path: root/dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c')
1 files changed, 1860 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c b/dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ece9ff313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/beebe/utils/lptops.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1860 @@
+/* -*-C-*- LPTOPS.C */
+/******************************* lptops *******************************/
+NB: In order to handle overprinting of input of the form
+this must be loaded with a special version of the C library I/O routine
+(PCC:IOCR.REL on the DEC-20) which permits reading and writing of <CR>.
+No special action need be taken on Unix systems, since <CR> is not
+filtered out, and is normally absent. On PC-DOS, open options of "rb"
+will usually be necessary (this is the default on all systems but
+ Line printer file to PostScript converter
+ [03-Jul-85]
+ [12-Nov-85]
+ [07-Apr-86]
+ [03-May-88]
+lptops converts normal text files into PostScript for printing on the
+Apple LaserWriter, or any other PostScript-compatible printing device.
+It supports selection of a variety of fonts at arbitrary point sizes,
+margin specification, portrait and landscape page orientation, automatic
+page numbering, page outlining, and multi-column printing. It can also
+handle overstruck text used by many document formatters for underlining.
+ lptops [switches] <infile >outfile
+ lptops [switches] filelist >outfile
+In the switch descriptions below, physical dimensions described as # may
+be specified as a single number with an optional fractional part, and a
+required two-letter unit designator. Letter case is ignored. Possible
+forms are:
+#.##bp big point (1in = 72bp) [Courier: 120.000/Pbp cpi]
+#.##cc cicero (1cc = 12dd) [Courier: 9.381/Pcc cpi]
+#.##cm centimeter [Courier: 4.233/Pcm cpi]
+#.##dd didot point (1157dd = 1238pt)[Courier: 112.569/Pdd cpi]
+#.##in inch [Courier: 1.667/Pin cpi]
+#.##mm millimeter (10mm = 1cm) [Courier: 42.333/Pmm cpi]
+#.##pc pica (1pc = 12pt) [Courier: 10.038/Ppc cpi]
+#.##pt point (72.27pt = 1in) [Courier: 120.450/Ppt cpi]
+#.##sp scaled point (65536sp = 1pt) [Courier: 7.893/(Psp/1000000) cpi]
+The bracketed values give the number of characters per inch (cpi) for a
+point size of P units with the fixed-width Courier font. For example,
+with point size 8bp, there are 120/8 = 15 characters per inch. With
+point size 1000000sp, there are 7.893 characters/inch.
+The optional switches are (letter case is ignored):
+ -A Turn Scribe-like bold and italic requests (@b[...] and
+ @i[...]) into bold or italic text.
+ -B# Bottom margin of #.
+ -Cn Print n copies of each page.
+ -Ffontname
+ PostScript fontname. Possible values with acceptable
+ short abbreviations formed from the upper-case letters
+ in the font names, and the ditroff and Adobe TranScript
+ abbreviations are as follows. The first 13 are
+ available on all PostScript printers; the remainder are
+ available only on enhanced printers, such as the Apple
+ LaserWriter Plus.
+ ==================== ===== ====== ==========
+ full name short ditroff TranScript
+ ==================== ===== ====== ==========
+ Courier C C C
+ Courier-Bold CB CB CB
+ Courier-BoldOblique CBO CD CD
+ Courier-Oblique CO CO CO
+ Helvetica H he he
+ Helvetica-Bold HB He He
+ Helvetica-BoldOblique HBO HE HE
+ Helvetica-Oblique HO hE hE
+ Symbol S S S
+ Times-Bold TB R ti
+ Times-BoldItalic TBI BI TI
+ Times-Italic TI I tI
+ Times-Roman T R ti
+ AvantGarde-Book AGB ag ag
+ AvantGarde-BookOblique AGBO aG aG
+ AvantGarde-Demi AGD Ag Ag
+ AvantGarde-DemiOblique AGDO AG AG
+ Bookman-Demi BD Bo Bo
+ Bookman-DemiItalic BDI BO BO
+ Bookman-Light BL bo bo
+ Bookman-LightItalic BLI bO bO
+ Helvetica-Narrow HN hn hn
+ Helvetica-Narrow-Bold HNB Hn Hn
+ Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique HNBO HN HN
+ Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique HNO hN hN
+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCSB Nc Nc
+ NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCSBI NC NC
+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCSI nC nC
+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCSR nc nc
+ Palatino-Bold PB Pa Pa
+ Palatino-BoldItalic PBI PA PA
+ Palatino-Italic PI pA pA
+ Palatino-Roman PR pa pa
+ ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZCMI ZC ZC
+ ZapfDingbats ZD ZD ZD
+ ==================== ===== ====== ==========
+ The ditroff and TranScript abbreviations are the same,
+ except for the Courier and Times fonts. They are based
+ on two-letter mnemonics, where upper-case in the first
+ letter means bold, and upper-case in the second letter
+ means italic.
+ Only the Courier fonts are fixed-width like typewriter
+ and line printer fonts are. The others are proportional
+ spaced for improved readability, and consequently,
+ tabular material will not line up properly with them.
+ The Courier fonts have a width equal to 0.6 of their
+ point size, so to fill a line W inches wide with up to N
+ characters, one must have point size <= (W/(0.6 * N *
+ 72)) = (W*120)/N pt. Equivalently, with a point size P
+ pt, the output spacing is 120/P char/inch.
+ -H Horizontal page orientation (landscape mode) instead of
+ vertical page (portrait mode).
+ -I# Top margin of # for initial page (for letterheads); if
+ not specified, it will default to the value given for
+ the top margin by default or by the -T# command.
+ -L# Left margin of #.
+ -Mn Multiple column output (n columns). In multiple column
+ mode, formfeeds cause column breaks instead of page
+ breaks.
