path: root/dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10 b/dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c8f945f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dviware/beebe/updates/00mail.10
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+20-Aug-87 08:46:00-MDT,18698;000000000000
+Date: Thu 20 Aug 87 08:46:00-MDT
+From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <Beebe@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU>
+Subject: DVI driver family update #10
+To: "DVI mailing list": ;
+cc: BEEBE@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU, "new addresses": ;
+X-US-Mail: "Center for Scientific Computation, South Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112"
+X-Telephone: (801) 581-5254
+Message-ID: <12328007179.15.BEEBE@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU>
+ DVI Driver Family Update #10
+ [18-Aug-87]
+Version 2.08 of the driver family is now ready. Except for
+the Atari support, this is a maintenance release only, with
+minor cleanup, a couple of small bug fixes, and cosmetic
+changes to make the installation process smoother, with no
+unnecessary compilation warning messages which have been
+causing concern to some users.
+Unless you have been impacted by one of the bugs, or want
+the Atari support, or the test version of the Canon LBP-A2
+driver, it should not be necessary to update your sources.
+I will, however, provide the European redistribution sites
+for Bitnet and Janet with up-to-date versions. Because
+these changes affect a large number of modules, it is not
+worthwhile here to provide difference listings.
+This work had to be completed in time for me to make new
+master diskettes to take to the TUG meeting in Seattle next
+week. I had hoped to finish the support for resident Imagen
+fonts in time for this release, but it will have to wait.
+Beginning September 1987, I expect that IBM PC floppies of
+the DVI driver family will be available from from Personal
+TeX. The details will be ironed out at the TUG meeting next
+week, and announced on TeXHaX and this mailing list.
+For the European Bitnet server: Contact rz92@dhdurz1.bitnet
+For the British Janet server: Contact
+The subject of how to set up a VMS printer spooler for the
+HP LaserJet has come up repeatedly. Portia Shao reported
+the following approach recently:
+>> Date: Wed, 13 May 87 18:42 PDT
+>> From: Portia 616-2635 <PORTIA@ENGVAX.SCG.HAC.COM>
+>> Subject: re: setting up HP laserjet +
+>> In response to the person asking about setup modules etc for the laserjet+
+>> This is how we set up our HP laser jet + on our microvax II.
+>> in we have:
+>> $define/system laserjet $terminal7: ! substibute your terminal line here
+>> $set terminal laserjet/perm/nobroadcast/notypeahead/nowrap -
+>> /speed=9600/width=80/page=0/device_type = unknown
+>> $set device /spooled=(sys$print, sys$sysdevice:) laserjet
+>> $initialize/queue/start/lib=laserjetlib/separate=(reset=reset) -
+>> /on=laserjet/default=flag sys$print
+>> $define/form/stock=default portrait 1 /desc="Portrait Courier" -
+>> /setup=(portrait) /length=60/wid=80/margin=(bottom=0)/nowrap/notrunc
+>> $define/form/stock=default landscape 2 /desc="Landscape"/setup=(landscape) -
+>> /length=45/wid=132/margin=(bottom=0)/nowrap/notrunc
+>> $define/form/stock=default compressed 3 /desc="Compressed Portrait" -
+>> /setup=(compressed) /length=80/wid=120/margin=(bottom=0) -
+>> /nowrap/notrunc
+>> and we have the following modules in sys$library:laserjetlib.tlb
+>> where compressed.txt has the following ONE line
+>> <esc>E<esc>&l0O<esc>&a5l80M<esc>&a0R<esc>&l8D<esc>&l80F<esc>(8U<esc>(s0p16.66h
+>> 8.5v0s0b0T
+>> landscape.txt has the following ONE LINE
+>> <esc>E<esc>&l10<esc>&l55F<esc>(8U<esc>(s0p10h12v0s0b3T
+>> portrait.txt has the following ONE line
+>> <esc>E<esc>&l0O<esc>&a5180M<esc>&a0R<esc>&l60F<esc>(8U<esc>(s0p10h12v0s0b3T
+>> and reset.txt has the following line
+>> <esc>E
+>> -- Portia Shao UUCP -- {allegra|ihnp4}!scgvaxd!engvax!portia
+>> Hughes Aircraft Co. ARPA --
+>> or --
+>> (213) 616-2635
+Jerry Leichter at Yale has extended this, and here is his
+current recommendation:
+>> Reply-To: "Jerry Leichter" <>
+>> The HPLJ setup I use is derived from Portia's, with some
+>> changes here and there. (I've sent mine back to her.)
