path: root/dviware/ln03/rmcs
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/ln03/rmcs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/ln03/rmcs')
22 files changed, 23486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/00readme.txt b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/00readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f26ebec3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/00readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+DVItoLN03 Version 4.1 1st October 1991
+========= =========== ================
+Changes in the V4.1 release are the introduction of two new qualifiers:
+ /[NO]VERBOSE - the default for this may be set up at a site as either state;
+ with /NOVERBOSE, most terminal output is suppressed, apart
+ from the name of the input file, the total bytes of down-
+ loaded fonts, and progress indication as each page is output.
+ /PAPER_SIZE - the default for this should reflect the setting of the paper
+ size selection switch on the rear of the machine. The program
+ requires knowledge of the physical paper size to handle pages
+ which mix landscape and portrait orientation material.
+This distribution contains the following files:
+00README.TXT - the file you are reading
+Files for building the program:
+DVITOLN03.CH - a change file for DVItoLN03, for revising V4.0 of the
+ Web to V4.1
+DVITOLN03.CLD - VMS command language definition for the DVILN03 command
+DVITOLN03.EXE - a ``load-and-go'' executable, for VMS V5.4-2
+DVITOLN03.OBJ - object code, for linking uder different versions of VMS
+DVITOLN03.WEB - the WEB source of DVItoLN03 (V4.0)
+Files for generating the documentation:
+CHANGEBAR.STY - for those without this: style option for changes
+DVILN03.HLP - on-line (DCL) help for DVItoLN03
+DVILN03.LN3_PUBLISH - file ready to be COPYed to your LN03
+DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH - the ``local guide'' for DVItoLN03 (in LaTeX)
+LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB - a BibTeX database used at RMCS --- needs BibTeX V0.99c
+GRAPHICS.STY - a local LaTeX style file for graphics inserts
+OPENCLOSE.SIX - a Sixel dump of the screen of a terminal, scaled 2:1
+OPENCLOSE.SMALL - the same dump, but scaled 1:1
+TEXPRINT.COM - command procedure implementing the TEXPrint command
+(Note that LOCAL.MF is no longer included; better collections of mode_defs have
+been published, and are available from good archives everywhere.)
+DVILN03.HLP is a standard (DCL) help file, for inclusion in SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB
+or your local specialized help library.
+* This bit is IMPORTANT: many of the reports that the author receives that *
+* ``DVItoLN03 doesn't work properly'' are because the sites have not set up *
+* the LN03 device correctly. The only place this is specified is in the user *
+* manual, and if your printer isn't already set up correctly, it won't PRINT *
+* unless you send it with PRINT/PASSALL. And even then, it won't come out *
+* correctly if the DIPswitch on the printer is set to AutoWrap! *
+You should produce a copy of our local guide. If your LN03 is not spooled, then
+simply COPY the file DVILN03.LN3_PUBLISH directly to YOUR LN03. Please note
+that this file includes LOTS of eight-bit characters, so you may need to fetch
+it again in binary mode if your FTP connection has stripped off the 8th bit. If
+your LN03 is set up as a printer queue (as the local guide recommends), the
+safest bet is to PRINT it /PASSALL until you've found out how to set up the
+queue compatibly; one important caveat is that the terminal line MUST be set up
+/NOWRAP (see the local guide).
+Everything is explained, I hope, in the local guide. As supplied,
+DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH assumes that you have a working copy of the previous version
+(V3.1-1 or later) of DVItoLN03, but it does not use any of the special
+facilities provided by this new release.
+If you are currently using a different driver, you will have to modify the line
+at the start of DVILN03.TEX_PUBLISH that reads
+> \let\iffulldoc=\iftrue %%% Change to \iffalse if you don't have DVItoLN03
+to say instead
+> \let\iffulldoc=\iffalse %%% Change to \iffalse if you don't have DVItoLN03
+and then LaTeX it and pass through your existing driver.
+The guide should be edited to suit YOUR site; I have attempted to flag all
+site-specific details in DVILN03.TEX with the string SYSDEP, on, or near to, the
+relevant line(s). Ensure that you define the macros \sitename and \contact; all
+queries at any site should be channelled through the latter individual, and if
+he/she cannot resolve them, then I shall be delighted to (attempt to) help.
+However, the real meat is in DVITOLN03.WEB; this is a WEB version of a DVI-to...
+driver for the DEC LN03/LN03-Plus laser printers. This program has been revised
+to V4.0 and is now capable or reading EITHER packed or expanded raster files,
+virtual fonts, missing fonts (!), landscape/portrait orientation (mixed on one
+page, even!). It also supports the DEClaser~2100 and~2200 (otherwise known as
+the LN05 and LN06).
+Packed (.nnnPK) files are used in preference to .PXL files (if both are
+available), and are sought in directory given by the /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY
+qualifier; the .CLD file provided specifies this as TEX_PK:. PXL files are
+sought in the directory given by the /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier, and, at
+RMCS, are kept in separate subdirectories of TEX_PXL_ROOT:, which is a concealed
+device specified as the value for this qualifier. Details are given in the user
+guide, including rearranging the allocation of font files to different directory
+structures. The program no longer looks in TEX$FONTS: for .TFM files, but
+instead in whatever is defined as the default for the /TFM_DIRECTORY qualifier;
+this allows TeX administrators to abandon use of logical names with dollars in
+them, as recommended by Digital.
+This implementation of DVItoLN03 has the following advantages over certain other
+DVItoLN03 programs (these are not in order of importance; the new features are
+at the end of the list):
+ i) It IS written in WEB, as opposed to C and other such kludgy languages.
+ ii) It downloads to the LN03's font memory the rasters for only those
+ characters actually used in the document. As such, it does not run out
+ of font memory just because you've used a few characters from each of a
+ large number of different fonts.
+ iii) It HAS a capacity for SIMPLE graphics inclusions. These have to be in a
+ format the LN03 understands (DEC sixels), and are copied verbatim into
+ the output file generated.
+ iv) It works in landscape and portrait orientations.
+ v) It makes use of the ``proper'' VAX/VMS DCL interface for commands.
+ vi) It CAN print glyphs whose rasters are too large to be downloaded to the
+ LN03 as a font file (by performing a sixel graphics dump of the bitmap);
+ obviously this slows things down considerably!
+ vii) It CAN handle the invisible fonts used by SliTeX; each such character is
+ actually downloaded as a null character locator, ans is imaged by the
+ appropriate amount of whitespace.
+viii) Either packed or unpacked font files (or both) may be provided in either
+ flat or rooted directory structures; if logical names are used to specify
+ these locations (as in the .CLD file provided), the files may be spread
+ over a number of different directories or volumes.
+ ix) The error messages are improved over earlier versions of the program, and
+ are now all indexed in the woven (WEAVEd?) WEB. They are also all listed
+ in the users' manual.
+ x) The program can now handle fonts with more then 128 characters, up to
+ TeX's limit of 256. Therefore, it can now process documents which use
+ Silvio Levy's Greek fonts.
+ xi) Retention of the log (.TYP) file may now be forced, suppressed, or allowed
+ to be determined by the success of the processing.
+ xii) Minor revisions and corrections have been made, in particular, it now
+ correctly understands the physical limitations to the imaging area.
+xiii) Correct some log reports; report files read (except font files); provide
+ the /OUTPUT qualifier, to permit utilization of a scratch directory or
+ direct spooling to the output device.
+ xiv) Support for Flavio Rose \special commands, for drawing changebars, was
+ added by Robin Fairbairns at Laser Scan of Cambridge, UK.
+ xv) TeX Font Metrics (TFM files) are no longer sought in the hard-wired
+ directory TEX$FONTS:, but are instead controlled through the
+ /TFM_DIRECTORY qualifier.
+ xvi) Support for Virtual Fonts; the .VF files are sought in whatever is
+ specified as the value of the /VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY qualifier; users can
+ speed processing fractionally by specifying /NOVIRTUAL_DIRECTORY if it is
+ known that no virtual fonts are used in the document. If virtual fonts
+ are never used at your site, make this the default.
+xvii) Fonts for which the program cannot find any rasters no longer cause the
+ processing to be abandoned; solid rules of appropriate dimensions are
+ subsituted for each missing glyph.
+xviii)Landscape and portrait mode material may be mixed within a document, and
+ even on a single page, through \special{landscape} and \special{portrait}.
+ However, some suitable style option still needs to be written to make this
+ feature useful.
+ xix) Qualifiers /LEFT_MARGIN and /TOP_MARGIN now take a dimension (eg 1in)
+ rather than being required to be entered in pixels; the additional
+ <physical unit> called PX (pixel) has been added to TeX's normal set.
+ xx) Support for the new DEClaser 2100 and 2200 printers has been provided by
+ Karsten Nyblad of the Danish Telecomms Research Lab. Users can select the
+ paper source tray, separately for the first and subsequent sheets, and
+ also the printing mode (simplex or duplex). There is even a duplex mode
+ for the ordinary LN03 (no, it doesn't really print two-sided) which, by
+ interspersing blank sheets at appropriate points, produces a single-sided
+ master suitable for photocopying directly to a double-sided document.
+ xxi) Last, but definitely not least, the program has been speeded up, in both
+ the font mapping and the imaging phases, so that overall it runs
+ approximately 25% faster than V3.1-4.
+The program assumes that the LN03 has sufficient font memory --- for most
+meaningful documents you will need at least one RAM cartidge (part number
+LN03X-CR); the program WILL work with just the RAM in the basic printer, but you
+will probably have to restrict yourself to printing documents 3--4 pages at a
+time: very messy! Not having one personally, I don't know what memory
+requirements apply to the new DEClaser printers.
+Known deficiencies: none (I hope).
+Possible future work:
+ Make the program accept binary files (DVI, TFM and fonts) that are not
+ in the default organization used by TeXware under VMS (512-byte fixed-
+ length records). This would make importing such files from other
+ operating systems, such as Unix or MS-DOS, easier, since at present such
+ files have to be padded out to some multiple of 512 bytes, and moreover
+ with some appropriate characters, which differs from file to file.
+ Any other suggestions???
+If anyone is experiencing difficulty in installing DVItoLN03, they are welcome
+to contact the author ---
+ B Hamilton Kelly
+ Royal Military College of Science
+ Shrivenham
+ UK SN6 8LA
+Swindon (++44 793) 785252 [Direct line]
+or via JANET:
+ Bitnet:
+ Good Luck!
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/changebar.sty b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/changebar.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a4b228b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/changebar.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+% Written by:
+% Michael Fine
+% Distributed Systems Architecture.
+% October, 1986.
+% \cbstart[dimension]
+% \cbend
+% All material between the two macros is barred. Nested
+% changebars are allowed. The optional parameter specifies the
+% width of the bar. If no width is specified, the current value
+% of the parameter \changebarwidth is used. Note that \cbstart
+% and \cbend can be used anywhere but must be correctly nested
+% with floats and footnotes. That is, you cannot have one end of
+% the bar inside a floating insertion and the other outside, but
+% that would be a meaningless thing to do anyhow.
+% \cbdelete[dimension]
+% A square rule is put on the page at the position of the
+% changebars. This is useful fo indicating deleted text.
+% \setlength{\changebarwidth}{dimension}
+% \setlength{\deletebarwidth}{dimention}
+% Sets the default width of the bar and of the size of the
+% delete rule.
+% \reversechangebars
+% Causes bars to appear on opposite side of page from which they
+% have been appearing on. Cannot be used while a bar is in
+% progress.
+% \setlength{\changebarsep}{dimension}
+% Sets the separation between the bar and the left margin of the
+% text. Does not take effect until you call \reversechangebars
+% except when used in the preamble.
+% \nochangebars
+% Disables the changebar commands.
+% IMPORTANT NOTE: Just as with cross references and labels, you
+% usually need to process the document twice (and sometimes three
+% times) to ensure that the changebars come out correctly. However, a
+% warning will be given if another pass is required.
+% \changebarwidth
+% A LaTeX length parameter that gives the bar width. It can be
+% changed with the \setlength command. Changing its value affects
+% all subsequent changebars subject to the scoping rules of
+% \setlength.
+% \deletebarwidth
+% Ditto for the size of the square delete rule.
+% \changebarsep
+% A LaTeX length parameter that gives the separation of the bar
+% from the left margin of the text. It can be set with the
+% \setlength command.
+% Changebars may be nested within each other. Each level of
+% nesting can be given a different thickness bar.
+% Changebars may be nested in other environments including floats
+% and footnotes.
+% Changebars are applied to all the material within the ``barred''
+% environment, including floating bodies regardless of where the
+% floats float to. An exeception to this is margin floats.
+% Changebars may cross page boundaries.
+% The macros blindly use specials points \cb@minpoint through
+% \cb@maxpoint. If this conflicts with another set of macros, the
+% results will be unpredictable. (What is really needed is a
+% \newspecialpoint, analogous to \newcount etc.)
+% There is a limit of (\cb@maxpoint-\cb@minpoint+1)/4 bars per
+% page (four special points per bar). Using more than this number
+% yields unpredictable results (but that could be called a feature
+% for a page with so many bars). This limitation could be
+% increased if desired
+% Internal macro names are all of the form \cb@xxxx. No checking
+% for conflicts with other macros is done.
+% This implementation has not been designed for two column
+% printing.
+% The algorithms may fail if a floating insertion is split over
+% multiple pages. In LaTeX floats are not split but footnotes may
+% be. The simplest fix to this is to prevent footnotes from being
+% split but this may make TeX very unhappy.
+% The \cbend normally gets "attached" to the token after it rather
+% than the one before it. This may lead to a longer bar than
+% intended. For example, consider the sequence `word1 \cbend
+% word2'. If there is a line break between `word1' and `word2'
+% the bar will incorrectly be extended an extra line. This
+% particular case can be fixed with the incantation `word1\cbend{}
+% word2'.
+% The changebars are implemented using the \specials of the DVI to
+% LN3 translator. In essence, the start of changebar defines a
+% \special point in the margin at the current vertical position on
+% the page. The end of a changebar defines another point and then
+% joins the two using the "connect" \special.
+% This works fine as long as the two points being connected lie on
+% the same page. However, if they don't, the bar must be
+% artificially terminated at the page break and restarted at the
+% top of the next page. The only way to do this (that I can think
+% of) is to modify the output routine so that it checks if any bar
+% is in progress when it ships out a page and, if so, adds the
+% necessary artificial end and begin.
+% The obvious way to indicate to the output routine that a bar is
+% in progress is to set a flag when the bar is begun and to unset
+% this flag when the bar is ended. This works most of the time
+% but, because of the asynchronous behavior of the output routine,
+% errors occur if the bar begins or ends near a page break. To
+% illustrate, consider the following scenerio.
+% blah blah blah % page n
+% blah blah blah
+% \cbstart % this does its thing and set the flag
+% more blah
+% <-------------- pagebreak occurs here
+% more blah
+% \cbend % does its thing and unsets flag
+% blah blah
+% Since TeX process ahead of the page break before invoking the
+% output routine, it is possible that the \cbend is
+% processed, and the flag unset, before the output routine is
+% called. If this happens, the necessary artificial end and begin
+% will not be added to page n and n+1, respectively. Thus, it is
+% not possible to use a flag to signal the output routine that a
+% bar crosses a page break, and some other mechanism is required.
+% The method used with these macros is to create a list of the
+% beginning and end points of each bar in the document together
+% with the page number corresponding to each point. Then, as a
+% page is completed, a modified output routine checks the list to
+% determine if any bars begun on or before the current page are
+% terminated on subsequent pages, and handles those bars
+% appropriately. To build the list, information about each
+% changebar is written to the .AUX file as bars are processed.
+% This information is re-read when the document is next processed.
+% Thus, to ensure that changebars are correct, the document must
+% be processed twice, but this is required for LaTeX anyway.
+% This apprach is sufficiently general to allow nested bars, bars
+% in floating insertions, and bars around floating insertions.
+% Bars inside floats and footnotes are handled in the same way as
+% bars in regular text. Bars that encompass floats or footnotes
+% are handled by creating an additional bar that floats with the
+% floating material. Modifications to the appropriate LaTeX
+% macros check for this condition and add the extra bar.
+% User Level Commands And Parameters
+% \cbstart \cbend
+% Start and end a changebar and save state on \cb@currentlist. Width of
+% new bar is determined by adding \changebarwidth to width of current
+% bar. Does not invoke a LaTeX environment.
+\def\cbstart{\@ifnextchar [{\cb@xstart}{\cb@start\changebarwidth}}
+ \def\cb@xstart[#1]{\cb@start{#1}}
+% \cbdelete
+% Start and end a square bar of the specified width. Use width
+% \deletebarwidth if none specified.
+\def\cbdelete{\@ifnextchar [{\cb@delete}{\cb@delete[\deletebarwidth]}}
+\def\cb@delete[#1]{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\cb@start{#1}\vskip #1%
+ \cb@end}}
+% \begin{changebar} \end{changebar}
+% Identical to \cbstart and \cbend but invokes a LaTeX environment to
+% enforce correct nesting. Cannot be used in tabular and tabbing
+% environments. Not yet properly implemented.
+% \cbend\@esphack}
+% \nochangebars
+% Disables the changebar commands.
+\def\nochangebars{\let\cb@end\relax \def\cb@start##1{}}
+% \changebarwidth \deletebarwidth
+% LaTeX length parameters that give the width of bars and delete
+% squares, respectively.
+% \reversechangebars
+% Switches the side of the page on which the bars appear. It also
+% computes the position of the bar and stores in dimension variables
+% \cb@dimodd and \cb@dimeven. Called by modified \document at end of
+% preable.
+\newdimen\cb@dimodd % position of special point for odd side pages
+\newdimen\cb@dimeven % ditto for even side pages
+\newif\ifcb@side % switch for current side of page for bars
+ \global\cb@dimeven=\hoffset
+ \global\advance\cb@dimodd by \oddsidemargin
+ \global\advance\cb@dimeven by \evensidemargin
+ \global\ifcb@side
+ \global\advance\cb@dimodd by -\changebarsep
+ \global\advance\cb@dimeven by \textwidth
+ \global\advance\cb@dimeven by \changebarsep
+ \global\cb@sidefalse
+ \else
+ \global\advance\cb@dimeven by -\changebarsep
+ \global\advance\cb@dimodd by \textwidth
+ \global\advance\cb@dimodd by \changebarsep
+ \global\cb@sidetrue\fi}
+% \changebarsep
+% A LaTeX length parameter that gives the separation of the bar from the
+% left margin of the text.
+% Declarations And Initializations
+% A version message
+\typeout{Changebar Style <October 20, 1988>}
+\let\cb@ig=\ignorespaces %useful abreviation
+\def\cb@maxpoint{80} % max value of used special points
+\def\cb@minpoint{1} % ditto for min;
+ % MUST BE ODD ****
+\def\cb@nil{0} % a void value for points
+\newcount\cb@nextpoint % next value of special point to use
+\newcount\cb@currentpoint % current value in use
+\cb@nextpoint=\cb@minpoint % intially = \cb@minpoint
+\newcount\cb@page % count for page value from hist list
+\newcount\cb@pagecount % our internal count of pages output
+\cb@pagecount=0 % initially 0 due to timing of increment
+% Macros for beginning and ending bars
+% \cb@start#1 #1 is the dimension of the bar
+% This macro is used to start a change bar. It assigns a new value to
+% the current point and advances the counter for the next point to be
+% assigned. It pushes this info onto \cb@currentlist and then sets the
+% point by calling \cb@setBeginPoint with the point number. Finally, it
+% writes the aux file.
+ \@tempdima=#1\cb@ig % for \cb@push
+ \cb@push\cb@currentlist
+ \ifvmode \cb@setBeginPoint\cb@currentpoint
+ \else \vbox to 0pt{\vskip -\ht\strutbox %jump up a line to
+ \cb@setBeginPoint\cb@currentpoint %set point
+ \vskip \ht\strutbox}\fi
+ \cb@writeAux\cb@advancePoint}
+\def\cb@advancePoint{\global\advance\cb@nextpoint by 4\cb@ig
+ \ifnum\cb@nextpoint>\cb@maxpoint
+ \global\cb@nextpoint=\cb@minpoint\relax\fi}
+% \cb@end
+% This macro is used to end a changebar. It pops the current point and
+% nesting level off \cb@currentlist and sets the end point by calling
+% \cb@setEndPoint with the parameter corresponding to the BEGINNING
+% point number. It writes the aux file and joins the points.
+ \ifnum\cb@currentpoint=\cb@nil
+ \typeout{Changebar Warning: Badly nested changebars; Expect erroneous results.}\else
+ \cb@setEndPoint\cb@currentpoint
+ \advance\cb@currentpoint by1\cb@writeAux\fi}
+% \cb@setBeginPoint#1
+% Assigns position to points #1 and #1+2. First computes the position.
+\def\cb@setBeginPoint#1{\special{ln03:defpoint \the#1(\the
+ \cb@dimodd,)}\@tempcnta#1\advance\@tempcnta by2\cb@ig
+ \special{ln03:defpoint \the\@tempcnta(\the\cb@dimeven,)}}
+% \cb@setEndPoint#1
+% Assigns position to point #1+1 and point #1+3. Then does a connect
+% special to join #1 and #1+1 or to join #1+2 and #1+3. Assumes that
+% width of bar is given in \@tempdima
+\def\cb@setEndPoint#1{\@tempcnta=#1\advance\@tempcnta by1\cb@ig
+ \special{ln03:defpoint \the\@tempcnta\space
+ \space(\the\cb@dimodd,)}\if@twoside\@tempcntb=#1\advance
+ \@tempcntb by3\special{ln03:defpoint \the\@tempcntb\space
+ \space(\the\cb@dimeven,)}{\count9=#1\advance\count9 by2\cb@ig
+ \special{ln03:connect \the#1/\the\count9\space\space
+ \the\@tempcnta/\the\@tempcntb\space\space\the\@tempdima}}\else
+ \special{ln03:connect \the#1 \the\@tempcnta\space\space
+ \the\@tempdima}\fi}
+% \cb@writeAux
+% Writes the string
+% \cb@barpoint{\cb@currentpoint}{\thepage}{\cb@tempdima} to the aux
+% file. Assumes that width of bar is in \@tempdima.
+\def\cb@writeAux{\begingroup \edef\point{\the\cb@currentpoint}\cb@ig
+ \edef\level{\the\@tempdima}\cb@ig
+ \let\the=0\edef\cb@temp{\write\@auxout
+ {\string\cb@barpoint{\point}{\the\cb@pagecount}{\level}}}\cb@ig
+ \cb@temp\endgroup}
+% Macros for Making It Work Across Page Breaks
+% \@makecol
+% Modifies the LaTex macros to end the changebars spanning the current
+% page (if any) and restart them on the next page. Does the
+% following: It resets special points for this page. Adds begin bars
+% to top of box255. The bars to be begun are saved in \cb@beginSaves.
+% Increments the changebar-internal page counter so that the value
+% corresponds to the number of this page in strictly sequential order
+% (the LaTeX page number can be reset). Then it builds the list
+% \cb@spanlist, then calls \cb@processActive to process the elements
+% on the list, then it executes the original \@makecol.
+\def\@makecol{\setbox255=\vbox{\special{ln03:resetpoints \cb@minpoint
+ \space\cb@maxpoint}\cb@beginSaves\unvbox255}\cb@ig
+ \gdef\cb@beginSaves{}\global\advance
+ \cb@pagecount by 1\cb@buildActive
+ \cb@processActive\cb@makecol}
+% \cb@processActive
+% Processes each element on span list. Each element represents a bar
+% that crosses the page break. There could be more than one if bars are
+% nested. Works as folows:
+% pop top element of span list
+% if point null (i.e., list empty) then done
+% else
+% do an end bar on box255
+% save start for new bar at top of next page in \cb@startSaves
+% push active point back onto history list (need to reprocess
+% on next page).
+ \ifnum\cb@currentpoint=\cb@nil \else
+ \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox255\cb@setEndPoint\cb@currentpoint}\cb@ig
+ \cb@saveBeginPoint\cb@currentpoint \cb@push\cb@history
+ \cb@processActive\fi}
+% \cb@saveBeginPoint#1
+% Saves a \special to begin a point in expanded macro \cb@beginSaves.
+% This is then used to start all spanning bars at the top of the next
+% page. It is almost the same as \cb@setBeginPoint
+ \the#1(\the\cb@dimodd,)}\cb@beginSaves}\@tempcnta#1\advance
+ \@tempcnta by2\xdef\cb@beginSaves{\special{ln03:defpoint
+ \the\@tempcnta(\the\cb@dimeven,)}\cb@beginSaves}}
+\def\cb@beginSaves{} % initially empty
+% \cb@buildActive
+% Initializes the spanlist to null. Pops top of history list. If point
+% is on future page, push back onto history list. If point on current
+% or previous page and odd, add point to span list; if even, pop span
+% list since this bar has terminated on current page.
+ \ifnum\cb@currentpoint=\cb@nil \else
+ \ifnum\cb@page>\cb@pagecount \cb@push\cb@history \else
+ \ifodd\cb@currentpoint \cb@push\cb@spanlist
+ \else \cb@pop\cb@spanlist\fi
+ \cb@pushNextActive\fi\fi}
+% Macros For Managing The Lists of Bar points
+% The macros make use of three lists corresponding to \special
+% defpoints. Each list takes the form
+% <element> . . . <element>
+% Each element is of the form xxxnyyypzzzl where xxx is the number of
+% the special point, yyy is the page on which this point is set, and zzz
+% is the dimension used when connecting this point.
+% The list \cb@history is built from the log information and initially
+% lists all the points. As pages are processed, points are popped off
+% the list and discarded.
+% The list \cb@spanlist is a temporary list used by the output routine
+% and contains the list of all bars crossing the current page (there may
+% be more than one with nested bars). It is built by popping elements
+% off the history list.
+% The list \cb@currentlist contains all the current bars. A \cb@start
+% pushes an element onto this list. A \cb@end pops the top element off
+% the list and uses the info to terminate the bar.
+% For performance and memory reasons, the history list, which can be
+% very long, is special cased and a file is used to store this list
+% rather than an internal macro. The ``external'' interface to this
+% list is identical to what is described above. However, when the
+% history list is popped, a line from the file is first read and
+% appended to the macro \cb@history.
+% \cb@initlist % Initialize a list
+% Initializations, etc.
+\cb@initlist\cb@history % the history list; initially empty
+\cb@initlist\cb@spanlist % list of bars spanning current page
+\cb@initlist\cb@currentlist % used to implement nesting without using
+ % TeX grouping
+%\xdef\@empty{} % to test if list is empty. In LaTeX.
+\newwrite\cb@write % file for history list
+\immediate\openout\cb@write=\jobname.cb % open for building of history list
+% \cb@pop#1 #1 is name of list (e.g., \cb@history)
+% This pops the top element off the named list and puts the point value
+% into \cb@currentpoint, the page value into \cb@page and the bar width
+% into \@tempdima. If the list is empty, returns a void value (\cb@nil)
+% in \cb@currentpoint and sets \cb@page=0.
+\def\cb@pop#1{\ifx #1\cb@history \ifeof\cb@read \else
+ {\endlinechar=-1\read\cb@read to\@temp
+ \xdef\cb@history{\cb@history\@temp}}\fi\fi
+ \ifx \@empty#1\cb@currentpoint=\cb@nil\cb@page=0\else
+ \expandafter\cb@carcdr#1e#1\fi}
+ \xdef#5{#4}}
+% \cb@push#1
+% Pushes \cb@currentpoint, \cb@page and \@tempdima onto the top of the
+% named list
+\def\cb@push#1{\xdef#1{\the\cb@currentpoint n\the\cb@page p\the\@tempdima l#1}}
+% \cb@barpoint % For populating history file
+% Writes one line to .cb file which is equivalent to one <element>
+% described above.
+% \document
+% Modifies \document to manage history file. It closes the .cb file
+% and opens it for reading. Also calls \reversechangebars to compute
+% the dimensions of the bar positions (thus any changes to margins
+% etc. in preamble will be recognised).
+ \cb@document\immediate\closeout\cb@write
+ \immediate\openin\cb@read=\jobname.cb}
+% Macros For Checking That The .AUX File Is Stable
+% \enddocument
+% Does a \clearpage to flush rest of document. Then closes .cb file
+% and reopens for checking. Inits history list (to be read from
+% file). Lets \cb@barpoint=\cb@checkhistory for checking.
+ \immediate\closein\cb@read\immediate\openin\cb@read=\jobname.cb%
+ \let\cb@barpoint=\cb@checkHistory\cb@enddocument}
+% \cb@checkHistory
+% Pops the top of the history list (\jobname.cb) and
+% check to see if the point and page numbers are the same as the
+% arguements #1 and #2 respectively. Prints a warning message if
+% different.
+ \ifnum #1=\cb@currentpoint
+ \ifnum #2=\cb@page % do nothing
+ \else \cb@error % page numbers mismatched
+ \fi
+ \else \cb@error % point numbers mismatched
+ \fi}
+\def\cb@error{\message{Changebar Warning: Changebar info has changed. %
+Rerun to get right.}\gdef\cb@checkHistory##1##2##3{}\let\cb@barpoint=\cb@checkHistory}
+% Macros For Making It Work With Nested Floats/Footnotes
+% Works for LaTeX 2.09
+% \end@float
+% This is a replacement for the Latex macro of the same name. All it
+% does is check to see if changebars are active and, if so, it puts
+% changebars around the box containing the float. Then it calls the
+% original LaTeX \end@float
+ \else \cb@push\cb@currentlist\global\@tempdima=\@tempdima
+ \egroup \global\setbox\@currbox
+ \vbox\bgroup \cb@start\@tempdima\unvbox\@currbox\cb@end\fi
+ \cb@endfloat}
+\let\endfigure=\end@float % need to rebind these to new def
+% \@footnotetext#1
+% Replacement for the LaTeX macro of the same name. Simply checks to
+% see if changebars are active and if so wraps the macro arguement
+% (i.e., the footnote) in changebars.
+ \cb@footnote{#1}\else \cb@push\cb@currentlist
+ \edef\cb@temp{\the\@tempdima}\cb@ig
+ \cb@footnote{\cb@start{\cb@temp}#1\cb@end}\fi}
+% \@mpfootnotetext#1
+% Replacement for the LaTeX macro of the same name. Same thing as
+% \@footnotetext.
+ \ifnum\cb@currentpoint=\cb@nil
+ \cb@mpfootnote{#1}\else \cb@push\cb@currentlist
+ \edef\cb@temp{\the\@tempdima}\cb@ig
+ \cb@mpfootnote{\cb@start{\cb@temp}#1\cb@end}\fi}
+%% end of changebar style
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/cli.for b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/cli.for
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..755c0df1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/cli.for
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+C Uses Niel Kempson's routines to extract the command line information
+C none
+C none
+C All values in COMMON/GINOTOSIX/ initialized
+C none
+ INTEGER*4 SEGMENT !Segment number in saved drawing
+ REAL*4 WIDTH !Desired width
+ REAL*4 HEIGHT !Desired height
+ REAL*4 SCALE !Desired scale factor
+ CHARACTER*255 INPUT !Name of input file
+ CHARACTER*255 OUTPUT !Name of output file
+ LOGICAL FORMFEED !Do we want a formfeed at the end of the
+ !file?
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Invalid segment'
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Invalid segment'
+ SCALE = 0
+200 TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Invalid scale'
+ WIDTH = 0
+ HEIGHT = 0
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Invalid width'
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Invalid height'
+ 1 'OUTPUT',
+ 1 OUTPUT_,
+ 1 '*.*;*',
+ 1 'FULL',
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Illegal output filespec'
+ OUTPUT(1:7) = '[]*.*;*'
+ OUTPUT(8:) = ' '
+ 1 INPUT,
+ TYPE *,'GINOTOSIX Error - Illegal input filespec'
+ 1 '.PIC',
+ 1 'FULL',
+ 1 INPUT,
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'NAME',
+ 1 'FULL',
+100 FORMAT (F5.0)
+110 FORMAT (I5)
+ CHARACTER*(*) file_spec
+ INTEGER*4 file_spec_length
+ 1 new_file_spec,
+ 1 node,
+ 1 device,
+ 1 directory
+ 1 default_name,
+ 1 default_type,
+ 1 name,
+ 1 type,
+ 1 version
+ INTEGER*4 new_file_spec_length,
+ 1 node_length,
+ 1 device_length,
+ 1 directory_length,
+ 1 name_length,
+ 1 type_length,
+ 1 version_length,
+ 1 f_dollar_parse,
+ 1 parse_status,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits,
+ 1 string_length
+ file_spec_length = string_length (file_spec)
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'NODE',
+ 1 node,
+ 1 node_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits)
+ IF (node_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(1:) = node(1:node_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = node_length
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'DEVICE',
+ 1 device,
+ 1 device_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits )
+ IF (device_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(new_file_spec_length+1:) = device(1:device_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length + device_length
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 directory,
+ 1 directory_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits)
+ IF (IAND (file_name_status_bits, NAM$M_WILD_DIR) .EQ. 0) THEN
+ IF (directory_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(new_file_spec_length+1:) =
+ 1 directory(1:directory_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length + directory_length
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'NAME',
+ 1 name,
+ 1 name_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits )
+ IF (IAND (file_name_status_bits, NAM$M_WILD_NAME) .EQ. 0) THEN
+ IF (name_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(new_file_spec_length+1:) = name(1:name_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length + name_length
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'TYPE',
+ 1 type,
+ 1 type_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits )
+ IF (IAND (file_name_status_bits, NAM$M_WILD_TYPE) .EQ. 0) THEN
+ IF (type_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(new_file_spec_length+1:) = type(1:type_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length + type_length
+ parse_status = f_dollar_parse (
+ 1 file_spec(1:file_spec_length),
+ 1 ' ',
+ 1 'VERSION',
+ 1 version,
+ 1 version_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits)
+ IF (IAND (file_name_status_bits, NAM$M_WILD_VER) .EQ. 0) THEN
+ IF (version_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ new_file_spec(new_file_spec_length+1:) =
+ 1 version(1:version_length)
+ new_file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length + version_length
+ IF (new_file_spec_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ file_spec(1:) = new_file_spec(1:new_file_spec_length)
+ file_spec_length = new_file_spec_length
+ INTEGER*4 FUNCTION f_dollar_parse (file_spec,
+ 1 default_file_spec,
+ 1 parse_type,
+ 1 parse_flags,
+ 1 return_buffer,
+ 1 return_string_length,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits)
+ CHARACTER*(*) file_spec,
+ 1 default_file_spec,
+ 1 return_buffer,
+ 1 parse_type
+ INTEGER*4 return_string_length,
+ 1 parse_flags,
+ 1 file_name_status_bits
+ CHARACTER*16 local_parse_type
+ 1 full_filespec
+ 1 start_char,
+ 1 stop_char,
+ 1 return_buffer_size,
+ 1 parsed_string_length
+ BYTE int_to_byte
+ fab.FAB$L_FNA = %LOC (file_spec)
+ fab.FAB$B_FNS = int_to_byte (LEN (file_spec))
+ fab.FAB$L_DNA = %LOC (default_file_spec)
+ fab.FAB$B_DNS = int_to_byte (LEN (default_file_spec))
+ fab.FAB$L_NAM = %LOC (nam)
+ nam.NAM$L_ESA = %LOC (full_filespec)
+ nam.NAM$B_ESS = int_to_byte (MIN (LEN (full_filespec), 255))
+ nam.NAM$B_NOP = 0
+ IF (IAND (parse_flags, PARSE_NOCONCEAL) .NE. 0) THEN
+ IF (IAND (parse_flags, PARSE_SYNTAX_ONLY) .NE. 0) THEN
+ f_dollar_parse = SYS$PARSE (fab)
+ file_name_status_bits = nam.NAM$L_FNB
+ CALL STR$UPCASE (local_parse_type, parse_type)
+ IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'NODE') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_NODE - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_NODE) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'DEVICE') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_DEV - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_DEV) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'DIRECTORY') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_DIR - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_DIR) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'NAME') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_NAME - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_NAME) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'TYPE') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_TYPE - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_TYPE) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'VERSION') THEN
+ start_char = nam.NAM$L_VER - nam.NAM$L_ESA + 1
+ stop_char = start_char + ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_VER) - 1
+ ELSE IF (local_parse_type .EQ. 'FULL') THEN
+ start_char = 1
+ stop_char = ZEXT (nam.NAM$B_ESL)
+ TYPE *, 'Invalid parse string: (',local_parse_type,').'
+ CALL LIB$SIGNAL (MODIFY$INVPARTYP, 1, local_parse_type)
+ parsed_string_length = stop_char - start_char + 1
+ return_buffer_size = LEN (return_buffer)
+ return_string_length = MIN (return_buffer_size, parsed_string_length)
+ IF (return_string_length .GT. 0) THEN
+ return_buffer(1:) = full_filespec(
+ 1 start_char:start_char + return_string_length - 1)
+ INTEGER*4 FUNCTION string_length (string)
+ CHARACTER*(*) string
+ CHARACTER this_char
+ string_length = LEN (string)
+ DO WHILE (string_length .GT. 0)
+ this_char = string(string_length:string_length)
+ IF ((this_char .NE. ' ') .AND. (this_char .NE. CHAR(9))) THEN
+ string_length = string_length - 1
+ BYTE FUNCTION int_to_byte (number)
+ INTEGER*4 number
+ IF ( IAND (number, '00000080'X) .NE. 0) THEN
+ int_to_byte = IOR (number, 'FFFFFF00'X)
+ int_to_byte = IAND (number, '000000FF'X)
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/descrip.mms b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/descrip.mms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fb1c47289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/descrip.mms
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+.SUFFIXES : .exe .obj .pas .ln3 .dvi .tex .web .ch
+ @ $(WSO) "$(MMS$TARGET) built at ''F$TIME()'."
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+exe_dir = TEX_EXE:
+target_list_1 = dvitoln03 dvil_debug
+target_list_2 = dvitoln03.ln3
+default :
+ @ $(WSO) "You must specify which target to make. Valid targets are:"
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+ @ $(WSO) "Programs:"
+ @ $(WSO) " $(target_list_1)"
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+ @ $(WSO) "Documentation: "
+ @ $(WSO) " $(target_list_2)"
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+ @ $(WSO) "EXES - make all executables"
+ @ $(WSO) "DOC - make all .LN3 files"
+ @ $(WSO) "INSTALL - move executables to $(exe_dir)"
+ @ $(WSO) "CLEAN - delete all rebuildable files"
+install :
+ COPY/LOG *.EXE; $(exe_dir)*.*;0
+clean :
+ @ IF F$SEARCH("*.LN3") .NES. "" THEN $ DELETE *.LN3;*
+ @ IF F$SEARCH("*.POO*") .NES. "" THEN $ DELETE *.POO*;*
+exes DEPENDS_ON $(target_list_1)
+ @ $(WSO) "$(MMS$TARGET_NAME) built at ''F$TIME()'."
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+doc DEPENDS_ON $(target_list_2)
+ @ $(WSO) "$(MMS$TARGET_NAME) built at ''F$TIME()'."
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+dvitoln03 DEPENDS_ON dvitoln03.exe
+ @ $(WSO) "$(MMS$TARGET_NAME) built at ''F$TIME()'."
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+dvil_debug DEPENDS_ON dvil_debug.exe
+ @ $(WSO) "$(MMS$TARGET_NAME) built at ''F$TIME()'."
+ @ $(WSO) " "
+dvitoln03.ln3 DEPENDS_ON dvitoln03.dvi
+dvitoln03.pas DEPENDS_ON dvitoln03.web
+ TANGLE dvitoln03
+dvil_debug.obj DEPENDS_ON dvil_debug.pas
+dvil_debug.exe DEPENDS_ON dvil_debug.obj
+dvil_debug.pas DEPENDS_ON dvitoln03.pas
+ COPY/LOG dvitoln03.pas dvil_debug.pas
+dvitoln03.tex DEPENDS_ON dvitoln03.web
+ WEAVE dvitoln03
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.hlp b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93fa684dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+1 DVILN03
+ DVILN03 is a program to convert TeX Device Independent (DVI) output
+ files into a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03 laser
+ printer. The "Local Guide to DVILN03" contains full details of this
+ program. Please report any problems or suggestions to Brian Hamilton
+ Kelly, or by sending electronic mail to user TEX.
+ Format:
+ DVILN03 file-name
+ If the program terminates successfully, it will produce two new files,
+ with the same name, but different types.
+ file-name.LN3 - the output file, suitable for printing on a Digital
+ LN03 laser printer using the TEXPRINT command.
+ file-name.TYP - the log file, recording messages sent by DVILN03 to
+ the terminal, plus additional information.
+2 Parameter
+ file-name
+ Specifies the TeX DeVice Independent (DVI) file to be converted to
+ a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03 laser printer.
+2 Command_Qualifiers
+ /STARTING_PAGE=starting_page_number (default = *)
+ This qualifier specifies the first TeX page to be converted. A
+ wildcard qualifier may be used, in which case, the first page number
+ matching the specification is used. DVILN03 accepts TeX multiple page
+ specifiers e.g. 1.*.19.4; see the user guide for further details.
+ If you omit this qualifier, DVILN03 will start at the first page of the
+ document.
+ /NUMBER_OF_PAGES=number_of_pages_to_print (default=1000000)
+ This qualifier specifies the number of TeX pages to be converted.
+ If you omit this qualifier, DVILN03 will print the entire document.
+ /ORIENTATION=image_orientation (default=PORTRAIT)
+ This qualifier specifies the orientation of the document as it will be
+ printed on the Digital LN03 printer. Two options are available:
+ The output is intended to be printed taller than it is wide.
+ The output is intended to be printed wider than it is tall.
+ /OUTPUT=file_spec
+ The output (ready for printing on an LN03 printer) will normally be
+ written in the current directory, with the same name as the DVI file
+ and file extension `.LN3'. The /OUTPUT qualifier, which requires a
+ partial file specification, can be used to override some or all of
+ these defaults.
+ This qualifier can be particularly useful for users with limited disk
+ quota who can use it to divert output to a scratch disk, or even send
+ it directly to a spooled printer.
+ /LOG[=file_spec]
+ This allows the user to control whether the log file will be kept after
+ processing the document and optionally to provide an alternative file
+ specification for the file. The default for this file is to write it
+ in the current directory, with the same name as the DVI file, but with
+ file type `.TYP'. Any value provided to the /LOG qualifier allows the
+ user to override some or all of these defaults. If /LOG is specified,
+ with or without a file specification, the log file will always be
+ retained, even if no error or warning messages have been issued.
+ If /NOLOG is specified, the file will always be deleted at the end of
+ processing, even if an error or warning message has been issued.
+ The default action, if neither qualifier is present, is to delete the
+ file if no error or warning messages were issued, but to retain it
+ otherwise.
+ /VERBOSE (deafult)
+ Controls the amount of progress messages sent to the user's terminal.
+ All messages go to the log file (see /LOG) in the usual fashion, but
+ if /NOVERBOSE has been specified, the terminal only shows the total
+ number of bytes of fonts downloaded and the page numbers processed;
+ warning and error messages still appear, of course.
+ /LEFT_MARGIN=left_page_margin_offset (default=300px)
+ This qualifier specifies the distance (in the given unit) between the
+ physical left-hand edge of the paper and TeX's logical left-hand edge
+ of the paper. Device Independent (DVI) files are produced by TeX under
+ the assumption that this distance is one inch. The resolution of the
+ Digital LN03 printer is 300 pixels/inch; the default value is therefore
+ set to 300px. `px' is used to specify pixels as the unit for this
+ dimension; any of TeX's standard physical units (e.g. pt, mm, in) may
+ be used instead.
+ Use this qualifier with care.
+ /TOP_MARGIN=top_margin_offset (default=300px)
+ This qualifier specifies the distance (in the given unit) between the
+ physical top edge of the paper and TeX's logical top edge of the paper.
+ Device Independent (DVI) files are produced by TeX under the assumption
+ that this distance is one inch. The resolution of the Digital LN03
+ printer is 300 pixels/inch; the default value is therefore set to
+ 300px. `px' is used to specify pixels as the unit for this dimension;
+ any of TeX's standard physical units (e.g. pt, mm, in) may be used
+ instead.
+ Use this qualifier with care.
+ /HFUZZ=dimension (default=100sp)
+ Ordinarily, TeX never generates lines that exceed the right margin; if
+ it does, it issues an `Overfull /hbox' message. However, some macro
+ packages cause TeX to exceed the margin by a few points or so, and
+ these pages, when processed by DVItoLN03, will give rise to warning
+ messages if the right margin is exceeded by more than the value
+ specified with /HFUZZ. The default value of this qualifier is 100sp,
+ which is invisibly small (it's approximately the wavelength of visible
+ light!); using larger values with this qualifier can suppress the
+ warning messages.
+ Use this qualifier with care.
+ /VFUZZ=dimension (default=100sp)
+ TeX is even less likely to write output below the bottom margin of the
+ page, but this qualifier can be used analogously to /HFUZZ (q.v.) to
+ suppress the resultant warning messages if it does!
+ Specifies whether or not DVItoLN03 should use the page numbers stored
+ in the .DVI file for deciding which pages should be printed on left and
+ right pages. Each page may have more than one number, and DVItoLN03
+ will use the number (from TeX's \count0). Pages will be printed on
+ alternating right and left pages when /NODUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS is
+ specified. When /DUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS is specified, DVItoLN03 will
+ print pages with odd and even numbers on right and left pages
+ respectively. However, if a page has number 0, it will be printed on a
+ right page. The /PRINT_MODE must be specified to enable duplex
+ printing.
+ /PRINT_MODE=(print_mode[,...])
+ Permits use of extra facilities of newer printers such as the DEClaser
+ models 2100 and 2200 (LN05 and LN06). Some combination of options can
+ be used with the traditional LN03 as well.
+ The options are as follows:
+ SIMPLEX Print only on one side of the paper. This is the default.
+ DUPLEX Print on both sides of the paper.
+ MASTER Used together with DUPLEX for producing a master for copying.
+ This will make the printer print on one side of the paper,
+ but insert a blank sheet when the left page in the copies is
+ to be blank. The output is therefore correctly sequenced
+ to be photocopied into a double-sided document. This option
+ can even be used with an ordinary LN03.
+ TUMBLED Used together with duplex mode. MASTER may not be specified.
+ Print left pages upside down.
+ NORMAL The opposite of TUMBLED. This is the default.
+ /FEED_TRAY=(option=tray_type[,...])
+ The LN05 printer is capable of selecting paper feed from its paper tray
+ or by manual insertion of a sheet or envelope: this could be used, for
+ example, to print the first page on a manually-fed sheet of letterhead
+ stationery.
+ The LN06 has two individually selectable paper trays and manual feed as
+ standard; in addition, it may be fitted with an optional envelope
+ feeder and a large capacity (1000 sheet) external paper tray.
+ Any of these paper sources may be selected through use of the
+ /FEED_TRAY qualifier; the options available are
+ ALL=tray_type Feed all sheets from the specified tray
+ FIRST=tray_type Feed the first sheet from this tray
+ REST=tray_type Feed subsequent sheets from this tray
+ Tray types are specified through use of the following keywords:
+ /DEVICE_TYPE=printer_type (default: LN03)
+ Selects the model of printer for which output is being prepared; the
+ default value of this qualifier will vary from site to site, but may
+ readily be overridden to generate output for a different model.
+ Values accepted for printer_type are:
+ LN03 The traditional LN03, or the LN03-plus. Not the LN03R
+ PostScript printer.
+ LN05 The DEClaser 2100.
+ LN06 The DEClaser 2200.
+ /TFM_DIRECTORY=file_spec (default=TEX$FONTS:)
+ Specifies where files containing TeX Font Metrics will be found.
+ Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!
+ /VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY=file_spec (default=TEX$FONTS:)
+ Specifies where files containing the description of virtual fonts will
+ be found.
+ Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!
+ /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY=file_spec (default=TEX$PK:)
+ Specifies where files containing packed pixel rasters will be found. If
+ the specification (after logical name translation, if necessary) ends
+ with the characters ".]", a tree-structured directory will be assumed,
+ with fonts of different magnifications held in separate directories.
+ Otherwise, a flat structure is assumed, with the different
+ magnifications being distinguishable by different file type extensions.
+ Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!
+ /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY=file_spec (default=TEX$PXL_ROOT:)
+ Specifies where files containing unpacked pixel rasters will be found.
+ If the specification (after logical name translation, if necessary)
+ ends with the characters ".]", a tree-structured directory will be
+ assumed, with fonts of different magnifications held in separate
+ directories. Otherwise, a flat structure is assumed, with the
+ different magnifications being distinguishable by different file type
+ extensions.
+ Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!
+ /PAPER_SIZE=paper (Default = A4)
+ Controls whether the program assumes the use of European A4 (210x297mm)
+ paper or US (8-1/2x11in). It is insufficient just to use this qualifier
+ to control the output: it is also necessary to power down the printer,
+ move the paper size switch on the back to the desired setting, and switch
+ on again. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that this qualifier will
+ ever be specified by a user: rather it is present so that the system
+ manager can define the default paper size in use at any individual site.
+2 Examples
+ This command converts LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for
+ printing on a Digital LN03 laser printer. All pages are converted
+ for printing in portrait form, starting one inch (300 printer
+ pixels) from the top and left-hand edges of the paper.
+ As above, but convert only thirteen TeX pages, starting at TeX
+ page [5.3.2].
+ This command converts the immediately previous version of file
+ LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03
+ laser printer. The first 20 pages are converted for printing in
+ landscape form, starting one inch (300 printer pixels) from the top
+ and left-hand edges of the paper.
+ Name of the font to test = myfont
+ *\table\bye
+ This is one circumstance in which a user might want to use the extra
+ qualifiers, for use with a font that has just been built (by METAFONT)
+ and is residing in the current directory. TeX (and DVItoLN03) will
+ expect to find MYFONT.TFM in the current directory; failing that it
+ will look, as usual, in the directory indicated by TEX$FONTS.
+ DVItoLN03 will in addition look for MYFONT.300PK in one of those
+ places.
+ Converts LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for printing on the
+ DEClaser 2200. Pages are printed on both sides of the paper, and
+ DVItoLN03 does not insert blank pages when page numbers indicate it.
+ The first sheet of paper must be manually fed, and the rest are taken
+ from the top tray.
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.ln3_publish b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.ln3_publish
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b681b41d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.ln3_publish
@@ -0,0 +1,5770 @@
+[!pc›?22 J
+›?27h›11h›7 I›?52h›3475t
+;DVItoLN03 font loadœ
+[7 IP9;0;1q
+›7 I
+[7 IP9;0;2q
+›7 I
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.tex_publish b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.tex_publish
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b5d9090c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dviln03.tex_publish
@@ -0,0 +1,2480 @@
+\let\iffulldoc=\iftrue %%% Change to \iffalse if you don't have DVItoLN03
+ %%% working yet (any version post V3.1 will do!)
+\let\ifatrmcs=\iffalse %%% Leave this, unless you have RMCS's shield font!
+\let\ifrmcs=\iffalse %%% Leave this completely
+\let\ifdollars=\iffalse %%% Change to \iftrue if still using TEX$... logicals
+%%% Make sure that you revise this file to reflect local conditions; this
+%%% includes references to local versions of the \LaTeX user guide, and also
+%%% defining the macros \sitename and \contact
+% Wherever this document introduces information that may vary from site to
+% site, the line(s) will end with %%% SYSDEP
+% Such sections should be modified to match local requirements; in
+% particular, the definition of \contact should be changed to be the name of
+% the local TeX administrator, and \sitename to your favourite name for your
+% site
+\def\contact{\meta{contactname}}%%% SYSDEP
+\def\sitename{\meta{sitename}}%%% SYSDEP
+\documentstyle[11pt,twoside]{article} \let\cbstart=\relax \let\cbend=\relax
+\hyphenation{post-am-ble pre-am-ble down-loa-ded sto-red}
+% This redefines \@arabic to the old (V2.08)
+% form wherein \@arabic{ctr} (and through it, \arabic{ctr}) only
+% produce printed output for values of ctr > 0.
+% This means that \setcounter{page}{0} may be used to ensure that
+% such things as title pages, etc, don't bear a page number, and
+% also so that ``non-standard'' footnotes may be interpolated into
+% the text by means of \footnotetext[0]{$^\dag$ Some text}, say.
+\def\@arabic#1{\ifnum #1>0
+ \number #1%
+ \fi}
+% Define this to squash up lists being used as simulated lines of DCL
+\def\squash{\itemsep=\z@ \relax \parsep=\z@ \parskip=\z@}
+\newfont{\logo}{logo10 scaled\magstephalf}
+ \newfont{\shieldfont}{shield}
+ \newcommand{\shield}{{\shieldfont\char`\@}}
+ \let\shield=\relax
+\newenvironment{note}{\quote\centerline{\bf Note}}{\endquote}
+\newcommand{\chapend}{\clearpage \ifodd \count0\else
+ \markboth{}{}\vspace*{\fill}%
+ \centerline{\small This page is left intentionally blank}%
+ \vspace*{\fill}\cleardoublepage
+ \fi}
+% Uncomment the next line if you don't mind pages with nothing but numbers
+% \let\chapend=\cleardoublepage
+\newcommand{\meta}[1]{$\langle\mbox{\it #1\/}\rangle$}
+ \raisebox{-0.5ex}{C}}}
+\newcommand{\DVItoLN}{{\sf DVI\-to\-LN03}}
+\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\newcommand{\SliTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern
+ -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\newcommand{\SLiTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern
+ -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\newcommand{\MF}{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}}
+\newcommand{\TeXware}{\TeX\kern-.1em ware}
+\newcommand{\Web}{{\sc Web}}
+\newcommand\DVItoVDU{{\sf DVIto\kern-.06em VDU}}
+\newcommand\bs{\char '134 } % A backslash character for \tt font
+\newcommand\verbsp{\char '40 } % The \verb* space character in \tt font
+\newcommand{\cont}{{\leavevmode\kern.06em\vbox{\hrule width.4em height .8pt}\$}}
+\title{DVILN03 User Guide\\for the {\sl VAXen\/} at \sitename}
+\author{Brian Hamilton Kelly\\School of Electrical Engineering \& Science\\
+Royal Military College of Science\\Shrivenham}
+\date{30th September 1991\\For {\tt DVILN03} Version 4.1}
+ This document describes the operation of the {\tt DVILN03} command on the
+ {\sl VAX\/} computer. This command activates the {\sf DVItoLN03}
+ program, which allows a \TeX{} output file in device-independent \DVI{}
+ form to be converted to a file which may be printed on a DEC
+ LN03\footnote{{\sl VAX\/} and {\sl LN03\/} are registered trademarks of
+ the Digital Equipment Corporation} laser printer.
+ It is assumed that the reader is familiar with \LaTeX{} and has read
+ the local \LaTeX{} User Guide~\cite{RMCS:latexguide}.
+ Familiarity with the {\sl VAX/VMS\/} operating system is also assumed.
+ If you have a question that you can't answer by reading this document, ask
+ \contact. He should also be informed of any possible \DVItoLN{} bugs or
+ undocumented anomalies. \ifrmcs\else
+ Bugs that cannot be resolved locally at \sitename{} can be reported to the
+ author, Brian {\sc Hamilton Kelly}, who may be contacted by E-mail as
+ {\tt<>} (on the {\sc Janet} network).\fi
+The code for handling the Rose-style \verb+\special+s for changebar marking
+was added by Robin Fairbairns of LaserScan, Cambridge, UK, at version 3.1-1.
+The algorithms for handling the newer DEClaser printers were provided by
+Karsten Nyblad of TFL, the Danish Telecommunications Research Laboratories;
+they arrived just as all the other enhancements had been completed at
+version 3.9, and were integrated into this new release.
+My colleague Niel Kempson has provided much-needed support and encouragement,
+and has made many useful suggestions for enhancements
+over the years (his latest idea, just as I'm about to release this, is to
+make the program capable of handling binary files that {\em aren't\/}
+organized as 512-byte fixed-length records, but that will have to await a
+future release).
+Finally, I must acknowledge my great indebtedness to the dedicated band of
+helpers who have acted as $\beta$-site testers (and provided useful
+suggestions for enhancements):
+\item Phil Taylor (\verb+<>+), of Royal Holloway and
+Bedford New College,
+\item Robin Fairbairns (\verb+<>+),
+\item Karsten Nyblad (\verb+<>+), and
+\item Rob Schumann (\verb+<>+), of the European
+Space Agency, at Frascati in Italy.
+(and of course, the dozens of unsuspecting guinea-pigs at the Royal Military
+College of Science!)
+\section*{New and Changed Features}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{New and Changed Features}\cbstart
+\DVItoLN{} V4.1 is a maintenance update which incorporates some minor bug
+fixes (mostly to handle obscure font problems). It is provided as a change
+file to be applied to the {\tt DVITOLN03.WEB} V4.0 file; a new version of
+the {\tt.WEB} file is also included, because both files have now been
+The following new features are added in this version:\begin{itemize}
+ \item The \verb|/PAPER_SIZE| qualifier is introduced to allow system
+ managers to specify the default paper size (European \verb|A4| vs.\
+ \verb|US|); this is necessary since the mixing of landscape and portrait
+ orientation output on the same page requires an intimate knowledge of
+ the size of the paper. The qualifier cannot be specified explicitly to
+ produce output as if sent to the non-default paper size, since the
+ switch on the back of the printer also needs to be changed, and the
+ power cycled.
+ \item The \verb|/VERBOSE| qualifier is introduced; in the distributed
+ {\tt.CLD} file, this is on by default, and produces the same terminal
+ output as earlier versions of the program. By making the default
+ \verb|/NOVERBOSE|, or specifying this explicitly on the command line,
+ messages to the terminal are reduced to:\begin{itemize}
+ \item the name of the {\tt.DVI} file being processed;
+ \item the report of the total numbers of bytes of fonts downloaded;
+ \item the numbers of the pages processed.
+ \end{itemize}
+The following bugs are fixed in this version:\begin{itemize}
+ \item Optimization of font downloading had made the program incapable of
+ handling fonts containing more than 188 glyphs.
+ \item All rules were output in the orientation specified in the command
+ line, even if some of them should have appeared in the opposite
+ orientation.
+ \item Mixed portrait/landscape material requires knowledge of the
+ physical paper size, because the ``origin'' in landscape mode is related
+ to the {\em bottom\/} edge of the paper.
+ \item Changing the orientation within a page resets the margins to the
+ hardware defaults, which necessitates that the program change them again.
+ \item A font that contains duplicated characters (can only happen with
+ {\tt PK} fonts), if all characters were imaged (e.g., with {\tt
+ testfont}), would result in an illegal font download. The program now
+ detects such erroneous fonts, which is more than any \TeX ware or
+ fontware does (apart from {\tt GFtoPXL})!
+\DVItoLN{} V4.0 was \cbend the first public release since V3.1-4; other
+versions have been used internally at the author's site, and some of these
+have been circulated to a dedicated band of $\beta$-site testers---I'm very
+grateful for your help, gentlemen!
+\DVItoLN{} V4.0 introduces the following refinements and new features
+compared with V3.1:\begin{itemize}
+ \item Support has been added for virtual font files; for every font, the
+ program will attempt to open a file with name \meta{fontname}{\tt.VF},
+ looking in the directory referenced through the qualifier
+ \verb|/VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY| (sites without any requirement for virtual
+ fonts can speed processing fractionally by making the default
+ \verb|/NOVIRTUAL_DIRECTORY|)\@. Glyphs from such a font will be imaged
+ from the appropriate physical fonts, obeying all \meta{dvi byte}
+ sequences in the {\tt.VF} file.
+ \item Support for \TeX's \verb|\special| command has been expanded and
+ improved; it is only necessary to provide sufficient
+ characters of a keyword to identify it uniquely: since all keywords (at
+ present) are unique in their first two letters, then only that many need
+ be provided, although any \verb|\special| sequences will ordinarily be
+ defined within a macro package or style option; authors of these are
+ encouraged to write all keyword parameters in full.
+ \item Support for two new \verb|\special| commands:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\tt landscape] Any text, rules, or graphics insertion, up to the
+ end of the current page, or the next \verb|\special{portrait}| command,
+ whichever occurs first,
+ will be output in landscape orientation, regardless of whether the
+ document is being processed in landscape or portrait mode.
+ \item[\tt portrait] The opposite of the previous command
+ \end{description}
+ Note that these keywords may be used with or without the `\verb|ln03:|'
+ prefix, since the concept of printing orientation transcends any concept
+ of device dependence.
+ \item The qualifiers \verb|/LEFT_MARGIN| and \verb|/TOP_MARGIN| now
+ require that their associated values be specified using the syntax of a
+ \TeX{} \meta{dimension}, that is, by a number (real or integer) followed
+ by a two-letter code for a \TeX{} \meta{physical unit}; the standard
+ units of \TeX{} ({\tt pt sp pc in cm mm dd cc}) are supplemented by {\tt
+ mi} (for micron, i.e.~1$\mu$m) and {\tt px} (for pixel).
+ \item The program no longer assumes that \TFM{} files will be found in
+ the directory indicated by the logical name \verb|TEX$FONTS|; instead,
+ this information is conveyed to the program through the
+ command-definition file, using the \verb|/TFM_DIRECTORY| qualifier.
+ System managers are now free to use logical names of the form
+ \verb|TEX_INPUTS| instead, and thus conform to {\sl Digital's\/}
+ recommendations regarding customer-assigned logical names.
+ \item Previous versions of the program would abort upon discovering a
+ reference to a font for which character bitmaps could not be found (in
+ either packed or unpacked pixel files). This was somewhat user-hostile,
+ and at variance with the proposed Level~0 DVI-Driver
+ Standard~\cite{Hosek}, so the
+ program now substitutes solid rules of appropriate dimensions for glyphs
+ from such a font. A warning message will be displayed.
+ \item A mechanism has been provided by which spurious `{\tt Page wider
+ than TeX reported}' messages may be suppressed by the user: see the
+ descripton of the \verb+/HFUZZ+ qualifier. For completeness of
+ orthogonality, the complementary \verb+/VFUZZ+ qualifier is also
+ provided, but it's extremely unlikely that this would ever be required.
+ \item Command-line qualifiers have been provided to support {\sl
+ Digital's\/} new DEClaser~$2100^{\dag}$\footnotetext[0]{$^{\dag}$
+ DEClaser and LN05/LN06 are registered trademarks of {\sl Digital}}
+ and~2200 printers (otherwise known as the
+ LN05 and LN06). The user can control whether printing will be in
+ simplex or duplex mode (printing on both sides of the paper), and from
+ which tray(s) the paper will be fed.
+ \item Last, but definitely not least, considerable speed improvements
+ have been made by reorganizing some data structures to reduce the
+ likelihood of the VAX having to page fault.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection*{V3.1 Changes}
+\DVItoLN{} V3.1 introduced the following refinements and new features
+compared with V3.0:\begin{itemize}
+ \item Support for \TeX's \verb|\special| command was expanded and
+ improved.
+ Sixel (or other LN03) files may now be included using the
+ following syntaxes within the parameter of the \verb|\special| command:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb*|\special{SX |\meta{filename}\verb|}|
+ \item \verb*|\special{ln03:plotfile |\meta{filename}\verb|}|
+ \item \verb*|\special{ln03:sixel |\meta{filename}\verb|}|
+ \end{itemize}
+ These commands will not normally be inserted directly by users, but
+ through the use of a document style option, such as \verb|graphics|,
+ see~\S\ref{subsec:graphics}.
+ \item The Flavio Rose \verb|\special|s are supported to draw vertical
+ bars beside changed material. The parameters
+ recognized are as follows, with [\,] bracketing material that may be
+ omitted:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb*|\special{ln03:defpoint |\meta{point\_no}%
+ \verb|(|[\meta{dimen}]\verb|,|[\meta{dimen}]\verb|)}|.\\
+ Define a point, in terms of $x$ and $y$ coordinates on the
+ page. Either coordinate may be omitted, when the definition
+ takes place with the appropriate current position. This
+ therefore defines point $p_i$ to be at $(x_i,y_i)$.
+ \item \verb*|\special{ln03:connect |\meta{point\_pair}\verb*| |%
+ \meta{point\_pair}[\verb*| |\meta{dimen}]\verb|}|,\\
+ where $$\mbox{\meta{point\_pair}}\equiv
+ \mbox{\meta{point\_no}[\verb|/|\meta{point\_no}]}$$
+ Connect pairs of points together, with a rule of width (height)
+ \meta{dimen}. If omitted, the latter reverts to the usual 2
+ pixels (0.4pt). The points must be capable of being connected
+ by a rule that is either strictly vertical or strictly
+ horizontal. The variant of \meta{point\_pair} with the
+ intervening `{\tt/}' is used with {\tt twoside} printing to
+ specify {\em two\/} pairs of points, one to be used on
+ left-hand pages, and one on right-hand.
+ \item \verb*|\special{ln03:resetpoints |\meta{first}%
+ \verb*| |\meta{last}\verb|}| Cancel all knowledge of the
+ coordinates of points $p_f\ldots p_l$.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Again, the user need not worry about creating such \verb|\special|
+ commands directly: the style option \verb|changebar| provides the
+ appropriate macros which are invoked by means of the commands
+ \verb|\cbstart| and \verb|\cbend|, or by the \LaTeX{} environment {\tt
+ changebar}.
+ \item Program now supports an optional file specification on the
+ \verb|/LOG| qualifier.
+ \item Program now provides the \verb|/OUTPUT| qualifier which may be
+ used to direct output to a different file specification (for example,
+ onto a scratch disk), or even directly to the LN03 printer, possibly as
+ a spooled device.
+ \item The program now ensures that all output files are created in the
+ user's current directory (unless overridden by
+ {\tt/OUTPUT}): formerly, the use of a logical name could cause such
+ files to be created in a different directory.
+ \item Correctly reports the relative magnification of fonts loaded at
+ non-standard sizes.
+\subsection*{V3.0 Changes}
+The following enhancements were made to \DVItoLN{} at V3.0:
+ \item Both packed and unpacked font files may now each be held in
+ ``rooted'' or ``flat'' directory structures.
+ \item Program can handle fonts with the \TeX{} maximum of 256 characters,
+ which permits access to Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
+ \item The \verb|/LOG| and \verb|/NOLOG| qualifiers permit user selection
+ of whether the program's log file (\verb|.TYP|) is retained after
+ processing.
+ \item Program correctly computes the imaging area of standard European
+ A4 paper.
+\subsection{What \LaTeX{} does with your Source File}
+When any program\footnote{This document refers mostly to \LaTeX, since that
+is the program most commonly used at the author's site; however, it may be
+assumed that this includes \TeX{} and \SliTeX{} as well} of the \TeX{}
+family is run (\TeX, \LaTeX{} or \SliTeX), it produces two output files.
+One of these is the {\sl log file}, which records all the output that
+\LaTeX{} sent to the terminal (and a lot more besides!). On a {\sl VAX\/}
+implementation of \LaTeX, this file has the file type `{\tt .LIS}'\@.
+However, it is the other file which is of most interest because this
+contains all the instructions to typeset your document; this file is in a
+{\sl Device-Independent Format\/} which is common to {\it every\/} \LaTeX{}
+site in the world and has a file type of `\DVI'\@. Details of the internal
+format of \DVI{} files are explained within the program {\sf DVItype}, which
+describes the definitive method for processing \DVI{} files, but need only
+concern those who are writing \DVI{} processing programs. Details of most
+\TeXware{} files have also been published in various issues of {\sl
+TUGboat}, the newsletter of the \TeX\ Users'
+\subsection{Previewing \LaTeX{} Output}
+Before you can see what wonders \LaTeX{} has wrought for you, it is necessary to
+process this \DVI{} file. As a first stage, you should use \DVItoVDU{} to
+produce a representation of your document on a graphics terminal, rather than
+waste paper unnecessarily; the \DVItoVDU{} User's
+and the local \LaTeX{} User's Guide~\cite{RMCS:latexguide}
+describe how to use this program.
+\subsection{Committing \LaTeX{} Output to Paper}\label{sec:font-load}
+However, the time will come (soon, you hope!) when you are ready to commit your
+document to paper; now it is necessary to process the \DVI{} file with the
+command {\tt DVILN03} which activates the {\sf DVItoLN03} program\footnote{The
+command is {\bf not \tt DVITOLN03} because, if it were, the VAX/VMS command
+line interpreter (CLI) would be unable to distinguish between this and the
+{\tt DVITOVDU} command}. For example, to process the file {\tt
+xxx.DVI}, resulting from \LaTeX ing {\tt xxx.TEX}, you would
+ \item[\prompt\footnotemark]
+ \footnotetext{In this document, the prompt from VAX/VMS is shown as
+ {\bf\prompt}}
+ \verb*+DVILN03 xxx+\footnote{The symbol `{\tt\verbsp}' represents
+ mandatory whitespace (one or more spaces or tabs)}
+\DVItoLN{} reads the \DVI{} file,
+determines which individual characters of each font are used therein and
+writes an output file containing the necessary instructions to download the
+raster patterns corresponding to each character into the LN03 printer. It
+then appends the necessary instructions to typeset your document using the
+downloaded characters.
+The resultant output file has the file extension {\tt .LN3}, and can be queued
+for printing to any LN03 laser printer queue by normal {\sl VAX/VMS\/}
+commands. However, because it contains many (long) escape sequences, and also
+takes care of all printer formatting, it must be printed with a number of
+special qualifiers for the print command. The full details (for those who
+wish to set up new laser queues) are given in Appendix~\ref{sec:queues}.
+The \LN{} file is full of escape sequences which are peculiar to the LN03,
+and will cause absolute havoc if passed to any other form of printer;
+therefore, take care not to queue it for printing to an ordinary line
+printer --- even {\tt TYPE}ing it to a VDU is {\em not\/} recommended!
+\subsubsection{Printing the \LN{} File}%%% SYSDEP
+To simplify the task of queueing the \LN{} file for printing, \sitename{}
+provides the {\tt TEXPRINT} command; this is actually a {\sl DCL\/}
+symbol\footnote{For further information regarding {\sl DCL\/} symbols,
+see~\cite[chapter 5]{DEC:dcl-concepts}} which may be
+abbreviated to its first four letters, {\tt TEXP}\@. When executed as a
+{\sl DCL\/} command, it invokes a command procedure which queues your file
+for printing on the appropriate LN03 printer.
+ Most of the normal {\tt PRINT} command qualifiers ({\it eg\/ \tt /DELETE},
+ {\tt /COPIES=\it n}, {\it etc\/}) may be used with the {\tt TEXPRINT}
+ command.
+ For example, to print {\tt xxx.LN3}, deleting the file after printing
+ three copies, and sending you a message upon completion, type:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\prompt]
+ \end{description}
+\section{Doing more with DVItoLN03}
+The {\tt DVILN03} command normally processes the whole of the \DVI{} file
+and translates it all to a form intelligible to the LN03. It also makes the
+standard \LaTeX{} assumptions, that is, that the text's {\sl reference point\/}
+is located exactly one inch down and one inch across from the top left-hand
+corner of the paper. However, qualifiers to the {\tt DVILN03} command permit
+explicit control over which page shall be printed first, and how many
+following pages are to be printed. It also allows selection of a different
+reference point, and even permits the paper to be ``turned on its side'', into
+the landscape orientation.
+The following sections and Appendix~\ref{sec:qualifiers} give full details of
+each of the qualifiers which are accepted by the {\tt DVILN03} command; these
+qualifiers are as follows:
+ \item \verb|/STARTING_PAGE|
+ \item \verb|/NUMBER_OF_PAGES|
+ \item \verb|/TOP_MARGIN|
+ \item \verb|/LEFT_MARGIN|
+ \item \verb|/ORIENTATION|
+ \item \verb|/(NO)LOG|
+ \item \cbstart\verb|/(NO)VERBOSE|\cbend
+ \item \verb|/OUTPUT|
+ \item \verb|/HFUZZ|
+ \item \verb|/VFUZZ|
+ \item \verb|/DEVICE_TYPE|
+ \item \verb|/PRINT_MODE|
+ \item \verb|/(NO)DUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS|
+ \item \verb|/FEED_TRAY|
+ \item \cbstart\verb|/PAPER_SIZE|\cbend
+ \item \verb|/(NO)PK_FONT_DIRECTORY|
+ \item \verb|/(NO)PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY|
+ \item \verb|/TFM_DIRECTORY|
+ \item \verb|/(NO)VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY|
+(The last four qualifiers are {\em definitely\/} for system wizards only!)
+\subsection{Controlling which Pages DVItoLN03 Prints}
+Ordinarily, \DVItoLN{} translates all the pages in the \DVI{} file into a
+form which can be printed by the LN03 printer; however, if you are having
+difficulty in getting right a figure\footnote{Although \DVItoVDU{} is the
+recommended method of previewing your output, it sometimes happens that it
+cannot provide sufficient detail when performing this sort of proof-reading
+operation} on page 23 of a 200-page document, it is rather wasteful
+of paper to keep on printing all 200 pages (not to mention the time taken
+waiting for the output!) Therefore \DVItoLN{} allows the user to
+specify which page shall be used as the starting point for printed output;
+it also permits the user to control how many pages are to be processed.
+The value on the \verb|/STARTING_PAGE=| qualifier is used to specify the
+starting page number; this is given as a {\em string\/} and takes the default
+value `{\tt*}'. This default value will match any \LaTeX{} page number and so
+will normally start with the first page in your document, whatever its number.
+However, if you provide a single number, \DVItoLN{} will match this
+with the {\it first\/} occurrence of a page with that number. This means
+that if the pages of document \verb|MY_FILE| are numbered (0), (i), (ii),
+(iii), (1), (2), (3), \dots, say, then selecting \verb|/STARTING_PAGE=2|
+will select page (ii); there is no mechanism to select page (2) instead.
+(Note that {\em raw\/} \TeX{} would have had the values 0, -1, -2, -3, 1, 2
+and 3 for the above page numbers, and therefore page (2) {\em could\/} be
+selected directly; to accommodate such numbering schemes, the
+\verb+/STARTING_PAGE+ qualifier accepts negative numbers.)
+(If you've been clever and used raw \TeX's \verb|\count1|\dots{\tt 9} to get
+``fancy'' page numbers, then you can specify these extra numbers, separated by
+periods (`.') to the \verb|/STARTING_PAGE=| qualifier; it is for this reason
+that the qualifier's value must be specified as a string of characters, and
+not as a simple numerical value.
+\verb|/STARTING_PAGE=3.*.19| would select the first page where \TeX's
+\verb|\count0| is 3 and \verb|\count2| is 19, no matter what value was in
+The number of pages to be printed is specified as the value to the
+\verb|/NUMBER_OF_PAGES=| qualifier; this {\em is\/} a numerical value, and
+takes the default value {\tt 10000000} --- hopefully this will ensure that
+your whole document is printed! Therefore to ensure that the page (2) of
+the earlier example is printed, you would need to issue the {\tt DVILN03}
+command as \begin{description}
+\item[\prompt] \verb+DVILN03 MY_FILE /STARTING_PAGE=2 /NUMBER_OF_PAGES=4+
+\end{description} thus getting pages (ii), (iii), (1) and (2).
+As with all {\sl DCL\/} commands and qualifiers, these may be
+abbreviated to the minimum to make them unambiguous; therefore the above
+command could also have been entered as
+\item[\prompt] \verb+DVIL MY_FILE/S=2/N=4+
+\footnotesize \tt
+% Main boxes
+\put(70,729){\makebox(0,0)[br]{\tiny Ref.~Point}}
+% Vectors and markers
+\put(0,630){\vector(1,0){72}} % left margin
+\put(5,640){1 in}
+\put(72,550){\vector(1,0){63}} % \oddsidemargin
+\put(160,795){\vector(0,-1){72}} % top margin
+\put(165,759){1 in}
+\put(275,696){\vector(0,1){27}} % \topmargin
+\put(430,716){\vector(0,-1){20}} % \headheight
+\put(300,659){\vector(0,1){25}} % \headsep
+\put(200,131){\vector(0,1){528}} % \textheight
+\put(135,200){\vector(1,0){345}} % \textwidth
+\put(460,570){\vector(1,0){20}} % \marginparsep
+\put(491,500){\vector(1,0){90}} % \marginparwidth
+\put(310,151){\vector(0,-1){20}} % \footskip
+1 \bs oddsidemargin = 63pt & 6 \bs textwidth = 345pt \\
+2 \bs topmargin = 27pt & 7 \bs marginparsep = 11pt \\
+3 \bs headheight = 12pt & 8 \bs marginparwidth = 90pt \\
+4 \bs headsep = 25pt & 9 \bs footskip = 30pt\\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{5 \bs textheight = 43\bs baselineskip + \bs topskip (528pt)}
+\caption{Example \LaTeX{} Page Layout\label{fig:layout}}
+\subsection{Controlling the Appearance of the Printed Page}
+All \LaTeX's page layout dimensions, such as {\tt\bs oddsidemargin}
+are measured from a standard {\sl reference point\/}; figure~\ref{fig:layout}
+shows how \LaTeX{} lays out a page for the {\tt article} style using 10-point
+For special effects, you may find it useful to be able to redefine the
+position of this reference point when printing; the qualifiers
+\verb|/LEFT_MARGIN| and \verb|/TOP_MARGIN| implement this change.
+Some documents need so-called {\sl landscape orientation\/} for the paper,
+where the printed page is wider than it is high. Assuming that the page
+layout parameters have been suitably redefined, the
+\verb+/ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE+ qualifier can be used to tell \DVItoLN{}
+to print the document in this orientation. (Note that single pages,
+or even parts of pages, can be printed in the opposite orientation, through
+use of suitable \verb|\special| sequences in the \TeX{} source file.)
+\subsubsection{Specifying a new Reference Point}
+The \verb|/LEFT_MARGIN=| and \verb|/TOP_MARGIN=| qualifiers (which may be
+abbreviated to just {\tt/LE=} and {\tt/TO=}) each require a single numeric
+value, followed by a two-letter abbreviation for what \TeX{} calls a
+\meta{physical unit}; this expresses the displacement of the reference point
+from the left-hand and top edges of the paper, respectively.
+The value may be given in any of \TeX's standard \meta{physical unit}s, with
+the addition of {\tt mi}, representing 1$\mu$m (micron), and {\tt px}, which
+units of {\sl pixels}\footnote{see glossary}, the basic unit of measure on the
+LN03; there are 300 pixels to one inch (the LN03 can therefore print at a
+density of 90,000 $\mbox{dots}/\mbox{in}^2$) and so, as you might expect, the
+default values for these qualifiers are both {\tt 300px} for \TeX's default
+reference point; the same effect could be achieved by specifying this value
+as {\tt 1in} or {\tt25.4mm} or even as {\tt72.27pt}.
+\subsubsection{Specifying a Different Paper Orientation}
+Ordinarily, \DVItoLN{} produces its output assuming {\sl portrait\/}
+orientation for the paper (with the paper being higher than it is wide).
+However, you might wish to use different parameters to \LaTeX\
+(\verb|\textwidth|, {\it etc\/}), such that the paper is assumed to be in {\sl
+landscape\/} mode; it is then necessary to tell \DVItoLN{} that it
+should send re-orientation commands to the LN03. This is specified by means
+of the \verb|/ORIENTATION=| qualifier, (which may be abbreviated to
+{\tt/OR=}), and takes the ``values'' {\tt PORTRAIT} or {\tt
+LANDSCAPE} ({\tt P} or {\tt L}); the default is {\tt PORTRAIT}.
+\subsection{Including Graphics Images in your
+A local extension to \LaTeX{} at RMCS permits the \DVItoLN{} program to
+include graphic images within a printed document. The images will typically
+have been captured from a graphical display by software which ``reads back''
+such an image to the host computer. The only format supported at present
+for such an image dump requires that it be in DEC's `sixel' format; this is
+documented in the programmers' manuals for the LN03 printer and the VT240/1
+terminals. Such files can be generated by the {\sf ReToS} program from
+sources written in ReGIS; provided that the correct device type is specified
+(\verb+LN03+ or \verb+LN03_PLUS+, as appropriate), the {\sf ReToS} output
+may be imported {\it verbatim}.
+To prepare \LaTeX{} to include such an image, include {\tt graphics} as an
+option to the {\tt\bs documentstyle} command; this will define five new
+commands, the first four of which are as follows:
+ \item[{\tt\bs smallVT240}] Includes an image dump in a space 1.6inches
+ high and $2\frac23$ inches wide, suitable for a full-screen dump from a
+ VT240/1 terminal measuring $480\times800$ screen pixels, at 1:1 scaling
+ \item[{\tt\bs largeVT240}] For printing a dump at 2:1 scaling, occupying
+ 3.2in$\times5\frac13$in
+ \item[{\tt\bs smallVis550}] For 1:1 scaled dump from a Visual 550
+ terminal, with $585\times768$ screen pixels, in a space measuring
+ 1.95in$\times$2.56in
+ \item[{\tt\bs largeVis550}] For printing a dump at 2:1 scaling,
+ occupying 3.9in$\times$5.12in
+(The fifth command, \verb|\gino|, is described in \S~\ref{subsub:gino}
+In each case the commands take one parameter, which must be the name of the
+sixel dump file (including any necessary file extension). The commands ensure
+that a space of the appropriate size is left within the text (you will most
+probably use the commands within a {\tt figure} and/or {\tt picture}
+environment). {\sf DVItoLN03} is passed the filename and instructed to
+treat the file as a sixel dump (by means of \TeX's {\tt\bs special} command)
+through the above macros.
+\iffulldoc\centerline{\smallVis550{\ifrmcs TEX$BIB:\fi openclose.small}}\fi
+\caption{Visual 550 Screen Dump printed by the {\tt\bs smallVis550}
+Figures~\ref{fig:small-six} and~\ref{fig:large-six} illustrate the utility of
+these commands; the dumps were taken from a Visual 550 terminal.
+\ifrmcs It is understood by the author that the Selenar SG640
+terminals in the Computer
+Centre are also capable of performing screen dumps to the VAX; if anyone would
+care to implement a program to effect such a dump, appropriate commands can be
+added to the definitions in {\tt graphics.sty}\fi
+The sixel dump will be included {\it verbatim\/} within the resulting
+{\tt.LN3} file by \DVItoLN; it {\bf must} include the necessary {\tt DCS}
+(Device Control String) sequence to introduce the dump, and finish with the
+{\tt ST} (String Terminator) escape sequence. Dumps for printing with the
+commands must specify the scaling through the third parameter of the {\tt
+DCS} sequence, therefore the files will commence with `{\tt\ESC
+P9;0;1q}'\footnote{\ESC\ represents the `escape' character} for printing
+with the ``small'' commands, and `{\tt\ESC P9;0;2q}' for use with the
+``large'' versions; see~\cite{DEC:LN03} for further details.
+\subsubsection{GINO Graphics}\label{subsub:gino}
+Thanks to the good offices of Sqn.~Ldr.~John {\sc Baggott}, a student on
+2MESE course at RMCS, a program (\verb+GINOtoSIX+) is now available which
+will convert the metafile ({\tt SAVDRA}) output of GINO to a suitable sixel
+dump, ready for inclusion in your document with the
+\verb+\gino+\footnote{Also defined in the {\tt graphics} style option}
+command. The \verb+\gino+ command takes three parameters, thus:
+ \item[] {\tt\bs
+ gino(\meta{width},\meta{height})\char`\{\meta{filename}\char`\}}
+\end{description} where the \meta{width} and \meta{height} are expressed in
+terms of the {\sf picture} environment's current \verb+\unitlength+, and
+reserve an appropriately sized area of the page for the included image.
+The \verb+GINOtoSIX+ program is documented in
+\iffulldoc\centerline{\largeVis550{\ifrmcs TEX$BIB:\fi openclose.six}}\fi
+\caption{Visual 550 Screen Dump printed by the {\tt\bs largeVis550}
+\section{Files Used and Generated by DVItoLN03}
+\subsection{The \DVI{} File}\label{sec:no-extension}
+This file, as already explained, is generated by \LaTeX{} and contains the
+commands to typeset the entire document; its device-independent
+format~\cite{TUGboat-DVI} means
+that it can be processed by different {\sf DVIto}\dots{} programs to permit
+driving many different output devices, from VDUs and dot-matrix printers, with
+lowish resolutions, through laser printers, with resolutions (usually) of 300
+dots per inch, right up to photo-typesetters, some of which have resolutions
+of 5,333$\frac{1}{3}$ dots per inch!
+\subsection{The {\tt .LN3} File}
+This file is generated by the {\tt DVILN03} command; the file {\it name\/} is
+the same as that specified for the \DVI{} file. These \LN{} files
+tend to be large (hundreds of blocks long), and there is never any point in
+keeping them after printing (unless you want to print further copies
+immediately\footnote{Even this is to be deprecated; photocopying is
+faster, cheaper, and doesn't tie up the printer queue.}). It is a good idea, therefore,
+to delete such files as soon as possible, since they can quickly consume your
+disk quota; the easiest way is by specifying the {\tt /DELETE} qualifier on
+the end of the {\tt TEXPRINT} command line.