+ -N[tb][lcr]n
+ Number output pages. The number is placed by default in
+ the center of the top margin, but the margin can be
+ selected explicitly by t (top) or b (bottom), and the
+ position of the page number can be further specified by
+ l (left), c (center), or r (right). If n is given,
+ start numbering with that value, and otherwise with 1.
+ If an initial top margin value is given with the -I#
+ option, numbering will be omitted on the first page if
+ it is at the top. Pages are unnumbered if this option
+ is not specified.
+ -O[#] Outline pages (and columns) with a # units wide. A
+ narrow line of 0.4pt width is assumed if # is omitted;
+ this particular width is what TeX uses in typesetting.
+ -P# Font point size (default 10bp). The baseline skip
+ (spacing between successive character baselines) is
+ conventionally chosen to be 6/5 of this value, so that
+ with 10bp type, we have 12bp between lines, or 6
+ lines/inch, the same as standard printer output.
+ -R# Right margin of #.
+ -S[n] special handling (i.e. manual paper feed) for the first
+ n pages of the output. If N multiple copies are in
+ effect, then N*n sheets must be fed manually. If n is
+ omitted, then all pages are to be fed manually. For
+ example, -S1 is convenient to get the first page of a
+ letter on letterhead paper fed manually, with remaining
+ pages from the paper cassette.
+ -T# Top margin of #.
+ -U Output pages in unsorted (first to last) order instead
+ of in sorted (page reversed) order; some PostScript
+ printers have page handlers that stack the paper in this
+ order. The default is sorted because this is
+ appropriate for the most common PostScript printer, the
+ Apple LaserWriter.
+Defaults are:
+ -B1.0in -C1 -FCourier -L1.0in -M1 -P10bp -R1.0in -S0 -T1.0in
+Revision history (reverse time order):
+[03-May-88] Add ditroff and Adobe TranScript font abbreviations.
+[19-Apr-86] Change page/line status report from output in End_Page()
+ only to output in Beg_Page() and End_Column().
+[07-Apr-86] Fix some incorrect font names, put font names into
+ table, add font abbreviations and new font names, change
+ default font to Courier (because most printing expects
+ fixed-width fonts). Add usage message if bad options,
+ and print fontnames if bad font switch given. Allow
+ multiple filenames on command line instead of just using
+ stdin -- this added new function Do_File() and changed
+ argument lists of inchar() and Copy_Plist(). Add
+ save/restore around each page image following new 1986
+ PostScript Language Reference Manual recommendation, and
+ change multiple copies sequence from repeat loop to
+ setting of standard variable #copies. Add -U option for
+ unsorted output.
+[03-Feb-86] Fix setting of final entry of page_table[]. It should
+ only be done when End_Page() is called, since otherwise
+ Beg_Page() has already set the final entry, and we just
+ have an empty page to be discarded. Without this fix,
+ this left a hole (0), so the entire file got copied in
+ its entirety to the last page of the sorted file.
+[18-Jan-86] Add (void) to fprintf()/printf(), test for disk storage
+ full at end of page, add OUTSTR() macro using fputs()
+ instead of fprintf() for efficiency.
+[20-Dec-85] Change getchar() to inchar(); the latter supplies a
+ trailing LF at EOF in the event it is missing.
+ Otherwise, the output PostScript has two tokens
+ jammed together (P 1 {copypage} --> P1 {copypage})
+[20-Dec-85] Following recommendation of Allan Hetzel on LASER-LOVERS
+ ARPA BBOARD, added "() pop" at top of every page. This
+ is selected by the switch FIX31OCT85:
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ Subject: Re: Apple Laserwriter XON/XOFF problem
+ The note posted to Laser-Lovers on Oct 28 by Joseph
+ Goldstone of Symbolics Cambridge Research Center was
+ helpful but I didn't try his suggested fix correctly and
+ so I called Adobe. They were very helpful (much more so
+ than Apple) and explained the problem and how to bypass
+ it.
+ My apologies to Adobe if this not an accurate
+ description of the problem. The problem apparently is
+ due to the PostScript interpreter getting confused by
+ what it thinks is an excess of white space characters.
+ The bypass is to place a special character (parenthesis,
+ bracket, brace, slash, etc.) to the right of some token,
+ but without an intervening white space character. As the
+ PostScript scanner reads the token it also reads the
+ special character which acts as a delimiter. The scanner
+ then has to back up one character so that it can
+ reprocess the special character after it has processed
+ the preceding token. During this backing up process a
+ number of internal values are recalculated, including
+ some pointer into the input buffer. This causes the
+ XON/XOFF protocol to work properly. Doing this once per
+ page seems to keep everybody happy.
+ Each page in the PostScript file built by our word
+ processing program is surrounded by a "save restore"
+ sequence. We changed the beginning save sequence
+ "/saveobj save def" to read "/saveobj save def() pop".
+ The "() pop" is effectively a no-op and we are assured
+ that the necessary recalculations are done on each page.
+ This seems to have corrected the problem completely.
+ Allan Hetzel (sysal@ukcc.bitnet)
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+[11-Dec-85] Fix problem with extra () around overstruck text.
+[13-Nov-85] Insert FASTIO conditional compilation option to speed up
+ page reversal. Under VAX 4.2BSD, fread() and fwrite()
+ are already fast enough, and need not be replaced.
+[12-Nov-85] Add reversal of pages, storing output on intermediate
+ file which is deleted before exiting.
+[02-Nov-85] Add code to write output on temporary file, then
+ retrieve in reverse page order and output on stdout.
+[30-Oct-85] Add code to handle overstruck lines:
+ ...text...<CR>...overtext...<CR><LF>
+ will appear as
+ (...text...) O
+ (...overtext...) P
+ Macro definitions and font selection now repeated
+ on each page to allow selective reprinting.
