path: root/dviware/dvi2bitmap/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/dvi2bitmap/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/dvi2bitmap/')
1 files changed, 1334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/dvi2bitmap/ b/dviware/dvi2bitmap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a74549fa15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/dvi2bitmap/
@@ -0,0 +1,1334 @@
+/* This file is part of dvi2bitmap; see README for copyrights and licence */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <iostream> // for debugging code, written to cerr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+//#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+//#include <memory> // for auto_ptr
+# include <cstring>
+# include <cmath>
+# include <cstdlib>
+# include <string.h>
+# include <math.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+using STD::cerr;
+using STD::endl;
+using STD::ends;
+using STD::ofstream;
+using STD::ios;
+#include <DviError.h>
+#include <FileByteStream.h>
+#include <PipeStream.h>
+#include <PkFont.h>
+#include <Util.h>
+#include <stringstream.h>
+#include <KarlPathSearcher.h>
+string_list break_path (string);
+// define class static variables
+verbosities PkRasterdata::verbosity_ = normal;
+verbosities PkFont::verbosity_ = normal;
+verbosities PkGlyph::verbosity_ = normal;
+#define DEFAULT_MFMODE "ibmvga"
+string PkFont::missingFontMode_ = DEFAULT_MFMODE;
+int PkFont::resolution_ = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;
+// Font-search strategies: manipulated by setFontSearchPath() and
+// setFontSearchCommand(). This could be made a lot more
+// sophisticated, but I can't yet decide in precisely which way. The
+// initialisation would probably be better done using
+// setFontSearchStrategy_() in a class initialiser (but I've forgotten
+// how to do that in C++!)
+//unsigned int PkFont::fontSearchStrategies_ = ~0;
+unsigned int PkFont::fontSearchStrategies_ =
+ fontSearchStrategyPath_
+ | fontSearchStrategyCommand_
+ | fontSearchStrategyKpse_
+ ;
+string PkFont::fontSearchPath_ = "";
+string PkFont::fontSearchCommandTemplate_ = FONT_SEARCH_SCRIPT;
+string PkFont::fontSearchCommandTemplate_ = "";
+#endif /* defined FONT_SEARCH_SCRIPT */
+string PkFont::fontgenCommandTemplate_ = FONT_GEN_TEMPLATE;
+bool PkFont::makeMissingFonts_ = true;
+string PkFont::fontgenCommandTemplate_ = "";
+bool PkFont::makeMissingFonts_ = false;
+#endif /* defined FONT_GEN_TEMPLATE */
+ * Represents a PK font.
+ *
+ * <p>The constructor arguments are those read from the DVI file font
+ * declaration, after a <code>fnt_def</code> opcode, except for
+ * <code>dvimag</code>, which is the overall DVI magnification
+ * factor, and includes the file and command-line magnification
+ * adjustments. For more details, see the definition of the font
+ * declaration in section `A.4 Font defintions' of the DVI standard,
+ * and the use of these factors in method {@link #magnification}.
+ *
+ * @param dvimag the scale factor (1.0 = no magnification) by which
+ * the font is to be magnified as it is read from the PK file
+ *
+ * @param c the font checksum expected
+ *
+ * @param s fixed-point scale factor applied to the character widths
+ * in the font
+ *
+ * @param d the fixed-point `design size' of the font
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the font
+ */
+PkFont::PkFont(double dvimag,
+ unsigned int c,
+ unsigned int s,
+ unsigned int d,
+ string name)
+ : name_(name), pkf_(0), font_loaded_(false), dvimag_(dvimag), seen_in_doc_(false)
+ font_header_.c = c;
+ font_header_.s = s;
+ font_header_.d = d;
+ path_ = "";
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::PkFont " << name
+ << " c=" << c
+ << " s=" << s
+ << " d=" << d
+ << endl;
+ try
+ {
+ string pk_file_path;
+ bool got_path = find_font (pk_file_path);
+ if (! got_path)
+ {
+ if (makeMissingFonts_)
+ {
+ string cmd;
+ cmd = fontgenCommand();
+ if (verbosity_ >= normal)
+ cerr << "mktexpk: " << cmd << endl;
+ if (cmd.length() == 0)
+ throw InputByteStreamError
+ ("can't generate fontgen command");
+ PipeStream *PS = new PipeStream(cmd);
+ string fontpath = PS->getResult();
+ if (PS->getTerminationStatus() != 0)
+ throw InputByteStreamError ("unable to generate font");
+ delete PS;
+ // Try searching again, rather than relying on the
+ // return value from the pipe (there's no reason
+ // to expect it to be unreliable, but re-using
+ // find_font() seems more consistent).
+ got_path = find_font (pk_file_path);
+ if (! got_path)
+ {
+ // We didn't find it, for some reason, but `fontpath'
+ // returned from the pipe should have the string. Use that
+ // instead, but warn about it. I _think_ there's a
+ // race-condition which sometimes makes the find_font() fail
+ // to find the font if it's called immediately after the
+ // font is successfully generated.