+The {\tt /OUTPUT} qualifier may be used to give this output file a different
+file specification; this may be used to override the default action, which
+is to create the file in the current directory, with file extension `\LN{}'
+and the same name as the actual \DVI{} file opened. Thus the qualifier
+could be used to divert the output to a scratch disk, such as ({\tt
+DISK\logsep SCRATCH:}). %%% SYSDEP
+This file starts off, as already mentioned in section~\ref{sec:font-load}, by
+downloading the {\sl glyphs}\footnote{see glossary} of the necessary
+characters to the LN03's font memory. The format of this part of the file
+conforms to DEC standard~180~\cite{DEC:FontFileFormat}.
+\subsection{The {\tt .TYP} File}
+This file is \DVItoLN's equivalent of the log file generated by \LaTeX; it
+contains all the output (with some differences of format) that \DVItoLN{}
+sent to your terminal (details of font loads, {\it etc\/}) and some further
+information regarding the whereabouts in the file of the start of each page.
+Assuming that the document prints satisfactorily, there is no point in
+keeping the {\tt .TYP} file, and so it should be deleted as soon as
+possible; however, if you believe that \DVItoLN{} is behaving anomalously,
+please keep this file to show \contact.
+The default behaviour of \DVItoLN{} is to delete this file providing no
+messages were issued; however, if any warning or error messages {\em were\/}
+produced, the file will be retained automatically. The \verb+/LOG+
+qualifier may be used to ensure retention of the {\tt.TYP} file;
+conversely, the {\tt/NOLOG} qualifier will {\em never\/} keep the file.
+The {\tt/LOG} qualifier may optionally take a file specification to override
+part or all of the default specification for the log file; if this is used,
+the file will always be retained.
+\subsubsection{The {\tt /VERBOSE} Qualifier}\cbstart
+During operation, the program reports on the terminal the full specification
+of all files read (the input {\tt.DVI} file and any sixel files included
+through a \verb|\special| command). In addition, for each font specified,
+it reports the name of the font, the magnification, and how many bytes were
+downloaded to the printer for that font. Furthermore, it reports the total
+number of bytes downloaded for all the fonts printed. To reassure users
+that the program hasn't died if it's processing a very large input file, it
+also indicates what stage of processing it's reached whilst finding the
+initial starting page and determining which glyphs are imaged from each
+As each page of \TeX{} output is processed, the contents of \TeX's
+\verb|\count0| to \verb|\count9| registers are output between square
+brackets, entirely analogously to \TeX's own behaviour.
+Some users/sites find this too much for them; by specifying
+\verb|/NOVERBOSE|, either explicitly on the command line, or by removing the
+line reading {\tt default} for this qualifier in the command-language
+definition {\tt.CLD} file, the majority of this output can be suppressed:
+only the name of the input file, the total download and individual page
+number messages will be output (unless a problem is encountered).
+\subsection{Font Files Read by DVItoLN03}
+For every individual {\sl font}, no matter at what ``point size'' it is used,
+\DVItoLN{} needs to read the relevant {\tt .TFM} file, which contains the
+``\TeX{} Font Metrics''. This file will also have been read by \LaTeX{} when it
+was processing your {\tt .TEX} source, and is read again to ensure that the
+fonts have not been revised, which might otherwise lead to erroneous output.
+Furthermore, every different {\it size\/} of each separate font requires a
+file describing the actual character ``rasters'', for each character's
+glyph. This installation (\sitename) %%% SYSDEP
+uses packed ({\tt .PK}) format font
+files, which save many of the 100,000 disk blocks formerly occupied by
+\TeX's libraries when {\sl expanded pixel rasters\/} in {\tt .PXL} files
+were the norm; however, \DVItoLN{} is capable of using either (or both)
+forms of font file.
+If your document referenced any {\sl virtual fonts\/}\footnote{see
+glossary}, then \DVItoLN{} will need to read the associated {\tt.VF}
+file(s)~\cite{TUGboat-VF}; the latter specifies how each character in the
+font is to be imaged, which might in turn require reference to other real or
+virtual fonts (or even the {\em same\/} font; virtual fonts may be
+\subsubsection{Directory for \TeX{} Font Metrics Files} The \TeX{} Font
+Metrics files ({\tt .TFM})~\cite{TUGboat-TFM} are read by all members of the
+\TeX{} family, and also by many DVI processing programs, including
+\DVItoLN{} and \DVItoVDU\@. Just like these other programs, \DVItoLN{}
+needs to be able to read these files; the program is told
+where to look through the \verb|/TFM_DIRECTORY| qualifier. This will have
+been set up as appropriate by your \TeX{} administrator, and will most
+probably have the value \ifdollars \verb|TEX$FONTS|\footnote{This form goes
+against {\sl Digital's\/} recommendations regarding customer-assigned
+logical names, which should not contain dollar signs}\else
+\verb|TEX_FONTS|\fi. %%% SYSDEP
+Ordinary users should {\bf never} have any requirement to use this qualifier
+on command lines, but should you have some peculiar requirement where it is
+necessary to read non-standard {\tt .TFM} files, refer to
+\subsubsection{Directories for {\tt .PK} Files} Most fonts in use at
+\sitename{} %%% SYSDEP
+are in the packed font file format; all such files are stored here in the
+directory {\tt TEX\logsep ROOT:[FONTS.PK]}; the {\sl VMS\/} logical name
+{\tt TEX\logsep PK} %%% SYSDEP
+has been defined to reference this directory. All magnifications of the same
+font appear in this single directory; they are differentiated from each
+other by the file type extension, which consists of a number followed by the
+letters `{\tt PK}'---the number $N$ for any given magnification $m$ is given
+by \[N=\lfloor(1.2^m\times R)+0.5\rfloor\] where $R$ is the output device's
+resolution in dots per inch and $\lfloor x\rfloor$ represents the floor
+operation, yielding the largest integer $<x$.
+Since the LN03 has a resolution of 300 dots per inch, this equation becomes
+\[N = \lfloor (300 \times 1.2^m) + 0.5 \rfloor\] Therefore, an unmagnified
+Computer Modern Roman 10pt font would be found in {\tt TEX\logsep
+PK:CMR10.300PK}, whilst its \verb|\magstep 5| version would be in {\tt
+TEX\logsep PK:CMR10.746PK}.
+The \verb+/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier instructs the \DVItoLN{} program how
+to find these files, and has been assigned the default value
+{\tt TEX\logsep PK:}. %%% SYSDEP
+If you wish to access your own private font files, refer to
+Alternatively, packed pixel font files may be held in a directory tree,
+as is done at \sitename{} %%% SYSDEP
+with unpacked raster files; Appendix~\ref{sec:queues} provides the details.
+\subsubsection{Directories for {\tt .PXL} Files}
+Any expanded raster pixel files are stored in a directory tree with a
+``pseudo-device'' {\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:} as its root: {\tt TEX\logsep
+DISK:[TEX.FONTS.PXL.]} is the definition used at \sitename{} for
+this logical name. Below this root are directories with numerical ``names'';
+the value of the name $N$ for any particular font magnification $m$ may be
+derived as follows:\[N = \lfloor (1.2^m \times 5 \times R) + 0.5\rfloor\]
+where $R$ is the output device's resolution\footnote{The factor $5$ arises
+from the relationship between \TeX's default {\tt\bs magnification} of
+{\tt1000} and the default resolution of 200 dots per inch, which was the
+assumed resolution of all early font files}. Since the LN03 has a resolution
+of 300 dots per inch, this equation simplifies to \[N = \lfloor (1500 \times
+1.2^m) + 0.5 \rfloor\] hence the unmagnified fonts are in directory {\tt
+TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:[1500]}; this translates to {\tt TEX\logsep
+DISK:[TEX.FONTS.PXL.1500]} at \sitename. Similarly, those at
+\verb|\magstep 3| are in directory {\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:[2592]}.
+The \verb+/PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier instructs the \DVItoLN{}
+program how to find these files; at \sitename, %%% SYSDEP
+this has been assigned the default value {\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:}.
+Alternatively, unpacked pixel font files may be held in a single flat
+directory, as is done at \sitename{} %%% SYSDEP
+with packed pixel files; Appendix~\ref{sec:queues} provides the details.
+\subsubsection{Directory for Virtual Font Files}
+The program needs to be able to read {\tt.VF} files for any virtual fonts
+used in the document; in fact, for {\em every\/} font referenced, the
+program checks firstly whether the font is virtual by looking for such a
+{\tt.VF} file: only if such a file cannot be found does the program attempt
+to find files containg raster information instead.
+The program looks for these files in the location associated with the
+\verb+/VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY+ qualifier; it may be found convenient to keep such
+files in the same directory as the \TeX{} Font Metrics. At \sitename, this
+qualifier is given the value {\tt TEX\logsep FONTS:}, thus indeed placing
+them in the same directory. %%% SYSDEP
+If documents at \sitename{} never make use of virtual fonts, then the
+default should be made \verb+/NOVIRTUAL_DIRECTORY+ to gain a slight
+improvement in speed of processing.\fi
+\section*{Glossary of Terms}\markboth{GLOSSARY OF TERMS}{GLOSSARY OF TERMS}
+ \item[Aspect Ratio.]
+ (1) The ratio of the height of a pixel to its width. Most laser
+ printers have a 1:1 aspect ratio; (2) The ratio of the height of a
+ character to its width.
+ \item[Duplex Printing.]
+ A feature of such newer laser printers as the DEClaser
+ model~2200 (LN06), in which the printer contains a mechanism for
+ mechanically turning over the sheet of paper after printing on one
+ side before imaging a second page onto its reverse, thus producing a
+ double-sided document. (See also {\sl Tumbled Printing}.)
+ \item[Font {\rm or} Fount.]
+ A character set of a specified type face and size. Usually includes
+ upper- and lower-case letters, figures, punctuation marks, ligatures
+ and accents.
+ \item[Glyph.]
+ The physical representation of a ``character'' on the printed page is
+ known as that character's {\sl glyph\/}; thus the glyph for italic `A'
+ ({\it A\/}) differs from that for the same character in bold face
+ ({\bf A}).
+ \item[Landscape Orientation.]
+ Printing with the lines of type running parallel with the long edge of
+ the paper, so that the paper when read is wider than it is high.
+ \item[Packed Pixel Files.]
+ In 1985, Tomas Rokicki designed this format, which is now capable of
+ being used by the majority of \TeXware. By utilizing clever data
+ compression techniques, disk occupancy for font files is reduced by
+ 50--80\%.
+ \item[Page Orientation.]
+ With standard paper (either A4 [297mm$\times$210mm] or US
+ [11in$\times$8$\frac12$in]), printing can run parallel to either the
+ short or the long edges; these orientations are known as portrait or
+ landscape, respectively.
+ \item[Pixel.]
+ \DVItoLN{} treats the sheet of paper on which a page will
+ appear as a two-dimensional array of tiny dots known as pixels
+ (short for ``picture elements''); pixels may be either black or
+ white. The number of such pixels per inch, horizontally {\it and}
+ vertically, is determined by the {\sl resolution\/} and {\sl aspect
+ ratio\/} of the printing device. The total printable area of the
+ LN03 (on A4 paper) is $2400\times3400$ pixels.
+ \sitename{} %%% SYSDEP
+ has a number of Digital LN03-Plus laser printers with a resolution
+ of 300 dots per inch and an aspect ratio of 1:1.
+ \item[Portrait Orientation.]
+ Printing with the lines of type running parallel with the short edge of
+ the paper, the normal form for books, with the page higher than it
+ is wide.
+ \item[Raster.]
+ In the same way that a television screen is scanned as a {\sl
+ raster\/} of horizontal scan lines, so each character's glyph is built
+ up from rows of pixels. The representation of any character can then
+ be said to occupy a certain number of {\sl rows\/} and {\sl
+ columns\/}.
+ \item[Recto Pages.]
+ The right-hand pages in a book, like \ifodd\count0 this
+ one\else the one opposite\fi.
+ \item[Resolution.]
+ The number of picture elements (``pixels'') appearing per linear or
+ square inch (or suitable metric measure).
+ \item[Simplex Printing.]
+ This is the normal mode of printing with laser printers,
+ except for those that can support {\sl Duplex Printing\/}; text and
+ graphics are imaged on one side of the paper only. {\bf N.B.}
+ Before attempting to pass such sheets through the printer a second
+ time to print on the reverse of each sheet (``poor man's duplex''),
+ check the manufacturer's documentation to ensure that this will not
+ cause damage to your printer.
+ \item[Tumbled Printing.]
+ When printing in {\sl Duplex\/} mode (see above), the reverse of
+ each sheet will usually have its text oriented the same way round as
+ the front side, if the paper is turned over in the manner of reading
+ a book. This (when combined with {\sl Portrait\/} orientation)
+ means that the pages can be bound along the long edge of the paper
+ to form a book.
+ Sometimes it is desirable to bind the document along the short edge
+ (like a flip-chart), or more often, along the long edge for
+ {\sl Landscape\/} oriented books; in this case, {\sl Tumble Mode
+ Printing\/} would be selected so that the {\it verso\/} pages are
+ printed `upside-down'---the double-page spread would then have both
+ pages, when bound, in the same apparent orientation.
+ \item[Unpacked Pixel Files.]
+ The original means of representing the fonts used by \TeX{} was in
+ the form of unpacked rasters. Each row of pixels within the
+ character's raster is represented by the appropriate number of
+ 32-bit words; therefore a glyph occupying 65 rows of 36 columns
+ would require {\em two\/} words per row (wasting 28 bits in each
+ row), and thus require a total of 130 words or 520 bytes. In
+ addition, there are a number of other parameters required for each
+ character's glyph, so this character would occupy at least 540 bytes
+ of disk space.
+ \item[Verso Pages.]
+ The left-hand pages in a book, like \ifodd\count0 the one
+ opposite\else this one\fi.
+ \item[Virtual Fonts.]
+ One of the extensions to \TeX, introduced by Knuth~\cite{TeX3} in
+ his major enhancement of 1990 (V3), is the concept of virtual
+ fonts~\cite{TUGboat-VF}. Whilst \TFM{} files exist in the usual way
+ for virtual fonts, and are used by \TeX{} in exactly the same manner
+ as those for ``real'' fonts, there are no associated pixel files.
+ Instead, a {\tt.VF} file provides a mapping for each character in
+ the virtual font; the mapping for any single character might
+ reference one (or more) characters from some real font(s), or
+ perhaps construct a glyph from some pattern of horizontal and
+ vertical rules---{\tt.VF} files contain sequences of \meta{dvi
+ command}s for each glyph, which are interpreted by the output
+ driver. Thus virtual fonts can contain, for example, accented
+ letters formed from a combination of two or more characters, but
+ treated by \TeX{} as single `letters', and hence capable of being
+ considered by \TeX's hyphenation routines. Furthermore, since each
+ character can be `tuned' individually, better positioning of accents
+ on such things as upper-case letters can be achieved.
+\section[Information for System Managers]{How to configure the Directories and
+set up a Printer Queue for an LN03}\label{sec:queues}
+This appendix provides details for system managers configuring an LN03 into
+their system to support \TeXware.
+\subsection{Creating the Appropriate Directories}
+\DVItoLN{} will work with packed or unpacked pixel files, or a mixture
+of both. It does not support the use of generic font files, and is unlikely
+to, since that would require it to read the entire raster into memory to
+determine the bounding box size, whilst the other formats both include this
+information in the file, so the glyph's raster can be copied piecemeal.
+In common with other binary files used by \TeXware{} under VMS,
+such files {\em must\/} be organized as 512-byte fixed-length records: if
+you've got them in some other mode, such as Stream-LF or variable-length
+no-carriage-control, then either recreate them with a VMS implementation of
+{\sf GFtoPK, GFtoPX}, or fetch them from somewhere else that {\em does\/}
+have them in the right format.
+\subsubsection{Where to put Packed Pixel ({\tt.PK}) Files}
+At RMCS the {\tt.PK} files of all the fonts supported are placed in
+{\bf one} directory; this is referenced {\it via\/} the logical name
+{\tt TEX\logsep PK}, and the latter provided as the default value for the
+\verb+/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier\footnote{Not forgetting to include a
+`{\tt:}' at the end of the logical name; the qualifier provided {\em must\/}
+legally be capable of being prefixed to a partial file specification, which
+may contain a directory part} in the \verb+DVITOLN03.CLD+ command definition
+file. Each font file should include the magnification and resolution
+indication in its file type extension. On the system at RMCS,
+{\tt TEX\logsep PK} points to {\tt TEX\logsep ROOT:[FONTS.PK]},
+and looks like this:
+Directory TEX\logsep ROOT:[FONTS.PK]
+CMBX10.300PK;1 CMBX10.329PK;1 CMBX10.360PK;1
+CMBX10.432PK;1 CMBX10.518PK;1 CMBX10.622PK;1
+CMBX10.746PK;1 CMBX10.896PK;1 \dots
+CMINCH.300PK;1 \dots
+CMR10.300PK;1 CMR10.329PK;2 CMR10.360PK;2
+CMR10.432PK;1 CMR10.518PK;1 CMR10.622PK;1
+CMR10.746PK;1 CMR10.896PK;1 CMR17.300PK;2
+\noindent Other sites may prefer to put the font files for different
+magnifications into separate directories, in the fashion used at RMCS
+for {\em unpacked\/} pixel files (see below). In this case, the value
+provided for the \verb+/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier, or by the equivalence
+string of whatever logical
+it references, would end with `{\tt.]}'.
+\subsubsection{Where to put Expanded Raster ({\tt.PXL}) Pixel Files}
+At RMCS all the unexpanded raster pixel files relating to each different
+magnification are gathered together into separate subdirectories, with
+the subdirectory ``name'' reflecting the magnification and resolution.
+A pseudo-device
+{\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:}
+is then defined such that these
+subdirectories then appear as ``actual'' directories of the pseudo-device.
+On our installation, we define the latter as follows:\begin{description}
+\item[\cont] {\tt TEX\logsep DISK:[TEX.FONTS.PXL.]}
+The \verb+/PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier is given this logical name
+as its default value. A listing of this directory might look like this:
+Directory TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:[000000]
+1200.DIR;1 1350.DIR;1 1500.DIR;1
+1643.DIR;1 1800.DIR;1 2160.DIR;1
+2592.DIR;1 3000.DIR;1 3110.DIR;1
+3732.DIR;1 4479.DIR;1 5375.DIR;1
+6450.DIR;1 7740.DIR;1
+Total of 14 files.
+\noindent The files in the individual directories have file type {\tt.PXL};
+that for the unmagnified fonts might look (in part) like this:
+Directory TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:[1500]
+CMBX8.PXL;1 CMBX9.PXL;1 \dots
+\noindent The directory which contains the \verb|\magstep 3| files might
+look like this:
+Directory TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:[2592]
+\subsection{Modifying the Command Definition File}
+The distributed installation kit for \DVItoLN{} includes a file {\tt
+DVITOLN03.CLD} which defines the {\tt DVILN03} command and its qualifiers.
+Since individual sites may have different mixtures and arrangements for
+their packed and unpacked (if any) pixel files, and the commonest type of
+output device in use, the sensible place to allow
+for these changes is in this file. Therefore it should be modified
+to reflect local requirements in the definitions of the following
+ \item \verb|/DEVICE_TYPE|,
+ \item \cbstart\verb|/PAPER_SIZE|,
+ \item \verb|/(NO)VERBOSE|,\cbend
+ \item \verb|/TFM_DIRECTORY|,
+ \item \verb|/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY|,
+ \item \verb|/PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY|, and
+ \item \verb|/VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY|.
+Furthermore, the line reading `{\tt image "TEX\logsep EXE:DVITOLN03"}' may
+need to be changed to reflect the location of the program's executable image
+at your site.
+The \verb|/DEVICE_TYPE| qualifier has its possible values defined by that
+section of the \verb|DVITOLN03.CLD| file headed
+`\verb|define type PRINTERS|'\@. Just
+one of these values should be marked as `\verb|default|'; the distributed
+version makes \verb|LN03| the default printer type. \cbstart Similarly, the
+\verb|/PAPER_SIZE| qualifier is set by marking the default
+definition in the `\verb|define type PAPER_TYPES|' section as either
+\verb|A4| or \verb|US|.\cbend
+As described above, at RMCS we have our unpacked pixel files in a tree
+structure, whilst our packed files are all in a single directory, with
+logical names defined appropriately. Therefore, the relevant section of our
+{\tt DVITOLN03.CLD}
+file looks like this:\ifdollars
+ qualifier PK_FONT_DIRECTORY,
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX$PK:",type=$file)
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX$PXL_ROOT:",type=$file)
+ qualifier PK_FONT_DIRECTORY,
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_PK:",type=$file)
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_PXL_ROOT:",type=$file)
+(Where the logical name {\tt TEX\logsep PK} is defined as
+{\tt TEX\logsep ROOT:[FONTS.PK]} and {\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT} as
+{\tt TEX\logsep DISK:[TEX.FONTS.PXL.]}\footnote{The latter cannot be
+written as {\tt TEX\logsep ROOT:[FONTS.PXL.]} because that would cause VAX
+Record Management Services (RMS) to attempt to interpret the expanded string
+{\tt TEX\logsep DISK:[TEX.][FONTS.PXL.][1500]\dots}!})
+Modifications that you may wish to undertake are:\begin{itemize}
+ \item Change either or both {\tt default=} strings to reflect the actual
+ directory specification instead of using a logical name.
+ \item If your site doesn't use one of these file classes at all, remove
+ the line `\verb|default,|' from the relevant qualifier's definition.
+At least one of these qualifiers {\em must\/} have a default or explicit value
+provided, through the {\tt.CLD} file or a command-line qualifier; the
+program cannot run without some source of pixel files. If both formats of
+pixel files are in use at a site, then the packed ones will be inspected
+before any attempt to open unpacked files.
+To make use of the {\tt DVILN03} command, each user must issue the DCL
+command\footnote{Some sort of logical name or other means of expressing the
+specification of the directory in which {\tt DVITOLN03.CLD} resides will
+most probably be required; at RMCS, we keep all such command definition
+files in the directory
+to which the logical name {\tt TEX\logsep EXE:} refers}%%% SYSDEP
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|SET COMMAND DVITOLN03|
+\end{description} to read the (possibly revised) command definition file; \TeX
+nicians can do this for their users automatically by including the above
+\verb|SET COMMAND| in a command procedure that all users of \TeX{} execute.
+Even better (because the VMS Command Definition Utility isn't the fastest of
+beasts!) is for the system manager to add the {\tt DVILN03} command to
+\verb|SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE| so that the command is always
+available on a system-wide basis; do this by issuing the
+command:\begin{description} \squash
+ \item[\prompt]\verb|SET COMMAND DVITOLN03 -|
+This command can only be executed if you have write access
+to the directory \verb+SYS$SHARE+\footnote{Note that this section now recommends
+placing the revised tables in {\tt SYS\$COMMON}, so that separate nodes in a
+cluster don't end up running different versions of the tables; this would
+not apply, of course, if \TeX{} and its friends were not installed
+\subsection{Creating a Forms Library for use with the Queue}
+The formatting imposed by the VAX printer
+symbiont is controlled by {\sl forms\/};
+the {\tt PRINT} command takes a
+{\tt /FORM=} qualifier which may be used to specify the form to be used when
+printing any particular file. Each form defines the printable size of each
+page, and may specify that certain {\sl setup files\/} be output to the
+printer at the start of each job and/or page. A separate library of such
+setup files may be specified for each queue.
+A couple of such setup files will be required for use with an LN03, and at
+this installation they are held in the file \verb|SYS$LIBRARY:LN03CTL.TLB|
+which is a text library\footnote{It is a requirement of the printer
+symbiont that forms libraries be in directory {\tt SYS\$LIBRARY:}}. It is
+necessary, therefore, to create such a library; this need be done only
+For printing {\tt .LN3} files, at least the following two setup
+files will be required:
+ \item {\tt RESET.TXT} --- should contain the escape sequence to reset
+ the LN03 to its factory settings, thus clearing any error conditions.
+ This may be just the two character escape sequence `\ESC\verb|c|',
+ although proper resetting of an LN03-Plus requires
+ `\ESC\verb+[!p+\ESC\verb|c|' to ensure that Tektronix mode is correctly
+ cancelled.
+ \item {\tt PORTRAIT.TXT} --- should contain escape sequences to use the
+ LN03 in portrait orientation, using the appropriate paper size; at RMCS
+ we use European A4 paper in extended portrait format; an appropriate
+ sequence would be: `\ESC\verb*|[?22 J|\ESC\verb|[16m|%
+ \ESC\verb|(B|\ESC\verb|)0|\ESC\verb|*<|\ESC\verb|+>|'.
+ This setup sequence actually is required only for
+ non-\TeX{} use of the printer; it defines the paper area to be used,
+ selects a standard (DEC monospaced) font, and designates the G0\dots G3
+ character sets. None of this is strictly necessary for use by \TeX,
+ since \DVItoLN{} puts appropriate escape sequences into the {\tt .LN3}
+ file to control all these features; however, such a setup file would be
+ useful for formatting ordinary (non-\LaTeX) text printing on the LN03.
+It may be convenient to define other setup files such as {\tt LANDSCAPE.TXT},
+{\tt ELITE.TXT}, {\it etc\/}.
+\subsection{Defining Forms for use with LN03 Queue}
+Only one form is required specifically for printing \LN{} files; other
+forms may be defined for convenience when printing other files on the LN03.
+At RMCS, this form is called {\tt PLOT\logsep FORM}, since it is also used to
+``format'' for printing files which constitute screen dumps taken from
+graphics terminals. It has been arbitrarily assigned as form number 83, and
+the example below uses this name and number. Of course, such nomenclature
+needs to be assigned suitably at each site by the system manager.%%% SYSDEP
+The following command would generate an appropriate form; the footnotes
+detail items to which particular attention should be paid:
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|DEFINE/FORM-|
+ \item[\cont]
+ \verb|/DESCRIPTION="Portrait 66x80 without WRAP for laser printers"-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/LENGTH=66-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/MARGIN=(BOTTOM=0,LEFT=0,RIGHT=0,TOP=0)-|\footnote{No
+ margins around the text; these could
+ introduce spurious spaces, which might
+ even be in the middle of an escape
+ sequence}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/STOCK=A4-|\footnote{Ensure that print jobs will
+ only be released to the printer when it
+ contains the correct paper type.}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOTRUNCATE-|\footnote{{\tt /NOTRUNCATE/NOWRAP} to
+ ensure that the long character records
+ of the \LN{} files don't get broken up
+ by the symbiont}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOWRAP-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/WIDTH=80-|\footnote{The width is still specified as
+ the maximum printable with the printer's
+ in-built fonts, in order that any flag
+ pages printed are of the correct width}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/SETUP=(RESET,PORTRAIT)-|\footnote{Invoke the
+ appropriate setup files
+ when the form is used}
+ \item[\cont] {\tt\ \ \ PLOT\logsep FORM 83}
+\subsection{Setting the ``Terminal's'' Physical Characteristics}
+The first step, assuming that a LN03 or LN03-Plus printer has been connected
+to a particular terminal port of the {\sl VAX}, is to configure that port;
+at RMCS the terminal has been connected to
+\verb|_TXA4:|, %%% SYSDEP
+but this will obviously be installation-dependent. Therefore the examples
+refer to the terminal line through the DCL symbol \verb|LASER_TERM|, this
+can be equated to the real device by means of a DCL string assignment such
+as the following:\begin{description} %%% SYSDEP
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|LASER_TERM = "_TXA4:"|
+Therefore, we will need to issue a command somewhat like this (refer to the
+footnotes for the {\it raison d'\^etre\/} behind some of these settings):
+ \item[\prompt]\verb|SET TERMINAL-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/PERMANENT-|\footnote{Note that this has to be
+ done to the {\sl permanent\/} characteristics}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/DEVICE_TYPE=LN03-|\footnote{We set the terminal
+ device type, using {\tt /DEVICE\_TYPE}\@. This
+ should take care of things like {\tt /FORM},
+ {\tt /TAB}, {\it etc}, although we can't do any
+ harm by mentioning these explicitly!}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/FORM-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/TAB-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/SPEED=19200-|\footnote{To improve the speed at
+ which documents are printed, it is best if the
+ printer is set up to its fastest speed,
+ 19,200Bd}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/WIDTH=255-|\footnote{Typically, {\tt .LN3} files
+ contain records up to about 180 characters long
+ (including escape sequences); therefore we don't
+ want the terminal driver to interrupt these,
+ and insert spurious CR-LF pairs,
+ so we set an artificially high {\tt /WIDTH} and
+ also ensure that the ``terminal'' is set {\tt
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOWRAP-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/PAGE=66-|\footnote{Other (non-{\tt.LN3}) files
+ printed on the device need to use only 66 lines
+ per page}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOBROADCAST-|\footnote{We don't want operator
+ messages to terminals to get to the printer, so
+ set it {\tt /NOBROADCAST}}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOMODEM-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOHANGUP-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOECHO-|\footnote{Any input from the printer
+ (possible error status reports) should {\bf
+ not} be echoed back to it, so set the terminal
+ {\tt /NOECHO}}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/DMA-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb| 'LASER_TERM'|
+Most probably we would arrange for these operations to be performed whenever
+the {\sl VAX\/} is booted, by including the commands in [a command procedure
+which is invoked from within] \verb|SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM|
+Now that we've set the characteristics of the terminal line connected to the
+LN03 we need to associate it with a print queue (for transparent spooling,
+{\it e.g.\/} if someone types the command \verb|COPY filename _TXA4:|); in
+this example, we're configuring the queue {\tt SEES\logsep LASER}, using device
+\verb|SYS$SYSDEVICE:| for spooling:--
+Finally, we are ready to create and start the printer queue; we associate the
+appropriate ({\tt PLOT\logsep FORM}) default form with the queue, for use with
+transparent spooling printing, and arrange for the appropriate setup file to
+be used to clear the queue between each job:--
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOENABLE_GENERIC-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NOBATCH-|
+ \item[\cont] {\tt /FORM=PLOT\logsep FORM-}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/NORETAIN-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/LIBRARY=LN03CTL-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/SCHEDULE=NOSIZE-|
+ \item[\cont]
+ \footnote{Note that the {\tt RESET} module is not specified here; if
+ it were, the symbiont would insert a spurious blank page after each
+ job}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/START-|
+ \item[\cont] {\tt /DEFAULT=(NOFEED,NOFLAG,FORM=PLOT\logsep FORM)-}
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/ON='LASER_TERM'-|
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/RECORD_BLOCKING-|
+ \item[\cont] {\tt\ \ \ SEES\logsep LASER}
+\section{{\tt DVILN03} Command Qualifiers}\label{sec:qualifiers}
+As already described, the {\tt DVILN03} command takes \cbstart nineteen
+qualifiers; their functions are as follows:\begin{description}
+ \item[\tt /STARTING\_PAGE=\meta{page\_string}] Takes a string-valued
+ item which specifies the number of the first page to be processed.
+ The format of this string may be defined, using BNF notation, as
+ follows:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[] \meta{page\_string} ::= \meta{string\_item} $|$
+ \meta{page\_string}{\tt.}\meta{string\_item}
+ \item[] \meta{string\_item} ::= {\tt*} $|$ \meta{integer}
+ \end{itemize}
+ The default is `{\tt *}', which matches any page number, and hence
+ will commence by processing the first page in the file. Each
+ successive \meta{string\_item} is used to attempt matches with each
+ succeeding one of \TeX's counters \verb|\count0| \dots
+ \verb|\count9|; the first of these is by convention used for the
+ page number. Successive counters may be used for special effects,
+ for example, to start printing at the first page whose
+ \verb+\count0+ is 3 and \verb+\count3+ is 6, one could use
+ \verb+/STARTING_PAGE=3.*.*.6+.
+ \item[\tt /NUMBER\_OF\_PAGES=\meta{positive\_integer}] Takes a value
+ which indicates the total number of pages to be printed, including
+ the \verb|STARTING_PAGE|\@. The default value (of {\tt 10000000})
+ is normally large enough to print the whole of a document!
+ \item[\tt /TOP\_MARGIN=\meta{dimension}] Specifies how far down
+ from the top edge of the paper the reference point is to be placed.
+ The value may be given in any of \TeX's \meta{physical unit}s ({\tt
+ pt sp pc in cm mm dd cc}), with the addition of {\tt mi} and {\tt
+ px}, and the default value (of {\tt 300px}) places the reference
+ point at the conventional one inch from the top edge.
+ \item[\tt /LEFT\_MARGIN=\meta{dimension}] Specifies how far across from
+ the left edge of the paper the reference point is to be placed.
+ The value may again be given in any \meta{physical unit}, and the
+ default value (of {\tt 300px}) places the reference point at the
+ conventional one inch from the left edge.
+ \item[\tt /ORIENTATION] Takes the values {\tt PORTRAIT} or {\tt
+ LANDSCAPE} and specifies in which orientation the {\tt .LN3} file is
+ to initialize the LN03. Unless you have taken measures to change
+ \LaTeX's assumptions about the paper size (by changing such page
+ layout parameters as \verb+\textheight+), use of
+ \verb|/ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE| will lead to text overflowing the page.
+ \item[{\tt/\rm[\tt NO\rm]\tt LOG}] Ordinarily, \DVItoLN{} will delete
+ the log file ({\tt .TYP}) provided no anomalies of any form were
+ detected. However, if the program issued {\em any\/} error or
+ warning messages, the file will be retained for later perusal. By
+ specifying {\tt/LOG}, we can force the program always to retain the
+ file, whilst {\tt/NOLOG} will always discard the file, even if
+ errors/warnings were issued.
+ Optionally, the {\tt/LOG} qualifier can take a value, which can be a
+ complete or partial file specification to override the defaults
+ which normally apply to this file. For example,
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|DVIL/LOG=.DVI_LOG xx|
+ \end{description}
+ would
+ create the log file as \verb+XX.DVI_LOG+, in the current directory,
+ instead of as \verb+XX.TYP+. Even if there were no errors, the log
+ file would be retained after \DVItoLN{} had finished its
+ processing.
+ \item[{\tt/\rm[\tt NO\rm]\tt VERBOSE}] \cbstart If \verb|/NOVERBOSE| is
+ specified, messages indicating progress during the initial scans of
+ the input file are suppressed, as are those showing the sizes of
+ individual fonts downloaded, and any sixel files read by a
+ \verb|\special| command.\cbend
+ \item[\tt /OUTPUT] This qualifier, if used, must specify a partial or
+ complete file specification to override the defaults for the \LN{}
+ file; for example\begin{description}
+ \end{description}
+ would direct the output to \verb+SILK_PURSE.LN3+ in
+ directory \verb+WORK$DIR:+ (whatever that might be) instead of to
+ \verb+SOWS_EAR.LN3+ in the current directory.
+ \item[\tt /DEVICE\_TYPE=\meta{device name}] Specifies the type of
+ printer on which the output file is intended to be printed; at
+ \sitename, the default value for this qualifier is
+ \verb|LN03|. %%% SYSDEP
+ Other possible values are \verb|LN05| and \verb|LN06|; certain other
+ combinations of the next three qualifiers may only be specified in
+ association with suitable values for this qualifier.
+ \item[\tt/PRINT\_MODE=(\meta{modelist})] Specifies whether the printer
+ shall print \verb|SIMPLEX| (one side of paper only) or
+ \verb|DUPLEX| (on both sides of the paper: with the LN03
+ and LN05 printers, \verb|DUPLEX| may only be specified in
+ conjunction with the \verb|MASTER| mode.) For duplex printing, the
+ user may in addition specify whether the reverse side of each sheet
+ shall be printed ``right way up'' (\verb|NORMAL|) or ``upside-down''
+ (\verb|TUMBLED|); tumbled output can be useful for generating a
+ document that's intended to be bound along its short edge (in
+ portrait orientation).
+ The \verb|MASTER| mode is only of use in conjunction with
+ \verb|DUPLEX|; it causes blank pages to be generated when necessary,
+ but all output appears printed on one side of the paper only---since
+ blank pages are interspersed as necessary, the resultant output may
+ be readily photocopied into a double-sided document.
+ To specify more than one mode with this qualifier, enclose a list of
+ modes, separated by commas, within parentheses; for example:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item[{\tt /\rm[\tt NO\rm]\tt DUPLEX\_BY\_PAGE\_NUMBERS}] This qualifier
+ is present by default, but only has any effect when \verb|DUPLEX| is
+ specified within the \verb|PRINT_MODE| qualifier list; it causes a
+ blank page to be
+ ejected whenever two even-numbered pages follow each other, and also
+ when two odd-numbered pages follow each other; thus odd-numbered
+ pages always appear on the front of a printed sheet, and even-%
+ numbered ones on the reverse. Printers (the people, not the
+ machines!) refer to such pages as {\it recto\/} and {\it verso},
+ respectively, since the odd pages appear on the right, and the even
+ ones on their reverse (the left). Note that page~0 is treated,
+ exceptionally, as an odd-numbered page, so that it will appear on
+ the right, since such pages often form the title or cover page of a
+ document.
+ Note that specifying \verb|/NODUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS| causes both
+ sides of every sheet (except, possibly, the last) to be printed; no
+ blank pages will be interspersed.
+ \item[\tt/FEED\_TRAY=(\meta{traylist})] With the LN06, it is possible
+ to specify from which of its feed trays paper shall be fed; such
+ specifications may apply to all the sheets printed, or the first
+ sheet may be specified to be taken from a different source compared
+ with that used for the subsequent sheets. The syntax requires
+ either one entry, {\tt ALL=\meta{traytype}}, or either
+ {\tt FIRST=\meta{traytype}} and/or {\tt REST=\meta{traytype}}: the
+ \meta{traytype}s can be any one of:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb|DEFAULT_TRAY|,
+ \item \verb|TOP_TRAY|,
+ \item \verb|BOTTOM_TRAY|,
+ \item \verb|ENVELOPE_TRAY|,
+ \item \verb|MANUAL_FEED|
+ \end{itemize}
+ \noindent{\sl Example:\/}
+ The values \verb|TOP_TRAY| and \verb|MANUAL_FEED| may be specified
+ when using the LN05 (DEClaser~2100) printer; the program doesn't yet
+ support the optional 1000-sheet capacity tray that may be fitted to
+ the LN05 and LN06 (mainly because the author hasn't discovered how
+ to address it!)
+ Tray selection is not supported, of course, on the original LN03
+ printer.
+ \item[\tt/HFUZZ=\meta{dimension}] Control the distance by which text
+ must exceed the right margin (as defined by \TeX{} in the \DVI{}
+ file) before \DVItoLN{} complains that `{\tt Page wider than TeX
+ reported by $x$pt}'.
+ When \TeX{} generates a \DVI{} file, it
+ includes in that file information regarding the maximum width and
+ depth of the pages created: when \DVItoLN{} processes the \DVI{}
+ file, it will produce (and it always has produced) warning messages
+ if any characters exceed these limits. Ordinarily, such excursions
+ ``beyond the margins'' will not occur (at least, not without \TeX{}
+ having issued an `{\tt overfull \}' warning itself), but some
+ macro packages {\em do\/} permit \TeX{} to exceed the
+ boundaries\footnote{For example, the output of {\sc Weave}, when
+ formatted by the {\tt webmac} macros, permits lines of formatted
+ {\sc Pascal} code to exceed the right-hand margin by up to 10pt.}.
+ By using this qualifier with some suitable dimension, such messages
+ can be suppressed; however, you should only use this if you truly
+ are being overloaded by such messages, since the default is intended
+ to inform you that \TeX{} didn't do a good job of the setting, and
+ there really {\em will\/} be something sticking out into the margin.
+ The default value ({\tt100sp}) corresponds to that formerly
+ `hard-wired' into the program: this is an invisibly small distance,
+ approximately equivalent to the wavelength of visible light(!) but
+ is large enough to absorb any rounding errors that may have
+ occurred.
+ \item[\tt/VFUZZ=\meta{dimension}] This is analogous to the \verb+/HFUZZ+
+ qualifier above, but takes care of those occasions on which \TeX{}
+ has set text below the bottom of the area that it has notified as
+ being the maximum depth of the page; the related warning message
+ from \DVItoLN{} is `{\tt Page deeper than TeX reported by
+ $y$pt}'. The author has never found any circumstances under which
+ \TeX{} does this, but the qualifier is available for anyone who does
+ suffer from this warning! Once again, the default value for the
+ qualifier is {\tt100sp}.
+ \item[]{\sl The following qualifiers should never need to be used by
+ ordinary users; the information below is mainly intended to help system
+ managers:}
+ \item[\tt /PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY] This must specify a directory (or
+ directory tree) in which the packed pixel files (if used) are to be
+ found. Directory trees are indicated by having `{\tt.]}' as the
+ last two characters of the ``directory'' specification. A logical
+ name may be given for this qualifier, provided it resolves to an
+ appropriate directory specification; do remember to include a
+ terminating `{\tt:}', because the qualifier itself is used verbatim
+ as a prefix to the file specification for each font file. If a
+ multi-valued logical name is used, the equivalence strings must {\em
+ all\/} reference single directories, or must {\em all\/} reference
+ directory trees; only the first equivalence string is examined to
+ determine whether a flat or tree structure is being used. The {\tt
+ DVITOLN03.CLD} command definition file provided has the default
+ value {\tt TEX\logsep PK:} for this qualifier.
+ \item[\tt /PXL\_FONT\_DIRECTORY] This specifies the directory (or
+ directory tree) in which unpacked pixel raster files may be found,
+ if used. The same rules regarding use of logical names apply here
+ as to the previous qualifier. The {\tt.CLD} file provided gives
+ this a default value of {\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT:}.
+ \item[\tt /TFM\_DIRECTORY]
+ This specifies the directory (or directories)
+ in which the \TeX{} Font Metrics (\TFM) are to be found by the
+ program. The distributed version of the {\tt DVITOLN03.CLD} file
+ has {\tt TEX\logsep FONTS:} as the default value for this qualifier.
+ \item[\tt /VIRTUAL\_DIRECTORY] This specifies the directory (or
+ directories) in which Virtual Font ({\tt.VF}) files are to be found
+ by the program. The distributed version of the {\tt DVITOLN03.CLD}
+ file has {\tt TEX\logsep FONTS:} as the default value for this
+ qualifier, thus placing {\tt.VF} files in the same directory as the
+ \TFM{} files. If virtual fonts are not in use, remove the line
+ `\verb|default,|' from the definition of this qualifier.
+ \item[\tt/PAPER\_SIZE] \cbstart This qualifier must have one of the
+ values (defined in the \verb|PAPER_TYPES| section of the {\tt.CLD}
+ file) specified as default. The value ({\tt A4} or {\tt US}) should
+ reflect the setting of the paper size switch at the rear of the
+ printer. As might be expected, the values prepare the program to
+ use European ($210\times297$mm) or US Letter ($8\frac12\times11$in)
+ paper, respectively.\cbend
+\section{How to use your own Fonts with \TeX\ and
+Ordinary users should {\bf never} have any requirement to use the qualifiers
+that select the location of the \TFM\ or pixel raster files; exceptionally,
+however, if you need to use a special font that doesn't otherwise exist in
+the standard directories, these qualifiers can be used, in conjunction with
+process logical names, to permit access to the user's own font(s) as well as
+the standard ones.
+First of all, both \TeX{} itself and \DVItoLN{} will require access to the
+\TeX{} Font Metrics; as already described, these normally reside in a
+directory to which the logical name {\tt TEX\logsep FONTS}
+refers; one could, of course, simply redefine this
+logical name to point to the new fonts, but then neither \TeX{} nor
+\DVItoLN{} would be able to locate the {\em standard\/} fonts. So one might
+define what {\sl Digital\/} call a search-list (but the author prefers to
+call a multi-valued logical name), like this:
+ \item[\prompt] {\tt DEFINE MY\_FONTS [MY\_DIR.TFM],TEX\logsep FONTS}
+Then to run \LaTeX, one would have to say:
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|LATEX/FONT_DIRECTORY=MY_FONTS: MY_FILE|\footnote{Note
+ the `{\tt:}' after the logical name; whatever is
+ provided as the value for the
+ {\tt/FONT\_DIRECTORY} qualifier must legally be
+ capable of being prefixed to a file
+ specification}
+This will allow \LaTeX{} to access both the standard and your own fonts;
+since your fonts precede the standard ones in the search list, \TFM{} files
+will be taken from your directory in preference to any of the same name that
+might already be in the standard location.
+To run \DVItoLN, it must have access not only to the \TFM{} files, but also
+to the pixel raster files (either packed or unpacked). Whichever file
+directory organization has been chosen for these (and packed and unpacked
+rasters can utilize different organizations), the pixel files for your
+private fonts {\em must\/} have the same organization. Therefore, if you
+have only packed pixel files, and the standard fonts are arranged in a flat
+directory, referenced by the logical {\tt TEX\logsep PK},
+you might make the following definition:
+ \item[\prompt] {\tt DEFINE MY\_PK\_FILES [MY\_DIR.FONTS.PK],TEX\logsep PK}
+Alternatively, or additionally, if you have unpacked pixel rasters in a
+rooted directory structure, the following definition might suffice, assuming
+that the standard fonts are accessible through
+{\tt TEX\logsep PXL\_ROOT}:
+ \item[\prompt]
+Then to run \DVItoLN, providing it with access to the \TFM{} and pixel files
+of both your own and the standard fonts, it would be necessary to invoke the
+program like this:
+ \item[\prompt] \verb|DVILN03 /TFM_DIRECTORY=MY_FONTS:|\footnote{Again,
+ note that the `{\tt:}' is necessary on the user-defined
+ logical name so that it may be prepended to a file
+ specification} -
+ \item[\cont] \verb|/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY=MY_PK:|\footnote{And/or {\tt
+Once such a private font has been proven locally in your directory, it would
+be better if you got your local \TeX nician to install the fonts along with
+the standard ones (unless there are licensing restrictions applicable to the
+use of the non-standard fonts), since it will save the usage of all those
+awkward command-line qualifiers!
+\section{The GINOtoSIX Program}\label{appx:GINOtoSIX}
+This program was written by Squadron Leader John {\sc Baggott}, who was an
+M.Sc.\ student at RMCS in 1987. It is written in {\sc Fortran} and has a
+full DCL command-line interface. \ifrmcs\else Any site that is interested
+in acquiring a copy of the program is welcome to request it by sending an
+e-mail message to the author of \DVItoLN{},
+\verb+<>+ ({\sc Janet}).\fi
+\subsection{Preparing to use {\tt GINOtoSIX}} Before first attempting to use
+the program, invoke its command definition, by executing the following
+\item[\prompt] \tt SET COMMAND TEX\logsep EXE:GINOTOSIX %%% SYSDEP
+(Frequent users of the utility may care to put this command into their login
+command procedure.)
+\subsection{Using the {\tt GINOtoSIX} Program}
+Whatever graphics are required to be converted to sixel format must firstly
+be output by GINO into a pseudo-code file (using the {\tt SAVDRA} driver).
+Then invoke {\tt GINOtoSIX} as follows:
+\item[\prompt] \tt GINOTOSIX \meta{file\_name}
+\subsubsection{Qualifiers applicable to {\tt GINOtoSIX}}
+The utility can take a number of optional qualifiers, as under:
+\item[\tt/SIZE=(\meta{option,\dots})] Specifies the area, in millimetres, of
+the sixel image. If this qualifier is not used, the default action is to
+copy the window size (or the paper size if windowing is not in effect) of
+the saved picture segment.
+Options are as follows:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\tt WIDTH:\meta{number}] Specifies the width in mm of the sixel
+ image; defaults to the saved width.
+ \item[\tt HEIGHT:\meta{number}] Specifies the height in mm of the sixel
+ image; defaults to the saved height.
+ \end{description}
+If only one option is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.
+{\bf N.B.} If this qualifier is used in conjunction with the {\tt/SCALE}
+qualifier, the action is firstly to scale, then window the image. If the
+{\tt/SCALE} qualifier is not used, the image is scaled to fit the size
+\item[{\tt/\rm[\tt NO\rm]\tt FORMFEED}] Instructs {\tt GINOtoSIX} to append
+a form feed character to the end of the sixel file. This allows the output
+to be queued directly to the LN03 printer for previewing. A formfeed must
+{\bf not} be appended to sixel files that are to be imported into a \LaTeX{}
+document by the \verb+\gino+ command (from the {\tt graphics} style option).
+The default is {\tt/NOFORMFEED}.
+\item[\tt/SCALE=\meta{factor}] Scale the stored image by a factor; the
+default factor is $1{\cdot}0$.
+\item[\tt/SEGMENT=\meta{integer}] Specifies which picture segment in the
+{\tt SAVDRA} file is to be used for producing the image, the default is
+$0$. If this qualifier is not used, the maximum record length for the input
+file is used.
+\item[\tt/OUTPUT=\meta{file\_spec}] Controls where the output file will be
+written; \meta{file\_spec} may be a full or partial specification; if not
+specified, the file name will be that of the input file, and its extension
+will be {\tt.SIX}.
+\subsection{Examples of the use of {\tt GINOtoSIX}}
+\item \begin{description}\squash
+ \item[\prompt] \verb+GINOTOSIX FRED+
+ \end{description}
+ The program will read the file {\tt FRED.PIC}, and produce a file {\tt
+ FRED.SIX} from segment 0. The size of the sixel image will be the
+ same as the saved picture.
+\item \begin{description}\squash
+ \item[\prompt] \verb+GINOTOSIX/SCALE=0.5-+
+ \end{description}
+ Read a {\tt SAVDRA} from file {\tt FRED.GNO}, and produce a half-sized
+ image in the file specified.
+\item \begin{description}\squash
+ \item[\prompt] \verb+GINOTOSIX/SIZE=(WIDTH:150,HEIGHT:100) FRED-+
+ \item[\cont] \verb+ /SEGMENT=1/FORMFEED+
+ \end{description}
+ Reads segment 1 of {\tt FRED.PIC}, and scale the image uniformly to
+ fit in a box 150mm wide and 100mm high. A formfeed will be appended
+ to permit the image to be previewed by printing the output file, {\tt
+ \let_=\_\def\\##1|{{\it##1\/}\egroup}\\}}
+\section{Error and Warning Messages}
+This chapter describes all the various informational, warning, error and
+fatal error messages that \DVItoLN{} can issue. Most messages attempt to be
+self-explanatory, but this section gives full details of the conditions
+under which the error can be issued, and may therefore help the user in
+discovering why \DVItoLN{} is unable to process his/her \DVI{} file.
+\subsection{Fatal Errors}
+The following errors indicate that \DVItoLN{} is unable to proceed further
+with processing your \DVI{} file; where possible, methods are suggested to
+allow you to circumvent the problem. All such error messages commence with
+the text `{\tt Fatal Error:}'\footnote{Simple, isn't it!} which precedes
+the texts listed below.
+If such an error occurs, \DVItoLN{}
+will exit immediately, and the program's exit status will set the DCL symbol
+\verb+$SEVERITY+ to $4$, thus indicating a \verb+SEVERE_ERROR+.
+\subsubsection{Capacity Exceeded Errors}
+When \DVItoLN{} is presented with input that results in it using up all of
+some particular internal data structure, it is unable to go on! All these
+errors commence with the text `{\tt Fatal Error: capacity exceeded:}'.
+One possible solution is to recompile \DVItoLN, using a larger value for
+the appropriate parameter noted below. If you find that this is necessary
+at your site, please inform the author of \DVItoLN, who may be contacted by
+electronic mail as \ifrmcs{\tt N::TEX}\else\verb|<>|
+({\sc Janet})\fi. However, sometimes it is possible to proceed by using the
+\verb|/STARTING_PAGE| and \verb|/NUMBER_OF_PAGES| qualifiers to
+process the \DVI{} file in two or more smaller portions, which {\em don't\/}
+exceed the program's limits.
+ \item[\tt font file name too long (max length=$x$)] --- You've had it! The
+ limit, $x$, set at $255$ by the \Web\ constant |name_length|,
+ is already at the maximum permitted by VAX/RMS.
+ \item[\tt stack size=$x$] --- \DVI{} files can contain |push| and |pop|
+ commands; \TeX{} reports in the file the maximum number of |push|es
+ that it uses, but the program has an overall limit of $x$, set to $100$
+ through the \Web\ constant |stack_size|; if this value is exceeded, it's
+ most probably due to some \meta{dvi byte} sequence running amok in a
+ virtual font, since \TeX{} would be very hard-pressed to issue that many
+ |push|es.
+ \item[\tt too many blank verso pages] --- When printing in duplex mode, with
+ the printer ``printing'' a blank side whenever two successive odd or
+ even pages occur, the \DVItoLN{} program has to identify all such
+ transitions before printing commences. The current maximum is set by
+ the \Web\ macro |max_blank_pages|, which has a value of $100$. One
+ solution which doesn't necessitate recompiling the program is to
+ reorganize your document so that there are fewer chapters which
+ require an odd number of pages!
+ \item[\tt too many glyphs $n$ > $x$] --- The total characters, $n$, in all
+ the fonts referenced within your document exceeds the storage available,
+ $x$. The latter quantity is set by the constant |max_glyphs|
+ in the \Web, and currently has the value $10000$. It is unlikely
+ that such a document could be printed, unless only a small percentage of
+ those glyphs were actually {\em used\/} in the document, because the
+ downloaded fonts would most probably exceed the memory available on the
+ printer.
+ \item[\tt too many fonts (max fonts=$x$)] --- Your document loads more than
+ $x$ different fonts. $x$ is set by the \Web{} constant
+ |max_fonts|, and currently is set to $100$.
+ \item[\tt too many LN03 fonts] --- You've had it! The LN03-plus is
+ physically unable to image glyphs from more than |max_lnfonts|$+1 (= 14)$,
+ so the ``solution'' is to process your document in sections, such that
+ no section invokes so many glyphs that this limit is exceeded. However,
+ even the \TeX book and \MF book don't require this many fonts, so you've
+ got a very convoluted document: should you perhaps speak to a
+ typographic designer?
+ \item[\tt too many names (name size=$x$)] --- The names of all the fonts
+ used in your document exceed $x$ characters in total; $x$ is set by the
+ \Web\ constant |max_names|, and is currently set to $1000$.
+ \item[\tt too many virtual characters] --- Characters taken from a virtual
+ font that require more than simple imaging of a single character from some
+ real font result in the whole of the character's sequence of \meta{dvi
+ byte}s being stored in memory. If your document makes very intensive
+ use of virtual fonts, it may be necessary to increase |vf_size| from its
+ present value of $10000$
+\subsubsection{Bad \DVI{} File Errors}
+If \DVItoLN{} encounters a malformed \DVI\ file that prevents it from making
+any sort of valiant attempt at processing it, the program aborts with an
+error message that starts `{\tt Fatal error: Bad DVI file}'; the remainder
+of these messages are listed below. This is indicative of a serious error
+in the \DVI{} file; if you didn't generate it yourself, using \TeX, perhaps
+it was corrupted in the process of reaching your machine. Whilst \DVItoLN{}
+will attempt to explain what's wrong with the file, the tool to be used at
+this point is {\sf DVItype}: type the command
+\item[\prompt] \verb|DVITYPE|
+and follow the prompts to generate a printable analysis of the offending
+ \item[\tt all 223s] --- A \DVI{} file is supposed to finish with at least 4
+ characters having the value $223$; your file appeared to consist of
+ nothing but this character!
+ \item[\tt byte $m$ is not bop] --- \DVItoLN{} expected to find a |bop|
+ command at this point in the \DVI{} file, since it was all ready to
+ start processing a new page. $m$ indicates the byte number within the
+ file.
+ \item[\tt byte $m$ is not post] --- \DVItoLN{} expected to find the start of
+ the postamble at the indicated location in the file.
+ \item[\tt denominator is $d$] --- \TeX{} reports in the \DVI{} file the
+ actual size of the `DVI units' used therein; in fact, they are always
+ {\tt1sp} in \TeX{} output, although it would be feasible for other
+ programs that generate \DVI{} files to select a different unit. \TeX{}
+ reports the actual unit by means of a pair of integers, which, treated
+ as a rational number, will convert `DVI units' to decimicrons
+ ($0{\cdot}1\mu\hbox{m}=10^{-7}\hbox{m}$). Thus the value given to the
+ denominator by \TeX{} is usually $7227\cdot2^{16} = 473628672$, because
+ there are $2^{16}$ scaled points in a point, and there are $7227$ points
+ in 100 inches. The numerator is then $25400000 \equiv 254\hbox{\tt cm} =
+ 100\hbox{\tt in}$. This error message will be issued if the denominator
+ is negative.
+ \item[\tt first byte isn't start of preamble] --- The \DVI{} file is
+ expected to start with the |pre| command, indicating the start of the
+ preamble.
+ \item[\tt ID byte is $k$] --- The second byte of the \DVI{} file indicates
+ which version of DVI is in use; this program supports only version $2$.
+ \item[\tt magnification is $m$] --- The \DVI{} file reports whatever
+ \verb+\magnification+ may have been specified to \TeX; the given value
+ is negative!
+ \item[\tt no 223s] --- As mentioned above (see `{\tt all 223s}'), the
+ postamble is followed by a sequence of at least four bytes having the
+ value $223$; but this \DVI{} file didn't!
+ \item[\tt numerator is $n$] --- See `{\tt denominator is $d$}' above.
+ \item[\tt only $n$ bytes long] --- The \DVI{} file wasn't long enough to
+ have contained a valid preamble and postamble, let alone any useful
+ information!
+ \item[\tt page ended unexpectedly] --- A page being processed finished
+ without an explicit |eop| command, and is corrupt.
+ \item[\tt page link $p$ after byte $q$] --- The start of a page was
+ indicated as being so close after the start of the previous one that
+ there were insufficient bytes to contain the necessary bytes that are
+ required to follow the |bop| code.
+ \item[\tt post pointer $q$ at byte $m$] --- Just after the postamble the
+ address of the postamble itself is supposed to be stored: in the given
+ \DVI{} file, this pointed {\em outside\/} the file!
+ \item[\tt signature in byte $n$ should be 223] --- The {\em whole file\/}
+ (after the end of the postamble) is supposed to be filled with the $223$
+ bytes mentioned above; this file started off correctly, but then
+ degenerated into something else!
+ \item[\tt the file ended prematurely] --- Whilst processing a page,
+ \DVItoLN{} detected the end of the \DVI{} file.
+\subsubsection{Internal Errors}
+These are those errors that fall into the category of ``this can't happen''.
+The error message commences with `{\tt Fatal Error: Internal error}'. Such
+errors reveal some sort of coding error: if you ever see one of these
+errors, please contact the author, Brian {\sc Hamilton Kelly}, providing as
+much information as is necessary for him to reproduce the fault; this should
+include either the \TeX\ source, together with any non-standard style files,
+or the actual \DVI{} file being processed --- the latter can be encoded with
+{\sf VVencode}~\cite{RMCS:VVcode} for transmission by e-mail.
+Reports should be sent to \ifrmcs{\tt N::TEX}\else
+ {\tt<> \sc(Janet)}\fi.
+ \item[\tt (no dvi\_length)] --- Program couldn't determine the
+ actual length of the \DVI{} file.
+ \item[\tt (word at odd byte $n$)] --- Words written into the
+ downloaded font `file' must start at an even byte in the file.
+ \item[\tt (longword at odd byte $n$)] --- Longwords written
+ into the downloaded font `file' must start at an even byte in the file.
+ \item[\tt (empty font)] --- An internal procedure has been
+ asked to load an unused font to the printer.
+ \item[\tt (-ve delta x)] --- A forward displacement in an
+ output line has somehow managed to become a backwards one, despite
+ sorting the list into non-overlapping segments!
+ \item[\tt (String pool overflow)] --- More \verb+\special+
+ strings are defined at program initialization than the program has room
+ for.
+\subsubsection{Other Fatal Errors}
+Certain other conditions can cause \DVItoLN{} to abandon hope; these just
+commence with `{\tt Fatal Error:}'
+ {\sloppy\item[{\tt Bad /PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY qualifier; doesn't end with
+ a `]'}] --- The \linebreak[4] value provided for the
+ \verb+/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier, after applying logical name
+ translation, must end with a `{\tt]}' character; check what value is
+ being used with this qualifier.}
+ \item[{\tt Bad /PXL\_FONT\_DIRECTORY qualifier; doesn't end with
+ a `]'}] \hfil --- \linebreak[4] The value provided for the
+ \verb+/PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier, after applying logical name
+ translation, must end with a `{\tt]}' character; check what value is
+ being used with this qualifier.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Bad /\meta{qualifier} value] --- The value provided
+ with the indicated qualifier does not form a valid integer.}
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Bad pk file---more bits than required] --- The packed
+ pixel file currently being read (as shown by the preceding `{\tt Font
+ \meta{fontname}}') provides more bits for a character packet than
+ indicated in the character's preamble.}
+ Replace the offending font; use {\sf PKtype} to analyze the pixel file.
+ \item[\tt Bad pk file! Bad packet length] --- The packed pixel file
+ contains a character packet of an illegal length.
+ Replace the offending font.
+ \item[\tt Bad pk file, pre command missing] --- The packed
+ pixel file doesn't \linebreak[4] commence with the requisite |pre| command.
+ Replace the offending font.
+ \item[\tt Bad pk file; unexpected byte: $p$] --- Whilst reading a packed
+ pixel file, the byte value $p$ was met: this was invalid in the current
+ context.
+ Replace the offending font.
+ \item[\tt Bad pk file, wrong version] --- The packed pixel file is of a
+ software version incompatible with the \DVItoLN{} program.
+ Replace the offending font.
+ \item[\tt Couldn't create \meta{filename}] --- \DVItoLN{} was
+ unable to create the file indicated: check that you have write access to
+ the current default directory, or that designated by the \verb+/OUTPUT+
+ qualifier.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Couldn't open \meta{filename}. Status=\meta{VMS\_Error}]
+ --- When \DVItoLN{} attempted to open the indicated file (for
+ reading), it failed: the VMS-style error was reported by the run-time
+ system. Perhaps the file's organization is incompatible with the type
+ expected by the program, which generally expects text files to be
+ variable-length, with carriage-return carriage control, and binary files
+ to consist of 512-byte fixed-length blocks.}
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Font not loaded, TFM file \meta{filename} can't be opened]
+ ---\DVItoLN{} \linebreak[4] was unable to locate the indicated \TFM{} file:
+ it must be on your system somewhere, otherwise \TeX{} would have failed
+ too!}
+ \item[\tt no more virtual font bytes] --- Whilst processing a glyph taken
+ from a virtual font, the program used up all the stored characters:
+ really this should be classed as an internal error, and reported to the
+ author.
+ \item[\tt Font not loaded, bad scale ($s$)] --- The \TFM{} file indicated
+ that the font was scaled to an impossibly high value, or negatively.
+ Use {\sf TFtoPL} to analyze the \TFM{} file.
+ \item[\tt Font not loaded, bad design size ($d$)] --- The \TFM{} file
+ indicated that the font's design size was negative or an impossibly
+ large value.
+ Use {\sf TFtoPL} to analyze the \TFM{} file.
+ \item[\tt No device type specified] --- No default value was provided for
+ the qualifier \verb+/DEVICE_TYPE+. Specify an explicit value, and get your
+ \TeX nician to modify the {\tt DVITOLN03.CLD} file to reflect the local
+ environment.
+ \item[\tt No file name provided] --- You'd have been extremely sneaky to get
+ this error; you've managed to bypass DCL's check that a filename be
+ specified to be processed by the program! Be more sensible!
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt ---not loaded, bad TFM file] --- The \TFM{} file
+ didn't specify a valid \linebreak[4] range of characters as being
+ resident in the font. Use {\sf TFtoPL} to analyze the \TFM{} file.}
+ \item[\tt PXL file has bad format] --- The unpacked pixel raster file didn't
+ contain a character directory in the last 517 words.
+ Replace the font, or better, change to using the {\tt.PK} equivalent.
+ \item[\tt starting page number could not be found] --- The starting page
+ (specified with the \verb+/STARTING_PAGE+ qualifier) does not match any
+ page in the \DVI{} file.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt (VF file) Character \meta{char\_num} does not exist]
+ \hfil --- The specified character has been used in the document, but
+ that character does not exist within the virtual font. Use {\sf VFtoVP}
+ to analyze the file.}
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt (VF file) contains illegal command in character packet]
+ \hfil --- The \linebreak[4] virtual font file contains an illegal command
+ within a character packet. Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the font file.}
+ \item[\tt (VF file) First byte isn't `pre'] --- Virtual font files are
+ expected to commence with a |pre| command; this file doesn't.
+ Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt (VF file) Illegal byte $x$ at start of character packet]
+ \hfil --- The \linebreak[4] virtual font file contains an illegal
+ command or font mapping command within or after one or more character
+ packets. Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the font file.}
+ \item[\tt (VF file) invokes unmapped font $f$] --- The virtual font file
+ references a font which it hasn't mapped; use {\sf VFtoVP}.
+ \item[\tt (VF file) References too many fonts] --- The virtual font file
+ at\-tempt\-ed to map more actual fonts than \DVItoLN{} was capable of
+ handling; the font is probably infinitely recursive.
+ Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.
+ \item[\tt (VF file) Mapped font size is too big] --- The virtual font
+ references an actual font and the size of the latter, and the scale at
+ which it is invoked, exceeds the legal limits for a virtual font.
+ Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.
+ \item[\tt (VF file) Negative packet length] --- The virtual font file is
+ malformed.
+ Use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt (VF file) Wrong version number in second byte] ---
+ The virtual font file is of a version not supported by \DVItoLN. Use
+ {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.}
+ \item[\tt {VF packet failed [\meta{font\_number},\meta{char\_num}]}]
+ --- Whilst processing \linebreak[4] stored glyphs for a complex character
+ taken from a virtual font, \DVItoLN{} failed to position the elements of
+ the glyph; this might require to be reported as for an internal error,
+ but firstly use {\sf VFtoVP} to analyze the file.
+ \item[\tt Where are the font directories? (/PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY,
+ etc)] \hfil ---\linebreak[4] The command line specified neither the
+ \verb+/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY+ qualifier, nor \verb+/PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY+.
+ At least one of these qualifiers ought to be supplied with a default
+ value, through the command definition ({\tt DVITOLN03.CLD}) file. Speak
+ to your local \TeX nician.
+\subsection{Non-fatal Error Messages}
+Should one of the following errors be detected, \DVItoLN{} will attempt to
+continue with processing your \DVI{} file; however, the resultant output
+file will probably not produce the expected results. When the program
+finishes, the DCL symbol \verb+$SEVERITY+ will have the value $2$, thus
+permitting a command procedure to detect that an error occurred.
+Suggested error recovery techniques are given, when appropriate. Once again,
+the program {\sf DVItype} can provide a more detailed analysis of the
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from $x$ to
+ $y$] \hfil--- When \linebreak[4] processing \meta{dvi byte}s, a command
+ was encountered that attempted to move the horizontal or vertical
+ position to somewhere with a co\"ordinate exceeding $\pm(2^{31}-1)${\tt
+ sp}. Since this would imply being about 38ft from the origin, perhaps
+ you'd be better off using {\sf DVItoAd\-vert\-ising\-Hoard\-ing}!}
+ \item[\tt backpointer in byte $m$ should be $p$] --- The program has
+ detected an inconsistency between the start of the current page and the
+ previous one.
+ \item[\tt bad postamble pointer in byte $m$] --- the word following the
+ |post_post| command is supposed to point back to the start of the
+ postamble: this one didn't!
+ \item[\tt bop occurred before eop] --- Whilst processing a page, a |bop|
+ command was detected before finding the |eop| that should have
+ terminated the current page.
+ \item[\tt byte $m$ is not postpost] --- The byte following the end of
+ the postamble is not the anticipated |post_post| command.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt character $c$ invalid in font \meta{name}] --- The
+ \DVI{} file has requested that character $c$ be imaged from the
+ currently selected font, and yet the font doesn't contain any such
+ character; something might be printed, but it's anybody's guess as to
+ what!}
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Couldn't open \bs special inclusion: \meta{file}] ---
+ The \DVI{} file contained a \verb+\special{ln03:sixel +%
+ \meta{file}\verb+}+ command, but the program was unable to open the
+ specified file. The VMS-style error report associated with this message
+ might indicate why the file couldn't be opened.}
+ \item[\tt Diagonal rule in \bs special \meta{special\_pars}] --- A
+ \verb+\special+ command requested the \verb+connect+ operation,
+ but the points specified were not in the same vertical or horizontal
+ line: this \verb+\special+ should only be issued by the macros of the
+ {\tt changebar} style option, and not by the user.
+ \item[\tt identification in byte $m$ should be $i$] --- The \DVI{} file
+ is supposed to contain the version number (currently $2$) at the
+ beginning and the end of the file; the byte-address $m$ indicates which
+ one failed.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Invalid point number in \bs special
+ \meta{special\_pars}] --- A \verb+\special+ command, using the {\tt
+ defpoint} or {\tt resetpoints} operations, specified an invalid point
+ number ($>|max_points|$, which is a compile-time constant in the \Web),
+ or the {\tt connect} operation specified a point that hadn't previously
+ been defined.}
+ \item[\tt non-ASCII character in \bs special command] --- The character
+ string parameter of a \verb+\special+ command includes a character not
+ in the {\sc Ascii} character set.
+ \item[\tt ---not loaded, TFM file is bad] --- When reading a \TFM{}
+ file, the program detected some discrepancy, which has probably already
+ been reported. Use {\sf TFtoPL} to analyze the file.
+ \item[\tt Null \bs special argument] --- A \verb+\special+ command has
+ an empty argument.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Point number missing] {\tt in \bs special}
+ \meta{special\_pars} --- A point number was expected in a
+ \verb+\special{ln03:defpoint}+ command.}
+ \item[\tt pop illegal at level zero] --- Something's wrong with the
+ \DVI{} file; it attempted to |pop| an environment when none had been
+ stacked.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt postamble command within a page] --- Whilst processing
+ a page, \DVItoLN{} discovered a |post| command, without any prior
+ |eop|.}
+ \item[\tt preamble command within a page] --- This \DVI{} file is
+ {\em really\/} twisted: a |pre| command was found during a page.
+ \item[\tt push deeper than claimed in postamble] --- The current
+ environment \linebreak[4] was |push|ed more often than \TeX{} had claimed.
+ \item[\tt reference to an unloaded font] --- An attempt has been made to
+ set a character from a font which hadn't been defined within the \DVI{}
+ file.
+ \item[\tt \bs special string of negative length] --- The |xxx| command
+ which \TeX{} uses to pass a \verb+\special+ command in the \DVI{} file
+ invalidly indicated that the string was of negative length!
+ \item[\tt \bs special string too long] --- Just as the previous error,
+ but it was too large positively in this instance.
+ \item[\tt stack not empty at end of page (level $s$)] --- When \TeX{}
+ gets to the end of a page, it's supposed to ensure that all environments
+ that it's instructed to have been saved shall be restored; this \DVI{}
+ file contravenes that requirement.
+ \item[\tt undefined command \meta{dvi\_byte}] --- The \DVI{} file
+ contains a command that is undefined; are you sure it was produced by
+ TeX?
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Unsupported or malformed \bs special
+ \meta{special\_pars}] --- Couldn't find a \linebreak[4] properly formed
+ operation code string in a \verb+\special+ command.}
+ \item[\tt Unsupported \bs special \meta{special\_pars}] --- A
+ \verb+\special+ command included an operation code, which whilst
+ recognized, was inappropriate in the current context.
+ \item[\tt VF checksum disagreed! TFM: $C_1$ VF: $C_2$] --- The sum check
+ found in a {\tt.VF} file when reading a virtual font disagreed with that
+ previously recorded in the font's \TFM{} file.
+ \item[\tt VF design size disagreed! TFM: $S_1$ VF: $S_2$] --- The design
+ size found in a {\tt.VF} file when reading a virtual font disagreed with
+ that previously recorded in the font's \TFM{} file.
+\subsection{Warning Messages}
+These messages generally indicate some problem that didn't prevent
+\DVItoLN{} from generating a valid output file; however, it might not print
+out as you had anticipated! Provided no errors occur, the exit status of
+the program will have a \verb+$SEVERITY+ of $0$, thus permitting a command
+procedure to detect that warning messages were issued.
+ \item[\tt cannot find file \meta{file\_spec}] --- \DVItoLN{} failed to
+ locate the file containing the (packed or unpacked) pixel rasters; it
+ will proceed by substituting solid rules for each glyph. Remedy:
+ Install the requisite font file on your system.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Characters `\meta{text}' set off paper ( x =
+ $x_s$..$x_e$, y = $y$ )] \hfil --- Some \linebreak[4] portion of the
+ text is imaged outside that area of the paper which can be written by
+ the printer. The $x$ values indicate the left- and right-hand limits of
+ the text, whilst the $y$ value gives the vertical co\"ordinate of the
+ baseline; all such dimensions are given in absolute pixel positions on
+ the physical page. Perhaps you're printing something in landscape mode
+ that was formatted to be printed in portrait, or vice versa?}
+ \item[\tt checksum doesn't match; DVI=$C_1$ vs. TFM=$C_2$] --- When the
+ font definition command was found in the \DVI{} file, its sum check was
+ recorded; this should agree with that of the \TFM{} file itself, because
+ it was written using the latter value when \TeX{} processed the source.
+ Therefore this error indicates that you're trying to use different fonts
+ from those read by \TeX\@. Remedy: Replace the font, or reprocess the
+ source with \TeX.
+ \item[\tt checksum doesn't match in PK file] --- The font's sum check as
+ recorded in the packed pixel file disagrees with that in the \TFM{}\@.
+ This would suggest that the font should be rebuilt, using \MF{} and {\sf
+ GFtoPK}.
+ \item[\tt checksum doesn't match in PXL file] --- The font's sum check as
+ recorded in the unpacked pixel file disagrees with that in the \TFM{}\@.
+ This would suggest that the font should be rebuilt, using \MF{} and {\sf
+ GFtoPX}.
+ \item[\tt ---checksum doesn't match previous definition] --- Each font
+ definition appears twice in the \DVI{} file; the sum check recorded in
+ the second definition disagrees with the first --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt denominator doesn't match the preamble] --- The denominator of
+ the rational number which gives the size of each DVI unit (in
+ decimicrons) which has been read from the postamble disagrees with that
+ in the preamble --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt ---design size doesn't match previous definition] --- The
+ font's design size in the second definition of the font disagrees with
+ the first --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Discarding earlier packet for character $c$] --- Whilst
+ processing a \linebreak[4] virtual font file, a second definition for a
+ character's glyph was encountered: the first definition will be
+ discarded, and replaced by the last one --- use {\sf VFtoVP}.}
+ \item[\tt extra junk at end of the VF file] --- Some unexpected bytes
+ were discovered after the end of a virtual font ({\tt.VF}) file; to
+ prevent this error recurring, use {\sf VFtoVP} to correct the error and
+ rewrite the virtual font with {\sf VPtoVF}.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Font \meta{name} doesn't contain character $c$] \hfil
+ --- No definition was encountered for the glyph of character $c$ when
+ the font file's rasters were read: the character will be imaged by the
+ appropriate amount of whitespace.}
+ \item[\tt ---font name doesn't match previous definition] --- The name
+ of the font given in the second definition within the \DVI{} file
+ disagrees with the original defining occurrence --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt magnification doesn't match the preamble] --- The
+ magnification reported in the postamble disagreed with that in the
+ preamble --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Missing or unknown unit of measure: \meta{text}] ---
+ A unit of measure \linebreak[4] was expected, either within a
+ \verb+\special+ command, or associated with one of the qualifiers
+ \verb+/TOP_MARGIN+, \verb+/LEFT_MARGIN+, \verb+/HFUZZ+ or \verb+/VFUZZ+.
+ A supplementary message will indicate what \meta{physical unit} was
+ assumed ({\tt pt} or {\tt sp}).}
+ \item[\tt more than $m$ rules on page; excess ignored] --- A page
+ contained too many separate rules; the program is restricted to $16384$
+ by the compile-time constant |max_rules|. Perhaps something's run amok
+ in a \LaTeX{} {\tt picture} environment?
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt not enough signature bytes at end of file ($m$)] \hfil---
+ \DVI{} files are \linebreak[4] supposed to end with at least four
+ signature ($223$) bytes --- use {\sf DVItype}.}
+ \item[\tt numerator doesn't match the preamble] --- The numerator of the
+ rational fraction given in the postamble disagrees with that previously
+ read from the preamble --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt /ORIENTATION must be PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE;] {\tt assuming
+ PORTRAIT} \hfil-- \linebreak[4] The \verb+/ORIENTATION+ qualifier was given
+ an illegal value; this should never happen, unless the command definition
+ file has been corrupted.
+ \item[\tt Page deeper than TeX reported by $y$pt] --- Characters were
+ positioned further down the page lower than \TeX{} had recorded in the
+ \DVI{} file. This isn't an error, unless accompanied by an indication
+ that characters were set off the paper. See description of the
+ \verb+/VFUZZ+ qualifier.
+ \item[\tt Page wider than TeX reported by $x$pt] --- Characters were
+ imaged beyond the right-hand margin that \TeX{} had recorded in the
+ \DVI{}. \cbstart This isn't an error, unless accompanied by an
+ indication that characters were set off the paper\cbend. See
+ description of the \verb+/HFUZZ+ qualifier.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Pixel width discrepancy; font ]\meta{name} {\tt char}
+ $c$ {\tt ---computed width: $W_c$; actual width: $W_a$} --- The width of
+ the indicated character, in pixels, differed from that computed from
+ the \TeX{} font metrics (by at least two pixels). The actual width is
+ always used when imaging glyphs.}
+ \item[\tt PK font pixels non-square] --- The {\sl aspect ratio\/} of the
+ characters in the packed pixel file was not 1:1 --- will probably
+ produce distorted glyphs, since the LN03 printer does print with square
+ pixels.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt ---scaled size doesn't match previous definition] ---
+ The second \linebreak[4] definition of the font provided a different
+ scaled size from that in the first definition --- use {\sf DVItype}.}
+ \item[\tt there are really $m$ pages, not $n$] --- Although the
+ postamble claimed that there were $n$ pages in the document, there were
+ really $m$ --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt ---this font was already defined] --- A spurious additional
+ font definition was encountered in the \DVI{} file --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt ---this font wasn't loaded before] --- When reading the
+ postamble, a definition was encountered for a font that wasn't
+ previously defined in the body of the \DVI{} file --- use {\sf DVItype}.
+ \item[\tt VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes] --- Virtual font files
+ ({\tt.VF}) are supposed to be some multiple of 4 bytes long --- use {\sf
+ VFtoVP}.
+ \item[\tt VF file ended without postamble] --- Whilst reading glyph
+ definitions from a virtual font file, the |post| command was met
+ unexpectedly --- use {\sf VFtoVP}.
+\subsection{Informational Messages}
+These are output to provide the user with an indication of the progress of
+the process of translating the \DVI{} file into an {\tt.LN3} file. If no
+other messages are output, you can be assured that the printed version will
+accord with what \TeX{} intended to put on the paper (although this might
+not be what {\em you\/} intended!)
+Provided that no warning or error messages were issued, the program's exit
+status will have a \verb+$SEVERITY+ of \verb+SS$_SUCCESS+ ($1$), thus
+permitting a command procedure to be confident that no warning or errors
+ \item[\tt (\meta{file\_spec}\dots)] --- Whenever the \DVI{} file, or a
+ file specified as a graphics inclusion, is opened, a left parenthesis
+ and the full VAX/RMS file specification is reported on the terminal;
+ when the file is closed, a matching right parenthesis is displayed.
+ In the log (\TYP) file, the file specifications are accompanied by
+ self-explanatory text.
+ \item[{\tt [\meta{page\_no}]}] --- As \DVItoLN{} starts to process a
+ page, a left bracket and the page number (which may consist of a series
+ of integers, separated by periods) is displayed; when the end of the
+ page is encountered, the matching right bracket is displayed.
+ \item[\tt Finding starting page...found]\cbstart\footnotemark\cbend{}
+ --- After the title has been displayed, \DVItoLN{} starts locating the
+ first page to be printed; at the same time, it works out if any blank
+ pages will need to be interspersed during printing. Since this
+ operation can take a significant amount of time on a large document, the
+ first part of this message is displayed so that the user won't think
+ that the program has died; the `{\tt found}' is displayed when this
+ processing is completed.
+ \item[\tt Font \meta{name}] [{\tt (at $m$\%)}] {\tt loaded with}
+ $n$ {\tt bytes of rasters (}$m$ {\tt\hyphenchar\the\font=`\-
+ char\-act\-ers)}\cbstart\footnotemark\cbend{} --- The specified font
+ (at the magnification shown, if not 100\%) has been included in the
+ downloaded fonts; if $n$ seems very small, it may be because the glyphs
+ of the font were too large to be downloaded and hence will be imaged
+ individually wherever they appear.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Font \meta{name}] [{\tt (at $m$\%)}] {\tt unavailable;
+ printing rules for glyphs}\cbstart\footnotemark\cbend{} --- The
+ specified font wasn't available at the requested magnification;
+ characters from this font will be imaged by printing solid rules of size
+ determined from the \TeX{} font metrics. Previously, a `{\tt cannot find
+ file}' warning will have been issued for this font.}
+ \item[\tt Font \meta{name}] [{\tt (at $m$\%)}] {\tt is
+ virtual}\cbstart\footnotemark\cbend{} --- The specified font was a
+ virtual one; this may result in the loading of real fonts other than
+ those specified by \TeX{} when the \DVI{} file was generated.
+ {\sloppy\item[\tt Gathering font usage
+ statistics...done]\cbstart\footnote{All these messages are suppressed if
+ the {\tt/NOVERBOSE} qualifier is used.}\cbend{} \hfil--- Once the
+ starting page \linebreak[4] has been found, \DVItoLN{} makes one rapid
+ pass through the \DVI{} file, noting which glyphs are used from each
+ font. Doing this allows us to save time and space that would otherwise
+ be wasted by downloading the whole of a font. It can take a significant
+ amount of time, so the first part of this message is written to the
+ display, and then an additional period will be displayed after
+ processing every ten pages, thus giving the user an assurance that the
+ program hasn't collapsed.}
+ \item[\tt Reading from file \meta{file\_spec}] --- This message is
+ written to the log (\TYP) file only, and records the full file
+ specification of the \DVI{} file being processed.
+ \item[\tt Sixel graphics included from: \meta{file\_spec}] --- This is
+ recorded in the log (\TYP) file whenever a file is read by a
+ \verb+\special{ln03:sixel}+ command.
+ \item[\tt This is DVItoLN03, Vax/VMS Version $V$] --- This banner
+ announcement identifies the version of the program, both on the screen
+ and in the log (\TYP) file.
+ \item[\tt Total of $n$ bytes of rasters downloaded] --- After all fonts
+ have been downloaded, this message gives an indication of the total
+ number of bytes that will be occupied by the downloaded fonts in the
+ printer's memory. It can therefore be compared with the available
+ memory, as reported on a printer test sheet (see~\cite{DEC:LN03}) to
+ determine whether the resultant file can be printed correctly --- if
+ there is insufficient memory, then process your document in smaller
+ sections. {\bf N.B.} If a document contains any pages that are printed
+ in landscape mode, all downloaded fonts will be reoriented to that mode
+ automatically by the printer: this can result in overflowing the
+ available memory.
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b6af0801c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+DVItype change file for LN03 output
+This change file has been produced by adding stuff to the Vax/VMS
+change file, originally due to David R. Fuchs.
+It was originally used to produce a special version of DVItype, the
+outputs of which were further processed by LN03toPP.PLI, Author: Flavio Rose
+of DEC Marlboro
+Modified for DVItype version 2.6 by John Sauter, August 3, 1984.
+Version 0.8, quick fix to correct bug in rule merging.
+Version 0.9, another quick fix to match a Topp bug fix
+(c) 1986 Royal Military College of Science
+The current version, still only experimental, was produced to combine
+both these phases into one.
+Modified for DVItype version 2.7 by B. Hamilton Kelly, March 1986.
+(At Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON, England.)
+Minor cosmetic changes (eg 2048 rules, etc.) July 1987
+Support for \special added September 1987
+Extensive modifications July 88 and March 89.
+Support for additional qualifiers August 89.
+Support for \specials for changebars added by Robin Fairbairns.
+Avoid problems with non-existent glyphs present in some fonts. (April 1990)
+Tidy up processing of \special command arguments (December 1990)
+Permit use of <physical units> in margin offsets
+Avoid hard-wiring of TEX$... logical names
+Support virtual fonts
+Support \specials for landscape/portrait, mixed on one page
+Draw solid rules for glyphs from missing fonts
+Optimize access to doubly-indexed arrays, to speed processing
+Support DEClaser 2100/2200 (duplex, tray selection, etc)
+DVItoLN03 is now at version 4.1
+Further work:
+(suggestions possibly welcomed!)
+@x <BHK 20-SEP-1991> Limbo
+% Version 4.0 Cosmetic changes to error messages - new release!!!
+% Version 4.0 Cosmetic changes to error messages - new release!!!
+% Version 4.0-1 Minor (?!) bug-fixes
+% Version 4.0-2 Further corrections to indexing of messages
+% Version 4.0-3 Correct bug that rejected fonts > 188 glyphs
+% Version 4.0-4 Reorient rules as well as glyphs!