+[07-Oct-85] Add code to discard input NUL's from word-padded files,
+ since the LaserWriter prints them as blanks.
+[27-Sep-85] Added missing 'N' switch, fixed Page_Switch() (it scanned
+ beyond last digit of page number)
+[11-Jul-85] Original version.
+#ifndef OS_TOPS20
+#define OS_TOPS20 0
+#ifndef KCC_20
+#define KCC_20 0
+#ifndef PCC_20
+#define PCC_20 0
+#if (KCC_20 | PCC_20)
+#ifndef OS_TOPS20
+#define OS_TOPS20 1
+#ifndef OS_VAXVMS
+#define OS_VAXVMS 0
+#ifndef OS_ATARI
+#define OS_ATARI 0
+#ifndef OS_PCDOS
+#define OS_PCDOS 0
+#ifndef IBM_PC_AZTEC
+#define IBM_PC_AZTEC 0
+#define IBM_PC_LATTICE 0
+#ifndef IBM_PC_WIZARD
+#define IBM_PC_WIZARD 0
+#ifndef OS_PCDOS
+#define OS_PCDOS 1
+#define OS_UNIX 0
+#define OS_UNIX 1
+#if (OS_ATARI | PCC_20)
+#define DISKFULL(fp) ferror(fp) /* PCC-20 does not always set errno */
+#define DISKFULL(fp) (ferror(fp) && (errno == ENOSPC))
+#define EXIT vms_exit
+#define EXIT exit
+typedef int void; /* Lattice C does not have this */
+#define ANSI_LIBRARY 0
+On TOPS-20, fread()/fwrite() are implemented as loops around
+getc()/putc() calls, and these in turn also do CR/LF translation. Calls
+to _read() and _write() translate into direct calls to the Monitor for
+fast efficient block I/O. FASTIO selects this option. It is used in
+Copy_Block when the temporary file is output in reverse page order to
+#if OS_TOPS20
+#if PCC_20
+#define FASTIO 1 /* TOPS-20 use only */
+#undef DISKFULL
+#define DISKFULL(fp) ferror(fp) /* PCC-20 does not always set errno */
+extern int strcmp();
+#define FIX31OCT85 1 /* Allan Hetzel's XON/XOFF fix */
+typedef int BOOLEAN;
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FASTIO
+#define FASTIO 0
+#define PXLID 0 /* used in inch.h */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* int errno; */ /* not in errno.h */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#if OS_TOPS20
+#include <time.h>
+#include <file.h>
+#include <jsys.h>
+#include <mon_s.h>
+#define FOPEN_W "w"
+#define FOPEN_R "r"
+#define FOPEN_W "wb"
+#define FOPEN_R "rb"
+PostScript's basic units are big points (72bp = 1in). Everything in
+this routine works in terms of "Quite Small Units": 1 inch = QSU qsu.
+#define NUL '\0'
+#define QSU 100000L /* quite small units per inch -- */
+ /* should be large to avoid */
+ /* truncation error accumulation */
+#define INCH_TO_QSU(x) ((COORDINATE)(x * (float)QSU))
+ /* inch to QSU conversion */
+#define LEFT_X (left_margin + col_margin)
+#define BOT_Y (bottom_margin + col_margin)
+#define TOP_Y(margin) (page_height - (margin) - baseline_skip - col_margin)
+#if OS_TOPS20 /* want <CR><LF> */
+#define NEWLINE(fp) {(void)putc((char)'\r',fp);(void)putc((char)'\n',fp);}
+#define NEWLINE(fp) (void)putc((char)'\n',fp) /* want bare <LF> */
+#define OUTCHAR(c) (void)putc((char)(c),tf)
+#define OUTOCTAL(c) (void)fprintf(tf,"\\%03o",(c))
+#define OUTSTR(s) (void)fputs(s,tf)
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define HEIGHT (11L * QSU) /* page height in QSU */
+#define MAXBLOCK 4096L /* block size for file copy */
+#define MAXLEN 256 /* font name length */
+#define MAXPAGE 1024 /* size of page location table */
+#define WIDTH ((85L * QSU)/10L) /* page width in QSU */
+#define COL_TWIDDLE 40L /* 1/fraction of column width for */
+ /* column margin */
+#define PAGE_T 001 /* flag bits for page_flag */
+#define PAGE_B 002
+#define PAGE_L 010
+#define PAGE_R 020
+#define PAGE_C 040
+#define TEMPFILE "lptops.tmp" /* temporary output file */
+ /* global functions */
+int main(int ,char *[]);
+void Beg_Column(void);
+void Beg_Line(void);
+void Beg_Page(void);
+void Beg_Text(char);
+void Copy_Block(long ,long);
+void Copy_Plist(char, FILE *);
+void Do_File(FILE *);
+void End_Column(void);
+void End_Page(void);
+void End_Line(void);
+void End_Text(char);
+float inch(char *);
+int inchar(FILE *);
+void Page_Switch(char *);
+int atoi(const char *);
+char* ctime(const time_t *);
+#else /* NOT ANSI_LIBRARY */
+int atoi(char *);
+char* ctime(long *);
+#endif /* ANSI_LIBRARY */
+char *cuserid(char *);
+void EXIT(int);
+char *getlogin(void);
+void perror(const char *);
+char *strcpy(char *,const char *);
+int strcm2(char *,char *);
+size_t strlen(const char *);
+char *strncpy(char *,const char *,size_t);
+time_t time(time_t *);
+int unlink(const char *);
+#else /* NOT ANSI_LIBRARY */
+void perror(char *);
+char *strcpy(char *,char *);
+int strcm2(char *,char *);
+int strlen(char *);
+char *strncpy(char *,char *,int);
+long time(long *);
+int unlink(char *);
+#endif /* ANSI_LIBRARY */
+void Beg_Column();
+void Beg_Line();
+void Beg_Page();
+void Beg_Text();
+void Copy_Block();
+void Copy_Plist();
+void Do_File();
+void End_Column();
+void End_Page();
+void End_Line();
+void End_Text();
+float inch();
+int inchar();
+int main();
+void Page_Switch();
+int atoi();
+char *ctime();
+char *cuserid();
+void EXIT();
+char *getlogin();
+void perror();
+char *strcpy();
+int strcm2();
+int strlen();
+char* strncpy();
+long time();
+int unline();
+typedef long COORDINATE; /* variables in QSU need >=32 bits */
+ /* global variables */
+FILE *tf; /* temporary output file */
+BOOLEAN bad_option; /* bad option flag */
+COORDINATE baseline_skip; /* inter-line spacing */
+COORDINATE bottom_margin; /* bottom margin width in QSU */
+int column; /* current text column (1..numcol) */
+COORDINATE col_margin; /* column margin (extra space */
+ /* between column borders in */
+ /* multi-column mode) */
+COORDINATE col_width; /* column width in QSU */
+int copies; /* number of copies of each page */
+BOOLEAN do_page_number; /* page numbering flag */
+char font_name[MAXLEN+1]; /* font name -- normal */
