path: root/dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c')
1 files changed, 1430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c b/dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70b79cde7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/dvisun/dvisun.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1430 @@
+/************************ Global Definitions ************************/
+typedef int BOOLEAN;
+#define NEW(A) ((A *) malloc(sizeof(A)))
+#define DEBUG 1 /* for massive printing of input */
+ /* trace information; select by -d */
+ /* option after filename: */
+ /* dvibit filename -d */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+int Debug = 0;
+#define ALLOW_INTERRUPT 1 /* to allow ^C for Debugging */
+ /* undefine for normal catch-^C mode */
+#define BINARYOPEN fopen /* byte-oriented host version */
+#define ARITHRSHIFT 1 /* define if ">>" operator is a
+ sign-propagating arithmetic
+ right shift */
+#define USEGLOBALMAG 1 /* when defined, the dvi global
+ magnification is applied */
+/* We leave USEGLOBALMAG undefined because there are only a very limited
+ number font magnifications provided for this program and if it is
+ defined, any dvi file is as likely as not to fail */
+/* ---fixme--- put something into the log file if it's not mag 1000 */
+#define DVIFORMAT 2
+#define FALSE 0
+#ifndef FONTAREA
+#define FONTAREA "/usr/lib/dvifont/"
+#define LASTPXLCHAR 127
+#define MAXOPEN 15 /* limit on number of open PXL files */
+#define NPXLCHARS 128
+#define PXLID 1001
+#define READ 4 /* for access() */
+#define RESOLUTION 118 /* is really 91.72192515 */
+#define hconvRESOLUTION 118
+#define vconvRESOLUTION 110
+#define STACKSIZE 100
+#define STRSIZE 257
+#define TRUE 1
+#define XSIZE 1024
+#define YSIZE 800
+/*********************** external definitions ***********************/
+#include "commands.h"
+#include <sgtty.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>
+extern struct pixrect *pr_open();
+char *getenv();
+char *index();
+char *malloc();
+char *rindex();
+char *sprintf();
+char *strcpy();
+int dummyInt;
+short dummyShort;
+char dummyChar;
+/*************************** NoSignExtend ***************************/
+NoSignExtend(fp, n) /* return n byte quantity from file fd */
+register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */
+register int n; /* number of bytes */
+ register int x; /* number being constructed */
+ x = 0;
+ while (n--) {
+ x <<= 8;
+ x |= getc(fp);
+ }
+ return(x);
+/**************************** SignExtend ****************************/
+SignExtend(fp, n) /* return n byte quantity from file fd */
+register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */
+register int n; /* number of bytes */
+ int n1; /* number of bytes */
+ register int x; /* number being constructed */
+ x = getc(fp); /* get first (high-order) byte */
+ n1 = n--;
+ while (n--) {
+ x <<= 8;
+ x |= getc(fp);
+ }
+ /* NOTE: This code assumes that the right-shift is an arithmetic, rather
+ than logical, shift which will propagate the sign bit right. According
+ to Kernighan and Ritchie, this is compiler dependent! */
+ x<<=32-8*n1;
+ x>>=32-8*n1; /* sign extend */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tSignExtend(fp,%d)=%X\n",n1,x);
+ }
+ return(x);
+/************************* Global Procedures ************************/
+/* Note: Global procedures are declared here in alphabetical order, with
+ those which do not return values typed "void". Their bodies occur in
+ alphabetical order following the main() procedure. The names are
+ kept unique in the first 6 characters for portability. */
+void AbortRun();
+float ActualFactor();
+void AllDone();
+void Fatal();
+void FindPostAmblePtr();
+void GetBytes();
+void GetFontDef();
+void GotInterrupt();
+void InitTerm();
+int InputWaiting();
+void LoadRast();
+void MoveDown();
+void MoveOver();
+void OpenFontFile();
+int PixRound();
+void PutOut();
+int ReadFontDef();
+void ReadPostAmble();
+void ResetTerm();
+void SetChar();
+void SetFntNum();
+void SetRule();
+void SkipFontDef();
+void Warning();
+/************************* Global Variables *************************/
+int G_errenc = FALSE; /* has an error been encountered? */
+char G_Logname[STRSIZE]; /* name of log file, if created */
+int G_interactive = TRUE; /* is the program running interactively */
+ /* (i.e., standard output not redirected)? */