+% Version 4.0-5 Need much closed attention to imaging area with mixed
+% orientations!
+% Version 4.0-6 PFS commands reset OPM & margins, so need correction
+% Version 4.0-7 Trouble caused by fonts which have duplicate characters
+% Version 4.0-8 Ensure glyph position checking is against correct limits!
+% Version 4.0-9 Add /PAPER_SIZE qualifier; correct duplexing last page
+% Version 4.1 (Released 1 Oct 1991) Added /[NO]VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> Limbo
+\def\title{DVI$\,$\lowercase{to}$\,$LN03 V4.0}
+\def\title{DVI$\,$\lowercase{to}$\,$LN03 V4.1}
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> Limbo
+ \centerline{(Version 4.0, 27th February 1991)}
+ \centerline{(Version 4.1, 30th September 1991)}
+@x <BHK 20-DEC-1990> Limbo
+@y Uncomment-out second next line if documentation required of changes only
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S1.
+\yskip\hang\&{V4.0} Supports the new DEClaser~2100 and~2200 printers (the
+LN05 and LN06) in addition to the traditional LN03. With the LN06, paper
+feed trays may be selected from the command line, and the duplexing
+facilities controlled also. Support for these printers was provided by
+Karsten Nyblad
+@^Nyblad, Karsten@>
+of TFL, the Danish Telecommunication Research Laboratory, and integrated
+into this new release with the other features mentioned above.
+\yskip\hang\&{V4.0} Supports the new DEClaser~2100 and~2200 printers (the
+LN05 and LN06) in addition to the traditional LN03. With the LN06, paper
+feed trays may be selected from the command line, and the duplexing
+facilities controlled also. Support for these printers was provided by
+Karsten Nyblad
+@^Nyblad, Karsten@>
+of TFL, the Danish Telecommunication Research Laboratory, and integrated
+into this new release with the other features mentioned above.
+\yskip\hang\&{V4.1} Minor bug fixes; to support mixed orientation printing,
+the program requires knowledge of the actual paper size upon which the
+output is produced, so the \.{/PAPER\_SIZE} qualifier is introduced. A
+\.{/VERBOSE} qualifier is also introduced, such that sites requiring less
+screen output can make the default \.{/NOVERBOSE}.
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S1.
+@d banner=='This is DVItoLN03, Vax/VMS Version 4.0'
+@d banner=='This is DVItoLN03, Vax/VMS Version 4.1'
+Since OPM and margins must be reset after PFS sequences, need to define here
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991 and 20-SEP-1991> S5.
+Whenever bitmaps are sent to the printer (in sixel format), it is necessary
+to establish the ``printing'' position 29 pixels above the current
+reference point. Despite repeated enquiry of DEC, it has not been
+established why this is necessary. Naturally, we call this 29 pixels
+|bitmap_offset|. This same offset also has to be applied to sixel graphics
+included through a \.{\\special} command.
+When the paper orientation is selected, we may define the |page_len| and
+|page_wid| in terms of the physical limits of the paper; these sizes are
+as follows (for European A4 paper).
+@^European A4 paper@>
+(These might later become variables, and be alterable by qualifiers in the
+command line.) There is, however, a further complication. In either printing
+orientation, the printable area is of these dimensions; however, this printing
+area starts 0.25~inches from the top left corner of the paper \\{in the
+orientation it enters the printer}. Therefore in portrait mode, we can
+actually print from (75,75) to (2475,3475), with (300,300) being the
+``normal'' \TeX\ origin, but in landscape mode we can print (35,75) to
+(3435,2475), and \TeX's origin should still be at (300,300).
+Whenever bitmaps are sent to the printer (in sixel format), it is necessary
+to establish the ``printing'' position 29 pixels below the current
+reference point. This is because the printer, apparently arbitrarily, elects
+to put the top of the first row of sixels at a height of 70~decipoints above
+the current baseline: since DEC's `point' is what \TeX\ calls \.{1bp}, this
+offset is $70\over720$in, or $29{1\over6}$ pixels. Naturally, we call this
+|bitmap_offset|. This same offset also has to be applied to sixel
+graphics included through a \.{\\special} command.
+When the paper orientation is selected, we may define the |page_len| and
+|page_wid| in terms of the physical limits of the paper; these sizes are
+as follows (for ISO [European] A4 and US letter-size paper).
+@^European A4 paper@>
+@^A4 (ISO, European) paper@>
+@^ISO paper sizes@>
+@^Paper sizes@>
+@^US letter-size paper@>
+Variables are set up with the appropriate set of values, depending upon the
+value provided with the \.{/PAPER\_SIZE} qualifier.
+@:Qualifiers PAPER SIZE}{\quad\.{PAPER\_SIZE}@>
+There is, however, a further complication. In either printing
+orientation, the printable area is of these dimensions; however, this printing
+area starts 0.25~inches from the top left corner of the paper \\{in the
+orientation it enters the printer}. Therefore in portrait mode, we can
+actually print from (75,75) to (2475,3475), with (300,300) being the
+``normal'' \TeX\ origin, but in landscape mode we can print (33,75) to
+(3433,2475), and \TeX's origin should still be at (300,300). (The strange
+figure 33 arises from DEC's handling of European A4~paper; with U.S. paper,
+\\{without} OPM set, the printable area measures $2400\times3300$
+[$8\times11$in], and has an even $1\over4$in margin all round: with A4
+paper, the printable area, regardless of orientation, starts the same
+$1\over4$in from the leading short edge of the paper, but the printable area
+is extended to 3400 pixels $11{1\over3}$in, thus making the left-edge of the
+printable area, in landscape orientation, lie $11{7\over12}$in from the
+leading edge. Since A4~paper is 297mm long, this position is therefore
+$0{\cdot}10958$in, approximately 33~pixels, from the left-edge.)
+This is also a convenient time to introduce certain non-printing control
+characters, which will later be used to form control sequences and device
+control strings (see ISO Std~2022)
+@^ISO Standard 2022@>
+for controlling device-specific functions of the printer. The control
+sequence defined by |DECOPM_on| sets DEC's Origin Positioning Mode, such
+that dimensions are measured from the edge of the paper rather than the
+origin of the printable area (defined by |image_wid@t$\times$@>image_ht|).
+The |DECSLRM| macro produces code to set the left- and right-margins of the
+printable area, whilst |DECSTBM| sets the top- and bottom-margins;
+unfortunately, redefining the page format (through a \\{PFS}\dots sequence)
+cancels the effect of all of these, so they must be re-issued anew whenever
+the printing orientation is changed.
+Closer attention to detail of imaging area
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991 and 20-SEP-1991> S5.
+@d paper_ht=3400 {in pixels}
+@d paper_wid=2400
+@d y_port_min=75
+@d y_land_min=35
+@d page_x_min=75
+@d y_top=75 {Minimum addressable $y$ pixel}
+@d y_bot=paper_ht+y_port_min {Maximum addressable $y$ pixel}
+@d A4_image_ht=3400 {in pixels (for European A4 paper)}
+@d US_image_ht=3225 {in pixels (for American $8{1\over2}\times11$ paper)}
+@d image_wid=2400 {(same value, 2400, for U.S. paper)}
+@d y_port_min=75 {Lowest addressable $y$ in portrait mode (75)}
+@d A4_y_land_min=33 {Lowest addressable $y$ in landscape mode}
+@d US_y_land_min=0
+@d page_x_min=75 {Lowest addressable $x$ in portrait mode}
+@d A4_right_marg=5 {Distance from highest $x$ to right-edge in portrait mode}
+@d US_right_marg=75
+@d y_top=75 {Minimum addressable $y$ pixel}
+@d y_bot==(image_ht+y_port_min) {Maximum addressable $y$ pixel in either mode}
+@d paper_ht==(y_top+image_ht+y_land_min) {Physical size of paper}
+@d paper_wd==(page_x_min+image_wid+right_marg)
+@d min_seg_y=0 {Lowest and highest addressable rows, either orientation\dots}
+@d max_seg_y=3510 {and whatever the paper type; esed to declare |seg_list|}
+Since OPM and margins must be reset after PFS sequences, need to define here
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S5.
+@d PFS_landscape=='?23 J' {Extended A4 paper in landscape orientation}
+@d PFS_portrait=='?22 J' {ditto in portrait; each preceded by |csi|}
+@d esc==chr(@"1B) {The ASCII ESCape character}
+@d csi==chr(@"9B) {Control Sequence Introducer}
+@d A4_PFS_landscape==csi+'?23 J' {Extended A4 paper in landscape orientation}
+@d A4_PFS_portrait==csi+'?22 J' {and portrait}
+@d US_PFS_landscape==csi+'?21 J' {Extended US letter paper in landscape orientation}
+@d US_PFS_portrait==csi+'?20 J' {and portrait}
+@d DECOPM_on==csi+'?52h' {\&{Set} Origin Placement Mode}
+@d DECSLRM(#)==csi,#:1,';',decslrm_end {Set Left/Right Margins}
+@d decslrm_end(#)==#:1,'s'
+@d DECSTBM(#)==csi,#:1,';',decstbm_end {Set Top/Bottom Margins}
+@d decstbm_end(#)==#:1,'r'
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S28.
+@:fatal error Font not loaded TFM file}{\qquad\.{TFM file can't be opened}@>
+@:fatal error Font not loaded ...}{\quad\.{Font not loaded...}@>
+@:fatal error Font not loaded TFM file}{\qquad\.{TFM file can't be opened}@>
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S41.
+9997: error('---not loaded, TFM file is bad');
+@.TFM file is bad@>
+9997: error('---not loaded, TFM file is bad');
+@:Error: TFM file is bad}{\quad\.{TFM file is bad}@>
+Introduce additional variables to support two differing paper sizes
+@x <BHK 20-SEP-1991> S54.
+@!orientation,@!new_orient,@!cur_orient : page_orientation;
+@!orientation,@!new_orient,@!cur_orient : page_orientation;
+@!paper_size : page_sizes;
+@!image_ht, @!y_land_min, @!right_marg : integer;
+Introduce additional enumeration type
+@x <BHK 20-SEP-1991> S55.
+@ This type allows us to keep track of whether characters are currently
+being imaged in landscape or portrait orientation.
+@!page_orientation = (@!portrait,@!landscape);
+@ These types allow us to note for what paper size the printer has been
+configured, and to keep track of whether characters are currently being
+imaged in landscape or portrait orientation.
+@!page_sizes = (@!A4,@!US);
+@!page_orientation = (@!portrait,@!landscape);
+Cosmetic change of module name
+@x <BHK 20-SEP-1991> S65.
+@<Determine the desired |orientation|@>;
+@<Determine the desired |orientation| and paper size@>;
+Correct usage to explicit |term_out|
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S70.
+ write_ln(' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+ write_ln(term_out,' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+Correct usage to explicit |term_out|
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S70.
+ write_ln(' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+ write_ln(term_out,' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+Closer attention to detail of imaging area; use macros for application
+elsewhere. Support /PAPER_SIZE qualifier
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991, 10-MAY-1991 & 20-SEP-1991> S72.
+@<Determine the desired |orientation|@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('ORIENTATION')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PORTRAIT')) then orientation:=portrait else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('LANDSCAPE')) then orientation:=landscape else
+ warning('/ORIENTATION must be "PORTRAIT" or "LANDSCAPE"; assuming "PORTRAIT"')
+@:Warning: orientation must be}{\quad \.{/ORIENTATION must be ...}@>
+if orientation=landscape then
+begin page_len:=paper_wid+page_x_min; page_wid:=paper_ht+y_land_min;
+ y_min:=page_x_min; x_min:=y_land_min end else
+begin page_len:=paper_ht+y_port_min; page_wid:=paper_wid+page_x_min;
+ y_min:=y_port_min; x_min:=page_x_min end;
+@d set_landscape_limits==begin page_len:=image_wid+page_x_min;
+ page_wid:=image_ht+y_land_min;
+ y_min:=page_x_min;
+ x_min:=y_land_min
+ end
+@d set_portrait_limits==begin page_len:=image_ht+y_port_min;
+ page_wid:=image_wid+page_x_min;
+ y_min:=y_port_min;
+ x_min:=page_x_min
+ end
+@<Determine the desired |orientation| and paper size@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('PAPER_SIZE.US')) then
+begin {Using US letter-size paper $11\times8{1\over2}$in}
+ image_ht := US_image_ht; y_land_min := US_y_land_min;
+ right_marg := US_right_marg; paper_size := US;
+end else
+begin {Assume ISO A4 paper size $297\times210$mm}
+ image_ht := A4_image_ht; y_land_min := A4_y_land_min;
+ right_marg := A4_right_marg; paper_size := A4;
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('ORIENTATION')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PORTRAIT')) then orientation:=portrait else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('LANDSCAPE')) then orientation:=landscape else
+ warning('/ORIENTATION must be "PORTRAIT" or "LANDSCAPE"; assuming "PORTRAIT"')
+@:Warning: orientation must be}{\quad \.{/ORIENTATION must be ...}@>
+if orientation=landscape then set_landscape_limits else set_portrait_limits;
+Correct usage to explicit |term_out|
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S73.
+ write_ln(' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+ write_ln(term_out,' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+Correct usage to explicit |term_out|
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S73.
+ write_ln(' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+ write_ln(term_out,' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+Correct indexing of warning message
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991> S87.
+@:Warning: checksum doesn't match}{\quad\.{checksum doesn't match}@>
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match ...}{\quad\.{checksum doesn't match...}@>
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match previous def}{\qquad\.{previous definition}@>
+Correct indexing of warning message
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991> S91.
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match}{\quad\.{checksum doesn't match}@>
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match in TFM file}{\qquad\.{in TFM file}@>
+Closer attention to detail of imaging area
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991 & 20-SEP-1991> S94.
+ @!seg_list : array [y_land_min..paper_ht+y_port_min] of ^segment;
+ @!seg_list : array [min_seg_y..max_seg_y] of ^segment;
+Closer attention to detail of imaging area
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991> S95.
+ for k:=y_land_min to paper_ht+y_port_min do seg_list[k]:=nil;
+ for k:=y_land_min to image_ht+y_port_min do seg_list[k]:=nil;
+Some of these characters are now defined much earlier
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S101.
+@d esc==chr(@"1B) {The ASCII ESCape character}
+@d csi==chr(@"9B) {Control Sequence Introducer}
+Note whether the character packet was used \\{this time}
+@x <BHK 02-MAY-1991> S129.
+with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded=wanted then
+ begin
+ base:=ras_beg+ras_len;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Read and translate raster description@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>
+with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded=wanted then
+ begin
+ base:=ras_beg+ras_len;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Read and translate raster description@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>;
+ packet_used:=true
+Ensure first record of an included sixels file can be 256 chars long
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991 & 30-SEP-1991> S179.
+ monitor(' ('+def_file_name);
+ print_ln('Sixel graphics included from: ',def_file_name);
+@.Sixel graphics included...@>
+ reset(sixel_file);
+ write(ln3_file,csi,y_position:1,'d',csi,cur_seg^.xs:1,'`');
+ if verbose then monitor(' ('+def_file_name);
+ print_ln('Sixel graphics included from: ',def_file_name);
+@.Sixel graphics included...@>
+ reset(sixel_file);
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,y_position:1,'d',csi,cur_seg^.xs:1,'`');
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S179.
+ monitor(') ');
+ if verbose then monitor(') ');
+Closer attention to detail of imaging area
+PFS commands reset OPM and margin, so must override. Track paper size
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S183.
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,PFS_landscape);
+ page_len:=paper_wid+page_x_min; page_wid:=paper_ht+y_land_min;
+ y_min:=page_x_min; x_min:=y_land_min
+ end else
+ begin
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,PFS_portrait);
+ page_len:=paper_ht+y_port_min; page_wid:=paper_wid+page_x_min;
+ y_min:=y_port_min; x_min:=page_x_min
+ if paper_size = US then
+ write(ln3_file,US_PFS_landscape,DECOPM_on)
+ else
+ write(ln3_file,A4_PFS_landscape,DECOPM_on);
+ set_landscape_limits;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSLRM(x_min)(page_wid),DECSTBM(y_min)(page_len))
+ {Set page limits}
+ end else
+ begin
+ if paper_size = US then
+ write(ln3_file,US_PFS_portrait,DECOPM_on)
+ else
+ write(ln3_file,A4_PFS_portrait,DECOPM_on);
+ set_portrait_limits;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSLRM(x_min)(page_wid),DECSTBM(y_min)(page_len))
+ {Set page limits}
+Correct handling of last recto page when duplexing
+@x <BHK (from Karsten Nyblad) 20-SEP-1991> S196.
+ if ptr_blanks>0 then
+ if blank_follows[ptr_blanks]=cur_loc_after_bop then
+ begin
+ decr(ptr_blanks); {and remain in simplex mode}
+ if print_mode>=duplex_master_normal then
+ write(ln3_file,' ',FF) {eject blank page for \\{verso} master}
+ end else
+ begin
+ write(ln3_file,csi,print_mode:1,' x');
+ duplex_to_be_reset:=false
+ end
+ begin
+ duplex_to_be_reset:=false;
+ if ptr_blanks>0 then
+ if blank_follows[ptr_blanks]=cur_loc_after_bop then
+ begin
+ decr(ptr_blanks); {and remain in simplex mode}
+ duplex_to_be_reset:=true;
+ if print_mode>=duplex_master_normal then
+ write(ln3_file,' ',FF) {eject blank page for \\{verso} master}
+ end else
+ write(ln3_file,csi,print_mode:1,' x')
+ else
+ write(ln3_file,csi,print_mode:1,' x')
+ end
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S209.
+warning('more than ',max_rules:1,' rules on page; excess ignored!');
+@.more than ... rules@>
+warning('more than ',max_rules:1,' rules on page; excess ignored!');
+@:Warning: more than ... rules}{\quad\.{more than ... rules}@>
+Correct orientation of rules written when orientation=landscape
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991> S209.
+with page_rules[rules_on_page] do begin
+ horiz := hhh; vert := vvv; height := hheight;
+ width := wwidth; covered := false;
+ end;
+with page_rules[rules_on_page] do
+ if new_orient=orientation then
+ begin
+ horiz := hhh; vert := vvv; height := hheight;
+ width := wwidth; covered := false;
+ end else
+ if new_orient=landscape then
+ begin {landscape rule will be output in portrait orientation}
+ vert := paper_ht-hhh-left_marg-top_marg;
+ horiz := vvv-hheight+top_marg-left_marg;
+ width := hheight; height := wwidth; covered := false;
+ end else {portrait rule output in landscape}
+ begin
+ vert := hhh-wwidth+left_marg-top_marg;
+ horiz := paper_ht-vvv-left_marg-top_marg;
+ width := hheight; height := wwidth; covered := false;
+ end;
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S233.
+pre: begin error('preamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+ end;
+@.preamble command within a page@>
+post,post_post: begin error('postamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+@.postamble command within a page@>
+ end;
+othercases begin error('undefined command ',o:1,'!');
+ goto done;
+@.undefined command@>
+pre: begin error('preamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+ end;
+@:Error: preamble command within a page}{\quad\.{preamble command within a page}@>
+post,post_post: begin error('postamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+@:Error: postamble command within a page}{\quad\.{postamble command within a page}@>
+ end;
+othercases begin error('undefined command ',o:1,'!');
+ goto done;
+@:Error: undefined command}{\quad\.{undefined command}@>
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S234.
+@<Cases for commands |nop|, |bop|, \dots, |pop|@>=
+nop: goto done;
+bop: begin error('bop occurred before eop!'); goto 9998;
+@.bop occurred before eop@>
+@<Cases for commands |nop|, |bop|, \dots, |pop|@>=
+nop: goto done;
+bop: begin error('bop occurred before eop!'); goto 9998;
+@:Error: bop occurred before eop}{\quad\\{bop }\.{occurred before }\\{eop}@>
+Correct orientation of rules written when orientation=landscape
+@x <BHK 18-APR-1991> S234.
+ @<Combine and...@>@;
+ do_page:=true;@/
+ @<Output contents of page@>;@/
+ write(ln3_file,LF); {LF after page}
+ new_orient:=orientation;
+ @<Change page orientation@>; {reset, if necessary}
+ do_page:=true;@/
+ @<Output contents of page@>;@/
+ new_orient:=orientation;
+ @<Change page orientation@>; {reset, if necessary}
+ @<Combine and...@>@; {Rules always output in default orientation}
+ write(ln3_file,LF); {LF after page}
+Change imaging area limits whenever the orientation is changed
+@x <BHK 10-MAY-1991> S244.
+@<Match the \meta{function name} in a \.{\\special}@>=
+case spec_cmd of
+ spec_land: new_orient:=landscape; {|'landscape'| or |'ln03:landscape'|}
+ spec_port: new_orient:=portrait; {|'portrait'| or |'ln03:portrait'|}
+@<Match the \meta{function name} in a \.{\\special}@>=
+case spec_cmd of
+ spec_land: begin new_orient:=landscape; {|'landscape'| or |'ln03:landscape'|}
+ set_landscape_limits
+ end;
+ spec_port: begin new_orient:=portrait; {|'portrait'| or |'ln03:portrait'|}
+ set_portrait_limits
+ end;
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S246.
+@ @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a character...@>=
+if p<0 then p:=255-((-1-p) mod 256)
+else if p>=256 then p:=p mod 256; {width computation for oriental fonts}
+@^oriental characters@>@^Chinese characters@>@^Japanese characters@>
+if (p<font_bc[cur_font])or(p>font_ec[cur_font]) then q:=invalid_width
+else q:=cur_font_glyph(p).width;
+if q=invalid_width then
+ begin error('character ',p:1,' invalid in font ');
+@.character $c$ invalid...@>
+@ @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a character...@>=
+if p<0 then p:=255-((-1-p) mod 256)
+else if p>=256 then p:=p mod 256; {width computation for oriental fonts}
+@^oriental characters@>@^Chinese characters@>@^Japanese characters@>
+if (p<font_bc[cur_font])or(p>font_ec[cur_font]) then q:=invalid_width
+else q:=cur_font_glyph(p).width;
+if q=invalid_width then
+ begin error('character ',p:1,' invalid in font ');
+@:Error: character $c$ invalid...}{\quad\.{character $c$ invalid...}@>
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S248.
+@<Finish a command that sets |h:=h+q|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (h>0)and(q>0) then if h>infinity-q then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',@|
+@.arithmetic overflow...@>
+@<Finish a command that sets |h:=h+q|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (h>0)and(q>0) then if h>infinity-q then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',@|
+@:Error: arithmetic overflow...}{\quad\.{arithmetic overflow...}@>
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S251.
+@ @<Finish a command that sets |v:=v+p|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (v>0)and(p>0) then if v>infinity-p then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',
+@.arithmetic overflow...@>
+@ @<Finish a command that sets |v:=v+p|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (v>0)and(p>0) then if v>infinity-p then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',
+@:Error: arithmetic overflow...}{\quad\.{arithmetic overflow...}@>
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S255.
+ monitor('Gathering font usage statistics...');
+ if verbose then monitor('Gathering font usage statistics...');
+Certain control sequences now defined in \S5
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S266.
+character; whilst the end of the font download is marked by the |ST| (String
+Terminator) character --- this is preceded by a textual comment.
+character; whilst the end of the font download is marked by the |ST| (String
+Terminator) character --- this is preceded by a textual comment.
+Finally, we define the printable area, and designate up to ten downloaded
+fonts to be accessible through |SGR| control sequences.
+Certain control sequences now defined in \S5
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S266.
+{Set page limits}
+@<Designate first 10 fonts to SGRs |10..19|@>@;
+{Set page limits}
+@<Designate first 10 fonts to SGRs |10..19|@>@;
+Certain control sequences now defined in \S5
+@x <BHK 22-APR-1991> S267.
+@ We start by writing the LN03 directives to the front of the file. Since the
+introduction of the LN03-Plus, this has been made more complicated, because
+the sequence |esc, 'c'| is meaningful (and \&{not} as |RIS|!) when the
+LN03-Plus is in the Tektronix emulation mode. Therefore, we start off by
+outputting the sequence |esc, '[!p'| which is DEC's private ``soft terminal
+reset'' (|DSCSTR|). (Note that this sequence uses the ``long-winded'' way of
+specifying |csi|; this is because the LN03-plus ignores the eigth bit when it
+is emulating a Tektronix terminal.) However, this won't necessarily reset an
+`ordinary' LN03, so we output the ISO-standard |RIS| (Reset Initial State
+$\equiv$ |esc,'c'|) sequence as well.
+There then follow a number of control sequences which set up further
+characteristics of the LN03: (1) |'?27h'| is a DEC private control sequence,
+|DECPSP|, which selects proportional spacing mode, whereby the printer moves
+forward by the recorded width of the character glyph rather than by some fixed
+amount after printing; (2) |'11h'| \&{set}s the |PUM| (Positioning Unit Mode),
+when set, this mode indicates that ``cursor movement'' sequences work in units
+of either decipoints or pixels, which of these is determined by (3) |'7 I'|
+which sets the |SSU| (Select Size Unit) to be in units of a single pixel; (4)
+|'?52h'| is another DEC private sequence, \&{set}ting the |DECOPM| (Origin
+Placement Mode) which places the origin for all measurement to the upper-left
+corner of the physical page (the alternative is 0.25 inches from that point).
+Finally, the sequence ending in |'t'| contains the |page_len| as a parameter,
+and is another DEC private control sequence which sets the |DECLPP| (Lines per
+Physical Page) to be the height of the printable area, in pixels.
+@d DECSTR==esc+'[!p'
+@d RIS==esc+'c'
+@d DECPSP_on==csi+'?27h'
+@d PUM_on==csi+'11h'
+@d SSU_pixel==csi+'7 I'
+@d DECOPM_on==csi+'?52h'
+@<Generate \.{LN3} file header@>=
+if orientation=landscape then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,csi,PFS_landscape)
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,csi,PFS_portrait);
+@ We start by writing the LN03 directives to the front of the file. Since the
+introduction of the LN03-Plus, this has been made more complicated, because
+the sequence |esc, 'c'| is meaningful (and \&{not} as |RIS|!) when the
+LN03-Plus is in the Tektronix emulation mode. Therefore, we start off by
+outputting the sequence |esc, '[!p'| which is DEC's private ``soft terminal
+reset'' (|DSCSTR|). (Note that this sequence uses the ``long-winded'' way of
+specifying |csi|; this is because the LN03-Plus ignores the eighth bit when it
+is emulating a Tektronix terminal.) However, this won't necessarily reset an
+`ordinary' LN03, so we output the ISO-standard |RIS| (Reset Initial State
+$\equiv$ |esc,'c'|) sequence as well.
+After setting the correct printing orientation, there then follow a number
+of control sequences which set up further characteristics of the LN03: (1)
+|'?27h'| is a DEC private control sequence, |DECPSP|, which selects
+proportional spacing mode, whereby the printer moves forward by the recorded
+width of the character glyph rather than by some fixed amount after
+printing; (2) |'11h'| \&{set}s the |PUM| (Positioning Unit Mode), when set,
+this mode indicates that ``cursor movement'' sequences work in units of
+either decipoints or pixels, which of these is determined by (3) |'7 I'|
+which sets the |SSU| (Select Size Unit) to be in units of a single pixel;
+(4) the |DECOPM| (Origin Placement Mode) is \&{set}, which places the origin
+for all measurement to the upper-left corner of the physical page (the
+alternative is 0.25 inches from that point). Finally, the sequence ending in
+|'t'| contains the |page_len| as a parameter, and is another DEC private
+control sequence which sets the |DECLPP| (Lines per Physical Page) to be the
+height of the printable area, in pixels.
+@d DECSTR==esc+'[!p'
+@d RIS==esc+'c'
+@d DECPSP_on==csi+'?27h'
+@d PUM_on==csi+'11h'
+@d SSU_pixel==csi+'7 I'
+@<Generate \.{LN3} file header@>=
+if orientation=landscape then
+ if paper_size = US then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,US_PFS_landscape)
+ else
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,A4_PFS_landscape)
+ if paper_size = US then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,US_PFS_portrait)
+ else
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,A4_PFS_portrait);
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S283.
+ write_ln(term_out,' is virtual',crlf);@/
+ if verbose then write_ln(term_out,' is virtual',crlf);@/
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S316.
+ @<Report name of font file in use@> ;
+ if file_type=unavailable then
+ write(' unavailable; printing rules for glyphs;');
+ print(' with '); write_ln(term_out,' loaded with ');
+ @<Report name of font file in use@> ;
+ if file_type=unavailable then
+ begin
+ if not verbose then
+ begin
+ write(term_out,'Font ',name);
+ if percent <> 100 then write(term_out,' (at ',percent:1,'%)')
+ end;
+ write(term_out,' unavailable; printing rules for glyphs;');
+ if not verbose then write_ln(term_out,crlf);
+ end;
+ print(' with '); if verbose then write_ln(term_out,' loaded with ');
+Suppress checksum warning if either file has zero
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991> S320.
+ if font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>checksum then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PK file')
+@.checksum doesn't match in PK file@>
+ if (font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>0) and (checksum<>0) and
+ (font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>checksum) then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PK file')
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match in PK file}{\qquad\.{in PK file}@>
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S321.
+write(term_out,'Font ',name);
+if percent<> 100 then write(' (at ',percent:1,'%)');
+if verbose then
+ write(term_out,'Font ',name);
+ if percent<> 100 then write(term_out,' (at ',percent:1,'%)');
+Must increment character counter if we're making dummy directory entry
+@x <BHK 02-MAY-1991> S325.
+@<Generate dummy directory entry for font that won't be used@>=
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ loaded:=yes
+@<Generate dummy directory entry for font that won't be used@>=
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ incr(first_txfc); loaded:=yes
+Scream if raster file contains character outside font
+Check if glyph has been previously processed
+@x <BHK 25-MAR, 02-MAY-1991> S328.
+@<Copy glyph from packed file, and find the next one@>=
+ repeat
+ @<Unpack and write...@>;
+ skip_specials
+ until (glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num).loaded<>unused) or
+ (flag_byte=pk_post);
+ with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded<>unused then
+ begin
+ char_code:=first_txfc;
+ font_code:=ln_font;
+ incr(first_txfc) {This might later be corrected}
+ end;
+@<Copy glyph from packed file, and find the next one@>=
+ repeat
+ @<Unpack and write...@>;
+ skip_specials;
+ if (flag_byte<>pk_post) then
+ begin
+ if (char_num<font_bc[TeX_font]) or (char_num>font_ec[TeX_font]) then
+ abort('bad pk file, illegal character (',char_num:1,')');
+@:fatal error Bad pk file illegal character}{\qquad\.{illegal character}@>
+ if not packet_used then {Packet wasn't copied...}
+ if (glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num).loaded<>unused) then
+ warning('glyph ',char_num:1,
+ ' has multiple definitions; later one(s) ignored')
+@:warning glyph has multiple}{\quad\.{glyph $c$ has multiple definitions}@>
+ end
+ until packet_used or (flag_byte=pk_post);
+ with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded<>unused then
+ begin
+ char_code:=first_txfc;
+ font_code:=ln_font;
+ incr(first_txfc) {Count character added to directory, etc}
+ end;
+Suppress checksum warning if either file has zero
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991> S333.
+@<Read character directory from |pxl_file|@>=
+if font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>long_pxl(pxl_ptr) then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PXL file');
+@.checksum doesn't match in PXL file@>
+@<Read character directory from |pxl_file|@>=
+move_to_pxl(pxl_size-16); i:=long_pxl(pxl_ptr); {Read checksum from file}
+if (font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>0) and (i<>0) and
+ (font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>i) then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PXL file');
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match in PXL file}{\qquad\.{in PXL file}@>
+Correct bug with fonts that require an overflow beyond 188 glyphs
+@x <BHK 17-APR-1991> S334.
+The character numbers will be those of the LN03 font file, having already been
+mapped to these during the mapping phase; therefore, if the lowest character
+number used is |= left_first| then we must be starting a new font, so must
+initialize the empty font file and indicate that this is a |GL| font
+(left-hand half of eight-bit character table).
+@<Determine lowest and highest characters used in the \TeX\ font@>=
+first_txfc:=-1; last_txfc:=-1; {For |ln_font|}
+The character numbers will be those of the LN03 font file, having already been
+mapped to these during the mapping phase; therefore, if the lowest character
+number used is |= left_first| then we must be starting a new font, so must
+initialize the empty font file and indicate that this is a |GL| font
+(left-hand half of eight-bit character table).
+If the \TeX\ font contained more than 188 glyphs that were used, it will
+have been mapped to \&{two} LN03 fonts: |overflow_font| will be set true
+when determining which characters were used in the overflow portion (the
+first font using all of |left_first..right_first| and
+|left_last..right_last|, since such a large font will never be ``fitted in''
+along with other fonts mapped to an LN03 font.
+@<Determine lowest and highest characters used in the \TeX\ font@>=
+first_txfc:=-1; last_txfc:=-1; overflow_font:=false; {For |ln_font|}
+Correct bug with fonts that require an overflow beyond 188 glyphs
+@x <BHK 17-APR-1991> S335.
+@ As we cycle through all the allocated characters, we note each code in turn,
+thus determining the highest code used. We also note the lowest one when we
+meet the first code used. If the |TeX_font| extends into a second |ln_font|,
+the corresponding information will be recorded in |final_txfc| and |txfc_next|,
+@<Note |last_txfc|, and set |first_txfc| for first character@>=
+if loaded = wanted then
+begin if txf_to_lnf[font_code]=ln_font then
+ begin if first_txfc=-1 then first_txfc:=char_code;
+ last_txfc:=char_code; font_code:=ln_font
+ end
+@ As we cycle through all the allocated characters, we note each code in turn,
+thus determining the highest code used (if this is |right_last| then any
+subsequent character \\{in this font} will belong to the overflow portion,
+in font |ln_font+1|). We also note the lowest one when we
+meet the first code used. If the |TeX_font| extends into a second |ln_font|,
+the corresponding information will be recorded in |final_txfc| and |txfc_next|,
+@<Note |last_txfc|, and set |first_txfc| for first character@>=
+if loaded = wanted then
+begin if not overflow_font then
+ begin if first_txfc=-1 then first_txfc:=char_code;
+ last_txfc:=char_code; font_code:=ln_font;
+ overflow_font:= char_code=right_last
+ end
+Correct bug with fonts that require an overflow beyond 188 glyphs
+@x <BHK 17-APR-1991> S337.
+\yskip\hang|end_txf| This is |true| if the last character of the present
+|TeX_font| is the last character mapped to |ln_font|.
+@<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>==
+@!first_txfc, @!last_txfc : integer;
+@!txfc_next, @!final_txfc : integer;
+@!begin_txf, @!end_txf : boolean;
+\yskip\hang|end_txf| This is |true| if the last character of the present
+|TeX_font| is the last character mapped to |ln_font|.
+\yskip\hang|overflow_font| Set |true| when we're determining the first and
+last characters used in the second LN03 font (|ln_font+1|) into which a font
+of more than 188 glyphs has overflowed.
+\yskip\hang|packet_used| Set |true| iff a character packet, taken from a
+packed pixel file, corresponds to a |wanted| character, and is downloaded.
+If a second packet with the same |char_num| is encountered, the |loaded|
+field will already have been set to |yes| or |no|, and the packet will be
+skipped. This permits us to detect duplicate characters (and ensure that
+we still process \\{all} characters actually used).
+@<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>==
+@!first_txfc, @!last_txfc : integer;
+@!txfc_next, @!final_txfc : integer;
+@!begin_txf, @!end_txf : boolean;
+@!overflow_font : boolean;
+@!packet_used : boolean;
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S338.
+write_ln(term_out,rasters:0,' bytes of rasters (',font_occupancy[TeX_font]:1,
+ ' characters)' ,crlf);
+if verbose then write_ln(term_out,rasters:0,' bytes of rasters (',
+ font_occupancy[TeX_font]:1,' characters)' ,crlf);
+Character counter wasn't increment for missing characters!
+@x <BHK 02-MAY-1991> S343.
+ warning('Font ',name,' doesn''t contain character ',char_num:1,crlf);
+@:Warning: Font doesn't contain character}{\quad\.{Font doesn't contain...}@>
+ @<Decide whereabouts to download the character@>;
+ @<Finish off any previous half font on LN03@>;
+ tfm_width := width;
+ num_cols := pixel_width;
+ base := ras_beg + ras_len;
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ char_code:=first_txfc; font_code:=ln_font
+ warning('Font ',name,' doesn''t contain character ',char_num:1,crlf);
+@:Warning: Font doesn't contain character}{\quad\.{Font doesn't contain...}@>
+ @<Decide whereabouts to download the character@>;
+ @<Finish off any previous half font on LN03@>;
+ tfm_width := width;
+ num_cols := pixel_width;
+ base := ras_beg + ras_len;
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ char_code:=first_txfc; font_code:=ln_font;
+ incr(first_txfc)
+Must count character's addition to directory entry, etc
+@x <BHK 02-MAY-1991> S344.
+ move_to_pxl(addr*4);
+ char_code:=to_where;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Copy the rasters themselves@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>
+ end {|with|}
+ move_to_pxl(addr*4);
+ char_code:=to_where;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Copy the rasters themselves@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>;
+ incr(first_txfc)
+ end {|with|}
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S365.
+ if (pages_counted mod 10)=0 then monitor('.'); {show progress}
+ if ((pages_counted mod 10)=0) and verbose then
+ monitor('.'); {show progress}
+Suppress spurious `done' message after N pages processed.
+@x <BHK 25-MAR-1991> S365.
+ monitor('done.'+crlf); term_offset:=0
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S365.
+ monitor('done.'+crlf); term_offset:=0;
+ if verbose then monitor('done.'+crlf); term_offset:=0;
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S373.
+@<Count the pages and move to the starting page@>=
+monitor('Finding starting page...');
+@<Count the pages and move to the starting page@>=
+if verbose then monitor('Finding starting page...');
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S373.
+monitor('found.'+crlf); term_offset:=0
+if verbose then monitor('found.'+crlf); term_offset:=0
+Correct the indexing of some warning messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S377.
+if signed_quad<>numerator then
+ warning('numerator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning numerator doesn't match}{\quad\.{numerator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>denominator then
+ warning('denominator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning denominator doesn't match}{\quad\.{denominator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>mag then if new_mag=0 then
+ warning('magnification doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning magnification doesn't match}{\quad\.{magnification doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>numerator then
+ warning('numerator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:Warning: numerator doesn't match}{\quad\.{numerator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>denominator then
+ warning('denominator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:Warning: denominator doesn't match}{\quad\.{denominator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>mag then if new_mag=0 then
+ warning('magnification doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:Warning: magnification doesn't match}{\quad\.{magnification doesn't match...}@>
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S387.
+ @!output_file_name:file_spec;
+@!ask : boolean;
+ @!output_file_name:file_spec;
+@!ask,@!verbose : boolean;
+Correct indexing of warning and error messages
+@x <BHK 26-MAR-1991> S395.
+if not ask then bomb_out('No file name provided');
+@.No file name provided@>
+if not ask then bomb_out('No file name provided');
+Provide support for /VERBOSE qualifier
+@x <BHK 30-SEP-1991> S396.
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('LOG')) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('LOG',log_file_name);
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('LOG')) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('LOG',log_file_name);
+verbose := odd(VAX_cli_present('VERBOSE'));
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.cld b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.cld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83f3ecd129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.cld
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+! CLD file to set up DCL interface for DVItoLN03 command.
+! For DVItoLN03 V4.0... BHK 11-FEB-1991
+! V4.1... BHK 20-SEP-1991
+! (Not all qualifiers are yet supported by the code...)
+! Types used for certain qualifiers
+define type ORIENTS
+ keyword PORTRAIT,
+ default
+ keyword LANDSCAPE
+! Mark one of these as default, as appropriate to your site
+define type PRINTERS
+ keyword LN03, ! Traditional LN03 or LN03-plus
+ default
+ keyword LN05 ! DEClaser~2100
+ keyword LN06 ! DEClaser~2200
+define type PRINT_MODE
+ keyword DUPLEX,
+ keyword SIMPLEX,
+ keyword NORMAL,
+ keyword TUMBLED,
+ keyword MASTER
+define type FEED_TRAY_LIST
+ keyword ALL,value(required,type=TRAY_TYPES)
+ keyword FIRST,value(required,type=TRAY_TYPES)
+ keyword REST,value(required,type=TRAY_TYPES)
+define type TRAY_TYPES
+ keyword DEFAULT_TRAY
+ keyword TOP_TRAY
+ keyword BOTTOM_TRAY
+ keyword MANUAL_FEED
+! Mark one of these as default, as appropriate to your site
+define type PAPER_TYPES
+ keyword A4, ! ISO A4 paper, 297mm x 210mm
+ default
+ keyword US ! US Letter size, 11in x 8-1/2in
+define verb DVILN03
+ image "TEX_EXE:DVITOLN03"
+ parameter P1,
+ label=FILESPEC,
+ prompt="DVI file",
+ value(required,type=$file)
+ qualifier STARTING_PAGE,
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(default="*")
+ qualifier NUMBER_OF_PAGES,
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(default=10000000,type=$number)
+ qualifier LEFT_MARGIN,
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(default=300px)
+ qualifier TOP_MARGIN,
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(default=300px)
+ qualifier HFUZZ, ! Program default is 100sp
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(required)
+ qualifier VFUZZ,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(required)
+ qualifier ORIENTATION,
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(type=orients)
+ qualifier TFM_DIRECTORY,
+ nonnegatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_FONTS:",type=$file)
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_FONTS:",type=$file)
+ qualifier PK_FONT_DIRECTORY,
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_PK:",type=$file)
+ negatable,
+ default,
+ value(default="TEX_PXL_ROOT:",type=$file)
+ qualifier LOG,
+ negatable,
+ value(type=$file)
+ qualifier OUTPUT,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(required,type=$file)
+ qualifier VERBOSE,
+ negatable,
+ default
+ qualifier PRINT_MODE
+ value(list,type=PRINT_MODE)
+ default,
+ negatable
+ qualifier FEED_TRAY
+ value(required,list,type=feed_tray_list)
+ qualifier PAPER_SIZE
+ default,
+ nonnegatable,
+ value(type=paper_types)
+ qualifier DEVICE_TYPE ! Never used by program
+ default,
+ value(type=printers)
+! That last qualifier is present just to control these disallow clauses
+! The value that DVItoLN03 will use if a qualifier is not specified (and
+! no default is given) can be seen in DVITOLN03.WEB/.CH
+! DVItoLN03 can handle any font scheme that obeys the following rules:
+! 1. If the PK_FONT_DIRECTORY value ends in ".]" then all PK font
+! files reside in various subdirectories of PK_FONT_DIRECTORY.
+! Each subdirectory name is a different font size.
+! e.g.
+! Font names: TEX_DISK:[TEX.PK.][300]cmr10.pxl
+! TEX_DISK:[TEX.PK.][622]cmr10.pxl
+! 2. If the PK_FONT_DIRECTORY value does NOT end in ".]" then all PK
+! font files reside in PK_FONT_DIRECTORY. Each file type begins
+! with a font size, followed by "PK".
+! e.g.
+! Font names: TEX_DISK:[TEX.PK]cmr10.300pk
+! TEX_DISK:[TEX.PK]cmr10.622pk
+! 3. If the PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY value ends in ".]" then all PXL font
+! files reside in various subdirectories of PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY.
+! Each subdirectory name is a different font size.
+! e.g.
+! Font names: TEX_DISK:[TEX.PXL.][1500]cmr10.pxl
+! TEX_DISK:[TEX.PXL.][3732]cmr10.pxl
+! 4. If the PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY value does NOT end in ".]" then all PXL
+! font files reside in PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY. Each file type begins
+! with a font size, followed by "PXL".
+! e.g.
+! e.g.
+! Font names: TEX_DISK:[TEX.PXL]cmr10.1500pxl
+! TEX_DISK:[TEX.PXL]cmr10.3732pxl
+! The above hackery is an attempt to cope with the various font schemes
+! used by VAX/VMS TeX sites. Note that GF files are not handled; I
+! figured any sites using GF files would convert them to PK files sooner
+! or later.
+! NB In the examples above, the values given for the font qualifiers
+! give a directory explicitly, but they may be passed logical names
+! instead: for example, one could have performed the following:
+! and then the default specifications used in THIS file will access
+! a pixel file for cmr10 as TEX_DISK:[TEX.PXL.1500]CMR10.PXL, whilst
+! a packed file would be sought as TEX_DISK:[TEX.PK]CMR10.300PK
+! Note that /TFM_DIRECTORY must be present by default, and must possess a
+! default value, which indicates, either directly or via a logical name,
+! the directory/ies in which the .TFM files are to be found.
+! If virtual fonts are in use, /VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY should be present by
+! default, and its default value should indicate where the .VF files are
+! to be found; if no .VF files exist, processing can be speeded up by
+! removing DEFAULT from this qualifier, or by specifying /NOVIRTUAL on
+! the command line.
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.web b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.web
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0690fcd579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/dvitoln03.web
@@ -0,0 +1,10433 @@
+% This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
+% Version 1 was completed in September, 1982.
+% Slight changes were made in October, 1982, for version 0.7 of TeX.
+% Version 1.1 corrected minor bugs (May, 1983).
+% Version 2 was released with version 0.999 of TeX (July, 1983).
+% Version 2.1 corrected a bug when no fonts are present (September, 1983).
+% Version 2.2 corrected bugs in max_*_so_far and put1 (October, 1983).
+% Version 2.3 corrected spacing of accents (March, 1984).
+% Version 2.4 fixed rounding, changed oriental font conventions (April, 1984).
+% Version 2.5 improved the case of zero pages (May, 1984).
+% Version 2.6 introduced max_drift (June, 1984).
+% Version 2.7 had minor editorial changes (August, 1984).
+% Version 1.0 of DVItoLN03 was created (as a change file to DVItype) March 1986
+% by Brian HAMILTON KELLY, Royal Military College of Science,
+% Shrivenham, SWINDON, SN6 8LA, United Kingdom
+% Tel: Swindon (0793) 785252 (Int'l +44-793-785252)
+% e-mail: (Janet)
+% This drew heavily upon Flavio Rose's DVI2LNG program, but also
+% included the work formerly performed as a separate pass by his
+% LN03TOPP program (which had bugs, and was written in PL/I, for
+% which we did not have a compiler!)
+% Version 1.1 corrected minor bugs in the port from PL/I and displayed page
+% numbers as each was processed April 1986
+% Version 1.2 used .PXL files in separate directories for each magnification,
+% in the manner of Andrew Trevorrow's DVItoVDU July 1986
+% Version 1.3 introduced minor cosmetic changes and increased |max_rules| to
+% 2048 July 1987
+% Version 1.4 added support for including sixel graphics
+% through \special Sep 87
+% Version 1.5 merged the original DVItype.WEB and the (now hopelessly huge)
+% change file, and `WEBified' the whole system. Also added proper
+% support for default filenames, so that one CAN reference an
+% older DVI file than the latest version.
+% Version 1.6 supports oversized glyphs (by making them into invisible
+% characters) and also outputs invisible characters as a single
+% pixel high row of white pixels of an appropriate width
+% Version 1.7 prints the glyphs of oversized characters as bitmap sixel dumps.
+% Version 2.0 reads PK files instead of .PXL (if available)
+% Version 2.1 corrects error reading invisible fonts from packed files and
+% with invisible characters of zero TFM width.
+% Version 3.0 includes wholesale rearrangement of some sections of code, to
+% improve its WEB-like quality. It also adds the following
+% functionality:
+% The packed and unpacked font files may be provided in
+% either a flat or a rooted directory structure; if logical
+% names are used to specify these locations (as in the .CLD
+% file provided), the files may be spread over a number of
+% different directories or volumes.
+% The error messages are improved over earlier versions of
+% the program, and are now all indexed in the woven
+% (WEAVEd?) WEB.
+% The program can now handle fonts with more then 128
+% characters, up to TeX's limit of 256. Therefore, it can
+% now process documents which use Silvio Levy's Greek fonts.
+% Retention of the log (.TYP) file may now be forced,
+% suppressed, or allowed to be determined by the success of
+% the processing.
+% Minor revisions and corrections have been made, in
+% particular, it now correctly understands the physical
+% limitations to the imaging area.
+% Version 3.1 correctly computes the magnification of each font for the font
+% loading reports, and also ensures that all output files are
+% opened in the current default directory, even when logical
+% names are used for the input file. It also extracts and
+% reports the full file specification of the source (.DVI) file.
+% Also introduced the /OUTPUT qualifier and file spec on /LOG.
+% Version 3.1-1 adds the `special' commands that were in the original Rose
+% program; this code was developed independently of (and
+% simultaneously with) version 3.1 (see above), and it therefore
+% seemed appropriate to give it a DEC-style version number
+% extension...
+% Version 3.1-2 increases |max_rules| to 16384 to cope with the output of
+% BIGTeX.
+% Version 3.1-3 reports an error status if the opening of a \special sixel
+% file fails. The LN03 is also reset to pixel spacing units
+% after the sixel file has been included.
+% Version 3.1-4 avoids attempting to print non-existent glyphs; some font
+% designers use non-existent characters in ligature sequences
+% (for example, Georgia Tobin ligatures * with characters such
+% as i, j, r, s, to select a variant form of the letter).
+% With earlier versions of this program, having failed to
+% download a glyph for the non-existent character, an attempt
+% would be made to print it is a bitmap when processing the
+% pages.
+% Version 3.2 This version, and all others prior to V4.0, were never
+% released: they were purely internal to RMCS whilst
+% additional functionality was being incorporated.
+% This version tidied up Robin Fairbairns' code, particularly
+% for recognizing <dimen> units.
+% Version 3.2-1 Correct code so that the arguments of \special are treated
+% as |ASCII_code| (they are not *necessarily* |char|s).
+% Version 3.3 Provide qualifiers to define all logicals used, so that
+% sites may chose to use TEX$FONTS or TEX_FONTS, etc.
+% Permit use of units other than pixel for specification
+% Version 3.3-1 Permit /LEFT_MARGIN and /TOP_MARGIN to take dimensionless
+% quantity, with the assumption that it's in pixels.
+% Version 3.4 Look out for virtual fonts, and reject them
+% Version 3.4-1 Read VF file, and parse it
+% Version 3.4-2 Map virtual font characters to real fonts, and load them
+% Version 3.4-3 Now able to print simple characters from a VF
+% Version 3.5 Made do_page capable of recursion to support complex
+% sequences in VF files
+% Version 3.5-1 Revised DVI reading code for input from |vf|
+% Version 3.5-2 Scaled |dvi| movements taken from VF file
+% Version 3.5-3 Corrected computation of scaling of -ve movements
+% Version 3.5-4 Removed confusion caused by empty segments on |seg_list|
+% Version 3.5-5 Use font_scaled_size[vfno] for scaling physical fonts!
+% Version 3.5-6 Corrected storage of -ve parameters in |vf| array
+% Version 3.5-7 Terminate normal text segment preceding composite character
+% Version 3.6 Read TFM files only once; fold upper/lower case names
+% Version 3.6-1 Guard against infinite recursion with font recurse
+% Version 3.6-2 Reference to another virtual font can't map to LN03 font
+% Version 3.6-3 Correct spurious checksum error
+% Version 3.7 Supports landscape and portrait \specials
+% Version 3.7-1 Defers bitmap output of glyphs until |eop|, like rest
+% Version 3.7-2 Correct handling of bitmap glyphs in |out_list|
+% Version 3.8 Support mixture of orientations on same page
+% Version 3.8-1 Moved all |max...| definitions to near front of WEB
+% Version 3.8-2 Changed |varying [name_size] of char| into |file_spec|
+% Version 3.8-3 Included narrative describing TFM files
+% Version 3.8-4 Aggregate all |glyph_info| into one vector |glyphs|
+% Version 3.8-5 Cosmetic changes; errors/warnings not just to TYP file
+% Version 3.8-6 Preliminary moves to set rules for missing fonts
+% Version 3.9 Image glyph from missing font by a solid rule
+% Version 3.9-1 Integrate |pixel_width|, etc into |glyph_map|
+% Version 3.9-2 Integrate |width|, etc into |glyph_map|
+% Version 3.9-3 Further speed-up, by greater use of |with glyph_map|
+% Version 3.9-4 Speed up setting loop, by removing double indexing
+% Version 3.9-5 Defer text too wide message until eop; report phases
+% Version 3.9-6 Couple more little speed-ups, missed before
+% Version 3.9-7 Cosmetic amendments; improved indexing
+% Version 3.9-8 Move <Move to top of form> before Copy_sixel_file
+% Version 3.91 Start unravelling |print_mode| and trays at top of form
+% Version 3.91-1 Acknowledge efforts of Robin and Karsten
+% Version 3.91-2 Ensure |last_page_recto| set even first time through
+% Version 3.91-3 Use Karsten's |blank_follows| mechanism
+% Version 3.91-4 Trim trailing spaces from |cur_name| in error message
+% Version 3.91-5 Determine |ln03_master| from /DEVICE_TYPE setting
+% Version 3.91-6 Provide |rd_scaled_pt|, for decoding /hfuzz, /vfuzz
+% Version 3.91-7 In duplex, don't change tray until 3rd page
+% Version 3.91-8 Insert sixel dumps into |seg_list|
+% Version 4.0 Cosmetic changes to error messages - new release!!!
+\outer\def\N#1.#2.{\MN#1.\vfil\eject % beginning of starred section
+ \def\rhead{\uppercase{\ignorespaces#2}} % define running headline
+ \message{*\modno} % progress report
+ {\def\.{\string\.}\def\BS{\string\BS\space}% Prevent expansion during contents write
+ \edef\next{\write\cont{\Z{#2}{\modno}{\the\pageno}}}\next % to contents file
+ }%
+ \ifon\startsection{\bf\ignorespaces#2.\quad}\ignorespaces}
+% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
+\def\hang{\hangindent 3em\indent\ignorespaces}
+\let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like PASCAL
+\font\logo=logo10 % font used for the METAFONT logo
+\def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}}
+\def\PASCAL{P{\mc ASCAL}}
+\def\(#1){} % this is used to make section names sort themselves better
+\def\9#1{} % this is used for sort keys in the index
+\def\title{DVI$\,$\lowercase{to}$\,$LN03 V4.0}
+ \def\titlepage{F} % include headline on the contents page
+ \def\rheader{\mainfont\hfil \contentspagenumber}
+ \vfill
+ \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont DVItoLN03} processor}
+ \vskip 15pt
+ \centerline{(Version 4.0, 27th February 1991)}
+ \centerline{(Vax/VMS Version)}
+ \vfill}
+ \centerline{\mc Acknowledgements}
+ \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt
+ \vbox{\ninerm\noindent
+ This program was originally based upon Flavio Rose's change file
+ which, applied to David Fuch's original \.{DVItype} program, generated
+ his \.{DVI2LNG} program. (The output produced by \.{DVI2LNG} was then
+ further processed by \.{LN03TOPP} to yield a \.{LN3} file to drive a
+ Digital LN03 laser printer.) Further extensions and enhancements were
+ added, and when the \.{WEB} change file grew to twice the size of the
+ original \.{DVITYPE.WEB} source, a manual \.{WEB}merge operation was
+ performed!\endgraf
+ Support for \.{\\changebar} specials was provided by Robin Fairbairns.
+ The code for the newer DEClaser printers is due to Karsten Nyblad.}}}
+\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
+\def\meta#1{{$\langle$\rm #1$\rangle$}}
+\def\9#1{}% Used with @@:sort entry}{printed entry@@>
+@* Introduction.
+The \.{DVItoLN03} utility program reads binary device-independent (``\.{DVI}'')
+files that are produced by document compilers such as \TeX, and converts them
+into a form suited to driving a Digital LN03 or LN03-Plus laser printer. The
+@^LN03 laser printer@>
+output file (with extension \.{LN3}) contains both the instructions to typeset
+@^LN3 file@>
+the required characters \&{and} the commands necessary to download the
+characters required (until DEC get around to providing the Computer Modern
+fonts in a ROM cartridge!). The LN03-Plus will accept, without complaint,
+any number of downloaded fonts: however, only the first 14 fonts (each
+consisting of up to 188 characters, in the \\{GL} and \\{GR} sets) are
+actually usable for imaging glyphs: attempts to image a glyph from fonts
+|15..| result in the display of a character taken from one of the first 14
+fonts loaded. In view of these limitations, \.{DVItoLN03} only downloads
+the characters which are actually used within the document being processed;
+the maximum possible number of characters, even if taken from different
+\TeX\ fonts, are combined into each single `LN03 font'.
+The program was developed by Brian Hamilton Kelly at the Royal Military
+@^Hamilton Kelly, Brian@>
+College of Science.
+@^Royal Military College of Science@>
+The \.{DVI2LNG} program of Flavio Rose
+@^Rose, Flavio@>
+@:DVI2LNG program}{\.{DVI2LNG} program@>
+was used as a starting point; this had been distributed as a change file to
+be applied to the original \.{DVItype} program,
+@:DVItype Program}{\.{DVItype} program@>
+and ``translated'' the \.{DVI} file into two output files which were then
+further processed by his \.{LN03toPP}
+@:LN03toPP Program}{\.{LN03toPP} program@>
+program (written in PL/I), which required device-specific versions of
+unpacked pixel files. The initial step was to perform the two separate
+passes within a single program (therefore the present program still needs to
+make two passes through the \.{DVI} file). Later work added further
+functionality including use of ``ordinary'' pixel files and support for
+\TeX's \.{\BS special} command to read sixel graphics dump files and include
+them verbatim within the output file. More recent revisions have produced
+major versions 2, 3 and 4:
+\yskip\hang\&{V2.0} Provided capability to read pixel rasters from packed
+(\.{PK}) files as well as from the traditional \.{PXL} files. It also manages
+to handle the glyphs of characters which are too large to load into the
+LN03's memory.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.0} Changed method of accessing font files, to allow users
+flexibility in the storage philosophy they adopt. Can now handle large
+(256-character) fonts, such as Levy's Greek.
+@^Levy, Silvio@>
+@^256-character fonts@>
+@:two hundred and fifty six character fonts}{256-character fonts@>
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.1} Robin Fairbairns of Laser Scan (Cambridge, UK) added
+@^Fairbairns, Robin@>
+support for Rose's \.{\BS special}s for changebar marking at V3.1-1, June
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.2} Tidied up recognition of \TeX\ \meta{physical unit}s.
+Removed final vestige of `hard-wired' logical names, \\{viz:} \.{TEX\$FONTS}
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.3} Permitted \.{/LEFT\UL MARGIN} and \.{TOP\UL MARGIN}
+qualifiers to take dimensioned lengths, instead of being restricted to
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.4} Processed virtual font files, provided each character
+was only mapped to a single character from some other font; did not support
+virtual characters which mapped to a sequence of one or more characters from
+other physical fonts, nor could it handle font \.{recurse}.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.5} Handled sequences in virtual font files; still couldn't
+handle font \.{recurse}.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.6} Supports font \.{recurse}; folds multiple references to
+same font (name and scale) onto single invocation.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.7} Supports landscape and portrait specials; whole page only.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.8} Supports mixture of landscape and portrait on same page.
+\yskip\hang\&{V3.9} Prints glyphs from missing fonts as solid rules; added
+\.{/HFUZZ} and \.{/VFUZZ} qualifiers.
+\yskip\hang\&{V4.0} Supports the new DEClaser~2100 and~2200 printers (the
+LN05 and LN06) in addition to the traditional LN03. With the LN06, paper
+feed trays may be selected from the command line, and the duplexing
+facilities controlled also. Support for these printers was provided by
+Karsten Nyblad
+@^Nyblad, Karsten@>
+of TFL, the Danish Telecommunication Research Laboratory, and integrated
+into this new release with the other features mentioned above.
+One of the stated {\it raisons d'\^^Detre\/} for \.{DVItype} is ``to serve as an
+example of a program that reads \.{DVI} files correctly, for system
+programmers who are developing \.{DVI}-related software.'' The paradigms for
+calculation provided by this example have been followed closely in the present
+program (by importing them {\it verbatim\/} from \.{DVItype}!) To quote again
+from \.{DVItype}:\vskip 5pt
+ \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt
+ \vbox{\ninerm\noindent
+ ``Programs for typesetting need to be especially careful about how they do
+ arithmetic; if rounding errors accumulate, margins won't be straight,
+ vertical rules won't line up, and so on. But if rounding is done
+ everywhere, even in the midst of words, there will be uneven spacing
+ between the letters, and that looks bad. Human eyes notice differences
+ of a thousandth of an inch in the positioning of lines that are close
+ together; on low resolution devices, where rounding produces effects
+ four times as great as this, the problem is especially critical.
+ Experience has shown that unusual care is needed even on high-resolution
+ equipment; for example, a mistake in the sixth significant hexadecimal
+ place of a constant once led to a difficult-to-find bug in some software
+ for the Alphatype CRS, which has a resolution of 5333 pixels per inch
+ (make that 5333.33333333 pixels per inch). The document compilers that
+ generate \.{DVI} files make certain assumptions about the arithmetic
+ that will be used by \.{DVI}-reading software, and if these assumptions
+ are violated the results will be of inferior quality.''
+ }}
+The first \.{DVItype} program was designed by David Fuchs in 1979, and it
+@^Fuchs, David Raymond@>
+went through several versions on different computers as the format of
+\.{DVI} files was evolving to its present form.
+The \.{LN3} output file produced by DVItoLN03 always commences by including
+commands to down-load one or more font-files (each of a maximum of 188
+characters) to define just those characters used in the document. The rest of
+the file consists of commands to set those characters where required. Because
+the mapping of source characters to those in the down-loaded fonts is
+arbitrary, the output file is unintelligible to human readers!
+Whilst many of the earlier changes tried to preserve the
+``machine-independence'' of the program, no attempt has been made in this
+version, since it is assumed that the LN03 printer will be used on a VAX
+computer. In particular, |random_reading| is used on some of the input files,
+and is necessary.
+The |banner| string defined here should be changed whenever \.{DVItoLN03}
+gets modified.
+@d banner=='This is DVItoLN03, Vax/VMS Version 4.0'
+@ This program is written mostly in standard \PASCAL, except where it is
+necessary to use extensions; for example, \.{DVItoLN03} must read files whose
+names are dynamically specified, and that would be impossible in pure \PASCAL.
+Many features of VAX-\PASCAL\ have been incorporated, and no attempt has been
+made to ensure that all places where such nonstandard constructions are used
+have been listed in the index under ``system dependencies.''
+@!@^system dependencies@>
+One of the extensions to standard \PASCAL\ that we shall deal with is the
+ability to move to a random place in a binary file; another is to
+determine the length of a binary file. Such extensions are not necessary
+for reading \.{DVI} files, and they are not important for efficiency
+reasons either. However, when creating the `font files' for
+downloading the necessary characters to the LN03, \.{DVItoLN03} \&{has} to be
+able to perform |random_reading|, to locate the glyph of each character within
+the pixel file. Therefore, if \.{DVItoLN03} is being used with
+\PASCAL s for which random file positioning is not efficiently available,
+and the following definition is changed from |true| to |false|, further work
+will still be required to re-code the processing of the pixel files.
+Another extension is to use a default |case| as in \.{TANGLE}, \.{WEAVE},
+@d random_reading==true {should we skip around in the file?}
+@d othercases == otherwise {Vax/VMS default for cases not listed explicitly}
+@d endcases == @+end {follows the default case in an extended |case| statement}
+@f othercases == else
+@f endcases == end
+@ The binary input comes from |dvi_file|, and the \.{LN3} file is written to
+|ln3_file|. \.{DVItoLN03} also produces a `log' file using |type_file|.
+Errors and some informational messages are written to this, and are also
+written to \PASCAL's standard |output| file. The term |print| is used instead
+of |write| when this program writes on |type_file|, so that all such output
+could easily be redirected if desired.
+Under Vax/VMS we use double-precision for all real values. Furthermore, since
+extensive reference is made to Vax/VMS system services and other library
+routines, we arrange for the \PASCAL\ program to `inherit' all their
+definitions (from \.{STARLET}).
+@d print(#)==write(type_file,#)
+@d print_ln(#)==write_ln(type_file,#)
+@d real==double
+@p @=[INHERIT ('SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET')]@> program DVI_to_LN03(@!dvi_file,
+ @!tfm_file,@!type_file,@!output,@!ln3_file);
+label @<Labels in the outer block@>@/
+const @<Constants in the outer block@>@/
+type @<Types in the outer block@>@/
+var @<Globals in the outer block@>@/
+procedure jump_out; forward;@#
+@t\2@>@<Procedures for initialization@>@;@#
+procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
+ var @!i:integer; {loop index for initializations}
+ begin
+ @<Preset initial values@>@/
+ print_ln(banner);@/
+ @<Set initial values@>@/
+ end;@#
+@<Additional low-level procedures@>@;
+@ If the program has to stop prematurely, it goes to the
+`|final_end|'. Another label, |done|, is used when stopping normally.
+@d final_end=9999 {label for the end of it all}
+@d done=30 {go here when finished with a subtask}
+@ The following parameters can be changed at compile time to extend or
+reduce \.{DVItoLN03}'s capacity.
+As previously mentioned, the LN03-plus is quite happy to accept any number
+of downloaded fonts, but is incapable of imaging glyphs from more than
+fourteen of them! (The basic LN03 won't accept more than 21 half-fonts.)
+Each such font has to be selected by mapping it to one of 10 different
+Select Graphic Renditions; this is reflected by the constant |max_SGR|.
+Whenever bitmaps are sent to the printer (in sixel format), it is necessary
+to establish the ``printing'' position 29 pixels above the current
+reference point. Despite repeated enquiry of DEC, it has not been
+established why this is necessary. Naturally, we call this 29 pixels
+|bitmap_offset|. This same offset also has to be applied to sixel graphics
+included through a \.{\\special} command.
+When the paper orientation is selected, we may define the |page_len| and
+|page_wid| in terms of the physical limits of the paper; these sizes are
+as follows (for European A4 paper).
+@^European A4 paper@>
+(These might later become variables, and be alterable by qualifiers in the
+command line.) There is, however, a further complication. In either printing
+orientation, the printable area is of these dimensions; however, this printing
+area starts 0.25~inches from the top left corner of the paper \\{in the
+orientation it enters the printer}. Therefore in portrait mode, we can
+actually print from (75,75) to (2475,3475), with (300,300) being the
+``normal'' \TeX\ origin, but in landscape mode we can print (35,75) to
+(3435,2475), and \TeX's origin should still be at (300,300).
+The LN03 has a physical (apparently arbitrary) restriction on the maximum size
+of a downloadable glyph. For a glyph to be acceptable, it must satisfy the
+inequality $$
+ 2\times\lceil|num_cols|/2\rceil\times\lceil|num_rows|/8\rceil\le5700$$
+The type |file_spec| is used for declaring data objects containing VAX/RMS
+file specifications, and for declaring procedures which handle them.
+@d max_line=200 {Maximum length of any line output to the LN03}
+@d max_print=175 {Maximum number of characters imaged on line}
+@d max_lnfonts=13 {Limitations of the LN03's hardware}
+@d max_SGR=9
+@d max_special=300 {maximum size of a \.{\\special} command that we can deal
+@d max_points=256 {number of points for the \.{\\special} rule commands}
+@d max_strings=30 {Distinct string parameters of \.{\\special}s}
+@d pool_size=100 {Total characters in those strings}
+@d bitmap_offset=29
+@d paper_ht=3400 {in pixels}
+@d paper_wid=2400
+@d y_port_min=75
+@d y_land_min=35
+@d page_x_min=75
+@d y_top=75 {Minimum addressable $y$ pixel}
+@d y_bot=paper_ht+y_port_min {Maximum addressable $y$ pixel}
+@d PFS_landscape=='?23 J' {Extended A4 paper in landscape orientation}
+@d PFS_portrait=='?22 J' {ditto in portrait; each preceded by |csi|}
+@d lnf_bufsize=2000 {Maximum block size of an LN03 ``font file'' in memory ($\approx1$MB)}
+@d largest_glyph=5700
+@d max_fonts=100 {maximum number of distinct fonts per \.{DVI} file}
+@d max_glyphs=10000 {maximum number of different characters among all fonts}
+@d line_length=79 {bracketed lines of output will be at most this long}
+@d terminal_line_length=150 {maximum number of characters input in a single
+ line of input from the command line interpreter}
+@d stack_size=100 {\.{DVI} files shouldn't |push| beyond this depth}
+@d name_size=1000 {total length of all font file names}
+@d name_length=255 {a file name shouldn't be longer than this}
+@d max_rules=16384 {maximum number of rules per page}
+@d max_lap_rules=3 {maximum under/over lap of rules}
+@d vf_size=10000 {maximum |dvi| commands stored from virtual font files}
+@d max_blank_pages=100 {blank \\{verso} pages between successive \\{recto}s}
+@!file_spec = varying [name_length] of char;
+@ Here are some macros for common programming idioms.
+@d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity}
+@d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity}
+@d do_nothing == {empty statement}
+@ If the \.{DVI} file is badly malformed, the whole process must be aborted;
+\.{DVItoLN03} will give up, after issuing an error message about the symptoms
+that were noticed.
+Such errors might be discovered inside of subroutines inside of subroutines,
+so a procedure called |jump_out| has been introduced. This procedure, which
+simply transfers control to the label |final_end| at the end of the program,
+contains the only non-local |goto| statement in \.{DVItoLN03}.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d crlf==chr(13)+chr(10)
+@d abort(#)==begin
+ history := fatal_error; print_ln(' ');
+ print_ln(' Fatal error: ',#);
+@!@.Fatal error ...@>
+ write_ln(output,crlf,'Fatal error: ',#,crlf);
+ jump_out;
+ end
+@d bad_dvi(#)==abort('Bad DVI file: ',#,'!')
+@!@.Bad DVI file@>
+@!@:fatal error Bad DVI file}{\quad\.{Bad DVI file} \\{(q.v.)}@>
+@d capacity_exceeded(#)==abort('capacity exceeded [',#,']')
+@!@.capacity exceeded@>
+@!@:fatal error capacity exceeded}{\quad\.{capacity exceeded} \\{(q.v.)}@>
+@p procedure jump_out;
+begin goto final_end;
+@* The character set.
+Like all programs written with the \.{WEB} system, \.{DVItoLN03} can be
+used with any character set. But it uses ASCII code internally, because
+the programming for portable input-output is easier when a fixed internal
+code is used, and because \.{DVI} files use ASCII code for file names
+and certain other strings.
+The next few sections of \.{DVItoLN03} have therefore been copied from the
+analogous ones in the \.{WEB} system routines. They have been considerably
+simplified, since \.{DVItoLN03} need not deal with the controversial
+ASCII codes less than @'40. If such codes appear in the \.{DVI} file,
+they will be printed as question marks.
+All characters still occupy 8 bits of storage, to avoid overhead with |packed
+@!ASCII_code= @=[byte]@> " ".."~"; {a subrange of the integers}
+@ The original \PASCAL\ compiler was designed in the late 60s, when six-bit
+character sets were common, so it did not make provision for lower case
+letters. Nowadays, of course, we need to deal with both upper and lower case
+alphabets in a convenient way, especially in a program like \.{DVItoLN03}.
+So we shall assume that the \PASCAL\ system being used for \.{DVItoLN03}
+has a character set containing at least the standard visible characters
+of ASCII code (|"!"| through |"~"|).
+Some \PASCAL\ compilers use the original name |char| for the data type
+associated with the characters in text files, while other \PASCAL s
+consider |char| to be a 64-element subrange of a larger data type that has
+some other name. In order to accommodate this difference, we shall use
+the name |text_char| to stand for the data type of the characters in the
+output file. We shall also assume that |text_char| consists of
+the elements |chr(first_text_char)| through |chr(last_text_char)|,
+inclusive. The following definitions should be adjusted if necessary.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d text_char == char {the data type of characters in text files}
+@d first_text_char=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |text_char|}
+@d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|}
+@!text_file=packed file of text_char;
+@ The \.{DVItoLN03} processor converts between ASCII code and
+the user's external character set by means of arrays |xord| and |xchr|
+that are analogous to \PASCAL's |ord| and |chr| functions.
+@!xord: array [text_char] of ASCII_code;
+ {specifies conversion of input characters}
+@!xchr: array [first_text_char..last_text_char] of text_char;
+ {specifies conversion of output characters}
+@ Under our assumption that the visible characters of standard ASCII are
+all present, the following assignment statements initialize the
+|xchr| array properly, without needing any system-dependent changes.
+@<Set init...@>=
+for i:=0 to @'37 do xchr[i]:='?';
+xchr[@'40]:=' ';
+for i:=@'177 to 255 do xchr[i]:='?';
+@ The following system-independent code makes the |xord| array contain a
+suitable inverse to the information in |xchr|.
+@<Set init...@>=
+for i:=first_text_char to last_text_char do xord[chr(i)]:=@'40;
+for i:=" " to "~" do xord[xchr[i]]:=i;
+@* Device-independent file format.
+Before we get into the details of \.{DVItoLN03}, we need to know exactly
+what \.{DVI} files are. The form of such files was designed by David R.
+@^Fuchs, David Raymond@>
+Fuchs in 1979. Almost any reasonable typesetting device can be driven by
+a program that takes \.{DVI} files as input, and dozens of such
+\.{DVI}-to-whatever programs have been written. Thus, it is possible to
+print the output of document compilers like \TeX\ on many different kinds
+of equipment.
+A \.{DVI} file is a stream of 8-bit bytes, which may be regarded as a
+series of commands in a machine-like language. The first byte of each command
+is the operation code, and this code is followed by zero or more bytes
+that provide parameters to the command. The parameters themselves may consist
+of several consecutive bytes; for example, the `|set_rule|' command has two
+parameters, each of which is four bytes long. Parameters are usually
+regarded as nonnegative integers; but four-byte-long parameters,
+and shorter parameters that denote distances, can be
+either positive or negative. Such parameters are given in two's complement
+notation. For example, a two-byte-long distance parameter has a value between
+$-2^{15}$ and $2^{15}-1$.
+@.DVI {\rm files}@>
+A \.{DVI} file consists of a ``preamble,'' followed by a sequence of one
+or more ``pages,'' followed by a ``postamble.'' The preamble is simply a
+|pre| command, with its parameters that define the dimensions used in the
+file; this must come first. Each ``page'' consists of a |bop| command,
+followed by any number of other commands that tell where characters are to
+be placed on a physical page, followed by an |eop| command. The pages
+appear in the order that they were generated, not in any particular
+numerical order. If we ignore |nop| commands and \\{fnt\_def} commands
+(which are allowed between any two commands in the file), each |eop|
+command is immediately followed by a |bop| command, or by a |post|
+command; in the latter case, there are no more pages in the file, and the
+remaining bytes form the postamble. Further details about the postamble
+will be explained later.
+Some parameters in \.{DVI} commands are ``pointers.'' These are four-byte
+quantities that give the location number of some other byte in the file;
+the first byte is number~0, then comes number~1, and so on. For example,
+one of the parameters of a |bop| command points to the previous |bop|;
+this makes it feasible to read the pages in backwards order, in case the
+results are being directed to a device that stacks its output face up.
+Suppose the preamble of a \.{DVI} file occupies bytes 0 to 99. Now if the
+first page occupies bytes 100 to 999, say, and if the second
+page occupies bytes 1000 to 1999, then the |bop| that starts in byte 1000
+points to 100 and the |bop| that starts in byte 2000 points to 1000. (The
+very first |bop|, i.e., the one that starts in byte 100, has a pointer of $-1$.)
+@!dvi_file:byte_file; {the stuff we are \.{DVItoLN03}ing}
+@ The \.{DVI} format is intended to be both compact and easily interpreted
+by a machine. Compactness is achieved by making most of the information
+implicit instead of explicit. When a \.{DVI}-reading program reads the
+commands for a page, it keeps track of several quantities: (a)~The current
+font |f| is an integer; this value is changed only
+by \\{fnt} and \\{fnt\_num} commands. (b)~The current position on the page
+is given by two numbers called the horizontal and vertical coordinates,
+|h| and |v|. Both coordinates are zero at the upper left corner of the page;
+moving to the right corresponds to increasing the horizontal coordinate, and
+moving down corresponds to increasing the vertical coordinate. Thus, the
+coordinates are essentially Cartesian, except that vertical directions are
+flipped; the Cartesian version of |(h,v)| would be |(h,-v)|. (c)~The
+current spacing amounts are given by four numbers |w|, |x|, |y|, and |z|,
+where |w| and~|x| are used for horizontal spacing and where |y| and~|z|
+are used for vertical spacing. (d)~There is a stack containing
+|(h,v,w,x,y,z)| values; the \.{DVI} commands |push| and |pop| are used to
+change the current level of operation. Note that the current font~|f| is
+not pushed and popped; the stack contains only information about
+The values of |h|, |v|, |w|, |x|, |y|, and |z| are signed integers having up
+to 32 bits, including the sign. Since they represent physical distances,
+there is a small unit of measurement such that increasing |h| by~1 means
+moving a certain tiny distance to the right. The actual unit of
+measurement is variable, as explained below.
+@ Here is a list of all the commands that may appear in a \.{DVI} file. Each
+command is specified by its symbolic name (e.g., |bop|), its opcode byte
+(e.g., 139), and its parameters (if any). The parameters are followed
+by a bracketed number telling how many bytes they occupy; for example,
+`|p[4]|' means that parameter |p| is four bytes long.
+\yskip\hang|set_char_0| 0. Typeset character number~0 from font~|f|
+such that the reference point of the character is at |(h,v)|. Then
+increase |h| by the width of that character. Note that a character may
+have zero or negative width, so one cannot be sure that |h| will advance
+after this command; but |h| usually does increase.
+\yskip\hang|set_char_1| through |set_char_127| (opcodes 1 to 127).
+Do the operations of |set_char_0|; but use the character whose number
+matches the opcode, instead of character~0.
+\yskip\hang|set1| 128 |c[1]|. Same as |set_char_0|, except that character
+number~|c| is typeset. \TeX82 uses this command for characters in the
+range |128<=c<256|.
+\yskip\hang|set2| 129 |c[2]|. Same as |set1|, except that |c|~is two
+bytes long, so it is in the range |0<=c<65536|. \TeX82 never uses this
+command, which is intended for processors that deal with oriental languages;
+but \.{DVItoLN03} will allow character codes greater than 255, assuming that
+they all have the same width as the character whose code is $c \bmod 256$.
+@^oriental characters@>@^Chinese characters@>@^Japanese characters@>
+\yskip\hang|set3| 130 |c[3]|. Same as |set1|, except that |c|~is three
+bytes long, so it can be as large as $2^{24}-1$.
+\yskip\hang|set4| 131 |c[4]|. Same as |set1|, except that |c|~is four
+bytes long, possibly even negative. Imagine that.
+\yskip\hang|set_rule| 132 |a[4]| |b[4]|. Typeset a solid black rectangle
+of height |a| and width |b|, with its bottom left corner at |(h,v)|. Then
+set |h:=h+b|. If either |a<=0| or |b<=0|, nothing should be typeset. Note
+that if |b<0|, the value of |h| will decrease even though nothing else happens.
+Programs that typeset from \.{DVI} files should be careful to make the rules
+line up carefully with digitized characters, as explained in connection with
+the |rule_pixels| subroutine below.
+\yskip\hang|put1| 133 |c[1]|. Typeset character number~|c| from font~|f|
+such that the reference point of the character is at |(h,v)|. (The `put'
+commands are exactly like the `set' commands, except that they simply put out a
+character or a rule without moving the reference point afterwards.)
+\yskip\hang|put2| 134 |c[2]|. Same as |set2|, except that |h| is not changed.
+\yskip\hang|put3| 135 |c[3]|. Same as |set3|, except that |h| is not changed.
+\yskip\hang|put4| 136 |c[4]|. Same as |set4|, except that |h| is not changed.
+\yskip\hang|put_rule| 137 |a[4]| |b[4]|. Same as |set_rule|, except that
+|h| is not changed.
+\yskip\hang|nop| 138. No operation, do nothing. Any number of |nop|'s
+may occur between \.{DVI} commands, but a |nop| cannot be inserted between
+a command and its parameters or between two parameters.
+\yskip\hang|bop| 139 $c_0[4]$ $c_1[4]$ $\ldots$ $c_9[4]$ $p[4]$. Beginning
+of a page: Set |(h,v,w,x,y,z):=(0,0,0,0,0,0)| and set the stack empty. Set
+the current font |f| to an undefined value. The ten $c_i$ parameters can
+be used to identify pages, if a user wants to print only part of a \.{DVI}
+file; \TeX82 gives them the values of \.{\\count0} $\ldots$ \.{\\count9}
+at the time \.{\\shipout} was invoked for this page. The parameter |p|
+points to the previous |bop| command in the file, where the first |bop|
+has $p=-1$.
+\yskip\hang|eop| 140. End of page: Print what you have read since the
+previous |bop|. At this point the stack should be empty. (The \.{DVI}-reading
+programs that drive most output devices will have kept a buffer of the
+material that appears on the page that has just ended. This material is
+largely, but not entirely, in order by |v| coordinate and (for fixed |v|) by
+|h|~coordinate; so it usually needs to be sorted into some order that is
+appropriate for the device in question. \.{DVItoLN03} does do such sorting.)
+\yskip\hang|push| 141. Push the current values of |(h,v,w,x,y,z)| onto the
+top of the stack; do not change any of these values. Note that |f| is
+not pushed.
+\yskip\hang|pop| 142. Pop the top six values off of the stack and assign
+them to |(h,v,w,x,y,z)|. The number of pops should never exceed the number
+of pushes, since it would be highly embarrassing if the stack were empty
+at the time of a |pop| command.
+\yskip\hang|right1| 143 |b[1]|. Set |h:=h+b|, i.e., move right |b| units.
+The parameter is a signed number in two's complement notation, |-128<=b<128|;
+if |b<0|, the reference point actually moves left.
+\yskip\hang|right2| 144 |b[2]|. Same as |right1|, except that |b| is a
+two-byte quantity in the range |-32768<=b<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|right3| 145 |b[3]|. Same as |right1|, except that |b| is a
+three-byte quantity in the range |@t$-2^{23}$@><=b<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|right4| 146 |b[4]|. Same as |right1|, except that |b| is a
+four-byte quantity in the range |@t$-2^{31}$@><=b<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|w0| 147. Set |h:=h+w|; i.e., move right |w| units. With luck,
+this parameterless command will usually suffice, because the same kind of motion
+will occur several times in succession; the following commands explain how
+|w| gets particular values.
+\yskip\hang|w1| 148 |b[1]|. Set |w:=b| and |h:=h+b|. The value of |b| is a
+signed quantity in two's complement notation, |-128<=b<128|. This command
+changes the current |w|~spacing and moves right by |b|.
+\yskip\hang|w2| 149 |b[2]|. Same as |w1|, but |b| is a two-byte-long
+parameter, |-32768<=b<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|w3| 150 |b[3]|. Same as |w1|, but |b| is a three-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{23}$@><=b<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|w4| 151 |b[4]|. Same as |w1|, but |b| is a four-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{31}$@><=b<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|x0| 152. Set |h:=h+x|; i.e., move right |x| units. The `|x|'
+commands are like the `|w|' commands except that they involve |x| instead
+of |w|.
+\yskip\hang|x1| 153 |b[1]|. Set |x:=b| and |h:=h+b|. The value of |b| is a
+signed quantity in two's complement notation, |-128<=b<128|. This command
+changes the current |x|~spacing and moves right by |b|.
+\yskip\hang|x2| 154 |b[2]|. Same as |x1|, but |b| is a two-byte-long
+parameter, |-32768<=b<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|x3| 155 |b[3]|. Same as |x1|, but |b| is a three-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{23}$@><=b<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|x4| 156 |b[4]|. Same as |x1|, but |b| is a four-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{31}$@><=b<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|down1| 157 |a[1]|. Set |v:=v+a|, i.e., move down |a| units.
+The parameter is a signed number in two's complement notation, |-128<=a<128|;
+if |a<0|, the reference point actually moves up.
+\yskip\hang|down2| 158 |a[2]|. Same as |down1|, except that |a| is a
+two-byte quantity in the range |-32768<=a<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|down3| 159 |a[3]|. Same as |down1|, except that |a| is a
+three-byte quantity in the range |@t$-2^{23}$@><=a<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|down4| 160 |a[4]|. Same as |down1|, except that |a| is a
+four-byte quantity in the range |@t$-2^{31}$@><=a<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|y0| 161. Set |v:=v+y|; i.e., move down |y| units. With luck,
+this parameterless command will usually suffice, because the same kind of motion
+will occur several times in succession; the following commands explain how
+|y| gets particular values.
+\yskip\hang|y1| 162 |a[1]|. Set |y:=a| and |v:=v+a|. The value of |a| is a
+signed quantity in two's complement notation, |-128<=a<128|. This command
+changes the current |y|~spacing and moves down by |a|.