+ if (verbosity_ >= normal)
+ cerr << "Warning: tried (apparently successfully) to create font, but couldn't find it afterwards."
+ << endl
+ << "Consider setting DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH (see docs, based on "
+ << fontpath << ")" << endl
+ << "I'll use what I think is the correct path to it (fingers crossed)"
+ << endl;
+ pk_file_path = fontpath;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw InputByteStreamError
+ ("can't find font file, and font-generation disabled or impossible");
+ }
+ path_ = pk_file_path;
+ pkf_ = new FileByteStream (path_, "", true);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<nglyphs_; i++)
+ glyphs_[i] = 0;
+ read_font (*pkf_);
+ delete pkf_; // don't need the file any more
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "Opened font " << path_ << " successfully" << endl;
+ if (preamble_.cs != c)
+ if (verbosity_ > quiet)
+ cerr << "Warning: Font " << name_
+ << "found : expected checksum " << c
+ << ", got checksum " << preamble_.cs
+ << endl;
+ font_loaded_ = true;
+ }
+ catch (InputByteStreamError& e)
+ {
+ if (verbosity_ > quiet)
+ cerr << "Warning: Font " << name << " at "
+ << dpiScaled() << "dpi ("
+ << path_ << ") not found ("
+ << e.problem()
+ << ")" << endl;
+ preamble_.cs = 0;
+ glyphs_[0] = new PkGlyph(resolution_, this); // dummy glyph
+ }
+ //quad_ = ((double)dvimag/1000.0) * d;
+ // These next three quantities should be given in DVI units
+ // _without_ the overall DVI magnification. The function
+ // magnification() includes that, so remove it.
+ quad_ = d * magnification(false);
+ //quad_ = d * magnification(true);
+ //quad_ = d * dvimag_;
+ word_space_ = 0.2*quad_;
+ back_space_ = 0.9*quad_;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "Quad="<<quad_<<" dvi units" << endl;
+verbosities PkFont::verbosity (const verbosities level)
+ enum verbosities oldv = verbosity_;
+ verbosity_ = level;
+ KarlPathSearcher::verbosity (level);
+ return oldv;
+ * Find a font. Uses one or all of the font-search strategies
+ * specified using the <code>setFontSearch...</code> methods. The
+ * result of the first one which succeeds is the one returned.
+ *
+ * <p>Return true if we found a file to open, and return the path in the
+ * argument, which is unchanged otherwise. Return false on error.
+ * Success doesn't guarantee that the file exists, just that it was
+ * constructed without problems (in the current implementation, success
+ * <em>does</em> mean that the file was found, but this is not guaranteed by
+ * this routine).
+ *
+ * @param path reference to a path, which is filled in on output if
+ * the search was successful
+ * @return true on success, false on error
+ */
+bool PkFont::find_font (string& path)
+ bool got_it = false;
+ double scaled_res = resolution_ * magnification();
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::find_font: " << name_
+ << ", checksum=" << font_header_.c
+ << ", res " << resolution_
+ << '*' << magnification()
+ << " = " << scaled_res
+ << " (fontSearchStrategies_=" << fontSearchStrategies_ << ')'
+ << endl;
+ if (fontSearchStrategies_ & fontSearchStrategyPath_)
+ {
+ string pkpath = "";
+ if (fontSearchPath_.length() > 0)
+ {
+ pkpath = fontSearchPath_;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "find_font: using fontpath=" << fontSearchPath_ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *pkpath_p = getenv ("DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH");
+ if (pkpath_p != 0)
+ {
+ pkpath = pkpath_p;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "find_font: using DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH="
+ << pkpath << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pkpath.length() != 0)
+ {
+ string& found_file = search_pkpath (pkpath, name_, scaled_res);
+ if (found_file.length() > 0)
+ {
+ path = found_file;
+ got_it = true;
+ }
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::find_font: search_pkpath produced "
+ << (got_it ? path : "...nothing!") << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! got_it
+ && (fontSearchStrategies_ & fontSearchStrategyKpse_))
+ {
+ const char *kpse_file;
+ //std::auto_ptr<KarlPathSearcher> kps = KarlPathSearcher::getInstance();
+ KarlPathSearcher* kps = KarlPathSearcher::getInstance();
+ kpse_file = kps->find (name_.c_str(),
+ static_cast<int>(scaled_res));
+ if (kpse_file != 0)
+ {
+ path = kpse_file;
+ got_it = true;
+ }
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::find_font: (KarlPathSearcher)->find("
+ << name_ << "," << static_cast<int>(scaled_res) << ") = "
+ << (got_it ? path : "...nothing!") << endl;
+ }
+ if (! got_it
+ && (fontSearchStrategies_ & fontSearchStrategyCommand_)
+ && (fontSearchCommandTemplate_.length() != 0))
+ {
+ string& cmd = substitute_font_string (fontSearchCommandTemplate_,
+ missingFontMode_,
+ name_,
+ dpiScaled(),
+ dpiBase(),
+ magnification());
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::find_font: running cmd <"
+ << cmd << ">..." << endl;
+ PipeStream *PS = new PipeStream(cmd);
+ string font_found = PS->getResult();
+ int status = PS->getTerminationStatus();
+ delete PS;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << " ...produced <" << font_found
+ << "> (status=" << status << ')' << endl;
+ // Checking the length of the found font seems more reliable than
+ // checking the exit status, since kpsewhich apparently returns a
+ // non-zero exit status even if it finds the file, which isn't
+ // terribly helpful
+ if (font_found.length() > 0)
+ {
+ path = font_found;
+ got_it = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! got_it)
+ {
+ // write font-generation command string to missfont.log
+ string fontgenCmd = fontgenCommand();
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::find_font: no font found, writing <"
+ << fontgenCmd << "> to missfont.log" << endl;
+ if (fontgenCmd.length() != 0)
+ {
+ ofstream missfont;
+"./missfont.log", ios::app);
+ if (!missfont)
+ cerr << "Can't open ./missfont.log to write" << endl;
+ else
+ {
+ missfont << fontgenCmd << endl;
+ missfont.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return got_it;
+ * Find a file on the font path, with the specified name,
+ * at the specified resolution.