+int G_logging = 0; /* Is a log file being created? */
+struct sgttyb G_intty; /* information about stdin if interactive */
+FILE *G_logfp; /* log file pointer (for errors) */
+char G_progname[STRSIZE]; /* program name */
+struct char_entry { /* character entry */
+ unsigned short width, height;/* width and height in pixels */
+ short xOffset, yOffset; /* x offset and y offset in pixels */
+ struct {
+ int isloaded;
+ union {
+ int fileOffset;
+ struct pixrect *pixrectptr;
+ } address;
+ } where;
+ int tfmw; /* TFM width */
+struct font_entry { /* font entry */
+ int k, c, s, d, a, l;
+ char n[STRSIZE]; /* FNT_DEF command parameters */
+ int font_space; /* computed from FNT_DEF s parameter */
+ int font_mag; /* computed from FNT_DEF s and d parameters */
+ char name[STRSIZE]; /* full name of PXL file */
+ FILE *font_file_id; /* file identifier (0 if none) */
+ int magnification; /* magnification read from PXL file */
+ int designsize; /* design size read from PXL file */
+ struct char_entry ch[NPXLCHARS];/* character information */
+ struct font_entry *next;
+struct pixel_list
+ FILE *pixel_file_id; /* file identifier */
+ int use_count; /* count of "opens" */
+int hconv, vconv; /* converts DVI units to pixels */
+int den; /* denominator specified in preamble */
+FILE *dvifp; /* DVI file pointer */
+struct font_entry *fontptr; /* font_entry pointer */
+struct font_entry *hfontptr=NULL;/* font_entry pointer */
+int h; /* current horizontal position */
+int hh; /* current horizontal position in pixels */
+int v; /* current vertical position */
+int vv; /* current vertical position in pixels */
+int mag; /* magnification specified in preamble */
+int nopen; /* number of open PXL files */
+int num; /* numerator specified in preamble */
+struct font_entry *pfontptr = NULL; /* previous font_entry pointer */
+struct pixel_list pixel_files[MAXOPEN+1];
+ /* list of open PXL file identifiers */
+struct pixrect *screen, *display;
+long postambleptr; /* Pointer to the postamble */
+FILE *pxlfp; /* PXL file pointer */
+char *PXLpath; /* PXL path name for search */
+struct sgttyb tty; /* to see if program is running interactively */
+#define YDEFAULT 0
+int ydefault = YDEFAULT;
+int xscreen = 0, yscreen = YDEFAULT;
+/******************************** Unix only definitions ******************/
+struct tchars tcb; /* information about special terminal chars */
+/******************************* main *******************************/
+main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ struct stack_entry { /* stack entry */
+ int h, v, w, x, y, z; /* what's on stack */
+ };
+ int argind; /* argument index for flags */
+ int command; /* current command */
+ long cpagep; /* current page pointer */
+ char curarea[STRSIZE]; /* current file area */
+ char curext[STRSIZE]; /* current file extension */
+ char curname[STRSIZE]; /* current file name */
+ char filename[STRSIZE]; /* file name */
+ register int i; /* command parameter; loop index */
+ int k; /* temporary parameter */
+ char n[STRSIZE]; /* command parameter */
+ int PagesLeft; /* Number of pages left to skip */
+ int PreLoad = TRUE; /* preload the font descriptions? */
+ long ppagep; /* previous page pointer */
+ int SkipEOP = FALSE; /* input is waiting from the terminal, skip to EOP */
+ int SkipMode = FALSE; /* in skip mode flag */
+ int SoundBell = FALSE; /* if false supress bell at end of page */
+ int sp; /* stack pointer */
+ struct stack_entry stack[STACKSIZE]; /* stack */
+ int t; /* temporary */
+ char tc; /* temporary character */
+ char *tcp, *tcp1; /* temporary character pointers */
+ register struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry ptr */
+ int val, val2; /* temporarys to hold command information*/
+ int w; /* current horizontal spacing */
+ int x; /* current horizontal spacing */
+ int y; /* current vertical spacing */
+ int z; /* current vertical spacing */
+ nopen = 0;
+ strcpy(G_progname, argv[0]);
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -bpld +pages dvifile\n\n", G_progname);
+ AbortRun(1);
+ }
+ if (ioctl(1,TIOCGETP,&tty) == -1)
+ G_interactive = FALSE;
+ /* get enviroment variables that allows for a path name in unix */
+ if ((PXLpath=getenv("BGPXLPATH")) == NULL)
+ argind = 1;
+ while (argind < argc && (*argv[argind] == '-' || *argv[argind] == '+'))
+ {
+ tcp = argv[argind];
+ if (*tcp == '-')
+ { tcp++;
+ switch(*tcp){