+\yskip\hang|y2| 163 |a[2]|. Same as |y1|, but |a| is a two-byte-long
+parameter, |-32768<=a<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|y3| 164 |a[3]|. Same as |y1|, but |a| is a three-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{23}$@><=a<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|y4| 165 |a[4]|. Same as |y1|, but |a| is a four-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{31}$@><=a<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|z0| 166. Set |v:=v+z|; i.e., move down |z| units. The `|z|' commands
+are like the `|y|' commands except that they involve |z| instead of |y|.
+\yskip\hang|z1| 167 |a[1]|. Set |z:=a| and |v:=v+a|. The value of |a| is a
+signed quantity in two's complement notation, |-128<=a<128|. This command
+changes the current |z|~spacing and moves down by |a|.
+\yskip\hang|z2| 168 |a[2]|. Same as |z1|, but |a| is a two-byte-long
+parameter, |-32768<=a<32768|.
+\yskip\hang|z3| 169 |a[3]|. Same as |z1|, but |a| is a three-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{23}$@><=a<@t$2^{23}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|z4| 170 |a[4]|. Same as |z1|, but |a| is a four-byte-long
+parameter, |@t$-2^{31}$@><=a<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_num_0| 171. Set |f:=0|. Font 0 must previously have been
+defined by a \\{fnt\_def} instruction, as explained below.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_num_1| through |fnt_num_63| (opcodes 172 to 234). Set
+|f:=1|, \dots, |f:=63|, respectively.
+\yskip\hang|fnt1| 235 |k[1]|. Set |f:=k|. \TeX82 uses this command for font
+numbers in the range |64<=k<256|.
+\yskip\hang|fnt2| 236 |k[2]|. Same as |fnt1|, except that |k|~is two
+bytes long, so it is in the range |0<=k<65536|. \TeX82 never generates this
+command, but large font numbers may prove useful for specifications of
+color or texture, or they may be used for special fonts that have fixed
+numbers in some external coding scheme.
+\yskip\hang|fnt3| 237 |k[3]|. Same as |fnt1|, except that |k|~is three
+bytes long, so it can be as large as $2^{24}-1$.
+\yskip\hang|fnt4| 238 |k[4]|. Same as |fnt1|, except that |k|~is four
+bytes long; this is for the really big font numbers (and for the negative ones).
+\yskip\hang|xxx1| 239 |k[1]| |x[k]|. This command is undefined in
+general; it functions as a $(k+2)$-byte |nop| unless special \.{DVI}-reading
+programs are being used. \TeX82 generates |xxx1| when a short enough
+\.{\\special} appears, setting |k| to the number of bytes being sent. It
+is recommended that |x| be a string having the form of a keyword followed
+by possible parameters relevant to that keyword.
+\yskip\hang|xxx2| 240 |k[2]| |x[k]|. Like |xxx1|, but |0<=k<65536|.
+\yskip\hang|xxx3| 241 |k[3]| |x[k]|. Like |xxx1|, but |0<=k<@t$2^{24}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|xxx4| 242 |k[4]| |x[k]|. Like |xxx1|, but |k| can be ridiculously
+large. \TeX82 uses |xxx4| when |xxx1| would be incorrect.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_def1| 243 |k[1]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<256|; font definitions will be explained shortly.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_def2| 244 |k[2]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<65536|.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_def3| 245 |k[3]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<@t$2^{24}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|fnt_def4| 246 |k[4]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |@t$-2^{31}$@><=k<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|pre| 247 |i[1]| |num[4]| |den[4]| |mag[4]| |k[1]| |x[k]|.
+Beginning of the preamble; this must come at the very beginning of the
+file. Parameters |i|, |num|, |den|, |mag|, |k|, and |x| are explained below.
+\yskip\hang|post| 248. Beginning of the postamble, see below.
+\yskip\hang|post_post| 249. Ending of the postamble, see below.
+\yskip\noindent Commands 250--255 are undefined at the present time.
+@ @d set_char_0=0 {typeset character 0 and move right}
+@d set1=128 {typeset a character and move right}
+@d set_rule=132 {typeset a rule and move right}
+@d put1=133 {typeset a character}
+@d put_rule=137 {typeset a rule}
+@d nop=138 {no operation}
+@d bop=139 {beginning of page}
+@d eop=140 {ending of page}
+@d push=141 {save the current positions}
+@d pop=142 {restore previous positions}
+@d right1=143 {move right}
+@d w0=147 {move right by |w|}
+@d w1=148 {move right and set |w|}
+@d x0=152 {move right by |x|}
+@d x1=153 {move right and set |x|}
+@d down1=157 {move down}
+@d y0=161 {move down by |y|}
+@d y1=162 {move down and set |y|}
+@d z0=166 {move down by |z|}
+@d z1=167 {move down and set |z|}
+@d fnt_num_0=171 {set current font to 0}
+@d fnt1=235 {set current font}
+@d xxx1=239 {extension to \.{DVI} primitives}
+@d xxx4=242 {potentially long extension to \.{DVI} primitives}
+@d fnt_def1=243 {define the meaning of a font number}
+@d pre=247 {preamble}
+@d post=248 {postamble beginning}
+@d post_post=249 {postamble ending}
+@d undefined_commands==250,251,252,253,254,255
+@ The preamble contains basic information about the file as a whole. As
+stated above, there are six parameters:
+$$\hbox{|@!i[1]| |@!num[4]| |@!den[4]| |@!mag[4]| |@!k[1]| |@!x[k]|.}$$
+The |i| byte identifies \.{DVI} format; currently this byte is always set
+to~2. (Some day we will set |i=3|, when \.{DVI} format makes another
+incompatible change---perhaps in 1992.)
+The next two parameters, |num| and |den|, are positive integers that define
+the units of measurement; they are the numerator and denominator of a
+fraction by which all dimensions in the \.{DVI} file could be multiplied
+in order to get lengths in units of $10^{-7}$ meters. (For example, there are
+exactly 7227 \TeX\ points in 254 centimeters, and \TeX82 works with scaled
+points where there are $2^{16}$ sp in a point, so \TeX82 sets |num=25400000|
+and $|den|=7227\cdot2^{16}=473628672$.)
+The |mag| parameter is what \TeX82 calls \.{\\mag}, i.e., 1000 times the
+desired magnification. The actual fraction by which dimensions are
+multiplied is therefore $mn/1000d$. Note that if a \TeX\ source document
+does not call for any `\.{true}' dimensions, and if you change it only by
+specifying a different \.{\\mag} setting, the \.{DVI} file that \TeX\
+creates will be completely unchanged except for the value of |mag| in the
+preamble and postamble. (Fancy \.{DVI}-reading programs allow users to
+override the |mag|~setting when a \.{DVI} file is being printed; this facility
+has not been implemented in \.{DVItoLN03}.)
+Finally, |k| and |x| allow the \.{DVI} writer to include a comment, which is not
+interpreted further. The length of comment |x| is |k|, where |0<=k<256|.
+@d id_byte=2 {identifies the kind of \.{DVI} files described here}
+@ Font definitions for a given font number |k| contain further parameters
+$$\hbox{|c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.}$$
+The four-byte value |c| is the check sum that \TeX\ (or whatever program
+generated the \.{DVI} file) found in the \.{TFM} file for this font;
+|c| should match the check sum of the font found by programs that read
+this \.{DVI} file.
+@^check sum@>
+Parameter |s| contains a fixed-point scale factor that is applied to the
+character widths in font |k|; font dimensions in \.{TFM} files and other
+font files are relative to this quantity, which is always positive and
+less than $2^{27}$. It is given in the same units as the other dimensions
+of the \.{DVI} file. Parameter |d| is similar to |s|; it is the ``design
+size,'' and it is given in \.{DVI} units that have not been corrected for
+the magnification~|mag| found in the preamble. Thus, font |k| is to be
+used at $|mag|\cdot s/1000d$ times its normal size.
+The remaining part of a font definition gives the external name of the font,
+which is an ASCII string of length |a+l|. The number |a| is the length
+of the ``area'' or directory, and |l| is the length of the font name itself;
+the standard local system font area is supposed to be used when |a=0|.
+The |n| field contains the area in its first |a| bytes.
+Font definitions must appear before the first use of a particular font number.
+Once font |k| is defined, it must not be defined again; however, we
+shall see below that font definitions appear in the postamble as well as
+in the pages, so in this sense each font number is defined exactly twice,
+if at all. Like |nop| commands and \\{xxx} commands, font definitions can
+appear before the first |bop|, or between an |eop| and a |bop|.
+@ The last page in a \.{DVI} file is followed by `|post|'; this command
+introduces the postamble, which summarizes important facts that \TeX\ has
+accumulated about the file, making it possible to print subsets of the data
+with reasonable efficiency. The postamble has the form
+ |post| |p[4]| |num[4]| |den[4]| |mag[4]| |l[4]| |u[4]| |s[2]| |t[2]|\cr
+ $\langle\,$font definitions$\,\rangle$\cr
+ |post_post| |q[4]| |i[1]| 223's$[{\G}4]$\cr}}$$
+Here |p| is a pointer to the final |bop| in the file. The next three
+parameters, |num|, |den|, and |mag|, are duplicates of the quantities that
+appeared in the preamble.
+Parameters |l| and |u| give respectively the height-plus-depth of the tallest
+page and the width of the widest page, in the same units as other dimensions
+of the file. These numbers might be used by a \.{DVI}-reading program to
+position individual ``pages'' on large sheets of film or paper; however,
+the standard convention for output on normal size paper is to position each
+page so that the upper left-hand corner is exactly one inch from the left
+and the top. Experience has shown that it is unwise to design \.{DVI}-to-printer
+software that attempts cleverly to center the output; a fixed position of
+the upper left corner is easiest for users to understand and to work with.
+Therefore |l| and~|u| are often ignored.
+Parameter |s| is the maximum stack depth (i.e., the largest excess of
+|push| commands over |pop| commands) needed to process this file. Then
+comes |t|, the total number of pages (|bop| commands) present.
+The postamble continues with font definitions, which are any number of
+\\{fnt\_def} commands as described above, possibly interspersed with |nop|
+commands. Each font number that is used in the \.{DVI} file must be defined
+exactly twice: Once before it is first selected by a \\{fnt} command, and once
+in the postamble.
+@ The last part of the postamble, following the |post_post| byte that
+signifies the end of the font definitions, contains |q|, a pointer to the
+|post| command that started the postamble. An identification byte, |i|,
+comes next; this currently equals~2, as in the preamble.
+The |i| byte is followed by four or more bytes that are all equal to
+the decimal number 223 (i.e., @'337 in octal). \TeX\ puts out four to seven of
+these trailing bytes, until the total length of the file is a multiple of
+four bytes, since this works out best on machines that pack four bytes per
+word; but any number of 223's is allowed, as long as there are at least four
+of them. In effect, 223 is a sort of signature that is added at the very end.
+@^Fuchs, David Raymond@>
+This curious way to finish off a \.{DVI} file makes it feasible for
+\.{DVI}-reading programs to find the postamble first, on most computers,
+even though \TeX\ wants to write the postamble last. Most operating
+systems permit random access to individual words or bytes of a file, so
+the \.{DVI} reader can start at the end and skip backwards over the 223's
+until finding the identification byte. Then it can back up four bytes, read
+|q|, and move to byte |q| of the file. This byte should, of course,
+contain the value 248 (|post|); now the postamble can be read, so the
+\.{DVI} reader discovers all the information needed for typesetting the
+pages. Note that it is also possible to skip through the \.{DVI} file at
+reasonably high speed to locate a particular page, if that proves
+desirable. This saves a lot of time, since \.{DVI} files used in production
+jobs tend to be large.
+Unfortunately, however, standard \PASCAL\ does not include the ability to
+@^system dependencies@>
+access a random position in a file, or even to determine the length of a file.
+Almost all systems nowadays provide the necessary capabilities, so \.{DVI}
+format has been designed to work most efficiently with modern operating systems.
+As noted above, \.{DVItoLN03} would need to be modified to limit itself to the
+restrictions of standard \PASCAL\ if |random_reading| is defined to be |false|.
+@* Font metric data.
+The idea behind \.{TFM} files is that typesetting routines like \TeX\
+need a compact way to store the relevant information about several
+dozen fonts, and computer centers need a compact way to store the
+relevant information about several hundred fonts. \.{TFM} files are
+compact, and most of the information they contain is highly relevant,
+so they provide a solution to the problem.
+The information in a \.{TFM} file appears in a sequence of 8-bit bytes.
+Since the number of bytes is always a multiple of 4, we could
+also regard the file as a sequence of 32-bit words; but \TeX\ uses the
+byte interpretation. Note that the bytes are considered to be unsigned
+@!tfm_file:byte_file; {a font metric file}
+@ The first 24 bytes (6 words) of a \.{TFM} file contain twelve 16-bit
+integers that give the lengths of the various subsequent portions
+of the file. These twelve integers are, in order:
+|@!lf|&length of the entire file, in words;\cr
+|@!lh|&length of the header data, in words;\cr
+|@!bc|&smallest character code in the font;\cr
+|@!ec|&largest character code in the font;\cr
+|@!nw|&number of words in the width table;\cr
+|@!nh|&number of words in the height table;\cr
+|@!nd|&number of words in the depth table;\cr
+|@!ni|&number of words in the italic correction table;\cr
+|@!nl|&number of words in the lig/kern table;\cr
+|@!nk|&number of words in the kern table;\cr
+|@!ne|&number of words in the extensible character table;\cr
+|@!np|&number of font parameter words.\cr}}$$
+They are all nonnegative and less than $2^{15}$. We must have |bc-1<=ec<=255|,
+|ne<=256|, and
+Note that a font may contain as many as 256 characters (if |bc=0| and |ec=255|),
+and as few as 0 characters (if |bc=ec+1|).
+Incidentally, when two or more 8-bit bytes are combined to form an integer of
+16 or more bits, the most significant bytes appear first in the file.
+This is called BigEndian order.
+@ The rest of the \.{TFM} file may be regarded as a sequence of ten data
+arrays having the informal specification
+$$\def\arr$[#1]#2${\&{array} $[#1]$ \&{of} #2}
+The most important data type used here is a |@!fix_word|, which is
+a 32-bit representation of a binary fraction. A |fix_word| is a signed
+quantity, with the two's complement of the entire word used to represent
+negation. Of the 32 bits in a |fix_word|, exactly 12 are to the left of the
+binary point; thus, the largest |fix_word| value is $2048-2^{-20}$, and
+the smallest is $-2048$. We will see below, however, that all but one of
+the |fix_word| values will lie between $-16$ and $+16$.
+@ The first data array is a block of header information, which contains
+general facts about the font. The header must contain at least two words,
+and for \.{TFM} files to be used with Xerox printing software it must
+contain at least 18 words, allocated as described below. When different
+kinds of devices need to be interfaced, it may be necessary to add further
+words to the header block.
+\yskip\hang|header[0]| is a 32-bit check sum that \TeX\ will copy into the
+\.{DVI} output file whenever it uses the font. Later on when the \.{DVI}
+file is printed, possibly on another computer, the actual font that gets
+used is supposed to have a check sum that agrees with the one in the
+\.{TFM} file used by \TeX. In this way, users will be warned about
+potential incompatibilities. (However, if the check sum is zero in either
+the font file or the \.{TFM} file, no check is made.) The actual relation
+between this check sum and the rest of the \.{TFM} file is not important;
+the check sum is simply an identification number with the property that
+incompatible fonts almost always have distinct check sums.
+@^check sum@>
+\yskip\hang|header[1]| is a |fix_word| containing the design size of the
+font, in units of \TeX\ points (7227 \TeX\ points = 254 cm). This number
+must be at least 1.0; it is fairly arbitrary, but usually the design size
+is 10.0 for a ``10 point'' font, i.e., a font that was designed to look
+best at a 10-point size, whatever that really means. When a \TeX\ user
+asks for a font `\.{at} $\delta$ \.{pt}', the effect is to override the
+design size and replace it by $\delta$, and to multiply the $x$ and~$y$
+coordinates of the points in the font image by a factor of $\delta$
+divided by the design size. {\sl All other dimensions in the\/\ \.{TFM}
+file are |fix_word|\kern-1pt\ numbers in design-size units.} Thus, for example,
+the value of |param[6]|, one \.{em} or \.{\\quad}, is often the |fix_word|
+value $2^{20}=1.0$, since many fonts have a design size equal to one em.
+The other dimensions must be less than 16 design-size units in absolute
+value; thus, |header[1]| and |param[1]| are the only |fix_word| entries in
+the whole \.{TFM} file whose first byte might be something besides 0 or
+255. @^design size@>
+\yskip\hang|header[2..11]|, if present, contains 40 bytes that identify
+the character coding scheme. The first byte, which must be between 0 and
+39, is the number of subsequent ASCII bytes actually relevant in this
+string, which is intended to specify what character-code-to-symbol
+convention is present in the font. Examples are \.{ASCII} for standard
+ASCII, \.{TeX text} for fonts like \.{cmr10} and \.{cmti9}, \.{TeX math
+extension} for \.{cmex10}, \.{XEROX text} for Xerox fonts, \.{GRAPHIC} for
+special-purpose non-alphabetic fonts, \.{UNSPECIFIED} for the default case
+when there is no information. Parentheses should not appear in this name.
+(Such a string is said to be in {\mc BCPL} format.)
+@^coding scheme@>
+\yskip\hang|header[12..16]|, if present, contains 20 bytes that name the
+font family (e.g., \.{CMR} or \.{HELVETICA}), in {\mc BCPL} format.
+This field is also known as the ``font identifier.''
+@^family name@>
+@^font identifier@>
+\yskip\hang|header[17]|, if present, contains a first byte called the
+|seven_bit_safe_flag|, then two bytes that are ignored, and a fourth byte
+called the |face|. If the value of the fourth byte is less than 18, it has
+the following interpretation as a ``weight, slope, and expansion'': Add 0
+or 2 or 4 (for medium or bold or light) to 0 or 1 (for roman or italic) to
+0 or 6 or 12 (for regular or condensed or extended). For example, 13 is
+0+1+12, so it represents medium italic extended. A three-letter code
+(e.g., \.{MIE}) can be used for such |face| data.
+\yskip\hang|header[18..@twhatever@>]| might also be present; the individual
+words are simply called |header[18]|, |header[19]|, etc., at the moment.
+@ Next comes the |char_info| array, which contains one |char_info_word|
+per character. Each |char_info_word| contains six fields packed into
+four bytes as follows.
+\yskip\hang first byte: |width_index| (8 bits)\par
+\hang second byte: |height_index| (4 bits) times 16, plus |depth_index|
+ (4~bits)\par
+\hang third byte: |italic_index| (6 bits) times 4, plus |tag|
+ (2~bits)\par
+\hang fourth byte: |remainder| (8 bits)\par
+The actual width of a character is |width[width_index]|, in design-size
+units; this is a device for compressing information, since many characters
+have the same width. Since it is quite common for many characters
+to have the same height, depth, or italic correction, the \.{TFM} format
+imposes a limit of 16 different heights, 16 different depths, and
+64 different italic corrections.
+Incidentally, the relation |width[0]=height[0]=depth[0]=italic[0]=0|
+should always hold, so that an index of zero implies a value of zero.
+The |width_index| should never be zero unless the character does
+not exist in the font, since a character is valid if and only if it lies
+between |bc| and |ec| and has a nonzero |width_index|.
+@ The remaining details of the format of \.{TFM} files need not concern us
+further; the interested reader is referred to Knuth's standard \.{TFtoPL}
+@^Knuth, D.~E.@>
+program for the whole picture.
+@* Input from binary files.
+We have seen that a \.{DVI} file is a sequence of 8-bit bytes. The bytes
+appear physically in what is called a `|packed file of 0..255|'
+in \PASCAL\ lingo.
+Packing is system dependent, and many \PASCAL\ systems fail to implement
+such files in a sensible way (at least, from the viewpoint of producing
+good production software). For example, some systems treat all
+byte-oriented files as text, looking for end-of-line marks and such
+things. Therefore some system-dependent code is often needed to deal with
+binary files, even though most of the program in this section of
+\.{DVItoLN03} is written in standard \PASCAL.
+@^system dependencies@>
+One common way to solve the problem is to consider files of |integer|
+numbers, and to convert an integer in the range $-2^{31}\L x<2^{31}$ to
+a sequence of four bytes $(a,b,c,d)$ using the following code, which
+avoids the controversial integer division of negative numbers:
+|if x>=0 then a:=x div @'100000000|\cr
+|else begin x:=(x+@'10000000000)+@'10000000000; a:=x div @'100000000+128;|\cr
+|x:=x mod @'100000000;|\cr
+|b:=x div @'200000; x:=x mod @'200000;|\cr
+|c:=x div @'400; d:=x mod @'400;|\cr}}$$
+The four bytes are then kept in a buffer and output one by one. (On 36-bit
+computers, an additional division by 16 is necessary at the beginning.
+Another way to separate an integer into four bytes is to use/abuse
+\PASCAL's variant records, storing an integer and retrieving bytes that are
+packed in the same place; {\sl caveat implementor!\/}) It is also desirable
+in some cases to read a hundred or so integers at a time, maintaining a
+larger buffer.
+Although plain \.{DVItype} sticks to simple \PASCAL, for reasons of clarity,
+(even if such simplicity is sometimes unrealistic), we do things rather
+differently under Vax/VMS, reading each file one disk block at a time.
+@d VAX_block_length=512
+@!eight_bits=[byte] 0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity}
+@!sixteen_bits=[word] 0..65535; {unsigned two-byte quantity}
+@!byte_block=packed array [0..VAX_block_length-1] of eight_bits;
+@!byte_file=packed file of byte_block;
+@ To prepare these files for input, we |reset| them. An extension of
+\PASCAL\ is needed in the case of |tfm_file|, since we want to associate
+it with external files whose names are specified dynamically (i.e., not
+known at compile time). The following code uses the VAX-\PASCAL\ |open|
+statement; where |open(f,s)| opens the file associated with file variable |f|
+using the name provided by string variable |s|; once the file variable has
+been associated with the correctly named file, the |reset| statement positions
+the file for reading in the usual manner.
+In the case of opening the |tfm_file|, we firstly close any earlier
+one which may already have been opened. If |eof(f)| is true immediately after
+the file has been opened, we assume that no file named |s| is accessible.
+@^system dependencies@>
+To improve the visual appearance of various VAX-\PASCAL\ file manipulation
+statements, the following definition is used to represent the use of the
+`named parameter' passing mechanism which instructs that any errors detected
+shall be ignored, rather than causing a run-time error.
+@d VAX_continue==@=error@>:=@=continue@>
+@p procedure open_dvi_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |dvi_file|}
+begin reset(dvi_file);
+dvi_count:=0; cur_block:=0;
+procedure open_tfm_file; {prepares to read packed bytes in |tfm_file|}
+ var @!trimmed_name:file_spec; {Holds trimmed version of |cur_name|}
+ @!i,@!j:0..name_length; {Indices into |cur_name|}
+begin close(tfm_file,VAX_continue);
+trimmed_name:=''; {Initialize to empty string}
+while cur_name[i]=' ' do decr(i); {we know that the name isn't all spaces!}
+for j:=1 to i do trimmed_name:=trimmed_name+cur_name[j];
+if status(tfm_file)<>0 then
+ abort('Font not loaded, TFM file ',trimmed_name,' can''t be opened');
+@:fatal error Font not loaded TFM file}{\qquad\.{TFM file can't be opened}@>
+@ If you looked carefully at the preceding code, you probably asked,
+``What are |cur_loc| and |cur_name|?'' Good question. They're global
+variables: |cur_loc| is the number of the byte about to be read next from
+|dvi_file|, and |cur_name| is a string variable that will be set to the
+current font metric file name before |open_tfm_file| is called. When the
+\.{DVI} file is first |open|ed, we'll make use of the |@=user_action@>| facility
+of the VAX |open| procedure to note that actual file length in |dvi_size|.
+This can then be used as the value of the |dvi_length| function.
+Since we read a VAX/RMS blockfull of bytes from the \.{DVI} file, variable
+|dvi_count| allows us to keep track of which byte of the current block is
+the next to be ``read''. Similarly, |tfm_count| tracks the current byte of
+the block read from |tfm_file|. |cur_block| tracks which particular block
+of the whole file is currently in the buffer associated with |dvi_file|;
+this is used when |random_reading| is used to skip around in the file. No
+analogous variable is required for the |tfm_file|.
+@!cur_loc:integer; {where we are about to look, in |dvi_file|}
+@!cur_name:packed array[1..name_length] of char; {external name,
+ with no lower case letters}
+@!dvi_size:integer; {Actual length of \.{DVI} file, in bytes}
+@!dvi_count:integer; {number of bytes read from current block of |dvi_file|}
+@!cur_block:integer; {relative position of current block of |dvi_file|}
+@!tfm_count:integer; {number of bytes read from current block of |tfm_file|}
+@ It turns out to be convenient to read four bytes at a time, when we are
+inputting from \.{TFM} files. The input goes into global variables
+|b0|, |b1|, |b2|, and |b3|, with |b0| getting the first byte and |b3|
+the fourth.
+@!b0,@!b1,@!b2,@!b3: eight_bits; {four bytes input at once}
+@ The |read_tfm_word| procedure sets |b0| through |b3| to the next
+four bytes in the current \.{TFM} file.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d read_tfm_file(#)==begin
+ if tfm_count=VAX_block_length then begin
+ get(tfm_file,VAX_continue); tfm_count:=0;
+ end;
+ #:=tfm_file^[tfm_count];
+ incr(tfm_count);
+ end
+@p procedure read_tfm_word;
+begin read_tfm_file(b0); read_tfm_file(b1);
+read_tfm_file(b2); read_tfm_file(b3);
+@ We shall use another set of simple functions to read the next byte or
+bytes from |dvi_file|. There are seven possibilities, each of which is
+treated as a separate function in order to minimize the overhead for
+subroutine calls.
+@^system dependencies@>
+Things aren't quite as simple as that, because when processing |dvi|
+commands to set characters on the page, it may prove necessary to take
+further |dvi| commands from a sequence read from a virtual font (\\{q.v.}).
+Therefore, these routines have the option of reading |dvi| bytes from
+|vf[vf_take]|. When reading |dvi| bytes from the \.{DVI} file, |vftake<0|.
+(\\{N.B.} |vf_take| and |vf_ptr| will be dealt with \&{much} later.)
+@d read_dvi_file(#)==if vf_take<0 then
+ begin
+ while dvi_count>=VAX_block_length do begin
+ get(dvi_file,VAX_continue);
+ dvi_count:=dvi_count-VAX_block_length; incr(cur_block);
+ end;
+ #:=dvi_file^[dvi_count];
+ incr(dvi_count); incr(cur_loc)
+ end
+ else
+ begin {take ``input'' from stored sequence}
+ if vf_take=vf_ptr then abort('no more virtual font bytes');
+@:fatal error no more virtual font bytes}{\quad\.{no more virtual font bytes}@>
+ #:=vf[vf_take]; incr(vf_take)
+ end
+@p function get_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned}
+var b:eight_bits;
+begin if eof(dvi_file) then get_byte:=0
+else begin read_dvi_file(b); get_byte:=b;
+ end;
+function signed_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, signed}
+var b:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(b);
+if b<128 then signed_byte:=b @+ else signed_byte:=b-256;
+function get_two_bytes:integer; {returns the next two bytes, unsigned}
+var a,@!b:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(a); read_dvi_file(b);
+function signed_pair:integer; {returns the next two bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(a); read_dvi_file(b);
+if a<128 then signed_pair:=a*256+b
+else signed_pair:=(a-256)*256+b;
+function get_three_bytes:integer; {returns the next three bytes, unsigned}
+var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(a); read_dvi_file(b); read_dvi_file(c);
+function signed_trio:integer; {returns the next three bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(a); read_dvi_file(b); read_dvi_file(c);
+if a<128 then signed_trio:=(a*256+b)*256+c
+else signed_trio:=((a-256)*256+b)*256+c;
+function signed_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits;
+begin read_dvi_file(a); read_dvi_file(b); read_dvi_file(c); read_dvi_file(d);
+if a<128 then signed_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d
+else signed_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d;
+@ Finally we come to the routines that are used only if |random_reading| is
+|true|. The driver program below needs two such routines: |dvi_length| should
+compute the total number of bytes in |dvi_file|, possibly also
+causing |eof(dvi_file)| to be true; and |move_to_byte(n)|
+should position |dvi_file| so that the next |get_byte| will read byte |n|,
+starting with |n=0| for the first byte in the file.
+@^system dependencies@>
+Such routines are, of course, highly system dependent. They are implemented
+in this program by
+\yskip\hang(1) utilizing the optional |user_action| parameter of the |open|
+procedure, this allows us to determine the length of the file when it is
+first opened; and
+\yskip\hang(2), using the VAX-\PASCAL\ |find| procedure to read a specific
+block of the file, and positioning to the correct byte by resetting the
+|byte_block| pointer appropriately.
+\noindent We also make extensive use of VAX-\PASCAL's |varying array|
+extension, which
+facilitates the handling of variable length character strings; without them, it
+would be necessary to keep track of the length of each such string, in the
+fashion used by \.{DVItype} to store font names.
+The VAX-\PASCAL\ |find(f,block)| procedure reads (into file variable
+|f|) the specified record of the file; these are numbered from 1 upwards,
+and, since we are working with block-oriented files, each record consists of
+an entire disk block.
+@f varying==array
+@d VAX_find_block==@= find@>
+@p function dvi_length:integer;
+begin dvi_length:=dvi_size; if dvi_size<0 then
+ abort('Internal error (no dvi_length)');
+@:fatal error internal error no dvi}{\qquad\.{(no dvi_length)}@>
+procedure move_to_byte(n:integer);
+begin if n div VAX_block_length <> cur_block then
+ begin cur_block:=n div VAX_block_length;
+ VAX_find_block(dvi_file,cur_block+1,VAX_continue)
+ end;
+ dvi_count:=n mod VAX_block_length; cur_loc:=n;
+@* Reading the font information.
+\.{DVI} file format does not include information about character widths, since
+that would tend to make the files a lot longer. But a program that reads
+a \.{DVI} file is supposed to know the widths of the characters that appear
+in \\{set\_char} commands. Therefore \.{DVItoLN03} looks at the font metric
+(\.{TFM}) files for the fonts that are involved.
+@.TFM {\rm files}@>
+The character-width data appears also in other files (e.g., in \.{GF} files
+that specify bit patterns for digitized characters);
+thus, it is usually possible for \.{DVI} reading programs to get by with
+accessing only one file per font. \.{DVItype} has a comparatively easy
+task in this regard, since it needs only a few words of information from
+each font; the \.{DVItoLN03} program has to go to some pains to
+deal with complications that arise when a large number of large font files
+all need to be accessed simultaneously.
+@ \.{DVItype} needed to know only two things about a
+given character |c| in a given font |f|: (1)~Is |c| a legal character
+in~|f|? (2)~If so, what is the width of |c|? It also needed to know the
+symbolic name of each font, so it could be printed out, and to know
+the approximate size of inter-word spaces in each font.
+For \.{DVItoLN03}, some further information is required, such as which
+character in a downloaded font is to be used to image character |c| in font
+|f|, and whether this imaging can be performed by the LN03 itself (from
+stored downloaded fonts) or whether the glyph needs to be imaged by
+downloading a bitmapped representation each time it occurs, or even replacing
+it by a solid rule if no suitable file of bitmaps is available.
+The answers to these questions appear implicitly in the following data
+structures. The current number of known fonts is |nf|. Each known font has
+an internal number |f|, where |0<=f<nf|; the external number of this font,
+i.e., its font identification number in the \.{DVI} file, is |font_num[f]|,
+and the external name of this font is the string that occupies positions
+|font_name[f]| through |font_name[f+1]-1| of the array |names|. The latter
+array consists of |ASCII_code| characters, and |font_name[nf]| is its first
+unoccupied position.
+Various metrical data is saved for comparison with values to be read later
+from the file(s) containing the characters' bitmaps: |font_check_sum|,
+|font_scaled_size| and |font_design_size|.
+A horizontal motion in the range |-4*font_space[f]<h<font_space[f]|
+will be treated as a `kern' that merely advances the program's conception of
+physical horizontal position; larger movements will result in computation of a
+freshly rounded position, thus eliminating cumulative errors which might
+otherwise lead to unsightly character placement on the page.
+The legal characters run from |font_bc[f]| to |font_ec[f]|, inclusive; more
+precisely, a given character |c| is valid in font |f| if and only if
+|font_bc[f]<=c<=font_ec[f]| and |char_width(f)(c)<>invalid_width|.
+To cut down on page faulting with small working sets, the dimensions of each
+character are held within the |glyph_map| structure (see following section),
+so that all information relating to a particular glyph is held in one
+contiguous section of memory: the original \.{DVItype}, and earlier versions
+of \.{DVItoLN03}, used to have separate arrays |width[0..max_glyphs]|, etc.,
+which could require references to locations separated by |max_glyphs|
+integers, making inefficient use of virtual memory.
+To obviate reloading of fonts with identical names and scaling, a further
+array |font_map[f]| ordinarily holds the value |f|, but can point to a
+different set of metrics if such multiple loading has been avoided.
+Virtual fonts will almost certainly introduce different physical fonts; such
+fonts are given a relative reference number internally, but we will want to
+supply a value for the |font_num| array that's unique to each such font.
+Therefore we keep track of the highest font number allocated by \TeX\ and
+then use this as a base value when reading virtual fonts.
+@d invalid_width==@'17777777777
+@!nf:0..max_fonts; {the number of known fonts}
+@!font_num:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {external font numbers}
+@!font_name:array [0..max_fonts] of 0..name_size; {starting positions
+ of external font names}
+@!names:array [0..name_size] of ASCII_code; {characters of names}
+@!font_check_sum:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {check sums}
+@!font_scaled_size:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {scale factors}
+@!font_design_size:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {design sizes}
+@!font_space:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {boundary between ``small''
+ and ``large'' spaces}
+@!font_bc:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {beginning characters in fonts}
+@!font_ec:array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {ending characters in fonts}
+@!font_map:array [0..max_fonts] of 0..max_fonts; {internal cross-reference}
+@ An array |glyphs| has one element for each of the potential characters in
+each font. Each element is a record of type |glyph_info| (defined below).
+When a font definition is first read, during the gathering of font usage
+statistics in the first pass, the row of this array corresponding to the
+font being defined is set to indicate that every character is |unused|. As
+any character in this font is found in a wanted page during that first pass,
+the usage is noted. Later revisions take place when mapping characters from
+\TeX's fonts to those dowloaded to the printer.
+During the second pass through the wanted pages, the character codes in
+|glyphs| are used to generate the \.{LN3} file.
+|glyph_map(f)(c)=glyphs[glyph_base[f]+c]| permits us access to information
+relating to an individual glyph; fields of this record, named |width|, |height|
+and |depth| are accessible through macro
+|char_width(f)(c)=glyphs[glyph_base[f]+c].width| and its analogues; this works
+because |glyph_base[f]| contains the index into |glyphs| at which character~0
+appears (or would appear, if |font_bc[f]>0|). |glyph_ptr| is the first unused
+position of the |glyphs| array.
+@d char_glyph_end(#)==#]
+@d glyph_map(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+char_glyph_end
+@d char_width_end(#)==#].width
+@d char_height_end(#)==#].height
+@d char_depth_end(#)==#].depth
+@d char_width(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+char_width_end
+@d char_height(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+char_height_end
+@d char_depth(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+char_depth_end
+@!glyphs: array [0..max_glyphs] of glyph_info;
+@!glyph_base : array [0..max_fonts] of integer; {index into |glyphs|}
+@!glyph_ptr : 0..max_glyphs; {index into |glyphs|, |width|, |height| and
+@ The array |glyphs| contains elements whose fields are used as follows:
+ \halign{\vrule#&\strut\quad#\hfil\quad&\vrule#&\quad#\hfil\quad&\vrule#\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&&\omit&\cr
+ &\hfil Field Name\quad&&Used for&\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&&\omit&\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ height2pt&\omit&&\omit&\cr
+ &|width|&&Character width in \.{DVI} units&\cr
+ &|height|&&Character height in \.{DVI} units&\cr
+ &|depth|&&Character depth in \.{DVI} units&\cr
+ &|font_code|&&Number of downloaded LN03 font containing glyph&\cr
+ &|char_code|&&LN03 character code to access glyph&\cr
+ &|loaded|&&Indicates status of glyph, as below&\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&&\omit&\cr
+ }\hrule
+ }
+The values that may be assumed by the |loaded| field are as follows:
+\item{$\bullet$} when a font is first met, all characters are set with
+the value |unused|;
+\item{$\bullet$} as the document is scanned, whenever a particular glyph
+is used this field is set to |wanted|;
+\item{$\bullet$} other values are set once the wanted pages have been
+scanned, and the character font downloads created.
+\noindent Further values for the |loaded| field, and other fields, will be
+defined for accessing virtual fonts.
+@!download_status = (@!unused,@!wanted@|@<Other values of |download_status|@>@+);@/
+@!glyph_info =
+ packed record
+ @!width:integer; {character width, in \.{DVI} units}
+ @!height:integer; {character height, in \.{DVI} units}
+ @!depth:integer; {character depth, in \.{DVI} units}
+ @!char_code : eight_bits;
+ @!loaded : download_status;
+ @!font_code : 0..max_fonts;
+ @<Other fields of |glyph_info|@>@;
+ end;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+nf:=0; glyph_ptr:=0; font_name[0]:=0; font_space[0]:=0; font_map[0]:=0;
+@ It is, of course, a simple matter to print the name of a given font.
+@p procedure print_font(@!f:integer); {|f| is an internal font number}
+var k:0..name_size; {index into |names|}
+begin if f=nf then print('UNDEFINED!')
+else begin for k:=font_name[f] to font_name[f+1]-1 do
+ print(xchr[names[k]]);
+ end;
+@ Auxiliary arrays |in_width|, |in_height| and |in_depth| are used to hold
+the relevant sections of the |tfm_file| as they are
+input. The global variable |tfm_check_sum| is set to the check sum that
+appears in the current \.{TFM} file.
+@!in_width:array[0..255] of integer; {\.{TFM} width data in \.{DVI} units}
+@!in_height:array[0..15] of integer; {\.{TFM} height data in \.{DVI} units}
+@!in_depth:array[0..15] of integer; {\.{TFM} depth data in \.{DVI} units}
+@!tfm_check_sum:integer; {check sum found in |tfm_file|}
+@ Here is a procedure that absorbs the necessary information from a
+\.{TFM} file, assuming that the file has just been successfully reset
+so that we are ready to read its first byte. (A complete description of
+\.{TFM} file format appears in the documentation of \.{TFtoPL} and will
+not be repeated here.) The procedure does not check the \.{TFM} file
+for validity, nor does it give explicit information about what is
+wrong with a \.{TFM} file that proves to be invalid; \.{DVI}-reading
+programs need not do this, since \.{TFM} files are almost always valid,
+and since the \.{TFtoPL} utility program has been specifically designed
+to diagnose \.{TFM} errors. The procedure simply returns |false| if it
+detects anything amiss in the \.{TFM} data.
+There is a parameter, |z|, which represents the scaling factor being
+used to compute the font dimensions; it must be in the range $0<z<2^{27}$.
+@p function in_TFM(@!z:integer):boolean; {input \.{TFM} data or return |false|}
+label 9997, {go here when the format is bad}
+ 9998, {go here when the information cannot be loaded}
+ 9999; {go here to exit}
+var k:integer; {index for loops}
+@!lh:integer; {length of the header data, in four-byte words}
+@!nw:integer; {number of words in the width table}
+@!nh:integer; {number of words in the height table}
+@!nd:integer; {number of words in the depth table}
+@!gp:0..max_glyphs; {new value of |glyph_ptr| after successful input}
+@!alpha,@!beta:integer; {quantities used in the scaling computation}
+begin @<Read past the header data; |goto 9997| if there is a problem@>;
+@<Store character-width indices at the end of the |width| table@>;
+@<Read and convert the width values, setting up the |in_width| table@>;
+@<Move the widths from |in_width| to |width|, and append |pixel_width| values@>;
+glyph_ptr:=gp; in_TFM:=true; goto 9999;
+9997: error('---not loaded, TFM file is bad');
+@.TFM file is bad@>
+9998: in_TFM:=false;
+9999: end;
+@ @<Read past the header...@>=
+read_tfm_word; lh:=b2*256+b3;
+read_tfm_word; font_bc[nf]:=b0*256+b1; font_ec[nf]:=b2*256+b3;
+if font_ec[nf]<font_bc[nf] then font_bc[nf]:=font_ec[nf]+1;
+@<Mark all glyphs of font |nf| as |unused|@>;
+{now |gp=glyph_ptr+font_ec[nf]-font_bc[nf]+1|}
+read_tfm_word; nw:=b0*256+b1;
+if (nw=0)or(nw>256) then goto 9997;
+if (nh=0)or(nh>16) then goto 9997;
+read_tfm_word; nd:=b0*256+b1;
+if (nd=0)or(nd>16) then goto 9997;
+for k:=2 to 3+lh do
+ begin if eof(tfm_file) then goto 9997;
+ read_tfm_word;
+ if k=4 then
+ if b0<128 then tfm_check_sum:=((b0*256+b1)*256+b2)*256+b3
+ else tfm_check_sum:=(((b0-256)*256+b1)*256+b2)*256+b3;
+ end;
+@ Whenever the program reads a \.{TFM} file, either during the main
+processing loop, or when such files are read in whilst mapping virtual fonts
+to physical ones, the |glyph_map| row corresponding to the physical file is
+preset to indicate that none of the glyphs are used, and also to signify
+that, in the absence of further information, the characters are taken from
+the current font. This little segment of code used to appear in-line within
+procedure |in_TFM|.
+We also indicate here that no glyphs from the font as a whole are currently
+used. Once a glyph is referenced (either directly, or from within a
+character packet in a virtual font), we'll mark the font as |wanted|, thus
+indicating (so far as we currently know) the font \\{is} physical; this may
+be changed later, if the font is found to be virtual. This information is
+stored in yet another array, |font_type|.
+@<Mark all glyphs of font |nf| as |unused|@>=
+if glyph_ptr+font_ec[nf]-font_bc[nf]+1 > max_glyphs then
+ capacity_exceeded('too many glyphs: ',glyph_ptr+font_ec[nf]-font_bc[nf]+1:1,
+ ' > ',max_glyphs:1);
+@:capacity exceeded too many glyphs}{\quad\.{too many glyphs}@>
+for m:= glyph_ptr to gp-1 do
+ with glyphs[m] do
+ begin
+ loaded := unused;
+ font_code := nf
+ end
+@ At this point, we've arrived at the start of the |char_info| section of
+the |tfm_file|; from each 32-bit word, we extract the indices into the
+|width|, |height| and |depth| sections of the file.
+@<Store character-width indices...@>=
+if gp>0 then for k:=glyph_ptr to gp-1 do
+with glyphs[k] do
+ begin read_tfm_word;
+ if b0>nw then goto 9997;
+ width:=b0;
+ if (b1 div 16)>nh then goto 9997;
+ height:=b1 div 16;
+ if (b1 mod 16)>nd then goto 9997;
+ depth:=b1 mod 16;
+ end;
+@ The most important part of |in_TFM| is the width computation, which
+involves multiplying the relative widths in the \.{TFM} file by the
+scaling factor in the \.{DVI} file. This fixed-point multiplication
+must be done with precisely the same accuracy by all \.{DVI}-reading programs,
+in order to validate the assumptions made by \.{DVI}-writing programs
+like \TeX82.
+Let us therefore summarize what needs to be done. Each width in a \.{TFM}
+file appears as a four-byte quantity called a |fix_word|. A |fix_word|
+whose respective bytes are $(a,b,c,d)$ represents the number
+$$x=\left\{\vcenter{\halign{$#$,\hfil\qquad&if $#$\hfil\cr
+(No other choices of $a$ are allowed, since the magnitude of a \.{TFM}
+dimension must be less than 16.) We want to multiply this quantity by the
+integer~|z|, which is known to be less than $2^{27}$. Let $\alpha=16z$.
+If $|z|<2^{23}$, the individual multiplications $b\cdot z$, $c\cdot z$,
+$d\cdot z$ cannot overflow; otherwise we will divide |z| by 2, 4, 8, or
+16, to obtain a multiplier less than $2^{23}$, and we can compensate for
+this later. If |z| has thereby been replaced by $|z|^\prime=|z|/2^e$, let
+$\beta=2^{4-e}$; we shall compute
+$$\lfloor(b+c\cdot2^{-8}+d\cdot2^{-16})\,z^\prime/\beta\rfloor$$ if $a=0$,
+or the same quantity minus $\alpha$ if $a=255$. This calculation must be
+done exactly, for the reasons stated above; the following program does the
+job in a system-independent way, assuming that arithmetic is exact on
+numbers less than $2^{31}$ in magnitude.
+@<Read and convert the width values...@>=
+@<Replace |z| by $|z|^\prime$ and compute $\alpha,\beta$@>;
+for k:=0 to nw-1 do
+ begin read_tfm_word;
+ in_width[k]:=(((((b3*z)div@'400)+(b2*z))div@'400)+(b1*z))div beta;
+ if b0>0 then if b0<255 then goto 9997
+ else in_width[k]:=in_width[k]-alpha;
+ end;
+@<Read and convert the height and depth values@>
+@ Similarly, we store away the sets of distinct character heights and
+depths; we don't need to convert |z| again.
+@<Read and convert the height and depth values@>=
+for k:=0 to nh-1 do
+ begin read_tfm_word;
+ in_height[k]:=(((((b3*z)div@'400)+(b2*z))div@'400)+(b1*z))div beta;
+ if b0>0 then if b0<255 then goto 9997
+ else in_height[k]:=in_height[k]-alpha;
+ end;
+for k:=0 to nd-1 do
+ begin read_tfm_word;
+ in_depth[k]:=(((((b3*z)div@'400)+(b2*z))div@'400)+(b1*z))div beta;
+ if b0>0 then if b0<255 then goto 9997
+ else in_depth[k]:=in_depth[k]-alpha;
+ end
+@ @<Replace |z|...@>=
+begin alpha:=16*z; beta:=16;
+while z>=@'40000000 do
+ begin z:=z div 2; beta:=beta div 2;
+ end;
+@ A \.{DVI}-reading program usually works with font files instead of
+\.{TFM} files, so \.{DVItype} is atypical in that respect. \.{DVItoLN03}
+actually checks information in the \.{TFM} file, \&{and} also reads an
+appropriate \.{PXL} file. Font files
+should, however, contain exactly the same character width data that is
+found in the corresponding \.{TFM}s; check sums are used to help
+ensure this. In addition, font files usually also contain the widths of
+characters in pixels, since the device-independent character widths of
+\.{TFM} files are generally not perfect multiples of pixels.
+The |pixel_width| field of the |glyph_map| contains this information; when
+|glyphs[k].width| is the device-independent width of some character in
+\.{DVI} units, |glyphs[k].pixel_width| is the corresponding width of that
+character in an actual font. The macro |char_pixel_width| is set up to be
+analogous to |char_width|.
+Similarly, |pixel_height| and |pixel_depth| are available; these are used
+for replacing the glyph for a character for which the required bitmaps are
+unavailable by the appropriately-sized rule.
+@d pixel_width_end(#)==#].pixel_width
+@d pixel_height_end(#)==#].pixel_height
+@d pixel_depth_end(#)==#].pixel_depth
+@d char_pixel_width(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+pixel_width_end
+@d char_pixel_height(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+pixel_height_end
+@d char_pixel_depth(#)==glyphs[glyph_base[#]+pixel_depth_end
+@<Other fields of |glyph_info|@>=
+@!pixel_width, @!pixel_height, @!pixel_depth : integer;
+@ The following variables are used to hold the conversion factors for
+translating device-independent units into device pixels.
+@!conv:real; {converts \.{DVI} units to pixels}
+@!true_conv:real; {converts unmagnified \.{DVI} units to pixels}
+@!numerator,@!denominator:integer; {stated conversion ratio}
+@!mag:integer; {magnification factor times 1000}
+@ The following code computes pixel widths by simply rounding the \.{TFM}
+widths to the nearest integer number of pixels, based on the conversion factor
+|conv| that converts \.{DVI} units to pixels. However, such a simple
+formula will not be valid for all fonts, and it will often give results that
+are off by $\pm1$ when a low-resolution font has been carefully
+hand-fitted. For example, a font designer often wants to make the letter `m'
+a pixel wider or narrower in order to make the font appear more consistent.
+\.{DVI}-to-printer programs should therefore input the correct pixel width
+information from font files whenever there is a chance that it may differ.
+A warning message may also be desirable in the case that at least one character
+is found whose pixel width differs from |conv*width| by more than a full pixel.
+@^system dependencies@>
+(And similarly for the height and depth values.)
+@d pixel_round(#)==round(conv*(#))
+@<Move the widths from |in_width| to |width|, and append |pixel_width| values@>=
+if in_width[0]<>0 then goto 9997; {the first width should be zero}
+if gp>0 then for k:=glyph_ptr to gp-1 do
+with glyphs[k] do
+ if width=0 then
+ begin width:=invalid_width; pixel_width:=0;
+ end
+ else begin width:=in_width[width];
+ pixel_width:=pixel_round(width);
+ end;
+ height:=in_height[height];
+ pixel_height:=pixel_round(height);
+ depth:=in_depth[depth];
+ pixel_depth:=pixel_round(depth)
+@* Output to the terminal. Whilst DVItoLN03 is processing \.{DVI} files, it
+reports its progress by outputting various messages to the terminal: in
+particular, when processing each page, it reports the page number, enclosed in
+`\.{[]}' brackets. Under Vax/VMS, output to the terminal is not normally
+visible until |writeln| is called, since the operating system buffers output
+until a line is complete. However, this would mean, for example, that output
+would only appear as each line was filled.
+We therefore arrange to |open| the |output| file (synonymous with |term_out|)
+specifying null carriage control; output may then be made to appear by calling
+|write_ln|, but this will not give the usual accompanying newline. To start
+printing on a newline, the character sequence |crlf| must be output
+The |term_out| file is used for terminal output.
+@^system dependencies@>
+The number of characters already output to a terminal line is counted
+in |term_offset| so that a suitable line break may be chosen when the line
+becomes ``full'.
+Messages giving page number strings being processed are contained in a
+variable of type |file_spec|, because some messages may contain VAX/VMS file
+@d term_out==output {the terminal, considered as an output file}
+ @!term_offset : 0..line_length;
+@ When each page is processed, the page number (as generated by \TeX) is written
+out to the user's terminal, enclosed in `\.{[]}' brackets. The procedure
+|monitor| ensures that such output does not overlap the right-margin. It
+does this by counting the characters already output to the line; up to
+|line_length| characters will be output. We use here the VAX-\PASCAL-specific
+function |length| which returns the number of characters in a |varying of char|
+which are actually occupied.
+@d VAX_length==@= length@>
+@p procedure monitor(s : file_spec);
+ begin if VAX_length(s)+2>line_length-term_offset then {Line is fullish!}
+ begin write_ln(term_out,crlf); term_offset:=0; end;
+ if (term_offset>0) and (s[1]='[') then {Space before a |'['|}
+ begin write(term_out,' '); incr(term_offset); end;
+ write_ln(term_out,s);
+ term_offset:=term_offset+VAX_length(s)
+ end;
+@*Displaying error messages. Later we shall make extensive use of the
+following definitions, particularly when scanning the \.{DVI} file. However,
+they are defined up here so that warnings may be issued by the code that
+follows. Normally (when invoked from within |do_page|) the variable |a| will
+contain the byte number within the \.{DVI} file at which a problem was
+encountered; however, to give |show| something to work with when these macros
+are used elsewhere, we also define a constant of that name, which will thus
+always be within scope.
+@d show(#)==begin
+ if a<0 then print_ln(#) else print_ln('[',a:1,'] ',#);
+ if term_offset>0 then write_ln(crlf);
+ write_ln(term_out,#,crlf); term_offset:=0
+ end
+@d error(#)==begin
+ history := error_given;
+ show('Error: ',#)
+@d warning(#)==begin
+ if history = spotless then history := warning_given;
+ show('Warning: ',#)
+ a = -1;
+@* Optional modes of output.
+\.{DVItoLN03} will print different quantities of information based on some
+options that the user must specify: the typeout can be confined to a
+restricted subset of the pages by specifying the desired starting page and
+the maximum number of pages. Further options permit
+the selection of a different position for the origin on the page, which
+by default is set to the ``standard'' of one inch from the top and left
+edges of the paper, and selection of ``portrait'' or ``landscape'' orientation
+for the output on the printed page. All options are selected through the
+use of VAX/VMS command qualifiers, but procedure |dialog| could be adapted
+to carry out an interactive dialogue with a user on systems without VMS'
+excellent facilities for defining commands.
+The starting page is specified by giving a sequence of 1 to 10 numbers or
+asterisks separated by dots. For example, the specification `\.{1.*.-5}'
+can be used to refer to a page output by \TeX\ when $\.{\\count0}=1$
+and $\.{\\count2}=-5$. (Recall that |bop| commands in a \.{DVI} file
+are followed by ten `count' values.) An asterisk matches any number,
+so the `\.*' in `\.{1.*.-5}' means that \.{\\count1} is ignored when
+specifying the first page. If several pages match the given specification,
+\.{DVItoLN03} will begin with the earliest such page in the file. The
+default specification `\.*' (which matches all pages) therefore denotes
+the page at the beginning of the file.
+This version of \.{DVItoLN03} uses the VMS Command Language Interpreter utility
+routines to determine whether command line qualifiers are present, and to
+fetch their values, which are then stored in the following variables.
+@^Command Language Interpreter@>
+@^system dependencies@>
+The default options that hold unless over-ridden by command line qualifiers
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ \.{/starting\_page}=\.{*}
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ \.{/number\_of\_pages}=\.{1000000}
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ \.{/top\_margin} = \.{300px}
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ \.{/left\_margin}=\.{300px}
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ \.{/orientation}=\.{portrait}
+@!left_marg,@!top_marg : integer;
+@!orientation,@!new_orient,@!cur_orient : page_orientation;
+@!h_fuzz,@!v_fuzz:integer; {controls how pedantic program is}
+@!page_len,@!page_wid,@!y_min,@!x_min : integer;
+@!max_pages:integer; {at most this many |bop..eop| pages will be printed}
+@!resolution:real; {pixels per inch}
+@!new_mag:integer; {if positive, overrides the postamble's magnification}
+@ This type allows us to keep track of whether characters are currently
+being imaged in landscape or portrait orientation.
+@!page_orientation = (@!portrait,@!landscape);
+@ The starting page specification is recorded in two global arrays called
+|start_count| and |start_there|. For example, `\.{1.*.-5}' is represented
+by |start_there[0]=true|, |start_count[0]=1|, |start_there[1]=false|,
+|start_there[2]=true|, |start_count[2]=-5|.
+We also set |start_vals=2|, to indicate that count 2 was the last one
+mentioned. The other values of |start_count| and |start_there| are not
+important, in this example.
+@!start_count:array[0..9] of integer; {count values to select starting page}
+@!start_there:array[0..9] of boolean; {is the |start_count| value relevant?}
+@!start_vals:0..9; {the last count considered significant}
+@!count:array[0..9] of integer; {the count values on the current page}
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+max_pages:=1000000; start_vals:=0; start_there[0]:=false;
+top_marg:=300; left_marg:=300; orientation:=portrait;
+@ Here is a simple subroutine that tests if the current page might be the
+starting page.
+@p function start_match:boolean; {does |count| match the starting spec?}
+var k:0..9; {loop index}
+@!match:boolean; {does everything match so far?}
+begin match:=true;
+for k:=0 to start_vals do
+ if start_there[k]and(start_count[k]<>count[k]) then match:=false;
+@ The global variable |buf_ptr| is used while scanning each line of input;
+it points to the first unread character in |buffer|, into which the command
+line interpreter places strings by interaction with the CLI interface
+@!buffer: varying[terminal_line_length] of char;
+@!buf_ptr:0..terminal_line_length; {the number of characters read}
+@ The compiler needs to know about the ``foreign'' routines used for access to
+the Command Line Interpreter. VAX-\PASCAL\ permits the ``declaration'' of
+external procedures, where the declaration consists of the procedure heading
+alone, followed by the reserved word |extern|, in a manner analogous to
+standard \PASCAL's |forward| directive.
+@^system dependencies@>
+We also require the following special definitions, types, variables and
+procedures to be able to get information from the command line interpreter.
+The macro |VAX_string_or_empty| is used so as not to confuse W{\mc EAVE}'s
+formatting of these foreign procedure interfaces.
+@d VAX_volatile==@=[volatile]@>
+@d VAX_immed==@=%immed @>
+@d VAX_external==@=[external]@>
+@d VAX_descr==@=%descr @>
+@d VAX_ref==@=%ref @>
+@d VAX_cli_present==@= cli$present@>
+@d VAX_cli_get_value==@= cli$get_value@>
+@d VAX_cli_negated==@"000381F8
+@d VAX_lib_find_file==@= lib$find_file@>
+@f VAX_volatile==do_nothing
+@f VAX_descr==var
+@f VAX_ref==var
+@f VAX_immed==integer
+@f VAX_external==var
+@d VAX_string_or_empty(#)==VAX_volatile varying[@!#] of char := VAX_immed 0
+@f extern==forward
+@<Procedures for init...@>=
+VAX_external @+function VAX_cli_present(
+ VAX_descr @!entity:VAX_string_or_empty(s1_len)) : integer; extern;@#@t\2@>
+VAX_external @+function VAX_cli_get_value(
+ VAX_descr @!entity:VAX_string_or_empty(s1_len);
+ VAX_descr @!returns:VAX_string_or_empty(s2_len);
+ VAX_ref @!retlen:VAX_volatile sixteen_bits := VAX_immed 0):integer;
+ extern;@#@t\2@>
+VAX_external @+function VAX_lib_find_file(
+ VAX_descr @!part_spec:VAX_volatile file_spec;
+ VAX_descr @!result_spec:VAX_volatile file_spec;
+ VAX_ref @!context:VAX_volatile integer;
+ VAX_descr @!def_spec:VAX_volatile file_spec := VAX_immed 0;
+ VAX_descr @!related_spec:VAX_volatile file_spec := VAX_immed 0;
+ VAX_ref @!stv_addr:VAX_volatile integer := VAX_immed 0;
+ VAX_ref @!user_flags:VAX_volatile integer := VAX_immed 0): integer;
+ extern;@#@t\2@>
+@ The following function |get_value| inputs the string corresponding to a
+command-line qualifier and converts it to its numerical value. Calls of the
+|VAX_cli_get_value(s,a)| return to the buffer parameter |a| the value placed
+by the user on the command qualifier whose name is given by the string |s|;
+being a system service type function, it also reports its success (or failure)
+as its result. The other system service used is |VAX_cli_present(s)| which
+returns an odd (success) status indication if the qualifier whose name is
+given by the string |s| \&{is} present in the command line.
+One VAX-\PASCAL\ extension permits string variables to be used in place of
+files for reading and writing values. The |VAX_string_read(b,i,...)|
+procedure reads values into variables |i,...| from the characters stored in
+the string variable |b|. The |VAX_string_status| function returns a value in
+a manner entirely analogous to VAX-\PASCAL's external I/O |status| function,
+but relating to the success of the previous string read.
+@d VAX_string_read==@= readv@>
+@d VAX_string_status==@= statusv@>
+@p function get_value(qualifier: varying [$u1] of char):integer;
+ var @!i,@!stat,@!len : integer; {local workspace}
+ buffer: varying [terminal_line_length] of char; {buffer for qualifier
+ string}
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present(qualifier)) then
+ begin stat:=VAX_cli_get_value(qualifier,buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ {append a space to ensure end can be found}
+ VAX_string_read(buffer,i,VAX_continue);
+ if VAX_string_status > 0 then
+ abort('Bad /',qualifier,' value! (=',buffer,')')
+@:fatal error Bad qualifier}{\quad \.{Bad /}\meta{qualifier} \.{value}@>
+ else
+ get_value:=i
+ end else get_value:=-1
+@ Here is a routine that scans a (possibly signed) integer and computes
+the decimal value. If no decimal integer starts at |buf_ptr|, the
+value 0 is returned. The integer should be less than $2^{31}$ in
+absolute value.
+@p function get_integer:integer;
+var x:integer; {accumulates the value}
+@!negative:boolean; {should the value be negated?}
+begin if buffer[buf_ptr]='-' then
+ begin negative:=true; incr(buf_ptr);
+ end
+else negative:=false;
+while (buffer[buf_ptr]>='0')and(buffer[buf_ptr]<='9') do
+ begin x:=10*x+xord[buffer[buf_ptr]]-"0"; incr(buf_ptr);
+ end;
+if negative then get_integer:=-x @+ else get_integer:=x;
+@ One feature of the new DEClaser~2200 (otherwise known as the LN06) is a
+capability of selecting from which paper tray a sheet shall be fed; the
+printer has two separate trays, which can be loaded with different sizes or
+colours of paper: a popular use is to have letterhead paper loaded in one
+tray, and plain paper for continuation sheets in the other. Both on this
+printer, and on the DEClaser~2100 (LN05), any of five different types of
+paper tray can be inserted into (respectively, either, or the only) tray
+slot. Paper cassettes are available to hold three different American sizes
+of paper (letter, legal or executive), the ISO standard A4 size used in
+Europe, or a stack of up to 15 envelopes.
+The DEClaser~2200 can be fitted with a separate envelope feeder (in addition
+to the two paper trays), which can hold up to 40~envelopes. This envelope
+feeder is supported by the program, but we don't (yet!) support one
+further option of the LN06 which is a large capacity input tray that can
+hold 1000 sheets.
+In addition, both the 2100 and 2200 models can await manual feeding of
+sheets. Selection of paper source is not supported on the LN03, of course.
+\noindent Here are the values that may be listed with the \.{/feed\_tray}
+\yskip\hang\.{ALL=}\meta{tray type} All sheets will be fed from the
+specified tray.
+\yskip\hang\.{FIRST=}\meta{tray type} Feed the first sheet from the
+specified tray; subsequent sheets will be fed from the \.{DEFAULT\_TRAY},
+unless the next qualifier is used:
+\yskip\hang\.{REST=}\meta{tray type} Feed the second and subsequent sheets
+from the specified tray; the first sheet will be fed from the
+\.{DEFAULT\_TRAY}, unless the \.{FIRST} tray has also been specified.
+\noindent\meta{Tray types} can take the following values:
+\yskip\hang\.{DEFAULT\_TRAY} Use whichever tray is set as the default by the
+printer's initialization sequence.
+\yskip\hang\.{TOP\_TRAY} (This is the only tray on the DEClaser~2100.)
+\yskip\hang\.{ENVELOPE\_TRAY} Feed envelopes, from the large-capacity
+envelope tray option on the DEClaser~2200.
+\yskip\hang\.{MANUAL\_FEED} Wait for the operator to insert each sheet
+\noindent The following values look as though they could be defined as a
+ \PASCAL\ enumeration type, but we need to ensure a particular
+ mapping to ordinal values, so we engage in a Knuthian trick here.
+@^Knuth, D.~E.@>
+@:TeX the Program}{{\sl\TeX\ the Program}@>
+The values correspond to the $P_s$ parameter of the |DECASTC| (Automatic
+Sheet-feeder Tray Control) control sequence.
+@d default_tray=0
+@d top_tray=1
+@d bottom_tray=2
+@d envelope_feeder=3
+@d manual_feed=99
+@ Here is a procedure which converts the \.{/feed\_tray} qualifier to the
+appropriate numeric value.
+@p procedure @!read_tray(option:file_spec; var result:tray_type);
+ result:=default_tray;
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present(option+'.TOP_TRAY')) then
+ result:=top_tray
+ else if odd(VAX_cli_present(option+'.BOTTOM_TRAY')) then
+ result:=bottom_tray
+ else if odd(VAX_cli_present(option+'.ENVELOPE_TRAY')) then
+ result:=envelope_feeder
+ else if odd(VAX_cli_present(option+'.MANUAL_FEED')) then
+ result:=manual_feed;
+ if device_type=ln03 then result:=default_tray
+@ The selected options are put into global variables by the |dialog|
+procedure, which is called just as \.{DVItoLN03} begins. As already
+explained, the |term_out| file is opened during the initialization phase, with
+\.{carriage\_control}=\.{none}. Having announced the program's name, the
+command line interpreter library procedures are invoked to retrieve the
+qualifiers and file name from the command line.
+@p procedure dialog;
+var k:integer; {loop variable}
+begin rewrite(term_out); {prepare the terminal for output}
+@<Determine the desired |start_count| values@>;
+@<Determine the desired |max_pages|@>;
+@<Determine the desired |resolution|@>;
+@<Determine the desired |new_mag|@>;
+@<Determine the desired |left_marg| and |top_marg|@>;
+@<Determine the desired |orientation|@>;
+@<Determine the desired ``fuzzes''@>;
+@<Determine the desired |print_mode|@>;
+@<Determine the desired \\{feed\_trays}@>;
+@<Determine the desired |duplex_by_page_numbers|@>;
+@<Print all the selected options@>;
+@ @<Determine the desired |start...@>=
+start_vals:=0; start_there[0]:=false;
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('STARTING_PAGE')) then
+ begin k:=VAX_cli_get_value('STARTING_PAGE',buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ if (buffer[1]<>' ') then begin
+ buf_ptr:= 1; k:=0;
+ if buffer[1]<>' ' then
+ repeat if buffer[buf_ptr]='*' then
+ begin start_there[k]:=false; incr(buf_ptr);
+ end
+ else begin start_there[k]:=true; start_count[k]:=get_integer;
+ end;
+ if (k<9)and(buffer[buf_ptr]='.') then
+ begin incr(k); incr(buf_ptr);
+ end
+ else start_vals:=k { anything ill-formed we just stop }
+ until start_vals=k
+ end
+@ @<Determine the desired |max_pages|@>=
+if max_pages<=0 then max_pages:=1000000;
+@ @<Determine the desired |resolution|@>=
+resolution:=300.0; { this is the LN03's resolution }
+@ @<Determine the desired |new_mag|@>=
+new_mag:=0; { no provision for magnified LN03 output yet }
+@ The value associated with the \.{/left\UL margin} and \.{/top\UL margin}
+qualifiers consists of a number and a specifier for a \TeX\ \meta{physical
+unit}. The values provided are translated into pixels; this uses the same
+mechanism as is used for interpreting similar dimensions in \.{\BS special}
+commands, so the qualifier is copied into the |spec_par| buffer used for
+that interpretation. The characters have to be converted from external
+representation into |ASCII_code| for this.
+@<Determine the desired |left_marg|...@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('LEFT_MARGIN')) then
+ k:=VAX_cli_get_value('LEFT_MARGIN',buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ @<Copy qualifier into |spec_par|@>;
+ if rd_dimension(left_marg) then
+ begin
+ print_ln(' --- assuming pixel units');
+ write_ln(' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+ term_offset:=0
+ end
+@.assuming pixel units@>
+end else left_marg := -1;
+if left_marg<0 then left_marg:=300;
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('TOP_MARGIN')) then
+ k:=VAX_cli_get_value('TOP_MARGIN',buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ @<Copy qualifier into |spec_par|@>;
+ if rd_dimension(top_marg) then
+ begin
+ print_ln(' --- assuming pixel units');
+ write_ln(' --- assuming pixel units',crlf);
+ term_offset:=0
+ end
+@.assuming pixel units@>
+end else top_marg := -1;
+if top_marg<0 then top_marg:=300;
+@ Here's how we copy the |char| values from the |buffer| (whence they have
+been read from the command-line qualifier) into the |spec_par| buffer,
+converting to |ASCII_code| in the process.
+@<Copy qualifier into |spec_par|@>=
+ buf_ptr:=1; spec_len:=1;
+ while buf_ptr<=buffer.length do
+ begin
+ spec_par[spec_len]:=xord[buffer[buf_ptr]];
+ incr(spec_len); incr(buf_ptr)
+ end;
+ spec_ptr:=1
+@ When the paper orientation is selected, we may define the |page_len| and
+|page_wid| in terms of the physical limits of the paper; these sizes have
+been defined at the start of this \.{web}.
+@<Determine the desired |orientation|@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('ORIENTATION')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PORTRAIT')) then orientation:=portrait else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('LANDSCAPE')) then orientation:=landscape else
+ warning('/ORIENTATION must be "PORTRAIT" or "LANDSCAPE"; assuming "PORTRAIT"')
+@:Warning: orientation must be}{\quad \.{/ORIENTATION must be ...}@>
+if orientation=landscape then
+begin page_len:=paper_wid+page_x_min; page_wid:=paper_ht+y_land_min;
+ y_min:=page_x_min; x_min:=y_land_min end else
+begin page_len:=paper_ht+y_port_min; page_wid:=paper_wid+page_x_min;
+ y_min:=y_port_min; x_min:=page_x_min end;
+@ The value associated with the \.{/hfuzz} and \.{/vfuzz}
+qualifiers consists of a number and a specifier for a \TeX\ \meta{physical
+unit}. The values provided are translated into scaled points, entirely
+analogously with the translation of the value on the \.{/top\_margin}
+qualifier into pixels.
+These ``fuzz'' values are used to control how pedantic the program is when
+it discovers characters which extend beyond the right-hand margin as
+reported (in the \.{DVI} file) by \TeX. The default values for these
+qualifiers is \.{100sp}, which implies that ``errors'' smaller than this
+(it's a very small quantity, approximately equal to the wavelength of
+visible light) will be ignored. Normally \TeX\ wouldn't dream of exceeding
+the margin (well, not without issuing an \.{overfull \\hbox} warning), but
+with some macro packages it isn't so fussy. For example, the output of W{\sc
+EAVE}, when formatting the \PASCAL\ part of a program, can extend beyond the
+margin by up to \.{10pt}. By selecting a larger value of ``fuzz'',
+spurious warning messages from DVItoLN03 can be suppressed.
+@<Determine the desired ``fuzzes''@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('HFUZZ')) then
+ k:=VAX_cli_get_value('HFUZZ',buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ @<Copy qualifier into |spec_par|@>;
+ if rd_scaled_pt(h_fuzz) then
+ begin
+ print_ln(' --- assuming scaled points');
+@.assuming scaled points@>
+ write_ln(' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+ term_offset:=0
+ end
+end else h_fuzz := 0;
+decr(h_fuzz); {when used, we watch for |h-max_h| exceeding this value}
+if h_fuzz<0 then h_fuzz:=99; {corresponds to default of \.{100sp}}
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('VFUZZ')) then
+ k:=VAX_cli_get_value('VFUZZ',buffer); buffer:=buffer+' ';
+ @<Copy qualifier into |spec_par|@>;
+ if rd_scaled_pt(v_fuzz) then
+ begin
+ print_ln(' --- assuming scaled points');
+@.assuming scaled points@>
+ write_ln(' --- assuming scaled points',crlf);
+ term_offset:=0
+ end
+end else v_fuzz := 0;
+if v_fuzz<0 then v_fuzz:=99
+@ The program can support the traditional LN03 (and LN03-plus) printers (but
+not the LN03R ScriptPrinter, for which a DVI to PostScript program
+is required), the LN05 (DEClaser~2100) and the LN06 (DEClaser~2200).
+This variable reminds of which mode is in use:
+@ This section determines which value was used with the \.{/DEVICE\_TYPE}
+qualifier. It is an error (something's gone wrong with the command
+definition file) if this qualifier doesn't have a value.
+@<Determine the device type@>=
+if not odd(VAX_cli_present('DEVICE_TYPE')) then
+ abort('No device type specified')
+@:fatal error No device type specified}{\quad\.{No device type specified}@>
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('DEVICE_TYPE.LN03')) then
+ device_type:=ln03
+ else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('DEVICE_TYPE.LN05')) then
+ device_type:=ln05
+ else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('DEVICE_TYPE.LN06')) then
+ device_type:=ln06
+@ The new DEClaser printers (models 2100 and 2200, otherwise known as the
+LN05 and LN06) are capable of a number of extra ``tricks'', compared with
+the original LN03; in particular, the DEClaser~2200 can print on both sides
+of the paper (``duplex'' printing). The \.{/print\_mode} qualifier of the
+command line interface allows us to select a number of different modes of
+\noindent The possible modes are as follows:
+\yskip\hang\.{SIMPLEX} Print on one side of paper only; this is the default,
+and the only method compatible with the DEClaser~2100 (LN05) and the
+original LN03 (but see below).
+\yskip\hang\.{DUPLEX} Print on both sides of the paper; which page gets
+printed on the reverse of such a sheet is further controlled by the
+\.{/duplex\_by\_page\_numbers} qualifier.
+\yskip\hang\.{MASTER} Can be used in conjunction with the \.{DUPLEX} value
+to produce a master set of sheets for photocopying or other production
+process. The program behaves as if the printer were operating in duplex
+mode, but actually prints on only one side of the paper, and ``prints'' a
+blank page if it would have left the \\{verso} page blank. This option can
+be used with the DEClaser~2100 (LN05), and with the traditional LN03, even
+though those printers don't support genuine duplexing.
+\yskip\hang\.{TUMBLED} Can be used in conjunction with genuine duplex
+printing only (and thus is restricted to the DEClaser~2200). Causes
+\\{verso} (left-hand) pages to be printed upside-down, therefore making the
+final document suitable for binding along the short edge (long edge in
+landscape mode) to make a flip-chart style document.
+\yskip\hang\.{NORMAL} The opposite of \.{TUMBLED}. This is the default.
+\noindent Once again, we define an `enumeration' type with known values:
+@d default_print_mode=0
+@d true_simplex_normal=1
+@d true_simplex_tumbled=2
+@d true_duplex_normal=3
+@d true_duplex_tumbled=4
+@d duplex_master_normal=5
+@d duplex_master_tumbled=6
+@d ln03_master=7 {we have to handle this by software, since no printer support}
+@ Here's where we analyse the \.{/print\_mode} qualifier, and set
+|print_mode| accordingly:
+@<Determine the desired |print_mode|@>=
+@<Determine the device type@>;
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE.DUPLEX')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE.MASTER')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE.TUMBLED')) then
+ print_mode:=duplex_master_tumbled
+ else print_mode:=duplex_master_normal
+ else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE.TUMBLED')) then
+ print_mode:=true_duplex_tumbled
+ else print_mode:=true_duplex_normal
+ else
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('PRINT_MODE.TUMBLED')) then
+ print_mode:=true_simplex_tumbled
+ else print_mode:=true_simplex_normal;
+if device_type=ln03 then
+ if print_mode>=duplex_master_normal then
+ print_mode:=ln03_master
+ else
+ print_mode:=default_print_mode
+@ Now we decide which tray shall be used for the first and subsequent sheets
+@<Determine the desired \\{feed\_trays}@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('FEED_TRAY')) then
+ if odd(VAX_cli_present('FEED_TRAY.ALL')) then
+ begin
+ read_tray('FEED_TRAY.ALL',first_tray);
+ following_tray:=first_tray
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ read_tray('FEED_TRAY.FIRST',first_tray);
+ read_tray('FEED_TRAY.REST',following_tray)
+ end
+@ Here are the variables needed to save the print tray(s) selection; also
+one which determines in which manner duplexing shall take place
+@ When we are printing on both sides of the paper, or simulating that
+operation with the \.{MASTER} option on the \.{/PRINT\_MODE} qualifier, we
+will usually elect to print \\{verso} pages when the page number (held in
+|count[0]|) is even, and \\{recto} pages when it is odd (or zero). If two
+odd or two even pages appear in succession, the other side of the sheet will
+be left blank (or a blank page ejected in \.{MASTER} mode).
+This is the default mode of operation, when the \.{/DUPLEX\_BY\_PAGE\_NUMBERS}
+qualifier is present; if this qualifier is negated, then the \\{verso} side
+of the sheet will be covered with whatever page follows that printed on the
+\\{recto} side, regardless of the page number; no blank pages appear, unless
+explicitly generated by \TeX.
+@<Determine the desired |duplex_by_page_numbers|@>=
+@ After the dialogue is over, we print the options so that the user
+can see what \.{DVItoLN03} thought was specified.
+These macros allow us to show which |print_mode| and feed tray have been
+@d show_print_mode==begin
+print('Print mode is ');
+case print_mode of
+ true_simplex_normal,true_duplex_normal,duplex_master_normal:
+ print('normal ');
+ true_simplex_tumbled,true_duplex_tumbled,duplex_master_tumbled:
+ print('tumbled ')
+if print_mode=ln03_master then print('ln03 ');
+if print_mode>=duplex_master_normal then print('master ');
+if print_mode>=true_duplex_normal then
+ print_ln('duplex')
+ print_ln('simplex')
+@d show_tray(#)==case # of
+ default_tray: print_ln('fed from the default tray');
+ top_tray: print_ln('fed from the top tray');
+ bottom_tray: print_ln('fed from the bottom tray');
+ envelope_feeder: print_ln('taken from the envelope feeder');
+ manual_feed: print_ln('manually fed')
+@<Print all the selected options@>=
+print_ln('Options selected:');
+@.Options selected@>
+print(' Starting page = ');
+for k:=0 to start_vals do
+ begin if start_there[k] then print(start_count[k]:1)
+ else print('*');
+ if k<start_vals then print('.')
+ else print_ln(' ');
+ end;
+print_ln(' Maximum number of pages = ',max_pages:1);
+print_ln(' Printing starts ',top_marg:1,' pixels from the top of the paper, and');
+print_ln(' ',left_marg:1,' pixels from the left-hand edge');
+print_ln(' Orientation = ',orientation);
+print_ln(' Resolution = ',resolution:12:8,' pixels per inch');
+if new_mag>0 then print_ln(' New magnification factor = ',new_mag/1000:8:3);
+if h_fuzz>99 then print_ln(' Horizontal overruns less than ',
+ (h_fuzz+1)/65536.0:1:2,'pt will be ignored');
+if v_fuzz>99 then print_ln(' Depth overruns less than ',
+ (v_fuzz+1)/65536.0:1:2,'pt will be ignored');
+if (first_tray<>default_tray) or (following_tray<>default_tray) then
+ if first_tray<>following_tray then
+ begin
+ print('First sheet is '); show_tray(first_tray);
+ print('Following sheets are '); show_tray(following_tray)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ print('Paper is '); show_tray(first_tray)
+ end;
+if print_mode<>default_print_mode then
+ show_print_mode;
+if print_mode>=true_duplex_normal then
+ print('Duplexing is ');
+ if not duplex_by_page_numbers then print('not ');
+ print_ln('controlled by page numbers')
+@* Defining fonts.
+\.{DVItoLN03} reads the postamble first and loads
+all of the fonts defined there; then it processes the pages. Therefore
+a \\{fnt\_def} command should match a previous definition if and only
+if the \\{fnt\_def} being processed is not in the postamble.
+Since the ``wanted'' pages are read twice, {\it viz.} whilst gathering the
+font usage statistics and to perform the actual type setting, font
+definitions in the \.{DVI} file will actually be met {\bf three} times. The
+original logic of \.{DVItype} using the global variable |in_postamble|
+covers the first two occasions during the initial scan and the reading of
+the postamble. The variable |substitution_pass| prevents us from getting a
+``font already defined'' message when each definition is met for the third
+@!substitution_pass:boolean; {are we performing the actual type setting?}
+@!in_postamble:boolean; {are we reading the postamble?}
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+@ Under the VAX/VMS operating system, no distinction is made between fonts
+names \.{cmr10} and \.{CMR10}, for example. However, if \TeX\ encounters
+a font name not written in the same case as those of the preloaded
+format in use, it will think it is a distinct font (and under some other
+operating systems, of course, the case of the name could be significant).
+The following function allows us to fold upper-case letters in a font name
+to lower-case, and thus avoid such infelicitous duplication.
+@p function lower(@!ch:ASCII_code): ASCII_code;
+ if (ch>="A") and (ch<="Z") then
+ lower:=ch+"a"-"A"
+ else
+ lower:=ch
+@ The following subroutine does the necessary things when a \\{fnt\_def}
+command is being processed.
+@p procedure define_font(@!e:integer); {|e| is an external font number}
+var @!f:0..max_fonts; {local index into font data structures}
+@!p:integer; {length of the area/directory spec}
+@!newly_defined: boolean; {first time font has been defined}
+@!n:integer; {length of the font name proper}
+@!c,@!q,@!d:integer; {check sum, scaled size, and design size}
+@!r:0..name_length; {index into |cur_name|}
+@!j,@!k:0..name_size; {indices into |names|}
+@!mismatch:boolean; {do names disagree?}
+begin if nf=max_fonts then capacity_exceeded('too many fonts (max fonts=',
+ max_fonts:1,')');
+@:capacity exceeded too many fonts}{\quad \.{too many fonts}@>
+if e > highest_font then highest_font := e;
+font_num[nf]:=e; f:=0; font_map[nf]:=nf;
+while font_num[f]<>e do incr(f);
+@<Read the font parameters into position for font |nf|, and
+ print the font name@>;
+if in_postamble then
+ begin if (f<nf) and not substitution_pass then
+ warning('---this font was already defined!');
+@:Warning: this font was already defined}{\quad \.{this font was already defined}@>
+ end
+else begin if f=nf then warning('---this font wasn''t loaded before!');
+@:Warning: this font wasn't loaded before}{\quad \.{this font wasn't loaded before}@>
+ end;
+@<Avoid reloading the font metrics, if identical font already present@>;
+if f=nf then @<Load the new font, unless there are problems@>
+ @<Check that the current font definition matches the old one@>;
+ if newly_defined and (font_map[nf]<nf) then
+ begin
+ print('---is identical to font ',font_num[f]:1); identical to font ...@>
+ incr(nf) {the ``new'' font is officially present, but remapped}
+ end
+@ When we reach the point at which it might be found necessary to read the
+\TeX\ font metrics from the \.{TFM} file, we can save a little effort if
+we've already loaded a font with identical name and at the same scaled size.
+In fact, this is essential with such virtual fonts as \.{recurse}, because
+otherwise we might go on loading the same \.{TFM} file \\{ad infinitum}!
+Variable |mismatch| is misused in the |while| loop such that the loop will
+exit if the name of font |f| is identical to that of font |nf|. If the
+names differ, the loop continues until |f=nf|.
+@<Avoid reloading the font metrics, if identical font already present@>=
+f:=font_map[f]; {it might already map elsewhere!}
+if f=nf then {it's got to \&{be} a new font, of course!}
+ f:=0; mismatch:=true;
+ while (f<nf) and mismatch do
+ begin
+ if font_scaled_size[f]=q then {don't try name unless same size}
+ @<Compare two font names, and set |mismatch| accordingly@>;
+ if mismatch then incr(f)
+ end; {|while f|}
+ if f<nf then {the font already exists, under a different identity}
+ font_map[nf]:=f;
+@ If the \.{DVI} file has previously defined this font, we check that the
+parameters of this |fnt_def| command match those previously read: there's
+something amiss if they differ (and the user is supposed to determine what
+by using \.{DVItype}).
+@<Check that the current...@>=
+begin if font_check_sum[f]<>c then
+ warning('---checksum doesn''t match previous definition!');
+@:Warning: checksum doesn't match}{\quad\.{checksum doesn't match}@>
+if font_scaled_size[f]<>q then
+ warning('---scaled size doesn''t match previous definition!');
+@:Warning: scaled size doesn't match}{\quad\.{scaled size doesn't match}@>
+if font_design_size[f]<>d then
+ warning('---design size doesn''t match previous definition!');
+@:Warning: design size doesn't match}{\quad\.{design size doesn't match}@>
+@<Compare two font names, and set |mismatch| accordingly@>;
+if mismatch then warning('---font name doesn''t match previous definition!');
+@:Warning: font name doesn't match}{\quad\.{font name doesn't match}@>
+@ This little chunk of code compares the font names stored in
+|names[font_name[f]..font_name[f+1]-1]| and
+|names[font_name[nf]..font_name[nf+1]-1]|; if any character differs, or the
+lengths of the names differ, then |mismatch| will be set.
+@<Compare two font names, and set |mismatch| accordingly@>=
+ j:=font_name[f]; k:=font_name[nf]; mismatch:=false;
+ while j<font_name[f+1] do
+ begin
+ if names[j]<>names[k] then mismatch:=true;
+ incr(j); incr(k);
+ end; {|while j|}
+ if k<>font_name[nf+1] then mismatch:=true
+@ @<Read the font parameters into position for font |nf|...@>=
+c:=signed_quad; font_check_sum[nf]:=c;@/
+q:=signed_quad; font_scaled_size[nf]:=q;@/
+d:=signed_quad; font_design_size[nf]:=d;@/
+p:=get_byte; n:=get_byte;
+if font_name[nf]+n+p>name_size then
+ capacity_exceeded('too many names (name size=',name_size:1,')');
+@:capacity exceeded too many names}{\quad\.{too many names}@>
+if not substitution_pass then
+ print('Font ',e:1,': ');
+if n+p=0 then print('null font name!')
+@.null font name@>
+else for k:=font_name[nf] to font_name[nf+1]-1 do names[k]:=lower(get_byte);
+incr(nf); if not substitution_pass then print_font(nf-1); decr(nf)
+@ @<Load the new font, unless there are problems@>=
+begin @<Move font name into the |cur_name| string@>;
+if (q<=0)or(q>=@'1000000000) then
+ abort('Font not loaded, bad scale (',q:1,')!')
