path: root/dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.14
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.14
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.14')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ 2-Nov-87 11:28:47-MST,30752;000000000001
+Date: Mon 2 Nov 87 11:28:45-MST
+From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <Beebe@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU>
+Subject: DVI driver family update #14
+To: "DVI mailing list": ;
+X-US-Mail: "Center for Scientific Computing, South Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112"
+X-Telephone: (801) 581-5254
+Message-ID: <12347446387.22.BEEBE@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU>
+ DVI Driver Family Update #14
+ [01-Nov-87]
+This issue announces Version 2.10 of the DVI driver family.
+There has a been a long delay in filling orders for the
+software, since I decided in mid-September to place new
+requests on hold until 2.10 was complete. It turned out to
+be a much larger job than I expected, since very substantial
+modifications were made in two drivers, DVIALW and DVIJEP.
+The delay, I believe, has been justified by the substantial
+improvements made in these two drivers, plus a large number
+of minor editorial changes, plus two new drivers. The
+details are contained in the extracts from 00REVHST.TXT
+given below.
+In a nutshell:
+** DVIJEP has completely eliminated the limit on the number of
+ fonts per page (previously 16) and the number of fonts per
+ document (previously 32); these limits are imposed by the
+ HP LaserJet Plus printer itself, and remain unchanged in
+ the Series II.
+** DVIALW has a radically different internal organization.
+ The output is nearly 10% more compact, and obeys a maximum
+ line width. It also is considerably more economical of
+ printer virtual memory resources (which are grossly
+ inadequate for downloaded-font applications), and it should
+ be routinely possible to print 100-page documents on an
+ Apple LaserWriter Plus non-stop. Large characters no
+ longer raise printer errors.
+** LW78 incorporates changes to eliminate apparent Apple
+ LaserWriter printer buffer overrun, which I hope will
+ eliminate the "I/O error" conditions we have experienced
+ for over 2 years. Users who have prepared their own local
+ PostScript drivers may find it useful to examine the new
+ LW78.
+** Two experimental drivers for the Epson and Epson clone
+ 9-pin printers, DVIE72 and DVIEPS, have been added.
+** On VAX VMS, the drivers now incorporate dynamic
+ determination of the VMS quota on the number of open files,
+ preventing them from terminating when a font file open
+ fails.
+** On Unix, the drivers may now be used as filters, with the
+ DVI file coming from stdout, and driver output to stdout,
+ eliminating the need to wrap them in a shell script when
+ used for printer spooling.
+** New debug option 128 for display of text to be set.
+** The -d (debug) option can now be specified more than once,
+ so you need not add values. Originally I thought it might
+ be useful to have -d0 cancel a previously-typed debug
+ request, but this appears less useful than the new
+ alternative.
+** The -z option is available for 4.xBSD Unix systems (or any
+ that have an ioctl(fildes,TIOCSTI,*character) call) for all
+ devices. This requests the driver to type in a command to
+ automatically spool the output.
+** A Unix man page in troff format (dvi.1l) has been prepared,
+ so full on-line documentation of the drivers is now
+ available. This complements the Emacs Info format
+ documentation (dviman.texinfo), and the typeset manual-page
+ format document (dviman.ltx). There is insufficient
+ commonality in these 3 formats to adopt only one, and
+ inventing a suitable subset of troff or LaTeX (which is
+ what the TeXinfo format attempts to do, with only limited
+ success) would require a substantial effort well beyond the
+ time I would be willing to devote to it.
+** The drivers now support 256-character fonts, which is
+ important for European additions to the Computer Modern
+ alphabets, and for oriental fonts.
+Finally, here are the details from 00REVHST.TXT:
+[01-Nov-87] Replaced references to (void)fprintf(..., plotfp)
+ with references to new macros OUTF(...),
+ OUTF2(...), and OUTF3(...), or existing ones
+ OUTC() and OUTS(). Replaced all instances of
+ putc(*c++,plotfp) by "OUTC(*c);c++". Since
+ putc() is usually a macro, there is a potential
+ incorrect side effect if its first argument is
+ evaluated more than once. Most C implementations
+ use it only in the two branches of a conditional
+ expression, which is safe.
+[01-Nov-87] Completed major overhaul of dvijep.c. The font
+ deletion mechanism was not successful, partly
+ because the font number was not subsequently
+ reset in one place, but mostly because it causes
+ a page eject. This would make it impossible to
+ print some documents. dvijep now keeps track of
+ both the number of fonts in use on the current
+ page, and the total number in use in the
+ document. When either of these limits is
+ reached, the characters in those fonts are sent
+ as bitmaps, instead of as downloaded fonts. It
+ is still possible to have a document which is too
+ complex for the LaserJet to print (raising error
+ code 21 on the printer front panel status
+ display), but that is now a limit imposed by the
+ printer, rather than the DVI driver, and cannot
+ be gotten around.