+ case 'b': /* b supresses the bell at end of page */
+ SoundBell = TRUE;
+ break;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ case 'd': /* d selects Debug output */
+ Debug = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* l prohibits logging of errors */
+ G_logging = -1;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* p prohibits pre-font loading */
+ PreLoad = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%c is not a legal flag\n", *tcp);
+ }
+ } else
+ { sscanf(&argv[argind][1], "%d", &PagesLeft);
+ SkipMode = TRUE;
+ PagesLeft++;
+ }
+ argind++;
+ }
+ tcp = rindex(argv[argind], '/');
+ if (tcp == NULL) {
+ curarea[0] = '\0';
+ tcp = argv[argind];
+ }
+ else {
+ strncpy(curarea, argv[argind], tcp-argv[argind]+1);
+ tcp += 1;
+ }
+ tcp1 = index(tcp, '.');
+ if (tcp1 == NULL) {
+ strcpy(curname, tcp);
+ tcp1 = index(tcp, '\0');
+ }
+ else
+ strncpy(curname, tcp, tcp1-tcp);
+ strcpy(curext, tcp1);
+ strcpy(filename, curarea);
+ strcat(filename, curname);
+ if (curext[0] == '\0')
+ strcat(filename, ".dvi");
+ else
+ strcat(filename, curext);
+ if ((dvifp=BINARYOPEN(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open \"%s\"\n\n", G_progname, filename);
+ AbortRun(1);
+ }
+ strcpy(G_Logname, curname);
+ strcat(G_Logname, ".dvi-log");
+ argind++;
+ while (argind < argc && (*argv[argind] == '-' || *argv[argind] == '+'))
+ {
+ tcp = argv[argind];
+ if (*tcp == '-')
+ { tcp++;
+ switch(*tcp){
+ case 'b': /* b supresses the bell at end of page */
+ SoundBell = TRUE;
+ break;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ case 'd': /* d selects Debug output */
+ Debug = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* l prohibits logging of errors */
+ G_logging = -1;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* p prohibits pre-font loading */
+ PreLoad = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%c is not a legal flag\n", *tcp);
+ }
+ } else
+ { sscanf(&argv[argind][1], "%d", &PagesLeft);
+ argind++;
+ SkipMode = TRUE;
+ PagesLeft++;
+ }
+ argind++;
+ }
+ /* The terminal characteristics must be saved before any attempt is made */
+ /* to process the DVI file, so that if the latter should fail, procedure */
+ /* Fatal will be able to correctly restore the terminal state. */
+ if (G_interactive) {
+ ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &tcb); /* get special characters */
+ ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &G_intty); /* get modes */
+ tty = G_intty;
+ tty.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
+ tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
+ ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &tty); /* set modes */
+ }
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore interrupts */
+ InitTerm();
+ signal(SIGINT, GotInterrupt); /* catch interrupts */
+ if ((i = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) != PRE) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ Fatal("%s: PRE doesn't occur first--are you sure this is a DVI file?\n\n",
+ G_progname);
+ }
+ i = SignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ if (i != DVIFORMAT) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ Fatal("%s: DVI format = %d, can only process DVI format %d files\n\n",
+ G_progname, i, DVIFORMAT);
+ }
+ if (PreLoad)
+ {
+ ReadPostAmble();
+ fseek(dvifp, (long) 14, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ num = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ den = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ mag = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ hconv = DoConv(num, den, hconvRESOLUTION);
+ vconv = DoConv(num, den, vconvRESOLUTION);
+ }
+ k = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ GetBytes(dvifp, n, k);
+ while (TRUE)
+ switch (command=NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) {
+ case SET1:case SET2:case SET3:case SET4:
+ val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-SET1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) SetChar(val, command);
+ break;
+ case SET_RULE:
+ val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ val2 = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ if (!SkipMode) SetRule(val, val2, 1);
+ break;
+ case PUT1:case PUT2:case PUT3:case PUT4:
+ val = NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-PUT1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) SetChar(val, command);
