path: root/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/ b/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25df734e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% This is
+% Copyright (C) 1989-92 by Elmar Bartel.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+% correcting the size of qs to make it a good pixelcount
+if .5qs <> good.x .5qs:
+ qs:= qs if qs# * hppp > round(qs): + else: - fi 1;
+% the center of the field
+pair Center; Center = (qs/2,qs/2);
+picture BlackMan, WhiteMan, NeutralMan, OuterShape;
+% Some definitions for numbering the characters
+% Numbers of the pieces
+Pawn = 0; Knight = 1; Bishop = 2; Rook = 3; Queen = 4; King = 5;
+% Geometric pieces
+Circle = 145;
+% Offsets for colors of the pieces
+White = 0; Neutral = 6; Black = 12;
+% Offsets for the background
+OnWhite = 0; OnBlack = 18;
+% Offsets for the turning
+LeftTurned = 36; RightTurned = 72; UpSideDown = 108;
+% Makros for turning
+def TurnLeft(expr p) =
+ p rotatedaround (Center,90);
+def TurnRight(expr p) =
+ p rotatedaround (Center,-90);
+def TurnUpSideDown(expr p) =
+ p rotatedaround (Center,180);
+% Macros for shorten and lengthening paths
+% ShortenPath: The given path is shorted at both ends, with the
+% real amount of pixels given
+% ShortenBegin, ShortenEnd: The same as above for one end only
+% LengthenPath: The path is elongated at both ends with a straight
+% line, in the direction of the path at the end
+% LengthenBegin, LengthenEnd: The same as above for one end only
+def Perpend(expr d,p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save dd; pair dd;
+ dd = d/length(d);
+ (p+100*(dd rotated 90) -- p+100*(dd rotated -90)) shifted (dd*real)
+ endgroup;
+def ShortenPath(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save pa,pe; path pa,pe;
+ pa = Perpend(direction 0 of p,point 0 of p,real);
+ pe = Perpend(-direction length(p) of p,point length(p) of p,real);
+ subpath (
+ xpart(p intersectiontimes pa),
+ xpart(p intersectiontimes pe)) of p
+ endgroup
+def ShortenBegin(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save pa; path pa;
+ pa = Perpend(direction 0 of p,point 0 of p,real);
+ subpath (xpart(p intersectiontimes pa),length(p)) of p
+ endgroup
+def ShortenEnd(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save pe; path pe;
+ pe = Perpend(-direction length(p) of p,point length(p) of p,real);
+ subpath (0, xpart(p intersectiontimes pe)) of p
+ endgroup
+def LengthenBegin(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save dd; pair dd;
+ dd= direction 0 of p; dd:= dd/length(dd);
+ point 0 of p - real*dd -- p
+ endgroup
+def LengthenEnd(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save dd; pair dd;
+ dd= direction length(p) of p; dd:= dd/length(dd);
+ p -- point length(p) of p + real*dd
+ endgroup
+def Lengthen(expr p,real) =
+ begingroup
+ save db; pair db;
+ save de; pair de;
+ db= direction 0 of p; db:= db/length(db);
+ de= direction length(p) of p; de:= de/length(de);
+ point 0 of p - real*db -- p -- point length(p) of p + real*de
+ endgroup
+% This macro is used bye ParallelPath
+def NewPoint(expr p,t,dist) =
+ { begingroup pair Dir;
+ Dir= direction t of p; %show p; show t; show Dir;
+ Dir
+ endgroup }
+ (point t of p + (Dir rotated 90)*(dist/length(Dir)))
+% Macro for getting a path parallel to the given path, in distance dist
+def ParallelPath(expr p,dist) =
+ begingroup
+ save Dir; pair Dir; Dir = direction 0 of p;
+ ((point 0 of p)+(Dir rotated 90)*(dist/length(Dir))) {Dir}
+ for t=.5 step .5 until length(p):
+ .. NewPoint(p,t,dist)
+ endfor
+ endgroup
+def DefineFootBows(
+ % This macro depends on the values of qs and BottomSpace
+ % and uses the makro ParallelPath.
