path: root/fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2024-01-01 03:01:00 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-01-01 03:01:00 +0000
commit094e5f512c4ea5981db967dd89c47363a603529b (patch)
tree2e855fa79ed8735bd940510f1de1153a836cb30b /fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex
parent5acd803fa16526d48d5c8e990dc509df22d856b7 (diff)
CTAN sync 202401010300
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex b/fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex
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index 0000000000..221c9171ff
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+++ b/fonts/junicode/doc/junicode-package.tex
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+\author{Peter S. Baker}
+This package supports the Junicode static fonts (version 2.204 or higher)
+for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. The current version of the Junicode font should
+be installed in your system. If the font is included in your TeX installation,
+it is an obsolete version: you should remove it if possible. This package loads
+fontspec, so it is not necessary to load it separately, even if you are using
+other fonts alongside Junicode.
+\section{Loading Junicode}
+Load Junicode in the usual way, with {\small\verb|\usepackage{Junicode}|}. Several options are available:
+\item[fonttype] The type of font to look for, CFF or TrueType. These font types differ in the
+way they draw outlines, and their hinting technologies are very different. Values may be otf
+(the default) or ttf, e.g.\\
+\item[light] The weight of the type for the main text is Light instead of Regular.
+\item[medium] The weight of the type for the main text is Medium, somewhat heavier than Regular.
+\item[semibold] The weight of bold type is somewhat lighter than the usual bold. This may be a
+good choice if you have selected the light option.
+\item[condensed] The width of the type is narrow. Note that bold type cannot be condensed: when
+this option is selected, any bold type in the text will have normal width.
+\item[semicondensed] The width of the type is wider than condensed but narrower than the default.
+Note that bold type cannot be semicondensed: when this option is selected, any bold type in the
+text will have normal width.
+\item[expanded] The width of the type is wide. Note that light type cannot be expanded: using
+both the light and the expanded options will produce an error.
+\item[semiexpanded] The width of the type is wider than the default but narrower than expanded.
+Note that light type cannot be semiexpanded: using both the light and the semiexpanded options
+will produce an error.
+\section{Selecting Alternate Styles}
+The Junicode font comes in thirty-eight styles: nineteen roman and nineteen italic. You can
+switch to any of these styles with one of the following commands, which will be self-explanatory
+if you keep these abbreviations in mind: Sm = Semi, Cond = Condensed, Exp = Expanded.
+ \jCond\textbackslash jBold
+ \textbackslash jBoldItalic
+ \textbackslash jCond
+ \textbackslash jCondItalic
+ \textbackslash jCondLight
+ \textbackslash jCondLightItalic
+ \textbackslash jCondMedium
+ \textbackslash jCondMediumItalic
+ \textbackslash jExp
+ \textbackslash jExpItalic
+ \textbackslash jExpBold
+ \textbackslash jExpBoldItalic
+ \textbackslash jExpMedium
+ \textbackslash jExpMediumItalic
+ \textbackslash jExpSmbold
+ \textbackslash jExpSmboldItalic
+ \textbackslash jItalic
+ \textbackslash jLight
+ \textbackslash jLightItalic
+ \textbackslash jMedium
+ \textbackslash jMediumItalic
+ \textbackslash jRegular
+ \textbackslash jSmbold
+ \textbackslash jSmboldItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmCond
+ \textbackslash jSmCondItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmCondLight
+ \textbackslash jSmCondLightItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmCondMedium
+ \textbackslash jSmCondMediumItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmExp
+ \textbackslash jSmExpItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmExpBold
+ \textbackslash jSmExpBoldItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmExpMedium
+ \textbackslash jSmExpMediumItalic
+ \textbackslash jSmExpSmbold
+ \textbackslash jSmExpSmboldItalic
+\section{Other Commands}
+These commands do nothing more than wrap fontspec commands, which can still be
+used with the Junicode package and are actually needed if you want to take full
+advantage of the Junicode font’s features. Some of these commands are more mnemonic
+than the corresponding fontspec commands, and others are more compact. Each command
+also has a corresponding “text” command that works like
+{\small\verb|\textit{}|}—that is, it takes
+as its sole argument the text to which the command will be applied. Each “text” command
+consists of the main command with “text” prefixed—for example,
+corresponding to {\small\verb|\InsularLetterForms|}. For a fuller account of the OpenType features
+applied by these commands, see Chapter 4, Feature Reference.
+\begin{supertabular}{| l | p{2.75in} |}
+\textbackslash AltThornEth & Applies ss01, Alternate thorn and eth.\\\hline
+\textbackslash InsularLetterForms & Applies ss02, Insular letter-forms.