+ break;
+ case PUT_RULE:
+ val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ val2 = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ if (!SkipMode) SetRule(val, val2, 0);
+ break;
+ case NOP:
+ break;
+ case BOP:
+ cpagep = ftell(dvifp) - 1;
+ for (i=0; i<=9; i++)
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ ppagep = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ pr_rop(display, 0, 0, display->pr_size.x, display->pr_size.y, PIX_CLR, NULL, 0, 0);
+ h = v = w = x = y = z = 0;
+ sp = 0;
+ fontptr = NULL;
+ if (PagesLeft)
+ { PagesLeft--;
+ if (PagesLeft <= 0) SkipMode = FALSE;
+ };
+ break;
+ case EOP:
+ if (SkipEOP) { SkipMode = FALSE; SkipEOP = FALSE; }
+ if (G_interactive && !SkipMode) {
+ t = FALSE;
+ while (!t) { /* sorry about this flow of control kludge */
+ t = TRUE;
+ tc = getchar();
+ if (tc==tcb.t_eofc) AllDone();
+ switch (tc) {
+ case ' ': /* normal case - start next page */
+ case '\n':
+ xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault;
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* move down and redisplay */
+ yscreen -= (YSIZE/3);
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* move left and redisplay */
+ xscreen += (XSIZE/3);
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* redisplay from previous page */
+ if (ppagep != -1) {
+ fseek(dvifp, ppagep, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'q': /* quit */
+ case 'e': /* exit */
+ AllDone();
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* move right and redisplay */
+ xscreen -= (XSIZE/3);
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* move up and redisplay */
+ yscreen += (YSIZE/3);
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ /* read in val */
+ val = ReadInt();
+ while (val-- && ppagep != -1)
+ { fseek(dvifp, ppagep, 0);
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ cpagep = ppagep;
+ ppagep = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ }
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault;
+ break;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ case 'f': /* fine tune y */
+ ydefault = ReadInt();
+ yscreen = ydefault;
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* fine tune hconv */
+ hconv = DoConv(num, den, ReadInt());
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case 'v': /* fine tune hconv */
+ vconv = DoConv(num, den, ReadInt());
+ fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ /* read in val */
+ val = ReadInt();
+ SkipMode = TRUE;
+ PagesLeft = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ t = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PUSH:
+ if (sp >= STACKSIZE)
+ Fatal("stack overflow");
+ stack[sp].h = h;
+ stack[sp].v = v;
+ stack[sp].w = w;
+ stack[sp].x = x;
+ stack[sp].y = y;
+ stack[sp].z = z;
+ sp++;
+ break;
+ case POP:
+ --sp;
+ if (sp < 0)
+ Fatal("stack underflow");
+ h = stack[sp].h;
+ v = stack[sp].v;
+ w = stack[sp].w;
+ x = stack[sp].x;
+ y = stack[sp].y;
+ z = stack[sp].z;
+ break;
+ case RIGHT1:case RIGHT2:case RIGHT3:case RIGHT4:
+ val = SignExtend(dvifp,command-RIGHT1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(val);
+ break;
+ case W0:
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(w);
+ break;
+ case W1:case W2:case W3:case W4:
+ w = SignExtend(dvifp,command-W1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(w);
+ break;
+ case X0:
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(x);
+ break;
+ case X1:case X2:case X3:case X4:
+ x = SignExtend(dvifp,command-X1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(x);
+ break;
+ case DOWN1:case DOWN2:case DOWN3:case DOWN4:
+ val = SignExtend(dvifp,command-DOWN1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(val);
+ break;
+ case Y0:
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(y);
+ break;
+ case Y1:case Y2:case Y3:case Y4:
+ y = SignExtend(dvifp,command-Y1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(y);
+ break;
+ case Z0:
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(z);
+ break;
+ case Z1:case Z2:case Z3:case Z4:
+ z = SignExtend(dvifp,command-Z1+1);
+ if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(z);
+ break;
+ case FNT1:case FNT2:case FNT3:case FNT4:
+ if (InputWaiting(stdin)) { SkipMode = TRUE; SkipEOP = TRUE;}
+ if (!SkipMode) SetFntNum(NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-FNT1+1));
+ break;