+ *
+ * <p>Do font rounding: Check all the integers between 0.998 and 1.002 of
+ * the specified resolution. If, however, this range falls within
+ * (n,n+1) (non-inclusive) (ie, it doesn't span <em>any</em> integers) then
+ * simply round the number.
+ * See the DVI Driver Standard for more details on the font-rounding
+ * algorithm.
+ *
+ * @param path a colon-separated list of directories to search for fonts
+ * @param name the name of the font to look for
+ * @param resolution the required resolution of the font
+ *
+ * @return a reference to a static string; if not found, return a
+ * zero-length string
+ */
+string& PkFont::search_pkpath (string path, string name, double resolution)
+ static string fname; // return value
+ int size_low, size_high;
+ size_low = static_cast<int>(STD::ceil (0.998*resolution));
+ size_high = static_cast<int>(STD::floor (1.002*resolution));
+ if (size_low > size_high)
+ // simply round it
+ size_low = size_high = static_cast<int>(STD::floor(resolution+0.5));
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::search_pkpath: searching "
+ << size_low << ".." << size_high << endl;
+ string_list pathlist = break_path(path);
+ if (pathlist.size() == 0)
+ {
+ fname = "";
+ return fname; // ...silently
+ }
+ bool found = false;
+ for (string_list::const_iterator pi = pathlist.begin();
+ pi != pathlist.end();
+ pi++)
+ {
+ // Each member of pathlist is a template as defined by
+ // PkFont::substitute_font_string(). Work through each in turn.
+ for (int size=size_low; size<=size_high && !found; size++)
+ {
+ fname = substitute_font_string (*pi,
+ PkFont::missingFontMode_,
+ name,
+ size,
+ dpiBase(),
+ magnification());
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::search_pkpath: trying " << *pi
+ << "->" << fname << endl;
+ struct stat S;
+ if (stat (fname.c_str(), &S) == 0)
+ {
+ // file exists
+#ifdef WIN32
+# define S_IRGRP 0
+# define S_IROTH 0
+#endif // WIN32
+ if (S_ISREG(S.st_mode)
+ && (S.st_mode & (S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)))
+ {
+ found = true; // exit the loop
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::search_pkpath: "
+ << fname << " found" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::search_pkpath: " << fname
+ << " mode " << STD::oct << S.st_mode << STD::dec
+ << " (not readable)" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::search_pkpath: "
+ << fname << " not found" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ fname = "";
+ return fname;
+ * Given a format string, return a reference to a string with format
+ * specifiers replaced by font information.
+ *
+ * <p>The format specifiers are:
+ * <table>
+ * <tr><td>%M<td>mode<td>ibmvga
+ * <tr><td>%f<td>font name<td>cmr10
+ * <tr><td>%d<td>dpi<td>330
+ * <tr><td>%b<td>base dpi<td>110
+ * <tr><td>%m<td>magnification<td>3
+ * <tr><td>%%<td>literal %-character
+ * </table>
+ * Any other format specifiers constitute an error. There is no
+ * support for any backslash escapes.
+ *
+ * @param fmt the format string, with the format specifiers described above
+ * @param mode a Metafont mode string, such as <code>ibmvga</code>
+ * @param fontname the name of a font, such as <code>cmr10</code>
+ * @param dpi the requested size of a font in dots-per-inch
+ * @param basedpi the design size of a font
+ * @param magnification of the font
+ *
+ * @returns a reference to the formatted string; this is a static
+ * string, which is overwritten on each call
+ *
+ * @throws PkError if it encounters an illegal format element.