+char font_bold[MAXLEN+1]; /* font name -- bold */
+char font_italic[MAXLEN+1]; /* font name -- italic */
+BOOLEAN found; /* search flag */
+int in_col; /* input line column */
+int init_page_number; /* initial page number */
+COORDINATE init_top_margin; /* initial page top margin in QSU */
+BOOLEAN landscape_mode; /* horizontal landscape mode output */
+COORDINATE left_margin; /* left margin in QSU */
+int level; /* parenthesis level */
+int line_number; /* current line number */
+int manual_feed; /* manual feed page count */
+int numcol; /* number of text columns */
+COORDINATE outline; /* page and column outline linewidth */
+int page_flag; /* page number location flag */
+COORDINATE page_height; /* page height in QSU */
+int page_number; /* current page number */
+long page_table[MAXPAGE+1]; /* page location table (with space */
+ /* for extra entry marking EOF) */
+COORDINATE page_width; /* page width in QSU */
+COORDINATE point_size; /* font point size in big points */
+BOOLEAN reverse; /* page reversal flag */
+COORDINATE right_margin; /* right margin in QSU */
+BOOLEAN scribe; /* recognize bold/italic sequences */
+COORDINATE top_margin; /* top margin in QSU */
+COORDINATE x; /* current horizontal coordinate */
+COORDINATE y; /* current vertical coordinate */
+Built-in PostScript font tables. The first column in each list contains
+the full (case sensitive) PostScript names, the second column contains
+convenient short abbreviations which can be used in the command line
+-ffontname option, the third and fourth columns contain ditroff and
+Adobe TranScript abbreviations.
+The first four lines of entries are available on the regular
+LaserWriter, and the remainder are available only on the LaserWriter
+char* ps_normal[] =
+ /* fullname short ditroff TranScript */
+ "Courier", "C", "C", "C",
+ "Helvetica", "H", "he", "he",
+ "Times-Roman", "T", "R", "ti",
+ "Symbol", "S", "S", "S",
+ "AvantGarde-Book", "AGB", "ag", "ag",
+ "AvantGarde-Demi", "AGD", "Ag", "Ag",
+ "Bookman-Demi", "BD", "Bo", "Bo",
+ "Bookman-Light", "BL", "bo", "bo",
+ "Helvetica-Narrow", "HN", "hn", "hn",
+ "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "NCSR", "nc", "nc",
+ "Palatino-Roman", "PR", "pa", "pa",
+ "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZCMI", "ZC", "ZC",
+ "ZapfDingbats", "ZD", "ZD", "ZD"
+char* ps_bold[] =
+ /* fullname short ditroff TranScript */
+ "Courier-Bold", "CB", "CB", "CB",
+ "Helvetica-Bold", "HB", "He", "He",
+ "Times-Bold", "TB", "B", "Ti",
+ "Symbol", "S", "S", "S",
+ "AvantGarde-Book", "AGB", "ag", "ag",
+ "AvantGarde-Demi", "AGD", "Ag", "Ag",
+ "Bookman-Demi", "BD", "Bo", "Bo",
+ "Bookman-Light", "BL", "bo", "bo",
+ "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", "HNB", "Hn", "Hn",
+ "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "NCSB", "Nc", "Nc",
+ "Palatino-Bold", "PB", "Pa", "Pa",
+ "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZCMI", "ZC", "ZC",
+ "ZapfDingbats", "ZD", "ZD", "ZD"
+char* ps_italic[] =
+ /* fullname short ditroff TranScript */
+ "Courier-Oblique", "CO", "CO", "CO",
+ "Helvetica-Oblique", "HO", "hE", "hE",
+ "Times-Italic", "TI", "I", "tI",
+ "Symbol", "S", "S", "S",
+ "AvantGarde-BookOblique", "AGBO", "aG", "aG",
+ "AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "AGDO", "AG", "AG",
+ "Bookman-DemiItalic", "BDI", "BO", "BO",
+ "Bookman-LightItalic", "BLI", "bO", "bO",
+ "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", "HNO", "hN", "hN",
+ "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", "NCSI", "nC", "nC",
+ "Palatino-Italic", "PI", "pA", "pA",
+ "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZCMI", "ZC", "ZC",
+ "ZapfDingbats", "ZD", "ZD", "ZD"
+char* ps_both[] =
+ /* fullname short ditroff TranScript */
+ "Courier-BoldOblique", "CBO", "CD", "CD",
+ "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "HBO", "HE", "HE",
+ "Times-BoldItalic", "TBI", "BI", "TI",
+ "Symbol", "S", "S", "S",
+ "AvantGarde-BookOblique", "AGBO", "aG", "aG",
+ "AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "AGDO", "AG", "AG",
+ "Bookman-DemiItalic", "BDI", "BO", "BO",
+ "Bookman-LightItalic", "BLI", "bO", "bO",
+ "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", "HNBO", "HN", "HN",
+ "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", "NCSBI","NC", "NC",
+ "Palatino-BoldItalic", "PBI", "PA", "PA",
+ "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZCMI", "ZC", "ZC",
+ "ZapfDingbats", "ZD", "ZD", "ZD"
+#define PS_DEFAULT 0 /* index of default font in ps_normal[] */
+#define MAXFONT (sizeof(ps_normal)/sizeof(char *)) /* size of font table */
+int argc;
+char* argv[];
+ register int k; /* loop index */
+ register char *p; /* temporary pointer */
+ register int m,n; /* loop indices */
+ FILE *fp; /* input file pointer */
+ char timestr[27]; /* result of ctime() */
+ long timeval; /* result of time() */
+ long last,next; /* result of fseek() for */
+ /* page_table[] construction */
+ int (*compare)();
+ /* establish defaults for all parameters */
+ bottom_margin = 1L * QSU;
+ column = 1;
+ col_margin = 0L;
+ copies = 1;
+ do_page_number = FALSE;
+ init_page_number = 1;
+ init_top_margin = -1; /* negative value flags unset state */
+ in_col = 0;
+ landscape_mode = FALSE;
+ left_margin = 1L * QSU;
+ manual_feed = 0;
+ numcol = 1;
+ outline = 0L;
+ page_height = HEIGHT;
+ page_number = init_page_number;
+ page_width = WIDTH;
+ point_size = INCH_TO_QSU(inch("10bp"));
+ reverse = TRUE;
+ right_margin = 1L * QSU;
+ scribe = FALSE;
+ top_margin = 1L * QSU;
+ strcpy(font_name,ps_normal[PS_DEFAULT]);
+ strcpy(font_bold,ps_bold[PS_DEFAULT]);
