path: root/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex')
2 files changed, 2488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex b/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e9687dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex
@@ -0,0 +1,2337 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"}
+# tkbibtex - a BibTeX file browser
+# Copyright (c) 1997 Peter Corke
+# with major modifications by Guenter Milde (
+# Needs Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or later
+# tkbibtex home page at
+# This is RELEASE 8 July 2000
+set release 9
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Contributors:
+# Guenter Milde (
+# John Fulton <>
+# Thomas Henlich <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+set usage {Usage: tkbibtex [switches] [bibfile]
+ A browser/editor for BibTeX format bibliografy files
+ * General switches:
+ -debug int 0 = none, 1=moderate, 2=lots, ...
+ -lyx string name of pipe to connect to LyX with
+ * For non-interactive searching mode (entered if any of these switches given)
+ -search string search string (defaults to all)
+ -type string reference type to search (defaults to all)
+ -field string field to search (defaults to all)
+ -ys int starting year (inclusive) (defaults to 0)
+ -ye int ending year (inclusive) (defaults to 9999)
+ -last int ending year is this year, starting year is specified
+ number of years earlier
+ -exact case sensitive search
+ -case case sensitive search
+by default will list the BibTeX source of the matching entries to stdout, but
+ -count will output number of matches only, not BibTeX source
+ -list will display a one line summary (key, type, title)
+ per match
+Copyright (c) Peter Corke 1997-2000
+ }
+## user alterable inits, you may set/override these also in a file ~/.tkbibtexrc
+# default for ignore case check button in search window
+set search_ignore_case 1
+# which fields shall have a folding multiple line entry?
+set bigfields "annote title abstract"
+# number of lines in big fields
+set title_lines_big 4
+set annote_lines_big 10
+set abstract_lines_big 10
+set delete_confirm true
+# cite_grouping, controls how a list of references is pushed to LyX
+# false [ref1][ref2][ref3]
+# true [ref1,ref2,ref3]
+set cite_grouping true
+# citekey_lower, controls whether all cite keys are made lower case. bibtex
+# ignores case, so this is useful to detect duplicates.
+set citekey_lower false
+# name of strings file, searched for along BIBPATH
+set strfile "strings.bib"
+# initial height of references (main) window (in chars)
+set refs_height 30
+# initial width of references window (in chars)
+set refs_width 30
+# initial width of entries in browse window (in chars)
+set entrywidth 75
+# maximal number of backup copies: 0 = no backups, -1 unlimited
+set backup_max 9
+# default for new entries
+set reftype_default "article"
+# load user's init file if it exists
+if {[file exists "~/.tkbibtexrc"]} {
+ source "~/.tkbibtexrc"
+# get BIBPATH environment variable if it exists
+if {[info exists env(BIBPATH)]} {
+ set bibpath $env(BIBPATH)
+ set bibpathlist [split $bibpath :]
+} else {
+ set bibpathlist ""
+## initializations, modify with caution
+set curkey "" ;# keyword of the entry shown in the .browse window
+ # or "" if there is no .browse window
+set debug 0 ;# verbosity level 0,...,3 for debugging
+set bibchanged 0
+trace variable bibchanged w bibchange_proc
+set citelist ""
+set window_state ""
+set curreftype ""
+set fname "<noname>"
+set global_print_cmd "|lpr"
+foreach i $bigfields {set ${i}_big 0} ;# big_lentries folded to one line
+# initial values of command params that may be set by command line switches
+set arg_ys 0
+set arg_ye 9999
+set arg_search 9999
+set arg_reftype "All"
+set arg_field "All"
+set arg_search ".*"
+set arg_ignorecase 1
+set arg_count 0
+set command_line_mode 0
+set LyXpipe $env(HOME)/.lyxpipe
+# global bindings
+bind Button <Up> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
+bind Button <Down> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
+bind Button <Left> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
+bind Button <Right> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
+bind all <F1> {briefhelp Keys}
+bind all <Control-d> {edit_item duplicate}
+bind all <Control-r> {edit_item rename}
+bind all <Control-n> {edit_item new}
+bind all <Control-f> {finditem}
+bind all <Control-q> {quit}
+bind all <Control-s> {savebib}
+bind all <F2> {savebib}
+bind all <Shift-F2> {saveasbib}
+bind all <F3> {openbib}
+bind all <Shift-F3> {closebib}
+#---------------------------- DEFINES -------------------------------------
+# define BibTeX reference types and fields, see btxdoc.[tex/bib] for
+# documentation
+# common month names for the month menu
+set months {jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec}
+# The following lists tailor the operation of tkbibtex.
+# 1. to add a new reference type, say a BIGBOOK type, add the name (in l.c.)
+# to the list "alltypes"
+# 2. to add a new field place the name in the lists "allfields" and:
+# 3. to make it mandatory for a type add that field name to the
+# list req(reftype).
+# 4. to make it optional for a type add that field name to the
+# list opt(reftype).
+# 5. to make it an additional field (for all types) add that field name
+# to the list ign (ignored fields)
+# list of all fields
+set allfields {address author booktitle chapter edition \
+ editor howpublished institution journal month number \
+ organization pages publisher school series title type volume \
+ year note code url crossref annote abstract}
+# list of all reference types
+set alltypes {article book booklet inbook incollection \
+ inproceedings manual mastersthesis misc phdthesis proceedings \
+ techreport unpublished}
+# list of additional fields, ignored by the standard BibTeX styles
+set ign {crossref code url annote abstract}
+# lists of required and optional fields for each reference type
+set req(article) {author title journal year}
+set opt(article) {volume number pages month note}
+set req(book) {author title publisher year};# requires author OR editor
+set opt(book) {editor volume number series address edition month note}
+set req(booklet) {title}
+set opt(booklet) {author howpublished address month year note}
+set req(inbook) {author title chapter pages publisher year}
+ #(requires author or editor)
+set opt(inbook) {editor volume series address edition month note}
+set req(incollection) {author title booktitle publisher year}
+set opt(incollection) {editor volume number series type chapter \
+ pages address edition month note}
+set req(inproceedings) {author title booktitle year}
+set opt(inproceedings) {editor pages organization publisher address month note}
+set req(manual) {title}
+set opt(manual) {author organization address edition month year note}
+set req(misc) {}
+set opt(misc) {title author howpublished month year note}
+set req(mastersthesis) {author title school year}
+set opt(mastersthesis) {address month note}
+set req(phdthesis) {author title school year}
+set opt(phdthesis) {address month note}
+set req(proceedings) {title year}
+set opt(proceedings) {editor publisher organization address month note}
+set req(techreport) {author title institution year}
+set opt(techreport) {type number address month note}
+set req(unpublished) {author title note}
+set opt(unpublished) {month year}
+#-------------------------- Datastructures -----------------------------
+# Datastructures are somewhat limited in Tcl. The two main ones are:
+# citelist a list of all citations in the order they
+# are displayed in the main listbox
+# REFLIST an array in which the first index is the citation key,
+# and the second index is the field. Thus
+# REFLIST(Corke87b,type) = "article"
+# REFLIST(Corke87b,title) = "Yet another paper about..."
+#----------------------- BibTeX format file i/o -----------------------------
+# return full path name for specified file along BIBPATH
+proc find_on_path {fname} {
+ global bibpathlist
+ if {[file exists $fname]} {
+ return $fname
+ }
+ foreach p $bibpathlist {
+ if {[file exists $p/$fname]} {
+ set fname $p/$fname
+ return $fname
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+# parse the BibTeX format file and update the multidimensional array REFLIST.