+@:fatal error Font not loaded bad scale}{\qquad\.{bad scale}@>
+ else if (d<=0)or(d>=@'1000000000) then
+ abort('Font not loaded, bad design size (',d:1,')!')
+@:fatal error Font not loaded bad design size}{\qquad\.{bad design size}@>
+ else if in_TFM(q) then @<Finish loading the new font info@>;
+@ Strictly speaking, we should derive the width of a `thin space' from
+|param[6]| in the |tfm_file|, but this program (in common with such paragons
+of virtue as \.{DVItype}!) doesn't bother to read that far in the file; so
+we assume that \.{1em} in the font is equivalent to the design size, and
+knowing that an \.{em} in the Computer Modern fonts is \.{18u\#} wide, take
+one-sixth of this to represent the `thin space'.
+@<Finish loading...@>=
+begin font_space[nf]:=q div 6; {this is a 3-unit ``thin space''}
+if (c<>0)and(tfm_check_sum<>0)and(c<>tfm_check_sum) then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match; DVI=',c:1,' vs. TFM=',tfm_check_sum:1);
+@:Warning: checksum doesn\'t match}{\quad\.{checksum doesn't match}@>
+print('---loaded at size ',q:1,' DVI units');
+if d<>100 then
+ print(' (this font is magnified ',d:1,'%)');
+@.this font is magnified@>
+incr(nf); {now the new font is officially present}
+font_space[nf]:=0; {for |out_space| and |out_vmove|}
+@ The string |cur_name| is supposed to be set to the external name of the
+\.{TFM} file for the current font. This usually means that we need to
+prepend the name of the default directory, and
+to append the suffix `\.{.TFM}'. Furthermore, we change lower case letters
+to upper case, since |cur_name| is a \PASCAL\ string.
+If |p=0|, i.e., if no font directory has been specified, \.{DVItoLN03}
+is supposed to use the default font directory, which is a
+system-dependent place where the standard fonts are kept; in the current
+implementation, this will have been read into |tfm_directory| from the
+command-line qualifier \.{/font\UL directory}.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@<Move font name into the |cur_name| string@>=
+for k:=1 to name_length do cur_name[k]:=' ';
+if p=0 then
+ begin for k:=1 to tfm_directory.length do
+ cur_name[k]:=tfm_directory.body[k];
+ r:=tfm_directory.length;
+ end
+else r:=0;
+for k:=font_name[nf] to font_name[nf+1]-1 do
+ begin incr(r);
+ if r+4>name_length then
+ capacity_exceeded('font file name too long (max length=',name_length:1,')');
+@:capacity exceeded font file name}{\quad\.{font file name too long}@>
+ if (names[k]>="a")and(names[k]<="z") then
+ cur_name[r]:=xchr[names[k]-@'40]
+ else cur_name[r]:=xchr[names[k]];
+ end;
+cur_name[r+1]:='.'; cur_name[r+2]:='T'; cur_name[r+3]:='F'; cur_name[r+4]:='M'
+@* Accumulation of page. We save a page before outputting it, to minimize the
+complexity of the page for the LN03.
+The page is stored as a series of linked lists of ``segments'', with
+(potentially) one such list being stored for each pixel position in the
+vertical direction.
+The individual segments are a structure, containing the $x$-coordinates of the
+start and finish of the text. We also record the current font in which the
+text is to be set, and a pointer to the next segment in the list.
+We therefore declare here the structure to hold the segment, and an array of
+pointers, one for each vertical pixel position. We also provide a further two
+segment pointers, one for the ``current'' segment, and another pointing to a
+list of allocated, but otherwise unused, segments. Thus it is only necessary
+to call for storage allocation when the free list is exhausted.
+If a glyph proved to have too large a bitmap for it to have been downloaded
+as a character into the LN03, a segment was appended which references that
+glyph alone; this is necessary to ensure that the bitmaps are only output
+once the |eop| has been met, to accommodate changes of orientation brought
+about by \.{\\special} commands.
+@d max_text=max_print {Largest text segment held in a record}
+@<Types in the...@>=
+ @!string = varying [10] of char;
+ {to hold character representations of integers}
+ @!segment = packed record
+ @!next : ^segment; {pointer to next segment, or |nil|}
+ @!xs,@!xe : integer; {$x$-coords of start and finish of text}
+ @!font : integer; {LN03 downloaded font \#; external font for bitmaps}
+ @!ch : eight_bits; {character from LN03 internal font}
+ @!seg_type : (@!glyph_string,@!bitmap,@!sixel_dump);
+ @!direction : page_orientation; {|landscape| or |portrait|}
+ @!text : varying [max_text] of char; {sequence for output to printer}
+ end;
+@ There is one |seg_list| pointer for each possible horizontal row of pixels
+on the paper; |cur_seg| points to the current segment, whilst |free_list_seg|
+maintains a list of free segments. Any characters which would appear outside
+the bounds of the paper are accumulated in segments of the |lost_seg| list.
+@<Globals in the ...@>=
+ @!seg_list : array [y_land_min..paper_ht+y_port_min] of ^segment;
+ @!cur_seg, @!free_seg_list : ^segment;
+ @!lost_seg : ^segment; {For segments set off the paper}
+ @!seg_max : integer; {could be used for statistics}
+@ @<Set initial...@>=
+ free_seg_list:=nil; cur_seg:=nil; lost_seg:=nil;
+ for k:=y_land_min to paper_ht+y_port_min do seg_list[k]:=nil;
+ seg_max:=0;
+ top_of_page:=true;
+@ The procedure |new_segment| allocates storage for a new segment. The
+program maintains a |free_seg_list| to which processed segments are returned;
+however, if no free segments remain on this list (as will obtain on first use
+of the program), the \PASCAL\ |new| function is used to allocate an
+appropriate area.
+After the segment has been allocated, as many fields as possible are
+completed: (1) the |next| field points to the existing |seg_list| to which
+this new segment now belongs; (2) the |font| field records the font currently
+selected; (3) the |seg_list| is made to point to this new segment. If the
+text is known to be invalid (for the case in which it has been discovered that
+the text will not fit on the physical paper), then the new segment is added
+instead to the |lost_seg| list, and the |font| field is used to record the
+$y$-position at which \TeX\ had tried to locate the text.
+@p procedure new_segment(@!valid,@!offset:boolean;
+ @!font_code,@!ch_code:integer);
+ begin
+ @<Find or create a new |cur_seg|@> ;
+ @<Set fields of |cur_seg|@>
+ end; {|new_segment|}
+@ If the |free_seg_list| is empty, either we've never allocated any segments
+before, or we've used them all. We therefore use the standard \PASCAL\
+allocator function, |new|.
+Alternatively, we just detach the first segment from the |free_seg_list|.
+@<Find or create a new |cur_seg|@>=
+if free_seg_list = nil then
+begin new(cur_seg);
+ incr(seg_max)
+end else
+ cur_seg:=free_seg_list;
+ free_seg_list:=cur_seg^.next
+@ If the character being set is correctly within the imaging area of the
+paper, we add the new segment to the segment list associated with its vertical
+position on the page, and record the |ln_font| in which the character shall be
+Alternatively, we add the segment to the list of |lost_seg|s, and use the
+|font| field to record the vertical |y_pos| at which \TeX\ \\{thought} it
+was imaging the text.
+References to actual paper positions are always offset by the setting of
+|left_marg| and |top_marg|.
+@d x_pos==hh+left_marg {Actual paper coordinates}
+@d y_pos==vv+top_marg
+@<Set fields of |cur_seg|@>=
+with cur_seg^ do
+ if valid then
+ begin
+ ch:=ch_code;
+ direction:=new_orient;
+ if offset then {oversized glyphs and sixel graphics inclusions}
+ begin
+ next:=seg_list[y_pos+bitmap_offset]; {Goes on `lower' list}
+ seg_type:=bitmap; {this is corrected externally if necessary}
+ font:=cur_font; {record index into fonts for later file opening}
+ seg_list[y_pos+bitmap_offset]:=cur_seg {Put at front of the list}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ next:=seg_list[y_pos];
+ seg_type:=glyph_string;
+ font:=font_code; {record number of a \\{downloaded} font}
+ seg_list[y_pos]:=cur_seg {Put at front of the list}
+ end
+ end else
+ begin next:=lost_seg; {Don't put it on paper}
+ font:=y_pos; {Remember where \TeX\ wanted to put it}
+ lost_seg:=cur_seg
+ end
+@ Procedure |finish_seg| is used to discard segments which record text which
+was set off the paper, after making appropriate error indications in the log
+(\.{TYP}) file. Discarded segments are returned to the |free_seg_list|.
+The procedure is also called when a glyph is met that cannot become a member
+of that held in |cur_seg|; this just results in |cur_seg:=nil|. The segment
+is already attached to some part of |seg_list| array, so nothing further is
+required, and nothing gets lost!
+@p procedure finish_seg;
+ begin
+ while (cur_seg<>nil) and (cur_seg=lost_seg) do
+ begin {We've got something set off the paper}
+ with cur_seg^ do
+ begin
+ warning('Characters ''',text,''' set off paper ');
+@:Warning: Characters set off paper}{\quad\.{Characters ... set off paper}@>
+ write_ln(term_out,'(see log file)',crlf);
+ print_ln('( x = ',xs:1,'..',xe:1,', y = ',font:1,' ) - ignored');
+ lost_seg:=next; next:=free_seg_list; free_seg_list:=cur_seg;
+ cur_seg:=lost_seg
+ end;
+ end;
+ cur_seg:=nil {Forget that we've got a current segment}
+ end;
+@ The function |str_int| yields a minimum length ASCII representation for its
+integer parameter |num|. It does this by invoking the VAX-\PASCAL\ specific
+function |dec(n,f,d)|, which yields an |f| character-long string containing
+the decimal representation of the integer |n| occupying |d| digits at the
+right-hand end of the string; if necessary leading `\.0' characters are
+inserted to ensure that |d| digits are printed. (The leading |f-d| characters
+of the string would be filled with the space character `\.\SP', but we
+ensure that |f| and |d| are both just wide enough to avoid such a problem!)
+@d VAX_decimal==@=dec@>
+@p function str_int(num : integer) : string;
+ var field,digits : integer;
+ begin if num = 0 then digits:=1 else
+ digits:=trunc(ln(abs(num))/ln(10))+1;
+ {$\bigl\lceil\log_{10}\vert\hbox{\\{num}}\vert\bigr\rceil$ is number of digits
+ required}
+ field:=digits;
+ if num < 0 then incr(field);
+ str_int:=VAX_decimal(num,field,digits)
+ end;
+@ We define here some non-printing control characters, which will later be
+required for control and escape sequences.
+@d LF==chr(@"0A)
+@d FF==chr(@"0C)
+@d esc==chr(@"1B) {The ASCII ESCape character}
+@d csi==chr(@"9B) {Control Sequence Introducer}
+@d dcs==chr(@"90) {Device Control String}
+@d st==chr(@"9C) {String Terminator}
+@ The following |move_forward| procedure includes within the text of a segment
+the appropriate LN03 |HPR| (Horizontal Position Relative) control sequence to
+instruct the printer to move the printing position to the right. This
+sequence consists of the control sequence introducer, |csi|, followed by the
+motion expressed in pixels, followed by the sequence terminator `\.a'.
+@p procedure move_forward(dist:integer);
+ begin
+ cur_seg^.text:=cur_seg^.text + csi+str_int(dist)+'a';
+ end;
+@ Because of the restrictions of \PASCAL, we have to make a |forward|
+declaration of procedure |do_page|. The procedure is called (recursively)
+to interpret the |dvi| bytes stored from a character packet in a virtual
+font. It also implements the normal operations for interpreting the
+contents of a page read from the \.{DVI} file.
+@p function do_page(@!vf_start:integer):boolean; forward;
+@ Procedure |ord_text| adds a single character, |ch|, taken from the
+|cur_font|, to a segment preparatory to its being ``set'' on the paper. The
+procedure cannot be declared at this point in the \.{WEB} source because it
+references a number of procedures that haven't yet been declared. However,
+we'll arrange for it to appear in the correct part of the \PASCAL\ later on.
+If the character is taken from a virtual font, and requires more than the
+simple operation of setting a single character from a single font, then this
+procedure calls |do_page| recursively to interpret the sequence of |dvi|
+bytes that have been stored into |vf| from the \.{VF} file.
+This macro is equivalent to |glyph_map(cur_font)(#)|, assuming that
+@d cur_font_glyph(#)==glyphs[cur_base+#]
+@<Declare the |ord_text| Procedure@>=
+procedure ord_text(ch:integer);
+ var @!good : boolean;
+ with cur_font_glyph(ch) do
+ begin
+ @<Check if glyph appears within printable area@>;
+ @<Allocate segment to hold text string@>;
+ if loaded=virtual then
+ begin
+ finish_seg; {Whatever precedes this character to be treated
+ if not do_page(seq_off) then
+ abort('VF packet failed [',cur_font:1,',',ch:1,']!');
+@:fatal error VF packet failed}{\quad\.{VF packet failed}@>
+ finish_seg; {Don't run into next character or record this one's
+width twice}
+ end
+ else begin
+ @<Ensure entered text does not overflow |cur_seg|@>;
+ @<Set character onto page@>
+ end
+ end
+end {|procedure ord_text|}
+@ If the character would be set off the physical paper addressable by the LN03
+printer, the segment belongs to the |lost_seg| list.
+@<Check if glyph appears within printable area@>=
+if (x_pos<x_min) or (x_pos>page_wid) or (y_pos<y_min) or (y_pos>page_len) then
+ good := false;
+ if (cur_seg<>nil) then
+ begin
+ if (cur_seg<>lost_seg) then
+ finish_seg {earlier glyphs OK, even though this is off paper}
+ else
+ if cur_seg^.font<>y_pos then finish_seg {these were off paper, but on
+ a different row}
+ end;
+end else@/
+begin {The character fits on the paper}
+ good := true;
+ if cur_seg<>nil then
+ begin
+ if cur_seg=lost_seg then finish_seg {report earlier off-paper chars}
+ else
+ if cur_seg^.seg_type=bitmap then finish_seg; {previous segment contains
+ single oversized glyph}
+ if loaded=no then finish_seg {this segment will be ditto}
+ end
+@ If there is no |cur_seg| to hold the text, one is allocated, and the start and
+finish coordinates of the text therein recorded. The |text| field is set to be
+the null string.
+@<Allocate segment to hold text string@>=
+if cur_seg = nil then
+begin new_segment(good,loaded=no,font_code,ch);
+ cur_seg^.xs:=x_pos;
+ cur_seg^.xe:=x_pos;
+ cur_seg^.text:=''
+@ Checks are made that this segment (1) would not produce too large a
+contiguous sequence of characters (which might therefore lead to an overlong
+output record); (2) that the character does not need to be positioned to the
+\&{left} of those already in the segment; (3) that the LN03 font used for this
+character is the same as that for the other characters of the segment. If any
+of these checks fail, we commence a new segment; these tests are bypassed if
+we're setting a single oversized glyph.
+If any additional rightward movement is needed, the appropriate escape sequence
+is added to the |text| in the |cur_seg|.
+@<Ensure entered text does not overflow |cur_seg|@>=
+if cur_seg^.seg_type=glyph_string then
+ if (VAX_length(cur_seg^.text)>=max_text-8) or
+ (x_pos<cur_seg^.xe) or
+ (font_code<>cur_seg^.font) then
+ begin finish_seg;
+ @<Allocate segment...@> {tests enumerated above failed}
+ end
+ else
+ if x_pos>cur_seg^.xe then {We need to move rightward}
+ move_forward(x_pos-cur_seg^.xe) {Add character to segment}
+@ Characters whose glyphs proved too large to download in an LN03 font are
+saved up to be printed as a pixel dump; other glyphs are recorded in the
+current segment for imaging through the downloaded fonts.
+If the character being stored is only being recorded to support generation
+of an error message, it is translated back from ASCII to the external
+representation for printing of the message in the |type_file|.
+@<Set character onto page@>=
+if good then
+ with cur_seg^ do
+ case loaded of
+ yes:
+ text:=text+chr(char_code);
+ no, missing:
+ finish_seg; {needn't consider further}
+ othercases
+ do_nothing;
+ endcases
+ cur_seg^.text:=cur_seg^.text+xchr[ch]
+@* Packed file format.
+This format was designed by Tomas Rokicki in August, 1985.
+@^Rokicki, Tomas@>
+It constitutes a compact representation of the data contained in a
+\.{GF} file. The information content is the same, but packed (\.{PK}) files
+are almost always less than half the size of their \.{GF} counterparts. They
+are also easier to convert into a raster representation because they do not
+have a profusion of \\{paint}, \\{skip}, and \\{new\_row} commands to be
+separately interpreted. In addition, the \.{PK} format expressedly forbids
+\&{special} commands within a character. The minimum bounding box for each
+character is explicit in the format, and does not need to be scanned for as in
+the \.{GF} format. Finally, the width and escapement values are combined with
+the raster information into character ``packets'', making it simpler in many
+cases to process a character.
+A \.{PK} file is organized as a stream of 8-bit bytes. At times, these bytes
+might be split into 4-bit nybbles or single bits, or combined into multiple
+byte parameters. When bytes are split into smaller pieces, the `first' piece
+is always the most significant of the byte. For instance, the first bit of
+a byte is the bit with value 128; the first nybble can be found by dividing
+a byte by 16. Similarly, when bytes are combined into multiple byte
+parameters, the first byte is the most significant of the parameter. If the
+parameter is signed, it is represented by two's-complement notation.
+The set of possible eight-bit values are separated into two sets, those that
+introduce a character definition, and those that do not. The values that
+introduce a character definition comprise the range from 0 to 239; byte values
+above 239 are interpreted commands. Bytes which introduce character
+definitions are called flag bytes, and various fields within the byte indicate
+various things about how the character definition is encoded. Command bytes
+have zero or more parameters, and can never appear within a character
+definition or between parameters of another command, where they would be
+interpeted as data.
+A \.{PK} file consists of a preamble, followed by a sequence of one or more
+character definitions, followed by a postamble. The preamble command must
+be the first byte in the file, followed immediately by its parameters.
+Any number of character definitions may follow, and any command but the
+preamble command and the postamble command may occur between character
+definitions. The very last command in the file must be the postamble.
+@ The packed file format is intended to be easy to read and interpret by
+device drivers. The small size of the file reduces the input/output overhead
+each time a font is defined. For those drivers that load and save each font
+file into memory, the small size also helps reduce the memory requirements.
+The length of each character packet is specified, allowing the character raster
+data to be loaded into memory by simply counting bytes, rather than
+interpreting each command; then, each character can be interpreted on a demand
+basis. This also makes it possible for a driver to skip a particular
+character quickly if it knows that the character is unused.
+@ First, the command bytes shall be presented; then the format of the
+Character definitions will be defined. Eight of the possible sixteen
+commands (values 240 through 255) are currently defined; the others are
+reserved for future extensions. The commands are listed below. Each command
+is specified by its symbolic name (e.g., \\{pk\_no\_op}), its opcode byte,
+and any parameters. The parameters are followed by a bracketed number
+telling how many bytes they occupy, with the number preceded by a plus sign if
+it is a signed quantity. (Four byte quantities are always signed, however.)
+\yskip\hang|pk_xxx1| 240 |k[1]| |x[k]|. This command is undefined in general;
+it functions as a $(k+2)$-byte \\{no\_op} unless special \.{PK}-reading
+programs are being used. \MF\ generates \\{xxx} commands when encountering
+a \&{special} string. It is recommended that |x| be a string having the form
+of a keyword followed by possible parameters relevant to that keyword.
+\yskip\hang\\{pk\_xxx2} 241 |k[2]| |x[k]|. Like |pk_xxx1|, but |0<=k<65536|.
+\yskip\hang\\{pk\_xxx3} 242 |k[3]| |x[k]|. Like |pk_xxx1|, but
+|0<=k<@t$2^{24}$@>|. \MF\ uses this when sending a \&{special} string whose
+length exceeds~255.
+\yskip\hang\\{pk\_xxx4} 243 |k[4]| |x[k]|. Like |pk_xxx1|, but |k| can be
+ridiculously large; |k| musn't be negative.
+\yskip\hang|pk_yyy| 244 |y[4]|. This command is undefined in general; it
+functions as a five-byte \\{no\_op} unless special \.{PK} reading programs
+are being used. \MF\ puts |scaled| numbers into |yyy|'s, as a result of
+\&{numspecial} commands; the intent is to provide numeric parameters to
+\\{xxx} commands that immediately precede.
+\yskip\hang|pk_post| 245. Beginning of the postamble. This command is
+followed by enough |pk_no_op| commands to make the file a multiple
+of four bytes long. Zero through three bytes are usual, but any number
+is allowed.
+This should make the file easy to read on machines which pack four bytes to
+a word.
+\yskip\hang|pk_no_op| 246. No operation, do nothing. Any number of
+|pk_no_op|'s may appear between \.{PK} commands, but a |pk_no_op| cannot be
+inserted between a command and its parameters, between two parameters, or
+inside a character definition.
+\yskip\hang|pk_pre| 247 |i[1]| |k[1]| |x[k]| |ds[4]| |cs[4]| |hppp[4]|
+|vppp[4]|. Preamble command. Here, |i| is the identification byte of the
+file, currently equal to 89. The string |x| is merely a comment, usually
+indicating the source of the \.{PK} file. The parameters |ds| and |cs| are
+the design size of the file in $1/2^{20}$ points, and the checksum of the
+file, respectively. The checksum should match the \.{TFM} file and the
+\.{GF} files for this font. Parameters |hppp| and |vppp| are the ratios
+of pixels per point, horizontally and vertically, multiplied by $2^{16}$; they
+can be used to correlate the font with specific device resolutions,
+magnifications, and ``at sizes''. Usually, the name of the \.{PK} file is
+formed by concatenating the font name (e.g., amr10) with the resolution at
+which the font is prepared in pixels per inch multiplied by the magnification
+factor, and the letters \.{PK}. For instance, amr10 at 300 dots per inch
+should be named AMR10.300PK; at one thousand dots per inch and magstephalf,
+it should be named AMR10.1095PK.
+@ We put a few of the above opcodes into definitions for symbolic use by
+this program.
+@d pk_id = 89 {the version of \.{PK} file described}
+@d pk_xxx1 = 240 {\&{special} commands}
+@d pk_yyy = 244 {\&{numspecial} commands}
+@d pk_post = 245 {postamble}
+@d pk_no_op = 246 {no operation}
+@d pk_pre = 247 {preamble}
+@ The \.{PK} format has two conflicting goals; to pack character raster and
+size information as compactly as possible, while retaining ease of translation
+into raster and other forms. A suitable compromise was found in the use of
+run-encoding of the raster information. Instead of packing the individual
+bits of the character, we instead count the number of consecutive `black' or
+`white' pixels in a horizontal raster row, and then encode this number. Run
+counts are found for each row, from the top of the character to the bottom.
+This is essentially the way the \.{GF} format works.
+Instead of presenting each row individually, however, let us concatenate all
+of the horizontal raster rows into one long string of pixels, and encode this
+row. With knowledge of the width of the bit-map, the original character glyph
+can be easily reconstructed. In addition, we do not need special commands to
+mark the end of one row and the beginning of the next.
+Next, let us put the burden of finding the minimum bounding box on the part
+of the font generator, since the characters will usually be used much more
+often than they are generated. The minimum bounding box is the smallest
+rectangle which encloses all `black' pixels of a character. Let us also
+eliminate the need for a special end of character marker, by supplying
+exactly as many bits as are required to fill the minimum bounding box, from
+which the end of the character is implicit.
+Let us next consider the distribution of the run counts. Analysis of several
+dozen pixel files at 300 dots per inch yields a distribution peaking at four,
+falling off slowly until ten, then a bit more steeply until twenty, and then
+asymptotically approaching the horizontal. Thus, the great majority of our
+run counts will fit in a four-bit nybble. The eight-bit byte is attractive for
+our run-counts, as it is the standard on many systems; however, the wasted four
+bits in the majority of cases seems a high price to pay. Another possibility
+is to use a Huffman-type encoding scheme with a variable number of bits for
+each run-count; this was rejected because of the overhead in fetching and
+examining individual bits in the file. Thus, the character raster definitions
+in the \.{PK} file format are based on the four-bit nybble.
+@ The analysis of the pixel files yielded another interesting statistic: fully
+of the raster rows were duplicates of the previous row. Thus, the \.{PK}
+format allows the specification of repeat counts, which indicate how many times
+a horizontal raster row is to be repeated. These repeated rows are taken out
+of the character glyph before individual rows are concatenated into the long
+string of pixels.
+For elegance, we disallow a run count of zero. The case of a null raster
+description should be gleaned from the character width and height being equal
+to zero, and no raster data should be read. No other zero counts are ever
+necessary. Also, in the absence of repeat counts, the repeat value is set to
+be zero (only the original row is sent.) If a repeat count is seen, it takes
+effect on the current row. The current row is defined as the row on which the
+first pixel of the next run count will lie. The repeat count is set back to
+zero when the last pixel in the current row is seen, and the row is sent out.
+This poses a problem for entirely black and entirely white rows, however. Let
+us say that the current row ends with four white pixels, and then we have five
+entirely empty rows, followed by a black pixel at the beginning of the next
+row, and the character width is ten pixels. We would like to use a repeat
+count, but there is no legal place to put it. If we put it before the white
+run count, it will apply to the current row. If we put it after, it applies
+to the row with the black pixel at the beginning. Thus, entirely white or
+entirely black repeated rows are always packed as large run counts (in this
+case, a white run count of 54) rather than repeat counts.
+@ Now let us turn our attention to the actual packing of the run counts and
+repeat counts into nybbles. There are only sixteen possible nybble values.
+We need to indicate run counts and repeat counts. Since the run counts are
+much more common, we will devote the majority of the nybble values to them.
+We therefore indicate a repeat count by a nybble of 14 followed by a packed
+number, where a packed number will be explained later. Since the repeat
+count value of one is so common, we indicate a repeat one command by a single
+nybble of 15. A 14 followed by the packed number 1 is still legal for a
+repeat one count, however. The run counts are coded directly as packed
+For packed numbers, therefore, we have the nybble values 0 through 13. We
+need to represent the positive integers up to, say, $2^{31}-1$. We would
+like the more common smaller numbers to take only one or two nybbles, and
+the infrequent large numbers to take three or more. We could therefore
+allocate one nybble value to indicate a large run count taking three or more
+nybbles. We do this with the value 0.
+@ We are left with the values 1 through 13. We can allocate some of these, say
+|dyn_f|, to be one-nybble run counts.
+These will work for the run counts |1..dyn_f|. For subsequent run
+counts, we will use a nybble greater than |dyn_f|, followed by a second nybble,
+whose value can run from 0 through 15. Thus, the two-byte nybble values will
+run from |dyn_f+1..(13-dyn_f)*16+dyn_f|. We have our definition of large run
+count values now, being all counts greater than |(13-dyn_f)*16+dyn_f|.
+We can analyze our several dozen pixel files and determine an optimal value of
+|dyn_f|, and use this value for all of the characters. Unfortunately, values
+of |dyn_f| that pack small characters well tend to pack the large characters
+poorly, and values that pack large characters well are not efficient for the
+smaller characters. Thus, we choose the optimal |dyn_f| on a character basis,
+picking the value which will pack each individual character in the smallest
+number of nybbles. Legal values of |dyn_f| run from 0 (with no one-byte run
+counts) to 13 (with no two-byte run counts).
+@ Our only remaining task in the coding of packed numbers is the large run
+counts. We use a scheme suggested by D.~E.~Knuth
+@^Knuth, D.~E.@>
+which will simply and elegantly represent arbitrarily large values. The
+general scheme to represent an integer |i| is to write its hexadecimal
+representation, with leading zeros removed. Then we count the number of
+digits, and prepend one less than that many zeros before the hexadecimal
+representation. Thus, the values from one to fifteen occupy one nybble;
+the values sixteen through 255 occupy three, the values 256 through 4095
+require five, etc.
+For our purposes, however, we have already represented the numbers one
+through |(13-dyn_f)*16+dyn_f|. In addition, the one-nybble values have
+already been taken by our other commands, which means that only the values
+from sixteen up are available to us for long run counts. Thus, we simply
+normalize our long run counts, by subtracting |(13-dyn_f)*16+dyn_f+1| and
+adding 16, and then representing the result according to the scheme above.
+@ The final algorithm for decoding the run counts based on the above scheme
+might look like this, assuming a procedure called \\{pk\_nyb} is available
+to get the next nybble from the file, and assuming that the global
+|repeat_count| indicates whether a row needs to be repeated. Note that this
+routine is recursive, but since a repeat count can never directly follow
+another repeat count, it can only be recursive to one level.
+@<Packed number procedure@>=
+function pk_packed_num : integer ;
+var i, j, k : integer ;
+ i := get_nyb ;
+ if i = 0 then begin
+ repeat j := get_nyb ; incr(i) ; until j <> 0 ;
+ while i > 0 do begin j := j * 16 + get_nyb ; decr(i) ; end ;
+ pk_packed_num := j - 15 + (13-dyn_f)*16 + dyn_f ;
+ end else if i <= dyn_f then
+ pk_packed_num := i
+ else if i < 14 then
+ pk_packed_num := (i-dyn_f-1)*16+get_nyb+dyn_f+1
+ else begin
+ if i = 14 then
+ repeat_count := pk_packed_num
+ else
+ repeat_count := 1 ;
+ pk_packed_num := pk_packed_num ;
+ end ;
+end ;
+@ For low resolution fonts, or characters with `gray' areas, run encoding can
+often make the character many times larger. Therefore, for those characters
+that cannot be encoded efficiently with run counts, the \.{PK} format allows
+bit-mapping of the characters. This is indicated by a |dyn_f| value of
+14. The bits are packed tightly, by concatenating all of the horizontal raster
+rows into one long string, and then packing this string eight bits to a byte.
+The number of bytes required can be calculated by |(width*height+7) div 8|.
+This format should only be used when packing the character by run counts takes
+more bytes than this, although, of course, it is legal for any character.
+Any extra bits in the last byte should be set to zero.
+@ At this point, we are ready to introduce the format for a character
+descripter. It consists of three parts: a flag byte, a character preamble,
+and the raster data. The most significant four nybbles of the flag byte
+yield the |dyn_f| value for that character. (Notice that only values of
+0 through 14 are legal for |dyn_f|, with 14 indicating a bit mapped character;
+thus, the flag bytes do not conflict with the command bytes, whose upper nybble
+is always 15.) The next bit (with weight 16) indicates whether the first run
+count is a black count or a white count, with a one indicating a black count.
+For bit-mapped characters, this bit should be set to a zero. The next bit
+(with weight 8) indicates whether certain later parameters (referred to as size
+parameters) are given in one-byte or two-byte quantities, with a one indicating
+that they are in two-byte quantities. The last two bits are concatenated on to
+the beginning of the length parameter in the character preamble, which will be
+explained below.
+However, if the last three bits of the flag byte are all set (normally
+indicating that the size parameters are two-byte values and that a 3 should be
+prepended to the length parameter), then a long format of the character
+preamble should be used instead of one of the short forms.
+Therefore, there are three formats for the character preamble, and which one
+is used depends on the least significant three bits of the flag byte. If the
+least significant three bits are in the range zero through three, the short
+format is used. If they are in the range four through six, the extended short
+format is used. Otherwise, if the least significant bits are all set, then
+the long form of the character preamble is used. The preamble formats are
+explained below.
+\yskip\hang Short form: |flag[1]| |pl[1]| |cc[1]| |tfm[3]| |dm[1]| |w[1]|
+|h[1]| |hoff[+1]| |voff[+1]|.
+If this format of the character preamble is used, the above
+parameters must all fit in the indicated number of bytes, signed or unsigned
+as indicated. Almost all of the standard \TeX\ font characters fit; the few
+exceptions are fonts such as \.{aminch}.
+\yskip\hang Extended short form: |flag[1]| |pl[2]| |cc[1]| |tfm[3]| |dm[2]|
+|w[2]| |h[2]| |hoff[+2]| |voff[+2]|. Larger characters use this extended
+\yskip\hang Long form: |flag[1]| |pl[4]| |cc[4]| |tfm[4]| |dx[4]| |dy[4]|
+|w[4]| |h[4]| |hoff[4]| |voff[4]|. This is the general format which
+allows all of the
+parameters of the \.{GF} file format, including vertical escapement.
+The |flag| parameter is the flag byte. The parameter |pl| (packet length)
+contains the offset
+of the byte following this character descripter, with respect to the beginning
+of the |tfm| width parameter. This is given so a \.{PK} reading program can,
+once it has read the flag byte, packet length, and character code (|cc|), skip
+over the character by simply reading this many more bytes. For the two short
+forms of the character preamble, the last two bits of the flag byte should be
+considered the two most-significant bits of the packet length. For the short
+format, the true packet length might be calculated as |(flag mod 4)*256+pl|;
+for the extended format, it might be calculated as |(flag mod 4)*65536+pl|.
+The |w| parameter is the width and the |h| parameter is the height in pixels
+of the minimum bounding box. The |dx| and |dy| parameters are the horizontal
+and vertical escapements, respectively. In the short formats, |dy| is assumed
+to be zero and |dm| is |dy| but in pixels;
+in the long format, |dx| and |dy| are both
+in pixels multiplied by $2^{16}$. The |hoff| is the horizontal offset from the
+upper left pixel to the reference pixel; the |voff| is the vertical offset.
+They are both given in pixels, with right and down being positive. The
+reference pixel is the pixel which occupies the unit square in \MF; the
+\MF\ reference point is the lower left hand corner of this pixel. (See the
+example below.)
+@ \TeX\ requires that all characters which have the same character codes
+modulo 256 also have the same |tfm| widths, and escapement values. The \.{PK}
+format does not itself make this a requirement, but in order for the font to
+work correctly with the \TeX\ software, this constraint should be observed.
+The current version of \TeX\ (1.5) cannot output character codes greater
+than 255 anyway.
+Following the character preamble is the raster information for the
+character, packed by run counts or by bits, as indicated by the flag byte.
+If the character is packed by run counts and the required number of nybbles
+is odd, then the last byte of the raster description should have a zero
+for its least significant nybble.
+@ As an illustration of the \.{PK} format, the character \char4\ from the font
+amr10 at 300 dots per inch will be encoded. This character was chosen
+because it illustrates some
+of the borderline cases. The raster for the character looks like this (the
+row numbers are chosen for convenience, and are not \MF's row numbers.)
+0& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+1& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+2& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+3& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+4& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+5& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+6& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+9& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+10& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+11& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+12& & & & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M& & \cr
+13& & & & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M& & \cr
+14& & & & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M& & \cr
+15& & & & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M& & \cr
+16& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+17& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+18& & & & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M& & \cr
+22& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+23& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+24& & &M&M& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &M&M\cr
+25& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+26& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+27& & &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+28&*& &M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M\cr
+The width of the minimum bounding box for this character is 20; its height
+is 29. The `*' represents the reference pixel; notice how it lies outside the
+minimum bounding box. The |hoff| value is $-2$, and the |voff| is~28.
+The first task is to calculate the run counts and repeat counts. The repeat
+counts are placed at the first transition (black to white or white to black)
+in a row, and are enclosed in brackets. White counts are enclosed in
+parentheses. It is relatively easy to generate the counts list:
+\centerline{82 [2] (16) 2 (42) [2] 2 (12) 2 (4) [3]}
+\centerline{16 (4) [2] 2 (12) 2 (62) [2] 2 (16) 82}
+Note that any duplicated rows that are not all white or all black are removed
+before the repeat counts are calculated. The rows thus removed are rows 5, 6,
+10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, and 24.
+@ The next step in the encoding of this character is to calculate the optimal
+value of |dyn_f|. The details of how this calculation is done are not
+important here; suffice it to say that there is a simple algorithm which in one
+pass over the count list can determine the best value of |dyn_f|. For this
+character, the optimal value turns out to be 8 (atypically low). Thus, all
+count values less than or equal to 8 are packed in one nybble; those from
+nine to $(13-8)*16+8$ or 88 are packed in two nybbles. The run encoded values
+now become (in hex, separated according to the above list):
+\centerline{\tt D9 E2 97 2 B1 E2 2 93 2 4 E3}
+\centerline{\tt 97 4 E2 2 93 2 C5 E2 2 97 D9}
+which comes to 36 nybbles, or 18 bytes. This is shorter than the 73 bytes
+required for the bit map, so we use the run count packing.
+@ The short form of the character preamble is used because all of the
+parameters fit in their respective lengths. The packet length is therefore
+18 bytes for the raster, plus
+eight bytes for the character preamble parameters following the character
+code, or 26. The |tfm| width for this character is 640796, or {\tt 9C71C} in
+hexadecimal. The horizontal escapement is 25 pixels. The flag byte is
+88 hex, indicating the short preamble, the black first count, and the
+|dyn_f| value of 8. The final total character packet, in hexadecimal, is:
+$$\vbox{\halign{\hfil #\quad&&{\tt #\ }\cr
+Flag byte&88\cr
+Packet length&1A\cr
+Character code&04\cr
+|tfm| width&09&C7&1C\cr
+Horizontal escapement (pixels)&19\cr
+Width of bit map&14\cr
+Height of bit map&1D\cr
+Horizontal offset (signed)&FE\cr
+Vertical offset&1C\cr
+Raster data&D9&E2&97\cr
+@* Routines to access the packed pixel files. We shall require routines to
+access the packed file; sometimes this may even require access to individual
+\&{bits}, but mostly we shall be accessing bytes or nybbles.
+We also need a function that will get a single byte from the \.{PK} file.
+Again, buffering may be done in this procedure.
+@p function pk_byte : eight_bits ;
+var temp : eight_bits ;
+ temp := pxl_file^[pk_loc mod VAX_block_length] ;
+ pk_loc := pk_loc + 1 ;
+ if (pk_loc mod VAX_block_length)=0 then
+ get(pxl_file) ;
+ pk_byte := temp ;
+end ;
+@ As we are reading the packed file, we often need to fetch (signed or
+unsigned) 16 and 32 bit quantities. Here we have three procedures to do this.
+@p function get_16 : integer ;
+var a : integer ;
+begin a := pk_byte ; get_16 := a * 256 + pk_byte ; end ;
+function get_16_signed : integer ;
+var a : integer ;
+begin a := get_16; if a>32767 then a := a-65536;
+ get_16_signed := a ; end ;
+function get_32 : integer ;
+var a : integer ;
+begin a := get_16 ; if a > 32767 then a := a - 65536 ;
+get_32 := a * 65536 + get_16 ; end ;
+@ Now we read and check the preamble of the pk file. In the preamble, we
+find the |hppp|, |dsize|, |checksum|. After we've read the preamble, no
+character locators will be available.
+@d two_to_the_20th==@"100000
+@<Read preamble@>=
+pk_loc:=0; char_num:=-1; {Ensure that |char_num| is ``undefined''}
+if pk_byte <> pk_pre then abort('Bad pk file, pre command missing') ;
+@:fatal error Bad pk file ...}{\quad\.{Bad pk file}@>
+@:fatal error Bad pk file pre command missing}{\qquad\\{pre }\.{command missing}@>
+if pk_byte <> pk_id then abort('Bad pk file, wrong version') ;
+@:fatal error Bad pk file wrong version}{\qquad\.{wrong version}@>
+pk_j := pk_byte ;
+for pk_i := 1 to pk_j do dummy:=pk_byte ; { Skip over PK file comment }
+dsize := get_32 ;
+checksum := get_32 ;
+hppp := get_32 ; vppp := get_32 ;
+magnification := round(hppp * 72.27 / 65536) ; {|* 5| in PKtoPX}
+if hppp <> vppp then warning('PK font pixels non-square');
+@:Warning: PK font pixels non-square}{\quad\.{PK font pixels non-square}@>
+for pk_i:=0 to 255 do ch_loc[pk_i]:=0;
+@ Of course, we need to define the above variables.
+@!checksum : integer ; {checksum of pixel file}
+@!hppp, @!vppp : integer ; {horizontal and vertical points per inch}
+@!pk_loc : integer ; { byte currently being accessed in |pk_file| }
+@!dummy : integer ; { used to ``absorb'' unwanted bytes from |pk_file| }
+@* Character unpacking.
+This is the procedure where we read the character packet and decode it into
+standard pixel raster format; if a glyph is encountered that is not used in the
+present document, its packet is skipped. We create one row at a time, checking
+for repeat
+commands, and then repeat the row as many times as is necessary. The information
+gleaned from the beginning of the character packet is to be placed in various
+local variables. We also check that the length of the character packet is
+If the character's raster is null (as is the case with the invisible fonts used
+by Sli\TeX), the |num_cols| and |num_rows| are set to suitable dummy values (see
+the section $\langle$Complete remainder of Character Definition
+parameters$\rangle$ for further information).
+@<Unpack and write character@>=
+dyn_f := flag_byte div 16 ;
+flag_byte := flag_byte mod 16 ;
+turn_on := flag_byte >= 8 ;
+if turn_on then flag_byte := flag_byte - 8 ;
+if flag_byte = 7 then
+ @<Read long character preamble@>
+else if flag_byte > 3 then
+ @<Read extended short character preamble@>
+ @<Read short character preamble@> ;@/
+byte_width:=(num_cols+7) div 8; {Bytes required per row in |lnf_file|}
+with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded=wanted then
+ begin
+ base:=ras_beg+ras_len;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Read and translate raster description@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>
+ end
+ else
+ @<Skip through unwanted raster@> ;
+if end_of_packet <> pk_loc then abort('Bad pk file! Bad packet length.')
+@.Bad pk file@>
+@ A simplified version of this code is also used when printing the bitmap of
+an oversized glyph in sixels.
+@<Unpack and store character@>=
+dyn_f := flag_byte div 16 ;
+flag_byte := flag_byte mod 16 ;
+turn_on := flag_byte >= 8 ;
+if turn_on then flag_byte := flag_byte - 8 ;
+if flag_byte = 7 then
+ @<Read long character preamble@>
+else if flag_byte > 3 then
+ @<Read extended short character preamble@>
+ @<Read short character preamble@> ;@/
+byte_width:=(num_cols+7) div 8; {Bytes required per row in |lnf_file|}
+if char_num=ch then
+ base:=ras_beg+ras_len;@/
+ @<Read and translate raster description@>;
+ @<Skip through unwanted raster@> ;
+if end_of_packet <> pk_loc then abort('Bad pk file! Bad packet length.')
+@.Bad pk file@>
+@ We need a whole lot of globals used but not defined up there. Some of these
+have the same names as certain fields of |pxl_dir_type|, or of local variables
+of procedures |add_txf_to_lnf| and |copy_char|. This is in order that the
+segments of \.{WEB} code invoked above reference these globals therein, but the
+appropriate local variables when within those procedures (when being used for
+\.{PXL} files).
+@!pk_i, @!pk_j : integer ; {index pointers}
+@!flag_byte : integer ; {the byte that introduces the character definition}
+@!end_of_packet : integer ; {where we expect the end of the packet to be}@/
+{Following are also names of fields in a record of type |pxl_dir_type|}@/
+@!num_cols, @!num_rows : sixteen_bits; {width and height of character}
+@!x_off, @!y_off : signed_word ; {$x$ and $y$ offsets of character}
+@!tfm_width : integer ; {character tfm width}
+@!tfms : array [0..255] of integer ; {character tfm widths}
+@!dx, @!dy : integer ; {escapement values}
+@!dxs, @!dys : array [0..255] of integer ; {escapement values}
+@!ch_loc : array[0..255] of integer; {has the character been seen (and where)?}
+@!dyn_f : integer ; {dynamic packing variable}
+@!char_num : integer ; {the character we are reading}
+@!packet_length : integer ; {the length of the character packet}
+@!base : integer ; {index into |lnf_bytes|}
+@!to_where : integer ; {\&{cf.} |to_where| in |copy_char|}
+@!len : integer ; {\&{cf.} |len| in |copy_char|}
+@!byte_width : integer ; {Bytes per row in the |lnf_file| bitmap}
+@ To skip over the raster of an unwanted character, we can simply jump forward
+in the PK file to |end_of_packet|.
+@<Skip through unwanted raster@>=
+while pk_loc<end_of_packet do dummy := pk_byte;
+@ Now, the preamble reading modules. First, we have the general case: the
+long character preamble format.
+@<Read long character preamble@>=
+ packet_length := get_32 ; char_num := get_32 ;
+ end_of_packet := packet_length + pk_loc ;
+ packet_length := packet_length + 9 ;
+ tfm_width := get_32 ;
+ dx := get_32 ; dy := get_32 ;
+ num_cols := get_32 ;
+ num_rows := get_32 ;
+ x_off := get_32 ; y_off := get_32 ;
+@ This module reads the character preamble with double byte parameters.
+@<Read extended short character preamble@>=
+ packet_length := (flag_byte - 4) * 65536 + get_16 ;
+ char_num := pk_byte ;
+ end_of_packet := packet_length + pk_loc ;
+ packet_length := packet_length + 4 ;
+ pk_i := pk_byte ;
+ tfm_width := pk_i * 65536 + get_16 ;
+ dx := get_16 * 65536 ;
+ dy := 0 ;
+ num_cols := get_16 ;
+ num_rows := get_16 ;
+ x_off := get_16_signed ; y_off := get_16_signed ;
+@ Here we read the most common character preamble, that with single byte
+@<Read short character preamble@>=
+ packet_length := flag_byte * 256 + pk_byte ;
+ char_num := pk_byte ;
+ end_of_packet := packet_length + pk_loc ;
+ packet_length := packet_length + 3 ;
+ pk_i := pk_byte ;
+ tfm_width := pk_i * 65536 + get_16 ;
+ dx := pk_byte * 65536 ;
+ dy := 0 ;
+ num_cols := pk_byte ;
+ num_rows := pk_byte ;
+ x_off := pk_byte ; y_off := pk_byte ;
+ if x_off > 127 then x_off := x_off - 256 ;
+ if y_off > 127 then y_off := y_off - 256 ;
+@ Now we have the most important part of unravelling packed pixel files, where
+we actually interpret the commands in the raster description. First of all,
+we need a procedure to get a single nybble from the file, as well as one to
+get a single bit.
+We also are now able to ``declare'' |pk_packed_num|.
+@p function get_nyb : integer ;
+var temp : eight_bits ;
+ if bit_weight = 0 then begin
+ input_byte := pk_byte ;
+ bit_weight := 16 ;
+ end ;
+ temp := input_byte div bit_weight ;
+ input_byte := input_byte - temp * bit_weight ;
+ bit_weight := bit_weight div 16 ;
+ get_nyb := temp ;
+end ;
+function get_bit : boolean ;
+var temp : boolean ;
+ bit_weight := bit_weight div 2 ;
+ if bit_weight = 0 then begin
+ input_byte := pk_byte ;
+ bit_weight := 128 ;
+ end ;
+ temp := input_byte >= bit_weight ;
+ if temp then
+ input_byte := input_byte - bit_weight ;
+ get_bit := temp ;
+end ;
+@t\4@>@<Packed number procedure@>
+@ Now, the globals to help communication between these procedures.
+@!input_byte : eight_bits ; {the byte we are currently decimating}
+@!bit_weight : eight_bits ; {weight of the current bit}
+@!nybble : eight_bits ; {the current nybble}
+@!row_addr : integer ; {whereabouts in |lnf_file| of start of each pixel row}
+@!bitmap_start : integer ; {and of start of \&{first} pixel row}
+@ And the main procedure.
+@<Read and translate raster description@>=
+bit_weight := 0 ; row_addr:=base; {Note where row of pixels starts}
+if dyn_f = 14 then
+ @<Get raster by bits@>
+else @<Create normally packed raster@>
+@ If |dyn_f=14|, then we need to get the raster representation
+one bit at a time.
+@<Get raster by bits@>=
+for pk_i := 1 to num_rows do begin
+ bite:=0; bite_weight:=7;
+ for pk_j := 1 to num_cols do begin
+ if get_bit then bite:=bite+power[bite_weight];
+ decr(bite_weight);
+ if bite_weight<0 then begin
+ bite_weight:=7;
+ put_lnf(bite);
+ bite:=0
+ end
+ end;
+ if bite_weight<7 then put_lnf(bite)
+@ We need the |power| array, which contains powers of two, as well as the |bite|
+variable (which accumulates eight pixels) and |bite_weight|, which directs which
+pixel is to be ``blackened''. The array |gpower| contains 0..8 black pixels,
+staring at the left-hand end.
+@!bite : integer; {accumulates 8 pixels to go to |lnf_file|}
+@!bite_weight : integer; {next bit of |bite| to be filled (leftmost=0)}
+@!power:array [0..7] of integer; {|power[i]| contains $2^{7-i}$}
+@!gpower:array [0..8] of integer; {|gpower[i]| contains ones in leftmost |i| bits}
+@ @<Set initial...@>=
+for i:=1 to 7 do power[i]:=power[i-1] div 2;
+for i:=1 to 8 do gpower[i]:=gpower[i-1]+power[i-1];
+@ Otherwise, we translate the bit counts into the raster rows. |run_ct|
+contains the number of bits of the current color, and |turn_on| indicates
+whether or not they should be black. |rows_left| contains the number of
+rows to be sent.
+@<Create normally packed raster@>=
+rows_left := num_rows ;
+h_bit := num_cols ;
+repeat_count := 0 ;
+bite:=0; bite_weight:=8;
+while rows_left > 0 do begin
+ run_ct := pk_packed_num ;
+ while run_ct>0 do begin
+ if (run_ct<bite_weight) and (run_ct<h_bit) then begin
+ if turn_on then
+ bite:=bite+gpower[bite_weight]-gpower[bite_weight-run_ct];
+ h_bit:=h_bit-run_ct;
+ bite_weight:=bite_weight-run_ct;
+ run_ct:=0
+ end
+ else if (run_ct>=h_bit) and (h_bit<=bite_weight) then begin
+ if turn_on then
+ bite:=bite+gpower[bite_weight]-gpower[bite_weight-h_bit];
+ put_lnf(bite); bite:=0;
+ for pk_i:=1 to repeat_count do
+ for pk_j:=1 to byte_width do repeat_row;
+ row_addr:=base;
+ rows_left := rows_left - repeat_count - 1 ;
+ repeat_count := 0 ;
+ bite:=0; bite_weight:=8;
+ run_ct := run_ct - h_bit ;
+ h_bit := num_cols ;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if turn_on then bite:=bite+gpower[bite_weight];
+ put_lnf(bite);
+ run_ct:=run_ct-bite_weight;
+ h_bit:=h_bit-bite_weight;
+ bite:=0; bite_weight:=8
+ end
+ end;
+ turn_on := not turn_on ;
+end ;
+if (rows_left <> 0) or (h_bit <> num_cols) then
+ abort('Bad pk file---more bits than required!');
+@.Bad pk file@>
+@ We need to declare the repeat flag, bit counter, and color flag here.
+@!repeat_count : integer ; {how many times to repeat the next row?}
+@!rows_left : integer ; {how many rows left?}
+@!turn_on : boolean ; {are we black here?}
+@!h_bit : integer ; {what is our horizontal position?}
+@!run_ct : integer ; {how many bits of current color left?}
+@ Another necessary section of code skips over any \MF\ \.{special}s between
+characters and before or after the postamble.
+It is convenient to use the following definitions in creating readable |case|
+statements; they will also be necessary for interpreting the \.{DVI} file.
+@d four_cases(#)==#,#+1,#+2,#+3
+@d eight_cases(#)==four_cases(#),four_cases(#+4)
+@d sixteen_cases(#)==eight_cases(#),eight_cases(#+8)
+@d thirty_two_cases(#)==sixteen_cases(#),sixteen_cases(#+16)
+@d sixty_four_cases(#)==thirty_two_cases(#),thirty_two_cases(#+32)
+@p procedure skip_specials ;
+var i, j, k : integer ;
+ repeat
+ flag_byte := pk_byte ;
+ if flag_byte >= pk_xxx1 then
+ case flag_byte of
+ four_cases(pk_xxx1):
+ i := 0 ;
+ for j := pk_xxx1 to flag_byte do i := 256 * i + pk_byte ;
+ for j := 1 to i do dummy:=pk_byte ;
+end ;
+ pk_yyy: dummy:=get_32 ;
+ pk_post: do_nothing;
+ pk_no_op: do_nothing;
+ pk_pre, eight_cases(pk_pre+1):
+ abort('Bad pk file; unexpected byte: ', flag_byte:1,'!') ;
+@.Bad pk file@>
+ endcases ;
+ until (flag_byte < pk_xxx1) or (flag_byte = pk_post) ;
+end ;
+@* Pixel file format.
+A \.{PXL} file is an expanded raster description of a single font at a
+particular resolution and contains essentially the same information as
+that contained in a \.{GF} file. \.{PXL} files are used by many existing
+device-driver programs for dot matrix devices. By convention, \.{PXL} files
+are for 200 pixels per inch. However, the LN03 requires pixel files generated
+at 300 pixels per inch; the font naming conventions for access to these files
+are specified elsewhere.
+All words in a \.{PXL} files are in 32-bit format, with the four lower
+bits zero on 36-bit machines. The raster information is contained in a
+sequence of binary words which record white pixels as zeros and black
+pixels as ones.
+The first word of the \.{PXL} file and the last word contain the |pxl_id|
+which is currently equal to 1001.
+This first word is followed by a sequence of raster information words where
+each line of pixels in the glyphs is represented by one or more words of
+binary information. The number of words used to represent each row of pixels
+for any particular glyph is fixed and it is set by the value of
+|max_m-min_m+1| for that particular glyph. Each white pixel is represented by
+a zero and each black pixel is represented by a one in the corresponding bit
+positions (the first 32 only of each word on 36-bit machines). The unused bit
+positions toward the end of each set of words for each row of pixels are
+filled with zeros. It should be noted that this representation is more
+wasteful of space than it needs to be, but it may possibly simplify the
+subsequent use of the information by a device-driver program.
+The font directory follows, occupying a fixed position with respect to the
+end of the file (in words 517 through 6 from this end), and assigns 4
+words for each of the potential 128 different glyphs that could be
+contained in this particular font in the order of their ascending ascii
+values (not in the order that the glyphs appear in the raster section,
+which may be entirely arbitrary). This means that the first four words are
+for the ascii zero glyph. All four words reserved for any missing glyphs
+are set to zero. A detailed description of these directory entries is given in
+the next section.
+The final five words in the \.{PXL} file contain information relative to
+the entire file.
+The first of these five words is a checksum which should
+match the checksum contained in the \.{TFM} file that \TeX\ used in
+reference to this font, although, if this checksum is zero, no validity
+checking will be done.
+The second of these five words is an integer that is 1000 times the
+magnification factor at which this font was produced.
+The third word contains the design size of the font measured in \.{FIXes}
+($2^{-20}$ unmagnified points).
+The fourth word contains a pointer to the first word of the font directory.
+The fifth (and last word of the entire file) contains a duplicate of the
+|pxl_id| as contained in the first word of the file.
+@d pxl_id=1001 {current version of \.{PXL} format}
+@ As mentioned above, the pixel file's glyph directory consists of four
+longwords for each possible glyph. The use of each of these longwords is as
+\yskip\hang\&{Word 0.} This is treated as being split into two unsigned
+sixteen-bit quantities, containing the Pixel Width in the left half-word (the
+leftmost 16 bits) and the Pixel Height in the right half-word (the next 16
+bits). These dimensions are those of the smallest bounding-box, measured in
+pixels, and they have nothing necessarily to do with the width and height
+figures that appear in the \.{TFM} file.
+\yskip\hang\&{Word 1.} Again is split into two sixteen-bit half-words, but
+this time they are each treated as \\{signed} quantities. Together, these give
+the offset of the glyph's reference point \&{from} its upper-left-hand corner
+of the bounding box, measured in pixels, with the $x$-offset ($\delta x$) in the left
+half-word and the $y$-offset ($\delta y$) in the right half-word. Two's complement
+representation is used. Remember that although the positive $x$ direction means
+`rightward' and positive $y$ is `downward' on the page, these offsets specify
+the distance \&{to} the reference point \&{from} the upper left-hand corner of
+the raster with +ve $x$ implying that the left-most column of the raster is to
+the \&{left} of the reference point, and +ve $y$ implying that the top-most
+row of the raster is \&{above} the baseline.
+\yskip\hang\&{Word 2.} This contains the number of the word in this \.{PXL}
+file where the Raster Description for this particular glyph begins, measured
+from the first word of the file, which is numbered zero.
+\yskip\hang\&{Word 3.} Contains the \.{TFM} width, measured in \.{FIXes},
+where 1 \.{FIX} is $1/(2^{20})$ times the design size.
+We now define an appropriate structure to hold such directory entries:
+@<Types in the outer block@>=
+ @!signed_word= [word] -32768..32767;@/
+ @!pxl_dir_type=packed record@/
+ num_cols,num_rows : sixteen_bits;
+ x_off,y_off : signed_word;
+ addr : [byte(4)] integer;
+ tfm_width : [byte(4)] integer
+ end;
+@ We need a |file| object to reference the pixel file, and also an array to hold
+its directory. Furthermore, when a pixel file directory is read in, we need
+variables |magnification| and |dsize| to hold quantities taken from the last
+five longwords of the file.
+@<Globals in the outer block@>=
+ @!pxl_file: byte_file;
+ @!pxl_dir : packed array [0..127] of pxl_dir_type;
+ @!pxl_block,@!pxl_ptr : integer;
+ @!pxl_size:integer;
+ @!magnification,@!dsize:real;
+@*Procedures to access the pixel file. The following definitions and
+declarations provide a means of accessing bytes, words (signed \AM\ unsigned)
+and longwords in the |pxl_file|.
+@d pxl_byte(#)==pxl_file^[#]
+@d pxl_word(#)==(pxl_byte(#+1)+256*pxl_byte(#))
+@d pxl_long(#)==(pxl_byte(#+3)+256*(pxl_byte(#+2)+@|256*(pxl_byte(#+1)+@|
+@d must_get(#)==
+ if # = VAX_block_length then
+ begin get(pxl_file,VAX_continue);
+ incr(pxl_block); #:=0
+ end
+@p procedure move_to_pxl(n:integer);
+ begin
+ if n div VAX_block_length <> pxl_block then
+ begin pxl_block:=n div VAX_block_length;
+ VAX_find_block(pxl_file,pxl_block+1,VAX_continue)
+ end;
+ pxl_ptr:=n mod VAX_block_length
+ end;
+@ The |long_pxl| function reads a longword (in Bigendian order) from the
+|pxl_file| and converts it to correct (signed) VAX longword notation.
+@p function long_pxl(var index:integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if pxl_byte(index)<=@"80 then
+ long_pxl:=pxl_long(index)
+ else
+ long_pxl:=pxl_byte(index+3)+256*(pxl_byte(index+2)+256*(
+ pxl_byte(index+1)+256*(pxl_byte(index)-256)));
+ index:=index+4;
+ must_get(index)
+ end;
+@ The |sign_pxl_word| function reads a signed shortword (two bytes).
+@p function sign_pxl_word(var index:integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if pxl_byte(index)>=@"80 then
+ sign_pxl_word:=pxl_word(index)-@"10000
+ else
+ sign_pxl_word:=pxl_word(index);
+ index:=index+2;
+ must_get(index)
+ end;
+@ The |word_pxl| function reads an unsigned two-byte word.
+@p function word_pxl(var index:integer) : integer;
+ begin word_pxl:=pxl_word(index);
+ index:=index+2; must_get(index)
+ end;
+@*Handle rasters of oversized glyphs. Because of a physical limitation of the
+LN03, it is not legal to download the glyph of a character which would occupy
+more than 5,700 bytes. (Details appear under ``\&{Copy one character's
+Any such glyph which has not been downloaded will have its |loaded| flag set to
+|no| in its |glyph_map| entry. When we attempt to add such a character to
+the output lists, we add instead a separate segment which indicates that it
+holds a single oversized glyph. When this segment is eventually processed,
+we output the glyph itself as a bitmap dump, using sixel graphics.
+To save us having to keep on opening and closing the pixel file containing
+the glyph, we maintain the ``name'' of the currently open file in a global
+string, and only open a new file if the glyph required comes from a
+different \TeX\ font. The global variable |open_file_name| is a textual
+representation of the full file specification of the currently open pixel
+file. (Note that this same variable name also appears as a \&{formal
+parameter} of the |add_txf_to_lnf| function; it is referenced in the
+$\langle$Open the file containing the glyph bitmaps$\rangle$ W{\mc EB}
+section, used in the following code, and the aforementioned function.)
+@!open_file_name : file_spec;
+@ Of course, when we start (and even after we've created the font file(s) for
+down-loading) there is no pixel file open. Let's indicate that:
+@<Set initial...@>=
+@ Procedure |print_glyph| has to refer to |change_pixel_file|, which is more
+convenient to declare along with the font downloading procedures. So we'll
+cheat and put a |forward| declaration here!
+@p procedure change_pixel_file( TeX_font : integer); forward;
+@ The procedure |print_glyph| opens the associated pixel file (if necessary)
+by calling |change_pixel_file|. It firstly outputs absolute positioning
+commands to establish the correct ``printing'' position (the strange
+|bitmap_offset| was incorporated when the reference to the glyph was stored
+in the |segment|), and then outputs suitable escape sequences to locate the
+printing position at the correct offset relative to that position, as
+determined by the glyph's first pixel relative to its reference point.
+If the pixels come from a |pixel_file|, then we can locate the required
+character glyph through the character directory. In the case of a
+|packed_file|, it may happen than this character has already been output, and
+so its position within the file is known; in this case either it was the last
+character read (has already been dumped as a bitmap), when its glyph will be in
+the |lnf_file|: otherwise we position |pk_loc| to the correct position in the
+file. If the character has never been read (|ch_loc=0|) then we read and
+process characters into the \&{same} part of the |lnf_file| until the desired
+character has been read. When reading |packed_file|s, we utilize an entry in
+the |pxl_dir| in preference to the globals |x_off|, etc, so save repetition of
+many lines of \.{WEB} code.
+The lines of pixel rasters are then output, six at a time, in sixel graphics
+@p procedure print_glyph(@!glyph_seg : segment; @!y_loc : integer);
+ var @!sixel_line : array [1..6,1..300] of eight_bits;
+ @!i,@!j,@!k,@!l,@!m,@!n,@!len : integer;
+ @!last_sixel,@!matching: integer;
+ @!ch : integer;
+ @<Declare the procedure |put_sixel|@> ;
+ write_ln(ln3_file);
+ change_pixel_file(glyph_seg.font);@/
+ write(ln3_file,csi,y_loc:1,'d',csi,glyph_seg.xs:1,'`');
+ with pxl_dir[ch] do
+ begin
+ @<Read raster for oversized glyph into memory@> ;
+ @<Prepare to write glyph bitmap at correct position@> ;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,dcs,'9;0;1q'); {Prepare to meet a sixel dump!}
+ @<Convert glyph's raster to sixels@>;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,st); {Finish sixel dump}
+ end; {with}
+@ We are making use of a record of |pxl_dir| to hold the various quantities
+regarding the dimensions of the glyph which have been (or are about to be) read
+from the font file. In the case of an unpacked raster, we need only position
+the file to the correct longword, but for a packed file, it's now time to
+start reading the bytes and reconstituting the raster in a free part of the
+@<Read raster for oversized glyph into memory@>=
+if pxl_ident=pixel_file then move_to_pxl(addr*4)
+else begin
+ ras_beg:=2*VAX_block_length;
+ if ch_loc[ch]=0 then
+ @<Find packed raster and read into memory@> ;
+ if char_num<>ch then
+ @<Move back in packed file and read raster into memory@> ;
+ base:=ras_beg
+@ If the character has not yet been read from the packed font file, we need to
+read forwards until the character is met. We then are able to access its
+raster, which will have been created in memory as the character was read.
+The character cannot be missing or the font download would not have resulted
+in the |loaded| field having the value |no|.
+@<Find packed raster and read into memory@>=
+repeat ras_len:=0;@/
+ @<Unpack and store character@>;
+ skip_specials
+until (ch_loc[ch]<>0) or (flag_byte=pk_post);
+@ If we've previously read the wanted character's glyph, but it has since been
+superseded by another's, we need to backtrack the packed font file to the
+correct position and read the raster all over again.
+@<Move back in packed file and read raster into memory@>=
+begin {character not already in |lnf_file|}
+ pk_loc:=ch_loc[ch];
+ VAX_find_block(pxl_file,(pk_loc div VAX_block_length)+1,VAX_continue);
+ ras_len:=0; flag_byte:=pk_byte; {We know there's no \.{special}s}@/
+ @<Unpack and store character@>;
+ skip_specials
+@ Having read the glyph into memory, we now need to position the LN03 to start
+writing its first sixel at the appropriate position relative to the reference
+point. We do this by sending Horizontal and Vertical Positioning control
+sequences, either Relative for forward movement, or Backward when negative
+movement is necessary. The signs are reversed because the offsets are those
+of the top left-most pixel of the glyph relative to the reference point.
+@<Prepare to write glyph bitmap at correct position@>=
+if x_off<0 then
+ write(ln3_file,csi,abs(x_off):1,'a') {Horizontal Position Relative}
+ if x_off>0 then write(ln3_file,csi,x_off:1,'j');{Horizontal Position Backward}
+if y_off<0 then
+ write(ln3_file,csi,abs(y_off):1,'e') {Vertical Position Relative}
+ if y_off>0 then write(ln3_file,csi,y_off:1,'k') {Vertical Position Backward}
+@ This routine outputs the sixel character, |x|, in the optimum sixel encoding
+making use of repeat counts if the same sixel is repeated more than twice.
+The current output record is terminated if it's getting too long, and a new
+one commenced.
+@<Declare the procedure |put_sixel|@>=
+procedure @!put_sixel(x:integer);
+ if x = last_sixel then incr(matching) else
+ @<Output |matching| copies of |last_sixel|@> ;
+ if len >=128 then
+ begin
+ write_ln(ln3_file);
+ len:=0
+ end
+@ If we have a new sixel (|x|) which differs from the previous one
+(|last_sixel|) we have to output the latter the correct number of times. The
+number of successive calls of |put_sixel| will have been counted in
+|matching|. After performing the output, we record that |x| has now been
+``output'' once.
+@<Output |matching| copies of |last_sixel|@>=
+ if matching < 3 then
+ @<Output explicit copies of |last_sixel|@>
+ else
+ @<Output repeat count for |last_sixel|@> ;
+ matching:=1;
+ last_sixel:=x
+@ If |last_sixel| has only been output once or twice, we send the explicit
+copies of it
+@<Output explicit copies of |last_sixel|@>=
+ len:=len+matching;
+ while matching > 0 do
+ begin
+ write(ln3_file,chr(last_sixel));
+ decr(matching)
+ end
+@ On the other hand, it's more efficient to use a sixel repeat count if there
+are three or more copies of |last_sixel| required. The introducer for such a
+repeat count is the `\.!' character, which is followed by the ASCII character
+representation of the count. The actual sixel to be output then follows this
+@<Output repeat count for |last_sixel|@>=
+ write(ln3_file,'!',matching:1,chr(last_sixel));
+ len:=len+5
+@ To produce the bitmap sixel dump of the glyph, we read the pixels into the
+array |sixel_line|; this contains 6 rows, each capable of holding 300
+|eight_bits|, containing 8 pixels of the character's raster. We index this with
+|k|, which thus runs |1..6|
+Variable |i| is used to run through the |num_rows| lines of rasters, whilst |j|
+indexes the bytes from the pixel file, and into |sixel_line|.
+@<Convert glyph's raster to sixels@>=
+i:=0; k:=1;
+while i < num_rows do
+ @<Read rows of pixels into sixel buffer@>;
+ incr(k); incr(i);
+ if k > 6 then
+ begin
+ @<Output line of sixels@>;
+ k:=1
+ end
+if k>1 then
+ while k <= 6 do
+ begin {Fill in bottom incomplete rows of sixels}
+ for j:=1 to (num_cols+7) div 8 do
+ sixel_line[k,j]:=0;
+ incr(k)
+ end;
+ @<Output line of sixels@>
+@ The following section outputs the six rows of pixels in
+|sixel_line| as $8\times{|num_cols|}$ columns of sixel graphics.
+The variable |m| runs through the values 128,64,32,..,1, and is used to divide
+an |eight_bit| to extract the most-significant bit of eight pixels in rows 6..1
+(indexed by |n|) of |sixel_line|. Each bit is transferred into the least
+significant bit of |l|, initially zeroed for each sixel.
+As each sixel is completed, it is output to the \.{LN3} file. To prevent the
+output of too many characters to the |ln3_file|, which is of type |text|, the
+output is broken every 128 bytes. A ``graphics'' end-of-record is inserted
+after every line of sixels.
+@<Output line of sixels@>=
+len:=0; last_sixel:=0; matching:=0;
+for j:=1 to (num_cols+7) div 8 do
+ m:=128;
+ while m>0 do
+ begin
+ l:=0;
+ for n:=6 downto 1 do
+ if odd(sixel_line[n,j] div m) then
+ l:=2*l + 1
+ else
+ l:=2*l;
+ put_sixel(l+63);
+ m:=m div 2
+ end;
+put_sixel(0); {Flushes the |last_sixel| from the ``buffer''}
+write_ln(ln3_file,'-') {Sixel `CR-LF'}
+@ We are now in a position to be able to include the declaration of |ord_text|
+into the \PASCAL\ generated from the \.{WEB}
+@p @<Declare the |ord_text| Procedure@>;
+@*Output the individual segments forming a page. At the end of each page, we
+have a number of linked lists containing each of the segments set on any
+individual ``line'' of the paper. We have to re-order these, such that they
+are output in the most efficient manner, with appropriate changes of (lnf)
+font as necessary.
+When pages are actually being ``set'', |font_in_use[lnf]| will contain either
+-1, which indicates that the LN03 font required is not currently mapped to a
+|SGR| (Select Graphic Rendition) code, or a number in the range |0..9|, from
+which the |SGR| font number to be used to invoke that font as the current one is
+derived (by adding 10).
+The array |who_uses| maps these |SGR| indices back to the number of an LN03
+font. Finally, the current |SGR| in use is held in |cur_out|, to minimise
+the number of |SGR| commands that need to be included in the output stream.
+@!font_in_use:array [0..max_lnfonts] of -1..max_SGR;
+@!who_uses:array [0..max_SGR] of -1..max_lnfonts;
+@ First of all, we shall require a procedure to output an arbitrary string
+(most commonly an escape sequence) to the LN03 printer. This will typically
+be used to activate the |HPA| (Horizontal Position Absolute) control sequence.
+@p procedure esc_out(str:varying[str_len] of char); {Escape sequence to LN3}
+ begin
+ ln3_cnt:=ln3_cnt+VAX_length(str);
+ write(ln3_file,str)
+ end;
+@ Then we require a procedure to output as much of a segment as
+possible to the current line, and delete that section from the segment as
+stored before returning.
+One useful extension of VAX-\PASCAL\ that we utilize are the functions |min|
+and |max|. These each take an arbitrary number of parameters, and return a
+result, of the same type, that is equal to the smallest or largest
+(numerically) of the parameters provided.
+@d VAX_min==@= min@>
+@d VAX_max==@= max@>
+@p procedure print_seg;
+ var @!text_len,@!uselen,@!i,@!j,@!ln_font,@!delta_x:integer;
+ @!csi_present:integer;
+ begin
+ with cur_seg^ do
+ begin
+ text_len:=VAX_length(text);
+ uselen:=VAX_min(text_len,max_line-ln3_cnt,max_print-ln3_print);
+ if (uselen>0) or (text_len=0) then {`Use' empty segment}
+ begin {Otherwise, throw segment back if none of it will fit!}
+ if uselen <> text_len then {Text won't all fit!}
+ @<Determine position at which to split output line@>;
+ @<Select correct font, if necessary@> ;
+ @<Set horizontal position on paper@>;
+ write(ln3_file,substr(text,1,uselen));
+ @<Count characters output to printer, perform split if necessary@>
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+@ If a segment is too long to fit in its entirety upon the output line to be
+sent to the LN03, we split it into smaller segments. This cannot be done at
+an arbitrary cut-off point, since the segment might include embedded control
+sequences (which will be |HPR| ones, ending with `\.a'); therefore, we need to
+select a split point which will not destroy the contiguity of such sequences.
+@<Determine position at which to split output line@>=
+ csi_present:=0;
+ @<Find rightmost \.{ESC} or \.{CSI} character in segment@> ;
+ @<Split \\{after} the |HPR| control sequence, if in last 8 characters@>
+@ Finding the right-most control sequence starts off by locating the character
+which introduces it; this used to be \.{ESC} but nowadays the eight-bit
+\.{CSI} character is used instead.
+@<Find rightmost \.{ESC} or \.{CSI} character in segment@>=
+for i:=1 to uselen do
+ if (text[i] = csi) or (text[i] = esc) then csi_present:=i
+@ If that right-most control sequence introducer was earlier than eight
+characters from the end of the part of the string that we \\{can} use (or
+didn't exist) there's no need to split the segment. Otherwise, we need to
+locate the `\.a' which completes the Horizontal Position Relative sequence,
+and split after it.
+@<Split \\{after} the |HPR| control sequence, if in last 8 characters@>=
+if (csi_present>0) and ((uselen-csi_present)<=8) then
+begin i:=csi_present;
+ while (i<uselen) and (text[i]<>'a') do incr(i);
+ if text[i]<>'a' then uselen:=csi_present-1
+@ Whenever we output a segment, we must ensure that the LN03 will image the
+characters therein from the correct downloaded font. The following code
+firstly checks whether the font is currently designated (and thus selectable)
+within the LN03. It then selects the necessary font by outputting a suitable
+|SGR| (Select Graphic Rendition) to access the appropriately designated font.
+@<Select correct font, if necessary@>=
+if font_in_use[font]<0 then {not currently designated}
+@<Select Graphic Rendition@>;
+if font_in_use[font]<>cur_out then
+begin cur_out:=font_in_use[font];@/
+ esc_out(csi+str_int(10+cur_out)+'m'); {|SGR| for the font}
+@ Although we permit a maximum of |max_lnfonts| to have been downloaded to the
+LN03, the machine itself may only access one of ten of these through the
+ISO-standard |SGR| (Select Graphic Rendition) control sequence. If a
+different font is required, it may be necessary to designate that it shall be
+selectable by a different |SGR| sequence.
+@<Select Graphic Rendition@>=
+ font_in_use[who_uses[max_SGR]]:=-1;
+ font_in_use[font]:=max_SGR;
+ who_uses[max_SGR]:=font;
+ esc_out(dcs+'1;'+str_int(10+max_SGR)+'}U0000'+@=dec@>(font,2,2)+
+ '002SK00GG'+st)
+@ We need to output appropriate ISO-standard control sequences to position the
+segment at the correct position on the current line; if the segment is the
+first to be output on the current line, this positioning should use the |HPA|
+(Horizontal Position Absolute) sequence, otherwise the |HPR| (Horizontal
+Position Relative) sequence is preferred.
+@<Set horizontal position on paper@>=
+if cur_seg=out_list then {Leftmost segment of line}
+ esc_out(csi+str_int(xs)+'`') { HPA to |xs|}
+ delta_x:=xs-prev_seg^.xe; {Distance from end of next leftward segment}
+ if delta_x>0 then esc_out(csi+str_int(delta_x)+'a') {HPR}
+ else if delta_x<0 then abort('Internal error (-ve delta x)')
+@:fatal error Internal error ...}{\quad\.{Internal error}@>
+@:fatal error Internal error negative delta x}{\qquad\.{(-ve delta x)}@>
+@ After we have output the first |uselen| characters to the \.{LN3} file, we
+then check whether that's finished off this segment. If it has, we can
+discard the segment, but otherwise we perform the split at the predetermined
+@<Count characters output to printer, perform split if necessary@>=
+ln3_cnt:=ln3_cnt+uselen; ln3_print:=ln3_print+uselen;
+if uselen=text_len then
+ cur_seg:=nil {All of segment used}
+ @<Split segment which would create too long an output line@>
+@ Having previously determined the split point for the segment (including none
+at all), we now reduce the segment to the part following that point.
+This is complicated by the fact that we must determine whereabouts we have
+actually got to on the current line. To do this, we increment the ``current
+position'' by each character's width, whilst any |HPR| sequences have to be
+``read'' in as numbers and added to the count.
+@<Split segment which would create too long an output line@>=
+begin i:=1;
+ while i<=uselen do
+ begin
+ if (text[i]<>esc) and (text[i]<>csi) then
+ xs:=xs+ch_widths[font,ord(text[i])]
+ else
+ @<Read back the horizontal skip specified in the |HPR| sequence@> ;
+ incr(i);
+ end;
+ text:=substr(text,uselen+1,text_len-uselen)
+@ Whenever we meet a \.{ESC} or \.{CSI} character, we assume that it starts a
+Horizontal Position Relative command, locate the first digit of its parameter
+(which will follow a `\.[' after the \.{ESC} or come immediately after the
+\.{CSI}), and the `\.a' which finishes the control sequence. The characters in
+between represent a decimal number, which we can ``read'' using a Vax-\PASCAL\
+extension. The current placing position is then incremented by this amount.
+@<Read back the horizontal skip specified in the |HPR| sequence@>=
+ if text[i]=esc then j:=i+2 else j:=i+1;
+ while text[j]<>'a' do incr(j);
+ if text[i]=esc then
+ VAX_string_read(substr(text,i+2,j-i-2)+' ',delta_x)
+ else
+ VAX_string_read(substr(text,i+1,j-i-1)+' ',delta_x);
+ xs:=xs+delta_x; i:=j;
+@ As we shall see later, if the string of characters in a \TeX\
+\.{\\special} command commences with the character string |'SX '| (i.e.,
+`old style'), or |'ln03:plotfi[le] '| or |'ln03:sixel '| (`new style'), a
+segment will be inserted into the page list referencing the appropriate
+file; when the time comes to process that segment, the following procedure
+will be invoked. The |text| field of |cur_seg| will be the name of a
+VAX/VMS file which is assumed to contain an image encoded into DEC's
+standard ``sixel'' format.
+This file is then opened, and the records therein copied to the \.{.LN3}
+file; the |y_position| parameter, and the starting position recorded in
+field |xs| are used in appropriate escape sequences to position this
+graphics dump at the desired position on the page before this operation.
+The name of the file included is reported on the terminal and in the log file.
+@p procedure Copy_sixel_file(@!y_position:integer);
+ @!open_stat : integer; {records whether |open| was successful}
+ @!sixel_record, {holds records being copied from included file}
+ @!stat_msg : varying [256] of char; {just holds an error indication}
+ @!sixel_file : text; {The file of graphics details to be copied}
+ open(sixel_file,cur_seg^.text,@=readonly@>,@=256@>,
+ @=user_action@>:=file_open,VAX_continue);
+ open_stat := status(sixel_file);
+ if open_stat<>0 then
+ begin
+ case open_stat of
+ 2: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-ERRDUROPE';
+ 3: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-FILNOTFOU';
+ 5: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-ACCMETINC';
+ 6: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-RECLENINC';
+ 7: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-RECTYPINC';
+ 8: stat_msg := 'PAS-E-ORDSPEINC';
+ othercases
+ stat_msg := str_int(open_stat);
+ endcases;
+ error('Couldn''t open \special inclusion: ',cur_seg^.text,
+ ' - ignored (status=',stat_msg,')');
+@:Error: Couldn't open special inclusion}{\quad\.{Couldn't open \\special inclusion}@>
+ end else
+ begin
+ monitor(' ('+def_file_name);
+ print_ln('Sixel graphics included from: ',def_file_name);
+@.Sixel graphics included...@>
+ reset(sixel_file);
+ write(ln3_file,csi,y_position:1,'d',csi,cur_seg^.xs:1,'`');
+ while not eof(sixel_file) do
+ begin
+ read_ln(sixel_file,sixel_record);
+ write_ln(ln3_file,sixel_record)
+ end;
+ close(sixel_file,@=disposition:=save@>,VAX_continue);
+ monitor(') ');
+ write_ln(ln3_file,SSU_pixel); {Make sure that we still have pixel SSUs}
+ end;
+@ Whilst traversing the lists, we require some additional variables:
+During this output phase, we split the lines
+of output such that no line contains more than |max_line| characters
+altogether, of which no more than |max_print| may be printable ones. The
+counters |ln3_cnt| and |ln3_print| permit us to exercise this control. The
+|boolean| variable |top_of_page| controls the inclusion of a |FF| character in
+the output file to split the pages.
+If the page contains glyphs in both of the possible orientations, this is
+recorded in |two_orientations|. Segments corresponding to the orientation
+not currently being output are shuffled off onto the |deferred_list| whilst
+this processing takes place.
+@<Globals in the ...@>=
+ @!out_list,@!prev_seg,@!right_seg,@!left_seg:^segment;
+ @!x_left,@!x_max:integer;
+ @!ln3_cnt,@!ln3_print:integer;
+ @!still_fits,top_of_page:boolean;
+ @!two_orientations:boolean;
+ @!deferred_list:^segment;
+@ The actual traversing of the lists takes place here; since we now support
+the concept of mixing orientations on the one page, it's sometimes necessary
+to traverse the lists twice!
+@<Output contents of page@>=
+ two_orientations := false; {assume that we \&{don't} need two passes!}
+ for k:=y_top to y_bot do {Cycle through each possible list}
+ if seg_list[k] <> nil then
+ begin
+ out_list:=nil; deferred_list:=nil;
+ repeat {until we've emptied current line}
+ @<Save segments which require opposite orientation@> ;
+ @<Process bitmaps and other ``empty'' segments@>;
+ @<Construct a list of non-overlapping segments@> ;
+ @<Output list of non-overlapping segments@> ;
+ until seg_list[k]=nil;
+ if deferred_list<>nil then two_orientations:=true;
+ seg_list[k]:=deferred_list
+ end;
+ if two_orientations then {prepare for second (and last) pass}
+ begin
+ if cur_orient=landscape then new_orient:=portrait
+ else new_orient:=landscape;
+ @<Change page orientation@>
+ end;
+until not two_orientations;
+if lost_seg <> nil then
+begin cur_seg:=lost_seg;
+ finish_seg {Output remaining errors}
+@ If, when outputting stored information in |cur_orient|, we encounter some
+segment(s) in the opposite orientation, we save them in a subsidiary list,
+and stuff them back into |seg_list[k]| after processing the current row.
+@<Save segments which require opposite orientation@>=
+prev_seg:=nil; cur_seg:=seg_list[k];
+ right_seg:=cur_seg^.next; {we know that |cur_seg<>nil|}
+ if cur_seg^.direction<>cur_orient then
+ begin
+ if prev_seg<>nil then
+ prev_seg^.next:=right_seg {in middle of list}
+ else
+ seg_list[k]:=right_seg; {at beginning of list}
+ cur_seg^.next:=deferred_list; {add segment to front of deferred list}
+ deferred_list:=cur_seg
+ end else
+ prev_seg:=cur_seg; {latest non-empty node}
+ cur_seg:=right_seg {next node on |seg_list|}
+until cur_seg=nil
+@ Now that the program can support landscape and portrait orientation within
+the same document, we need a method of telling the LN03 to switch between
+the modes. This code is called before output of the first object to the
+page, if |new_orient<>orientation|, and again at the end of the page, to
+reset to the default |orientation| for the next page.
+@<Change page orientation@>=
+if new_orient<>cur_orient then
+ if new_orient=landscape then
+ begin
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,PFS_landscape);
+ page_len:=paper_wid+page_x_min; page_wid:=paper_ht+y_land_min;
+ y_min:=page_x_min; x_min:=y_land_min
+ end else
+ begin
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,PFS_portrait);
+ page_len:=paper_ht+y_port_min; page_wid:=paper_wid+page_x_min;
+ y_min:=y_port_min; x_min:=page_x_min
+ end;
+ cur_orient:=new_orient
+@ When handling characters from a virtual font, the situation can arise in
+which a totally empty segment (one that contains no text) has been added to
+the list. Such segments can be discarded! Other segments can appear to
+contain no text, but actually reference a single oversized glyph, which must
+therefore be output as a bitmap.
+@<Process bitmaps and other ``empty'' segments@>=
+prev_seg:=nil; cur_seg:=seg_list[k];
+if cur_seg<>nil then
+ right_seg:=cur_seg^.next; {we know that |cur_seg<>nil|}
+ if (VAX_length(cur_seg^.text)=0) or (cur_seg^.seg_type<>glyph_string) then
+ begin
+ @<Output segment which references an external bitmap@>;
+ if prev_seg<>nil then
+ prev_seg^.next:=right_seg {in middle of list}
+ else
+ seg_list[k]:=right_seg; {at beginning of list}
+ cur_seg^.next:=free_seg_list; {add segment to front of free list}
+ free_seg_list:=cur_seg
+ end else
+ prev_seg:=cur_seg; {latest non-empty node}
+ cur_seg:=right_seg {next node on |seg_list|}
+until cur_seg=nil
+@ Character glyphs which were too large to be downloaded into the LN03's
+internal fonts have the |seg_type| field of the segment set to |bitmap|;
+when we meet such a segment, we output the bitmap immediately. Similarly,
+sixel dumps referenced in \.{\\special} commands have the value |sixel_dump|
+for this field, and |Copy_sixel_file| is called to copy the referenced file.