+ strcpy(font_italic,ps_italic[PS_DEFAULT]);
+ bad_option = FALSE;
+ for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k)
+ {
+ p = argv[k];
+ if (argv[k][0] == '-')
+ {
+ switch(argv[k][1])
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ case 'A':
+ scribe = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ bottom_margin = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ case 'C':
+ copies = atoi(&argv[k][2]);
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ (void)strncpy(font_name,&argv[k][2],MAXLEN);
+ font_name[MAXLEN] = '\0';
+ found = FALSE;
+ for (n = 0; n < MAXFONT; n += 4)
+ {
+ for (m = 3; m >= 0; --m)
+ {
+ /* compare case-sensitive ditroff and TranScript
+ names before case-insensitive ones */
+ compare = (m > 1) ? strcmp : strcm2;
+ if ((*compare)(font_name,ps_normal[n+m]) == 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(font_name,ps_normal[n]);
+ strcpy(font_bold,ps_bold[n]);
+ strcpy(font_italic,ps_italic[n]);
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ((*compare)(font_name,ps_bold[n+m]) == 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(font_name,ps_bold[n]);
+ strcpy(font_bold,ps_bold[n]);
+ strcpy(font_italic,ps_italic[n]);
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ((*compare)(font_name,ps_italic[n+m]) == 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(font_name,ps_italic[n]);
+ strcpy(font_bold,ps_both[n]);
+ strcpy(font_italic,ps_normal[n]);
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ((*compare)(font_name,ps_both[n+m]) == 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(font_name,ps_both[n]);
+ strcpy(font_bold,ps_italic[n]);
+ strcpy(font_italic,ps_normal[n]);
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "?Illegal font name [%s]. Possible values are:",
+ font_name);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"Normal fonts");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ for (m = 0; m < MAXFONT; m += 4)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\t%-30s %-10s %-10s %-10s",
+ ps_normal[m],ps_normal[m+1],ps_normal[m+2],
+ ps_normal[m+3]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"Bold fonts");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ for (m = 0; m < MAXFONT; m += 4)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\t%-30s %-10s %-10s %-10s",
+ ps_bold[m],ps_bold[m+1],ps_bold[m+2],
+ ps_bold[m+3]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"Oblique/Italic fonts");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ for (m = 0; m < MAXFONT; m += 4)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\t%-30s %-10s %-10s %-10s",
+ ps_italic[m],ps_italic[m+1],ps_italic[m+2],
+ ps_italic[m+3]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"BoldOblique/BoldItalic fonts");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ for (m = 0; m < MAXFONT; m += 4)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\t%-30s %-10s %-10s %-10s",
+ ps_both[m],ps_both[m+1],ps_both[m+2],
+ ps_both[m+3]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ bad_option = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ case 'H':
+ landscape_mode = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ case 'I':
+ init_top_margin = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ left_margin = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ case 'M':
+ numcol = atoi(&argv[k][2]);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ Page_Switch(&argv[k][1]);
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ case 'O':
+ if (argv[k][2]) /* have -O# */
+ outline = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ else /* have -O, so give default */
+ outline = INCH_TO_QSU(inch("0.4pt")); /* from TeX */
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ point_size = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ right_margin = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ if (argv[k][2]) /* have count field */
+ manual_feed = atoi(&argv[k][2]);
+ else /* omitted count ==> large number */
+ manual_feed = 32767;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ case 'T':
+ top_margin = INCH_TO_QSU(inch(&argv[k][2]));
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ case 'U':
+ reverse = FALSE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Unrecognized option [%s]",p);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ bad_option = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bad_option)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "Usage: %s -A -B# -Cn -Ffontname -H -I# -L# -Mn -N[tb][lcr]n \
+-O[#] -P# -R# -S[n] -T# -U filelist >outfile",argv[0]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"Default options: -B1.0in -C1 -FCourier -L1.0in \
+-M1 -P10bp -R1.0in -S0 -T1.0in");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ if (reverse)
+ {
+ if ((tf = fopen(TEMPFILE,FOPEN_W)) == (FILE *)NULL)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Cannot open temporary file [%s]",TEMPFILE);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ tf = stdout;
+ /*******************************************************************
+ Make the PostScript File Structure header according to Version 1.0,
+ First Edition (January 1985) of the PostScript File Structuring
+ Conventions manual. We add one additional field at the end after
+ the %%Pages: n field:
+ %%PageTable: m1 n1 p1 ... mk nk pk
+ where the triples (mj nj pj) contain the page number pair (mj nj)
+ like the field
+ %%Page: mj nj
+ and pj is the byte position in the file of the beginning of that
+ "%%Page" command. A spooler can then easily position to arbitrary
+ pages in the file for reprinting.