+proc bibparse {fname} {
+ global citelist errmsg
+ showmsg "loading $fname"
+ . config -cursor watch
+ trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ set dupcount [bibparse_f $fname]
+ trace variable REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ set REFLIST_update 0
+ update_citelistbox
+ . config -cursor ""
+ set count [llength $citelist]
+ if {$dupcount == 0} {
+ showmsg "$count records"
+ } else {
+ showmsg "$count records ($dupcount duplicates)"
+ }
+ testoutput 1 "$count records ($dupcount duplicates)"
+ if {$errmsg != ""} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -message $errmsg
+ set errmsg ""
+ }
+# -------- new parsing-algorithm by GM (rparse.tcl) --------------
+set preamblelist ""
+set errmsg ""
+# core file parser
+proc bibparse_f {fname} {
+ global errmsg
+ set f [open $fname r]
+ testoutput 1 "loading $fname"
+ showmsg "loading $fname"
+ set buffer [read $f]
+ close $f
+ testoutput 1 "parsing $fname"
+ showmsg "parsing $fname"
+ return [bibparse_s $buffer]
+proc bibparse_s {buffer} {
+ # transform, to get a string that can be parsed by tcl-routines:
+ # We have to cheat to get tcl parsing a bibtex file: BibTeX uses special
+ # characters to separate entries and fields. But inside a {string}
+ # or a "string" they are escaped. This escaping is not regarded by "split"
+ # or "regexp", but it is implemented in Tcl's list functions,
+ # however assuming a space as separating character
+ # 1. escape backslashes (to prevent substitution of LaTeX-commands as
+ # there is one round of backslash substitution when the list element is not
+ # enclosed in braces) and quote whitespace
+ set new_entry 0
+ set count 0
+ set dupcount 0
+ set catch_msg ""
+ regsub -all {\\} $buffer {\\\\} buffer
+ regsub -all "\[\t\n ]+" $buffer {\ } buffer
+ # 2. put in additional whitespace where we want a separation
+ # '@' separates entries, ',' separates fields,
+ # 3. braces and quotes must be surrounded by whitespace,
+ # otherwise list commands will produce errors
+ regsub -all "\[@\{,]" $buffer { &} buffer
+ regsub -all "\[\}]" $buffer {& } buffer
+ regsub -all {"} $buffer { & } buffer ;# comment " only for syntax color
+ testoutput 3 $buffer
+ # now look at the entries
+ foreach element $buffer {
+ testoutput 3 "<$element>"
+ # the first element after a reftype contains the fields
+ if {$new_entry} {
+ parse_fields $element $reftype
+ if {$catch_msg != ""} {
+ append errmsg "$catch_msg \n\
+ The following record could not be parsed:\n \
+ <[ruecktrafo $element]> \n\n\
+ You might have to fix your *.bib file! \
+ (probabely use of \"quotes\" \
+ to enclose fields with umlauts) \n\n"
+ }
+ set new_entry 0
+ set catch_msg ""
+ continue
+ }
+ # look for reftype
+ if [regexp {^@([a-zA-Z]+) ?(\(?)} $element match reftype parantheses] {
+ set reftype [string tolower $reftype]
+ incr count
+ if {$count%10 == 0} { # show progress every tenth parsed entry
+ showmsg "parsing: $count records"
+ }
+ testoutput 1 "\nNew entry:"
+ if {$parantheses == "("} {
+ append errmsg "cannot handle entry in parantheses (yet): $element\n"
+ # Baustelle
+ # diese Klausel kann weg, wenn Klammern richtig behandelt werden
+ } else {
+ set new_entry 1
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # somethig else: warn user, as this will not be written back to file
+ testoutput 2 "ignored: <$element>"
+ if [regexp {[a-zA-Z]+} $element] {
+ append errmsg "ignored text: [ruecktrafo $element]\n"
+ }
+ }
+ return $dupcount
+proc parse_fields {fields reftype} {
+ global preamblelist strlist citelist REFLIST errmsg citekey_lower
+ upvar dupcount dupcount
+ upvar catch_msg catch_msg
+ set pre_types {preamble string comment}
+ set fieldtext 0
+ set macro ""
+ testoutput 3 $fields
+ # store preambles, strings and comments to write them back
+ # when saving the file
+ if {[lsearch $pre_types $reftype] >= 0 } {
+ lappend preamblelist "@$reftype \{[ruecktrafo $fields]\}"
+ testoutput 1 "pre-stuff: [lindex $preamblelist end]"
+ if {$reftype == "string"} {
+ # strings will be parsed and put to the stringlist although
+ set keyw "" ;# a string definiton has no keyword
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # process the fields
+ # use catch, as the list might contain syntactic errors
+ catch {
+ foreach item $fields {
+ testoutput 2 "<$item>"
+ # first field is keyword (except for strings)
+ if {![info exists keyw]} {
+ set keyw [string trim $item]
+ if {$citekey_lower} {
+ set keyw [string tolower $keyw]
+ }
+ # put in the Reflist
+ set REFLIST($keyw,reftype) $reftype
+ # if not already in the citelist, append it
+ if {[lsearch -exact $citelist $keyw] < 0} {
+ lappend citelist $keyw
+ } else {
+ # Baustelle: fragen: rename overwrite skip?
+ set r [tk_dialog .duplicate {Duplicate!} \
+ "Cite key <$keyw> already exists" \
+ warning 0 {Skip} {Overwrite}]
+ switch $r {
+ 0 {incr dupcount; return}
+ 1 {incr dupcount}
+ }
+ }
+ testoutput 1 "$reftype $keyw"
+ continue
+ }
+ # item is <"text"> or <{text}>
+ if {$fieldtext} {
+ set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) [ruecktrafo $item]
+ set fieldtext 0
+ testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)"
+ continue
+ }
+ # count for concatenations
+ if [info exists concat] {
+ testoutput 3 "concat = <$concat>"
+ append REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "\{[ruecktrafo $item]\}"
+ unset concat
+ testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)"
+ continue
+ }
+ # item of the form <?,?fieldname = ?macro? ?#?>
+ if [regexp {^,? ?([^ ]+) ?= ?(.*)} \
+ $item match fieldname macro] {
+ set fieldname [string tolower $fieldname]
+ if {$macro != ""} {
+ if [regexp {# ?$} $macro] {
+ set concat "#"
+ }
+ set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "# $macro"
+ testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)"
+ set macro ""
+ } else {
+ set fieldtext 1
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # concatenations < # ?macro? ?#?>
+ if [regexp {^ ?(#.*)} $item match concat] {
+ # if the first part is not a macro, put braces around
+ if {![regexp {^#} $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)]} {
+ set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "#\{$REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)\}"
+ }
+ append REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) " $concat"
+ testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)"
+ if {![regexp {# ?$} $concat]} {
+ unset concat
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if {![regexp {^ *,? *$} $item]} {
+ append errmsg "cannot parse <$item> \n"
+ }
+ } ;# ende {foreach {$fields}}...
+ } catch_msg;# ende catch {foreach ....}
+ if {$reftype == "string"} {
+ set strlist($fieldname) $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)
+ unset REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)
+ }
+ if [info exists keyw] {unset keyw}
+# ende proc parse fields
+proc ruecktrafo {string} {
+ # 1. change back spaces
+ regsub -all "(\}) " $string {\1} string
+ regsub -all " (\[@\{,])" $string {\1} string
+ regsub -all { (") } $string {\1} string ;# "only for syntax color
+ # Test what kind of string it is:
+ # if it was in quotes, it will have spaces around -> remove
+ # if the string was in braces -> dequote it
+ if {[regsub {^ (.*) $} $string {\1} string] == 0} {
+ regsub -all {(\\)?\\} $string {\1} string
+ }
+ return $string
+# --------- end of stuff for the new parsing algorithm by GM ---------
+proc update_citelistbox {} {
+ global citelist
+ # cream the old listbox contents
+ .refs.list delete 0 end
+ # now reinsert all items in citelist order
+ foreach key $citelist {
+ .refs.list insert end $key
+ }
+proc append_to_citelist {newkey} {
+ global bibchanged citelist
+ .refs.list insert end $newkey
+ lappend citelist $newkey
+ # note that we've updated the bib
+ incr bibchanged
+# writebib package
+# writebib citelist filename
+# writes specified citations to the given filename
+# writebib2str citelist
+# writes specified citations to the global buffer writebib_str
+# and also returns this string
+proc writebib {citelist fname} {
+ global debug
+ showmsg "writing $fname"
+ if {$debug} {
+ puts "writing $fname"
+ }
+ . config -cursor watch
+ set f [open $fname w]
+ writebib2 $citelist fwrite $f
+ close $f
+ . config -cursor ""
+ showmsg "[llength $citelist] entries written"
+proc writebib2str {citelist} {
+ global writebib_str
+ set writebib_str ""
+ writebib2 $citelist swrite 0
+ return $writebib_str
+proc writebib2 {citelist wproc arg} {
+ global REFLIST
+ foreach k $citelist {
+ set rt $REFLIST($k,reftype)
+ $wproc $arg "@$rt\{$k"
+ set res [array get REFLIST "$k,*"]
+ # now have a list comprising pairs of list elements; the REFLIST
+ # subscript then the value
+ set nfound 0
+ foreach {key val} $res {
+ regexp {,([a-z]+)} $key matchall lastkey
+ if {($lastkey != "reftype") && ($val != "")} {
+ testoutput 1 "<$key $val$>"
+ $wproc $arg ",\n"
+ if {[regexp ^# $val]} {
+ set val [string trimleft $val "#"]
+ $wproc $arg " $lastkey = $val"
+ } else {
+ $wproc $arg " $lastkey = \{$val\}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # put end of record brace
+ $wproc $arg "\n\}\n\n"
+ }
+proc fwrite {f str} {
+ puts -nonewline $f $str
+proc swrite {f str} {
+ global writebib_str
+ append writebib_str $str
+#----------------------- BROWSE WINDOW -----------------------------------
+# create the data entry window (.browse) with reftype menu and navigation bar
+# (the fields will be inserted by set_browsebox)
+proc create_browse {} {
+ global alltypes curreftype reftype_default
+ toplevel .browse
+ build_stringmenu
+ bind .browse <Destroy> {
+ if {"%W" == ".browse"} {
+ set curkey ""
+ trace vdelete curreftype w reftypechange_proc
+ }
+ }
+ bind .browse <Unmap> {wm_statechange %W}
+ bind .browse <Map> {wm_statechange %W}
+ # Reference type is a menu button whose current label shows the
+ # reference type. Clicking brings up a radiobutton menu that allows
+ # the type to change, and the browse box will reconfigure appropriately
+ frame .browse.reftype
+ label .browse.reftype.l -text "Reference type:" -width 15 -anchor e
+ menubutton .browse.reftype.m -menu -width 20 \
+ -relief raised -anchor w -text $reftype_default
+ menu
+ foreach i $alltypes {
+ add radiobutton -label $i -variable curreftype \
+ -value $i
+ }
+ pack .browse.reftype.l .browse.reftype.m -side left -anchor w
+ pack .browse.reftype -expand 1 -anchor w
+ # look for changes in the global curreftype
+ trace variable curreftype w reftypechange_proc
+ # a bottom line with helpful buttons:
+ frame .browse.navigate
+ button .browse.navigate.first -text {|< First} -underline 4\
+ -command {browseitem first .refs.list}
+ button .browse.navigate.prev -text {< Previous} -underline 3\
+ -command {browseitem previous .refs.list}
+ button -text {Next >} -underline 0\
+ -command {browseitem next .refs.list}
+ button .browse.navigate.last -text {Last >|} -underline 0\
+ -command {browseitem last .refs.list}
+ button .browse.navigate.close -text Close -width 10 -underline 0\
+ -command {destroy .browse}
+ button -text Help -width 10 -underline 0\
+ -command {briefhelp Browse}
+ pack .browse.navigate.first .browse.navigate.prev\
+ .browse.navigate.last -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .browse.navigate.close -side right
+ pack .browse.navigate -side bottom -fill x
+ bind .browse.navigate 1 {focus .browse.navigate}
+ # bind the Alt + underlined keys
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-f> {browseitem first .refs.list; break}
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-p> {browseitem previous .refs.list; break}
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-n> {browseitem next .refs.list; break}
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-l> {browseitem last .refs.list; break}
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-c> {destroy .browse; break}
+ bind .browse <Alt-Key-h> {briefhelp Browse; break}
+# browse the specified cite key, optional arg "-focus" controls
+# whether the first item of .browse is focused on
+proc browse {name args} {
+ global REFLIST allfields curkey curreftype curfields \
+ bibchanged debug bigfields fname
+ # ignore stupid keys
+ # if {$name == ""} {return} ;# does this happen?
