path: root/biblio/tib/src/tib.c
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /biblio/tib/src/tib.c
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/tib/src/tib.c')
1 files changed, 775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/tib/src/tib.c b/biblio/tib/src/tib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe448c10fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/tib/src/tib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+ Tib - TeX bibliographic formatter
+ Written by J.C. Alexander, University of Maryland
+ based on "bib," a troff formatter,
+ written by Tim Budd, University of Arizona. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "tib.h"
+#define getch(c,fd) (c = getc(fd))
+#define echoc(c,ifd,ofd) (getch(c,ifd) == EOF ? c : putc(c,ofd))
+#define testc(c,d,ifd,ofd) (getch(c, ifd) == d ? putc(c, ofd) : 0)
+/* global variables */
+ FILE *rfd; /* reference temporary file */
+ char reffile[120]; /* temporary file (see tib.h) */
+ long int refspos[MAXREFS]; /* reference seek positions */
+ int unlmark[MAXREFS]; /* underline flags */
+ long int rend = 1; /* last position in rfd (first char unused)*/
+ int numrefs = -1; /* number of references generated so far */
+ FILE *tfd; /* output of pass 1 of file(s) */
+ char tmp_file[120]; /* output of pass 1 */
+ char common[] = COMFILE; /* common word file */
+ char *citestr[MAXREFS]; /* citation strings */
+ int findex = false; /* can we read the file INDEX ? */
+/* global variables in tibargs */
+ extern int foot, sort, personal, underline, silent, loccit, ibidflag[];
+ extern int hyphen, ordcite, biblineno, stndout, locflag[], optch2[], c0;
+ extern int inputflag;
+ extern char sortstr[], pfile[], citetemplate[], bibfname[], dirsp2[];
+ extern char suffix[];
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+{ int rcomp1();
+ FILE *ofd; /* output file */
+ char *outname;
+ char *outfname(), *getenv(), *pcom, *pdefst, *ptemp;
+ int undrline();
+ char headerline[240];
+ char *indx = INDXFILE;
+ char *tfgets(), argchk[3];
+ int i, strcmp(), clnup();
+ /* header */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ strcpy(argchk,OPTCH);
+ strcat(argchk,"z");
+ if (strcmp(argv[i],argchk) == 0)
+ silent = true;
+ strcpy(argchk,OPTCH);
+ strcat(argchk,"|");
+ if (strcmp(argv[i],argchk) == 0)
+ silent = true;
+ }
+ if (silent == false)
+ fprintf (stderr, "Tib -- version %s, released %s.\n", VERSION, RDATE);
+ /* the file INDEX in the current directory is the default index,
+ if it is present */
+ rfd = fopen( INDXFILE , "r");
+ if (rfd != NULL) {
+ findex = true;
+ tfgets(headerline,240,rfd);
+ fclose(rfd);
+ chkindex(indx, headerline, false);
+ }
+ /* get file names from environment */
+ pcom = getenv("COMFILE");
+ if (pcom != NULL)
+ strcpy(common,pcom);
+ ptemp = getenv("TMPDIR");
+ if (ptemp != NULL) {
+ strcpy(reffile,ptemp);
+ strcat(reffile,dirsp2);
+ strcat(reffile,"tibrXXXXXX");
+ strcpy(tmp_file,ptemp);
+ strcat(tmp_file,dirsp2);
+ strcat(tmp_file,"tibpXXXXXX");
+ }
+ else {
+ strcat(reffile,TMPREFFILE);
+ strcat(tmp_file,TMPTEXTFILE);
+ }
+ /* open temporaries, reffile will contain references collected in
+ pass 1, and tmp_file will contain text. */
+ mktemp(reffile);
+ rfd = fopen(reffile,"w+");
+ if (rfd == NULL)
+ error("can't open temporary reference file");
+ putc('x', rfd); /* put garbage in first position (not used) */