+ There is room for further work here, however.
+ Most documents do not require an excessively
+ large number of fonts. For example,
+ dvidriver.ltx uses 23 fonts, and weave.tex uses
+ 15, but the TeXbook uses 54.
+ When the DVI driver begins execution, through the
+ call chain main() -> dvifile() -> readpost() ->
+ getfntdf() -> readfont() -> reldfont() ->
+ read{pk|gf|pxl}() -> newfont(), it normally reads
+ in the font definitions from the DVI file
+ postamble and assigns font numbers in order of
+ occurrence, and builds its internal font and
+ character tables. Later, as pages are processed,
+ font changes occasioned by DVI fnt_num_0 ..
+ fnt_num_63 and fnt1 .. fnt4 commands result in
+ setting the global flag font_switched, which in
+ turn causes setchar() and setstr() to output font
+ switch commands to the device.
+ The implication of this for dvijep is that all
+ fonts beyond the first 32 are marked as
+ non-downloadable. In the case of the TeXbook, it
+ turns out that this includes the heavily-used
+ cmr, cmsy, and cmmi fonts at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and
+ 10 pt sizes, which means that almost all of the
+ characters set on a page will be sent as bitmaps,
+ instead of as downloaded characters. On my HP
+ LaserJet Plus, every page raised printer error
+ code 21. This might not happen on an HP LaserJet
+ Series II, which can have substantially more
+ memory, but I haven't one locally to try the
+ experiment.
+ The solution to this problem is to delay font
+ number assignment until the font is actually
+ referenced. Since a considerably smaller number
+ of fonts are needed on each page, it is then
+ possible to download most of them, and a
+ font-rich document like the TeXbook can be
+ printed successfully in sections. The change
+ involves moving the body of newfont() to a new
+ function, makefont(), and having newfont() only
+ initialize the font_number with a special
+ "undefined" value. The macro SET_CURRENT_FONT
+ has become big enough that it has been
+ transformed into a function, setfont().
+ setfont() now checks font_number for the
+ undefined value, and in such a case, calls
+ makefont() to assign the font a number and create
+ it in the printer. With this change, the TeXbook
+ can be printed successfully.
+[30-Oct-87] Changed vaxvms.c, gblprocs.h, openfont.h, and
+ machdefs.h to support dynamic determination of
+ the limit on the number of open files for VAX
+ VMS. This is a VMS quota parameter whose dynamic
+ value depends on the number of subprocesses.
+ Previously, a user with too small a limit would
+ find the dvi drivers could fail because the hard
+ limit on the number of open font files was too
+ large.
+[29-Oct-87] In LW78.C, removed typeout of final CR LF in
+ Get_Msg(), and inserted system call to dismiss
+ the process until the output buffer is empty at
+ the start of Put_Packet().
+ LW78 had been experiencing I/O error returns from
+ the Apple LaserWriter Plus, and when I attempted
+ to copy a PostScript file directly to the
+ printer, the same thing happened, only much
+ earlier in the job. This raised the suspicion of
+ buffer overrun in the printer. Three experiments
+ using a 100-page document with (1) a 5-second
+ sleep before outputting each buffer, (2) process
+ dismissal until the buffer was empty, and (3) the
+ Kermit TRANSMIT command (which waits for a prompt
+ from the LaserWriter after each line) all
+ resulted in successful printing, and I have
+ confidence that this change in LW78 will provide
+ superior performance.
+ With the new LW78, I sent dvidriver.dvi-alw with
+ the modified BOP and EOP definitions given below,
+ and printed the 100 pages at an average rate of 5
+ pages per minute. Virtual memory usage was
+ initially 2Kb to 4Kb per page while fonts were
+ being downloaded, and in later pages, dropped to
+ a low of 1105 bytes/page. Pages with that low
+ figure had only text set on them, and no fonts
+ downloaded, with the text guarded by save/restore
+ sequences. That virtual memory was still
+ consumed leads one to wonder if there is not a
+ bug in the PostScript memory allocation code
+ which causes some "seepage" loss. If one of
+ dvialw's macros were leaving unclaimable garbage
+ behind, one would expect that the garbage amount
+ would vary, but many different pages had the same
+ 1105 bytes/page consumption. Total virtual
+ memory consumed by the job was 112Kb, with 78Kb
+ remaining available at end-of-job.