+ */
+string& PkFont::substitute_font_string (const string fmt,
+ const string mode,
+ const string fontname,
+ const int dpi,
+ const int basedpi,
+ const double magnification)
+ throw (PkError)
+ static string retval;
+ SSTREAM newstring;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::substitute_font_string (fmt=" << fmt
+ << " mode=" << mode
+ << " fontname=" << fontname
+ << " dpi=" << dpi
+ << " basedpi=" << basedpi
+ << " magnification=" << magnification
+ << endl;
+ for (const char *p = fmt.c_str(); *p != '\0'; p++)
+ {
+ if (*p == '%')
+ switch (*++p)
+ {
+ case 'M':
+ newstring << mode;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ newstring << magnification;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ newstring << fontname;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ newstring << dpi;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ newstring << basedpi;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ newstring << '%';
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ SSTREAM msg;
+ msg << "substitute_font_string: Invalid format character %"
+ << *p
+ << ". Allowed characters {Mmfdb%}."
+ << ends;
+ throw PkError (SS_C_STR(msg));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ newstring << *p;
+ }
+ retval = SS_STRING(newstring);
+ return retval;
+void PkFont::read_font (InputByteStream& pkf)
+ // read the preamble, and check that the requested parameters match
+ Byte preamble_opcode = pkf.getByte();
+ if (preamble_opcode != 247)
+ throw DviError ("PK file doesn't start with preamble");
+ if (( = pkf.getByte()) != 89)
+ throw DviError ("PK file has wrong ID byte");
+ int comment_length = pkf.getByte();
+ preamble_.comment = "";
+ for (;comment_length > 0; comment_length--)
+ preamble_.comment += static_cast<char>(pkf.getByte());
+ unsigned int i = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ preamble_.designSize = (double)i/(double)two20_;
+ preamble_.cs = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ i = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ preamble_.hppp = (double)i/(double)two16_;
+ i = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ preamble_.vppp = (double)i/(double)two16_;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::read_font " << name_
+ << " '" << preamble_.comment << "\'"
+ << " designSize=" << preamble_.designSize
+ << " cs=" << preamble_.cs
+ << " hppp=" << preamble_.hppp
+ << " vppp=" << preamble_.vppp
+ << "..." << endl;
+ // Now scan through the file, reporting opcodes and character definitions
+ bool end_of_scan = false;
+ while (! end_of_scan)
+ {
+ Byte opcode = pkf.getByte();
+ if (opcode <= 239) // character definition
+ {
+ bool two_byte = opcode & 4;
+ Byte pl_prefix = static_cast<Byte>(opcode & 3);
+ unsigned int packet_length;
+ //unsigned int pos; // primarily for debugging output
+ unsigned int g_cc, g_tfmwidth, g_dm, g_dx, g_dy, g_w, g_h;
+ int g_hoff, g_voff;
+ if (two_byte)
+ if (pl_prefix == 3) // long-form character preamble
+ {
+ packet_length = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_cc = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_tfmwidth = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_dx = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_dy = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_w = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_h = pkf.getUIU(4);
+ g_hoff = pkf.getSIS(4);
+ g_voff = pkf.getSIS(4);
+ if (g_cc >= nglyphs_) // g_cc unsigned, so >= 0
+ throw DviError
+ ("PK file has out-of-range character code");
+ //pos = pkf.pos();
+ packet_length -= 7*4;
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << "chardef L "
+ << static_cast<int>(g_cc)
+ << "=`"
+ << (g_cc>' ' && g_cc<='~' ?static_cast<char>(g_cc)
+ :'?')
+ << "\' "
+ << STD::hex
+ << ": opcode=" << static_cast<int>(opcode)
+ << " pl=" << packet_length
+ << " cc=" << g_cc
+ << " tfmwidth=" << g_tfmwidth
+ << " dx=" << g_dx
+ << " dy=" << g_dy
+ << " w=" << g_w
+ << " h=" << g_h
+ << " hoff=" << g_hoff
+ << " voff=" << g_voff
+ << STD::dec
+ << "(len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ //<< "(pos="<<pos<<" len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ << endl;
+ PkRasterdata *rd
+ = new PkRasterdata (opcode,
+ pkf.getBlock(packet_length),
+ packet_length, g_w, g_h);
+ glyphs_[g_cc] = new PkGlyph (g_cc, g_tfmwidth, g_dx, g_dy,
+ g_w, g_h, g_hoff, g_voff,
+ rd, this);
+ //pkf.skip (packet_length);
+ }
+ else // extended short form character preamble
+ {
+ packet_length = pl_prefix;
+ packet_length <<= 16;
+ packet_length += pkf.getUIU(2);
+ g_cc = pkf.getByte();
+ g_tfmwidth = pkf.getUIU(3);
+ g_dm = pkf.getUIU(2);
+ g_w = pkf.getUIU(2);
+ g_h = pkf.getUIU(2);
+ g_hoff = pkf.getSIS(2);
+ g_voff = pkf.getSIS(2);
+ if (g_cc >= nglyphs_) // g_cc unsigned, so >= 0
+ throw DviError
+ ("PK file has out-of-range character code");
+ //pos = pkf.pos();
+ packet_length -= 3 + 5*2;
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << "chardef XS "
+ << static_cast<int>(g_cc)
+ << "=`"
+ << (g_cc>' ' && g_cc<='~' ?static_cast<char>(g_cc)
+ :'?')