+ # unset empty array elements of last browsed entry
+ if {$curkey != ""} {
+ trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ foreach el [array names REFLIST $curkey,*] {
+ if {$REFLIST($el) == ""} {unset REFLIST($el)}
+ }
+ trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ }
+ # set curkey to new value
+ set curkey $name
+ # create browse window if need be and add the labeled entries for curreftype
+ if {[winfo exists .browse] == 0} {
+ create_browse
+ set_browsebox $REFLIST($name,reftype)
+ }
+ # configure the browse box with fields for this entry
+ if {$curreftype != $REFLIST($name,reftype)} {
+ # update curreftype: this calls set_browsebox and a rerun of browse
+ # via trace/curreftypechange_proc
+ set curreftype $REFLIST($name,reftype)
+ return
+ } else {
+ # delete non canonical fields (not predefined for this reference type)
+ foreach i [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] {
+ if [regexp {sep} $i] {continue}
+ if {[lsearch $curfields [string range $i 8 end]] < 0} {destroy $i}
+ }
+ }
+ # add nan canonical fields (not predefined but present in REFLIST)
+ foreach el [array names REFLIST $name,*] {
+ if [regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname] {
+ if {$fieldname == "reftype"} {continue}
+ if {[lsearch $curfields $fieldname] < 0} {
+ lentry $fieldname
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # attach the entry to the browse box by textvariables,
+ # do special actions for big_lentry boxes
+ foreach entry [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] {
+ if [regexp {sep} $entry] {continue}
+ set field [string range $entry 8 end]
+ if {[lsearch $bigfields $field] >= 0} {
+ .browse.$field.e delete 1.0 end
+ if [info exists REFLIST($name,$field)] {
+ .browse.$field.e insert 1.0 $REFLIST($name,$field)
+ }
+ } else {
+ trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ set in_reflist [info exists REFLIST($name,$field)]
+ # now link entry box to data using textvariable
+ .browse.$field.e config -textvariable REFLIST($name,$field)
+ if {!$in_reflist} {
+ .browse.$field.e delete 0 end
+ }
+ trace variable REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc
+ }
+ }
+ # put cite key into the titlebar
+ wm title .browse "\[$fname\] $name"
+ # set focus to first entry if called with option -focus
+ # -force, as this is another toplevel window
+ if { [lindex $args 0] == "-focus"} {
+ focus -force .browse.[lindex $curfields 0].e
+ }
+# configure the browse window fields for specified reference type
+proc set_browsebox {reftype} {
+ global req opt ign
+ # clear all old fields, (0st and 1st slave are reftype and navigate)
+ foreach i [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] {
+ # pack forget $i ;
+ # we better destroy and make anew, as this keeps the
+ # right order for keybord traversal
+ destroy $i
+ }
+ # add the new fields in right order, separate types with black lines
+ foreach i $req($reftype) {
+ lentry $i
+ }
+ frame .browse.sep1 -height 3 -background black
+ pack .browse.sep1 -fill x -expand 1
+ foreach i $opt($reftype) {
+ lentry $i
+ }
+ frame .browse.sep2 -height 3 -background black
+ pack .browse.sep2 -fill x -expand 1
+ foreach i $ign {
+ lentry $i
+ }
+# create a labelled entry box, a frame holding a label and an entry
+# (with multiple lines if name is mentionend in global $bigfields)
+proc lentry {name} {
+ global bigfields entrywidth months
+ if {[winfo exists .browse.$name] == 0} {
+ frame .browse.$name
+ if {[lsearch $bigfields $name] >= 0} {
+ button .browse.$name.l -text "[string toupper $name]:" -width 14 \
+ -anchor e -default disabled -bd 1 -padx 2 -pady 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -command "fold_button {$name}"
+ text .browse.$name.e -yscrollcommand ".browse.$name.s set" -height 1 \
+ -width 20
+ bind .browse.$name.e <KeyRelease> "update_biglentry $name"
+ bind .browse.$name.e <ButtonRelease> "update_biglentry $name"
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Tab> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]; break}
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Shift-Tab> {
+ tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]; break}
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Up> {tkTextfieldUp %W}
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Down> {tkTextfieldDown %W}
+ # scrollbar will be displayed by proc fold_button if entry unfolded
+ scrollbar .browse.$name.s -takefocus 0 -command ".browse.$name.e yview"
+ } else {
+ label .browse.$name.l -text "[string toupper $name]:" \
+ -width 15 -anchor e
+ entry .browse.$name.e -width $entrywidth -insertofftime 0
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Up> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Down> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Return> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
+ }
+ pack .browse.$name.l -side left
+ pack .browse.$name.e -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ }
+ pack .browse.$name -fill x -expand 1
+ # some special cases
+ switch $name {
+ month {
+ # bind right mouse button to string popup menu
+ menu
+ foreach i $months {
+ add radiobutton -label $i -value #$i \
+ -command "month_menu_proc $i"
+ }
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Button-3> "month_popup %W %X %Y"
+ }
+ crossref {
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Button-3> "crossrefGoto %W"
+ }
+ default {
+ # bind right mouse button to string popup menu
+ bind .browse.$name.e <Button-3> "string_popup %W %X %Y"
+ }
+ }
+proc crossrefGoto {w} {
+ set newkey [$w get]
+ puts "going to $newkey"
+ browse $newkey
+proc fold_button {name} {
+ global ${name}_big ${name}_lines_big
+ if [set ${name}_big] {
+ .browse.$name.e config -height 1 -wrap none
+ pack forget .browse.$name.s
+ set ${name}_big 0
+ } else {
+ .browse.$name.e config -height [set ${name}_lines_big] -wrap word
+ pack .browse.$name.s -side right -fill y
+ set ${name}_big 1
+ }
+# if cursor is on first line: move to previous window,
+# otherwise the default binding works (move up one line)
+# to be bound to <Key-Up> in a textfield inside a formular
+proc tkTextfieldUp {w} {
+ if {[$w index insert] == [tkTextUpDownLine $w -1]} {
+ tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev $w]
+ return break
+ }
+# if cursor is on last line: move to next window,
+# otherwise the default binding works (move down one line)
+# to be bound to <Key-Down> in a textfield inside a formular
+proc tkTextfieldDown {w} {
+ if {[$w index insert] == [tkTextUpDownLine $w 1]} {
+ tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext $w]
+ return break
+ }
+#invoked on right mouse button click in a month lentry box
+proc month_popup {w x y} {
+ global month_select
+puts "<$x $y>"
+ # pop-up the string menu
+ tk_popup $x $y
+ tkwait variable month_select
+ $w insert insert $month_select
+proc month_menu_proc {which} {
+ global month_select
+puts "in month_menu_proc which = $which"
+ set month_select "#$which"
+#invoked on right mouse button click in a lentry box
+proc string_popup {w x y} {
+ global string_select
+ # pop-up the string menu
+ tk_popup .browse.strmenu $x $y
+ tkwait variable string_select
+ $w insert insert $string_select
+ # patch by Thomas Henlich
+ set string_select ""
+proc strmenu_proc {which} {
+ global string_select
+ set string_select "#$which"
+proc build_stringmenu {} {
+ global strlist
+ menu .browse.strmenu
+ foreach i [array names strlist] {
+ .browse.strmenu add command -label $strlist($i) -command "strmenu_proc $i"
+ }
+# if global variable curreftype has changed:
+# invoke set_browsebox() and update REFLIST
+proc reftypechange_proc {name el op} {
+ global curreftype curkey REFLIST debug curfields req opt ign
+ set curfields [concat $req($curreftype) $opt($curreftype) $ign]
+ .browse.reftype.m config -text $curreftype
+ if {$REFLIST($curkey,reftype) != $curreftype} {
+ set REFLIST($curkey,reftype) $curreftype
+ }
+ set_browsebox $curreftype
+ browse $curkey
+ testoutput 1 "reftype changing to $curreftype"
+# as we cannot bind a textvariable to a text (only to an entry)
+# make sure that the big fields displayed in the browse box are updated
+# in the REFLIST.