+ case XXX1:case XXX2:case XXX3:case XXX4:
+ k = NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-XXX1+1);
+ while (k--)
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ break;
+ case FNT_DEF1:case FNT_DEF2:case FNT_DEF3:case FNT_DEF4:
+ if (PreLoad)
+ {
+ SkipFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-FNT_DEF1+1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-FNT_DEF1+1));
+ }
+ break;
+ case PRE:
+ Fatal("PRE occurs within file");
+ break;
+ case POST:
+ if (SkipMode) fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0);
+ else { fseek(dvifp, (long) -2, 1); }
+ SkipMode = FALSE;
+ PagesLeft = 0;
+ break;
+ case POST_POST:
+ Fatal("POST_POST with no preceding POST");
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (command >= FONT_00 && command <= FONT_63)
+ {if (InputWaiting(stdin)) { SkipMode = TRUE; SkipEOP = TRUE;}
+ if (!SkipMode) SetFntNum(command - FONT_00);}
+ else if (command >= SETC_000 && command <= SETC_127)
+ {if (!SkipMode) SetChar(command - SETC_000, command);}
+ else
+ Fatal("%d is an undefined command", command);
+ break;
+ }
+/*************************** AbortRun *******************************/
+int code;
+ exit(code);
+/************************** ActualFactor ****************************/
+float /* compute the actual size factor given the approximation */
+int unmodsize; /* actually factor * 1000 */
+ float realsize; /* the actual magnification factor */
+ realsize = (float)unmodsize / 1000.0;
+ /* a real hack to correct for rounding in some cases--rkf */
+ if(unmodsize==1095) realsize = 1.095445; /*stephalf*/
+ else if(unmodsize==1315) realsize=1.314534; /*stepihalf*/
+ else if(unmodsize==2074) realsize=2.0736; /*stepiv*/
+ else if(unmodsize==2488) realsize=2.48832; /*stepv*/
+ else if(unmodsize==2986) realsize=2.985984; /*stepiv*/
+ /* the remaining magnification steps are represented with sufficient
+ accuracy already */
+ return(realsize);
+/****************************** AllDone ******************************/
+ char t;
+ ResetTerm();
+ if (G_errenc && G_logging == 1) {
+ fseek(G_logfp, 0, 0);
+ while ((t=getc(G_logfp)) != EOF)
+ putchar(t);
+ }
+ if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n");
+ AbortRun(G_errenc);
+int DoConv(num, den, convResolution)
+ register float conv;
+ conv = ((float)num/(float)den) *
+/* ActualFactor(mag) * why was this in as Actual Factor? jls */
+ ((float) mag/1000.0) *
+ ((float)convResolution/254000.0);
+ return((int) (1.0 / conv + 0.5));
+/****************************** Fatal *******************************/
+Fatal(fmt, args)/* issue a fatal error message */
+char *fmt; /* format */
+char *args; /* arguments */
+ if (G_logging == 1)
+ {
+ fprintf(G_logfp, "%s: FATAL--", G_progname);
+ _doprnt(fmt, &args, G_logfp);
+ fprintf(G_logfp, "\n");
+ }
+ ResetTerm();
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: FATAL--", G_progname);
+ _doprnt(fmt, &args, stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n");
+ AbortRun(1);
+/************************ FindPostAmblePtr **************************/
+long *postambleptr;
+/* this routine will move to the end of the file and find the start
+ of the postamble */
+ int i;
+ fseek (dvifp, (long) 0, 2); /* goto end of file */
+ *postambleptr = ftell (dvifp) - 4;
+ fseek (dvifp, *postambleptr, 0);
+ while (TRUE) {
+ fseek (dvifp, --(*postambleptr), 0);
+ if (((i = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) != 223) &&
+ (i != DVIFORMAT))
+ Fatal ("Bad end of DVI file");
+ if (i == DVIFORMAT)
+ break;
+ }
+ fseek (dvifp, (*postambleptr) - 4, 0);
+ (*postambleptr) = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ fseek (dvifp, *postambleptr, 0);
+/***************************** GetBytes *****************************/
+GetBytes(fp, cp, n) /* get n bytes from file fp */
+register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */
+register char *cp; /* character pointer */
+register int n; /* number of bytes */
+ while (n--)
+ *cp++ = getc(fp);
+/**************************** GetFontDef *****************************/
+ Read the font definitions as they are in the postamble of the DVI
+ file. Note that the font directory is not yet loaded. In order to
+ adapt ourselves to the existing "verser" the following font paramters
+ are copied onto output fontno (4 bytes), chksum, fontmag,
+ fontnamelength (1 byte), fontname. At the end, a -1 is put onto the
+ file.
