path: root/biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-08-19 03:00:56 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-08-19 03:00:56 +0000
commit1772be123f1cfa713b25548f6fec135e7ab339a3 (patch)
tree1ba6586dc52536e962cb28380567183f6f90bbc1 /biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua
parent982d5e88b736a798b356bf5cabe5e6c9b115f182 (diff)
CTAN sync 202208190300
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua b/biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e2fed32e..0000000000
--- a/biblio/citation-style-language/csl-core.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Zeping Lee
--- Released under the MIT license.
--- Repository:
-local core = {}
-local citeproc = require("citeproc")
-local util = citeproc.util
-core.locale_file_format = "csl-locales-%s.xml"
-core.ids = {}
-core.loaded_ids = {}
-core.uncite_all_items = false
-function core.error(message)
- if luatexbase then
- luatexbase.module_error("csl", message)
- else
- util.error(message)
- end
-function core.warning(message)
- if luatexbase then
- luatexbase.module_warning("csl", message)
- else
- util.warning(message)
- end
- if luatexbase then
- luatexbase.module_info("csl", message)
- else
- end
-function core.read_file(file_name, ftype, file_info)
- file_info = file_info or "file"
- local path = kpse.find_file(file_name, ftype)
- if not path then
- if ftype and not util.endswith(file_name, ftype) then
- file_name = file_name .. ftype
- end
- core.error(string.format('Cannot find %s "%s"', file_info, file_name))
- return nil
- end
- local file =, "r")
- if not file then
- core.error(string.format('Cannot open %s "%s"', file_info, path))
- return nil
- end
- local contents = file:read("*a")
- file:close()
- return contents
-local function read_data_file(data_file)
- local file_name = data_file
- local extension = nil
- local contents = nil
- if util.endswith(data_file, ".json") then
- extension = ".json"
- contents = core.read_file(data_file, nil, "database file")
- elseif util.endswith(data_file, ".bib") then
- extension = ".bib"
- contents = core.read_file(data_file, "bib", "database file")
- else
- local path = kpse.find_file(data_file .. ".json")
- if path then
- file_name = data_file .. ".json"
- extension = ".json"
- contents = core.read_file(data_file .. ".json", nil, "database file")
- else
- path = kpse.find_file(data_file, "bib")
- if path then
- file_name = data_file .. ".bib"
- extension = ".bib"
- contents = core.read_file(data_file, "bib", "database file")
- else
- core.error(string.format('Cannot find database file "%s"', data_file .. ".json"))
- end
- end
- end
- local csl_items = nil
- if extension == ".json" then
- csl_items = utilities.json.tolua(contents)
- elseif extension == ".bib" then
- csl_items = citeproc.parse_bib(contents)
- end
- return file_name, csl_items
-local function read_data_files(data_files)
- local bib = {}
- for _, data_file in ipairs(data_files) do
- local file_name, csl_items = read_data_file(data_file)
- -- TODO: parse bib entries on demand
- for _, item in ipairs(csl_items) do
- local id =
- if bib[id] then
- core.error(string.format('Duplicate entry key "%s" in "%s".', id, file_name))
- end
- bib[id] = item
- end
- end
- return bib
-function core.make_citeproc_sys(data_files)
- core.bib = read_data_files(data_files)
- local citeproc_sys = {
- retrieveLocale = function (lang)
- local locale_file_format = core.locale_file_format or "locales-%s.xml"
- local filename = string.format(locale_file_format, lang)
- return core.read_file(filename)
- end,
- retrieveItem = function (id)
- local res = core.bib[id]
- -- if not res then
- -- core.warning(string.format('Failed to find entry "%s".', id))
- -- end
- return res
- end
- }
- return citeproc_sys
-function core.init(style_name, data_files, lang)
- if style_name == "" or #data_files == 0 then