+# bound to <KeyRelease>, <ButtonRelease>
+proc update_biglentry {fieldname} {
+ global REFLIST curkey bibchanged
+ set fieldtext [.browse.$fieldname.e get "1.0" end-1c]
+ if {[info exists REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname)]} {
+ # if fieldtext prev existed & has changed
+ if {$fieldtext != $REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname)} {
+ set REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname) $fieldtext
+# incr bibchanged # done by trace on REFLIST
+ }
+ } else {
+ # no fieldtext in REFLIST, check if now finite
+ if {$fieldtext != ""} {
+ set REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname) $fieldtext
+# incr bibchanged
+ }
+ }
+# if the bib data has changed flag that in the main title bar
+proc REFLISTchange_proc {name el op} {
+ global bibchanged
+ incr bibchanged
+ #puts stdout "REFLIST $el changed, $bibchanged"
+# if any widget changes the bibliography in any way it increments the global
+# bibchanged. This trace handler then takes the necessary action
+proc bibchange_proc {name el op} {
+ global bibchanged fname
+ if {$bibchanged == 0} {
+ wm title . [file tail $fname]
+ } elseif {$bibchanged == 1} {
+ wm title . "[file tail $fname] (mod)"
+ }
+ # clear the search window listbox
+ if {[winfo exists .find]} {
+ delete 0 end
+ }
+#----------------------- SEARCH WINDOW -----------------------------------
+# invoked to do the actual search
+proc searchbib {} {
+ global find_field searchstring citelist REFLIST search_ignore_case
+ global find_reftype find_startyear find_endyear
+ . config -cursor watch
+ # clear out the old entries in the results listbox
+ delete 0 end
+ .find.m configure -text ""
+ set found [do_search $searchstring $find_reftype $find_field $find_startyear $find_endyear $search_ignore_case]
+ foreach f $found {
+ insert end $f
+ }
+ # display how many hits
+ set nfound [llength $found]
+ .find.m configure -text [format "%d match(es) found" $nfound]
+ # put selection on first line of list box for next/prev buttons
+ selection set 0
+ focus
+ . config -cursor ""
+proc do_search {searchstring find_reftype find_field find_startyear find_endyear search_ignore_case} {
+ global REFLIST citelist debug
+ # convert search field to upper case and extract relevant (or all) fields
+ if {$find_field != "All"} {
+ set el $find_field
+ }
+ if {$search_ignore_case} {
+ set search {regexp -nocase}
+ } else {
+ set search {regexp}
+ }
+ if {$debug} {
+ puts "startyear: $find_startyear"
+ puts "endyear: $find_endyear"
+ puts "reftype: $find_reftype"
+ puts "fieldtype: $find_field"
+ puts "search : $searchstring"
+ puts "LC test: $search"
+ }
+ # now we have a list comprising pairs of list elements:
+ # eg. { Corke96a,TITLE "blah blah blah" }
+ set found {}
+ foreach ref $citelist {
+ # screen for reference type (which can be a regexp)
+ if {$find_reftype != "All"} {
+ if {[regexp -nocase $find_reftype $REFLIST($ref,reftype) mv] == 0} {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if {$mv != $REFLIST($ref,reftype)} {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ # screen for year if its specified
+ if {($find_startyear != "") || ($find_endyear != "")} {
+ if {[info exists REFLIST($ref,year)]} {
+ set year $REFLIST($ref,year)
+ if {($find_endyear != "") && ($year > $find_endyear)} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {($find_startyear != "") && ($year < $find_startyear)} {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # now check particular field
+ if {$find_field == "All"} {
+ set res [array get REFLIST "$ref,*"]
+ foreach {key val} $res {
+ if {[eval $search $searchstring {$val}]} {
+ #found substring
+ lappend found $ref
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {![info exists REFLIST($ref,$el)]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set w $REFLIST($ref,$el)
+ testoutput 1 "$w"
+ if {[eval $search $searchstring {$w}]} {
+ #found substring
+ lappend found $ref
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $found
+# create the find/search box
+proc create_find {} {
+ global allfields alltypes find_field searchstring search_ignore_case
+ global find_reftype find_startyear find_endyear
+ toplevel .find
+ bind .find <Destroy> {
+ destroy .find
+ trace vdelete find_field w find_fieldchange_proc
+ trace vdelete find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc
+ }
+ bind .find <Unmap> {wm_statechange %W}
+ bind .find <Map> {wm_statechange %W}
+ #explaining Header
+ wm title .find "find entries using regular expressions"
+ ######################################################################
+ # create the search entry boxes
+ # search string
+ # year range
+ # reference type
+ ######################################################################
+ # search string and ignore case button
+ frame .find.str
+ label .find.str.l -text "Search for:" -width 12 -anchor e -borderwidth 1
+ entry .find.str.e -textvariable searchstring
+ bind .find.str.e <Return> {searchbib}
+ checkbutton .find.str.c -variable search_ignore_case -text "Ignore case"
+ pack .find.str.l -side left
+ pack .find.str.e -fill x -expand 1 -side left
+ pack .find.str.c -expand 1 -side left
+ pack .find.str -fill x -expand 1 -pady 2m
+ ######################################################################
+ # create a menu button for search type
+ frame .find.field
+ label .find.field.l -text "Field:" -width 12 -anchor e
+ trace vdelete find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc;# just in case still traced
+ set find_field All
+ menubutton .find.field.mb -menu -relief raised\
+ -text $find_field
+ menu
+ add radiobutton -label All -variable find_field -value All
+ foreach i $allfields {
+ add radiobutton -label $i -variable find_field -value $i
+ }
+ trace variable find_field w find_fieldchange_proc
+ pack .find.field.l -side left
+ pack .find.field.mb -fill x
+ pack .find.field -fill x
+ ######################################################################
+ # create a menu button for all reference types + All
+ set find_reftype All
+ frame .find.reftype
+ label .find.reftype.l -text "Ref Type:" -width 12 -anchor e
+ menubutton .find.reftype.mb -menu -relief raised -text $find_reftype
+ menu
+ add radiobutton -label All -variable find_reftype -value All
+ foreach i $alltypes {
+ add radiobutton -label $i -variable find_reftype -value $i
+ }
+ trace variable find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc
+ pack .find.reftype.l -side left -fill x
+ pack .find.reftype.mb -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .find.reftype -fill x -expand 1
+ ######################################################################
+ frame .find.years
+ label .find.years.l -text "Years:" -width 12 -anchor e
+ pack .find.years.l -side left
+ entry .find.years.start -textvariable find_startyear
+ entry .find.years.end -textvariable find_endyear
+ pack .find.years.l .find.years.start .find.years.end -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .find.years -expand 1
+ ######################################################################
+ # the search list box
+ frame .find.list
+ listbox -yscrollcommand " set" -selectmode extended
+ scrollbar -command " yview"
+ pack -side right -fill y
+ pack -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .find.list -fill x -expand 1
+ bind <Double-Button-1> { browse [selection_get -first] -focus}
+ bind <Return> {browse [selection_get -first] -focus}
+ # next/prev buttons. Get current selection index and incr/decr.