+>> SET TERM/NOINTERACTIVE, which is a synonym for /PASSALL, is
+>> WRONG. (It's also obsolete, and no longer appears in
+>> current documentation.) The problem with doing that is that
+>> it disables XON/XOFF handling. The Laserjet uses XON/XOFF
+>> signaling; I don't know to what extent it might happen
+>> during normal operation, but it will certainly XOFF the host
+>> if, for example, it runs out of paper. If the line is set
+>> /NOINTERACTIVE, you can lose characters. With XON/XOFF, I
+>> am running my Laserjet at 19.2KB, rather than 9600. The
+>> speedup is minor, but it IS there. I suspect the printer
+>> WILL send XOFF's at this speed on a fairly regular basis,
+>> since it's faster than the printer can actually print!
+>> The setup I use is:
+>> $ define/system SYS$LASERJET CSA0:
+>> $ set terminal SYS$LASERJET/perm/nobroadcast/notypeahead/nowrap -
+>> /speed=9600/width=80/page=0/device_type=unknown
+>> $ set device /spooled=(SYS$PRINT,SYS$SYSDEVICE:) SYS$LASERJET
+>> $ initialize/queue/start/lib=laserjetlib/separate=(reset=reset) -
+>> /on=SYS$LASERJET/default=(flag,form=portrait) SYS$PRINT
+>> $ define/form/stock=default portrait 1 /desc="Portrait Courier" -
+>> /setup=(portrait) /length=60/wid=80/margin=(bottom=0)/wrap/notrunc
+>> $ define/form/stock=default landscape 2 /desc="Landscape"/setup=(landscape) -
+>> /length=45/wid=132/margin=(bottom=0)/wrap/notrunc
+>> $ define/form/stock=default compressed 3 /desc="Compressed Portrait" -
+>> /setup=(compressed) /length=80/wid=120/margin=(bottom=0) -
+>> /wrap/notrunc
+>> $ define/form/stock=default clandscape 4 /desc="Compressed Landscape" -
+>> /setup=(clandscape) -
+>> /length=64/wid=176/margin=(bottom=0)/wrap/notrunc
+>> (This is on a MicroVAX, with the printer connected to the
+>> console port. The printer has an additional font cartridge,
+>> which contains the font used by the CLANDSCAPE form.
+>> /speed=9600 on the set terminal command is wrong (I actually
+>> run at 19200) but irrelevent since the port involved doesn't
+>> have a software-settable speed anyway. There are a set of
+>> forms definitions to go with this; they require some editing
+>> to mail because of embedded control characters, but I can
+>> send them to anyone who wants them.)
+>> I print both normal text files and DVI files with this
+>> printer; the only thing you MUST do is include /PASSALL on
+>> the PRINT command for a DVI file. (Note: The use of the
+>> same qualifier, /PASSALL, on both SET TERM and PRINT is
+>> unfortunate, as they mean different things. SET
+>> TERM/PASSALL is obsolete and should not be used.
+>> PRINT/PASSALL is very much alive and needed here.
+To save me some writing, I'm including below the verbatim
+change log history between 22-Jun-87 (Newsletter #9) and
+[14-Aug-87] {Thanks to Matthias Moritz (U608017@NHYKUN11.EARN)
+ for Atari support additions}
+ Merged in support for the Atari 520ST+ using the
+ Mark Williams C Compiler. makefile.ast should
+ build it. Since this involves changes in many
+ routines, I took the opportunity to introduce a
+ few other changes as well, and incremented the
+ version number of dvi*.c from 2.07 to 2.08. The
+ new versions should be functionally identical to
+ the previous ones for virtually everyone.