+ << "\' "
+ << STD::hex
+ << ": opcode=" << static_cast<int>(opcode)
+ << " pl=" << packet_length
+ << " cc=" << g_cc
+ << " tfmwidth=" << g_tfmwidth
+ << " dm=" << g_dm
+ << " w=" << g_w
+ << " h=" << g_h
+ << " hoff=" << g_hoff
+ << " voff=" << g_voff
+ << STD::dec
+ << "(len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ //<< "(pos="<<pos<<" len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ << endl;
+ PkRasterdata *rd
+ = new PkRasterdata (opcode,
+ pkf.getBlock(packet_length),
+ packet_length, g_w, g_h);
+ glyphs_[g_cc] = new PkGlyph (g_cc, g_tfmwidth, g_dm,
+ g_w, g_h, g_hoff, g_voff,
+ rd, this);
+ //pkf.skip (packet_length);
+ }
+ else // short form character preamble
+ {
+ packet_length = pl_prefix;
+ packet_length <<= 8;
+ packet_length += pkf.getByte();
+ g_cc = pkf.getByte();
+ g_tfmwidth = pkf.getUIU(3);
+ g_dm = pkf.getUIU(1);
+ g_w = pkf.getUIU(1);
+ g_h = pkf.getUIU(1);
+ g_hoff = pkf.getSIS(1);
+ g_voff = pkf.getSIS(1);
+ if (g_cc >= nglyphs_) // g_cc unsigned, so >= 0
+ throw DviError
+ ("PK file has out-of-range character code");
+ //pos = pkf.pos();
+ packet_length -= 8;
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << "chardef S "
+ << static_cast<int>(g_cc)
+ << "=`"
+ << (g_cc>' ' && g_cc<='~' ? static_cast<char>(g_cc)
+ : '?')
+ << "\' "
+ << STD::hex
+ << ": opcode=" << static_cast<int>(opcode)
+ << " pl=" << packet_length
+ << " cc=" << g_cc
+ << " tfmwidth=" << g_tfmwidth
+ << " dm=" << g_dm
+ << " w=" << g_w
+ << " h=" << g_h
+ << " hoff=" << g_hoff
+ << " voff=" << g_voff
+ << STD::dec
+ << "(len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ //<< "(pos="<<pos<<" len="<<packet_length<<")"
+ << endl;
+ PkRasterdata *rd
+ = new PkRasterdata (opcode,
+ pkf.getBlock(packet_length),
+ packet_length, g_w, g_h);
+ glyphs_[g_cc] = new PkGlyph (g_cc, g_tfmwidth, g_dm,
+ g_w, g_h, g_hoff, g_voff,
+ rd, this);
+ //pkf.skip(packet_length);
+ }
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << "charsizes " << g_cc
+ << " tfm=" << g_tfmwidth
+ << " w=" << g_w
+ << " h=" << g_h
+ << " off=(" << g_hoff << ',' << g_voff
+ //<< ") at " << pos
+ << "(len " << packet_length << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ else // opcode is command
+ {
+ int lenb = 0;
+ switch (opcode)
+ {
+ case 243: // pk_xxx4
+ lenb++;
+ case 242: // pk_xxx3
+ lenb++;
+ case 241: // pk_xxx2
+ lenb++;
+ case 240: // pk_xxx1
+ lenb++;
+ {
+ string special = "";
+ for (unsigned int special_len = pkf.getUIU(lenb);
+ special_len > 0;
+ special_len--)
+ special += static_cast<char>(pkf.getByte());
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << "Special \'" << special << "\'" << endl;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 244: // pk_yyy
+ for (int ti=0; ti<4; ti++) (void) pkf.getByte();
+ break;
+ case 245: // pk_post
+ end_of_scan = true;
+ break;
+ case 246: // pk_no_op
+ break;
+ case 247: // pk_pre
+ throw DviError ("Found PK preamble in body of file");
+ default:
+ throw DviError ("Found unexpected opcode in PK file");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::read_font ...finished reading " << name_ << endl;
+ * Obtain the magnification of this font. This includes both font scaling
+ * and overall DVI file magnification: this number is <em>mag/1000 .
+ * s/d</em>, where <em>s</em> and <em>d</em> are taken from the font
+ * definition in the DVI file, and <em>mag</em> is the total
+ * magnification taking into account DVI preamble magnification and
+ * any command-line overriding.
+ *
+ * @param includeDviMag if true (the default), include the overall
+ * DVI file magnification <code>mag</code> (as set in the
+ * constructor); if false, do not
+ *
+ * @return the font magnification
+ */
+double PkFont::magnification(bool includeDviMag) const
+ double rval = (double)font_header_.s / (double)font_header_.d;
+ if (includeDviMag)
+ rval *= dvimag_;
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont::magnification: "
+ << font_header_.s << '/' << font_header_.d
+ << " * " << dvimag_ << " = " << rval << endl;
+ return rval;
+ * Set the list of directories in which to look for fonts.