+ bind .find <Down> {browseitem next}
+ bind .find <Up> {browseitem previous}
+ bind .find <Control-a> {allitems}
+ ######################################################################
+ # frame
+ button -text "Search" -command searchbib
+ pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x
+ # pack -expand 1 -fill x
+ # message box
+ message .find.m -justify left -width 5c
+ pack .find.m -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ # the quit button
+ button -text "Help" -command {briefhelp Find}
+ button .find.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .find}
+ pack .find.dismiss -side right -anchor e -fill x
+# whenever find_field changes, relabel the menu button
+proc find_fieldchange_proc {name el op} {
+ global find_field
+ .find.field.mb config -text $find_field
+# whenever find_reftype changes, relabel the menu button
+proc find_reftypechange_proc {name el op} {
+ global find_reftype
+ .find.reftype.mb config -text $find_reftype
+#----------------------- MAIN WINDOW -------------------------------------
+#---------- File menu -------------------
+# save to a new file
+proc saveasbib {} {
+ global fname
+ set fname [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .bib]
+ if {$fname == ""} return
+ testoutput 1 "saveasbib to $fname"
+ savebib
+# save selected entries
+proc save_selected {} {
+ global fname
+ set selected_records [selection_get]
+ if {$selected_records == ""} {return}
+ set old_fname $fname
+ set fname [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .bib]
+ testoutput 1 "save <$selected_records> to $fname"
+ savebib $selected_records
+ set fname $old_fname
+ wm title . [file tail $fname]
+# save bibliografy, if args != "": save only these selected records
+proc savebib {args} {
+ global fname bibchanged citelist backup_max
+ testoutput 1 "savebib to $fname"
+ if {($fname == "") || ($fname == "<noname>")} {
+ saveasbib
+ return ;# otherwise we would have an infinite recursion
+ }
+ if {[file exists $fname] && $backup_max != 0} {
+ # we don't want to overwrite an existing file, make a backup
+ # as does bibcard to a file named bibfile.bib.~VERSION~
+ # on *DOS call the backup *.bi~
+ # if $backup_max > 0, make not more than $backup_max backups
+ set s {}
+ # find all existing backups
+ catch {set s [glob $fname.~*]}
+ # find the highest to date
+ set max 0
+ foreach i $s {
+ regexp {([1-9]+)~} $i matchall vers
+ if {$vers > $max} {
+ set max $vers
+ }
+ }
+ # ours is the next one in sequence
+ incr max
+ # if backup_max > 0, make not more than $backup_max backups
+ if {$backup_max && $max > $backup_max} {
+ # rotate: discard oldest backup
+ set max 1
+ while {$max < $backup_max} {
+ set prev $max
+ incr max
+ puts $max
+ catch {file rename -force $fname.~$max~ $fname.~$prev~}
+ }
+ }
+ puts $max
+ # rename the bibliography file to the backup name
+ # give a second try if we are an a 8.3 file system (DOS)
+ if [catch {file rename -force $fname $fname.~$max~} info] {
+ testoutput 3 "catch returns <$info>"
+ file rename -force $fname "[file rootname $fname].bi~"
+ }
+ }
+ # write the new data
+ if {$args != ""} {
+ eval writebib $args $fname; # eval: otherwise $args is just one word
+ } else {
+ writebib $citelist $fname
+ }
+ set bibchanged 0
+# fetch the selected items: if args == -first -> just the first selection
+proc selection_get {args} {
+ set owner [selection own]
+ if {($owner != ".refs.list") && ($owner != "")} {
+ tk_dialog .d {Error} "Selection must be in main reference or find list window" {} -1 OK
+ return "";
+ }
+ set stat [catch {selection get} str]
+ if {$stat > 0} {
+ tk_dialog .d {No selection} {No bibliography item was selected} {} 0 OK
+ set str ""
+ }
+ # test, whether we want only one item
+ if { [lindex $args 0] == "-first"} {
+ set str [lindex $str 0]
+ }
+ return $str
+proc quit {} {
+ check_save
+ exit
+proc check_save {} {
+ global bibchanged fname debug curkey
+ if {$bibchanged > 0} {
+ set r [tk_dialog .save {Bibliography modified} \
+ "Bibliography $fname has been modified since last time it was saved.
+ Do you want to save it before exiting the application?" \
+ warning 0 {Save File} {Discard Changes}]
+ if {$debug} {
+ puts "check_save returns $r"
+ }
+ switch $r {
+ 0 {savebib}
+ 1 {return}
+ }
+ }
+proc openbib {} {
+ global fname
+ # first close the current bib
+ closebib
+ set types {
+ {{Bib Files} {.bib} }
+ {{All Files} * }
+ }
+ set fname [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]
+ if {$fname != ""} {
+ # Open the file ...
+ bibparse $fname
+ wm title . [file tail $fname]
+ }
+proc mergebib {} {
+ global fname
+ set types {
+ {{Bib Files} {.bib} }
+ {{All Files} * }
+ }
+ set fname [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]
+ if {$fname != ""} {
+ # Open the file ...
+ bibparse $fname
+ }
+proc closebib {} {
+ global REFLIST citelist fname bibchanged
+ # if the current bib has changed, ask whether write it to disk
+ check_save
+ # clear the internal database
+ if {[info exists REFLIST]} {
+ unset REFLIST
+ }
+ set citelist {}
+ .refs.list delete 0 end
+ set fname "<noname>"
+ set bibchanged 0
+ wm title . " "
+ # close the browse box
+ if {[winfo exists .browse]} {
+ destroy .browse
+ }
+#---------- Edit menu -------------------
+#GM, 30.1. a new function edit_item with subfunctions for
+# new, duplicate, delete, rename, crossref
+proc edit_item {what} {
+ global citelist REFLIST bibchanged reftype_default delete_confirm
+ if {$what != "delete"} {
+ if {$what != "new"} {
+ # not new or delete, is duplicate, rename, crossref
+ # get the citekey for current entry
+ set oldcitekey [selection_get -first]
+ if {$oldcitekey == ""} {return}
+ }
+ # prompt for new cite key
+ set newcitekey [getnewcitekey]
+ if {$newcitekey == ""} {return}
+ } else {
+ # for deletion: get the citekey for all selected entries
+ set oldcitekey [selection_get]
+ if {$delete_confirm} {
+ if [tk_dialog .d {Warning} "Delete:\n$oldcitekey?" {} 0 "Yes" "No"] {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ destroy .browse
+ }
+ if {$what == "new"} {
+ # set to default reftype
+ set REFLIST($newcitekey,reftype) $reftype_default
+ }
+ if {$what == "crossref"} {
+ set REFLIST($newcitekey,reftype) $REFLIST($oldcitekey,reftype)
+ set REFLIST($newcitekey,crossref) $oldcitekey
+ }
+ if {$what == "duplicate" || $what == "rename"} {
+ # copy fields from old to new
+ testoutput 1 "copying $oldcitekey to $newcitekey"
+ foreach el [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] {
+ regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname
+ testoutput 2 "<$fieldname> = <$REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname)>"
+ set REFLIST($newcitekey,$fieldname) $REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname)
+ }
+ }
+ if {$what == "rename" || $what == "delete"} {
+ foreach ditem $oldcitekey {
+ testoutput 1 "deleting item $ditem"
+ # unset the old array elements
+ foreach el [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] {
+ regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname
+ unset REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname)
+ }
+ # now take them out of the citelist
+ set i [lsearch -exact $citelist $ditem]
+ set citelist [lreplace $citelist $i $i]
+ # update the listbox in the main window
+ update_citelistbox
+ }
+ }
+ # note that we've updated the bib
+ incr bibchanged
+ if {$what != "delete"} {
+ append_to_citelist $newcitekey
+ .refs.list selection clear 0 end
+ .refs.list selection set end
+ browse $newcitekey -focus
+ }
+# end of edit_item {what}
+# push the currently selected bib entry to LyX
+proc pushitem {} {
+ global REFLIST citelist bibchanged cite_grouping
+ # get the citekey for current entry
+ set items [selection_get]
+ if {$items == ""} {
+ tk_dialog .d {No selection} {No bibliography item was selected} {} -1 OK
+ return
+ }
+ if {$cite_grouping} {
+ LyX_insertcite [join $items ,]
+ } else {
+ foreach item $items {
+ LyX_insertcite $item
+ }
+ }
+# navigate, show (which = first|previous|next|last) item in browse box
+proc browseitem {which widget} {
+ set curline [$widget curselection]
+ set lastline [expr [$widget index end] -1]
+ # clear all selections (may be more than one)
+ $widget selection clear 0 end
+ # deal with 0 or multiple
+ if {[llength $curline] == 0} {set curline 0}
+ if {[llength $curline] > 1} {set curline [lindex $curline 0]}
+ switch $which {
+ first {set curline 0}
+ previous {if {$curline > 0} {incr curline -1}}
+ next {if {$curline < $lastline} {incr curline}}
+ last {set curline $lastline}
+ }
+ $widget selection set $curline
+ $widget see $curline
+ browse [selection_get]
+# select all items
+proc allitems {widget} {
+ $widget selection set 0 end
+# bring up the find/search window which then does its own thing
+proc finditem {} {
+ # create search window if need be
+ if {[winfo exists .find] == 0} {
+ create_find
+ }
+ focus .find.str.e
+# selection handler for PRIMARY requests
+# assume the string is in writebib_str, return the amount requested in
+# the selection request.