+[27-Oct-87] Simplified beginning-of-page and end-of-page code
+ in prtpage.h by creating bopact() and eopact()
+ routines in several drivers, and removed bopact.h
+ and eopact.h (which were previously used only by
+ dvibit), including references to them in
+ makefile.*.
+[27-Oct-87] Numerous small editorial changes for code
+ consistency, and to reduce the number of warnings
+ from the lint utility.
+[27-Oct-87] {Thanks to John Pavel (mcvax!nplpsg!
+ for urging this change}
+ On Unix only, Version 2.10 now permits input to
+ come from stdin, and output to go to stdout,
+ allowing use of the drivers as filters. This
+ choice is automatically made when no file names
+ are specified on the command line.
+ Use of stdout for binary files is generally
+ impossible for other operating systems, which
+ either make a distinction between text and binary
+ file formats, or use line terminators other than
+ <LF>, necessitating translation of Unix
+ end-of-line '\n' on input and output. With the
+ exception of dvialw, all the drivers produce
+ binary output files.
+[27-Oct-87] {Thanks to Bernhard Nebel (NEBEL@DB0TUI11.BITNET)
+ for useful suggestions}
+ Completed major overhaul of dvialw.c. A
+ fundamental problem with existing PostScript
+ interpreters is that they lack garbage
+ collection, and the PostScript programmer is
+ expected to manage storage with save/restore
+ command judiciously wrapped around throw-away
+ code. The problem this poses for a TeX
+ environment is that one does not wish to discard
+ downloaded fonts, since they will likely be
+ needed again.
+ In the previous version of dvialw, the -s and -v
+ options provided some user control of this, but
+ such user control is only of marginal utility.
+ It proved interesting to install the following
+ PostScript code segment immediately before the
+ BOJ (beginning of job) command in an output file
+ from dvialw produced from Appendix F of the
+ TeXBook. The TeXbook uses 54 fonts, and
+ therefore puts a sizeable burden on a printer
+ that has only limited font memory.
+% These provide alternate definitions of BOP and EOP in
+% which cause CPU time and virtual memory statistics to be printed
+% at the bottom of each output page
+Mtrx setmatrix
+25 0 translate
+vmstatus pop /VMUSED exch def pop
+} bdf
+/#copies exch def
+/USERTIMEIN exch def
+/pt {Resolution 72 div mul} def
+/Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 12 pt scalefont setfont
+/SP {12 pt 0 pt rmoveto} def
+/PN {SP 10 vmstr cvrs show} def
+/vmstr 15 string def
+36 pt 36 pt moveto
+([VMstatus:) show
+vmstatus PN PN PN (]) show
+SP SP ([VMpage:) show
+vmstatus pop exch pop VMUSED sub PN
+(]) show
+SP SP ([Page time:) show
+usertime USERTIMEIN sub PN ( msec]) show
+} bdf
+ With this addition, each page now carries both
+ memory usage and (printer) CPU time statistics at
+ the bottom of each page. On the Apple
+ LaserWriter with paper type "note", there is
+ about 250Kb of virtual memory available at job
+ start. Here is a table of the memory
+ requirements for successive pages of Appendix F
+ of the TeXbook:
+ ---- ----------- -----------
+ Page DVIALW 2.09 DVIALW 2.10
+ ---- ----------- -----------
+ 431 4953
+ 432 26057
+ 433 3713
+ 434 9693
+ 435 27948 21101
+ 436 18971 13421
+ 437 15644 10109
+ 438 21764 15324
+ 439 27064 19596
+ 440 8172 6628
+ ---- ----------- -----------
+ Version 2.09 reached a VM error condition
+ (virtual memory exhausted) on page 434, while
+ Version 2.10 was able to proceed 4 pages beyond
+ that before hitting the same limit. Each page in
+ Version 2.10 requires about 30% less virtual
+ memory.
+ Initially, I wrote a short filter program that
+ moved the text strings on each page to after the
+ font download sequences, wrapping the text in a
+ save/restore pair to recover the virtual memory
+ needed to store them. This proved to be quite
+ straightforward, requiring only about 60 lines of
+ C code.
+ To implement the same facility in dvialw proved
+ much more complex, because I was not willing to
+ suffer the performance penalty of reading each
+ page of the DVI file twice, once to collect
+ needed fonts, and a second time to set text and
+ rules. Instead, a completely new mechanism is
+ implemented whereby output is channelled through
+ several new routines, which ultimately reach the
+ low-level textchr() routine which gets a single
+ character to process. Based on a global flag,
+ textchr() either outputs this immediately (e.g.