+ mktemp(tmp_file);
+ tfd = fopen(tmp_file,"w");
+ if (tfd == NULL)
+ error("can't open temporary output file");
+ /*
+ pass1 - read files, looking for citations
+ arguments are read by doargs (tibargs.c)
+ */
+ pdefst = getenv("DEFSTYLE");
+ if (pdefst == NULL) {
+ if (doargs(argc, argv, DEFSTYLE ) == 0) {
+ strcpy(bibfname, "<stdin>");
+ rdtext(stdin);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (doargs(argc, argv, pdefst ) == 0) {
+ strcpy(bibfname, "<stdin>");
+ rdtext(stdin);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ sort references, make citations, add disambiguating characters
+ */
+ if (silent == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Processing citations ...\n");
+ if (sort)
+ qsort(refspos, numrefs+1, sizeof(long), rcomp1);
+ makecites(citestr);
+ if (underline)
+ undrline();
+ if (citetemplate[0] != '0')
+ disambiguate();
+ /*
+ reopen temporaries
+ */
+ fclose(tfd);
+ tfd = fopen(tmp_file,"r");
+ if (tfd == NULL)
+ error("can't open temporary output file for reading");
+ /*
+ pass 2 - reread files, replacing references
+ */
+ if (stndout == true && bibfname != "<stdin>")
+ pass2(tfd, stdout);
+ else {
+ outname = outfname (bibfname);
+ ofd = fopen (outname, "w");
+ if (ofd == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"can't open %s\n", outname);
+ clnup();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (silent == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Writing output file ...\n");
+ pass2 (tfd, ofd);
+ fprintf(ofd,"\n");
+ fclose (ofd);
+ fprintf (stderr,"Output of tib in %s.\n", outname);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(tfd);
+ fclose(rfd);
+ clnup();
+ exit(0);
+ /* clean up */
+ clnup()
+ unlink(tmp_file);
+ unlink(reffile);
+ return;
+/* getwd - get the next 'word' (terminated by non-alpha) from a file */
+char *
+ getwd(fd,getwdflag)
+ FILE *fd;
+ int getwdflag;
+ /* The next word is terminated by non-alpha if getwdflag = 0,
+ by whitespace if getwdflag != 0 */
+ /* The result is returned in str. */
+{ char c;
+ char str[120], *pstr;
+ int bracketflag; /* 1 if file name is enclosed in brackets */
+ bracketflag = 0;
+ pstr = str;
+ *pstr = NULL;
+ getch(c,fd);
+ if (getwdflag == 0) {
+ while (isalpha(c) != 0) {
+ *pstr++ = c;
+ getch(c,fd);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ while (c == ' '
+ || c == '\n'
+ || c == '\t'
+ || c == '\%'
+ || c == '{'
+ || c == EOF) {
+ if (c == EOF)
+ error("end of file after \\input");
+ if (c == '{') bracketflag = 1;
+ if (c == '\n') biblineno++;
+ if (c == '\%') {
+ while (c != '\n') getch(c,fd);
+ ungetc(c,fd);
+ }
+ getch(c,fd);
+ }
+ if (bracketflag == 0) {
+ while (c != ' '
+ && c != '\n'
+ && c != '\t'
+ && c != EOF) {
+ *pstr++ = c;
+ getch(c,fd);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ while (c != '}') {
+ if (c == EOF
+ || c == '\n'
+ || c == '\%') error("no right brackets on \\input file name");
+ *pstr++ = c;
+ getch(c,fd);
+ while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') getch(c,fd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *pstr = NULL;
+ if (bracketflag == 0)
+ ungetc(c,fd); /* put the first char after wd back */
+ return(str);
+/* rdtext - read and process a text file, looking for [. commands */
+ rdtext(fd)
+ FILE *fd;
+{ char lastc, c, d;
+ char cmd[120], *getwd();
+ char lastlc;
+ int sortdefs();
+ int percentflag; /* is there % so far on line? */