+ The Mark Williams compiler has some limitations,
+ and could not handle long macro definitions, in
+ particular DEBUG_OPEN and FONTLIST. I have
+ therefore made DEBUG_OPEN() expand to dbgopen(),
+ where the latter is defined at the end of
+ dviinit.h; this does not follow my standard
+ practice of one function per file. FONTLIST was
+ simply removed, and the two instances of its use
+ were replaced by its definition. There are about
+ 40 instances in the driver source code of macros
+ continued over multiple lines. They are written
+ that way to prevent long lines in the source code
+ (80 is the absolute limit), which is an even more
+ serious barrier to portability.
+ The default stacksize on the Atari is often too
+ small; for the time being, main programs have
+ been set to declare a larger stack. On PC DOS
+ (which Atari GEMDOS resembles), the Microsoft
+ EXEMOD utility can be used to change the
+ stacksize of an executable program without
+ requiring code modification. I don't know
+ whether there is something similar on the Atari.
+ I removed the OS_xxxx-dependent conditional code
+ in dvi*.c for output file extension selection, by
+ introduction of a new variable, DVIPREFIX, in
+ machdefs.h. This is prepended to the default
+ file extension, which is now always identical to
+ the letters following dvi in the dvi*.c files.
+ On systems which do not support long file
+ extensions, it will be a null string; otherwise,
+ it will be "dvi-".
+ In dvialw.c, a genuine BUG surfaced; PSDEF_PATH
+ should be #define'd to be subpath instead of
+ SUBPATH. Otherwise, it cannot be overridden by
+ an environment variable. Thanks to Matthias
+ Moritz for catching this one.
+ An experimental version of a Canon A2 driver has
+ been added as dvica2.c, based on work by Pekka
+ Pietilainen (TFYS-PP@FINOU.BITNET), starting from
+ dvican.c. I have merged in his changes and
+ removed Unix-isms. This driver is intentionally
+ not included in the Makefiles. Only a few sites
+ have the Canon A2 printer, and once more
+ experience is obtained, it may replace dvican.c.
+ If you have such a printer, you can easily modify
+ the appropriate Makefile to support it, or you
+ can just compile and load dvica2 manually. For
+ debugging purposes, three additional option
+ switches are accepted in option.h; they will
+ disappear as the code settles.
+ More experience with the drivers at many VAX VMS
+ sites has indicated that variable-length record
+ files for the output are probably undesirable
+ until DEC gets its act in gear and makes all VMS
+ utilities handle such files properly. I have
+ therefore modified the code in dviinit.h to use
+ the fixed-block binary format for all but
+ POSTSCRIPT devices (for which the output is truly
+ an ordinary text file); previously, this format
+ was only selected for IMPRESS (dviimp).
+ For non-Unix operating systems, it is generally
+ necessary to open binary files differently than
+ text files, since the C-runtime libraries use
+ that distinction to decide how to translate Unix
+ line terminators. Every system so far has used
+ the letter "b" in the fopen() mode string to
+ select this mode, and every Unix system ignores
+ the "b", except Ultrix, which raises a run-time
+ error, sigh... I have therefore replaced the
+ mode string by RB_OPEN and WB_OPEN, and they are
+ set in machdefs.h. For all Unix systems they
+ will be "r" and "w", and for most non-Unix
+ systems, "rb" and "wb".
+ Lines longer than 80 characters in *.c and *.h
+ files have been wrapped.
+ The header "%!PS-Adobe-1.0" in dvialw.c has been
+ shortened to "%!"; the Adobe TranScript spooler
+ software thinks it is allowed to do page reversal
+ when it sees this, but dvialw output pages cannot
+ be reordered because fonts are defined only on
+ demand. The similar header in lptops.c is all
+ right; the pages there ARE independent.
+ The sources have been run through 4.2BSD lint and
+ System V lint. A number of missing typecasts
+ have been supplied, and several unreferenced
+ local variables have been eliminated. lint still
+ produces many warnings, but the remaining ones
+ seem to be benign, or simply red herrings.