+@<Output segment which references an external bitmap@>=
+case cur_seg^.seg_type of
+ bitmap: print_glyph(cur_seg^,k);
+ sixel_dump: Copy_sixel_file(k);
+ othercases do_nothing;
+@ For as many as possible of all the segments which belong at the current
+absolute vertical position, we construct a list in which none of the segments
+overlap each other. We are then able to output these in one sequence which
+will contain only characters and \&{forward} horizontal movement commands.
+@<Construct a list of non-overlapping segments@>=
+x_left:=1000000000; {A very high value; ensure |right_seg| \AM\ |left_seg| get set}
+ prev_seg:=nil; right_seg:=nil;
+ x_max:=-1;
+ cur_seg:=seg_list[k];
+ @<Find segment of current line which extends furthest to the right@> ;
+ @<Transfer right-most segment to the |out_list|@>
+until right_seg = nil;
+@ We start by locating the segment (of those available) which extends furthest
+to the right, and also the one which precedes it. These are then pointed to
+by |right_seg| and |prev_seg|, respectively.
+@<Find segment of current line which extends furthest to the right@>=
+while cur_seg<>nil do
+ if (cur_seg^.xe > x_max) and (cur_seg^.xe <= x_left) then
+ begin x_max:=cur_seg^.xe;
+ right_seg:=cur_seg; {Points to rightmost segment}
+ left_seg:=prev_seg {Points to first of at least 2, or is |nil|}
+ end;
+ prev_seg:=cur_seg;
+ cur_seg:=cur_seg^.next;
+@ At this point, we have |right_seg| pointing to the segment which extends
+furthest to the right, whilst |left_seg| will point to the segment immediately
+before this (which may, or may not, overlap |right_seg|).
+We then put it at the front of the |out_list|; further non-overlapping
+segments will later be placed in front of it. We ensure that the next
+|right_seg| that we select will not overlap by noting the left-most extent of
+the segment we've just put on the |out_list|.
+@<Transfer right-most segment to the |out_list|@>=
+if right_seg <> nil then
+ @<Remove |right_seg| from list@> ;
+ right_seg^.next:=out_list; {Put rightmost at start of |out_list|}
+ out_list:=right_seg;
+ x_left:=right_seg^.xs {Don't consider anything right of its LHS}
+@ If |left_seg| is |nil| then |right_seg| is the first segment associated
+with the line, and so we remove it from the front of the list. Otherwise, we
+detach it from the middle of the list.
+@<Remove |right_seg| from list@>=
+if left_seg = nil then
+ seg_list[k]:=seg_list[k]^.next
+ left_seg^.next:=left_seg^.next^.next
+@ Once we've constructed the list out of as many segments as possible for the
+current ``line'', we can output them all and go back for some more.
+@<Output list of non-overlapping segments@>=
+while out_list <> nil do
+ ln3_cnt:=0; ln3_print:=0; {Nothing as yet on line}
+ esc_out(csi+str_int(k)+'d'); {Move to correct line on paper}
+ cur_seg:=out_list; prev_seg:=nil;
+ still_fits:=true;
+ @<Output current segment, in chunks if necessary@> ;
+ @<Return processed segments to the |free_seg_list|@>;
+ write_ln(ln3_file)
+@ Once we have a single segment ready for output, we call |print_seg| to
+output as much of it as will fit in the space remaining in the output buffer.
+If this is the whole segment, we can then repeat the process with the next
+segment in the |out_list|, noting the address of this segment so that it may
+be returned to the |free_seg_list|. On the other hand, if |print_seg| decided
+to split the segment, we break out of the loop.
+@<Output current segment, in chunks if necessary@>=
+while (cur_seg <> nil) and still_fits do
+begin right_seg:=cur_seg;
+ print_seg; {Will leave |cur_seg=nil| if all text output}
+ if cur_seg = nil then
+ begin
+ cur_seg:=right_seg^.next; {Next segment for output}
+ prev_seg:=right_seg
+ end else
+ still_fits:=false;
+@ Once a segment (or group of segments) have been output, it is safe to
+discard them. We do this by returning them to the |free_seg_list|, so that
+new nodes will be allocated therefrom in preference to using |new|. The first
+such freed segment is that at the begining of the |out_list|, whilst the last
+is that most recently output, noted in |prev_seg|.
+@<Return processed segments to the |free_seg_list|@>=
+if prev_seg <> nil then
+begin prev_seg^.next:=free_seg_list;
+ free_seg_list:=out_list;
+ out_list:=cur_seg
+@ When \.{DVItoLN03} first starts, any output produced will be printed on the
+first page. Subsequently, it is necessary to insert a form-feed character to
+terminate the preceding page before any output for another page may commence.
+The |boolean| |top_of_page| is used to keep track of whether the form-feed is
+This code is called whenever something is about to be output to the page: if
+the orientation is incorrect at that time, the appropriate change is made.
+It's also the appropriate time to change paper trays, and select the
+printing mode.
+@<Move to top of form@>=
+if top_of_page then
+ top_of_page:=false;
+ if pages_printed>0 then write_ln(ln3_file,FF);
+ @<Change tray for second sheet, if requested@>;
+ @<Skip to a \\{recto} page, if necessary@>
+@<Change page orientation@>
+@ With the DEClaser~2200, it is possible (through the \.{FIRST} and \.{REST}
+selectors of the \.{/FEED\_TRAY} qualifier) to arrange for the second and
+subsequent sheets to be printed on paper from a different input tray than
+that used for the first sheet. The code in this module effects this tray
+change, when the second sheet to be printed is first met: it firstly
+determines whether we're printing a \\{recto} page, when duplexing (this
+information is later used for selecting the printing mode for the current
+page). The ``cascade'' of |if| clauses is to reduce the processing overhead
+except for the first three pages printed.
+The macro here is used to change trays; the control sequence ending in
+|'!v'| is the |DECASTC| (Automatic Sheet-feeder Tray Control) command, to
+select the desired tray.
+@d select_tray(#)==case # of
+ default_tray: do_nothing;
+ othercases
+ write(ln3_file,csi,#:1,'!v')
+@d odd_page==(odd(count[0])or(count[0]=0))
+@d recto_page==(duplex_by_page_numbers and odd_page) or
+ (not duplex_by_page_numbers and not odd(pages_printed))
+@d starting_second_sheet==
+ (((print_mode<true_duplex_normal)or(print_mode>true_duplex_tumbled)) and
+ (pages_printed=1)) {non-duplex; change at second page}
+ or
+ (((print_mode=true_duplex_normal)or(print_mode=true_duplex_tumbled)) and
+ this_page_recto) {duplex; change at second sheet}
+@<Change tray for second sheet, if requested@>=
+if pages_printed<=2 then
+ if pages_printed>0 then
+ if starting_second_sheet then
+ if following_tray<>first_tray then
+ select_tray(following_tray)
+@ When we are printing in duplex mode (even simulated duplex, in response to
+the \.{MASTER} option of the \.{/PRINT\_MODE} qualifier), we have to arrange
+to leave a page blank if two \\{recto} or two \\{verso} pages follow each
+other. This information will already have been put into |this_page_recto|,
+when the paper tray was selected.
+For efficiency reasons, when printing in a duplex mode on the DEClaser~2200
+(LN06), we switch into simplex mode for a \\{recto} page which is followed
+by another such: this information was recorded in the array |blank_follows|
+when the starting page was being located. This speeds up processing,
+because the printer doesn't need to perform the mechanical reversal of the
+page only to find that is has nothing to be printed upon it.
+@<Skip to a \\{recto} page, if necessary@>=
+@<Reset duplexing, if appropriate@>;
+if print_mode>=true_duplex_normal then
+ if last_page_recto=this_page_recto then
+ begin
+ if (print_mode=ln03_master) or not this_page_recto then
+ write(ln3_file,' ',FF) {Eject an extra page on LN03, or make
+ \\{recto} page blank}
+ end else
+ if (print_mode<ln03_master) and (ptr_blanks>0) and
+ duplex_by_page_numbers and this_page_recto then
+ if blank_follows[ptr_blanks]=cur_loc_after_bop then
+ begin {This page has blank \\{verso} side}
+ write(ln3_file,csi,true_simplex_normal:1,' x');
+ duplex_to_be_reset:=true;
+ decr(ptr_blanks)
+ end
+@ If the previous page was printed in simplex mode, because it was a
+\\{recto} page to be followed by another one then when we meet that next
+\\{recto} page we have a look to see if the following page is yet another
+\\{recto} one. If not, we have to reset the required duplexing mode.
+@<Reset duplexing, if appropriate@>=
+if duplex_to_be_reset then {previous page was temporary excursion into
+ simplex mode}
+ if ptr_blanks>0 then
+ if blank_follows[ptr_blanks]=cur_loc_after_bop then
+ begin
+ decr(ptr_blanks); {and remain in simplex mode}
+ if print_mode>=duplex_master_normal then
+ write(ln3_file,' ',FF) {eject blank page for \\{verso} master}
+ end else
+ begin
+ write(ln3_file,csi,print_mode:1,' x');
+ duplex_to_be_reset:=false
+ end
+@ When we come to the end of the document when printing in any duplexing
+mode, we may just have printed a \\{recto} page; we must either eject the
+second side as blank (in true duplex modes) or print an extra blank page (in
+any of the master modes). This is accomplished by printing a form-feed, and
+following it with a space; the form-feed on its own would just result in the
+printer symbiont suppressing that which it would have inserted, but the
+space fools it into sending a second form-feed itself.
+@<Conditionally eject last page@>=
+if (print_mode>=true_duplex_normal) and last_page_recto then
+ if (print_mode>=duplex_master_normal) or not duplex_to_be_reset then
+ write(ln3_file,FF,' ')
+@ Here are the variables required to control \\{recto}/\\{verso} printing
+@!last_page_recto:boolean; {|true| if previous page was \\{recto}}
+@!this_page_recto:boolean; {used to save multiple evaluation of |recto_page|}
+@!pages_printed:integer; {counts each page generated for
+ \.{/noduplex\_by\_page\_numbers}}
+@!duplex_to_be_reset:boolean; {Used to reset any duplex mode after one sheet
+ has been printed in simplex}
+@!cur_loc_after_bop:integer; {Records |cur_loc| after the current page's
+ |bop| command was processed}
+@ These variables have to be initialized, of course
+@<Set initial...@>==
+pages_printed:=0; last_page_recto:=false; duplex_to_be_reset:=false;
+@ When we first start writing the output file, we have to add commands to
+tell the DEClaser printers from which tray to take the first sheet of paper,
+and which printing mode to use. The control sequence ending in |' x'| is
+the |DECSPDM| (Set Duplex Print Mode) command.
+@<Select printing mode and feed tray on DEClaser printers@>=
+if first_tray<>default_tray then
+ select_tray(first_tray);
+if (print_mode>default_print_mode) and (print_mode<ln03_master) then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,print_mode:1,' x');
+@*Procedures for recognizing and manipulating strings. We have a
+requirement for recognizing various ASCII strings in this program. Some of
+these strings specify functionality required from a \.{\BS special} command,
+whilst others are the two-letter abbreviations used to specify the units of
+dimensions: such dimensions can appear within \.{\BS special} commands and
+also in some command line qualifiers.
+The following data structures support the recognition of the strings used:
+for commands, we need the following texts:
+\yskip\hang\.{sx\ } ``Old-style'' introducer for inclusion of an LN03 sixel
+file within the program's output. Note that support for this command will
+be removed in a future release following V4.0.
+\yskip\hang\.{landscape} Output the following information in landscape orientation.
+\yskip\hang\.{portrait} Output the following information in portrait orientation.
+\yskip\hang\.{ln03:} New-style introducer for all LN03-specific \.{\BS
+special}s. All the remaining command strings are to be found following this
+\yskip\hang\.{sixel\ } Command to include a pixel file into the program's
+\yskip\hang\.{plotfile\ } Alternative name to include a sixel file.
+\yskip\hang\.{defpoint\ } Define the coordinates of a point on the page:
+used in conjunction with \.{connect} to draw changebars.
+\yskip\hang\.{connect\ } Draw a changebar line between a pair of previously
+defined points.
+\yskip\hang\.{resetpoints\ } Clear all recorded details for a specified
+range of named points.
+\noindent Dimensions recognized are as in \TeX, with the addition of \.{px}
+(representing a dimension unit of one pixel) and \.{mi} (representing one
+micrometre or micron).
+The creation of these strings could have been much cleaner through use of
+{W\sc EB}'s string pool feature, but it was felt that it was nevertheless
+better to avoid the use of the auxiliary \.{.POOL} file.
+@!pool_pointer = 0..pool_size;
+@!str_number = 0..max_strings;
+@ @<Globals...@>=
+@!str_pool : packed array [pool_pointer] of ASCII_code;
+@!str_start : array [str_number] of pool_pointer;
+@!pool_ptr : pool_pointer; {First unused position in |str_pool|}
+@!str_ptr : str_number; {Number of current string being created}
+@ Here's how we initialize all the strings for recognition. Note that
+string $0$ is reserved for the null string. The macro definitions allow us
+to refer to the various strings symbolically; note that the related numbers
+will need to be changed if the order of initialization below is altered!
+|min_string_match| specifies the minimum number of characters which are
+required to match when the string being compared has been specified in
+truncated form; at present, all strings are unique in their first two
+@d min_string_match=2
+@d dimen_pt=1
+@d dimen_mm=dimen_pt+1
+@d dimen_in=dimen_mm+1
+@d dimen_px=dimen_in+1
+@d dimen_cm=dimen_px+1
+@d dimen_pc=dimen_cm+1
+@d dimen_bp=dimen_pc+1
+@d dimen_dd=dimen_bp+1
+@d dimen_cc=dimen_dd+1
+@d dimen_sp=dimen_cc+1
+@d dimen_mi=dimen_sp+1
+@d spec_sx=dimen_mi+1
+@d spec_land=spec_sx+1
+@d spec_port=spec_land+1
+@d spec_ln=spec_port+1
+@d spec_six=spec_ln+1
+@d spec_plt=spec_six+1
+@d spec_set=spec_plt+1
+@d spec_con=spec_set+1
+@d spec_rst=spec_con+1
+@<Set initial...@>=
+pool_ptr := 0; str_ptr := 0; str_start[0] := 0;
+make_string('sx ');
+make_string('sixel ');
+make_string('plotfile ');
+make_string('defpoint ');
+make_string('connect ');
+make_string('resetpoints ');
+incr(str_ptr); str_start[str_ptr]:=pool_ptr;
+@ Here's the procedure for putting the strings into the pool. We make use
+here of a couple of auxiliary macros for adding characters to the string
+pool, and another for reporting errors with the arguments of a \.{\BS
+@d print_spec == for spec_ptr:= 1 to spec_len-1 do
+ begin print(xchr[spec_par[spec_ptr]]);
+ write(term_out,xchr[spec_par[spec_ptr]])
+ end;
+ print(''''); write(term_out,'''')
+@d spec_error(#) == begin error(#,' `'); print_spec end
+@d append_char(#) == {Put |ASCII_code| \# at the end of the |str_pool|}
+ begin
+ str_pool[pool_ptr] := #;
+ incr(pool_ptr)
+ end
+@d str_room(#) == {make sure that |str_pool| can take a string of length \#}
+ begin
+ if pool_ptr + # > pool_size then
+ abort('Internal error (String pool overflow)')
+@:fatal error Internal error String pool overflow}{\qquad\.{(String pool overflow)}@>
+ end
+@<Procedures for...@> =
+procedure make_string(@!s : packed array [@!low..@!high : integer] of char);
+ @!i : integer;
+ str_room(high-low+1);
+ incr(str_ptr);
+ str_start[str_ptr] := pool_ptr;
+ for i := low to high do append_char(xord[s[i]]);
+@ This module has a set of functions (and one procedure) in it that are
+generally used in decoding \.{\BS special} commands. All these procedures,
+together with those in the following two sections, are ``low-level'' and
+included at an early point in the \PASCAL\ so that they are available to all
+routines provided through {W\mc EB}'s \.{@@p} directive.
+The functions are:
+\item{$\bullet$} |rd_char|, which reads a character from |spec_par| at
+\item{$\bullet$} |rd_nb_char|, which reads a non-blank character, using
+\item{$\bullet$} |rd_int|, which reads an integer, using the two |rd_char|s,
+\item{$\bullet$} |rd_real|, which reads a `real' number, but without exponent.
+All the functions return a |boolean|, which is |true| if they `failed' (which,
+in the case of the |rd_char|s, means they got to the end of the line).
+|rd_real| accepts |'.'| as `0.0' (!). (Personally, I wouldn't give you twopence
+for these number routines: they have several curious properties, including the
+pleasing way they collapse when presented with an isolated minus-sign!)
+[This comment was made by Robin Fairbairns
+@^Fairbairns, Robin@>
+of LaserScan (Cambridge UK), who wrote them and provided the other features
+that support \.{\\changebar} commands through appropriate \.{\\special}
+The one procedure in the module is |bksp_char|, which backspaces by one
+character, except, of course, at the beginning of the buffer.
+@<Additional low...@>=
+function rd_char (var ch : [volatile] ASCII_code) : boolean;
+if spec_ptr>spec_len
+then begin ch:=" "; rd_char:=true; end
+else begin ch:=spec_par[spec_ptr]; incr(spec_ptr); rd_char:=false; end;
+function rd_nb_char (var ch : [volatile] ASCII_code) : boolean;
+@! end_of_line : boolean;
+repeat end_of_line := rd_char(ch) until end_of_line or (ch<>" ");
+rd_nb_char := end_of_line;
+procedure bksp_char;
+if spec_ptr>1 then decr(spec_ptr);
+function rd_int ( var res : [volatile] integer ) : boolean;
+@!ch : ASCII_code;
+@!end_of_line,negative : boolean;
+res := 0; negative := false;
+if ch="-" then begin
+ negative := true;
+ end_of_line := rd_char(ch);
+ end;
+if end_of_line then rd_int:=true else rd_int:=not (ch in ["0".."9"]);
+while (not end_of_line) and (ch in ["0".."9"]) do begin
+ res:=res*10+(ch-"0");
+ end_of_line:=rd_char(ch);
+ end;
+if not end_of_line then bksp_char;
+if negative then res:=-res;
+function rd_real (var res : [volatile] real ) : boolean;
+@!ch : ASCII_code;
+res:=0.0; fract:=0.0; dec_pt:=1.0; negative := false;
+if ch="-" then begin
+ negative := true;
+ end_of_line := rd_char(ch);
+ end;
+if end_of_line then rd_real:=true
+else begin
+ rd_real:=false; {initial estimate}
+ if ch in ["0".."9"]
+ then in_fract:=false
+ else if ch="."
+ then begin
+ in_fract:=true;
+ end_of_line:=rd_char(ch);
+ end
+ else rd_real:=true;
+ end;
+while (not end_of_line) and (ch in ["0".."9"])
+do begin
+ if in_fract then begin
+ dec_pt:=dec_pt*0.1;
+ fract:=fract+dec_pt*(ch-"0");
+ end
+ else res:=res*10.0+(ch-"0");
+ end_of_line:=rd_char(ch);
+ if not(end_of_line or in_fract) then
+ if ch="." then begin
+ in_fract:=true;
+ end_of_line:=rd_char(ch);
+ end;
+ end;
+if not end_of_line then bksp_char;
+if negative then res:=-res-fract else res:=res+fract;
+@ Here is a function which matches characters from the buffer into which
+the string associated with the \.{\BS special} command is read against those
+strings in the |str_pool|. It returns the index number of that particular
+string. It is not necessary for the whole stored string to be matched; it
+will be noted that all strings are unique in their first two characters;
+provided at least these characters are matched \&{and} the first non-matched
+character in the \.{\BS special} command is a space character, then a match
+will still be found. The function returns a pointer to string $0$ (the null
+string) if no match is found.
+Here is a macro which allows us to find the length of a string in the pool:
+@d str_length(#) == (str_start[#+1]-str_start[#])
+@<Additional low...@>=
+function find_match : str_number;
+ @!i,@!l : integer;
+ @!m : str_number;
+ @!chr_ptr : pool_pointer;
+ @!eol,@!found : boolean;
+ eol := false; {We start by skipping over any leading spaces}
+ while (spec_par[spec_ptr] = " ") and not eol do
+ if spec_ptr >= spec_len then
+ eol := true
+ else
+ incr(spec_ptr);
+ m := 0; {Assume the worst!}
+ if eol then spec_error('Unsupported or malformed \special ')
+@:Error: Unsupported or malformed special}{\quad\.{Unsupported or malformed \\special}@>
+ else
+ begin
+ i := spec_ptr; {Point into the body of the \.{\BS special} command}
+ m := dimen_pt;
+ found := false;
+ repeat
+ l := str_length(m);
+ chr_ptr := str_start[m];
+ while ((spec_par[i] = str_pool[chr_ptr]) or
+ (spec_par[i] = str_pool[chr_ptr]+"A"-"a")) and
+ not eol and not found do
+ begin
+ decr(l);
+ if l=0 then found := true else
+ begin
+ if spec_ptr >= spec_len then eol := true
+ else
+ incr(i);
+ incr(chr_ptr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if eol or (spec_par[i] = " ") then
+ if i-spec_ptr > min_string_match then found := true;
+ if not found then
+ begin
+ i := spec_ptr; incr(m);
+ end
+ until found or (m > str_ptr);
+ if not found then m := 0
+ else spec_ptr:=i+1;
+ end;
+ find_match := m;
+@ This module defines a `derived' function for reading, as an integer number of
+pixels, a `dimension' from the \.{\BS special}'s arguments (where `dimension'
+is---roughly---what one gets in \TeX). It firstly reads a \meta{real number}
+from the argument string, and then multiplies this by an appropriate factor
+determined by the following two character string, which should be one of \TeX's
+\meta{physical unit} designators (\.{pt}, \.{bp}, etc) with the addition of
+\.{px}, denoting pixels, and \.{mi} for microns ($\mu\hbox{m}$).
+The function has a |boolean| result, which once again is |true| if it fails to
+find what was expected.
+@d spec_warning(#)==
+ begin
+ warning(#,' `'); print_spec
+ end
+@<Additional low...@>=
+function rd_dimension ( var res : [volatile] integer ) : boolean;
+@! dimen_found : str_number;
+@! real_value : real;
+if rd_real(real_value) then rd_dimension:=true
+else begin
+ rd_dimension:=false;
+ dimen_found := find_match;
+ case dimen_found of
+ dimen_pt: real_value:=real_value*resolution/72.27;
+ dimen_in: real_value:=real_value*resolution;
+ dimen_px: do_nothing;
+ dimen_pc: real_value:=real_value*12.0*resolution/72.27;
+ dimen_cm: real_value:=real_value*resolution/2.54;
+ dimen_mm: real_value:=real_value*resolution/25.4;
+ dimen_bp: real_value:=real_value*resolution/72.0;
+ dimen_dd: real_value:=real_value*(1238.0/1157.0)*resolution/72.27;
+ dimen_cc: real_value:=real_value*(14856.0/1157.0)*resolution/72.27;
+ dimen_mi: real_value:=real_value*resolution/25400.0;
+ dimen_sp: real_value:=real_value*resolution/65536.0/72.27;
+ othercases
+ begin
+ spec_warning('Missing or unknown unit of measure:');
+@:Warning: Missing or unknown unit of measure}{\quad\.{Missing or unknown unit of measure}@>
+ rd_dimension:=true; {Assumes value is in pixels}
+ end;
+ endcases;
+res := round(real_value);
+@ This analogous function reads a dimension and converts it to scaled
+points; this is used by the \.{/hfuzz} and \.{/vfuzz} qualifiers.
+@<Additional low...@>=
+function rd_scaled_pt ( var res : [volatile] integer ) : boolean;
+@! dimen_found : str_number;
+@! real_value : real;
+if rd_real(real_value) then rd_scaled_pt:=true
+else begin
+ rd_scaled_pt:=false;
+ dimen_found := find_match;
+ case dimen_found of
+ dimen_pt: real_value:=real_value*65536.0;
+ dimen_in: real_value:=real_value*65536.0*72.27;
+ dimen_px: real_value:=real_value/conv;
+ dimen_pc: real_value:=real_value*12.0*65536.0;
+ dimen_cm: real_value:=real_value*65536.0*72.27/2.54;
+ dimen_mm: real_value:=real_value*65536.0*72.27/25.4;
+ dimen_bp: real_value:=real_value*65536.0*72.27/72.0;
+ dimen_dd: real_value:=real_value*(1238.0/1157.0)*65536.0;
+ dimen_cc: real_value:=real_value*(14856.0/1157.0)*65536.0;
+ dimen_mi: real_value:=real_value*65536.0*72.27/25400.0;
+ dimen_sp: do_nothing;
+ othercases
+ begin
+ spec_warning('Missing or unknown unit of measure:');
+@:Warning: Missing or unknown unit of measure}{\quad\.{Missing or unknown unit of measure}@>
+ rd_scaled_pt:=true; {Assumes value is in sp}
+ end;
+ endcases;
+res := round(real_value);
+@ Collection of rules for a page is fairly trivial, but it's now called from
+three places, so we make it a procedure. All rules are collected and placed
+into |page_rules|. Later, the rules will be merged.
+@p procedure Collect_rule(hhh, vvv, wwidth, hheight : integer);
+if rules_on_page<max_rules then incr(rules_on_page) else
+if not rule_limit_exceeded then begin
+warning('more than ',max_rules:1,' rules on page; excess ignored!');
+@.more than ... rules@>
+rule_limit_exceeded:=true end;
+with page_rules[rules_on_page] do begin
+ horiz := hhh; vert := vvv; height := hheight;
+ width := wwidth; covered := false;
+ end;
+@ This module defines three procedures:
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ |reset_points|, which resets the |present| flags of a
+range of |point|s,
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ |define_point|, which gives a value to a |point|, and
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ |connect_points|, which makes connection between two
+The macro simplifies the task of finding the next comma in the \.{\BS
+special} string.
+@d find_comma == repeat end_of_line:=rd_nb_char(ch)
+ until end_of_line or (ch<>",")
+@p procedure reset_points;
+@!low,high : integer;
+rd_int(low); rd_int(high);
+if (0<low) and (low<=high) and (high<=max_points)
+then begin
+ for k:=low to high do point[k].present:=false;
+ end
+else if (0<low) and (low<=max_points)
+then point[low].present:=false;
+procedure define_point;
+@! which : integer; {the point number}
+@! h_val, v_val : integer; {its coordinates}
+@! ch : ASCII_code;
+@! end_of_line : boolean;
+if rd_int(which) then
+ spec_error('Point number missing in \special ')
+@:Error: Point number missing in special}{\quad\.{Point number missing in \\special}@>
+else if (which<=0) or (which>max_points) then
+ spec_error('Invalid point number in \special ')
+@:Error: Invalid point number in special}{\quad\.{Invalid point number in \\special}@>
+else begin
+ find_comma;
+ if ch="("
+ then begin
+ if rd_dimension(h_val)
+ then begin
+ h_val:=hh;
+ v_val:=vv;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if rd_nb_char(ch) then do_nothing;
+ if ch=","
+ then begin
+ if rd_dimension(v_val) then v_val:=vv;
+ end
+ else v_val:=vv;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ h_val:=hh; v_val:=vv;
+ end;
+ {now we've got |h_val|, |v_val| and |which| all set (to something!)}
+ with point[which] do
+ begin hh := h_val; vv := v_val; present := true end;
+ end;
+procedure connect_points;
+@! a1,b1, a2,b2 : integer;
+@! width : integer;
+@! half_width : integer;
+@! end_of_line, bad_point : boolean;
+@! ch : ASCII_code;
+if ch="/"
+then end_of_line:=rd_int(b1)
+else begin
+ if not end_of_line then bksp_char; b1:=a1;
+ end;
+if not end_of_line then bksp_char;
+if ch="/"
+then end_of_line:=rd_int(b2)
+else begin
+ if not end_of_line then bksp_char; b2:=a2;
+ end;
+if not end_of_line then bksp_char;
+if rd_dimension(width) then width:=2; {default dimension is 2 pixels, ~0.4 pts}
+if odd(count[0])
+then begin b1:=a1; b2:=a2; end;
+{check the point numbers}
+if (b1<=0) or (b1>max_points) or (b2<=0) or (b2>max_points)
+then bad_point:=true
+else bad_point:=false;
+if not bad_point then begin
+ if (not point[b1].present) or (not point[b2].present)
+ then bad_point:=true;
+ end;
+if bad_point then
+ spec_error('Invalid point number in \special ')
+@:Error: Invalid point number in special}{\quad\.{Invalid point number...}@>
+else begin
+ half_width := width div 2;
+ if point[b1].hh=point[b2].hh
+ then Collect_rule(point[b1].hh-half_width,
+ VAX_max(point[b1].vv,point[b2].vv),
+ width,
+ abs(point[b2].vv-point[b1].vv))
+ else if point[b1].vv=point[b2].vv
+ then Collect_rule(VAX_min(point[b1].hh,point[b2].hh),
+ point[b1].vv+half_width,
+ abs(point[b1].hh-point[b2].hh),
+ width)
+ else spec_error('Diagonal rule in \special ');
+@:Error: Diagonal rule in special}{\quad\.{Diagonal rule in \\special}@>
+ end;
+@* Translation to symbolic form.
+The main work of \.{DVItoLN03} is accomplished by the |do_page| procedure,
+which produces the output for an entire page, assuming that the |bop|
+command for that page has already been processed. This procedure is
+essentially an interpretive routine that reads and acts on the \.{DVI}
+@ The definition of \.{DVI} files refers to six registers,
+$(h,v,w,x,y,z)$, which hold integer values in \.{DVI} units. In practice,
+we also need registers |hh| and |vv|, the pixel analogs of $h$ and $v$,
+since it is not always true that |hh=pixel_round(h)| or
+|vv=pixel_round(v)|. Note that the current font is neither stacked
+nor restored by |push| and |pop| commands.
+The stack of $(h,v,w,x,y,z)$ values is represented by eight arrays
+called |hstack|, \dots, |zstack|, |hhstack|, and |vvstack|.
+@!h,@!v,@!w,@!x,@!y,@!z,@!hh,@!vv:integer; {current state values}
+ array [0..stack_size] of integer; {pushed down values in \.{DVI} units}
+ array [0..stack_size] of integer; {pushed down values in pixels}
+@ Three characteristics of the pages (their |max_v|, |max_h|, and
+|max_s|) are specified in the postamble, and a warning message
+is printed if these limits are exceeded. Actually |max_v| is set to
+the maximum height plus depth of a page, and |max_h| to the maximum width,
+for purposes of page layout. Since characters can legally be set outside
+of the page boundaries, it is not an error when |max_v| or |max_h| is
+exceeded. But |max_s| should not be exceeded.
+The postamble also specifies the total number of pages; \.{DVItoLN03}
+checks to see if this total is accurate.
+@!max_v:integer; {the value of |abs(v)| should probably not exceed this}
+@!max_h:integer; {the value of |abs(h)| should probably not exceed this}
+@!max_h_saved,@!max_v_saved:integer; {`Static' value for oversize messages}
+@!max_s:integer; {the stack depth should not exceed this}
+@!max_v_so_far,@!max_h_so_far,@!max_s_so_far:integer; {the record high levels}
+@!total_pages:integer; {the stated total number of pages}
+@!page_count:integer; {the total number of pages seen so far}
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+max_v:=@'17777777777-99; max_h:=@'17777777777-99; max_s:=stack_size+1;@/
+max_v_so_far:=0; max_h_so_far:=0; max_s_so_far:=0; page_count:=0;
+@ Here is a procedure which will be required when decoding |xxx| commands.
+If the string of characters in a \TeX\ \.{\\special} command commences with
+the character string |'SX '| (i.e., `old style'), or |'ln03:plotfi[le] '| or
+|'ln03:sixel '| (`new style'), the following procedure will copy the
+remainder of the \.{\\special} command's parameter string (which is assumed
+to be the name of a VAX/VMS file containing a graphics image encoded into
+DEC's standard ``sixel'' format) into the |text| field of a |segment|; the
+remaining fields are used to record the page co\"ordinates at which the dump
+shall be placed.
+@p procedure include_sixel_dump;
+ finish_seg; {ensure that we have no |cur_seg|}
+ new_segment(true,true,0,0); {|font_code| and |ch_code| irrelevant}
+ with cur_seg^ do
+ begin
+ seg_type:=sixel_dump; {that's the flavour of segment}
+ text:='';
+ while spec_ptr <= spec_len do
+ begin
+ text := text + xchr[spec_par[spec_ptr]];
+ incr(spec_ptr)
+ end;
+ xs:=x_pos; {record starting position of dump's placement}
+ end;
+ finish_seg {detach the segment; it's attached to correct |seg_list|}
+@ Before we get into the details of |do_page|, it is convenient to
+consider a simpler routine that computes the first parameter of each
+@p function first_par(o:eight_bits):integer;
+begin case o of
+ first_par:=o-set_char_0;
+set1,put1,fnt1,xxx1,fnt_def1: first_par:=get_byte;
+set1+1,put1+1,fnt1+1,xxx1+1,fnt_def1+1: first_par:=get_two_bytes;
+set1+2,put1+2,fnt1+2,xxx1+2,fnt_def1+2: first_par:=get_three_bytes;
+right1,w1,x1,down1,y1,z1: first_par:=signed_byte;
+right1+1,w1+1,x1+1,down1+1,y1+1,z1+1: first_par:=signed_pair;
+right1+2,w1+2,x1+2,down1+2,y1+2,z1+2: first_par:=signed_trio;
+ fnt1+3,xxx1+3,fnt_def1+3: first_par:=signed_quad;
+nop,bop,eop,push,pop,pre,post,post_post,undefined_commands: first_par:=0;
+w0: first_par:=w;
+x0: first_par:=x;
+y0: first_par:=y;
+z0: first_par:=z;
+sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0): first_par:=o-fnt_num_0;
+@ Here is another subroutine that we need: It computes the number of
+pixels in the height or width of a rule. Characters and rules will line up
+properly if the sizes are computed precisely as specified here. (Since
+|conv| is computed with some floating-point roundoff error, in a
+machine-dependent way, format designers who are tailoring something for a
+particular resolution should not plan their measurements to come out to an
+exact integer number of pixels; they should compute things so that the
+rule dimensions are a little less than an integer number of pixels, e.g.,
+4.99 instead of 5.00.)
+@p function rule_pixels(x:integer):integer;
+ {computes $\lceil|conv|\cdot x\rceil$}
+var n:integer;
+begin n:=trunc(conv*x);
+if n<conv*x then rule_pixels:=n+1 @+ else rule_pixels:=n;
+@ Strictly speaking, the |do_page| procedure is really a function with
+side effects, not a `\&{procedure}'\thinspace; it returns the value |false|
+if \.{DVItoLN03} should be aborted because of some unusual happening. The
+subroutine is organized as a typical interpreter, with a multiway branch
+on the command code followed by |goto| statements leading to routines that
+finish up the activities common to different commands. We will use the
+following labels:
+@d fin_set=41 {label for commands that set or put a character}
+@d fin_rule=42 {label for commands that set or put a rule}
+@d move_right=43 {label for commands that change |h|}
+@d move_down=44 {label for commands that change |v|}
+@d change_font=45 {label for commands that change |cur_font|}
+@ Some \PASCAL\ compilers severely restrict the length of procedure bodies,
+so we shall split |do_page| into two parts, one of which is
+called |special_cases|. The different parts communicate with each other
+via the global variables mentioned above, together with the following ones:
+@!s:integer; {current stack size}
+@!cur_font:integer; {current internal font number}
+@!cur_base:integer; {$\equiv$|glyph_base[cur_font]|, to index into |glyphs|}
+@ Here is the overall setup. The parameter is an extension from the
+original program to accommodate virtual font character sequences; in normal
+operation (when processing bytes from the \.{DVI} file), this parameter is
+negative, and |do_page| processes one complete page of the file. If a
+character being set on the current page is taken from a virtual font, and
+doesn't simply map to a single physical character from some other font, then
+|do_page| will be called recursively, with a parameter that points to the
+first byte of a sequence of |dvi| bytes which implements the virtual
+@p @t\4@>@<Declare the function called |special_cases|@>@;
+@t\4@>@<Declare the function called |reduce_rules|@>@;
+function do_page; {|do_page(@!vf_start:integer):boolean;|}
+label fin_set,fin_rule,move_right,done,9998,9999;
+var o:eight_bits; {operation code of the current command}
+@!p,@!q:integer; {parameters of the current command}
+@!a:integer; {byte number of the current command}
+@!hhh:integer; {|h|, rounded to the nearest pixel}
+@!saved_font:integer; {implicit |push| around virtual font character}
+@!old_take:integer; {ditto for taking |dvi| from array |vf|}
+ if vf_start < 0 then
+ begin {initialize the state variables if not recursing}
+ s:=0; h:=0; v:=0; w:=0; x:=0; y:=0; z:=0; hh:=0; vv:=0;
+ end;
+ saved_font:=cur_font; {for later restoration}
+ cur_font:=nf; {set current font undefined}
+ old_take:=vf_take;
+ vf_take:=vf_start; {ensure |dvi| bytes taken from appropriate source}
+while true do @<Translate the next command in the \.{DVI} file;
+ |goto 9999| with |do_page=true| if it was |eop|;
+ |goto 9998| if premature termination is needed@>;
+9998: print_ln('!'); do_page:=false;
+9999: cur_font:=saved_font;
+@ Error messages are written to the log file with full details of their position
+within the \.{DVI} file, and, in a shorter form, to the terminal.
+@<Translate the next command...@>=
+begin a:=cur_loc;
+o:=get_byte; p:=first_par(o);
+if eof(dvi_file) then bad_dvi('the file ended prematurely');
+@:Bad DVI file the file ended prematurely}{\quad\.{the file ended prematurely}@>
+@<Start translation of command |o| and |goto| the appropriate label to
+ finish the job@>;
+fin_set: @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a character, then
+ |goto move_right| or |done|@>;
+fin_rule: @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a rule, then
+ |goto move_right| or |done|@>;
+move_right: @<Finish a command that sets |h:=h+q|, then |goto done|@>;
+@ The multiway switch in |first_par|, above, was organized by the length
+of each command; the one in |do_page| is organized by the semantics.
+@<Start translation...@>=
+if o<set_char_0+128 then @<Translate a |set_char| command@>
+else case o of
+ four_cases(set1): goto fin_set;
+ four_cases(put1): goto fin_set;
+ set_rule: goto fin_rule;
+ put_rule: goto fin_rule;
+ @t\4@>@<Cases for commands |nop|, |bop|, \dots, |pop|@>@;
+ @t\4@>@<Cases for horizontal motion@>@;
+ othercases if special_cases(o,p,a) then goto done@+else goto 9998
+ endcases
+@* Rule Accumulation.
+We accumulate all rules generated on a page. At the end of the page,
+the rules are combined to form larger rules when possible, then
+A special record describes the rule rectangles encountered.
+@!rules = record {rule record}
+@!horiz,@; {Horizontal Coordinate}
+@!width,@; {Width in Horizontal Direction}
+@!vert,@; {Vertical Coordinate}
+@!height:integer; {Height in Vertical Direction}
+@!covered:boolean; {Indicates if combined}
+@ An array of |rules| is defined along with an index.
+@!page_rules:array[1..max_rules] of rules; {rules generated on this page}
+@!rules_on_page: 0..max_rules; {count of rules found on this page}
+@!rule_limit_exceeded: boolean; {used to produce just one warning message}
+@ Initialize |rules_on_page| to show no rules yet.
+@<Set init...@>=
+@!rules_on_page := 0; {set no rules found yet}
+@!rule_limit_exceeded := false; {so we haven't got too many, either!}
+@ This module used to contain the code for collecting rules, but now it's
+limited to calling a procedure elsewhere that does the job.
+@<Collect Rules for Page@>=
+Collect_rule(hh, vv, rule_pixels(q), rule_pixels(p));
+@ Rules can now be combined and output in the \.{LN3} file. To accomplish
+this the rules are scanned in vertical and then in horizontal order. During
+the scan adjacent rules are combined and marked as used. At completion, rules
+that aren't marked as |covered| are output.
+@<Combine and output Rules@>=
+if rules_on_page > 0 then
+ begin
+ reduce_rules;
+ for rules_on_page := rules_on_page downto 1 do
+ with page_rules[rules_on_page] do
+ if not covered then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,csi,'1;',horiz+left_marg:1,';',
+ vert-height+top_marg:1,';',
+ height:1,';',width:1,'!|');
+ rules_on_page := 0
+ end;
+@ |reduce_rules| implements the rule reduction algorithm. Maps are generated
+for traversing all rules both horizontally and vertically. Rules can overlap
+or underlap by up to |max_lap_rules| in |height| or |width|.
+@<Declare the function called |reduce_rules|@>=
+procedure reduce_rules;
+horiz_map: array[1..max_rules] of 0..max_rules;
+verti_map: array[1..max_rules] of 0..max_rules;
+hi,hj,vi,vj: 0..max_rules;
+for hi := 1 to rules_on_page do horiz_map[hi] := hi;
+for vi := 1 to rules_on_page do verti_map[vi] := vi;
+@<Build Horizontal Map@>@;
+@<Traverse Horizontally@>@;
+@<Build Vertical Map@>@;
+@<Traverse Vertically@>@;
+@ Build map for horizontal combination by sorting the rules into
+increasing vertical order and within the same vertical line into
+increasing horizontal order. This allows for rule combination by
+looking for |width| overlap.
+@<Build Horiz...@>=
+for hi := 1 to rules_on_page-1 do
+ for hj := (hi+1) to rules_on_page do
+ if (page_rules[horiz_map[hi]].vert > page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].vert) or
+ ((page_rules[horiz_map[hi]].vert = page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].vert) and
+ (page_rules[horiz_map[hi]].horiz > page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].horiz)) then
+ begin ht:=horiz_map[hi]; horiz_map[hi]:=horiz_map[hj];
+ horiz_map[hj]:=ht end;
+@ Build map for vertical combination by sorting the rules into
+increasing horizontal order and within the same horizontal line into
+increasing vertical order. This allows for rule combination by
+looking for |height| overlap.
+@<Build Verti...@>=
+for vi := 1 to rules_on_page-1 do
+ for vj := (vi+1) to rules_on_page do
+ if (page_rules[verti_map[vi]].horiz > page_rules[verti_map[vj]].horiz) or
+ ((page_rules[verti_map[vi]].horiz = page_rules[verti_map[vj]].horiz) and
+ (page_rules[verti_map[vi]].vert > page_rules[verti_map[vj]].vert)) then
+ begin vt:=verti_map[vi]; verti_map[vi]:=verti_map[vj];
+ verti_map[vj]:=vt end;
+@ Traverse mapped rules looking for adjoining vertical rules. We actually
+look for |height| overlap within |max_lap_rules|. Rules that have been
+combined with other rules are set |covered := true|.
+@<Traverse Verti...@>=
+for vi:=1 to rules_on_page-1 do
+ with page_rules[verti_map[vi]] do
+ if not covered then
+ for vj:= vi+1 to rules_on_page do
+ if not page_rules[verti_map[vj]].covered then
+ begin
+ vt := vert - (page_rules[verti_map[vj]].vert -
+ page_rules[verti_map[vj]].height);
+ if ((horiz = page_rules[verti_map[vj]].horiz) and
+ (width = page_rules[verti_map[vj]].width) and
+ (abs(vt) <= max_lap_rules)) then
+ begin
+ vert := page_rules[verti_map[vj]].vert;
+ height := height + page_rules[verti_map[vj]].height - vt;
+ page_rules[verti_map[vj]].covered := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+@ Traverse mapped rules looking for adjoining horizontal rules. We actually
+look for |width| overlap within |max_lap_rules|. Rules that have been
+combined with other rules are set |covered := true|.
+@<Traverse Horiz...@>=
+for hi:=1 to rules_on_page-1 do
+ with page_rules[horiz_map[hi]] do
+ if not covered then
+ for hj:= hi+1 to rules_on_page do
+ if not page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].covered then
+ begin
+ ht := (horiz+width) - page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].horiz;
+ if ((vert = page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].vert) and
+ (height = page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].height) and
+ (abs(ht) <= max_lap_rules)) then
+ begin
+ width := width + page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].width - ht;
+ page_rules[horiz_map[hj]].covered := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+@ @<Declare the function called |special_cases|@>=
+function special_cases(@!o:eight_bits;@!p,@!a:integer):boolean;
+label change_font,move_down,done,9998;
+var q:integer; {parameter of the current command}
+@!k:integer; {loop index}
+@!bad_char:boolean; {has a non-ASCII character code appeared in this \\{xxx}?}
+@!pure:boolean; {is the command error-free?}
+@!vvv:integer; {|v|, rounded to the nearest pixel}
+begin pure:=true;
+case o of
+@t\4@>@<Cases for vertical motion@>@;
+@t\4@>@<Cases for fonts@>@;
+four_cases(xxx1): @<Translate an |xxx| command and |goto done|@>;
+pre: begin error('preamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+ end;
+@.preamble command within a page@>
+post,post_post: begin error('postamble command within a page!'); goto 9998;
+@.postamble command within a page@>
+ end;
+othercases begin error('undefined command ',o:1,'!');
+ goto done;
+@.undefined command@>
+ end
+move_down: @<Finish a command that sets |v:=v+p|, then |goto done|@>;
+change_font: @<Finish a command that changes the current font,
+ then |goto done|@>;
+9998: pure:=false;
+done: special_cases:=pure;
+@ If we meet a |bop|, something's gone amiss, because |do_page| should never
+see one of these commands.
+When |eop| is met, we have to cater for two possibilities:
+\item{$\bullet$} It's the end of a page in the \.{DVI} file, in which case
+we must output all the glyphs, rules and bitmaps that we've accumulated;
+having done this, we reset |max_h_so_far| and |max_v_so_far| so that each
+page's dimensions are considered under the same conditions.
+\item{$\bullet$} It terminates a stored sequence of |dvi| bytes
+corresponding to a character taken from a virtual font.
+If |push| is met, we don't bleat about exceeding the maximum stack size
+reported by \TeX\ if the command has been read from a virtual character
+@<Cases for commands |nop|, |bop|, \dots, |pop|@>=
+nop: goto done;
+bop: begin error('bop occurred before eop!'); goto 9998;
+@.bop occurred before eop@>
+ end;
+eop:if vf_take<0 then
+ begin
+ if s<>0 then error('stack not empty at end of page (level ',
+ s:1,')!');
+@:Error: stack not empty}{\quad\.{stack not empty...}@>
+ if max_h<>max_h_saved then
+ warning('Page wider than TeX reported by ',
+ (max_h-max_h_saved)/65536.0:1:4,'pt');
+@:Warning: Page wider than TeX reported}{\quad\.{Page wider than }\TeX\.{...}@>
+ if max_v<>max_v_saved then
+ warning('Page deeper than TeX reported by ',
+ (max_v-max_v_saved)/65536.0:1:4,'pt');
+@:Warning: Page deeper than TeX reported}{\quad\.{Page deeper than }\TeX\.{...}@>
+ @<Move to top of form@>;@/
+ @<Combine and...@>@;
+ do_page:=true;@/
+ @<Output contents of page@>;@/
+ write(ln3_file,LF); {LF after page}
+ new_orient:=orientation;
+ @<Change page orientation@>; {reset, if necessary}
+ max_h:=max_h_saved; max_h_so_far:=max_h;
+ max_v:=max_v_saved; max_v_so_far:=max_v;
+ top_of_page:=true;
+ goto 9999;
+ end else
+ begin
+ do_page:=true;
+ goto 9999
+ end;
+push: begin
+ if s=max_s_so_far then
+ begin max_s_so_far:=s+1;
+ if (s=max_s) and (vf_take<0) then
+ error('push deeper than claimed in postamble!');
+@:Error: push deeper than claimed}{\quad\.{push deeper than claimed...}@>
+ if s=stack_size then
+ begin capacity_exceeded('stack size=',stack_size:1);
+@:capacity exceeded stack size}{\quad\.{stack size}@>
+ goto 9998;
+ end;
+ end;
+ hstack[s]:=h; vstack[s]:=v; wstack[s]:=w;
+ xstack[s]:=x; ystack[s]:=y; zstack[s]:=z;
+ hhstack[s]:=hh; vvstack[s]:=vv; incr(s); goto done;
+ end;
+pop: begin
+ if s=0 then error('pop illegal at level zero')
+@:Error: pop illegal at level zero}{\quad\.{pop illegal at level zero}@>
+ else begin decr(s);
+ if (vv <> vvstack[s]) and (vvstack[s]>=0) then finish_seg;
+ {different row of pixels}
+ hh:=hhstack[s]; vv:=vvstack[s];
+ h:=hstack[s]; v:=vstack[s]; w:=wstack[s];
+ x:=xstack[s]; y:=ystack[s]; z:=zstack[s];
+ end;
+ goto done;
+ end;
+@ Rounding to the nearest pixel is best done in the manner shown here, so as
+to be inoffensive to the eye: When the horizontal motion is small, like a
+kern, |hh| changes by rounding the kern; but when the motion is large, |hh|
+changes by rounding the true position |h| so that accumulated rounding errors
+disappear. We allow a larger space in the negative direction than in
+the positive one, because \TeX\ makes comparatively
+large backspaces when it positions accents.
+@d out_space==if (p>=font_space[cur_font])or(p<=-4*font_space[cur_font]) then
+ hh:=pixel_round(h+p)
+ else hh:=hh+pixel_round(p);
+ q:=p; goto move_right
+@<Cases for horizontal motion@>=
+four_cases(right1):begin out_space @+end;
+w0,four_cases(w1):begin w:=p; out_space @+end;
+x0,four_cases(x1):begin x:=p; out_space @+end;
+@ Vertical motion is done similarly, but with the threshold between
+``small'' and ``large'' increased by a factor of five. The idea is to make
+fractions like ``$1\over2$'' round consistently, but to absorb accumulated
+rounding errors in the baseline-skip moves.
+@d out_vmove==if abs(p)>=5*font_space[cur_font] then vv:=pixel_round(v+p)
+ else vv:=vv+pixel_round(p);
+ finish_seg;
+ goto move_down
+@<Cases for vertical motion@>=
+four_cases(down1):begin out_vmove @+end;
+y0,four_cases(y1):begin y:=p; out_vmove @+end;
+z0,four_cases(z1):begin z:=p; out_vmove @+end;
+@ @<Cases for fonts@>=
+sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0): goto change_font;
+four_cases(fnt1): goto change_font;
+four_cases(fnt_def1): begin define_font(p); goto done; end;
+@ We need a certain amount of extra space in order to store the details of
+\.{\BS special} commands as we work on them.
+@!spec_par:packed array [1..max_special] of ASCII_code; {used to hold a
+\.{\BS special} command}
+@!spec_len: integer; {the space-stripped length of a \.{\BS special} command}
+@!spec_ptr: integer; {pointer while decoding a \.{\BS special} command}
+@!spec_cmd: str_number; {identifies a command string in a \.{\BS special}}
+@!spec_unsupported : boolean;
+@!spec_ch : ASCII_code;
+@!point : array [1..max_points] of point_type;
+@ This data structure records the co\"ordinates of a point generated by the
+\.{defpoint} \.{\BS special}. Such co\"ordinates are recorded in LN03
+@!point_type = packed record
+ @!hh,@!vv : integer;
+ @!present : boolean;
+@ Let's preset that which we've just defined\dots
+for k:=1 to max_points do point[k].present:=false;
+@ |xxx| commands in the DVI file arise from \.{\\special} commands in the
+{\TeX} source file. \.{\\special} commands may be used for a variety of
+things, so we must decode them further here.
+We support two sorts of \.{\\special} name. The first derives from the
+original (pre-V3) of this driver, of which there is but one example,
+`\.{\\special\{SX\ file-name\}}'. The second sort takes the form:\par
+\leavevmode\hbox{`\.{\\special\{LN03:}\meta{function-name}[\.\ %
+\meta{other-parameters}[\.\ \dots]]\.\}'},\par
+\noindent as in Flavio Rose's original. The \meta{function name}s
+\.{landscape} and \.{portrait} can appear with or without the \.{LN03:}
+prefix We support both versions, with the addition (over early versions of
+this driver) that command decoding is case-insensitive.
+This module does various sanity checks on the \.{\BS special} command's
+parameter, ending up with its characters in |spec_par|, the count of characters
+in |spec_len|, and |spec_ptr| pointing to the first character not yet `looked
+The module (if successful) calls one of the subsidiary routines
+|Copy_sixel_file|, |define_point|, |connect_points| or |reset_points|, actually
+to implement the \.{\BS special} command before going to |done|.
+@<Translate an |xxx| command and |goto done|@>=
+begin bad_char:=false;
+if p<0 then error('\special string of negative length!');
+@:Error: special string of negative length}{\quad\.{\\special string of negative length}@>
+if p>max_special then
+begin error('\special string too long!');
+@:Error: special string too long}{\quad\.{\\special string too long}@>
+ p:=max_special
+for k:=1 to p do
+ begin q:=get_byte;
+ if (q<" ")or(q>"~") then bad_char:=true else
+ spec_par[k]:=q;
+ end;
+{intialize the \.{\\special} decoding routines}
+spec_len:=p; spec_ptr:=1;
+{\dots\ and start decoding!!!}
+@<Find start of \.{\\special}'s string(s)@>;
+if not bad_char then begin
+@<Match first command in \.{\\special}@>;
+@<Match the \meta{function name} in a \.{\\special}@>;
+if bad_char then error('non-ASCII character in \special command!')
+@:Error: non-ASCII character in special}{\quad\.{non-ASCII character in \\special}@>
+else if spec_unsupported
+then spec_error('Unsupported \special ');
+@:Error: Unsupported special}{\quad\.{Unsupported \\special}@>
+goto done;
+@ If there's any space characters at the start of the \.{\\special}
+string, we can safely skip past them\dots
+@<Find start of \.{\\special}'s string(s)@>=
+if rd_nb_char(spec_ch) then
+ begin
+ error('Null \special argument!');
+@:Error: Null special argument}{\quad\.{Null \\special argument}@>
+ goto done;
+ end;
+@ We have a very limited choice of commands that may be given without being
+preceded by the device specifier `\.{ln03:}'\dots
+@<Match first command in \.{\\special}@>=
+spec_cmd := find_match;
+case spec_cmd of
+ spec_sx: spec_cmd := spec_six; {Substitute |'ln03:sixel'| for |'sx'|}
+ spec_ln: spec_cmd := find_match; {Find string following |'ln03:'|}
+ spec_land, spec_port: do_nothing; {Recognize again in next section}
+ othercases
+ spec_cmd:=0; {Command \&{must} start with |'sx '| or |'ln03:'|!}
+@ The majority of \.{\\special} \meta{function name}s will be recognized
+@<Match the \meta{function name} in a \.{\\special}@>=
+case spec_cmd of
+ spec_land: new_orient:=landscape; {|'landscape'| or |'ln03:landscape'|}
+ spec_port: new_orient:=portrait; {|'portrait'| or |'ln03:portrait'|}
+ spec_six, spec_plt: {|'ln03:sixel'| or |'ln03:plotfile'|}
+ include_sixel_dump;
+ spec_set: {|'ln03:defpoint'|}
+ define_point;
+ spec_con: {|'ln03:connect'|}
+ connect_points;
+ spec_rst: {|'ln03:resetpoints'|}
+ reset_points;
+ othercases
+ spec_unsupported:=true
+@ @<Translate a |set_char|...@>=
+goto fin_set
+@ @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a character...@>=
+if p<0 then p:=255-((-1-p) mod 256)
+else if p>=256 then p:=p mod 256; {width computation for oriental fonts}
+@^oriental characters@>@^Chinese characters@>@^Japanese characters@>
+if (p<font_bc[cur_font])or(p>font_ec[cur_font]) then q:=invalid_width
+else q:=cur_font_glyph(p).width;
+if q=invalid_width then
+ begin error('character ',p:1,' invalid in font ');
+@.character $c$ invalid...@>
+ print_font(cur_font);
+ if cur_font<>nf then print('!'); {font |nf| has `\.!' in its name}
+ end;
+ if font_type[cur_font]=missing then
+ @<Substitute a solid rule for character from missing font@>
+ else
+ ord_text(p);
+if o>=put1 then goto done;
+if q=invalid_width then q:=0
+else hh:=hh+cur_font_glyph(p).pixel_width;
+goto move_right
+@ @<Finish a command that either sets or puts a rule...@>=
+if (p>0)and(q>0) then @<Collect Rules...@>@;
+if o=put_rule then goto done;
+hh:=hh+rule_pixels(q); goto move_right
+@ A sequence of consecutive rules, or consecutive characters in a fixed-width
+font whose width is not an integer number of pixels, can cause |hh| to drift
+far away from a correctly rounded value. \.{DVItoLN03} ensures that the
+amount of drift will never exceed |max_drift| pixels.
+Since \.{DVItype} is intended to diagnose strange errors, it checks
+carefully to make sure that |h| and |v| do not get out of range.
+Normal \.{DVI}-reading programs need not do this, but \.{DVItoLN03} makes some
+of these same checks and reports characters which are ``set'' outside the page
+(as reported by \TeX\ itself).
+No warning is given when |max_h_so_far| exceeds |max_h| by less than~100,
+since 100 units is invisibly small; it's approximately the wavelength of
+visible light, in the case of \TeX\ output. Rounding errors can be expected
+to make |h| and |v| slightly more than |max_h| and |max_v|, every once in
+a~while; hence small discrepancies are not cause for alarm.
+@d infinity==@'17777777777 {$\infty$ (approximately)}
+@d max_drift=2 {we insist that abs|(hh-pixel_round(h))<=max_drift|}
+@<Finish a command that sets |h:=h+q|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (h>0)and(q>0) then if h>infinity-q then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',@|
+@.arithmetic overflow...@>
+ q:1,' to ',infinity-h:1);
+ q:=infinity-h;
+ end;
+if (h<0)and(q<0) then if -h>q+infinity then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',@|
+ q:1,@| ' to ',@|(-h)-infinity:1);
+ q:=(-h)-infinity;
+ end;
+@<Record current position of any text output@>;
+if abs(hhh-hh)>max_drift then
+ if hhh>hh then hh:=hhh-max_drift
+ else hh:=hhh+max_drift;
+if abs(h)>max_h_so_far then
+ begin if abs(h)>max_h+h_fuzz then
+ max_h:=abs(h);
+ max_h_so_far:=abs(h);
+ end;
+goto done
+@ If the |cur_font| wasn't available for downloading to the LN03, instead of
+imaging the glyph we output a solid rule of the dimensions given by the
+\.{TFM} file (on the proviso that the \.{DVI} file couldn't have been
+generated by \TeX\ if the font was totally unknown).
+@<Substitute a solid rule for character from missing font@>=
+ with cur_font_glyph(p) do
+ Collect_rule(hh,vv+pixel_depth,pixel_width,pixel_height+pixel_depth)
+@ Procedure |do_page| gets to label |move_right| to record the rightmost
+excursion of any character that's just been set: however, with virtual
+fonts, we can end up with |cur_seg=nil|.
+@<Record current position of any text output@>=
+if ((o<set_char_0+128) or
+ ((o>=set1) and (o<set1+4)) or
+ ((o>=put1) and (o<put1+4))) and
+ (cur_seg<>nil) then
+ cur_seg^.xe:=x_pos;
+@ @<Finish a command that sets |v:=v+p|, then |goto done|@>=
+if (v>0)and(p>0) then if v>infinity-p then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',
+@.arithmetic overflow...@>
+ p:1,' to ',infinity-v:1);
+ p:=infinity-v;
+ end;
+if (v<0)and(p<0) then if -v>p+infinity then
+ begin error('arithmetic overflow! parameter changed from ',
+ p:1, ' to ',(-v)-infinity:1);
+ p:=(-v)-infinity;
+ end;
+if abs(vvv-vv)>max_drift then
+ if vvv>vv then vv:=vvv-max_drift
+ else vv:=vvv+max_drift;
+if abs(v)>max_v_so_far then
+ begin if abs(v)>max_v+v_fuzz then
+ max_v:=abs(v);
+ max_v_so_far:=abs(v);
+ end;
+goto done
+@ @<Finish a command that changes the current font...@>=
+font_num[nf]:=p; cur_font:=0;
+while font_num[cur_font]<>p do incr(cur_font);
+if cur_font=nf then
+ error('reference to an unloaded font');
+@:Error: reference to unloaded font}{\quad\.{reference to unloaded font}@>
+cur_font:=font_map[cur_font]; cur_base:=glyph_base[cur_font];
+goto done
+@* Font usage pass. Whilst gathering the font usage statistics, each |bop|
+command will cause various variables to be updated which the ``real'' pass
+through the file would not expect to have changed. Therefore, we copy the
+state of these variables after recognising the start of the first page
+requested, and restore them (and the file position), before commencing the
+true output pass. The Boolean |scanning| inhibits output to the \.{TYP} file
+during this phase.
+@ @<Preset...@>=
+@ Having found the first page which is eligible for translation to LN03
+format, we skip rapidly through the remainder of the file, noting whether any
+particular character of each font is actually used in the output. The file is
+then further read until the postamble is reached, and the character usage
+information used to generate the appropriate down-line loadable font(s) for
+the LN03.
+@^down-line loading of fonts@>
+@<Gather font usage statistics@>=
+ monitor('Gathering font usage statistics...');
+@.Gathering font usage statistics@>
+ start_loc:=old_backpointer; { Remember where the first page started }
+ start_page_count:=page_count-1; { Preserve, since |bop|s will change this }
+ scanning:=true;@/
+ skip_pages; { Note usage of any required characters }
+ scanning:=false; {We've completed the scanning phase}
+ if signed_quad<>old_backpointer then
+ error('backpointer in byte ',cur_loc-4:1,
+ ' should be ',old_backpointer:1,'!');
+@:Error: backpointer in byte should be}{\quad\.{backpointer...should be...}@>
+ substitution_pass:=true; {Prevents spurious ``font already defined''s}
+ read_postamble;@/
+ @<Assign font/char mapping@>;@/
+ @<Download font files@>;@/
+ @<Restore pointers after font usage pass@>;@/
+ in_postamble:=false;
+@ After we've finished the font usage pass, we must restore all the various
+pointers into the |dvi_file| to their state preceding the pass, so that the
+main program can just carry on with the actual setting of the glyphs.
+@<Restore pointers after font usage pass@>=
+old_backpointer:=start_loc; {for when the next |bop| is met}
+move_to_byte(start_loc+1); {Go back to just after |bop| of starting page}
+for k:=0 to 9 do count[k]:=signed_quad; {fill in page number array}
+p:=signed_quad; {Swallow the |old_backpointer|}
+@*Map characters to LN03 fonts. At this point, we know which characters have
+actually been invoked in each of the \TeX\ fonts. Since the LN03 has
+limited font memory, as many characters as practicable are packed into a
+188-character LN03 font; these characters will typically be taken from at
+least two \TeX\ fonts.
+@^LN03 laser printer@>
+We therefore require to know, for each \TeX\ character, to which LN03 font it has
+been allocated, and what character value it occupies in that font. When
+characters are actually being typeset, only ten LN03 fonts are directly
+accesible at any one time (corresponding to the Select Graphic Rendition
+parameters 10..19); if the character to be typeset is allocated to a different
+LN03 font, a suitable escape sequence will need to be output to change the
+font which the LN03 is accessing.
+The following declarations accomplish this mapping$\ldots$
+@d left_first="!" {These are the ``printable'' character ranges}
+@d left_last="~" {which may appear in an LN03 font}
+@d right_first=left_first+128
+@d right_last=left_last+128
+@ For any particular \TeX\ font, |the_txf|, we count in
+|font_occupancy[the_txf]| the number of characters invoked from that font.
+To save all that indexing of arrays for this, the counting actually takes
+place in |usage|. The array |txf_to_lnf| provides the number of the LN03
+internal font into which |the_txf| has been mapped, whilst |txf_ord| is a
+list of |the_txf|s in the order in which they were mapped (largest first).
+For each of the LN03's internal fonts, |lnf|, the array element
+|last_lnf[lnf]| contains the character code of the last character used
+therein to map a character. |ch_widths| is an array which records the actual
+width, in pixels, of each character created within an LN03 font.
+The scalar variables used in this section include: (1) |txf_size| which
+records how many characters are used in the next largest \TeX\ font
+remaining; (2) |lnf_spare| records the number of unallocated glyphs
+remaining in the LN03 font-file currently being filled; (3) |total_rasters|
+counts the number of bytes of character rasters downloaded (this is reported
+on the terminal and the \.{TYP} log file, and may be important to
+installations without additional RAM font memory on the LN03); (4)
+|pxl_ident| reminds us whether |the_txf| exists as a packed or unpacked
+pixel file.
+@<Globals in...@>=
+@!font_occupancy:packed array [0..max_fonts] of 0..256; {Number of characters used}
+@!next_lnf:0..max_lnfonts+1; {Next LN03 font index to be allocated}
+@!next_txf:0..max_fonts; {Next \TeX\ font to be mapped}
+@!txf_size:-1..256; {Occupancy of largest remaining \TeX\ font}
+@!txf_to_lnf:packed array [0..max_fonts] of -1..max_lnfonts; {Maps \TeX\ font to LN03 font}
+@!txf_ord:packed array [0..max_fonts] of -1..max_fonts; {Contains \TeX\ font numbers in
+order of mapping}
+@!the_txf:0..max_fonts; {TeX font currently being mapped}
+@!lnf_spare:integer; {``Spare'' room in current LN03 font}
+@!last_lnf:packed array [0..max_lnfonts] of left_first..right_last;
+{``Last'' character allocated in an LN03 font}
+@!total_rasters:integer; {Total size of down-loaded fonts}
+@!ch_widths:array [0..max_lnfonts,left_first..right_last] of integer;
+@ At present, none of the LN03 fonts are `in use'; neither have any of them
+been mapped to |SGR| (Select Graphic Rendition) codes.
+We also clear out the variable in which we accumulate the count of all bytes
+transferred as character rasters.
+@<Set initial...@>=
+for m:=0 to max_lnfonts do font_in_use[m]:=-1;
+for m:=0 to max_SGR do who_uses[m]:=-1;
+@ We now perform the actual mapping. Each \TeX\ font is considered in turn,
+starting with the largest (most densely occupied) as yet unallocated. The
+characters of this font are mapped to the next available LN03 font, and the
+remaining space in the LN03 font is allocated to the largest \TeX\ fonts which
+will fit. When no such \TeX\ font will fit in the remaining space, a new LN03
+font is ``opened''.
+Before we go ahead and map \TeX\ characters to physical ones, we have to
+ensure that we're not still considering virtual fonts.
+@<Assign font/char mapping@>=
+@<Remap any virtual fonts@>;
+@<Determine occupancy of each \TeX\ font@>;
+next_lnf:=0; next_txf:=0; {Order of fonts}
+ lnf_spare:=left_last-left_first+1+right_last-right_first+1; {therefore =
+ 188}
+ txf_size:=-1; {We're searching for largest font}
+ @<Find largest unallocated font@> ;
+ if txf_size>0 then {Assuming there are any unallocated}
+ begin
+ if next_lnf>max_lnfonts then capacity_exceeded('too many LN03 fonts');
+@:capacity exceeded too many LN03 fonts}{\quad\.{too many LN03 fonts}@>
+ m:=left_first-1; {We'll start with the ``!'' character}
+ @<Map characters in \TeX\ font to allocated LN03 font@>;
+ @<Fit further \TeX\ fonts into LN03 font file@>;
+ incr(next_lnf)
+ end; {Fitted largest \TeX font, and some more, into an LN03 font}
+until txf_size<=0; {Repeat until all fonts mapped}
+@ We firstly require to know how many different characters have been invoked
+from each of the \TeX\ fonts used in the document. The following section of
+code performs this feat.
+To speed things up, we avoid the double indexing of |glyphs| that would
+occur if we used |glyph_map|; these definitions help.
+@d first_glyph_index(#)==glyph_base[#]+font_bc[#]
+@d last_glyph_index(#)==glyph_base[#]+font_ec[#]
+@<Determine occupancy of each \TeX\ font@>=
+for m:=0 to nf-1 do {Determine how occupied each \TeX\ font is}
+begin usage:=0;
+ for n:=first_glyph_index(m) to last_glyph_index(m) do
+ if glyphs[n].loaded=wanted then incr(usage);
+ font_occupancy[m]:=usage;
+ txf_ord[m]:=-1; {Font unallocated}
+ txf_to_lnf[m]:=-1
+@ Because we want to avoid having a single \TeX\ font overlapping two separate
+fonts in the LN03 (which would require more control sequences to be output),
+we prefer to have a large font starting off a new |ln_font|. This can be
+achieved by finding the largest font that has not yet been allocated a
+(After mapping this font, we can use up the remaining unallocated characters of
+the |ln_font| by putting smaller \TeX\ fonts into the same |ln_font|.)
+It might prove embarrassing to attempt to map a virtual font, so we only
+load fonts that are marked as |wanted|; this excludes |virtual| fonts, and
+also those referenced from such a font from which all the glyphs are
+@<Find largest unallocated font@>=
+for n:=0 to nf-1 do
+if (font_type[n]=wanted) and (font_occupancy[n]>txf_size) then
+ begin txf_size:=font_occupancy[n];
+ the_txf:=n
+ end
+@ Having fitted a ``fullish'' \TeX\ font into a fresh LN03 font, we now
+attempt to fill up the space remaining in the latter by squeezing in as many
+smaller fonts as will fit. |lnf_spare| has been set to indicate how many
+unallocated glyphs remain in the LN03 font, so we find the largest font whose
+occupancy is not greater than this amount, and map it in; this process is
+repeated until there is no \TeX\ font remaining that will fit in the
+|lnf_spare| space remaining, at which point a new LN03 font is started (if
+@<Fit further \TeX\ fonts into LN03 font file@>=
+while lnf_spare>0 do {Now find any \TeX\ font that fits in remainder}
+begin usage:=-1; {Performs same function as |txf_size| above}
+ for n:=0 to nf-1 do {Find largest remaining that fits}
+ if (font_type[n]=wanted) and {provided it's physical, unmapped and}
+ (font_occupancy[n]>usage) and {it's more densely used}
+ (font_occupancy[n]<=lnf_spare) then {and it fits in space available}
+ begin usage:=font_occupancy[n];
+ the_txf:=n
+ end;@t\2@>
+ if usage > 0 then {There's one that fits!}
+ begin
+ m:=last_lnf[next_lnf]; {Last character allocated in LN03 font}
+ @<Map characters in \TeX\...@>;
+ end else
+ lnf_spare:=0; {Nothing else fits; force new LN03 font}
+end { while spare space remains in LN03 font}
+@ The following code maps the characters in the current (|the_txf|) \TeX\ font
+to character positions in the current (|next_lnf|) LN03 font. No attempt is
+made to make the mapped characters intelligible if the \.{LN3} file is
+printed; this would be a ``nice'' revision of the program, but well nigh
+@<Map characters in \TeX\...@>=
+txf_to_lnf[the_txf]:=next_lnf; {Map \TeX\ font to LN03 font}
+txf_ord[next_txf]:=the_txf; {Save \TeX\ font numbers, largest first}
+font_type[the_txf]:=yes; {Avoid considering this font again!}
+for k:=first_glyph_index(the_txf) to last_glyph_index(the_txf) do
+ with glyphs[k] do
+ if loaded=wanted then {Work through the characters of the \TeX\ font}
+ begin
+ @<Put LN03 code for this \TeX\ character into |m|@> ;
+ decr(lnf_spare); {Count one less free}
+ char_code:=m;
+ end;
+last_lnf[next_lnf]:=m {Note ``last'' character allocated in LN03 font}
+@ As we allocate characters from |the_txf| to the LN03 font |next_lnf|, we
+have to ensure that the character codes used are those of \&{printing}
+characters on the LN03. The LN03 uses the customary \.{C0} and \.{C1} control
+code sets of the ISO/ASCII standards, and so the only printable characters are
+`\.\SP' to `\.\TL' (|left_first..left_last|) and the corresponding
+positions with the eighth bit set (|right_first..right_last|). This coding
+scheme has ``holes'' in it, so we need to make appropriate adjustments.
+Furthermore, if we permit a large font (with more than 188 characters used) to
+span across into a second LN03 internal font, we have to make the transition
+to the beginning of the second font, noting the false ``last character used''
+and revising |lnf_spare| to reflect the new (unused) font.
+@<Put LN03 code for this \TeX\ character into |m|@>=
+if m=right_last then {Start another LN03 font for spanning \TeX\ font}
+ begin last_lnf[next_lnf]:=right_last;
+ lnf_spare:=left_last-left_first+1+right_last-right_first+1;
+ m:=left_first;
+ incr(next_lnf)
+ end
+ if m=left_last then m:=right_first {make transition to GR set in font}
+ else incr(m); {Next free character in LN03 font}
+@*Generating LN03 font for downloading.
+The following code generates the content of an LN03 font file, in memory,
+and then calls |add_txf_to_lnf| to put the rasters into this file.
+The file type extension is \.{.LN3}, and this file is always opened in the
+user's default directory.
+The next section of code actually generates the \.{LN3} file, starting with
+its ``set up'' information. The program continues by creating and downloading
+each necessary LN03 font, by successive calls of the function
+|add_txf_to_lnf|, which returns as result the number of bytes downloaded in
+the rasters of the characters contained therein; this is added to
+|total_rasters| so that DVItoLN03 can report the size of all the fonts loaded.
+The first (or only) LN03 font file downloaded is introduced by the |DCS|
+(Device Control Sequence) |'0;1;0y'|; these three parameters indicate,
+respectively, that the font file is in Digital font file format, is \&{not} to
+print a summary sheet, and is to replace all previously downloaded fonts.
+Successive LN03 fonts are separated from the previous ones by a simple |','|
+character; whilst the end of the font download is marked by the |ST| (String
+Terminator) character --- this is preceded by a textual comment.
+@<Download font files@>=
+@<Generate \.{LN3} file header@>;
+if next_txf > 0 then {Unlikely that no characters were used, but...}
+ write_ln(ln3_file,dcs,'0;1;0y'); {Replace all fonts with these}
+ for m:=0 to next_txf-1 do {Cycle through the ``used'' \TeX\ fonts}
+ begin k:=txf_ord[m]; {Get \TeX\ font number corresponding to next largest font}
+ name_pxl_file(k,file_name,pxl_ident);
+ if (m>0) then
+ @<Separate LN03 internal fonts@> ;
+ @<Copy glyphs to LN03 font; report size of rasters@>
+ end;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,';DVItoLN03 font load',st); {End of all fonts}
+print_ln('Total of ',total_rasters:1,' bytes of rasters downloaded');
+write_ln(term_out,'Total of ',total_rasters:1,
+ ' bytes of rasters downloaded',crlf);
+@:Total of n bytes of rasters}{\.{Total of $n$ bytes of rasters...}@>
+@<Complete mapping of virtual characters@>; {point to the real ones}
+{Set page limits}
+@<Designate first 10 fonts to SGRs |10..19|@>@;
+@ We start by writing the LN03 directives to the front of the file. Since the
+introduction of the LN03-Plus, this has been made more complicated, because
+the sequence |esc, 'c'| is meaningful (and \&{not} as |RIS|!) when the
+LN03-Plus is in the Tektronix emulation mode. Therefore, we start off by
+outputting the sequence |esc, '[!p'| which is DEC's private ``soft terminal
+reset'' (|DSCSTR|). (Note that this sequence uses the ``long-winded'' way of
+specifying |csi|; this is because the LN03-plus ignores the eigth bit when it
+is emulating a Tektronix terminal.) However, this won't necessarily reset an
+`ordinary' LN03, so we output the ISO-standard |RIS| (Reset Initial State
+$\equiv$ |esc,'c'|) sequence as well.
+There then follow a number of control sequences which set up further
+characteristics of the LN03: (1) |'?27h'| is a DEC private control sequence,
+|DECPSP|, which selects proportional spacing mode, whereby the printer moves
+forward by the recorded width of the character glyph rather than by some fixed
+amount after printing; (2) |'11h'| \&{set}s the |PUM| (Positioning Unit Mode),
+when set, this mode indicates that ``cursor movement'' sequences work in units
+of either decipoints or pixels, which of these is determined by (3) |'7 I'|
+which sets the |SSU| (Select Size Unit) to be in units of a single pixel; (4)
+|'?52h'| is another DEC private sequence, \&{set}ting the |DECOPM| (Origin
+Placement Mode) which places the origin for all measurement to the upper-left
+corner of the physical page (the alternative is 0.25 inches from that point).
+Finally, the sequence ending in |'t'| contains the |page_len| as a parameter,
+and is another DEC private control sequence which sets the |DECLPP| (Lines per
+Physical Page) to be the height of the printable area, in pixels.
+@d DECSTR==esc+'[!p'
+@d RIS==esc+'c'
+@d DECPSP_on==csi+'?27h'
+@d PUM_on==csi+'11h'
+@d SSU_pixel==csi+'7 I'
+@d DECOPM_on==csi+'?52h'
+@<Generate \.{LN3} file header@>=
+if orientation=landscape then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,csi,PFS_landscape)
+ write_ln(ln3_file,DECSTR,RIS,csi,PFS_portrait);
+cur_orient:=orientation; new_orient:=orientation;
+@<Select printing mode and feed tray on DEClaser printers@>
+@ If we are starting the download of any except the first \TeX\ font, it may
+be that the previous \TeX\ font was the last loaded into the current LN03
+font, which means we will be starting a new LN03 font here. Therefore we need
+to separate the two LN03 fonts from each other: the comma (`\.,') character is
+used by the LN03 for this purpose.
+@<Separate LN03 internal fonts@>=
+if (txf_to_lnf[k]<>txf_to_lnf[txf_ord[m-1]]) then
+ write_ln(ln3_file,',')
+@ The function |add_txf_to_lnf| performs all the work of creating an LN03 font
+from the rasters in the font file. The result returned by this function
+gives the total number of bytes created in the LN03 font for the given \TeX\
+@<Copy glyphs to LN03 font; report size of rasters@>=
+ add_txf_to_lnf(txf_to_lnf[k],k,file_name,pxl_ident)
+@ We may have both packed and unpacked files available from which to take
+pixel bitmaps, so we require some indication of what type of file is
+actually available.
+@!pixel_types = (@!unavailable,@!packed_file,@!pixel_file);
+@ The user has the option of using either pixel files (\.{.PXL}) and/or packed
+pixel files (\.{.PK}) as the source of font raster information. There is the
+further option of the directories in which these files are held being either
+``flat'' (with all font files of one class in the same directory) or
+``nested'' (where separate sub-directories are provided for each different
+File naming conventions used are illustrated by the following examples, which
+show the names under which \.{cmr10} will be found at magsteps 0--2:
+ \hrule
+ \halign{&\vrule#&\strut\hfil#\hfil&\quad\tt#\quad&\quad\tt#\quad&
+ \quad\tt#\quad&\quad\tt#\quad&\vrule#\cr
+ height2pt&\multispan5 &height2pt\cr
+ &\omit\strut Magnif-\hfil&\multispan2\hfil Packed Pixels\hfil&
+ \multispan2\hfil Unpacked Pixels\hfil&\cr
+ &\omit\strut\hfil ication&\hfil\rm Flat\hfil&\hfil\rm Nested\hfil&
+ \hfil\rm Flat\hfil&\hfil\rm Nested\hfil&\cr
+ height2pt&\multispan5 &height2pt\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ height2pt&\multispan5 &height2pt\cr
+ &0&CMR10.300PK&[300]CMR10.PK&CMR10.1500PXL&[1500]CMR10.PXL&\cr
+ &$1\over2$&CMR10.329PK&[329]CMR10.PK&CMR10.1643PXL&[1643]CMR10.PXL&\cr
+ &1&CMR10.360PK&[360]CMR10.PK&CMR10.1800PXL&[1800]CMR10.PXL&\cr
+ &2&CMR10.432PK&[432]CMR10.PK&CMR10.2160PXL&[2160]CMR10.PXL&\cr
+ height2pt&\multispan5 &height2pt\cr}
+ \hrule
+The program determines which class(es) of files are available from the
+qualifiers \.{/PXL\_FONT\_DIRECTORY} (for the unpacked files) and
+\.{/PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY} (for the packed files). At least one of these
+qualifiers must be present; if the qualifier provided is a VMS logical name,
+it has been translated repeatedly until a VMS directory specification resulted.
+Examination of (the first translation of) this specification then determines
+whether the flat or nested structure is being used: if the directory
+specification ends with the characters `\.{.]}' it indicates that the raster
+files will be found in sub-directories, whilst absence of the `\..' indicates
+a flat structure. The variables |pk_rooted| and |pxl_rooted| will already
+have been set to reflect this.
+Whether packed or unpacked pixel files are used, it is necessary to
+compute a number which relates the magnification to either the sub-directory
+name or the file extension. Since actual file names may well have been
+computed using low-accuracy (possibly integer) arithmetic by operating system
+commands, the possibility exists that the numbers may have been truncated to
+the ``wrong'' integer compared with those that \.{DVItoLN03} computes;
+therefore, we always arrange to look for the files using both the computed
+number and those $\pm1$ from it.
+The variable |dir_off| is used to compute the offset from the central figure,
+which is held in |p|. The variables |file_stat| and |find_ctxt| are used in
+conjunction with Vax/VMS system calls to determine whether the requested file
+exists; |found_file| takes the values $-1$, indicating that the file wasn't
+found, or $+1$ if it is found. It also can take the value $0$ whilst the
+search is proceding, so a simple boolean cannot be used instead.
+The following procedure converts the \TeX\ font referenced by |TeX_font| into
+the correct strings for the directory and file name under which \.{DVItoLN03}
+expects to find the pixel file.
+@p procedure name_pxl_file ( @!TeX_font : integer;@/
+ var @!open_file_name: file_spec;
+ var @!what_it_was: pixel_types);
+ var @!p,@!dir_off,@!file_stat,@!find_ctxt,@!found_file : integer;@/
+ @!found_name,@!expected_file_spec : file_spec;
+ found_file := -1;
+ expected_file_spec:='';@/
+ @<Locate packed pixel file@>;@/
+ if found_file<0 then
+ @<Locate unpacked pixel file@>;
+ if found_file<0 then
+ begin
+ warning('cannot find file ',expected_file_spec);
+@:Warning: cannot find file}{\quad\.{cannot find file}@>
+ what_it_was:=unavailable
+ end
+@ We only look for packed pixel files if the \.{/PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY}
+qualifier was present, in which case its value will have been placed into the
+string |tex_pk_font|. If the final characters of (the first logical name
+translation of) this string were `\.{.]}', then a nested directory structure
+is assumed (as indicated in |pk_rooted|), and the file is sought in the form
+Alternatively, if the directory is flat, the filename sought will be
+Unfortunately, it is necessary to reconstruct the desired string for each
+offset tried. The \meta{size} is effectively computed from 1.5
+times the font design size compared with the \TeX ware default of 200
+pixels/inch, yielding 300 for unmagnified fonts.
+@d append_name==for n:=font_name[TeX_font] to font_name[TeX_font+1]-1 do
+ open_file_name:=open_file_name+xchr[names[n]]
+@d flat_file_spec(#)==begin open_file_name := # ;
+ append_name;
+ open_file_name:=open_file_name+'.'+str_int(p+dir_off)
+ end
+@d rooted_file_spec(#)==begin open_file_name:= # + '[' +
+ str_int(p+dir_off) + ']';
+ append_name;
+ open_file_name:=open_file_name+'.'
+ end
+@<Locate packed pixel file@>==
+if tex_pk_font.length > 0 then
+ dir_off:=0;
+ p:=round(((resolution/1000)*mag*font_scaled_size[TeX_font])/font_design_size[TeX_font]);
+ repeat
+ if not pk_rooted then
+ flat_file_spec(tex_pk_font)
+ else
+ rooted_file_spec(tex_pk_font);
+ open_file_name:=open_file_name+'PK';
+ @<Attempt to find file with specification |open_file_name|@>
+ until found_file<>0;
+ if found_file>0 then
+ begin
+ open_file_name:=found_name;
+ what_it_was:=packed_file
+ end
+@ To determine the correct file of pixels to be read, the quantity |p| is
+computed; since it is a \TeX ware convention that all pixel files are assumed
+(at magnification=1000) to be at a |resolution| of 200 dots/inch, and the
+LN03's |resolution| is \&{300} dots/inch, then an ordinary unmagnified font
+will be sought with a
+$\langle$\\{size}$\rangle$ of \.{1500}, whilst one magnified \.{\BS magstep 1}
+will have a $\langle$\\{size}$\rangle$ of \.{1800}, \\{etc.} Computation of
+|p| yields the appropriate value for the Vax/VMS directory or file type to be
+used, and |VAX_lib_find_file| is used to verify that the file exists; to allow
+for rounding errors, the directories |p|$\pm1$ are also sought.