+ int putback;
+ int fctr = 0; /* count of input/include files in stack */
+ FILE *fstack[32]; /* stack of input/include files */
+ char fnm[32][120]; /* stack of input/include files names */
+ char bibfnamet[120]; /* temporary file name */
+ int biblinenostack[32]; /* stack of line numbers */
+ sortdefs();
+ lastc = '\0';
+ lastlc = '\0';
+ percentflag = false;
+ biblineno = 1;
+ fprintf(tfd,"%cmessage {DOCUMENT TEXT}\n",'\\');
+ while (getch(c, fd) != EOF || fctr != 0) {
+ if (c == EOF && fctr != 0) { /* pop file from stack */
+ fprintf(tfd,"%c",lastc);
+ fclose(fd);
+ strcpy(bibfnamet, bibfname);
+ strcpy(bibfname, fnm[--fctr]);
+ biblineno = biblinenostack[fctr];
+ fd = fstack[fctr];
+ fprintf(stderr, "... processing of %s complete, returning to %s ...\n", bibfnamet, bibfname);
+ fprintf(tfd,"\\message{)}%%");
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ if (c == '\\' && percentflag == false && inputflag == true) {
+ if (lastc != NULL) putc(lastc,tfd);
+ strcpy(cmd,getwd(fd,0));
+ if (strcmp(cmd,"input")==0) {
+ /* found an input file */
+ strcpy(fnm[fctr], bibfname); /* push current file */
+ biblinenostack[fctr] = biblineno;
+ biblineno = 1;
+ if (fctr == 32)
+ error("\\input files nested too deeply");
+ fstack[fctr++] = fd;
+ strcpy(bibfname,getwd(fd,1)); /* get new file name */
+ putback = false;
+ fd = fopen(bibfname,"r");
+ if (fd == NULL) { /* file not found; */
+ strcpy(bibfnamet,bibfname); /* try adding .tex */
+ strcat(bibfname,suffix);
+ fd = fopen(bibfname,"r");
+ if (fd == NULL) { /* still can't be found; */
+ strcpy(bibfname, fnm[--fctr]); /* pop file */
+ fd = fstack[fctr];
+ biblineno = biblinenostack[fctr];
+ if (stndout == false && silent == false)
+ fprintf (stderr, "'%s', line %d: unable to locate %s, assuming it has no references\n", bibfname, biblineno, bibfnamet);
+ putback = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (putback == false) {
+ if (stndout == false && silent == false)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reading input document file %s and looking up references ...\n", bibfname);
+ fprintf(tfd,"\\message{(%s input by Tib}%%\n", bibfname);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(tfd,"%c",'\\'); /* pass chars on to */
+ fprintf(tfd,"%s",cmd); /* output file */
+ fprintf(tfd,"%c",' ');
+ fprintf(tfd,"%s",bibfnamet);
+ putback = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* this is just text; */
+ fprintf(tfd,"%c",'\\'); /* pass it to the file */
+ fprintf(tfd,"%s",cmd);
+ }
+ c = NULL;
+ lastc = NULL;
+ }
+ if (c == '\%')
+ if (percentflag == false)
+ if (lastc != '\\') {
+ percentflag = true;
+ if (isalpha(lastc) == 0)
+ if (lastc != '\n')
+ if (lastc != '\0')
+ if (lastc != ']')
+ if (lastc != '>') {
+ lastlc = lastc;
+ lastc = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if ((c == '[' || c == '<') && lastc != '\\')
+ if (getch(d, fd) == '.') { /* found a reference */
+ if (c == '<') { if (lastc) fprintf(tfd,"%c",lastc);}
+ else
+ switch (lastc) {
+ case '\0':
+ case ' ': fprintf(tfd,"%cLspace ",'\\'); break;
+ case '.': fprintf(tfd,"%cLperiod ",'\\'); break;
+ case ',': fprintf(tfd,"%cLcomma ",'\\'); break;
+ case '?': fprintf(tfd,"%cLquest ",'\\'); break;
+ case ':': fprintf(tfd,"%cLcolon ",'\\'); break;
+ case ';': fprintf(tfd,"%cLscolon ",'\\'); break;
+ case '!': fprintf(tfd,"%cLbang ",'\\'); break;