+ * @param fp the colon-separated font path
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchPath(string fp)
+ if (fp.length() == 0)
+ // simply enable this
+ fontSearchPath_ = fp;
+ setFontSearchPath(true);
+ * Set the list of directories in which to look for fonts.
+ * @param fp the colon-separated font path
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchPath(char *fp)
+ string s = (fp == 0 ? "" : fp);
+ setFontSearchPath(s);
+ * Enable or disable using the font-path when searching for fonts.
+ * @param usePath if true, use the font path
+ * @see #setFontSearchPath(string)
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchPath(bool usePath)
+ setFontSearchStrategy_(fontSearchStrategyPath_, usePath);
+ * Set the shell command which is used when searching for fonts. The
+ * specified string should be a template string with the formatting
+ * characters managed by {@link #substitute_font_string}, and these
+ * will be substituted with the required values before the command is
+ * run.
+ *
+ * @param cmd the shell command template
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchCommand(string cmd)
+ // if cmd is zero length, simply enable this
+ if (cmd.length() != 0)
+ fontSearchCommandTemplate_ = cmd;
+ setFontSearchCommand(true);
+ * Sets the shell command which is used when searching for fonts. The
+ * specified string should be a template string with the formatting
+ * characters managed by {@link #substitute_font_string}, and these
+ * will be substituted with the required values before the command is
+ * run.
+ *
+ * @param cmd the shell command template
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchCommand(char* cmd)
+ string s = (cmd == 0 ? "" : cmd);
+ setFontSearchCommand(s);
+ * Enable or disable using a font-search command when searching for fonts.
+ * @param useCommand if true, use the command
+ * @see #setFontSearchCommand(string)
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchCommand(bool useCommand)
+ setFontSearchStrategy_(fontSearchStrategyCommand_, useCommand);
+ * Enable or disable using the <code>kpathsea</code> library when
+ * searching for fonts.
+ * @param useKpse if true, use the library
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontSearchKpse(bool useKpse)
+ setFontSearchStrategy_(fontSearchStrategyKpse_, useKpse);
+void PkFont::setFontSearchStrategy_(unsigned int strat, bool useit)
+ if (useit)
+ fontSearchStrategies_ |= strat;
+ else
+ fontSearchStrategies_ &= ~strat;
+ * Represents a single glyph in a font. The parameters here
+ * correspond to the parameters of the same names which are read from
+ * the PK file.
+ *
+ * @param cc the character code of this glyph
+ * @param tfmwidth the width of the character, in DVI units
+ * @param dm the horizontal escapement, in pixels; this is the number
+ * of pixels rightwards (towards increasing <em>x</em>) that the
+ * reference should move after this glyph is set; the vertical
+ * escapement is taken to be zero
+ * @param w width of the bitmap in pixels
+ * @param h height of the bitmap in pixels
+ * @param hoff <em>(hoff,voff)</em> is the position of the glyph
+ * reference point, as an offset from the top-left pixel, in units of pixels, and with right and down being positive
+ * @param voff see parameter <code>hoff</code>
+ * @param rasterdata the raster information for this glyph
+ * @param f the font which this glyph belongs to
+ */
+PkGlyph::PkGlyph(unsigned int cc,
+ unsigned int tfmwidth,
+ unsigned int dm,
+ unsigned int w,
+ unsigned int h,
+ int hoff,
+ int voff,
+ PkRasterdata *rasterdata,
+ PkFont *f)
+ : cc_(cc), w_(w), h_(h),
+ hoff_(hoff), voff_(voff), font_(f), rasterdata_(rasterdata),
+ longform_(false), bitmap_(0)
+ tfmwidth_ = (double)tfmwidth/two20_ * f->designSize();
+ dx_ = dm;
+ dy_ = 0;
+ * Represents a single glyph in a font. The parameters here
+ * correspond to the parameters of the same names which are read from
+ * the PK file.
+ *
+ * @param cc the character code of this glyph
+ * @param tfmwidth the width of the character, in DVI units
+ * @param dx the horizontal escapement, in pixels times
+ * @manonly 2**16; @endmanonly
+ * @latexonly $2^{16}$; @endlatexonly
+ * @htmlonly <em>2<sup>16</sup></em>; @endhtmlonly
+ * this defines the number
+ * of pixels rightwards (towards increasing <em>x</em>) that the
+ * reference should move after this glyph is set
+ * @param dy the vertical escapement, in pixels times
+ * @manonly 2**16 @endmanonly
+ * @latexonly $2^{16}$ @endlatexonly
+ * @htmlonly <em>2<sup>16</sup></em> @endhtmlonly
+ * @param w width of the bitmap in pixels
+ * @param h height of the bitmap in pixels
+ * @param hoff <em>(hoff,voff)</em> is the position of the glyph
+ * reference point, as an offset from the top-left pixel, in units of pixels, and with right and down being positive
+ * @param voff see parameter <code>hoff</code>
+ * @param rasterdata the raster information for this glyph
+ * @param f the font which this glyph belongs to
+ */
+PkGlyph::PkGlyph(unsigned int cc,
+ unsigned int tfmwidth,
+ unsigned int dx,
+ unsigned int dy,
+ unsigned int w,
+ unsigned int h,
+ int hoff,
+ int voff,
+ PkRasterdata *rasterdata,
+ PkFont *f)
+ : cc_(cc), w_(w), h_(h),
+ hoff_(hoff), voff_(voff), font_(f), rasterdata_(rasterdata),
+ longform_(true), bitmap_(0)
+ tfmwidth_ = (double)tfmwidth/(double)two20_ * f->designSize();
+ dx_ = static_cast<int>(STD::floor(dx / (double)two16_ + 0.5));
+ dy_ = static_cast<int>(STD::floor(dy / (double)two16_ + 0.5));
+ * Constructs a dummy glyph for a font.