+@<Locate unpacked pixel file@>==
+if tex_pxl_font.length > 0 then
+ dir_off:=0;
+ p:=round(((resolution/200)*mag*font_scaled_size[TeX_font])/font_design_size[TeX_font]);
+ repeat
+ if not pxl_rooted then
+ flat_file_spec(tex_pxl_font)
+ else
+ rooted_file_spec(tex_pxl_font);
+ open_file_name:=open_file_name+'PXL';
+ @<Attempt to find file with specification |open_file_name|@>
+ until found_file<>0;
+ if found_file>0 then
+ begin
+ open_file_name:=found_name;
+ what_it_was:=pixel_file
+ end
+@ Now that we've got a full file specification (barring the version number) in
+|open_file_name|, we call upon the Vax/VMS system services to try to locate
+the file. Before doing this, we make a note of the file specification if it's
+that for the default file name (with |dir_off = 0|), and we haven't
+previously noted a file name.
+The find\_file system service requires a context variable (because it is
+capable of finding a number of files matching a `wild-carded' file
+specification), but we're not interested in that; therefore we always set
+|find_ctxt| to zero before searching. \&{N.B.} This may not be written as the
+constant |0| in the procedure call, because the system service writes a value
+back to this variable.
+The system service returns an odd status if the search is successful;
+otherwise we change |dir_off| to a suitable new value, unless we've already
+tried |p| and $p\pm1$, in which case we indicate the absence of the file by
+setting |found_file = -1|.
+@<Attempt to find file with specification |open_file_name|@>=
+if (dir_off=0) and (expected_file_spec='') then
+ expected_file_spec:=open_file_name;
+if odd(file_stat) then found_file:=1
+ if dir_off=1 then found_file:=-1;
+ if dir_off=-1 then dir_off:=1 else dir_off:=-1
+@ Although up to |max_lnfonts| may be downloaded by this program, the LN03 is
+only capable of accessing any ten of these at any one time; it accomplishes
+this by allocating the |SGR| (Select Graphic Rendition) designators |10..19|
+to the first ten fonts downloaded. Fonts are designated by means of their
+16-character internal font identifiers, allocated during the generation of
+each font.
+@<Designate first 10 fonts to SGRs |10..19|@>=
+for m:=0 to VAX_min(max_SGR,next_lnf-1) do {Match first 10 fonts to |SGR| designators}
+begin font_in_use[m]:=m; who_uses[m]:=m;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,dcs,'1;1',m:1,'}U00000',m:1,'002SK00GG',st)
+write_ln(ln3_file,csi,'10m'); {|SGR| 10 --- select most used font}
+cur_out:=0 {We won't need to |SGR| if first output uses |SGR| 10}
+@*Format of Virtual Fonts. The following description is cribbed almost
+verbatim from Knuth's description of \.{VFtoVP}.
+@^Knuth, D.~E.@>
+@:VFtoVP program}{\.{VFtoVP} program@>
+The idea behind \.{VF} files is that a general
+interface mechanism is needed to switch between the myriad font
+layouts provided by different suppliers of typesetting equipment.
+Without such a mechanism, people must go to great lengths writing
+inscrutable macros whenever they want to use typesetting conventions
+based on one font layout in connection with actual fonts that have
+another layout. This puts an extra burden on the typesetting system,
+interfering with the other things it needs to do (like kerning,
+hyphenation, and ligature formation).
+These difficulties go away when we have a ``virtual font,''
+i.e., a font that exists in a logical sense but not a physical sense.
+A typesetting system like \TeX\ can do its job without knowing where the
+actual characters come from; a device driver can then do its job by
+letting a \.{VF} file tell what actual characters correspond to the
+characters \TeX\ imagined were present. The actual characters
+can be shifted and/or magnified and/or combined with other characters
+from many different fonts. A virtual font can even make use of characters
+from virtual fonts, including itself.
+Virtual fonts also allow convenient character substitutions for proofreading
+purposes, when fonts designed for one output device are unavailable on another.
+@ A \.{VF} file is organized as a stream of 8-bit bytes, using conventions
+borrowed from \.{DVI} and \.{PK} files. Thus, a device driver that knows
+about \.{DVI} and \.{PK} format will already contain most of the mechanisms
+necessary to process \.{VF} files.
+A preamble appears at the beginning, followed by a sequence of character
+definitions, followed by a postamble. More precisely, the first byte of
+every \.{VF} file must be the first byte of the following ``preamble
+\yskip\hang|pre| 247 |i[1]| |k[1]| |x[k]| |cs[4]| |ds[4]|.
+Here |i| is the identification byte of \.{VF}, currently 202. The string
+|x| is merely a comment, usually indicating the source of the \.{VF} file.
+Parameters |cs| and |ds| are respectively the check sum and the design size
+of the virtual font; they should match the first two words in the header of
+the \.{TFM} file for the virtual font.
+After the |pre| command, the preamble continues with font definitions;
+every font needed to specify ``actual'' characters in later
+\\{set\_char} commands is defined here. The font definitions are
+exactly the same in \.{VF} files as they are in \.{DVI} files, except
+that the scaled size |s| is relative and the design size |d| is absolute:
+\yskip\hang|fnt_def1| 243 |k[1]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<256|.
+\yskip\hang|@!fnt_def2| 244 |k[2]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<65536|.
+\yskip\hang|@!fnt_def3| 245 |k[3]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |0<=k<@t$2^{24}$@>|.
+\yskip\hang|@!fnt_def4| 246 |k[4]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+Define font |k|, where |@t$-2^{31}$@><=k<@t$2^{31}$@>|.
+These font numbers |k| are ``local''; they have no relation to font numbers
+defined in the \.{DVI} file that uses this virtual font. The dimension~|s|,
+which represents the scaled size of the local font being defined,
+is a |fix_word| relative to the design size of the virtual font.
+Thus if the local font is to be used at the same size
+as the design size of the virtual font itself, |s| will be the
+integer value $2^{20}$. The value of |s| must be positive and less than
+$2^{24}$ (thus less than 16 when considered as a |fix_word|).
+The dimension~|d| is a |fix_word| in units of printer's points; hence it
+is identical to the design size found in the corresponding \.{TFM} file.
+@d vf_id_byte=202
+@ The preamble is followed by zero or more character packets, where each
+character packet begins with a byte that is $<243$. Character packets have
+two formats, one long and one short:
+\yskip\hang|long_char| 242 |pl[4]| |cc[4]| |tfm[4]| |dvi[pl]|. This long form
+specifies a virtual character in the general case.
+|pl[1]| |cc[1]| |tfm[3]| |dvi[pl]|. This short form specifies a
+virtual character in the common case
+when |0<=pl<242| and |0<=cc<256| and $0\le|tfm|<2^{24}$.
+Here |pl| denotes the packet length following the |tfm| value; |cc| is
+the character code; and |tfm| is the character width copied from the
+\.{TFM} file for this virtual font. There should be at most one character
+packet having any given |cc| code.
+The |dvi| bytes are a sequence of complete \.{DVI} commands, properly
+nested with respect to |push| and |pop|. All \.{DVI} operations are
+permitted except |bop|, |eop|, and commands with opcodes |>=243|.
+Font selection commands (|fnt_num0| through |fnt4|) must refer to fonts
+defined in the preamble.
+Dimensions that appear in the \.{DVI} instructions are analogous to
+|fix_word| quantities; i.e., they are integer multiples of $2^{-20}$ times
+the design size of the virtual font. For example, if the virtual font
+has design size $10\,$pt, the \.{DVI} command to move down $5\,$pt
+would be a \\{down} instruction with parameter $2^{19}$. The virtual font
+itself might be used at a different size, say $12\,$pt; then that
+\\{down} instruction would move down $6\,$pt instead. Each dimension
+must be less than $2^{24}$ in absolute value.
+Device drivers processing \.{VF} files treat the sequences of |dvi| bytes
+as subroutines or macros, implicitly enclosing them with |push| and |pop|.
+Each subroutine begins with |w=x=y=z=0|, and with current font~|f| the
+number of the first-defined in the preamble (undefined if there's no
+such font). After the |dvi| commands have been
+performed, the |h| and~|v| position registers of \.{DVI} format and the
+current font~|f| are restored to their former values;
+then, if the subroutine has been invoked by a \\{set\_char} or \\{set}
+command, |h|~is increased by the \.{TFM} width
+(properly scaled)---just as if a simple character had been typeset.
+(The following commands, already defined as macros with respect to the
+\.{DVI} file, have the same interpretation when they appear in a virtual
+font file: \hang |set_char_0|, |set1|, |set_rule|, |put1|, |put_rule|, |nop|,
+|push|, |pop|, |right1|, |w0|, |w1|, |x0|, |x1|, |down1|, |y0|, |y1|, |z0|,
+|z1|, |fnt_num_0|, |fnt1|, |xxx1|, |xxx4|, |fnt_def1|, |pre|, |post|.)
+@d long_char=242 {\.{VF} command for general character packet}
+@d improper_DVI_for_VF==139,140,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,
+ 253,254,255
+@ The character packets are followed by a trivial postamble, consisting of
+one or more bytes all equal to |post| (248). The total number of bytes
+in the file should be a multiple of~4.
+@ Here are some functions, analogous to those for the |dvi_file|, for
+reading one or more bytes from the |vf_file|.
+Note that variable |flushing| is used to suppress the warning (when |eof| is
+met on the |vf_file|) if bytes are merely being read to discard the
+@p procedure read_vf_file(var x:eight_bits);
+ label 9999;
+ begin while vf_count >= VAX_block_length do
+ begin get(vf_file,VAX_continue); vf_count:=vf_count-VAX_block_length;
+ incr(vf_block);
+ if eof(vf_file) then
+ begin if not flushing then
+ warning('VF file ended without postamble!');
+@:Warning: VF file ended without postamble}{\quad\.{VF file ended without postamble}@>
+ x := post; goto 9999
+ end
+ end;
+ x := vf_file^[vf_count];
+ incr(vf_count); incr(vf_loc);
+ end;
+function @!vf_one: integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned}
+ var @!b: eight_bits;
+ read_vf_file(b); vf_one:=b
+function vf_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, signed}
+var b:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(b);
+if b<128 then vf_byte:=b @+ else vf_byte:=b-256;
+function vf_two:integer; {returns the next two bytes, unsigned}
+var a,@!b:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(a); read_vf_file(b);
+function vf_pair:integer; {returns the next two bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(a); read_vf_file(b);
+if a<128 then vf_pair:=a*256+b
+else vf_pair:=(a-256)*256+b;
+function vf_three:integer; {returns the next three bytes, unsigned}
+var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(a); read_vf_file(b); read_vf_file(c);
+function vf_trio:integer; {returns the next three bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b,@!c:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(a); read_vf_file(b); read_vf_file(c);
+if a<128 then vf_trio:=(a*256+b)*256+c
+else vf_trio:=((a-256)*256+b)*256+c;
+function vf_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed}
+var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits;
+begin read_vf_file(a); read_vf_file(b); read_vf_file(c); read_vf_file(d);
+if a<128 then vf_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d
+else vf_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d;
+@ Here are the globals required to manipulate the VF file.
+@!vf_count, @!vf_block, @!vf_loc : integer;
+@!flushing : boolean;
+@*Handling Virtual Fonts. Before we look around the fonts, we'd better see
+if any of the fonts so far loaded are virtual ones; this can be determined
+by whether a \.{VF} file exists for the given font.
+We use a |while| loop, because the analysis of a virtual font most probably
+will result in the addition of one or more new fonts, some of which may
+themselves be virtual; to prevent infinite recursion with a self-referential
+font, such additional fonts are only loaded if glyphs within the font are
+@<Remap any virtual fonts@>=
+TeX_font:=0; vf_ptr:=0;
+while TeX_font < nf do {Currently defined fonts, and any this defines anew}
+if font_type[TeX_font]=wanted then
+ @<Locate virtual font metrics@>;
+@ This module determines the name of the \.{VF} file, if it exists,
+corresponding to the current \TeX\ font.
+@<Locate virtual font metrics@>=
+if not no_virt_support then
+ file_name:='';
+ for n:=font_name[TeX_font] to font_name[TeX_font+1]-1 do
+ if (names[n]>="a") and (names[n]<="z") then
+ file_name:=file_name+xchr[names[n]+"A"-"a"]
+ else
+ file_name:=file_name+xchr[names[n]];
+ open(vf_file,file_name,@=readonly@>,@=access_method@>:=@=direct@>,
+ @=user_action@>:=file_open,@=default@>:=tex_virtual+'.VF;0',
+ VAX_continue);
+ file_stat:=status(vf_file);
+ if (file_stat<>0) and (file_stat<>3) then
+ begin
+ case file_stat of
+ 2: file_message := 'PAS-E-ERRDUROPE';
+ 5: file_message := 'PAS-E-ACCMETINC';
+ 6: file_message := 'PAS-E-RECLENINC';
+ 7: file_message := 'PAS-E-RECTYPINC';
+ 8: file_message := 'PAS-E-ORDSPEINC';
+ othercases
+ file_message := str_int(file_stat);
+ endcases;
+ abort('Couldn''t open virtual font ',file_name,'. Status=',file_message);
+@:fatal error Couldn't open virtual font}{\quad\.{Couldn't open virtual font}@>
+ end
+ else if file_stat=0 then
+ begin
+ reset(vf_file);
+ vf_block:=0; vf_count:=0; vf_loc:=0;
+ font_type[TeX_font]:=virtual;
+ open_file_name:=def_file_name;@/
+ @<Find name and magnification of font file@>;@/
+ @<Report name of font file in use@>;@/
+ print_ln(' [virtual]');
+ write_ln(term_out,' is virtual',crlf);@/
+ read_VF;@/
+ close(vf_file,@=disposition@>:=@=save@>,VAX_continue);
+ end;
+@ Globals for storing virtual font files: unlike \.{VFtoVP},
+we don't read the \\{entire} file into memory. We do, however, store those
+|dvi| bytes that belong to some wanted character packets, but only for
+glyphs which are more complex than simply imaging a character from some
+other font; this is efficient, and also feasible, since VF files are never
+very large (unlike physical font files!) Much of this code is, once again,
+lifted from \.{VFtoVP}.
+The array |vf| is global, along with the pointer into it, |vf_ptr|, because
+we accumulate therein all setting sequences read from all virtual font files
+processed. Most of the other variables are only required when actually
+reading a particular virtual font, so are local to |read_VF|.
+\yskip\hang |vf_take| When |dvi| bytes are to be ``read'' from array |vf|, the
+variable |vf_take| will be non-negative and hence index an element of the
+array; during normal input from the \.{DVI} file, a negative value ensures
+that input is taken from the file itself.
+\yskip\hang |TeX_font| will always point to the current virtual font being
+processed, amongst all the fonts (both virtual and physical) that are in
+the usual data structures. This global variable has the same name as
+parameters of the procedures |name_pxl_file| and |add_txf_to_lnf|, in order
+that common sections of code may be shared from the W{\mc EB}.
+\yskip\hang |font_type| records whether a font is |virtual| or physical (in which
+case the value |wanted| will have been set when the font's \.{TFM} file was
+first read.
+@!vf:packed array[0..vf_size] of eight_bits; {the \.{VF} input data goes here}
+@!vf_ptr:0..vf_size; {first unused location in |vf|}
+@!vf_take:-1..vf_size; {next byte to be ``read'' from |vf|}
+@!TeX_font:0..max_fonts; {index into font metrics database for current virtual}
+@!font_type: array [0..max_fonts] of download_status;
+@ To ensure that we start by reading genuine |dvi| bytes from the \.{DVI}
+file, we must make |vf_take| negative.
+@ Here's the main procedure for reading virtual font files. It exists as a
+procedure purely in order that local variable declarations can be made to
+cater for those code sections which are also invoked within |define_font|.
+When we encounter a font definition in the \.{VF} file, we read its
+associated \.{TFM} file in the usual fashion; we associate a ``\TeX\ font
+number'' with this font, determined from the highest font previously used
+within the previous actual or virtual fonts, via the variable |font_base|.
+@p procedure read_VF;
+var @!f: 0..max_fonts; {Local index}
+ @!p: integer; {length of the area/directory spec}
+ @!n: integer; {length of the font name proper}
+ @!c,@!q,@!d: integer; {check sum, scaled size, design size}
+ @!r: 0..name_length; {index into |cur_name|}
+ @!j,@!k: 0..name_size; {indices into |names|}
+ @!mismatch: boolean; {names differ}
+ @!font_base: 0..max_fonts; {offset for local font numbers}
+ @!z,@!alpha,@!beta: integer; {to facilitate |fix_word| multiplications}
+ @!font_ref:array[0..max_fonts] of integer; {local font numbers}
+ @!font_ext:array[0..max_fonts] of integer; {``external'' font numbers}
+ @!font_ptr:0..max_fonts; {number of local fonts}
+ @!packet_start:array[0..255] of 0..vf_size; {character packet boundaries}
+ @!packet_found:boolean; {at least one packet has appeared}
+ @!temp_byte:eight_bits;@+@!temp_int:integer; {registers for simple calculations}
+ @!pl:integer; {packet length}
+ @<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>@;
+ font_base:=highest_font+1; flushing:=false;@/
+ @<Read the whole \.{VF} file@>;
+@ Again we cautiously verify that we've been given decent data.
+@d vf_abort(#)==
+ abort('(VF file) ',#,crlf)
+@!@:fatal error VF file ...}{\quad\.{(VF file)}@>
+@<Read the whole \.{VF} file@>=
+if temp_byte<>pre then vf_abort('First byte isn''t `pre''');
+@:fatal error VF file First byte}{\qquad\.{First byte isn't \it pre}@>
+@<Read the preamble command@>;
+@<Read and store the font definitions and character packets@>;
+@<Read and verify the postamble@>
+@ Here's where we read the preamble of the virtual font file. Note that we
+make the assumption throughout that a `DVI unit' is \.{1sp} (as it always is
+in output generated by \TeX), so that $\hbox{`DVI unit'}=16\hbox{\.{fix}}$.
+@<Read the preamble command@>=
+if temp_byte<>vf_id_byte then vf_abort('Wrong version number in second byte!');
+@:fatal error VF file Wrong VF version}{\qquad\.{Wrong VF version...}@>
+temp_byte:=vf_one; {read the length of introductory comment}
+for k:=1 to temp_byte do temp_int:=vf_one; {and discard it}
+if (temp_int<>0) and (font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>0) and
+ (temp_int<>font_check_sum[TeX_font]) then
+ error('VF checksum disagreed! TFM:',font_check_sum[TeX_font]:1,
+ ' VF:',temp_int:1);
+@:Error: VF checksum disagreed}{\quad\.{VF checksum disagreed}@>
+z:=vf_quad div 16; {convert to |dvi| units}
+if z<>font_design_size[TeX_font] then
+ error('VF design size disagreed! TFM:',font_design_size[TeX_font]:1,
+ ' VF:',z:1);
+@:Error: VF design size disagreed}{\quad\.{VF design size disagreed}@>
+z:=font_scaled_size[TeX_font]; {but we're using it at this size}
+@<Replace |z| by $|z|^\prime$ and compute $\alpha,\beta$@>;
+@ The remainder of the file will consist of font definitions and character
+packets; once any of the latter has been met, it is not legal for the former
+to appear again.
+@<Read and store the font definitions and character packets@>=
+for k:=0 to 255 do packet_start[k]:=vf_size;
+font_ptr:=0; packet_found:=false;
+repeat temp_byte:=vf_one;
+ if temp_byte<>post then
+ if temp_byte>long_char then @<Read and store a font definition@>
+ else @<Read and store a character packet@>;
+until temp_byte=post
+@ The postamble of the virtual font file should consist purely of |post|
+bytes; furthermore, the file should be a multiple of four bytes long.
+@<Read and verify the postamble@>=
+while (temp_byte=post)and not eof(vf_file) do temp_byte:=vf_one;
+if not eof(vf_file) then
+ warning('extra junk at end of the VF file.');
+@:Warning: extra junk at end of VF file}{\quad\.{extra junk...VF file}@>
+if vf_loc mod 4 <> 0 then
+ warning('VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes')
+@:Warning: VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes}{\quad\.{VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes}@>
+@ The font definition reads as follows:
+\yskip\hang|fnt_defN| 243..6 |k[1..4]| |c[4]| |s[4]| |d[4]| |a[1]| |l[1]| |n[a+l]|.
+\noindent where |k| is a local font number; this is used as an offset from
+|font_base| when reading the associated \.{TFM} file.
+@<Read and store a font definition@>=
+begin if packet_found or(temp_byte>=pre) then
+ vf_abort('Illegal byte ',temp_byte:1,' at start of character packet!');
+@:fatal error VF file Illegal byte}{\qquad\.{Illegal start...}@>
+case temp_byte of
+ fnt_def1: font_ref[font_ptr]:=vf_one;
+ fnt_def1+1: font_ref[font_ptr]:=vf_two;
+ fnt_def1+2: font_ref[font_ptr]:=vf_three;
+ fnt_def1+3: font_ref[font_ptr]:=vf_quad {there are no other cases}
+font_ext[font_ptr]:=font_base+font_ptr; {invent ``external'' font number}
+if font_ptr=max_fonts then vf_abort('References too many fonts!');
+@:fatal error VF file References}{\qquad\.{References too many fonts}@>
+@<Move the font parameters into position for font |nf|,
+ and print the font name@>;
+print(' (local font ',font_ref[font_ptr]:1,' of font ',font_num[TeX_font]:1,')');
+if highest_font<font_ext[font_ptr] then
+ highest_font:=font_ext[font_ptr];
+@<Avoid reloading the font metrics...@>;
+if f<nf then
+begin font_ext[font_ptr] := font_num[f];
+ print_ln('---is identical to font ',font_num[f]:1);
+ incr(nf)
+end else
+ @<Read the local font's \.{TFM} file and record the characters it contains@>;
+@ We need to position some of this information in a similar fashion to when
+\.{TFM} files are read during normal font definitions from the \.{DVI} file:
+@<Move the font parameters into position for font |nf|,
+ and print the font name@>=
+if nf = max_fonts then
+ capacity_exceeded('too many fonts (max fonts=',max_fonts:1,')');
+@:capacity exceeded too many fonts}{\quad\.{too many fonts}@>
+font_num[nf]:=font_ext[font_ptr]; {record invented ``external'' font number}
+font_map[nf]:=nf; {until we know better, this font is new}
+c:=vf_quad; font_check_sum[nf]:=c; {|c[4]|}
+q:=vf_quad; font_scaled_size[nf]:=q; {|s[4]|}
+if (q<0) or (q>@'77777777) then {|s| is negative or exceeds $2^{24}-1$}
+ vf_abort('Mapped font size is too big!');
+@:fatal error VF file Mapped font size too big}{\qquad\.{Mapped font size too big}@>
+d:=vf_quad div 16; font_design_size[nf]:=d; {|d[4]| in sp}
+@<Determine actual scaling for physical font@>;
+font_scaled_size[nf]:=q; {store revised scaling}
+p:=vf_one; {|a[1]|}
+n:=vf_one; {|l[1]|}
+if font_name[nf]+n+p>name_size then
+ capacity_exceeded('too many names (name size=',name_size:1,')');
+@:capacity exceeded too many names}{\quad\.{too many names}@>
+print('Font ',font_num[nf]:1,': ');
+if n+p=0 then print('null font name!')
+@.null font name@>
+ for k:=font_name[nf] to font_name[nf+1]-1 do names[k]:=lower(vf_one);
+incr(nf); print_font(nf-1); decr(nf); f:=nf;
+@ When a |fnt_defN| is read from a virtual font file, the parameter |s| (in
+variable |q|) represents the scaled size relative to the design size of the
+virtual font. The latter was stored (in |font_design_size[TeX_font]|; scaled
+by $2^{-4}$) when the original definition of the virtual font was read from
+the \.{DVI} file, and has been checked during the reading of the virtual
+font's preamble. Therefore, we will later call |in_TFM| to read the \.{TFM}
+file for the physical font and adjust all dimensions by the appropriate
+amount. To do this, we have to compute a new |q| by performing ``correct''
+arithmetic on the expression $\hbox{|font_design_size[TeX_font]|}\times q$.
+We utilize the same algorithm as is used for converting the width information
+in a \.{TFM} file; local variable |z| has already been set to the virtual
+font's design size, and converted to $|z|^\prime$, so we just need to split up
+the value |s| into its constituent bytes and perform the multiplications.
+By applying a cast to treat |q| as |unsigned|, we ensure that |b0<>0| for
+negative values of |q|.
+@d VAX_unsigned_type == unsigned
+@<Determine actual scaling for physical font@>=
+b0:=(q::VAX_unsigned_type div @'100000000)::eight_bits;
+b1:=(q mod @'100000000) div @'200000;
+b2:=(q mod @'200000) div @'400; b3:=q mod @'400;
+q:=(((((b3*z) div @'400)+(b2*z)) div @'400)+(b1*z))div beta;
+if b0>0 then q:=q-alpha; {assume $|q|<2^{25}$}
+@ @<Read the local font's \.{TFM} file...@>=
+ @<Move font name into the |cur_name| string@>;
+ open_tfm_file;
+ font_bc[nf]:=0; font_ec[nf]:=256; {will cause error if not modified soon}
+ if in_TFM(q) then @<Finish loading the new font info@>;
+ if font_bc[nf]<=font_ec[nf] then
+ if font_ec[nf]>255 then abort('---not loaded, bad TFM file!');
+@:fatal error Font not loaded Bad TFM file}{\qquad\.{Bad TFM file}@>
+ print_ln('')
+@ Here is a procedure for ``outputting'' a |dvi| sequence by storing it in
+|vf|; each command is output in the minimum number of bytes.
+We cheat and abuse VAX-\PASCAL's variant records to provide a simple
+conversion between integers (signed or unsigned) and bytes in bigendian
+order. Variable |byte_ct| determines how many bytes are actually required.
+Parameter |code| is the command code being output; this will be incremented
+(by |1..3|) if |2..4| parameter bytes are necessary. |param| is obviously
+the parameter for |code|; |signed| is negative if |param| is to be
+interpreted in twos-complement notation. Otherwise, |signed=0|, except for
+|set_rule| and |put_rule| (which require that all four bytes are output for
+the parameter) when |signed=1|. For output of the second parameter of these
+latter two commands, |code=0|, which suppresses output of the |code| byte.
+The following definition is used for any bytes which must be copied to array
+@d vf_store(#)==begin vf[vf_ptr]:=#; incr(vf_ptr) end
+@<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>=
+procedure vf_to_dvi(@!code:eight_bits;@!param:integer;@!signed:integer);
+ var @!byte_ct:0..3; {offset to be added to |code|}
+ @!cheat:packed record
+ case boolean of
+ false: (b0,b1,b2,b3:eight_bits);
+ true: (fullword:integer)
+ end;
+ cheat.fullword:=param; byte_ct:=3; {assume needs 4-byte parameter}
+ if signed<=0 then
+ with cheat do
+ if ((b3=0) and ((signed=0) or (b2<128)))
+ or ((b3=255) and (signed<0) and (b2>=128)) then
+ begin
+ byte_ct:=2; {if |b3| superfluous, store 3-byte parameter}
+ if ((b2=0) and ((signed=0) or (b1<128)))
+ or ((b2=255) and (signed<0) and (b1>=128)) then
+ begin
+ byte_ct:=1; {if |b3| and |b2| superfluous, store two bytes}
+ if ((b1=0) and ((signed=0) or (b0<128)))
+ or ((b1=255) and (signed<0) and (b0>=128)) then
+ byte_ct:=0; {|b3|, |b2| and |b1| all superfluous; one byte parameter}
+ end
+ end;
+ if code<>0 then
+ vf_store(code+byte_ct); {store the appropriate command byte}
+ if byte_ct>2 then vf_store(cheat.b3);
+ if byte_ct>1 then vf_store(cheat.b2);
+ if byte_ct>0 then vf_store(cheat.b1);
+ vf_store(cheat.b0);
+@ This function computes how many bytes form the parameters of a command
+taken from a character packet in the \.{VF} file; in the case of any special
+sequences amongst these bytes (|xxx1..xxx4|), we read and discard all the
+bytes here, since we don't support such sequences in virtual fonts. The
+number of bytes thus discarded is returned, negated.
+Any occurrence of a command which is illegal in a character packet causes
+the font to be rejected.
+@<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>=
+function vf_skip( @!o:eight_bits) : integer;
+ var @!temp : integer;
+ case o of
+ sixty_four_cases(set_char_0),sixty_four_cases(set_char_0+64),
+ w0,x0,y0,push,pop,sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0):
+ vf_skip:=0;
+ set1,put1,fnt1,right1,w1,x1,down1,y1,z1:
+ vf_skip:=1;
+ set1+1,put1+1,fnt1+1,right1+1,w1+1,x1+1,down1+1,y1+1,z1+1:
+ vf_skip:=2;
+ set1+2,put1+2,fnt1+2,right1+2,w1+2,x1+2,down1+2,y1+2,z1+2:
+ vf_skip:=3;
+ set1+3,set_rule,put1+3,put_rule,right1+3,w1+3,x1+3,down1+3,
+ y1+3,z1+3,fnt1+3:
+ vf_skip:=4;
+ xxx1: begin temp:=vf_one; vf_skip:=-1-temp @+end;
+ xxx1+1: begin temp:=vf_two; vf_skip:=-2-temp @+end;
+ xxx1+2: begin temp:=vf_three; vf_skip:=-3-temp @+end;
+ xxx1+3: begin temp:=vf_quad; vf_skip:=-4-temp @+end;
+ improper_DVI_for_VF:
+ vf_abort('contains illegal command in character packet');
+@:fatal error VF file contains illegal command}{\qquad\.{contains illegal command...}@>
+ endcases;
+ if (o>=xxx1) and (o-xxx1<4) then
+ begin
+ decr(vf_ptr); {``unstore'' the |xxx| command byte}
+ while temp>0 do
+ begin o:=vf_one; decr(temp) end {discard |xxx| sequence bytes}
+ end
+@ This procedure adds to the saved packet a command to select a font; this
+will be an pseudo external font number, converted from the local font number
+used when a physical font is mapped into the virtual one. The procedure has
+the side-effect of setting its second parameter to index the stored metrics
+of the newly-selected font.
+@<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>=
+procedure store_fnt(@!num:integer; var @!f:integer);
+ f:=-1; {this value allows us to detect lack of the font}
+ for k:=0 to font_ptr-1 do {scan the local font reference numbers}
+ if font_ref[k]=num then f:=k; {find its entry}
+ if f<0 then
+ vf_abort('packet ',c:1,'invokes unmapped font ',num:1);
+@:fatal error VF file packet invokes}{\qquad\.{packet invokes unmapped font}@>
+ num:=font_ext[f]; {convert to pseudo external number}
+ f:=0; while font_num[f]<>num do incr(f);
+ if num < 64 then vf_store(fnt_num_0+num) else
+ vf_to_dvi(fnt1,num,0); {|fntN k[N]|}
+@ This procedure adds to the saved packet a command to set a character; it
+is required because we have to read all the bytes of such a command (in
+order to determine to what character a packet is being mapped).
+@<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>=
+procedure store_char(@!cc:integer);
+ if cc < 128 then vf_store(set_char_0+cc) else
+ vf_to_dvi(set1,cc,0); {|setN c[N]|}
+@ When a character packet is being read from the virtual font file, we utilize
+this procedure to store the bytes, translating any font selection commands to
+reference the pseudo external fonts that have been created corresponding to
+each local font of the virtual font file.
+The packet taken from the \.{VF} file is surrounded by a |push|/|pop| pair
+to maintain the program's conception of the current position. We start by
+assuming local font $0$, which is that loaded as pseudo external font
+After the packet has been copied, an |eop| is inserted into the stored
+packet to permit detection of the end when the packet is later ``played
+@<Declare |read_VF|'s local procedures@>=
+procedure vf_copy(@!pl,@!cc : integer);
+ var @!f:-1..max_fonts; {index into physical font data structures}
+ @!param_len:integer; {count of parameter bytes}
+ @!local_font:integer; {index into local font data structures}
+ @!mapped_char:integer; {index into a locally referenced font}
+ @!command:eight_bits; {next |dvi| command in \.{VF} file}
+ @!simple_packet, {packet contains only one |setN|, with maybe one |fntN|}
+ @!one_set,@!one_fnt:boolean; {|false| if more than one of each}
+ @!start_ptr,seq_ptr:0..vf_size; {pointers into bytes stored in |vf|}
+ @!scaling_required:boolean; {dimension needs revision before storing}
+ if vf_ptr+pl>=vf_size then capacity_exceeded('too many virtual characters');
+@:capacity exceeded too many virt}{\quad\.{too many virtual characters}@>
+ start_ptr:=vf_ptr; vf_store(push);
+ store_fnt(0,f);
+ glyph_map(TeX_font)(cc).font_code:=f;
+ one_set:=false; one_fnt:=false; simple_packet:=true; seq_ptr:=vf_ptr;
+ while pl>0 do
+ begin
+ command:=vf_one;
+ vf_store(command);
+ decr(pl);
+ param_len:=vf_skip(command);
+ @<Act upon any font changing command@>;
+ @<Act upon any character setting command@>;
+ @<Act upon commands that require scaling of parameters@>@;
+ case command of
+ sixty_four_cases(set_char_0),sixty_four_cases(set_char_0+64),
+ four_cases(set1): one_set:=true;
+ sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0),four_cases(fnt1): one_fnt:=true;
+ set_rule, put_rule: {these have \\{two} 4-byte parameters}
+ begin param_len:=param_len-4; simple_packet:=false
+ end;
+ othercases
+ simple_packet:=false;
+ endcases;
+ if param_len<0 then {|abs(param_len)| bytes already copied}
+ pl:=pl+param_len
+ else
+ while param_len>0 do {copy remaining bytes of |command|}
+ begin command:=vf_one; vf_store(command);
+ decr(pl); decr(param_len)
+ end
+ end;
+ vf_store(pop);
+ vf_store(eop);
+ if simple_packet then vf_ptr:=start_ptr {discard the packet}
+ else with glyph_map(TeX_font)(cc) do
+ begin loaded:=virtual; {indicate where \AM\ how to find it}
+ seq_off:=start_ptr
+ end
+@ If a character packet contains any command to select a font, the command
+must be expanded, and the local font number converted into a reference to
+the appropriate pseudo external font. Since this may have the effect of
+reading some bytes from the packet, we reduce our goal by the appropriate
+If this is the first font changing command in the packet, the internal font
+it defines is placed into the current character's |glyph_map| entry, to
+permit later overwriting with the entry for the physical character. If,
+moreover, it is the first command \\{stored} in the packet, apart from the
+initial |push| and the invocation of local font $0$, we can over-write the
+@<Act upon any font changing command@>=
+case command of
+ sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0): local_font:=command-fnt_num_0;
+ fnt1: local_font:=vf_one;
+ fnt1+1: local_font:=vf_two;
+ fnt1+2: local_font:=vf_three;
+ fnt1+3: local_font:=vf_quad;
+ do_nothing
+if (command>=fnt_num_0) and (command<=fnt1+3) then
+begin decr(vf_ptr); {``unstore'' the command byte}
+ store_fnt(local_font,f);
+ param_len := -param_len; {indicate bytes already copied}
+ if vf_ptr=seq_ptr then {we can overwrite the `|fnt_num_0|'}
+ vf_ptr:=start_ptr+1; {by writing immediately after the |push|}
+ if not one_fnt then glyph_map(TeX_font)(cc).font_code:=f
+ else simple_packet:=false
+@ Character packets usually contain one or more commands to set a character;
+this code reads all necessary bytes to determine the code for the character
+being set. Note that this code is \&{not} activated for commands to \\{put}
+characters, since these usually appear only in more complex character
+packets. If no previous character setting command has been met, then the
+character code is written into the |glyph_map|.
+@<Act upon any character setting command@>=
+case command of
+ sixty_four_cases(set_char_0),sixty_four_cases(set_char_0+64):
+ mapped_char:=command-set_char_0;
+ set1: mapped_char:=vf_one;
+ set1+1: mapped_char:=vf_two;
+ set1+2: mapped_char:=vf_three;
+ set1+3: mapped_char:=vf_quad;
+ do_nothing
+if (command>=set_char_0) and (command<=set1+3) then
+begin decr(vf_ptr); {``unstore'' the command byte previously copied}
+ store_char(mapped_char); {store a new character setting sequence}
+ param_len:=-param_len; {indicate this many bytes already consumed}
+ with glyph_map(f)(mapped_char) do
+ if loaded=unused then loaded:=wanted;
+ if not one_set then glyph_map(TeX_font)(cc).char_code:=mapped_char
+ else simple_packet:=false;
+ if font_type[f]=unused then font_type[f]:=wanted;
+@ Many other |dvi| commands within a character packet require that the
+parameters be read, because they must be scaled by the size at which the
+virtual font is used. We start by assuming that the |dvi| bytes \&{will} be
+read from the \.{VF} file, and thus negate |param_len| so that the main loop
+will know that those bytes have been read. If we \&{don't} read the
+command's parameters, |param_len| will be negated back again, and thus lead
+to that number of bytes being copied verbatim from the \.{VF} file to |vf|.
+@<Act upon commands that require scaling of parameters@>==
+case command of
+ begin q:=vf_quad; {read height of rule}
+ decr(vf_ptr); {``unstore'' command byte}
+ @<Determine actual scaling for physical font@>;
+ vf_to_dvi(command-3,q,1); {store command and first parameter}
+ q:=vf_quad; {read width of rule}
+ param_len:=-8; {we've consumed 8 bytes from |pl|}
+ @<Determine actual scaling for physical font@>;
+ vf_to_dvi(0,q,1) {store second parameter}
+ end;
+ begin q:=vf_byte; scaling_required:=true end;
+ begin q:=vf_pair; scaling_required:=true end;
+ begin q:=vf_trio; scaling_required:=true end;
+ begin q:=vf_quad; scaling_required:=true end;
+ param_len:=-param_len
+if scaling_required then
+ decr(vf_ptr); {``unstore'' the command byte}
+ @<Determine actual scaling for physical font@>;
+ vf_to_dvi(command+param_len+1,q,-1) {store command again, with revised dimension}
+@ When a character packet is found, we only bother with it if it defines a
+character that's used in the document being processed; other character
+packets are merely skipped.
+If the packet consists merely of commands to set a single character from one
+of the physical fonts to which the virtual font is mapped, then we can
+simply alter the information in the |glyph_map| to redirect requests to the
+appropriate character of the physical font; the |glyph_map| of that font is
+in turn marked to indicate that the character is used in the current
+On the other hand, if the character packet requires more complex positioning
+commands, the whole packet is stored in array |vf|; the starting position of
+the sequence is recorded in field |seq_off| of the |glyph_map| entry, whilst
+the |loaded| field is given the value |virtual|. Field |font_code| will
+contain the internal font number assigned to local font zero of the virtual
+font, whereas the font selection commands stored in |vf| use the pseudo
+external font numbers, since these bytes will require interpretation by the
+normal dvi-reading routines.
+@<Other values of |download_status|@>==,@!virtual
+@ @<Other fields of |glyph_info|@>==@!seq_off : integer;
+@ The \.{VF} format supports arbitrary 4-byte character codes, but \.{VPL}
+format presently does not.
+Since the |tfm| widths in the character packets are unscaled, it would be
+difficult to ensure that they correspond with those determined when the
+virtual font's metrics were read, so they will be ignored at this time.
+@d nonexistent(#)==((#<font_bc[TeX_font])or(#>font_ec[TeX_font])or
+ (char_width(TeX_font)(#)=invalid_width))
+@<Read and store a character packet@>=
+begin if temp_byte=long_char then
+ begin pl:=vf_quad; c:=vf_quad; temp_int:=vf_quad;
+ {|pl[4]| |cc[4]| |tfm[4]|}
+ end
+else begin pl:=temp_byte; c:=vf_one; temp_int:=vf_trio;
+ {|pl[1]| |cc[1]| |tfm[3]|}
+ end;
+if nonexistent(c) then vf_abort('Character ',c:1,' does not exist!');
+@:fatal error VF file Character c does not exist}{\qquad\.{Character does not exist}@>
+if packet_start[c]<vf_size then
+ warning('Discarding earlier packet for character ',c:1);
+@:Warning: Discarding earlier packet}{\quad\.{Discarding earlier packet...}@>
+if pl<0 then vf_abort('Negative packet length!');
+@:fatal error VF file Negative packet length}{\qquad\.{Negative packet length}@>
+if glyph_map(TeX_font)(c).loaded <> unused then
+ vf_copy(pl,c)
+ while pl>0 do {discard unwanted character packet}
+ begin temp_byte:=vf_one;
+ decr(pl)
+ end;
+@ Once all characters from physical fonts have been downloaded (and hence
+may be assumed to have been mapped to character positions in the LN03's
+downloaded fonts), we can complete the |glyph_map| entries for any virtual
+fonts that may be present; for simple characters, this just involves copying
+the entry for the appropriate character in the physical font.
+We start with the most recently loaded font, so that chains through a number
+of virtual fonts will be completed correctly.
+@<Complete mapping of virtual characters@>=
+for TeX_font:=nf-1 downto 0 do
+ if font_type[TeX_font]=virtual then {only process virtual fonts}
+ begin
+ for m:=first_glyph_index(TeX_font) to last_glyph_index(TeX_font) do
+ {cover all possible characters}
+ with glyphs[m] do
+ if loaded=wanted then
+ glyphs[m]:=glyph_map(font_code)(char_code)
+ else if loaded=virtual then {first char in sequence from this \TeX\ font}
+ if font_type[font_code]=wanted then {provided it's a physical font}
+ font_code:=txf_to_lnf[font_code] {maps to this LN03 font}
+ end;
+@*Description of LN03 Font Files. The font files downloaded conform to DEC
+standard 180; the definitions given below have been derived by the author from
+the description of this standard included in the ``Font File Format Manual'',
+Version 1, Variant 0, available on request from DEC.
+Although we refer herein to font `files' they actually are always considered
+to reside in memory, either that available in the basic printer, or extra
+memory provided by plug-in RAM cartridges; presumably the same format is also
+used to encode the built-in fonts, and those available in plug-in ROM
+A font file is divided into ten regions; all data items may be referenced
+\\{via} their offsets within one of these regions, which are predeterminable
+for any particular combination of characters included in the file. All
+multi-byte quantities in a font file are stored in Vax/VMS standard form, with
+the least-significant byte being at the \&{lower} address; this is the
+opposite to the normal `Bigendian' order of most \TeX ware.
+Since it is necessary to build the entire font file in memory before it can be
+included in the \.{LN3} file for downloading to
+the printer, we allocate a large array of memory sufficiently large to store
+the rasters for the largest imaginable font file; the definition of
+|lnf_bufsize| probably exceeds the maximum amount of memory available on the
+printer by a comfortable margin! This program refers to this `file' in memory
+as the \.{LNF} file, although it is never written to a file as such; if this
+program is adapted for use on a computer without virtual memory, it might
+@^system dependencies@>
+be necessary to utilize a random-access file to build the |lnf_file|.
+Since the partially-built LN03 font file must be retained between successive
+calls of |add_txf_to_lnf|, its data structures need to be declared globally.
+Information in this ``file'' can consist of single bytes, unsigned (two-byte)
+words, and signed (four-byte) longwords, as well as four-character strings, so
+we define an |lnf_block| as a \PASCAL\ variant record so that this may be
+(ab)used to permit the different methods of access.
+We also declare here the |pxl_dir_type| which describes the 16-byte directory
+record in a \.{PXL} file for any character's glyph.
+type @!lnf_block=packed record
+ case integer of
+ 0: (@!bytes:packed array[0..511] of eight_bits);
+ 1: (@!words:packed array[0..255] of sixteen_bits);
+ 2: (@!longs:packed array [0..127] of integer);
+ 3: (@!str:packed array [0..127] of packed array [1..4] of char)
+ end;
+@ Many variables used by |add_txf_to_lnf| are declared globally, so that the
+information contained therein is preserved between successive calls of the
+function. |lnf| is the large memory-held `file' referred to above.
+The variables |psize|, |lsize| and |msize| accumulate counts of raster bytes
+generated in portrait, landscape and mixed modes (this program only creates
+portrait mode rasters). |ras_beg| and |ras_len| are used to form the
+descriptor pointing to the Character Definition Region, whilst
+|lnf_pool_offset| points to the string pool. |lnf_len| keeps track of the
+total size of the `file', whilst |using_GR| is set true when the |GR|
+(right-hand half) of the font is being generated. (The LN03 supports use of
+the |GL| and |GR| characters sets, corresponding to characters in the
+(hexadecimal) range |@"21..@"7E| and |@"A1..@"FE|, respectively.)
+The variable |file_stat| receives the exit status from VAX-Pascal's file
+handling routines.
+ @!lnf: array[0..lnf_bufsize] of lnf_block;
+ @!psize,@!lsize,@!msize: integer;
+ @!ras_beg,@!ras_len: integer;
+ @!lnf_pool_offset,@!lnf_len: integer;
+ @!using_GR: boolean;
+ @!file_stat:integer;
+@ The first region of an |lnf_file| is the file header. This contains, as its
+first longword (32-bit) quantity, a count of the total size of the file, in
+bytes. This is followed by the string |'FONT'|, to confirm that this is a DEC
+Std 180 font. This is followed immediately by a ``string descriptor''
+pointing to the font-file identifier. Font files contain many such descriptors;
+each consists of two longwords, the first contains the string's length (in its
+lower half), whilst the latter is the offset (relative to the start of the
+file) of the first character of the string.
+The font-file identifier descriptor is followed immediately (which is unusual)
+by the characters of the identifier itself; for details of the content of this
+string, read DEC Std 180. The date and time of creation of the font follows;
+this program arbitrarily sets these to 14:00:00 on 11-SEP-1973.
+There then follow a number of descriptors pointing to the remaining regions of
+the font file; these are, in order: |fnt_attr| font attributes region;
+|fnt_params| font parameters region; |fnt_char_directory| font character
+directory region; |fnt_seg_list| font segment list region; |fnt_future| font
+future information region; |fnt_strings| font string pool region; |fnt_kerns|
+font kerning information region; |fnt_chars| font character defintions region.
+The header finishes with the character count information field, which contains
+five longwords and three character locators (|fnt_first|$\to$|fnt_space|), the
+organization flags, a count of the number of parameters used in each raster
+definition and the raster expansion information field, which records the
+number of characters defined in this file, and the number of bytes of rasters
+required to define them; this field occupies a further 12 longwords
+@d fnt_total_size=0
+@d fnt_identifier=fnt_total_size+4
+@d fnt_version=fnt_identifier+4
+@d fnt_file_id=@"14 {Where font identification appears}
+@d fnt_date=@"58 {Where creation date starts}
+@d fnt_attr=fnt_date+12 {Font attributes descriptor}
+@d fnt_params=fnt_attr+8 {Font parameters descriptor}
+@d fnt_char_directory=fnt_params+8 {Character directory descriptor}
+@d fnt_seg_list=fnt_char_directory+8 {Font segment list descriptor}
+@d fnt_future=fnt_seg_list+8 {Future info descriptor}
+@d fnt_strings=fnt_future+8 {String pool descriptor}
+@d fnt_kerns=fnt_strings+8 {Font kerning infor descriptor}
+@d fnt_chars=fnt_kerns+8 {Character definitions descriptor}
+@d fnt_first=fnt_chars+8 {First character in font}
+@d fnt_last=fnt_first+4 {Last character in font}
+@d fnt_less_than=fnt_last+4 {Locator for characters less then first}
+@d fnt_greater_than=fnt_less_than+4 {Locator for characters greater than last}
+@d fnt_error=fnt_greater_than+4 {Locator for the error character}
+@d fnt_extension=fnt_error+4 {Extension count and use}
+@d fnt_space=fnt_extension+8 {Space character code}
+@d fnt_organisation=fnt_space+4 {Organisation flags}
+@d fnt_no_of_params=fnt_organisation+4 {Number of character parameters}
+@d fnt_in_file_count=fnt_no_of_params+4 {Number of locators in this file}
+@d fnt_null_count=fnt_in_file_count+4 {Null locator count}
+@d fnt_char_count=fnt_null_count+4 {Number of character definitions}
+@d fnt_alt_blocks=fnt_char_count+4 {Number of alternate character blocks}
+@d fnt_rasters=fnt_alt_blocks+4 {Number of rasters}
+@d fnt_compressed=fnt_rasters+4 {Number of compressed rasters}
+@d fnt_portrait=fnt_compressed+4 {Portrait mode byte count}
+@d fnt_landscape=fnt_portrait+4 {Landscape byte count}
+@d fnt_mixed=fnt_landscape+4 {``Mixed'' byte count}
+@d fnt_port_comp=fnt_mixed+4 {Portrait compressed byte count}
+@d fnt_land_comp=fnt_port_comp+4 {Landscape compressed byte count}
+@d fnt_mix_comp=fnt_land_comp+4 {``Mixed'' compressed byte count}
+@ The font attributes region always follows the header; items within this
+region are referenced through their local offsets from the start of the
+The |fnt_attr_flags| carries 32 bits of font attribute information; these are
+set arbitrarily by this program --- see the coding for details.
+The character set designator (within the string pool) uniquely identifies the
+character set contained within this font, and is accessed by the descriptor
+|fnt_char_set|. Similarly the |fnt_type_ID|, |fnt_type_family|, |fnt_font_ID|,
+|fnt_type_cat| and |fnt_descr| descriptors access further strings in the
+string pool.
+Further fields in the font attributes region define numerical attributes of
+the font (|fnt_type_size| thru |fnt_dev_char|). The attributes region
+concludes with a further two descriptors, pointing to strings giving the names
+of the foundry and designer responsible for the font.
+Numerical quantities referring to the dimensions of characters in DEC LN03
+font files are commonly in ``points'' or ``centipoints'' (the latter obviously
+being $1\over{100}$th of the former). However, these are not true printer's
+points (of which there are 72.27 to an inch); rather they are that horrible
+compromise which imagines that there are exactly 72 points to an inch (and
+which \TeX\ refers to as a \.{bp}). Centipoints are also referred to as
+`Gutenbergs', in tribute to the inventor of movable type. It is quite
+convenient for the LN03 (with 300 dots per inch) to work internally in
+Gutenbergs, of which there are 7200 to an inch, since 24 Gutenbergs therefore
+translate into a single pixel.
+@d fnt_attributes=fnt_mix_comp+4 {Start of attributes region}@#
+{Following define offsets within the Font Attributes Region of the ``file''}
+@d fnt_attr_flags=0 {Flags e.g. roman}
+@d fnt_char_set=fnt_attr_flags+4 {DESCR for character set designator}
+@d fnt_designator_len=7 {Number of characters in set desginator string}
+@d fnt_type_ID=fnt_char_set+8 {DESCR for Font Type Family ID}
+@d fnt_type_ID_len=7 {Number of chars in Font Family ID string}
+@d fnt_type_family=fnt_type_ID+8 {DESCR for Type Family Name}
+@d fnt_type_family_len=16 {Number of chars in Type Family String}
+@d fnt_font_ID=fnt_type_family+8 {DESCR for Font ID string}
+@d fnt_font_ID_len=16 {Number of chars in Font ID string}
+@d fnt_string_pool_len=fnt_designator_len+fnt_type_ID_len+fnt_type_family_len+fnt_font_ID_len
+@d fnt_type_cat=fnt_font_ID+8 {DESCR for Type Category}
+@d fnt_descr=fnt_type_cat+8 {DESCR for Font Description}
+@d fnt_type_size=fnt_descr+8 {Font type size, in LN03 points}
+@d fnt_average_width=fnt_type_size+4 {in centipoints}
+@d fnt_resolution=fnt_average_width+4 {in $2^{-16}$ centipoints per pixel}
+@d fnt_weight=fnt_resolution+4 {Coded 0..35. Normal is 16}
+@d fnt_horiz_prop=fnt_weight+4 {0..35. Unexpanded/uncompressed is 16}
+@d fnt_horiz_ratio=fnt_horiz_prop+4 {Ratio to a "normal" font}
+@d fnt_pixel_aspect=fnt_horiz_ratio+4 {Ratio of X:Y of device's pixels}
+@d fnt_rotation=fnt_pixel_aspect+4 {Ratio giving tangent of rotation}
+@d fnt_dev_char=fnt_rotation+4 {Device specific characteristics}
+@d fnt_foundry=fnt_dev_char+4 {DESCR of name of foundry}
+@d fnt_designer=fnt_foundry+8 {DESCR of name of font designer}@#
+@d fnt_attr_len=fnt_designer+8 {Length of Font Attributes Region of file}
+@ The next region of the font file is the font parameters region. All fields
+of this region are referenced by means of their offsets within the region.
+The first field is a 32-bit flags field, of which only two bits have defined
+The next field contains 8 items
+(|fnt_underline_offset|$\to$|fnt_shadow_offset|) which define the position for
+electronic over-, through- and under-lining, and the slant of the characters
+and the delta offsets for emboldening. None of these features are utilized by
+The next field (|fnt_superscript|$\to$|fnt_subscript|) describe the horizontal
+and vertical offsets within the characters for the placement of super- and
+sub-scripts. The following field (|fnt_centreline|$\to$|fnt_digit_width|)
+define various horizontal spacing parameters, whilst the final field of the
+font parameters region (|fnt_topline_offset| thru |fnt_white_below|) define
+vertical spacing parameters.
+@d fnt_parameters=fnt_attributes+fnt_attr_len {Start of Parameters Region}@#
+{Following define offsets within the Font Parameters Region of the ``file''}
+@d fnt_param_flags=0
+@d fnt_underline_offset=fnt_param_flags+4 {All following in LN03 centipoints}
+@d fnt_underline_thickness=fnt_underline_offset+4
+@d fnt_thru_offset=fnt_underline_thickness+4 {Where strike-through line goes}
+@d fnt_thru_thickness=fnt_thru_offset+4
+@d fnt_overline_offset=fnt_thru_thickness+4
+@d fnt_overline_thickness=fnt_overline_offset+4
+@d fnt_slant=fnt_overline_thickness+4 {Ratio giving tan of slope from vertical}
+@d fnt_shadow_offset=fnt_slant+4 {$\delta x$ and $\delta y$}
+@d fnt_superscript=fnt_shadow_offset+4 {|y| and |x| offsets}
+@d fnt_subscript=fnt_superscript+8
+@d fnt_centreline=fnt_subscript+8 {Distance from left to centre widest char}
+@d fnt_min_space=fnt_centreline+4 {Minimum acceptable width of interword space}
+@d fnt_max_space=fnt_min_space+4
+@d fnt_mean_space=fnt_max_space+4 {Width of space for monospace fonts}
+@d fnt_em_width=fnt_mean_space+4 {Width of an |em| space}
+@d fnt_en_width=fnt_em_width+4 {Width of an |en| space}
+@d fnt_thin_space=fnt_en_width+4
+@d fnt_digit_width=fnt_thin_space+4 {All digits usually same width}
+@d fnt_topline_offset=fnt_digit_width+4 {From baseline to top of type size}
+@d fnt_accent=fnt_topline_offset+4 {Where floating accents go}
+@d fnt_halfline_offset=fnt_accent+4 {Where centre bar of an \.H appears}
+@d fnt_overall_height=fnt_halfline_offset+4 {Sum of |height+depth|}
+@d fnt_height=fnt_overall_height+4 {Includes ``leading'' above}
+@d fnt_depth=fnt_height+4
+@d fnt_H_height=fnt_depth+4
+@d fnt_ex_height=fnt_H_height+4
+@d fnt_white_above=fnt_ex_height+4
+@d fnt_white_below=fnt_white_above+4@#
+@d fnt_params_len=fnt_white_below+4 {Length of Font Parameters Region}
+@ The next major region contains the character directory.
+@d fnt_char_dir=fnt_parameters+fnt_params_len {Where directory goes}
+@ The next regions are: Table of Font Segments, Future Information, String
+Pool and Kerning Information. These are followed by the Character Definition
+Region, which contains details of the rasters for each character's glyph.
+Each character definition commences with |fnt_char_pars| of parameter
+information; these are accessed through the offsets defined below.
+In this version of the standard, each character is allocated 16 bytes of
+parameter information.
+@d fnt_char_pars=16 {Size of character parameters --- fixed}@#
+@d fnt_kern_index=0 {Zero, or index into kerning table}
+@d fnt_char_flags=fnt_kern_index+1 {Only 24 bits of flags}
+@d fnt_char_width=fnt_char_flags+3 {In LN03 centipoints (or ``Gutenbergs'')}
+@d fnt_left_bearing=fnt_char_width+4 {White space to left of raster}
+@d fnt_raster_baseline=fnt_left_bearing+4 {Baseline relative to top of raster}
+@ The character's parameters are followed by the encoded character raster:
+this itself contains a number of counts preceding the rasters themselves; the
+following definitions facilitate access to these fields.
+@d fnt_char_orient=0 {0=Portrait, etc.}
+@d fnt_char_type1=fnt_char_orient+1 {81H=Aligned expanded bit string}
+@d fnt_char_type2=fnt_char_type1+1 {Unused if |fnt_char_type1| = 81H}
+@d fnt_char_rows=fnt_char_orient+4 {Number of rows in raster}
+@d fnt_char_cols=fnt_char_rows+2 {Number of columns in raster}
+@d fnt_char_raster=fnt_char_cols+2 {Where rasters actually start}
+@* Locating files containing character definitions. This procedure
+determines the ``name'' of the required pixel file, and compares it with that
+which is currently open, if any. If these names differ, we close the currently
+open file, if any, and open the new one. Although the file will have already
+been opened and checked for validity during font file generation, we still
+perform the checks, because that also sets certain pointers correctly.
+This procedure is used by |print_glyph| to output a bitmap image of any
+oversized rasters. Note that it \&{has} parameter list |( TeX_font : integer)|;
+this is omitted here because it has already been declared |forward|.
+Note also that the variable |open_file_name| referenced is the \&{global}
+variable of the same name, used by |print_glyph|, and not the identically
+named formal parameter of |add_txf_to_lnf|. The same name has to be used
+because these \.{WEB} code sections incorporated are used in that function
+@p procedure change_pixel_file; {|change_pixel_file(TeX_font : integer);|}
+ var @!new_file : file_spec;
+ i: integer; {Used when reading the directory}
+ name_pxl_file(TeX_font,new_file,pxl_ident);
+ if new_file<>open_file_name then
+ begin
+ if (open_file_name<>'') then
+ close(pxl_file,@=disposition@>:=@=save@>,VAX_continue);
+ open_file_name:=new_file;@/
+ @<Open the file containing the glyph bitmaps@>;
+ if pxl_ident=pixel_file then begin
+ @<Check validity of PXL file@>;
+ @<Read character directory from |pxl_file|@>
+ end else begin
+ @<Read preamble@>;
+ skip_specials
+ end
+ end
+@* Creating the font file. The following function allocates the used
+characters of the |TeX_font| to the predetermined locations in the |ln_font|;
+the character rasters are taken from the LN03 font file |open_file_name|, which
+has been set up to include the appropriate directory and file-name. After each
+font file has been constructed in memory, it is converted to sixel format (See
+below) and added to the records in the \.{LN3} file |ln3_file|.
+The use of each of the parameters and local variables is as follows:
+\yskip\hang|ln_font| The serial number of the LN03 font being generated.
+Should a font have to cross the boundaries between internal fonts, this will
+be updated (it's not a |var| parameter, so won't upset anything in the
+caller). It is used in the procedure as a cross-check that the character
+glyph currently being considered actually belongs to the font being created.
+\yskip\hang|TeX_font| The identifying number of the \TeX\ font;
+|font_num[TeX_font]| is that given by the \.{DVI} file.
+\yskip\hang|open_file_name| Full file specification from which the rasters
+should be read.
+\yskip\hang|file_type| Indicates whether the |open_file_name| contains a
+|packed_file| or a |pixel_file|.
+\yskip\hang|rasters| Counts the number of bytes created in the current
+|font_file|. The variable is initialized to four times the number of
+characters added since each character requires a four-byte character locator
+in the font file directory region.
+\yskip\hang|i| and |j| General loop counters.
+Further local variables will be declared for the function as necessary.
+@p function add_txf_to_lnf(ln_font,TeX_font:integer;
+ open_file_name:file_spec;
+ file_type:pixel_types):integer;
+var @<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>@; {will be declared later}
+ @!rasters:integer; {bytes added to font}
+ @!i,@!j:integer; {general purpose pointers}
+ @t\4@>@<Local procedures of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>@;
+ if file_type<>unavailable then
+ @<Open the file containing the glyph bitmaps@>;
+ @<Find name and magnification of font file@> ;
+ case file_type of
+ pixel_file:
+ @<Prepare to use \.{PXL} file@>;
+ packed_file:
+ @<Prepare to use \.{PK} file@> ;
+ unavailable:
+ begin
+ font_type[TeX_font]:=missing;
+ open_file_name := '[unavailable]'
+ end;
+ endcases;
+ max_ctr := font_ec[TeX_font];
+ @<Report name of font file in use@> ;
+ if file_type=unavailable then
+ write(' unavailable; printing rules for glyphs;');
+ print(' with '); write_ln(term_out,' loaded with ');
+ @<Determine lowest and highest characters used in the \TeX\ font@>;
+ rasters:=4*font_occupancy[TeX_font];
+ @<Cycle through the characters of |TeX_font|, downloading as required@> ;
+ @<Tidy up after copying rasters from \.{PXL} file@>;
+end; {|add_txf_to_lnf|}
+@ These variables used to be local to |add_txf_to_lnf|; however, some W{\mc
+EB} modules invoked therein are now also used externally, but reference the
+variables. Therefore they are now global.
+\yskip\hang|percent| Gives the magnification of the current font, for use in
+font loading reports. (An unmagnified font is at 100\%.)
+\yskip\hang|name| Holds the ``\TeX-oriented'' font name, for inclusion in
+reports on the terminal, whilst the full file specification (from
+|open_file_name|) is reported in the log file.
+@!name: file_spec;
+@!name_ptr: 0..name_size; {pointer for indexing |name|}
+@ As each font is downloaded, we want to report its name and its magnification
+(if not \.{\BS magstep 0}) on the terminal, whilst the logfile will receive
+the full file specification. So we can commence by saving the name of the
+font file, and the percentage magnification.
+@<Find name and magnification of font file@>=
+name := '';
+for name_ptr:=font_name[TeX_font] to font_name[TeX_font+1]-1 do
+ name := name + xchr[names[name_ptr]]; {ASCII representation of font name}
+@ With rasters held in an unpacked pixel file, we need to check the file's
+validity, and then transfer the directory information into |pxl_dir|.
+@<Prepare to use \.{PXL} file@>=
+ @<Check validity of PXL file@>;
+ @<Read character directory from |pxl_file|@>
+@ On the other hand, with packed pixel files, we need to read through the
+preamble and skip over any specials which precede the first character raster
+in the file.
+@<Prepare to use \.{PK} file@>=
+ @<Read preamble@>; skip_specials;
+ if font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>checksum then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PK file')
+@.checksum doesn't match in PK file@>
+@ Once we've successfully opened the font file, we can report its name (and any
+non-standard magnification).
+@<Report name of font file in use@>=
+print('Font ',name,' (at ',percent:1,'%) loaded from ',open_file_name);
+write(term_out,'Font ',name);
+if percent<> 100 then write(' (at ',percent:1,'%)');
+@ We now set about creating (a portion of) an LN03 font file from the required
+characters of |TeX_font|. We assume at first that it will be possible to pack
+the entire |TeX_font| into a single LN03 font, but may need to revise this
+opinion if the font turns out to be longer than 188 characters.
+A |while| control construct is used instead of the obvious |for| loop, because
+there may be a necessity for premature termination of the loop.
+@<Cycle through the characters of |TeX_font|, downloading as required@>=
+while (char_ctr<=max_ctr) do
+ @<Download character of font@>;
+ incr(char_ctr);
+@<Verify that all glyphs were available@>;
+@ For each character in the |TeX_font|, we need to see whether it has been
+marked as being used, and, if so, whether it belongs to the |ln_font|
+currently being created.
+@<Download character of font@>=
+with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_ctr) do
+if loaded<>unused then
+ @<Decide whereabouts to download the character@> ;
+ @<Finish off any previous half font on LN03@> ;
+ case file_type of
+ packed_file:
+ @<Copy glyph from packed file, and find the next one@>;
+ pixel_file:
+ copy_char(char_ctr,to_where);
+ unavailable:
+ @<Generate dummy directory entry for font that won't be used@>;
+ endcases;
+@ We need to decide whereabouts to put this character glyph in the LN03 font
+file being created. In the case of unpacked pixel files, we can simply use
+the mapping determined at an earlier stage. However, the glyphs in packed
+pixel files appear in the same order as the original \MF\ source, so it is
+necessary to download them to the LN03 in the order of arrival, otherwise we
+may find ourselves jumping between the ``left-hand'' and ``right-hand'' parts
+of the code table.
+It is at this point that we update |first_txfc| to the next available slot in
+the |ln_font|, if necessary, to skip over the non-existent characters between
+|left_last| and |right_first|, or from |right_last| to the beginning of an
+overflow font (if we're using packed files; unpacked ones, being restricted
+to 128 characters, can never require an overflow).
+@<Decide whereabouts to download the character@>=
+if first_txfc=left_last+1 then
+ first_txfc:=right_first
+else if (first_txfc=right_last+1) and (file_type=packed_file) then
+ @<Prepare for overflow portion, if necessary@>;
+@ If a font is completely unavailable (perhaps the user has requested it at
+a magnification not provided on the current system), we still have to go
+ahead and `complete' the font for the LN03, because the font file's headers
+already reflect the previously determined mapping. However, we shall
+\\{never} image characters from the font, so we just make the character
+locator entries in the font's ``directory'' zero.
+@<Generate dummy directory entry for font that won't be used@>=
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ loaded:=yes
+@ Sometimes we find that we cannot complete the bitmap information relating
+to a particular character, because the glyph is too large, or missing (or
+the font itself is missing). Since we will already have completed the LN03
+font's description relating to number of characters, etc., we must still
+provide an entry in the font directory; the LN03 will not attempt to image a
+character for which the directory entry is zero, so that's what we put
+@<Create null character locator entry@>==
+ lnf_long(fnt_char_dir+4*(to_where-dir_base),0);
+ decr(num_chars); incr(null_chars)
+@ Whenever we first meet a character taken from the ``right-hand'' half of the
+LN03 font (the set designated as GR, in ISO2022/ANSI X3.64 parlance), we need
+to finish off the half font which has been created in the left-hand table.
+Similarly, if we meet a character from the ``left-hand'' half (GL) when we had
+previously been adding characters to the GR set, it implies that we are
+commencing output, to GL, of characters taken from a \TeX\ font which was too
+large to be loaded into the 188 characters of the previous |ln_font|.
+The font file to date is written out and a new one initialized to hold the GR
+character set. Such successive font files are separated from each other by a
+simple `\.,' character in the \.{LN3} file.
+@<Finish off any previous half font on LN03@>=
+if ((not using_GR) and (to_where>=right_first)) or
+ (using_GR and (to_where<=left_last)) then
+begin output_LNF;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,',');@/
+ using_GR:=not using_GR;
+ init_LNF
+@ If glyphs are being taken from a file of packed pixel rasters, we need to
+copy the glyph to the LN03 file as the raster is built up from the file.
+Having thus disposed of this glyph, we then scan through the file until
+finding the \&{next} wanted glyph.
+@<Copy glyph from packed file, and find the next one@>=
+ repeat
+ @<Unpack and write...@>;
+ skip_specials
+ until (glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num).loaded<>unused) or
+ (flag_byte=pk_post);
+ with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded<>unused then
+ begin
+ char_code:=first_txfc;
+ font_code:=ln_font;
+ incr(first_txfc) {This might later be corrected}
+ end;
+ if flag_byte=pk_post then char_ctr := 255 {Break out}
+@ Here are some local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|, used in the above code:
+\yskip\hang|char_ctr| Used to cycle through all possible character codes in
+the |TeX_font|.
+\yskip\hang|max_ctr| Unpacked pixel files (by their very architecture) can
+contain a maximum of 128 glyphs; packed files (in this implementation) may
+contain up to 256. This variable permits more efficient operation by limiting
+the values assumed by |char_ctr|.
+@<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>==
+@ After having downloaded the last character of |TeX_font| which belongs in
+|ln_font|, we arrange things so that any further characters will be loaded into
+|ln_font+1|. We accordingly want to start at |left_first| (which ought to
+be the value held in |txfc_next|), and ensure that the font is written out to
+the GR part of |ln_font|, before incrementing to the next font.
+This code can only be invoked when working with packed pixel files, because
+fonts which run over more than one LN03 font must exceed 188 characters in
+length, and unpacked pixel files are limited to 128 characters!
+@<Prepare for overflow portion, if necessary@>=
+ incr(ln_font);
+ last_txfc := final_txfc; {|first_txfc>right_last|, therefore\dots}
+ @<Are we starting or finishing an LN03 font ``file''?@>; {|begin_txf:=false|}
+ first_txfc := txfc_next {This will be our next character}
+@ The first job |add_txf_to_lnf| has to do is to open the (packed or
+unpacked) pixel file; the file directory and font name are passed in to the
+function (as parameter |open_file_name|).
+Note that this \.{WEB} section is expanded by \.{TANGLE} in the context of
+procedure |change_pixel_file| \&{and} of function |add_txf_to_lnf|. In the
+first context, the string variable |open_file_name| referenced herein is the
+\&{global} variable of that name, whilst within |add_txf_to_lnf| it is the
+formal parameter of that function.
+Assuming the file is opened succesfully, the size of the file is taken from
+variable |file_len|, which is set up by the \.{user\_action} procedure with
+which the file is opened.
+The first block of the file is then read (into the associated file variable
+@<Open the file containing the glyph bitmaps@>=
+begin open(pxl_file,open_file_name,@=readonly@>,@=access_method@>:=@=direct@>,
+ @=user_action@>:=file_open,VAX_continue);
+file_stat:=status(pxl_file); ask:=file_stat<>0;
+if ask then
+ case file_stat of
+ 2: file_message := 'PAS-E-ERRDUROPE';
+ 3: file_message := 'PAS-E-FILNOTFOU';
+ 5: file_message := 'PAS-E-ACCMETINC';
+ 6: file_message := 'PAS-E-RECLENINC';
+ 7: file_message := 'PAS-E-RECTYPINC';
+ 8: file_message := 'PAS-E-ORDSPEINC';
+ othercases
+ file_message := str_int(file_stat);
+ endcases;
+ abort('Couldn''t open ',open_file_name,'. Status=',file_message);
+@:fatal error Couldn't open file}{\quad\.{Couldn't open file} (pxl/pk)@>
+@ We apply some simple checks to determine whether the \.{PXL} file passed in
+has a valid format. At the same time, we set up the local variable |pxl_size|
+which gives the total length of the \.{PXL} file, in bytes, excluding the
+identification longword of 1001 at its end.
+@<Check validity...@>=
+i:=pxl_ptr+4; {Point {\bf after} the last block}
+ i:=i-4
+until (i<0) or (pxl_long(i)=pxl_id);
+if i<0 then abort('PXL file has bad format');
+@:fatal error PXL file has bad format}{\quad\.{PXL file has bad format}@>
+@ Having found the end of the \.{PXL} file, we are able to extract the
+last four longwords. These give us, starting with the last, the longword
+address of the start of the character directory within the file, the ``design
+size'' (in scaled points), the ``magnification'' of the font (will be 1500
+for fonts designed for 300 pixels/inch devices) and the font checksum.
+This latter quantity should match that read from the \.{TFM} file by \TeX.
+After using these longwords, we then go to the first byte of the character
+directory, and copy it into |pxl_dir|. Each character's entry consists
+of the following fields:
+\yskip\hang|num_cols| the number of pixels printed for each row of the
+\yskip\hang|num_rows| number of rows of pixels printed;
+\yskip\hang|x_off| offset (in pixels) of the left-hand edge of the raster,
+relative to the reference point;
+\yskip\hang|y_off| similarly for top of raster relative to the baseline;
+\yskip\hang|addr| the longword address within the \.{PXL} file of the start
+of the rasters;
+\yskip\hang|tfm_width| the character's width, in the same format as for
+@<Read character directory from |pxl_file|@>=
+if font_check_sum[TeX_font]<>long_pxl(pxl_ptr) then
+ warning('checksum doesn''t match in PXL file');
+@.checksum doesn't match in PXL file@>
+move_to_pxl(long_pxl(pxl_ptr)*4); {Go to start of directory}
+for i:=0 to 127 do
+ with pxl_dir[i] do
+ begin num_cols:=word_pxl(pxl_ptr);
+ num_rows:=word_pxl(pxl_ptr);
+ x_off:=sign_pxl_word(pxl_ptr);
+ y_off:=sign_pxl_word(pxl_ptr);
+ addr:=long_pxl(pxl_ptr);
+ tfm_width:=long_pxl(pxl_ptr)
+ end
+@ We need to determine the lowest and highest ordinal character positions of
+those characters used in the \TeX\ font being encoded into the LN03 font file;
+the variables |first_txfc| and |last_txfc| are used for this purpose. If there
+are no characters used at all in the \TeX\ font some malfunction must have
+occurred, because |add_txf_to_lnf| should not have been invoked under those
+The character numbers will be those of the LN03 font file, having already been
+mapped to these during the mapping phase; therefore, if the lowest character
+number used is |= left_first| then we must be starting a new font, so must
+initialize the empty font file and indicate that this is a |GL| font
+(left-hand half of eight-bit character table).
+@<Determine lowest and highest characters used in the \TeX\ font@>=
+first_txfc:=-1; last_txfc:=-1; {For |ln_font|}
+txfc_next:=-1; final_txfc:=-1; {and for |ln_font+1|}
+for i:=first_glyph_index(TeX_font) to last_glyph_index(TeX_font) do
+ with glyphs[i] do
+ @<Note |last_txfc|, and set |first_txfc| for first character@> ;
+@<Are we starting or finishing an LN03 font ``file''?@>
+@ As we cycle through all the allocated characters, we note each code in turn,
+thus determining the highest code used. We also note the lowest one when we
+meet the first code used. If the |TeX_font| extends into a second |ln_font|,
+the corresponding information will be recorded in |final_txfc| and |txfc_next|,
+@<Note |last_txfc|, and set |first_txfc| for first character@>=
+if loaded = wanted then
+begin if txf_to_lnf[font_code]=ln_font then
+ begin if first_txfc=-1 then first_txfc:=char_code;
+ last_txfc:=char_code; font_code:=ln_font
+ end
+ else {This must be overflow of |TeX_font| into |ln_font+1|}
+ begin if txfc_next=-1 then txfc_next:=char_code;
+ final_txfc:=char_code; font_code:=ln_font+1
+ end
+@ If the lowest character code used is |left_first|, then we shall have to
+initialize a new LN03 font file. Similarly, if the last character used is the
+last character allocated to this LN03 font, we shall later have to finish off
+the latter. We therefore note these two conditions in |begin_txf| and
+|end_txf|, and initialize the font ``file'' if the former condition pertains.
+@<Are we starting or finishing an LN03 font ``file''?@>=
+if last_txfc<0 then
+ abort('Internal error (empty font)');
+@:fatal error Internal error empty font}{\qquad\.{(empty font)}@>
+if begin_txf then
+begin using_GR:=false;
+ init_LNF
+@ Here are some more local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|, used in the above
+\yskip\hang|first_txfc| The lowest character code allocated to a character of
+|TeX_font| when the mapping took place.
+\yskip\hang|last_txfc| Similarly, the highest code used.
+\yskip\hang|txfc_next| The lowest character code for a character of |TeX_font|
+allocated to |ln_font+1| when the mapping took place.
+\yskip\hang|final_txfc| Similarly, the highest code used by |TeX_font| in
+\yskip\hang|begin_txf| A boolean, which is |true| if this |TeX_font| commences
+a new font file in the LN03.
+\yskip\hang|end_txf| This is |true| if the last character of the present
+|TeX_font| is the last character mapped to |ln_font|.
+@<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>==
+@!first_txfc, @!last_txfc : integer;
+@!txfc_next, @!final_txfc : integer;
+@!begin_txf, @!end_txf : boolean;
+@ After all the required character glyphs have been copied from the \.{PXL}
+file, we can close it.
+If, and only if, the very last character code was that of the highest mapped
+into this font, we can output the LN03 font to the \.{LN3} file.
+Finally, we report the number of bytes of rasters created in the font file.
+@<Tidy up after copying rasters from \.{PXL} file@>=
+if end_txf then output_LNF;
+print_ln(rasters:0,' bytes of rasters (',font_occupancy[TeX_font]:1,
+ ' characters)');
+write_ln(term_out,rasters:0,' bytes of rasters (',font_occupancy[TeX_font]:1,
+ ' characters)' ,crlf);
+add_txf_to_lnf:=rasters {Total bytes of rasters added to file}
+@* Procedures to access the font file. The definitions which follow facilitate
+access to the individual bytes, words, longwords and strings of the
+``|lnf_file|'' by accessing the appropriate entity in the variant record
+representation of the file's blocks. The procedures allow us to write bytes,
+words and longwords into the memory representation of the |lnf_file|.
+@d lnf_bytes(#)==lnf[(#) div VAX_block_length].bytes[(#) mod VAX_block_length]
+@d lnf_words(#)==lnf[(#) div VAX_block_length].words[((#) mod VAX_block_length)
+div 2]
+@d lnf_longs(#)==lnf[(#) div VAX_block_length].longs[((#) mod VAX_block_length)
+div 4]
+@d lnf_str(#)==lnf[(#) div VAX_block_length].str[((#) mod VAX_block_length) div
+@<Local procedures of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>=
+procedure lnf_byte(byte_address:integer; byte_val:eight_bits);
+ lnf_bytes(byte_address):=byte_val
+procedure lnf_word(byte_address:integer; word_val:sixteen_bits);
+begin if odd(byte_address) then
+ abort('Internal error (word at odd byte ',byte_address:1,')');
+@:fatal error Internal error word at odd byte}{\qquad\.{(word at odd byte)}@>
+ lnf_words(byte_address):=word_val
+procedure lnf_long(byte_address,long_val:integer);
+begin if odd(byte_address) then
+ abort('Internal error (longword at odd byte ',byte_address:1,')');
+@:fatal error Internal error longword at odd byte}{\qquad\.{(longword at odd byte)}@>
+ if byte_address mod 4 = 0 then
+ lnf_longs(byte_address):=long_val
+ else
+ begin if long_val<0 then
+ begin long_val:=long_val+@'17777777777; {$2^{31}-1$}
+ long_val:=long_val+1;
+ lnf_words(byte_address+2):=(long_val div 65536)+32768
+ end else
+ lnf_words(byte_address+2):=(long_val div 65536);
+ lnf_words(byte_address):=long_val mod 65536
+ end
+@ When we are ``outputting'' to the |lnf_file| from \.{PK} files, it's more
+convenient to call the following procedure; in fact, it might prove handy for
+use in |copy_char| too!
+@<Additional low-level...@>=
+procedure put_lnf(@!item : integer);
+begin lnf_bytes(base):=item;
+ incr(base)
+procedure repeat_row;
+begin put_lnf(lnf_bytes(row_addr));
+ incr(row_addr)
+@ For downloading the bitmap of an oversized glyph, we need to ``read'' six
+rows of pixels from either the |pxl_file| itself, or from the character's
+bitmap which has been formed in |lnf_file| from the |packed_file|.
+@<Read rows of pixels into sixel buffer@>=
+if pxl_ident=packed_file then
+ for j:=1 to ((num_cols+7) div 8) do
+ begin
+ sixel_line[k,j]:=reverse[lnf_bytes(base)];
+ incr(base)
+ end else
+ begin
+ for j:=1 to (num_cols+7) div 8 do
+ begin
+ sixel_line[k,j]:=pxl_byte(pxl_ptr);
+ incr(pxl_ptr); must_get(pxl_ptr)
+ end;
+ while (pxl_ptr mod 4) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ incr(pxl_ptr); must_get(pxl_ptr)
+ end
+ end
+@ It could happen that a glyph is imaged that doesn't exist in the font; we
+then mark this in the |loaded| field of the |glyph_map| as |missing|; such
+glyphs will result in appropriate $(x,y)$ positioning commands being output
+to the LN03, by derivation from the font metrics data.
+@<Other values of |download_status|@>= ,@!missing
+@ After we've read through the (packed or unpacked) pixel file, we should have
+managed to download glyphs for all the characters used in the current document.
+If the following check finds a character without an associated glyph, it
+downloads a dummy, invisible glyph of the appropriate width.
+@<Verify that all glyphs were available@>=
+for char_num := font_bc[TeX_font] to font_ec[TeX_font] do
+ with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ if loaded=wanted then
+ begin
+ loaded := missing; {Ensure we don't try to image the glyph}
+ term_offset := 20; {Ensure we get a newline before warning}
+ warning('Font ',name,' doesn''t contain character ',char_num:1,crlf);
+@:Warning: Font doesn't contain character}{\quad\.{Font doesn't contain...}@>
+ @<Decide whereabouts to download the character@>;
+ @<Finish off any previous half font on LN03@>;
+ tfm_width := width;
+ num_cols := pixel_width;
+ base := ras_beg + ras_len;
+ @<Create null character locator entry@>;
+ char_code:=first_txfc; font_code:=ln_font
+ end
+@*Copy one character's rasters. For each character taken from an unpacked
+(\.{PXL}) file, the function |add_txf_to_lnf| calls this procedure |copy_char|,
+provides the main action of the function, by converting the \.{PXL} file
+rasters to the format required by the \.{LN03}, and storing them away in the
+appropriate part of the ``|lnf_file|'' in memory.
+The global variable |base| is used as a pointer into the appropriate byte of the
+Character Definitions Region of the LN03 font file, and commences at the
+location determined from the ``size so far'' as recorded by |ras_beg| and
+Having verified that the \.{PXL} file contains the character glyph required
+(if the character is absent, the address field of the directory entry will not
+point to an address within the file), the |move_to_pxl| procedure is called to
+make the appropriate bytes of the characters rasters accessible to the
+The character parameters section of the character definition is then completed
+in the font file; the first four bytes contain the kerning information (null,
+because \TeX\ does all the kerning for us, and we don't want the LN03 to upset
+it) and 24 bits of flags --- the only bit that we set in this flag field is
+the `flag flag' bit.
+LN03 pixels (of which there are 300 to an inch) can be converted to DEC
+centipoints (or Gutenbergs) by multiplying by 7200/300 = 24.
+@d Pxl_to_Gut=24
+@<Local procedures of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>=
+procedure copy_char(char_num,to_where:integer);
+ var @!i,@!j,@!k,@!n,@!len:integer;
+ base:=ras_beg+ras_len; {Where to start saving the parameters/rasters}
+ with pxl_dir[char_num] do
+ if (addr>0) and (addr<=(pxl_size div 4)-8) then
+ {Only process characters which lie within the file!}
+ with glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do
+ begin
+ move_to_pxl(addr*4);
+ char_code:=to_where;@/
+ @<Process |tfm_width| information@>;
+ @<Validate size of character's glyph@>;
+ @<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>;
+ @<Copy the rasters themselves@>;
+ @<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>;
+ @<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>
+ end {|with|}
+@ The true character width (in scaled points) is taken from the |tfm_width| field of
+the pixel file directory; this value is converted to pixels and stored in the
+|ch_widths| array, where it is used by the procedures which set characters on
+the page. The value is also converted to Gutenbergs and stored in the
+|fnt_char_width| field for the character raster in the font file. If the
+width differs from that computed from the \.{TFM} file by more than one pixel,
+this is reported, and the value derived from the \.{PXL} file substituted in
+@<Process |tfm_width| information@>=
+lnf_word(base,@"0000); {No kerning, lowest byte of flags=0}
+lnf_word(base+2,@"8000); {Highest bit of flags (flag flag) = 1}
+if abs(ch_wid-tfm_wid) > 1 then
+begin warning('Pixel width discrepancy; font ',open_file_name,' char ',char_num:1);
+@:Warning: Pixel width discrepancy}{\quad\.{Pixel width discrepancy}@>
+ show('---computed width: ',tfm_wid:1,'; actual width: ',ch_wid:1);
+@ The above section of code needs some workspace in which to perform those width
+computations. They may as well be local to |add_txf_to_lnf|.
+\yskip\hang|ch_wid| Holds the actual width of the character, in pixels,
+derived from the |tfm_width| field of the pixel file's directory.
+\yskip\hang|tfm_wid| Holds the character width as calculated from the
+|ch_widths| entry which came from the TFM file for this font.
+@<Local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>==
+@ The \.{PXL} file directory entry contains |x_off| and |y_off| fields, which
+define the starting point of the raster relative to the character's reference
+point. These are passed to the font file as the |fnt_left_bearing| and
+|fnt_raster_baseline| fields of the raster entry, in Gutenbergs.
+The flags longword of the raster is then created, and indicates that the
+raster is in portrait orientation (relative to memory, not to the output
+device) and is an aligned expanded bit string. (Unfortunately, although
+DEC Std 180 permits run-length encoding of rasters, the LN03 itself does not
+support this facility, so rasters have to be downloaded in fully expanded form.)
