path: root/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/')
1 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/ b/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52b5ac371f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/bartel-chess-fonts/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+% This is
+% Copyright (C) 1989-93 by Elmar Bartel.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+def OneCurl (expr a,da, b,db, above, pangle) =
+ begingroup
+ save dx, dy, p;
+ pair dx; dx= b-a;
+ pair dy; dy= dx rotated 90;
+ pair p; p= (a+.5dx+above*dy);
+ a{da} .. {dx rotated pangle}p &
+ p{dx rotated -pangle} .. {db}b
+ endgroup
+def SplitPath(suffix $) % the first suffix of z
+ (expr p, % the path
+ n, % how often
+ shdelta % the shift multiplier
+ % it's used to 'drift' the points
+ % away from the center
+ ) =
+ % This makro takes a path, and defines n eqhal spaced
+ % good points on the path. If shdelta is a small amount
+ % greater zero, the pieces are smaller at the end of the
+ % path.
+ begingroup
+ pair dl[];
+ pair dr[];
+ numeric i,l,r,delta;
+ i= 0;
+ l= 0;
+ r= length(p);
+ delta= length(p)/n;
+ forever:
+ if i = n-i:
+ z$l[i] = z$r[i] = point .5length(p) of p;
+ dl[i] = dr[i] = direction .5length(p) of p;
+ else:
+ numeric shift;
+ if i=0: shift = 0 else: shift = (n-i)*shdelta*delta fi;
+ z$l[i] = good.lft (point (l-shift) of p);
+ dl[i] = direction (l-shift) of p;
+ z$r[i] = good.rt (point (r+shift) of p);
+ dr[i] = direction (r+shift) of p;
+ fi
+ l:= l+delta;
+ r:= r-delta;
+ exitif r-l < 0;
+ i:= incr i;
+ endfor;
+ for i:= incr i step 1 until n:
+ z$l[i] = z$r[n-i];
+ z$r[i] = z$l[n-i];
+ dl[i] = dr[n-i];
+ dr[i] = dl[n-i];
+ endfor;
+ endgroup
+def CurlPath(suffix $)
+ (expr p, % the path
+ n, % how often
+ above, % the peak above the path
+ pangle, % the direction at the peak
+ shdelta % the shift multiplier
+ % it's used to 'drift' the points
+ % away from the center
+ ) =
+ begingroup
+ save dl, dr;
+ save i,l,r,delta,shift;
+ SplitPath($, p, n, shdelta);
+ OneCurl(z$l0, dl0, z$l1, dl1, above, pangle)
+ for i:= 2 step 1 until n:
+ & OneCurl(z$l[i-1], dl[i-1], z4l[i], dl[i], above, pangle)
+ endfor
+ endgroup
+def SplitPoints(suffix $) % The same definition as SplitPath
+ (expr p, % the path
+ n, % how often
+ shdelta % the shift multiplier
+ % it's used to 'drift' the points
+ % away from the center
+ ) =
+ begingroup
+ save dl, dr;
+ save i,l,r,delta,shift;
+ SplitPath($, p, n, shdelta);
+ endgroup
+def Kegel(expr p,q) =
+ begingroup
+ path KPath;
+ numeric Width[],x[].a,y[].a,x[].b,y[].b;
+ numeric Base,MiddlePos,BowIns,Height,LowerHeight,TopHeight;
+ Width0 = Base = length(q-p);
+ Width1 = 1.30Base;
+ Width2 = 0.35Base;
+ Width3 = 1.30Base; % Diameter of circle
+ Height = 5.75Base;
+ MiddlePos = 0.25;
+ BowIns = Width3/2+-+Width2/2;
+ LowerHeight + TopHeight = Height - Width3 + BowIns;
+ LowerHeight = MiddlePos*(LowerHeight+TopHeight);
+ z0a = p;
+ z0b = z0a + (Width0,0);
+ forsuffixes $=1,2:
+ x$a + x$b = x0a + x0b; x$b - x$a = Width$;
+ endfor;
+ y1a = y1b = y0a + LowerHeight;
+ y2a = y2b = y1a + TopHeight;
+ x3a = .5(x2b+x2a);
+ y3a = y2a + BowIns;
+ %labels(0a,0b,1a,1b,2a,2b,3a);
+ path LeftP,RightP,KgCircle;
+ LeftP= z2a -- z1a -- z0a;
+ RightP= z0b -- z1b -- z2b;
+ KgCircle= halfcircle rotated 180 scaled Width3 shifted z3a;
+ path KPath;
+ KPath:= RightP ..