+ % It is used to generate the bottom bows of King, Queen and Bishop
+ expr BottomDist, %This is the space to BottomSpace
+ BowOneWidth, %This is the width of the main bow
+ FootHeight, %Distance from bottom of Bow0 to top of Bow3
+ BowTwoLoc, %Relative location of Bow2 between Bow3 and
+ % Bow1. 0 means position at position at Bow1,
+ % 1.0 means position at Bow3.
+ WidthToHeight, %Ratio of BowOneWidth/2 to Bowheight
+ BowTwoLen, %Length of Bow2 relative to Bow1
+ BowThreeLen %Lenght of Bow3 relative to Bow1
+ ) =
+ % All parameters are in pixels when not otherwise statet.
+ % Points are numbered from 0 to 3 from lower to upper
+ % Points to the left have suffix l, right suffix r
+ % points without further suffix are in the center of the bows
+ path Bow[];
+ numeric BowHeight;
+ numeric l[],x[]l,x[]r,x[],y[]l,y[]r,y[];
+ BowHeight = BowOneWidth*WidthToHeight/2;
+ % We start with the first bow
+ x1r + x1l = qs; x1r - x1l = BowOneWidth;
+ y1 = BottomSpace + 2*BowHeight + BottomDist;
+ x1 = .5qs;
+ y1l = y1r = y1 - BowHeight;
+ Bow1 = z1l .. {right} z1 .. z1r;
+ z0 = z1 shifted (down*2*BowHeight);
+ Bow0 = z1r .. {left} z0 .. z1l;
+ Bow3= ParallelPath(Bow1,FootHeight-2*BowHeight);
+ l3 = length(Bow3);
+ cu:= (1-BowThreeLen)/2;
+ Bow3:= subpath (cu*l3,(1-cu)*l3) of Bow3;
+ z3l = point 0 of Bow3;
+ z3 = point .5*length(Bow3) of Bow3;
+ z3r = point infinity of Bow3;
+%show point 0 of reverse Bow3;
+%show z3r;
+ Bow2= ParallelPath(Bow1,(FootHeight-2*BowHeight)*BowTwoLoc);
+ l2 = length(Bow2);
+ cu:= (1-BowTwoLen)/2;
+ Bow2:= subpath (cu*l2,(1-cu)*l2) of Bow2;
+ z2l = point 0 of Bow2;
+ z2 = point .5length(Bow3) of Bow2;
+ z2r = point infinity of Bow2;
+ labels(1l,1,1r,2l,2r,3l,3r);
+% Macro for generation the neutral piece from two pictures
+% given as Parameter
+def MakeNeutral(expr White,Black) =
+ if unknown LeftHalft: picture LeftHalf; fi
+ LeftHalf:= Black;
+ cull LeftHalf keeping (1,infinity);
+ addto LeftHalf contour (unitsquare yscaled qs xscaled (qs/2));
+ cull LeftHalf keeping (2,2);
+ if unknown RightHalf: picture RightHalf; fi
+ RightHalf:= White;
+ cull RightHalf keeping (1,infinity);
+ addto RightHalf contour (unitsquare yscaled qs xscaled (qs/2) shifted (qs/2,0));
+ cull RightHalf keeping (2,2);
+ NeutralMan:= LeftHalf;
+ addto NeutralMan also RightHalf;
+% Makro to get a grid of real output pixels when proofing
+def PixelGrid(expr PixPerInch, w) =
+ if proofing > 0:
+ begingroup
+ numeric d;
+ d = pixels_per_inch/PixPerInch;
+ makegrid(0,for i=d step d until w: ,i endfor)(0,for i=d step d until w: ,i endfor)
+ endgroup;
+ fi;