path: root/dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h b/dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a0db2c07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/psprint/unix/dvireader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(* DVIReader *)
+ ruletablesize = 300; (* maximum number of rules in a ruletable *)
+ ruletablesizem = ruletablesize - 1;
+ chartablesize = 3000; (* maximum number of chars in a chartable *)
+ chartablesizem = chartablesize - 1;
+ maxfontspec = maxstring; (* max length of a font file specification *)
+ maxspeciallen = maxstring; (* max length of \special string *)
+ maxTeXchar = 255; (* ignore character codes > 255 *)
+ (* Information about the rules and characters appearing on a page is stored
+ in dynamic one-way lists to avoid imposing any limit on their numbers.
+ To reduce pointer overheads, the nodes in these lists contain large
+ tables (the values of ruletablesize and chartablesize have been chosen
+ so that the vast majority of DVI pages will only require one-node lists).
+ When interpreting a DVI page, DVIReader adds a new rule or character node
+ to the TAIL of the relevant list so that when the main program
+ accesses such lists (starting at the head), rules and characters will be
+ processed in somewhat the same sequence as seen in the DVI file; i.e.,
+ top-to-bottom and left-to-right across the page.
+ Since a character list is part of the information stored for a font,
+ the precise sequence in which DVI characters are seen is not remembered.
+ Font information is also linked together in a one-way list, but the
+ ordering is more or less random (see, however, the SortFonts routine).
+ *)
+ ruleinfoptr = ^ruleinfo;
+ ruleinfo = (* a node in a list of ruletables *)
+ rulecount : INTEGER; (* number of rules in ruletable *)
+ ruletable : ARRAY [0..ruletablesizem] OF
+ hp, vp : INTEGER; (* pixel coords of rule's ref point *)
+ wd, ht : INTEGER; (* dimensions of rule in pixels *)
+ END;
+ nextrule : ruleinfoptr; (* next node in rule list *)
+ END;
+ charinfoptr = ^charinfo;
+ charinfo = (* a node in list of chartables *)
+ charcount : INTEGER; (* number of chars in chartable *)
+ chartable : ARRAY [0..chartablesizem] OF
+ hp, vp : INTEGER; (* pixel coords of char's ref point *)
+ code : 0..maxTeXchar; (* char's code and pixeltable index *)
+ END;
+ nextchar : charinfoptr; (* next node in char list *)
+ END;
+ (* DVIReader uses wd, ht, xo and yo to calculate minhp, minvp, maxhp and
+ maxvp. dwidth and pwidth are used to advance horizontally.
+ The mapadr and loaded fields are not used by DVIReader; they are used
+ by FontReader and the main program to load character bitmaps.
+ *)
+ pixeltableptr = ^pixeltable;
+ pixeltable = ARRAY [0..maxTeXchar] OF
+ wd, ht : INTEGER; (* glyph width and height in pixels; they
+ define the size of the smallest box
+ containing all the black pixels *)
+ xo, yo : INTEGER; (* x and y offsets from top left corner
+ of glyph to character's reference point *)
+ dwidth : INTEGER; (* advance width in DVI units computed from
+ fix width stored in font file *)
+ pwidth : INTEGER; (* advance width in pixels computed from
+ fix width stored in font file *)
+ mapadr : INTEGER; (* byte offset of bitmap info in font file *)
+ loaded : BOOLEAN; (* has bitmap been downloaded? *)
+ END;
+ fontinfoptr = ^fontinfo;
+ fontinfo = (* a node in list of fonts *)
+ psfont : BOOLEAN; (* is this a PostScript font? *)
+ fontused : BOOLEAN; (* is font used on current page? *)
+ fontnum : INTEGER; (* DVI font number: -2^31 .. 2^30 - 1 *)
+ scaledsize : INTEGER; (* scaled font size in DVI units *)
+ designsize : INTEGER; (* design size in DVI units *)
+ fontarea : string; (* explicit font directory *)
+ fontarealen : INTEGER; (* length of fontarea *)
+ fontname : string; (* font name; e.g., "cmr10" *)
+ fontnamelen : INTEGER; (* length of font name *)
+ fontspec : string; (* complete font file pathname *)
+ fontspeclen : INTEGER; (* length of fontspec *)
+ fontexists : BOOLEAN; (* can fontspec be opened? *)
+ fontid : string; (* unique font identifier *)
+ totalchars : INTEGER; (* number of chars from font on page *)
+ charlist : charinfoptr; (* head of char information list *)
+ chartail : charinfoptr; (* tail of char information list *)
+ pixelptr : pixeltableptr; (* allocated once: 1st time font used *)
+ nextfont : fontinfoptr; (* next node in font list *)
+ END;
+ (* For the parameter in MoveToTeXPage: *)
+ TeXcounters = ARRAY [0..9] OF INTEGER;
+ TeXpageinfo =
+ value : TeXcounters; (* \count0..\count9 values *)
+ present : ARRAY [0..9] OF BOOLEAN; (* is counter relevant? *)
+ lastvalue : 0..9; (* last relevant counter *)
+ END;
+ (* DVIReader also builds a list of \special info: *)
+ specialinfoptr = ^specialinfo;
+ specialinfo = RECORD
+ special : string;
+ hp, vp : INTEGER;
+ nextspecial : specialinfoptr;
+ END;
+ (* Most of these should be treated as read-only parameters: *)
+ DVImag : INTEGER; (* magnification stored in DVI file *)
+ totalpages : INTEGER; (* number of pages in DVI file *)
+ totalfonts : INTEGER; (* number of fonts in DVI file *)
+ currDVIpage : INTEGER; (* updated by MoveTo... calls *)
+ currTeXpage : TeXcounters; (* ditto *)
+ speciallist : specialinfoptr; (* head of \special information list *)
+ totalrules : INTEGER; (* number of rules on current page *)
+ rulelist : ruleinfoptr; (* head of rule information list *)
+ ruletail : ruleinfoptr; (* tail of rule information list *)
+ fontlist : fontinfoptr; (* head of font information list *)
+ currfont : fontinfoptr; (* InterpretPage's current font info *)
+ pageempty : BOOLEAN; (* is page empty of rules and chars? *)
+ minhp : INTEGER; (* minimum horizontal pixel coordinate *)
+ minvp : INTEGER; (* minimum vertical pixel coordinate *)
+ maxhp : INTEGER; (* maximum horizontal pixel coordinate *)
+ maxvp : INTEGER; (* maximum vertical pixel coordinate *)
+PROCEDURE OpenDVIFile (name : string); EXTERNAL;
+PROCEDURE SetConversionFactor (resolution, magnification : INTEGER); EXTERNAL;
+PROCEDURE MoveToNextPage (ascending : BOOLEAN); EXTERNAL;
+FUNCTION MoveToTeXPage (VAR newTeXpage : TeXpageinfo) : BOOLEAN; EXTERNAL;
+FUNCTION CurrMatchesNew (VAR newTeXpage : TeXpageinfo) : BOOLEAN; EXTERNAL;
+PROCEDURE SortFonts (VAR unusedlist : fontinfoptr); EXTERNAL;