+ lint revealed numerous problems with texidx.c
+ (which came from the GNU Project). I have
+ eliminated unused variables and functions, but
+ there remain some serious errors of incorrect
+ argument lists to sort_in_core() and
+ sort_offline(). I am not proposing to fix these
+ now, because at least 3 comprehensive indexing
+ packages for TeX have appeared recently, and
+ texidx.c may rapidly become obsolete.
+ I have changed the handling of some preprocessor
+ symbols in several routines so as to eliminate
+ redefinition warnings, and any assumptions that
+ undefined symbols evaluate to 0. The draft ANSI
+ C standard REQUIRES that all undefined symbols
+ evaluate to 0 in preprocessor expressions, but
+ many compilers to do yet follow this rule (VAX
+ VMS C in particular).
+[15-Aug-87] {Thanks to Julian Perry (seismo!mcvax!!jules)}
+ The code in option.h in the -o switch section
+ that forced page_begin[npage] <= page_end[npage]
+ conflicts with negative page numbers for counting
+ from the end. I have removed the code there, and
+ then in dvifile.h, before the main page loop,
+ inserted code to reset the page_begin[] and
+ page_end[] arrays to positive values (this can
+ only be done after page_count is known), and to
+ order them properly.
+[10-Aug-87] {Thanks to Gary Beihl (}
+ In lw78.c and dvialw.c, change instances of
+ time(0) to time((long*)NULL).
+[27-Jul-87] {Thanks to Charles Karney (}
+ Here are two small changes to vaxvms.c:
+ In vmsexit(), we turn on a high bit on a non-zero
+ status code to suppress a useless VMS message:
+ 150,151c150,151
+ < exit((1 << 28) + 2); /* error */
+ < break; /* (suppresses %NONAME-E-NOMSG) */
+ ---
+ > exit(2); /* error */
+ > break;
+ 457d456
+ In system(), add a test for the status code
+ returned by LIB$SPAWN; for the MAKE utility, this
+ allows recognition of errors returned from a
+ compilation.
+ < int stat;
+ 463,464c462
+ < return ((LIB$SPAWN(&t,0,0,0,0,0,&stat) == SS$_NORMAL)
+ < && ((stat & 1) > 0)) ? 0 : 127;
+ ---
+ > return (LIB$SPAWN(&t) == SS$_NORMAL) ? 0 : 127;
+ Updated cross-referencing awk scripts for use on
+ Sun OS 3.3 using standard cxref utility, replaced
+ old x*.awk by xref, xref1.awk, xref2.awk, and
+ xref3.awk, and replaced dvi.lrf and dvi.rby by
+ dvi.xrf.
+[20-Jul-87] {Thanks to Eric M. Carroll (}
+ In dvialw.c, getlogin() can return a NULL
+ pointer, so we need to guard against that.
+ Change
+ (void)fprintf(plotfp,"%%%%Creator: %s and ",getlogin());
+ to
+ (void)fprintf(plotfp,"%%%%Creator: %s and ",
+ (getlogin() == (char*)NULL) ? "" : getlogin());
+ Update makefile.* to reflect new dvil3p, and
+ remove obsolete makefile.eun (for Eunice).
+ Add symbol DECLN03PLUS and change SUBPATH for
+ Unix from /usr/lib/tex/inputs/ to
+ /usr/lib/tex/macros to match Washington TeX
+ distribution.
+ In gblprocs.h, add OS_VAXVMS to the list of hosts
+ where sprintf() is not declared (because it is in
+ system include files).
+ Change type of main() from void to int in
+ gblprocs.h and main.h to bring them into
+ conformance with the draft ANSI C Standard.
+ In fontfile.h, changed VMS section to allow for
+ the possibility that TEXFONTS is a logical name
+ list (thanks for John Sauter for this).
+[08-Jul-87] {Thanks to John Sauter (}
+ Add dvil3p.c for DEC LN03+ printer.
+ In dvil75.c in prtbmap(), change OUTC('-') to
+ OUTS("-\n") so as to avoid long output lines.