+ for macros, rules, and font downloading), or
+ stores it in an internal buffer (text setting).
+ On the basis of examination of .dvi-alw files for
+ the DVI driver manual, and the TeXbook, the
+ internal buffer is chosen to be large enough so
+ that it will usually only need to be dumped once
+ per page.
+ PostScript loop tests on the Apple LaserWriter
+ Plus (Version 38.0 PostScript) give execution
+ times of about 0.25 msec for one iteration of an
+ empty loop, determined by executing
+ usertime 10000 {} repeat usertime exch sub
+ and 55 msec for one save/restore pair:
+ usertime 1000 {save restore} repeat usertime exch sub
+ Consequently, one does NOT want to do a
+ save/restore around every string, but only around
+ large groups of strings.
+ Because of the use of relative coordinates in
+ most output typeset text (the T macro instead of
+ the S macro), and the use of remembered rule
+ widths (w and h in the B and Q macros), it is not
+ trivial to correctly handle the case of more than
+ one bufferful per page (since intervening
+ non-buffered output might change the font or
+ current point), and it took a considerable number
+ of iterations to get it working satisfactorily,
+ with the buffer size temporarily set artificially
+ low.
+ Having the output being filtered through a
+ central location, textchr(), has made it possible
+ to further economize on the output volume (e.g by
+ collapsing <letter><newline><open-paren> to
+ <letter><open-paren>, and to more closely
+ approach a constant line width (except for
+ PostScript from a \special{} command, which is
+ output verbatim). Some operating systems have
+ trouble with long lines in files, and Version
+ 2.10 should now largely remove this problem.
+ The line breaking algorithm implemented in
+ textchr() and textflush() is far from trivial,
+ because PostScript does not uniformly recognize
+ <backslash><newline> as a continuation sequence
+ that can be discarded; instead, it permits this
+ continuation mechanism only in parenthesized
+ strings. Otherwise, comments cannot be
+ continued, angle-bracketed strings can be
+ continued by simply inserting a bare newline, and
+ elsewhere, a newline can be used any place a
+ blank is used. Some of the comment lines
+ produced by dvialw are long; they are now split
+ automatically by placing a hyphen in the last
+ column of the line, and continuing with "%-" on
+ the next line. Any software that takes advantage
+ of the %%PageTable at the end will therefore need
+ adjusting (I doubt that any exists, so this
+ change does not concern me). It is regrettable
+ that the PostScript developers did not give line
+ continuation more thought.
+ Font change commands are now defined more
+ compactly as "F#" or "F##", where "#" is the
+ sequential number of the font in the document.
+ This further helps to reduce output volume. The
+ initial font definitions (the NF macro) still use
+ the full name, and carry a comment with the font
+ file name, so it is still possible to easily find
+ out what font file was used for any part of the
+ output. The problem of corrupted font files has
+ come to my attention on several occasions, so it
+ is worthwhile to maintain this connection in
+ dvialw, which is the only driver that produces
+ human-readable printer output.
+ On Appendix F of the TeXbook, these changes
+ reduced the output file size by about 8% compared
+ to Version 2.09, and about 9% when PS_SHORTLINES
+ was non-zero. On the DVI driver manual (99
+ pages), the file size from Version 2.10 with
+ PS_SHORTLINES defined was 15% shorter than that
+ from Version 2.09. Since a non-zero
+ PS_SHORTLINES produces marginally smaller output,
+ it is now the default for all implementations,
+ but it can be overridden by a compile-time
+ redefinition.
+[22-Oct-87] {Thanks to Marcus Moehrmann (marcus%fkihh@unido.uucp)}
+ Added drivers dvieps and dvie72 for Epson 9-pin
+ printers and compatibles. dvieps is for 240H x
+ 216V resolution, and dvie72 for 60H x 72V
+ resolution (same as dviprx for Printronix
+ printers).
+ It was necessary to make a number of changes to
+ the submitted code to bring it up-to-date with
+ the rest of the family, and to conform to my
+ coding practices. Since I do not have an Epson
+ printer on which to test this locally, the
+ version number carries the suffix
+ "[experimental]". The same suffix appears in
+ dvica2. These will be removed when the drivers
+ are considered ready for final release, based on
+ positive user feedback.
