path: root/dviware/screenview/vms/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/screenview/vms/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/screenview/vms/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/screenview/vms/ b/dviware/screenview/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ce66d4025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/screenview/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+% Andrew Trevorrow, June 1988
+% All my changes (both here and in .WEB file) are flagged with "AKT".
+% AKT: Text file Change file for Crudetype.
+*** Attach printer change file here ***
+\vskip 0.5in
+\centerline{The text file change file for Crudetype starts here}
+\vskip 0.5in
+@<Const...@>= device_ID = 'Text file';
+@ Where will the printed file go to?
+@<Set init...@>=
+ set_string( print_end,
+ '.TXT ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ {AKT: was .PRI}
+@ The first lot of data describes the printer's overall style of carriage
+control. |fortran| means that the carriage control character gets put at the
+start of the line, and it is here assumed that it must be inserted explicitly.
+Note also that the program makes no attempt to check all these values for
+@<Carriage control constants@>=
+ fortran = false ;
+ list = true ; {AKT: was false}
+ w_l_does_c_r = true ; {AKT: was false}
+ b_feed_absolute = false ;
+ b_feed_by_string = false ;
+ feed_absolute = false ;
+ b_feed_scream = true ;
+ b_space_absolute = false ;
+ b_space_by_string = false ;
+ space_absolute = false ;
+ abs_is_incr = false ;
+ want_split = true ;
+ is_header = false ; {each page needs a header}
+ param_type = 'D' ;
+@ This batch is concerned with distances and resolutions.
+ l_margin = 0 ; {AKT: was 6}
+ top_margin = 0 ; {AKT: was 6}
+ h_resolution = 10 ; {|h_steps| per inch}
+ v_resolution = 6 ; {|v_steps| per inch}
+ fixed_width = true ; {printers characters are fixed width}
+ char_width = 1 ;
+ {all printer characters are this width, in units of |h_step|. Normally,
+ |space_dist| will be equal to this, but some printers are not normal!}
+ gap_width = 1 ; {Intended minimum space between words}
+ char_ht = 1 ;
+@ The general run of \TeX\ characters are narrower than line-printer chars. So
+we spread them out to make them fit.
+@<Set init...@>=
+ h_fudge := 7.227 {number of points per |h_step|}
+ / 5.25 ; {A typical design width}
+ v_fudge := 1.2 ; {AKT: was 2.0 to force double-spacing }
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+ h_fudge, v_fudge: real_num ;
+@ Next, some constants for rule-setting.
+@<Rule setting const...@>=
+ rail_width = 1 ; {Height and width of rule chars, in steps}
+ rail_height = 1 ;
+ post_width = 1 ;
+ post_height = 1 ;
+ rail_types = 2 ;
+@ @<Set rule characters@>=
+ rail_chars[1] := codes[ 1, 95 ] ;
+ rail_chars[2] := codes[ 1, 45 ] ;
+ post_char := codes[ 1, 124] ;
+@ @<Pause constants...@>=
+ do_pause = false ;
+ pause_steps = 20 ;
+ pause_ask = 'PAUSED. Type <return> to continue' ;
+@ The next batch are concerned with fonts.
+ min_font = 1 ;
+ {smallest and largest number of printers resident fonts}
+ max_font = 1 ;
+ only_one_font = true ;
+ can_dl_font = false ;
+ min_dl_font = 0 ;
+ max_dl_font = 0 ; {printers down-loadable fonts}
+ max_codes = 9 ; {AKT: was 8; no. of known \TeX\ coding schemes}
+ max_char = 255 ; {AKT: was 127; max. no. of chars per \TeX\ or PS font}
+ max_plain = 4 ; {Max number of a plain text font}
+@ Finally, consider command strings. These are intended to set options, but a
+line printer hasnt any.
+@<Set init...@>=
+ start_stuff := blank ;
+ stop_stuff := blank ;
+ page_top := blank ;
+ pause_after := blank ;
+@* Character code data for the printer.