+ char str[50], *calloc ();
+ unsigned char byte;
+ int i, fnamelen;
+ while (((byte = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) >= FNT_DEF1) &&
+ (byte <= FNT_DEF4)) {
+ switch (byte) {
+ case FNT_DEF1:
+ ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1));
+ break;
+ case FNT_DEF2:
+ ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2));
+ break;
+ case FNT_DEF3:
+ ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 3));
+ break;
+ case FNT_DEF4:
+ ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Fatal ("Bad byte value in font defs");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (byte != POST_POST)
+ Fatal ("POST_POST missing after fontdefs");
+/*************************** GotInterrupt ***************************/
+GotInterrupt(sig) /* don't leave terminal in a weird state */
+int sig;
+ ResetTerm();
+ if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n");
+ AbortRun(G_errenc);
+/***************************** InitTerm *****************************/
+InitTerm() /* initialize terminal */
+ screen = pr_open("/dev/bw0");
+ if (screen == NULL) {
+ perror("pixel: ");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ display = screen;
+/************************* InputWaiting *******************************/
+FILE *fp;
+/* this routine returns TRUE if there is input waiting to be read
+ and FALSE otherwise. note that it may take time to realize
+ that there is input waiting so the routine may occasionaly
+ be wrong. */
+ long retval;
+ if (fp->_cnt != 0) return(TRUE);
+ ioctl(fileno(fp), FIONREAD, &retval);
+ return((int)retval);
+/***************************** LoadRast *****************************/
+LoadRast(pxlfp, w, h) /* load raster pattern into BitGraph */
+FILE *pxlfp; /* PXL file pointer */
+int w; /* width of raster in pixels */
+int h; /* height of raster in pixels */
+ register int ew; /* extra word at end of row? */
+ register int t; /* temporary */
+ register int ww; /* width of raster in words */
+ ww = (w+15) / 16;
+ ew = ww & 1;
+ while (h--) {
+ t = ww;
+ while (t--)
+ PutOut(NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2));
+ if (ew)
+ NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2);
+ }
+/**************************** MoveDown ******************************/
+int a;
+ v += a;
+/**************************** MoveOver ******************************/
+int b;
+ h += b;
+/************************** OpenFontFile *****************************/
+ The original version of this dvi driver reopened the font file each
+ time the font changed, resulting in an enormous number of relatively
+ expensive file openings. This version keeps a cache of up to
+ MAXOPEN open files, so that when a font change is made, the file
+ pointer, pxlfp, can usually be updated from the cache. When the
+ file is not found in the cache, it must be opened. In this case,
+ the next empty slot in the cache is assigned, or if the cache is
+ full, the least used font file is closed and its slot reassigned for
+ the new file. Identification of the least used file is based on the
+ counts of the number of times each file has been "opened" by this
+ routine. On return, the file pointer is always repositioned to the
+ beginning of the file.
+ register int i,least_used,current;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Debug) printf("Open Font file\n");
+ if (pfontptr == fontptr)
+ return; /* we need not have been called */
+ for (current = 1;
+ (current <= nopen) &&
+ (pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id != fontptr->font_file_id);
+ ++current)
+ ; /* try to find file in open list */
+ if (current <= nopen) /* file already open */
+ {
+ pxlfp = pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id;
+ fseek(pxlfp,0,0); /* reposition to start of file */
+ }
+ else /* file not in open list */
+ {
+ if (nopen < MAXOPEN) /* just add it to list */
+ current = ++nopen;
+ else /* list full -- find least used file, */
+ { /* close it, and reuse slot for new file */
+ least_used = 1;
+ for (i = 2; i <= MAXOPEN; ++i)
+ if (pixel_files[least_used].use_count >
+ pixel_files[i].use_count)
+ least_used = i;
+ fclose(pixel_files[least_used].pixel_file_id);
+ current = least_used;
+ }
+ if ((pxlfp=BINARYOPEN(fontptr->name,"r")) == NULL)
+ Fatal("PXL file \"%s\" could not be opened; %d PXL files are open",
+ fontptr->name,nopen);
+ pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id = pxlfp;
+ pixel_files[current].use_count = 0;
+ }
+ pfontptr = fontptr; /* make previous = current font */
+ fontptr->font_file_id = pxlfp; /* set file identifier */
+ pixel_files[current].use_count++; /* update reference count */