+ subpath ((ypart((z1b -- 1.5[z1b,z2b])
+ intersectiontimes KgCircle)),4) of KgCircle ..
+ halfcircle scaled Width3 shifted z3a ..
+ subpath (0,ypart((z1a -- 1.5[z1a,z2a])
+ intersectiontimes KgCircle)) of KgCircle ..
+ LeftP;
+ reverse (KPath rotatedaround(p, angle (q-p)))
+ endgroup;
+def cCircle (expr bl, br, t, r) =
+ % draw a circle with diameter r clockweise(!) at top
+ % of triangle bl,br,t
+ (reverse (halfcircle & halfcircle rotated 180))
+ scaled r shifted (left*.5r) rotated angle(.5[bl,br]-t) shifted t
+def DefineQueenPath(expr n) =
+ %SetParam;
+ DefineFootBows(-.034qs, % No Space to Bottom
+ .72qs, % BowOneWidth
+ .26qs, % FootHeight
+ .40, % BowTwoLoc
+ .15, % WidthToHeight
+ .66, % BowTwoLen
+ 0.66); % BowThreeLen
+% This is not needed for the fs-Type of queen.
+% path KPath,
+% numeric b,s;
+% % b and s define the ratio of 5 peak bases and 4 spaces.
+% % if you want more or other spacing change the values
+% b = 1.1s;
+% 5b + 4s = length(Bow3);
+% pair at,bt;
+% at= point 0 of Bow3;
+% bt= point b of Bow3;
+% KPath:= Kegel(at, bt);
+% for t=b+s step b+s until length(Bow3):
+% KPath:= KPath .. subpath(t-s,t) of Bow3;
+% KPath:= KPath .. Kegel(point t of Bow3,
+% point(t+b)of Bow3);
+% endfor;
+ % Some correction of the lower bows, to make
+ % the corners more round
+ Bow0:= ShortenPath(Bow0, 5thin);
+ Bow1:= ShortenPath(Bow1, 5thin);
+ x1l:= lft(x1l + 2.5thin);
+ x1r:= rt(x1r - 2.5thin);
+ Bow0:= z1r{down} .. Bow0 .. {up}z1l;
+ Bow1:= z1l{up} .. Bow1 .. {down}z1r;
+ Bow4:= Lengthen(ParallelPath(Bow3, .10qs), .05qs);
+ z4l = good.lft (point 0 of Bow4);
+ z4 = point .5length(Bow4) of Bow4;
+ z4r = good.rt point infinity of Bow4;
+ Bow4:= z4l {direction 0 of Bow4} ..
+ z4 {right} ..