+This has an effect only with English and Irish text.\\\hline
+\textbackslash IPAAlternates & Applies ss03, IPA alternates.\\\hline
+\textbackslash HighOverline & Applies ss04, High Overline.\\\hline
+\textbackslash MediumHighOverline & Applies ss05, Medium-high Overline.\\\hline
+\textbackslash EnlargedMinuscules & Applies ss06, Enlarged minuscules.\\\hline
+\textbackslash Underdotted & Applies ss07, Underdotted.\\\hline
+\textbackslash ContextualLongS & Applies ss08, Contextual long s. This should be used only in English or
+French text. With other languages it simply converts all instances of s to ſ.\\\hline
+\textbackslash AlternateFigures & Applies ss09, Alternate Figures.\\\hline
+\textbackslash EntitiesAndTags & Applies ss10, Entities and Tags.\\\hline
+\textbackslash EarlyEnglishFuthorc & Applies ss12, Early English Futhorc.\\\hline
+\textbackslash ElderFuthark & Applies ss13, Elder Futhark.\\\hline
+\textbackslash YoungerFuthark & Applies ss14, Younger Futhark.\\\hline
+\textbackslash LongBranchToShortTwig & Applies ss15, Long Branch to Short Twig.\\\hline
+\textbackslash ContextualRRotunda & Applies ss16, Contextual r rotunda.\\\hline
+\textbackslash RareDigraphs & Applies ss17, Rare Digraphs.\\\hline
+\textbackslash OldStylePunctuation & Applies ss18, Old-style Punctuation.\\\hline
+\textbackslash LatinToGothic & Applies ss19, Latin to Gothic.\\\hline
+\textbackslash LowDiacritics & Applies ss20, Low Diacritics.\\\hline
+\textbackslash jcv, \textbackslash textcv & Applies any Character Variant feature (see below).\\
+\noindent The syntax of \textbackslash jcv
+is {\small\verb|\jcv[num]{num}|}, where the second (required) argument is the number of the Character Variant feature,
+and the first (optional) argument is an index into the variants provided by that feature (starting with zero, the default).
+\textbackslash textcv takes an additional required argument ({\small\verb|\textcv[num]{num}{text}|}—the text to which the
+feature should be applied.
+Character Variant features can also be selected with mnemonics, listed below. For example, a feature for
+lowercase \textbf{a} can be expressed as {\small\verb|\textcv[2]{\jcva}{a}|}, yielding \textbf{\textcv[2]{\jcva}{a}}.
+\jCond\textbackslash jcvA
+\textbackslash jcva
+\textbackslash jcvB
+\textbackslash jcvb
+\textbackslash jcvC
+\textbackslash jcvc
+\textbackslash jcvD
+\textbackslash jcvd
+\textbackslash jcvE
+\textbackslash jcve
+\textbackslash jcvF
+\textbackslash jcvf
+\textbackslash jcvG
+\textbackslash jcvg
+\textbackslash jcvH
+\textbackslash jcvh
+\textbackslash jcvI
+\textbackslash jcvi
+\textbackslash jcvJ
+\textbackslash jcvj
+\textbackslash jcvK
+\textbackslash jcvk
+\textbackslash jcvL
+\textbackslash jcvl
+\textbackslash jcvM
+\textbackslash jcvm
+\textbackslash jcvN
+\textbackslash jcvn
+\textbackslash jcvO
+\textbackslash jcvo
+\textbackslash jcvP
+\textbackslash jcvp
+\textbackslash jcvQ
+\textbackslash jcvq
+\textbackslash jcvR
+\textbackslash jcvr
+\textbackslash jcvS
+\textbackslash jcvs
+\textbackslash jcvT
+\textbackslash jcvt
+\textbackslash jcvU
+\textbackslash jcvu
+\textbackslash jcvV
+\textbackslash jcvv
+\textbackslash jcvW
+\textbackslash jcvw
+\textbackslash jcvX
+\textbackslash jcvx
+\textbackslash jcvY
+\textbackslash jcvy
+\textbackslash jcvZ
+\textbackslash jcvz
+\textbackslash jcvaa
+\textbackslash jcvAE
+\textbackslash jcvae
+\textbackslash jcvAO
+\textbackslash jcvao
+\textbackslash jcvAogonek
+\textbackslash jcvaogonek
+\textbackslash jcvASCIItilde
+\textbackslash jcvasterisk
+\textbackslash jcvav
+\textbackslash jcvbrevebelow
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningdieresis
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningdoublemacron
+\textbackslash jcvcombininginsulard
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningopena
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningoverline
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningrrotunda
+\textbackslash jcvcombiningzigzag
+\textbackslash jcvcomma
+\textbackslash jcvcurrency
+\textbackslash jcvdbar
+\textbackslash jcvdcroat
+\textbackslash jcvEng
+\textbackslash jcvEogonek
+\textbackslash jcvetabbrev
+\textbackslash jcvexclam
+\textbackslash jcvflorin
+\textbackslash jcvGermanpenny
+\textbackslash jcvglottal
+\textbackslash jcvlb
+\textbackslash jcvlhighstroke %somehow escaped the documentation
+\textbackslash jcvmacron
+\textbackslash jcvmiddot
+\textbackslash jcvoPolish
+\textbackslash jcvounce
+\textbackslash jcvperiod
+\textbackslash jcvpunctuselevatus
+\textbackslash jcvquestion
+\textbackslash jcvrum
+\textbackslash jcvsemicolon
+\textbackslash jcvslash
+\textbackslash jcvspacingusabbrev
+\textbackslash jcvspacingzigzag
+\textbackslash jcvsterling
+\textbackslash jcvthorncrossed
+\textbackslash jcvTironianEt
+\textbackslash jcvYogh