+Here we actually put data into the |codes| array. In general, I have merely
+replaced each character in the PLAIN.TEX coding schemes by the nearest
+equivalent in ASCII, when a reasonable one exists ; I have not tried to tackle
+either AMSY or AMATHEX ; clearly there will be some scope for doing so. First
+we give the scheme names, ( padded to |code_len|) then do stuff for each
+scheme in turn.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 0 ] ,
+ ' ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 1 ] ,
+ 'TEX EXTENDED ASCII ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 2 ] ,
+ 'TEX TYPEWRITER TEXT ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 3 ] ,
+ 'TEX TEXT ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 4 ] ,
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 5 ] ,
+ 'AEFMNOT ONLY ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 6 ] ,
+ 'TEX MATH ITALIC ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 7 ] ,
+ 'TEX MATH SYMBOLS ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 8 ] ,
+ 'TEX MATH EXTENSION ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+ set_string( known_schemes[ 9 ] ,
+ 'AKT: This scheme will be used for all unknown schemes; what a hack! ' , ' ', 32 ) ;
+@ Now do scheme 1 = EXTENDED ASCII
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ alphabet( 32, 95, 1, 1, 32) ;
+ row( ' . {|v} Z Z & ~ {LC-} Z ' ,1,0,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z {^|} {+_} {LO+} Z Z ' ,1,1,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z Z Z {LOx} Z ' ,1,2,1) ;
+ row( ' [{L<-}-] [-{-L>}] {=/} Z {L<_} {L>_} {=_} [or] ' ,1,3,1) ;
+@ Now do scheme 2 = TYPEWRITER. Unfortunately, \.{TANGLE} imposes a limit of 69
+on the length of quoted strings. This causes difficulty because several multi-
+character commands are too long for 8 of them to fit neatly into a string of
+that length. So I use the Z command to ( effectively) split any complicated
+|row_spec| into two.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ alphabet( 32, 95, 2, 1, 32) ;
+ codes[2, 255].IM_char:= 34 ; {AKT: was 2, 127}
+ row( ' Z [{/_}{_\}] {0-} [/\] Z Z Z Z ' ,2,0,1) ;
+ {first half row}
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z <U_{-_}> <U[__][||]> <U_{L>_}> LY ' ,2,0,1) ;
+ {and second}
+ row( ' {oI} {u|} Z {^|} {v|} Q ! ? ' ,2,1,1) ;
+ row( ' i j ` Q Z Z <U_> <U.> ' ,2,2,1) ;
+ row( ' , {LB_} [ae] [oe] {o/} [LALE] [LOLE] {LO/} ' ,2,3,1) ;
+@ The TEX TEXT scheme is nearly the same, so we start by copying it.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ for in_i := 0 to 255 do codes [3, in_i] := codes [2, in_i] ;
+ {AKT: was 0 to 127}
+ row( ' Z Z Z [ff] [fi] [fl] [ffi] [ffl] ' ,3,1,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z ! Z ? Z ' ,3,7,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z W Z Z <U.> ' ,3,11,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z - [--] W ~ W ' ,3,15,1) ;
+@ Recently there has appeared a scheme, called TEX TEXT WITHOUT F-LIGATURES.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ for in_i := 0 to 255 do codes [4, in_i] := codes [3, in_i] ;
+ {AKT: was 0 to 127}
+ row( ' {oI} {u|} Z {^|} {v|} Q ! ? ' ,4,1,1) ;
+@ and AEFMNOT ONLY (for the Metafont logo).
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ row( ' Z LA Z Z Z LE LF Z ' ,5,8,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z Z LM LN LO ' ,5,9,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z LT Z Z Z ' ,5,10,1) ;
+@ The MATH ITALIC scheme is almost impossible.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ for in_i := 0 to 9 do codes [6, in_i] := codes [2, in_i] ;
+ alphabet( 48, 43, 6, 1, 48) ;
+ alphabet( 97, 26, 6, 1, 97) ;
+ row( ' Z Z . , Z / Z * ' ,6,7,1) ;
+@ MATH SYMBOLS are messy, and no doubt the results will look unpleasant.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ alphabet( 65, 26, 7, 1, 65) ;
+ row( ' - . {\/} * {-:} Z {+_} <U_+> ' ,7,0,1) ;
+ row( ' {LO+} {LO-} {LOx} {LO/} LO LO o o ' ,7,1,1) ;
+ row( ' Z {=_} Z Z {L<_} {L>_} {L<_} {L>_} ' ,7,2,1) ;
+ row( ' ~ <U~~> Z Z [L<L<] [L>L>] L< L> ' ,7,3,1) ;
+ row( ' [{L<-}-] [-{L>-}] {|^} {|v} Z Z Z Z ' ,7,4,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z [{L<-}{-L>}] / \ {~_} ' ,7,4,1) ;