+proc selection_handler {offs maxb} {
+ global writebib_str debug
+ if {$debug} {
+ puts "selection_hander invoked: $offs $maxb"
+ }
+ set s [string range $writebib_str $offs [expr $offs+$maxb-1]]
+ #puts "s: $s"
+ return $s
+proc selection_lost {} {
+ #puts "selection lost"
+proc copyitem_to_paste {} {
+ # format the item into a string
+ set cl [selection_get]
+ writebib2str $cl
+ # put the string to the PRIMARY selection
+ # grab the PRIMARY selection
+ selection own -command selection_lost -selection PRIMARY .
+ # create a handler for PRIMARY selection requests
+ selection handle -selection PRIMARY -type STRING . selection_handler
+# paste the current paste buffer into the bib
+proc pasteitem {} {
+ global bibchanged
+ # get the paste buffer
+ set s [selection get -selection PRIMARY]
+ # parse it
+ if {[catch {set dup [bibparse_s $s]}] != 0} {
+ tk_dialog .d {Error} "Syntax error with pasted data\nPerhaps not BibTeX data?\nIgnoring it." {} -1 OK
+ } else {
+ # put it in the bib
+ set REFLIST_update 0
+ update_citelistbox
+ puts "$dup duplicates loaded"
+ incr bibchanged
+ }
+proc not_implemented {func} {
+ tk_dialog .d {Unimplemented} "Feature $func is not yet implmented" {} -1 OK
+# prompt for a new cite key
+proc getnewcitekey {} {
+ global citelist newcitekey
+ set answer 1; # tkdialog returns 1 for "Retry"
+ # popup a box and get the new cite key
+ toplevel .newcitekey
+ label .newcitekey.l -text "New cite key:"
+ entry .newcitekey.e
+ pack .newcitekey.l .newcitekey.e -side left
+ # grab focus
+ focus .newcitekey.e
+ # wait for <Return> at end of line
+ bind .newcitekey <Return> {set newcitekey [.newcitekey.e get]}
+ while {$answer } {
+ tkwait variable newcitekey
+ # check if it exists, if so: browse it and give a warning
+ if {[lsearch $citelist $newcitekey] < 0} {
+ break
+ } else {
+ testoutput 1 "citekey exists"
+ set answer [tk_dialog .d {Warning} \
+ "cite key already exists" {} 1 "Abort" "Retry" "Browse"]
+ testoutput 3 "tkdialog returns $answer"
+ if {$answer == 0} {set newcitekey ""}
+ if {$answer == 2} {browse $newcitekey; set newcitekey ""; break}
+ }
+ }
+ # clean up
+ destroy .newcitekey
+ return $newcitekey
+# put into a message window, so we can compare two entries or
+# copy and paste stuff to a different entry, in the long run the possibility
+# to have two browse windows might be better
+proc displayitem {} {
+ global REFLIST citelist
+ # format entry for display
+ set citekey [selection_get]
+ append itemstring "$REFLIST($citekey,reftype): $citekey\n"
+ foreach i [array names REFLIST $citekey,*] {
+ if {$REFLIST($i) != ""} {
+ set j [string first "," $i]
+ incr j
+ append itemstring "[string range $i $j end] = $REFLIST($i)\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # set up a window
+ toplevel .displayitem
+ frame .displayitem.f
+ text .displayitem.f.t -width 80 -height 30 -wrap word \
+ -yscrollcommand ".displayitem.f.scroll set"
+ scrollbar .displayitem.f.scroll -command ".displayitem.f.t yview"
+ button .displayitem.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .displayitem"
+ pack .displayitem.f.t -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .displayitem.f.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1
+ pack .displayitem.f
+ pack .displayitem.b -side bottom -anchor s
+ bind .displayitem q {destroy .displayitem}
+ bind .displayitem <Return> {destroy .displayitem}
+ wm title .displayitem "Show item"
+ # insert itemtext
+ .displayitem.f.t configure -state normal
+ .displayitem.f.t delete 0.0 end
+ .displayitem.f.t insert end $itemstring
+ .displayitem.f.t configure -state disabled
+# for diagnostics, list current fields to stdout (bound to key 's')
+proc showitem {} {
+ global REFLIST citelist
+ puts ""
+ set oldcitekey [selection_get]
+ foreach i [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] {
+ if {$REFLIST($i) != ""} {
+ puts stdout "($i) = $REFLIST($i)"
+ }
+ }
+proc sortitems {} {
+ global citelist
+ set citelist [lsort $citelist]
+ update_citelistbox
+# 18/5/2000 John Fulton <>
+proc printitem {} {
+# memory of last print command entered
+ global global_print_cmd
+ # local print command
+ set printcmd ""
+ # popup a box and get a different print command
+ toplevel .printcmd
+ label .printcmd.l -text "Print command:"
+ entry .printcmd.e -textvariable global_print_cmd
+ button .printcmd.print -text "Print" -command {
+ # get the item to print
+ set s [selection get -selection PRIMARY]
+ puts $s
+ # print the entry
+ writebib $s $global_print_cmd
+ # clean up
+ destroy .printcmd
+ }
+ button .printcmd.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {
+ # clean up
+ destroy .printcmd
+ }
+ pack .printcmd.l -side left
+ pack .printcmd.e -side left
+ pack .printcmd.print -ipadx 2 -side left
+ pack .printcmd.cancel -side left
+ # grab focus
+ set oldFocus [focus]
+ focus .printcmd.e
+ # wait for <Return> at end of line
+ tkwait window .printcmd
+ focus $oldFocus
+#---------- Help menu -------------------
+proc abouttkbibtex {} {
+ global release
+ toplevel .about
+ set aboutstr "tkbibtex
+ A portable browser/editor for BibTeX format bibliographies.
+ by Peter Corke 1/97 (
+ major modifications by G. Milde (
+ Release $release"
+ message .about.m -width 40c -text $aboutstr
+ button .about.www -text "Goto home page" -command {
+ exec netscape -remote openURL(
+ }
+ button .about.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .about"
+ pack .about.m .about.www .about.b
+ wm title .about "About tkbibtex"
+proc briefhelp {topic} {
+ global usage
+ set helptopics {Usage Keys Menus Browse Find}
+ set helpstr(Usage) $usage
+ set helpstr(Keys) \
+"Key bindings in main window:
+ Selection:
+ <Mouseclick> select entry
+ <Shift-Mouseclick> select a block of entries
+ <Crtl-Mouseclick> select multiple entries
+ <Ctrl-A> Select all Items
+ On the selected entry:
+ <Enter> Browse entry (show in browse window for editing)
+ <DoubleMouseclick> Browse entry
+ <Up> Browse next entry
+ <Down> Browse previous entry
+ u Duplicate entry (Edit|Duplicate-entry)
+ s Show entry (no editing)
+ c Push citation to LyX
+ <Del> Delete entry (Edit|Delete)
+ ^C Copy item to paste buffer (Edit|Copy)
+ ^V Paste from buffer (Edit|Paste)
+ Misc.:
+ f Find entry (Edit|Find)
+ n Create new bib entry (Edit|New-entry)
+ q Quit
+Keybindings in Browse window:
+ <Tab> or <Down> Next field
+ <Enter> Next field (in one-line fields)
+ <Shift Tab> or <Up> Previous field
+ <Alt> + Underlined invoces Menus and Buttons"
+ set helpstr(Menus) "Tkbibtex Menus
+File menu:
+ Open Open a file via browser window
+ Merge Merge a file via browser window (records with same
+ Citekey will overwrite those already loaded)
+ SaveAs... Save data to a different file
+ Save Save data
+ Save Selected Save selected entries
+ Close Close the file (save if needed)
+ Exit Exit program (save if needed)
+ for Close and Exit a prompt box will be issued if the bibliography
+ has been modified but not yet saved. When the file is written the
+ previous version is saved with a unique appended number.
+Edit menu:
+ New entry Create a new BibTeX entry
+ Duplicate entry Duplicate the current selection but assign new citekey
+ Crossref entry Create a new citation with cross reference to the current selection
+ Find entry Invoke the search window
+ Delete entry Delete the selected entries from the database
+ Copy to buffer Copy selected entries to PRIMARY cut buffer, can be
+ pasted into other applications.
+ Insert to LyX Push citation to Lyx
+ Show entry Show entry in a message window (no editing)
+ Sort Sort keys alphabetically
+ Print Print bib items"
+ set helpstr(Find) "Search/find window:
+ * Find all entries containing the searchstring in specified field
+ * Seachstring is a regular expression: .*?()[]\ have special meanings
+ * Either start year or end year or both may be specified.