+ case '\'': fprintf(tfd,"%cLquote ",'\\'); break;
+ case '"': fprintf(tfd,"%cLqquote ",'\\'); break;
+ case '`': fprintf(tfd,"%cLrquote ",'\\'); break;
+ default: fprintf(tfd,"%c",lastc); break;
+ }
+ rdcite(fd, c);
+ if (c == '[')
+ switch (lastc) {
+ case '\0': break;
+ case ' ': fprintf(tfd,"%cRspace{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '\n': fprintf(tfd,"%cRspace{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '.': fprintf(tfd,"%cRperiod{}",'\\'); break;
+ case ',': fprintf(tfd,"%cRcomma{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '?': fprintf(tfd,"%cRquest{}",'\\'); break;
+ case ':': fprintf(tfd,"%cRcolon{}",'\\'); break;
+ case ';': fprintf(tfd,"%cRscolon{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '!': fprintf(tfd,"%cRbang{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '\'': fprintf(tfd,"%cRquote{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '"': fprintf(tfd,"%cRqquote{}",'\\'); break;
+ case '`': fprintf(tfd,"%cRrquote{}",'\\'); break;
+ }
+ lastc = '\0';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (lastc != '\0') putc(lastc, tfd);
+ ungetc(d, fd);
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (lastc != '\0') putc(lastc, tfd);
+ lastc = c;
+ if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) {
+ biblineno++;
+ percentflag = false;
+ if (lastlc != '\0') {
+ putc(c,tfd);
+ getch(d, fd);
+ if (d == ' ' || d == '\n' || d == '\t' || d == '\%'
+ || d == '.') {
+ ungetc(d, fd);
+ putc(lastlc,tfd);
+ lastlc = '\0';
+ putc('\%',tfd);
+/* putc('\n',tfd); */
+ }
+ else {
+ ungetc(d, fd);
+ lastc = lastlc;
+ lastlc = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastc != '\0') putc(lastc, tfd);
+/* rdcite - read citation information inside a [. command */
+ rdcite(fd, ch)
+ FILE *fd;
+ char ch;
+{ long int n, getref();
+ char huntstr[HUNTSIZE], c, info[HUNTSIZE], footch[2], c0ch[2];
+ if (foot)
+ strcpy(footch,"\n");
+ else
+ strcpy(footch,"");
+ if (c0)
+ strcpy(c0ch,"\n");
+ else
+ strcpy(c0ch,"");
+ if (ch == '[')
+ fprintf(tfd,"%cLcitemark ", '\\');
+ else
+ fprintf(tfd,"%cLAcitemark ", '\\');
+ huntstr[0] = info[0] = 0;
+ while (getch(c, fd) != EOF)
+ switch (c) {
+ case ',':
+ n = getref(huntstr);
+ if (n > 0)
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c%ld%c%s%c", CITEMARK, n, CITEMARK, info,
+ else
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c0%c%s%s%c", CITEMARK, CITEMARK,
+ huntstr, info, CITEEND);
+ huntstr[0] = info[0] = 0;
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ while (getch(c, fd) == '.') ;
+ if (c == ']') {
+ n = getref(huntstr);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c%ld%c%s%c%s%cRcitemark %s", CITEMARK, n,
+ CITEMARK, info, CITEEND, c0ch,'\\',footch);
+/* if (foot) {
+ getch(c, fd);
+ if (c == ' '|| c== '\n')
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c ", '\\');
+ else
+ putc(c, tfd);
+ fprintf(tfd, "\n");
+ }*/
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c0%c%s%s%c%s%cRcitemark%s ", CITEMARK, CITEMARK,
+ huntstr, info, CITEEND,c0ch, '\\',footch);
+/* if (foot) {
+ getch(c, fd);
+ if (c == ' '|| c== '\n')
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c ", '\\');
+ else
+ putc(c, tfd);
+ fprintf(tfd, "\n");
+ }*/
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (c == '>') {
+ n = getref(huntstr);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c%ld%c%s%c%s%cRAcitemark{}%s", CITEMARK, n,