+ row( ' [{L<=}=] [={L>=}] {|^} {|v} Z Z Z Z ' ,7,5,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z [{L<=}{=L>}] Z Z Z ' ,7,5,1) ;
+ row( ' Q [oo] {L(-} {-L)} Z Z Z Z ' ,7,6,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z Z [{/_}{_\}] <U[__][\/]> / Q ' ,7,6,1) ;
+ row( ' [{\-}{-/}] <U_[{-_}|]> ~ {0/} LR LT <U_|> {|_}' ,7,7,1) ;
+ row( ' Z Z Z LU Z {LU+} & [or] ' ,7,11,1) ;
+ row( ' [{|-}-] [-{-|}] Z Z Z Z L{ L} ' ,7,12,1) ;
+ row( ' L< L> | [||] {^|v} {^|v} \ Z ' ,7,13,1) ;
+ row( ' <U[S_]{v/}> [{LI_}{LI_}] <[__][\/]> </|/> Z Z Z Z ' ,7,14,1) ;
+@ And here is a first attempt at the MATH EXTENSION scheme. These codes look
+rather peculiar because characters in the Extension font (unlike all others)
+have their reference points at the top. Here the restriction of string length
+to 69 is a real pain. It seemed that the least bad way to arrange these |row|s
+was by splitting each into 2 halves; then most half-rows do fit into one
+rowstring. Here are the left hand halves.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ row(' <SL(L(> <SL)L)> <SL[L[> <SL]L]> ZZZZ',8,0,1);
+ row(' <SL{L{> <SL}L}> <S/\> <S\/> ZZZZ',8,1,1);
+ row(' <SL(L(L(> <SL)L)L)> <SL(L(L(L(> <SL)L)L)L)> ZZZZ',8,2,1);
+ row(' <SL[|||> <SL]|||> <SL{/\L{> <SL}\/L}> ZZZZ',8,3,1);
+ row(' <SL(L(L(L(L(> <SL)L)L)L)L)> <SL[|||L[> <SL]|||L]> ZZZZ',8,4,1);
+ row(' <SL{L|L<|L{> <SL}|L>|L}> <S[S/]/\[S\]> <S\[S\][S/]/> ZZZZ',8,5,1);
+ row(' <S/||> <S\||> <SL[||> <SL]||> ZZZZ',8,6,1);
+ row(' <S[S/]|> <S\[S|]> <S|[S\]> <S[S|]/> ZZZZ',8,7,1);
+ row(' <S||\> <S||/> <S|> <S|> ZZZZ',8,8,1);
+ row(' <[__]\[{/_}_]> <[__][LILI]> </|/> <S[||][\/]> ZZZZ',8,10,1);
+ row(' <S[{|_}{|_}]> <S[|S|][{|_}_{_|}]> <U_> <U[__]> ZZZZ',8,12,1);
+ row(' <SL[L[L[> <SL]L]L]> <S||L[> <S||L]> ZZZZ',8,13,1);
+ row(' <S{|^}> <S{|v}> / \ ZZZZ',8,15,1);
+@ Here are the right hand halves.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ row('ZZZZ <S|L[> <S|L]> <SL[|> <SL]|> ',8,0,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S|> <S[||]> <S[S/]/> <Z\[S\]> ',8,1,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <SL[L[L[L[> <SL]L]L]L]> <S|||L[> <S|||L]> ',8,2,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[S/]/\[S\]> <S\[S\][S/]/> <S[S/][S/]//> <S\\[S\][S\]> ',8,3,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S||||L[> <S||||L]> <SL[||||> <SL]||||> ',8,4,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[S/][S/]//> <S\\[S\][S\]> <S[SS/][S/]/> <S\[S\][SS\]> ',8,5,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S||L[> <S||L]> <S|> <S|> ',8,6,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[S|]L<[S|]> <S|[SL>]|> <S|> <S|> ',8,7,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[S/]L<[S\]> <S\[SL>]/> <S[{|_}{|_}]> <S[|S|][{|_}S{|_}]> ',8,8,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[/\][||]> <S[|+|][\_/]> <S[/\]> <S[\/]> ',8,10,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <U[___]> <U~> <U[~~]> <U[~~~]> ',8,12,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <SL[||> <SL]||> <SL{L{L{> <SL}L}L}> ',8,13,1);
+ row('ZZZZ \ / <S{|^}> <S{|v}> ',8,15,1);
+@ And here are the half rows that are so long that even half a row must be
+further split.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ row(' </{|O}/> <S/{|O}|/> <S[/\][\/]> <S[S_][/.\][\_/]> ZZZZ',8,9,1);
+ row('ZZZZ <S[{/_}{\_}][\/]> <S[S_][{/_}{|_}{_\}][\{|_}/]> ZZ',8,9,1);
+ row('ZZZZZZ <S[{\/}{/\}][{\/}{/\}]> <[S_][{\/}S{/\}][|{\/}|][{/\}_{/\}]> ',8,9,1);
+ row(' <[___]\[SL>][{/_}__]> <[___][|S|][|S|][|S|]> <S/||/> ZZZZZ',8,11,1);
+ row('ZZZ <S[|S|][|S|][\_/]> <[S_][/S\][|S|][|S|]> ZZZ',8,11,1);
+ row('ZZZZZ <S[|S|][|+|][\_/]> <SS[S/\][/SS\]> <SS[\SS/][S\/]> ',8,11,1);
+ row(' <S[_S|][S\|]> <S[SS|][_S|][S\|]> <S[SS|][SS|][_S|][S\|]> ZZZZZ',8,14,1);
+ row('ZZZ <S[SS|][SS|][SS|][_S|][S\|]> <S[SS|][_S|][S\|]> ZZZ',8,14,1);
+ row('ZZZZZ <S|> <U_|> <S[||]> ',8,14,1);
+@ AKT: Now do scheme 9 = unknown (eg. PostScript font).
+We simply use the TEX TEXT scheme.
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ for in_i := 0 to 255 do codes [9, in_i] := codes [3, in_i] ;
+@ This must be done last of all:
+@<Assign char...@>=
+ @<Set rule characters@>