". The original "h" is
+% still in the queue. Replace char 3 by "ng", but with the letter "n"
+% already typeset to avoid looping.
+ligtable 3: "h"|=:|"g", % 3h => 3gh
+ "g"=:|>"n"; % 3gh => ngh, skip n
diff --git a/fonts/okuda/modified/pIq.tex b/fonts/okuda/modified/pIq.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c16137ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/okuda/modified/pIq.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+\section*{Okuda font with new ligtable}
+This file demonstrates the font \texttt{} which was
+originally coded by Mark Shoulson (\texttt{}).
+In this version the ligature mechanism handles the complete
+conversion from the Okrand transcription to the Klingon glyphs.
+If this causes any problems, please report them to Olaf Kummer
+Look at the file \texttt{} for a copyright notice
+and additional references on the origins of this font.
+Let's have a look at the glyphs. Note that some of the
+characters are entered as multi-letter sequences.
+\newfont{\kling}{pIq scaled 1000}
+a & b & ch & D & e & gh & H & I & j & l & m & n & ng \\
+\hline \rule{0pt}{12pt}
+\kling a & \kling b & \kling ch & \kling D & \kling e &
+\kling gh & \kling H & \kling I & \kling j & \kling l &
+\kling m & \kling n & \kling ng \\
+o & p & q & Q & r & S & t & tlh & u & v & w & y & ' \\
+\hline \rule{0pt}{12pt}
+\kling o & \kling p & \kling q & \kling Q & \kling r &
+\kling S & \kling t & \kling tlh & \kling u & \kling v &
+\kling w & \kling y & \kling ' \\
+0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 \\
+\hline \rule{0pt}{12pt}
+\kling 0 & \kling 1 & \kling 2 & \kling 3 & \kling 4 &
+\kling 5 & \kling 6 & \kling 7 & \kling 8 & \kling 9 \\
+The new ligtables handle the inputs \texttt{tl}
+(\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling tl}), \texttt{tlh}
+(\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling tlh}), \texttt{ng}
+(\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling ng}), and \texttt{ngh}
+(\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling ngh}) correctly. These inputs
+used to be a problem, because they force us to look at three
+characters before we can determine the output for the first
+character. When you are interested in the implementation, you might
+want to have a look at the \textsf{Metafont} sources
+in \texttt{}.
+In fact, words in which \texttt{tl} is not
+followed by an \texttt{h} are pretty rare, but they do occur.
+Consider for example the word \texttt{nuvItlaH}
+(\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling nuvItlaH}), which means
+`He can tell us the truth' in English.
+Words in which an \texttt{n} is followed by \texttt{gh} are
+even more obscure. But maybe some Klingon liguists want to
+discuss whether `the program' is properly translated as
+\texttt{ghun} (\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling ghun}) or
+\texttt{ghunghach} (\raisebox{-2pt}{\kling ghunghach}).