+/***************************** PixRound *****************************/
+PixRound(x, conv) /* return rounded number of pixels */
+register int x; /* in DVI units */
+int conv; /* conversion factor */
+ return((int)((x + (conv >> 1)) / conv));
+/****************************** PutOut ******************************/
+PutOut(x) /* put a 16-bit raster pattern to the BitGraph */
+register int x; /* number to put out */
+ int negative; /* was x negative? */
+ register int part1, part2, part3; /* parts of number */
+ negative = FALSE;
+ if (x < 0) {
+ negative = TRUE;
+ x = -x;
+ }
+ part1 = (x & 0xfc00) >> 10;
+ part2 = (x & 0x03f0) >> 4;
+ part3 = (x & 0x000f);
+ if (part1) {
+ putchar(0100+part1);
+ putchar(0100+part2);
+ }
+ else
+ if (part2)
+ putchar(0100+part2);
+ if (negative)
+ putchar(040+part3);
+ else
+ putchar(060 + part3);
+/**************************** ReadFontDef ***************************/
+int k;
+ int t, i;
+ register struct font_entry *tfontptr; /* temporary font_entry pointer */
+ register struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ char *direct, *tcp, *tcp1;
+ int found;
+ char curarea[STRSIZE];
+ if ((tfontptr = NEW(struct font_entry)) == NULL)
+ Fatal("can't malloc space for font_entry");
+ tfontptr->next = hfontptr;
+ fontptr = hfontptr = tfontptr;
+ tfontptr->k = k;
+ tfontptr->c = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* checksum */
+ tfontptr->s = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* space size */
+ tfontptr->d = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* design size */
+ tfontptr->a = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); /* area length for font name */
+ tfontptr->l = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); /* device length */
+ GetBytes(dvifp, tfontptr->n, tfontptr->a+tfontptr->l);
+ tfontptr->n[tfontptr->a+tfontptr->l] = '\0';
+ tfontptr->font_space = tfontptr->s/6; /* never used */
+ tfontptr->font_mag = (int)((ActualFactor((int)(((float)tfontptr->s/
+ (float)tfontptr->d)*1000.0 + 0.5)) *
+ ActualFactor(mag) *
+ (float)RESOLUTION * 5.0) + 0.5);
+ if (tfontptr->a != 0) {
+ sprintf(tfontptr->name, "%s.%dpxl", tfontptr->n, tfontptr->font_mag);
+ } else {
+ direct = PXLpath;
+ found = FALSE;
+ do {
+ tcp = index(direct, ':');
+ if (tcp == NULL) tcp = strlen(direct) + direct;
+ strncpy(curarea, direct, tcp-direct);
+ tcp1 = curarea + (tcp - direct);
+ *tcp1++ = '/';
+ *tcp1++ = '\0';
+ sprintf(tfontptr->name, "%s%s.%dpxl", curarea, tfontptr->n, tfontptr->font_mag);
+ found = (access(tfontptr->name, READ) == 0);
+ if (*tcp) direct = tcp + 1; else direct = tcp;
+ } while ( !found && *direct != '\0');
+ }
+ if (tfontptr != pfontptr)
+ OpenFontFile();
+ if ((t = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4)) != PXLID)
+ Fatal("PXL ID = %d, can only process PXL ID = %d files",
+ t, PXLID);
+ fseek(pxlfp, -20, 2);
+ t = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4);
+ if ((tfontptr->c != 0) && (t != 0) && (tfontptr->c != t))
+ Warning("font = \"%s\",\n-->font checksum = %d,\n-->dvi checksum = %d",
+ tfontptr->name, tfontptr->c, t);
+ tfontptr->magnification = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4);
+ tfontptr->designsize = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4);
+ fseek(pxlfp, NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4) * 4, 0);
+ for (i = FIRSTPXLCHAR; i <= LASTPXLCHAR; i++) {
+ tcharptr = &(tfontptr->ch[i]);
+ tcharptr->width = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2);
+ tcharptr->height = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2);
+ tcharptr->xOffset= SignExtend(pxlfp, 2);
+ tcharptr->yOffset = SignExtend(pxlfp, 2);
+ tcharptr->where.isloaded = FALSE;
+ tcharptr->where.address.fileOffset = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4) * 4;
+ tcharptr->tfmw = ((float)NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4)*(float)tfontptr->s) /
+ (float)(1<<20);
+ }
+/**************************** ReadInt *******************************/
+/* this routine is used to read in an integer from the stdin stream.
+ This routine is necessary since the terminal is running in
+ CBREAK mode and therefore will not do editing of the input
+ stream for one. */
+ int value = 0;
+ int byte;
+ while ((byte = getchar()) != /* tcb.t_brkc */ 10)
+ { if (byte >= 48 /* "0" */ && byte <= 57 /* "9" */)
+ value = value * 10 + byte - 48;
+ if (byte == tty.sg_erase) value = value / 10;
+ }
+ return(value);
+/************************** ReadPostAmble ***************************/
+ This routine is used to read in the postamble values. It
+ initializes the magnification and checks the stack height prior to
+ starting printing the document.