+ CITEMARK, info, CITEEND,c0ch,'\\',footch);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(tfd, "%c0%c%s%s%c%s%cRAcitemark{}%s", CITEMARK,
+ CITEMARK,huntstr, info, CITEEND,c0ch,'\\',footch);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ addc(huntstr, c);
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ strcat(info, "\\LIcitemark{}");
+ while (getch(c, fd) != '>')
+ if (c == EOF) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: ill formed reference\n");
+ clnup();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else
+ addc(info, c);
+ strcat(info, "\\RIcitemark ");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ biblineno++;
+ case '\t':
+ c = ' '; /* fall through */
+ default:
+ addc(huntstr,c);
+ }
+ error("end of file reading citation");
+/* addc - add a character to hunt string */
+ addc(huntstr, c)
+ char huntstr[HUNTSIZE], c;
+{ int i;
+ i = strlen(huntstr);
+ if (i > HUNTSIZE)
+ error("citation too long");
+ huntstr[i] = c;
+ huntstr[i+1] = 0;
+/* getref - if an item was already referenced, return its pointer in
+ the reference file, otherwise create a new entry */
+ long int getref(huntstr)
+ char huntstr[HUNTSIZE];
+{ char rf[REFSIZE], ref[REFSIZE], *r, *hunt();
+ int i, match(), getwrd();
+ r = hunt(huntstr);
+ if (r != NULL) {
+ /* expand defined string */
+ strcpy(rf, r);
+ free(r);
+ expnd2(rf);
+ /* see if reference has already been cited */
+ if (foot == false)
+ for (i = 0; i <= numrefs; i++) {
+ rdref(refspos[i], ref);
+ if (strcmp(ref, rf) == 0)
+ return(refspos[i]);
+ }
+ if (loccit) {
+ ibidflag[numrefs+1] = false;
+ locflag[numrefs+1] = false;
+ for (i = 0; i <= numrefs; i++) {
+ rdref(refspos[i], ref);
+ if (strcmp(ref, rf) == 0) {
+ locflag[numrefs+1] = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ rdref(refspos[numrefs], ref);
+ if (strcmp(ref, rf) == 0)
+ ibidflag[numrefs+1] = true;
+ }
+ /* didn't match any existing reference, create new one */
+ numrefs++;
+ refspos[numrefs] = rend;
+ fixrfd( WRITE ); /* fix access mode of rfd, if nec. */
+ fseek(rfd, rend, 0); /* go to end of rfd */
+ i = strlen(rf) + 1;
+ fwrite(rf, 1, i, rfd);
+ rend = rend + i;
+ return(refspos[numrefs]);
+ }
+ else {
+ bibwarning("no reference matching %s\n", huntstr);
+ return( (long) -1 );
+ }
+/* hunt - hunt for reference from either personal or system index */
+ char *hunt(huntstr)
+ char huntstr[];
+{ char *fhunt(), *r, *p, *q, fname[120];
+ char *getenv(), *pindx;
+ if (personal) {
+ for (p = fname, q = pfile; ; q++)
+ if (*q == ',' || *q == 0) {
+ *p = 0;
+ if ((r = fhunt(fname, huntstr)) != NULL)
+ return(r);
+ else if (*q == 0)
+ break;
+ p = fname;
+ }
+ else *p++ = *q;
+ }
+ else if (findex) {
+ if ((r = fhunt( INDXFILE , huntstr)) != NULL)
+ return(r);
+ }
+ pindx = getenv("SYSINDEX");
+ if (pindx == NULL) {
+ if ((r = fhunt(SYSINDEX , huntstr)) != NULL)
+ return(r);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((r = fhunt(pindx , huntstr)) != NULL)
+ return(r);
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+/* fhunt - hunt from a specific file */
+ char *fhunt(file, huntstr)
+ char file[], huntstr[];
+{ char *p, *r, *locate();
+ r = locate(huntstr, file, 6, common);
+ if (r == NULL)
+ return(NULL); /* error */
+ if (*r == 0)
+ return(NULL); /* no match */
+ for (p = r; *p; p++)
+ if (*p == '\n')
+ if (*(p+1) == '\n') { /* end */