+ *
+ * @param resolution the resolution which this glyph corresponds to
+ * @param f the font which this glyph is a member of
+ */
+PkGlyph::PkGlyph(int resolution, PkFont *f)
+ : font_(f)
+ tfmwidth_ = f->designSize(); // design size in points
+ w_ = h_ = 0;
+ bitmap_ = 0;
+ // make dx_ = 1 quad in pixels (rather large)
+ dx_ = static_cast<int>(f->designSize() * resolution / 72.27);
+ dy_ = 0;
+ hoff_ = voff_ = 0;
+ * Returns the bitmap which represents this glyph. This runs from
+ * the top-left of the character, with the width and height as given
+ * by methods <code>w()</code> and <code>h()</code>.
+ * @return the bitmap for this glyph
+ */
+const Byte *PkGlyph::bitmap()
+ if (bitmap_ == 0 && w_ != 0 && h_ != 0)
+ bitmap_ = rasterdata_->bitmap();
+ return bitmap_;
+ * Creates a Rasterdata object representing the provided data. The
+ * raster data read from the PK file needs to be decoded into a
+ * bitmap, and this is the function of this class.
+ *
+ * @param opcode the character code of this glyph
+ * @param rasterdata the rastered glyph, in the format described in
+ * the PK file documentation
+ * @param len the number of bytes in the rasterdata stream
+ * @param w the width of the resulting bitmap
+ * @param h the number of rows in the resulting bitmap
+ */
+PkRasterdata::PkRasterdata(Byte opcode,
+ const Byte *rasterdata, unsigned int len,
+ unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
+ : len_(len), w_(w), h_(h),
+ bitmap_(0), highnybble_(false)
+ dyn_f_ = static_cast<Byte>(opcode >> 4);
+ start_black_ = opcode&8;
+ rasterdata_ = new Byte[len];
+ (void) STD::memcpy ((void*)rasterdata_, (void*)rasterdata, len);
+ eob_ = rasterdata_+len_;
+ * Unpacks a PK number. Numbers in the PK file are stored in a
+ * compressed form. This method consumes as many nybbles as necessary
+ * from the input stream and converts them to an unpacked number.
+ *
+ * @return the unsigned integer corresponding to the next number read
+ * from the input stream
+ */
+unsigned int PkRasterdata::unpackpk ()
+ unsigned int res = 0;
+ Byte n = nybble();
+ if (n == 0)
+ {
+ // it's a 'large' number
+ int nzero = 1;
+ while ((n = nybble()) == 0)
+ nzero++;
+ res = n;
+ for (; nzero>0; nzero--)
+ res = res*16 + nybble();
+ res = res + (13-dyn_f_)*16 + dyn_f_ - 15;
+ }
+ else if (n <= dyn_f_)
+ res = n;
+ else if (n < 14)
+ res = (n-dyn_f_-1)*16+(dyn_f_+1) + nybble();
+ else
+ {
+ // it's a repeatcount
+ if (repeatcount_ != 0)
+ throw DviError ("found double repeatcount in unpackpk");
+ if (n == 15)
+ repeatcount_ = 1;
+ else
+ repeatcount_ = unpackpk ();
+ res = unpackpk(); // get the following runcount
+ }
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << '=' << res
+ << ' ' << static_cast<int>(repeatcount_) << endl;
+ return res;
+ * Returns the next nybble from the input stream
+ * @return the value of the next nybble [0..15], as a Byte
+ */
+Byte PkRasterdata::nybble() {
+ highnybble_ = !highnybble_;
+ Byte res;
+ if (highnybble_)
+ {
+ if (rasterdata_ == eob_)
+ throw DviBug ("Run out of nybbles (snackattack!)");
+ res = static_cast<Byte>((*rasterdata_)>>4);
+ }
+ else
+ res = static_cast<Byte>((*rasterdata_++)&0xf);
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ cerr << '<' << static_cast<int>(res) << endl;
+ return res;
+ * Constructs a bitmap from the provided rasterinfo, which has come from
+ * the PK file. Place the resulting bitmap in <code>bitmap_</code>
+ */
+void PkRasterdata::construct_bitmap()
+ bitmap_ = new Byte[w_ * h_];
+ if (dyn_f_ == 14)
+ {
+ // rasterinfo is a pure bitmap - no decoding necessary
+ unsigned int nbits_req = w_*h_;
+ Byte *p = bitmap_; // build this up...