+ z4r {direction infinity of Bow4};
+ Bow4:= CurlPath(4, Bow4, n, .15, 35, .04);
+ z5l = good.lft (SideSpace, .72qs);
+ z5r = good.rt (qs-SideSpace, .72qs);
+show z5l, z5r;
+ z5 = (.5qs, .83qs);
+ Bow5 = z5l .. z5 .. z5r;
+ SplitPoints(5, Bow5, n-1, .01);
+ path cPath;
+ cPath = z4l0
+ for i=0 step 1 until n-1:
+ & z4l[i] -- z5l[i] &
+ cCircle(z4l[i],z4l[i+1],z5l[i],.09qs) -- z4l[i+1]
+ endfor;
+ path LeftPath,RightPath,QueenShape;
+ LeftPath:= z1l -- z2l -- z3l -- z4l;
+ RightPath:= z4r -- z3r -- z2r -- z1r;
+ QueenShape:= Bow0 &
+ LeftPath &
+ cPath &
+ RightPath &
+ cycle;
+pickup chess_pen;
+def MakeWhiteQueen =
+ clearit;
+ pickup chess_pen;
+ draw QueenShape;
+ %forsuffixes $=0,1,2,3,4,5: undraw z4r$; endfor;
+ %forsuffixes $=0,1,2,3,4,5: draw z4l$; endfor;
+ %forsuffixes $=0,1,2,3,4: draw z5l$; endfor;
+ forsuffixes $=1,2,3,4: draw Bow$; endfor;
+ WhiteMan:= currentpicture;
+def MakeBlackQueen =
+ clearit;
+ pickup chess_pen scaled 1.1;
+ filldraw QueenShape;
+ cullit;
+ forsuffixes $=1,2,3:
+ undraw ShortenPath(Bow$, thin);
+ endfor;
+ BlackMan:= currentpicture;
+def MakeOuterShape =
+ clearit;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ filldraw QueenShape;
+ cullit;
+ OuterShape:= currentpicture;
+% this one for testing
+%beginchar(Queen+White+OnBlack, qs#, qs#, 0);
+% "White queen on black field";
+% MakeBlackField;
+% currentpicture:= currentpicture - OuterShape;
+% cullit;
+% currentpicture:= currentpicture + WhiteMan;
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnWhite, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on white field";
+ currentpicture:= WhiteMan;
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnWhite+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on white field rotated to the left";
+ currentpicture:= TurnLeft(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnWhite+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on white field rotated to the right";
+ currentpicture:= TurnRight(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnWhite+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on white field upside down";
+ currentpicture:= TurnUpSideDown(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnWhite, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on white field";
+ currentpicture:= BlackMan;
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnWhite+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on white field rotated to the left";
+ currentpicture:= TurnLeft(BlackMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnWhite+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on white field rotated to the right";
+ currentpicture:= TurnRight(BlackMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnWhite+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on white field upside down";
+ currentpicture:= TurnUpSideDown(BlackMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnWhite, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on white field";
+ currentpicture:= NeutralMan;
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnWhite+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on white field rotated to the left";
+ currentpicture:= TurnLeft(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnWhite+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on white field rotated to the right";
+ currentpicture:= TurnRight(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnWhite+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on white field upside down";
+ currentpicture:= TurnUpSideDown(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnBlack, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on black field";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - OuterShape;
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + WhiteMan;
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnBlack+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on black field turned to the left";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnLeft(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnLeft(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnBlack+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on black field turned to the right";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnRight(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnRight(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+White+OnBlack+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "White queen on black field upsidedown";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnUpSideDown(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnUpSideDown(WhiteMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnBlack, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on black field";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - OuterShape;
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + NeutralMan;
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnBlack+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on black field turned to the left";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnLeft(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnLeft(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnBlack+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on black field turned to the right";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnRight(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnRight(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Neutral+OnBlack+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Neutral queen on black field upsidedown";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnUpSideDown(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnUpSideDown(NeutralMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnBlack, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on black field";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - OuterShape;
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + BlackMan;
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnBlack+LeftTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on black field turned to the left";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnLeft(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnLeft(BlackMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnBlack+RightTurned, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on black field turned to the right";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnRight(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnRight(BlackMan);
+beginchar(Queen+Black+OnBlack+UpSideDown, qs#, qs#, 0);
+ "Black queen on black field upsidedown";
+ MakeBlackField;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture - TurnUpSideDown(OuterShape);
+ cullit;
+ currentpicture:= currentpicture + TurnUpSideDown(BlackMan);