+Invisible fonts (used by Sli\TeX) will have the bounding box info (|num_cols|
+and |num_rows|) both equal to zero. Since the LN03 isn't very happy with such
+characters (!), we will later insert a null character locator in the font's
+directory; we still go through the motions of generating character
+parameters and the (empty) bitmap in the font file, but bytes occupied by
+these will be overwritten with the next real bitmap. Although instructions
+to image such a null character are accepted by the printer, unfortunately
+the printer seems to image some other character at random! Therefore we
+mark the glyph as |missing|, so that no attempt is made to image it later.
+Oversized glyphs are also not inserted into the font file; so it is only for
+genuine printable glyphs that the value of |base| will be advanced to
+reserve the space occupied by the character's parameters.
+This module is always called in the context |with
+glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do|.
+@<Complete remainder of Character Definition parameters@>=
+lnf_long(base+fnt_char_pars+fnt_char_orient,@"00008100); {Aligned,bit-expanded}
+if num_rows=0 then loaded := missing; {``Invisible'' glyph}
+if loaded=yes then
+ base:=base+fnt_char_pars+fnt_char_raster
+@ Here are some further values than can be allocated to the |loaded| field
+of |glyph_map|: values could be:\par
+\item{$\bullet$} |yes| if character's glyph was included in a downloaded LN03
+\item{$\bullet$} |no| if the glyph exceeded the LN03's capability for the
+area of a downloaded glyph. In this case a null character locator will have
+been inserted in the directory of the downloaded font, and the actual
+glyph's bitmap will be sent to the printer each and every time it occurs in
+the document.
+@<Other values of |download_status|@>= ,@!yes ,@!no
+@ The LN03 has a physical (apparently arbitrary) restriction on the maximum size
+of a downloadable glyph. For a glyph to be acceptable, it must satisfy the
+inequality $$
+ 2\times\lceil|num_cols|/2\rceil\times\lceil|num_rows|/8\rceil\le5700$$
+The following section prevents such an oversized glyph from being included in
+the downloaded font; it is always called in the context |with
+glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do|.
+@<Validate size of character's glyph@>=
+if ((num_rows+7) div 8) * 2 * ((num_cols+1) div 2) > largest_glyph then
+ loaded:=no {Indicate oversized glyph unavailable}
+ loaded:=yes {Indicate glyph successfully downloaded}
+@ After further setting up of values in the font file, we copy the bits of the
+rasters from the \.{PXL} file to the LN03 font file; this requires that we
+reverse each byte.
+As each byte is copied, we get another; the |must_get| procedure will read in
+a new block from the \.{PXL} file if necessary. At the end of each row, the
+next is started from the next complete longword of the \.{PXL} file.
+Only character glyphs which are capable of being downloaded are entered into
+the file; invisible and oversized glyphs don't need to have the bitmap
+copied, and they'll eventually end up with a null character locator in the
+font file's directory.
+This module is always called in the context |with
+glyph_map(TeX_font)(char_num) do|.
+@<Copy the rasters themselves@>=
+if loaded=yes then
+for i:=1 to num_rows do
+ for j:=1 to (num_cols+7) div 8 do {Whole bytes required}
+ begin lnf_bytes(base):=reverse[pxl_byte(pxl_ptr)];@/
+ incr(pxl_ptr); must_get(pxl_ptr); incr(base)
+ end; {Copied bytes for one row of pixels}
+ while (pxl_ptr mod 4)<>0 do
+ begin incr(pxl_ptr); {Row held in 32-bit words in \.{PXL} file}
+ must_get(pxl_ptr)
+ end
+@ The |copy_char| procedure requires an array to be set up to ``reverse''
+individual bytes' bits, since the \.{PXL} file stores the first pixel of
+a row at the most significant bit of the long-word, whilst DEC Std 180
+requires the first pixel to be the least significant bit of the first byte.
+We therefore create a global array |reverse|, which we initialize with
+appropriate patterns to reverse any byte proferred as an index.
+@!reverse: packed array [0..255] of eight_bits;
+@ @<Procedures for...@>=
+procedure Generate_Reversal;
+ var @!index,@!patt,@!cnt,@!rev: eight_bits;
+ for index:=0 to 255 do
+ begin rev:=0; patt:=index;
+ for cnt:=1 to 8 do
+ begin rev:=2*rev;
+ if odd(patt) then rev:=rev+1;
+ patt:=patt div 2
+ end;
+ reverse[index]:=rev
+ end;
+@ @<Set initial...@>=
+ Generate_Reversal;
+@ The number of bytes required for the character glyph in landscape and
+portrait modes is computed, and added to the accumulated sum of these for all
+characters; the ``mixed'' mode count is increased by the larger of these
+The value |len| is also computed to be added to the Character Definitions
+descriptor held in |ras_beg,ras_len|. None of these quantities are updated
+unless the character glyph has actually been copied into the font file,
+i.e., |loaded=yes|.
+@<Calculate the number of bytes of rasters transferred@>=
+if loaded=yes then
+i:=((num_rows+7) div 8)*num_cols; {Bytes required for raster in landscape mode}
+j:=((num_cols+7) div 8); {Bytes/column}
+psize:=psize+j*num_rows; {bytes added to portrait rasters}
+msize:=msize+VAX_max(i,j*num_rows); {bytes added to mixed mode rasters}
+len:=j*num_rows+fnt_char_pars+fnt_char_raster {Allow for the parameters}
+end else len:=0
+@ After transferring the rasters for one character's glyph, we finally
+complete the entry in the font file's character directory. We record the
+address of the character's rasters in the appropriate character locator,
+update the count of rasters stored, and round up to the next \\{word}
+boundary in the font file (note that it is not a requirement of DEC Std 180
+that rasters start on a \\{longword} boundary.)
+If the glyph was not copied into the font file, because it exceeded the
+LN03's maximum size of glyph, or because it was invisible, then a null entry
+is made for the character locator, and the next raster, if any, will
+overwrite that just stored.
+@<Complete the entry in the font character directory@>=
+if loaded<>yes then
+ lnf_long(fnt_char_dir+4*(to_where-dir_base),0);
+ incr(null_chars); decr(num_chars)
+else begin
+ lnf_long(fnt_char_dir+4*(to_where-dir_base),ras_beg+ras_len);
+ ras_len:=ras_len+len; rasters:=rasters+len;
+ if odd(ras_len) then
+ begin
+ lnf_byte(base,0); {Null byte to round raster to word boundary}
+ incr(ras_len);
+ incr(rasters)
+ end
+@ The following procedure initialises the ``fixed'' area of the \.{LN03} font
+file as held in memory. We start by clearing the whole of the first block of
+the file; this is sufficient to ensure that the whole of the file header,
+attributes and parameters regions are zeroed, which reduces the number of
+individual assigments necessary.
+The counts of space occupied by the rasters, and the raster sizes in portrait,
+landscape and mixed modes are also initialized.
+@<Local procedures of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>=
+procedure init_LNF;
+var @!i,@!j:integer;
+ for i:=0 to 127 do lnf_longs(4*i):=0; {Clear the lnf header}
+ ras_len:=0; psize:=0; lsize:=0; msize:=0;@/
+ @<Complete the font file's header region@>@;
+ @<Complete the font file's attributes region@>@;
+ @<Complete the font file's parameters region@>@;
+ @<Complete the font file's string pool region@>@;
+@ The font file's header contains some identification material, and a number
+of descriptors which point to other regions of the font file.
+@<Complete the font file's header region@>=
+lnf_long(fnt_version,1); {Font File Format is V1.0}
+if using_GR then file_ID[21]:='O';
+lnf_long(12,VAX_length(file_ID)); lnf_long(16,fnt_file_id);
+for j:=1 to VAX_length(file_ID) do lnf_byte(j+fnt_file_id-1,xord[file_ID[j]]);
+{For the moment, we set creation date to 11-SEP-1973 14:00:00}
+lnf_word(fnt_date,1973); lnf_word(fnt_date+2,9); lnf_word(fnt_date+4,11);
+lnf_word(fnt_date+6,14); lnf_word(fnt_date+8,0); lnf_word(fnt_date+10,0);
+lnf_long(fnt_attr,fnt_attr_len); lnf_long(fnt_attr+4,fnt_attributes);
+lnf_long(fnt_params,fnt_params_len); lnf_long(fnt_params+4,fnt_parameters);
+if using_GR then
+ num_chars:=last_lnf[ln_font]-right_first+1
+ if last_lnf[ln_font]<left_last then
+ num_chars:=last_lnf[ln_font]-left_first+1
+ else
+ num_chars:=left_last-left_first+1;
+lnf_long(fnt_seg_list,0); { Empty |seg_list| descriptor }
+lnf_long(fnt_future,0); lnf_long(fnt_future+4,0);
+lnf_long(fnt_strings,4*((fnt_string_pool_len+3) div 4)); {Rounded to longword boundary}
+ras_beg:=lnf_pool_offset+4*((fnt_string_pool_len+3) div 4);
+{We fill in address of Kerning Table, but leave it of length zero}
+lnf_long(fnt_chars+4,ras_beg); {We can't fill in length until finished}
+lnf_long(fnt_first,left_first); lnf_long(fnt_last,num_chars-1+left_first);
+{No definitions (Yet!!!!) for less than, greater than and error characters}
+{No usage of Extension field}
+lnf_long(fnt_space," "); {Space character value}
+ {Expanded rasters;Identical Orientation; Large Values used}
+null_chars:=0; lnf_long(fnt_null_count,null_chars); {Null count maybe revised later}
+{Alternate blocks remains at zero}
+{Compressed rasters remains at zero; psize, etc., are filled in at end}
+if using_GR then dir_base:=right_first else dir_base:=left_first;
+{Establish offset into font's character locators}
+@ These used to be local variables of |add_txf_to_lnf|, used in the
+previous section. However, since we now require to use |num_chars| and
+|null_chars| to update the font file before it is finally output, they have
+to be global. (Strictly speaking, |file_ID| could remain local, but that
+would require much shuffling of the W{\mc EB}!)
+\yskip\hang|file_ID| Holds the fixed-length string which identifies any
+particular font file to the LN03.
+\yskip\hang|num_chars| Gives the number of characters defined in each half of
+the LN03 font file.
+\yskip\hang|null_chars| Counts any null character locators added to the file
+for oversized or missing glyphs.
+\yskip\hang|dir_base| Code of the first character loaded in the current half
+font; used to derive the correct offset into |font_char_dir| for completing
+@!file_ID:packed array [1..31] of char;
+@ The font file's attributes region contains mostly descriptors (of strings in
+the string pool region) which identify the font, font family, \\{etc.}
+@<Complete the font file's attributes region@>=
+lnf_long(fnt_attributes+fnt_attr_flags,2); {Roman}
+ lnf_pool_offset+fnt_designator_len+fnt_type_ID_len);
+ lnf_pool_offset+fnt_designator_len+fnt_type_ID_len+fnt_type_family_len);
+{Type category, Font description descriptors empty}
+{Following values are purely arbitrary at present; try harder later}
+lnf_long(fnt_attributes+fnt_type_size,10); {``10pt''}
+lnf_long(fnt_attributes+fnt_average_width,500); {5.00pt}
+lnf_word(fnt_attributes+fnt_resolution+2,24); {24.0000 centipoints/pixel}
+lnf_long(fnt_attributes+fnt_weight,16); {``Normal'' weight}
+lnf_long(fnt_attributes+fnt_horiz_prop,16); {Neither expanded nor compressed}
+lnf_word(fnt_attributes+fnt_horiz_ratio,1); {1:1 relative to a ``normal'' font}
+lnf_word(fnt_attributes+fnt_pixel_aspect,1); {``Square'' pixels}
+lnf_word(fnt_attributes+fnt_rotation+2,1); {tan = 0/1 = $0^\circ$}
+{Device characteristics = 0}
+{Foundry and Designer have empty descriptors}
+@ The font file's parameters region contain information relating to all the
+characters as a whole. Since they relate to such features as electronic
+underlining, which are not utilized by the \.{LN3} file generated by
+DVItoLN03, the values used are purely arbitrary. (The values are those used
+by Flavio Rose's original \.{LN03toPP} (PL/I) program.)
+@<Complete the font file's parameters region@>=
+{Params flags = 0}
+lnf_word(fnt_parameters+fnt_slant+2,1); {tan = 0/1 = $0^\circ$}
+lnf_word(fnt_parameters+fnt_shadow_offset+2,30); {$\delta x$ only}
+lnf_long(fnt_parameters+fnt_superscript,-90); {$\delta y$ only}
+lnf_long(fnt_parameters+fnt_subscript,40); {$\delta y$ only}
+lnf_long(fnt_parameters+fnt_min_space,240); {Note |min>max|!}
+@ The string pool region of the font file contains the majority of the
+character strings which are required to identify the font.
+@<Complete the font file's string pool region@>=
+lnf_byte(lnf_pool_offset,"0"); {Char set designator}
+if using_GR then
+ lnf_byte(lnf_pool_offset+1,"<")
+ lnf_byte(lnf_pool_offset+1,"B");
+lnf_byte(lnf_pool_offset+2,9); {HT character}
+for i:=4 to fnt_designator_len do
+ lnf_byte(lnf_pool_offset+i-1,"Z"); {|'ZZZZ'|---full char set}
+for i:=1 to fnt_type_ID_len do
+ lnf_bytes(lnf_pool_offset+i-1+fnt_designator_len):=
+ lnf_bytes(i-1+fnt_file_id); {Copy first 7 of |file_ID|}
+for i:=1 to fnt_type_family_len do
+ lnf_bytes(lnf_pool_offset+i-1+fnt_designator_len@|+fnt_type_ID_len) :=
+ " "; {Type family is all spaces}
+for i:=1 to fnt_font_ID_len do
+ lnf_bytes(lnf_pool_offset+i-1+fnt_designator_len@|+fnt_type_ID_len@|
+ +fnt_type_family_len) := lnf_bytes(i-1+fnt_file_id); {Copy first 16 of |file_ID|}
+@ The following procedure is invoked whenever an \.{LN03} font file in memory
+is ready to be written to the output |ln3_file|. Firstly we complete those
+fields of the font file header region which we were unable to complete before,
+storing away the total length (at front \&{and} back) and repeating the
+`\.{FONT}' indication at the end of the file. We also complete the character
+definitions region descriptor, and fill in the counts of bytes loaded as
+portrait, landscape and mixed mode rasters.
+Obviously it is not possible to include the file \\{verbatim} in the output as
+a binary image, since the terminal output driver and/or the printer symbiont
+would probably eliminate most of those characters which are unprintable.
+Therefore the LN03 requires that the binary file be encoded into ``sixel''
+format; this is more usually used to transfer graphics information to DEC
+printers, one sixel being a printable character (in the range `\.?'$\to$`\.\~')
+which encodes the numbers |0..63| representing a column of six pixels.
+@<Local procedures of |add_txf_to_lnf|@>=
+procedure output_LNF;
+ var @!i,@!j,@!k,@!records,@!sixel_ct:integer;
+ @!line_out:varying [128] of char;
+ @!transform : six_pack;
+ lnf_len:=ras_beg+ras_len+8; {Make room for Trailing identifier}
+ lnf_long(fnt_total_size,lnf_len); {Total size noted into first longword}
+ lnf_long(lnf_len-8,lnf_len); {and into penultimate longword}
+ lnf_long(lnf_len-4,lnf_longs(fnt_identifier)); {Copy |'FONT'| from 2nd longword to last}
+ lnf_long(fnt_chars,ras_len); {Length of character definitions}
+ lnf_long(fnt_in_file_count,num_chars); {We might have excluded some}
+ lnf_long(fnt_null_count,null_chars); {which will be reflected here}
+ lnf_long(fnt_rasters,num_chars); {and so we only made this many rasters}
+ lnf_long(fnt_portrait,psize);
+ lnf_long(fnt_landscape,lsize);
+ lnf_long(fnt_mixed,msize);
+ @<Sixelize and write@>
+@ To convert eight-bit bytes to sixels, which the \.{LN03} requires, we use
+(abuse?) \PASCAL's variant record mechanism, to map three bytes into 4 six-bit
+@<Types in...@>==
+ @!six_pack = packed record
+ case boolean of
+ false: (@!bytes : packed array [0..2] of eight_bits);
+ true: (@!sixels: packed array [1..4] of [bit(6)] 0..63)
+ end;
+@ The three bytes have to be placed in the record such that the earlier bytes
+(least significant in the file) are at the left-ward end of the record. The
+resultant six-bit integers are converted to ``printable'' characters by adding
+the |ASCII| character `\.{?}', thus giving characters in the range
+`\.{?}'$\to$`\.{\~}'. It is these characters that DEC calls ``sixels'', being
+a representation of six pixels in one character.
+It is most convenient to process 96 bytes at a time, thus yielding 128
+characters records (of sixel characters). Accordingly, we firstly ensure that
+the file is some multiple of 96 bytes long.
+@<Sixelize and write@>=
+ while (lnf_len mod 96) <> 0 do
+ begin lnf_word(lnf_len,0); { Clear out remainder of ``last record'' }
+ lnf_len:=lnf_len+2
+ end; { Can't work in longwords, in case on odd word boundary }
+ records:=lnf_len div 96;
+ i:=0; j:=0; {Block/byte in |lnf| array}
+ while records > 0 do
+ begin
+ line_out:=''; {Null string}
+ sixel_ct:=0; {We write 128 sixels (=96 bytes) per record}
+ repeat
+ k:=2;
+ repeat
+ transform.bytes[k]:=lnf[i].bytes[j]; {Store bytes from left}
+ incr(j); decr(k);
+ while j>=512 do
+ begin incr(i); j:=j-512 end
+ until k<0; {3 bytes at a time}
+ for k:=4 downto 1 do
+ begin
+ line_out:=line_out+chr(transform.sixels[k]+"?");
+ incr(sixel_ct)
+ end;
+ until sixel_ct=128;
+ write_ln(ln3_file,line_out);
+ decr(records)
+ end
+@* Skipping pages.
+A routine that's much simpler than |do_page| is used to pass over
+pages that are not being translated. The |skip_pages| subroutine
+is assumed to begin just after the preamble has been read, or just
+after a |bop| has been processed. It continues until either finding a
+|bop| that matches the desired starting page specifications, or until
+running into the postamble.
+In this version of \.{DVItoLN03}, it is necessary to ``read'' through all
+the pages twice; on the first pass, we gather statistics about the usage
+of each character in every font, to minimize the number of rasters
+which have to be loaded into the LN03. This procedure |skip_pages| has
+therefore been modified to permit its use during this scan.
+In such use, it is first called in the normal fashion, truly to skip pages
+until |start_match| indicates that the first page to be output has been
+found (or the beginning of the postamble, in the event that the specified
+first page does not exist). This results in |started| becoming |true|.
+A further call of |skip_pages|, with |started| asserted, records the use of
+each character. Whilst this ``scanning'' phase is
+taking place, the Boolean |scanning| inhibits writing to the \.{TYP} file.
+@p procedure skip_pages;
+label 9999; {end of this subroutine}
+var p:integer; {a parameter}
+@!k:0..255; {command code}
+@!down_the_drain:integer; {garbage}
+@!pages_counted:integer; {counts ``wanted'' pages whilst usage is calculated }
+pages_counted:=1; {We've already met the first page requested}
+while true do
+ begin if eof(dvi_file) then bad_dvi('the file ended prematurely');
+@:Bad DVI file the file ended prematurely}{\quad\.{the file ended prematurely}@>
+ k:=get_byte;
+ p:=first_par(k);
+ case k of
+ bop: begin @<Pass a |bop| command, setting up the |count| array@>;
+ if not started and start_match then
+ begin started:=true; goto 9999;
+ end;
+ if started then
+ begin incr(pages_counted); {We've got another page that's wanted}
+ if (pages_counted mod 10)=0 then monitor('.'); {show progress}
+ if pages_counted>max_pages then {We can skip to the postamble}
+ begin old_backpointer:=first_backpointer;
+ move_to_byte(post_loc);
+ monitor('done.'+crlf); term_offset:=0
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ set_rule,put_rule: down_the_drain:=signed_quad;
+ fnt_def1,fnt_def1+1,fnt_def1+2,fnt_def1+3: begin define_font(p);
+ print_ln(' ');
+ end;
+ xxx1,xxx1+1,xxx1+2,xxx1+3: while p>0 do
+ begin down_the_drain:=get_byte; decr(p);
+ end;
+ post: begin in_postamble:=true;
+ monitor('done.'+crlf); term_offset:=0;
+ goto 9999;
+ end;
+ @<Cases that would set characters on paper@>;
+ @<Cases that would change fonts@>;
+ othercases do_nothing
+ endcases;
+ end;
+@ If (!) we meet a command that would require a character to be set on the
+paper, we note that the relevant character has been used, provided the page
+being ``skipped'' is one that is to be printed (\\{i.e.} |started| has been
+set). The |pages_counted| variable is used to inhibit the gathering of such
+statistics after the specified number of pages have been ``read''.
+We mark both the individual glyph and the font itself as being |wanted|.
+@<Cases that would set characters on paper@>=
+sixty_four_cases(set_char_0),sixty_four_cases(set_char_0+64), @/
+four_cases(set1),four_cases(put1): @/
+ if started and (pages_counted<=max_pages) then
+ begin
+ cur_font_glyph(p).loaded:=wanted;
+ font_type[cur_font]:=wanted
+ end
+@ Whenever a font change would have occurred, we determine the |cur_font| so
+that the above section, which notes the use of a character, can relate this to
+the correct font.
+@<Cases that would change fonts@>=
+sixty_four_cases(fnt_num_0),four_cases(fnt1): @/
+ begin font_num[nf]:=p; cur_font:=0;
+ while font_num[cur_font]<>p do incr(cur_font);
+ cur_font:=font_map[cur_font];
+ cur_base:=glyph_base[cur_font]
+ end
+@ Global variables called |old_backpointer| and |new_backpointer|
+are used to check whether the back pointers are properly set up.
+Another one tells whether we have already found the starting page.
+@!old_backpointer:integer; {the previous |bop| command location}
+@!new_backpointer:integer; {the current |bop| command location}
+@!started:boolean; {has the starting page been found?}
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+old_backpointer:=-1; started:=false;
+@ @<Pass a |bop|...@>=
+new_backpointer:=cur_loc-1; incr(page_count);
+for k:=0 to 9 do count[k]:=signed_quad;
+if signed_quad<>old_backpointer
+ then error('backpointer in byte ',cur_loc-4:1,
+ ' should be ',old_backpointer:1,'!');
+@:Error: backpointer in byte should be}{\quad\.{backpointer...should be...}@>
+@* Using the backpointers.
+The routines in this section of the program are brought into play only
+if |random_reading| is |true|.
+First comes a routine that illustrates how to find the postamble quickly.
+@<Find the postamble, working back from the end@>=
+if n<53 then bad_dvi('only ',n:1,' bytes long');
+@:Bad DVI file only n bytes long}{\quad\.{only $n$ bytes long}@>
+repeat if m=0 then bad_dvi('no 223s'); {ignore trailing zeroes}
+@:Bad DVI file no 223s}{\quad\.{no 223s}@>
+ move_to_byte(m); k:=get_byte; decr(m);
+until k<>0;
+repeat if m=0 then bad_dvi('all 223s');
+@:Bad DVI file all 223s}{\quad\.{all 223s}@>
+move_to_byte(m); k:=get_byte; decr(m);
+until k<>223;
+if k<>id_byte then bad_dvi('ID byte is ',k:1);
+@:Bad DVI file ID byte is wrong}{\quad\.{ID byte is wrong}@>
+move_to_byte(m-3); q:=signed_quad;
+if (q<0)or(q>m-33) then bad_dvi('post pointer ',q:1,' at byte ',m-3:1);
+@:Bad DVI file post pointer is wrong}{\quad\.{post pointer is wrong}@>
+move_to_byte(q); k:=get_byte;
+if k<>post then bad_dvi('byte ',q:1,' is not post');
+@:Bad DVI file byte n is not post}{\quad\.{byte $n$ is not }\\{post}@>
+post_loc:=q; first_backpointer:=signed_quad
+@ Note that the last steps of the above code save the locations of the
+the |post| byte and the final |bop|. We had better declare these global
+variables, together with another one that we will need shortly.
+@!post_loc:integer; {byte location where the postamble begins}
+@!first_backpointer:integer; {the pointer following |post|}
+@!start_loc:integer; {byte location of the first page to process}
+@ The next little routine shows how the backpointers can be followed
+to move through a \.{DVI} file in reverse order. Ordinarily a \.{DVI}-reading
+program would do this only if it wants to print the pages backwards or
+if it wants to find a specified starting page that is not necessarily the
+first page in the file; otherwise it would of course be simpler and faster
+just to read the whole file from the beginning.
+@<Count the pages and move to the starting page@>=
+monitor('Finding starting page...');
+@.Finding starting page@>
+q:=post_loc; p:=first_backpointer; start_loc:=-1;
+if p<0 then in_postamble:=true
+else begin repeat
+ {now |q| points to a |post| or |bop| command; |p>=0| is prev pointer}
+ if p>q-46 then
+ bad_dvi('page link ',p:1,' after byte ',q:1);
+@:Bad DVI file page link wrong}{\quad\.{page link wrong...}@>
+ q:=p; move_to_byte(q); k:=get_byte;
+ if k=bop then incr(page_count)
+ else bad_dvi('byte ',q:1,' is not bop');
+@:Bad DVI file byte n is not bop}{\quad\.{byte $n$ is not }\\{bop}@>
+ for k:=0 to 9 do count[k]:=signed_quad;
+ if start_match then start_loc:=q;
+ p:=signed_quad;
+ @<Note whether we've two \\{recto} pages in succession@>;
+ until p<0;
+ if start_loc<0 then abort('starting page number could not be found!');
+@:fatal error starting page number}{\quad\.{starting page number...}@>
+ move_to_byte(start_loc+1); old_backpointer:=start_loc;
+ for k:=0 to 9 do count[k]:=signed_quad;
+ p:=signed_quad; started:=true;
+ end;
+if page_count<>total_pages then
+ warning('there are really ',page_count:1,' pages, not ',total_pages:1,'!');
+@:Warning: there are really n pages}{\quad\.{there are really $n$ pages}@>
+monitor('found.'+crlf); term_offset:=0
+@ One of the reasons for using the above routine (which seems rather
+wasteful if the user wants to print pages starting from the beginning of the
+\.{DVI} file) is so that we can determine whether any particular \\{recto}
+page is followed by another, without an intervening \\{verso} page. This
+information can then be used at printing time to change the printing mode of
+the DEClaser~2200 (LN06), which supports duplex printing, such that the
+first of these pages be printed in simplex mode. Doing this speeds up the
+printing cycle compared with merely outputting a blank \\{verso} page,
+since the mechanical operation of turning over the paper is thereby avoided.
+Therefore we construct an array of pointers into the \.{DVI} file where an
+entry indicates that the page is followed by a blank \\{verso} sheet. Here
+are the necessary data structures:
+@!blank_follows:array[1..max_blank_pages] of integer;
+@ Naturally we initialize this such that a final \\{recto} page will have
+its blank \\{verso} side treated by the same mechanism.
+@<Set init...@>=
+next_is_recto:=true; ptr_blanks:=0;
+@ As we work our way backwards through the file, we have the opportunity to
+recognize that a \\{recto} page is followed directly by another of the same,
+without an intervening \\{verso} page. This code relies upon \TeX\ having
+used its \.{\\count0} for the page number, which is the usual convention,
+even when other counters are used to provide additional information in page
+numbering (such as the chapter number). When we later process the
+information in the |blank_follows| array, we do so in reverse order, which
+therefore corresponds with the processing of the file in the forward
+@<Note whether we've two \\{recto} pages in succession@>=
+if odd_page and next_is_recto then
+ if ptr_blanks=max_blank_pages then
+ capacity_exceeded('too many blank verso pages')
+@:capacity exceeded too many blank verso}{\quad\.{too many blank }\\{verso}\.{ pages}@>
+ else
+ begin
+ incr(ptr_blanks); blank_follows[ptr_blanks]:=cur_loc
+ end;
+@* Reading the postamble.
+Now imagine that we are reading the \.{DVI} file and positioned just
+four bytes after the |post| command. That, in fact, is the situation,
+when the following part of \.{DVItoLN03} is called upon to read, translate,
+and check the rest of the postamble.
+@p procedure read_postamble;
+var k:integer; {loop index}
+@!p,@!q,@!m:integer; {general purpose registers}
+begin post_loc:=cur_loc-5;
+print_ln('Postamble starts at byte ',post_loc:1,'.');
+@.Postamble starts at byte n@>
+if signed_quad<>numerator then
+ warning('numerator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning numerator doesn't match}{\quad\.{numerator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>denominator then
+ warning('denominator doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning denominator doesn't match}{\quad\.{denominator doesn't match...}@>
+if signed_quad<>mag then if new_mag=0 then
+ warning('magnification doesn''t match the preamble!');
+@:warning magnification doesn't match}{\quad\.{magnification doesn't match...}@>
+max_v:=signed_quad; max_h:=signed_quad;@/
+max_v_saved:=max_v; max_h_saved:=max_h;@/
+print('maxv=',max_v:1,', maxh=',max_h:1);@/
+max_s:=get_two_bytes; total_pages:=get_two_bytes;@/
+print_ln(', maxstackdepth=',max_s:1,', totalpages=',total_pages:1);
+@<Process the font definitions of the postamble@>;
+@<Make sure that the end of the file is well-formed@>;
+@ When we get to the present code, the |post_post| command has
+just been read.
+@<Make sure that the end of the file is well-formed@>=
+if q<>post_loc then
+ error('bad postamble pointer in byte ',cur_loc-4:1,'!');
+@:Error: bad postamble pointer}{\quad\.{bad postamble pointer}@>
+if m<>id_byte then error('identification in byte ',cur_loc-1:1,
+@:Error: identification in byte p should be n}{\quad\.{identification...should be $n$}@>
+ ' should be ',id_byte:1,'!');
+k:=cur_loc; m:=223;
+while (m=223)and not eof(dvi_file) do m:=get_byte;
+if not eof(dvi_file) and (m<>0) then bad_dvi('signature in byte ',cur_loc-1:1,
+@:Bad DVI file signature...should be}{\quad\.{signature...should be...}@>
+ ' should be 223')
+else if cur_loc<k+4 then
+ warning('not enough signature bytes at end of file (',
+@:Warning: not enough signature bytes}{\quad\.{not enough signature bytes...}@>
+ cur_loc-k:1,')');
+@ @<Process the font definitions...@>=
+repeat k:=get_byte;
+if (k>=fnt_def1)and(k<fnt_def1+4) then
+ begin p:=first_par(k);
+ define_font(p);
+ if not substitution_pass then print_ln(' ');
+ k:=nop;
+ end;
+until k<>nop;
+if k<>post_post then
+ error('byte ',cur_loc-1:1,' is not postpost!')
+@:Error: byte n is not postpost}{\quad\.{byte $n$ is not }\\{postpost}@>
+@* The main program.
+Now we are ready to put it all together. This is where \.{DVItoLN03} starts,
+and where it ends. These macros define various possible exit values for the
+program, through the VAX/VMS system service \.{\$exit}.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d VAX_exit==@=$exit@>
+@d VAX_ss_normal==@= sts$k_success @>
+@d VAX_ss_warning==@= sts$k_warning + sts$m_inhib_msg @>
+@d VAX_ss_error==@= sts$k_error + sts$m_inhib_msg @>
+@d VAX_ss_fatal==@= sts$k_severe + sts$m_inhib_msg @>
+@p begin initialize; {get all variables initialized}
+ dialog; {set up all the options}
+ write_ln(term_out,'(',actual_file_spec,crlf);
+ print_ln('Reading from file ',actual_file_spec);
+ @<Process the preamble@>;
+ @<Find the postamble, working back from the end@>;
+ in_postamble:=true; read_postamble; in_postamble:=false;
+ @<Count the pages and move to the starting page@>;
+ if not in_postamble then @<Gather font usage statistics@>;
+ if not in_postamble then @<Translate up to |max_pages| pages@>;
+ close(ln3_file,@=disposition:=save@>,VAX_continue);
+ monitor(')');
+ ask := (history > spotless) or odd(VAX_cli_present('LOG'));
+ if VAX_cli_present('LOG') = VAX_cli_negated then ask := false;
+ if ask then
+ close(type_file,@=disposition:=save@>,VAX_continue)
+ else
+ close(type_file,@=disposition:=delete@>,VAX_continue);
+ case history of { Issue an appropriate VAX exit status }
+ spotless: VAX_exit(VAX_ss_normal); { Everything OK! }
+ warning_given: VAX_exit(VAX_ss_warning);
+ error_given: VAX_exit(VAX_ss_error);
+ fatal_error: VAX_exit(VAX_ss_fatal)
+ end;
+@ The main program needs a few global variables in order to do its work.
+@!k,@!m,@!n,@!p,@!q:integer; {general purpose registers}
+@ A \.{DVI}-reading program that reads the postamble first need not look at the
+preamble; but \.{DVItoLN03} looks at the preamble in order to do error
+checking, and to display the introductory comment.
+@<Process the preamble@>=
+p:=get_byte; {fetch the first byte}
+if p<>pre then bad_dvi('First byte isn''t start of preamble!');
+@:Bad DVI file First byte isn\'t}{\quad\.{First byte isn't...}@>
+p:=get_byte; {fetch the identification byte}
+if p<>id_byte then
+ error('identification in byte 1 should be ',id_byte:1,'!');
+@:Error: identification in byte p should be n}{\quad\.{identification...should be $n$}@>
+@<Compute the conversion factor@>;
+p:=get_byte; {fetch the length of the introductory comment}
+while p>0 do
+ begin decr(p); print(xchr[get_byte]);
+ end;
+@ The conversion factor |conv| is figured as follows: There are exactly
+|n/d| \.{DVI} units per decimicron, and 254000 decimicrons per inch,
+and |resolution| pixels per inch. Then we have to adjust this
+by the stated amount of magnification.
+@<Compute the conversion factor@>=
+numerator:=signed_quad; denominator:=signed_quad;
+if numerator<=0 then bad_dvi('numerator is ',numerator:1);
+@:Bad DVI file numerator is wrong}{\quad\.{numerator is wrong}@>
+if denominator<=0 then bad_dvi('denominator is ',denominator:1);
+@:Bad DVI file denominator is wrong}{\quad\.{denominator is wrong}@>
+if new_mag>0 then mag:=new_mag
+else if mag<=0 then bad_dvi('magnification is ',mag:1);
+@:Bad DVI file magnification is wrong}{\quad\.{magnification is wrong}@>
+true_conv:=conv; conv:=true_conv*(mag/1000.0);
+print_ln('magnification=',mag:1,'; ',conv:16:8,' pixels per DVI unit')
+@ The code shown here uses a convention that has proved to be useful: If the
+starting page was specified as, e.g., `\.{1.*.-5}', then all page numbers in
+the file are displayed by showing the values of counts 0, 1, and~2, separated
+by dots. These numbers are displayed on the terminal when DVItoLN03 is working
+on that page.
+The parameter |-1| in the call of |do_page| indicates to the latter that
+this is \&{not} a recursive call of the function, and hence that it should
+initialize its data structures for a fresh page.
+@<Translate up to...@>=
+begin while max_pages>0 do
+ begin decr(max_pages);
+ print_ln(' '); print(cur_loc-45:1,': beginning of page ');
+ text_out:='[';
+ last_counter:=0;
+ for k:=0 to 9 do if count[k]<>0 then last_counter:=k;
+ for k:=0 to last_counter do
+ begin
+ if (k=0) or (count[k]<>0) then
+ begin
+ print(count[k]:1); text_out:=text_out+str_int(count[k])
+ end;
+ if k<last_counter then
+ begin print('.'); text_out:=text_out+'.' end
+ else print_ln(' ');
+ end;
+ monitor(text_out); {Let user know which page has started}
+ cur_loc_after_bop:=cur_loc; {For checking on blank \\{verso} pages}
+ if not do_page(-1) then bad_dvi('page ended unexpectedly');
+@:Bad DVI file page ended unexpectedly}{\quad\.{page ended unexpectedly}@>
+ incr(pages_printed);
+ repeat k:=get_byte;
+ if (k>=fnt_def1)and(k<fnt_def1+4) then
+ begin p:=first_par(k); define_font(p); k:=nop;
+ end;
+ until k<>nop;
+ write_ln(term_out,']'); incr(term_offset); {Let user know page has finished}
+ if k=post then
+ begin in_postamble:=true; goto done;
+ end;
+ if k<>bop then bad_dvi('byte ',cur_loc-1:1,' is not bop');
+@:Bad DVI file byte n is not bop}{\quad\.{byte $n$ is not }\\{bop}@>
+ @<Pass a |bop|...@>;
+ end;
+done: @<Conditionally eject last page@>
+@ A string variable |text_out| is provided to hold the
+characters of a page number. We also use |last_counter| to indicate the
+last significant item in the |count| array when displaying the page number.
+ @!text_out : file_spec;
+ @!last_counter : 0..9;
+@ No output for the terminal occurs before the pages are processed except
+for error and font load messages, all of which end with a newline. Therefore,
+we are quite safe in resetting |term_offset| during the initialisation phase.
+@<Set initial...@>=
+ term_offset:=0;
+@* System-dependent changes.
+Here are the remaining changes to the program
+that are necessary to make \.{DVItoLN03} work on Vax/VMS.
+@^system dependencies@>
+We define here various variables required by the VAX.
+\yskip\hang |history| is used to record whether any warning or error
+messages (including fatal errors) have been reported.
+\yskip\hang |type_file| and |ln3_file| are |file| variables used for writing
+the log and
+output files, respectively. Advantage is taken of VAX-\PASCAL's |varying|
+arrays to hold variable length strings: |file_name| is used generally for
+names of files, whilst |def_file_name| initially holds the specification of
+the \.{.dvi} file being processed, from which the name is later extracted for
+use in forming the names of generated files.
+The remaining variables are used during the parsing of the file
+@!history: exit_status;
+@!type_file: text;
+@!ln3_file: text;
+ @!output_file_name:file_spec;
+@!ask : boolean;
+@ Here is the enumeration type used for |history|.
+@!exit_status = (@!spotless,@!warning_given,@!error_given,@!fatal_error);
+@ We now do all the VMS specific things to open the files required, etc. The
+\.{DVIfile} is opened with a fixed block length, and with \.{direct} access
+method, to permit |random_reading|. A |user_action| procedure is called, to
+perform the actual opening of the file; this gives us access to the various
+VAX data structures (|FAB|,|RAB| and |XAB|) and thus we are able to determine
+the actual length of the file.
+The |output| file (directed to the terminal) is opened without
+|carriage_control|, in order that |write_ln| may be used to ensure that
+each partial line of output is displayed on the screen.
+@<Preset init...@>=
+history := spotless; { We haven't had any errors (yet!) }
+@<Get name of \.{DVI} file from command-interpreter, and open it@>@;
+@<Extract just the file name from the specification of the \.{DVI} file@>@;
+@<Extract the |log_file_name| from the \.{/LOG} qualifier@>@;
+@<Create and open the \.{TYP} log file@>@;
+@<Extract the \TeX\ Font Metric directory from the qualifiers@>;
+@<Extract the font directories from the qualifiers@>@;
+@<Extract the virtual font directory from the qualifiers@>@;
+@<Extract the |output_file_name| from the \.{/OUTPUT} qualifier@>@;
+@<Create and open the \.{LN3} output file@>@;
+@ When we parse the qualifiers pertaining to the physical font directories,
+we use the variable length strings |tex_pxl_font| and |tex_pk_font| to hold
+the directory specifications derived from the command line qualifiers
+\.{/PXL\_FONT\_DIRECTORY} and \.{/PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY}, respectively. Iff,
+after applying logical name translation (if necessary), a file directory
+specification is found to end in the sequence `\.{.]}', then a rooted file
+directory structure will be assumed; this is recorded in the variables
+|pk_rooted| and |pxl_rooted|.
+There is no such complication for the \.{/TFM\_DIRECTORY} qualifier; its
+value is merely copied to |tfm_directory|.
+@ Originally, this program had the location of the \TeX\ Font Metrics files
+(\.{.TFM}) `hard-wired' into it, just as the VMS implementation of \TeX\
+itself did, through the logical name \.{TEX\$FONTS}. \TeX\ has since been
+modified so that such information is communicated to the program through a
+command-line qualifier, and this program too now makes use of the same
+This permits two things:
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ The site manager can chose whether to use logical names
+of the form \.{TEX\UL FONTS} or \.{TEX\$FONTS} ({\sl Digital\/} recommends that
+customers should \&{not} define logical names containg the `\.\$' character,
+since the logicals which they themselves define \&{always} contain this
+character, and may at some future date conflict with customer-defined
+\yskip\hang$\bullet$ Individual users may define their own logical names
+that provide a search-list for a number of directories; this can prove
+useful whilst testing a new font that should not be installed for general
+@<Extract the \TeX\ Font Metric directory from the qualifiers@>=
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('TFM_DIRECTORY')) then
+ k:=VAX_cli_get_value('TFM_DIRECTORY',tfm_directory)
+ tfm_directory:=''
+@ At this point we ``read'' the font directory specifications passed as the
+values of the qualifiers \.{/PXL\_FONT\_DIRECTORY} and
+\.{/PK\_FONT\_DIRECTORY}. At least one of these must be provided with a
+value. The specifications are transferred to the variables |tex_pxl_font| and
+|tex_pk_font| respectively, and logical name translation is applied. If the
+resultant string doesn't end with a `\.]', an error is signalled. If the
+character \&{preceding} this bracket is `\..', the final `\.]' is discarded.
+@<Extract the font directories from the qualifiers@>==
+tex_pk_font:=''; tex_pxl_font:='';
+if ask then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('PK_FONT_DIRECTORY',tex_pk_font);
+ Translate(tex_pk_font,file_name);
+ if file_name[file_name.length] <> ']' then
+ abort('Bad /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier; doesn''t end with a `]''');
+@:fatal error Bad pk_font_directory}{\quad\.{Bad /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier}@>
+ pk_rooted := file_name[file_name.length-1] = '.';
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY')) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY',tex_pxl_font);
+ Translate(tex_pxl_font,file_name);
+ if file_name[file_name.length] <> ']' then
+ abort('Bad /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier; doesn''t end with a `]''');
+@:fatal error Bad pxl_font_directory}{\quad\.{Bad /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier}@>
+ pxl_rooted := file_name[file_name.length-1] = '.';
+ ask:=true;
+if not ask then abort('Where are the font directories? (/PK_FONT_DIRECTORY, etc)');
+@:fatal error Where are the font directories}{\quad\.{Where are the font directories?}@>
+@ Similarly, we determine the directory in which virtual font metrics are to
+be found; if the qualifier \.{/VIRTUAL\UL DIRECTORY} is negated, then
+virtual font support is explicitly suppressed.
+@<Extract the virtual font directory from the qualifiers@>==
+i := VAX_cli_present('VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY');
+no_virt_support := i = VAX_cli_negated;
+if odd(i) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY',tex_virtual);
+@ The variable length string |tex_virtual| receives this definition. If
+\.{/NOVIRTUAL\UL DIRECTORY} has been specified, this is recorded in
+@ We now ask the Vax/VMS command-line interpreter to give us the file
+specification furnished by the user to the command which invokes DVItoLN03.
+The file is opened \.{readonly} to preclude any possibility of corrupting or
+deleting it, and the \.{user\_action} paramter of the VAX-\PASCAL\ |open|
+procedure is used, so that we can determine the full file specification and
+length of the file, which is also opened for random (\.{direct}) access.
+We can't use |abort| for the fatal error reports, because the log file
+hasn't yet been opened, so we define this instead:
+@d bomb_out(#)==begin write_ln(output,crlf,'Fatal error: ',#,crlf); jump_out end
+@<Get name of \.{DVI} file from command-interpreter, and open it@>=
+if not ask then bomb_out('No file name provided');
+@.No file name provided@>
+@:fatal error no file name provided}{\quad\.{No file name provided}@>
+ @=user_action@>:=file_open,@=default@>:='.DVI;0',VAX_continue);
+ask:=status(dvi_file)<>0; dvi_size:=file_len;
+if ask then bomb_out('Couldn''t open ',def_file_name);
+@:fatal error couldn\'t open DVI}{\quad\.{Couldn't open .DVI file}@>
+@ The user has the option to specify an explicit file name on the \.{/LOG}
+qualifier. If none is specified, or the qualifier is absent, the log file
+will be created in the current directory, with the same name as the input
+file and a file extension of `\.{.TYP}'. These are also the defaults used
+if the relevant portion of the file specification is not given with the
+\.{/LOG} qualifier.
+@<Extract the |log_file_name| from the \.{/LOG} qualifier@>=
+log_file_name:=''; {Null name specified in case defaults required}
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('LOG')) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('LOG',log_file_name);
+@ After we've successfully opened the \.{DVI} file (and are thus assured that
+it exists), we strip off any node, device or directory specification from the
+front of the string, and also remove any trailing file type or version number
+specification. This makes use of the VAX-\PASCAL\ |substr| function, but
+could readily be recoded into standard \PASCAL.
+@<Extract just the file name from the specification of the \.{DVI} file@>=
+cmd_j:=1; {Strip off any leading node, device or directory name}
+for cmd_k:=1 to def_file_name.length do
+ if (def_file_name[cmd_k]=']')
+ or (def_file_name[cmd_k]=':')
+ or (def_file_name[cmd_k]='>')
+ then cmd_j:=cmd_k+1;
+if cmd_j<=def_file_name.length then
+ def_file_name:=substr(def_file_name,cmd_j,def_file_name.length-cmd_j+1);@/
+cmd_j:=0; {and then strip off any trailing file type or version indication}
+for cmd_k:=1 to def_file_name.length do
+ if (cmd_j=0) and @/
+ ((def_file_name[cmd_k]='.') or (def_file_name[cmd_k]=';')) then
+ cmd_j:=cmd_k;
+if cmd_j=0 then cmd_j:=def_file_name.length+1;
+@ We now |open| the \.{TYP} file in the current directory, to act as a log
+file for this run of DVItoLN03. The file is opened with |disposition:=save|
+so that it will still `exist' even in the event of a crash; this means that the
+user can interrupt the program (with Ctrl-Y) and be assured that the only
+file that will be retained is the log.
+@<Create and open the \.{TYP} log file@>=
+ @=default@>:=file_name,VAX_continue);
+if ask then bomb_out('Couldn''t create ',file_name);
+@:fatal error couldn\'t create TYP}{\quad\.{Couldn't create .TYP file}@>
+@ A particularly useful qualifier for those with limited disk quota is
+\.{/OUTPUT}, which permits a user to specify a different output file
+specification from the default, which is to open the output file in the
+current directory with a name taken from the input (\.{.DVI}) file, and file
+extension `\.{.LN3}'. Using this qualifier permits a user to divert the
+output to a scratch disk.
+@<Extract the |output_file_name| from the \.{/OUTPUT} qualifier@>=
+output_file_name := ''; {Prepare to use the default name}
+if odd(VAX_cli_present('OUTPUT')) then
+ VAX_cli_get_value('OUTPUT',output_file_name);
+@ Finally, we create and |open| the \.{LN3} file. Again this is opened with
+@<Create and open the \.{LN3} output file@>=
+file_name := def_file_name+'.LN3';
+ @=carriage_control@>:=@=none@>,
+ @=default@>:=file_name,VAX_continue);
+if ask then begin
+ abort('Couldn''t create ',file_name);
+@:fatal error couldn\'t create LN3 file}{\quad\.{Couldn't create .LN3 file}@>
+ goto final_end
+@ Whenever a binary file is opened, the optional |user_action| parameter is
+provided to the call of the VAX-\PASCAL\ |open| procedure; this therefore
+invokes the procedure |file_open| (in the next section) which is therefore
+able to determine the full specification of the file opened, and also its
+exact length; the former is placed into |def_file_name|, and the latter in
+The following definitions permit more \PASCAL-like references to the VAX/RMS
+data structures within |file_open|
+@d VAX_FAB_type == @=fab$type@>
+@d VAX_RAB_type == @=rab$type@>
+@d VAX_NAM_type == @=nam$type@>
+@d VAX_XAB_type == @=xab$type@>
+@d VAX_RMS_open == @=$OPEN@>
+@d VAX_RMS_connect == @=$CONNECT@>
+@d VAX_fab_to_nam == @=fab$l_nam@> {Pointer in FAB to NAM block}
+@d VAX_nam_length == @=nam$b_rsl@> {Length of resultant file name}
+@d VAX_nam_address == @=nam$l_rsa@> {and its whereabouts}
+@d VAX_fab_to_xab == @=fab$l_xab@> {Pointer in FAB to first XAB}
+@d VAX_xab_code == @=xab$b_cod@> {Byte in XAB which identifies its type}
+@d VAX_xab_fhc == @=xab$c_fhc@> {XAB contains file header characteristics}
+@d VAX_xab_next == @=xab$l_nxt@> {Pointer to another XAB}
+@d VAX_end_block == @=xab$l_ebk@> {Number of file block containing EOF}
+@d VAX_first_free == @=xab$w_ffb@> {First free byte in last block}
+@!def_file_name : file_spec;
+@!file_len : integer;
+@ Here is the procedure |file_open|, which determines the actual length of
+the file being opened. It also extracts the full file specification of the
+\.{DVI} which it opens, and reports this back in |def_file_name|.
+Vax/VMS uses RMS (Record Management Services) to handle file operations, and
+this utilizes various structures, in particular, the FAB (File Access Block)
+and the RAB (Record Access Block). There are also a number of different
+XABs (eXtension Access Block), one of which contains the required
+information relating to the size of the file.
+A |user_action| procedure such as this is invoked by the VAX-\PASCAL\ |open|
+procedure after it has set up the FAB and RAB structures. The user is
+therefore able at that time to change these structures to alter the processing
+algorithms used by RMS. The file has \&{not}, however, been opened at that
+time; it is necessary to call the RMS \.{\$OPEN} service. Once the RAB has
+been completed to the user's satisfaction, the \.{\$CONNECT} service is called
+to associate the file variable with the records of the file.
+Due to the nonsensical manner in which the |FAB|, etc., are declared in
+\.{SYS\$LIBRARY:STARLET.PAS}, wherein the pointers to |XAB|s are declared
+to be of type |unsigned|, it is necessary for us to use type casts
+for assignments and usage as a pointer!
+@<Procedures for init...@>=
+function file_open(var @!fab:VAX_FAB_type; var @!rab:VAX_RAB_type;
+ var @!f_spec:byte_file): integer;
+type @!xab_ptr = ^VAX_XAB_type;
+ @!nam_ptr = ^VAX_NAM_type;
+ @!char_ptr = ^char;
+var @!status:integer;@/
+ @!nam : nam_ptr;
+ @!xab : xab_ptr;
+ @!actual_length : integer;
+ @!next : char_ptr;
+ @!i : integer;
+begin file_len:=-1; {In case we can't determine actual file size}
+ status:=VAX_RMS_open(fab); {Fill in the FAB and RAB}
+ if odd(status) then
+ begin status:=VAX_RMS_connect(rab); {Link the RAB to RMS}
+ if odd(status) then
+ begin
+ nam:=fab.VAX_fab_to_nam::nam_ptr;
+ if nam<>nil then
+ begin
+ actual_length := nam^.VAX_nam_length;
+ def_file_name := ''; {Reset to empty}
+ next:=nam^.VAX_nam_address::char_ptr;
+ for i:=1 to actual_length do
+ begin
+ def_file_name := def_file_name + next^;
+ next:=(next::integer + 1)::char_ptr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ xab:=fab.VAX_fab_to_xab::xab_ptr;
+ {Find the File Header Characteristics}
+ while (xab<>nil) and (xab^.VAX_xab_code<>VAX_xab_fhc) do
+ xab:=xab^.VAX_xab_next::xab_ptr;
+ if xab<>nil then
+ with xab^ do
+ file_len:=int((VAX_end_block-1)*VAX_block_length+VAX_first_free);
+ end;
+ end;
+ file_open:=status; {Return success or failure}
+end; {|file_open|}
+@ This function provides us with logical name translation. It utilizes the
+\.{SYS\$TRNLNM} system service in preference to the obsolete \.{SYS\$TRNLOG}.
+On entry, any terminal `\.:' on the string |log_name| is discarded before
+attempting logical name translation. If the latter succeeds, the translation
+is written back to |equivalence_string| and the function returns |true|; if
+translation fails, the original |log_name| is returned in |equivalence_string| and
+|false| returned.
+It is necessary to provide the local variable |copy_name| during the
+translation process, because VAX-\PASCAL\ does not permit the address of a
+|var| parameter to be taken, so we cannot use |equivalence_string| to receive
+the successive translations, and yet the address of the string must be passed
+to the system service as the buffer to receive the translated logical name.
+Similarly, we cannot use |log_name|, since that will be a local copy, so that
+|string_size| will be that of the original logical name.
+The next macro is used to hide the VAX-\PASCAL\ conformant schema from W{\mc
+EAVE}, and thus permit more meaningful formatting.
+@d VAX_conformant_schema(#)==VAX_volatile varying [#] of char
+@d VAX_trnlnm == @=$TRNLNM@>
+@d VAX_lnm_case_blind==@= lnm$m_case_blind@>
+@<Procedures for initialization@>==
+function Translate(log_name : VAX_conformant_schema(string_size);
+ var equivalence_string : VAX_conformant_schema(buf_size) ) : boolean;
+ var @!i, @!status : integer;
+ @!copy_name : VAX_volatile file_spec;
+ @!return_length : VAX_volatile integer;
+ @!attributes : unsigned;
+ @!item_list : VAX_volatile array [0..1] of VMS_item_list;
+ equivalence_string := log_name; {In case translation fails}
+ copy_name := log_name;
+ if copy_name[copy_name.length] = ':' then
+ decr(copy_name.length);
+ attributes := VAX_lnm_case_blind;
+ return_length := 0;
+ with item_list[0] do
+ begin
+ buffer_length := buf_size;
+ item_code := @=LNM$_STRING@>;
+ buffer_addr := @=iaddress@>(copy_name.body);
+ ret_len_addr := @=iaddress@>(return_length);
+ end;
+ item_list[1].next_item := 0;
+ status := VAX_trnlnm(attributes,'LNM$DCL_LOGICAL',copy_name,,item_list);
+ if not odd(status) then
+ Translate := false
+ else
+ begin
+ copy_name.length := return_length;
+ return_length := 0;
+ while odd(VAX_trnlnm(attributes,'LNM$DCL_LOGICAL',copy_name,,item_list)) do
+ begin
+ copy_name.length := return_length;
+ return_length := 0;
+ end;
+ Translate := true;
+ equivalence_string := copy_name;
+ end;
+@ Here are the new types introduced within that function. Many Vax/VMS system
+services make use of an |item_list| to pass information in and out. An
+|item_list| consists of a number of |item_list| elements, with each element
+containing the following fields:
+ \halign{\vrule#&\ \strut#\hfil\ &\ #\hfil\ &\ #\hfil\ &\vrule#\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&\omit&\omit&\cr
+ &\hfil Name & \hfil Type & \hfil Usage&\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&\omit&\omit&\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ height2pt&\omit&\omit&\omit&\cr
+ &|buffer_length| & 16-bit word & Size of buffer&\cr
+ &|item_code| & unsigned 16-bit word & Code for desired operation&\cr
+ &|buffer_address| & Pointer to char & Address of buffer&\cr
+ &|ret_len_addr| & Pointer to integer & To receive length of
+ translation&\cr
+ height2pt&\omit&\omit&\omit&\cr}
+ \hrule
+\noindent This structure is overlaid with a single 32-bit integer whose use is
+solely to hold the value zero indicating the end of the list.
+@<Types in the...@>==
+ @!VMS_item_list =
+ packed record
+ case boolean of
+ true: (
+ @!buffer_length : sixteen_bits;@/
+ @!item_code : sixteen_bits;@/
+ @!buffer_addr : integer;@/
+ @!ret_len_addr : integer);
+ false: (
+ @!next_item : integer)
+ end;
+@* Index.
+Pointers to error messages appear here together with the section numbers
+where each ident\-i\-fier is used.
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.cld b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.cld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a68e935531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.cld
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ define type SIZE
+ keyword WIDTH,
+ value(type=$number, default=0),
+ nonnegatable ,
+ default
+ keyword HEIGHT,
+ value(type=$number, default=0),
+ nonnegatable,
+ default
+ define verb GINOTOSIX
+ parameter P1,
+ prompt="File",
+ value(type=$file, required)
+ qualifier SIZE,
+ value(list, type=SIZE),
+ nonnegatable,
+ default
+ qualifier SCALE,
+ value(default=0)
+ qualifier SEGMENT,
+ value(type=$number, default=0)
+ nonnegatable
+ qualifier OUTPUT,
+ value(type=$file),
+ nonnegatable
+ qualifier FORMFEED
+ negatable
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.for b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.for
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a232e5e4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.for
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+C Converts a GINO SAVDRA file into a sixel file suitable for importing
+C into TeX via the /special{SX filename} command
+C Sqn Ldr J P Baggott MBE MA CEng MIEE RAF
+C C H A N G E L O G
+C Date | Name | Description
+C ----------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------------
+ CHARACTER*4096 LINE !Line buffer
+ INTEGER*4 COUNT !Number of chars in line
+ INTEGER*4 START !Start of outpur line in buffer
+ INTEGER*4 ILLEGAL !Position of illegal sequence in buffer
+ INTEGER*4 STATE !Window state retuned by WINENQ
+ INTEGER*4 SEGMENT !Segment number in saved drawing
+ REAL*4 SAVEDWINDOW(4) !Window bounds of saved drawing
+ REAL*4 WIDTH !Desired width
+ REAL*4 HEIGHT !Desired height
+ REAL*4 SCALE !Desired scale factor
+ CHARACTER*255 INPUT !Name of input file
+ CHARACTER*255 OUTPUT !Name of output file
+ LOGICAL FORMFEED !Do we want a formfeed at the end of the
+ !file?
+C Get the parameters from the command line
+C First use the dummy driver to find the window size of the saved drawing
+ 1 STATUS = 'OLD',
+C Now open the LN03 driver and set up the transformations to rotate the
+C picture through 90 degrees and scale it to the user's desired size
+ 1 RECL = 4096,
+ 1 STATUS = 'NEW')
+ 1 STATUS = 'OLD',
+ CALL ROTAT2(90.0)
+ CLOSE(3)
+C Next, open the sixel file produced by GINO, and prepare to filter it to
+C remove <ESC>c (printer reset), split lines longer than 256 bytes, and
+C remove the FORTRAN carriage controls
+ 1 STATUS = 'OLD',
+ 1 RECL = 256,
+ 1 STATUS = 'NEW')
+C Repeat until end-of-file
+ READ (1,999,END=500) COUNT,LINE(1:COUNT)
+C Remove all occurences of <ESC>c
+C Split lines longer than 256 bytes
+500 IF (FORMFEED) WRITE(2,997) '0C'X
+C Close the files and exit
+ CLOSE(1)
+ CLOSE(2)
+997 FORMAT(A1)
+998 FORMAT(A)
+999 FORMAT(X,Q,A)
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.hlp b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b43cca9140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ginotosix.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Take a GINO psuedo-code file (produced using the SAVDRA driver) and create
+a sixel file in a format suitable for import into a LaTeX .LN3 file. The
+default action is to produce an image the same size and scale as the saved
+picture, using segment 0. The output filename is made from the supplied
+file-spec, with a type of .SIX. See the GINO documentation for more
+information on SAVDRA and picture segments, and the LaTeX user guides for
+more information on LaTeX.
+ GINOTOSIX file-spec
+To import the image into a LaTeX document, the \documentstyle option
+"graphics" should be used, and the command
+ \gino(width,height){file-spec}
+inserted at the point where the image is wanted. `width' and `height'
+MUST be specified explicitly as lengths, e.g.
+ \gino(150mm,100mm){FRED.SIX}
+This program was written by Sqn Ldr Jon Baggott (2 MESE). As he has left
+the college, any problems should be directed towards Brian Hamilton Kelly
+N.B. This command is NOT available by default; see Limitations below.
+2 Parameters
+ Specifies the name of the SAVDRA file. The default file type is .PIC
+ Wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
+2 Command_Qualifiers
+ /SIZE=(option[,...])
+ Specifies the size (in millimetres) of the sixel image. If the qualifier
+ is not used, the default action is to copy the window size (or the paper
+ size if windowing is not in effect) of the saved picture segment.
+ WIDTH:n specifies the width in mm of the sixel image.
+ Defaults to the saved width.
+ HEIGHT:n specifies the height in mm of the sixel image.
+ Defaults to the saved height.
+ If only one option is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.
+ NOTE: if this qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SCALE
+ qualifier, the action is first to scale, then window the
+ image. If the /SCALE qualifier is not given, the image is
+ scaled to fit the size specified.
+ /NOFORMFEED (default)
+ Instructs GINOTOSIX to append a formfeed to the end of the sixel file.
+ This allows the output file to be queued direct to a LN03 laser printer
+ for previewing. A formfeed must NOT be included if the file is to be
+ included in a LaTeX document.
+ /SCALE=x
+ Scale the stored image by a factor of x. The default scale factor is 1.0.
+ NOTE: if this qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SIZE
+ qualifier, the action is to first scale, then window the
+ image. If the /SIZE qualifier is not given, the stored size is
+ scaled to produce the image size.
+ Specifies the picture segment number in the SAVDRA file to use for
+ producing the image. The default value is 0. is not specified, the
+ maximum record length specified for the input file is used.
+ /OUTPUT=output-file-spec
+ Controls where the sixel file is written. The specification of
+ an output file is determined as follows:
+ NODE - if the node is not specified, the current node is
+ used.
+ DEVICE - if the device is not specified, the current default
+ device is used.
+ DIRECTORY - if the directory is not specified, the current
+ default directory is used.
+ NAME - if the file name is not specified or is an asterisk
+ wildcard, the name of the current input file is
+ used.
+ TYPE - if the file type is not specified, or is an asterisk
+ wildcard, the type of the file is set to .SIX
+ VERSION - if the file version is not specified or is an
+ asterisk wildcard, a version number of 0 is used. If
+ a file with the same name and version number exists,
+ GINOTOSIX will issue a (FORTRAN!) error message.
+ NOTE: Wildcard characters are not permitted in the directory
+ specification.
+2 Limitations
+GINOTOSIX only becomes available by defining it as a DCL command.
+To do this, you MUST execute the DCL command
+(just once) some time before issuing the GINOtosix command. If you use
+this facility regularly, you may care to put the SET COMMAND in your
+LOGIN.COM file (somewhere after invoking @SYS$COM:LATEX).
+GINOTOSIX was written in VAX FORTRAN and uses GINO routines. Some errors
+are therefore trapped by FORTRAN or by GINO, rather than being handled
+A scratch file is written and deleted in the default directory using the
+name "GINOTOSIX.TMP". Write access to the current default directory is
+therefore required.
+2 Examples
+GINOTOSIX will read the file FRED.PIC, and produce a file FRED.SIX from
+segment 0. The size of the sixel image will be the same as the saved
+GINOTOSIX will read FRED.GNO, and produce a half-size image in
+GINOTOSIX will read segment 1 of FRED.PIC, and uniformly scale the image
+to fit in a box 150mm wide and 100mm high. A formfeed will be appended to
+the end of the output file (FRED.SIX).
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/graphics.sty b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/graphics.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fe9618e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/graphics.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% The actual macros defined by this are called \largeVT, etc; the `240'
+% is actually part of the ``parameter template''. Dirty, but it works!!
+% \gr@phins{sixel_file}{height}{width}
+\def\gr@phins#1#2#3{{\hbox to#3{\vbox to#2{\special{ln03:sixel #1}\vfil}\hfil}}}
+% \MatlabPlot{sixel_file}
+% \SixelPlot{sixel_file}{height}{width}
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d3452d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+% This file can be loaded after PLAIN.MF.
+% It introduces conventions that are commonly used at RMCS.
+base_version:=base_version&"/RMCS 08-AUGUST-1989";
+% Define these for on-line graphics; necessary to set the VMS logical name
+% MF$TERM to be one of the strings "go140", "tek" or "gp" to support
+% the GraphOn, Tektronix or GraphicsPlus terminals, respectively.
+% The following values are appropriate for Tektronix 4010 etc,
+% since METAFONT doubles them before output as coordinates.
+screen_rows:=336; screen_cols:=512;
+% Some new internal commands from TEXHAX26.88
+% Submitted by Charles R. LaBrec
+newinternal blacker_min;
+def define_whole_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=hround($.#*hppp+blacker);
+ if $<=blacker_min-1: $:=blacker_min; fi endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=vround($.#*hppp+blacker);
+ if $<=blacker_min-1: $:=blacker_min _o_; fi endfor enddef;
+mode_def declnIII = % DEC LN03 (Ricoh, write white)
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=300; % rather obvious really
+ blacker:=0.2; % make pens a bit blacker
+%blacker:=0.3; % From John Sauter TeXHAX V88 #07
+%blacker:=0.65; % he also gives this value, but bad for small fonts
+%blacker:=0.4; % This value by BHK --- how's it look?
+ blacker_min:=2; % minimum width of 2 pixels
+%fillin:=-0.2; % darken diagonals a bit
+%fillin:=-0.4; % From Stan (?) UCB - TeXHAX V87.32
+ fillin:=-0.6; % BHK is trying this huge value!
+ o_correction:=0.5; % don't overshoot as much
+mode_def hpljII = % Hewlett Packard (Canon SX write white)
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=300; % rather obvious really
+ blacker:=0.2; % make pens a bit blacker
+ blacker_min:=2; % minimum width of 2 pixels
+ fillin:=-0.2; % darken diagonals a bit
+ o_correction:=0.5; % don't overshoot as much
+% Epson FX-1000 dot matrix printer (240 x 216 dpi)
+% From TUGboat 1987, vol 8, no 1, pp 29--33
+mode_def epson = %
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles at all
+ pixels_per_inch:=240; % Epson high resolution
+ blacker:=0; % Epson is black enough
+ blacker_min:=2; % minimum width of 2 pixels
+ fillin:=0; % Epson fills OK
+ o_correction:=.2; % Epson overshoots too much
+ aspect_ratio:=9/10; % Epson is actually 240 x 216 dpi
+mode_def ibmnom = % ibm mode: for the IBM3812 nominal
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=240;
+ blacker:=.2; % (this value is conjectural)
+ blacker_min:=1; % minimum width of 1 pixel
+ fillin:=-0.1; % (ditto)
+ o_correction:=0.6; % (ditto)
+mode_def ibmulf = % ibm mode: for the IBM3812 Ulf Holleberg
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=240;
+ blacker:=.4; % (this value is conjectural)
+ fillin:=-0.2; % (ditto)
+ o_correction:=0.4; % (ditto)
+mode_def ibm = % ibm mode: for the IBM3820
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=240;
+ blacker:=.78; % (this value is conjectural)
+ fillin:=0.25; % (ditto)
+ o_correction:=.5; % (ditto)
+mode_def ibmsch = % ibm PC screen for Arbortext's PREVIEW
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=118; %
+ blacker:=0; % let it be
+ blacker_min:=1; % minimum width of 1 pixel
+ fillin:=0; % and do not compensate for diagonal fillin
+ o_correction:=.2; % but don't overshoot much
+mode_def ibmvga = % ibm PC screen fonts for DVIVGA
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=110; %
+ blacker:=0.3; % blacker pens
+ blacker_min:=1; % minimum width of 1 pixel
+ fillin:=0; % and do not compensate for diagonal fillin
+ o_correction:=0.0; %
+% LAseventyfive mode: for DEC LA75 printer
+mode_def declalxxv =
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+ pixels_per_inch:=144; % pixels per inch
+ blacker:=0.3; % blacker pens
+ blacker_min:=1; % minimum width of 1 pixel
+ fillin:=-0.1; % compensate for light diagonals
+ o_correction:=0.0 % overshoot
+mode_def laser = % A convenient synonym for DEC LN03
+ declnIII_;
+mode_def localfont =
+ declnIII_;
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/local_guides.bib b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/local_guides.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5de407fd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/local_guides.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+% BibTeX Preamble Entries
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+% Define the various special names such as TeX, LaTeX etc
+% Use \defs, so we don't need to worry about whether to use
+% \newcommand or \renewcommand.
+@PREAMBLE{ "\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08emT\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} "
+ # "\def\SLiTeX{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} "
+ # "\def\DVItoVDU{DVIto\kern-.15em VDU} "
+ # "\newfont{\mf}{logo10}\def\MF{{\mf META}\-{\mf FONT}}"
+ # "\let\METAFONT=\MF"
+ # "\def\TB{TUGboat}"
+ }
+% Some useful abbreviations
+@STRING{TB = "TUGboat"}
+% BibTeX Reference Entries
+% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ TITLE = "{DVILN03} {U}ser {G}uide",
+ AUTHOR = "Hamilton Kelly, Brian",
+ INSTITUTION = "School of Electrical Engineering \& Science",
+ ADDRESS = "Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon,
+ SN6~8LA",
+ YEAR = "1991",
+ MONTH = "February",
+ NOTE="(For DVILN03 Version 4.0)"
+ }
+ TITLE = "{\DVItoVDU} {U}ser {G}uide",
+ AUTHOR = "Kempson, Niel",
+ INSTITUTION = "School of Electrical Engineering \& Science",
+ ADDRESS = "Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham,
+ Swindon, SN6~8LA",
+ YEAR = "1988",
+ MONTH = "July",
+ NOTE="(For {\DVItoVDU} Version 2.0)"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Kempson, Niel",
+ TITLE = "{VVcode}: A new {E}ncoding {S}cheme for {D}ata {T}ransfer",
+ INSTITUTION = "School of Electrical Engineering \& Science",
+ ADDRESS = "Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham,
+ Swindon, SN6~8LA",
+ YEAR = 1991}
+% <<optional_techreport_fields>>...
+ TITLE = "{\LaTeX} {U}ser {G}uide for the {{\sl VAXen\/}} at {RMCS}",
+ AUTHOR = "Kempson, Niel and {Hamilton Kelly}, Brian",
+ INSTITUTION = "School of Electrical Engineering \& Science",
+ ADDRESS = "Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon,
+ SN6~8LA",
+ YEAR = "1988",
+ MONTH = "July",
+ NOTE="(Second Edition)"
+ }
+ TITLE = "Using {{\sc LSEdit}} with {\LaTeX} and {\BibTeX} at {RMCS}",
+ AUTHOR = "Kempson, Niel",
+ INSTITUTION ="School of Electrical Engineering \& Science",
+ ADDRESS = "Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon,
+ SN6~8LA",
+ NOTE = "(Adapted from a guide produced by Lear Siegler, Inc., Grand
+ Rapids, Michigan)",
+ YEAR = "1988",
+ MONTH = "May"
+ }
+@MANUAL {DEC:dcl,
+ TITLE = "Guide to Using {DCL} and Command Procedures on
+ {\sl {VAX/VMS}}",
+ ORGANIZATION = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
+ NOTE = "AA-Y501A-TE",
+ ADDRESS = "Maynard, MA",
+ YEAR = "1984",
+ MONTH = "September"
+ }
+@MANUAL {DEC:dcl-concepts,
+ TITLE = "{\sl {VAX/VMS\/}} {DCL} Concepts Manual",
+ ORGANIZATION = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
+ NOTE = "AA-LA10A-TE",
+ ADDRESS = "Maynard, MA",
+ YEAR = "1988",
+ MONTH = "April"
+ }
+ TITLE = "Font File Format User Manual",
+ ORGANIZATION = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
+ EDITION = "{Revision 0.10}",
+ MONTH = "September",
+ YEAR = "1985",
+ NOTE = "(Version 1, Variant 0)"
+ }
+ TITLE = "LN03 Programmers' Reference Manual",
+ ORGANIZATION = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
+ EDITION = "second",
+ MONTH = Nov,
+ YEAR = 1985,
+ NOTE = "EK-OLN03-RM-002"
+ }
+ TITLE = "Guide to {\sl {VAX}\/} Language-Sensitive Editor and
+ {\sl {VAX\/}} Source Code Analyzer",
+ ORGANIZATION = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
+ NOTE = "AI-FY24B-TK",
+ ADDRESS = "Maynard, MA",
+ YEAR = "1987",
+ MONTH = "August"
+ }
+@BOOK {knuth:texbook,
+ AUTHOR = "Knuth, Donald Erwin",
+ TITLE = "The {\TeX}book",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley",
+ YEAR = 1984,
+ MONTH = "October",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13448-9"
+ }
+@BOOK {lamport:latexbook,
+ TITLE = "{\LaTeX}{\rm :} A Document Preparation System",
+ AUTHOR = "Lamport, Leslie",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-15790-X",
+ YEAR = "1986"
+ }
+@BOOK {knuth:ACP1,
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "The Art of Computer Programming",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = "1982",
+ VOLUME = "1 / Fundamental Algorithms",
+ EDITION = "2nd",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-03809-9"
+ }
+@BOOK {knuth:ACP2,
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "The Art of Computer Programming",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = "1982",
+ VOLUME = "2 / Seminumerical Algorithms",
+ EDITION = "2nd",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-03822-6"
+ }
+@BOOK {knuth:ACP3,
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "The Art of Computer Programming",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = "1982",
+ VOLUME = "3 / Sorting and Searching",
+ EDITION = "2nd",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-03803-X"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "Computers \& Typesetting",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = 1986,
+ VOLUME = "A --- The {\TeX}book",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13447-0 (A uniform edition of \cite{knuth:texbook})"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "Computers \& Typesetting",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = 1986,
+ VOLUME = "B --- {\TeX}: The Program",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13437-3"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "Computers \& Typesetting",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = 1986,
+ VOLUME = "C --- The {\MF}book",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13445-4"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "Computers \& Typesetting",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = 1986,
+ VOLUME = "D --- {\MF}: The Program",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13438-1"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Donald Erwin Knuth",
+ TITLE = "Computers \& Typesetting",
+ PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
+ YEAR = 1986,
+ VOLUME = "E --- Computer Modern Typefaces",
+ NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-13446-2"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Barbara Beeton",
+ TITLE = "Update: {\MF} {\tt mode\_def} Settings for Various {\TeX}
+ Output Devices",
+ JOURNAL = "TUGboat, the \TeX\ Users Group Newsletter",
+ YEAR = 1987,
+ VOLUME = 8,
+ NUMBER = 2,
+ PAGES = "132--3",
+ MONTH = nov,
+ NOTE = "(Values provided by Stan Osborne)"
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Fuchs, David",
+ TITLE = "The {F}ormat of {\TeX's} {{\tt DVI}} {F}iles",
+ JOURNAL = "\TB",
+ YEAR = 1982,
+ VOLUME = 3,
+ NUMBER = 2,
+ PAGES = "14--19",
+ MONTH = oct
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "{({\it Anon.})}",
+ TITLE = "Generic {F}ont {F}ile {F}ormat",
+ JOURNAL = "\TB",
+ YEAR = 1985,
+ VOLUME = 6,
+ NUMBER = 1,
+ PAGES = "8--11",
+ MONTH = mar
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Rokicki, Tomas",
+ TITLE = "Packed {({\tt PK})} {F}ont {F}ile {F}ormat",
+ YEAR = 1985,
+ VOLUME = 6,
+ NUMBER = 3,
+ PAGES = "115--120",
+ MONTH = Nov
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Fuchs, David",
+ TITLE = "The {F}ormat of {{\tt PXL}} {F}iles",
+ YEAR = 1981,
+ VOLUME = 2,
+ NUMBER = 3,
+ PAGES = "8--12",
+ MONTH = nov
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Fuchs, David",
+ TITLE = "{\TeX} {F}ont {M}etric {F}iles",
+ YEAR = 1981,
+ VOLUME = 2,
+ NUMBER = 1,
+ PAGES = "12--16",
+ MONTH = feb
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Knuth, Donald Erwin",
+ TITLE = "Virtual {F}onts: {M}ore {F}un for {G}rand {W}izards",
+ YEAR = 1990,
+ VOLUME = 11,
+ NUMBER = 1,
+ PAGES = "13--23",
+ MONTH = Apr
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Knuth, Donald Erwin",
+ TITLE = "The new versions of {\TeX} and {\MF}",
+ YEAR = 1989,
+ VOLUME = 10,
+ NUMBER = 3,
+ PAGES = "325--328",
+ MONTH = Nov
+ }
+ AUTHOR = "Hosek, Don",
+ TITLE = "Report from the {{\tt DVI}} {D}river {S}tandards {C}ommittee",
+ YEAR = 1990,
+ VOLUME = 11,
+ NUMBER = 4,
+ PAGES = 570,
+ MONTH = Nov
+ }
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.six b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.six
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..445a805f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.six
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+[7 IP9;0;2q
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.small b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.small
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93daa15afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/openclose.small
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+[7 IP9;0;1q
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.pic b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b32713caaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.pic
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+62A31Y6Z72+ GINO-F 2.7B + BAGGOTT 19-DEC-1988 16 40 +*.B1
+7200.0K *.E2Y139945E5R*LX *UA*LE *USPACING=0.50 *LLAMBDA *UR*LX *UA*LE *
+72.E5GAIN= 2.0 TARGET VEL=200.0*LM/S *UTA*.E5RGET RCS= 50.0*LM*.E694E52
+72WINDOW= 32.0*LS *.E5DOA/FD WEIGHTING=0.0050*.E238043Y309783E48E5 R*LX
+72*.E2445652E48E5 T*LX *.E266134Y241965E17156P24739PE177845Y251792E26809
+72YPYPB7E2296196Y139945E5POSITION ERRORS (*LKM)*.E2463315Y235053E112228E
+72233832E2464945Y24049PE50 *.E2414825E55 *.E2364703E510 *.E2314582E515
+72 *.E2264462E520 *.E221434PE525 *.E216422PE530 *.E21141QE535 *.E263979E
+72540 *.E213859E545 *.E212228Y235053E1Y153533E2Y161685E114266E2Y169836E1
+7255163E1463315E2475543Y235053E5 0*.E2Y226902E5 1*.E2Y21875PE5 2*.E2Y
+72210597E5 3*.E2Y202446E5 4*.E2Y194293E5 5*.E2Y18614PE5 6*.E2Y177988
+72E5 7*.E2Y169836E5 8*.E2Y161685E5 9*.E2Y153533E5 10*.E2473505Y147417
+72E5X10*.E2461277Y14538PE51 *.E2463315Y153533E112228E262349E1Y15557PE2
+727E262349Y163076E47E222252Y160418E47E2296196Y262227E5VELOCITY ERRORS (*
+72LM/S) *.E2463315Y357336E112228E262349E1Y355298E211247PE1Y357336E2162
+72Y356114E222252E1Y357336E21724PE1Y356114E2464945Y362772E50 *.E2414825E
+7255 *.E2364703E510 *.E2314582E515 *.E2264462E520 *.E221434PE525 *.E216
+72422PE530 *.E21141QE535 *.E263979E540 *.E213859E545 *.E212228Y357336E1Y
+72-5*.E2Y284873E5 0*.E2Y275815E5 5*.E2473505Y2697QE5X10*.E2461277Y2676
+7263E51 *.E2463315Y275815E112228E262349E1Y277852E211247PE1Y275815E2162
+72296196Y38451PE5HEADING ERRORS (DEG)*.E2463315Y47962PE112228E262349E1Y4
+724945Y485054E50 *.E2414825E55 *.E2364703E510 *.E2314582E515 *.E226446
+722E520 *.E221434PE525 *.E216422PE530 *.E21141QE535 *.E263979E540 *.E213
+72859E545 *.E212228Y47962PE1Y398097E2Y40625PE114266E2Y414402E112228E2Y42
+7263315E2475543Y47962PE5-10*.E2Y471467E5 -9*.E2Y463315E5 -8*.E2Y455163E5
+72 -7*.E2Y44701PE5 -6*.E2Y438858E5 -5*.E2Y430706E5 -4*.E2Y422554E5 -3*.E
+722Y414402E5 -2*.E2Y40625PE5 -1*.E2Y398097E5 0*.E2473505Y391984E5X10*.E
+722461277Y389946E51 *.E2463315Y398097E112228E262349E1Y400135E211247PE1
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.six b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.six
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c467d52b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.six
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+[7 IP0;0;1q"1;1
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.tex b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf9bd62bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/test.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+text before graph
+text after graph
diff --git a/dviware/ln03/rmcs/ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d010e77947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/ln03/rmcs/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+$!- TEXPRINT.COM ---------------------------------------------------------------
+$! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+$! Command file to print a file to the laser printer queue designated by
+$! P1.
+$! This command procedure is invoked by the user typing TEXPRINT followed
+$! by the name(s) of the file(s) to be printed. The login procedures
+$! executed by users of TeX/LaTeX should arrange to define the DCL symbol
+$! TEXPRINT thus:
+$! $ TEXP*rint :== @TEX_COM:TEXPRINT devname
+$! where devname is the name of the output device's queue; as published,
+$! this procedure assumes that the full name of the queue is given by
+$! devname+"$LASER"
+$! Parameters:
+$! P1 (required) The name of the queue to be used for printing
+$! P2 (required) Name of file(s) to be printed and/or optional
+$! qualifiers. If this consists of qualifiers,
+$! they are placed globally, and the filename must
+$! follow in P3... Multiple file names should be
+$! separated by commas
+$! P3-P8 (optional) Further optional qualifiers, which will be
+$! appended to the last filename used.
+$! Ensure printer queue specified
+$ IF P1 .EQS. ""
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-F-NOQUEUE, No laser printer queue specified"
+$ EXIT %X10000004
+$ queue_name = P1 + "$LASER"
+$ xxx = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_STATUS",queue_name)
+$ IF xxx .EQS. ""
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-F-BADQUEUE, No such queue ''queue_name'"
+$ EXIT %X10000004
+$! Ensure file name specified
+$ IF P2 .EQS. ""
+$ INQUIRE P2 "_File name"
+$ GOTO Get_Name
+$! Extract leading qualifier or single filename from P2...
+$ param_ctr = 2
+$ had_name = "FALSE"
+$ global_qual = ""
+$ file_list = ""
+$ related_spec = ".LN3"
+$ had_warning = "FALSE"
+$ next_par = F$EDIT(P'param_ctr,"TRIM,UPCASE")
+$ first_part = F$ELEMENT(0,",",next_par)
+$ following = F$ELEMENT(1,",",next_par) .NES. ","
+$! If Pn starts with a "/", it must be a global qualifier, if we haven't
+$! yet had any file names, or a trailing qualifier after the last file.
+$ IF F$EXTRACT(0,1,first_part) .EQS. "/"
+$ IF had_name
+$ file_list = file_list + next_par
+$ param_ctr = param_ctr + 1
+$ IF param_ctr .GT. 8 THEN $ GOTO Print_It
+$ GOTO Next_Param
+$ global_qual = global_qual + next_par
+$ param_ctr = param_ctr + 1
+$ IF param_ctr .GT. 8
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-E-NOFILES, No files selected for printing"
+$ EXIT %X10000002
+$ GOTO Next_Param
+$! Otherwise, what's in first_part is a filename, with an optional trailing
+$! qualifier (local to that file).
+$ IF had_name
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-W-PARAMS, Too many parameters \''next_par'\"
+$ had_warning = "TRUE"
+$ param_ctr = param_ctr + 1
+$ IF param_ctr .GT. 8 THEN $ GOTO Print_It
+$ GOTO Next_Param
+$! Extract file name preceding any local qualifiers, and default to .LN3
+$ elem_ctr = 1
+$ file_name = F$ELEMENT(0,"/",first_part)
+$ first_part = first_part - file_name
+$ next_file = F$PARSE(file_name,,related_spec,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")
+$ IF F$SEARCH(next_file) .EQS. ""
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-W-NOSUCHFILE, Couldn't find file ''next_file'"
+$ had_warning = "TRUE"
+$ had_name = "TRUE"
+$ IF file_list .NES. "" THEN $ file_list = file_list + ","
+$ file_list = file_list + next_file + first_part
+$ related_spec = next_file
+$! Now go back for next element of next_par, if applicable
+$ IF .NOT. following then $ GOTO Print_It
+$ first_part = F$ELEMENT(elem_ctr,",",next_par)
+$ elem_ctr = elem_ctr + 1
+$ following = F$ELEMENT(elem_ctr,",",next_par) .NES. ","
+$ GOTO Next_Element
+$! We've got everything required to execute the print command
+$ IF .NOT. had_name
+$ SAY "%TEXPRINT-F-CREJOB, error creating job"
+$ SAY "-JBC-E-EMPTYJOB, no files specified in job request"
+$ EXIT %X10000004
+$! The queue itself decides whether we print a flag page or not
+ 'global_qual' 'file_list'
+$ print_stat = $STATUS
+$ IF .NOT. print_stat THEN $ EXIT print_stat
+$ IF had_warning THEN $ EXIT %X10000000
+$ EXIT %X10000001
+$!- END OF TEXPRINT.COM --------------------------------------------------------