+[22-Oct-87] Added debug option 128 (DBG_SET_TEXT) to display
+ each piece of text set by the driver, together
+ with its page coordinates in dots, and its font
+ name. This of course produces voluminous output,
+ but is quite handy when you are trying to step a
+ long way into execution to track down a bug.
+[22-Oct-87] All debug options have been turned into symbolic
+ references, e.g.
+ instead of
+ if (debug_code & 32)
+ It was clearly a mistake not to have done this in
+ the first place. I also wish that I had made
+ these options sequential numbers, instead of
+ powers of two, but it is probably too late to
+ change that now.
+[12-Oct-87] Edited dviman.texinfo to bring it up-to-date with
+ dvi.1l and dviman.ltx.
+[01-Oct-87] Created Unix-style man page file, dvi.1l.
+[01-Oct-87] Added support for a "-z" option (typein of
+ "DVISPOOL dvifilename") for 4.xBSD Unix systems,
+ which have imitated TOPS-20's STI% (Simulate
+ Terminal Input) JSYS facility with ioctl(fildes,
+ TIOCSTI, *char).
+[30-Sep-87] {Thanks to Stefan Kronberg (ZEFFI@FINABO.BITNET)}
+ Added support of font files with up to 256
+ characters. Normal TeX Computer Modern fonts use
+ only 128 characters per font, but extensions for
+ European alphabets, and Japanese fonts, will
+ require more than 128.
+ Unfortunately, this was not quite as trivial as I
+ had originally intended, where the values
+ LASTPXLCHAR and NPXLCHARS in gendefs.h need only
+ be increased from 127 and 128 to 255 and 256
+ respectively. The problem is that several loops
+ used code like
+ BYTE k;
+ ...
+ for (k = FIRSTPXLCHAR; k <= LASTPXLCHAR; ++k)
+ With LASTPXLCHAR = 255, the last loop iteration
+ will increment k to 256, but since it is a byte
+ value, this wraps to 0, and the loop becomes
+ infinite on a byte-oriented machine. This made
+ it necessary to retype the offending loop indices
+ as UNSIGN16.
+ The context diff listing for these changes is
+ rather long (about 1200 lines), so I do not
+ include it here.
+[30-Sep-87] Changed -d option processing in option.h to allow
+ multiple -d options to accumulate, instead of
+ requiring them to be set with one -d option. The
+ change is simple: replace
+ debug_code = (BYTE)atoi(optstr+2);
+ by
+ debug_code |= (BYTE)atoi(optstr+2);
+[29-Sep-87] Because of problems on record-oriented file
+ systems (VAX VMS being the worst offender), the
+ code in dvialw.c does more when PS_SHORTLINES is
+ defined; it now keeps track of output widths, and
+ will not produce output lines more than a couple
+ of characters longer than a fixed value,
+ PS_MAXWIDTH. However, no such limit is placed on
+ comments, or macros retrieved from;
+ both of these are already of limited length.
+ Changed machdefs.h to allow PS_SHORTLINES to be
+ set at compile time.
+ A single experiment on a 20-page DVI file showed
+ that the .dvi-alw output was about 3% longer when
+ a version of dvialw with PS_SHORTLINES set was
+ used.
+[29-Sep-87] {Thanks to John Pavel (mcvax!nplpsg!
+ and Brendan McKay (munnari!anucsd.oz!}
+ The code in dvialw.c in functions setchar() and
+ setstr() emits a save/restore pair around a large
+ character font definition. On the Apple
+ LaserWriter Plus (which I only recently got as a
+ replacement for our stolen ALW), this results in
+ a "Fatal system error @ 0X2e6bec". The fix is
+ fortunately simple. Change those two instances
+ of
+ OUTS("save");
+ (but NOT the one in special()) to
+ OUTS("save /temporary_font NF 1 /temporary_font SF");
+ This will put the character in a temporary font
+ which is discarded when the restore command is
+ executed. Here is simple test file using cminch;
+ it produces a large (~400Kb) .dvi-alw file.
+% test for dvialw downloading of large characters
+This file tests a DVI driver's capability to support downloading
+of large characters. The following uninteresting tables of the
+Roman alphabet are printed in font {\it cminch\/}.
+[29-Sep-87] {Thanks to John Pavel (mcvax!nplpsg!}
+ Removed obsolete SHORTLINES references from
+ machdefs.h; PS_SHORTLINES remains, and can now be
+ set in machdefs.h, instead of only in dvialw.c.
+ The default setting in machdefs.h now is
+ #define PS_SHORTLINES 0
+ and dvialw.c now has
+ #define PS_SHORTLINES 0 /* run with long output lines */
+ #endif