+ FindPostAmblePtr (&postambleptr);
+ if (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1) != POST)
+ Fatal ("POST missing at head of postamble");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Debug) fprintf (stderr, "got POST command\n");
+ /* lastpageptr = */ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ num = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ den = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ mag = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ hconv = DoConv(num, den, hconvRESOLUTION);
+ vconv = DoConv(num, den, vconvRESOLUTION);
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* height-plus-depth of tallest page */
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* width of widest page */
+ if (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2) >= STACKSIZE)
+ Fatal ("Stack size is too small");
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2); /* this reads the number of pages in */
+ /* the DVI file */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (Debug) fprintf (stderr, "now reading font defs");
+ GetFontDef ();
+/**************************** ResetTerm *****************************/
+ResetTerm() /* Reset Terminal */
+ if (G_interactive)
+ ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &G_intty); /* restore modes */
+/***************************** SetChar ******************************/
+int buffer[8];
+register struct char_entry *ptr;
+ register struct pixrect *pr;
+ register int nshorts, i, col, nints;
+ register short *dp, *sp;
+ if (ptr->where.address.fileOffset == 0) {
+ ptr->where.address.pixrectptr = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ OpenFontFile();
+ fseek(pxlfp, ptr->where.address.fileOffset, 0);
+ nshorts = (ptr->width + 15) >> 4;
+ pr = mem_create(ptr->width, ptr->height, 1);
+ nints = (nshorts + 1) >> 1;
+ dp = ((struct mpr_data *)pr->pr_data)->md_image;
+ for (col = 0; col < ptr->height; col++) {
+ fread(buffer, 4, nints, pxlfp);
+ sp = (short *) &buffer[0];
+ for (i = nshorts; i > 0; i--) *dp++ = *sp++;
+ }
+ ptr->where.address.pixrectptr = pr;
+ ptr->where.isloaded = TRUE;
+SetChar(c, command)
+int c, command;
+ register struct char_entry *ptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */
+ int k;
+ ptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);
+ hh = PixRound(h, hconv);
+ vv = PixRound(v, vconv);
+ if (!ptr->where.isloaded) LoadAChar(ptr);
+ pr_rop(display, hh-ptr->xOffset-xscreen, vv-ptr->yOffset-yscreen, ptr->width, ptr->height, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, ptr->where.address.pixrectptr, 0, 0);
+ if (command <= SET4) h += ptr->tfmw;
+/**************************** SetFntNum *****************************/
+int k;
+/* this routine is used to specify the font to be used in printing future
+ characters */
+ fontptr = hfontptr;
+ while ((fontptr!=NULL) && (fontptr->k!=k))
+ fontptr = fontptr->next;
+ if (fontptr == NULL)
+ Fatal("font %d undefined", k);
+/***************************** SetRule ******************************/
+SetRule(a, b, Set)
+int a, b;
+{ /* this routine will draw a rule on the screen */
+ int ehh, evv;
+ hh = PixRound(h, hconv);
+ vv = PixRound(v-a, vconv);
+ ehh = PixRound(h + b, hconv);
+ evv = PixRound(v, vconv);
+ if (hh == ehh) ehh++;
+ if (vv == evv) vv--;
+ if ((a > 0) && (b > 0))
+ pr_rop(display, hh-xscreen, vv-yscreen, ehh-hh, evv-vv, PIX_SET, NULL, 0, 0);
+ if (Set) {
+ h += b;
+/* v += a; */
+ }
+/**************************** SkipFontDef ***************************/
+int k;
+ int a, l;
+ char n[STRSIZE];
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4);
+ a = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ l = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1);
+ GetBytes(dvifp, n, a+l);
+/***************************** Warning ******************************/
+Warning(fmt, args) /* issue a warning */
+char *fmt; /* format */
+char *args; /* arguments */
+ if (G_logging == 0)
+ {
+ G_logfp=fopen(G_Logname,"w+");
+ G_logging = 1;
+ if (G_logfp == NULL) G_logging = -1;
+ }
+ G_errenc = TRUE;
+ if (G_logging == 1)
+ {
+ _doprnt(fmt, &args, G_logfp);
+ fprintf(G_logfp,"\n");
+ }