+ * The entries found are displayed in a list which can be browsed by the
+ same key bindings as in the main window:
+ Selection:
+ <Mouseclick> select entry
+ <Shift-Mouseclick> select a block of entries
+ <Crtl-Mouseclick> select multiple entries
+ <Ctrl-A> Select all Items
+ On the selected entry:
+ <Enter> Browse entry (show in browse window for editing)
+ <Double-Mouseclick> Browse entry
+ <Up> Browse next entry
+ <Down> Browse previous entry"
+ set helpstr(Browse) "Browse box:
+* The browse box shows all fields for the specified entry,
+ allowing for editing
+ ! BibTeX distinguishes between
+ - normal fieldtext (enclosed in brackets or double quotes),
+ - numbers (may be enclosed or not) and
+ - strings (words beginning with a character, not enclosed).
+ -> Normal text entries will become enclosed in brackets.
+ -> If an entry shall be written to the file as is, precede it with
+ a hash (e.g. month strings -> #jan - #dec).
+* The reftype button brings up a menu of reference types to choose from
+* Black lines seperate the three different types of field BibTeX knows
+ about:
+ Required fields (have to be present to get a well formed citation)
+ Optional fields (not necessary but show up in the citation if present)
+ Additional fields (ignored by the standard BibTeX styles
+ but may contain usefull information)
+* Some fields are foldable multiple line entries that unfold if the label
+ button is clicked on.
+* Right clicking in an entry box brings up either:
+ * a menu of standard monthnames (if a month entry)
+ * jump to the citation that is cross-referenced (if a crossref entry)
+ * a menu of string items (if there are any defined) which will
+ be inserted.
+* Keybindings:
+ <Tab> or <Down> Next field
+ <Enter> Next field (in one-line fields)
+ <Shift Tab> or <Up> Previous field
+ <Alt> + Underlined invoces Buttons"
+ # set up the help window
+ # (show help in a text widget, so we can incorporate hypertext tags later)
+ if {![winfo exists .briefhelp]} {
+ toplevel .briefhelp
+ frame .briefhelp.m
+ label .briefhelp.m.l -text "Topics:"
+ pack .briefhelp.m
+ pack .briefhelp.m.l -side left
+ foreach top $helptopics {
+ button .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] -text $top -underline 0 \
+ -command "briefhelp $top"
+ pack .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] -side left
+ bind .briefhelp <Alt-Key-[string index [string tolower $top] 0]> \
+ "briefhelp $top; break"
+ }
+ #.briefhelp configure -menu .briefhelp.m does not work as desired
+ frame .briefhelp.f
+ text .briefhelp.f.t -width 80 -height 20 \
+ -yscrollcommand ".briefhelp.f.scroll set"
+ scrollbar .briefhelp.f.scroll -command ".briefhelp.f.t yview"
+ button .briefhelp.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .briefhelp"
+ pack .briefhelp.f.t -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack .briefhelp.f.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1
+ pack .briefhelp.f
+ pack .briefhelp.b -side bottom -anchor s
+ bind .briefhelp q {destroy .briefhelp}
+ bind .briefhelp <Escape> {destroy .briefhelp}
+ wm title .briefhelp "Tkbibtex Help"
+ } else {
+ foreach top $helptopics {
+ .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ # make the topics button active
+ .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $topic] configure -state active
+ # insert the topic
+ .briefhelp.f.t configure -state normal
+ .briefhelp.f.t delete 0.0 end
+ .briefhelp.f.t insert end $helpstr($topic)
+ .briefhelp.f.t configure -state disabled
+# handle changes to iconify/deiconify state, make all windows adopt the same
+# state.
+proc wm_statechange {w} {
+ global window_state
+ # check if window state has changed
+ set toplevel [winfo toplevel $w]
+ if {[wm state $toplevel] != $window_state} {
+ #puts "window state changed $window_state"
+ set window_state [wm state .]
+ if {[wm state $toplevel] == "normal"} {
+ # unminimize all windows
+ wm deiconify .
+ if {[winfo exists .find]} {
+ wm deiconify .find
+ }
+ if {[winfo exists .browse]} {
+ wm deiconify .browse
+ }
+ } elseif {[wm state $toplevel] == "iconic"} {
+ # minimize all windows
+ wm iconify .
+ if {[winfo exists .find]} {
+ wm iconify .find
+ }
+ if {[winfo exists .browse]} {
+ wm iconify .browse
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#---------- create the main window ------------------
+proc create_main {} {
+ global alltypes refs_height refs_width
+# # create the menu bar
+ menu .mbar -tearoff 0
+ .mbar add cascade -label "File" -menu .mbar.file -underline 0
+ .mbar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .mbar.edit -underline 0
+ .mbar add cascade -label "Help" -menu -underline 0
+# declare the menu to the main window
+ . configure -menu .mbar
+ # create the File menu
+ menu .mbar.file
+# .mbar.file add command -label "New" -underline 0 -command closebib
+# this might beocme usefull if we can open multiple files...
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Open" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator F3 -command openbib
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Merge" -underline 0 -command mergebib
+ .mbar.file add command -label "SaveAs" -underline 4 \
+ -accelerator Shift-F2 -command saveasbib
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Save" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator "^S / F2" -command savebib
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Save Selected" -underline 7 \
+ -command {save_selected}
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Print Selected ..." -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator P -command printitem
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Close" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator Shift-F3 -command closebib
+ .mbar.file add command -label "Exit" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator ^Q -command quit
+ # create the edit menu
+ menu .mbar.edit
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "New entry" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator N -command {edit_item new}
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Duplicate entry" -underline 1 \
+ -accelerator U -command {edit_item duplicate}
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Cross-reference entry" \
+ -accelerator X -command {edit_item crossref}
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Find entry ..." -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator F -command finditem
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Rename entry" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator R -command {edit_item rename}
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Delete entry" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator <Del> -command {edit_item delete}
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Push to LyX" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator c -command pushitem
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Copy to buffer" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator ^C -command copyitem_to_paste
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Paste buffer" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator ^V -command pasteitem
+ # for diagnostics, list current fields
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Show entry" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator S -command displayitem
+ .mbar.edit add command -label "Sort" -underline 1 -command sortitems
+ # create the help menu
+ menu
+ add command -label "Brief help" -underline 0 \
+ -accelerator <F1> -command {briefhelp Keys}
+ add command -label "About tkbibtex" -underline 0 \
+ -command abouttkbibtex
+ menubutton .new -relief raised -text "New" -menu
+ menu
+ foreach i $alltypes {
+ add command -label $i -command "new_item $i"
+ }
+ # now the message window
+ message .m -relief groove -width 30c -justify left -anchor w
+ pack .m -fill x -expand 1
+ # then the scrolling list of citations
+ frame .refs
+ listbox .refs.list -height $refs_height -width $refs_width\
+ -yscrollcommand ".refs.scroll set" -selectmode extended
+ scrollbar .refs.scroll -command ".refs.list yview"
+ pack .refs.list -side left -fill x -fill both -expand true
+ pack .refs.scroll -side right -fill y
+ pack .refs -side bottom -expand true -fill both
+ # double click on the cite key to display it in browse box
+ bind .refs.list <Double-Button-1> {browse [selection_get -first] -focus}
+ bind . <Return> {browse [selection_get -first] -focus}
+ bind . <Down> {browseitem next .refs.list}
+ bind . <Up> {browseitem previous .refs.list}
+ # some helpful keyboard bindings
+ bind Button <Key-Return> "tkButtonInvoke %W"; # Enter invokes Buttons
+ bind . c {pushitem}
+ bind . u {edit_item duplicate}
+ bind . f {finditem}
+ bind . <Alt-f> { }; # dummy entry to enable Menu shortcut
+ bind . n {edit_item new}
+ bind . p {printitem}
+ bind . <Control-q> {quit}
+ bind . q {quit}
+ bind . r {edit_item rename}
+ bind . s {displayitem}
+ bind . <Control-c> copyitem_to_paste
+# bind . <Control-Key-Insert> copyitem_to_paste
+# this binding does prevent copyitem_to_paste from working! (Why?)
+ bind . <Control-v> pasteitem
+# bind . <Shift-Key-Insert> pasteitem
+# this binding does prevent pasteitem from working! (Why?)
+ bind . <Control-a> {allitems .refs.list}
+ bind . <Delete> {edit_item delete}
+ bind . <Unmap> {wm_statechange %W}
+ bind . <Map> {wm_statechange %W}
+ wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit
+ wm protocol . WM_SAVE_YOURSELF quit
+# show one line status messages in the main window
+proc showmsg {m} {
+ global interactive_mode
+ if {$interactive_mode} {
+ .m config -text $m
+ update idletasks
+ }
+#---------------------- LyX support -----------------------
+# Interface to Lyx based on development/LyXserver/sampleclient.tcl
+# =========================================================================
+# File: sampleclient.tcl, chb, Sun 05.11.1995 (19:24)
+# sampleclient.tcl,v 1996/08/19 14:39:38 larsbj Exp
+# This file contains examples for communicating to LyX via the
+# LyXserver interface. It contains a panel of shortcuts to
+# demonstrate how users can define their own macros. It also shows
+# how new commands can be built into LyX using the 'notify' mechanism.