+ if (*(p+2) != 0)
+ bibwarning("multiple references match %s\n",huntstr);
+ *(p+1) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (*(p+1) != '%' && *(p+1) != '.') /* unnecessary newline */
+ *p = ' ';
+ return(r);
+/* putrefs - gather contiguous references together, sort them if called
+ for, hyphenate if necessary, and dump them out */
+int putrefs(ifd, ofd, footrefs, fn)
+FILE *ifd, *ofd;
+int fn, footrefs[];
+{ int citenums[MAXATONCE]; /* reference numbers */
+ char *citeinfo[MAXATONCE]; /* reference information */
+ char infoword[HUNTSIZE]; /* information line */
+ int rtop, n, i, j; /* number of citations being dumped */
+ char c, *p, *walloc();
+/* first gather contiguous references together, and order them if
+ required */
+ rtop = -1;
+ do {
+ n = 0;
+ while (isdigit(getch(c, ifd)))
+ n = 10 * n + (c - '0');
+ if (c ^= CITEMARK)
+ error("inconsistant citation found in pass two");
+ if (n == 0) { /* reference not found */
+ rtop++;
+ j = rtop;
+ citenums[j] = -1;
+ citeinfo[j] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i <= numrefs; i++)
+ if (refspos[i] == n) { /* its the ith item in reference list */
+ rtop++;
+ j = rtop;
+ if (ordcite)
+ for ( ; j > 0 && citenums[j-1] > i; j--) {
+ citenums[j] = citenums[j-1];
+ citeinfo[j] = citeinfo[j-1];
+ }
+ citenums[j] = i;
+ citeinfo[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i > numrefs)
+ error("citation not found in pass two");
+ }
+ if (getch(c, ifd) != CITEEND) {
+ for (p = infoword; c != CITEEND ; ) {
+ *p++ = c;
+ getch(c, ifd);
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ citeinfo[j] = walloc(infoword);
+ }
+ getch(c, ifd);
+ } while (c == CITEMARK);
+ ungetc(c, ifd);
+ /* now dump out values */
+ for (i = 0; i <= rtop; i++) {
+ if (citenums[i] >= 0)
+ fputs(citestr[citenums[i]], ofd);
+ if (citeinfo[i]) {
+ fputs(citeinfo[i], ofd);
+ free(citeinfo[i]);
+ }
+ if (hyphen) {
+ for (j = 1; j + i <= rtop && citenums[i+j] == citenums[i] + j; j++);
+ if (j + i > rtop) j = rtop;
+ else j = j + i - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ j = i;
+ if (j > i + 1) {
+ fputs("\\Citehyphen ", ofd);
+ i = j - 1;
+ }
+ else if (i != rtop)
+ if (!c0) fputs("\\Citecomma\n", ofd);
+ if ((foot) || (c0)) {
+ fn++;
+ footrefs[fn] = citenums[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return(fn);
+/* pass2 - read pass 1 files entering citation */
+ pass2(ifd, ofd)
+ FILE *ifd, *ofd;
+ char c, d, e;
+ int i, fn, footrefs[25], dumped;
+ fn = -1;
+ if ((foot) || (c0)) dumped = true;
+ else dumped = false;
+ while (getch(c, ifd) != EOF) {
+ while (c == '\n') {
+ putc(c, ofd);
+ if (((foot) || (c0)) && fn >= 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= fn; i++)
+ dumpref(footrefs[i], ofd);
+ fn = -1;
+ }
+ if (getch(c,ifd) != '.')
+ ;
+ else if (getch(d,ifd) != '[')
+ ungetc(d,ifd);
+ else if (getch(e,ifd) != ']') {
+ ungetc(e,ifd);
+ ungetc(d,ifd);}
+ else if ((foot == false) && (c0 == false)) {
+ while (echoc(c, ifd, ofd) != '\n')
+ ;
+ dumped = true;
+ fprintf(ofd,"\\message{REFERENCE LIST}\n\n");
+ for (i = 0; i <= numrefs; i++)
+ dumpref(i, ofd);
+ getch(c, ifd);
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == CITEMARK)
+ fn = putrefs(ifd, ofd, footrefs, fn);
+ else if (c != EOF)
+ putc(c, ofd);
+ }
+ if (dumped == false)
+ bibwarning("Warning: reference list not made -- .[] not encountered\n","");