- return nil
- end
- local style = core.read_file(style_name .. ".csl", nil, "style file")
- if not style then
- core.error(string.format('Failed to load style "%s.csl"', style_name))
- return nil
- end
- local force_lang = nil
- if lang and lang ~= "" then
- force_lang = true
- else
- lang = nil
- end
- local citeproc_sys = core.make_citeproc_sys(data_files)
- local engine =, style, lang, force_lang)
- return engine
-function core.make_citation(citation_info)
- -- `citation_info`: "{ITEM-1@2}{{id={ITEM-1},label={page},locator={6}}}{3}"
- local arguments = {}
- for argument in string.gmatch(citation_info, "(%b{})") do
- table.insert(arguments, string.sub(argument, 2, -2))
- end
- if #arguments ~= 3 then
- error(string.format('Invalid citation "%s"', citation_info))
- return nil
- end
- local citation_id, cite_items_str, note_index = table.unpack(arguments)
- local cite_items = {}
- if citation_id == "nocite" then
- for _, cite_id in ipairs(util.split(cite_items_str, "%s*,%s*")) do
- table.insert(cite_items, {id = cite_id})
- end
- else
- for item_str in string.gmatch(cite_items_str, "(%b{})") do
- item_str = string.sub(item_str, 2, -2)
- local cite_item = {}
- for key, value in string.gmatch(item_str, "([%w%-]+)=(%b{})") do
- value = string.sub(value, 2, -2)
- cite_item[key] = value
- end
- table.insert(cite_items, cite_item)
- end
- end
- local citation = {
- citationID = citation_id,
- citationItems = cite_items,
- properties = {
- noteIndex = tonumber(note_index),
- },
- }
- return citation
-function core.process_citations(engine, citations)
- local citations_pre = {}
- -- Save the time of bibliography sorting by update all ids at one time.
- core.update_item_ids(engine, citations)
- local citation_strings = {}
- for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do
- if citation.citationID ~= "nocite" then
- local res = engine:processCitationCluster(citation, citations_pre, {})
- for _, citation_res in ipairs(res[2]) do
- local citation_str = citation_res[2]
- local citation_id = citation_res[3]
- citation_strings[citation_id] = citation_str
- end
- table.insert(citations_pre, {citation.citationID,})
- end
- end
- return citation_strings
-function core.update_item_ids(engine, citations)
- if core.uncite_all_items then
- for item_id, _ in pairs(core.bib) do
- if not core.loaded_ids[item_id] then
- table.insert(core.ids, item_id)
- core.loaded_ids[item_id] = true
- end
- end
- end
- for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do
- for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do
- local id =
- if id == "*" then
- for item_id, _ in pairs(core.bib) do
- if not core.loaded_ids[item_id] then
- table.insert(core.ids, item_id)
- core.loaded_ids[item_id] = true
- end
- end
- else
- if not core.loaded_ids[id] then
- table.insert(core.ids, id)
- core.loaded_ids[id] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- engine:updateItems(core.ids)
- -- TODO: engine:updateUncitedItems(ids)
-function core.make_bibliography(engine)
- local result = engine:makeBibliography()
- local params = result[1]
- local bib_items = result[2]
- local res = ""
- local bib_options = ""
- if params["hangingindent"] then
- bib_options = bib_options .. "\n hanging-indent = true,"
- end
- if params["linespacing"] then
- bib_options = bib_options .. string.format("\n line-spacing = %d,", params["linespacing"])
- end
- if params["entryspacing"] then
- bib_options = bib_options .. string.format("\n entry-spacing = %d,", params["entryspacing"])
- end
- if bib_options ~= "" then
- bib_options = "\\cslsetup{" .. bib_options .. "\n}\n\n"
- res = res .. bib_options
- end
- if params.bibstart then
- res = res .. params.bibstart
- end
- for _, bib_item in ipairs(bib_items) do
- res = res .. "\n" .. bib_item
- end
- if params.bibend then
- res = res .. "\n" .. params.bibend
- end
- return res
-return core