+# =========================================================================
+# --- 1. check cmdargs (pipename) -----------------------------------------
+set LyXChan -1
+proc LyX_connect {} {
+ global LyXpipe LyXChan
+ set inpipe $
+ if { [file exists $inpipe] } {
+ if { "[file type $inpipe]" != "fifo" } {
+ tk_dialog .d {LyX connection} "LyXpipe <$inpipe> is not a pipe!" {} -1 OK
+ }
+ puts "Connecting to LyX via $"
+ set LyXChan [open $inpipe {WRONLY NONBLOCK}]
+puts "<LyxChan $LyXChan>"
+ } else {
+ tk_dialog .d {LyX connection} "No LyXpipe ($LyXpipe.*) exists\nCheck your .LyXrc file" {} -1 OK
+ }
+# ---
+# Format for communication:
+# client->LyX: "LYXCMD:<client>:<command>:<argument>" >$inpipe
+# LyX->client (answer): "INFO:<client>:<command>:<data>" <$outpipe
+# LyX->client (notify): "NOTIFY:<key-sequence>" <$outpipe
+# (notifies are asynchroneous and are handled by 'outputhandler'
+# above)
+# ---
+proc LyX_insertcite {cite} {
+ global LyXChan
+ # open the pipe each time, in case LyX crashes...
+ LyX_connect
+ puts "sending citation $cite to LyX"
+ puts $LyXChan "LYXCMD:sampleclient:citation-insert:$cite"
+ close $LyXChan
+#---------------------- Auxilliary functions -----------------------------
+# Put a text on stdout, if the global var debug is >= debug_level
+proc testoutput {debug_level text} {
+ global debug
+ if {$debug >= $debug_level} {puts stdout $text}
+proc show_usage {} {
+ global usage
+ puts stdout $usage
+ exit
+#------------------------------ MAIN BODY ----------------------------
+#warn about wrong version
+if {[info tclversion] < 8} {
+ puts stdout "tkbibtex needs Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or later"
+# handle command line switches
+while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
+ if {$debug} {
+ puts [lindex $argv 0]
+ }
+ switch -regexp -- [lindex $argv 0] {
+ ^-debug { set debug [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] ; \
+ }
+ ^-ys { set arg_ys [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-ye { set arg_ye [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-last { set t [clock seconds]; \
+ set arg_ye [clock format $t -format %Y]; \
+ set arg_ys [expr $arg_ye-[lindex $argv 1]]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-type { set arg_reftype [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-field { set arg_field [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-search { set arg_search [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-exact -
+ ^-case { set arg_ignorecase 0; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-count { set arg_count 1; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-l -
+ ^-list { set arg_list 1; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \
+ incr command_line_mode
+ }
+ ^-lyx { set LyXpipe [lindex $argv 1]; \
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \
+ }
+ ^-help -
+ ^-.* { show_usage}
+ default {break}
+ }
+if {$command_line_mode} {
+ set interactive_mode false
+ # read string file if it exists
+ set strfname [find_on_path $strfile]
+ if {$strfname != {}} {
+ bibparse_f $strfname
+ }
+# load the specified bibtex files if they exist
+ foreach f $argv {
+ set fp [find_on_path $f]
+ if {$fp != {}} {
+ bibparse_f $fp
+ }
+ }
+ set found [do_search $arg_search $arg_reftype $arg_field $arg_ys \
+ $arg_ye $arg_ignorecase]
+ if {$arg_count} {
+ puts stdout [llength $found]
+ } else {
+ puts stdout [writebib2str $found]
+ }
+ exit 0
+} else {
+ set interactive_mode true
+ # create the main window
+ create_main
+ update idletasks
+ # read string file if it exists
+ set strfname [find_on_path $strfile]
+ if {$strfname != {}} {
+ bibparse $strfname
+ }
+ # load the specified bibtex files if they exist
+ foreach f $argv {
+ set fname $f
+ set fp [find_on_path $f]
+ if {$fp != {}} {
+ bibparse_f $fp
+ }
+ update_citelistbox
+ }
+ # unset global filename if more than one input file
+ if {[llength $argv] > 1} {
+ set fname "<noname>"
+ }
+ wm title . $fname
+ showmsg ""
diff --git a/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex.1 b/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1c53bbefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biblio/bibtex/utils/tkbibtex/tkbibtex.1
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+.TH TKBIBTEX 1 "17 March 2000"
+.UC 4
+tkbibtex \- portable BibTeX editor and browser
+.I tkbibtex
+.I tkbibtex
+is a portable editor and browser for BibTeX format file. It is written in
+Tcl/Tk and runs under Unix or Windows based wish interpreters.
+It is inspired by, or modeled on, an old OpenWindows application called bibcard.
+It also has a non-GUI command line mode which is useful for generating
+publication lists.
+.I tkbibtex
+supports 3 different windows. The first is a scrolling list of cite keys
+which has a toolbar with File, Edit and Help menus.
+The bibtex file can be given on the command line (it will be searched for along
+the path given by the BIBPATH envariable), or opened via the File/Open
+The current bib file name is shown in the title bar, as well as the modification
+Double clicking on an entry brings up the selected citation in the
+browser window. The up and down arrow keys can also be used to move up and down the citation list.
+The browser window shows all the fields associated with the selected entry
+and its title bar shows the citation key.
+The fields shown depend on the citation type which can be changed by the
+reference type menu button.
+Required fields have a bold label while optional fields have an italic label.
+String values are preceeded by a hash.
+The search window provides a wide variety of searching modes. The search
+can cover all fields or be limited to a specific field.
+The search can be further
+constrained by reference type and year range by specifying either or both
+a starting and ending (inclusive) year.
+A list of matching cite keys is listed in this window, and once again
+double clicking or up/down arrow keys can be used to browse this list using
+the browser window.
+.SH Features
+The following are features I think are particularly cute.
+* In the browser window you can right-click in a field and it will bring up
+a menu of string constants. I normally define strings for journal names.
+The name of the bibtex string file that is used to build the menu can
+be set in the
+.I .tkbibtexrc
+file (eg. set strfile strings.bib). It is searched for along the BIBPATH.
+* The browser window has an `Annote' button which expands the annotation
+window. This scrolling text entry box allows for an arbitrary amount of
+freeform text to be stored
+in the bibtex file in the ANNOTE field. This is useful for storing commentary
+or reviews of papers read. This material does not appear in the bibliography
+with any of the normal reference styles.
+* Multiple selection is enabled in the main and search window citation lists.
+* Edit/Copy copies the actual
+bibtex source of selected citations to the clipboard.
+* Edit/Paste pastes
+bibtex source into the bibliography.
+* Single-key shortcuts exist for most menu functions, see Help for details.
+* Every time tkbibtex writes an output file it copies the existing bib file to
+a unique name. These build up over time and should be periodically culled.
+also has a command line mode
+.I tkbibtex
+[switches] [bibfile]
+which can be used to select entries from the
+.I bibfile
+according to various filtering options.
+.TP 5
+.I \-type string
+apply search only to refernces of the specified type, ie.
+.I article
+.I inproceedings.
+This can also be a regexp, eg.
+.I article!inproceedings
+.TP 5
+.I \-field string
+apply search only to the specified field.
+.TP 5
+.I \-search string
+filter out all citations that match this string
+.TP 5
+.I \-ys year
+filter out articles with year greater than or equal to that specified (default 0)
+.TP 5
+.I \-ye year
+filter out articles with year less than or equal to that specified (default 9999)
+.TP 5
+.I \-last nyears
+filter out articles whose year falls within the last
+.I nyears
+.TP 5
+.I \-exact
+make all searches case sensitive
+.TP 5
+.I \-count
+instead of outputting BibTeX entries to stdout, just count the matching
+.TP 5
+.I \-list
+instead of outputting BibTeX entries to stdout, provide a one
+line summary of the form "key (type): title".
+For example, to count the number of journal papers jointly authored
+with Foo before 1997, we could use the command line
+% tkbibtex -count -ye 1997 -field author -search Foo publist.bib
+At startup a file called
+.I .tkbibtexrc
+in the user's home directory is sourced if it exists.
+is a colon separated list of directories which will be searched for named
+bib files.
+bibtex, latex, tcl, tk
+The parser for the bibtex file format is simple minded and expects each
+record to occupy a single line, ending with a "}" or "},". The last line
+of each group must be a close brace on a line by itself.
+This means that old, existing, bib files may need some manual editing
+before they will work with tkbibtex.
+P.I. Corke