+ *******************************************************************/
+ OUTSTR("%!PS-Adobe-1.0"); /* magical file header */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%DocumentFonts: ");
+ OUTSTR(font_name); /* only use one font */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%Dimensions: 0 0 612 792"); /* 8.5 x 11 inch page size */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%Title:"); /* this contains our command line */
+ for (k = 0; k < argc; ++k)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ OUTSTR(argv[k]);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(tf); /* end of %%Title line */
+ timeval = time((long *)NULL);
+ strcpy(timestr,ctime(&timeval));
+ k = strlen(timestr) - 1; /* ctime has its own \n */
+ timestr[k] = NUL; /* so kill it */
+ OUTSTR("%%CreationDate: ");
+ OUTSTR(timestr);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ /* Under TOPS-20, JSYS GFUST% cannot be used to obtain file owner string
+ of a terminal file, which stdout always is, so just use job login name */
+ OUTSTR("%%Creator: ");
+ if (cuserid((char*)NULL) != (char*)NULL)
+ OUTSTR(cuserid((char*)NULL));
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%Pages: (atend)");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%EndComments");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("save"); /* has matching "restore" at end */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("%%EndProlog");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ /* validate input settings */
+ copies = MAX(1,copies);
+ numcol = MAX(1,numcol);
+ point_size = MAX(INCH_TO_QSU(inch("3bp")),point_size);
+ if (point_size > INCH_TO_QSU(0.25))
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "%warning -- font point size > 18pt is unusually large!");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ outline = MAX(0L,outline);
+ if (landscape_mode) /* switch sizes for landscape mode */
+ {
+ page_height = WIDTH;
+ page_width = HEIGHT;
+ }
+ if (((left_margin + right_margin) >= page_width) ||
+ ((top_margin + bottom_margin) >= page_height) ||
+ ((init_top_margin + bottom_margin) >= page_height))
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Margin values too large for page");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ col_width = (page_width - left_margin - right_margin)/numcol;
+ col_margin = ((numcol == 1) && (outline == 0)) ?
+ 0L : (col_width/COL_TWIDDLE);
+ /* TeX's baselineskip is 12pt for 10pt type; we preserve the same ratio */
+ baseline_skip = (point_size * 12L) / 10L;
+ m = 0; /* count of file names */
+ for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k)
+ {
+ if (*argv[k] != '-')
+ {
+ m++; /* count file name */
+ if ((fp = fopen(argv[k],FOPEN_R)) != (FILE *)NULL)
+ {
+ Do_File(fp);
+ (void)fclose(fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Open failure on [%s] -- file skipped",
+ argv[k]);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m == 0)
+ Do_File(stdin);
+ if (reverse)
+ {
+ /* Now close the temporary file and reopen for input, then transfer */
+ /* complete pages in reverse order to stdout using large blocks */
+ if (fclose(tf))
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Close failure on temporary file [%s]",
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ if ((tf = fopen(TEMPFILE,FOPEN_R)) == (FILE *)NULL)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Cannot reopen temporary file [%s]",TEMPFILE);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"[Reversing pages");
+ Copy_Block(0L,page_table[0]-1); /* first page is file header stuff */
+ last = page_table[MIN(MAXPAGE,page_number-init_page_number+1)];
+ for (k = MIN(MAXPAGE,page_number-init_page_number+1)-1; k >= 0; --k)
+ { /* copy remainder in reverse order */
+ (void)putc('.',stderr);
+ next = (long)ftell(stdout);
+ Copy_Block(page_table[k],last-1);
+ last = page_table[k];
+ page_table[k] = next;
+ }
+ (void)putc(']',stderr);
+ if (fclose(tf))
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Close failure on temporary file [%s]",
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ unlink(TEMPFILE); /* delete the temporary file */
+ }
+ /* add file trailer stuff */
+ tf = stdout; /* so OUTSTR() macro works */
+ OUTSTR("%%Trailer");
+ NEWLINE(stdout);
+ OUTSTR("restore"); /* matches "save" in prolog */
+ NEWLINE(stdout);
+ (void)printf("%%%%Pages: %d",page_number-init_page_number);
+ NEWLINE(stdout);
+ OUTSTR("%%PageTable: ");
+ for (k = 0; k < MIN(MAXPAGE,page_number-init_page_number+1); ++k)
+ (void)printf(" %d %d %ld",init_page_number+k,init_page_number+k,
+ page_table[k]);
+ NEWLINE(stdout);
+ if (putchar('\004') == EOF) /* CTL-D for EOF signal */
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Output error -- disk storage probably full");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(stderr," [ok]");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(0);
+ return (0); /* keep lint and compilers happy */
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",x,y);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ if (scribe)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ }
+ int k;
+ column = 1;
+ (void)fflush(tf);
+ k = page_number-init_page_number;
+ if (k < MAXPAGE)
+ page_table[k] = (long)ftell(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%%%%Page: %d %d",k+1,page_number);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("save"); /* will be matched by "restore" from End_Page() */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ if (scribe)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/B {/%s findfont %ld scalefont setfont} def",
+ font_bold,point_size);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/E {grestore 0 %ld rmoveto} def",
+ -baseline_skip); /* End of line */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/I {/%s findfont %ld scalefont setfont} def",
+ font_italic,point_size);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/N {/%s findfont %ld scalefont setfont} def",