+ const Byte *r = rasterdata_; // ...from here
+ Byte b;
+ while (nbits_req >= 8)
+ {
+ for (int i=7, bb=*r; i>=0; i--, bb>>=1)
+ p[i] = static_cast<Byte>(bb&1);
+ p += 8;
+ r++;
+ nbits_req -= 8;
+ }
+ if (nbits_req > 0)
+ {
+ // get the last few bits
+ b = static_cast<Byte>(*r >> (8-nbits_req));
+ for (int i=nbits_req-1; i>=0; i--, b>>=1)
+ p[i] = static_cast<Byte>(b&1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // decode the rasterinfo
+ Byte *rowp = bitmap_;
+ Byte *rowstart = bitmap_;
+ unsigned int nrow = 0;
+ unsigned int ncol = 0;
+ Byte pixelcolour = start_black_;
+ repeatcount_ = 0;
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ {
+ cerr << "dyn_f=" << static_cast<int>(dyn_f_)
+ << " h=" << h_
+ << " w=" << w_
+ << endl << "rasterdata=" << STD::hex;
+ for (const Byte *p=rasterdata_; p<eob_; p++)
+ cerr << static_cast<int>(*p) << ' ';
+ cerr << STD::dec << endl;
+ }
+ while (nrow < h_)
+ {
+ unsigned int runcount = unpackpk();
+ for (; runcount>0; runcount--)
+ {
+ *rowp++ = pixelcolour;
+ ncol++;
+ if (ncol == w_) // end of row
+ {
+ ncol = 0;
+ nrow++;
+ if (verbosity_ > debug)
+ {
+ cerr << nrow << ':';
+ for (const Byte *p=rowstart; p<rowp; p++)
+ cerr << (*p ? '*' : '.');
+ cerr << '+' << repeatcount_ << endl;
+ }
+ if (repeatcount_ > 0)
+ {
+ Byte *rowend=rowp;
+ for (; repeatcount_>0; repeatcount_--)
+ {
+ Byte *pt=rowstart;
+ while (pt < rowend)
+ *rowp++ = *pt++;
+ nrow++;
+ }
+ }
+ rowstart = rowp;
+ }
+ }
+ pixelcolour = static_cast<Byte>(pixelcolour==0 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ * Utility function: break path at colons, and return list.
+ * @param path a colon-separated string
+ * @return a List of strings
+ */
+string_list break_path (string path)
+ string_list l;
+ string tmp = "";
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<path.length(); i++)
+ if (path[i] == SRCHPATH_SEP)
+ {
+ l.push_back(tmp);
+ tmp = "";
+ }
+ else
+ tmp += path[i];
+ l.push_back(tmp);
+ return l;
+ * Enables or disables font generation. Font generation will only be
+ * enabled if there is a font-generation template command, either set
+ * through method <code>setFontgenCommand</code>, or as a compiled-in
+ * default. If there is no such command, this method will have no effect.
+ *
+ * @param doit if true, font generation is enabled
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontgen(bool doit)
+ if (fontgenCommandTemplate_.length() == 0)
+ makeMissingFonts_ = false;
+ else
+ makeMissingFonts_ = doit;
+ * Set the shell command which is used when generating fonts. The
+ * specified string should be a template string with the formatting
+ * characters managed by {@link #substitute_font_string}, and these
+ * will be substituted with the required values before the command is
+ * run.
+ *
+ * <p>This also enables font-generation, so that it has the effect of
+ * <code>setFontgen(true)</code>.
+ *
+ * @param cmd a font-generation template
+ */
+void PkFont::setFontgenCommand(string cmd)
+ fontgenCommandTemplate_ = cmd;
+ makeMissingFonts_ = true;
+ * Returns a command which can be used to generate fonts. The command
+ * should return a single line containing the path to the generated
+ * font file. Return an empty string on errors, or if such a command
+ * is not supported on a particular platform.
+ *
+ * <p>Note that if a font-generation
+ * command template is defined but automatic font generation is
+ * disabled, this still returns a font-generation command.
+ *
+ * @return a font generation command, suitable for passing to a shell
+ */
+string PkFont::fontgenCommand (void)
+ const
+ string rval;
+ if (fontgenCommandTemplate_.length() > 0) {
+ try
+ {
+ rval = substitute_font_string (fontgenCommandTemplate_,
+ missingFontMode_, name_,
+ dpiScaled(), dpiBase(),
+ magnification());
+ if (verbosity_ > normal)
+ cerr << "PkFont:font_gen_string=" << rval << endl;
+ }
+ catch (PkError& e)
+ {
+ if (verbosity_ > quiet)
+ cerr << "Warning: can't generate fontgen command ("
+ << e.problem() << ")" << endl;
+ rval = "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ rval = "";
+ }
+ return rval;