+ font_name,point_size);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("/O {gsave show grestore} def"); /* OverPrint macro */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("/S {gsave} def"); /* Start of line */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("/W {show} def"); /* show text */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OUTSTR("/O {gsave show grestore} def"); /* OverPrint macro */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/P {gsave show grestore 0 %ld rmoveto} def",
+ -baseline_skip); /* Print macro */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"/N {/%s findfont %ld scalefont setfont} def",
+ font_name,point_size);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"72 %ld div 72 %ld div scale",QSU,QSU);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTCHAR('N'); /* select normal font */
+#if FIX31OCT85
+ OUTSTR("()pop"); /* no-op for XON/XOFF bug workaround */
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ if (landscape_mode)
+ {
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld translate",0L,HEIGHT);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("-90 rotate");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ " [%d",page_number); /* begin [p.l.l...] status report */
+char c;
+ if (c)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ }
+ OUTCHAR('(');
+ level++;
+Copy_Block(b1,b2) /* copy bytes b1..b2 from tf to stdout */
+long b1,b2; /* start,end byte positions */
+ static char block[MAXBLOCK]; /* static to save stack space */
+ long k; /* loop index */
+ long length; /* number of bytes to copy */
+ (void)fflush(stdout); /* empty any buffered output */
+ for (k = b1; k <= b2; k += MAXBLOCK)
+ {
+ length = MIN(MAXBLOCK,b2-k+1);
+ (void)fseek(tf,k,0); /* position to desired block */
+ if (_read(jfnof(fileno(tf)),block,(int)length) != (int)length)
+ if (fread(block,1,(int)length,tf) != (int)length)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "?Input block length error on temporary file [%s]",TEMPFILE);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ if (_write(jfnof(fileno(stdout)),block,(int)length) != (int)length)
+ if (fwrite(block,1,(int)length,stdout) != (int)length)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "?Output block length error on stdout");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ }
+ (void)fflush(stdout);
+Copy_Plist(fontc,fp) /* copy parenthesized list to tf */
+char fontc;
+FILE *fp;
+ static char p_open[] = {'(','[','<','{',NUL};
+ static char p_close[] = {')',']','>','}',NUL};
+ register int match;
+ register int c;
+ c = inchar(fp);
+ match = 0;
+ while (p_open[match] && (p_open[match] != (char)c))
+ match++;
+ if (!p_open[match])
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?@b or @i not followed by open parenthesis!");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ Beg_Text(fontc);
+ while (((c = inchar(fp)) != EOF) && ((char)c != p_close[match]))
+ {
+ if (c < ' ')
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "?@b[...] or @i[...] contains control character!");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ in_col++;
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case '(':
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ End_Text('N');
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+FILE *fp;
+ register int c; /* character */
+/* PostScript Output Section */
+ x = LEFT_X;
+ if (init_top_margin > 0)
+ y = TOP_Y(init_top_margin);
+ else
+ y = TOP_Y(top_margin);
+ Beg_Page();
+ Beg_Column();
+ level = 0;
+ in_col = 0;
+ line_number = 1;
+ if ((c = inchar(fp)) != '\f') /* discard any initial FF */
+ (void)ungetc(c,fp);
+ while ((c = inchar(fp)) != EOF)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case NUL:
+ break; /* discard NUL's from word-padded files */
+ case '\b':
+ if (in_col > 0)
+ {
+ in_col--;
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ OUTCHAR('b');
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ in_col = 0;
+ End_Text(NUL);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ End_Column();
+ if (column > numcol)
+ Beg_Page();
+ Beg_Column();
+ line_number = 1;
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ line_number++;
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ End_Text(NUL);
+ End_Line();
+ in_col = 0;
+ y -= baseline_skip;
+ if (y < BOT_Y)
+ {
+ End_Column();
+ if (column > numcol)
+ Beg_Page();
+ Beg_Column();
+ line_number = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\r': /* check for special case of overprinting */
+ if ((c = inchar(fp)) != '\n') /* peek ahead one character */
+ { /* and if not LF, have overstrike */
+ while (level > 0)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(')');
+ level--;
+ }
+ in_col = 0;
+ NEWLINE(tf); /* this lines up under previous line */
+ }
+ (void)ungetc(c,fp); /* put back the peeked-at character */
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ in_col++;
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ }
+ while (in_col & 07); /* blank fill to multiple of 8 columns */
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ in_col++;
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ OUTCHAR('(');
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ in_col++;
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ OUTCHAR(')');
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ in_col++;
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ OUTCHAR('\\');
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ if (scribe)
+ {
+ c = inchar(fp);
+ if ((c == 'b') || (c == 'B'))
+ {
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ Beg_Line();
+ else
+ End_Text(NUL);
+ Copy_Plist('B',fp);
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ((c == 'i') || (c == 'I'))
+ {
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ Beg_Line();
+ else
+ End_Text(NUL);
+ Copy_Plist('I',fp);
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ break;
+ }
+ (void)ungetc(c,fp); /* put back the peeked-at character */
+ c = (int)'@'; /* and restore original character */
+ }
+ /* ELSE fall through to default! */
+ default:
+ if (in_col == 0)
+ {
+ Beg_Line();
+ Beg_Text(NUL);
+ }
+ in_col++;
+ if ((c < 040) || (0176 < c))
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_col > 0)
+ End_Line();
+ End_Text(NUL);
+ column = numcol; /* to force End_Page() action */
+ End_Column();
+ /* Normally, Beg_Page() sets the page_table[] entry. Since this is
+ the last output for this file, we must set it here manually. If
+ more files are printed, this entry will be overwritten (with the
+ same value) at the next call to Beg_Page(). */
+ page_table[page_number-init_page_number] = (long)ftell(tf);
+ if (outline > 0)
+ {
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("gsave");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld setlinewidth",outline);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"newpath %ld %ld moveto",x - col_margin,bottom_margin);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,
+ " %ld %ld rlineto %ld %ld rlineto %ld %ld rlineto closepath stroke",
+ col_width,0,
+ 0,page_height-bottom_margin-top_margin,
+ -col_width,0);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("grestore");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ ".%d",line_number); /* continue [p.l.l...] status report */
+ if (++column > numcol) /* columns filled, so start new page */
+ {
+ (void)putc(']',stderr); /* close [p.l.l...] report */
+ End_Page();
+ }
+ else /* just start new column */
+ {
+ x += col_width;
+ y = TOP_Y(top_margin);
+ }
+ register int k;
+ if (do_page_number)
+ {
+ if ((init_top_margin > 0) && (page_number == init_page_number)
+ && (page_flag | PAGE_T))
+ ; /* omit leading top pagenumber */
+ else
+ switch (page_flag)
+ {
+ case (PAGE_T | PAGE_L):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",left_margin,
+ page_height-top_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) show",page_number);
+ break;
+ case (PAGE_T | PAGE_C):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",page_width/2,
+ page_height-top_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,
+ " (- %d -) stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto",
+ page_number);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (- %d -) show",page_number);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ break;
+ case (PAGE_T | PAGE_R):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",page_width-left_margin,
+ page_height-top_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto",
+ page_number);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) show",page_number);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ break;
+ case (PAGE_B | PAGE_L):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",left_margin,
+ bottom_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) show",page_number);
+ break;
+ case (PAGE_B | PAGE_C):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",page_width/2,
+ bottom_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,
+ " (- %d -) stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto",
+ page_number);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (- %d -) show",page_number);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ break;
+ case (PAGE_B | PAGE_R):
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ (void)fprintf(tf,"%ld %ld moveto",page_width-left_margin,
+ bottom_margin/2-baseline_skip/2);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto",
+ page_number);
+ (void)fprintf(tf," (%d) show",page_number);
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ break;
+ default: /* else no numbering */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ page_number++;
+ if (manual_feed > 0)
+ {
+ OUTSTR("statusdict begin");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ OUTSTR("statusdict /manualfeed true put");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ if ((fprintf(tf,"/#copies %d def showpage",copies) == EOF) ||
+ {
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,"?Output error -- disk storage probably full");
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)perror("?perror() says");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ if (manual_feed > 0)
+ {
+ OUTSTR("end");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ }
+ manual_feed--;
+ OUTSTR("restore");
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+ for (k = 1; k <= copies; ++k)
+ OUTCHAR('\f'); /* output FF's for print spooler page accounting */
+ x = LEFT_X;
+ y = TOP_Y(top_margin);
+ if (scribe)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ }
+ NEWLINE(tf);
+char c;
+ register int k;
+ k = level;
+ while (level > 0)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(')');
+ level--;
+ }
+ if (k > 0)
+ {
+ if (scribe)
+ else
+ }
+ if (c)
+ {
+ OUTCHAR(' ');
+ }
+#include "inch.h"
+FILE *fp;
+ static int lastc = NUL; /* memory of previous input character */
+ register int c;
+ /* output is incorrect if the file does not end with a LF; this
+ routine supplies one at EOF if it is lacking */
+ c = getc(fp);
+ if ((c == EOF) && (lastc != '\n'))
+ c = '\n';
+ lastc = c;
+ return (c);
+Page_Switch(parg) /* parg -> "Nxxxnnn" */
+register char *parg;
+ register char *porg;
+ porg = parg;
+ do_page_number = TRUE;
+ init_page_number = 1;
+ page_flag = (PAGE_T | PAGE_C); /* default location */
+ while (*++parg)
+ {
+ switch(*parg)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ case 'T':
+ page_flag &= ~(PAGE_B | PAGE_T);
+ page_flag |= PAGE_T;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ page_flag &= ~(PAGE_B | PAGE_T);
+ page_flag |= PAGE_B;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ page_flag &= ~(PAGE_L | PAGE_C | PAGE_R);
+ page_flag |= PAGE_L;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ case 'C':
+ page_flag &= ~(PAGE_L | PAGE_C | PAGE_R);
+ page_flag |= PAGE_C;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ page_flag &= ~(PAGE_L | PAGE_C | PAGE_R);
+ page_flag |= PAGE_R;
+ break;
+ case '0':
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ case '8':
+ case '9':
+ init_page_number = atoi(parg);
+ while (isdigit(*parg))
+ ++parg;
+ if (*parg == NUL)
+ break;
+ /* else fall through to error exit */
+ default:
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "?Unrecognized page number field [%s]",porg);
+ NEWLINE(stderr);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+ if (*parg == NUL)
+ break;
+ }
+#include "strcm2.h"